CAPTURB "OF THE NEWS-FULLY CpNFIRMED- "-Further Flight of the Reet•Flooted , Floyd. ST. Louts, Feb - 26 —The Republica n '! Cairo despatch ,aays the occupation of .`"'Nosliville has been confirmed. . Our trooßa took peseession of the city without opposition. Floyd fled, atrusuil. wort that Goik I arms a or. dered - all the Tennessee troops t o ley down their twine and go home, is also ems tinned. The Tennessee Legiatkinie is tailed to ' meet on Monday next. No opposition to the . _ Union movements is made any wham on the Cumberland riv• - er. .It is Ciao reported that white _flags are flying at Memphis. • Catao.,Feb. 29.-4Spreild Despatch to thie.P.A.Thicigo 7 ' w as yesterday occupied by ten thousand troops .under Gen. Buell. Tile Federal nag is flying over the State House. • The Tennesitee Legislature affjoiirned on Saturday week, and met again art Mem phis. •It is reported that com Missioners have been appointed to confer with the Federal authorities, at IVashington, t o arrange terms for the minder of allegiance, and that Gov. Harris has offered to turn the tebel forceetiver to the Uaian• A -gen tleman -w ho escaped from Colum bus, and arrived here last night. represents that a general Union sentiment prevails in Tennessee, and thinks the Legislature will aizqu►ese in the recommendation of G.,v. Harris, because they are fearful of a rising Union sentiment." , When he left Colum bus there were 30,000 rebel troops there. Another gentleman, who arrived frost► Nashville, reports that th e rebels will make another stand at Murfreesboro. Al so, that when -Gov. Harris fled with the Legislature to Memph►s he burnt the State library and distributed a large amount of co,ntinissary stores and provision's among the citizens. Stores were closed and bit--; Pintas was entirely suspended. The S:•— cessionists were leaving with their•stock, and the . negroes were fallowing the Con— federate army. • din Expedition down the Mississippi Cahn, Feb. 24 —An expedition corn— posed of four iron clad gunboats, with the Twenty seventh Illinois, and a battalion of the Eigth Wisconsin Regiment,anvrlyie reconnoisance down the river this morning and discovered that the rebels had seiz:e all the flat boats, riiitrilkiffs, as far up the river as they dared to come; also that there lumbus. but 'whether reinforcements had arrived was not learned. The gunboats and mortar' boats were getting into position on.the Missouri side of the river, when a rebel steamer,. with a white flag made its appearance. Some rebel officers eatineon boArd the Cincinnati and a consultation took place, Fisting over Iwo hours, Nltb what result has not been made known, but the expedition retired to Severe Censure of the • Rebel Government. The Richmond Whig of Friday - has a bitter article on Davin! Adininioration....... It Say% : ••Judging by the n•sult so far, 'it is the most lamentable failure in history, end suggests to the reflecting mind that the most signal service which that Govern went can now render to the country is .the surrender of the beim to abler and belles bands. s.ln view of the past, the .present, and probable future. the pipant of to morrow is *totter mockery and a miserable comb ponsation frr the ruin of a free people. A chil4 with a bauble, an old maa with a deplorable wife, are partial illustrations of the deplorable lolly." The prisoners say that the Union men had a meeting privately, on Friday which was well attended. tair P DEG RA FFS, Prapt ica I, Hatters, Have just returned from the Eastern Cities with ta lull assortment of FALL GOOD, consisting of Hats, Caps, Ladies' Furs, Bullitlo Robes, HOTS& Blankets, :bleigh Blankets, Gloves, Canes, litzaharellas, Ste., a'l of which are otv reatly'and selling at the SLOW UNT CASH rates at 4,heir HAT STORE - Opposite Washington House, HageretoWn, Md. nrLADIEs. FURs! LADIES FURS! Of .all the grades from Five to Forty - Hollaris a sett with Mulls, Cuffs, Fur Trimmings, ate., at IiI'IDEGHAFFrs' Hat btore, Opposite Washington House, Hagerstown, Md. Pr BUFFALO ROBES, Buffalo R , Owt4 A sdlendid lot of Extra and No. 2 ROBES, -ought previous to the great advance, and vviii'be .1d at usual rates tot cash, at LTPDEGRAFFS' Hat Store, lll,poiate_Washington-ouse,--- Hagerstown, Md. - - A good stock. of Buck-skin, Sheep-skin, Fur, 'cool, and Winter Dress GLOVES, at IiPDEGRAFFS' Hat Store, 'Opposite Wasiiington House, Hagerswwn, Md. HORSE COVEASI READY MADE', at the lowest cash rate!, at UPDEURAFFS' Hot Stores Opposite Washington Hous_er— , Hagerstown, Md. In this place. on the 224: inst., Martha . Anderson, daughter. of Mr. Jus. Ander— n, aged 42 )ears and 24 da3 a Nrar :11!s_place on the 23d, Daniel. son Aaron aitd :Susan Wengard,aged I year, months and 3 Mara. Eresin could blight ur 'sorrow fads . Death came, with friendly care; The opening bud to !leaven convoyed, . And bade it hl,ssont there. PRICE CURRENT OF EBSON, BENEDICT & CO. Corrected Weekly. . , WAT-NESBOICO. rlb. 213 .862: SS - .. lb SOAP -- - - 4to 6 7 TALLOW - - • 8 (hama) JO WAsUKD•WooL - 30 sides - 7 UN WANDS!) WooL shoulder 7- I Pssau-PicAcince "00 12 1 DRUID Arruts - - 00 • `). JOBIAH BESOREL BUTTIIR Foos- TALLOW Sup co“-ht BACON (sit litteoti (SI, BAIZTEKORE MARKETS. 'From the Baltimore American of Tuesday last. F'LOlllZ•—The Flour market shows no change front the -tenor of our, report of Saturday. and we have heard of no trans .actions in either descriptions to-day. ,We continue our quotations, at which holders are freely offering, lioward Street Super 65 62/;.Shipping brands • gstra at 1116•2501371; Family do. at $0.504.25. G IN.— Sales were rather light, the transactions reported being 390 'bushels white Wheat at 190 - cts.; 100 'bushels do. at 148 ( cts.; 200 bushels red at 134 eta ; 200 busheltroo. at 132 eta.l 101 bushels do at 134 cis. / and 850 bushels do. at 135 cis. Fair to good white Wheat may be quoted at 140.►150 eta , an.l prime to strict ly choice at 1554165 eta. We notice Sales 2.300 bushels.fair to prune white Corn at 02 cis ; 1.370 bushels do. fair at 610 cts. 200 bushels do. old at 58 eta ; nl, yellow 5 250 bushels changed hands at 55,56 eta , and 500 bushels Mil at 55 eta. l'here was but little inquiry lus Oats, the only sales reported being a lot of 500 bushels Mary land at 38 eta , and another at 200 bushels Petinsylvaniaat 90 cis. Till! only traits action reported was 160 bushels Pennsyl ' , tittle rye at 75 cta.per bush. We contin ue to quote Alaryland at 70..72 eta. SEEDS.—Cloverseed continues quiet at It 373 a 4 624 per bushel lair to prime timothy at $2a2.50 TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE. The subscriber annotinces hitwelf a candidate for the office of Constable• If re-elected he continue to discharge the duties of the office to the best of his ability. EMANUEL STOVER. Feb 28.—te. PUBLIC SALE. $5OO Worth of Furniture. WILL positively sell, at my shop in Smiths. j burg, on SATURDAY the Bth of March, 1863, the tollowina Furniture: EIGHT BUREAUS, 2 two of which are Black Walnut-edged, I a Ma hogany-edged, and the balance Wild Cherry, mule in various st lea a ate i 14 30 13 E S 'l' E_A S , All sizes and in dilThrent styles. 12 TA B in. clmling Dining and Breakfast Tables, 1 Mahogarty COI Table, 7 Safes, 5 Sinks, I Corner Cupboard, 1 Wardrobe, a number of Waith 'and other Sfands, 13 dozen Sets of Wood Sint CHAIRS, a number of Split bottog Chairs. including Rocking and Arm Chairs. g lot of Dough-Trays, Trundle Bedsteads and high back Rocking' Chairs, and many other ar ticles of this description. Sale to commence nt 9 o'clock on said day. A credit of g months will be given on all soars of r 5 and upwards, the purchas er giving note with, approved security. Feb2B. It CORNEILITS C. REESE. PUBLIC SALE. lundersigned tviil Pell nt ruidie Sale, ft t 1 their la tiler's residence, near the Nunnery Mill, 3 miles North of Waynesboro' and - I mile SiLuth of Quincy, on T/11:11K111 V the fill) II 1k1,0•e4 ne m, al following property to wit: 2 GOOD ITORK .imnEs, one of which is with foal and a stood wagon and plow leader; 2 yearling Colts, 2 first rate C61.V8, 3 Cloves from two to three !eoliths old; 2 flub hogs; 1 fine Carriage nearly new and Harness; I hist rate Plow,-'1 Harrow nearly new, I double and I single Shovel Plow, fifth and carrying' chain, triple double and single trees, 1 log chain, but anti tress chains, 6 Cow chains; 1 1, hush. Potatoes, 1 bbl. of Vinegar, 1 pair Breechbands;2 sets of front Gears, with traces, hems, collars. bridles, &c.. 2 sets fly. nets,. forks, rakes, shovels, 1 good Grindstone, 3 grain cradles, mowing, scythes, 8 bushels Plaster, 1 riding saddle and bridle, 2 bedsteads,- 1 table, bar rels, boxes, meat vessel, with many other articles not necessary to me titian. Salelto comnieuceet 'lO o'clock on said day when. a reasonable credit will be given on all sums of *5 and upwards, vurchasers giving notes with apprmed security. Feb2B it A BRM. & HENRY BURGER.. FLOUR, FEED, AND PROVISION STORE ! Vp HE embscribers would inform the citizens of Waynesboro', that they have 'opened a Flour, Feed and Provi-iun store in the room formerly uc cupied t Joseph Price, opposits 4 the residence of John Bell, where they will st all tines have for sale FLOE( CORN MEAL, EICKWEEAT PIM HOMINY, MILL STUFF OF ALL KINDS, SCREENINGS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN THE E 11(, OATS, TATOES, BACON AND ARD, VI " Alao, R re, Wheat and Barley by the bushel or in 'lk'r and other smaller quantitt other articles usually kept in such establiphinenis. ' All Flour and Mill Stuff will be sold at Mud. Palings rot& CAsit. The highubt cash prtees paid for wheat, rye corn and oats. - DANIEL, sNIVLLY,' rebl4—tt . WANTED! 5000 BUS. WH LAT! The old Miller at his old Trade! 911 HE undersigned having associated themselves in thr Milling business, and having leased of Peter Fahnestock the old Roy null property, one mile southeast of Waynesboro', are new prepared to purchase grain from their friends ut the highest market price; and also to do all kinds of Grinding', including chopping corn and cob. We are also prepared to furnish at the lowest market prices, all kinds of Mill Stall; also Plaster by the tun or bush. Our old friends will please call anTiee us. - JOHN wALTEIR. JOSEPH ELLEN. ROAD WAGON FOR SALE, THE subscriber, residing about a quarter of a mile IroM Greencastle, offers - at Private Sale a large ROAD WAGON, four limit tread, with bed, bows and cover—as goo)) as new and warranted to be well put up • ADAM 'WALTER. Feb 14-4 w • B. A. L. I'or Constable. -TEE undersigned anir6iinces himself as a coati date fur Constable of Washington Township. Having been &waled at•the last election by only /8 1w has concluded to "pick his flint and try it again." Thankful to his friends for thc flattering vote received at the last election he hopes that they will extend the same support again. If successful, a general jubilee v_i_rill be field at Fort Megg. Junlo , JOS. 1151 K. mock CURRENT OF CorrecledVeekly. W. YLVISBO ft , Fab. 28, 1062, 16 /Lamo Wool. 00 INV 1 0 11 - 20 ' WM. H. FUN li. 111 - KIP" The yalrona anil jiublie generally . ;if J. A. FISHER . gain - reminded of his recent tom to the. Eastern. Eities,, and of the reception of his title stock of ----- 1 00 CH-11111 --- 0 Si 00 Clotlts t k, Cassioneres 'and -Nest hags. GCB 4)O ALB of the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES . His stock of FRENCH CLOTHS and CASqL INURES he calls particular attention to, as the best in town. Also, olio Of the best assortments of tonstanitto Goons in town—asliicady for their in spection and benefit, and kindly asks a call from all persons desirious - ofbilytmilluuda h. his fine, at ex , tretnely Z2occoscr. L.Pzvilcsocisco3,o In'tho NEWLY FITTED ROOM, next door to Updeg.ra4hugeritorrn,Md. [Jan. 3, 1803 AINTSTAM.YICTORY AND 71;) 4 3, LE U 2 Lta Eas 2 TIE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, still WI solicits the same; and in addition to manufactu ring sit kinds of worked Matelig for Building Purposes, such us BASH, DOORS, SHIA'TERS, • DLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES, PACING, MOULDINGS, &c., &c. aourepartal to furnish oft kinds of oak 'lathe for dilliAnt purposes in building, such as JO l CH, (AFTERS, LATH, STUDDING, PAIL SCANTIANG, BOARDS, &c„ All of which will be sawed to order, - itt short notice atid'upon reasonable terms. ' Also, sawing, by mill and circular saw's, of every description dune; Framing, Surfacing, Matching, Flouring, &c., &c. For further — Particulars apply to the subscriber, at v tl ta.. ictury two miles southeast of Waynesboro. D. F. (.1001.1. Jan. 17, 1861 Pictures, Pictures. P hUE undersigned takes this method of inform .' ing the citizens of Wiiyueshoro'_ any vicinity , he lion purchased the Daguereian apparatus of of Mr J. H. ltesser, and know prepared to take all kinds of Pictures at the very lowest prices, wnich are guaranteed to be as truthful and life-like as any offered Vim public. He has just r eceived a new stock of common and fancy cases of all sizes and styles, which he can sell very cheap. Pictures ta ken for 26 cents which can be sent through the mail to any I'. 0, in the U. S. for six cents. Call and examine for yourself whether you want work or nut; he charges nothing for showing. He will be happy to see you. tialtery in the Toirn hull. b 7 • (dailac, ,TIE undersigned will sell at public sale at his. hi. residence, miles northea4t of Waynes boro', on Tt B DAY the 25th of FED/WARY, 1862; the liAlowing property, to wit: • 2 HORSES, 14 HEAD OP CATTLE, 4 FAT STE E I 18; 15 DEAD OF HOGS; 2 one-lA.Be wagons, Plows, Harrows, Horse Gears, log and filth-chain, spreaders, double and single tree,.; 1 Roller, i Iland Curt, I Grind Stone, I Roll ing Scretni; 1 set -of B A(; SAI I 'l' mention bale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day, Allen a reoismable credit will be given. Feb. 7— ts. JOHN GEHR. PUBLIC SALE. 11.1. be sold nt public sale, on SATURDAY the Bth-nkY-otr---itimicit, next, at 1 o'elock on said day, the fallowing Heal Est-ite, situated on Main :Street in Waynesboro', bounded by lots of Peter Benedict, Win. H. Miller and othets, to wit: I.ol' nth,. 'IIOII.ND, containing thereon a T WO STOIt DWELLING - HOUSE. with a I.l.keli-111.31.1ANG attacked; also—a Two Story BRICK IMELLING HOUSE, together with a BARN, Carritiee House, and all otlu•r necessary building,rs thereon erected Conditions will be made known on tlay of sale by WILLIAM HAMMETI', Fel,7 Executor of David Hammett. deed PUBLIC SALE. TILE undersigned will' sell nt public sale, near the Blur Rock School noose, on SATUUDAY, the let of MAnctt next, a Tract of hand containing :113N ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Sol omon Haibaugh, George Null and heirs of Gabriel Barr, with a etoryand a hal( ZZLIOZa` 9 n good log STABLE, and Bake Oven, thereon. A stream of spring water passes thro' the Inn I; there is ohm zt good garden nod a variety of choice Fruit trues on the premises. The land will be acid in lots or , altogether to suit purchasers Sale to commence at ! - ten - u'eluek on said day when the terms will be made known Y. T the above property is not Sold on said day it will then be offered fur Rent. Julllo LYDIA HAUGH. PUBLIC NOTICE. VHE , tindersigned takes this method of informing tho public that he has erected a Chopping Mill, and is now prepared to do ail kinds of chopping including (' and Cob, Corn Meal and Plaster'. H e al s o eontinui.:s to do all kinds of sawing which he warrants to be as good as the best and cheaper than the cheapest. He will always' have choice :Shingling. Plastering and Fencing Laths on baud. He hus also put up a shingle saw. Those who have large chestnut, &c., will• do well: to give him a call. Tlianktul for past encouragment o he hopes by strict attention to business mind a disposition to please all, to in:tit a continuance of iheir pate:Page Fel.2 tf V. B. 61.1.13ENT. STat if TIE 01,0 USES THE FORKS OF THE ANTIETAM CREEKS. THE subscriber informs his customehr and the public generally that he continues the BLACKS:4IIIII;*.IG BUSINESS in all its branches, and is riow better prepared than formerly to aceournislate those tiiniirnX any yr4trs 111 his hoe. All work will be executed ut slm. tom- Lice add Lyon reilstmable terms. Thankful to tho public for the liberal encouragement heretofore ex tended. be solicits a contanuatme of their patrobage, I'. IS--He has utslt for sale a lot Of TlMbet crt culuted fur framing purposes. , Felil4-,241 ' HENRY OAKS. 1115111:: and ' unadulterated spiced c.itrr Vlueghr r for tiale by btuswr, eigtfel the Uttitien bluitai Piereongfi etuits per quart.. to , , Jan :411: • „ J. H. WELSH 'l' 00 I. S • the bushel; Hay mint' utlio r articles nu Heet!.3B:ll' y ttl l'nblic She. TUEZDAIt, MARCH 11TH, 18 '• • 1111 undersititwd intending to quit faiining wll 1 ,11 of Ifig resilience near the wad leading from Waytittlioro' Io Quincy, 4 mile mouth of.the Noff. awry Sur,* lollowing perwmal property, to Wit: SIX HEAD OF IYUQN'N,UQSkB, 1 of which is qn excellent ridibkanil driving Mare; 4,Colts, 1 three years, 2 two years anal 1 yearling, . 14 HEM) .CATTLE among which ato 3 MIMI COWS; 5 B'P>; " .''ICJ, and 6 young Cattle; r TWENTY HEAD OF . HOG'S, among which are 3 Br..mi Sows, 3 Blautation Wagons, ONE ROAD WAGON, with bed, 1 Spring Wagon, 1 fine falling lop 1311111(1Y, 1 pair Wood Ladders. ft pair of Hay ladlere r 2 tight Beds, one nearly new; 1 SELF-RAKIN (11- REAPER, 2 Grain I►till,,l patort spring Hay and Grain Rake, I revolving Hay Rake 1 Corn Grinder; TWO THRESHING MACHINES and Horse Powers; 1 Wheat Fan, 1 large two horse CARRIAGE, 1 it4lvigli, 2 Wheel Barrows. a lot of Bareltear.Plows, Single and Double Shove l Plows; 2 Corn Coverers; 3 Harrucfs, single, double and (rubble trees; 2 sets of Breechhands, 4 sets of front Gears, a lot of Plow Gears; I set of line Harness, Collars and Bridles, fly nets, spreaders, butt and breast chains, log, halter and cow chains, 1 act of 1311.ACKSMI I'D TUOI.B, a large lot of old lion; 1 Jack Screw, mattocks, shovels, hoes,forks and rakes, Grain Cradles and Mowing Scythes, &c., and ma ny other articles not nocessary to montion. Sale to commence at o'clock ou said day when a credit of nine months will be given on all sums of $5 and upwards; the purchaser giving note with ap proved security; all sums under $5 cash. JACOB PRICE, • Febl4 G. V. Motes, Auct. PUBLIC °SALE. IJE undersigned, intending to relinquish farm ing, will sell at public sale, at_the Davit} Roy - er property, deceased, one mile South-Sant of Waynesboro', on the Baltimore Tdilipike, on the lel day tf March, izext, the following property to wit: 5 1113 A 1) OF WORK HORSES, am nig which are TWO :%RE$ with foal; 11 HID OF CM Six of which are Mitch COWS and 1 large Bull, put Durham, 2 largo Brood Nowa, and 14 head of thriving Shinty; 1 140 Improved McCormick only run qne_season._One__Road Waaon,,-.13x1,1 Biwa, Cover, Feed trough and Ice-cutter:; 1 PLANTATION WAGON; in good order, and wood bed, I Spring Wagon, 2 pair Hay Carriages, new,l pair Bay Ladders. 2 sets Bung Boards, 2 harrows, 2 o:ree horse P lows, Mote's pattern, 3 double and 2 single Shovel Plows, 1 Corn coverer, 1 Wheel Barrow, I tiled, 1 Work bench, with east iron screw, Treble, Double and Single Trees, Fifth chain, Lo 4 chain, 1 pair Spread ers, Butt Chains, Breast Chains, &c. 3 sets Front Gears, 2 pair Dreechbands, all nearly new. 6 Mu sette, 4 Fly nets.llridles,Collars,Halters, 1 six horse Line, Whip and Wagon Saddle, I patent Bap Bake, 1 Wind-mill, Shovels, Forks and Hoes, 1 30 It. Ladder: ALSO, ONE-HALF OF 42 ACRES OF GRAIN I VT HAY BY THE TON, CORN BY THE BBL. Corn loddet by the Bundle, 1000 weight of PORK 500 weitcht 01'1AM, Apele Butter by the Crock; 1 Bedstead, Ten plate STOVE, Vinegar by t►te Bar rel; 1 bleat !remit, 2 heel• barrels; 2 large porch benchrs, 1 large Grind tune, and inany other - arti• des not named. bale to commence at 9 o . otock on said (lay ,when due attendance and a credit will be given by. " Continental Hotel," 11'141".N 1:61301ilY, PA: TIME undersigned having recently .taken the a bove named House, formerly known as the "tilube lan " takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public That he is prepared to ibeCiVe and entertain Guests in a style riot to be excelled by any country Hotel. The House having been theronkly repaired and newly furnished with eve ry thing calculated to make his guests comfortable —the public may rest assured that they will at all times Mid it in u condition suited to the comfort and convenience of the traveler. His Bur is always sup plied with the choicest Liquors, and his Table with the best the markets afford, and all other appliances suitable and necessary for the accommodation of mad or beast. With faithful and obliging servants and his own personal attention and supervision, he will leave no means tit/spared to merit public pa tronage. The proprieteir assures those who may favor him with their patronage that they shall ever meet at his houses. cordial reception, and that everything es sential to the convenience and happiness of his guest Ball he attentiod to. June xl, 1860 L. B. KURTZ PUBLIC SALE •IIMJSEI10.1.1) EURNI !THE, ETC. THE undersigned, ;wending to leave. will .cll a t public outcs y, at the Parsonage on Mechanics Street, on SATURDAY MARCH 15TH, his household furniture, comprising 1 HIGH.POST anJ 1 COTTAGE BEDSTEAD, 2 Washstands, 1 set of Cane-bottom and 1 ee• of plain Chairs, 1 M AHOGAN Y• BUREAU with looking glass, 1 Wardrobe, 1 Pining Table, 1 Kitchen Table, Tuble, 1 Parlor wood Stove. I small coal stove, 2 cushioned Rocking Chairs, L Bookcase, 1 pair Yeisitian Blinds, Car pets, oil cloth, etc. Also his excellent family a well gaited; Saddle and Bridle, stable implements, 4, of u toil of Hay, etc. Terms made Known on day of sale. Sale to`cont cnottea- at two o'clock. H. W. SUPER, F. I,2l—ta G. V. MONO, A uct. NOTICE. • • TVHERE:AS, Letters of Administration on the Estate of Samuel Uurdon, luta of Waynes boro', deceased, have been granted to the subscri ber all persons indebted to the said Estate, are re quested to make immediate payment, and those or demands against the Estate of 'tail) decedent, will make klioetuthe seine, without delay to " JAM ES H. GORDON, Jitti24-6W of the Elorough of Waynesboro'. 100,000 Erickfor Sale. TBE subscriber has now for sale at hie Brick Yard near Waynesboro', MAW well burnt. Israt, %%bleb he. will, tlikvose or upon reasonable txrms. JOHN JOHNSTON. r- 1 4 liGS at 16 and 25 cents par po. cd at__ how 24. kr6HTZ 9 4., 11,Alit4g-assortineut of 11:+irwAnt.z. - ait th e Isign ol the. Big lied liorn. i1t1. , ...'0 'ho . D. U. 121;ssELL., 111 tanttulAll U. C ,IFUSTON. JACOB BJWAIta, A uct , , , .. . . ' '-. , ~. ... ' , ; , • .. ~.. ~,_ --; .•• - ''' '. ': -. , -..:`,-, :,..-.: ~..>?* '-',' . ' • , , ~- i..-.5;' ,. ..,. 7. .:,;:.:„,, 4 .4..-,..' Is, :45,,-) ~: ,;;! -- rtii. , ,- 11.. , ,•;p.:,t,' c.,1':•!; . ....--;.,...),, -31*.7F ..,, ..,:„ •. ~ ..„, -.• L..., ,, .:.t. -, :, ,•••;- 0, ~.-.0-,....,..., ,4„ 4 „ , r,..., re:: ,„; ;•-'l, - -. ?..';', 4 ,, ,,- ::' •••-• ki. .-- --.-.... :,.- ‘. 4 -.. , :. ---,-...,..;,..„,-....,-. ..,, ....„.-..-..-.:_ ~ .-,..'-„,_ . i • ..-,,,,, -i - tit ----'::„ - • .:. ; . f ...,:,... . , i .. -, ;',--‘,',.'. i , .. i t .„ .. , tia tga la .csr _ , „ ._ , .. ______ .u.,... _„,, , - . .: .uraiku - ! , .. i zmnis t,.,, 4,.. , .. • , 11,111E151111:111 irl 1:. itr,:lt fit:: It,PNEHitri "CO _.3 1 , s -,, ; ., .-;::-. - -NNE , , .--- , .i,„_.,-..,:., , .. :--,.:.-- , - ,t , ,,'.1 , --.-• ':: ' - - :..,. ." . ."". t .!' 0" • ' ' '• ' . . • , . , : %MOT *COO gb , • , .. " • , GEO. STO .._., g ---,-.0.,.. cp s-.; v,; Ifl - . Till li . ';:i,,SEegi.::''' t: . VOIIA'NKFUL for kind favoyiiihd patrotAiiere. ', •-•?,-.• ' ' . • , tofore bestowed upon him:again appears be e . Ifie,publie to solicit a contirluatike of the same. '' ~, _ ' Ile haying just returned hum the elisterit cities with "iii,,mi A L tiz a ANT, • wiNTER a fine dltthyvell selected stuck of .. li tL7 t, ~ .. . :7 •..... „;,, , ::. ,.. 7... ,. : ..... ,v„, • NEW GOOD ,: f r' , .'l . , ..; •. :I . 'h ' • . ' !..'.'.' - -, Which he intends selling at very low rates, which% ho knows lie can do to tiiir:„antisfaction of all who'. 0 • _, IN It, will call and examine his stinflt..„ v 44., Below you will find enumenttod a few articles 4 ", - '' .2 ''s . ;"-" .. , which will be found among his tittibiLto which h e ! w -- g respectfully trifActitti. custoniarkondall calls your attention. - • 1 fielsons who wish tor4dhase Cheap -, . -4 . ! ..,,,,, FOR . T.RE LA.D.I'aS I / 4 , • , ... . F A 1 - - 4,-. • , J i 'ti ‘ , * lie has a large assortment of Dress Goods consistinira. -,0,. ''.+ ND in part of - nir.z,,,,,,:, Printed Millet Cloth, . . Printed and plain Delaines, I '..,< -WI l'En .. Cuthilde plaid, ,-- Cothikle Stripe, 0 Plaid Mohair, , D R 1V.,.. C 00 - D *So Silk Warp Mohair • ..-,, „, Parametta Cloth, . ' , that we have just returiffillfront the Allem &ties • Printed Coburg, and are now receiving a littgo and well';•ielected Printed Morino, -' asserttnent of • -..., French Morino, -. • • , Madonna Cloth, (D CD L.D E 41 4. a r - '7,, , Printed and plain Cashmeres, French and Domestic blingliams, of all kinds, pateins, varieties tnid pr i cei;loillich we promise to sell as cheap, and on as- fair tidrips, as Poplins „cry. other house in town or country, and yvesfgel Pongee Mixture, . confident we can deal with' all in such a assume, Lavelle Cloth, Long and Square, Thibet . as to give entire satisfaction , and Morino Shawls The following comprise part of our Stock-which , - is always on hand. - Opera Cloaking, . Closes, and. Hosiery, in great variety. DRESS GOODS.. :'‘,'•,, Gentlemen's Wear, Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassitneres, Union etessimeres, Overetttings, Sattinets, Jeans, Tweeds," Velvet Coid, Velvatino4 Vestings of all kinds, ift fact a full assortment of goods for Gentlemen's wear. Also a lar s ge and well selected stock of Muslin, Ticking; and_ a__coinplete_a—assortinent-of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. 11 you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line, just call in and you will find him ready to wait on you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Btu. ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. Su give him a call, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elseivlicre. !Novi. 1861 PUBLIC . SALE. :4 ° l h i . 1 1 e a r t tl ru p ublic two s ta le, at Ike e „ r f j e d i P t t n .r e s e burg and one mile south of Ringgold, on W nosgs- PAN, the 12th of MA ni, 1862, the follownl per sonal property, to wit: 7 Head Figrses, 2 of nhich are Brood Mares with foal, I two years, and 1 yearling Colt; 20 head of CA I"PLE, 7 of winch are Mitch Caws, 2 will have Calves by4he day of sale, 1 -young Bull, (Teeswater,) 2 large Steers, the others thriving Young Cattle; 25 id of HOGS, 3 of them Brood Sows, 2 having Psis; 2 Plantation Wagons 3 inch Tread, 1 nearly new, Bed, h0i.411,1 pair Hay ladders, I Revolving Grain Raite, 2 three horse and 2 two Verse - Ploughs, 3 double . abil 2 single-shovel Ploughs, 1 Corn Coverer, 2 fldriows nearly new, 1 Spreader, 1 Trade, 2 double and sin gle Trees, 2 Log Chains, Forks, Rakes, Shovels, 20 Grain Bags, Cutting Box, Dinner Bell, Hay (Jut ter, 2 pair Brrechbands, g pair Front Gears, 5 sets ',brush Gears, Collars, Bridles, Halters, 'loosens, Fly nets, Butt. and Breast Chains' 6 pair Cow Chains; t THRASHING ‘ , IACHI-NE and Horse Power Doylies make, I Windmill Watkin's make 3 Bedsteads and Bedding, 3 Styes and other arti cles; HAY by the ton, 1,000 lbs. of BACON, 30 . 0 lbs of Lard. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said; day, when a credit of ten months:will be given on all sums of triis and upwards, all sums under :;;5 cash, the purchaser to give note with approved se curity. No property to be removed until settled for. If the notes are not promptly paid within ten days after they become due, interest will be chug. ed from the day of sale. JACOB WINTER. Febl4-3w NEW .LIVERY. TiiE subecrKier respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally that he has o• pened n Livery Ntable iii WirYTICAOM s and is now prepared to acconunodate the public generally with lII.IISES & V iICJJ ' at the shortest noticp,day_or_mglit. • Persons desirous of hiring , either for riding or driting, would do well to give hilt . ; a call. His stock has been selected with Igratt care as re gards gentleness and speedy traveling; and his bug gies and carriages small in 'good condition• • The above stock wili,be kept at the Stable of Dr. John Oellig. Persona wishing to hire will please apply to the undersigned at Dowden's Hotel. nos-6w JOHN RI CH A RDSON. _ POPLAR LUMBER. 'HE understgne,l offer for sale SE VEN TEOI.I - FEET of well seasoned POPLAR LUMBER, at the MiLl of George Kneppet, near /Hughes' Furnace, at reasonable rates, stinio of which is juice Scantling, 4 by 4 it.ches square and sumo 3i by 4 inches, and 2 inch .Plank, I inch, inch. itch Maids,. Persons wishing to buy Poplar Lumber will please give us a call la :URGE NEPPEIi, Jr. • G1101a:1; KNEPPEIi t Felrl4-2m. Es'rs of 11avi.1 Knuppvt, Dee'l Ling of, , , . Fresh, Foreign and Domestic Drags, A large and general assortment of :11edieines, 1 Chemicals, Patent Medicine. Dye-stutfs ITZHE aullotailicr having disposed of his entire t • i Dry Paints and +Paints ground is Oil, ' Jl. Stock of Goods to M. fists. Coltillower & Club- t Oils expressed and distilled; • sum, notifies all persons indtbted .to him on Store 1 Fruits green, preserved and dry, , • Books to st the their accounts with and pay the a. t, Confectioaalies, mount of Mal intitbtedneols to vittn.r John P. Study Liquors of oil kinds for nactlicinalpurposes, or Daniel Bricker. The new firm will continue the A,. s, m0.. . y, N. Books, stationa ry,tancy and miscellaneous aructee, business as heretofore. • ' ail of; whicti he ofTers tor dale. Thankful fur favors • Quincy, Jan. 31,1862.- _ __ .._ vv l received and hopeful of theircontinuance,he invites 14entzer's Eters° 8c Cattle Pirovapr.! the public to cull before pnrchasing eLsehere. ' ' I - M. sToix , „Eit having . .purchased of Mt.t Stoner offers for sale a lot of beautifurshells.— A i t • muntzer, or retvii-K;r ,baking t„ above 1 Carbon Uil which will suit for Kerosene Lamps w.trtatited nut to eintinto, can be. had at Stouer's. tar-tamed nurse cud Cattle POwder,for Pen nsy Iva- ! nia sad Maryland, takes this method of in Patron!), Crystal, and Benzoic Oils: also Cam; forming ! the farmers, drovers, &c,.., that_he has en hand and phi ne and burning fluids is for sale by.Stotrert .. Stoner has a - lot‘ of harrels,kegs„ jugs, cans. Ste. intends keeping a good suppiy always ou baud.' Country merchantsand others. keeping such a itie les.; which he Will_.atillvery l . low. • Jan 31: - .1 ' Lot sale, would do well to supply themselves with,el ' , --.. WAGUN FOIL SALE. on . • . uautily. tie will sell it on commission' or fur calnit . TILE i s ubsc r ib e r h as a goot TWO HORSE cheap. Orders will he punctually att./idled to. -1. wilt; UN vvkieb, he mitt dispose (4 - .on ri;asou, Jan. 31. ' - `.- - I abbit terms n0v1.61:-113 J. A BOYER. - Notice=-New Firm. : of all kinds ror Fall and Winter wear DeLaines, • A linens, Merinos, Cuburgs. .1,/t By g eg, bur , trei, Plaids Co:lars, Sleeves, EN'S Fall and Winter, G 0 0 1) S eassirnerg,. Cassinetts , Clothm, Vulva, :Satin, • Vt.-4111g, • Cord, rust" th, Cravats, Dollars, lireaht.v, A 11E1A OF < - DOMESTIC GOODS : Atusfins, :41irei Shirting, 7'it!kingssi 13aggiott, 13 u Robes, .I)ver shoes, :Thoes, BOON, /1 We tender our thanks to all ouefriends and rug towers tn. the lihend patronage lteretolOre eiteniud to ua and . regtost n couth.u.knee of the A MI3I•',ItSON, DEN ILDWT & CO Jan. 10, 1852. 1 IMPORTANT NEWS FROM rEEZIECII,I4 ROW t)BEA 14ER, in connection with his Variety • Store, has colnmenced the manufacturing of and SHOES in rill its various branches.— Having ,employed Jeremiah Cooper as foreman, lie is prepared to province the (Must, neatest and most durable cork mimic any Where. • 11 A II are invited to call. 'A bug° stock of Hats end Caps,and Eastern man. ufactureAl Shoes and Boots of the best make, on hand; C;lnekg, Tr,uidt4, Severs, Ton:icon, &c.,.&c. You get 'the very best ICER.O.SENE there. A few fat hugs are wanted. J. BEA VER. Dcc,6-3 m o nths. ACARD. --Kind friends and patrons, you have my warmest thanks for your very liberal en. eouraginent. Having discontinued the rnartufsetul' ring ef , shoes &c:, on my own account,anil engaged m yself with J. Beaver, at the Variety Store, I he.. s peak for hisi the continuance of your patronage.-- Do come and ace us at our new place, Der. 6 LOOK HERE!! N. M. STONER., Druggist, WIII)LIBALE. AND RETAIL DEALER !N fps LINE OF ROM-. !FEES, WA YNESBOIZO',.PX., • Has not only got back to his "old bitsiness," hut to the "old tand;" Having fitted up the room now occupied neatly and having ; I returned from the.Eity with a fresh sup. ply, which tic has just received, consis- -ff 40-4 •.-.; J. CIOCIPER.