PUBLIC ','',IALE., ho soli at public' sale at the residence W of the subscriber,- two •milelltain tif Utters burg and one mile south of Ringgold, on Wawa' a. naT;the 12th of MARC% 1862, Mt following per. .!Dual property, to win „ . THead Horses, -----111mf-ishich_tute_BrxitL_Maret-witlt-c; • • . - andl yearling Colt; 20 , head of CATTLE, 7 of which are Mitch Cows,: Will, have ..Calvethy the day of side, 1 young- Bull, (Teettivilei,) 2 large Steers, the 'others thriving. Young Caine; 25 hind of Hoop, a-of them HMO Sows, 2 having Pigs; '2 Plantation Whim:lB'3 inch Tread, 1 nearly new, 1 Wood Bed, boarded np, 1 two-horse Wagon, 2 pair Hay ladders, 1 Revolving Grain Rake; 2 three- Morse and 2 two horse Ploughs, 8 double and 2 shovel Ploughs, 1 Corn Coverer, 2 Harrows nearly riew,il Spreader, 1 Tribte, 2 doubler smisin gle Tress, 2Log Chains, Forks, Rakes, Shovels, 20 • Grain Bags, Cutting Box, Dinner Bell, flay cut ter, 2 pair Breechbands, 2 pair Frotit Gears, 5 sets plodkh Gears, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Housens, Fly nets, Butt and Breast Chains 6 pair Cow Chains.' t THRASHING MACHINE and Her so Power Dayhors make, 1 Windmill Wntkin's make, 3 Bedsteads and Bedding, 3 Stoves and other art i. cies; HAY by the ton, 1,000 lbs. of BACON, 300 lbs of Lard. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said day, when acredit of ten 'months will be given on all sums of $5 and upwards, all sums under $5 cash, the purchaser to give note with approved se curity. No property to be removed until settled Tor. If the notes are not promptly paid within ten days diet they beeßme due, interest will be charg• ed from the day of sale. JACOB WINTER. Fcbl4-3w. FLOUR, .FEED, • AND PROVISION • STORE 1 vw,HE Enlycribers would inform the 'citizens of W onesbcru', that they have opened' a Flour, Feed and Provision Store in the room formerly oc• cupied by Joseph Price, olposite the residence ob John Bell, where they will at all times have for sale INK CORI MEAL, 'KRIM MIL HOMINY, MILL STUFF OF ALL KINDS, SCREENINGS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN THE EAR, OATS, PO TATOES, BACON AND LARD, VINEGAR: Also, Rye, Wheat and Barley by .the bushel or in smaller quantities, and other articles usually kept in such establishments. All Flour and lA' tug will be sold at MjlaL MUM; YoR C. Tile highest cash prices pniii for wb at. rye corn tend oats. DANIEL ts.NIVE Y, Febl4—tt WM. fl. FUNK. List - Of Lette] 0. LIST of Letters remaining In the Post o...ince at Wavneshoro',..ra.. Feb. 14, 1 42 Baer John, Cornog G. F., Fox Delinh (9) FAT ney Elizabeth. Free,t John, Fry. Samuel, Cossard Frank, Houser David, listlttle Thouris; Kale John. liam(2) Mailtz Edward (3), Walker Lewis • -Pg rsons-ca nr-for-n fly of--the-above -Id ters-will pleatc say they were ativ ertiged: One cent. on each letter additional will he eharpd. T. O. PILKINGTON, P. M. ROAD WAGON FOR SALE, r7rIIE Eubrcriber, reaiding about a quarter of a Jmile I rum theencastle, otTei•s 'at Private Sale A large ROAD WAGON ' four inch tread, with bed, bows and cover—us gaud an niw and warranted to Lt - well put up - ADAM WALTE4. • Fehl4-4w- 0,000 Erick. for Sale. • MBE subscriber has now for sale at his Brick Yard near Waynesboro', 100,000 well burnt Brick, which he Mil dispose of upon reasonable terms. JOHN JOHNSTON. Public Sale. THE suLserilter inteniling to discontinue farm ing, will sell at Public Site, at his resilience. two and a half miles southeast of Wayne — Zion,' and in sight of Stouffer's new M:11, On Thursday and Friday:The 27th and 28Th days' o/ February. 