The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, December 16, 1847, Image 2

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at 01la
the ees
- -
~~ZI ~t
ffe l
v* to
l aieo:
• Anted
~b4te l ~
took, ai
• tide,
: soother •iconet
belietief that - Mei
rhice this.'.l4 , 4itiel
the Government u'
i tittjattide of 'fierce
under carer it, and 1
hiiti leen, end mu
Ile to :restraitt, then
tioes, robberies, .
the inhabitants u
t.tipon those of AI
and. Mexico. It _
tese Northe rn Stith
mtected tirmiest i.
i nited States: t
ie Mexicans, Fin ,
I n ,. are o capt i v ity
lexico was held on
' States we coidd
ii es from commit
mpel them fo rel
tore them to their '
I p roposing to aequi ,
lifornias, it was k
le ' portion Of ill!
be, transferred Wit
cell within these pr l
ninhabited region
se were the lesi.,
induced me to not,
which were pro.
i •
Were rejected ; an .
nd, bostillies were
ade by our army
rd ;places-near the
o,!and upon there .
1 days of severe c
vastly superior '
Ivere driven from
.ied by our troops.
edintely after inf.
the unfavin-able re,
believing that his
he. army could .1
t determined to re . i
. despatch to this ,
)03 on the siith
1 an government
call ; and that in t
`' 1 shall not deem
lurtber overtures of
times ready to re
'nay be made by
ce."the liberal pro.
-8 was - ordered to .!
1 expenditues have
L re6ous blood of m
-citizens has been
ed mr.
tcd t
211 ex
of the war.
heobstinate perse
ming the war, mu
ce which a may
tier to accept.
r arms have, been
aving subjected
• a a large partion o
nclnding his capi
• ace having failed,
- Arise—ln what m
yrosecuted 2 An,
policy 1 1• ca
Id secure and rend
-ts which we have t
view, we should ;
Uvut and military
s, Cities, and provi
on that sho.
Al operations an,
,Anitions on the e
imencable, defray :
ad ;the governnten
to CqUitable and Ii
mode of adjustor
erred. Mexico h.
, and tailed to offer
Id be accepted by
oval honor, no les
requires the war
increased energy
satisfactory pellee
menu time, as Me
we .should adopt
.urselves, by appro
ortitin of her terri
metteen:tent of th
the Califpraitts w
oarLforces. Our
nders were ordere,
~tn„ stilgject to be d
eu* , •
beii.jiiovinces n
:occupation, and h
kits.; Ull reitistan
ceased• wit
that tbey al
4, to, Mexico. S
i"h _Me in this,opi
the pa
A . cati perceive, ..
it juils4iCtion pn
f tesiilinnlcl not at
sinit for
awns to
1 0 . 1 ./ 6 *war& gietn
.614 be gird ix>iid
itotnd that at tile
n. is
41041 d cones,
as 4 .
Is k 7
lila l,, **-7pr.:4
~,i- 4-4.j..41
I I' ~&,- - it , --. 4 , :t77 ..1
whith jooott ~ .
,4 • of
~ riltir 1
s a,
laws or war. '.
.". ~ ~.. ,
,_ itisp Ito ~,,
held ite n malt :4 4- , ' 'M * ... 1 0 0 0 4 - ,
- cede- to just , - . .
..1 ; Al . ,' t Will
toles ilaro
.µ. ft
as iiiiitary i LAO": :Ns .
such gotentortt.,.,..Aftittititeomponsitittn4
to be drown from sitinributions W i led - on
the enemy shottild be fixoth l y itirc . ppot -
officentoe may be 'tlitst , ~ent 74 1-.Wlist,
further proViSktos,, ,0i ~ 0 7 -' . I .eceeseq ,
ite . d4hatifimil dili titiri . 7 beroper
ti , - eittilittiro; - ilepet Pintthe future
pragneoo44;llo6l4Pol. ' !Mak
Miiiciiiirijiy pint ,proper nee _pin
-0 ....,..,,,,, c.. "e . proper `
p.. • ` ' ' •••• 4.•'
NW. ' i . I -, *. -, 1 ‘
. ' •
Wlitt the . iierrilitnieitiii 'lnn 1 fili
the policy, :which hetebeitit',''' ''''''' *, ,either
Ito withdraw - on/ 'arm, tilt '.' V'it (0 'relive
to 'it diiiignite4 line' ana'sitiVito ' liiiiis'43`o
otel o i fot
/end it . . TO'4iiiiiiit!wiiut: ar my ,,-,. `litigeffiett
Elvin einiquestii'itiblib They:: tidelltyiliedi
Or unparalleled'firitihiiy, - and iitjte 'ii*,io
tifee . noieli bl ''' nail treaSUM, ieji; iti,twei
on our pan, , ojtite''whjehr by t
the enemy, e 'MO
.' not: - lionorail Y live
avoided; - wou helt degiv*the'n doe' in
0 11
its oNuestim; tient I oin iiiitt l 9r ih .irittile
World' 'l : .: 1 ''''' ' ''''' ..:' . , '
'. To 'retire t a litt,n; - ind 's ` i m ply hob 'end
defend it, we la'neftertnine ip the war: On
the edntrary, it inild'eni t .o,,unige Mexico 'to
persevere, and tend' o prOtraet44it iettlefinitely.
ItiO nth ex ': ted thii'Mettieti,. after
refusing to establish uch'e like ika 4,perma
itent boundary; iwite ' our Sietoriotni'aratit is
-in patesession of 'twit' atiltakind in the heart
of her eountrY, ''w • d perajit us to' held' it
withein resistance . f; That she would contin
ue the war, a A in: i ottani hart-n*oog and
annoying for s, the ,
.• catt be no daub:: A
border waifs of tit most invoke character
extending ov i a II ' line,would be unceas
ingly waged. ;It w, old reqiiire-* !rge ar-.
i f
my to be ke eon tantlY tn the field, sta
tioned at posh and rri 'ni along , such a
line, to prote4t, and: efen it. i ;
The eneiuy; relic ed f in the pressure of
our arms on its coo te, an ' in the populous
parts of theinterioi ' woul direct: his mien- 1
Lion to this line, itio,- ee l Ling nn'; isolated
post for altac t, , would con nitrate his forces
upon it. Tips would he condition of af
fairs which the Mexican pursuing their fa
vorite system 'of guerrilla l warfare would
probably prefer to 'liiity other. : Were we to
assume a de&ntive , attitude, on melt a line,
all the advantages !of such h state of war
would be on Itite sue of the; eiteniy. We
could levy no IcOntithutrons upon Into, or in
any Way make him, fee l the pressure of the
war, ;but must remain inactive and Own''t his
approach, being in constant incenainty at
what point oi the lioe, or at what time, he
might make an assault. ' ,' , 1 .
He may usserritle and organiie nn over- I
wlielming force in the interior, on !his own
side of the line, and, concealing , his purpose,
make tk sudden assault upon stone one of
-our posts so' distant from any other as to
prevent the possibility ornately succor or re- 1
inforcements ;, and in this way our gillaOt
army would be' expos ed to the danger orbe- i
ing cut of ',lit detai ; or if;' by 'unequalled 1
bravery and prowes , ',every where 4 . .viiihited 1
during this Wait, the.
,should repulii,e the en
emy, their numbers rationed at any one plost 1
may be too small topursue him.. i
Irthe enemy he ) pulsed at o ne attack. I
he would have nothing to do but to retreat i
to his own side or the line, and, being in no 4
fear of a pursuing army, may reinforce him- 1
self at pleasitre, for untidier attack on the
same or some other post. He may, too, I
cross the line between our posis,niake rap- !
id incursions - into the country which we '
hcild, murder the inbabitauts, commit depre
dations npon thein, and retreat to the bite- '
rior before a suffictent force can lie conceit- I
traied to pursue him. Such would ;probably
be the harassing character of
..a 'defensive
war on our part.' , t ' 4 4
It our fortes, when attacked, Or 'threaten- ,
ed with attack, he permitted to OroM theline,
drive back the enemy and conquer:him, this
would be main to invade the enemy's coun
try, liner having' lost 'all the advantaggs of
the conquests', .4 we `noire already madq, .by
4 having volutitarily, abonthined them. i To
hold' 'melee' line soccessbilly and "in security,
it u. far froth being certain tbet and
_would not
require as large att_artny as:lroishl:be nenes
-1 sary to hold all the cenquests we Have eilrea
' dy niade, and, to continue the prosecution of
the war in the entirity's -country. 1 It iti alto
rat from being cenain that the, expen s es of
the war would he diminished by shit e yol
icy. .
I am persuaded that the 'melon* of iindi:
eating-the nation al honor .nnd l interest, and
of bringing the *Or to an hoporitble close,
will he , to prosecute it with increa sed energy
timid power in tile:heart of the enemy's pun
. , .
try. 4 -
' In my, tinnunll . ;message to r etingreSs of'
December last, [`declared that !' IliewOr has
not 'been wc;ed With a view to :conquest ;
Ibut having en c ommenced by *este°, it
hits been carried . into the enemy', country,
and will be vigorously uroltecutedlhere l i with
a view to Obtain 1; ;du honoMble peace, and
thereby secure tipie indemnity for the ex
penses of they wa r,as well,as to oe i r tonal in
jured Citizens, who held pecuniary demands
against Metico.ri Sikh, in my judgment,
continues to'he Mir true,policy—fiideed, the
only piglet which 01 secure a P!nijavfent
it has fiktief been eonteuir4ateof by me, as
. , _., ,
no object if the yar, tt nmkell permanent
, sotto** of the, ftipublic of'illesice, orb to an
nihilismher ' SiOritte e ntieett Os ant inde
fteedanti elptioo4 Ott, 't
• ever - been my. iliiilee , :tl
. t- she shuoldi main
tail) her nationality, a n ;Under I 'iond gov
ernment iidipjed;to her coinfitio , lie A free,
independintandproispetMaa repti, tlie.t The
United State . were the . .fitat'unumg the nn
tieee. fi i 0 0114 - her 14 44ePeedP00: and
have alOraYO* 474140'be Mt term i !unity
and - - -triiiii‘eirWod'#itk - 1 as site
yid t ri
wdold - otii 'itiffeiV' - '',,, 4 t.. her.
By her ow n Co n duct :
,we pave bein earn
'#ellet!l° ,erriti‘e , '4o-ie:i'reeerk,ll 0 4 .:lio :ill
t rt
pmeeeutiott,'wetmeitkMl)verjvttH hitiiittnt',O
nation i . .*14-, iii•:#oltheatioil.. f itp. :4iik-ifi l l
f i iini ,,, l i i , : ,, e4 l:*; 7 ,040 t
~Ite4 I fur: th e
wXongetiliet'lMildfne r , '' . .e . ,, * ii,t7 , l4
out Deis delaisininfiistinit . ' 1. i'ifeinand
.11 ,
ji, 4 40 95 110 ' ..,.;.:',H44 hi. t... i1i.,i#1*.941
Af t
,S 4 with if I ' r .e00,0, I ' O alitl-a l id OF7 s
1 . 6 . 04 . 1 . 16014:i t , , %.,,. d o t , .:
~, his oil a i, jois
refused all ti
i `web
:could Latta°
' l Wiiiiit our iigniiii It* : ' 14'40 "trot.
rietre7l- 1 ,7, 4 ....e007p 0 .4 44 . ilk:lii*.ii4pctiletit
14, 4 4, P rii r;i t11 4 1 ,4 1 .7 1 ii)9 l t he el
4411610.i,t#It't*iifithietipo .
iti 'lll *llAma ifil • ' ',4,itegi4
ar t ,
..140,41-„,.- . .-:11 - -- , z ,- F. I .:1.. - 1:= , :. i ~ -.,..t c " ;,..,r)
of di.
-Se i lli :&--1
' t
Ims in
eration which. in
co might even 'tle t.
under the Prot
• the United Mates..
and warlike savt
pon its ;
t continua to \ be,:
from commiUing
and . murders; not
Nevi Mexico her
e• other Northern
oold. he a - blessing
I- to have their Co-.
'imp by the poWer
this tromdm, tna
ipally impales and.
among them. If
I governed by . the
effectually prevent
ing Such outrages,
!a'se these captives,
tnilies and friends.
New Mexico and
own that: an wenn-
Mexicah people
them, the country
vinces being chief-
d ing
liorize the terms of
osed to Mexico.—
, negotiations being
hewed. An assault
upon the strongly
• ads of thecity of
ty itself; and after
inflict, the sexicnn
n 'lumbers Ito our
the city and l it was
Prmation was ireceir
i. tilt of the -negotin
.Otinued presence
, e productive of no
1 i
all the commssion
/fleet was transmit
f October last. The
I . ill be inforfned of
1 e existing state of
it proper t make
peace, but shall be
"• lye any proposals
1 Mexico., l i
h . sition of the rnited
' made in Ap it lait,
been incurr d, and
-,..ny of our p triotic
shed -in th, prose
-1 his consideration,
lerance of Mexico in
:t influence the terms
be - deemed 1 proper
everywhere 'learn
our military acea-
theseneiny a coun
t, and negotiations
the important goes
liner the war ought
what should be our
not dc s A ii that we
r a the con-
• ade; and that, with
old rind occupy, by
forces,,all the ports,
cCf now in our pos-
Id press forwarsl our
levy such military
emy as may, as far
ie.future expenses of
of Mexico ;seceded
I • ral terms proposed,
nt would have been
sing declined to do
ny other terMs which
e United States, the
I 'than the public inter
should be prosecuted
and power until n just
can be obtailed. In
ico refuses all indem-
measures to indemui
!jilting, permanently,
ry. Early after tile
var. New
re taken possession of
ilitary and naval coin
to conquer and bold
isposed of by a treaty
now in our undispu-
lie been so for many
:e on the par; of Alex
.in their Ihniis. lam
uld never be
ould C f ongresv concur
n, and that they should
iced States as indem
o,good morn , why the,
I laws of the Untied .
nce be extended over ,
treaty of PeOce,
pike, by whiCh ourre
would not be i ckanged„.
; whilst ourj own tn
people inhabitng them,
and free
I.:authority slinuld, as
tablisbed.orer Them.,
benefits ; determine ter
17A0e#4.Tol and. t b a;
amspdered is tonsils
-49 'tifiklY estab.
govenilDOPrer them
4 16.1 - Pr
Cwarfri, k'rP
rigo.4ll# l * 1 - 41 `
, - 1 0 , 1 **clri* 'PP
inh*!!** bi'4 1110 : 1 P
let 10 C7 ,1 . 1 1YAtilkel!'
)ote she )1 04 'eeit
OMa g 4l
i ftql C,66*mi
, mitt pvMs ,104.14
iiian 67,410
Yeititsarr PAOMDIMAII*
uti les
- . Itontir ' : Acceptint it.
.4!.... 5 ...,
...' .; -. to 2 .attaimpiiiit .
`.P. 1 . - . 4 II • . - baldly, ', '
-n from Ike.*
41littilieiiiii . 1 Ora 'fimilang*en held I..iii4kr
1 0_ 4 , .rritktee - f i i iiitiotPor Military 'iuntrpi
it atter — ri s t lisiti biEbeen the' esn;
thlion of insecurity in , which their succesiire,
governments have been, placid, thlt.., each
-ha r i:iiiiiii infe
fred friont'jnitiliiii.?pencirltle4t
'tor this-very cause, *rival faction might-ex
pel 'it from power. , • • i , f ,, :. „
Such Wairthin 'Atli of Porideni tram's
adeniuistrattoltfin' 11345; for being' ii Posed
- 111 4 1 1- 44 -!'-' lO4llO-4 P . t he,Uoo.l4 _ --
Sugar tn:preVent the war, . i ns ,it,. fully con
,ci m e,spapdence which 1
took place in, the Month ItiOugust lest, be. ,
tWeen:fipi and his go vernment, a copy- of
.-tiihioi - ,,*:. h er * ** . tintstanic:atet! ? ' . !'. For
this:canoe alone, • th., revolution which dig.-
placed tial front po„ci, -- WOlet on fooP t by..
_!i i iiih may . be the condi ;
iiinT:Ofiiitieciiiity oft e. precept government.
..'.pi t r;w;can be no doubt, that the peaceable
and . weit'diiposed inhabitants , of Mexico are
Convinced that it is the true interest of their
coniiiry ici conclude ambonarable peace with
the r,t o o'o'sloto, ; but apprehension of be
iiiminvlia.victims of some miliary faction
or usurper may have prevented ' i them from
manifesting their ; feelings by tiny rtistilic act.
The removal of any. such apprehension
would pr4balbly cause them to week their
sentiments freely, and to adopt the measures
neeessaryfor the restoration of peace.
. 'With a people distracted
.and iiv idea by
contending, factions, and a government sub
ject to constant changes by suceeptie revo
lutions, the•ci.intinued success of our army
may fail to secnre a satisfuctoy
„pence. In
such event, it inlay become proprifor our
1 !
commanding, generals in the field to ive en- ;
courageMent and assurance of pro; tion to
the friends otpenee in. Mexico in il e estab
lishment of a free republican goveriiimint of
their Olin choice, able and willing to con
clude a !peace which would be jut to them,
and secure to us the indemnity wedeniand.
This tipiy beonie the only mode of obtain
ing such a peace. Should' such be the re•
stilt, the war which Mexico bap enrerd upon
us would_ thus
,be converted into an yadoring
blessing to herself. After finding her
turn and distracted by factions, and;ruled by
military, usurperi, we, should then leave her
with a republican. government ' in the enjoy-
Ment of rest independence, and domestic
peace Mid ptospereity, performing all her
hsrelative dutie in the great family of nations,
. ,
and priatioting her own happiness_by wise
lows and their faithful execution.
If, after. affording this encouragement and
protection, and after all the persevering and.
sincere efforts we have made, from the mo-
Meat Mexico commenced the war, and pri
or to that time, to adjust our differences with
tier we shall Ultimately fail, then we shall have
exhausted ali honorable means in pursuit of
peace, and joust continue to occupy her
country with our troops, inking the full ,
measure of indemnity into our own hands,
and must enforce the terms which our lam
or demands.
.To act otherwise, in the existing state of
things - in "Mexico, and to withdraw our army
without a peace, would nut only leave All
the wrongs - of which we complain unrediess
ed, but, would be the signal fur new and civ
il dissensions and new revolutions—all alike
hostile to peace relations with the puit.‘i
• Besides, there is danger, if our troops
were wuhdatwu before a pence was conclu
ded, that the Mexican people, wearied with
successive revolittiona,And deprived of pro
tection fir their persons and property, might
at length be inclined to yield to foreign in
fluences, and to cast themselves into the
arms of some , European monarch fur pro
tection from the anarchy and suffering which
would' ensue. , This, for our own safety,
and in pursuance of our established policy,
we should be compelled tO resist. We:could
never consent that Mexice. should be con
verted into a monutehy governed bye for
eign prince.
• Mexico is our near neighbor, and her
hnundarjes are co-terminus with nor own,
through the whole extent. across the North
American continent, from ocean to ocean.—
Both politicafly and commercially, ive have
the deepest interest in her regeneration and
prosperity. Indeed, it is impossible that,
with any just regard to our own safety, we,
can ever become indifferent to her lute.
It may be that the Mexico - 1i government
and' people have misconstrued or rnisunjter
stoodlour forbearance, and our, objects?, in .
- desinitg to cotichide an amicable adjustment
orthe difficulties between the two cbantries.
They may have supposed that we would
I sithmir to terms degrading to the nation, or have drawn false inferences from
the supposed division of opinion in the Uni
ted States on the. subject of the war, and
may Itrive calculated to gain much by pro
!meting it; and, indeed, that we might •ul
iiiitiately abandon it altogether, without in
sisting on any indemnity, territorial or other
wise, Whatever. may he the false impres
sions under they have acted, the adop
tinnand prosecution of the energetic pilicy
proposed must undeceive them.
In the fitture prosecution of the war, the
enemy must be • made to feel its pressure
more than they„have done heretofore.. At
its commencement, it ,was deemed proper : to
conduct it with a,spirit of forbearance and
liberality„. With this end in view, early
,measures were adopted to conciliate ; as fry
, aka inate ofiwar would permit,,,the tunes of
thFillexicatt population ; to convlnce them
'dint the war- 'was waged nut sigaiiist Ale
peaceful iiiliphitituts . of Mexico, but against
ov:eminent, which h,d earn
minced ; to remove from their
1:00i:the liilse` impressions , which . their Ae
.sigfqpg and; interested rulers hod attemPted
thai• the war.oti Our port was woe
otip : ppienk; that it was a. war ngainsr their
religion and their
.chiirches, which.wertro
h e iksjecisited 'overthrown, and T :jivir
fighili„ofirepoo,ond private property would
be j v t itil 4
unman, Oar eiinirormilerojw „pite • field irtte
directed tenspubutily to reispeaithetiyeligirin,
• I,
thetuctmre t bes, 014#* church. ; pmpery,
7,.t.0. be violated they
te ; , respect of
OrPoil Pr.mitt ,9g .
'tat;opal Nome; [ Mk
11 . 4r , 01,19 tbhbeffpct Walf.giTePA9 !he
, M i t l tt e, •* o- 0 e 9*.1 1 4'..;-#10 1 !9P001,11491r.
:60,,Icitrrliliont!Cot puistionce. okit
' th e * fonth ' il ffo 4 l4-, 15 41 . 0'!"
jp - rlde4;ritS ce4l !1f0.a041, uPOkikfii
ca0,4*0:4(4 pn:prifiok
iiik*t_Say Ade
• • • • - tffir-
-' • t Or li
-__CWittili MP
rnifiiriih 11 42e7.1"'
~. t,. naimilli, '
M Oti. ,
*OOP e w .tie
l 4 m , a n
irt.70.% Ai l . w e
1 prices!gme?
tee 7th lapsed: 43
.. evf .- '-,
r ' had fin
-•...i i ii f i nititil i ois •, - ,
ut‘a WO '
# t
,4r .
tub, ; O
,co# at;
~ on .
li l t r iiiiipneikfurnis - , E;
iriitfor affait'and ii ,
by the ponies. . At,
uttatill,,,,it, breApo nOt
'imiltes; - end ti me `tiiird
! to, produce the-desired
le r ittlimpplatio. While
'7VqllO our part no
t . iiattirii and liberal
effe4t urr T th ey
cordii to 'Ai lit
• •'
wagettft • fariii,tr.arnit woe the part of
Mexico.; Pia! 9p -
,titig_our farber!rilt
the MeNicanpeopl: groteraily became hns
tile to die gated s eitit,', and availed them
selveirof every •• ' milky to commit !the
moat Savage e ' ' up* our troopt. ' Large
numbers of the ulnt`►en took up arin ..
nrid, engaging in ' guerrills 'warfare;
arid - murdered in the most. true! manlier' i '-
dividoal , soldiers, or small wittier?, whom n
cident or other ea set 'Separated from it
main body of the a .y ;; bands of guerrill i
and robbers infest . the reedit, !Ultras
bur train:, and, ' w enever it was in the r
power, cot off our. tipplies; . 1 • • I
The Mexicans I raving rims shown the •••
selves to be incaP 'Me of tipprxciintingi o r
forbearance and. 1 berality; lit was deein
proper to change t to manner of condudti g
the war, by makin :: them feet its pressu e
according to the u ages:observed under si -
by nil other civilized i,
illy circumstances;
Accordingly, as
and day of Septe
were rived by the
Gen. Taylor to "
my " from the e
'them, and"ip refit,
support," if iu tha.
Leonid " get Amid;
In directing the e
isoits, touch was it'
cretion a the tom,
best acquainted w;
which he was sur:
army, and the pn
enrly as the twentyLsec-
Other; 1896, instructions
Oecretary of War to Maj.
raw ;supplies" for oirr ar
letny ; witl t paying Mr
irr eontributions; for (its
. wn . he wow satisfied he
nt soipplies for 4is fories."
econlini of these instroc-
Cestdarily left to the dis
minding officer, viliti was
tli the circumstance* by
i.mided, the wants o f the
ticability crienforciaigthe
Gent Taylor; o the twentrsixth of , (111c
tuber, 1846, replj •II from Monterey, that " it'
Would have been inpossible hitherto, and is r.
so nitro, twsustai t the army to any extent
by forced comfit) t inns of money or suppliefs."'
For the reasons :-•ined by bun, he did OM
adopt the policy; f his 'instructions, but
Blared his reedit,iss Ti, do so, s hould he i •
army, in its Int 1 • operations, reach it , Part
of the country v
o ich may be made. to siip
ply the Intuits t i h adiatitage." • Ile,
tinned -to pay fit ;' he articles of supply which
Were drawn fr the-enemy's stitottry:
Similar instrt'e ions were issued to Major
Gen. Scott on tl third of April, I 847;:
replied' fro n t JAmat, on the twentieth of
'May, 1847, dot f it be expected that "the
army iS to supp it itself by forced contribu
tions levier, spa, Ole country, we may ruin
nod exasperate the inhabitants and starve
mirselves." , e same discretion was . 4 ken
to him that Iturf been to Gets. Taylor in this
respect. Gen. ...Cott, for the reasons asSign
_ .
otaintied to pay for ar
or the army which were
lihad reached the heart of
portion of Strxicti, it tvo.
obstacles which had!la fore
ed by him, also,
tides tif xupply 1
drawn from the
After the argil
the most wealtil
41 that tl
that time prevei
to render intim
contributions fo
of SOptember, n
ber,1847, the
ed it would toot tie such roc
tiettble the leiy of forced
its support; said an the let
d aguiti On the 6th Of Octo
rder wt's repeated in de-
switches addre , +A by the Slecrteary of War
to Gen. Scott,hd his attention Was!called
again to the inifortanee of making die ene
my bear the I) Oen. of the. War, by rtiiiir-
ing them to furttyh the Means of supporting
our army 1 mid he Was directed to Wont this
policy, unless, doing.iso, there±was,dan
ger of deprivin the nr m y . of the ... necessary
supplies. Copies of these despatches were
forwarded to GOneral Taylor for his govern
ment. 1 .
On the 31st iif March last I caused tin pr
der to be issued ' to unr military and' naval -
conimmiders to levy and collect ii military
contribution upn all vessels and• fnerelian
dise which might enter any of the ports of
Illettico in our military occupation, and to
apply such contributions towards deft "Jug
the expenses o i the war. .By virtue, i f the
right of conquest and the laws of wit , the
couperor, consulting his own safety .ceu
ventence, may either.exclude foreign •com
merce altogethir from all such ports, o 1 itr
toit!it upon such terms and conditionS as he
may prescribe. • .
i i
Before the p "ticipal ports of Mexieo wore
hioOktided by. al, Ir. novy, the revenue derived
from impost dtnics, under the laws of hlexi
co, was paid it the Mexican treasur '. Af
ter these ports . had fallen into our inlitqty
possession, the blockade was raisinl, and
commerce with them permitted upon pre
scribed terms ed conditions. They, were
opened ratite . rade of all nations uptp the
payment of (lures more moderate ink their
unmet than„tl use which had bt'..eit presioes
ly levied by Mexico; and the revenue, Which
was formerly paid into the Mexicanitcensii
ry,,was directed to he collected by elm mitt
tory nod:navel', officers, and applied'-to the
use of our, army and ,navy. i
H -.Cate - was talten that the officers, soldiers,
and sailors of spe army and, navy sliunld be
exempted front the operations-of the Order;
and ,as. : the raerelnititlize imported legion
l , which the order !Termed, mnst be ee 60111-
. by Mexican . citizens, the emeriti ramps
exacted, were to ~effect, ;he minute, of the
seizure of thul intbrtc- revenues, of M „taco ;
oars the upjfichtiett : , or them; to our ups" use.
In direct it's ,t I is incase re, 'i he - -object t wasie ,
compel dies,' my, to -coutributtp, - ,i4 far •as
pgi#Aile,,powf# As thc,espetuirs id lie tint,
, For the, it ', unt-ot.Contributionk,Ultiert
1 01, , kil;en.ltl,. !Jiri. sbi4 Prm..l, refer , soil to_
ill* eccontpii, ', jug reports al the :SecirentrY,
rp fiIW,F, and, . :OW SivittYFY- 4 4iP Nay.Vit Ity'.
w, 4 i elf. itgaPilf, Pktl l o4 A filiMl e4Ce . O4IM glipJf
*pillion 0(4 hip has, been,culYicitid .-
.. , _ ,
' ..„ 1 ,, This ,afro nrtwoulti , undoubtieti
been much I rger, but for IlseAlilSt
14efi'i!!ItiPp!";PSIMPR01 1 i 0 44, 1, ,Oii
~coast , entl,4l • ittiefitg,' 40 -,fti4o„enl
i,pyin2r of „A w
ra ,rcimuO 4
i. 4, 4:
mknsp,ortlend , yensk e it,,ta,i h ,john!!
ihpittbalt4 4, it.h*POßtfy.r i fi, r,
I'lleOy-,ep,,ct ..thsAltiis'Afficiity ri . k i
! mit iqt e llt.' •*ei. 11i** 1 . 1 101 , 871.4%.0'
.;O:elseckfo -. ~11000, 114 011 , n,t4q10"'
-,,,-Plelliure.lN ' 47400•4111. t NMI :ir'
!ItkiAb, -do -40 . itt 1 4 , i*PIL PP pme* t ,
lois at lg.
~a 4, ip ill plow in cmai
71 7 - bcci/ . ,441 W. • „. , serutfitui„ appropria
ted to 1 • 'Meat . rarpst ire navy.
~ . , ' t ,
t iVill
The" , * ietetyleig• ?Pole the
~ annuli m
contrite t Mt ia`l- every vita, consiitintly, the
with -t 'e' *web! tOkin4which it 'nay he foe
'practiablelii eiir - Milinery Commanders' to s i ft
adopt, Should, .in my judgment, be. rigidly '
enfp_r*, and orders to. this, effect have ac- eel
cistern * *been given. •By such a policy, at dii
.the - Genie- time that our treasury will bet : re- - Ti
lieved front a.lteav,y drain, the ke:icon pee. p
pie will be made to teWlie s lrnidenint , ipati,
and, consulting - their - 4*n j teresti,'-filay. be
indateed4theaseeer • - Ammitselliilir itnt
rulers,rnActrnee titirientkpaacC, k .
„ Aftel . thc pdjmtrwttietAitfi!he last #eslion the
f, don tiskrent •ArAitimtird. in i the,pnnee 7 to
eCiion )( .44 War ,which,, la-' l OY;JOktliliis Ec
,' iffgrnater,,,a.O.ibir of, ,1 1 . 9iik!pi the tiv
field than•lnietiCieelatic i iiinl4, \ Theinrength the
of the riny was accordingly tit reused Iy ha
accept i ng the servicee . .6l a the v, Olinteer lid
fiiide . s authorized by thi Oct of :00.13th lof tai
MOY,'lli4OiXiis9 l 4 Pall'iog a const r uction :,
On ihaj,eci,thi!(cerOetneislofwli4raii c c- g i i
rianity queStiaieed, ',
~, s
~ , • --: r ‘ ii
,The volunteer fo rc es OW en the Geld, with els
those ,Who had
. been aceepto - ...tnairve,fur tai
twelves months , and . ,Were dlescharked "at the .ur n
end, of their term of service, exhaust the f i r- tits - -
ty thousand - Wen' otithorized hy I the act of cli
the 13111 of May 1840. Had it bett,n clear re
thin niproper construction of that ite t *a! ! in
rantedlit; the services of no edditiiinnl Hearn- •,n
her wiluld hare been called for -accepted;, ji‘
but, doubts existing on this point, the po,vei. 0
i ex e rcised ' ' - • - • 'sir
wall mo o t . . • ,
It is deemed' important that Congress tit
should, at an early. period or their t iessinn, id
confer mitlyirity to raise an additional regu- .-
hi force to serve during the war with Mex- tit
co, and to be diseitarged *On the" conch'. re
stun and ratifielitints of at treaty of peace. . I T
invite die attention of Coogrefts to the views di
presented v •
by the Secreturyof War in his re-• $
port upon this subject. ' . to
I reicinomend, also, Oust authority . ' be giy; ill
en to call for and accept the services: of an ,
additinal itinitber ofvolunteers, t ee he exer-t ri
CiSed t such tit r e anti to such extent tis:the 41
emergencies of the service ma, require. SI
In prosecuting the war , with Mexico,
whilst, every care has been taken to avoid Si
every lost tatise of r 1111 l plaint on
. the part of o 1
neutral nations, and tame. has been given : S
liberal priVileges have beengmlited to their $
'Commerce in the, ports of . ithe enemy in our fr
military occiapatio9. ' • $
The difficulty with the 'Brazilian govern- ri
rtvelit, a 'licit at one time threatened to inter- b
ruin the friendly relations between the two II
e ' .s, will I mist, be speedily adjusted. a
1 have received' inform:llnm that an envoy I E
extranribtiary In the United States will short- i
. 43
ly he apptiiisted liisAtiipekar 'Majesty, and , a
it is hoped he will come into meted acid pre- 1 et
pared to adjust till remaining differences be- 1 r
tweet' the two gover ttttt ems in a manner lie
cepttible -to leaky In diet meantime, I hove y
reason. to believoThat •nothing will sector to ii
prevent owr amicable relations with Brazil. ' i
It has • been my . co natant effort *o. , main- f
tnio midi:cultivate the !Oust intimate 'relit- I
lions with • all the independent -powers er 1
South Ameirie:t ;' and this policy' has been l
attended with 'the happiest retorts. . It is' I
true thoetlie establishatiitut and payment ut' I
many . just ; •claiins. of American citizens 1
against these notions has been long delayed. .
.. Time peen:tar positioni tit:which theyliave !
long been. placed, and the desire on the-port i
of toy predecessors, as , well as myself, to
grout them the utmost indulgence, have
hitherto prevented these claims from being i i
urged in -a dimmer required by strict justice. 1.1
The time line arrived. when they ought - to be i•
finally adjusted and liquidated, and efforts ;
are making for .that prirpose. -
It is proper to inform you that the govern- 1
me . tit of Pen t ions in goad faith paid the fi rst I
turn instalments of • the indemnity, of thirty I
thousand dollars each, and the greler por-
6 of the interest due thereon, in execution : •
of the convention between that government
and the United States, the ratifications of
which were exchanged at Lima, 3lst Octo
ber, 1646. • The Attorney General of- the
United States early in October- last, coniple
-led the adjudication of the claims ander the
convention, and made his report thereon, in
pursuance of Ike act oldie act -of the :act of
the 6th .of 'Atigtist t ;846. The smns up
which the claimants are respectively' enti
tled will • be paid on :dein and Intim treasury.
I invite the early attention of Congress-to ,
the present 'condition of our citizens in Chi- 1
na. Under our treaty with that power,
A mericalti citizens, are withdrawn front the
jurisdiction, whether civil or. criminal,oftli&
Chinese i governmenti and placed - under that
of our public functionaries in ilinucouittry.
By these itlene can our citizens he tried and .
punished Air-the commission of any crime;
1 by these altine'can questions-be.decidee be.
ltween them, involving•the righte'of person
and property; awl by, these alone can 'con-•
. ,
: tracts be enforced, into which they may,
have entered with the citizens or subjects of
a foreign power. - . , .
. The merchant yesselsof the United States
lying in:the water" of the five. ports lhr :Chi
no (ipepi to foreign commerce, sere, under the{
exelesive, jurisdiction. of the ufficers of their 1
owit.govertiment.. Until Cutigresi shall es
tabliSli competent tribunals to try, nod. initi, ; ,
WI -eriote", anti to exercise:: jurisflictitain
civilreaiti . China, American eitizeitkin
tint t. otpuryi are subject mini Jaw whatever.
Crintes.tnnyi be coitimitted with,,,itultilltilyy
and debts inny., be, contracted ,Withoot„tml
Inea'ol. tn. glifilyer.ftheirvityment. ,JuCtietili,
jences hove alrendy,reimlted, from, thentstet
xiint 1 iir Congress to legislate upOittt.W. , -sttlt-'
jeci v itiid iitill greater are tipprebende4. , 1
The Iloilish Authorities in China. hive al
ready, enn}plainial. that 410 s. gowtrionent...loo
not kovidedilir time. peinislinient.eif : crimes,
sir ,the, inforcentent of .cient;nclit Oftetinst I
Anitrietin citizens iii- that/ roeintry, whilst
their government Ives estalilishePt;tritatittil ,
by iwhichi. ,ittolOtto ~cittzetot Can :.rectover
deb s , rittefrom British /objects,
, ,Acettatooted ,n#,thli,.C . htuese Are 41,8pin
-111P,F), ~ illsticie, the yp)9l(l 1114 Ap 1 ,n114 . , -ID
* l in pr e l en t ) 0,1y,,C . T141 . 11910 liffiiiii re;C 4 l'if Irlqi:-
4 II e
. .I t o ted a,t,! l te*.illoWil, Oill;Pl'e.,Wi!!!, ita•
...pioa ty., i ntiier,tilt,tinla, cif. _treaty, stipplutfoos,
with tfiiiitt.:oooot-tel!!-,OCIE:Cilinr!ett ItiAllild'
gltio to); I : oll.&crimo..ooimit, an, 4 Aner..iii ,
- : i - zitt inr - - tittl,.he ; .tirrrly eixact,rcl,
~„,,,In ,x.d,
,iiiiti ~9014. p - 0 ,upg4t,be „falai (o,A*eri 7
eien.,q(ii tia ::,in,lgthion, 7 )i1it1i514.,14, o,gpogr 1
r ' ll : - .. 0igq.044.+17 "PrPagOrtill , Welp - !
'Pti,•.4., ~ A.lO *.i lifidAnalitli.9k• tri4l,.?rn,plite
4 .
fitilu el l fllikOf '-aPcording IP„ilio irlilelllO l , l- '
Of elf VafilY?) . -
i , ii ,
t...•".1i..r,-")IthAksSP•,,I•,P,., 'O4 , ! li.
Okirrii ffiWOßtifiyo,prre ,
Att3:itl ~OWI 004•9:-Atifil4dii0.
• I
f ip
~ have
ky of
bot tliq
into. 11(
11, ADA
ir Jo
O , , tiewitee with the Sew . " 1 lierte i jl
wroe'eet,)Tunis ii4Moi:t,
sire the legislation of Otonginni to cry
em into execution, though _ the netaniity
r i mediate faction may, not be so ergot
i in iegard'to China.
T thseretery of State has enhatitted
Si to defray the eapeneetir epeeist
p , atie'Teletions with - thejr'epal. Static,
be t litiifiti4 politicel:eveitel i new, in. pic a.
'o Ihnin-fiteten, 4 welateiew l e m e,
o r cot:time - rein! ip;rews s leave, in my
tin t, ' big*
E tiniates have "hit Cwt.'s : l:submitted for
e Wits and idtlities charges d'affaire
th - Republics of Bolivia, Gitatamele, and
to dor. . Theintanifest impertitnee cul-
vat •it • c.t f i.l ', Istiotts witlkall
O ~ ependent Stitica apes this seatieent,
its - • - dneed me. to reentemend ,iapprogigria-
Ow itecessiri for the maintenance of these
iiss ens, .i
I. recommend that As apiropristitiiibs
. , . ...,lwi
.pi to - the. Spanish roternmept
iil l t
i e . Purpose iof i distribuitiott :among, the
Inn antaln the,Litinistedr case. , I enter--
tin the conviction that this .is dueto Sisal
nd 'r .the tr i eSti :of. ; 4195'1 1 avid. wtor4eee,
tat from i theiettrneSt.'nninnertiti which the
lal i continues to be tieged,4sp lung , itts - i it •
eau • ins tiS settled , it will be a)ource tiWasir
nu 1 irritation; .and discertk hetsee the
wn cetintries, which may_Prare.hithl i p,i,e•-
std: sal to the - interest suf the tinit toe.
Ina d pplify,-ino less than a fiiithflt pli.
'n i. with our treaty Stipulations, I reitaires
Ins the iniontiderable appropristiot
ia ded shOuld.he made.
detailed' statement of the eond it n of .
he finances will be Presented-is the a filial
e``,rt of the Secretary of the...Tr ta il o r .- -
f h importS for the last, fiscal ie , eisdmgi
11 ci
he 301 f Aline, 1847, were Of !It , wipe of
ll• 6,545,63$ ; 'of which the timOuntespor
ed was 1 . 3,011;,158, - leaving !,-stes,at i vio
it be country for domestic-i,e: ; . ii
he %aloft of t lie . expurts feirthe ism*
i I was $158,648,622, of which $15G637,
16. consisted of dutnestic._ prodtictlow,;;and
011,158 it* foreign , p rides. ;" l '4 • . : •
lie receipts. into the ' inensm 10% the •
tat to period, atimunted . ,tu . .s 2 f_liaThAkl3.7 ;
if hich there was derived Irm. tusiiisis
r I ,747,8154 66 ; frotnisalesin . FPublielinds
p, 498,335 '2O ; and frin.:incldenialiand
t• n incidental and miscellatienus so ces,
1 0;000,270 51. The hist fiseni leek du
ii. • ..
g which {lris amount was ; reeivetfoem.
i ere five mond), under i the
~npeniiSin of-
Ii tariff of 1842, and seven ;mends deg•i n
vl ich the tariff net of 1846 *4 in f„,
1) ring the five worths , under the r eact
if 1842 the alumna received from eil l itoms .
iv s $7,842,3d6 90,. And during the eiven•
in twits under the. act .4. 1846:the *int
It •eived WAS $l5; 5,5i;7 270, ~. i- ;
The net revenue finm customs donee! the
v • nr ending on the 151 December, 1410, be- • '
it g the last year nude.' the-tariff act4B42.
i is $22,971,403 . 10; and : the, net revenue
I an en s tions during the year ending Est. 05 - ..
i ecendlier,.lB47,,being the first yea: itn:',der
11Z.: tariff Act - of 1846, was.abuut $l4OO - •
0 0; being nn increase of. revenui fOr-; the
fi• st yent : lolder. the tltriff act ,O 18460f,,,ei0re
I tau $8,506,600 over that riflast yen Saider
t ic inriffnsi t
-q lir 1842.:, _ . . .-..
The exneniliturci:,dutingihe fistat;year
r . ding 300, • Julie hist; • were $59.44„171!
V i
;of whi ch $4,522•;082 .37 were ofki r ac- -
taint of the Payment:of principal astinter
sCrif the •public delif, including tressury
it otes redeemed and not funded: Tet.i.ex
.ll enditures, exclusive of payment of public
ii ebt, were $55,959,095 - i •i• •,' i „
It is estimated that the receipts fr. :the
t easury
,fear the year, euditir the 30t , of
une, 1843, including, the balance I tha
t • emery sin the Ist July last, will amount te
::42,88% . ,:i45 _BO, of, ,Whichigs3l,lo, „ it'
i• estimated, will be derivedSrom co st" 's;
it ;
:1,500,000 from the sale of public l - ' s.;
::400,000.fr0m incidental sources,,ircl ing
:ales tnadriby , the Saliciter.Of the Tte Pry.
li i
• nd $6,280A94:.55t
. Inansi, rdrvadiran
horized by law, .which,. , together vith.. the
Mange itj the treasnry,oti. the: lit Joly last,
ake the . sum estimated.
. The.expendituresfor the. sAmia period, if
ace i withblexico.sliall not hei concluded,
- nd. the army shall heincreaSed As is pro
- serf,, will amount, including die necessary
ayments on account of principal and inter
...t of the public debt and treasury rotes, to
:,615,669 07.' -.
. On the. Ist Of the..ipresent -inodhc the
mount of the pishile.debt actuallY uttered.
including treasuryinotes,..yas $45,60,659.
lie, public , debt", 'due i nti:thei 4th Horeb;
1845, ineludingtreAsurr:itotes,i wa $17,-*
785;766 62; agid,cimSequently the tildilinn
made to. 'the public; debt -• sinte•.dmitttinie is
$27,870,859 . i 7B. ~. I - .1i - :' • . ... , , , i
Of the !opt of s23ioo9,oooi•nutloriSed
by the act ts,the72Blll of January, 1817if i the
sum of $5, . ,000 iwaspaiOUt to ile PO
lic credit s,nr exehangedpt paifor sleitiii:
thu min Inillk $8,000,009j-wasioffenkfer
speeief hi thet Iliglitse *atter . . m i tt below pin.,.
by .ani-itlrerfisement i .issited by the Sereepry,
if the/Treasury, nud,mthroslted from thel)th
' if Feitrunryi until the 10fItlef, -- April, 8t7,,.
wheri is w+ awarded to.:thS. severnl.lool
bit ere; _751 I. preteititas 'varying from aril
.toast ..per,, , ce1it. , .... above par. the
item:hien hats been . paid' jinn. the tpeoney,
mel thesumS :married, .deptinited, in-: Tie
iti:tlia4reasitry 'as fisettAts:itiwas_requinehy
the tennis et l the grivennaetiti.„. :: ,;,:,-
fl'u meet ihe expenditures fur theireasht-i
der of ,
the presentii,nnd. fur, the next•hical
ear, enditi. on the 30th Jnne, 1848,1fisr
-1 her luitit, it i aid oft Ite.nrilttiartreventes or
th e , govern n rat, - will he iteeessaryi.'-
' ig.n tnllicient snrgoltiihvi peiftreastir.,t, the
I din n niiired •fiir the reinattither,orthe !mai - -
tail iirCiii )ell!. will 'lie 1 11WW4..418,500. 00 k.
If the duty tin tia,.itittilt coffee ;he , lined,-
and the grailutitiintor the - 4).001d: the.illic`
tondo he made ttrien•.early 'period . , of !our`
session, as riecominemlied,•iiitheiliointe:fiville•
taw°presetiffiscal y m
ear . ay be reduced to 1:74.,
..The m: liNtoi may be further 'redact:l
whikap'', amount e,,r , exp l iedittiria ' les
saved I,s niiiiiary cularibuiium; call++ it
Mexico. The most - vigoratos sarasuire?r#
Theituitutettialam arlheia)guturittuti4te".
bein-direattli , ;Hata trecrtaaaidetaltle .
io . ex !WOW , (foal • that l'allarce. :,' , lh,
itertairay, L , _ it it' nuaniuttiewled 41yet-thi
to lie„riludo :he, aalhorl 3 o4-Vide th e
Nretei,:•end Cur thal"•iinit,tiitieogjhat
wiktautborivd.undir the ; povieleii 4
mat .461; khi gOb of Aitaliaryi 041 Z.).
-,;,ShOu.klAwarwitii . nificebsietul *
until the 'et Atleat;:ill4ailit *all