- . Buffalo Uohes! tifre s stia No. 2,13.61tE5N . s qte 'mit • bileence, and will be' it - ",4ltit Store • :or ii,dokskin, Sheai-skin, Fur, #r-D,resaIILCIVES, at IfI)EGkAFFS', Hat Store - , thiposite Washington House;- • , liagoratown, - 4 itbittVtit'S! STAtiAIiE , at' the lowest cash rates, at • '•`-4 4. ,?.,a,A 3 .R.?; , :.:ISPIIVEPRAFFICHat Store 1 ~t;ii',Wwqr."; fir'.l,l: Qpposite Washington House, , " y*:,144,e,:j., , , -, •,••• . Hagerstown, Md. • ' .i,:i t ,, , t .;-;' , .7, , ~, 77-- , ' 444. ':' ''''' 3. llt:lCE CURRENT N - ..;N;• 'NINO N, --• OF '`''` 'BENEDICT & CO. „, -i., • ,:;;;-,-„,„,- „--Corrected 'Weekly. ' - '1 • 1'N' , ...,:•'-'-,',' -------. .::..WAYNESBORO , Mar 7... : 882. Bfftysiefij-k . :3. -- 15 Soar -- -- -' 4to 6 '''" ai* , l•;' , '. l, :,'• 7 TALLOW .- • , - 8 ,-fol,tiao . - v WASHED WooL -• 30 - ,r • ...^ , iirtas ' i-. - 7 UNWASHED WooL -20 ,r:• . ' ' shh4liter' k-7 PARED PEACHES 00 , .. . 00 , . ~..;.., . -... it', DRIED APPLES • - 00 41N, '-; ''' %;"-,•7 3 .121CE 'OUR - RENT ' .•",'-''. • -.. • ' —..-- ,rci-sfAli BESORE. ... , ! •.- , - Correcred,Weekly. n, ....., .. IiWAYNESBOR&, Mar. 7, 1.862.,' ~! ta n s n - --- ~.... • 15 10 l '7 N A ns i- I ll e nsr oW O ' ,Ol' ~ .g 0 ° 7 GLOVES SEED • , , - 1 0911 ' 8 .CHIOTOY I SSED -OH - 4u6 FLAXSEED / 1 00 , , : CAN;(hattes) 10 PARED PEACHES / 00 DA - Asines) 7 i Usesaso 44 ! 00 .. r' ; aphrtshonlders) 7 1 Datuo APPLES-, 00 .. .11A113411)11E 31 A.RKETS. - Ae 'Baltimore /UT:risen of THisday last. P u +— The • - it, • • he market foi M aur con. *ea lbii."4iteidedly Davy. The '4 - a4e 7,re - p - i4t - e - d - lirete onefiir - 1011bbls: , ilvard «Sfreet Super at $5 $O.- and' one 'of .sifibbls. dn. cut &are at 45.75 per -bbl.. Vbich lignites mori• chit'''. have been qiiote.•,llowartipStreet Super at .5 50 Shipping - in.ands F.li* 'at 41 1 6.124; do. at . 86.56.16 75. - • ; • (alfC/1;1N r it,is in quite light ?'up. thietmorning and:/pr all descriptyms market: was dui ,At the Baltilnore hangeThere wa however a little..busi dime. - Were some 2,000 hash, heat, m i d a nit 6,000 bushels Corn lee were made. of 300 eiliefat.at 132' eta , and hbout is (ion at 62 cts For white, for ielinw. There were also .s Oats offered. and a sale of 300 'entisylvania was made at 38 cis. —We queve Cloverseed-as be 25a4 37& for (air to cily pritnii, and Tirni» bushel. ft/ RS! )blierii "vet t 'at vOtige. 404 1101;1114.. :ageOtovin, Md. ' p-Wa.phington Nugent Own, Md. - 0011. $4 50 at $2.2. d inst., James s and 8 months thy rest. 'thought it best; ikon his road, ,as his God. Cr6o 9 katis, Wash i'the ZAutt.. %lie years, \4 ‘ months 'aala TCHEN FURNITURE. mg trOnove West will ibr residencli situated at refit, on S rutiunx the owing articles, to wit: "AGE BEDS' sets of I sone'olfai 7 &mitt's, ,ittap BT1ROt• g - 'Wagon, I - Weigh' with by, "blanket, .... .I . ag o r, B e a, 2 bnavy spn gs, . Aiwa, 3 Bacidles and 3 Ri. ding:Bridles I iv za, ,moivor,:iirimiii. pat. anti -" , • '`"' -- - --', .:--_-2 , :', 2ifiti laio - iii.... ri). h Tools, ti n 1 1 c o nsisting i t Pais 4:i Bellow 1; 0- til.; :I' *ice, i Screw.filates (one c largeinetWtili:rightlindietv.hona. ad thread mire ben - tiara-Be - men -14iindrik, Na'it oafs, tongS, hammers, punches, 'obiselit, ;knees and` .its; a lot otold and:ncw,iroir, and many,oiherstati. des not neceisory to 'mention, : .. ..