1862, the following valuable personal property, to wit:— 19 HEAD lW lloasEs „i x - 4 '4;14 p . _ - - among which are ft WOrK HORSES, 4 Colts ri= sing three wore, 3 rising two years, and 4 nine months old; ' 30 HEAD OF HORN CITTLE, 'unpile which are 'nine MILCH CO VS, (six of them free') 3 large Leatszol tiZ:3oo:l4aDzns3 1 Fat Bull, 3 young Bulls; 29 head of STOCK HOG .1: Man 3 Brood Sims and 12 Pigs; 28 head of skIEEP; 4 WAGONS, one A ROAD WAGON, with new 16 brunet bra. 1 four inch and 2 two-inch tread plantation wagons; 1 one harse.wagon, : Curt, ROCK.9ICIII BUG tiY, 1 Wagon Berl, 1 pair new Woad Ladders, 1 pair klny Lad 'era, I pair Hq . Carriages, 1 GRAIN SEPARATOR, (Geidoes nuilo), I — Florio l'olver - (Prick'r — nioko) 1 CORN SHELLER, - •which can he uaed by hand or horse, 1 Groin Drill, / patent Steel Grain Hoke, I CORN CRUSIIER,'% ROLLING SCREEN, 1. Wheat Fan; 3 three horse Ilarsheor Plinth, 2 two haste Plows, 4 double and 3 single shovel Plows, 8- , Harrows, (four unironed), 2 sets Breechbands, 4 sets front Urears 4 s sets Plow Hears, 6 Fly nets, 6 Hansen*, halters anti chains, 6ftlo , chain, log. chains, cow chains, single, double and trebble trees; 2 sets Harness. , l Wagon and 3 Riding Saddles; fyur horse Sled, 2 Sleighs, mattocks, shovels, forks,' rakes, grain eraiVes and mowing scythes, t Jock Screw, 1 Clop Chest, between .50 and 60 grain bags, with a great variety of other articles. EIGH. TY ACHES:OF Grain in the Ground. 200 BARRELS' CORN, 200 BUth.IELS OATS, 14 BUSHELS CLOVERS ED, 12 gal Fish Oil. bialinnel Tar. Sale to eminence at 9 O'clock on eniamlaye, when a credit ..of eiglit'imonihe will be given on all awns of $5.00 inn ' - -RUDOLPH _SPEELNIAN. Feb?— te 1. Duniard & Son, And& Important'otice, I,l, 4 leniona who gave their notes at the sale of thesubseriber on the 20th of Fcbinary,,tßol, are notified that..the same fell due on. the 20th of October !61, , a0rl if immediate payment is lid m 'do costa will - bc , added. DAN LEL 151 VIN El, Y. Jan St ftw' # 7 O R .REII4-I'. • EA:31;1;1'4 Maker-Shop-uoar-.occupied by Ja j.., , c „h liejnyer. Ashis au Old eakahlusheiti staid cuillwvorablilocatcd for u..gncl.mvorkourn. Ajiply ta , , S.TUOX.EI,; . „ SA LE. Ming tiiruleArgnelT siele, ,1 residents on themiarilettlihg from Leitersburg to.Smithab utif, one mile from the former place; On fre;irieidii4• 26th Vag Oebruary.'62, the following personal property, to wit: and I Mai , : "en - roid CULT: 20 HEAD OF Morn 00.0.0, ,s,-,:i., among which are 6 MUCH COWS, and one fine Doveri gull; 50 head of HOGS, arriOng iv high are 3 flee BROOD SO WS and I CH ESTER BOAR; 2 Planottien Wagons, 2 pair flay Ladders, 1 pair wood do., 1 of Geiser's Patent Self-regulating Grain.. Separators,• CLANER and ft A GO tit, with the latest Trnproved Iron Tripple Gear, Horse Power, and all 'complete on Font. Wheels. • 1 MA.NNV REAPER. 1 Wheel Rake, Grain Drill, 1 set BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Wheat Fari, Horse tsears, Plough Gears, Fly Nets, Horsens and Halters, Cow Chnina, 2 Barahear Plows, 4 Shovel Ploug ha, I Corn Coverer, 2 Harrows, I Fifth Chain and Spreaders, 'Fallible. Double - and Single trees, Butt and Breast Chains, together with many articles in general use upon a farm not necessary to mention. Also, about 40 acres GRAIN IN -THE GROND. AND 200 BARRELS OF CORNS riPSale to commence- at 9 o'clock on said day, when a credit of 6 months will be given an all sums of $5 and upwards, the purchaser giving note with approvetraeurity; all sums under $5 cash. DAVID M. DRTRICIT. Richard Sheakies, Auct. Jan 22.—ti For Rents A CHANCE FOR A BLACKSMITH. ►subsc riber will rent at Public Outcry, in J. front of the • Continental Hotel," in Wflytleße boro', on SAMIDAY, the 15th of naiItUARY next, his property, situated about two miles south of Wo3ner•boro'. Said property contains about three acres,of land, with a '1 wo;stery LOG DWELL 11G HOUSE, a large STO:NE BLACKSMITH SHOP, i ts, and othe, necessary out banditti:l4 thereon. There is also 'the land a thriving young orchard of choice ruit trees. Therti is perhaps no better court try stand in the county for a Blacksmith, the prop erty being surrounded on all sides by a populous and wealth agricultural community. • The ajiove property will he offered for rent at 1 o clock on said day when the _terms will be made known by ' ABRM. BARR. •Jan 21—ta. air The. Patronsg‘and friends, and the pubric generally, of J. A. FISHER ARE again reminded of his recent tour to the Eastern Cities, and of the recektion of his fine stuck of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vest- Wags. MI of the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. Nis stock of FRENCH CLOTHS and CAS4- MEIIES he calls particular attention to, as the hest in town. Also, one of the best assortnients of FIIe;4ISITING Goons in town—all ready for their in spection and benefit, nod kindly asks a. call from all persons &unions of buying Goods h. his line, a t ex ttemely . • In the NEWLY FITTED ROOM, next door to Updegraffs', Hagerstown, Md. [:lnn. :3, 1561.] ~~~~ , TP HE undersignotl will sell at public ails nt his 14; him tesitlence, 1 miles northenst of Waynes boro', nu Tt k DAY the 25th of Fa lIIMAItY, 1862, the tbllowing property, to Wit: ,` Z HORSES 14 HEAD OF CATTLE , 4 FAT sTEERsI 15 HEAD OF'HOGS; 2 one-horse wagons, Plows, Harrows, Horse Gears, log and fifth-chain, spreaders, double and single t re e.; 1 - Roller, I Hand Gar!, 1 Grind Stnne,.l Roll ing Screen; 1 setsof BLACKSMITH ° TOOLS, CORN, OATS and Potatoes by the bushel; thy by the ton,and many otlar articles not necessary to mention. Dale to commence nt 10 o'clock on :4aid day, when a reaannable credit will be given. Feb. 7— ts. PUBLIC SALE. IVILL bei sold at public sale, on Srreannv the Bth DAY ~ p MAUCH, next; at t o'clock on said dny, the following Beal Estate, situated on Main Street in Waynesboro', bounded by lots of Peer Benedict, W,u. H. Miller and others, to wit: I LOT of GROUND, containing thereon a T WO STORY STONE ' DWELLINer-T3O-17M---' • with a BACK-BUILDING attacked; ullo—a Two stay BRICK DWELLING HOUSE. together twlth a BARN, Carrion. House, and all othix nectssary'buildings thereon erected Cunditions will be mule known en ddy of gale by WILLIAM 11 AM MET l', Executor of David Hammett. tice'd Noticc---New rnHE rullsoriber having disposed of his entice JL, Stock of Goods to Misers. Collifiower & Clug ston,•notifies all 'persons indebted to him on Store Books to settle• their accounts with and ray the a mount of their indebtedness to either John P. Study or Daniel Hrickgr. •The new 'firm will continue the business us heretofore. A. S. M(NN. Quincy, Jan. 31 4862: 0 TES I .0 YES ! •0 YES ! . , liE undersigned offers his sei t4. vice to seii riersons 41 want a,cryer. Ready ut, all times to cry Public Sales; Veudues, Auctions, Ste., at the must moderate tennis. All orders left-a t the Office of the Vilinge Record, will be promptly attended to. • . UP 4 U. V. MOM; 7- 331ackozolth Shop for Rent.' rfFlEanbscriber Oen tOr ,rant the • well *town - • br,M,KIsM,I rti IS OP, enulted nt thp West end of Wuyueshoro ' now oc cupied by John Cline'. Poani,eislod will 4okiveta'un the 'lei day of April .1.8g2 - Janet • PAIVIEL 8NiV04,1%,, • . • WAX . ; t.lllfYoli e.;AtEe . , 7111.1E:Tsubscriher 'has a ,goad,.,l' WO , HO REM WAGON which he witl.4ieriosa otcia , amaiu: aide -terns Yuys fo . r 'sale ; at- ; . liCitsutiV littr • - • ' - , c• otnitirierithor PV WAYNE3II:ibIitr, „.....1' ~..'..*.7,;(i.:=1 4 - - ' l'''lllE - iiiifelligiiiiihtiiinji ,recently' iakeri Ai* o+ hove named trouse,,forinerly, ; knowit its ,the tali °tie Inn,” tiikelt preaSure in tuition-tieing „tO hii frietiihi and iiiii priblic • that,he is :Pr . :o:siisif . iii„riaCeiVri and iiitertidnliimits in a style liiii - to lie" - .".kbellil by any - cifuntri Hotel.' The liaise - ii:ivink b . ;,; ii thoroughly repaired and Mewl, (Mni:Med with eve hing-calculitted-to-make-his-jueste-coml4rtahl —the public May rest assured that they wilt at all times and Win a condition suited to.the comfort and convenience of the traveler. , ...His Bar is always OW' plied With - the Choicest titiiiinir, and his Table With 'the best the markets alliwili and all other appliances suitable and ttecessary,,for.,•the accommodation of man or 'beast; With faithful and obliging servants and his own personal attetitiun and supervision, ho will leave nu-Mosns unspared to Merit public pa tronitg . The , proprietor assures those who may favor him with Wen. otrends@ that thei shall ever meet at hie hintie a cordial reception, andlitit everything es. sernial to the convenience" and happiness of his guests shall be, attended to. , - • ' June 2 1 , 1860 ' . ' LB. KliliTZ PUBLIC SALL PIM subscribers will sell at Public Sale, at i lheir residence 2 miles from Waynesboro', near the turnpike road leading to Gettysburg; on Friday the 21st dray of February, next, tho following personal property, to wit: Four good WORK HORSES, two of which are Brood Mares with foal, one a fine young mare four years ofd; _ . 5 Head Mulch COWS ; one of which will be fresh about the time of sale, 2 yearling Calve's, 1 Berkshire Sew and 7 fine Shoats; 2 PLANTATION WAGONS, 1 4 inch tire near ly now, Wool ladders and Dung Boards, 1 Plow; 1 Harrow, 1 single and 1 double shovel Plow; 2 sets Breechbands, 2 'sets Front Gears, nearly new, 9 sets Plow Gears, 4 collars and 4 bridles, nearly new; housens, spreader, butt and breast chains, 1 log chain, all nearly new; 3 halters and chains. cow chains; 1 wind mill, lurks and rakes, .1 Grindstone, 1 Dinner Bell, I SET BLACKSMITH TOOLS, CORN—BY E B A R E and other nrticles not necessary to mention. Salo to commence at 9 o'clock OR said day. when n cred it of 7 Mouths ivtll be given. on all sums of $5 and upwartls.- JAC_OLI_BONEISREAK, . .10131 M. DONNBREAK. THE subscriber will sell at public sale, at the late residence of Samuel Gunlon, dec'rf, in Waynesboro, on SArTRDAY the 15TH of Fttnnumtir next, the following personal property, to wit; I- corner-Cupboard, 1 . Bump, I twen-ty-four-hour Clock, one Bedstead and Bening, 2 sets of Chairs, I Rocking chair, 1 Table, 1 Stand, 1 Silver W7ifch, a lot of hand Irons, a large lot of Books, n lot of Queensware, 1 hall:bushel, a basket, a let of Bags,a good kale. 1 TDB:VINO LATHE, A LOT OF TOOLS, such as Planes, Saws of different kinds, Drawing Knives, a largo lot of Chissels:and Augers, 2 iron Vices, 2 Work Benches, I Adze, 1 hammers, 2 Az es, Mall and Wedpes, I marble paint Stone, a lot screw cutters, lame and and small, 1 lot wooden „Clams, l'ettlics e m u r Saw, 1 Grindstone, 2 Braces,one for chair making, anti a largo_ ,let of Bits, I small pocket Compass, n varnish arril grim Kettle, a quan tity of Varnish, and many other articles too numer ous to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day hv r e due attendance and a reasonable credit will be givrn by , JAMES H.-GORDON,- PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned Will sell at public sale, near the Blue Hock School House, on Tnuilsrsair, t the Isl of Meech next, a Tract of Land containing 'J'EN AGUES, more or lesi, adjoining lands of Sol. ,_omonlimba_ugh, George Null and heirs of Gabriel I Baer, with a storyand a half . . . . IZQ CE)CE3. U2C32DC37 . a good log STA and Bake (dven, thereon. A st tram of bring Water passes, thro' the lan 1 ; there is also a good garden and a ma riety of choice Fruit trees on the premises. The land will be acid in loti • r altogether to suit purch eters sale to commence ut ten o'clock on said day when the terms will be m ide known P. S. If the ab.wo property is not sold on said day it will then be °tiered for Rent. lanlo I TIDE subscriber respectfully announces -to his friends and the public generally that he has o• I pencil a Livery 'Stable iu Way nesboro , and is now I prepared to accommblate the public generally Pith . BIASES & VIIIICLES, at the shortest notice, day or night.— 1 7 7 • Persons desirous et hiring, either fat riding or driving, would do well, to givia hint a call. His stock has been selected with great care as re garde gentleness and speedy traveling; and his bug gies and carriages era all in good condition. The above stock will be kept at the Stable of Dr. John Oellig. Persons wishing to niro will please apply to the,undersigned•at 131:Alden's Hotel. 1-4F4a-6w J(H-N—REGiIA-RDSON. JOHN GEHR LOOK HERE! . ! A1.1i.-STONEIt, Druggist, WIIOLESALE AND IitTA.IL DEALER IN HIS LINZ OF BUM.. NESS, WAYNESBORO', PA.. Has not only got back to his "old business," but to the "old stand!" Having fitted up the room now occupied neatly and having- - vvt-zr *clamed from the city with a fresh sup- r s,ll ply, whiCh he has just received, combs- I ill , ting of Fresh. Foreign and Domestic Drugs. A large -anti general assortment of Medicines. Chemicals, Patent Medicine. Dye-stuffs, • Dry. Paints and Paints ground in Oil. Oils expressed and distilled; Fluits green, preserved and dry, Confectionaries, Liquors of all kinds for tnedicinal purposes, Books; stationary,fancy and miscellaneous articles, all of which he offers for sale. Thankful for favors received and hopeful of their continuance,he invites the public to Zell before- purChasing elsewhere. Stoner offers •for sale a lot of beautiful elicits.— Carbon Oil which will suit for Kerosene Lamps ,warranted not to. smoke, can be bad at Stoner's. Purrafiii, 'Crystal, and Benzoic Oil.: also Cans- Pine and burning fluids fur rale by Stoner. ,Stoner has a lot of *barrels,kegg, jugeiesins. arc. Which he will sell very . low. • Jan .2f. NOTICII. . wILERstateEAoSt Jubn . (S ilb o e f r A t (Ina . rougt;:of Wayucaboro',ecesard, Ito wu beet' grunted to the, ittilnicriber ; all penions hutch', dto Om mind Vriata, urn requratral toloake- ituwrili.ttp iroJtaepti thositaving svarlaa ur donhunla manila U list - .4n„ •of said deaodolst, woks kliuwu tie, yrtll uut_dduy,;tu".. : Arrkr Imititctlargi Atitiitiialtator . ItW4 t - rti'ditiirs in; • Is a lard n y , Isiti•mours, of each iTra, TIMOTHY HAY BY THE TON; PUBLIC SALE. G. V MONO, Awl NEW LIVERY. DIBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. GOODS!! WE respectfully inform our customary anti all persons who wish to purchase cheap that we have just returned from the eastern cities and are now receiving a large and well selected assortment of CE3' , Z) CD a• of all kinds, paterns, varieties and prices, which we promise to sell us cheap, nail on as fair ternis, us any other house in town or country, and we feel confident we can deal with all in such a manner as to give entire. satisfaction The following com rise part of our Stock which is always on a DRESS GOODS of all kinds for Fill and Winter.wear De!Aires, Alp.ssas, Cuburge. • De Begea, tusires, PlnirK3 Silks, Collars, Sleeves, Prints, . Hoops, 0. V. Murid, agct A dm inihtralor We tender our thanks to all our . friends and cus tomers for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us and requesca continuance of the same. AMBERSON, BENEDICT ilk CO Jan. 10, 1862. LYDIA HAUGH IMPORTANT NEWS FROM • MEXICAN ROW 1 • JBEA VER, in connection with his Variety • Store, has commence I the manufacturing,of BOOTS and SHOES in all its various branches.— Having employed Jeremiah Cooper as foreman, he is prepared to produce the finest, neatest and most durable work made anywhere. All are invited to call. A large stock of Hats' mid Caps,mul Eastern mon • ufacturcd Shoes and Hoots of the best make, on hand; Clocks, Trunks, Brom Tobacco, &.c., &c. You get the very best KEROSENE them. A few fat Hogs arc want e d. J. BEAVER. I)cc,6 2 months. ACARD.—Kind friends and patrons, you have my vvarmest thanks for your very liberal en couragment. Having discontinued the manufactu ring of shoes &r., on my own account, and engaged myself with J. Bcavcr, at the Voris. ty Store, I be 'Peak for him the continuance of gliur patio.tage.— : 110 come pind see us at our new place. Dec 6 J. COOPER. WANTED! 5000 BUS. WHEAT The old Miller at his old Trade! r HE undersigned having 'associated themselves in thr,Milling brininess, Ind having leased of Peter Fahnestock the old nil If mill property-, one mile southeast of Waynesboro', are now prepared to purchase grain from their friends at• the highest market price; and also to do all. kinds of Urinding, including chopping corn and cob. • We are also prepared to furaisil at the lowest market_ prices. all kinds of Mill Stuff; mho Plaster by the Liu or bush. Our old friends will phrase, call and see us. JO lIN WA 1:1•Elt Dec6—tf • . JOSEPH ELDEN. STILL PILING - IT UP! thi Ilecliuuiea _ Street .Ilestau-ia:;1.1 q 1 liE enhacribct, niniit"a ;Fusin mere and the public generally' that he has recently enlarged Ins burintas, and is now prePared thrivish, in ad dition to ()pleat and Me,' Cold Ham s ; Iloiird and d Eggs, fluter and Bread, Pickles, Cabhne, Cheese, ace. de,c. Come one, r ',me all grest and small, ' Mal tall illy' " • . „ ; - ,At t. 14.1 Jou'a 13,1eilslor's El,rll t , where ail' the nioott,ulticlea be served up the', hest atria. . " : " JOS: 'POIVIC; JoilMtrY at; " lioupjd'skiris ut.' tkyd " • tiasonee TIIIII,D Az,. .L 3 Et ,`VSP• tto o==- JUST RECEIVES] • - • VIZIR VIED RIPPLY FALL AND WINTER ..........0 WINTER DRY GOODS -MEN'S ran and Winter, GOODS. Cassimers, Unssinetts, Clutha, V eINT V est nig , Curd, Fustian. Utavatt„ ' Brensts, MI leis, Huse. A F. kV LOT V__ DOMESTIC GOODS : Muslims, Sheeting, Shirting, Tick ings, Osnaburgr. Bugging, • Burktpse, Toweling, B Inn kets, " • ''''' ' ''''' '" ' Whea t - Over shoes, >•Shocs, Boots, , Buts, - .11'Xil....111:1111Y11 IBY COINS, OCERI s,' anon BONK IC, IC "GE O ST OV •ER HANKPUL for kind faiois and patrotiage here tofore bestowed upon him; again tippears before the pnldie to solicit a continuance of the same.— He hating' just returned trona ,the eastern cities with a tine ' and well selected stock of NEW. GOODS Which,be intends selling at very low rates, which he knoiva he con do to the satisfaCiion'of all who will call and examine his stock. Below yotrw ill find enumerated a few articles which will be lotted among his stuck to which he calls your attention., FOR THE LADIES He has a large assortment of•Dresstioodszonsisting in part of • ; Printed Thibet Cloth, Whited and plain Detainee, ' Cothildo plaid, Cothilde Stripe, • Plaid Mohair, ' Silk Warp Mohair, -I'arann•tta Cloth, Printed Coburg, • . Printed Morino, French Modnoi • Madonna Cloth, Printed and plain Cashmeres, French and Dumestia.thliglunus; Poplins, Pongee Mixture, Lavella Cloth, - Lung and &vow, Thibet and Morinn Shawls, ' Opera Cloaking, Gloves, and _ Ifosiery, 3n great variety. G ent emen's Wear, • • Broad Clothe, Black and Fancy Cassinteres, ' Union Unssimeres, Overcuatings, - Sattinets, Jeans, • - Tweeds, Velvet Cord, Velvatine Vestings of all kinds, in fact a full assortment of `goods for Gantlemen's wear. 'Also.a large and well selected stock of - M - Miiii - TiekinlTrin - tra — ciiiriplete a assortmeui of -Notions. MI no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all in the Dry (hnts line, just call in and yOu will find hint ready to wait on you with pleasure. To pet dice haVing . Conntly Proiltiee to dell; they will to their advantage to bring it to Ste ver's,as he alwitys gives the highest Market price. ,too give him a call; and ho will sell you goods as cheap as they can be'purchused elsewhere. Novi. 1861 AATICIPATED BATTLE! WHILST ware and, rumors of wars are rife throughout our once happy land, when columns of armed men are seen on all sides, march ing forward in defence of their "sacred rights," and all are eager for the expected contest, each moment ' carries us nearer the frighful drama, that will soon he enacted: `Yet while all this convulsion is in pro- ! gress, other scenes aro continually transpiring to excite the minds o f the people, end latelv this coin• nullity has been greatly astounded by the tremen dous rush of peoplo„Ao JOSIIII BESORE'S STORV! to ascertain the cause of this excitemeut, which p tort a to he the LARGE ' STOCK GOODS!! he has just received, and the LOW PRICES they ore sold fir nevertheless the great cry of "High Prices" caused by the war, which is shown to be false by an examination to the magnificent:dock of goods offeriog at the above_establishment. You will Sod a varied assortment of all kinds of goods such as SILKS, • V A LOURS,. SCOTCH PLAIDS, CASHMERES, 'LAVE LL AMOTHS MOTTLED MIXTL RES, SOLFERINO Der,AlNts, REP. ROUBAIX', and a 7ariety ht other DRESS GOODS SILK VMLVETS, CABSIMLiUS, CLOTHS, and all kinds and styles of Gentlemen's Wear, with a great lot of all kinds of Gouda usually kept in Way neshore- The undersigned tenders his regards to his nu merous friends and patrons, and hopes a continu ance of rayon!. , - • _ • Merchants throuchlhis country can MO 'goods at Eastern wholesale prices by calling at &more's, thorehy saving freight and' other thsatfrantages. Persons desiring a Mee Sharpe's itspeator cattle accommodated by calling, soots; also cartridges for the same. . All kinds of produce- received £n exchange for goods at the regular vices , Uct-1 t • JOSIAH BESQIZE. 5000 Rails for Sale. T' E subscriber has now 'on hand 5000 good CHESTNUT RAILS which hu will dispose 01 on;teasonaliictiruis. 7 .' 'gaol BOA.D L. S. FORNEY, , lau3—,•tf • , ; NOTICE'." , SITHE , REAS, betteri.of Administration on the Endow at Samtiol 4iurdun, laid of:I/pones. bore, deoessed, boo been granted to thisubseri bet. oil persons indebtodAu the • Estitoo.tre,re quested to mike immodasto::p4Weilt, anti 'the° Waving aline' or iftiosindilltgallist •Jha, bistato of saip decedent. WiR In sicolahrtii'art ri:4l44' "with.iut detuysto , .7;A?rt ES IttelkilllloClisi; Adin`i.; ' Jsil24:4-G0 • , bt• 410114r6ur Warieliboro'•' 41 0 0(4ATALIP 11017111Eri• „ ' . r at thu Siqro tittf: f - tti r :Ait@ii, „ TP :4 ; . . "sibillvtAlMMAL-1 1 1. j ::1111 71:1 ; 144 0,41i.7,0r:0012.titi.ti0,i 1-'7 Joseph Price, • ; Ntirthwest!Coirnerlif • ; ; 19 now ofTdeing NOW ALL AND WINTER •GOODCiiitt f'ranch, Girman; llngtOli and Amenean ionbries, canal. prising a . general, assortment of , the Jotost styles adapted to Pill and Whiter. trade. For Lfttiltql" Wen' Rich Dress silkti, black, :plain , end-fancy Brocades; Plaids in great'variety; French, Merinos in all colors; rich printed, Marinos,, Wool Delaines; Cashmtires, sittinstripped — doi t Atintsaill ! tioes, Level la Mohair-iiriFiiire.s., Tbilisi Cloths; priatedXous aellainee, Persian Twills, Pitplin, - Debases, ()pent Flannels. in all - dolors„Scotchr.mnd Saxony Printed French OinghTtins, Scotch do., Lances; dce,Pla Embroideries, 1. ,yes, Utiuntlets, Kid Gloies, white andlancy,..Prench ,workett,Collarts, bitnitiesaancy dress Unapt, Third Binding, and . velvet Rib bon &c., Arc., in ihoki; he hto 'all Ilni•niliettles of rho season, • - - %.! PALL & WATER SHAWLS, . Paris long brache Shawls, • with se well Larders; Bay State Shawls, (latest styles.) sapurb 'newt• Shawls. sewed border; rich Primo I Sl►ndls wits silk triage, all of which are tr.►ut tao latest junior t Jtions, anti will be saki at prime that defy Camps= ion.• Moue Vaads .• frisk and Scotch liiliceßn i s t pillow casc,and bolster Linens, one, low priced Datil tsk Tabli 'Linens spotted and damask Table Cloths, every size and grad'; Napkins, Doyies, and H uck 'fon/clings, low priced - Kitchen Toweling, Boliteri arid Sliectinq Muslins, 3-4, 4.4 6.4, 8.4, or 104 wide. drapud dimity Blankets, M ',mettles an d Allendale Quilts; fb[a . 4'''ll4 1 0D ia•44 such no heavy bro. Clinton ' bleached hinslins. U - iinburgs, 'Pickings, oripped—lthil d , Ap ron Kcrsefs, Denims, enitini - Planticla, Prints, &c. MEWS'WEAR -- • Dlaek and Fancy Cloths and C'assimerssi of tlie newest st3rlesi hliicod Doeskins, N.ittinetts, tin i.ot Cassiineres, Catehineretts, DeJtis,Cottona.los, Over; coatings, silk, satin, inorinti and velvet• Vcrttings, extra heaVy rihbrd Dr.twers and Shirts, Hosiery, Collars, Cravuts, &c. MB & ME OIL CUM Carpet, English Ingrains, rill wool) Hemp and Hug Carptqiiitri, from 25 cents to :ft 1.00 per yar Floor Oil Cloths 2.4, 4-4, 6 4 and 8.4 wide, a of the newest designs, which ho offers at great or gains. MATS AND RUGS , .• Wool, Coco, Ploin and F3ncie.l Bordered, in. great variety. GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE His stock is full and complete, en I will co.opt re fivorably with any in Waynesburn', both in price 'lull quality. sUe setae is his thanks to his frieliil4, and by fair dealing and strict attontion to business he hopes to merit u contiruitnee of the a tine. Octl 1 JOSEPH PRACE. FIRST OF FALL IND IVI%TiR -GOODS, ciliou H A w V it l h .N a G nu f t u li s e t rs re i tr t ii:!: f l n i e r,: v in .i t n h j e E vie ts g t i e r r i n t ytyk DRESS GOODS, unaurpaseeil for Beauty, Style and Quality and at PANIC PRICKS FOR TIES LA'DIII73, Wool DoWoos . . Boatb.izioe, . • FR:itch Nterinoi, Prititod •Cobtirg, C ash inereg„ . Mohair, A lo plea, ' Lavella Cloth, Debeges Persian Del nes, Swim' thughrtm. Ladies Wool Elastic Skirts, E xtension Skirts, Apron Tassels, and a lull assortment a Dress 'Fria'. mings, GENTLEMEN'S WEA(, 'French Cloth, Casino-ler:4, Vestings, clatinet, Tweeds Jeans, • Velveteens, ;tan , Gloves, bitict Fronts. A LSO 7 --A heavy lot of aaaava not necessary to mention. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, BotITS AND SIIOEi, CEDAR WARE. Of the very best in market antlAuality: inch ale Syrups. New Orleans and Porto Rico Mohisetil, e, No. I Brown Sugar; coffee erushettand granulated. do; best anicle of Rio Coffee, -. . . , , „.. _ Imperial Teti,. . , - Himunetrs beet' Esseenee of Coffee _ Linker No. I Chocolate, . • i —\ - R , Ca aisins,. „ rburet of Iron, - Tobacco, -*- • Rice; &c., ace.. Alt the above_goods have been selected careful -40-and.putehaved at the very lowest figure witb nti' - eye to suit_the wants of title comniunity, He er therefore enabled to accommodate all 'who,m ty fa vor him with. a call, in quantity, quality,style awl price. No, trouble to show g00d5....,,i % Country Prißlueu takin iu ezcluinge fir iiiiiidn rt 1 the highest market prices. By `stele. unent.a.i il -1 business and a desire to please in every, I , 4lect to hopes to merit a continuance of patmnage, ' Oct. 11 -4. J. W. N1141.4.R. -- ‘211,1{, Wool, and ti 011 114 Lua S:litßa .11+. 0, Mr eta apt , ix, A retii 14.em-,•thiget. Aireoinfnrtallie, he tits far cgi Li • valet nt • I lot 4 ' • • #i•Dgit4'4.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers