and htnc - allti. 'st)s4alBo ere: per bushel; Ordi ary red. at 115a133 els., and good t. stiletly Priam do. at .136a137 eta. per Waite ~Ideorn. Was in very iimited•n3=, guest; and•noss!eanfany iniporianee2Waie reperted. We no*lpwit's good - to,,priine White at 'll4lOO etir.Cand' ditto 'it tifititt eta. Were. 'in good demand: tre novice stilOs of 3.00 bushels-food. Virginia. at 41 ets.i and - 700 busheli 104 to prime - Maryland at 4Qa42 eta. Pennsylvania, quote at' 42a44 eta. per bushel, bits of, this. description-there were pone at market. Of Rye 'sales of 300, btisheli Pennsylvania and 200,d0. Maryland at. 72 Cts , ..per bushel. SEEDS —Salei were reported of 300 - - - buidiels Cloierseed,_ at 37184.62 i per bushel, and .adianee of 12i, cis. per bushel: Timothy at s2a2 25. • Notice—New Firm. 1111 HE Pubactiber having disposed of his entire 1, Stock of Goods to Messrs. Collitlower dL Clug mon, notifies all persons indebted to him on Store Books to settle their accoutits with and pay the a. mount of their indebtedness to either John P. Study or Daniel Bricker. The new firm will continue the business as heretofore. - A. S. MUNN. Quincy, Jan. 31;1862. Blacksmith Shop for Rent. THE subscriber offers for rent the well known BLA CKSMI PH SHOP, situated at the West end of Waynesboro, riow oc cupied by John Cline. Possession will be given on the Ist day of April 1862 , Jan3l • ' DANIEL ONIVELY. Important Native, AIX poisons who gave their notes at the sale of the subscriber on the 20th of February, 1861, are notified that the same fell due in the 16ih of October , '6 I,_andificamediate-pa-y e costs will be added. DANIEL SNIVELY. Jaq 31-3 w" STILL - ILING IT UP! .91 the Mechanics Street Restauranti BE subscriber informs his customers and the T public generally that he has recently enlarged his bnsiness, and is now prepared to furnish, in ad dition to Oysters and Ale, - Cold Barn, Boiled and Fried Eggs, Butter and Bread, Pickles, Cabbage, Cheese, &c.. &c. Come bne, elm all Both great and small, To Old Joe's Bachelor's Hall, where all the above articles will be served up in the best style. Jfinuary 31. PUBLIC SALE. THE subscribeis itritl tell at Public Sale, at their residence 2i miles from Waynesboro', near the turnpike road leading to Gettysburg, op_ Flliday the 21 st day of February, next, tbe following personal property. to wit: Fonr.gool WORK H.ORSES two of which are Brood Mares with foal, one a fine young mare four years vld; 7-59M117 .ea. Cows, one of which will be fresh about the time of sale, 2 yearling Calves, 1 Berkshire Sow and 7 fine Shoats; 2 PLANTATION WAGONS, 1 4 inch tire near ly new, Wool Ladders and Thing Boards, 1 Plow, 1 Harrow,l single an 1. able shovel Plow; 2 sets Breecibands, 2 is Front Gears, nearly new, 3 sets Plow Gears, 4 co tars and 4 bridles, nearly new; housens, work t, butt and breast chains, 1 log chain; all nearl new; 3 halters and chains. caw chains; 1 wind mill forks and rakes, 1 Grindstone, 1 Dinner Bell, 1 SET BLACK - SMITH TOOLS; TIMOTHY HAY BY THE TON ; 'CORN BY THE BARREL. and other articles not ncressary to mentiqn. Sale to-commence al: 9"o'clock on said day, when a cred it of 7 Months win be given on all sums of $5 and upwards. JACOB BONEBREAK, Jan3l J.M. BONEBRE kK. r PUBLIC SALE, THE subscriber will sell at pul)lic sale, at the -late residence of Samuel Gorton, deed, in Waynesboro, on SATTRDLY the hfrrn of Fana VARY 4ext, gya following personal property, to wit: One Secretary, 1 corner Cupboard, 1 !Wean, 1 Twenty-four hour Clock, one Deslstcad ilid,Bedding, 2 sets of Chairs, 1 Rocking:Chair, I Table, 1 Stand, I Silver Watch, a lot of hand Irons, a large lot of Books, -a lot of Queensware, I haltbushel, a basket, a lot of Bags,a good Rifle. • 1 TURNING LATHE, A LOT OF TOOLS, such as Planes, Saws of different kinds, Drawing Knives, a large lot of Chissels. and Augers, 2 iron Vices, 2 Work Benches, 1 Adze, I hammers, 2 Ax. es, Mall and Wedges, 1 marble paint Stone, a lot screw cutters, large and ond,small, I lot wooden Clams, lsross cut , Saw, 1 Grindstotie, - 2 Braces,one for . chair making, and a large lot of Bits, 1 s mall pocket Compass, a varnish and glue Kettle, a quan tity of Varnish, and many other articles too numer ous to mention. Sale to commence et 10 o'clock on said day where due attendance and n reasonable credit will be given by JAMES H. GORDON, JanBl Administrator. G. V. MONO, Auct. L K. - HERE !I • M. M. STONER, DrTiggist, ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN'HIS LINE OP DEW . NESS, WAYNESBORO', PA., litto not ontrgot back to his "old business,".but the "old stand!" Having fitted up the room now occupied neatly and having 4 7• 4 7,17` returned from the city with .a fresh sup. piy,_athielLhe_has_iust—received, t -1 111 Ling or , • Fresh,foreign and Domedic Drugs, A 'large-and general assortment of Medicines, " Chemicals, Patent Medicine, Dye-knife, pry Paints and Paints ground in Oil, Oils expressed and distilled; , :Fatilts green, preserved and dry, • 'Confectionaries, • Liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes, Books, stationary,fancy and-naireellaneoussartieles, all of.whichlie offers for sale. Thankful forlavors• received and hopeful'of their continuancedie invites the public to call before purchasing -elsewhere. : • Stoner offers for sale a lot of beautiful sholla-- Carbon 'Oil which will'suit for Kerosene Lamps warranted not. to smoke, can be had at Stoner's. - Parrafin, Crystal, and Benzole Oils; also Cam-. phine and burning Raids isSor sale. by Stoner. . Stonei hue a tot of 'burrelsikegs, jugs, cans. dm Which'he will sell pert' low. ' - Jai 31. Meatzer f ilElorse .& Cattle Powder, • 115. lii!ONER having ,purchased of Mr. M e lnentzer, the:recipe for making tue above far-nnued Horse 'Mid "dattla•Powdei,for obi Marylaro,., takes this•method of informing • .thal ,r armersdrovers; Ste:, that he haifon hand and .intmultpkeeping a -good supply :alwiiirsAnih_ixtuL. Counttymerehanis and others keeping such articiesi forliiileoxonld do ggell-tosuppix thertuielves.wth suantity. Sell it on commission or for:citeh cheap. -Orders grill:be ... punctually atiended , te. a 431.... • . *hitttilts 000dpvig.ivittAtit The old *Mei :tibia CAA Trade! .. T . .. HE nit4ersigneil haviriCitasociated,thetitiatet In thr Milling' bnairietal.",lttid -fitiviiqf -10 044 eter Fahniiiteck the oht. Iloirtn , inillproperty. One, miles csirgiiiiiiiraf Wirineeliro';die , now preporeeto prfPchailil,iriiiii -frcini their friends it the highest market*eci Ind alsii to 'do all kinds of Griirding, corn -and,cob:' ,• We are also prepared td fkirtusk at the lciwst, market prices, all kinds of Mill Stallpilio Plastiii lijr' the ton.dr bush. Our old Olinda tint! please Cali 'and nears. JOHN WAXITER, , - ' JOSEPH Et.DEN: _ Dock—tf PRIVA TE SALL MHE undersigned will sell at private sate his small farm, situated in Quincy Townshiii; on roatikleading from , Waynesboro' to Quincy, about three miles from the former and ono from the latter 'phiee;'and within slew hundred 'yards of Snow Hill Mill. The improveinents are a new two story ' • . • BRIOIt HOU SE ; With FRAME BACK BUILDING and Bake Oven attach d, a IiZtC3S 6 =3" mmat. Lamitru . a , . with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib complete under one root; also a new hog-pen. These buildings have all been erected within the last two years.— The tract contains •. • FIFTEEN ACRES, more or less, six Items of 'which . meadow ground with a fine stream of water passing throUgh its en tire length. % There is also planted n large number of choice young fruit trees, a number of grape vines, &c. 4 ,The above is a very desirable property, and any person wishing to purchase a small farm, will do well to give him a call as his terms are moderate. Dec6-2m. 7 "Continental Hotel," WAYNEsbORO', PA. • HE undersigned having Decently taken the T %dye named House, formerly known pis the "Globe Inn," takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the pnblie that ho is prepared to receive and entertain Guests in a style not to be excelled by any country, Hotel. The ]louse having bean thoroughly repaired and newt furnished with eve ry thing calculated to maltB is guests comfortable —the public may rest assured that they will at all tithes find it in a conditio suited to the comfort and convenience of the tray er. His Bat is always sup plied with the choices Liquors, and his,Table with the best the market afford, and all other appliances suitable and nee ry for the accommodation of . • . . Vith faithful and obliging servants and his own personal attention and supervision, he will leave no means unspared to merit public pa tronage. IMI The proprietor assures those who may favor him with their patronage that they shall ever meet. at. his house a cordial reception, and that everything es sential to the convenience and happiness of his guests shall be attended ,to. Juno 21, 1860 KIJRTZ LIVERY.- T HE liscriber respectfully announces to hts friends a d the public generally that he has o pened la ist)W prepared to accommodate the public generally with. • VIIIICLIS OMat the shortest notice, day or night.— %7 Persons desirous of hiring, either fm riding or driving, would do well to give him a call. His stuck has been seleMed with.,igreat care as re garde gentleness and speedy traveling; and his bug gies and carriages are all in good condition. The above stock will be kept at the Stable of Dr. John Oellig. Persons wishing to fire will please apply to the undersigned at Howden's Hotel. "noB-6w JOHN RICHARDSON. PUBLIC SALE. THE undersignedwill sell at public sale, -near 1 the Blue Rock School House, on Taints')Ay, the 20th of ltlimmt next, a Tract of land containing TEN A C ItE6, more or less, adjoining lands of Sol omon HarbiNigh and Valentine Hilbert, with a story and a half a good log STABLE, and Bake Oven, thereon. A st man} of spring water passes thro' the lout; there is also a good garden and a variety of ehoicerFruit trees on the premises. Sate to commence at ten o'clock on said day wheri the terms will be Made known by Janlo , LYDIA H:1 UGH. ror Constable. THE undersigned announces himself as a can li II date for Constable of Washington Township. Having been defeated at the last election by only 18 votes, lie has concluded to "yick his flint and try it igainP- - Thiiiikful to hie friends for the flattering vote received at the last election he hopes that they will extend the same support again. If successful, a general jubilee will be held at Fort Megg. Janro JOS. FUNK. Broom Corn Wanted. THE subscriber informs the public that he has provided himself with the necessary machinery for 'manufacturing )Factory Brooms. Persons fur nishing him with Broom Corn can have brooms made to orator upon reasonable terms. Handles can also be fumbled him by those who may have them. His Brooms can be seem at his rebidence or at this office. 1). B. RESH. Janlo , li t E gu E tte EA o r , , Jo L h t t - I ttt o rs ilb o e f r A t is i t a ra te tt o o r n ti o ,e n B tl o ie rough of Wayneaboria*, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber; alt persons indebted to the said - Estate, are requested to make immediate pa3rneilt, those.having claims or demands against the &ante of said decedent, will make known the same, with out delay, to DAVID (4.1).8EUT, Min% • danlo-6w ICcar Leiterahurg, In? - The Administrator will meet creditors on -Saturday afternoon, of each week, in Waynesboro' 6000 Rails for Sale .- . . , 11111-E subscriber bus :now-- on lianil 4540 good I CHESI'NUT RAILS which, bc will,slispec Of on reasonable terms. Also—one good ROAD, WAGON.L. S. FOR! *.Y, . . Jan3—tf - . THE CaMoil Maker Shop now. ottupied by Jo cob Bender.- Ilia is•an -old established stand and favorably located for a good workman. Apply to • E. S. Jan3-:-lf. rrillE undersigned continues to manufacture Corn liroows upon the old principle, all el which be will warrant to be well made., Those having' brown corn are requested to give 1.1612 a call Jana - JACOB I.IBOKiVER: Smoke Stack for Sale. rrilVaublicriber has a heavy lian Smolto Stack fret Jong and ld ,inChes in diameter, which he will d i spose ui upon r eason le ternia. Post Of fice address, tiuiney, - Dcc2o-4tf JOHN. L. ME rcALF.,'. CITROIV 'cart he had at , • , nuv 29 . •A' LARtik: assuoutuut of TIN;WARE at ,tha sign of „lha 134;Riti norm- - , de e° D. B. RiPotr.L. T IN -Top' foe dale grt% • Aieddqdk. T 1i4c20 '6O NOTICE. OR 'RINT. BROOMS! rai PthittrbUtgllPße fOntor placls t Oft Wednesdiry; 1 26th day bf febritqo'ditt; tho followi*penicinsi intiiieriS;;O:k , OA .1 old QOLI'; 20 HEAD..QF Horn Cattle; - among which' iirer6 1411:01" Co WS, and one fine.Doien BulIT head of HOPS, among which re Brio BROOD 0 Waatid I CIiEB'PER BOAR; 211am:1140n , Wagdns , .2 , pair Ladders, 1 . pm wood do., 1 of Geiser's ' Patent Self-regulating •'• ttraiL. Set)irators, CLAN ER and BAGGER, with thYlotest lirtkovo froh Tripple Gear Horse roivUr.andtilhOrnptete on Four Wheels. • 1. MB NNW REAPER.- ._- 1 Whee l Hake, ' Grain Drill, 1, apt BLACKSMITH TOOLS; Wheat Fan, Horse I: ears, Plough Gears, Fly Nets, Ilduafeiii and' Halters, COW Chains, 2 Barshear Ploini, 4Shovel Ploughs; 1 Corn Coverer, 2 Harrows, 1 FitthAlain and Spreaders, Trebble, Double and Single es, Butt a rid Breast Cha ins, i e together with man articles in general,use upon a farm not necessary to Mention. Also, about 40acres GRAIN IN THE GROND; 'AND 200 BARRELS OF CORN! VirSale to commence at 9 o'clock on said 114, When a credit of 6 months Will be given on all sums' of 4;5 find upwards, the purchaser giving note with approved security; ull sums under $ cash. Jan 22.--ta ror Rent, A CHANCE FOR A BLACKSMITH. THE subscriber will rent at Public Outcry, in front of ilia Continental Hotel," in Waynes boro', on Skrt:anny, the 15th of FEBRUARY next, his property, Situated about two iniles south of Waynet-boro'. Said property contains about three acres of land, with a Two-story LOG OWELL IN WI-ft/USE, a large STONE • BLAONSMITH SHOP, and other necessary out buildings thereon. There is also on the land a thriving young orchriid of choice fruit trees. There is perhaps rio better coon. try stand in the county for a Blacksmith, the prop erty being.surrounded on all sides by a populous and wealth agricultural. community. The above property will be offered for rent at 1 o. dock on said day when the terms will be muds known by Jan 2i—ta PUBLIC SALE, rirlHV subscriber will sell ut public sale, at the late residence of John Gilbert, Sen., deed, in Wayn'eslttsro', on SATURDAY the Set DAY . of Fttuat- (Vrie, FINE FAMILY HORSE/ 2 Fine Mach Cows; . 3 setts Single Harness, 1 Riding Saadi% 2 Riding Bridle% 6 halters, 4 3 fly-nets, .1 BUGGY. 1 SPRING WAGON, 1 Good Sleigh, 1 Buffalo Rube, 1 barrel Copper Kettle, 1 template stove, 1 Rureau, 1 Wardrobe, I 1 eight•day Clock; a lot of LUMBER, such cos boards and laths; a small lot Cypress arid Cluist nut Shingles, about EMU Chestnut Rails, 400 BUSHELS CORN, 400 BUSHELS OATS, 30 BUSHELS OF RYE; ..o. a lot Bogs, a lot of BACON and LAUD, about 40 kindles or Rye Straw, 2 bushels Ulovorseed. Also the shelves s and drawers iu the store room.; • ' k " 1-0-141-Y-ITAT and a varh.ty of other articles not necessary to men tion. Also—Four Shares 'l' URN PI E E STOOK, in the Waynesboro', Crecneastle and Mercersburg Turnpikc. Company, and 2 shares in the WAynea boro and Maryland State Line Turnpike Company Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said, lay when the terms will he made known by, Janl7—ts DAVID GILBERT, Adut'io IiVIPORTANT. ----------,- 111rTlilicPattnna and friends, and the public generally. of J. A. FISHER tiliE'a g ain remind of his, recent tour to the Eastern Cities, and of the'reception of hisline stock of " ' Cloths,- Cassinteres and. Vest lugs. All oethe MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. His stock (if FRENCH CLOTHS and CABS[- MI RES he culls particular intent* to, as the hest in town. Alsip, orient* the best assortments of FULNISIIING Gin) •in town—all ready for thgir in spection and hat tit, and kindly asks A call from all persOns dtsiriou of buying Goods h. his line, at az f , ttemely Lta<3irsszr 1 - I: 3, und•crxm , so o In the NEWLY FITTI*O ROOM, next door to UptlegraW,liogerstown,lthl. [Jan. 3, 1861.] $5.00 ReW-ard. lIE undersigned will pay the above ten arol in ' cash for such information as will lead to the approbensiimml the thieves who broke into his Bil Hard Room and carried off ono bushel of Oysters and two oyster knives. A black Milian so-ca-rrield-rava: , - p - reirWus to the above theft. 11 said Ball is returned LO . ,*iin, a reward of one dollar - will be pitiot and no questions asked. Notwithstanding all the alorrning and atealing,the Mechanicii Street'llestaurant is still 'piling it up.— He is thankful to his friends for theirliberal patson age dUring the holidays and previous. JO:. FUNK. 0 TES 1 O YES! 0 YES!- , rpHE undersigned offers his service to Ali persclns I who want a eryer.Ready at alf times to cry Public Sales, Vending', Auctions:, &c., at the most itioileute terms., Alb orders left at the Office of toe Village Record, will be promptly attended to. ' daikl7 - - -GEO. V: MO.Nr STIZAY sTRAVED (rum the premisr4 of di* subscriber livuig near-Geo. Besore's lilt , sothetimo,in une last, a light BRINDLE HEWER, with short horns a little turned up., Sul - lamed to he'betWeen 2 and Tieurs old. A, reward will be paid for such information as will _lead 'tab.', rt*COV"Ya -• ' HENRY- DENIVIVI.t.7. W.AtiolV FOR 411 JIIE subacritair , a good TWO 0 R • WAGON which he will tlispostrai uu rZasun able genus zaals--.llj .1: ARO LABAirk; , assartincut. at " • • ' '4IIIIO6kINE. LA 311" S; - 7 AistLan ,faxselluut - astl4le of .-li:acuvas On. always vu hand. 11., 6111:\ IMES, .OIiKII DAVID M DETRICH. ". Richard Sheckles, A act Aliiilll.J3A RR. s i astrAmr i IST: THIRD sa az Ns.' Al• r BERSON, BENEDICT. ez, CO. iixst itEetitrEly TM SUM ,OF rATA AND WINTER Gil 0 s_ resimetfully,ioforni our cuatbniois ofid all peisonis who wish to puiclinie cheap' FALL WINTER' DRY COORS that we have just ' , earned froAii the eastern cities and are now rediVing ,a large and well selected assortment of , CM. lc , 'tab IMP 523 . a • • . all kin ls aterns, varlOjqs and prices, which we pro silt as cheap, and on as fair terms, as any other house in town or country, and we feel confident we can deal with all in each a manner as to give entire satisfaction The following comprise part of our Stock which is always on band. • DRESS GOODS of all kinds for Fall and Wintcrwear Del.akies, Alpacas, • Morinos, Coburga, Delieges, 'maws, Flouts Silks, Collars, Sleeves, Prints, . _ loop; Skirts. MEN'S . rail and Winter, l i MaVal Cassimers, Cassinetts , Cloths, yo,t, bath!, Vesting, Cord, Fustian, % Cravats, Collars, Breasts, •,1 I tl k 'ls, Hose. itiES.Lra''Z=ll A - HEAVY 0:1' OF DOMESTIC GOODS Muelins, nesting, Shirting, • Tickiugs, Ostinpurg, - twlit-pse, • Toweling,. - Blankets, Robes, Otter Shoes, Boots, lints, 45cc., We tendi.r nurthanks to all our friends and cus tomers for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us and request a continuance of the same. • AMON ? BENEDIC'r Jk. CO. len. 10, 1862. IMPORTANT NEWS F 1 O MEXICAN Rovie-r BEA VER, in connection with his Variety J Stage, has commenceJ the manufacturing of Ist )01 . 3 and SHOES in all its tiarious branches.--.. Having empluyett Jeremiah Cooper as foreman, he is prepared to produce the finest, neatest and must durable work made anywhere., All are invited to call. A 'arm stock of Hats and Cnpe,end Eastern man utbetured Shoes Mid Boots of- the best make, on hand; Slacks, Trunks, Sagan+, -Tobacco, &e.;&e. You get the very best KfiIIIOSENE there. A few fat Hugs are wanted: ' -J. BEAVER. Dcp,6-1 months. - AC.' friemla and patrons, you.havo m. warmest thanks for your very liberal en couragm. nti Having discontinued the iniinufactu • shoes &c., on my own account, and Aligned myttclfwit It J. Beaver, at pa Variety Store, I be speak for liinCtlie continuant of your patronage.— ' •Do cane and see us at our new place. Dec 6 J. COOPER. zuz. ach 5E suhscriber , thankful fapast patronage, still solicits the same; and in -addition to manufactu ring all kinds in work^sl . .Material for rßuitaing Purposes, such as • SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, 'BLIND FLOORING; WINDOW FRAM ES, DOOR- PRAgES. FACLNG, * MOW.DINGS, &c.. &c. I tat prepared to furnish all _kiwis uF ouli•limbe for•dilfereut purposes in budding. such as JUICE, RAFTERS, LATH, STUDDIXG, TAIL SCANTLING, BOARDS, 6:c., AU of which will be eitWtitl fa-'incler, at short notice and upuu reasunaLle terms. - Also, sawing, by mill- alai 'circular ea 7/4, of tarerT Surfacing, _Matching, Flouring,. drc.,.als. Fur turtlier particulars nppli to thesubscribur, at Factory two wiles .sotttlreast-uf Wayeestnv,..l. I 'r, 101 i at 23 - conl4 toe: , r situvra4 . riliu I: LifrtrrK P. • • •• • ' :-.';', ',.1 ~..... -. • • Re ::;.," 31 . 011 ' S ' eSikttIAa;ROICKIIIO4 shirto 4t. , " ,--.,' :,, Ustions'ik - itt,i'it'titiriTA.l ditotocEßlEs i i 661111, ' mug: &C., SCE. STONER' VaIIANK PH, tor kind favors and patronage here tofore bestowed-upon . Ithn,,again appeat e lefo iere the public ' solicit a teniiit6inti of the 6111404 M havinglnet ?ethnic(' from the ertitern oitit4witft trilne and well selected stock ef NEW GOODS Which he !Mende hollini at very low rates, which litiAndWis he can de, to the satisfaction of all who will call and examine his stock. , Below you will `among -enumerated a few articles which Will be, found his stock to which he calls your attention. . • FOR THE.LADIES kle has a large assortment of Dress Goods consisting in, part of 'tinted Thibet .CkEith, Printed and plain Defulness, i• Cothildd Cothildo Stiipe, Plaid Mohair, Silk Warp ß Moliair, Parametta Printed Coburg, . Prinidd Morino, French Modati; - - Madonna Cloth, ' Printed and plain Cashmeres, French and Domestic Cmghains, Poplins, Pojigee MixtUre, Lavella Cloth, Long and Square, Thibet • arid Morino Shawls, Opera Qoaking, Gloves, and Hosiery, in great variety. Gentlemen's Wear , Broad Cloths, 'Black and Fumy Cassimeres, Union Cassimeres, Overcoatings, Sattinets, Jest's, Tweeds, r Velvet Cord, ° • - - Velvatine Vestings of all kind', in fact a full assortment of goods for Gentlemen's wear. Also a lorse.and well selected steek'of Mut lin, 'ricking; and a Complete a assortment . of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line, you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, the i% will filid,it to their advantage to bring it to Sto ver's,asho always gives the highest market price. So give him a call, and ho will sell you goods as - cheap as they can ha purchased elsewhere. .Nov.l. 1861 All IMPATED BAITLE! o HILT throughout ET S o n e n r d •'ornuemeor s happyof w l a a rs m i orew w hen en lumns of tumid men are semi on all sides, march= log torward in defence of their "sacred rights," and, all are eager for the expected contest, each moment carries us nearer the frighfu) drama, that will soon -be enacted. Yet while all this convulsion is in pro gress, other scenes are continually transpiring to excite the minds of the people, and lately this corn munity has Leen greatly astounded by the-tremen dous rush of people to to aseestain"the cause of this exeitemeut, which proves to be the LARGE STOCK CUBS!! he has just received, and to LOW PaltIES theysare sold at• nevertheless the great cry of "High Prices" caused by the war, which is shown to be fates by an examination to• the magnificentstock of goods offering at the above establishment. You !will, flini a varied assortment of nil kinds of goods such us SILKS, VALOURS, SCOTCH PLAIDS, CASHMERES, • LAVELLA CLOTHS, 'MOTTLED MIXTL RES, SOLPERINO DELAINES, •REP. ROUBAIX, a variety' of other DRESS GOODS SILK VELVETS, CASSINI Etts,-cLoni , and all kinds and styles of Gcntldtrien's Wear, with a great lot of all kinds of Goods ,wmally kept in Waynesboro'. The undersigned tenders his regards to hi/ nu merous friends and patrons, and hopes a continu ance of favors. Merchants through this country can find goods at Busters, wholesale, .prices by calling at Ihisvre's, thereby saving freight and other disadvantages. Persons deeirirg a nice Sharpo's Relit:atm can be accommodated by calling soon; also cartridges for the same. All kinds of produce received in exchange fur goods at the regular • prices Oct .11 • JOSIAH BESOHE. • NOTICE.' - - WHEE.tßaEtotsf'DblevtitedrZ4a t o o f ne A r d ia n t i e in o is f tr t a h t e il l i o o ro n u t g h t e , of Waynealioro';ileceased, have beim granted to the subscriber:AN:persons indebted ti said Lstutu,uro requested to make immediate payment, and those buying claims or thinunitls against the listute of said decedent, will make known the same, without delay, to . • 4011D11111.11{, Nov.'29-60, /Administrator. HE fiEA S, Loiters of Administration on the y Estate of Samuel (Jordon, late of Waynes- Imo!i (leinipsod c have been granted to the subscri ' berftlf pomoni indebted Co elm wsid Estate, ore re. -Aueetem to tiviliv immediate payment, anti" those lii.tring"elitime or thil4 43 /4 4114111 VA the Estate of ip,envedeut, will 'natio //mown the IMMO, Withlta, 11V111,y to .• JAM Ed fl: tip filfo,.l4,achn'r fl , Jan247-Pw-° 'or the lioroisAlt ofWnytteuLtua!, L. F. 4011 D. DOMESTIC GOODS, STORE! NOMICE. „IF ARK LIM Ail MUM =MTMCI 1 lirlitElt 09005 I Joseph Price, . Northwest Coragrof Abe. Diailiojot • • It no* Misting. Ne* zit; , t~dlit'~j to . . ALir .4ND WINT,Fdt CORD'a;4t.Fietioii, r German; English and Aim:titan eibricti, cosh. prising a general assortalirnt- of ,cito latest styles aihipted to Fall and Wiater — trade: For-Ladies' Wear : Rich Dress silKst black, plain and fancy 'Brocades; Plaids in great variety; French - Merinos in all colors; rich Printed Marinas, VVool-Delaines4 Vaslfineres, sirtin stripped. do., Moussellaines, La' l. hi; Mohair mixtures, Taibet Cloths; printed Mous sellaines, Persian Twills, Poplin, Deheges, Opera" Flannels, in all colais, Scotch and Saxony Printed vireneh Oh:Awns, Scotch do., Lancaster ir,Plaitl' kElubrolderies, L ces, tianntlets, Kid Gloves, white a. and fang, French worked Clollars„ Dimities, fancy dress Gimp3r Cord iliaiding, and velvet Rib bon &c., &c.; in short, he his alit the novelties of Vie season. , FAIL MTN MARS, Paris long broche Shawls, with se wed borders, Bay State Shawls, (latest styles,) sapurb Thibut Shawls, sewed barter, rich Printed Sit MIS with silk fringe, all of which are fern the I itc,ii;itnplr titles's, and will be sold at prices that-dcfy co:ape= icon. House Furnishing &awls Irish and Scotch Sheeting, pillow case and holster Linens, fine, low priced Damask Table Linens spotted and damask Table Oaths, every - site and grade; Napkins, Dayles, and Huck 'Peevelingo, low priced Kitchen Toweling, Bolster, Pillow and Sheeting Muslins, 3 4, 4-4, 6.4, 8.4, or 10 4 wide, draped dimity Blankets, Marseilles an d Allendale ra/DZIATilts such as heavy bro. Cotton, bidached 'Masilino, at naburgs, 'Pickings, stripped . Drills, Apmn Ducks, Kerseys; Denims, (lotion Finnuels, Prints, &c. EN'S WEAR; Black and Fancy Cloths and Cassiriteres, of the newest styles, Mixed Doeskins, Sattinetts, Un hot Casahneres, Cashineretts, Deans, Cattonades, Over coatings, silk, satin, merino and velvet Vestings, extra heavy rihhed Drawers and Shirts, Hosiery, Collars, Cravats, dte. • .CARPETIIS& .F1.031l OIL 'CLOWI3I Carpet, English Itivains, (111 wool,) Hemp anJ Its Carpeting, from 25 cents to •tioo per 4.100 r Oil Cloths 2A, 4-4, 6.4 alb! 8.4 wide, all of the newest 'designs, which he offers at great bar ains MATS AND RUGS ) Wool, Coco, Pl.alu and Fanciail Bordered, in great vanity. GROCERIES AND QUEENSIVARE: • Ms stock is full ihd complete, an.l will compare ftvorahly with any in 'Wayucsliciro', both in price and quality. tic retorts his thanks to his friends, and by fair, dealing and strict attention to business he hopes to merit a contitt u'ance of the state. Octl I JOSE NI PR ICE. S T_ AI, ra FALL .AND WINTER GOODS, rt VING just rutu'rncil from taw Eastern, cities ma a ith anuthers Lot of new anctsiegantstylus--- DRESS GOODS, ertsurpaseeet for Beauty, Styb ara 'Quetta." aryl at _.• PANIC rxicips.* ro4 - iras DI 3, ' Wool Deluirpes Printuti Cobtrrg, Cashmeres, Mohair Aliipaca, Ravetia C,141t, • De beges. Persian Delano], Übss Gingham. , _ Ladies Wool Elastic Skirts, Vx(ension Skirts, Apran Tassels, and a full assortinanfof Dross Trim mings, &c. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, French Cloth, Cassiiner.q, . • Vesting's; Satinet,. . Tvrceila Jeans!, Velveteen's, ¢ , etlll3rs, tibia Fronts ALSO—A heavy lot of not necessary to mention. QUEENS' TARE, HABOViT BOOTS AND SHOES, ' • • CEDA,Re WARE. • CM• l aaCV:sl:i r Of the very best in market and quality: such ns Syrups. New Orleans and Porto Rico Molasses, a No. I Brown Sugar, colfee, crushed and granulated do ; hest artic:a of Rio Coffee, 1 in perigt Tem. well's-host Etsscenee of car. Maker No. 1 Chocolate, . Raisins, Carburet of Iron,. . Tubacio, -.. Rice, &c.. All the.above goal* hove l ' been-sefected careful ly, and_purchased-at-the very loweat ftgure with un eyu to suit the wants of this community. lie is therefore enabled to accommodate all who may :fa vor hiss with a call, in quantity, quality, style and price.'Na trouble to show goods. Country Produce takin in exohauge Rh -goods at thu highest market , prices. By strict attention I. business and ade ire to plense in every respect he holies to Merit a ntitivance of patronage. N./et. 11. • • J. W. MILLER. twit lolultPrEtted spieed elder %eget fur eak..gyptoner, ign of the Uottlen Mortal t•fiet:•,ktuyS.cont. pit: tilted. Jan 26. 1% WS' =uvv U‘it.4 MlM'_€ RE,
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