--.\ ~ 1 -- SEcts - 16 -- 4Timmsnee ' at ten .o'clock On said any:- when 'due attendance and a reasioiable . ciidit Will be given by I JACOB L. HOLLMAN. „. Idar.B- 1 -ta 1... .. .. . - , PUBLIC' SALE, . . . 1111 Ht subscriber nitendtng .tatliScantinne her m i t . . J_'keeping, will millet publialeht at his residence' 2 mites southeast br Waynesbero', and in sight.of Stouffer's new Mill. oft SvrttanilY,' the 22d day e "111.asert, 1862, the 10114ftfig Pftilnwit . ; BE3 • MX) '' - tiVl''':-. 'a , 1312tratit 6 Bedsteads aril Bidding; 2 Dining:TU*o.l Mk- Jean , 1 corner - 0,10)01 I Kitalt'll thiPbourd; ,I safe, 1 Sink, I wood bo .2 Stands, l'desk, 2 sits Of Chairs, 1 eight.day Ol lt, . .. . .. . 0NE...000 IN,G STOVE; and pipe, I . Pallor stoves! pipe and drum, q 4 yards of Carpetittge i c -: t- 1300 11 7. 'EIGI - 1 \ Oi • B)i CON, .. ' . .300 Weig of Lard, sib f dirty Fat and soap Fat, s l i 3 meat V sell. a lot if der and flour Barrels, lot Kegs, 1 arrel of Vikgl iron Ketile, 2 - copper Kettles . wash tubs , nti , wash -initehine,,a lot of s, ft so p, lot of Tiniv, are Qutienware- ereid . panii, earVbaskets; ha11: 7 ,04h feed bucket, ijeck; 12 Cos Chains; 3 forks,l C arn, 2 sausage Machines, salting° sta ff er, 1 aheelb rrOuv. 1. Cross,Cut Saw, Ltrstrate cut Rifle, lot of. I ackiiiiiitliTools, Grind stone, hand,axe, hand saw, chisels, augers, mall and 'wedges; 1 sack salt; 1 new Wagdif Cover; and a va . risqf 'of outer articles ant necesetoy tefenumerate.. Sale tolcommence at 10 o'clock on wail day when a creditldr six months will be given ow all stink of $5 and Ppwards. RUB LPI - 1 sratt.mAN.: Mall' ts PUBBI SALE. . • ~ -4- i $.500 Worth or Furnittire. , IWILL positively sell, at my ebo in Smiths burg, on SATtrune? the Bib of Miir , 1863, the following Furniture: k, i EIGHT,I3U US, 2 two of which are :Black Cinu hooky-edged, and fro b Aquae W, i j in various at les soil sterns '1 '3O B E4O S fpS , All sizes and in di Brent styli's. 12 TABLES, in• clu ling Dining ontl Breakfast: Tables; I Mahogany Cord 'fable,-7 Safes, 5 Sinks;; , l Coiner Cupboard, 1 Wardrobe, a number of Wash nn a Other Stands, 13 dozen Sets of /Wood Seat CHAIIRS, a number of Split button Chtiirs. inc'uding Rdching and Arm Chairs, a lot of Dough-Trays, TrUntile Bedsteads and high haek.Reciting Chairs, and loony other ar ticles of this description. I...:ale'to comnieuce at 9 o'clock on said day. . A credit of 6 Months will be given on all sums of $5 and upwanl4, the _purchas er giving note with approved semaity. ' Feb2B. it 0011.NEILeS C. REESE. PUBLIC SA.LE. rrIHHE undersigned will sell et Public Sale, at their father's residence,'near the Nunnery 13 miles Nortlnd Waynesboro' ;and l mile smith of Quincy, on Tuttrisoar the 6th. of March next, the following property , to•wit:' GOOD wohK Makes. one of Wish is. with foal and a 'meal wagon and plow MIA, 2 yearlim; Colts, 6rat - rsite,OWS, 3 Cloves kip' two to l•pree olti; 2 fillb . hog.t 1 fine Carnage nearly new linct. Harness; 1 first rate Plow, Harrow nearly new t ' 1 ttetuble and 1 single Shovs;plPlow, fiftlmi9J,_car*ln, double and single trees, 1" big ehalh;ltit and breast chains, 6 (Inky chains; 1 ih"O't.... Potatoes, I bid. of Vinegar,l pair Breechban6qp . scti.t,kot - Went Geari, with traces, hents;:' collars, bralles,4.e.. 2 sets - fly. nets, forks. rakes,,,:shovels, 1 good Grindstone, 3 ' grain cradles, mowing scythes, 8 blots Plaster, 1 riding saddle and bridle,2 bedstead , I table, bar . - refs; boxes, meat vessel , with many other articles not _necessary tonfsition. Sale!to commence at 10 o'l:Nick on saidllayi when a reasonable credit will be given on all sumo of $5 and upwards, 'purchasers giving notes with-approved security. Feb2B I t AWOL dr tHENAV DV; .R ) •FLo.y FEE 'AND P.R.OVISIONRE T r l HE subscribers wotild inform • 'citizens of 11 • ,Waynesbcro ,that they have wiled'a flour, Feed and Provision' Store in the roi n'favinerlY .0 c • ciipied by Joseph Price, opposite t . residonce of John Deli, where tliay will at all , mss ht"'l for sale I, 11l iis *i on She : - the. riAz f 11E4 IF , edged, 1 a Ma d Cherry, ma,le 111 KINDS, LH D LIPP OF IoRN, ki2,-0 v . -• •,-, : -,-, . • - ••••-:-.-, --i'' '-.: ; 1 -1. •,,--, , - • - ...t: ,- -.7,.‘1• 9 ..L. , ,,, ,-, : •,,, 6', ~'. • '.• , -;•" , ,r,,,'1" ,' • : , '"..........:;i-••, - -?•". 71 ,, , :":;•..:-.•,.' :i.:; , ' , .. , ' .2 . " . - ''''' '• - • r - i.'• ~e 'l!.•' .: • ...,-..:',',f :•,,- i,txi , .•,•.-, ~ .-•-.•?.. •: : ‘ - - ' ,', " .. ;' ,... '. 4:- ;;; ;- , -,'",.• • :::.-: 7.. A -4 -',''' "- c - ,C#:!.::',;;Z : :::;"*".:::- - - -, ',-;: , '. ;. ~ ;,--;•-," ::',' ' ,;;;;'' ; ' ~ :,, ' '' -.4- ..51.... , ti:46,k.% L i54,1 1 af,11 , .: , " 4 ,: , dripp'ji,..-Zsii.:.V.i , i ,, i,•;,::;-:3;" , ',...44Z4NW,fr..::;,. , ,v-,4.,-:-a,t,,.4 MEE .. , ,••-, r , ,, , ,,. - .77,77? - 7 1, ,- 1 .. 40 ,7, -...:7,7 5 ;:j ; "5:.....* -"..';. , -"„ : .; 4 , i , , , -, : • 'i,:t' , „:4•,...;,.,‘.:.,..•a.F00...'..0' vi. -- - , ..;1. ~, ' ' : : „•; 47.. , ,, ~. Witttl l eif ' and ' ' niittoie:' Of ", iretit , , , - Ail; tint' OttetigAi - ' our ;once h 41`45,r.,144`..,4etti.y ! f 7. • vzottu' rerice:Oth7;tZtttnittil"iltii;Patt #oliiger for the eicretell eent4'eeVier.t).6i , *: ini )friona The fneKrainnte, i'lfiec*.tlt. 7 l tteleted. - 'Tel 'One ell.this.anflutiiiiii , 43o'n'tiriv.l ~Pother scenes are 'on'tinually tionsiiiiii* it' . twit* the *kinds of 'the peoplo,and lately this et* I . munt hie, treen (vestry, astounded' ty the 'ultimo, t . . , .. . . j r) 0 lA,III3ESOII-Lis'S S - .-T 'O. R E.- toa 'linen IhO , cause of this exciteineut, which 1;ti0.,, 16 bit. the , ' .• , - r: , . j ARCS :- STOCK 'or , . - . . - . , - . . , he has just received, and the LOW raions they are sold at• nevertheless the great cry of "High Prices" caused by - the war, which is shown'to be false by an examination to the magnificent stock of goods offering at the above establishment.' , - You wilt find a - netted assortment of all kinds of ioods such as SILKS, V ALM:RS, • SCOTCH PLAIDS, • . CASHMERES, LAVELLA CLOTHS, MOTTLED - MITI. RES, SOLPE BIN° DEIAIN ES, REP. RO UB AIX, and a variety: of &her DRESS GOODS -ALSO SILK V•ELVETiv CASSNERS, CLOTHS. and all kinds and styles of Gentlemen's Wear, with a great la of all kinds of Goods usually kept in Way nesboro'. The undersigned tenders his regards t o his nu merous friends and patrons, end hopes a continu ance of