Village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1863-1871, January 10, 1862, Image 2
ULM 11USD. 11/111111118.`"1111, Jflß' 10, 1811.: Pennsylvania Legisleiture.—Both branshes of the' Pennsylvania Legislature met and orgapizsd at Harrisburg on Tuesday. In ass House ivan Rows. a Union Deno. rill!. was elected Speaker. The Senate erected , Hon. asvis W. HALL. tr,sr•rhif rbor of Charleston has been Mimetically ezled. and her citizens are kept in a state of ' fearful twopence, hourly tiering that a vigilant army, near at hand. or secret foes in their very midst. may 0. wirwheigi them in irretrievable ruin. The little .►game cock" State is reaping the fruits of her lolly and wickedness in fo. *tenting the rebellion alMost as rapill3! as tier most inveterate enemies could desire; sad, much as she suffers, each new day, instead of bringing her relief ' only adds to tier miseries, perplexities, and dangers. Sad Mistake --What were supposed to be the remains of the fan of Capt. ie. wits, of Vienna, lowa, were carefully sent home for burial. The family and friends. with the local military. assembled to bury the dead, when the coffin was opened. and the face was that of a stranger. The fn. ueref . cermonies, however, proceeded, and the strange young aoldier was buried in the grave prepared by loving parents for their own son. s A' Ward to the Fair.--The :. ladies of Pennsylvania. says the Press, beautiful and accomplished, ornamen tal--the light. grace, and charm of society. They have now the opportunity at which they should rejoice, as true•hearted wo tnen,of being eminently useful also. There in an absolute necessity, at .this taoutea, for knit woolen socks and mittens, with a variety of other "fixine," in the shape of various articles of wearing apparel,•for the brave defenders of their country's consti tudonal rights, • 11 is utterly impossible:to keep the army in health without warm feet and hands, and cotton socks and Ber lin gloves are wholly inadequate for this perpose. Every gentlewoman ought to be able to use herneedle. and she i'annot bet ter employ her tune than in providing these articles, not only for the . ' Asa on duty, but for the sick-soldiers. The War in South Carolina.--The most important recent event was the advaneis made by a portion of General Sherman's division, under command of Brig. General Stevens, and several Union gunboats. a gainst a rebel baltery.on New Year's Day. The expedition was fully•succei•slul. This triumph is an indication that the rebels are abont,to suffer new and still more serious injuries from oor South Carolina expecii lion. Charleston and Savannah are both eonsta,ntly men ed. and the distance be tween the former pity and :our outposts is being rapidly diminished. , Thetond hope of the Secessionists of the Palmetto State, that they could safely remain at home du• ring the-progress of the rebellion. watch ing at a prudent distance the conflict in the Border Statee.nith their shares unievaded, bias proved utterly fallacious. Their best harbor and the favorite resort of their proudest arietoerats has Wien into our hands. Their railroad Aimmunications have been cut of. Their industrial sys tem has been demoralised, arid, in some districts, utterly destroyed. Thousands of their ecintrabarids have abandoned them for ever. En insane fury they have demolisihed millions of dollars worth of property, ann the hand of incendiarism.'procapted by mo tives different from their own, has desola ted some of their most- mportant tbor 'tighter 1131rGen. H.-Kelm has been aspoint ed a Brigadieeneral by President Lin coln. Gen. K. has therefore resigned his office as Surveyor General of this State, and Gov. Curtin him appointed Henry Souther. of Eik county ,to all the vacan _ ey, Pemals Spy on Horseback —The Washington correspondent of the N.York- Post relates the folloartirg incident: A horseman clad in a sort of cavalry costume, with a heavy overcoat and slouch ed hat, had been noticed fur Oome. time dashing about the city in- rather a suspi cious manner. At last the authorities felt themselves warranted in arresting him ; and accordingly. one morning when trot ting down Pennsylvania avenue, he found himself suddenly surrounded by a Ale of soldiers. and WWI carried off to prison.— But the funniest part was* to come. The investigation that followed resulted not only in the discovery •of certain important papers, but also of the fact that the cava lier was a woman. flow long she had 'been at this game it is impossible to guess. &The rebels, no doubt expecting an intact on Charleston, have removed Col. Corcoran and a number of Federal prison en from the Charleston jail to Columbia, the capital of the Palmetto State. or A) editorial article from the Righ. ~ .e mond Examiner, admit. that he rebel ar; my is thoroughly demoralized Burns at *tighas'lll,ls , oo basal:leen o ff a for sub. ~ 401244 - . CPAs exchange comes to es wit h no ties ihsi wraith" is crowd out of \thin issue.. Tins to aiming as4ad as the up. industry editor who laid. *•For the evil *f leets 4 - intpti . Ong rink. see oar inside." Pm At Me Seiab.,4lVe see by late rebel papers: (says the Press) that incen diary fires - are bumming very cowmen throughout the South, sad that the peolile i are very mteh alarmed. They, !Par that there is * great conspiracy 4n their midst to destroy by firObe whole of ` their prop erty and effects. "Several area haie; oc minred in Charleston since the recent large one, and a Montgomery (Alab,ama) paper recently elated that seven attempts have been made to burn that city,* diffeleht times by persona applying the orehin the most populous part. Where. if the flames fairly, got a headway they could not be very easily stopped. The sown of Green ville, in the sante. State, was nearly.burn ed doves, and in Georietciwn l . Texas prop-. -arty was deatroeed. by the same means, to the amount of $30,000. At Nashville, a large quantity of commissary stores and erdnanee belonging is the rebel Govern• meta was burned, entailing d a loss of over two millions of dollars, while a. Confeder ate powder-Mil!. near New Orleans, was blown up, although the guard had just ex amin ed the premises a few minutes before the explosion. At Richmond, Virginia, where it would seein_ that property should be more secure:on account of the large mustier of soldiers in that oily, several large fires have taken place, and the 'other day the Richmond Vheatre, situated in the moat wealthy and populous portion of the city, was set on fire, and before the flames could be extinguishei they had extended to other buildings, and destroyed a large amount of valuable property. Prom Nor. folk we have a report that • several suspi cious looking men were arrested by the guird, while walking around the navy yard. with combustible material in their posses sion, their design being, no doubt, to either burn the yard of the frigate Merrimac, in the dock. We have no doubt that nine out of ten of these fires have been the work of incendiaries, who. in many cases have, we suppose, been "contrabands.", Suffering of the Rebels'.—Sconting parties who have recently scoured the neighbor hood of Fairfax Court House report that the farmers have no killed their hogs, on account of the impossibility of procuring salt to - oure their meet. A number of them who represent themselves to be Union men, have petitioned Gen. McDowel to allow them to obtain a supply here. The rebel-soldiers in that neighborhood is said to be so poorly provided_w_ith_alothing fit_ for the present inclement weather that' they are forced to appropriate to them selves the clothing of the negroes. Their horses aye also suffering and dying in numbriifor want of long fodder. They have eaten all that is to be had in the . immediate neighborhood; and gave not means of.transportation to bring a suffi— cient quantity from a distance. , Tulle NAVAL W•A WITH ENOI,AND.—At t r . the commeticeme tof the struggle 0.1 the United Colonies with Great Britian the former had no ships, but forty-two ships were fitted out during the war,and accord ing to the best authorities, the American -privateere roamed - the sett in every direc tion, and captured during the war eight hundred and three British vessels, with mer chandize valued at more than eleven mil lions of dollars. Of a fleet of sixty mer chantmen which 14 Ireland for the West Indies, thirty-five were captured by the American cruisers. At ilie beginning of the war two hundred, ship - e - were employed in the trade betweeilreland and the West Indies; at the end the war, there were only forty engagetein it. In 1812 the U nited States navy consisted of - only twen ty vessels, besides Tunboats - . -- -In—these Hull, Decatur, Bainridge, Rodgers, Porter, and other gallant seamen, boldly wen.t to". sea. Their exploits have been the theme of praise ever since. It is estimated that, during the first seven months after the 1 declaration of war, American cruisers cap- tured more than fifty British armed vessels and two hundred and fifty merchantmen, with an aggregate of more thaw three thou sand prisoners, and a vast amount of boo ty. . TAM , BULLET Benness . .—The heavy contracts which the Government made some time ago with parties in this city and vicinity for the manufacture of bullets. are nearly filled, 'and we understand no more contracts !or this instrument of war fare will be made by the Government.— There is stered in Washington over 20. 00;000 cartridges, all ready for use. and the War Department considered -this a sufficient quantity for the present. The Government has seven machines for the moulding of bullets in constant operation at Washington, besides all that Is "made at the Watervliet Arsenal. and elsewhere.— The contract of Marsh & Co.. of this city. will be completed in a few days. and . that of the heaviest contracts for the same ma terial in New York, bas been filled several days ago. 'The price of lead it is believed will fall considerably. and the pressing de mand of that article which existed a short time ago. is no longer felt.—Troy 21mes. Capt. Kiehl. of the steasner Reindeer. brought op this afternoon two rebel prison ers hom Gen. Hooker's division;, also 24 bushel bags of india rubber overcoats. sides several sacks of undershirts, and` a large quantity of quinines 'The priesswers were captured while attempting to courey these stoves (roof the Maryland to the Virginia shore. Despatches received at the head quar ters of General Haneck announce the cap-_ of tie - • Jeff- Owens. Colonel their briilge burning anti. Adrian County. tontniander of the State ious guerilla bands a tasouri 'Railroad hue )Iy scattered. 11 - : . ko L • For — C% stable See ail: . Omerai of Joe. Fv0k..... Flame fir , Safe --We &keit attention to the advertisement of Mrsi LvlnAltminti k in antitlfir,eolutnrk. Me —Tniting ,a van tage An beggar' s blintinestunfii g him. to save a'.tip.' Bush a man is tenses es a aptinging north ern Rebel. • Bet er late than Illeueri—PHlL• HANNAN, of Chantbersburg,: the renowned stump speaker, is married. The happy bride is Mrs. Praxes. of tharplaeei— Dead.-4mm lit.rounta; County Trea surer, died at Chambersbuti, on 'Tuesday last.- Hie term of (Mee is about to ex • pire. BtrOoma.—Laat week we unintentionally omitted the advertisement of Mr. DANIEL Rash. This week we invite particular at• testion-to it. R Crumb for Croakeru.-- . Notwithstan ding all the blazing about taxes and herd times , it appears that. thei - ri - )ite less in- mates now in the alms houses of the north ern cities and fewer persons out of em ployment then has been the (lasi for many y ears. 7hankt—Out Carrier boy returns his thanks to his friends and patrons who en liberally patronized him on New-Year's day: To those who didn't patronize him, he makes his most polite bow, and Wes their consciences have not troubled them First Snow.--On Sunday night last we had a fall of snow in this region, the first of the season; ,worth mentioning, which covered the round to the depth of four or five jock's. Sleighing has since been tol- erable, and the young folks, as a matter of course, have put in a full measure enjoy ment. Our town has been vocal with the, music of sleigh bells. Rye Cotree.—Since coffee has got so high up in Abe figures, many persons in this place and through die country have commenced the use of rye as a substitute. We are told that if a little coffee is mixed with the rye the coffee is more pleasant to the taste than when made of all coffee, and is no doubt more wholesome• The cost of the article when thus prepared is not over three cents per pound. In a large family the difference would certainly be an item. In • a short time it will no doubt be in very general oat Sudden Death.—Mr. SAMUEL GCIRDON, an aged . citizen of this place, died suddenly on Tuesday morning last. He was in the 771 h year of his age, but was unusually healthy and vigorous for a man of hie ad vanced years- We understand he retired in the evening in the possession of his u sual health. Between four and five o'clock in the morning Mrs. Gordon was aroused by a sudden movement of the deceased.— She had-only time to rise and light a can -dle when he expired. Yesterday his re- . mains'were consigned to their laskresiing 'place in the grave yard attached to the Lutherah Church. Mr. Gordon was a soldier in the' war of 1812, and we 'believe held a Ciao& 's Comm ission. Who are the Poor P—As winter may nlve be said to have° fairly set in it would be well to inquire— Who are the Poor?— There maybe for ought we'lnow a family here and one there in necessitous circum stances, with perhaps not sufficient fuel or clothing to protect them against the cold blasts of Winter. If there are such they are objects of charity h 0 matter what their past lives may have been, and should not be pirmitted to suffer by those Around them who have been bltssed with an abun• dance of this world's treasure. The be stowal of a load of wdod, a quantity of flour, meat, sugar, coffee, or other articles of merchandise, would make glad the hearts of many a widowed mother and orphan . child; but too few, we fear - of this favor ed class, ever as much as make the in quiry— Who are -the-PoorP—=or - gi ve . , thew wants a thought. Reader, tis you sit by your comfortable fireside. ponder this inquiry, and if for once in your life you should feel charita bly disposed, we, trust it'may discover - to you an object - worthy of a - liberal dona tion. Death ofd Private.—hcOe Route, a private of Company . A. 77th Regiment, P. V.,died at Camp Wood, Ky , on Saturday last. _Young Royer enlisted with Lieut. WALZER last fall. was about 20 years of age, and son of Mr. SABRIaL ROYER, who resides on the Mountain, not liffrom So billaavtlle. His remaioes reached this place late on Wednesday evening and were taken on o the residence of his parents.— •We have itt learned the nature of the de cease of which he died. The deceased is said to have been a fine young man and a brave soldier. We sy sympathise wish - the bereaved-parents. di Thaw the weather moderated on Wednesday evening, and continue, mild up to this time, Thursday noon. .The mil, is rapidly disappearing. PronialiOn..-,r:We notice that First Lint. DAVID H. BROTHMITOPI, a native of this place. sednon of Dr. James Brotherton, hits been *mined to the rank of Captain In the reinisir army service. Cant: B. is it:g shank young officer am% no doubt erni nantly'aiser,tng of this last honor confer.- redupeit him. He is now, oh duty in New klearoo. It also siTords us pleasure to state that our young frien4 and farmer cititen, b. S. Gosport, has ;been promoted from the sank of Second to that of First !Lieutenant in the regular service. ft will be remembered toted a gallant part in several in an d near Fairlati Court Jpring, but was takenorisoner as the battle al Bull Run. He was taken With other Officeriarom Richmond to Cas tle Pinckney, South Carolina. whereat last accounts be wee still conAnetio The wife or tient. Gordon, from Fort Leavenworth, with an tnteresting little boy,their ecip,ie not, on a Alit to het broth 14 1Nin-law, Or. Sydinhain Wallter,at Voun tain Dale, in Adams county.. the Service.--Doe old friend Dr Davin Taunton, has paid us a visit sitters his company , has been uniformed. and although a little over three score and ten years of age, looks as sprightly and exhibits as much ',lgor as a„young man of twenty. His raper served in the Hevidu don, and died at the extreme old age of 98 years. The Dr. is the youngest of 11 children, and bids fair to attain to a stmi• ler age. He was in the war of 1912, and is now ready to serve his country again on the field of battle. To do this, he left at home a young wife and two small•chil 'dren, and volunteered as a private in Capt. WELSH'S company, so that it will be per ceived that he has had some experience in the service, especially the infantry arm of it.—Bag. Herald. lie steeps his last Sleep.—lt is our pain ful duty to record the death of Mr. William Se iders, a native of this town. The sad event took place at Fortress Monroe, Va., on Friday morning last. He was a mem ber of Company D, 11th Regiment Penn sylvania Cavalry, and went into the ser vice under Captain (now Major) Stetsel, in this place. His disease was typhoid fever, terminating in pneumonia. j ibs r • mains were brought hem on yesterd .. accompanied by his brother, (who we -, to minister at his bedside,) and two of m , ssmatos. Thomas C. King and Leo Plan— Chant4.ersburg Dispatch. .4 Valuable Gtft.—.The several Germati Reformed Congregations of Grindstone Hill, Marion, Fayetteville and Funkatown the whole known as the Grindstone Hill Charge, as an evidence of their high op• preciation of the service of their Pastor, Rev. W. H—Deatrich, presented—him. on New Year's Hay. with a fine Horse, worth at least $lOO. This is creditable to the donors, and must be gratifying to the recipient, evincing, as it does, though not in words yet equally as intelligible, an assurance that his "labor of love" is prop ercy valued by his flock.--:/b. ' Sudden Death.—A man by the name of JAMES MeLatN,eied suddenly in Sabillas vtlle, on Monday. Our informant states that the deeeseed was in the enjoyment of his usual health, and had walked from his ~......) dwelling to the store of Mr. Sh ffer, where he fell. He was carried hom and expir ed in a few moments. INTERESTING FROM TENNESSEE.—The Philadelphia Inquirer says that a gentle man direct from Memphis, Tenn., arrived in that .city on Saturday. which place he left about two weeks ago: • lie says there are no defences below Columbus. that Nemphis is unprotected. and that Columbus once passed., the Mis sissippi is free from obstruction by fordo-cations the entire distance from New . Or= leans. He says General Polk has forty five thousand men at Columbus. is very strongly fortified. and confidently expects to repulse any Federal force that may be ser.t against them, either by land or water. The rebels at Memphis. however, are a farmed about the fleet at Cairo. and very tearlul at will pay. them a visit at an early day. There are still large numbers of Union men in Memphis. who are anxious ly and prayerfully: awaiting the advance of the Union army. Provisions are growing very scarce. and many entries have reach ed starvation prices. Coffee is one dollar per pound; tea four dollars; flour twelve dollars, and bacon thirty cents per pound. Gold is at a premium of forty per cent., and rarely to be had at that. The common currency is Confederate treasury notes, payable six months aft er. the establishment of ifie independence of the Southern 'Con. tederacy. He says the :idea uevails a— mong the rebels that Gen. BuelTand 'Hal. leek will move their forcesAimultaneous— ly against Bowling Green and Columbus. He says the people of the South are grow— ing very impatient, and must soon be in— volved in broils among theme,plves. Their condition. is daily groling more distress— ing and intolerable. AN ITCH vok Bdstrissa.--the Hartford Review says, a peddler troirConnectics, lately traveled through Connecticut shall': rig hands heartily with every one he met, whether they purchased or refused his merchandise. Directly it was discovered that every one with whom he had shaken the friendly hand, he communicated the itcl. Immediately after this discovery, another peddler his partner, came along with a good stock of soverei n ' oint ment. It is perhaps needl ato sly that he has pads large sate a good perm. tags. Down—Our office wood pile. - LATER FROM PORT ROYAL. ..idvaneeof United' States Troops on the Matnfattd— Rafferßatteries Captured. NEW Yon, January 6.—The steamer -Vanderbilt his arrived; with Port Royal advice. to the morning of .the $ll instant. She beings 0,097 bales of sea island cotton. " Gen. Stevens' brigade advandeed on the motor d nit tat lust and took pos. s'ess'ion o the rebel -batteries, after a short resistance, in which the troops were aided by the gunboats in shelling them. cep. Stevens followed up his suecese to wit 'n eix,ruiles of the Charleston Railroad. flag Of Ogee was received front the rebels requesting permission to bury their dead, and an hour was granted for the purpose. when they fell back on their fortifications, which are said to be very extensive, and defended by from 11,000 to 12,000 men, under Gen,,Pope• Their loss is unknown. Ourerce Was 4,000 men, end we had only eight men wounded, including Mayor Watson, - of the Eight Michigan, mortal. ly. Gen. Stevens now holds possession-of the mainland, and — awaits _reinforcements Irons the North to proceed. From the Upper Potomac. - Gen. Jackson retired from liancack—Sup posed design of an Mack on Genera 4Velly's _Command—Parse Rumors. FREDERICK. Jan. 7.—The latest advises from Hancock are. that last night Gen. Jackson retired, leaving only a battery and infantry guard in sight. The results of the shelling have been unimportant. — One rebel Winer was seen to tall from his horse and is believed to have been killed. None are reported killed or wounded on our side, notes ithatanding the extravagant ru more circulating here about our men having been cut up, etc., all-ol which ru mots are false. Jackson's rebel force consisted of ten regiments, with a large-baggage and sup• ply - train. and ten days cooked rations.— it is not known where he went, but it is surmised that he intends to attack Gen. Kelly's command. Gen, Rank's Third brigade left here yesterday morning and arrived at Hagerstown, twenty-six miles distant. at 5 o'clock yesterday evening.— No stragglers were left along the ronte.— Th is march was performed through three or lour inches of snow. They would probably reach Hancock by noon to-day. Gen. Lander has been assigned to the com mand of General Kelly's division, and ()en Williams takes command at Han son . Execution of Niched Manahan. Private Michael Lanahan, of Company 'A, Second Regiment,U. S. infantry, was executed to-day, haling been found guilty [ killing Sergeant Bremen by shooting aim. The general-in-cheif, in the order Aliproving the finding of the court-martial, says "the proof is clear - that he did this in satisfaction of the grudge he bore toward the deceased, not only for t the blow he had given him in the guard-house a few min utes before, but for old scores, which he mentioned in his statement to court. It is very reprehensible for a commissioned or non commissioned officer to strike a -sof diet, except 'when it is absolutely neces sary to repress disorder. It -is never al lowed as a punishment for an offence.— But for a soldier, because of being struck. to shoot-his-immediate superior. is at, war with every principle of military subordi nation. It was in evidence that it was not customary for sentinels at Georgetown to have their arms loaded. The prison er must have loaded his musket for the purpose of carrying out his vindictive de sign against the sergeant. ',Vie homicide in this case seems to lack none of the fea tures which distinguish murder from sim ple manslanghter: Fur these reasons the sentence was approved. and the provost marshall was charged with Ott execution of the order." The gallows was erected in the northern suburbs, and the convict was hung in the presence of detachments from five 'regi • meets of the regular infantry. The execution was attend by the regu lars of the Second, Third. Fifth, Sixth, Eigth, Ninth and Tenth infantry. At twenty five minutes to twelve o'clock the drop was pulled. and the prisoner was launched ir,to eternity. General Sykes and Porter was present at the execution. The only words uttered by the prisoner were, ..Good bye, oleloldiers--good bye." His death was almost instantaneous.-- His body. was cut down at forty-one min utes of 12 o'clock. • The dying words of the prisoner were uttered in a strong and clear voice. .4 Fight in Weatern Virginia. Citicosam. ,Jan. 6.—A special des patch to the Gazelle, from iluttonville. Western Virginia, staling that the expe dition, consisting of 400 of the Twenty fifth Ohin, 300 of the Second Virginia, and 40 of Bradshaw's Cavalry, sent out by Gen. Mulroy to attack Buntersville,was completely successful. They attacked the enemy on Saturday morning, consisting al 400 cavalry and 350 militia, and, after skirmishing an hoar, the enemy retreated, with the lime of 8 killed and wounded. On our side none were killed or wound. ed; $BO,OOO -worth .of army stores and clothing were captured and destroyed. Utqh apprying foe-- ildiniasion into the Union. ,GREAT SALT LANS, UTAH, Jan. A mass meeting held jtft this city to day. resolutions were passed relative to the ad- mission of this \ yerritory into the Union as a State. Delegations were elected fro this county to meet delegates fr er counties on the 24th in 4., to dr and a dopt a Constitution and form of State Government, to be submitted to. the people for their acceptance or rejection. Con gress will be memorialized for the admis sion of Utah during the present session.. The surrenaer of Mason and Slidell is approved by 1 II the foreign ministersin Washington.who now declare their con viction that the coati/Icel.') governments of Europe will not stiller England to haat for pretexts to engage the United States in a war. We shall see how far this inter. , ferenee t o frustrate England's rapacity will go in its *llium wish this goyeeq. meat. Female Prbson at WashiustAiti. Three prisonersrhave been added !a the charge of Lieut. Sheldon, at the female prison. formerly Mn. Greenhow's house. Two of them ire from Washington, and the other hi Akio Baxley, from Baltimore, arrested whilst trying to make .her way through our lines across the river, and no; upon the Old • Point boat. is the papers state. She is an dntnitiiated Rebel, and oheered for Jeff. Davis -and the Southern Confederacy. A perambulatorygentle man of the orginia musical persuasion hap.' pening to be in the vicinity of tkeypriaon 4 highly excited female Rebel,in4 elate of incarceration tlfrew the said musical amateur the sem of two shillings. aid re ittested him to strike up “Dixie;" . but, IdP l-I T - Int ---- of under this pa liii — stion of a threatened bay onet oharge from _the grim sentinel who keeps watch and ward over the initolen tary inmates, he retreated, not, however, without iecuring the price of his unearned sery ices, and amid the execrations of the tuneless female. After a .night's reflection her passion became mollified, and the next morning she •iras' bathed in tears, and I willing to secepethe proffeted food.whieh she bad so persistently refused • since her capture, two days before. The.other two ladieq were taken before the Provost Marshal, to obtain. their statements, and it is mated that they wilt probably he released. It is probable, also, that Miss Poole will be released and sent to Richmond, via Fortress / Monroe and 'Norfolk, the Gov— ernment having nothing particular against her, except being a dangerous woman to be at large. She has conducted herself very quietly 'and properly since her arrest. sta io Mrs. Greenhew. the physicians in attendance pronounce her a mono--man— iac, and if confined much longer will be— co/ me hopelessly crazy. It is already stated, and with much show of probability, that she will be removed further North—. perhaps Fort Warren...-in a few days. POINT or Row, Jan. s.—Six thousand Rebels attacked the Fifth Connecticut Reg iment, near Hancock, yesterday, white protecting the ' Railroad. After a slight skirmish, our men retired to this side of the Potomac to await reinforcements. 11 1 1eantildle the Rebels , destroyed the railroad and telegraph lihes,' breaking our communication with Cumberland Gen. Lander is marching to the relief of the Fifth Regiment, with a sufficient force. The loss on either side is unknown; but is believed to be trifling. The Rebels.have been shellint lion at inte rvals' all day. Ou has responded. The Rebel stif mischief. -Since the fall beard has become'Aineri eanized the number of barber shops in Philadelphia has fallen petty froth tal• hundred. dow to eighty. rir UPI/B,GL% Practical Hatters,. Have just returned f the Eastern Cities with, a lull assortment of RA 1. GO.OO, consisting of Hats, Caps; Ltutiee. .ru • Buffalo Robes, R. se Blankets, Sleigh Blanks -, Gloves, Canes / limb. Iles, &c.,-al lof which, are ow ready and selling at aWW I & BST OATH rates at their HAT STORE. Opposite Washington Bowe, liagerstown., AUL rirLA - D ES I- FURST LAIIMS FURS!. Of all the grades from Five to Forty Dollitma sett with Muffs, Cuffs, Fur Trimmings, dto : , at tiIIJEGRAFFB' Hat, Stoie. thaposite Washington House,. 4 Hagerstown, Md. gar BUFFALO ROBES, Buffalo Robes! A sdiendid lot of Extra and No. 2 ROBES, bought previous to the great advance, ;and will be sold at usual rates for cash, at UPDEURAFFS' Hat Store, ---- Opposile Washington House, • Hagerstown; d. 126"GLQVES! A good stock of Buck-skin, Sheep-skin, Fur. Wool, and Wintry, Dress GLOVES, at UPDEGRAFFS' Hat Store, Opposite Washington House, Hagerstown, Md. a , . HORSE COVERS! READY MADE, at the lowest cash rates; at UPDEGRAFFS' Rat Store, Opposite Washington House, Hagerstown, Md. IL 41C.1- On the 2nd inst., at the Lutheran Par snnage, by the Rev. J. F. Campbell, Mr. George W. Smith, and Miss Susan S.„. Eyler, all of Maryland. At the same plane, by the same. on the 7th inst.. Mr. IF Ilium H. Robison. and Miss Sarah Snowberger, all of this coun ty. In Greencastle, on the rdt inst.. by the Rev. W. T. Beatty, Capt. Joseph Strick. ter, to Martha IF. Prather, both of Green castle. On the 7th inst... by the Rev. H. W. .., Super. Mr. George Beaver, to Miss R. manda hicks, both VI the vicipitx, of Marsh Run. e On the 9th iritil.;W - the same 1414.0 , o' ---. Zody, of Mount floperto. Miss h ,i( ella Roue', of Quincy.. -' ~~ ~` ~~~0 On the 18th ult.. John Crag, of Jesse, aged 84 years and 2 months. On the 11th ult., Robert, son of John and Anna Craig, aged 2./ months. On the 20th ult., in Dry Run, of con. sumption. fl9is. Thomas' :Filson, in the 60th year of his age. At his residence near Clearepring Md.. on the 27th ult., Henry Fiery. Eq., aged 68 years. 4 months, and 10 Jays. • • I'or Constable. TE undersigned announces himself as a canii+ date for Constable of Washington Township., Having been defeated at the last election by only 18 votes, he has concluded to "pick his flint and try it again." Thankful to his friends for the flattering vote received at the last alectioa he hopes that they will extend the seine support again. if successful , a general jubilee will be field at Fort Megg: • Janlo JOB. FU.NIC. Broom Corn Wanted. THE subscriber informs the public that ho has • provided himself with the neeessary machinery for mattuFactunng Factory Brooms. Persons fur. 'galling hint with Broom Corn can have brooms made to order upon reasonable terms. Handles can also be furnished him by those who may have them: His. Broom:Wean be seen at his residence or at thin office. , 1). B. RESH. , 4aßle