Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, March 07, 1862, Image 2
fit: #ifs trenort il , o*ito 0 . 0 iionstiootemi.‘ k-- beteiapproved: by the Peal 7 - law:. ThU iltiJe• '' Itieett.+Ott by the. conferees, --eitthorMes 1 406: '*1',v114:094.000 1 / 4 _ot Tretopry. 044, niform shitilitude. and a legal Ciernlit its theOeynieiir of itit lt orith4tatati _the fifty mil :lwottiof the lily issue as cootie* it eonve.. wilelitY in , be done. -make* the new notes " - ' 'per luri_sb eat any time in eta neat. twe e yerair bondi;'tailaeinabletit the pleasure of thateitedgliaa after five yea* makei ibie-interest on tint itigei and bonds pays - Win eoin.lind (a new 'reature) rnakee the, 111Itinn 00:itap'ortit also paytibtfrin coin. and ilevottot them In - Ole payment of the interest on the antes' and bonds end The creatioh CI a sinking funnby setting apart • one per eons, of the amount. The provis. ions insisted on by the Senate, sutkorieing the Secretary pc the Treasury to sell six per cent. bonds tot what they trill (etch, in' order to raise -coin for interest is re sialted in the bill. fill the fonded dEbt is exempted from taxation. Authority is ' to:temporarily deposit demand note:. to the extent pf twenty-five millions. on an interest of si x per cent. after thirty days.. _ New made Patriots —And exchange saps it is wonderful whet* a difference a 'Union victory makes in the way that some 'people regard the rebellion. There are 'fellows around who have fur months been decrying the war, who have persistently argued thlst the government could never **cooper the South;" that the longer the Wit continued tte'stronger and more de •""termin'ed the rebels -avould become, and 'lttat the only 'true policy was to recognize zheindepentlance of the „,34 14 1 04 • ,„ „ :**444ttit '4444 -!!"k 4 .„'"1" , ? :afintag e r ie - litAire • • • • .iii „ neatly ;01:.03*ri.i04 for lk,- - 114*.' nt.ii - ache., ;the but natural 1144 . 4'!i j!'!';elligOi fly Ant shall lie done enit' H '4.:tAt leader* of Rebilliont seems to be 'iv get ital-deit;rts that Om Whii,insugitr vated.this-rebellion.,thoold,not Mins punti ,ishment, but 'the character of:the pnntsh .;,! ht tole administered is yet en , 'open iineetton:' - Nobody desires . to ..see %twee puled whit .reside in the South 'and re.. slate :the rebelliott as long-ai they could, and when-they could resist no lon' ger, were forced into the rinks and. Obli ged itocitit against the gloriOus old - ;flag oioe Stars and Strilieai. • We are ware that there , srethousands of this class , with %Irons we had to contend, and to wards such-the utmost tendernesi and com passion should be elioWn - , for they are not traitors at heart. But 'what shall be done with Ouch double distilled traitors as Jeff Davis, 'Fariggigi Wigfall; Yancey, Rliett;' Breckinridge. Toombs, ileauregard,. Duck- . ner, Price and a host of others who sin ned against the United States Government with their eyes wide 'open and put the ball in motion which culminated in one of the most unjustifiable and hellish rebellions that the historian will ever reword ? ” The universal answer is HANG THE , TRAI TQRS, that whets may be deterred from imitating their _conduct' and sharing the same fate. They have desolated the land rhem have *robbed many a wile; of her hue _hand. They have made many a sister weep scalding tears of grief over the death oilier beloved hrother, the widow and the - orphans cry to Heaven fur Vas °RANCE. ) . I lit MS) - The shedding of blood and" the taking u 1 life. by any means whatsoever, has al• been, re A' Word of advice.—We would suggest that our impulsive people be not led away by the recent victoria. into a belief that all is hereafter to be fair weather for the Union cause. Reverses may come, and we should not he over confident •of final 'etas immediately on the announcement sing:le-victory. however impor tans.— )ine that- much hard fighting is yet le. and we may come in fur a full he reverses. That the cause ni will triumph in the:end we have doubt. liul that the end is .ough a series of brilliant -tories, with no draw iieve. The re' ~ - ; ', , 7 , - ; , : , -- , , y,':, ! ' ,•;";.!,,,-_',!i',.)'4;;-Z. ~; ~:..:~--T--- ~ . 71, .* 04 . 4474***41` l'o*efiii torti-40,)tiiii!iii. Hsi( men' nn .stet;Cott ; tlan Furl way.. that blytt''Otiiiredtsiithiti a tre;cit',..t6W,ttso4 - he gathers the following eithOst Atretet!iltle stories of Atie barbarities fliCtird: 'de ) ! Vision Ten their _rebel One 'mart *iity• - fiiir years rold; attacked by •tr large 'force. !tinged to" starender. and alter, being mortally Woundel. big first• slain lour of his assailants, was propped up on the roadside end sixty bails fired into hie body. • Ant:rarer was hanged with' out trial. and hie nit Compel's'' , in nit. be neath the gallows and witness the agonies. 01 his dying father. Two others. Onob• trusive quiet Citizens. were called at mid night from their. beds. - and in the presence of their wives and .brutally shot down; and noi content with this villainy, their homes were stripped - of everything. Even the wearing apparel was from their wives and little.ohti. and they turn ed naked into the streets. Many equally brutal instances are related by honest. candid men, whose testimony none would doubt. •Such *re the sufferings of a people whose only crime is a relusal to become traitors. Or The report that Columbus, Ky., had been evacuated by the rebels is fully &.on firined by the official despatches forwarded to Washington. Cominander Phelps, who was sent with a flag of truce to the town. returned to Cairo yesterday. with the re• port that the hegira rind commenced, and that the rebels had fired their quarters. which, with 'a quantity 'of army stores. were destr9yed. Large fire were also seen in the town. indicating that the torch had been applied to it. The. belief prevails in Cairo that our loners have occupied the 'post. Commodore Fooie is doing enough t flective work on the , Western w ty Land have been _perp speculators• Going..4'shore. , —A Roatooke dent of the Buffalo Courier says: I have just returned from the Islam!. I have been there two days; have seen anti talked with genuibe Secesti. They are the, greatest set of men I ever . saw.• . Talk bout green Yankees—ti.ey can't begin t i;h these _men. They are the most miserable looking set of men 1 ever.saw. They think we are going - to take away their re• ligiors ri&s. and even imagined we were going to are them to New or and hang them. t they The following is the battle song of the Fifty first regiment: as sung hy :Lem as - "oast ill .1n Caro. , • j ;4;1 ' .4 "*. • 7 1,11 , -"Prr l t itt ••4,F, lll2 „.(• - satt, elir' • - • sii.tebtn:rili;47;llllT,',h!*" . Pet• -- .**o 'the kitiint thoon:ttleh i this bout ss p ellt)! ih ihis region, as Count**. lest nin. Poor Fellow.—"Mitere is a 'man in Mil .tawn whb wants Our office , pnliethinWn.- •Straws chow wh'iih way tile wind blown:.' 4 • ,ScAaal„ , —We have'been4tilitated wan . nounce that Dr. T. I.: HuiOn wilf.npert-his spring . and_suanmer 'School hot: bils , and girls, on Monday the ,Tith, inst., in the Eastern getinol House,?- I?equest.—The first Of. April is op •proaching. and we therefore earnestly re quest those in arrears to call and settle their accounts. The purchase of new type this sp - rini will increase very eohsui• erable our pa) ments. end !mice this appeal 'may be - espeeial one. 4nother Arrivat—Otir' friend Beavan of the ogriety Store" returned , from poi• adelphil last week with another supply 'of - new goods. consisting' of boots and Wet. hats and caps. and other articles such as are usually kept in variety stores. Give him a call. The Election.—Our readers will bear in mind that the election 'tor • Borough and Township officers will be 'held' in this . place, on the third Friday of !Larch, the 21st. Select English and Classic School —By reference to our adyertising columns it wilt be seen that Mr. A. A. I,Ecnunica. will open in this place, on the 24th ins - t., a Select English and ("lassie Scht4ri: See terms. The Traitors' Boons —At. the rives, of fi eve ra I individuals who . were nut pre, 'ilent at the Exhibitiiii) olithe 24 ult.. .we publish on the first page to-day the speech delivercd by Milky BONI:BRAM: on that `he Sales.-- We learn front' pesonne who spring. that those selling have general!, realized lair prices for tl - eir property.-- Illorsee and cattle, especially sell *ell, good cows in some inguanaes selling as high as,s3o anu $4O per head. . ' An Interest 7 ng Scene —Tile Hagerstown Herald says. some four or five thousand persons repaired to Williamsport.on Sun day last to witness the passage of the Fed wl troops over the Poiomac into Virgin ia. The sight was very inspiring. the bands playing Dixie as soon as they reach e I the' shores of Secesh, and the men emering lustily, which was heartily re sponded to by' the crowds who lined the shores on this aide t;l•the,river. Sneaking Coward.-11 a man of the least-moral courage imagiMea,.that he has been wronged by another. his first„impulse will be to seek an , explan4io6lit know whether his suepieiniiis.itts ititinded and, if 'so, whet,' 4#llriteli" Bot, not, to with , the iking coward-mph - aliens hiltiffif up with iers eqUaly craven•heartetrAW secretly t injury to the accused persOrt., AVe ,not how fair his exterior way be,there 'be nothing too debasing (or such a :attire t o resort to: Intriguers will lase make a note. • The Ladies Relief .fissociritior,.—The lowing is a list" of the different articles warded by . the Ladies" Relief It asocia -1 of this plane, to the Seminary Ilospi at Georgetown, D. C.; i 3 shirts, 40 pairs of drovers, 20 do len slippers, 37, do._ half hose, 71 pair tens. 0 gowns, 13 rowels. 1 comfort. ,1 !riet. 1 sheet, 2 quilts; 24 cushions. 11 idles of bandages. 34' lbs. soaP. 7 paCk• of dried frait, I package "Of -beans, 1 driisd bief.-I—c-iiiik pig.foot jelly, 2 jars of applebutter, 1 jar iintiatoe pickles, 1 jer of peachhotter. 1 can of_crabapple jelly, 1 do. 'currant jelly, 1 jar of preserves, 2 glasses- ' of preserves and 1 of jelly, lean of plumbutter. 3 cans of peaches. 13 cans and 1 jog of tomato,ra: We.sinnex the let 'yet received by the la dies announcing the rcCepli . on of the - sr ticks SEMINARY 1;981 , 11TeL,, Georgetown; P." C .- Mir.,ist,.'62. To " the Ladiet of the • —. , L'ittriliTz-Your very kind and accepts , We donation reached us in good.ortler, compared the list , uf, articles you sept by Mr. Ainbersopoutti find it,to agree precise ly with the articles received. One is, of applebuttee was 'broken, but no damage done. The...slothing,was in good order. and proves very acceptable. We 'dealt out some of it in •••Penneybrania" Dye. that we soot to the Conlroleacent Hospital at Philadelphia. We are. going 10 have .a . battle here in fear daykand will then have need Wall your lavois. A better se , lection of 'articles cool.] not be made.-- Theyw . lll be avintliciously distribufted;oo possible. - , Accept, in behaltor that patients and the iinivere and iiodies bote,litY. i!lartqr. est thanks. Very Reapectlu l y , ,, • J. If.mstrb.ov, „:*.botli.r.- . l , he man . vrha thinks - the CARst-, *rrailarßy N ote% • !ararabless, Illtt4ol :fait • • ; ” - 11. • - sk` "•` 4ez, • ****lo, ll tAiltiMA 4 **46l' un ilai - gliuittyAlegenr licis lot 11 . 11o$44cessido rot toe, oe 10017.0-:*11/40/1ilY ci tbink''ae 1)04r . .. few, / - , itt 'Oa a.t number ofittek 'lurd , oere Brigade wore brougbt Switilay lest, end place' Dail; which hatt_ite,On phut. The ~sick tiumbei dred find : eighty:—‘76. far The ratelit'estra 'to threaten that 00 would - hang thrte of our men for every ikon of theirs we hung. ' The 'tables are - boW turned. We can hang fifty, ter every':tibe they have. .We have some of their - t4e eras who They•fibd better teavw Corcoran alone. largiett: Caine Von, Ministet tentiary to Russia. has received his instructions from . the State Departmen4 and will sail in a few days for St. Poet . .it burg. Edward H. Moose has been appoin ted Secretary of Legation. Washington, March 8.- , --The following is an abstract of the tax bill as reported to the ;louse to day: It provides for the appointment, by the President, of a Commissioner oflnternal Revenue; with a salary of five thousand dollars. fits - office is to be• in the Trees ury Department; wills a suitat;le.. number of clerks; The country is to ,be as the. President may direct, lots) conveni ent . chile ctinn districts,' with an assessor And collector to he appointed by the Pres itletti.for eaeli district.who shall have pow. er to appoint suns deputieti as may be ne cessarv. The bill• provides for.'a,duty— On spiritous liquors On ale and beer _ . On stern and Iraf tobacco 3 eta. per pound Do. to add when manufactured 5 cents On cigars 5, 10 and'2o ctg. per pnund (according to value.) 9n—lard-andliirseed--oih-burning-fluid-and—crua coal 0.1 , 5 ets. per gallon relined "cool oil lO cis. it 01104 .... . Amu efiliie wet ~ 25 cents On Bank-Note g Paper On Writing Paper- 2 .. II On Printing Paper 3 mills " , .4a--thrap 4 c. 5 .. (f ' On Salt . . • - • . per 100 pounds On Bole Leather 1 cent p'er lh. On Upper,Leather • .1. as it On Flour - 10 ct=. per bbl. All other nninufacturers, 3 per rent ail:valorem Railroad passengers, 2 miffs. per, mile of travel. Conimutation tickets, 3 per cent. Steamboat tn.vel, 1 mill per mile.,. Omnibusses, terryboats, and horse railroads, 3 per cent. on gross receipts from passengers. On advertisements,s per cent on amount of receipts annually. For use of carri %es, annually, from $1 to $lO ae cordingly, to value. On gold watches `AI Per annum On silver watches 50 cts. " On gold plate Ott its. per ounce On silver plate - 3 GS - 0 ' On hilfiard tabless ll l ._ On slaughtered cattle 5009 each. On hogs 10 ,I. On sheeps o On Licenses—Bankers- $lOO . . Auctioneers . 20 . Wholesale Dealers - BO Retail Dealers in Liquors • '• . .20 Retail Dealers in Goads ' lO Pawnbrokers , .10 Rectifiers ' 100 , -- Brewers - " ' ' '5O Hotels, Inns, and Tavernskgradnated no renting to rental). from $A to 2W) Eating Houses - ' 10 Commercial Brokers 50 Other Brokeri 2.0 Theatres 100 1 - Circuses - J ' 50 ' Bowling Alleys (each alloy - 5.1 Wholesale Pedlers ' 50' .. Other Peillers $5 to 20 Coal Oil Distillery, &c 2Ol • On ineomes, 3 per cent on all over $6OO, de, • ducting the income derived' from dividends, &c., which are taxed separately, On railroad bonds and dividends of banks and saving institutions • ' • 3 per cent On payment of all salaries of officers in the civ. il, military and naval service of the.U.States, (including members of Congress) 3 per cent On-legacies rind distribution share of Ali 9. per- i sonal property of deceaSed persons, (accord- . I ins;" to the degrees of relationship) las per cent And stamp duties on all kinds of legal and coin-' mercial papers , all Willi medicints,telegraph mes sages, and all goods by expresses. The tax bill contents one hundred and 'five sections - . and is one of the longest of any kind ever before prepared: months of preparation haying been bestovred_uponit— FROM WA,SHINGTON. lion. Andrew Johnson .9pflointed fury Govenor of Tennessee Wasuiscrrox. March 4. 7 1862.--HOlra. Andrew: Jonoson has formally been ap pointed ffltilitary Governor of Tennessee. with all the powers. ditties. and functions pertajoing to that office. 11111.41 the plea sure of the President..or until the loyal inhabitants °film' State shall organize a civil Governinent in accordance . ts itla the Conatitutiottelthe Uitited'States.. liior., der to4lic exercise of r it4SS-T•tfirriii: it be egittieecirsatafili-Itt reit give: Atka a mill tory . position. :and hence ',the _President' oominaied.hiiii a brigadiel . general., This' appnintanent the Senate. to ty, unhesita• itogly. eitsifirined. li , 1 ;-, 'lle, present Geivi4nment of Terintesee beinua l usurpation;/ every, , proper eat:tour., Sgement , wit/. thfOugh the Military Gov. I I !refitment, be given to- the loyal , people to aim-hate s .. lie . co lA., The ilesignation of itodper:Aohn on for that position is con Indere& by everybody as,eininently prep or: liUtkiwiital of bill peculiar atom for the',ol:soB.'o l l of his great popularity a tuttrig..tillAhe • loyal people, besides his de-- 110004,i' Ibis own state_., The Govennr. .by 1 he: a', •eptance of the co 'Bey, , necessari ly vacs a Itta position as a Senator. The terse .f r viiiich he 'was elected will not expi, - - till March next., • ' - : resentatsve Maynard and Mr. f, , her idg : Oittilt - tif: the ~ ki NOP. - Areltlak making. er r . emente,to return:to Tennessee: - _, • The Tax Bill. Illr els per gallon. $1 per barrel. _ Prepared by treek;in'tr WAVA , Od khan fakir" , ay di4oi fiovi front - WI f;EaKi , -whtwitt tobbris 'ltasohiltoll/110,conipiktth NoIfiItINTILLIGENEL - ocoupATkore. •; - ttotitimuttio,xy,-33 1 .:,A14-' 4 : Sr. totit*Titlarvir-4. - Li-The::fdilittitlisitil a copy - Atl orttlie.kigrStrt from Ugh. Utillettirt cetellan Po Itilai t'ist!:ll+loC&Evis:ttLlibir4iii'; eavatrY,fieht . .:taducalt Man* ed. 60* i111:0118 yristerilay; at six 0 elitik denting „11 - v - 10e them the ettettay!rt 'thAT, -Theltaijit.the'llrtion ill• flying oTer,itto hipastitrira - iiiidtar of thii West.'- • ' Finding:himself completely turned ifotit stilexpf the, lliasiabiltpi. the enemy 'was obliied to evacuate ot buTteritixt. Largki'quiiiniiiis of artillery and oldies sere captured'. ' It. W. tismosett. .3tilar'Cleneral Contirtanding. •%V sarrittcttole. March' 4. 180% -Sestet/1 - . „ .. . 17 Welisithtitcseiling , r eceived, the' (ula' lo:wing deipatp.r,t„ „ . - , r . . ,-- - 4 .1;01,03inu5. K-y , March 4, - ; , - Sy: : - CO-liiratpus is in'oui priisesitine. -i My. armetL'Aeaottiteissoce on theZd inetant„:, caused iiiiiiiSly 'Cipicuationi the z rebels.leas. , 1 ing'-qiiitc - , -- a-littnitcr of gods and -- carriara, antsiktinittion,and , OtOtes, a largeilosatityift skin iiiiii!--ahcl,2ot;:Ciinaiderable-: nuinbei ; 0i slichntiiviiko**Ainaiit of the-Chain ht.:* 1 , ty - .s river, - together' • ith„, alarge mitOr.iiitioitiedtma. ' - ,-.,,,- "-,.. :.-.litatii vic'Aiikrilitis: tents, and' luarlefil,y, trefiteAesinitea. --,- - - _ , . wottooo6 l ' 6l, irOtir nits'st• on-ttut iisa nn= the rlatid•el stirrnimifed :tiy3tv dittin - and abattil. General Sherismow'tvitieLietitenanto,M4' mending l!iselps`,-tiot know ipg that ; the? Were last-evening isectspied by rota bun , rdred of the Semintillltiissia Cavalry, while on a scouting party from Paducah, made a hold dash to,the shore, .w hen those in the batteries hoisted the. Aliericasi flag on ,the summit of the biiilf Its appearance .was greeted by titelliecity cheers of our bra , lo tars and. The force --crineieted .01' six gnu' fair mortar b4atii i ,".and three transpori having en-bositt:t 4 / 1 0.i;.regimentis,',and-t battalions efinfan'try.thider : the eincinani orCol. Rufisid-;•Geheral Cullureend (let eral Sherman:,beitiOn; command 'of_ th troops. The 114. inter, leaving ',a 'sick'. bed to go ashore, dtscovered what was eridens ly a magazine on -fire at both extremities and immediately ordered the train„ to l ,out, and thus saved the lives of jell son. ; While I cannot-express ton strong %v admiratiim "01 'the gallantry 'and eels of tire distinguished aid of Gen. Hahleck, Gen. Cullum,,, that COninimlore Dove. ble, and -,Lietitenints ding. Thotripson, Shirk . auto ; Pfie*lpe=-t latter being in einamin4 a the mortar' ii vision. assisted by 'Lietit':;;:Lielord. oft . Ordnance Corps rifthe United States it -nobly'performed their duty I have my flag orkthe inanaed by the ji_allint commander Sterahl General Sherman iiiiteine: ternetirart jointuand at Ctilurebtie.. • Pon Vita GEN: EirtNE, I BAQI2 I O2S:, Occnputio'L ssif• itiefrtiflitbtcii-Rebets paring lopftait CHAULE6TOWA. IN:, via - Washing March '3 -- From "61.ift Li! . l•.OdO, baiter, Cour. belonging ro the rebels; . have ri seized anti stared here. `' A woolen snip, owned.b.Tll4o, rN has been vaannfacttiritg. rebel cloth, was also seized, with lit4oillstderatiff et of goods. oh. Richard . Wa4hintn,9', At-. °roller of -eV Ate John A. Wa,altingott.... 110.11, coy ell at I - larper'e terry,":: Nothing 44 impoilinc,e : l;arniiirett our lines last nigh-t.or,..ViisT;titw; - ' Our national.- intereetajn this . appear to be in piospeforsa progressik VW Asa la Gaon; t. folio, despatch was •received hire,.sftnight, the correspoodentol,clookiced•Pci Gen. flanks' 'forces. otettpiad • Mari burg yesterday Writdot Our scouts an4_lo4olletiOttdatil#, in priso p ers.L.-Althocigkikt .. ik. they - are of muCh lar*lt*triekt.) - those taken last' irijt. of t, Infantry. Ile wair,capttireiVht K. of the Michigan near Berryville. Intelligence tram Winehnitei - leal the belief that4ackarili - tiiheirOlatill and has completedhiapr:ekitti4taiiit'' pose 'our appruiclt thite r jo,tbisii*k of place. • - The same'arathorit* - - slo* bin . well provisioned. siipptltatZtpik' The death of Geri. 140.01: 7 "'" .grief in ntilitliiy gence Iratr.ol**tui proinulgateir." Zgatitel`.!"• AO Ill' . HE sitbscriber istoek ei Goods to, MozwatikVollific gun, notifies all persons-; ludo** 800k5 4 7 mettle their - accogntioll, iAli • mount f their iittietned L neeste. sillier or DanieVilriekoi;!fina,vrik. business as' 1 1 , 19 1 0( 0 )**: At' tixkilicYt 4 1 *. 3OW*: • -4.