Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, April 04, 1862, Image 4

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    • .
times of:difoOeit -l
jlialtiart feets tont ana ,
# ll , 6l:lltimfay'il ti: l / 4 11'arzUgle
_ in *font Vie 'stilrft clad . ; 4'
ttteit ttott Ajrntent
th right thlt Amnia
k„ , 3,:z5:, , . ', , '... When the woraceold,..flark aild selfish,
7.41:1:,,-, , , • rrowas upon AIM - feeble flame,
,t1'i•,,,,";-,,,'"• ,
:' bighted lia — m the torch 'of genius, _
~....•,,,*: . woithlnaltindted rOund thy name; ,--
'::q., Whe.n thy fondest hope* are blighted,'
:,.••: -. ,: .. ,:,:,4i , , , , , , . "Aini thy dearest prosfrits fade,
•' . , , '',lx - Think, Oh, lone Ono, acotte e d : atul alighted,
' ... .1'• ( '!•z% IStinahine - ever follows a de. :
. .. •
" the In itel
eM the tittle Girl.
:1; Hume, the great historian, was once din
'.4ng at the house of an intimat&friertd. -
ler.dinner the ladies withdrew, and in the:
course of conversation flume made some as
sertion 1. Which .caused a geutlemait present to
•'3 observe to him—"lf you can advance such
; ;k, sentiments as those, you certainly are what
the world gives you the credit of being—an
infidel." A little girl, whom The •Phdesd:
phor had often noticed, and with whom he
. had-become a favorite, by bringing her little
presents of toys and sweatmeats, happened
to ke,r' •abdut the' room. unnoticed,
however, she listened to the conversation,
and, onymaring the above expression, left
the room, went to her mother, and asked
"Mamma 'What is an infidel ?"
"An infidel ! my - dear," replied her mother,
"why should you ask such a question ? An
infidel is so awful a character that I scarcely
know how to answer you."
"Oh, do tell me, mamma," replied the
child, "I must know ,whit an infidel is."
Struck with her eagerness, her mother at
"An infidel is one who believes that t Jere
is no God. no heaven, no hell, no her ter."
. . Some days afterwards- Hume t &tin visited'
the house of his friend. On mg introduc
ed to the parlor he found no ,one there but
his favorite little girl, he went to.ber ' at
ttempted to take herup in his arms and kiss
her,. as he had used to do, but the child
shrunk with hoiror from his touch.
"My dear," sgid he,
do IZllurt you ?"
'So," 'she replied, "you do note hurt the,
but I eamuoti,ki?is you, cannot play with
you." - -
"Why, not, my clear?"
"Because you are an infidel!"
"An infidel! what is that ?"
"One who believes there is no God, no
Leaven no hell, no hereafter."
"Are von not very sorry forme my ciptrY"
as - ed . :the astonished philosopher.
• "'Vim, indeed, lam sorry!" , roturned .the
child with solemnity; "and I pray to (Jul for
-Do you, indeed.? And what do you say?'
"I say, 0 God, teach this man that thou
- •
A striking', Mustration of the words of sn
ored writ, "Out of the mouths of babes and
stieklings thou bast ordained strength, be
cause of thine enemies, that thou mightest
still the enemy and avenger.
Wisdom from the,..lllOuth of Babes.
The Albany correspondent "Bez" Of the
Syracuse Courierr gives us a little instructive
The greatest rebuke I ever heard given
for profane sweating, was administered to a
New Yorker, by a ° little candy boy, at the
Dolevan House, yesterday. As several of
us Syracusions w in conversation at the
Delecan, an Albany boy about seven years
_ came up to vend his candies. Iris intelli
gence and remarkable precociousness of
• manner attracted our attention, w' hen a
prominent New ,Yorker came up and said,
"Bub, by if yon willcome liens with
las, I'll educate your The child looked up
in the New Yorker's face with extreme con
-tempt and replied, "Sir, I would hot go or
live with any gentleman who uses profane
language." The cutting rebuke drove the
New Yorker from the room with a crimson
face, when the little christian received a pro
'fusion• of quarters front the astonished spec
tators who had heard with satisfaction the
moral retort from the lips of am innocent '
. A Baltimore correspondent says :-----"The
following actually occurred 'at the "general
delivery" of our post-office. A genuine I
rishman approached the window, and hand
lag the clerk in attendance a letter, remark
ed, in the richest brogue :
" Plum, Sir,- and will yon send this lethur
'to brother Tim, who lives boyant the Re
lay Houser
"The clerk taking the letter, replied that
he would send it to the post-office at that
. place. •
"'Sure, Sir, how will brother Thai got the
lethei if you 801114 it there? Don't I tell
ou _thathelives _tw o _miles_beyant _the_ _Re
lay House.
"The clerk smilingly answered. ,that as
there was no post-office nearer to him than
-the Relay House, he would be compelled to
send it there. The Irisher still appeared to
be bothered and dissatisfied; but, after
scratchinn-his noddle awhile, a 'aright idea
seemed to strike him, and approaching the
window with a beaming countenance, says,
" have it now, sir I Write on the back
of it Brother Tim will please call at the Re
lay House and get this lethur.
Q PRNITY RIDDLE.—A goittleman who
was paying his addresses to a young lady, at
' 'kits*. summoned up courage to ask if they
wereble-to her, and whether he might
fiatterelf with a chance of ultimate sue
-Cessl itha replied, "Stripes," telling
Th r
ifilgentleiiiiiii. transpose the letters so as
to , orui ariothie l ord, which was her answer.
The reader:4l4 can find out , the word need
never fear 'being nouplusied by a lady.—
Those, who ' , cannot decipher it, must either
411 thr - the - difficulty or
"what is the ',matter?
ortnanee Otter talk n- behhroat
one.ofthettriatleif Of: her tooik.,l*MAli.
bristle had stuck hi the top oftlaigtillet,and
sot up : an irritation-, which ; alte, was coning,
ed was killing her. She had been from one
surgeon of eminence to"another, and erery=.
whereiii'Loilon and in the 'country the Ike,
ulty had ass - urea:her that Fla was only the
victim of delusion—that her throat was Ina
perfeeily , healthy eondition,--that the distur
bance existed only in her own immoorinatioli.
"And so they go on; , the ettiPid, astinate
perverse unfeeling creatures" concluded the
poor lady, "saying there is nothing' the mat
ter. with me, while I am.--4 , fmg!" ' W
me my dear," said the adroit , surgeon, in re
't,o inspect for myself—earefully=the
state' of your throat." The inspection was .
made gravely, and at much length. "My '
dear Miss ," resumed 'the surgeon,
when he ; concluded his examination, -"you
are quite right, and Sir. Benjamin Bodies
and Sir James Clark are wrong. I can see •
the head of the bristle low doikm, almost out
of sight; and if you will allow me to run
home for my instruments, I'll forthwith ex
tract it for you." The adroit man retired,
and in a few minutes returned to the ream,
armed with a delicate pair of -forceps, into the
teeth of Which he had inserted a bristle taken
from an ordinary tooth-brush. .The rest can
the forceps were introduced into her mouth;
a prick—a loud. scream! and ' 'tw'a all over;
and the surgeon with a smiling face, was
holding up to the light, and inspetirq with
lively curiosity, the extracted bristle. The
patient was in raptures at a result that prov
ed that She was right, and Sir Benjamin Bo
die was wrong.
She ininiediately recovered her health and
spirits, and went about — everywhere Sounding
the praises of "her savior" as she persisted
in calling the dextrous operator. So enthu
siastic was her gratitude, she offered him her
hand in marriage and her noble fortune.—
The fact that the young surgeon was already
married was an insuperable obstacle to this
arrangement. But other proofs of gratitude
the lady lavishly showered upon him. She
compelled i . him to accept a carriage and hor
ses, a service of plate and 'a new house.—
Unfortunately, the lucky fellow could not
keep his own counsel. Like Samson with
Delilah, he imparted the setret of his enn
ning to the wife of his bosom; she confided
it to Louise Clarissa, her especial friend, .who
had been her bride maid; Louise Clarissa
told it under the vows of inviolableseerecy to
six other particular friends; and_,llre six
! other friends—base,, unworthy girls !—told
WeAt6^4. l lll; the story 0. r
round to the lady herself. Then what a
storm arose ! She was in a transport of fu
ry. It Was of no avail for the surgeon 'to
remind her that he had unquestionably rais
ed her from a pitiable condition to health and
happine;F. That mattered ffot. 116 had
tricked, fooled, bamboozled her ! She would
not forgive him, she would pursue Lim with
undying vengeance, she would ruin him !
The writer of these pages is happy to know
that the surgeon here spoken of, whose pros
perous career has been' adorned by much
genuine benevolence, though unfbrgiven,
was not ruined.
To Unmarried Ladies.
The following items of advice to the In
dies remaining in the state of single blessed
ness, are extraeted from the manuscript of
an. old dowager:
"If ypu halve blue eyes, languish.
If black eyes, affect spirit.
. If you have pretty feet,, wear short petti-•
If you are at least doubtful as to that point,
wear them long.
laugh new-and then
If you liav'e bad ones you must only aim
. per.
While you are young, sit with your face
to the light.
When you are a little advanced, sit with
your back to the windor-
If you have a bad voice, always speak in I
a low tone.
If it is acknowledged that you have a fine
voice, never speak in a low tone.
If you dance well,*dance seldom.
If you dance ill, never dance at all.
If you sing well, make no puerile excu
If you sing indifferently, hesitate not a
moment when you are asked, for few persons
are competent judges of singing, but every
one is sensible of the desire to please.
. If in conversation you think a person'
wrong, rather lint difference of opinion
than offer a contradiction.
It is always in your power to make a friend
by smiles; what folly to make .enemies by
When you have an opportunity to praise,
do it with all your heart.
— When you are forced - to - blame, do it with.
If You are envious of another woman, nev
er show it but by allowing her every good
quality and perfection except those which
she really possesses.
If you wish to• Jet the world know you are
it love with a particular man, treat him with
formality, and every one else with ease and
ITY.—A Mr. Showers, who was an unoffend
lug, citizen of Fairfax county, Virginia, and
a Union man, owning a fine farm, where he
he has been residing for. maby years, about
half way between Fairfax Court House and
Vienna, was taken by the rebel troops, about
the time they were evacuating Centreville,
and forced to march on foot with the same
rapidity with which they beat their retreat
on horseback. So rap . id and exhausting - was
the march, that he 'began to falter, when the
inhuman tsavages, with a iirutality which
would have done.justice to the wild Indians,
spurred him on, at the point of the bayonet,
until the poor man dropped dead in the road.
' e obtained these &cts through a - person
ho -recently escaped from the clutches of
the 'rebels, .and Asa burn them _to be • e
facts of{the case. Mr. Terry, a relative
the deceased, has been 'down as tar as o
our lines extend - in -Order, if possible, to ob
tain the body of MI murdered friend, but
failed in his ‘4001„ , ,He lemed that R. e
14,WilliImiosillionsr - thaioad side, between
Minassam And,Gondeirrige, but he was warn
ed sot Awe, ea ibirebel pickets
wereAtili iirking. !ear ,the vet.=
, •-•
~'t_S.A:Hr ` g,'; ;:},~us9};i:uat;±i: ~„-,'h ; ~i . , i! l " z. ~ u;~~
.... ..w. ,K~:r ~ _ n„~
.• 'Foit WY
•::: .
AND ; •
AV% •••••
TO Cliff OMR-
Lateit Improved Thresher and rrip& Gear
edßorse Powers ' Driving either Ay Gear
or Belt,. aN furnished Conipleto
roadg to , be put on Wauons.
' I, the undersigned,_ desire _ to call the attention o
Farmers altd Threshermen of Fiankling and adjoin
ing counties to it. This Machine has. been before
the public for seven years, during which time it,
has given general satisfaction, and the patentee
having made some very important improvements
which render it still more complete, both for dead
separating and cleaning, and also for ease of
draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in re
commending it to the public, knowing that it will
- give - tho - b - est - oretitiiitaction. lan maru4ctuting
three difli3rent sizes, as follows:
No: 1 is 8 horse Power,will thresh and clean from
200 to 500 bushels per 'day. • /
No. 2 is 5 to &horse power, willihresh and clean
from 150 t 0.300 bushels per day
No. 3 is 4 to G. horse power, will thresh and clean
lrom IN to 200 per day.
ThesePlacninen are warranted to do the above,
and do it much better in every respect than any
other machine in use.'
Graiit having much light filth in it cleaditd on this
Machine is worth from 2 to 3 cents more per bush
el than when cleaned on any other separator, or the
common way of cleaning ort hand fans. For this
reason there is not the eighth part of light matter in
the grain as when cleaned on the riddle principle.
The bloat acts freely on all the grain as it kayos the
slates, whereas, when cleaned witL riddle that ad
vantage is lost ,
This machine does not return the tailestuls as
most of the separators dd. By returning filthy tail-'
de; alternately it is impossible to snake merellatita
g ain, Another important feature in this machine
that others of the kind have nut, is the Self-acting
Blast lteg ulator in the tan, which' remedies all dif
ficulties in bad cleaning, blowing grain in the chaff
in high speed or irregular driving, which cannot be
avoided in cleaning grain by horse polder
This Machine is also more durabbi and less tedious
t o,m:triage than any other Separator and Uleuner,or
the common machine with shaker.
Ordeis to insure their being filled until hartieso
should he sent in immediately.
I am fully-prepared to-make to order and on short
notice Portable and Stationed
Stoves and PloW castings,ilso cast iron and wrought
iruu pipe for strain or water, and Wass castings of
every description; in a word, I am prepared to do
everything nattily done in a foundry and machine
shop. Having supplied myself with the latestim.
proved machinery, such as bathes, bring, Planing
and Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having
their work done in the must satisfactory manner.—
I am also prepared to manufacture to sinter ma
chinery for wood, such as Tonging and Droving
machines for flooring. Surface, Tenout and Mopld
log machines &c.
I also der to the public a new and valu
able improvement in my steam engines, made
within the last year, viz: for the economizing of
fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my•
new engines far superior to the old engines.
All my machines are sold under warrantee. My
hams are all experienced workmen in this line of
business, and I use all goad material, so-that t am
perfectly sate in warranting all my work.
ram also prepared to do repairing in workman.
like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit
ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in '
For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma
chine, address IiEO . IIG h. FitWIC,
Or DANIEL GEmort, Proprietor of Territory and so
licator of orders, Waynesboro.' Franklin (:o. Pa.
April 18--tf .
Ready-Made Clothing!
A •
8. ADAMS would respect( illy inform his
• patrons and the public generally that he has
returned from the Eastern cities with a general av•
sortment of Ready-Made
embracing all the Iciest styles of Coats, Pan ts,Vests,
Shirts, Collars, Nettles, suspenders, etc., etc., all of
which are well made. The public ace cordially in
vited to call and examine his goods, as he is deice
termined to sell at short profits.
He will continue to carry on the business
of Tailoring as heretofore. Persons desiring gar
ments cut out or made up are invited to give him a
Latest fashions received regularly._
Important-to Farmers
/11HE subscribettakes this method otannouncing
1 . of the Formers and others, that he has on hand
a lot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with
some specimen&of the corn. Tbis is an excellent
article of Broom Corn, and should be raised 'by ev
ery one. He has also a full assortment of fresh
Dtugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c.
P. S. I am selling Cranberries at 124 cents per
quart. - Mar. 14
THE undersigned continues to manufacture
Corn Brooms upon the old principle, all of
which he will warrant to be well made. Those
having broom corn are requested to give him a call.
Smoke Stack,for Sale. -
frHE subscriber has a heavy Iron Smoke Stack
33 feet long and 16 inches in diameter. which
he will dispose of upon reasonable terms. Post Of
fice address, Quincy, Pa.
- Doc2o--tf JOHN L. METCALF.
6000 Rails for Sale. .
THE subscrler has now- on hand WOO good
CHEIS'FNUT RAILS which he will dispose
of on reasonable terms.. Also—one good R
WAGON. , L. B. FOR al
• 0 YES I •
xIIE •ais M.
•rho wsm er nt rne r it d ise""° all
u lie Balm. Venres Atagtsfri.ell.,l t im es
to cry
sealants terms. All Orders loft at the Office ofthe
Villein Record, sill be promptly attended to.
t 7 —4,0
A an szeallsat "Wats WIF Knows OIL always
on haad. •v PiriBUSE.
gir , ..r77--,-7-----:-.7:7 7 -_,,,
r HE ilitikii, i 4 teliptc".....ifilliilliAirhis his eltstoin
'eta Ind the pa' blie gatieritli 'that'. he' his to.
c Wily replenished his stock of , ' Fruit and Onitfie6
1 t naiiiii, siia hikow ihiilififeit-lislartatiitit of -
, . ..
'.- • • . C , A N .
lit -It 4 i.
~, ever brought to Virayaelboro', with
• CAItES'. OF krtitt,itwkiidguiTioN, ol:
GARS, TOlLibeti; etc., etc. ' '
• r'
O . Y S T E. Ft 131
Ile hakalso on hand at all limeg the finest Oysters
`the market will. afford, which will .be served up to
customers Fried, !Wasted or Stewed.
Ile is likewise prepared to furnish both Win's
bougka and Ludwig's A.LE, and a superior article
of Scotch Ale anu Crab Apples Cider, with a prime
article of Bologna,Sausage, Boiled Eggs, and all
other articles. sualy kept in first class Restaurants
A genuine articlesof Vinegar always for sale.
NovB ' L. S. FISHER.
THE undersigned respectfully annoptis to the
public generally that he is 'tail at the old:
- strilid - oirelitizth Street, kraynertboro', Pa., where
ho continues the manufacturing of Family
haggles, Jarouches, Wagons, and every species
of vehicles usually made in Such establishments.—'
Hi" work is warranted to he composed of the
best lino' most durable material, and none but
the most expoieneed workunin are employed.—
He has now on hand a number of Carriages, Bug
gies, &c., &c., which he will positively sell at
greatly reduced prices fui cash, or upon a short
credit. By keeping a good stuck at all times, and
always holding himself ready to supply the de
mands of the people he hopes to retain ani! secure
liberal share of patronage. •
Repairing, Trimming, and Painting done in the
best manner, and at the shortest notice.
Lumber, Country Produce, &c., will be taken in
exchange for work. JACOB ADAMS.
N. B. The Books of the firm ol'J. & A.S. Ad.;
amsoure in the hands of the undersigned. Persons
knowing themselves indebted are requested to make
immediate payment. J. A.
Now' 1, !NM.
11 11 1 GOODS! NEW GOON'
HAVE now open for inspec
jation at their store on the
• -• , •
their second supply ot „A4W
c' 4 l ::
dr.-bra[o4lo y e a f
for Gentlemen's ware. Their 4 1
stock embraces Blue, Black - and
Fancy Cloths, Plain, Fancy Cas4mcres, Silk and
Satin irestings, and all other goods for casts, p:o tits ,
and vests, of the most fashionable styles. A lss—
Gloves, ravats, shirts, collars, &c. &e.; with an as
sortment of REA DV-MADE et.o . riiiNo.
Gentlemen are invited to call and examine their
stock of now.goods.
112ir The latest Fashions regularly reeelyetl.
May 23 1801. -
Lettuce of Arinaggedon.
rrigts is acknowledged to be one of the most re
markable of human productions that Ilse ever
been offered to the American people. , The style is
chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treateitof
is of the most inspiring: "The United litotes in
Prophecy. Fur sale by _ J F. KURI'Z.
DRAPER,' .. ti,
ilhas constantly for sale a full assortment ofil
N GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. .74
Iti lar'Latest City Fashions always on hantl.94
ra Waynesboro', P. - .%
DR; -. 2. a. WREN. CH,
, .
t *1
ESPECTFUI.•LY ofrets his services to tho•eit-
Dijizens of Waynesboro' and surrounding country.
lie is prepared to perform all operations in Dental
Surgery in a superiOr manner. Teeth inserted from
one to an entire set in the most approved and sub
stantial Auanner, and warranted not to bo surpassed
for beauty and durability. Charges moderato mid
all work warranted as represented.
N. D. Will visit residences when requested.—
Office, on Mechanics Street, opposite the residence
.1. K. Welsh, up stairs.
A. S. A.
Ta HE - undersigned - offer for sale - SEVEN THOU=
ij SAND FEET of well seasoned POPLAR.
LUMBER, at the Mill of George Knepper. near
Hughes' Furnace, •at reasonable- rates, some of
which is juice Scantling, 4 by 4 inches square and
tome 2 by 4 inches, and 2 inch Plank, I. inch, I
inch, inch Heald*.
Persons wishing to buy Poplar Lumber will please
give us a call GEORGE KNA'PER; Jr.
Febl4-2m Eera of David litrepper, Doled
To Capitalists.
Society will pay the following rates elm.
tercet per annum,ou all sums deposited in the In
stitution. For 3 months, 2 per cent.; from 3 top
months, 3 per cent.; from 9 to 18 months, 4 per
cent; and over 18 mouths, 4i per cent. Fur a
shorter period than 3 months the terms will be
made kown by the Treasurer.
Notesfordiscountshould be handed to the Treas•
urer on Tuesday, as the Hoard of Directors meet
rgularly on Wednesday of each week, at 9 o'clock
A.M. By order of the Hoard,
June - 17'58 n 10: PHILIP el Treasurer,
'The Wean use For sale by
sovS 8. TIWX Agt.
1411tydli Mackerel at
Mar 28 Ampasos, IhSXDICIT & Co..
tlE4Clit3.—Dikid Peaches, pared and unpar•
JE ed at . UUIDZOT & Uo'..
- .
ILOTH.Hat,liair. Tooth and Natl Bruins
%JOAO received and fount.. very low by M. M
kik:OBER. May 13.
'in the mark. to he bad at the sign of the
Bigibli UMW It li. iZnwaw»
41000,11,T0UP t TTLES
,A 1 ,00isicertfis funtiof W. H. 11.seruniox
—s- 1 ' 1 040 11*
AND4.q_...*! -- ,.." . ' r.ikr
111- •-.1,,.i;
. ,
' ,
' Alll, -
- -- -,-„, ;••
, ••••.. ' '
A L r.ty,.•,4-4ta
Fitt - -no -wiNititA,ll.l.,ll,k;
__... ... „.. . .... _,.
xiA VINO - iiii*Sttilliitil ' .116* . litiCriatkOs litakti
with foothill Lot of nsw Ott jellifittity*
IC ,
nOurplistettfor Onality eh/ at
Wool De!eines
French Merinos,
'Printed Coburg,
Mohair A Ispaaa,
Lavelle Cloth,
Debegeti. - '
Persian &lanes, ' •
Swiss Gingham.
Ladies Wool Eiastic Skirts, Extensionpkirts
Apron Tassels, and a full assoriinent of-lkeas Tri
mtnge, &c.
French 'Cloth,
Cassimers, •
_ Veatings,
Shirt Fonts
, ALSO—A heavy lot of
uacaaavlr4 ctioc)44?
ireot necessary to mention.
Of rho very best in market and quality: such as
Syrups, New Orledllet and Porto Rico Molasses, a
No. 1 Browri Sugar, coffee crushed and granulated
do ; best article of
ltio Coffee,
Hannmell's best Esscence of Coffee
Baker No. 1 Chocolate,
Cartiuret of Iron,
• Tobacco,
II the above goods have !Teen selected careful
ly, and purchased at the very lowest figuro,with an
eye to suit the mants of this community. lie it
therefore enabled to accommodate all who "may fa
vor him wait a call, in. quintity,, quality, style and
price. No trouble to show goods.
Country Produce Lakin in exchange for goods at
the highest market prices. ity strict attention to
business and a desire to please in every casitect he
hopes to merit a continuance of patronage
Dealer in viii the variety of Drugs, Medi
that,. Yankee ,Votiontg. Perfumery,
Liquors /or medicinal
purposes. Oils,
AV °t:
iDtenth isthankstnhe
public whci want anything in his line. Inasmuch
as he has enlarged his stock Boa to be enabled to
answer all calls for anything anal everything, usual
ly found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac
-quaiiitance-witltilitrinisirfes,li-WhOpet, to gain the
confidence of the Community. He will pay par
ticular attention to tilling physicians' Vrocriptions,
and more care and precaution used in waiting up
on chldren than adults.
Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal and
sacramental purposes, Potent Medicine!) are endless
in variety, including all tlpt have been mode up to
this Jute and some that afro yet in embryo. _ Also
White Lend, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes
house building or inside work. beside!) all sizes
of ignse. Cominorcial, Note, Fools Cap and Letter
Paper alwayii - iffiliand, with a variety of Envelopes
of ditrerent - sizes - And colors. Brushes, Combs,
Pomade, Fancy Strap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Essen.
cue, Flavoring Extracts, and natherous articles in
the Fancy line on hand and otrered for salt, cheap
cr than ever .olfercd before
A Iso'a large assortment of Kenisene Oil Lamps,
Chimneys, Shades 'atm! Wicks, and gerosene Oil to
till them. A general assortment of F uite and
Confectionaries, Tobacco and Cigars.
/et. 11.
THE undersigned having leased the well-known
Coachniaking Establishment of Ales. Hamilton.
on Mechanics street, Waynesboro', respectfully an
nounce to their friends and the public generally, that
they purpose carrying on the business in' all its
branches, and are now prepared to manufacture to
antler all kinds of
Carriages, Buggies; Ha roaches,
isrrig Wagons, ac. 'ace., of the but material, and
made ts:y 'superior workmen.
kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly en 1 •
satisfaction of 'customers. — 7
uouNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for
work at market. prices.
I.WPersons desiring articles or work in the Coach
eking hue, are respectfully invited to give them a
L tar. S. • HEO. H. HAWKER.-
Breech Loading Repeater,'
r PHIS Pistol, (or simplicity of construction, coin
i ?ocular* and durability, is superior to all oth
ers yet °flared to tho public. It can be loaded as
quickly another pistols are capped. The load inky
remain in the Pistol soy length of tune without
ha y
itija . it is the lightest pistol manufactured that
has rce and is roe to carry. It will force a hull
thro gb a one each board at the dist.ince•of one
Bred yards. Weight only eight and a half ors.
!or sale at Hitt/ riiklii rON 'IS
May 2 Ha rd ware Stara.
/21 Wird liihsvvii, Arctic "IVesivers, and otb
kjecanktrtable exists for cokl Pirtracr at•
0414 licaostea.
F M : a v t suid 25 cogs pot per vt
J — Kl)l , l3iB ea id
tlet4 ' • Litsear'4
TIN Toys far sale at
DseStl '6O ,
tl ~1.
'r r t.' .
`•s rr it+,ia.rL
.91 Biol./OHO:1 ilintilio r ieft ,ititill:':: . .,,..= '1,:: :
• . —.' i l diett'i v idiet -;,;'?:' , .-: , -"::;1 ,1, :c , : , —,:::. ,, ,' , ! - -
take this method of informing tho ,brill
I have just recelied from Pailadelidda a *Lis •
carefully schtted. stack of „, ,• . •
t • '
Steel, , • • • ' • •
Oita; .
Glass; " ' •
Paint's. '
Stores, ,
Cutlery, " -
Hardware, -
• Varnishes,
Oil Cloths, •••
Shoe Findings,
- Agricultural Implements,
all of woich I desire to dispose of at pries' to Suit •
the times. Ti-,y me, andexittitination dray
'-kock-tonvince-urserthat - lineari*t - WlPlttsay,
I take pleasure its showing goods whether fi les are
effected or not. To persona about- to bilid - I mu •
prepared to olEs extraordiriaiy indutriiireltui kr:lth In
Hardware and Paints.: Thankful to friends for past
favors, a continuance of the Mlle is respectfully so
licited- T -promising to do all in my power. o reader.
eetiersetion to all who may favor me with their pa
tronage,. W. H. 1311.0THERTM...
April 11.
lIIHE subscriber . would inform the citizens of
Waynesboro' and the public that lie has come
lacocc" the , Shoemaking. business in the Basement'
el Kurtz's howl, where he will at all tittles be in
readiness to accommodate those who tn.tY giro hint
a call.
made to older, on short noel,* ottho best, material,
aud, upon the moat rettecomblaNtetros.
Ore 25. THOS. tiItiNGALAN,
rlll. WM. D. LECHLER takes this opportunikf
jj to return thankir to the public for the liberaL
patronage Its, hart received during. the past, snit
hopes by strict attention, to.-business to merit a,
continuance of tlaa saint. MI operations in s the.
dental line will be rerforined 7... : •
satistactury manner. He keeps posted on all,
the - iitlvanceniesits and improvahnits of the profess,.
tun, rout ILitters hiUbelf tut us good work eati - be,-
bad at his OIFIAAS 116, at any. otiwr in, the State Arti,
teeth inserted, from, a• single tooth to a full set,„
and in all cases Warranted to perform, satisfactorily,
or no Fly. Terms reasonable.
July 5, (SOIL
FB,YE T T E.VIL LM. ak.l JYLL NA gr.
Recomm.endulions from the Paculig of Prineeiorio
College. N. J.
• I►xlsce•ros, N. J., Feb. 26th, 1861.
The undersigned are happy to testify that pupae
e 1 the Pa fettevitte Academy, Pa. have ,u titstatttei.
a high• standing ani,u the recent gratin des of the
College of New Jersey.
President of the College..
Professor of Greek.
Professor of hatip.
Professor of ALtlllcneetics•
Dr. Jacob.ll, ilitebaugh it . Co's
Celebrated American tiniment•
"For Man and. Boast."'
mils greatest and beet erternalretnedy evr.
J. lewd to the public. For Hale by F. J. KrutzE
bruggiet. Waynesboro' end by Druggiela in the
county generally.- 1.37" - Prige 2.3. COMA per bottle.
I) %tuber Is, '6o—.-ly
New Millinery Batablisknent.
'THE undersigned would inform the citizens oft
II Waynesboro' and vicmitky" that she has com—
menced the Milliner business, in Church Street, a
few doers South of the -Diamond. She expects to.
treeeive her goods in a few days. . The ladies are'
most respectfully invited to give her a Colt.. No,
pains will be spared to suit the taste of ell. By close.
application and a determination to persevere, she
hopes to gain the confidence, as welt as the support.
ut the community. She has made arrangements so.
that she can receive new goods weekly if necessary.
Please give her a call M. U. BESSE.%
Way May 2, '6l.
Nu LA Wit. Ulhat.
The cheapest article in the world. Unrivalled.
irecl ll
only. Pertn.inently Luatrous. The only
to get to get is is at ISO nit; rox's.
Morels , 22.
.B: PRIC EAR F. I rms__his—eustomer atitlf the
. 'public generally that he has removed his
Barbee Shop to the Basement of Mr. Karts's . Hotel;
formerly occupied by him as a Barber Shop, where
he wilt Shave. Cut, and Dress Hair as heretofore:.
Give him ca ll. ---
Nov. 22tf.
% ENBoy's heavy Boots and Shoes it
Oct. 4 ' Buttons's.
utiIUAIN Fixtures at
Misr 28 - Annica.oto. BICNRDICY a," Co
N excellent article of Syrup fur 50 eta. per at
at " (Oci4 Basun%
xj ifbIILITED Liquors, sold only aeMerlicina
ill and by special directions of a Physician, by
VI.M.STON Urtlinflbt !day 14.
0_ -It and Corriander, ground & imgrota
nov 29 at KUIITZ'S. •
Itov., 29 Kuirrt*
LA itti AS•s, atihe sigh of thc lug Red Horn
dean D. it..Rthoneu.
1 Stove. Apply at:Nitta:7S Store
4LENIN]) Emyroidered goothri
CITEEL Shovels, Spades, Hues, Forks, Rsksii
►Manure Drags, &e., ette, at prices that wilt defy
competition ; Call:and see for yourselves, at
awl l BttoTuswrott's
Right I Lights: !
i s,
tiHE cheapest Light in use can be had at li
'SI'ONESOUdird Hardware cttore
4 ' 11V t
,RIME Cal Tho, Sugars, To ns and Cs sea u
_IC OM Ussaat's
TIM/AS at 12i and 29 cents per pound at'
r nor 19 = Kusprea,
LARUE amooronoot of Tp, ,
njaf %s Big Rod Horn.
‘/' IC MS • ' . D. IL, It,pan.L.
• Wanting any th ing ts;thir -urn
c o on l suppled Ktrates.
~~ _
It~anaz~~ `-"