favors. • hierchants.throncli this country can find gootla at Eastern \khakis:do prices by calling at Before's, thereby siifing height and other ilisailvantagei. Persons demi-Iris a nice Sharpe's Repeater can be accommodated by &Mug soon; also cartridges for - . the same. All kinds of produce recd in exchange for goods at tho regular- prices Clct•11 DEALER IN MUIR& CUTTERY, &C., Ilas returned from the Cities with a large arid well selected stock i.f Gimds Ile now offers fur sale at los; prices: ' Iron,Steel, .. Nails, , Axes, Rope, Robes, STOVES (PARLOR AND TEN•PLATE) CARRIAGE WARE, CEDAR WARE; GRINDSTONES, • (A superior kind* llor4shoes, Traces, names SHOE FINDINGS --AND - 141.6113 Knives, Forks, Spoons, &c. • ALSO ®t Na C uzi .ct est -rx, 4xl AND IFIL.LERS , On anew and imAroved plan , nt lb~ prices. He invites his old customers and the tra - • • - orally to examine his stuck beri)re pure acing else where. • H. r:rI'ONEHOUSE. Nov 1:1866 PRESII ARRIVAL 12111 NE ER Confectionery, Fruits, &c., &c., &C. THE bubstirib9r takes this method of announcing to the people that he has received at Itis'llrug store,' a large cud carefully selected stock of • FRESH DRUGS, ienticali . , 7 Patent Medicines, -Paints Oils P drs,-window-Gtass; -- Putty;rb acco, Snail, b . egars, &c., which he is now prepared to "sell as cncap.as the cheapest _and ail! assure his custom eni that in regard to quality which is of the first ima portance, his path:- will compare with any is the market. • He has also ,a splendid assurtnient ,of Perfumery. PUJpa and Toilet. Articles. kinds, consisting in part. of the following, viz , -- Toth - odes; Ant'.er anttilears' Oil Colognes, - Extracts for the, Nandkerehicf, I.y.nt's Kathairod, Ifurfiet's Cocoon/0, ' .--•klitittiiiiit's.J.adies' soap, 'Honey'Snap, • • itntel - ariarre--7- • - Diamond—White Soap.' 'ECTIONERY, FRUITS, acc Cratiberrieg,4ainitil,„figg, 'Pinking, Curiants, Jeg,•Ustron, utg of all .and Cuudiekrof, ettlifio:grarieff.. • Kol'in'tou l'au!.l l6 4o l tuP- 40 0 1#35, and • Ortushig, IConginito ilurning Pint, Id in tfact'auything L iginf:orerything stint ogir3uallsr wood in* drusatti7g. , . • , Thankful Sur kind Alicia Arid ,paironagliteretti.• idro,hvglowett upon holm, ,lin,ablinits guintnausicenti Abostung‘inial !lopes 4hut by osidnavurlog to phiggal,ii onillidlige of the'peuine.; ••• „Phygiditinglithsoritotton g tmoqiiayk s wid.caeg4nlfk coinianitideil at .4. •,uug 449., 1840 : • L . X'Leklitiklitssortrnent of ' ••••• `KEN OSeN E, 34 3 ,5; And ' 4ll p ;RA 16.116/i. N 0 a Jia.ti 24.44`.i8 I A Ici F 1 (RON'1 . 1"11'1 , It• t . IM1;=!1!!! iostAirgEson: THE suliserrier respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally that he has o pened a l.ivery Stable in Way neaboro , and is now prepared to accommodate the public' aterally with RISES & VIRICLES,4OOftg lg. at the shortest notice., day, or night.- - Persons desirous of hiring, either for riding ur driving, would, do well to give him a.call. His stock bas been selected_with `great care • as re.! garde gentleness and speedy traveling; and his !ig gies and carriages are all in good condition. - • The ihoi stock will he kept at the Stable SilDr. Jahn Oellig. Persians wishing to ni c e : w ig pl ease apply to the.untlereigned at Bowden's Hotel. - " . /OWN 'Ol - . „ , . irt , alll itabrancheit, ! ncivir better. prepaid than !OttteriV,lo.,aceontmodate those -deal! pretty: "'cork in itialinc't Ail worlenrili be viecuttal !rho. trto tiOtr-yeaeottOie ti•latt4:: • :EDI/akin' to thy' • Notate. for_inejitterat encouragement- heretofore e*, I,•4cuitad. Inotoll.l4te n - eatitittoestatof titeiriatrontike; *M s /deo lotaale_a_tot Of l'ulthar cooki c utatid-tOttr,ituitt‘ ei v i:( T 11 4 ti % ttt'r.' '';~e - ,,401 ;At' • ' . ":".`2",gc:: s ';' , l , 4*.ti:Aitr - ., , • • -.rt . :- •= 4 4 . 4 7,0:1 7 Vt"' 1 . 7 ' : _4; . •• ' f lut:sx‘t ' MEE 4 - ,:r' : , -:•=1 - --. . r= A 4 t . t . ,: , ~ . ,•- 0 , , ~._ -.-' ' , -.: - .. , ' - :' 1 ----- ' - . -'OO r, - •.-,:.', ,, ,,'}-,- ,, ; , ,- 2 , .. , ' ,, ,.: ..,. i tit ~ , - - - ~, 1, ' : ~ ,-, ' , ' ''. • • ', ~--, ',-,, , • •,,, •:; ,:- • -. ~,',.i:•-•`••,; ,''.ii., ' ,-', - . . :,. • ~„ , . , ' , . ,•• , , ' ' GROCERIES . : ~, ,.. illEgifillILIMIlki:::14 4 : - K . GEO.': STOVER, Va HAN K FUL for kind 'favors and patronage here tofore bestowed upon him, again appears before the public to solidi a eontinuance of the lie having just returned from the tittle - re cities with a fine end Well selected stock of NEW 'GOODS Which he intends selling at very low rates, which he knows he can do to the satisfactica. of all who will call and examine his stock. . . Below you will find cournerated a few articles which will be found among hie stock tO which he ails your atteution. .FOR THE 'LADIES • , ! Ho has a large assortment of Dreg Goods consisting in part of . I Printed Tla ill e t Cloth,, Printed and plain Detains, • . . Cothilde plaid, ‘ • , Cothilde Stdpe, Plaid Mohair, Silk Warp Mohair, • .. '' Puratnetta Cloth, • • Printed Cobtirg, . ' Printed Minim - French Miniti'4, Madonna Cloth ! Printed and plain Cashmeres,- . French and Domestic tiingliams, Poplins ' Pongee Mixture, . Lavella Cloth, . ' Long and Square, Thibet and Morino Shawls,— Opera Cloaking, Glows, and Hosiery, in great variety. Gentlemen's Wear, Brood Cloths, Black and fancy Cassimeres, Union Oassimeres, Overcoatings,• • Smtinets, Jeans, • Tweeds, ' Velvet Vora, Velvatine • Vestings of all kinds, in fact a full assortment of goods for Gentlemen's wear. Also a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, ['IT?- camp ee a assor anent it Notions. 'les - rrii use trying to enumerate. 11 ynit want anyinlng,..at all in the Dry Goods line, just call in and you`willfind him ready to wait on you with pleasure. - To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it tp Sto ver's,as he always gives the highesrket price. So give hitn a call, and lie will sell.you goods as cheap as they can he purchased elsewhere, I.Novl. 1861 cg Oontirient,al Hotel , " WAYNEBI:IORO', THE undersigned having recently taken the a bove named Rouse, tbrinerly known as the "Globe Inn " takes pleasure n announcing to his friends and the public drat he is pre fisred to . receive and 'entertain attests at a style not to be excelled by any country Hotel. 'rho House having been thoroughly repaired and newly _furnished with eve ry thing calculated to make his guests comfortable public may restmssured that they will at all times find it in a condition suited to the comfort and convenience of the traveler. His Bar is always sup plied with the choicest Liquors, and his 4 1.!siale with ea e the best the markets afford, and all other appltr es suitable and necessary for the accommodation o Man or beast: With faithful uud obliging servants and bra own personal attention and supervision.. . ar - leavemo means'unsparcil to merit public pa tronage. s,'The proprietor assures those who may favor him with thew - pat:image that they shall _ever meet at , his hpnaea cordial itixeptien, ,and that everything_e, `sential to the conveinetice:' - iiiiirh.ippitiess of his guests shall be atterulcal to. ' —'" June 21,, 1860 ' t. B. KITRTZ PUBLIC SALE lir 110USEUOLD FURNI • .: THE undersigned, intending to leave, will <ell a I public out ei y, at the Parsonage on Mechanics Street, on 'AITItI)/tY 'MARcH 'Erni, his household furniture, compri,ing I HIGH-POST and 1 COTTAGE BE,PSTEAD, 2 Washstands, 1 set of Cane-bottom and 1 se' of plain Chairs, 1 MAHOGANY' BUREAU with looking glass, 1 Wardrobe, 1 Dining T a ble, 1 Kitchen Table, 1 Study Table, 1 Parlor" wood Stove. 1 small coal Stovert cushioned Rocking &Zaire, I Bookcase, 1 pair Veuitian Bfinds, Cur. pets, oil cloth, etc. Also his excellent faintly- , L.v...0 CD W. LW a , well gaited; Saddle/and Bridle, stable ittplemenbs; of a tett of Hay, rte. Terms mode Known on day of sale. Sale to Corn` moripat-two-o'clock: ' H. W. SII - PEII - , --- Fcb2l—ts G. V. Mt'ao, Auct. NEW .LI STS AT TB 11111-halig THE' FORT. filCiP 111 E ANTIETAM CREEKS. 112,,suliseribcilnferrils his euswme.re and the o . hidieirenerallt tint he continues the • , 1514',14-CKB.ll.ll`Ht., 461131.181-NEdS , •; 4 • NW 4 ". .4 0:4 , s, „. ar,,T,' .;;;;`," .1( • r :.1 . k 1 5i ' "," t , , „-;':, :,•••• ;',....; .„,: •,'. :i , ,..... ,:....;::,'1,7k . ,-;',. 3* :; 4j + :ll4l :i.if l i4: , "iii ' O i ji .4 gitiiiiliktiii: -'',.:.,',,, ' . . v . --it-Rs-‘ igain . 4,7,4ioe4 ., i'io - -iii„ ,, Jiii - gilti. iiiiii , l4 04 . : x - s_ Bikiteiii bitiii; and sifilwptiati:of,Aii.” ii.Oici ....:. stock.' of , .•• :..,-,_ ,•:,,,,..' tittithiNi: titt6iilletto, ,: ,tigid,:l764. ' '• •',-• ~ ' ~ .. Ingo. '. An otihe,:Atoiily AsiiinprAitt.t . sTii,e§.-, ~..--".. 4 . , • , , 'His, stock of-PRENCH - OLOTP3 tfoit':CAOt• HERBS he Calla particular attention to, rits"„ the best in towrr. . Akio, ontrof the best - insiottments . 'Of FiTITSIIIIIINtS,Goons•isi town-=ail rettil.)...fortheir .'itt. spection and benefit, and kindikaiks-atall from ill persons desiriaus of bilyina , 'Goads u. his line, ht 4 - - . .. ^ -Mt ti.Do' . LlPlX:dr4iioiisiPa .. In the NEWLY rittzt) ROOA, next iloor, - to Upriegraffo, Hagerstown, Mil„ . [fort:, 3,,ispi], „ lATIETiIit FACTORY: .• AN Q V - a HE Subscriber, thankful for past patronage; still t ‘ li solicits the aamm.and in addition to tnanufastn ring all kinds of worked, • - rdatetial•for . lituilding - -PurpOttera, • - - - such as • SASH, DOORS, SfiU'FTERS,' • BLINDS; FLOORING, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR • FRAMES, FACING, MOULDLNGS, I em prepared to furnish ail kinds of oak timbe for different purposes in budding, inch` s JOICE, RAFTERS, LATH, STUDDI.NG , PA IL INGS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, ' All of which will be sawed to order, at short notiec and upon reasonable terms. Also, sawing, by mill and circular - saws, of every deseiiptiogolone• ' Framingrturtheing, -Matching, Flooring, &c., & c. For further particulars apply to the subscriber, at Factor two miles southeast of Waynesboro. D. F. GOOD.: Jan. 17, 1861 Pictures, PictuOs. TIM undersigned takes this' method of inform ing the citizensof Waynesboro' anti vicinity , tt-at he has purehised the Daguereian apparatus of of Mr J. 13. Sesser, and is now prepared to take all kinds of Pictures at the very lowest prices, wnich are guaranteed to he as truthful and life-like ettrany offered to the public. He • has just leceived.a new stock of common and fancy cases of all sizes and styles, which he can sell very cheap. - Pictures ta ken for 25 cents which can 'be sent through the mail to any. P. 0. in the U. S. for six cents. Call and examine for yourself whether you want work or not; he charges nothing, for showing. •, Hewill be happy to seo you. Gallety in the Town Hall. Ft. b 7 J. H. W__l . • . PUBLIC _ SALE. on ILL be sold at public sale, on SATURDAY the V- -Stlt DAY o r Mattes, next, at 1, o'clock on they said day, the following Real Estate, situated on 'Ste- Main Street in Waynesboro', bounded by lots of So Peter Benedict, Wm. 11. Miller and others, to wit: '°T 1 LOT of GROUND, containing thereon a TWO - STORY STONE ' DWELLING 'ROUSE. with ' a BACK-BUILDING attacked; also—a Two Story . BRICK DWELLING DOUSE, - together with - a - BARN, - Carriasre House, and all other necessary buildings thereon erected Vonilitions will be made known on day of sale by WILMAM ITA MMET I', Feb 7 libireutor of David If atinmett.,dec!,l.-1 TUESDAY, MAROII 111 1 6, 1862. cci HE undersigned intending to quit farming will I .lt sell at his resident: n• the mu! teading__front_i Hynes oro' to Quiney,-i mile south of the Nun.' nerY following.persmal property, to wit: SIX. HEAD OF AIR II 0 1111 reiriThiell, , is an exceltattt tiding and driving Mare; 4 Celts, t three yeats,'2 \two years and 1 yearling, 14 HEAD',CATTLE 9 among. which arc 3 MILCLI COWS; 5 STEERS, and 6 yam; Calth , TWENTY HEAD OF ITOGS, among which are 3 Brood Sows, 3 j c iantation Wagons, - DNB ROAD WAGOINV.,,'•,',', with bed, 1, Spring Wagon, -1 lino Falling Tap: BUGGY, I pair Nat'ood !Adam .3 pair of Hay Ladders, 2 tight Beds, ono nearly new; 1 SELF-RAKING REAPER, 2 drain drills,l pate 4A r't spring If ay and drain Rake, 1 revolving Hay Rake 1 Corn Grinder; TWO THRESHING 11 .1 CHI IVES and Horse Powers;. 1 Wheat Fan, I large two horse UAHRIAGE, I.. Sleigh, 2 Wheel Harrows; a lot of Harshoar Plows, Single and •lloubie Shovel Plows: 2—Gorn - 6`tivereng - 3 --- Hiirrows, smile, double and trebble trees; 2 sets of Brecchhands, 4 sets of front Gears, a lot of Plow Gears, t set of fine Harness, Collars and Bridlca;Aly nets, spreggirs, butt and breast chains, log,,halter and cow. irlrains, fact of 1111ACKS : 141111 Totn.s, a/large-Idt of old bon, .1 . Jack Screw, mattocks, shovels, hoes,forks and raki.ls, Grain Cradles nod 314 Owing Scythes; &c., and Ma? ny ottaetarticles noknecessary to,fruition. bale to coinnicitce4t.l' o'clock on said day `tylien a credit of nitro months will tie given utrall.setsts of 5 and upwards, the purchaser.giving;nots.fi'ith op. proved security; all sums under $5 cash. ,? JACOB F t cbt4 G. V- a, Auct. THE lock "the pub) itieluding , 'l44:,:cdse. Cent he warm:ilk than the elu htineling, has al, have large. a etal. TI, by' atrict _please all; 10 • Fel,2ltf LICEttZe M. M ' tP air -hinted I in laratei • : VF4*Yt 2 • .c.410,7T, ~.~~~-. Public Sale. _ • rA. - -',.. '' . - - f . : --- .:::.': - I''',' .-.4- iiiiiitv*Elt•?:?:;.‘,,,-,;,,,!517-.4: iratiA ', ..,::: '-.7r:,-r:;..7, ',-.,;t..,:,-c.-...;..'.:!.':-:,.7.5. • -.:,_ - - -: '- : -‘-'?'... ..- :-.. . ;.-..., - -,,,,.. ~ , , . .- , - - '7.- - - .-..'....?,',?A'... . -'.. .-,-... -.•--..;-' ~. ~.4,..., : T., : --'„, .•:,.. , -2,,,.r4,- c , 7 , :4 - ?:‘,.2'.-`, ' ,i..',...,;,,. 2 .‘. '-,-„,-,,'..., ,1-,.;.,... , ,1.? . ;- . . .., .. . , . . ; , i . ~...;,...........„, ~...,;,. L., !err„'.- - . , _ ... .. IXTE . felPeetinitt in'forin-cinr; persons twisti to:, pureinc4o: cheap , , - ,i-:: - :,- DRY . : -.C:O.',o:iri:S7.'i,:-;-'! that are have ind,rettirnea and are now receiving-, o hirge and well': aeleatid assortment' of . . of all kinds,,paterns, 4ctrie ie. and prices, which-we:- .. promise 16 sellltis - cheap;-aii an as Etir terins. as . - any other hodso in town or Country,. and , .confident we can deal with irl'auch 41, Witmer, as to giye.entire satisfaction The folloWing.cotnprise pad of our Stock which is always ou hand. . DRESS GOODS of all kinds for Fall and Vlrintar.iwear A locos ; • • Merinos, Cuburgs; • 1)c lietoss, ' Plaids . • Sleeve's, • • Prints,. 1 4 - Hoops, Skirts. 4'11"-Z1 = rail - atilt - Wititer, 'GOODS. • Casslinces..• . - ' Caisinetts, ' Cloths, Velvet Satin, Cocd, - • Fustian. ra vats, Collars. lireast9, 1 k'fa, A HEAVY LOT OF DOM - tSTIO‘ GOODS: • ' - Mos:ins, Sheering, Shirting, ••••• nent,uUrg r ' ' i TOWC - Blanket Robes, • Over shoes, Shoes, ' Dopts, - We tender our thanks to all our friends and cue• touters for the liberal patrontige , heretotbre exteudiiil to us and regtu.st a continuance of the same, - BERSON , BE EDICI' &yo, Jan. 10, 1862. IMPORTANT !aft „. . . FRO AI , - ,.-'4. -- - . ' ';' '' . . . , ” . ItEIWAN ROW! -. ' T., BEA,VI:7It, in connection 'with his Va'riety' 0 . store; has iiiihmence 1 the Inahufacturing et" : BOOTS and •bllO ES in MI its various•lirinehes.— Having employed Jeremiah Cooper as' foreman, ho •., is preparidatipro titled the" finest, neatest and ineit . (linable work made anywhere. All are invited to eull.— A large stock of Hats and Caps,and Stiotterit man.. sicauttirettlithoes and 800 of the beit "make;'m Chkks, Trunks' ~. gars, Tobseco;:&e:;Kare. You get tho . :tery, hest KOItOSZYs./g . there. fat Hogs are wanted. '; • .1. .1111AY/1.-.:':-.2, Dee,6—‘lllol2th.9. • . . , . ItC:t friends.ra' ^ =patrons , You' hri my wannest than 4 for yont veryoiberak"uni, couNganetit.i . . , flaying discontinUO *the: rttanufactu. xif lg. effoei &C., on my otirits,accouncanking.;agetl. .ipyseif with J. Deaver, at riay for him 'the contiinkanCe el pdttpattoilail~, 7 Do coin% lasi sec us at out new placn. 7 Doc 6 ' J. COOPER: .: . • .T 0 311.1 C AND - rtiii.tlr, TO a: _ '<~'' MEE 1. -. rl.'+`..l'" -"f • ~giruggAst,l ~~~j Y " c ,f :° ~, ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers