Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, February 14, 1862, Image 4
. Otorpr oldlontriretbeinilaii-:- • . _ nit sebilareta 41 - 11 e grown anti hei.,nrorc Is it det, Frno, in - their:iierVice her locks tatnotgral67:: ' 'But iliona hid. away, unsought, alone. Give her a home for deceney'e siAet In tome back room, at 'Out O' ho *ay. Where her tremu!ona voite_cannot be heanl7, ight-heek-your-ton-ntoul gay. litrive to forgot how Ate toiled for you. And emitted you and hdr loving brettitt- Told you'atories ond j•rined your ploy; Many, an hour when .he needed testa No matter for that—huddle her olt Your friends might wince at her witty jest; She is too "Old thellioned" and speaks ti.o plait:— . Get her out of the way of the earning guest. 0- Once you valued her Cheerful voice, Her heady ',mil) and her merry song;, But to "ears polite" they are quite Coo loud— Her jokes too sharp, her tales too long. . So, poor old lady, hustle her off— In her cheerless room let her sit alone; 81seinuat not meet with your goo:Milo-night, - -For her children are grown and her work is done. How,Gen. Scott Rebukes. On his way ,from v ithe capital to N. York, on his late retirement 83 head of the army. Gen. Scott passed iiirough an infana,town of Pennsylvania. where a regiment of sot diers were enctimpoil. Many citizens went to the depot to see the old veteran. So al so did the soldiers of the regiment. The General appeared on the platform of the ears. in full view of the grateful multitile• The colonel. of tie regiment. who always felt his 'brief authority" greatly, and on that occasion particularly so. too* his po sition in,front of the General a la Pone • pane, with his arms folded. and, his face turned toward the altitude of the north star. The crowd 'aeieg all around, a Pol• dier'of the regiment. who hid been absent for some time on furlough, and who was a former intimate acquaintance of the Colo: net. came lip to greet him by a friendly recognition. The exalted Colonel, as if highly disgusted and insulted by such fa miliarity on the part of a epoimon private in the presence of General Scott. fell bask with head and shoulders from the angle of the north star. to nearly the shitude-01-the meridian. stiff. a Wm_ withering frown of reproof on his sublime fact! , Gen. Scott saw it all; and instantly extending his hand to the soldier said. “How do you .10. sir." and shook his hand with great heartiness The sublime colonel's face relaxed its as turnei dignity, as a • peacock drops his feath - ers . under a shower of rain, and as nineh shame as he was capable of immedi• ately took its place. The greatness of General Scott and the littleness of the eel• onel at that moment a eared nst 'alive contrast in full view of a large crowd of spectators NI-xi — to — the great General-Scott, this was the richest scene of that occasion. Now true it is always, and in all places, that , the that huinhl himself shall he exalted, and he that exalt eth himself shall be abased. AS INCIDENT ON 'DIE •Keeas.'-- A young lady from the rural district of floosiertlom. lately visited Chicago with her beau.— Getting into.a city railroad car fee the first time, she took her seat,. while her lover planted himself on the platform with the driver. Pretty soon the conductor began to collect fare. and, approaching the rustic maidrn he said .Your tare, miss r The Hoosier rosebud allowed a delicate pink to manifest itself on her cheek and looked down• in soft confusion. rile con. d.uctor was rather - astonished at this, but ventured to remark once more: •Your fare. miss r :•• , This time the pink deepened to carna tion. as the rustic beauty replied Wall if lam good lookin' you hadn't °tighter - 81 - y tt ougtalonil alor lolksr • The passengers in the s car roared with laughter. and the lover coming into see .what was go• ing cm. at once'settled the fare. CLEANLTNFSS NEXT TO GOIDLIXESS. , ;-- Tobacco chewers visiting church should bear this in mind and avoid the indecent practice of spitting over the floor and upon the backs of pews, as it is very airensive to the ladies, and emphatically a•very beastly habit. Those addicted to the tobacco squirting propensity during divine service had better carry a white pocket handker- chief to contain the precious juice „than spit upon• the floor for the ladies to wipe up with their dresses " No gentleman would be guilty of so mean an act. A Rio Sour Kc.ruk.—B. T. ftibbitt, of New York. the well known s. it,' and sal cratus manufacturer. has erected-a tub ea. rabic of holding 00 tuns of snap! - The cost for the grease alone in a single charge is $20.000! Steam is emploved for heat. ing it; and 9,000 one inch pipe. coiled on the bottom. are--required--for—tite-parpos Mr. B.'s facilities for cooking, could fur. nish 250,000 spidiers with two pounds of good bean soup in°,one installment. At best life is not very long. A few more aiew pore tears. some pleasures. much pain. sunshine and song. clouds and darkness. hasty greetings,abrupt farewells; ,then.nor little play will close, and injured and injurer will pass away. Is it worth while to hate each other. We should be thankful for the sun—so many frienda.tio many joys desert us du ring our pilgrimage through life; the sun remains true to us, lights' us from the era , die, to the ,gia re. Daaoinons Ossmorts.—The Washington despatch sayP. • "The names of several young army offi cers who express the opinion that the South cannot be whipped. have recently been stricken from the roll. We trust that thi s is only a beginning in the right direc- tion." ' How - abort is human life I The very breath which frames my words. ,accelerates my death.— Hannah Moore. - There nee miNiy., people whose whole wisdom consists in hiding their want.,of it: if y*u desiri to be released from * rub proinise Of marriage, breathe ; . soijo of love contitinalli after eating onions. If you' diet a jest ; at a friend err grototaviroodeoek, be anis it ilia% oat of *won, • , cAcrirriArt vorg-40- :4- 0 Ec s * g- •. a s „, , . —4 :Dv MEM Jautpify. f -.II4 I .AkUP 1 Iv •t 0 - - 20' 7 41 24 25 2 * : a rebrutY:,. es' 9 -10 II 12 16 17, 18 19 x3:24 - 23 ". 24 March 9 3 4 ' 68 •7 1 9 10 11 12' .13 14 • 16 17. 18 19 26 21 23 " 24 25 26, '27 28 30 31 April - 1 - .2 - 3 - '4' • - 6 7 6 9 -111 11 . 13 14 15 16. 17. 18 _ . 20 21 22 .23 24 "25 27 28 29 30 May - , 1 2 4 5 13 if 8 fl • 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 • 22 23 25 26 27 28 - 29 30 Juni' 1 2 3 4 , 5 6 9 10 1 ig 13 15 16 17 IS 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 July -12 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 ' Augurt I 3 4 5 . B 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 le 17 18 19 20 2L 22 ,24 25 20 27 28 29 31 September ' 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 • -,21 22 23 24 25 26 . 28 29 30 • October 2 • 1 2 3 4 5 .0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 30 31 HlNlnvember 1 10 17 24 Jo 23 30 Derembei 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 STONEINBII, DEALER IN 11111DVIRE„ . GLITTERY, &C., H re_ as returned fro the Cities with a large and well selected s ell, +if Goods He now offers for sale at low prices: Iron, Steel, Nails, .----Azree, Rope, ' Robe; STOVES, (PARLOR AND TEMPLATE) CARRIAG WARE, CEDAR WARE; itl - NW STONE (A superior kind;) Horseshoes, Traces, Harries, SHOE FINDINGS AND LASTS, Knives, Forks, Spoons, &c. ALSO cs) en 2 CM will tt co tr. iz AND FILLERS On a new and improved plAn, at low prices. He invites bis old customers and - the trade getter erally to examine his stock before purchasing else where. H. STONEHOUnE. Nov. 1. 1860 FRESH ARRIVAL. OP 111110, MERICIES e . IEI Confectioner Frults,&cm,AttoW_wal THE subscriller takes this method of an ouncing to the Veople that he has received at h' Drug store,' a large and carefully selected stock o FRESH DRUGS Chemicals, Patent - Ididicines, Paints Oils, Dye Stuns, window thrum, Putty., Tailrace°. Saud, and Seger'', dec., which he is now prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest and will assure his custom ers that in regard to quality which is of the first im portance, his goods will compare with any in the market. He has also a splendid assortment of Perfumery. Soaps and Toilet Articles. of all kinds, consisting in part of the following, viz 'Bandolines. Pomades-, Amber and Bears' Oil Colognes, Extracts for the Handkerchief, • Lyon's Kathairon, Burnet's Coconino, Harrison's Ladies' Soap, ' • Honey Soap, Hotel soap, Diamond White Soap: • CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &c. Cranberries Raisins, Figs , Prunes, Cdlrants, Dates, Citron , Lemons, Nuts of all kinds, and Candied.of every variety. Kerosene Lamps, Lanip globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil. Camphilie, Alcohol, Burning Fluid, and' in fact anything and everything, that is usually fougg in a drugstore. ' - Thankful for kind fevers and `patronage hereto. forekbestored upon sum, he solicits acontinuance of the same. amid hopes that, bv Andeavoring to please, hein,ay, the andidenns of Ole Px'Ploo Physiclibie-preseriptioar promptly and carefully colorundsd at all hours. . .J. P. KURTZ:. nor .419, 1850 : Dealer r in all the-variety Druip„ - tinelf; Fame Notions; Pet/Waal,— _ 1: : :: - C , tit.: 4 .6 1, 4 e '-'ll%--:;,',11 . , purposes. Oils. ,-; ' ,' Ti :":,(!...Ve. ,- ;"4.t., ' ,2 - '-' .'," , ,•`, :' ~= i ~. 1 ~.;',......... ,t i, , :........ , ....,:,:i ~. WOULD tender his. thanks to the community. and still saliclithe patronage of a generous public who want anything in hisline. • Inasmuch• as he has enlaiged his stock so as Co - be - enabled to answer all calls for anything and everything usual ly found in -a Drug there, and has a thorough ac quaintance with Jul buiineasi 'hti isequib to gain the confidence ottbe - Ciiiiimunity: ' He Will pay par ticular attention to filling physicians' Precrtptions, and more care and precaution ;pied in waiting up on chldronjtuttniduittr. "-"...f"' - "'' '' - WWI 7 8 14 18 _2l , 22 28 6 13 2Q 27 15 22 29 12 19 26 Choica Wines and iitiiors' for medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines ire endless variety, including all that haVe been 'inn& up to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or• inside work, besides all• sizes of Wass. Cominercial, Note, Fools Cap and Letter Paper always on hand, with .a variety of Envelopes of ditterent sizes and colors. a Brushes, Combs, Pomade, FanCy Soap,-Hair• Oil; C - olognes, Essen ces, Flavoring Extracts, and namerous articles in the Fancy line on hand and (*red for sale, cheap• er than ever offered. before Also a large assortment of Kerosene Oil Vamps, Chimneys, Bhades aril Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to fill them. A general assortmenVorFruits and Confectionaries, Tobacco and Cigars. • Oct. 11. 12 19 66 Should you ask me, Should you I/Pander, Where to buy your Stoves and Tinware; I would answer, 1 would tell you-- '•Go unto the fine new store room Where the Dig Red Horn, the sign is; There's the best Cook Stoves and Tin-Ware, All sold cheap by D. D. Russell."• • thoni the Song of Hiawatha. HE undersigned informs the public in genera 141 and especially those of his customers in want of anything m his hue of business, that he has com pleted and is now occupying his new and extensive• ly enlarged establishment for the IVlanufacturle arid - Sale OP-TINWARE, SHEET-IRON WARE, AND 16 23 30 13 20 27 0 13 211 2 27 28 lb is now prepare+) to supply any demand for his Cook Stoves, general Housekeeping Goods and Kitchen Ware, ou such terms as must give entire satisfaction. 15 22 29 12 19 26 3 • 4 5 6 offered arc of the best and meat improved kinds,and having been tried are acknowledged to be all that can be desired as good cookers and bakers, and are easily kept clean. His own BIANUFACTIIRED WARS is all made'ivith view to the wants al,customers from the best mate rial and is warranted in all cases to be good. He also keeps a large-assortment of fancy articles. jar Npedal attention is given to putting up SPOUTING, made of the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has had a longand extensive ex perience. Remember the sign of the -Pig Red Horn. Aug 9, 1860 D. B RUSSELL ITIHE undersigned having leased the well-kno C:oachmakingEstablishment of Alex. Ham II on 'Mechanics street, Waynesboro', respectfully an nounce to their friends and the public generally, that they purpose carrying on the business in all its branches, and are now prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of, Si k Carriaiges, Buggies, Harouches, & Sping Wagons, c. &e., of the best material, and made oy superior workmen. ! r . , I.II.ACKMITHING and . REPAIRIING of all -- ii@s done, at reasi ands done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the satisfaction of customers. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for work at market prictai IffirPersona desiiiniiirtielei or Work in the Coach ma king Ittle,tre respectfully invited to give" them a call. L. K. IvIORIDSON, Mar. 8. - UEO. B. HA WKER. WM. A, TRIPLE' S HOUSEKEEPERS' EMPORIUM, AND Copper, Brass, Tin and Sheet Iron On Main Sired, one door West of Travels Dry WHERE he keeps constantly on ba u d, an tensive assortment of Housekeepers' Arti cles of every ilescript ion. Tin ,Sheet Iron, Copper and Brass Ware. Japan ed Wooden Ware, Sad-irons, all sizes of Iron Kettles, Pans, &c. Also—a large assortment of Cooking Stoves, Parlor and Ten-plate Stoves. Persons who are in 34-ol'-a-good-cook-stove v iiill dthwal see his ,assortment, as he is prepared to offer great inducements, not only in Stoves, but in all the above articles. You will find a large and splendid assort ment of Tin Ware of his own manutacture—at low prices. All those desirous of getting bargains would do well to call at W. A. TRII.'LVS Housekeepers' Emporium, opposite Dr. Brotherton's office. house Spouting done at the shortest notice, and of the best Feeling thankful for past favors, be invites his friends" and the public generally to call and examine, his stock. ' W. A. THEME. March 22 DAstm, 'rains, Agent. A NEW POCKET PISTOL. " “SHARPE'S PATENT • Breech-Loading Repeater.,' • PHIS Pistol, (or simplicity.of construction, coat paCtness sad durability, is superior to all oth ers yet tittered to the public. It can be loaded as quickly as other pistols are capped. The load may remain in the Pistol any length of time without injary. It is the lightest pistol manufactured that has forte and is sale to carry. It will force a ball through a one inch board at the distance of one hundred yards. Weight only eight and a half oza. For sale sit EitOTHERTON'S May 2 Hardware Store. NO LABOR. NO ODOR DIXON'S PURE 04.nnartET or IRAN The cheapest snide in the world. Unrivalled in Economy. Permanently Lustrous. ..eite only place to get it is at DUO PUER ram March 22. f_UTittRAN Alinanues at nov 241 I "E IRON KET LES at . 4ite2B Russat.t'i. S - NYI3Or)Y - '1 1 01(!, in; tn, the "shag. Una" eau be ,suppliil4) I P a FT r __,.: ~~ ~'`. ~' _~ ^~:~~ NOB - 00 ANOIC PINS:' aid G G D 2ufaui STOVES. veta ava NEWT 1 R\ ! Coachmaking! Manufactory, Goods Store. STOVE POLISH, ►"44 Eatin_ls .0 1 littoOn Z'$ , SA PONVE92I9 lcaraTt TOP ',IOWA* # 4 0q ctru' ets' RM . Wei ph6lic winehl that , 4 ? IT*, .7: 604, itock 91, Fruit IVO f.. / 44.. tionikiries, Wad haii 'AO* , the itut;l44ol4ont a'. . • , ever brought to Waynesboro'; with - 1H171( 1 8, RA1411115 3 - PRUNES; FIGS,- SWEET opoditottoit-,0:. ,VrAlti.'3 ; o,ltAS;6o.UlO...utUc , 0 S'T Ft, S. He has alto on hand stall' limes the finest Oyster's the; matket v 4 itt liffdril,4hieh Win - be' Seised up' tis customers Fried, !limited 'or Stewed; • ' • _ ,• • "• A-11111 ArND CID 13 ILI lie is likeWfse prepared to furnish itotti ,Woalta bough" and Ludwikett ALE, and superior article of scotch Ale and Giab Apple eider, with a prime article bologna Sausag e , , Boiled . - Eggs, ' and all other 'sulkies usual!* kept m first cla*Restainints A genuine *elide of, Vinegurialatays4Or NovB L.A. FISHER. THIS WAY ~ ! MEM ENG I I BE undersigned respectfully announces to the .111, public- generally that ho is mill 'at: the old stanil.on Church "Streit, Waynesboro', Fd., Where he Continues the manufacturing of Family raakcauratira Buggies, Berottchei - , Wagians, and every species of vehicles usually made in such establishments.— His work is warranted to be coMposed of the best .ann most ,durable material, and none but the most experienced workmen are employed.- , r Ile has. now on hand a number of Carriages, Wag gles, &c dm, which he .will ' positiveiy• sell at greatly re duced latices fur cash, •or upon short credit. By keeping a good stuck at all times, and always holding himself ready to supply 'the .de mands of the people he hopes to retain ant! secure a liberal share of patronage. Repairing, Trimming, and Painting, done in the best manner, and at the shottest notice. • Lumber, Country Produce, &c,, will be taken in exchange for.wOrk. JACOB ADAMS. 'II. B. The Books of the firm of J. di A. S. Ad ams, are in the hands of the undersigned. Persons knowing.theinselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment. J. A. Nov' 1. 1861. NEW GOODS ! AEW GOON! FIRST ARRIVAL. C. 4 J. BENDER UrAVE now open for irispee- LLtion at their store on the outhcost corner of the, Diumor their second supply of - • e ii -- D ' I u acoa4, 4 , for Gentlemen's ware. Their stock embraces Blue, Black and Fancy Cloths, Plain, Fancy eassimeres, Silk and Saiin Vestings, and all other goods for coats, pants, and vests, of the most fashionable styles. Also— Gloves, Cravats, shirts, collars, &c. dtc.• with an as. of READY-MADE CLOTH ING. Gentlemen are invited to call and examine their stock of now goodt. • I...V'The latest I. ashions regularly received. May 2 3 1861. De*Nice of Artnaggedon. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES. rimis is acknowledged to'be one of the most re. markable of human productions that has ever been offered to the American people. The style is chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treated of is of thelnost inspiring: "The United States in Prophecy. For sale by . J. F. KUR Novl Lumber I Lumbertil THE undersigned offers at his Lumber Yard! Waynesboro', Pu., the following variety of wel. seasoned Lumber, at reasonable rates: Worked Flooring Boards; I, I, and 1 inch yellow Pine; inch,,bed Lining; 1,1 f and 2 inch White Pine; f inch white pine Weatherboarding: Spruce Pine Joice and &ending; 11, 4 and 1 inch Poplar, Poplar Scantling; - rand 1f Cherry, Cherry 'Fable Legs ; Pins Lath and Chestnut Shingles:, and Chestnut Posts and Rails. Also, Turned Chair Stuff by the Stand; Turned Chair Legs, Bent Chair Backs, and turned Brown Handles. ALSO, For)Sale, by the bushel or quantity, Corn on the ear or - shelled, Oats and Potatoes by the bushel. ' if MZEZZNEEMTZEV.ZIMMPAZMI•Og T. J. FILIBEKT 9 DRAPER, • 44 %.11i 'ale has constantly for sale a full assortment of NI QOODS for Gentlemen's ware. i% A 4 rirLatest City Fashions always on handl:4 14 Waynesboro', Pa. ..V NI ' Xiar.4aMagIAARMAZVAM*7724W.2b - DN. T. D. FRENCH, • - DENTIST. ESPECTFULLY offers his services to the cit. t,izens of Waynesboro' and surrounding country. He is prepared to perform all operations in Dental : urgery in a superior manner. Teeth inserted/vont one to an entire eel in the most , approved anirsub• etanlial manner, and warranted not to bo surpassed for beauty and durability. Charges moderato and all work warranted as represented. N. B. Will visit residences when requested.— Office, on Mechanics Street, opposite the residence of J. B. Welsh, up stairs. To Capitalists. I'TAYNESBORO' SAVING FUND.—This Society. will pay the following rates of in. toms% per annum,on all BUM deposited in the in stitution. For 3 months, 2 per cent.; from 3 to 6 months, 3 per cent.; from ,9 to 18 months, 4 per cent; and over 18 months, 4i percent. For a shorter) period than 3 mcnitue the terms will be made Own by the Treasurer. Notes tor discountsbould he banded to the Treas• ufer on Tuesday, as the Board of Directors meet rghlarly ou Wedneaday.of each week, at 9 o'clock A.M. By order °Oho Board, _ June 17'68 JNO. PHILIPS Treasurer. rIIIII.EGRAPH FODDER OUTTEIto„ The bestin use 'For sale by' NovB • F. 8. TROXE 1.. AO. 1,1111:8H Mackerel at Mar 28 Alamos. Bascourr & Co'u. ng ACHE3.- 7 Dried Peaches. pared and unpar r" ed at Ammon. Unman= & Go's. `LOTH, Hit, Hair; Tooth and Nail Brimhe lajoiltrecoived and female very low by M. M isTONER., May 13. ' MBE' Dissr COOK - STOVE' • A' • in the market to ,be had at the sign of the Dig Dad Horn. , D D. RIISSIILL. Knars'* un and unadulterated spiced eider.Vieegar for sale by Alnonewsign, of slo,eoldan Marta! Pries osnyla rents re seam " .1 an 26, ALEX. HAMILTON. . \); papti2o lllo ft" 0 I I ?SRO R k' - ' - d i. '' . 1 I),, i i , 1 q 7.1 • . ,''').l ''.' :.: . ., - t , ' \ • Cif.:l ll4'' N PAIriNT SELF-REGULATING GliAtpl't3EF!AltA.7'Oß, GLEANER > . , , . cin AND TD , Laiegi'inVi ; o4rit af=itTriple dear ettHorle Plrtoer, driving either by Gear, or Ail 1 -I:W4a:theca complete, :2 t . was to Wwiteretene sAesite. 1 7. Call !halt tentinn o Fermi:TS and - Threihernien of Frankling and adjoin irig counties 4o'it . . • This Machine lute been before' the public - 111 1 47n yeins,! during' which 'Nine It has - given satisfactiOn, and the - iiatenteii having made some very, important improvements which:vender it still more complete, 'Witt for clead separating. .ands. cleaning. •and also - fur ease , Of draught acid fast threshing.' 3 take . pleasure 'el commending it to.the.pubfic-, knowing that it will give the best of satisfaction a*manufsetining three different sizeir, as-followin - • No. lis horse Power,will thresh an }clean from 200 to 500 bushels per - day. • No. 2 is 5 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean from 150 to 300 bushels, per day No. 3 is 4 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean Irom 100 to -200 hfishele per day. These Macrunes are warranted to do the above. and do it Much better in every respect than any other machine in ,use. - . , . _ grain having much light fi lth in it elelitieden this Machine is Werth front 2 ti 3 cents more per bush el than when cleaned on any other separtitor r or the common way o f cleaningon hand fans. • For this reason there is not the eighth part of light matter in the grain as when cleaned on the riddle prinCiple. Whe blast acts freely on all the grain as it leaves the slates, whervas, when cleaned, witt, riddle that ad vantage is lost • This machine does not return the tailends as most of the separators do. By returning filthy tail ends alternately it is,impossible lb make merchanta grain, Another important feature in this machine that others of the kind have - not; is the Self=aming Blast Reg ulator in the fan, which remedies all dif ficulties in bad cleaning, blowing grain in the chaff in high speed or irregular driving, which cannot be avoided in gleaning grain by horse power This Machine is also more durable and less tedious t o manage than any other Separator and Cluaner,or the common machine with shaker. Orden; to insure their bring filled until harvest should be sent in immediately. I um fully prepared to make to order and on short notice Portable and Stationed „ . GRIST AND SAW MILL GEARING, SIIAFTINGr AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST 'FON WATER WHEELS, IRON KETTLES, &c, stoves anti Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brad castings 01 every description; in a word,. I am prepared to'do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having suppliaThyself with the - latest im. proved machinery, such as bather Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, persons can . rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner.- 1 am also prepared to manufacture to order ,ma chinery for wood, BitchiwT 41 origin Graving Machines for flooring, Surface, T oul and Mould= big machines, &c. 1 also oiler to the public a mew' and valu able—improvement- in my steam engines, made within UM.3 last year, viz: fur the econoniiiing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hunt a are all - experienced workmen iu this line ot business, and I use all good material, so that 1 301 perfectly safe in warranting all my work. - 1 am also prepared to do repairing in workman. like manner, on the shortest notice. .Orders solicit ed and promptly' attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must hi: accompanied with the cash For articulate and circulars descri nave of rim- chine, address' (.IEOIOI rim K., Or DANIEL WIRER, Proprietor of 'rerritury and so licator of orders, Waynesboro' Franklin Co. Pa. April 18—tf • NO HUMBUCCINC. 71111 E subscriber respectfully informs the public 1 that he will continuo the Sinithing business at the old stand, until recently. conducted under the firm of Hawker & Cline. He is now prepared to make to order Buggies, Carriages,Spring Wagons, with all work belonging to the Blacksmithing business, at short notice and upon reasonable terms. He returns his thanks for the very liberal patronage extended to the late that, and hopes by prompt at tention to business to merit Ilk continuance or the same. JOHN March 22. Ready-trade Clothing! FOR FALL AND WINTER! FRESH SUPPLYS RECEIVED MONTHLY! S. ADAMS would respect( .11 • . s a oput ic genera y t lathe. has returned tiom the Eastern cities with a genera l'as• • sottment of Heady-Made FALL AND wrivrsn CLOT/If:VG, eMbraciiiiiUll the latest styles of Coats, Pants,Vests, Shirts, Collars, Necties, suspenders, etc., etc., all of which are,well made. The public are cordially in vited to mill and examine his goods, as he is deter termined to soil at short profits. lie will continuo to carry on the business of Tailoring as heretufirM.- Persons desiring gar ments cut out or made up are invited to give him a call. • ...• Latest fashions received regularly. Oct2s. A. S. A. • Important to Farmers. 11-1 E subscriber takes this method of announcing j of the Fanners and others, that be has ork band a let of DWARF BROOM 00101 seed, along with semi) specimens of the corn. This is an excellent article of Broom Corn, and should be raised by ev ery one. He has also a full assortment of fresh Daum Medicines, Clunnicalli, — &c. .1, P. KURTZ. P. S. lam selling Cranberries at 12} cents per quart, s Mar. 14 BROQMS4 THE undersigned continues t o manufacture Corn Brooms upon the old principle, all of which he will warrant to be well made. Those having, broom corn are requested .togive him kcal!. Juitl7 - JACOB ta.:UKN ER. Smoke Stack for Sale. HE mdiscriber has a heavy Iron Smoke Stack T 33 reit long and 16 Wailes in diameter. which he will dispose of upon reasonable tone. Poet Of" Ace address; Quincy, Pa. Dec2U---if _ JOHN L. METCALF. ( - 11TRON caul)* had at ‘..." nay . KURTZ'S ALARUE; assottasent of TL' 1 WARE at 'the sign of,the Big Red Horn. dec2o !GU • • ' D. H. Rtremeti. . - - • ,BY ,W;7131.,A11t . , • , „,-,.,...0,•, ~:, .:,._,A..,,, ~ .4 ,40.... :: , - ,TsRbitikareblioriNakiii , thridvarueeor within three,montkir4ll4oo aftki , the- efwirriini of OM/ inept& butiotifilln the•lietkirs •.• lt. 3.. , :? [ ~ i....f .-11.1 . ADVERTlSElONTS.—trendinei,thie. ittoeir. dont St; for ever'', "u.4eque n n,i insertion* .4 tegt tIZEt . km ... , ap‘ ..90r rxittiOrer si;WiaLadiriliidt4 ' 1 - * 1 'IMAM :11111,040k.::,, 4t litothertal6 : 1101 441 t e;ti a g t . Point Store! , • . , . take, thin' ukhfsit of iniothiing 'dui, piblie thit I have fug letivisl trarix,i'hilOoltilitait.l 4tra 0 ( t e t . folry svieetestAttitk,ixf' . • - • , ' - -; - ' v - :-- 1 : , Obis, '• • ' '', .' ' " ''' Olifig; •i"') ' .. . , . ruby!. -'. • ' . - -.' . • '' - 13to'rel;' .. . • I ' brUshei; '' '• - . , - ' ' ..Aiuthfry; ~. . , 'llirdwaiis, '' ' . ' " irtirhisthes,' ' • Oil' UMW; ' - • ' ' Shim Phidinds; ' ' Agriedittitt 'lmplembniti, . an of troich I desire ,to dispose Or at . prii s t 4 Snit i the times: Try me, and by an eianattia oar of my Sleek convince yeuray that Inman jinn 'fiat tatiy. I take pleasure ia showing goods' whether stilme are r effected onot. To persons about to build .lant prepared to Offer ettraordillary iridneernebhfboth in Hardvs . are and Paints. '!t'h'ankful to-friends ier past favors, a continuance of thetame is respectfully so licited—promising to do-SE in my power to render lia tisfeetiort. to ail..who may, , favorme witty their pqr. trcinage. , - Wen: tstiutlirEwrtiN ii ' April 11. - TO TUE reinalei NEW ESTABLISH 'MEN ti I Wsubscribei would inform the citizens-of aynesboro'y and the public that he has coin mimed the Shoemaking business jut the Basement of Kurtres.notel,'Where he will at all 'times be in' readiness to accommodate these who may give hies a call-. • . BOOTS AND SHOES! made to order, on short notice, of the beat material, and upon the most reasonable terms. • Oct 25. THOS. HiIINOMAN, W A-14 100 •Samples of ,the latest Spring styles easi l ' he seen in the Book Store at the Town Hall. Receiving Paper directly from the Manutire. turers, the subsea* is prepared to sell at tile very lowest prices. • . J. E. WELSH. April 12. ' • ' - ' - • _... DENTISTRY • to return tt„ to the public fiber& .mange he has received during the past, tun lopes by strict attention - to business to merit a_ continuance of the same. All operations in the dental line will be, performed in the incest' substantial' and satisfactory manner. lie keeps posted on all the advancements and iruprovinents of the profess ton' and flatters himself that as good work can be had at his office as at any other in the State - Arti field teeth inserted from a single tooth to a full set, and in all cases warranted to perform satisfactorily or no pay. 'Perms reasonable. July 5, 1860. rA.YETTElrztatim Recommendations from the Faculty of Princeton College. N. 1. _ Patßossi's, N. J.,-Feb. 26thi - 1861. - The undersigned are harpy to testifythat.,painje of the Pa retteville AcAdetny, h•ive msint.tine4 a high standing ainnig.theyeeent grAdustee of the College of New Jersey. ' r. JOHN MACI.E.V.SI, • President of the College. JAMES U. MGPFAT4 • • ' Professor of Greek. • G. MUSGRAVE GIGER, Professor of Latin. JOHN T. 1011.TIEJ.D. Professor of MAthernaties mar.2B Celebrated American American Liniment c `For Wart aria BazistM I THE greatest and best external remedy ever oft tered to the public. For sale by F. J. Krwzf Druggist. Waynesboro' and by Druggists in dm county generally. LArPrice 25 cents per bottle.. December 13, 'GO— ly New Millinery Establitluzient:_t THE undersigneil would inform the citirens of Waynesboro' and - vicinity . nut she has 'Cool menced the Milliner business, in Ciiureh sheet; a_ few doors South of the Diairiona: She expects to receive her goods in a few days. The ladies are most respectfully invileil to give her ft can." No pains vi Al be spared to suit the Cute of all. AY close: application and a determination to persevere, she hopes, in gain the confidence, as well as the support ul the community. She has made arrangementa'sit that she can receive new goods weekly it necessary., Please give her a call M. O. , Waynesboro; May 2, '6l. BACK AGAIN. GB. RICE informs his customers and the . • illy„yint he has remoyed hid • asenteutloilt ' formerly occupied hy him us a Liarber slop, vvhero he will shave, Cut; and Dress 'lair as heretofore. inform his limo him a call.. ' • . , Nov. 42-01 • EN awl Boy's heavy 0110y1 anti Shims at -....., 1 . 11 0(1..4 , , Buseitg's. IIiKTAIN Fixtures ut VJr Mar 28 AmaNivux. 136:12D1CT •St: Cu'; excwie.„ arucla ut syrup tar 50 cts. per gulf at (Uatt , kikauttit'a a E n E d ll b C y li: p r e tD ial L d i t y re u c o t r i s o , u s s ol o d f o a nlyg y s s i i le ic a d n ici b n y a. .d.sTON Ltrugg3l4' • • May W. PEPPER and Corrianirtr; ground & ungruu a nov*29 at ; ' Knitted. I lEPPER SAUCE at Jr nov. 2.9 LARD CANS, at the sigh of th.f. Rig Red Rota dee2o lf. B. Rotuma. IIOR SALE Olt FOIL _RENT.—A Tou-plato Score; Apply at 11;14411 . 6.5t0re • °ale. • IL EN DI D Esnbroidirtl goods at Ort linomea STEEL. Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks; Rakes; Manure brags, &c., (sc., at prices that will defy competition. I:41 and sue lur _yourselves. at aprll BIWTHERTON'S Light ! Lights ! ! IniE cheapest Light in use eau be had at II rSTONEHUU.Scd liardwate Stoic Nov I irißlNttdOlioo,'4ugaiti,YeitiTC/A16773; jr Uct4 thsgaill ' -e PRUNES at 12} and 25 ceisti.per pound at nay 29 Kam's. GE.• T'd Show Is, Arctic Wrappers, and other Comfortable tixine fox 40111 weather; at . 1104 theedines.. SILK, Wool, arid Cotton under Bbirts awl braw ers st J. W,. :Huang* 11 MS /hail' O.= .1K• sea. G:141; at Devi , lismoses., ? ,~t ~. , ;H.% KURTZ'S TO FARMERS.