Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, January 31, 1862, Image 4
NEPIIOLVf ON, death a *Ted palmetto, mSouth viler eat, A tiO - alitq,diri band olf hie Pomona tit, 4 1 1.‘10 !!!)iinc lighttathin mind of i n Uy humming the word ' s of the fol oac • 'OM for a-nigger, atril 'at for ti.whip; Oh! for a cocktail, and ohlr fora dim.. • Oh! for a crack al 'old (freely add Ile'ocber rek-at a Yankro-attllOol-tenclutr; ptn n, and oh! for ship; • Oh! fbr u ca OM far a cargo of tiiggers each nip., - And no ho keptbh•ing for all he hod not, Not - eoziteiifed pith owing for all thathe'd got,' From the flu. Evening News'. - General McClellan's • A ADDRESS TO THE Array. 1111 SaLLINEIIB Or' THE A 141( uF. THE UNION " ti :I . lloUgh on last- New Year's day the horizon o• our cotfotry's happiness was somewhat darkened by the rising clouds of disunion, yet those were comparatively the minority who did not believe that; 'spring had ripened into Summer. the threatened storm would be averted. Rut this belief, this hope. proved and sominer was not here before the furl ous•tempest seemed to be Nit eeping aunt'. the very fotindations of our Liberties.' Al most up to this tirike, the (i'ovcrnmeni, relying on the justice of its cause,,nd a knowledge of its real 'superiority In power over its enemies, refrained from any vigor ous vindication of itself until the belching batteries of Cciarleston Harbor rainedtheir iron hail on Fort Sumter to its reduction. On th'e 1311, of . April last, the Nation he'd tts breath is the lightning flashed in ail directions the dire intelligence that the Charleston batteris had opened • fire upon Major Anderson and his lit le band of he roes. ' And the Nations heart thrilled ',roundly as the wires kept telling from time to time, that Niajor Anderson, amidst showers of shot and shell, was still brave ly battling at his post. and that above the lurid flashes of his cannon. could still be seen floating the bright flag of our fathers. But the hope thus awakened was graduallt quenched, as word presently- came that sonic of &niters guns were silenced; then that tie Fort was an fire; then that the walls had been breeched; and, finally, that Ole "Banner, of th,e. Stara" had been- pulled down, and the post surrendered. Soldiers, on that eventful (lay you• were citizens, pursuing the various arts and occupations ol pete4; but; as the flag of Washington, of 1776, 01 tour own hearts. came fluttering from its staff, amidst the smoke and flames of Fort Sumter. you became heroes. A few hOurs later came the call for Seventy• live thousand 'free Months' Volumeers, a id nobly left hie and dear ones be fond, to r coed Capital, Borne ni yeit cOrninp, even wittiout•arrns, corns nt if •iinly our dead homes [should hinder for a moment the ad Wice of the feenvn. AE, the . 6111 extent of the peril to which our country was exposed became known, 'lower( r, this number was tumid inadequate t-) the -accomplish:mkt of the great end aimed at, More brave hearts and sturdy arms were wanted, and regiment after erg itoe•it was speedily 'added to your ranks, until you now number over FIVE HUNDRED ' 'liousioin MEN! The length of the en listment was, also, ton short, Ind tt was armounced that perhaps service for three hears instead of three months, would be re-gnieed from you: But, this only in creased you ardor, and you. have deter• mined tba,t your breast shall be bared for the protection of your country as tong as she shall'need, ticii.olass, when summoned from the nvou rrtain-s—fr-Wes tern—Virg-ioa—to—la k e-, command of the army ol the Potomac 1 j telt overwhelmed with mingled surprise and gratitude ..or the •signal honor thus moth rred upon me; but the pleasant burden was doubly increased when. upon tl.e re tiyement of Gen. Scott—the warworn war• nor ,of our Country's battles—the full com• / nand 01 the armies of the United States was_de_volved—upon me. Hesitation and si n distrust might well accompany the as. sqmption of so vast a respon..ibility, _but, placing my trust in God, and for the rest o.infiding to your loyalty, discipline and courage, I put my handl!, the plough_, and tlesiten helping me. 1 will never look back until our Country's flag floats triumphant ly over every foot of her soil, or my body lies stiffened - upon tlie ol strife. For some months past you have., by constant drills, skirmishes. reviews and other means, been prepared for the 'grand contt st, the opening of which now-depends entirely upon the movements or designs of the enemy. and mob therefore come at any moment; h e inexperience and treachery that in the opening id the pres• ent campaign caused your reverses, have .een, so lar as human judgement could di r t. successfully combatted; the first by continual practiCe, and the last by contin ual vigilance. SoLotsus. our cause is just, "and God is on our side. The decisive moment is rapidly approaching, the notes of the bu• _le ma soon — ring in your ears.--Ant. rfferzreferr — T — ifiihugle dries call you to action, 'then let every man. taking his comuktle's hand, swear by the days of '76, and 'by the dear °hi s at home, TO VRESS ON WARD! RIGHT ONWARD! -TO VICTORY OR THE otravc! Remember: also, even 'amidst the darkest carnage of the battle field, fur what you are fighting; remember that. you are -trg mere executioners. but generous, fin -ble•hearted warriors, battling only for the laws of the laud, and not for gain or con- quest. SOLDIERS. when you have accomplished all that is required of you, when your bay • onets have enforced obedience to the Cony atitution and laws throughout• - the length anu breauth of the land, and have rescued your brethren• from the deeplaid plans, altd,artfiti machination's of a few designing traitors, then-you will feel the proud•-saris factionef having, faithfully preserved the hallowed Ark of the Covenant. left to us, as a precionninheritanee, by 'Washington and hisillustrious •compeers.. Aml. in fu, turerimxii, when chance or ,fortune may .throughout_ your,own and -nth. er youtand•ea): 'lie is a brave - man; he was , at Toe 4 11 . atv:ovAtit'l4tos• 0:1;PI . 1 6i311 A D Lila Vs-saidon augh t .; ie I • pantai you.,you re ;bra ve. iota , . . -41 K, 44 4- .4 `744:4r,7 .„ .. faAl. 4 F.Npti,.rot4o - 2 - . .... „...............,,..........., co n, • = sa=' g . —, a' ' • ~%. z,.. • & a • -o:;.. • r,, , . . ••• 11, ... 4 . 4 . ...ex cpx—,,r,. -....e ~ m. %a. r 4 • . t.., 151 ,_ , 4anuaty 20 21 27 - 28 February 10 - 1 7 24 March 1 2 3 4 -Q 6 -7, • 9 10 •11 12 I'B' . 14 15. . 1-0 17 18 19 20 21 2Z 23 24 25 2U 27 '2B 29 30 31 - April 1 2 3: 4 5 • 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~24 25 +•26 27 2a 20 " 30 May , 1 2 3 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 'l7 18 19 20 •21 22 23 29 25 20 .27. 28 29 30 31 ,Lune ; 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 . 20 . 21 22 23 24 524 29 27 28 .29 30 J,tily 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 . 23 _24 25 56 21 28 29 .33 31 Auguak 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • 10 11 12 13, 14 15 10 17 18 18 20 21 .22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 • al Septimber 2 3 4 5 6, 7 8 9 10 I I 12 13 I 15 16 17 18 • 19 20 23 24 o I, 22 28 49 October 5 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 271"2S November 2 3 9 10 10. 17 23 24 Dece In ben, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 - 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 2:7 28 29 30 31 .SIONEHOUSE, DEALER. IN lIIRDIVIRE CUTTERY &C , 5. 0 , 41, 'flas returned from the Cities with a large arid well selected stork of 440 - Rds He now offrrs Jur sale at IoW, prices: Iron,stept Nails, - Aces,, • . Rope ; ' Robes, STOVES, (PARLOR,AND TEN-PLATE) CARRIAGE WARE, CEDAR WARP.; GUINDSTONES , (A superior kind;) Horseshoes, Traces, games, SKQE FINDINGS AND LASTS . Knives, Forks, Spoons, &c. ALSO cE) tn. la CM tva. aaasEr as AND FILLERS On-a new and improved plan, at low prlces. He invites his old customers and the trade gener erally to examine-his stock before purchasing else where. 11. STONEHO USE. Noir. 1. 1860 FRESH .1111 ES, lEEE, HEIR Confectionery, Fruits, .4., &C. THE sub Scriber takes this method of announcing to the people that he has received at his 'Drug store,' a large and carefully selected stock of Z'RESH DRUGS, Midicines, Painti Oils, Dye Stuffs, window - Utiles, Putty, Tobacco, Snuff, and Segura, &c.,;which he is now__prepared to sell as cheap"as Old, cheapest and will assure his custoin ers that-in regard to quality which is of the .4rst. im portance, his goods will compare with any in the market.. lie has also a splendid assortment of Pcrfumeiy. Soaps and Toilet Articles. of all kinds, consisting in part of the following, viz Bandolines, Pomades, Amber and . Bears! Oil Colognes, Pottraets for the Handkerchief, .Lyon's Kathairon, • Purnet's - Cocoaine, 4. Harrison's Ladies' Soap, Honey soap, Hotel soap, Diamond White Soap, . CONFECTIONERY, MUTTS, ikc "Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Frtmes; Currants, Dates, Citron,Oranges,Lemons, Nuts of all kinds, and Candies of every variety. Kerosene Lamps, Lamp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil. Camphine, AleOhol, Burning - Fluid, and in Gist anything and everything that is usually fdirdd in a drug store. • - - Tbankfµ) for kind Awn; and ratron'ige hereto. fine beetomad n poa Mtn, hevoliejta a continuance of the same. etitl napes ,itiat endeavoring:to please, he inia9 Win,the confidence:of the people. • • I,'ltyaiciane preeetiptiene Tromptly and cavrefutly compounded at al!. tioara t ' KWtZ'Z. • nor .290800 • 1 . ~.,. • , .. , 4 - . FA ' • 1 4.A.. Dealer in 411-(110 imriely of .nru g .93 ,31eili• iines, - Iriink,e.Nolions.i4er I tniiiiii; .- ' a - :4 22 23 24 25 '2O • • VOULP tender his-thanks tolhe communify: and still solicit the rtmnage of a generous public who want-anything in his line. Inasmuch as ho has enlarged his stock, so as to be enabled to answer all calls for anYthing:and everything usual, ly found in a ••Dnig,Store, and; has a•thorotigh ac quaintance withtlia•business,:ho hop es , to gain the confidence of the 'Croininutiity." He fat pay par ticular attention to filling , physicians' Precriptions, and more ,care and precaution used hi waiting up on. chldren" than adults. "" ' 111 2 1 0 3 12 19 26 Choice Wines and Liquors, for medicinal - Ind sacramental purposes,'Patent Medicines are endleas in variety, inclullirig all thht haiti'lteen tiititie up to this date and some that arelet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes thy hotise building or inside work., besides all sizes of Glass. - Commercial, Note, Fool; Cup and Lkter Paper always on hand,. with a variety of Envelopes of different sizes and - colorit. Swishes, Combs Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair "Oil; Colognes, Essei . ces, Flavoring Extracts; ,and numerous articles • it the Fancy line on hand and offered for sale, cheap er than ever offered before . Also a larye assortment of Kerosene Oil Lamps, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to fist' then A yellersl misOrtinent of Fruits and Confectionaries; Tobacco and Cigars. Qc%. 11. Should yoU ask me, should you wonder, Where to buy your Stoves and Tinware; I would answer, I would tell you— "Go unto the fine new store Loom Where the Big Red Horn, the sign is; There's the best Cook Stoves and Tan-ware, All sold cheap by D. B. Russell." - [Prom the Sunkof Hiawatha. llig undersigned informs the public in genera mid especially those of his customers in want of anything in his lino of, business, that ho has com pleted and is now occupying his, new and extensive ly enlarged establishmeiit for the TVlanufactutO and Sale OF TINWARE, SHEET-1410.N WARE, AND 3 -4 10 1 - 1 17 - 1$ 24 25 31 16 2a 30 7 8 14 .15 21 . 22 28 21) He is now prepared to supply any dgmand for his cook Stores, general Housekeeping Goods and Kitchen Ware, on such terms as must give entire satisfaction. 13 20 27 12 19 26 offiqed are of the best and most improved kinds,an4l having been tried are acknovldeliged to be all that can be desired as good cookers and bakers, and arc cagily kips clean. His own MANUFACTURED WARE is all made wit . view to the wants of customers from the best mar to rial and is warranted in all cases to he. good/ lie also keeps a large assortment offailey articles. la"6pecial attention is given to putting up SPOUTING, made of the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he haslad a long and extensive ex perience. Remember the of the Bio: Red Horn. Aug 9, 1860 11. B RUSSELL. MBE undersigned having leased the well-known Con chmaking Establishment of Alex. Hamilton. on Mechanics street, Wayftesbasel, respectfully an nounce to their friends and the public gene,rally, that they- purpose carrying on the business in all ito bmiichea, and are now prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Barouclies, ping agoas; &e &e., of - the - trestirmterial, an made oy superior workmen. BLACKSMITHING and REPAIRING of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to the, satisfaction of customers. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for work at market prices. la - Persons desiring articles or work in the Coach makingline-are-resp-ectfully invited to give them a all. Mar. 8 ',WM. A. TRITLE'S l' it k OUSEKEEPERS , EMPORIUM, -AND 0:' BrmcsZin and Sheet iron factoryr -- -\_ , On Main Street, one door West of Troxera Dry Copper. RIVA WHERE he keeps constantly on hand, an ex tensive assortment of Housekeepers' Arti cles of every description. Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper and brass Ware, Japan ed Ware, Wooden Ware, Sad-irons, all sizes of Iron Kettles, Pans, &c. Also—a large assortment of Cooking Stoves, Parlor and Ten-plate Stoves. Persons who are in want of a good cook stove, will do well to call and see his assortment, as be is prepared to offer great inducements, not. only in Stoves, but in all the above articles. You will find a large and splendid assort ment of Tin Ware of his own.inartufacture—at low prices. All those desirous of getting bargains would o well at W. A. TRITLE'S Housekeepers' Emporium, opposite Dr. Brotheiton l a house Spouting tlouo at, the shortest notice, and of the best Tin. Feeling thankhil for Past favors, he' invites his frieads and; she public generally to call and examine his stock. W., A. TRITLE. March 22 DAN/EL Tams, Agent. A NAW POCKET PISTOL. , ISHARPE'S PATENT • • Breech-Loading Repeater.,' 1 HIS Pistol , for.siniplicity of construction, cora pactnoss and durability, is superior to all oth ers , yet oflerekrto the public. It can be loaded as quickly as other pistols are capped. The load may remain in the Pistol ,any length of time' without itij.iry. It is the light6t pistol manufactured that has force and is safe to carry., It . will force a ball through a ono inch board at• the distance of one hundred yards. Weight only eight and ozs. Fur sale at • •- DROTHERTON'S May. 2 Hardware Store. NO LABOR, • • NO {Won • FU ,RB C AR,0,11,R liT OF IRON • STOVF4 POLISH, , • • The cliespost article in the world. Unrivalled in Economy. Permanently Lustrous. The only place to'get it last .1i flLk KI'ON'S. lvliarch V. Elf4N 101: ac* at nov ;11 -'-IN Toys for solo at X)040 '6o • - .4olleBand Misses!! coped skirts of 1 . 4'0434 - - Jlmionei _ " ;.1.4117 pwwse,s, Us, 4r.c , .; • nu NI UM lIIR uaia avliu a, STOVES. NEW FIRM ! Coachmakingl 1.. K. MORRISON, GEO. 8., .K .A WKVIR Goode Slope. DIXON'S 1 1 100:0i*ili s iLthi - 0 00? I -ooNrEoiritosomorl tirH iiiitifieiiiiiriietip • peituity"ihrOtitiiihtii rcera an 4 thew pubtkalienoliy,,tlss4; i lie,b,aii to= tentlyiipionisheil liis indck of FrUit and Vonfeel ionnikini, audinli, now Ale (inewassortiniinfof : :4 , , • h , ;'ever biOifiti ttY : 11, 7 ain.trobol•k: witlf• • t. •e CAK,ES -Of FVERY upooßxprioN, ¢.l - % - "0,..Y .S. T•E Ft S., !. has able' oh hanitat , all timeg the.finest:Oyetere be served eustetherit Fried,.ltuaste4 or Stewed; • • • AYE - AND oxprtaiA, ho isdikeilse furnish'. bah `.Vir.asha. bough's and Ludwig's ALE, and a superior article of Sco‘ch Ale antiPle Cider, with ii•Prirrici article of Bologn4 Sausage, Boiled Eggs, and. all other articles wsually kept in Ant class Restaurants A genuine Snide" of. Vinegar always for sale. L. B,'FISAEIL. THIS WAY! CARRIAGE MACIG I ITIHE undersigned respectfully announces to the .L public generally that he is still at the old stand on Church Street, Wayneabers' , Pd.; vitiere he continues the manufacturing of Family da r ilail4lala 040 Buggies, Barouches,, Wagons, and every species of vehicles usually inada in such establishinenti.'.:-== His work, is warranted to be composed, of the best an most durable material, and noti but the most eXperieneed %Workmen are employed:— lie bus now un Kona a number of Cpiriages, Bug gies, &c., &c., which he will positively sell at greatly reduced prices for, cash, or upon a short credit. By keeping a good-steel at all times, and always holding t hump* ready to supply the , de. mantis of the people Ike lkopes,to retain and secure s liberal Share of patronage. - .Repairing, Trimming, and Pniriting done, in the best manner, and ut the sliorteil, nonee. Lumber, Country Produce, &c., will be taken in exchange for work.. , .JADijit ADAMS. , N. B. The Books of Hie: firm of JJ. A. S. Ad mits, are hi the hands of the' undersigned; • Persons knowing th"einselveS indebted 'are requested to ins& immediate payment. J. A. Nov' I. Is6l. • • .._„ IEW - 00BS ! MAIT GOODS!! riasT ARRIVAL. AVEkioJatnutziropesntorfeor on in the spcc IT outhcast corner of the Ditnnond their second supply of SPRING AND SUN Q traaa,ao for Gentlemen's .ware.' Their stock embraces Blue, Black and Fancy Poths, Plain, Fancy. Cassiineres, Silk and Satin Vestings, and all other goods fur coaxe s pants.; and vests, of the most fashionable styles. Also— Gloves, Cravats, - shirts, collars, &c. &c.; With an as sortment of READY-MADE I. OTHI NG. ' Gentlemen are invited to call and examine their stock of new goods. • I.V'The latest Fashions iegvlarly received: May 23 tB6l. Detbnce of Arinaggedon. A 1300 K FOR THE TIMES THIS is acknowledged to be one of the most re makable of human productions that has ever been offered to the AmeriCan people. The style is chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treated of is of the most inspirhgL,"The United States in Prophecy. Fur sale by .1. F. KUR I'Z. Novi Lumber Lumber IL - te - b ..-- I.tru:lersigned — oPltra — at his Lumber—Yardt Way nesboro'bethe following variety of wel. seasoned Limber, at reasonalde rates:. Worked Flooring Hoards; 4, and 1 inch yellow Pine; inch, bed billing; 1, 1.5 and 2 inch White Pine; inch white pine Weatherboarding: Spruce Pine Joke and Segialing; a, and 1 inch Poplar, Poplar Scantling;. and li t _ Cherry, Cherry Taal Legs ; Pine Lath and Chestnut Shingles, and Chestnut Posts and Rails. Also, Turned Chair Stull' by the Stand; Turned Chair Legs, Bent Chair Bads, and turned Broom Handles. ALSO, For Sale, by the bushel or quantity, Corn on the ear, or shelled,. Oats aral Potatoes by the bushel. ALBX. HAMILTON. tt S MMIUMPAN T. j. FILBERT, DRAPER, .nnstantk gale VI 31 of k4l? etas constantly for sale a fall assortment of f 4 l l GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. Pt rirLatost City Fashions always on hand. M Waynesboro', Pa. • 1 aNI SAVW4MAAViIieffAXMZCAMAXX.AXPii DR. T FRENCH, ESPECTFULLY offers his services to the cit. It,izens of Waynesboro' and surrounding country. Ho is prepared to perform all ,operations in Dental -Surgery in-a-superior manneri -Teeth-inserted frbm one to on entire sot in the most approved and sub• stantisl manner, and warranted not to be surpassed for beauty and durability. Charges moderate and all work warranted as represented. N. B. Will visit residences when requested.— Office, on Mechanics Street, opposite the residence of .1. R. Welsh, up stairs. . To . CapitaliSts. xyrAYNESBORO' BAYING FUND.—This Vl l Society will pay the following rates of in. terest por annum,on all sums deposited in the In. stitntion. For 3 months, 2 per cent.; from 3 to 6 months, 3 per cent.; from 9 io 113- months, 4 per cent; and over rI6 months, 45' per cent:. Fu: a shorter period than :3 mentos the terms will be made kown by the Treasurer. - Notes for disCountshoold be handed to the freas ureron Tuesday, as the Board of Directors Meet rgularly on Wednesday of each week:atVo'elock A.M., - order of the Board, , Juno - 1-V5B MO. PHILIPS. Treasurer, r:LEGRAPH 'FODDP,R CUTTERS, The bestin •use Fur sale by .Novgßll . S. IOXBL.. Agt. . . UtHESH Mackere at .-. 1. 1 Mar 28 A IMEMSON, BSSSOIOT dr. CO's. E' CHES.--Dtiedi'edCho .... .s pared and unpar- It - ed at , MIBUSOS, USISDIOT . 434 CO'S. -`II,OTH -- ,Tlat,liair; Tooth andNail - Briislie, joat received and for sale' very' law by M. M 'LINER. .' • 'May 13.: ..: . tiII!IE,I3EiT COOK - ,BTOVE - " --7 ---- ' ' A in the market to' be had tiethe sign of the Iffig lieo Herm . •:- ~- 1.)11. Itesovad,!., Ituseut's 2 " CATSUP BOTTLES • ~, •4, -POr ■do at the i3toidat W. H. iIItOIIIIIITON . Aleps G. 4. J. BENDER . ..pmpost.b.. •t:.'l'l.l.'''',:it DENTIST. HIM ; VerAY le? FOUNDRY : no '.1 4 :P f 651,11i:N. , 7, :STELP-RtGiliti;ktiNG ORAIlsi SEPARATOR, CLEARER , . 'AND, BAGGER Ldee inipiYmed Threahei• aiidTripie Leas id Boise l!ottier, ifrivtng either by ge t & I or Pell, aU furnished itimptete, ,46 o:4,n7a4t*llti I', the tinderriigiteli; desiretcie all Fanners oad Thresheritten of Frangiittg,and ail oiit ing , counties to it. -This Machine has been before. theiniblie fel which time it haft given igenerithiatisfactiou, and the p.atentee havinerrynde seine ices important' improvementt which render it still more complete, both for , dead• separating and cleaning. and also for -ease of draught and fast threshing. • 1 take pleasure in re commending ittollorpnblic, knowing that it will give the best of Satisfactions I run inarufsctuting three different sites, as 15IGovvs: - No: lis 8 horse Power,will three& arid clean from -200 td 500 bushels per day: ' • ' No. 2,is 5 to 8 horse power, will.thresh and Clean, froth 150 -to 300 bushels per thiy No. 3 Is 4 to 8 horse power; will thresh and clean. Irom 100 to 200 1 .419he1e per day. These Machines - Me warrauted_to do the abcWit, and do it much better in every res&ct than any. other machine in use.. • _ Groin having much light filth in it cleaned on this Machine is worth from 2 to 3 cents per bush el than when cleaned on any other separator, or the_ common way of cleaning on hand fans'. 'this reason there is not the eighth part of light Matter ih the g 'et as when chmniiion ' the riddle frineiple. The blas Ms freely on all the grain' as it leaves the shues, who as, when cleaned- wild:- riddle that ad vantage is lot This ma !line' does not return. the tailerids as most of the separatOrs do. ldy returning filthy tail ends alteinately it is impossible to make merchants grain, Another important feature in this machine that others of the:tuna have not, is the Self-acting Blast !Aug Match in the fan, which remedies all *dif ficulties in bad cleaning, blowing grain in the chaff in high; speed or irregular drl hg, ; which cannot be avoided-in cleaning grain' fi'y horse power This Machine I! also more durable and less tedious, to manage than any-other Beparator and elearier,ox the common machine with,shaker. Orders to insure their being filled until harvest sbuold'be lent in immediately. prepared to make to,order and on short notice Portable and ;Stationed • GR(ST4IiII SAW. MILL ; GEARING, SIiANNWfrAND .PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER • WHEELS, IRON KE rmEs, &c, Stoves and Plow castings,alse cast iron and wrought Iron pike for steam, of water,, and Bruss,custings of every' description; in a word, I, am prepared to do everything usuallrilune in a - foundry- and machine, shop. Having supplied myself 'With the latest im proved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing' n llrilling Machines, preens, can rely on having eir V,o* dune MAIM Mirst satisfactory manner,--.' I m also prepared to manufacture to order ma chiller for wood, such as Tonging and Gpving machines fir flooring, surface, Terniul and Mould ing Machines, &c. I also oiler to the public a new and . Valu able improvement in my steam engineii, made within the last year, viz:. for the economizing of fuel, and the. regulation 'of spOed,which readers Any new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under. warrantee. My: hant.soare all experienced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material., so that I sin perfectly sate in warranting all nay work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman• like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in or - repairiirmust - berateritirrmicd - with-the-cas Fur particulars and circulars descriptive of ma chine, address ' GEORGE: FRICK, (Jr Oman GEISER, Proprietor of, Territory and so lice tor of orders, Warnesttoro' Franklin Co. Pa. April 18—tf NO - HUMBUGGING. %MID subscriber respectfully informs the public that he will continue the Smithing business at the old stand, until recently. conducted under the firm of'Hawker & Cline. fie ie now prepared to make to order Buggies, Ca rringes,thaing Wagons, with all work belonging to the Blabksraithing businesii, at short notice and upon reasonable terms. He ieturhs his thanks for,the very lilMral phtromige extended to the Into limo:old hopes by prompt at tention to business to merit a continuance or the _ same. JOHN CLINE. . March 22. . Pictures, Pictures. ' • THE undersigned takes this method of inform. ing the citizens of Waynesboro' anti vicinity, that he has purchased the Daguereianapparatus of of Mr .1. B. ltesser, and is now prepared to take - all kinds of Pictures at the very lowest 'prices, wnich are guaranteed to be as truthful and as any offered to the public. He has just received a new stock of common and fancy cases of all sizes and styles, which Wean sell very cheap. Picturee ta• ken for 25 cents which can be sent through the mail to any P. O. in the U. S. for six cents. Call and examine for yourself-whether_yott_wan t_work_ or not; ha charges nothing for showing. Ho will be happy to see you. • Room in the New Building, next door to Sib Set's Hotel, (up stain.) : • J. H. W.E/L4H• Nov 22 . Ready-Made Clothing: FOR FALL AND WINTER! FRESH SUPPLYS RECEIVED MONTHLY!' AB. ADAMS would respectf illy inform his . patrons and the public generally that heat& returned from the Eastern cities with a general'aii• sortment-of Ready-Made FA LL -- AND WINTER -CLOTHING, embracing all the latest styles of,Coats„Pants,Vests, Shirts, Collars, blecties,,suspend a e rty ra,.. etc., etc., all o' which are well made. The public are cordially • %ivied to 'call and examine his goods , as lie s is toi7 tennined to sell It short profits. , ' . . . lie will" continuo to ( carry on the b siness of Tailoring as heretofore. - Persons desk ' g gar menucut out or made up are invited to•gi a him a call. Latest fashions received - rigid . ---- ' 0ct25. - , A. S. A. ....... _.. . . Important ! t A's.iii. - me — is rFIRE subscriber takes t s method of announcing 3 1. of the Fenner& and others, that he has on hand a tut of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens of the corn. This' is en excellent 'stale of Broom Corn, and should be raised h,y , ev ery, one.. • A Me hes also a full assortment of treoh flings, M7dicines, Chemicals, dtc. , ' - ' • ' • .. . . , •J. - F. "mutt. P. B._l am selling Cranberries at 11 conniver qmi 4, . . . Mar. 14-3 '~ r .~. _' ~ ~] SIOPOiI 1 3- 1 7 • 4 1 V" • lit € 1 Ottle if Oddity idilesti‘vbt.ttiithiii thieo monituotll24lo *nein. 446tre.iiiiiiiatiottiopthrep b `•ti• , q , ll i -x,tbrz; iiid dffiii eity;Weithigi be piittilit itivet.l66/7 1111111104001k.tiliMr' . 4 jl % . 1 f •Lt :a !'.- f • 421.8r 0 11 1 41 1 9 . 71 !# "fiqr.lN4r# an ~-; Paint • • " ' l' '; • , . • ' i take ibis: method- (if intoiming t the phi e t at* Ilave just received, front Philadelphht n i hwiettnd :carchilly selected stock of , • Iron" - . • f. Peint'Y Sin '• elitlery • Huirdware„' 011 'UO4, , ' • - Shoe Pindihge,',. _Agricultural liiiPteniehte, - all of Weide/ desiresez - or 4,ileViT-io snit thelimes. Try me, and bv-an examination ofirty stock convince .yourst# that i mean just what I' say; 1 take rdeasurein allowing gocids ,vehintier sales eke effected:or not. :To' 'persons About •tolbuild, Bain prepared to offer extraordinary inducements both: in Hardware and Paints. Thankful toffrlendi tempest favors, a continuance 'of the same is respectfully so licited—promising to• 110 all in •ni9 s Potvet to tender' satisfaction to sill Whirmay Itiviorsnie 'With their par; tronage. • W.ll. BROTHERTON. April 11.' 0 THE PUBLIC I NEW ESTAB.LISIIMENTt HE subieriber. ,would 'idrill lafe,"-iiiiithi of Waknestoiro' and coney togneed thO.Sheem'aking business in the BaSemeirp of Kurtz's Hotel, where he - well at all times be in readiness to accommodate those who,mayagive, hitt; a call. • ROOTS, A N b°3l-1.0E8! made to,prder, oh short • notice, of the best- material ' , and upon) the id OA reasonable terms. ' f E Oct 25. THOfil. BY.INOMAN:a/" WALL PAPER! P - les of the fittest Spring styles can n, in that Ralik Store at the; flail. Receiving paper directly from, thn.Manirfac... turers, the subscriber is prepared lo at.ttie vorY ) .- lowest prices: I —it April ' . . - s • • • z, • p.E NT,I,STA:" R. WM. D. LECHLER tilt& this optedunity IV to return tan • o- 3 10 pu tc or e t era patronage he has received during the pail, end hopes by strict attention to biisiness to merit a continuance of the same.. Ali operations in the dental line will be performed in the most substantial and satisfactory manner. He keeps posted on all the advancements antlimproymerits.of the,profess ton' and fishers hithself that ss — • — gtiod work , can be had at his office as atrmy other in the State , Arti fieial teeth inserted limn a single tooth to a, full sot, and in allycases warranted .to perform satisfaetorily or no pay. 'Terms reasonable. , July '5, 18606 FAT.ETTEVILLE SEIVI/IgAgY. Recommendations from Me Faculty of Princeton, . • College. N. J. Pluses Ton, N. J., Feb. 26th, 1861. "The undersigned are happy to testify that pupils, of the Faleiteville Adeles/by, have.maintaifteff a high standing among the recent ,graduates of the College 'of New Jersey',.," . , JOHN MACLEAN, President of, the College. JAMES C: MOFFAT , Professor of Week... • • G. MUSU.RAVE GIGEH, . • Professor of Latin. JOHN - T. DUFFLE L D, 'rofessor-af-Mathetnaties— mart Dr. JarmigirilarbaugiL. & Cols Celebrated Anieritan Liniment t.. , , , " For, Man,, x - 01", Man, a t xut . ..licast2.,, Tieregreatest and best external -. remedy (+icicle' dto the public. For sale by r... 1. Kraig' HE'greatest Druggist:, Waynesboro' and by Druggists in the. county genefally. 14 P Price 25 cenisper bottle. December 13, !60—ly , , New Millinery Entablishment. THE and rsigned would 'inform the ,citizens of Wayneeboro' and vicinity that she hastorn men'ectrtlie Milliner business, in Church street, a few doors south of the Diamond. • She expects to receive her goods in a few days. - The ladies,ara most respectfully invited to give her a call. No, pains will be spared to suit the taste of all. ,BY close application audit determination to ,persevere, ahek hopes to gain the confidence, as well'as the support' of the, community. I.3he has made arrangements so that she can receive new goods weekly if necessary:. Please give 'her a call M. U. RESSER, • Way nes boro, May 2, '6l. BACK AGAIN. B. PRICE infarms his customers•and the Ur • public generally Abet he has removed.his bather Shop to tho Basement of Mr. Kurtz's Hotel, formerly occupied by him as a Barber Shop, where he will Shave,Cut, and, Dress Hair as heretofore. llive' - him a cal. Nov. 22—t( EN and Boi's heavy loots and Shoegint - Octetl., - . Basomea. 11.711.TA12S Fixtures at j__ Mar 28 _ ,A ta 2 11 . 4og.'Ilerignier & Cof AtV excellent article of Syrup - fur SIY eta. per gall at (ocl4 - • iliraowea :1 I..iguors.auld only aaMedicins tVand by special.directions of a Physician, b, M. sTus ISIC. Druggist - May 13: 4P,FER and-COrriander, ground & ungmun nov 29 at KURTZ'S. 15 - EPEtli - SAIJCE nov. 29' LARD•CAXS, at the sip: of the' Big Red Horn dealt , _ D. EL-Miriam LIOR SALE OIL FOIL. RENT.—A Tea -p l a te Stove. Apply at PRICE'S StAite OetlS' . , 1, - Stl.WDllX,Embruitlarjsil gooLbs'at •TO FARMERS. • TEEL Shovels, , Spades, Hoes, Forks, Rakes Drugs, &c., &c., at prices that will defy competition. , Vail ind see for yourselves,'at • - aprt 1 • • BILOTURUTOeII • Light Lights!!'' ' • • 011 HE 'cheapest Light use cm be had STODIEHLMSkrit Hardware Store i RIME Colli;e7,i3ultaiii,Teas-aad`9L _ Oct 4 • - RUNES at Ili' awl 23 cents per pound at nov 29 '• . galaTelh is. Arctic Wrappers,, atutotier kTcoinibrinitle axing for cold weather ' ' t 'co 13;ionali. • a SWool anti Vottun wader dbirtg and Draw, 0 era at J. W.r k iJuea., A"" Una" keg anything in,the' "drug. bed / DY war au be sup) - 'i n'all:l4-CF -.•:• • "--;.7 ~..~ ~ '. Kuan'*' lissona's.