THE OLD DOME. When I long for sainted meticiiesi lap angel troops they come, If I fold my arms to poiftler On the old, old home: The-heart has many 'psssngelt, Throe,. h nhieh the feelings ream, But it's middle is sacred . the old, ad •, 'Where-infamy was sheltera; ----- Like rosebuds from the NV here boyhood's briof elysium In joyousness was passed;- To that•sweet spot forever, As to some hallowed dome, Life's pilgrim bends his vision— ' 'Tis 'his old, old home. A father ant, how proudly. Ity that henrtlistorys, And told his children stories Of his early manhood's days; And 'one 'soft eye was b_eaminir, Prom child to child %would roam; Thus a mother counts her treaatires lit the old, old home, The hirth•dargells and :I , itwals, The blended vesper. hyrirn ' • (One - dear one who was swe llingit •Ts with the seraphim.) The "good nights at bed-time, How quiet sleep would come, And hold Us all together, • In the old, old home. Like a wreath of scented flowers, Close inteitwined each heart; but time and change in concert Kaye blown the wreath apart! But sainted memories, . Like angels, ever come, HI fold my arms and ponder, On the old, old !ionic. Do You Read. Did yon ever think of the pleasure to be - derived from reading ? To hold commu nion with the minds of good men in all past ages—the purest and noblest, the most intelligent an d' far seeing—ts certainty very pleasant. Sweet as honey' to the taste:are .the glowing thoughts and eino stirred by a good book; and he who -- - - -knowls-how - to read has always at' hand, when among books; a ready means for de m ing the highest enjoyment. He may truly say. 1 need not gn abroad for joys, , ho have * leant at [one.' D;(1 3 ou ever think 'of itre profit of good reading? Dow much more select the choice of words, and the arrangement of the style, than in ordinary conversation ! and then how much more rapidly can the mind take in ideas from running the eye over the printed page, than when it must await the slow utterance of the lagging tongue ! Here is the choicest and most varied information collected by the best men (tithe ages, all brought together and preseried for us s , flow profitable, therefore, to •read all this and do it at one's leisure ! Besides, did you never think how a good book to read, or, rather, how reading di minishes temptations. both to evil thoughts anti to bad di eth- ? Old Dr. Watts sang itch'iruth as poctuv,to say the "For Sohn finds some mischief stitl, Ppr idle hands 'to A.Y 7 ith mneh greater force may it fie said of that same inthicitrions gad-about, that tie finds some mischiel for idle minds to think. But reading, while it employs the mind, will drive away all, a; least, most 4,1 thosciendencies to evil t wog ant keep the mind occupied thoroughly with something good. And then, ‘viien you are reading a good, book, how will that business drive away 'evil associates. and, time.--tbat your ill find , no opportunity to euage in wicked or in unprotit2ble deeds. Add together, then, the pleasures, the profits, and the securities of reading, and tell us, young man, tell us, young woman. if it will not pay to form a habit of reading It will not cost much money, and will save a great deaf. not cost much labor, and will make that labor very sweet. It will not demand a great deal of time, and will make all time, paiiii3 away swiftly and agreeably. Learn to read, then, and tallow up the practice, An Important Disclosurq. Not long ago, in a pleasant little rustic village. across the Delaware, there lived an adoring youth, a young merchant of the place, who offered homage at the beauty's shrine of a comely demoiselle, also belong ing thereabouts. On the occurrence of one of his weekly visits, after the entire vocab ulary of .BEIIIIII talk,' which none but lov ers can appreciate, had become 'Completely exhausted, he brought up the character of a. young female friend of his—with whom he, being the betrothed of another, was on terms of intimacy not exactly according to Granter. He spoke at some length, and with a warmth of-feeling by no means pleas ing to his companion, in laudatian of the .merits of his very particular friend, and in confusion observed; “She is a noble, generous-hearted girl, end' one who is right here." - - The remark was accompanied by a ges ture which hrought,liis hand in close prox• imitv with the heart. ' , Fudge! fudge! Mr. Nonsense!" ejieula- ted the lady, springing from her seat In a fit of jealous indignation. "Pshatv! I'd have you know, sir, that that's half cot: ton." KING Cl:m—Eleven miles of eorn•cribs are building. along the line of the Minnie Central Radioed by the Company. some twelve miles south of Chicago. They will hold 3,000.000 bushels, which will be received in pityment for lands. at . the full Chicago price. Old horses should be driven by old-peo ple: Till you have the rheumatics your self you cannot properly sympathize with the spavins of other peolle. Quaint old Fu!let says, .441,et him who expefitsone-calss of et ciety 4o prosper in the highest degree s while the other is in distress, try whether one 'side of his face can sniile . while:the,other is pinched." A plenty of fresh. sweet butter. and iv good apv- gel,' bread front moot•' ding." sea.. -aperd;ing, slat Ingrat tulle is - a "homeless ,dog, Which es 'OP ti• :di and itelends•nana. IC:Want ti> - ,Vies'e'rie - your childten do mot stuff Alen). ,ring, and a reasonal ,r,:gt•titi house keeping.. u. STONEROUSE, DEALER IN • ' • =, , 111ROWARC -4143111L,f, ilas'retoiped from thOVities with a ; lOike and well seleiited stock - 7 --- l3v - iTaw — offere - tor - sale si low pricesi Iron, Stee/,. . Nails, . Azee ! • , Rope, Rabe* STOVES, (PARLOR %AND TEN-PLATE) CARRI4GE WARE, , CEDAR WARE; . . GitztaßsirioNts, ' . (A superior kixol;) Horseshoe's, Traces, Haines. _ SHOE' FINDINGS AND LASTS ICnivei, Forks, Spoons, &c. `-ALSO ma cs, az, AND FILL,ERS On a new and improved plan, at low prices. He invites Ns old eUstoiners and the trade gener erally to cxame his stock before purchasing else where. H. STON EH 0 USE. N0v.1.1860 Flpli ARRIVAL HISS, MEDIEMS, PERM, Confectionery, 'Fruitshoke,, T",ubscriber takesthis method of announcing to the people-that Ite has received at his 'Drug store,' a large and carefully selected stock of DRUGS, Chemical, J ent Midictnes,• Paints Oils, Dye Stuffs, window ldtas, Putty, Tobacco, Snail, and t , gars, lie is now prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest and tkill assure his cusiom ers that ip regard to quafitylmhich is of the first im portance; his goods will compare with any in the mitrket. lie has also a splendid assortment of Perfumery, soaps aid, Toilet . .articles. of all kinds, consi'bting in part of the following., viz Pomades, Amber and Beats' Oil Colognes, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Kathairon, 14frpet's eocoaine. liarnson's Ladies' Soap, Money Soap, `Hotel soap, Diamond White Soap CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS. &c Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, Dates, Citron, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts of all kindsr aria Canilieb of every variety. Kerosene Lamps, Lamp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil. Camphine, Alcohol, Burning I'lllll, end in feet air' I Thankful•fm kind favcrs end patronage hereto. fore be4olve4 uro him, he solicits a eOntinuance of the same. and hopes Mat by endeavoring to please, he may win the confidence of the people. Phi smalls' prescriptions promptly and c compounded at all hours.' J. P. I URTZ. nov .149, 1860 New Millinery Estiblishinent. THE undersigned Would inform the Citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that she hos com menced the Mit trier buAniess, in Church street, a few doors south of the Diainontl, She dxpects to receive her im - Ti - AbviT — darys. The ladies are molat respecdully invited to give her a call. No pains will be spared to suit the tiasie of all. By close application and a determination to persevere, she hopes to gain the confidence, as well as the support of the community. She has made arrangements so that she can receive new goods weekly if necessary. Please give her a call M. C. BESSER, Wapieshoro', May 2, '6l. A N.EVir POCKET PISTOL. “'s.VA TENT Breech-Loading. Repeater,' THIS Pistol, for simplicity of construction, cora pnetnin3rs and durability, is superior IQ...IAUth• WS yet °flared to the public. It can be [Ciudad as quickly as other pisto,is are capped. The bad may remain in the Pistol any leng,th of time without injmy. Iris the lightest pistol manufactured that has force and•is sate to carry. it will force a hall Through a one inch board at the distance of one hundred Yards. Weight only eight and a half ozs. For sale at BROTHERTON'S vontinelit,al . Hotel? WAYNESBORO', PA. THE undersigned having recently taken the a hove named }louse, formerly known as the "WON, Inn."' takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and the public that he is prepared to receive and entertain Guests in a style not to be excelled by any country otel. The House hating been thoroughly repalfed and newly furnished with eve ry thing calculated to make his guests comfortable =the public may rest assured' that-they will at all times bud it in a condition suited to the comfort and convenience of the traveler. His Bat is always stip= Idled with the chilicest Liquors, and his Table with the best the markets alfor , other appliance& suatlible and necessar or the accommodation of man or beast.' :1 di faithful and obliging eery ante and his own pe onaiattention and supervision, he will leave no means duspared to went public pa tronage. The proprietor assures those who, may favor him With their patronage; that they shall ever meet at his house a cordial reception, and that everything es sential to the convents a hajpiness of his guests shall be attende June 23, 1860. L.R. KURTZ NEW LIVERY. T HE subscriber respectfully announces to his friends and the public generally that he has o pened a Livery stable in Waynesboro v •and is now prepared to accommodate the public generally with Elial YRIMSI at the hhortest i lvo tice,'Lley or night.— r i9 7" l " Persons desirous of hiring; either for slain or iimmg, would do well to give hint a =H. His tock has hien d selected with" great care as ro ger gentleness and speedy traveling; and his bug gies d carriages imallin good condition. Th: nbove'stock will:be „kept at the Eitablp of tor.' John Gel lig.. Persons wishing to AiFe , will tlease' apply to the undersigned at Bowden's Hotel. nob--6w JOHN RICHARDSON... ALARGE assortment of TINWARE 'at tliti sign at the Big Red Hprn. • • dec2o 410 D. B. Rosseu. , vi , I. 4 1 ' Deql_tr,'4n-ssii.the•iinriety of r,lhiii7ii: ! '''gtfto Yisnkee 4Voiians.Psritstiso4, • • LigtiOns for meditinnt - „. purposes. Oils.. • . ••• • 4"t. WbUiD feriae his thanks to the community. and still solicit the palranago of a generous public: who:Wont-anything in his line.. Inasmuch as he has enlarged his stock so as to' be enabled' to answer all calls for anything and everything usual ly found in mi:trug Store, and has, a thorough ac quaintance with' tholusiness, ho kinpcb to gain the confidence of tfie Voinmunity.. Re will pny par ticular attention to filling' iihysicians' Precnptions, an& more care and precaution used in waiting-up on clildrint than adults. MN OD DO EN BROS. Choice Wines, and Liquors for medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicinessare endless in variety; including all that have, been mode qp to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also. White Lead4inc, Paint, Whiting. and , Varnishes for house building or. inside work. besides all siZos of Glass. Comakorcial, Note, Fools Cap and Letter Paper alwriys on hand, with a variety of Envelopes of different sizes and colors. Brushes, Combs, Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair Oil; Colognes,llssen cos, Flavoring Extracts, and namerous articles in the Fancy line on hand and offered for sale, cheap. er than ever Offerell before Also a large assortment of Kerosene Oil Lames, Chimneys, Shades art! -Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to Ell them. A general assortment of Fruiter and, Confectionaries, Tobacco and Cigars. Oct. 11. UtW HE undersigned informs the public in genera and especially those of his customers in want of anything in his line of business, that ho has com pleted and is now occupying his new and extensive ly enlarged establishment for the Manufacture and Sale OF TINWARE, SHEET-IRON WARE, AND Ire is now prepared to supply any dem a nd for his Cook Stoves, general- liousekeeping Goods mid Kitchen Wure l at such terms as must give entire satisfaction. offered are of the best and most improved kinds,and having been tried are acknoWledged to be all that can be desired us good cookers and bakers, and are easily kept clean. - Bis own MANUFACTURED'IVARE is all made with a view to the wtnts of customers from the best mate rial and is warranted its all cases to be good. He also keeps a large assortment of fancy articles. L-Irrspecial attention is given to putting up SPOUTING, made of the best tin, for houses and burns, in which he has had a long and extensive ex perience. Remember the sign of the Big Bed Aug I), 1860 L. B -NEW FIRMr THE undersigned having leased the well-kn Own Coo chmakin g Establishment of A lex. Hamilton, on Mechanics street, Waynesboro', resPectiully an nounce to their friends and the public generally, that they purpose carrying on the business in all its branches, and are , now prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of Carriages., Buggies, Barouehes, Slung Wagons, &c. &c., of the beat material, and made oy superior workmen. BLACK6MITLIING 'and REPAIRING of all kinds dotie at reasonable rates, promptly and-to the satisfaction Of customers. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for work 'at market prices. • a'Persons desiring articles or work in the Coach !linking line, are respectfully invited to give them call. Mar. 8. WIC. A. TRIPLE'S HOUSEKEEPERS' EMPORMIL ; - AND Copper, Brass, Tin and Skeet Iron On Main Street, 'one door West of ~T rxel's Dry WHERE he. keeps constantly on hand, an ex -tensiVe assortment of Housekeepers' Arti cles of every description. Tin, Sheer Iron, Copper and Brass Ware, Japan ed Ware, Wooden Ware, Sad-irons, all sizes of Iron Kettles, Pans; &c. Also—tt large assortment of Cooking Stoves, Parlor and Ten-plate Skives. Persons who are in want of a good cook stove, wilj do well to call and see his assortment, as he is, prepared to offer. great. Inducements, not only in Stoves, but in all the above articles. You will - find a large and splendid assort ; meat of Tin Ware of his own manulacture—at low prices. All those desirous of getting bargains would do vlell to call of W. A. TRITLE'S Housekeepers' Emporium, opposite Dr. Brotherton's office. House Spouting done at the shortest notice, and of the best Tin." H Infware Storo Feeling thankful for past favors, ho invites his friends and the public generally to call and examine his stock. March 22 NO LABOR. ' The cheapest article in the world. Unrivalled in-Economy. Permanently Lustrous. The only place to get it is at BRUME It POWS,: March 22. • Important. to Farmers T HE subscriber takes this method of announcing Jr o of the Farmers and others, that he has'on hand a of of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens of the corn. This is an excellent article of Broom 'Corn, and should be raised by_ev erg tine:— ' lie has nis'o •a' full assortixient.of fresh Daugs c nalicines,•Chputicals, 4c. EIMM!IMI 400 CATSUP BOTTLIIS • For male at the hitoreaf W. •Seps 'I • • • T UTHERAN Almanacs at I_4 awe 29 N Toya,cor sake at Dec2u•_'so ADIES aid Mims' oopod • pat T. • Det4 names li4Kr,WOOl, and Cotton under Shirts end Draw :err at 1. W. Ea's. a Gacwia a Should you ask me, should you wonder, , IA here to buy your Stoves and Tinware; I would answer, I would tell you— "Go unto the fine new store rodm Where the Big Red Horn, the sign is; Theres the best Cook Stoves and Tin-ware, All sold chetiy by 1). B. Russell." iFrout the Song of Hiawatha. STOVES u)tcaaa - Coachma,kingl L. K. MORRLSON, GEO li. HAWKER Manufactory, Good., Store. W. A. TRITLE. DAN/EL TRITLE, Agent. NO ODOR DIXON'S e PURE OAEDURET OF IRON STOVE POLISH, tliatierhi; Mathis -Saloon " 4, 1 -..-,,iii;l44iipecifulljr. custom . em,. iiiAlio244blic, generally that ho half folo. benilY. rejlf kiiilittiO * ,his'ito of Fria A n t i Confe4 -2 ,' 'mums on El, ow the -finest atioortnicot of' ,;*".: .. Di E . ! ,~ever tioUght to Wayncalioio', with '7 - NUTS.': PRUNES,- FIGS, 'SWEET. pk KEA , pT . ,p p,:go DESCRIPTION, GARS t :TOBACCO, etc., etc: •C 2 Y S' T Ho has also on haillatill tiffiel•dio'fisieit , Oysteo the market,Will affoitl„Which will be sarved'up tp castaininaTried; Roaste4 or SteWeti. •••• - • A - L E", A N't-CIDER He is' likewise prepared • , to • furnish' Jioth, M esita bongtv andludwig's ALE, and a superior 'article of Scotch_Ale and Ora&Apple eider; with a plime article of BOlogna , Sausage, Boiled Eggs; and all other articles *many kept in first class Restaurants. A genuine article of Vinegar always for sale: • L. S. FISHER: THIS WAY! THE undersigued respcbtfully . announces to the public generally 'that" he is lain at the old stand on Church Street, Waynesboro', Pa.,iehere he continues the Manufacturing of Family , azafataa o Buggies, Barouches, Wagons,, and every species of vehicles usually made in, such establishments= His work is warranted to be composed of the best anu most durable material, and none but the most experienced workmen aro employed.— He has now tin hand a number of Carriages, Bug gies, &c., &c., - which positively' Sell - at greatly reduced prices for cash, or upon a short, credit. By keeping a good stock at all times, and always holding himself ready to supply the de mands of the People he hopes to ;stain and secure a liberal share of patronage. Repairing, Trimming, and Painting done in the best manner, and at the shortest notice. . Lumber, Country Produce, &c., vZill be taken in exchange for work. JACOB ADAMS. N. B. The Books of the firm of J. & A. S. Ad ams, are in the hands of the undersigned. Persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment. - .1. eV Nov' 1, 1861. „, NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS!! rinsT ARRIVAL. G. 4 J. BENDER H A tio V n E et no tricir ope s n tor f e or o in n sp t e h e e - Southeast corner of the_ Diamond their of SPRING AiEl SUMMER (ttciaa Ao for Gentlemen's ware. Their stock embraces Blue, Black and Fancy Cloths, Plain, Fancy Cassimeres, 84 and 'satin Vestings, and all other goods for coats, pants, and 'vests, of the most fashionable styles. Also— Gloves, Cravats, shirts, collars,. &c. &c.; with an as sortment of HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. tientlemen are invited to call anal examine their . stock of new goods. Tlie latest Fashions regularly received. May 23 1861. De;bailee Of Armaggedon. ! T ITUS is ncknowledged to he one of the-creent markable of human productional/uet has ever been offered to the American people. The style is chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treatise tif 'a of tilt mot inviring: "The United States in Prophecy. For sale by J, F. KUli,„i7.. Novi • .. Lumber I Lumber!! 5111 IE : undersigned' offers at his Lumber Yardl Waynesboro', Pa., the following variety of wel. seasoned Lumber, at. reasonable rates: Worked Flooring Boards; and 1 inch yellow- Pine; inch, bed Lining; 1, 1 and 2 inch White Pine; inch white pine Weatherboarding: Spruce Pine Joice and Scentling; 11, and l inch Poplar, Poplar Scantling; and Cherry, Cherry Ta • Legs,; Piiie Lath and Chestnut Shingle , and Chestnut Posts' and Rails. Also, Turned Chair Stull by the Stand; Turned Chair Legs, Bent Chair Backs, and turned Broom Handles. • A LSO, For Sale, by, the bushel or quantity; Corn on the ear or shelled, Oats and Potatoes by the bushel.—tf FSIZMXZMIZZZY.WiIIIZYtaIZ - ZkrAYINSIN NI • T. J. ElialililitT, 4 X N .., DRAPER, . ~,..... It 4 Has constantly for sale a full assortment of g N GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. 6 -.., ‘ 'Latest City Fashions always on hand. NWaynesboro', Pa. Ata • Ni,...GUAAA6: 4 IeId,kAVAMMV:42W,AZAWA DR. T. b. FRENCH, EsrECTFULLY offers hie services to the cit j_Vizens of Waynesboro' and surrounding country. 110 is prepared to perform all operations in Dental Surgery in a superior manner. Teeth inserted from one to en entire 'get in the most approved and sub stantial manner, and warranted not to he surpassed for beauty and durability. Charges moderate and all work warranted as rppresented. N. B. Will .visit residences , when requested.— Office, on Mechanics Street, opposite the residence of J. R. NVelsti, up stairs. NATA YNESBORO' SAVING FUND.--This V Society will pay the following rates ofin terest per annum.on all sums deposited in the In stitution. For 3 months, 2 per cent.; frora3 to 6 months, 3 per cent.; from 9to 18 mont , 4 per cent Lund ever 18 months, 4} per cent. For a shorter period than 3"months the terms will be made kown by the Treasurer. Notes for discountshould be handed to tke Treas urer on Tuceday,•as-the Board el Directors meet rgularly on Wednesday of-each week, at 9 o'clock eA.M. • By order of the Board, June 17 '6B ;„.pl 0, PlilblPzd Treasurer. r ELE. i PICKP FQ . 1)1) It'CIUTTZR,S, - ; - The bestai use-' For - iale • 1)1 , 8 D; TriOtEl.,..lit: ENZSIi Mackerel at Mar Z 8 AIISEBSOIS A LISVIIDROT & CO'S. 11 . 3 k; %0/1g9.--Drieil Peat:hes, .p10.13d 'and uttpar,_ ad at • ASLITSSSIA, BICSATIOT dr. Go's. 1) R Al n d o l v N tai lit , izpa , kia 20 cent! pur ,, p , o . l , !_nd 2.%1/.!1:7 ►J LiasoTHER KURTZ . % 11.0TH,liatjlair, • Tciot4 and:Nall BiashO 4, _Met received aad fos sale very low •by 41 STONER. „ Ma /a. Ruselar,i7 TBE BEST COOK STOVE ' in the market te be brad at the si• n of the Big Rai• Horn- • D B. Rusastir.. I,o : FadinorTAarl CHER UN 00, . t '. ALEX. HAMILTON. DPWRAtt . O, O 41111S',"t"1. DENTIST. To Capitalists., F 0 UN I) It If ASTD OA.c.TNE -SHOPi; ilo m•m•••••• 0E SEDF-DEGITLATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEALYER • ' 'AND DAGGER " AND TUN Latest improvedjhresher and Triple Gear ed HorSe Power, driving either by Gem' or • Belt, all furnished complete, ready to, be put on, Wagons, ' 1, the undersigned, desire to call the attention o Farmers and Threshermen of Trankling and adjoin ing counties to it. Thii Machine has been before I the public foi seven years-, during which time has given •general satisfactidn, and the patentee llyriving niade _ some • very important: improvements which render it still raore•complete, both for dead stparating and cleaning, and also for ease of ilraught-and fast threshing. j take pleasure in re commending it to the public,, knoWing that it will give tho best of satisfaction. I arii manufacturing thee differenisi4en, as followii No. I, is 8 horse Power,will thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bushels per day. No. 2 is 5 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean from 150 to 300 bushels per day I No. 8 is'4 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean hoer 100 to 200 mivhele per day. • These•Macninee are wa ranted to do the above, and do it much hot every respect than any other machine in e. pGrain having ueh light filth in it cleanedon this Machine is wort' froin 2 to d cents more per bush el than whe ailed en any otheiseparatoror the oilman - Way of cleaning:on hand fans. For this reason there is not the eiklatti part oftight matter in the grain as when cleaned on the , riddle principle. The blast acts freely on all the grain as it !calms the shoes, whereas, when cleaned witL riddle that ad- vantage is lost This machine does not return the tailends as most of the separators dci. By returning filthy tail ends alternately it is impossible to make merelianta gr f a' , Another important feature in this machine th others of the kind have not, is the Stilf-acting Bl st Beg ulator irttlie tan, which remedies all dif ficulties in bad cleaning, bloWing grain in the chaff in high speed or irregular driving, :Which cannot -be avoided in cleaning grain by horse power ', O ? This Machine is also more durable and lets tedious t o manage Olin any other Separator and Uleaner,or the common machine with shaker. 'Ordeis to insure their being 'filled until harvest should be sent in immediately.' • I am hilly prepared to make to Order ant}, on short notice Portable and Stationed • STEAM ENGINES GRIST AND SAW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, Q,D . IRON BRIDGES, ST IRON WATER • • ' WHEELS,' IRON' E FTEES;'&e",' '- '' Stoves and Plow castings,als cast_iron andwrought iron pipe for steam or I* ,' and Brasa castings of every description; in a word, lam prepared to do everything usually demo in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the' latest ha proved machinery, sdch as Lathes, Boring, Planing and Dzilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner. 4-- 1 aril also prepared to manufacture to order Ma chinery, for wood, such as Tonging and biroving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenout and Mould ing machines, &c. 14iiiiso--o-11br to _ the—public—a—new—and -valu— able improvement in my steam engines, nnide within the last year, viz: for the economiting of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders any new engines far superior to the old engines. • All my machines are sold under wariantee. My hams are ail experienced-yelntro in this line of business, and I use all 'ood material, so that I am perfectly safe in warranting all my work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman• like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly attended to. All orders lor repairing must be accompanied with the caalt For particulars and circhiars descriptiie "of ma chine, address GEORGE FLICK, Or DANIEL GEYSER, Proprietor of Territory and so !lector of orders, IN axnesbora: Pra,nkdin * cp. Pa.. 18—tf NO HUMBUGGING. subscriber respectfully informs the public j_ that he will continue the triithing ',business at the old stand, until recently. conducted under the firm of Hawker & Cline. Ile is now prepared to make to order 13 uggies, Carriages, Spring Wagons, with all work belonging to the Blacksmithing business, at short notice and upon reasonable terms. He returns his thanks for the very liberal patronage extended to the late - firm, and hopes by prompt at• tention to business to merit a continuance or the same. JOHN CLINE. March 22. Pictures, Pictures. RE undersigned takes this method of inform ingg the citizens of Waynesboro' e 'and vicinity, that he has purchased the Devonian apparatus of of it .1. B. Resser;and is now 'prepared to take all kinds of Pictures at the very lowest prices, which' are guaranteed to be as truthful and life-like as any offered to the-public. Ho has just received a new stock of common end fancy. cases of all sizes and styles, which he can sell very' cheap. Pictures ta• ken for 25 cents which can be sent through the. mail to oily P. 0. in the U. S. for, •six cents. Gall and examine for ' , Ourself whether you want work or not; he charges nothing for showing. Ho will be happy to see you. • Room in the New Building, next door to Silibet'e, Hotel, (up stairs.)' • Nov 22 ANTIETAM FACTORY AND S 3 ZMa Ed 3 8 HE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, stilt solicits the same; and in addition to manufactu ring ali kinds of worked 'Material . for Banding Purposes, SASH, DO,O tS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS,' FL ORM, WINDOW FBA ' DOOR • FRAMES, FACING,, MOULDINGS, dr,c., &c. I am prepaied• to furnish aIF kinds' of oak tithbe fol different purposes in building, such, as • ' ' JO I.ot, RAFTERS, LA.T.u. , STUDDING , PAIL INGS, SCANTLING, BOARD§, MI of which will be sawed to Order, at short notice and upon-reasonable terms. ' Also, 'earring, by mill'and circular saws, of every description done; Framing, Surfacing; Matching, Floonng E &c., litc. For further particulars apply to the subscriber, at ,Factdrylwo miles southeast of Waynesboid. • ' P. F. GUUR " ~Jan. 17, 1861 11 4 .10STat' 16 ono cenug pet Pry' crat • ; noir. 29, • • KulraN. ARGE I N KIETfLES at 1.) - 040 '6O RusssWa. WAYNESBORO such 48 VILLAGE RE0010). -__P. l '4 l l4llUPO'yfpngnir. ,, ,l; BLA sl"..s42t .7 i f f4sti advance, or within ',three rnonthe-42-00 r - . lluk e x piration of three ;ttonthe bid:within theVeirr. ' ADVERTISEMVNTar—'4 I ,6ii Lions $1; forevo,l.airbiiifipient itiertien,2s cents. rirPtitatit medirlottaitd ' , other cittadyeriiae• nients to Be paid IteroVizt!ibitll:7, 7n ddvanCe: L 0. 01. K I ! M. M. STONER,..IIO,itu • #ist,. WEIOLZaMX ;AND IIiCTAIL, , DIILLES LINE- i;IP.BIIB1 WAYNEStrOittP; I PA4' Has-not only got hack to llis*•"old , businese;! but to the "old stand!" Haidtig4tted up the room now occupied, neatly, and having, returned frotii.thii City with a frindi SuO:' • . _r • ply, which he brie .just 'received; Onus.: V ting of Freshaoreign and Homestid Brags; • A largo and general assortment of Medici nes, : Cheniteide, Patent Medicine, Dye,sttrffs, Dry Paints simi.Painte ground Oils expressed'and distilledi• • Fruits green, presetved,eird,dry, • Confectionaries, • • .', Liquors.of all kinds-for medicinal purposes, Books, stationary, fancy and- miscellaneous articlesp all of which he°lrma for. Thankful for layout received and hopeful, of their continuance, ho invites e the public to call before ,puichasitig liltewhere. Stoner o ff ers for sale a lot of b eautiful shells.— Carbon Oil Which -*ill stiAt• Kerosene wairunted not to smokt4,-can be head at Stoner's^ ' - Parraftn, iirystal, and Benzole Oils; also C.atol phine and burning fluids is for sale ,by Stoner. • Stoner has slot of betide, kegs, jugs, cans, &e: Which he will sell very . . inlay 12.; - • .. The Rail Road Coming,: - r s . FISHER has removed has Restaurant and L Confectionery to the rooriffcirtnerly Oceupfed• by A. J. Ham & .13ro. noit. - door to 'Pride'sning establishment. ilia attehtibn bf tho public is, again called to his assortnient of Candies,ffuls o Confectiona r ies of all kinds, and a lull assorlinent of • •• Cigars and - 7 ()basso, OYSTERS done up in tktC Wst stoveed, roasted or tried. Ap. 19, Mentzer 8 Home 8 - Cattle Powder M.,. . STONER h.iving purchased, of Mr.. e . ...„„ • Ittiltzur, the recipe for naking the above:: tar-lamed Horse and Cattle P del., for Pennsylva nia and IVlaryland,,takos. it( method •of informing, the farmers, drovers, &c., th t ho• has on hand and. iatcnds keeping a good supply, .always on hand. Country merchant's and others keeping such articlea fer sale, would do well to supply theMsielies With a quantity. He will sell it on commiilihin or for cash ; , cheap. Orders will be piinctUally attended to., , " Ck.t.: 6. '•'-1 WALL Ps A. P — E R Samples in the esoft Book helat St estS olt rid 4 100 b at Hall. Receiving paper directly from, the hi fuel. tams, the subscriber is prepared to sell at t ' I,Very lowest prices. yoill' ; April 12.. „ D E - NTIST • ~ _ep•-•a - . • • • • • - DR. WM. D. LECHLER takps. this opportunity to return thanks to the public for the liberal, patronage - he has received during the pa4t, and, hopes by strict attention to business to merit d. continuance of the same. All operations in the. dental line Will be pertionnOti in the most substantial and satisfactory manner. H.e keeps posted on all. the ad vancements .and. hn-provinpnts of , the profess ton, and flatters himself that as good Work can be. had at his officb as at any other in; the State Arti licial teeth inserted Om a single tooth to a full set ? , and in all cases warranted to perform satisfactorily or no , 'forces reasonable. my 5,1860 FAMETTEVILLE, SEMINARY. Recommendations friont-the Faculty of Princeton, College. V. J. • PIIINCIFUN, N. J., Feb. 26th, 1861. The undersigned ere tkappY to testify that pupils of the Fayetteville Academy, Pa. have maintained a high standing among - tho becent - graduates of the' College of New Jersey. J OHN.MA CLEAN, President,of the Collage. JAMES C. MOFFAT' Professor of Greek. G. MUSGRA VE GLGEIti Professor of Latin: JOHN T. DUFFIE L Professor of Mathematics it-. Jacobs, _a r bang •,eir. colt, Celebrated American, ',l i niment "For Ma n . anti. B t as L." T"E greatest and best external reminly , ever-on (crud to the public. For ; sale by F. J. •Krutzi - Druggist. Waynesboro' and by Druggists in the county generally.' 'WPrice 25 ceryta per bottle. December.l3, '6o ly Hardware Hardwa,, W..' H. "BROTHERTON ESPECTFULLY invitessattention,tplis pro. I%,ent. large assortment of HARDWARE, COT ',DRY, Guns, Pistols, Oils, Paints, Glass, Hoes Rakes, Spades, Shovels, Forks, Brushes, Cedar Ware, Iron, Steel, Carriage Trimmings, with a fill stock of Spokes, Felloes, Bows, Hubs, Shafts, spring Axels, dce., &c , all of which are offered at extreme ly low prices. tart and examine for yourselves. Remember me-deal exclusively in this line,, giving i our entire and undivided attention. ' EAp. 7. 't EN•and Boy's.heavy Boots and Shoes at , 11 1 1, 'Oct.4 Bssorts's. tIItTAIN Fixtures at Mar 28 /otworn, BZNEDICT & A excellenliirtiele of syrup for 50 eta. per gall at (Oet4 . lissortit's Ai j EDWATED Liquort sold only as Medicini ii and by special directions of a Physiciaridd M. /A.STON4II., Druggibt . . . May 13. 05YSTER,S, OYSTERS. • - • • . . the St. N icholas Saloon, by, the FOR sale of or quart, or in the 8141 by the'bushel t holf-busf et or peck. Lt.i.WI L S S. zusHER. Deo. 8 PEPPER and Corriander, ground iSr. urigrou, nov 29 . at KUILTeti. liEP nov. 29. • ' • -- LARD CANS,. at ,the sigh of the Di. d Red Hon d oat) D. R. Rusifata, L'OR SALE OR FOR RENT.—A Templal 12 Stove. Apply at PRICE'S Store Oct 18; ciLENIND Effibroiderea goods at !Oct TO FARMERS. • • Ct TEEL Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Forks,'Hat °Manure 'Drags, Ace., dim, at prices that will competition. Call and see for-yourselves; at apr l ,i Baotecirotet Light Lights ! • /11HE cheapest Light " in use can be hail at j_ STONEHOUSE'S Hardware' Store Piny 1. 1011tLVIE Oct 4 agars, Teas and CI esaiket "!, Bisasup's -pitUNS &RAI 25 cants pox ponn4 at nay 29 . • Ktnrra's. I_ ENV 'S Shawls, Arctic- •Wrappers, and atb (Icorafortable fixing' for cold weather at net.. Bums% CRANBERRIES at 1,6 cents per quartet nov 29 4 Ktra;rir'' 'KuitTeta Basoineii.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers