Ma.' ,Olaf ATIN ON' Tali ..,-ffirANe Albert - &snit did-example of Itir.vl44 has gi -bhp opiwoos upon 'the war wits( hleri He arrisies it the folytalog' Okra cone! ass Thatl the atinesatioit of Texas (wise and unjustaet to Mexico... That the government of tbri - United Eltatesi grossii erred in sedia . t . la'ilirtisterto Mitzi. i co instead of aCo Massiciner. , That Texas never bad any valid claim to the lti del None is its boundary,- Tba the United States ought sotto make a cowl eat of Mexico ; or insist on receiving from exicoinny other indemnification than that d American citizens, by Mezico, l be fore th war begun. Tha ,as the preliminary - , to pence, we ought evacuate Itbe Mexican territory no* is our Poasession. , K, i 1 Biomes r'CAsz..--The House of oldie Protestant Episcopal Church !seated thiir report on the MeMorial lip Osiderdbuk, to be rele4se.d from ence of the Ecclesiastical'Court.- 1 rt is against the application of the 'for two reasons : " Because the memorialist,,onee d on unimpeached and ample, testi , f the charge of immorality; catihard to exercise agiiitt his high and.boly ICo the honor o$ God and the edifying hurch, in the face a the same aim- Tut Bioko. bare of Big the gen t The Bishop Frst I convict; moray ly ho 4 office, of the munit ndly, " The memorialist does no the postition of a penitent. Su far s is the fact, that he has chosen,' in orinl, to he nn ucctilser of the lasi, uurt, nod 'of the witnesses ; nod in- stand i; ~ ffotn ti / his me of the \s, s;c:d cot, confessing his faults, and professing nce for them, he assumes the Char f an injured man, and claims the re of his sentence as a matter of right. Bing the ground on which the me et has chosen to rest his application, anifest that the Hosue of Bishops rtIM MINIM Such 1 monal ELI of grant it without incurring the re , either of admitting the justicejof his Mt, or of shrinking from the defence i through the force of clamor. If they polite of deserving either of these ins ns, they woluld show themselves un of the confidence of the church, and er unfit to guard the holy ndtninis of its discipline which is conimitted care." could 1 proacl comp!' of trut I were c putati worth altoget trntion to the ITH OF AN OLD MAN.—For years past 's Island, extending from the Brazos pus Christi, upwards, of n hundred i extent, has been uninhabited, Have 'tgle individual, familliarly known as lin Tilley.'" Here, in a little hitt, and hearing of the surf, dwelt' this 1, upwards of twenty years, as iambs monarch- its Alexander Selbirk on nd of Juan Fernandez. Fishing, and gathering upon the beach the of wrecked vessels, formed *anew: His wants being bin few and sini seldom disposed of what he acctiniu c. this way, hut after rescuing it from y of the waves, left it to perish by fess tout It of time. He seldom sought ety of men'to destroy the monotony istence, and excepting when a soli-, velter, journeying across the island, 4 the hospitality of his hut, his Ishii.' rat never broken by human sounds.' is kind and humane to all who ap ed Is imoind, if he cast himself beyond .1 of so iety, and circumscribed his i of being useful to his fellow men, he , y did them no harm. Here, in this ss and solitary mode, free from the of a jarring world, lived and died this , r old man. He breathed his last nn ' the 29th Oh., and was buried on the wn," he culled it,) Island. From a ; od bill the wld man's grave overlooks . ti, the ceaseless roar of which, oc- Hy intermingled with the howl of If and the scream of the' eagle, the requiem of his departed spirit, aims the eternal truth . that the is a republic," . which drags the t of the ealh to a level with the wlv. e hands of DeFoe, the life of the sub this notice might be made ground 111 beautiful romance. The fact that s Island was once the abiding.ploce Crokaway, a tribe of cannibal lndi d its jungles and fastnesses roamed r almost every description of wild 'an would seem to &for .an undertaking kind, and furnish the woof to weave the story,—Matasearas Flag. DE Padre' to Cur; mile': i by ft si Old of sigh old ma puted • the Lb }Junto, eargue patios. pie. he law! it the me Off the soe.,' of his tory t dame: tude lie wi prosels, the pal: powers! I= =MI tumult singOl Friday ) (" my bleak the oc C 115113113 • the v chaunt and p " gra• proude most It In t 'jest o work Padre of the I=l2l over to imsts, 1 of this througi Fir EXTRAORDINARY 43 • cons or soot Atm lIISb. rhliadelphia, Jan. VI, 1846. Dr. D Jayne—Dear Sir-:- Justice compels me to make . following statement of the estrimrdinary effects ~ your villiable niediase-7the Aeriaaties. I cent fy that my wife was afflicted for funrieen years,Sl 'ring Which time' her disease bellied the skill of veral eminent pbyticizma, and after ifitsding. 1 that ere means used to relieve her failed, I Soncla- ded to e her, in the Pennigyleeirie beerite l 4 - ping . the care and treatment she would receive from the physicians of theiinstitution, sae might irffie restored to health. But to my great dssai tment she . grew worse, and became entire.i ly d ged in her mind, and I was obliged M take her e again " incareside'"auabe , tfi of retip:fin. I will mention that at this time the more promi nem ptonts of bet Zinnia, were DTspepso, and . Liver Complaint, amended with Isom itatig of a very offen 214 fmtid mucus ,. pains in the hea d, back: ,and, stomach, and in tbs region of the heart , with clam= attacks of Colic, a trmiblesortie -cough from tarps quantities of phlegm in 'her throat, which kept her ._ _ - 1 to throw it up. siesk. She also ;issue, by which to the above, khe it this time fru farm some ides Mil :W . - dour, per . ' '' . MAC •AO ' Cori Mll4 _ L AO ,%. , ! 2,30 , 4 b - ~ ..i. Wheid, per bo,ol. •t' 'i L. l ''' • 1 1,25 0 1.501 kei t de .'- ' 1 • , ,90,40611;00 1 Coin . do, ; .Os . 0 .7 Barley; p l . do 1 0,00 0 0.5 do 0e94 , , , ,- ~ , .. .0.46, • 0. 3 ' /ater ON • CO. ' 4 ' :, .0,20 • o 40 f 4 .4l** :- " ',: - :,(01,, 0. 0,1 , chsiNd*,..,. .-, Arrivo Bede . ? ' . -.• I ‘-•--i `llOOll7 rork;i4 . - Inefli4- • .:..14" if , . __. 'fr •"' ,. - .4 • I l Prisikx , , -10,stipli,. Pelltr-: - 1 ‘ siT' '• -- : -:F:L'.21410110 0.1 H ams. pe r „i'ilit? . . e.'"• ;.. ..S•41.0 1 000 gemences,w4W timikomi, , ,- - o,ss 4_o, de V ; --,': 140•614*:,:i , ..010 4 ,:•' 0 1 dec '' ..0 . 11 4 .1 64,960' 0-, - -„:!;11.19)010,3 • del' • .2' - ' 11:14kei•i Iderie o , 24l i • 0 . 2 , ~ „, - —,--_—_—_ _ WE MEAN WHAT WE SA g • WHEN' wil silly to those whose !Ne t s GO ilecounts have been at:mob mere th an one year, that if they wonl4 ea e themselves cote, such .notes anti accounts past be settled by the first of January nest: I . 'N. Mitchel 4. Co. Montrose, Dec. 0, 1847. • • GUARtOtAN SALE . NOTICE is hereby givisn that by sin or -4 der of ,the Orphan's Court of ,Susque hanna County, will be exposed to sale by public vendueior outcry,,at the residence of Mary Ann Lisiky, in the township tf Brook lyn,11:1 in the conuty aforesaid, on - bnrsday the 30tli day &December inst., A. . - 1847, at 1 ' , o'clock P, M., the interest of Elizabeth, A hiil, Celia ; minor and Mary Pierpoint, iii chit ren of thlate Rufus Pierpoint, deed, being the who fee simple and estate, (with the exception of the said Mary A nti'Litileit's Marcel of dossi,er,) in ell that certain piece or Parcel of land,' situate and lying in.the said township of Brooklyn, bounded'as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post, the southwest corner of a lot heretofore conveyed to said intestate, these by a lot contratted to Aa ron Saunders,lsosith 130 perches to a post; thence by a in} - numbered on a general map of Henry Drinker's Meshoppen tract 207, west 122 perches to n post ; thence by a lot numbered 210 on said map, north 130 perch 'es to a post,ithe southwest • corner of the said intestate 's aforesaid lot; thence by the same east 122 perches to the place of be ginning, containing 99 acres and 20 perch es, lie the sane more or less, (it being the 4 4 me Itit numbered on the Aforesaid soap or Elie Mesboppen tract, 206.) - 1 Terms made known on she day of sale.. '4 MARY ANN LINLEY, Guardian of Elizabeth, 'Abigail, Celis - and Mary Pier- Poi est. , 78ts Dec. 8, t3 r i7. 114ARD ARE, Crockery and Glassware -P-A• just opened and fur sale by Dec. 1. ' J. Lyons. CHEAP TEAS.—lmperial Ten for on ly 621 . cents.—Young Hyson at al most any pripe.—Black Tea foil the sick poor. gratis.-4.12ii lbs. good Suga for one dollaio. Call quick at the cheap st re of Dec. 1. J. yons. VI RS 11 - . just N exc highe rate ,Nc•p E titnieriber tenders hid thanks to the fl u lie For the very liberal patronage hitherto- , stepded, to-him, soili expitets to merit p .ntihnanee of the same by offering indnq .nts notl nijaeridr tb any Store ] lin Steaquehanna 'county. His rich ind.eroil IV" stock of • I . • I Goopty loili were hotight Hate in the Fall when Gonda were at least** per tact. er than They were earlier in the season, a Will conse quently be wild at ctorrespond . g low rates, and great bargains. These persons. desirous of tionsifrorn las large and spier 4 - iixidp, and tis cheap, (for he dersold,) as there is in the to ted tdeall6bd examine the ri isitie sock of New Grxrds now HEW Store of •. I : J. B. SA Montrose, 'Noy. 18, 1847. wine:mimed wing xepoun4d three , her. We, don Increase ber appetir; ,e her bourn* ' - sh e Lheratire. before , manner, fitthighen - awed br.r to l es- c•Tm!Pl;ionibelorell*cbt conlenot re,enain in .'oooyic4nel. Wn l W l i t e d b b e tai o l g r k*t e bd . ' . ~ direeai. llfiedli.iim_ .- Alliereiud!,l ~ 14 4 . teed' oldarabere end ireiy 1 '''• • r Aur . O'idatiOisti • " , , Autelliit . Druggigts..M, Aisor. NUR Erl 3 NEW . • DVERTMEMENTS. -RATE Mack . rrel and Cod-ftsb, petted and fur sale by J. Ppm,. WANTED. Intige for . Gooch,. for- which the trarket price will he given, TIMOTHY SEED FLAXSEED; :TRY, CLOVER SEED, DRIED APPLES, ER, BEESIVAX, SE, FE THERE, V NEL, W H AT, P6R BEE POU EGG BUT CAE FLA OAr COlt BUCKWHEAT, at SALISBURY'S. nd ; UPPER 14, ATHERos first niche, just arrivad and Itivrat •Salish;try's. W S ORE ! , A MAGNIFIC 1N , ..• ~ 4 .OT of ‘ :adios :Dress . . *eel as ' 4 14 ,Blaelt, Brown, Invisible G - n, M o d e ,I ; ad aitd 11Plaid ' tench - 111,e;i . _E . ish do. ,Plain, Plaid it Striped Alpae , ilk-Warp Aci., a splendid Intpt c eash . -, , Detains,' :Oregon, 1 21feiii.aa'itadChlirorn I Phiids, Ga la Plaids, Woisbia - Plaids, anei Diess !ilk!. Black do., Dowebagin • tbe i lWst as sortment-41cheap Prints in torn, Dkaebed Muslin, wilaiesclied 4,i., fine, erY‘kor• Ws fry Sbeetibil4 ,Caittois a n d , otilk"O. Flan inelkv:ifit'XkOil ~ 9 PiNafitab -4 berantimisiiimfiElpliehali,- i lAA* will f ;be. 'oldie iiieit bery l ine et' i 'Nib Store isaC ''• t 1 I 1 ' eliellorre. - N0r . .15; 1,447. i '.' ~ i', l .! I 4rt 'r, i I.: li t , J. • 'f' • . .:--.. j.r .u..4;i ; , , , ; , 1 4'_ IsitAvirt i s .l:l l , 7 , 4t . .(: '4' +. ,l JA; 811 *kip iiii'if ii ',Eitiodiiiist ; , ... rind sk ,,; . . thaw/fa ; ... E A TOM-, - a i i 4 ils mock - Nar.lllse, , • , : . • 1, , - v a t -, writ, qi-uvott , „.. or • ~ low z' - ' l.. .tr - ' i 'to )A1 'i.• 4 8/ ta P 1 4 1 -.otizg .tv : Altigt 0. 1 _ ylt lo • iiisil B large' stick -et. .Baskies, ebildresee elesep,lllo7"earid Staiiie4 el .- Wirr.24.1847. , . • ~,, • :,, .11alialbe0671 t . . • filitralitiumrsaanack--aiaaapriamt *.•• 12 lbe2for -41 00. Leallar •11s. nal Carel,Teal of Mdaialsoakillif Chap's! ).011,1 scAßtrs„ .) BONNET Ribbons. and Flowers, lm mental Buns Comforters. Children's Hoods, Fine Bobbins,- and the best assort went 01 Satin Ribbons in town ar Phu , . 25, '47. , Salisbury's. BLitt BR I WN & COLTED • FRINGES and Batumi at Nov. U. '47. Se ialiary's BONNET SATINS, AANDVelvets of all kinds and colors at Not. 25, '47. Salistiory's. LADIES AND GENT'S} HID and blorinoe %Res nt Nov. 25, '47. Salisbury's 61, PIECES Cloths,Cassimers, Jeans, w Twedes land Satinets the cheapest and best ever offered in this market, just rec'ed at Salisbury's. Nov. 25, '47. HARDWARE. AND Crockery —a good assoftment. Al. 22 - so Stone. Ware, Iron, Nails, ie.. &c. at Nov. 2.5, '47. .Salisbury's. SUSIIME MANNA ACADE IQY. THE winter term of this Institution will commence on Wednesday the lit day of Dec. next, un der the chary of A. J. BUEL, Graduate from Mad ison Univers ty, N. Y. Tultioa per Quarter. Writing, Reading, Orthography. Rudiments of Arithmetic, Geography, and English Gram mar $2 00 Latin Grammar & Lessons, Chemist ry, . Ph il o*. ophy, Botany, Logic, and Rhetoric ♦ .. 3 00 Algebra, Sorveyiriv, Geometry, & Astronomy, 4 Latin and Grans Classics, and French 5 # # By order of the Board. WM. JESSUP. PreSident. Montrose, Nov. 2., 1847. •Vew Grocer] IN FULL. BLAST , 'AT GREAT 'BEND. THE subscriber has opened a retail and Exchange GROCERY STORE at this place, where he purchases Provisions, COnfectionaries, &c. &c. by wholesale, and disposes of them at retail, reserving only a small profit—never forgetting that a "aiatide sispetae—is better Mast a slow shilling." WM. F. BRADLEY. N. B.—Stoves, Tin-ware, Sheet Zinc, &c. to be had at the Grocery Store above named. Great Bend, Nov. 4, 1847. 74tf Death to l'aii—Relief to the lick--health to the Weak,;—A Batumi: is falai for the idiqelionurn race as 4 ANDREWS' PAIN KILLER. BEING Primly ietetible, and composed of twen ty-five different ingredients, is an nittgrnal and external remedy, put up in . Bottles. viu7ing from 25 to 75 cents per bottle. For further particulars, Pamphlets to be bad of eiery . Agent. gratis, con taining s brief history of the origin And dice very of the Pam Killer, certificates of cures, directions, &c. CAUTION.—Each Bottle has the written sig nature of the Proprietor on the label, valiant which. none can be genuine. AGENTS. Haydock. Corker & Co. Wholesale 2 IS- Pearl-st. New-York, • G. W. Schuyler, Ithaca, N. Y. Agent& J. Fay &Son. Owego. N. Y. A. 2 Lathrop, SpriurilLe. Pa. - ,IL L. Sutphin & Co. New-Milford, Pa. H. Burritt, do. L. M. Rexford, Ilinahatotou. N. Y N. Mitchell & Co. Itiontrose. Pa. asking selec did stock of ill not be un nty;.! are Olt eaten i • , wog at the grItIROCERIES, Fruit's, and-Spices or al lug kiwis selling almost for cost, by N. M. & Co. UARDWARE, Nails, Cutlery, Glass, Stone & Wooden Ware, by N. M. & Co. ' rMI iiEWELßY.—Watelses. Spootu l / 4 Thim bles, Gold Beads, Chains, Boosnipins Rings, Steel Clisps, Read Slides :/it. Tas sels, Sind every other *nicks of Joielry now warn selling a giat 'dent 'lower . *lnto it bal ever beton been sold bete. N. I Co. ' 4. 14 White mad Re 4, 1 1•411, Was. 47l M . "Litherp, Lasep.Bla4 Yellow Ochre, -Yenitia at Bed;: , Spei nib Brows, !krone Yellow, Rose Piok'O otpti nial Ch Pane k Yerdegrie all other at *nate Wisieb Oh. , by tka,_ Linseed, Elephant, ISperas, Vl7ll Tlllllloell,. CUter dr ! ' Olive 9iLS, in any queen;; N. K. &ices.' ' Retnao43; Pratt , V10M44 teg'Wnkafbil. 11446 w, Fifes; ; Bridra.- WM: 4 - 016 ' MEM ~rS ~~i , .' R ' = . ~'~iti. '~ q~'~. f ~ ;t;.L{:: -.. r .~~. - MOM „ 1111 1, F ,, 1111 • SOW 110111itillPit by/ PAIN KILLER MOW* Cassia/p er , ;, pop .:Wiwisimit. .'~~ ;.~ ~~ ?41' -r)Y ATENT' IMMO lig, ' 1 11011111111 W kei! 1847. .° -' r BEEBE & k Vain n ?ALL WZST MDR OF P lid*ibeis old respeatilly Call as. tint attention of atoll- friend's and din griaral!y, to Mei! Octant and fails idols sutsoittnent of ' _ CAUS t o s , aiNDFIe, &c. dam:, I r ME • MILL is ROOT: Montrose. Oct. 184 000 Fine' Nutrin; French,' Moleikin; Silk &Brno& Hots, selling cheap= er!thien ever s lit ' i M. & r WWI Men's I& Boys Cloth, Silk Velvet; Velveteen, Silk`Vel. yet i, Silk, Glazed, Plush, Cot. Glazed, Wpm tecf,t,biler ik Children's Caps, just goiug st M. & A SMALL lot of Geots. Silk Caps—very A oice at M. do Ria. MgtDOZ. French Mohair CAPS, of different patterns and carious colors that will be sold cheaper than the cheapest, • M. & R. The Ikjght *rowdier, of she *odd: HALLOO there, Dich--w-huld . on — what's your hurry ? • • Don't stop me; stranger ' I am anxious •to get JOHN GROVES, the greatest TAILOR. in the world, to cut we a web for everybody in our neighborhood says be is the beat Tailor.. He hasjurt received the' ; Latest Fashions from the City, and I am not, going 10 wait until everybody else is suited and come out se c o nd best ; \sow know that won't do', for I am a man 0 ?' as good taste's. anybody. and Groves is just the man to suet me. I have heard the must of folks say that he can. cut a coat to fit any one, whatever may be his shape. Do you believe it T Yes--for what everybody says\ must be true. A true system of cutting disclaim all foreign violation of Ns turosslaws, and' t ends upon its own intrinsic mer its, Why, I tell kou he is as sure as the four first rules of ant hmetid. Well, then, after your recom mendation, I will have him cut out me cloths—for I hare always had such rental bad lucl. 13ut with. such proof staring: me iu the faco I will go with t h e crowd, and recommend to all who care about good taste and wish to be ysiitesl, to call at the tailor shop two doors below the 'Farmer's Store. • Montrose, Sept. 30.1847.-68E1%3 100 CORDS, OF WOOD wanted in exchange for woolen goody.. Nov. 17. J. LYONS. fa TIMES 11111116 Ica DOZ. Cord and Nat. Lynx, Chin ., chitin, Coon,. Gettett, Coney, WOW & Fitch MUT F—Squirrel Boas La dies' Wilton & Brussels ' Travelling inns, that will be sold cheaper than will be Sold at any other sore or shop to town. Before you purchase elsewhere call,at. M. & R's. NEW FALL GOTS. MIRE . subscribers , have received their -a• splendid stock of \ • ' Cgaig 7/ i•ile7 o eiixid; • a \ which thry invite the Public to call - and ez, amine. We can, and do sell better Goads at sower rates than the majority of the\ trading class. We have our usual supply of, 4 , DR-, ..,0,,,. lAA, ttAtita.,:,:„ ~ . . Groceries, 1, 1\ Also, - some cm,sommr, which ars offered at a small advance on city price.s, itrt l exchange for all kinds of truck that any, farmer raises or man factures. i gigia WANTED; in. particular, any quan ty of Oats, Com, Rye and Wheat,,'' in exchange fur Goods and Cash at our mom . , R.I SEARLE & CO. • , ! Nov. 3, 1847. • , 74m6 *NEW- GOODS! j HE I subscriber offers the best assort- 1 ment of cpeas this fall to his cue- Amer/ that he has .ever.brought into thii village, consisting as usual of almost every thing that is called for. In addition, he hap; added a good assortment of Carpenters' Joiners' Tools, all ofi which Will be sold .ve ry cheap for ready pay. Oct. 26,1847. lIENJ. SAYRE. ' SAVE YOUR ASHES. $0,14 WlLLbehoutitsseidnaihne?niffxlsbrofolit soon hp Oct. 26, '47. LEATHER—a igrimi assortment kept constantly on band by Sayre. Boots 40„, ASPENDID aes‘rtineni fOr men women and Children. of all size and deacrip tione, by • 11. Sayre. • . • , -ST S. AGREAT variet Stoses t also for parlor, shop and edictal-hooves, &c., both for haraitig wood and epal. Perth:tag wisbioros4asiehase frill divii,ill to. call 'anal see his assortment befurs minims:mg els-: where. , B. Sayre. MlLLand, ~etlf >lll 3of y • Sayre. " MINIM -- e oscrititia •Fl:l -11,t '..111,14974 UFFALO Itetito end' lkseti'V &131ii.f4 veal skins, kr— - - WilffTW -- 4 ' - Pift - . PLoW 14. ,arr. hattiss,i‘e:”ll4 MS 1.1.04 4 itig i i i ~, 1416111 *4l ,i, v {—ch,flpo4 .. ' 40 . 14 . 0 r ,. i trisor ah4* ibelliOel t4iiefigth, 11" ;.t.:4 , 7 : ilkiimeiie, Itkt -....';' 1 N. 111.0*TIOavvist-k CAP tiikili*CiiizilL large "Jel.l4Fl4l)**l.e7:. nAllna it 24 ri ' 1 ' ' zuk4.43 , Jou. - u4 M. &. IL are - sot only. 11 .. e'te Ii as c hsdr:. Nii PR er establis l hia lif o4 n - thia epua 4xiiiiitt aNsii-lioik and "dari.s 4 .!flATaluM ;:-.H .01.1111, PlOllOll p, .Pliteb NI: a. Col tai OM COSTAR 10 Fel 18474 BLitt B. Sayre. ~~ amp, B. SOK" 0 14 .1 . 10 1 1 . 1 1 4010.1 ISIMI =um iiiAmAk ' • ' 'r • 00_7:,VIIES tnr24llooEl DOOKI3..ka.BANI SEAL and t.: rrza-cortnk TENT z . TB-LINED RE WATER FlLTElDJ,.patetit ipt CLOSETS, ihtetidedloilW3D EV I ABIS4 *BrAt i l .:.:* - , 76 SOUiTil THIR D (pttesrra.lie viitclaDELiki 1/1 ANl.3,Fite lIRE' and keep cc a l io .1.1.1 L t of the a gether -with t air Patent Impr FIRE-PROOF S*FES, which art to set at rest all-manner of doubt i strictly fire-proof, and that they v of any building; The ontaide - cii are Made of boiler iron, iheiuside between the onter'ease and it ,hi some three inches thick; and ii destructible material, ,so as to el , .. ly to burn any of the contents • ,• 1 , hese Soapstone Salatiumders we II do'challenge the world to pmduc 1 Shape of Rook r3Oci that will'ati , , and we hold oinielves ready at '. them fairly tested by. publics - 14-a! tinue td manufacture a large also i minim Air-tight Fire-proof Safeit. .over 800 now in Use, mid in every given entire satiaftiation to the pu we will refer the public to a: is .- have them in use. ' Haywood & Snyder, Pottrrille ;ton, Pottsville; Mr. Willianft. N. & G. Taylor, 139 north 3d Nephew, Vine at. wharf; Ales. veyancer, corner of Filbert and Ford, 32 north 2d at,; Myers Du James M. Poul, 101 south 4th at:; 8 south 3d at:. Matthew T. Mille and we cou l d 'elite emne,huhd was ne cessary. No we Write t public, and particularly those in Safes, to call at our store befo where, and we can satisfy _them hotter and cheaper article at on other establishment in'the city. We also manufacture the Chests, atq,erg low prices, cheape bought an y oilier store lo Philad . DAVID JOHAN?, Aug. 24, 1847-dy4 THE FALL . S OF GOOD Receiving at 1. L . 0 1 IS Worth looking at: We can as cheap as they can be found City. A large stock of • Cloths, Cassimers and -V eel Gingliuma.Delain du. Striped and Plain A mares, Silks and Merinos, ors. 'Bonnet Velvets mid & I Ribiin:ds, Fringes, Gitnpi, Cloakiugs, , fur ladies. Liti Edgings, the best stock i Gloves noklllosiery. Child A large stoek of WHYTE 00( Worked Collars, very ni filo Robes, Ladies' Muffs, Travelling Rags. Shawls A large stock of BOOTS` .& tilh. 41 ,• As neast astock RY as can be fotMd. .H. nearly all kinds-lion) n mil l let. GROCERIES, as u cheap. iron, Spring.steel Shoes. Dye-Stufre and Dr Lamp-Oils, good at low p `plumes, the largest lot in mock of - • \ Saddle' . * Ilarnesi Carriage Binitts, Oil Cloth..' And\abnost everriting-desiratili We cbafidently believe we can GOOD 261100d14 at low prices. - 11q 1 Z1111' Have workedpreyolutionstr th The genUinelcitti only be found which are \war2.anted to be good, satisfaction: \ Our customers wb buy again—qod proof of their s Thankful 202' past favors, we call again. 1` , ISAAC Montrose, t. 12, 1847. CIOODS of\tohnost atty . v , " l found at 1. L; Post's low as can F be tht.' ,MUFFS—nic\and the \ • T OWNSENDrS4rSa 14H!NG ES and-,Lp:Til El ItIERI Os, Pleat. Pantauss,•Satin B9Olig, Se:Stial School Bookslief almost" es. - Antall Bibles; Fincy Books, T. Tickets, BlWoott, ink Wrapping r ...Milers & W ens, Purse r km, steer Pens. Black tood,-li. to be rotted at InSitiliVOW' Ti,r l l: oo Wistßl - - • Ina litl:11". -7 t . Le cortriVarglit ing ten otOgrge txidyorliit • °alert. bfilketata iukd elm " tat ° 414Wre - 4111 Pi • ' Csiat*** lOC li 2*.e110.4 in 111 0 " 011 UtYJO m i. , r°:* stitmiciribtrOi - i#" X , =M=@ - - 410r410,-, • :4:41-10r,/q 1111 = 111 P 1.14 " 14 Citr. Ps '` i ttagribes4 tc" l iiiiill!**lc geiie i , _ ~147