Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, January 17, 1862, Image 4
South Carolina— Her Slam, dig n►rful &rainy impending. 'ruse entire coast from - Warsaw Sound, Ibrly miles ludo* Port Royal, et least,to North Elkton Inlet, forty miles kitty - elite pew ;niter. is deserted 'ay hi - White Inheb• icatttit; the slairse aire everywhere preeti. mill) fret; the batt'e'ries, Sri ereeted' at every point tvhere ingress ciinld be kid by an invading force, ;rest undoubtedly ali abandoned withiti a_ vek alter Viet fight at Ililtith Head.' and tie guns:removed. This state of straws esi•tts inwards (or a distance at the least of teat miles, and in many pia , . ces of thirty. • Half the cotton hodiesin tots region must have ...beett Ittirned, in a rcy of instances by troops, not by. their ins Hers: The on .r.. f9Atices where fir • img of any importance has oocurred against our forces are the (Issalrow Soorido-nud a bout seven' mi cc -up Warsaw River. At these two placeis batteries have still been retained. These - ap both in Georgia, but unless en Some Inlet, there ii ito piace in South Carolina below Charleston where the rebel (lag flaunts: At no place in S. Caroti4as Isere th e reltels slinwed tight since their deleat on the 7th of November. Montfort was at once abandoned, and our reconnoitering parties- 'ha ye now here en- . vountereil an enemy. .The slaves have, in various instances. assisted in the capture ni their masters, have also several - tinges of late asked tic be armed, which nes not 0- rigistally the ca. , e„ COlonies of them have been estalished. not only at Hilton Head. but on Otter Island in St. Helena Sound, and 'at tlie in..iitli Inlet. At 1)oth these plaresv they are proteeted either by gunboats or by the ;pins of thebaneties put up by the rebe.s. bin now nentipieit by the Union Ittrees. ..t.eltottitere belonging to the rebels have been el aired in three inland waters, and captor( dor horned. • • The universal story of the negroes is, that the poor it bites are tin xilling to fight, told et rtainly ti , ere seers an un n illineess somewhere. II ever Carolina des• rraiiiin is to be matsilested, one, would think it wentlil be now; they talk - in their newspapers. and in the private letters I have seen al hoisting ti,e black Il o gt 0 . • et giving lior asking qiiartei• bti., • : • ken a nomber of 'sorters. who seemed -not averse to sub, itting" to t to late of pris oners of war. I'l re are tw in Deanlort District, alone eat ly 1 .000 slaves, whose masters have Bed, and Deaulort, District is but a small portiotr of the country at pres ent in bur hawk. EviTry where the blacks burry in drot es to nor Finest• they crowd to sinail boats avowal our slitp4; they hur ry to onr officers, from the cotton-houses of their inavers, in an hour or two after our gluts are fired. Drivers. field-hands. house-maids. coachmen and body-servants. pa tit hon their masters might be caught here t were hidden, anu what were eir force . As guides and Pilots, they point out in what houses stores`of arms . "Co, • P P t ant whe e bodies of troops were stationed. In a few hours the information is sometimes verified. The slaves not yet e caper': of course, pretend to be faithful. but some said to their masters an ctre•ses`'on the day of the tight, 'The Yankees wild` k whip ped, ilatvaa and MMus.' but all the while they prayed and believed othetwiiie. So, causilat - illasionsrif — • - eiad - e — t - in Charleston papers to the fidelity th •r servants. as ii it were a matte course, but, there 's no labored discussion of a sUbject too ter r . rible for discussion. They writer says : As for my judgement —• may:not be worth much—but 1 came hi ter to find all the negrties attached to. heir masters and 1 have gradually observed a feeling of bitter ness displayed by the blacks; Ist first there - was only e!ation at -Weir' own escape; of late his has been mingled nit!' indigna• tion at tlie insane attempt tu fire difthem; I have known of several instances where slaves asked for arms to fire on their own masters, (this was the cas wink Col. W hit marsh Seahrook-s live stock ar Edisto;) 1 have known where slaves csisted i i the capture of there masters; I ha . a e times asked niVsellVehether the time might not come when arming the blacks and reg ularly drilling them as soldiers under white officers, might not prove the only means of averting the odious horrors of a servile • insurrection. The Colonial Presbyterian, which is prubably the ablest paper published in New Brunswick. espeuses the Federal calls(' with a warmth which deserves uttr grateful apprt ciation• In a recent artiele it rim s: •Tn us it appears much more difricalt for a true British subject to sympathize with the South than with the North, and we are convinced that the principles enun• ciated by the pro Southern Canadian and New Brunswick press. would if practical ly canted out. be pint to the safety of the •Brit:ah empire. They are, in short, ut terly seditious-and dangerous, contrary to VI divine and human law. Curses are win the only things critich, like chickens, come home to roost.' Evil principles bring retribution in' their train. To hold that, apart from any exercise of oppres Irian by a Government, creating a . moral right of revolution, its authority is to be cast on at 'pleasure or through caprice, its `property seized; its courts of justice sub verted; to hold that ull oaths of allegiance to it may be violated without moral guilt 'or political degradation, is to hold that civil government rests upon no divine sanction or stable bas's. We maintain that-there-has-ra-rely-been-a-more-ji waged in. this world than that by which the Federal Government aims at suppress ing the Southern rebellion and preserving the nationality of a great people. As British subjects, we resent any insult to onr nation a flat. and demand an amends. But internal rebellion is wotse than exter nal war, to be an enemy is to occupy an honorable position compared with being a trititnr.' flow well it looks to ae e thosewho are ready to 'Ay to arms to maintain the how of the - British flag. in the same breath denoance the U. States far ming Wires ono man to wipe oat th 1 t repiiicich of Fort Sumter!. • A young and beautifiii damsel . saving taro In!eta. nod not knowing' which to prietvr. settled the water by marrylog,tbe - one •and - tiopirg with (Abet. .• Tite lio7e ; 0 children is afirsinitukiiidi cation 4 nral natiore-.4 pare; unworn Ord psis kid' 'broil, A. BTONB4'UUIIt, DEAtER Hoiliiiiii'''::toiiiiiirit,' Has retorneil•frbin t.ho•CiiienWith and nOineted Mock ot CiOde_ He now °trete fr silo al low prition lion, - Ropes Robe., STOVES,,. (PARLOR APiLI TEN-PLA'T'E) CARRIAGE WARE, AND CEDAIt WARE' • GlEt irTp,sirorir Es . (A `'superior kind;) Hornephoes, Txaces t Nantes, rINDINGS AND LASTS Knives', Fo!lis, Spoolle, &fr , • ALSO Sw cm3xenfi C uzi 12 12 co tvb 11 ; 111! FILLERS On a new and improved plan. at low prices. He invites his old. customers and the trade gener erally to examine his stock before purchasing else wbere.• H. BTONEHOUSE. Nov. 1. .1 860 HIM ARRIVAL DRUGS, MICE, HINEY, Confectionery, Fruits; &c., &c., &C. MHE subscriber takes this !netball:if announcing to t e people that fit has received at his 'Drug store,' large and carefully selected stock of • FRESH DRUGS, . 'Chemicals, Patent Midicines, Paints Oile, Dye Stela's, window ° (Ansa Putty, Tobacco, Emil; end Segars, &c., which h e is now prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest and will assure his custom ers that in regard to quality which is of the first hit portance, his goods will compare with any in the market. He has also a splendid assortment of Perfumery. Soaps and T9ilet .Articles. of all kinds, consisting in part of the following, via Band ro es. Po des, \_ , 0. ber and Bears' Oil Colognes, Extracts the Handkerchief, ' Lyo ' athairon, But 's Cocoaine, Benison's Ladies' Boai oney 'oop, Hotel soap. Diamond White Soap. CONTECT/ONERY,I72I7ITS, &c Cranberries Raisins, Figs, Prunes, 'eking', Dates, Citron , Lemons, Nuts of all Id ! d , and Candies of every variety. Kerosene Lamps, Lamp globes, aid Brushes, Kengene_Oil—Camphine,Alcoholuniiirg - plifid, an'n tact any thing and everythingpat is usually fou in a drugstore. 1 ankful ter kind favors and patronage hereto. t .re owed upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same, and hopes that by endeavoring to please, he may win the confidence of the people. Physicians' prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded at all hours. J. P. KURTZ. nov .29, 1860 New Mil nery Establishment. HE undersigned would inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that she has cow men e Milliner business, in Church street, a few doors 'South of the Diamond. filie expects to receive her roods in a few days. The ladies are most respectfully Minted to give tier a call,. /Sit) pains will be spared to suit the taste of all. By close application end a determination to persevere, she hopes to gain the confidence; as well as the support of the community. She has made arrangentente_so that she can receive new goodsweekly If necessary. Please give her a calk • - M. C. MESSER, Waynesboro', May 4, 'Q. A NEW POCKET PISTOL. '4 , SITARPE'S PA TENT • Breech- Loading: Repeater,' THIB Pistol, for simplicity of construction, pactness and durability, is superior to all oth ers yet altered to the public. It can be loaded as quickly as other pistols are capped. The load may remain in the Pistol any" length of time without It is the lightest pistol manufactured that has force and is sate to carry. It will force a ball through a one inch board at the distance of one hundred yards. Weight only eight and a half ass. For sale at BROTHERTON'S - May 2 ligrdware Store. “Continental Hotel,” WAYNESBORO', PA. THE undersiged paving amenity taken the a bove named House, formerly known- as the "t.; lobe lan." takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the pnblic that he is prepared_to receive and entertain Guests in a style not to be excelled by any country Hotel. The House having been thoroughly - repaired and newly furnished with eve ry thing calculated to make his guests comfortable —the public may test assured that they will at all times had it in a condition suited to the comfort and convenience of the ;riveter. His Bar is always sup plied with- the choicest Liquors, and his Table with the best the markets afford, and all other appliances suitable and necessary for the accommodation of man or beast. With faithful and obliging servants and his own personal attention and supervision, he will leave no means unspared to merit pnblic pa tronage. The proprietor. seams those who as; favor him ith-their-patronage-thal—thevahali-ever-meet-st his houses cordial reception, and that everything ea: sential to the convenience and happiness of his guests shall be attended to. June 210880 NEW LIVERY. ITIRE subscriber respectfully 'announces to his I . friends and the publid generally that he•has o. pened a Livery Stable iu Wriyneaboro, and is now prepared tri accommodate the public generally whit #l4 ' I*As • at the shortest notice, day or night.-- Persons desirous of hiring, either for riding or driving. would do well to give him a call. His stock has been selected with great ' eare as re gards gentleness and. speedy traveling; and his bug gies and carriages are all in good7 te ditiorr- The above stock will\ lie kept at bitable of Dr. John Oellig. Persons:loom s l idlo please spiplylp the and _ JRO 4 w ,CllO4Ol B O/4- 4:RIIIE assortnitlit- Viktfift M the sign of the Big Red Perri. - D. B. Roams. -• , araleiqn all the variety 4 Alai; trout lonkee Not!pna..Peileinier,yd . . • Liquors /or- - purpose., - .'” 4-Ct MILD tender hii thinks to the ccitnnsunitY. no still 'sulk* the patronage of s Sonorous public who want In d ia" line. Iniritnuilli . has enhoged his stock SO el to be enabled to answer all calls for anything and twerrytidng ly toned in a Drug store, and has a thorough ac quaintance. With the, hipline's) 'hi hope" to train the confidence the-COmmunky. He will pay .par- Ocular attention to fillingphyslchnue Naar:Oohs, and more care and precauti on. used jet Waiting tip. on chltiren than adult& ••v . • nllio LIII MST ina • Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines are endless in variety, including aU that have been mode up ico this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also• White Lead, 2 no, t, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or• • a work, besides all sizes of Mass. Commetcia I, No Fool. Cap and Letter Paper always on hand, with variety of Envelopes of different aims and colors.• Brushes, Combs, Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Essen ces, Flavoring Hittracts, and namerous Article% in the FancMine on hand and offered for sale,chpap• er than ever offered before. Also a large assortment of kerosene nil Lamps, Chiiiiii4B,l4bades ar jells, and Koreans CHID fill them.' A general •as .rtmene of Fruits and Confectionaries, Tobacco and igars. Oct, 1 I.' URI clao Should you ask me, should you - Where to buy yoUr Stoves and I would answer, I would Aell you— "Go unto the fine new store room Where the Big Red Horn, the sign i There's the best book Stoves and Ti All sold cheap by D. D. Russell." [limn Me Swig Va. HE undersigned informs the public in genera la and especially those of his customers in want of anything in his line of butiiness, that he has com pleted and is now occupying his new and extensive ly enlarged establishment fort the • • Manufacture and Sale OF TINWARE; SHEET-IRON WARE, AND He is now prepared to supply any demand for his Cook Stoties. gene - 1 Housekeeping Gooier and Kitchen Ware, on nth terms as must,give entire satisfaction. , liza-avcnia • need are of the beat and Most improved kinds,and giving been tried are acknowledged to be all that an be desired as good cookers and bakers, and dre • asily kept clean. His own MANWPACTURED WARN is all made with a vial and is warranted in all cases to be goad. He also keeps a large assortment of fancy ariieles. larkipecial attention is given to putting up SPOUTING, made of the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has had a long and extensive es :erience. Remember the ail - Aug 9, 1860 - NE W Coachmikingl T"undersigned havin i ;leased the well-known Coachmaking Eitablish en t of,A sex. Hamilton, on Mechanics street, Waynesboro', respectfully an nounce to their friends and the public generally, that they purpose carrying on the business in all its branches, and are now prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Barouches, Scorns Wagons, &c. &c., of the best material, and made of superior workmen. BLAOKSMITHING and REPAIRING of a kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly and to , e satisfaction of customers. • COUNTRY PRODUCE, taken in exam ge for work at market prices. larPersonsdesiringarticlesor \ i , o • , the Coach making line, are respectfully invited to give them a call.. L. K. MORRISON, Mar. B.GEO. B. HAWKER. • Wm. A. TRIPLE'S HOUSEKEEPERS' EMPORIUM, AND Copper, Brass, Tin and Sheet iron On Main Street, one door West. of Troxer• Dry WHERE he keeps constantly on hand, an es• tensive assortment of Housekeepers' Arti cles of every description. Tin, Sheet Iron, Copper and Brass Ware, Japan. ed Ware, Wooden Ware, Sad-irons, all sizes of Iron Kettles, Pans, &c. large assortment of Cooking Stoves, Parlor and Ten-plate Stoves. Persons who are in want of a good cook stove, will do well to call and see his satiortment, as he is prepared to offer great inducements, not only in Stoves. but in all the at articles. You will fdid a large and splendid assort. - ment - of - Tin — Ware - of - his - ownlnanufactuie=aZ low prices. All those desirous of getting bargains would do well to call at W. A. TRlTLE'S.llousekeepers' Emporium. opposite Dr. Brotherton's office. Rouse Spouting done at the shorted notice, and of the bed Tin. . Feeling thankful fo pas favors, he, invites his friends and thipublic generally to call and examine his stock. W. A. Tarri,E. March 22 DAIIIIII. Tam*, Agent. NO ODOR NO LABOR. PURE CARBUEBT °OF IRON STOVE POLISH, The-cheapest-article in the world. —Unrivalled in Eco • esDanently Lustrous. The only place . get it is ar BKOTHEarows. m 22. L. B. ICI7RTZ portant to ranners r p E subscriber takes this method of innouncing I of the Farmers and others, that he has on band a lot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed. along with some specimens of the corn This is an excellent article . of Broom Corn, and should be raised by eV* my one. Re lau also a fullassortment of fresh Dams, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. J. F. KURTZ. F. S. 1 im selling - Cranbenim at s*h cents per cum. o ' Mar. 14 400 CATSUP BOTTLES rof sate at the Store of W. if. attglitiaTolt. 1500 LUTHERAN no* 211 TIN Toys for sale at Declo 'BO ADIBB and Musses' ' oo ILICk - Want and Cotton under shirts and Draw at . - ' • J, W. Mannea. Ps POW, is ~;.~ ~-~ Oaa 4 EITOVE9. . of the Big Red Horn. L. B RUSSELL. Manufactory, Good, Store. DIXON'S !mammy at Man -46 tizoitidutirt . l. 1-- - „MIMI siftetirtbarlaspaetially_ln,ft* , ibis : ea lottblia "Oberon* •thlis he tea tea , ithi stock of Irittik; inti•ConW ia --- aarka f. ,aidtt has or theflaest taitaannenttf • Vritlf.t.,rit gic•pOtift It . ' 44 • • 4 . ever bronekto Waynesboro"; with NUTBe. RAISINS, iinumz.s,:flos, swEinr; b.msotilisTtoir • Hl= • ARS , • ••• ON -Es' Ha has also on henti at airflows - the finest Ake toocket *in itrotd. *kick *III -be served tt l i to cintotniti_Filid; Boasted' or 8„1041: '; AND .CtIOZIRi Haiti .Prepare . &Wit" both Washa : . * - botigh e a, and tudwies Alig. andariperior article of ileac& Me sou, 04111bApple - Older,' viith Foidlit article of Bologna nonsage, Boile d Eggs, and all other artieterasoalreptdn first class Restaurants. A gennincLartlele_O litiesiis fdi Sabi. Nora . —I•IB.,#.IBHER. THIS WATT MIRO Ifni 1 IfTllllll.undersigned lespectfutlfannounces to the public generally that he is .still at the old stand on Church Street, Waynesboro% Pa. ' *here he continues the manufacturing of Family ars coacaulauca Buggies Barouches, Wagons, and eyet7 species of vehicles usually made in such establishments.— ills work is warranted to- be composed of the best arm most durable material, and none but the most experienced -workmen ate einploited. lie has now on hand a number of Carriages, Bug gies, &c., &c., which be will_ positively sell at greatly reduced prices for cash, or upon a short credit. By keeping a good stock at all times, and always holding himself ready to supply the de minds-of the people he hopes teretain and secure a liberal share of patronage. Repairing, Trimming, and Painting done''ln The best manner, and at the shortest notice. Lumber, Country Produce, etc., will be taken in exchange for work. JACOB ADAMS. N. B. The Books of the firm of J. & A. S. Ad ams, tire in the hands of the undersigned. Persons knowlhg themselves indebted are requested to make immetliate_payment. J. A. Nor' t. 1801. • onder, were; tvabia. NEW GOON ! NEW GOODS! ! FIRST ARRIVAL. AIAVE now open for im tion at their store on fSuutheast corner of the Diem their second supply of ' • SPRING AND SUNNI& ~00~~~ for Gentlemen's ware. T stock embraces Blue, ; :ck ancy o ith - TrPlidit.Finey Satin Vestings, and all other goo, _loth and vests, of the most fashionable styles. Also— Gloves, Cravats, shirts, collars, &e. dm.; with an as sortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Gentlemen are invited to call and examine their stock of new goods. rr The latest Fashio*p regularly received. May 23 1801., - „ „ elbitatiritirArnmagge I on. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES. PIUS is ackno‘ledged to be one of the most ro. markable of human productions that has ever been offered to the American people. The style is Chaste mid truly eloquent. The subject treated of is of the most inspiring: "The United States in Prophecy. For sale by J. F. K 1%. ov L er I Lumber 1 TB undersigned offers at his Lumber Tar Wa, nesboro', Pad the following variety of wel. •ason .11 Lumber, at reasonable rates: • asked Flooring Hairdo; 11, f, and 1 inch yellow Pine; inch, bed Liningi I,and; inch White Pine; inch white pine Weatherboarding: Spruce Pine Joice and Scantling; $, i• and 11 inch Poplar, Poplar Scantling; and , li Cherry, Cherry Table Legs; Pine Lath and Chestnut Shingles, and Chestnut Posts and Rails. Also, Turned Chair Stuff by the Stand; Turned Chair Legs, Bent Chair Backs, and turned Broom Handles. ALSO, For. Sale, by the bushel or quantity, Corn on the ear or shelled, Oats and Potatoes by the bushel. ALEX. HAMILTON. ' tf J. FILBEAT, I DRAPER, . pii l i Ras constantly for eaten full assortment of ti 1000D8 for Gentlemen'', ware. !?'Latest i Latent City Fashions always on hand. Waynesboro', Pa. IaiIEMCCOMMLAIMUMIMMAN DR. T. D. X'RENCH, . SPEClTUGLYidreiiihii serviel - WMFEIV hens of Waynesboro' and surrounding country. e is,prepared to perform all operations in Dental Surgery an ri superior manner. Veethinserted from one to an entire vet in the most approved and sub stantial manner, and warranted no t . to be surpassed for beauty and durability . Charges moderate and all work warranted as represented. N. B. Will visit residences when requested.-- Qffice, on Mechanics Street, opposite,the residence of J.R. Welsh up stairs. , . To CaStalistSer VITAYNESBOIIO' SAVING FUND.--This 1T Society will pay the following rates of in tereet-perennum,on-all sums deposited in the In-- stitution. For 3 months, 2 per cent,; from 3 to 8 months, 3 per cent.; from 9 to 18 tuutiths, 4 per cent; and over 18 months, 44 per cent. Fur a shorter period than 3 montna the terms will be made kown by `the Treasurer. • Notes for discountshonld beheaded to the Treas urer on Tuesday, as the Board of Directors meet rgnlarly on Wednesday of each week, lit 9 o'clock By order of the Board, June 17'58 ISO. PHILIPS Treasurer, ri IiELEGICAPH FODDER CUTTEII4, The beetle use For sale by • Nose E. IS. 'IIIOX Agt: ILIRESH klackere at jp Mar 28 *mamas. Bantam it Co' relitd-Dried Peaches, pared mild v ed at Amaaaaux.•• am V AlBll.llB at -12 k and 20 Cents per- p•att • "C oollit - Iry ) KinniN eiLOTH, Hat, Hair, Tooth and Nail 'fi • kijustraceited and finial* my to by WAINER. ' • May lB. HE BEST CO( in tbe market• Mg Rod thaw Ryanlm's MR! IMP= G,,, 4. J. BENDER DENTIST, X STOVE ao be, had at this gigs of do D Roam. •:.; _.:. ~, ~..-.„ ,„„,,... " rOtt N DA Y . i;` 4 '',44Tidi - .. :.'i.- - ':, ° i#iiistiva• PATENT POLF T REGIItiAtINII RAiN SEPARATOR. 011aBANER- App pa" , Latest Improved Thr'eihei' 'Nee ciao id Horse Fairer, driving either - by Gear or Belt, 'all proished , :vompkte, ,eddy to' be •put oft Wagono, • 1, the undersigned, ilMire to Call attention o Farmers aad Thrimbermen of Franklin' and adjohf ing counties to 0.• This Machine has 'been before the puthe for seep yews, during. which time it has given general satisfaction, Mid the patentee . baling made some very importinit improvements Which render it still more complete,. both for eked separating , and .cleatiing, 'and also for ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in re commending it to the public, knowing that it will give the best of satisfaction. lam manufacturing those diferent aloes, as 'folloive: No. 1 is 8 hone Power,will thresh and clean from 200 to 500busluds per' day. No. 2 is 6 to 8 horse power, will thresh and clean from 150 to 300 bushels per day , No. 8 is 4 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean from lOU to 200 hsmhele per day. These Macntnes are warranted to do the above, and do it Much better in every respect than any other machine in use.' • Grain having much light filth jail cleaned on Are Machine is worth from 2 to 8 cents more per bush el than when cleaned on any other separator, or the common *ay of cleaning on hand fans. For this reason there is not the eighth 'part of light matter in the grain as when cleaned on the' riddle principle. The blast acts freely on all the grain as it leaves the whereas, when cleaned will. riddle that ad vantage is lost This machine does not return the Milan& as most of the separators do. By returning filthy tail ends alternately it is impossible to make merchants grain,' Another important feature in this machine that others of the kind have not, is the Self-acting Blast Reg ulator in the fan, which , remedies all dif ficulties in bad cleaning, blowing grain in the chaff in big , speed or irregular driving, which cannot be avoid .d in cleaning grain by horse power Th' Machine is also more durable and less tedious o anage than any other Separator and Gleaneror common machine with shaker. Orders to insure their being filled until harvest ould be sent in immediately. I am fully prepared to make to order and on short notice Poitable and Stationed : STIZIAIYI ENGINES, GRIST 'AND SAW Mu.l GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON RJnittfl s. CAST MOM WATER WHEELS, IRON 04..• .Tims, &c, Stoves and Plow eastin: e :NO • iron pipe or steam or wow 1d Brass cabtinge of every descriptiOnf in a' wird, I'am do everything usually done in a foundry and machine. shop. Having supplied myself with the latest proved machinery. such as Lathes, Boring, Planing • and Drilling Machines, persons tan rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner.— I am also prepared to manufacture to order maw "chinery for wood, such , as Tonging_ and I/roving machines for flooring,JlK ce. Tenant tind_hlould.._ ing Machines, &c. I also offer to the pub a new and vain able improvement in toy ate m engines, made within the hist year, viz: for t e economizing of ' fuel, and the regulation of speed, hich renders my new enginet far. superior to the of engines. All my machines are sold and warrantee. My hams are all experienced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, no that I am perfectly safe in w.aztanting all Any work. I am also prepared *ado repairing in workman• like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must be accompanied with the cash For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma chine, address GEORUb PRICK, Or Desist 013011111 , Proprietor of Territory and so ' - for of orders, iiiesneebour Franklin to. Pa. pril 18—tf NO HUMBUGGING,. THE 'subscriber respectfully informs the public that he will continue the ISmithlng business at the old stand, until 'steady. conducted under the firm of Hawkerdc Cline. He is now prepared to make to order Buggies,Carriages,Spring 'Wagon", with all-work belonging to the Blacksmithing basinese,' at short notice and opattressonable to s. He return" his thank" for the very liberal nage extended, to the late firm, and hopes by promptiat, tendon to business to merit a continuance or the mine. JOHN CLINE. March Pictures, Pictures.. THE undersigned takes this metlmpl of inform ing the citizens of Waynesboro' In vicinity, that he has purchased the Daguereian apparatus of of Mr J. B. Rosser, and is sow impanel to take all kindled Pictures at.the very lowest prices, , which are guaranteed to be as truthful and life-like as any offered to she public. He has just received a new stock of common and fancy Cases of all sizes and styles, vrhiCh he can sell very cheap. Pictures tar ken fot72ls — emsts — which — can7be — sont - througlythe snail to any P. O. in the U.S. for sit cents._ Gall , and ewnine for yourself whether you want work or not; he charges nothing for showing. He will be happy' to see you. Room in the New Building, neat door Vs Bibbet's Hotel, (up stairs.) J.H. WBUISH• Nov 22 Readyantade Clothing FOR FALL AND WINTER! FRAM BUPPLYB RECEIVED hIONTHLP AS. ADAMS would respeettsUy inform bis .p!troni and the public generally that 60 I- returned from the Eastern cities mith - a general as• •ortanent of Heady-Made . FALL AND - WINTER' CLOTHING, embracing aU the latest styles of Coats, Pants,Vests, Shirts, Collars, Necties,lSAsPenderh etc, etc 4 all of whirl are well made. The public ars cordially in vited to call and examine his goods, as ha is dWer tennined-to sell at short profits. He will cortlittue • , awry on the business of Tailoringas Kerr - Persows &Siring gar menu cm or made up sr invited to givrPhint call. • - Latest ns received wok*. Oct . A. EL A. NOTICE. 1171118REA8, Letters Testamentary to the Br ifT state of Barbara 8. Troxel, tate of the 80. rough of Waynesboro, deceased. have Wen ponied to the subscriber; sU persons indebte4 to-thesaid' 'Estate; !to totittestrvilo . - truthe huntodinto pay and *Wee Minns chums or - donastik - •ofriid decedent, trilltoake known; inane without debar to , S. 8. TROXBL, /Wain-Bw_ • Enemata CAMFHE M E and Burning k) always o, hand at Aug. . Kum'. IMMO u }_=:~ : ~~ : ~-Y[:..a:a+_.w~.dss~n~_'t, '~` ~'~ . _...,., . >~ur.:• t„::rsa!:.~.a.a4,.;,u~pK~, - ItILLAINICINSVORIK''). • imistiittaviiiiit t•" .."-=.- •'.- , - • ',UV W 4; EILAIILLTI :::. , .-, ~',',•• • • 0 , 1 ; " ' li - .1 .'', - It ItAtt ' t .41 4 0 it'd _A a : a l iVillti pt , ii ii l la thrikuto the , - - OM.' . ' , Me' /#s# ..►ii/Al4ll/ - rnotillis b I : Within the : yflt. ~ , . AllYg 18ElliEri_ W-0. TO Ilaost dues ion— itit float' i . t aid, ma .boßiOnnat ibiwirtioni ,i,., centwi . • t PiOnnt_iiiedielptimie4444'ww wintits.iniiilaittionii..ooo4l/06 'c • i'''''''' - r - "lie 8114111111111411114,-.11114! 1111011111SALII AiND MIAMI* 11111 Milli OP WE tries, WAYNBSPA - 4'' . Hu fief** got back lb bbsibedii," NA to the 'orild stand)" /twelve! SW& :Op:, the room now occupied may' and habil returned from the city with a -fresh egg% • ply, which he has just: recejved,, &India ting , of - „ . Preolklyoreigsr aiui , onustk Zr_nyPti. A large and genera) assOrbriersi of Median* • 'Chemed's, Patent Dry Paints and Paints ground in Oil, ' Oils expressed end distilled; - • Twits green, preferred 144 dry,: Confeetionariedi '• • Liquor* of all Itlnde rot niedielbrif inirpOies, Docks, stationary, fancy anitiniscallineous articles; all of which be offereforial". Thankful for Omura received and hopeful` tit their dOistioriance, he invites .the public to call before prrechashig elsewhere. Sipper efrue for *ale a lot Of beautiful shells. Carbon Oil which will snit for Kerosene Lamps warranted not to smoke, can be head at .Btoner's.' Parraiin, Cryan'', and DeWitt, Oils; :,also Canal phine and burning thridsis for sale by Slocum - Stoner has a lot of barrels, kegs, jugs,. cane, ars,_ which be will sell very low. : May IS., Tit Rout Coming tt . FIARBR hie removed ilia Restaurant and • Confactionery to the zoom formerly occupied by A.!. Ham & bro., neat 'door to Tilde's Tin ning establishment. The attentintt of the public is again milled to his assortment of Candies.".Nula„ Coniectionaries of all hinds, and a fidi assortment al Cigars and 7ohacco, OYSTERS done dp in the •belt style, stewed, roasted or fried. [Ap. 19,'60. ;Mentzer s Horse & Cattle Powder M. STONER4ltaving purchased of Mr. *Mentzer, the recipe for making the above Lir-timed Horse and Cattle Powder, for Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, driivers, dte., that he has on hand and intends keeping a good supply always on hand. Country merchants and others keeping such articles fcr sale, would do well to supply themselves with a quantity. He will sell it oft tommisttioa or foe i cash cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to. Oct. 6. 100 Samples of the latest Spring styles eau be seen in the iloplt Store at. the Town, Hall. Receiving paper directly from. the Montan torero, the subscriber is prepared to sell at the vorg lowest prices. J. R. WELSH.. Arit IS.• • If to retuns-thanks,m 7 the the liberal,. .pa age "he neeived dari • past, and hopes by strict attention to b flt" T -1 s to merit is condo ee of the sane. • All operation, in. the dental line ' be performed in five most substantial and satisfactory saner. He keeps posted on all, the advancements and i mprovments of the profess. ton, and flatten himself that as good work can be had at hisoffice as at any , other in the Stale Arti. fieni teeth inserted. time a single lonh_toa_foll-set liValn all cases warranted nr, perform satisfactorily or no pay; Terms reasonabbn July 5,1860. • &common Tatiana frond the Faculty of Princeton. College. N. J. • - • •Pamorrom, N. J., Feb. 26th, 1861. The undersigned are happy to testify that pupil& of the Fayetteville Academy, Pa. have maintained a bigb standing among the recent graduates of the, College of New Jersey. JOHN MACLEAN, President of the College JAMES C. MOFFA'fs Professor of Greek. 9. MUSGRAVE GRIER, Professor of Latin: JOHN T. Durrtalio,, • Professor of Mathematic. Dr; Jacobs Allarbatigle. dc . d:tem Celebrated 'American Liniment • - ‹---:: . B ea st _ . "For Titan and a” THE greatest and'best external remedy ever on Wed to the public. For sale by. F. J. Kruger Druggist. Waynesboro' and by Druggists • the county generally. llFTrieo2fr cents per ~!.... as. Deeember.l3, '6O-4-ly .. Hard Ware: ,IXat4 • ;. tizek W. U. BROTIIIEBTON RESPECTFULLY inviter; attention to his - m large.assortment of HARD W ARE, 0 11T- Gans, Pistols, Oils, Paints, Glass, Hoes &Aker, Spades. Sharpie, Forks, Itrilhos,,,Cedar- Ware, Iron,Steel, Carriage Trimmings, riitf' a` full Illoek p okes, Pollees. itowsaintwAhalls, ipomp. A5e10,44., dro , all of which am( awed at eitretnet ly low prices. Call and eilinirie far Yotirseliris.7- Remember wo deal exclusively in this line, givieig ik oar entire anti undivided attention.-' -- • [Ail. 7. MEDI aul Boy's heavy Boots ancll - showit Oct. 4 - Buono's. I Fixtures at , k, — /—Mar - 25, ----- Asawcririllanntchir&Zota AN excellent article of Syrup for 50 eta. per gall at (t)cl4 Besoulea EDICATED Li and by special d M. at. ISTON CH, Dr OYSTERS; 0 &PERS. 11OR sale at the St.bhe &loon, by the pint 4 or quart,4' r in the shell by the-bushel , half bush et on pea.. • LroWDS d. FLOMIER. , Dec. 8 • PEPPER and !?nrialder, ground & ungrours nor 29 at.: , - Kerr lIATER-SAUCE at droaVir ARD CA/VB, at the s4s ‘ dee2o TO FARMERS. QTEEI., Mussels, Spades laManare Drags, dte., ace:at compeiition. Cali and see For sprit • WALL . PAPER! D DDIT I SIIIRY RY. 1144sama FL W P.AYETTEVLGLE SabIINARY. nita.2B uots, sold only as Medicine rectioits of a Physician, bj • gist May IL OR SALE OR FOR RE Octlefßove. Apply at PRIOR' LEFIDID Embroidered goods • lyights, rST' cheapest. Pe& ei use. al UNELIOUNIIP "OVID'S Geist ili taiiikaillaii 7' -.-. 4 1 6.NT'a Shims. Arctic Ufeomfortabis Aida. kieoid CIRANBER II Nov Itit at, 16 cen !Rog