ESE SOLID $ll2 Tine IIND Noing'M Mk* that jos_l4o ISSORE Vef received and. uLdeily : receiving an overwhelm ing itordc of giitodsTrant ttie 'pastern citieir. Great has been the that all kind, of goads haVe advanced' to enormous prices, but the ides will bo ' immediately dispelled:6Y calling at the CHEAP CORNER, On Main and Church Sts., Where all kinds of Goods l =such as are below rum , id and a multitude of other articles usually found in a full house; nevertheless we wilrame a few tdontwith important items: • • Silks, • ----- Delnines, Paris'Lustres, Decals, - Ginghams, ' Fancy Pop FANCY SPRING GOOD Brocades, Lustres, 11l Eli MOM DER MOT . - Can be selected some or s ° the handsomest styles of Cassi mere s, Marsei Iles, Cloths, Va lencies, Vestin gat Grenadines,. SUMMER COOS. _ 'Denims, Tweeds, . Jeans, The ahoy , are only a few of the lea ding items, but any article desired in the dry goods or other departments can be supplied. And further, we h we - Skeleton and Balmoral Skirts, Collars, • Sleeves, I.inen 'kss, HcaliTy, Gloves, Shawls, Ladies' Gaiters, Gauntlets, - . Nubble. Corsets, Tassels and Cord, Shaker's Ribbons, and Parasols, Rafflings, Laces, Quillings, H ead nets of Chenille, Counter anes and Quilts, The people of Waynesboro' and vicinity, and of plates, are respectfthly invit44 to call and ex amiKe this splendid stock of DR GOO PS, GR.OOERIES, &C., ns the proprietor fi els nssured - that no one can find fault in prices or style; and in conclusion he returns his thanks to the community for former fa: vors and hopes for a continuance of th • same Apit .10:31A 11 BESORE. 111P---111P----1111RA! `THE GRANDEST VICTORY OF THE WAR, ACHIEVED OVER YANKEES, REBELS, AND THE "REST OF MANKIND !" B Y A DISPLAY OF.FRESII AND :63'.1]E.m tuns t—Frelh ns Ifornirg—glorions, beoiniful ns the Spring dap, cheap as snuff! Oh! ye fair portion of Creation! do ye want Silks that glisten on 13120-: WAY, De!eines, of every hue of the Rainbow; }lima. layas, mottled and printed like fairy fields; Modems, Balznrines, Mozambiques. Debeges, &c., &c., that would woo by their beauty the Genii of the stare —WALK UP TI) THE COUNTER ! Our Lawns of softest tints, Chintzes sparkling like dew drops, Ginghams as Venus, with our Xagic Ratlines, Collars, Silkerauntlets, Balmoral Skirts, Bead Fascinators, and Morocco:Satebels which will deck you out in etherin! splendor, and compel the admiration of the Gents'.—W a will insure it; GENTLEMEN, You are not forgotten!—Not nil that is beautiful belongs to the Ladies; for bless their hearts, they Ipve to ace the rients in splendid array! CLOTHS fresh from France, and Cassimeres sleek as mirrors. fancy as the sunny-eye; with Vestings of a style so handsome, that TO ass is t) buy ; which with our splendid shirt breasts cheaper than ever, elegant beck-tics, &r, will Adonises,every moth er's son of you. - 1111011111111TY1NZKEME! Ye mothers of tlie riving generations! Ye are al ways before thd We have for you nt prices as low as before the war' those good solid Osnabnrghs, . , Sheeting's, bltittings, Linens, Tow Hags, • .Tickings, Calicoes, DotneFtics, land nil the Notions nreessary, to linusekeepers,and CHEAP is the word!—Give us n call! CLEAR THE TRACK! . ' A forty Rhinoceros load of C> CI MIR X M much below last Winter's prices.--elpan, fresh, sweet as ew milk. New York and Lover ing Syrup nt 12 and 18 cts., old fiishion ed Surer BOuse,—that wed to please the YOUNG 'UM eta • gars, While, Brown, and onntinent.o,—that is of every grade. Cheese.—to make the mouth .water. Cedar•ware, Glass-ware, Queensware, HATS,I3OOTS SHOES, ko. =in fact it is no use to .enumerate: the fait is, every dress up the loveliest lady, or the laboring man,we harre;--and will sell as-cheap as the cheap est. could' we-say morel Tnen rush in; at our door: on the Square and the undersigned wilt •be glad-to greet-you: :jra.l New Otleana,Mulasequeall - jr . a p r 4 , • _ Palog's you Aritut to.roo:tho.huge.t ,4tookrtake!at, r geta;ip"'town, *t - • ryottivant a cheap -pair ;at -.4lc:ciguere. ,cell:ct . epri —• • :• • Rap.lll7a Alpacas, Tissues, Rep. Delainea, Printed Challiea, Brilliants, Bombazines, Fancy Prints, Bra iges, Linens C ash moretts, Merino Casbimeres. ..••••• Very Respectfully. J9SEPkt PRICE. IL A * : '''.,;,' 'i?-ifiellitOittiikt:iiiii ~f.'::.,:•_,- ; , . 4`,':-, ." 2 .'.' : - : : , iir .` L :', - .. '4l - kttittgOtt o : *#l4ltiitd..l l.- . 4 CO, s •' • - ...•,2,, , , 4l.Vliriblitil'OßO',, April 1i,..1862 . : liaiiiii ': ' * ' , . lb . Cents ' - Eaas,- • " • ' , - 10 " . , ' Baffm (liiiils , • . .lb "'' Io (Stioss) • 2 ~' 7 .46 . r . " (8130tILDER4, 7 " t -'', LARD;. . '.. 7 : 1 2 • 1562. APRIL FIRST. • • AMMON, BI EDICT & CO Wayne born' SPRING AND SIIIIIIEI MIS!! vrrl E nre nnw receiving and o fli•ring to sell a new ‘,6," and FULL Assoirr VIE NT of PEW MEI IMIDS Which we _think wo nro prepared to sell at ns low terms as any other house in town or country.: DRESS GOODS of all kinds C hnlli. s, 1) dairies, Beyeges, Laveilas, SLEEVES, - EM II ROIDERIES. NEWS - SPRING AND SUMMER Q.D 05 . Cottonntles, Clothe., F en. Jeans, Ca FS ;mere, Fine Tweeds, Vesting s, Neck TirTS; Hosiery, Cravats Summer Hats Handkerchiefs, Shoes, Slippers A full assortment of Plain and Fancy .CASSIMERES. QUEENSWARE. A — good-sifpply-of—Queenstyare-an.l_Glassware_of the lutest style. GROCERIES Always on hnrol a heavy lot of prime Groceries, COFFEE, SI:GAR, SVIZITP, To which we respectfully call the attention of our c ugtomers Intl the public generally; and at the same lime we return our thanks to customers and the cominuni tv for their liberal patronage', and will en deavoriby flir dealing with all, to merit a continu• slice of the same. Please call arid ere. AMLIE RSON, 13ENELIC'f & CO DRY FRUIT: Ei~~~~tC}~~~ .2MILASE'IIiIL" 11E4 , AMDERSONOIENEIDICT ISt c9.S. PICKLES. A LOT OF Pickles, Good AMBERSON, BE NED= & CO'S CURTIIN fIXTIBES, OIL CURTAINS, AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO'S A. FULL AISORTMENT PRINTS, MUSLIAS, MHZ caztaaTact) aaDe aiao OF ALI. DESCRIPTIONS at AMBERSON, BENEDICT & Co'3. V.:-.0r...14 'Pp DANDSLION COETEE, suatmEws ISCEPICE OFCOFFE4 - ' • IstNEOlO2 l 4 co's. ‘,4"; Brk Silks Cord (1.) Filed do Lustres, Poplins, MOLASSES, SPICES, &c (iubLa wi at Misr, *:°(hobs '0 a mile )pont -"'.." aylo r o oro 1 , en the 19th of p • inCring litoPertY; - Acios Citttitt:. the Oround, 2 COWS, 8 head HOG:4,9llnd oify4tf: CATTLE,,PIOws and Hai7oive, ZO ydg. Carpct,,l, kon.and 1 Copper Kettle:, 2: ScOiCtailea; l 2, Bed= 'steads, 2 do - I.:Chair - S * l large niid • 2 - SinallitoOkiiiti Chaim, 2, - Wardrbbor, 2 Clieres,,Dinin4 Tables,thip. board and Kitchen Table; 2 Weabstands, 2 Parlor Stands, I,Churn, 4 bblm Vinegar; Dagen and apple.lnitteroaufp ,the poUnd, a Lot of Brooms, 6 tons of Hay, P0t:4409A1 the bushel 2 - ClOcki, buckets, baskets, 1 saw, and Many_ ther at:tides - net necessary to mention. - Sale to 'conanienee at 10'o% clock Orik sap !Ink, - whin the Jonas will be. Made known by . MARTHA FUNK. -• • apr4-ts Gsonok V. MONO, Auct. NO HUMBUG ! - PRE undersigned having opened n Watch and Jewelry Store, in the new building on the corner of the Diamond, and having recently. return. ed from Philadelphia,.would inform the residents pf Waynesboro' and the public-generally, that he has now on tand a fine assortment of • WATCHES, JEWELRY, SUNDA AND SILVER-PLATED WARE; • CLOCKS,; &c. Having had cinwitlerable experience at Watch repairing, he is prepared to dg,sll work. promptly in the best manner and guarantee the performance of it, An assortment of spectacle.. and spectacle glasses always on hand. Jewelry repaired in the neatest manner * ' W. A. GROVE. Apr 4 1 yr. . • Mb. 30XL . 1 P1 1 • ,, X' • = 11 tVIIIIB 'DENTIST, I)FFEIZ.S his services to the public generally,— Operations of every description in the dental line poribrmed in the best manner and upon reason aide terms, Office on Main Street, three.doors. Flnc!. Diamond . Apr 4. MECHANICS SIRE • AHEAD Waskabaliyit's and Laawig's Ale at 3 cents per Gilts. CI OWE now or never, fbr-we have more fun than ever. A 1st); Oysters, Eggs, Cheese, Ham, Bread, Butter, and Pickles. Come one, come all, . Both great and small/ Aid roll the hall, ' Id Joe's Bachvior's Nall. - A pr4—sw JOS.'. 'FUNK Chettp;and Beautiful Light. N - O w . l e ) d a nt o o b i u l— rn izr t e ho n u i t i t e l Init n ti r nl e r x n P i l l a y si s v i e nell if used in thel • CARBON OIL LAMPS, of the latest Ftyles and imprmementA—all sold Unnav Fon CASH at the sign of the - BR; RED HORN.— Apr. 4 1).13. RUSSELL. TA DIES, if Ton went torcc a niceiorsorraicti 4of DRESS GOODS, call at Picicc's Aptil4 IF Fyou went to purchase a id( e Hoop Skirt from .311 to $2.00 call at (apr4 Place's P YOU want. a pretty Summer a;!moral cell at arr 4 Nimes you want a nice pair at Gauntlets from 371 to $1.25;ea1l at ' [apr4. Puices you want a niee srt of UnAer Sleeves and Car lars far twenty-live cents, call at Pulcx's Apr 4 TF]you ve7 - mia nice Shaker, call at apr4 F you wont a good pair of Home Made Morocco 1100[S, WARRANTED NUT TO 1111 , OR TEAR, call at a r 4 PRICE'S. - _ F you want to s-e a large asfurt tient of ShAwla, eMI at [aprit Pnide's TIIIC 11 1 ,411 OF 1776, r pITE name "Continental" sounds 'in ore dear to the Amerie.nt heart, thou any of the Royal blood, ?veil should it be a Prince. So all your that want a goodlCooking S Love that bums either coal or wood, call at La,..,7IITTLES and ask for the COntinental, which is one of the beA stoves inmartvetNindby far the cheapest. It takes a long stick of wood and is provided with fire hick to burn coal. It is one of the best linking and cooking Stoves tha t has ever been offered for sale. It is a tine Conking Stove and is easily kept clean: I always have a large assortment on hand, and will give better bargains than env other house in the country. So to !prove that :ny name is not Gen. Bragg call nod see for voorselves. Al 6 ) on hand Booting S'eves , such as 111 Hi u C ftll SitiViS, for sl!np or parlor. all of whit ll I will Fell very low. You will alFo find a large aFgortment of " 11 ; 57 wifh Copper, Brass and Shest-Iton Ware, uhieli is all of my own make. and which has been proven cannot be found better in any place; Now remem ber I am bound to sell cheap, so all that ward ivy thing in my line; give me a call. My shop is at the old place ou. Main Street. milder the Printing Office. Douse Spouting! dbae at all times and a the best double tin,' Feeling - very thankful for the mart' past favors I have received fount - the public, I would invite all to give me a ca 11,. for then you can see for yourselves where to get bargains. Old metal taken at Foundry Prices in exchange for new Stoves. %V. A. 'PRIME, Mar. 2.3 W ay nesboro'.- IMPORTANT. J. A. FISHER ARE again madded of his recent tour to the Eastern Cities, and of the reception of his fine stock of Cloths, Cassinneres and Vest- i se gS. All of the MOST FASI-IIOSIIBLE stk . LES. His stack-of Ti EIVW CLOTHS and CAS4f- M.F.HES tie calls particubir -attention to, .atr the best in town. Also, one of the bell assletinilits of Funstautsiii Gonnt in town—all re. iqy their in spection and benefit. and kinfly aeio from All persons deairions of buying %had it. ti is Imo, at 4.1 : - trim : m..4y - lazkuiN2qo in tho - ICE4ViX FITTED ROOM,' iwx odr. -t.n rpelegralre;Hagersitown ! Van..6;.0 I - r... 4.7 1,,' 7 -! p H+ , -',:,.. i t ~....., 1 .),'';'''' •. . • ':, ' '''' '''''; —. ~ : , „':.s., LI :.,' - ; -'-----:-. .'4..:- - :;•'_*.. 4..,....a , :Y ii4 - "cilif *** . :t - iiii - focitiii=',Toidis'hni4 !Fh b 's' deed., w ill sell ht Public. Silo, ' . - On Sitiiiin,ho, tno 12th Or Aiello, 1862 - Tin friniiiifHowilnn'a He; in' Ayaynisthiro', Franklin Chi P4;.i1,11 that', - • ITILEAB ISTAtt • bated one ntiiti lv et of NfitYpeitarteanit juh ',lootra:pi gekiAib`eit, and bikers, as fol iintli A islixablev.Tkita - • 'MANSION„::P AIN-11 containing 130 bRES, More or less of flrit 01 . 114 LIM TONE. LAND, with a never-failing Spring. and Buildingi stiffieent or farming; there, is als , ) a thriving Orchard of 0 hake ruil trees on the premises, with water running thro' he entire,farm. This farm has the advantage of a argo proportion of , • . .. .• • . MEADOW LAND; and altogether is regarded as one "of the most desi rable farms in the county. ALSO—,THE MILL PROPERTY, CONTAINING 25 ACRES, moro or lea., with MIST' LLERT and Apparatus attached, which is favornblY located 'with a good water power;4lnd surrounded by a' fine wheat growing section. Also the farm knwn as the - aalauau rolfoining Mansion Farm, containing 106 Acres, more or less, of Good Limestone Land, with Housel and Barn; conveniently laid off into suitable fields, with a thriving youne..Orchard and a well of never failing water at tlrtroor, and running water in the barn yard. These Canis offer inducements to capi talists for a safe and profitable investment. The above property will be sold separate or togeth& to suit purchasers. Terms made known on the daY Of sale. Possession given of the above propertylon day of sale. N. B. The above property will he shown by el .ther of the Executors. 1). W. FUNK, . E. S. TROXEL, Executors. Mar 28— is - 6 fi - - 1 4 t -vl-4-- RESTAURANT HARDWARE, CUTTERY; &C., Ilan returned from the Cities with a-large and well selertea stock •.f Goods lie 1/11)W I)lTcrs fur sale at low prices. Iron, Steel, Axes, Rope, Robes, CEDAR WARE; GRINDSTONES 7 ' (A sureVior kind;) -Horse shoes, SHOE FINDINGS AND LAS •cD al a cmi .ct, a a cz:. 2- sz AND FILLERS On n new and impreived pinnot low prices. He invites his ohl : customers and the trade goner erally to examine his stock before purchasing else where.H. STONEHOUSE. ' Nov 1.1860 Pit ICK.B m 8 II it 1111 - 1 V-A-1 DIiIIGS, MICE HEDY, Confectionery,. Frtlits, _&c.; &c., &C. THE bubseriber takes this method of announcing to-the people that ht; has received at his 'Drug store; a large clad carefully selected stock of namsn DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent' Midieines, Paints Oils, Dye .Sjuirs, window Wass, Putty, Tobacco, Snarl, and Segars, &c., which he is now prepared to sell as cheap as the Cheapest and mill assure W enstoni er* that in regard to quality' which is of the lira im portance, his goods will compare with any in the market. lie Ims also a splendid assortment of rerfameiy Beeps and Toilet Articles, of all kinds, consisting in part of the following, viz • Bandolines• Pomades, Amber and Bears' Oil Colognes, Extracts for-the Handkerchief, Kathairon, Burnet's Coeoaine • litirrisoWs Ladies' Soap, honey Soap, Hotel snap, Diamond White Soap. CONFECTIONERY, PRV/TS, &c Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, Dates, Citron, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts of all kinds, and Candies of every variety. Kerosene Lamps, Lamp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil. Camphine, Alcohol, Burning and in fact anything and everything that is usually found in -a drugstore. _Thankful for kind levers and patronage hereto. fore bestowal upon him, he solicits a continuance of the sarne.!arrcl hopes that by endeavoring to Ocoee, he may win the confidence of the people. Physicians' prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded at all hours. J. F. KURTZ. nov .29, 1800 Special ELECTION NOTICE. Amendment to the By-Laws, of the Waynes boro' Saving institute. NOTICE is hereby given that an Election Will • be held at, the (Ace of the said institnte;on Fainiy• TUB 1 I'm DAy OF APRIL, next, between the hours of one and five o'clock, P. M. (at the same time and place at which. the"regtear Annual Elec. , lion will be held for a Board of Direciore to serve the ensuing year.) Jro the purpose• of voting fin. or against the /A:lowing amendments. viz.: ,Sf.rike out the wordc. “second Friday of April," and insert "first Fri.loy in June," of Article - 2d, Section First, of said Ey haws; stifle Article, Section Fifth, strike out tins. worils, "First Monday of tApril and- , Oeto. Ler," unit insert, the' Monday in May.,a,nil Novembei.” • . Propbsed ‘ cif f . Directors;, `. '4 l . l •.' , JActias.N64: yr yoo *Alit, Iv! 413fArobacco, call ,st epo'li • ; _ • Pittc4 - • • - i ~.:f1~Fi"..'.... DEALER IN STOVES, (PARLOR AND TEN-PLATE CARRIAGE WARE, - . AND Traces, Knives, Forks, Spoons, &6. ALSO 'T liii aiiiiiiiiniaiiiiiiiSii. , le4ll4l lai hi' , .. 14*;iliiiiiiiil'.446Usei 'fortninit'hiinkiii iii . l'ili "li obe Init.". takes Olparnili„:,in: Winflaticitig t 6 hi friends and this Piiittio.thrit hell 'PrePared to 'Meer , :find entertain (iiiiiiitiiii.lii•iti , lentit to be iikeidlt by . thiY. country- .Hoteli ; -.The - House. bullring bee therough4r_repaired and newly, furnished With eit -4 thing calculated to 'malio.his gneeti - ,initifortiibl —thepublie May rest assured that they al :times find it in a eendithin Sulted to the eomfort rah conviiiitence of the trait:lei-, - Hie - litiii feature:3M stir plied with the choicest Liquers,. and his Table wit the best the markets afford, and all other itiiilitibm suitable-sad necessary for , the - . EteedtamodatiOrt I man or boast: With , faithful and abligitiftfiMitiath and his own personal iatention'arid stipeiiiii6ii, hi will leave lie Means tampered to merit public pi tionage: .. . ._ ;The-proprietor assures those who may favor hii With their patronage that they shall ever ,meet_ his houses cordial reception, and that everything ea gentlel to, the convenience and happiness of hi guests shall be attiniiied. to. • - June 241860 F' BE subscriber respectfully announces to ht. fr friends and the publie generally that be has o tpenetl a 'ivory Stable itt Ylroynesboro, and is now 4prepared to accommodate the public generally with • 1 9 14 ERE „ A .,. at the shortest notice, day or night.-- Persons desirous of hiring, *either fin_ riding or driving, would do well to give him a cull. His stook has been selected with 'great care as re • gards gentleness.and speedy traveling; and his bug gies and carriages are all in good condition. " • eualtava_stunk wilam kept at the Stable of Dr. John Oellig. Persons wishing to hire will please fitinlylo the undersigned at Bowden's Hotel. nofl:—.6w JOHN RICH A RDSON. Fresh Lime. THE subscriber informi his customers.. and the public generally that he has now tor sale at his Lime Kiln, about three miles East of Waynesboro', a first rate article of WOOD-BURNT LIME, for White-washing, Plastering, etc- He will be prepar ed to furnish his customers with Lime any 'time du ring the Spring and Summer. M arl4-4w • JOSEPH M. HERS /FEE undersigned, Executor of Chritt inn Frantz, b'en., deceased, wilt sell at pub he sale, on Tuunsnm: the I 7xtt DAY or APRIL next, the follow ing personal property, to wit: ONE CARRIAGE , 1 bit Harness, 1 Riding Saddle, Bridle, Halters, 1 Saddle, Wood Saw, Mattock; 35,,yds Carpeting, I Looking Glass, 1 lot Chairs, 1 'Table. 1 Settee. 2 Bedsteads, 2 Clocks, Coverlets, Blankets, Bedding, Lnt Queensware, 1 Cot, 1 Comfort, 1 lot Qui't,-; 1 Hair.Mattress,'37 lbs. FEATHERS, a lot of linen and cotton sheets, and many other articl es not herein specified. sale to coMmence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will lie made known by Mar22—ts A BRA HAM FRANTZ, Ex'r. WAYNESBORO' CLASSICAL AND COM . MERCIAL INSTITUTE. mins Institute affords advantages unequaled by any other school in thin section of the St 'tut A regular CLASSICAL and SCIENTIFIC courie, or a thorough PRACTICAL and Commsnctm, education, in cluding Double Entry Book keeping aid Kactical and Ornamental Penmanship, Pen-Drawing:Ate . Students admitted et any time. For further par ticulars address Principalp. ar2B-3w • .1 Haines, SCHOOL: T F. BM/I,T respectfully informs the citizens _of_Way nests - mi. tht, t- ho will open- a aohnol for miles and females, on MONDAY, the - 31st 01 ;Walton, in the Eastern School House. ' Terms, moderate. lgo deduction made for lost time, unless in MSC of sickness of pupils. Mat2s3-3t • 141\T111111 ITICTOIIV • AND ,ZL3 ltE subscriber, thankfutfivrTast - patronage, still J solicits the same; and in addition to-manufactu ring ali kinds of worlod Material for Building Pulposes, such as SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW FRANIES, DOOR -FRAMES, FACING, MOULDINGS, &c.. &c. I am prepared to furnish all kinds of oak timhe for different purposes in Inidding, such as JO ICE, HAFT ERS, ',Atli. ST UDD LNG , PAIL INGS, SCANTLING, HOARDS, &c., All of which will be sawed to order, at short notice and upon reasonable terms. Also, sawing, I.ty mill and circular saws, of every description dories- Framing, Surfacing, Matching, Flooring, &c., &c. For further particulars apply to the subscriber, at Factory two miles southeast of Waynesboro. 1). F. GOOD. Jan. 17, 1861 • lI.'AL STONED; Druggist, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN HIS LINE OF SUSI.. NE99, WAYNESBORO', PA., Has not - only - got-back-to-his-"ohl-hu.sinessaut-t cr the "old stand!" Having fitted up the room now occupied neatly and having retuinc,l front the city with a fresh sup: of4ra ply., which he'has just received, . Fresh. Foreign and Domestic Drugs, ' • A large and general assortment of Medicines. Chemicals, Patent-Medicine, Dye-stuffs, Dry Paints and 'Paints ground in Oil, ' Oils expressed and •distil led; - , Fruits,green, preserved and dry, Confectionaries, Liquors of all kinds for,medicinal purposes, Books, stationary,fancy and miscellaneous articles, all of which he offers for sale. Thankful for favors received and hopeful of their continuance,he invites the public to call belbre purchasing elsewhere. Stoner offers for sale a lot of beautiful shells.-- Carbon - Oil which will suit for Kerosene Camps warranted not to smoke, can be had at Sumer's. Parratin, Crystal, and Benz°le Oflst also Cam phine and burning fluids • is for sale by Stoner. Stoner has a let of harrels,kegs, jugs, cans..sce. which he will sell very low. • Jan' 31. • TIIE undersigned intends opening a SELECT_ EIGHOPI., far males and females, in' the Waynesboro' Academy, on the 24tlr of 34A•ecn, '62. The courso of instructi9n will be.full and thorough; the government but firm. Theis vyil3 Be tt Literary Sudety held in carinectinawitnite - 01164. the ogert. of.- which'sviW 110.16. improve , morally;andlidellectnalfk, ' - • . 'PERMS:—Perifesiuuri•of_eleyen weeks: Curnnion English brafie.hea $2,50 Higher '• ."•, .: . 2 '4.09 Latin an Greek, with alpy 4 9f the alispiln 7 isteA U. 50 Doko-iceeping 'taught; gratis = ' • Marl— 4-A: A. Tzr, mot , - )131- itomFtist a LA 11 [ 1 Per:eleAlt s ,ltirOitSor ,: site•• 1 7 , -i .0:41. At-U,lzalL,lSt ligic,6 s : ' ; ' lik)ltatt,. 'i . ,.., , ,....,,; kt , ':".. —, ,449,- 977 -- 4,:,,va': , -;'. • .''' - . ... ":2•l6 — •',:•' v i4 c, ' ' , ' • S': - 7. 4 1 : '' • ol. ' l4 4:44 fs )ifili ' ' ' ''' s.. ....4 : ''•' '''. • .'. '','":''"'" ..:IV - :."1,› •• °••••+, i t• .'• , • NEW LIVERY. PUBLIC SALE. A. M. TRIMMER, Prin. Com. Department, W. T. 13 A RNF I'Z, A. M., Prin. Clas. Department LOOK HERE!! A SELECT IN: Ma' AND CLAStcle SCHOOL. EMEE LB. KURTZ , will cull an)l examine his stock; Below you will find eriumerated s ti -few ;articles Which will tte fouthl among his itoers, to whieh ho calls your attention: - • roil TIEE LAD/S3 ~ • He has a large assortment of Dress floOtlii Consisting in part of . Printed 'Mixt Cloth,' . ~ • . Printed and plain Delaines, . Cothilde. plaid, ' thilde-Ship ", ~ Plaid Mohair, Silk Warp Mohair; Parametti Cloth, . ' Printed ()Coburg, . • • . Printed Morino; " • - French Motind, , Madonna Cloth, ' , •,: Printed and plain Cishmeres;'.• , French and Doutestie Ginglutiti4i;:. Poplins, - - : ' '• ' ' Pongee Mixture, ' Lavella Cloth; • • Long and S'quaro,'Phibet .„ and Morino t"oltatvls, - Opera Clocking, Cloves, and ' • Hosiery, in great variets.• ' . . ' • • Gentlemen's Wear, Broad (Balls, Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Union Cassimeres, - Oiercoatings, Sattinets, • • Jeans, Tweeds, - Velyet Cord, VClvatine Vcatings of ail kindi, in fart a full assortment of goods for Gentleman's. wear. Also a large and well selected stock of 111 • LA• • II r % . _ _ Muslin, Ticking; akd a complete• a assorithent of Notions. It's no use trying to enamer.rte. If you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line, just call in and yell will find him ready to - Wait on you With pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell; they it to their advantage to bring it to Stu ver's,as he always-gives the highest market price. JO, give him a call, and he will sell you• Oods as cheap as they can he purchased elsewhere. • Nevl. 011 - 1. 41a U,Vilit. 1 Should you ask me, should you wonder, . Where to buy your Stoves antri c inwaiit; ' I would answer, 1 would tell you---z "Go unto the fine new store room Where the Big Red Horn, the sign is; There's the best Cook Stoves and Tin-ware, All's°ld cheap by 1), B. Russell.' [Prom the .Vongiof Hiawatha. lIE undersigned inkwniii the public in genera and especially those of his customers in want of anything in his hoe of business, dint be his cam 'acted now occupying his new and extensive ly enlarged establishment for the raanufacture and Salo OF TIN-MtltE,-SIIEEX-4-110N WARE, Reis now prepared to any demand for hie Cook—Stervesv-general Housekeeping Goods and Kitchen Ware, on such terms . i ts must give entire satietection. offered are of the best.and mast improved Itinds,and havinglieen tried are acknowledged to be' all that can be desired as good cookers and bakers; and ars easily kept clean. His own MANiTFACTURED WARE is all made with_o view to the wants - of customers from the best mitei.C. rial and is warranted in all cases to be good. Ho also keeps a large assortment of fancy articles. 1- 7 irSpecial -attention is,,,given—to - potting' up SPOUTING, made of the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has had a long and extensive ex= perience, • , Remember the sign of the Big Red Hors. Aug 9, 1860 D. Li "RUSSELL. MPORTANT NEWS' _jBEAVER, in connection with- his Variety _ o_Store t _has-com mencosi -the--rnanufacturing-of— ritruTS and SHOES in all its various branches.— Having employed Jeremiah Cooper as foreman, he is prepared to produce the finest, neatest and most durable work made anywhere. All are invited to call. A large stuck of Hats and CapsomJEasterrt, , mart. ufacturcri Shoes and Boots of the best make on hand; Clocks, Trunks, Rewire, Tobaceo;drc.,stc. You get tlaiiry Ifest k KEILOSENE therei . A re* fat Malta ire wanted. J. BEAVER. • Dec,6— it months. ACARD.—Kind friends and patrons, yoa have my warmest thanks' for your very lit paler', couragment.- Having discontinued the mtlxifltatti:s. ring of shoes &e., on my own account r and engaged:, myself with J. Beaver, at the Variety Store r I ? speak for him the continuance of your patronage Da come and ice us sh; ournew place, patronage Da Dec6' , , COUNlffit. " IMPORTANT' NO , A.l. persona knowing them ' iiidebted?o , tile undersigned byNote liiinleaccount aiir requepted to call and settle th ,a.tintion:or..beihre the first day of April, tut. longeCo'ittetigenect cannot possibly be given I.ks. L*O:TIEZRTON.• hiarl4-3t ~• , • ~ • • -4:- STOVES "PROM It+TEXIO.A.N I ROW:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers