.For the Record:" DRATII.--From ex Old Scrap Book. , Oh! listen to the tolling beg. Hark! what a soleitin Sound, It is the melancholy knell - • Which mortals cannot drown; • Its notes are on the summer air, And winter's piercing blast, Gowns the token) old and fair, \ 4 We all must die at last.' The rich; the poor, - the great and' small, Must grapple With thisfoe; - • When peasants poor and monarchs fell Can we avert the blowl ,A 1 no! but soon the time will come When life's turmoils are o'er, And the cold turf will be our home, We'll-strive - with - cam ,o - m - ore. Some friend indeed may drop a tear • Of sorrow where we lay, But e'en - those whom we Imo dear Will soon forget our clay. The world with all its bustling strife • . Will never stop to weep,. :• " Andiponder o'er this transient life, Or death's long, dreamless sleep.. . And thus' we live and thus we die, Forgotten soon we'll be, . • The eye that weeps will soon be dry And sparkling glow with glee. PRICE CURRENT OF AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO Corrected Weekly. WAYNESBOROi, 1nt._10_.862; Boma •. - ~- . 15 - SOAP -- - - 4to 6 LATH) - - ' 7 TALLOW -- - 8 BACON (hams) 10 WASHED WOOL -- 30 Do. sides 7 UNWASHED WOOL 20 Do. 'shoulder 7 PARED PEACHES 00 Egos 12 DRIED APPLES - - 00 PRICE CURRENT OF .TOSIAR BESORE. Corrected Weekly. ' WAYNESBORO', Jan. 10, 1862. BUTTER 16 WAsHED WooL JO EGGS ' _ 12 UNWASHED " 20 Linn 7 CLOVER. SEED 'FALLOW ,8 TIMOTHY SEED Soep 4a6 FLAXSEED' - BACON (hams) 10 PARED Pzecnas BACON (Aims) 7 I UNPAR.SD " BACON (shpders) 7 LAND APPLES BA I TIMORE MARKETS. Prom t., , e Baltimore American of Tuesday last. FLO !R. ! ---The Flour market- was ex ceedin l '. quiet to-4y, owing to the annu al election of twelFe directors for the ensu- ing year tiaviug taken place. The market continues very firm in tone, and . we quote super as elosing'steady at $5 62a55.75 for Howard Street; $5.50a55.62 for Ohio, and $5 25 per bbl. for regular shipping brands of City Mills. In Extras the only sale we heard of was 200 bbls. Ohio at $6 121. Since 'Change we had reported sales of 300 barrels choice City Mills Super at $5 75 and 300 barre 7 lif - do. Howard Street Extra at $6 37a56 60. Baltimore Ground- Family and Extra are selling readily at •the quotations below. We quote Howard Street Extra to Fancy *6as6; 12 and do. Family $6 50a$7. GRAIN.--There was scarcely any Grain at the Corn Exch.iiie to-day, but \ few vessel havini arrived, owing to the severe stor •in the bay. The total offer ings did no exceed 16 800. as follows, viz: 2,100 bushe Wheat, 13.000. ditto Corn 1 600 ditto ate, and Bye none. Fo W ( hea't there * . a - a fair inquiry,but as thei was not ing o any importance at marke no salenook lace. Prices are, howeve unchanged, a d we quote reds at 125a1 cents for fair t good; 133a135 cents prime ditto; 100. 5 cents for low-gr• "bites; 130a135 cents for fair ditto; 14f 150 cents for good to prime do., and 1 cents for choice parcels of ditto. Co was in pt4ttyzood request, and with Ili iced receipts prices remain steady. Sal were made of new yellow at 6244 ceni new white at 61a65 for lair to prime; a , e quote good to prime old white at OE cents. Oats were steady with ago .mand for them, but receipts were lim d. Sales were made of some 1,500 but Is at 41a42 cents for Maryland, and .nts for Penneylvania. In Rye there v , thing done, but we quote it at 68.272 Ind. and 75a'78 cents for Pei —CloverseetFia pretty steatly.ani in lots at $4.5054 75 per bushe Ids for good to primi.: Timoths Nted at s2a2 25 as to quality ed at $1•60at.1.75 per bushel PUBLIC. SALE. undersigned will sell at public; sale, ne the Blue Rock Scheid House, on THLIRRDA :oth of next, a Tract of Land containb ' ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Si on Barbanel Valenti ne Gilbert, with a sto 1 a half U2aDCM} ZMUCIio I airEWZMID good log STABLE, and Bake Oven, thereon. ream of spring water passes thro' the land; there to a good garden and a variety of choice Fruit tre the premises. Sale to commence at ten .o'clo laid, day when the terms will he made known I 110 - LYDIA_HAUGH. N 041,1.0 E. ;REAS, - Letteis of Administration on I ,state of John Gilbert, Sen., late of the I . of Waynesboro', deceased, have been gran subscriber;ae all persons indebted to the tate, are requested to Make immediate payme having claims or demands against the,Esta said decedent, will make known the same l .wi delay, to DAVID GII,DERT. Adm'r, lanlo-6w Near heitersbnrgi Md - "The Administrator — will meet Idito oftr- of each w, IST of Letters remaining Waynesboro'., P-enna., Dec. 31, Ii Imo James, Barrett Miss Jennie, Dowlin Mrs. Sarah, Ford Wm. 14., ',Hoover Mrs. Casaudra, Hinkleblip bite Daniel, 'Lusby David K., PestO Miss Sarah, Shildon Mrs., Wagemak Wolridge, Mrs. Stephen, WeirleY et Auer T. ,sons- calling for any of the above letters say th e y were advertised. One cent due u se , ' T. G. PIEKINOTON, P. M. MY M. e... N. OAIMNDAR FOR 1882. January 19 .26 February 10 23 SO 13 20 27 11 18 25 15 22 29 13 20 27 August 10 17 24 31 September 00 1 00 00 00 00 October 12 19 20 November 16 17 23 24 25 30 December 1 2 •3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 - - 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 - 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 IMPORTANT. !'The Patrons and friends, and the public generally, of *Li A. FISHER ARE again reminded of his recent tour to the Eastern Cities, and of the recortion of his fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vest lugs. All of the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. His stock of FRENCH CLOTHS and CASQI MERES he calls o particular attention to, as the best in toft. Also, ono of the best assortments of FURNISHING Goons in town—all ready for their in spection and benefit, and kindly asks a call from all persons desirious of buying Goods in hie line, at ex tremely ZICILIo \-5 ,, ..e LP1:K1135013)609 ' In the NEWLY FITTED ROOM, next. door to Uptiegraffs', Hagerstown, Md. (Jan. 3, 1861.] TO THE PUBLICS NEW ESTABLISHMENT! THE subscriber would inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and the public that he has com menced the Shoemaking business in the Basement of Kurtz's Hotel, where he will at all times be in readiness to accommodate those- who may give !him a call. BOOTS AND SHOgSr made to order, on short notice, of the best material, and upon the most reasonable terms. Oct 25. ntos. BRINGNINN. 5000 Rails for Sale. rIHE subscriber has now on hand 5000 good CHESTNUT RAILS which he will dispose of on reasonable terms. Also—one good ROAD WAGON. L. S. FORNEY, Jan3—tf FOR RENT. ~ IBE Cabinet Maker Shop now occupied by Ja cob Bender. This is au old established stand and favorably located' tor a good workman. Apply to E. S. TROXEL. Jan3—tf. ' s. Smoke Stack for Sale. rrHE subscriber has a heavy Iron Smoke Stack — 1783 fret long and 16,inches in diameter. which he will dispose of upon reasonable terms. Post Of fice addrets, Quincy, Pa.' Dec2o—tf JOHN L. METCALF. Ready-Made Clothing I FOR FALL AND WINTER! i'RESR-SUPPLYS RECEIVED MONTHLY!-- 8. ADAMS would respsstfilly inform his • patrons and the public generally that he has retuned from the Eastern cities with a genera/ as• sortwent of Ready-Made PALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, embracing all the latest styles of Coats, Pants,Vesta, Shirts, Collars, Neches, suspenders, etc., etc., all of which ace' ell made. The publit4tre cordially in vited to call and examine his goods, as he is deter termined to sell at short profits. He will continue to carry on the business of Tailoring as heretofore. Persons desiring gar ments cut out or made up are invited to give him a call. Latest fashions received regularly. Oct2s. NOTICE. WHEREIB; Letters Testamentary to the E state of Barbara S. 'froze), late of the Bo rough of Waynesboro, deceased. have been granted to the subscriber; all persons indebted to the said Estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claitrw• or •demands against the Estate of said decedent, will amake known the same without delay to E. el. TROXEL, Dedo—Ow Executor. MPHEItE CiA.. 'IIEXE s' - uulltirning Fluith always u ihand at Aug: ( . : / 11TROVan be had 41. nur 2 . ga. re 21 c. ch. go 1 2 7 - 8 9 14 15 18 21 22 23 28 29 130 10 17 24 31 18 20 27 4 5 0 11 12 13 10 19 • 20 s____2o7 10 17 24 11 18 25 13 20 27 10 17 24 31 12 19 26 tli 10 17 24 111 15 22 29 16 23 30 16 23 30 13 20 27 15 22 29 12 19 26 111 13 20 27 10 17 24 12 19 29 11 18 25 16 23 30 15 22 29, 111 15 22 29 14 21 - 28 13 20 27 12 19 26 1 2 9 9 15 18 22. rti 29 SO 12 19 26 11 18 25 10 17 24 10 17 . 24 31 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 2B 15 22 29 16 23 30 A. S. A:'• - Konrs's •F%RM PRIVATE SALE. lIHE undersigned offers at PitVita - Salo her faim• Alf•sitiiated *UM one mile froth it t trr tovimehip, adjoining e , and Henry Omnrake, containing 11ACIIIIS,More or less, of 111 LIMESTONE‘ LAND, abOut _lOO acres of which. is, &ear and ; in -a good litate of cultivation, the balance well set With TIM BER. The improvements are, a two storied BRIM - HOUSE, BANK " STONE BARN, with WAGON SHED and Corn Crib attaehed.L— There is also a fine ORCHARD on the farm, with a stream ,f water IDing through the farm, and a ii„ well of never-failing . ater near the dwelling. Any person wishing to vte . the premises:will — please call on Mr. Monn resi ing on the farm. - For terms &c., apply to the undersigned, feigning near the Marsh Store. . IS USAti FUNK. Deck--4w - , 16 22 29 12 19 29 WANTED! - 5000 BUS. WHEAT ! , The old Miller at his oldlrade; 'gned haying associated themselves ing bnsiness, and paving 'leased of .k the old Royer mill property, one f Waynesboro', are, now prepared to front their friends at the highest id also to do All kinds of Grinding, ing corn and cob. We are also ish at the lowest market prices, all std•, also Plaster by the ton oi bush. la will please cal) and see iis. JOHN WALTER, JOSEPH ELDEN'. 11l 12 19 56 Dec6—tf PRIVA rE HE undersigned will sell at private sale his T small hum, situated in Quincy Township, on road leading from Waynesboro' to Quincy, about three miles from the former and one from the latter place, and within a few hundred yards of Snow Hill Mill. The improvements are a new two story 113 23 30 BRICK HOUSE, 13 20 27 With FRAME BACK BUILDING •and Bake Oven attached, a a' , :l9.wy. Latsatial. 2Z3maaacina with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib complete under one roof; also a new hog-pen. These buildings have all been erected within the last two years.— The tract contains 111 FIFTEEN ACRES, more or less, six acres of which is meadow ground with a fine stream of water passing through its en tire length. There is also planted a large number of choice young fruit trees, a number of grape vints, &C. The above is a very desirable property, and any person wishing to purchase a small farm, will do well to give him a call as his terms-are moderate. DecB—'-2m. 'GEO. STULER, 24 OystA j r 8 for- 12.172._Ct5. AT THE EMU SUET RESTS E Fr HE subscriber is now selling at his Restaurant on Mechanic's street, 24 OYSTERS for 12i cents. lie has a Billiard Table for the accommoda tion of those fond of that kind of amusement; and ' I also a Ten_Pin Alley, which is_fre_e to toll. Oysters furnished to fatuities at 374 cents per quart, which is , 6ne-fourth less than the usual j price charged. Washabaugb's and Ludwig's Ale always on hand. JOSEPH PUNK. December 12—tf. EMS, MGIIBIIOIII REDUCTfON IN PRICES, At krotherton's Hardware and. Paint Store! Itake this method of informing the piblie ° that I have just received from Philadelphia a large and carefully selected stock of Iron,Stee, Oils, Glasa, • Paints, Stores, Brushes, Cutlery, ' Hardware, Varnishes, . Oil Cloths, Shoe Findings, • Agricultural Implements, all of woich I desire to dispose of at prices ti suit the times. Try me, and bv.an examinaticn of my stock convince yourself that I mean just what I say, I take pleasure in showing goods whether sales are effected or not. To persons about to build lam prepared to offer extraordinary inducements both in Hardware and Paints. Thankful to friends for past favors, a continuance of the same is respectfully so licited—promising to do all in my power to render sotisfection' to all who may favor me with their pa tronage. W. H.' DHOTHERTON. April 11. ECONOMY IN LIGHT! NI-PORTANT INVENTION! JUDSON'S TRANS PATENT CONES. Used on Keroseneand - Coal' - Oil - Latripic save ' ta the consumer ono third of NA expense for light.— He who consumes twelve gallons of oil in a year needs but eight gallons to produce the same quan tity of light. This fact is susceptible of the clearest demonstrations With the brass cone ordinarily used, one third of the light is concealed. The transparent cone conceals none. Sensible amen do .not light a candle and put it under a bush eVtlei her-will-they continue to use a brass cone. Eo cover up the light that is so easily made available, by a Transparent Cone at a trifling expense. Another reason for the use of these Cones is, they do not conduct heat to 'Oron in the lamp, and with them very light oils can be used with safety. WHAT IS BAY-ED IN A YEAR Ist. no third of the cost of the oil, which is e qual to 13.50 a-year. 2d.—You have a clear light, (large'or small,) free from the unpleasant oily odor - caused by the brass cones. This is worth another .$3.50 a year. 3d.—You are secure against accidents from the use of volatile oils—anti this is worth still another $3.50 a year. - Here is $10.50 saved in one ,-year by the use of one cone, which can he bad ofjalmost any Country MerchAt for 121 omits. A lso a large assortment of Cerosene oil, Lumps of the latestmyles fur sale by Nov 1 - - J. F. KURTZ. STRAYED TRAYED from the premises of the aubseri r Orin the 19th of December. 5 black spotted Sh is abuut uine months old; and 1 young white Sow all marked with a bile in the left ear. Any informa tion leading to their whereabouts will be thniktulty received and liberally rewarded. • Doc27-3w aSc' V. B. GILI3ER e. A BARGE assortment of KEROSENE LAMPS;' . And an eteellent article of Itutwassa Ott always on hand. H. S'FoNEHOUSE. JANUARY, 18T. 1852. - TIRIRD tiQi..Z3l Ell 22 'Wh Jet. 22:a nIIERSON, BENEDICT & CO. • HAVE TIMID SEPPLY TALL ANA► WINTER GUIS!! o / E respeetfutly inform our customers end all perso who wish to purchase cheap .__ALL *INTER DRY GOODS that we have just returned from the eastern cities and are *ow receiving a large and o well selected assortment of of all kinds, - paterns, varieties and prices, which we promise to sell as cheap, and on as fair terms, as teny other house in town or country, and we feel confident we cani%vi with all in such a manner as to give entire satialection -The folloWing comprise part of our Stock which is always on band. DRESS GOODS of all kinds for Fall and Winterwear Laineri, , Alpacas, M erinos, . Coburgs. Sege*, Lustres, Plaids Silks, $ Collars, Sleeves, Prints, Skirts Hews, MEN'S • rail and Winter , GooDs, Casamers, Cassinetts Clothe, Velvet, p 9, Vesting, Cord, Fustian. . Cravats, Collars, • gtiltrad..3ClDlg A HEAVY LOT OF DOMESTIC GOODS"! Mullins, Sheeting, Shirting, Ticking, • Osilaburg, Ragging, Burls pse, Toweling, Blankets, Robes, Over shoat', Shoes, Boats, Hats, We tend r our thanks to ail our friends and eus , tamers for t e libe al patronage heretofore extended taus and r ues a continuance of-tfir same. A ERSON, BENEDTCT & CO. Jan. 10, 1862. IMPORTANT NEWS FROM . - MEXICAN R 0 797! JBEAVER, in connection with his Variety • Store, has commenced the manufacturing of BOOTS and SHOES in all its various branches.— Having employed Jeremiah Cooper as foreman, he is prepared to produce the finest, neatest, and moat durable work made anywhere. All are invited to call. - A large stock of Hats and Clamant] Eastern man. ufacturcd Shoes and Boots of the best make, on hand; Clocks, Trunks, Begets. Tobacco, You get the very best KEROSENE there. A few fat Hogs are wanted. J. BEAVER. Dcc,6— f months. CARD..—Kind friends and patrons, you have my warmest thanks for your very liberalien couregment. Haying_discoatinued-the manisfixcin-- HOS of shoes &c., on my own account,and engaged myself,with J. Beaver, at the Variety Store, I be speak for him the continuance of your patronage.— Do come and see us at our new place. Dec 6 J. COOPER. ANTIETAM:AMORY agua L 3, Ua ' Uza EMI 2 IHE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, still 1,8 solicits the sainetand in addition to inanuiactu ring aU kin& of wurkad Material for fuilding Purposes, . such an • SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW • FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES, FACING, MOULDINGS, &c., &c. I am prepare!) to famish all kinds of oda limbo for different purposes in.bading, such as .1010 E, RAFTERS, LATH, STUDDLN Q , PAIL INGS, SCANTLING, BOARDS,Arc., All of which will be sawed to order, at short and upon realsonable terms. Also, sawing, by mill and circular savra,of every description done; Framing, `Surfacing, Matching, Flooring, dtc., &c. Fordurther particulars apply to the sulo,criber, at Factory two miles southeast of Waynesboro. . U. F. tit.lo.U. -Liu. 17, 1861 a IIUS at 16 null , 25 cents vor pc ed at niiv. 29: ' Alit 1E - 1120 IV KETTLgi - tit J 4 e.r rt - RUNPICL.OI. lIHODV wanting anything in.tio 4 41.rng , It " ov.u v iiiitssi r • LATESTARRIVAL 1111! &QODS, GROCERIES,' inERWAR MOW, --0-. GEO. STOVER., c-imiikixruL for kind flavors and patronage• here tj bestowed upon him, again appbars before the public to solicit a continuance of the same.-- Ho having just returned :rein the eastern cities with Is fineand well selected stock • NEW GOODS Which he intends -selling at very low rtes, which he knows he can do to the satisfaction who will call=and examine hie stock. Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock to which he calls your attention. FOR THE LADIES He has a large assortment of Dress Goods consisting in part of Printed Thibet Cloth, Printed and plain Delaines, Cothilde plaid, Cothilde Stripe, Plaid Mbhair, • Silk Warp Mohair, Parametta 'Printed Coburg, Printed Morino, French Morino, Madonna Cloth, - Printed and plain Cashmeres, French and Domestic Ginghams, • Poplins, Pongee Mixture, Lavella Cloth, Long and Square, Thibet and Morino Shawls, --Opera Cloaking, Glovea, and Hosiery, m great variety. Gentlemen's Wear, Broad Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassimores, • - Union Cassimeres, Overceittings, Sattinets, Jeans, Tweeds, Velvet Cord, ' Velvatino Vostings of all kinds, in fact a full assortment cif goalie for Uentlemen's wear. Also a large and well selacted stock of DOMESTIC GOODS ^ • Muslin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. It's no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line, just cal in and you will find him ready to wait on you with pleasure. To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find - it to their advantage tp bring it to Stu ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. do gt.. 'tzi.a_call, and ho will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. Novl. 1861 AITICIPATED BATTLE! -.....0---... - 1-IIL - S'f - wars - inni - rurnors - of - wars T. throughout our once happy land, When columns of anted men are seen on all sides, march ing forward in defence of their "sacred rights," and all are eagetfor the expected con test, each moment carries us nearer the frighful drama, that will soon be enacted. Yet while all this convulsion is in pro gress, other scenes are continually transpiring o excite the mina o f the people, arid lately this tom• mutiny has been greatly astounded by the tremen dous rush of people to. JOST All-13E-SORE'S S L IP 0 R E to astertain she cause of this .excitem ent, which proves to be the LARGE STOCK giOISH " he has just reteivedi and the LOW PR-I,OES they areZeold at' nevertheless tho great cry of "High Prices" caused by the war, whibh is shown to be false by an examination to the marnt stock of goods offering•nt the shove estardlo nt. You will find a varied asiorttnent of all kinds at goods such as. YALOt RS, - SCOTCH PLAIDS, CASHMERES, LAVELLA CLOTHS, MOTTLED MgTLRES, SOLFERisN ‘ . O DELAINES, REP. °CRAM, Ind a variety •of other DRESS GOODS -ALSO SILK VELVETS, CASSIMERS, CLOTHS, • and all kinds and styles of Gcntlemen's - Wearith - , a great lot of all kinds of Goods usually kept, in Waytiboro'. The undersigned tenders his regards to his nu- alarms friends and patrons, and hopes a continu ance of-favors, Merchants through this country can And goods '4.F:extern wholesale prices by callir f s at.Besore's, thereby saviqg height and other disadvantaged. Persons deinrieg a nice,Sharpe's Repeater can be accommodated by calling soon; alio cartridges for the same. All kik* or produce received !a exchange for goods as tho regular prices Octal NOTICE. WHEREAS, Letters of Administration on th • Iliatate of David Stoner, late of the Bum of Wiiyneaboro', deceased, have been granted t the subscriber; all persona inelebte said k. • ~ are regurned to make immediate payment, an • use having claims or demands against the tat , of sa id decedent, will, make known the same, without 'delay, to JOHN IVA la EH, Nov29—ew Administrator. K AG:AIN. G. fi. RICE informs his cuStoinOre and the ', 4 „ public generally that he has removed his lfrrher,hpy,to the Bauenient of Mr. !Curtis Hotel, Motif* espiedbyhim us a Barber Shop, where he will Sliawi, Cul, alio Dress' Hair.es heretofore. s.frive bum a call. ..5,,, Nov. 22—tf, Of the very brat in market and quality: such as Syrbps. New Orleans and orto Rico Molasses, a No. I Brown.ugar, cutfu- crushed and granulated do ; best article of \_...." Rio Cultim, . Imperial Tua. -„ - Hummell's b e Esscence of Caren Baker No. t Checulate, naisins, Curbuzet of Iron, Tobacco, Rico, &c., gia:. All the allinFe goods have sheen selectetlcarciul ly, and pnrchttsed at the very lowest figure with en' eye to auethe wants of this community. fie is therefore enabled to accommodate all wan mmy fa vor him with'a call, in quantity, quality, style and price. No trintlilo to show goods. • ' Country Produce titian in exchange for gtiods at the highest market prices. Lig strict atteutku t..) . bus'ness and a tle4iru to please. in every inspect tot. ho to merit a continuance of patronage. ', • et. li p 4, 4 , 3 . .1. W. hilti;Eß. • URI. and unadulterated spiced cider. v. 4 nits for sale by Stoner, sign of the Bold en Mort/0. *rico onlyii cents pveguiart. • Pin 36. JOSIAH BESOItE Ai EtVenvy liountlaboutr and Coatitit FIRSI :0411VAL! , tile'lltAlittm STS -r j'AIAL AND WINTER GOODO,I Joseph Piioest . • Northwest Corner of We Maid, - ..--.:.....r„ - is no'w o eying New and most 4/4 Mirk T A IALL AND WINTZR GOODS, in Ise .\,, r Germa , English and Arnerican Fabrics, oni prising a get gm! assortmeht of thf latest sty '4U:toed to F I and Winter trade. • For Ladiue Wear : Ric Dress silks, black, plain and fancy Brocades; P 1 'de in great variety; French Merino/3 iwall colors; ri printed Merinos, Wool Delaines, Cashmeres, satin tripped do., Mousseilainos, Lavel le, Mohair mixtures, Thibot "Cloths; printed Mous sellaines, Persian Twills, Poplin, Debeges ' Oper.2t Flannels, in oil colors, Scotch add. Saxony Printed French Gingham, Scotch do., Lancaster do.,Plaid‘ Embroideries, L ces, Gauntlets,Kid Gloves, white and fancy, French worked Collars, Dimities, fancy dress . Gimps, Cord Binding, and velvet Bib bon &c., &c., in short, he his an the novelties of /he seasdn, FALL & WINTER MARS, Paris long broche Shawls, with se wed borders, Bay State Shawls, (latest styles.) sapurb Thibet Shawls, sewed border, rich Printed S hawls with silk fringe, all of, which are from the latest impor tations, and will be sold at prices that defy con:ya hoo. • Mime Furnishing Goods Irish and Scotch Sheeting, pillow case and 'bolster Linens, fine, low priced - Damask 'Calile..--Linens spotted and damask Table Cloths, kvery size aft(' grade; Napkins, lloyles, and Huck Towelings, low priced Kitchen Toweling, 'Bolster, • Pillow and .Bheeting Muslim!, 3-4,' 4-4, 6-4, 8.4, or 10 4 wide, draped dimity Blankets, Marseilles and Allenda la Quilts. M acalto aa‘loo such as heavy bro. Cotton, bleached Muslins, Os naburgs, Tickings, stripped Drills, Apron Ducks, lersoys, Denims, Cotton Flannels, Prints, &C. MEN'S WEAR. Black and Fancy Clothe and Cassimeres, of the newest styles, Mixed Doeskins, Sattinetti, Union, Casetmeres, Cashmeretts, Deans, Cottorrides,Over coatings, silk, satin, merino and velvet Vestings, extra heavy riirbod Drawers and ehirts, llesiery, , Collars, Cravats, &c. CIETIB & FLON O 1 CUM - Carpet, English Engrains, (all woot)--Heinp and Hag Carpeting, front 25 cents to :$l.OO per yard.— Floor Oil Cleths 24, 44,,64 and 1,134 wide, all of the newest designs, which he offers at great Lair. , gains. MATS AND _RU - GS, Wool, C oco , n a i l ; end Fanoial pardereel, in greet variety. GROCERIES AND QUEENSIVARI: His stock is full and complete, ant will comps re favorably with any in Waynesboro', both in price and quality. He retur Is is tl, be todiis friends, and by fair dealing and . trict atte irion to business ho hopes to merit a contip ice of ' e °cal o`tF.ef-i-I'-1t IG6. PIRST u 2. 544 %:•. FLAIL IND IVINTER GOODS, - FLAVIN° just returnej from thoEaotern cities Jul . with• anotfiers Lot of new and ele•gint ityloo DRESS CODS, nanurpaseed for Beauty, Style tma Quitint i y • ad at PANIC RIM FIS. FOR T Zji7Ylllo W4,Delainas • llinatois!ni, • French Neenna, • Prjntoil CotobrT., • Castunagos, Mohair Alarm, La vend:G.lw n, • Drbegea. Pordidn Data nas, Swiss Ginghain, Ladies Wool Elastic Skirts, E xtemion Skirts, Apron Tassels; and a full ipssoriara gut of Dress 'Trim mings, &r.:l- ENTLEMEN'S WEAR, French Cloth, Cussnuont, Vas' ings, Sannot, Twoods Jeans, C:orkla, Vsiveteenst, Collars, Gloves, 6111 rt Fronts. A LSO-leary lot of a(o.ry - Kih.a.9 - vtroN 441 not 'necessary to Mention. citunEwsvrA.Rz, ISULEDWAIIE, BOOTS AND SHOE, WARE. tlam. ..• . - - - - - I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers