The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, December 09, 1847, Image 1

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rik,l64llSll , II itteassoMmeiiitee,-,erc s .
(Office on the wesi.iide of the Public *veeee.)
TSRDIS.-()v1 ,D 0 I. LA lir year...brad vaiwip • .31
One toILr aid, Fifty, Petits if not _*id, within
de -6 7 04;1 AM' idW i thieraiiiis;
tielmfrffie Year Two >;
tarenty-tiii ccnts additional will be • award,
wbare the deliveitid
Prue , — -•J • ~ •••ct<•
Discontinuance's optional with the pnblishei, no..
less - itereitraces•areilaid:o ••- • •'••••,' .•
6 . . . . •••-.,
Wkiy weep for the departedJ.
For the captive spirit free . ?
The loved ones and true-hearted,
Who have crossed life's wintry sea?
Ye aay that they have failed,
the early flowers of spring,
And that their graver are shaded
by the willow's drooping wing:
That reptiles now 3113 creeping
In the midnight dark and lone, •
-Where 'the friends ye loved are sleeping 4
Where the night winds make their mean
klid ye weep that youth and beauty
"I'llTi their bloom should them decay,
at_Deuth ahnalil du hiaduty,
liani summon them away, !
Know ye not that withered flowers,
When the Fititer'a stoma are o'er,
Bloom again in beauty,. bowers,
On the laughing streamiet's abore 7
4oK w ye not that voiceless rivers,
tot a wit . , winto,'A icy eh tin
ght rosy spring delivers,
nd that they sing again I
f*torical fait.
I I From the Parlor Magazine.
I pausgfrom the history of Pedro the Cruel.
Jr was in the ancient days of Castile, that
a patter man . who carried on the business
of an vir , mrer, stood in the door of hisidwel
ing,.in dime orthe streets of Madrid, lite on
n summer anemone, watching, apparlently,"
for some one to pass hy.
He h4d not waited long, when the per
son .he 'Wished to see came along the street.
It was Illichael, the goldsmith, who lived
near at hand, and was going homeward. i•
As he ) , heard himself called by his neigh;
bar, thelgoldsmith stopped, and, heekorteil
by the lirmorer, entered his house. Th'lt
latter,. With mysterious looks, and saying he
h ai l something to communicate, led hiii in
to an limier apartment.
" [ pray thee, \he brief," said Michas -
am in likste." '
" Whitt I have to say . touches thee n
ly, Michael," answered - the other, "'
well bej delivered with :caution ; vet
truth needed' no preface. Know,
that the pretty Fatimin lindeth pastime
to her taste in tlir absence titan to sell
els, or Watch, pensive, for thy return."
Whit meanest than 1" eralaim
gold/In/4. "My wife--,-"
" Thy wife holdeth converse with a
hint of isltately bearing —one of the nob
noon to-day I saw him ente
shop. t watched him from the corner
staved in hour with Fntimia, and
forth with chains pod rings he bad
of her. I saw her in lileasant disci
with high its he left the door, and heard
promise' to come amain speedily."
" Villein ! th-et " -behest - her!" cried
chat! in anger. " I know well thou
sought floor with Fittirnia, and bast fel
scorn r'
4 , 1 nt♦k not belief for words of mine, he
plied the armorer. "'Thou mnv'st • fur
thyself. I have seen the same gallant alk
ing ()lien through the streets, and ntu ked,
him by! his haughty mien. Come to-Mor-,
.row at moon;. it may be he will return tit
that titrie."
The 'goldsmith assented, gloomily, and
went to his own house, where hisi young
wife received him with s cheerful welcome.
His unwonted sullenness nod. reserve, how
ever, checked - the flow of her confidence,
and she! did riot tell tint, as the meant, all
that liail•passed during the day.
FatiMia was beautiful—she knew it, and
loved admiration.' The compliments shp
received she regarded only at ;liter propPr
tributes; and repaid them with britlu smilek
Her heart belonged only to her Itaittaisd.--i
She would hate told him all that luippenedi
1: 1
but hilt 'ealousy and quickness to edger Of
ten mac her afraid to speak openly
Michael left home the next mornitig as
usual, Oying he would- not return OH ve
tting. But he went no farther th. fie
dwelling of the armorer, from the Windt*,
of which be could see whoever passed alon f
the sweet.
At li in, as ens expected, the unknoin
visitor the fair , Faual* Was seenl to - go
toward the goldsmith's shop: He was situ-.
ply d, , but his mishipraiip Or said no :
hie &mores bespoke him a' peition iie, thiiik..-
( 1 ,1
As he ppriniched the , 'shop; thilitivefr-feal
lures Tittimia, wreathed in sniileti,'Wet
seen -at the window a numnent - ; it-Await
vanish ; she appealed at- . lthe dboKi,eerf
greeted the handsome stranger, who• Oh . Wed
coune old ) , mid went in.
AWL i ts-was torture -10-thejealiMa ,Sielia
el- H rage d was Inara4P l o,-4 ,l Wlsslial- ,
ing lei, . and whispered inuendos of piiticti 4 ,
1 0
no, the anporer. Ijiiiiile hanger in 'nue!
Ilium! 'le iusped out, -' atidiiiisiened t#'ilis
ovrtilb Ise; -ntuneirint threat*. torieti TO* ,
lie vra 'tiulhetted , iby- . GiocoilitOr, 116 ' anted
to ski' te spoil. '''," " ''' r:' f ""''' ' 7 ':" - 1 '
1 . 61 16 , ' tiiidsi oldie eOlittlyititisn'r iie
. .i'Fli,W
teriiit - lies — Whilitatiirsd W' ''„ir .
h er - - • - t44 - kwitetriel;'thedltie - ' iffisi
open - . -- , Sliebeell rinsiitFdlit4nd* Ol,'
w i m
young üble, drag eirhititli4ifOidiet "likkii„'
Av . tit straggkr- misted ; but it iv,
~. Cilipso
termite 'tali! Tliestnitikm,iimi4V '6l4llPli 5.,;
fisht.b . ..4lr*Orlipsisigiverillalesilt'
bled t 401.-**Fer=l4lifila i re'
ens -r, triie hasCliviiiid W ini trie . ,
testa , shared 14e
a Witt4l.e. ! , ' l' ''
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11111 M
:air with .brr ' ' 11;:' erbelleitbbars‘raw
;towards the , 'loge.; the.POliett 'we up ;
and,4lto, awe. .0 U.C*.dP4PPMee,.4O to Ir.
rest the aswqr: But as the y conic_ near,
.and' atat`bie itett . ,_:titaieft; % tbeillopietrin
a msemzotr :miThwkiiiii"'"Eirolee froth 'the e
' 1
A m. bil
'off lips,. lotvertokilicir
, wee poos. ifr king:." wasreptuttedfroot
Ittuuth 4° rO9. ikaPuPg _4 l B rrowA,UPS I W
end Ittirriec
,oaray, fcariuf of 13'44 involved:
in the costorqdereCes. 'The rOrd ' tdreti&r
'hitntiaf, uodiathitoed by any tittel,i'walited.
.olowly toward lite castle.
Notiaag akar. a -decree was sent, fortibt
:forbidding atilluf pun ?mines subjectscpu
pain of death, , tio speak of the strange event
that. bad' tritt4pired in the eapital: The
earns day, to the iti.tonishment . of thehangiti
loscismit, reeeiVed-a eitatiowtnappeur
before the trittnual court, to answerito the,
charge of murder. ,
. ..
A council was called of the nobles of ins
*Ott. '. Don Pidio laid . the citation befo`re
'them, and retfiteited their advice ns to'his
;reply. There : wits a murmured Catmint--
Ono for a fewj Moments, mid then onsr-stif
. ,
hem_ made answer : . .
.• "We aye all of opinion, may it please
!your majesty, that in serving sueli t n Cita;
lion, Dan Hetiritiurt, the chief jiidge, 'is
guilty of high treason, and deserveth death:"
" Nay," retarned. die king, " he shalt not
die • but he shall, be questi tttt ed, whether he
'•. • ,
bath lost his reason or not, that he dares ar
rit' ign his sovereign its a criminal." •
The message- Wits conveyed to-Don Hen
rittuez.. His! reply Was : " The mighty,
;king, Don Pettro lien/stile, ha* placed' me
ia office, to tipbold .. ilie laws its his capital of
Madrid, and to punish.violeism-.aitil wrong
..without respect to the rank of the offender.
Don Pedro is guilty of a tw4-fold• murder,
.itisil the law is his ;teenier. He is bound to
,liippeaVat the tribunal, to beer the accusa
tion, and receife the sentence that may he I
!pronounced. - For : myself, I am the king's
i imost, fitidifitl Isubjyct. , If be dismiss rue
H o frotri the : office:l Inild, itis well ; but so long,
kus I nal ddefjialge in Madrid, I must do
iiiy duty. My , life is in' the liatid of God, ad
: is the king's; mid both of tat shall ; answer
behalf Oita." : • • u
1.. -This message Was delivered to DM re.-
,Who grew 'pale with shame and anger
ash, heard it. 1 Th re was a murmur of:in
dignation throughou the whole court. "Let
•the traitor be hang, , ' and that instantly,"
reselitimed ninny voi ces.
The king anise, fi nd commanded silence,.
:then called
.his finochntaberlain. . -
" Go,". he naid, "to the first judge r even .
Dan flenriqttii. Say to' hini - thin Don Pe
dro viall ol t ey his sitinnthas;Mid Will appear
before the ribunal." ' 1
the i
, .
.y .TheilaY of Arial. came. The • ;Magni)
peered in Merida at dee tribunal, sierti.-and'
proud in, deme4nor, but prepared tp ! submit
, to what the low, required. The thief judge
addressed the eubordinnte• judges and the
accuser, and admonished them that 'they ,
!Were npt to permit the - Mok of the criminal
'to influence ther judgment. " L lt is 'not for
.those," he said; ",whouttod has appointed
t , " administer tholatws,:to violate them with
impunity. The king shun's not before...von,.
it is but the wan, accuse of taking the life
;of his fellow-beings." .
•I -The aceosei then' chine ' foilitinl, 'tad'
;boldly • - snadsi;hie chat4ge Don tPedro's .
clandestine visits to the; goldsmith's; shop;
and his anemias to win the favor - of the
. golsblasith's haMisome wife, • Were detailed;
!also his encounter with : Michael When he
kame to expel the intruder, and vindicate
r;the honor of hisi 'house . ; .. with the astiassitia`:
,tion tifhoth - thelgoldimith on] the , rinimier.
At ;the • war "clandestine ' a ; . slight .
imoveMent of t h e king's , fe urea was
seen, ;nd he t an angry glen •e, ! at the,
apeak r, but said nothing. The 'accuser
'Went it to describe theli:eene of bltsod, 4 peinp.
ed the bormrail, the crime' With fi f iniful A
l e
cieliqr,wed. contlude4 by calling upon' the
judge to avenge the 'deed, and punish the
' m aid r accordinglatbe, law, of cnoi .
• .- - h chiefintige - tirn called upott,the tic
tti d or hiadgence. Don Pedro proven
led" s I lex silence'. '. A pleader Itvak' MOM..
2 1 .1
speArfne him, and he- ut Ihrth his
I hest e orti ieL. behalf of ;his ro al • client.
I Da! the prosif or the eritne arms. ear. The
I c liff judge tltenpronounced se tsnce upon
I Os Pedro, ‘,.fisinq guilty of t . o mordent.
Ile as ientetteetf to have his 'heed. struck
off n the public Market plaix.----0-But,";
eon luded,Doui Denriquez, " inasmuch- as
itil e
De,. pal' , is.nnr i atmaitited sovereign, and
.rso 1 . 4 sacred, our sentence must, be
axe uted Upon hii 'effigy. That;in his Stead
phstilli go theimishmetit . apPointedti
! the errs" --;;•.: ! • ~
~.,,, he , tlersceof the haughty monarch,l a it" thoure
dastorroeh !"
tied, treniblistiWith anger; and-rising,
sp 'red' the hell ledludgthent, and 'returned
to'. ' ..epode. As if to test the coinage - of
th ;e l kiefjtidge; Iv:decree witsiorineditiutt4ll.
timpidoit.4o4 113, !!1 , ,Hen tiq oiez -went lobe
imp icilly aheyeth, Wit hat', seising .the
on Whir:lli. The km& meanwhile, shut
hitneelf ig liiiviltionbee . for 't ['Vett . slaYe;'iind
'=”ettaitteil nefnitio speak with hittei! • • '-
Inatome, whathe"general continua( the
etaftnie pureporl, y.. Doe # lleariquee,.!.nonie
'bled lhal.he., would •pay, with. his head,
t „ penalty,otisis,,inthetyll-of -prniMtptina.
k . es..ebet:ifer, 4Lishi 11, . Men, trop t, that
' t 4 , I . NOO'hititheerit'Oirilethed - ".The Cr
e 1.:.,-,y , ,y1. •:4, - :. .41i , n-,...,-,-,1 .t , - -., '' , vrAi - ' , !" , ~`.-.1..
the 1
Jae 'chief*age , g siev t i r d e f f i. *f. j a i
PrePWrig f9r. execiii*.in take
liatoe 04* fis4keit,;:* 4 4 14e,rwlit
tttibi ' kinffis tir4 !Fold sort
6'4; ,the tkitirl °
spread ditaa : i'aßuc ands
AP,trisweed,,thdi* *p ,
0. 4 ,,Aquir, 10 • 110 4.55, 1,4 .
be fateful miormag ohmic
' lams of lladtWqnd from
sainigtesasyl4samiiPiNiir 16%40410W
t I
. •znr n•J
• 51 4 4. it 4- , 41 44, rt D
!1..0044X 11 - _,• 3 1 14, • % 4
M() SKI;;I:K j)e ;
4.1 i. 441 I
Ij - f5:„ 111,4-4 11%.1.4 ".. : 4 4,4'. •
eilitlillt d ilettseatrtaw of htimia , beins hod
if's-a,6,611W sdni ode Intilcitudervemi- hvishw
11'- in iiitarilleFituroleatt; cericiiitYY ' ' , loathe
sight striilli.livim , the centre-of theviditriCeti
place:** the scaffold; Ittingiritlillaelt,'4
Asilie=lippeinted' hour *nick; 4/peal , of
mourning wns heard trowel' 31Ie -tent iri
the cite; and • the Iprocesiriow tiet ferth- &oils
the lila, of judgment. Pore meet crime the•
clergy," withAhe iiearious bishop .at their
heed v-thenrtheipious 'fraternity of Monks.,"
then heralds, ant the xhief judge, surround
ed try it he inferiorjudgearandlast it corn=
pang-rifivalberdies, leading in their midst n
steed Caparisoned, On' which 'sat ft figure itt
a purple mantle, which represented the
king. The face 'id' the image was made of
wax, and bore so striking n resemblance to.
Dqn Pedro that it watt instantly recognized.
A. band of soldiers closed the procession and .
rouged themselves at the foot of the scaffold
where the executioner already waited, with
his assistants.
As the procession atoptiedi the judges,
headed by Don Henriquez, ascended a low
er tribunal, erected opposite the scaffold,
and idsu covered with black. On'this, - be
sides the seats for the judges, was one con
structC_d like_n throne, for the king. As
soon its the judges had taken their. places,
Dun fleoriquez arose and addressed the
peopl4,.ezhorting them to silence, md grave
attention. He then gnve a signal to the
heralds: they lifted, their staves,und
ed them to the four quarters of the, heavens;
while :it ,hurAt .of trumpets and kettle-drums
proitutmed. the commencement of the gloomy .
•.There was a sudden movement in the
crowd on one side; and a cavalier, mount
ed on'it black horse, pressed forward. toward
th e tribunal. It was the king, wholly unat
tended. He aunt himself from the horse,
hatitili ascended, and tank the seat appro.
primed to hint. Su. clouded were his looks
that trembled Who saw his face, Don
Heurlimez made obeisance before him, and.
asked, " Dees your majesty approve the
The king bent his head sternly in token
of assent. The chief judge then de.seended
front the tribunal, nod went Upon the scaf
fold. , The royal effigy, which had remain
ed on the horse at the_
- foot of the seafront,
was brought up to him : he took front it the.
purple mantle, which a noble in waiting re
ceived. He then , broke the stair, in the
name of the law and the king.overthe.heod
of Don Pedro of Castile. .41 trundage was
tied ever the eyes of the image, and the ex
ecutitnier, displaying his gleaming sword at
the tribunal where sate the living monarch,
turned, and with one powerful stroke struck
offi the head 'of the figure. It • fell,. wit tt..11
dull Sound, ond. j rolled on the.floor of the
scaffold . . A, cry of horror ruse from the as
sembled multitude, mad died away in gloomy
silence. None butt-believed, that the chief
judge wouldi,dnre ta, carry his sentence into
execution : and all were now in suspense as
~algne was calm, and gave
orders thel,the beadleis trunk'should he laid.
in a coffin. Then, turning to tbeipeople, be
said to thetwin a loud voice
you have. all witnessed the mast extra-
_sprite reconled in the history of
the world.. on Pedro, our sovereign found
guilty of the crime of murder, apd condemn
ed by the lulus Of postile, has suffered M. ef-,
fie, because his person was, sacred, the
punishment of dewth. He has. howl. ed the •
law by submitting to its penalty : and has
proved that nu transgressor, wltntever•be his
rank, may hope to pieepe with impunity, 7 --
All bail to our jpst,lijng, who has atoned fur,
his crime, and shown us, by kis ,example,
what reverence we all, owe tollte majesty of
.go spoke Don Henriquez ; and lie was
answered. With ,ahouts that tent the air,-
" Long live our, righteous king, Don Pedro
the Just l." :, The shunts swelled' into deaf- f I
ening acelaminions, till.the, very earth be,
ties* the vast city trembled with the sound.
All this Don Pedro , sat motionl ,
his pale race shaded with his band. When .
silence- was plowed, he looked 4 up,µnd beck
oned the Mittel judge to come t near him.--..
DOn Henriquez obeyed, and. the chamber.
laftjiillowed, with the purple mantle, which,
he jeered, kneeling, to die king.
Hon Pedro rose and embraced Don Hen-,
risties, , 7 "
,Receive my thanks," he said,
notileand faithful servant of thy sovereign.
if i din; praised,that I submitted us the laws,
what, Irina. is due to, thee., who bast- hod
courage to uphold the righteous cease A-,
going a king whom men call the Cruel? ,j,
bid thee hail, just judge; and ,wear this pat=
pie mantle in tly, official, duties„ in
bra nee of what i as„ p,aseeitt his day,.":,,„ ~
Thin; speakit g, Don Pedro, himself,* ng
the mitatle ove
~ the shottlders . 4 tlie Al 'ef ,
judge. The other judges were also reward
ed ; and the eseeintober reeeivedrich IEI4
and was elevated, to-the rank ofisitenbk,
The beheaded image' was !buriediAty-lhe!
king's order„ , to fmnWit the:altar ittrthe 4 014
al chapel; -while- the -bead': was-erirred,lio , '
stone on the Will-at .the owner of the streer
in whieli= the two-fold Warder l*d3akete ,
piaci. :.Some aver thin irtuuty be seen' toi
this 4 1 01 1.• ,, ,: , ' • •-• , - ). ,; .4C ....-0 ✓
' .The ' foregoing. shay is taken; in everypar.l
ticidir* fruit , the FM Of , Den-.Pedris,'-and
may * , I i aippose,•ihirrelied upon gate '• it Lpiete-'
of oaturteAttstory... , i It: it - remitted. :MP that ,
mdtta fell : nf Ciatili . l; , that liar had net Insig 611 J
edlite tbruiiiief; lin Minwricnnuiiikeste
&wigs' tonopicdiscoltirilt theA hi Vessrenti'
'twit oti,mucb thilitids:atibe-Criselosirjhatet
dm_,ndtont tine coin
paqpiiine, it in Vsef4iintiwo!,44 ,, tinftisiwint'
eninied bins in his inteitrofeassoilAsawiiiter
,salsa,' hi 'showed ti strietweese nfjounice. An
- lingain‘rifehßOLO-iiinir moiy ( lihisitiminias
104017 ; :10,0 vlll4, 0 , 4:4.41 A:v . (10 ZO,firn I I
. . ritiyarnarjsit, libi 10111111111401/044 .
lisidirmisYriiiiras fitateroge,iftwoilioniiortrifiloit
Massimikivr-Oniscioslohoolladret4; The lt d
willidltisfrip ' ”. thaiiiisitnikuptaimit-a
glolieitaiialT_ , hat vkligfruoOtiiihtieWft
''i , iiii.ifirisie - fiiir4l•6itifiewrspow
4144 4 0 00. Olimile_ i lwiliV,
ashy by 4 lisiNte lleteas
.4 1 r
.1 6 Prli— 'MPH), 4 .)
9' . F
iliditp*lit i A letiieni ant
Nair .lutoMiPateki , . 1 1 .4 1 ;
",IsVl l 7,,srP, Plied DPl,r l) ,Pti
yo?r . ' RA ; cTilltii l
no shoe" u YMFI-1.
We are ennbind, by i t c lii
ernor Sir George Simpson, to
public the following cnrrcspon
given wi
the great geographical questi
istence of a northweitern pap,
Atlantic 'alba Pacific „Clem*
set at Test, or, nearly so—the
of Americtehaving been com e
ed, end, in ibe.words of thela
as Sitn,Pfl,lnt "the precise limi
cOntinent,folly end filially 'est
1 4.
der these circumstances,, t m
esting to the relllieri 10 P S O
sketchof thedhistory of th. k
question, and in give hin a el
the several steps ,in the exp
conet,.the completion of which
been effect ed
. by Mr. It . ae.
Tlie cause which, at i first,l
tempts to, discover a . nortliwl
front the Atlantic to ;the fa
Impethat d through it woul4
. 01
conveitimit roOtp from Europe
jealousy ear the- spituitirds al
having blocked up, as it, were.
glish and Dutch, their greall
mercy, the routes
. 11 the 11
Hope and .the Southern,-Pacil
coveriev, however, of rrobisb
in the, region of
.Queen Eli:
their successor, w hile they
wining the existence of:the
sage, abittidantly, satisfied. t
evell, if ultimately_ discnvere
tinittd, from its vicinity to t
and its bitig continually inc
ice, utterly useless flu; tie pu
The settletnint of the .great • gragrlipk.
icat i l l t;estion:continued, ;now thstentlingc
inte t• the Norld of soieoce,l and ite•dcter
mistetion has,• within, bite years, culled forth
the utmost drone of the British G•weliment.
10,018. an expeditinu,was ant out to Baf
fin's Bay, under the P.Ontniiiid of capiaiT :
Rais,•whictrrestilted in his dib,elief Of an
P_Viniffe. ; second, in colarnand, Lieur.l
Parry, had, however, ,Come to a. different'
conclusion,; and, on returning with. a new
expedition, succeeded in penetrating into
the Polar seas, through Lancaster Sound.:
lie there found a chain tof large islumislY ,,
the American,' coast : . and - 1W•
mong theta continued his naitigatiorii
stopped by the accumulating( of ice in , the,
straits and channels through which he had.
to pass.
This induced him tti 'mak • his next at-'
tempt by Sir Thomas Rae's! WelcomC ft
channel running from liudvoit's Bay: He
here alsofimod -a imrroW •turnit coiniininicu-'
'tine with:the-Polar sea, 'but sri etieuinbehed'
'will ice air to preclude he ht+e of itit•ltter'
offording An open passage. .He renewed
his etrune, - but without Suctesv, by 'Mates
ter Sound. The obstacles ,Which he had'
girmerly bein unable to l loverciime,' still 'Con;
tinned, and-prevented lomfroin making; any"
material Addition to folener discoverieit:
While these so for suCcessfulVoyages Were'
in progress,-Capt. Erankliti . wn's sent =out At'
the head of two sueceseive etrpeditions by'
land, and, by actual survey, Ascertained
three-fourth ofilie•northero bo indary , ' eon.'
,f America ; his openiti an. terminating-at a
point beyond the 149tIaLdegree of West. lon
gitude. , I ' ' - ' ••, . . • -• , • -
On thenther land, apex ditiattiiinder
Captain. Beech? , sent hilt to eei'daptuiti .
F niiiklit4 on lug Second' toil m e :journey;'
passed thelcfCtipe Of !Cook; and penetra
ted nearly'ai'far is the•ts6th d t ree of West
longitude, Peeving nentlY Seir - ' degreee;,iii'
160•mitet 'between thefert her it piiiiit dine •
reached fro th the weir; itid th futinest Inuit
reaclied - by Ciipt. Franklin, f . lli the snit:"
in. the "miniver ' of 11337,"Nes ti t: Sinipsati ;
ands 'Deese; O ffi cer. '0 '' ihe ildiciti Boy
; Company, burieyed'ilie &tali iietWeiii thi
points reached by C Pte. '•Fr anklin ''anti
Beechy, And in the' Rdi" vitiig 'a ininer;lB3A
atilt" 1839;"ktifiiig 'relic tell th - Pititii , Sek
kohl' theinteriot;-by iiii opf;,e '' 111 W riyii; '
cottOttuOr• 'their - site,. 'OVA vied' iiii id
Slith'degriti — of iiviticiti'`'nni4',' :toiiit*e;ii'-'
Emily risitiii-hiViipe'_ aeiC ' IlOriciothey
were kitixiiiiyftweadvci 'iced s e enti.iii i iittiin
1,1 1r
to thdiellirinter tpitirterir t'thetGreeit Pear
The ot portioo .r. of the corinthenreTakl
ing iiiii4rveyo r ii m,,,.lieii o -S i ppp r p
end 'Deinie 4 qttrr ‘ nie east iii:qiq iiitr - F h arry's
`Streit", 'of the laimiti Recta ;, a n ct, kit for
Mr:`SienPitiii'idiiiili kit filleatt( 1 ii, 404 D, he
mtiiild, 'have' 'been' - 41 iiited : !iriiit t liiii OM-,
nviiid 76r the eSiAikiiiii' l lkm,' sii4eistOl ri'it 4"
i i rii;hiiii te ll ile'Vnite' jii ) gr. IX;ii t q -. )Ortl i 'no
rem - aril' i iit ' eSeellitu t iiiiiinirand. riaripyt
mould appear, to
,pror ,that r ..ovitii the oft
ceptiumi" iiiOa pisin' Rio
.. Fii4F isil lif pc' 0 09 . ,
-th:' , ,Krethilly'riliti, itie; t l iets'nik.tii t r Orth L l+
i•eye t 4614;ilifeei 4 Alin •'4iliel- the 1
•ersi" it (irioiritiri t : iiid:;; rd9t;,*l. akrl.: I
bsi iis lira Piiiiit'it; 'ii'lili..nolipgyiilt:i
mai h f rifini'dk ilWa i iif lliCti:iee: „,q .. . 1 !0ti,
tothiTiviw a gsiNite , lit s '4;04 - km notAlpicii
siii,liViiiii Aitit t y, i n 'oe . ritplii f,odik ,
~ v,iye rilliiir,Alt -de 'rim tt,SC,;- „,-irfir,
ilea ' addiltlittAif fe,T be i iiit4' U.
tiiii,.. iilikee ale' 'ihrfiti" . r
~ :,
i ii i m ?,4%, f lisc rl. • ... A i l , .' ill &Mit
i met tal l .o , t el Ilign
, ......i i r l, 1V) • -
le4 1 1 ,4 - 1 , 0
i 1e ! 6 4 1 0 3 1 .0 1 ,0et t e i r rou % I , l *
....., Aentliii
.• t.riiiil
~. .=,d i rrm i le 7 7-7,1714%,
aim inn, es
:14 1046 Ai Orta 'iv! t
1 ;; I 'l ,s -L fit
a sa — pailuor t ,
Oge, uot..
T4il s ;liirgYr
` l.
muumuu au
- - -- --- -
i ! --- V. t irliu'l4 l ll:44littlati :TIVOVA 1 401
~, CLiii i rikiritilrAM:4l9 4 4 ; ' : "irAii c k
, ; Sallie) liaistikomWelker . shorn about
s t os
Al o.9etit-4815vcieoPrinee r rgeAlounti,
arYla'ad. ziliitirotkint had- ," hartelativets
; ri - 1 -reside In.'Weillitigtoo'e 90. 4.-buring.
thisiSetniuoist-tadiewiwart hti.el listed:4;4st
Veiled States Service as a :priv . te a an d w!**
,one of Cot Irarheyltilitiltiatl= errtertpeiii=
AMte , the! :ettettltitleiror Plutid. , wherty•foof
pints of 'the white tuatulyere ' herder war
seen. - •44 thathlqiirdtaiii. . ..fin t i•fwi s ii . 4,
efectuallyinut•ait:` , end4orthit , 'arida' war,-
by congtierinttheindiansnrott d their own
cMincil •firesi ,oting. Walker - ilYilistin
&shed' hiinself. - .4le‘itrat at , fa orite , of Ilse
'daring Harrier wkosit quick: pe eption nev- ,
err tailed 'to °vel;let:.-the mint e • ergetic and
;k i k!. .e, , .1.. -; • ;,,- •., - ~, ,
:At the'e nae. of tlieSeasindle•
.ar-,. Walker
went to TexarstetV-joinedtlok -Hays'--eom
piny of Rengirs. : In - ,the spin r•df , 1844,
he was one , of.thefifteen of Ela a' meat arm ,
ea with revolving pistols, - who- Attacked
e i ghty- Catrimmke - Indians; 1 . and defeated t
em., , leaving thitty;threo slead•lndians up
•on the field ; end! frOm the heather of dead
and dying carried off,. it was , elieved that
; I‘l fultrn;'
int to woke
~~ r~_
!kid, NOY. 14
N Tlll,
neva of Gov
ence, (before
I ,be seen that
n, of 'be
ge frog] the
j , ie nt, length
rorthern phone
letely, surrey
ented Thorn
of 1 40 greet
y prove utter-,
,tnore,tban half - of the , Cnmenc
:et him ,prith ~ a shiin:by - theie fifteen rangere.
lung agiOtted, hattle - Walker:wairpierced-tbro
ort abstract of , by the lanee-of anludiair r did s
oration,ul: the; I im , to the :grimnidl-•;Ho. was
has, atlength i ondition by hiceompaninnit,
I e isms death?Afteritlte bottle, I
jilt the speari..still sticking • I
nitwit he had succeded in - get
: le ground:' Hit - companions
I otn iti:atid foutitlit , had • fiot
t I part. He recovered. • ::f:
1 Walker-- wait. also:Line of I
t tree hundred:linen:: who, Mar,
wo thousand.,:Mexicans, stints,
1 ad. was captured by theflil
us to that bailey as he made
along them. ,: After, the defeat
expedition, he: Wesel:fruited,*
oilers to the..castle utiPerote.
err received . the itilitintati;tre
flo other people on earth,.sove.
cannibals, inflict upon those
Power. At Salado, the .Texa •
make their eseiipc.. Walker
It was arranged, that, he Phu
disarm one of the guard, and t
p Scotchmen,,should serve th
same way. At.the - signalii th.
F disarmed in a motoetit,..and thr:
tut ~ number, • rushed into ji,the
: where 150 Mexican lufaniry.;
a quantity-,of ereist _end at
i Texans soon , had , command
and ; armed, theMselves. -,M711
:;i3OO Mexicans, cavalry nigh,
9titeide,,of , the glues. ' l l l O . T
peon these, and defeated diet
of.theirliumber a34l : losinitfir :,
Paul, then escaped, but filial i
1 ih.the ; mountains, mid. eutTere,
1 hunger,,,As W,elker,exprefised
lifter his, futstrn, their eyecliec
en, from hunger, ned, faitigiie,.,
peared likeeitgar holes iii ;the ,
In this,coeditiou,. they we .
.hy the Meiticapsjittd : Ldietiii:
Here ;he liltaid.flifrsi, Setiltii„,
s ed the life of every telitli,man,
fumy was marcheil.put „lii i , do
iieetts.-,-ape bleak beau.fiir eve
,being placed in the.howl,ped.
them wereelpf... Young
ty,4ot:titie, mid was killed,. IA
~Iro(o9,..hp.drew. t he tyhAtp be
Jected, to . iatenee
. sufferiar,..
others, however,.. 00.2 y
Mexico, : au_d .fe44trne.4 . Al-..iP•le4
jilieed...the. T e xan revenue Berg.
exhibited his usualefficiencyi
~, When ; Gen. . Taylor
1 vith his, artily, of
cre wearing*hostileappeari
t die head !ire company Of T .
I, armed with, Colt's . f patept t . eke
us services to the ,United St
i e pied,. and „a ide4 it; de fe n 0 ieg
~ fle was, / stationed hetirein 41
.oetieral Tallor's : advance ca keep the:co:Minn
possible.' This service Was
alker's bravery !Anti rapid .
ame ali obstacles. On d 111
846,,he ascertained, that quit:
f 111leicatiii ;Me n ded to sir .
. itylbr's cam pt and he ist!ene.
event 'five Men, to coMeiiiii.
Freneral;- Af4r,.Prt*eediiig.t . : .
~encountered:Ofteins'hefidsedl: .
moat of Iiii::0 - li.11 being inexi
; ,tack, at the eppearafice!Ofeii
' ' " 'doe . The fest, thii
1,-n .npPlftn. • :-.,
~,., -., :
round theiiieild:cquipiandei t:
~ed the attack ' of 16 . - 144ie,
;them hattle - ferehmii'fifiee*M
sla:Mk thirty or . ..,1114'.,i .
„Rua veto pursued . .!o.
~ , v lll)iii. l ,
Pohu hatiel: , ., i t, Wati'retiiirtii;
1,-,Waisislaiti; , • biii et 'night hit'eate
,;vas' distingtilhed, at huace o
,9etierel Tuylo
,•otild have Nit ;incii;AS - . 'Poitip,
reilithiltitiii,' tinder seCii : ciraili :
he Ciiiipilirtiii . ce; iiiid!':l'li:'
: path ditelieti*O'oisitatitO '
. ii:Teliipiivilunterrid;'.llll47
).:iola - i 4iii(riittiiiil4%)" . iiiie . fif . '4, Iti
ed Ott9tijih'4liii4r,olloloi”
4veie - iiiiptiiiiii . tiVtiniko iliii
,reached ihii'4olo . 4r,Geo! ,- I t
inn the POto-; , ..4..i . ' 1 ::::t. 31 '.:,: , :::: ‘,....,,,,5;,J , ,,
i ed
1, Walker itt#::)o9 l ..*Afl t
of the 100131..c.4,A'70
-‘ n "1: 111' '1"*. LIS ; e1 M
a lfi il l i t in ,S ll l# ll iirt .
= 'aid.. mulct, '
,I . ' ' ..
'.: .i.".lg ' ' -) ',4. ~ all tr i ,try,„
91. 1 1. 1 ,g..,......,11114".r f ,; , IS , - , , , 1-',.
re :::1:.,.
• • Or. ° I! IIZAM-, .-.4 1 1 4
i i 4- ~ - 141T, , M41. 0 19.
d ~.,!.* Iltlk. - , , i ,urfk- ,‘ V!P i e
- .0 4 Rim' V. ~L, tirek il 4)..:
.. 4 v 10 1 4 1 1T; '".t-i
~ off,, vt 1 ,0. , i , i.. tit'i r fi , 1" 0 4
.MiepOuty be.wedt to Vent u
Misplayed tokeep:the guerrikl
Jed U 4
i .4. : 110 -
;.: 4n
Meru , pastlage
4cific, was: the
Puri a 41011
4) liiiillie
noil Portukesa
from thegai.
rivals. tit Cpm
;ova of Good
iFte. The idis
ler l aud Davis.,
ta4Lit, anti of
failed iti aster--'
wisbet4-for pas
tel world that,
4.4 iw(?ulij be
, iti,oortb liole i
~)umbered with
Ouse of thtvi-
riyitel *ld 7 - sor. -rs*AFA irrPrthx, I
j , t4 4 ; ,„ vv,,010 I • .:•.• kir _ g
:firgri-twl l,oNow Ibf ,
fieftilatr4,lo (111ij,i,
- 41 ' 11 '` ,Mchinm-.*:Ttmo 1; k• -
. .
-....„: Is; .-..;.". a. T --,,, 4 ,17,1 4 „, „ ..., ~._.,iie •• .
* - l akrtr -,,,1 1 iuitSv" 4'4 k.' -- 'r 4.14 , :.' '\
' i
odisitt iv -
Ira. ,In-6,1, styy.:l t, :A-I-lit 'AT ~`i 1.4
4 Letttrl M. 4oe publif,her, on biparekritli ' .
lice min i* T ri l iqii i id. -,- ‘,.. . : f . ..., .' t i.T.,c , .. ; , :rr.;,..
. .
,Q; 78.
... I ., ,-
iiiiien l ".o34l iii)iiiiiiatiiii. '''TbiehtiOd'i- ,- dir 4
hiqaelt legit riiis , gotifffiiiiismsivihilti - 4 '
,tertiii iiiiiiiiiii'lirtiiiibilgiiiiiintityitie#lii-'L:
elrfairtif la iiiiiii iribhirs; itt+firrtWelifirif
stinti*!, l'' liiinted, *lie siiiii,liffeaqiie,liiiii;
,lii;leier t • lliVtilkerfiiiid'hiiliiiiketei Witte"'
.owliiiiittqck:v‘iiii - 'l6vial tiikfillieeiffniiiivi
.yaliiiible*Viei tortindielittOaill t itatitiili )1
Frei his fate. : A brarei'ir titifileilideii' isle:. P .
er feirciiiilitt*ittle flea tie, was the fast
friend tif iiijiiiivinient illtinitlit of *tir: l 4)4l,
iiiiiiek'riiiideiliiiill keen lie+,:einlowledsbo,
to , Wdopt . AO best wine/ kid itylipinetini 1114 - . ''
could be: Led."l#7:etiiitainel''end-Obitiiii6.: , '
lolled "ifitifs;'ii ti 'lie - Idly, and iiitittive, iiiiind
not liiiiityl Whit fhifil,' in lank be redicAl liiit. ,
proienienii were within iiii teheb,' -
- In the ilenth bf entitZ'WeJker' the entintty = i
has linif - ot4 of its bravestniinf, Most valiant _
mini; add , we cannot but exhitfailiikeldeeply
with . the EintiVand trietnita
- 1,.': 1:-.. %4 :,—,. •
,DsearloWet 4 , 4. Wlss , .4.,,the hilitol7' 0,
'Gonfalionie4,4lat,former ft:W*4l4l4. itte,l4.
publicem.etoloons of Francs s;lOMARter.-1 •
He bad inspired an 4,straenlioary t affeelioo,
and devotiOu ialtis wife, wlio tVotOne 0.144
most lovelY andsccomplisheid' woinewether
_ from the. very hour, of his arrest, which,
took ,placie at 4i, .hall.tit.Mibia,,slie left biro
not,, saveito intercede, with ibis ~persee,atersr? ;
Sha„sperit -her youth, her !SO,rtttner i n -her.
ceaseleasiend,eavors to .44410-the hearts Of 7 "
his. enemies, and filially laid down life itself I.
in lier.effintstosave him-froze captivity and _
death. She followed, atated : Pi her bail.
dress,. alli through the_ nightLef, fed., ~,
changed his existence from), 'powerful lead.
er tpf a powerful party. to. 'btu uf a miserable'
and neglected captive ; she Cared not• fur
the cold_ or rain, which fell in torrents, -bus
at each, relay, she, descended" from 'the ear,
riage which. cansttieel her. :ta i hover around - .
that whiCli, conveyed tier hasbaud r heedless
of the Inlaid jeertk and releafta of le gees
d'aruti,.,Who r.pubted lier,willkdrawn abres.
At len g th, wlien after several `days journey,,
- she reached die gates of . SPei)berg, she
earlier kOles in ,supplicatipirt for one last •,1
word—line singleavord. - -before the dungeon 7 .
chime' tterun him, perhap! firrever.l• She If
refused ; - :and,theis she.gave the cushion , ~
which t lier head,hted rested 'daring tliet I. ' r , _
ei z zi
weary jqlirney, intilibe haeide, of tlieleetoe•
rocious looking of his gtiOds, bidding hito, .. 1
-dehvor, it to the Count, and, tell,hial Ached
been in. the carriage whichifsdlowed,hits, so- '
clusely.;,/that it was her voicexhieli he moll •
have each relay t'a wailing Suppli
cation nod lament ; nod ilm pillow she: Otew ; , ,
sent -haw to rest bis head uPott, was wet ari*,
team shet t ti i fpr him alone.. E• i '
The : 47lllrd, took; the pillow, and , ,with a..
cruel -laugh at. so meet) ingenuity,, wets d, ,
cutit open before her .filee!, • fully expecting
to,find same important, paliers, some clue to.
a ,conspiracy, within. ,A td, •Gonfalinnieri
knew not fur years that altediad even ; thought
of him once teller_ lie . her side,; that
- she liad havereci_diagpised in
An inotp)is togethe. rihindltlie bleak hill, of
•S thet
peilberg; t,hy,the i st4iSee..of her for.
tuoir,„.sttti at lenghlijulaairaitillie, promise, of
his.fi4erti,,and ikett,tliedJi i: • . ~ .
Nirliat4mest 7 lia,ve bet:lo l 44 c feelings ,eibeo.,,
be learned all this !1 - What must have been, .
hislove;• his gratitteds toliefrimenriory! -414
- how,did-he" s prove,it? you,iwill, say. ,Why,, ~
-he married...oga iit ! and: leltS. died the "„vietim
of Iris avarice,,at,t .font ffr,lbe*Pft over. - L
taken by ; the hide ,neither . his -age, nor
his feeble, health/a: s, abletiio ..eacemetor In ,
tlie,g.littoje,erreya cc he ilead ciptsga, 44, ~
lue,-diedlencalsou . rich', PrOPert, Ylicl!
liliejug,7,4en,coofis ated,-nat-tAlloWeli 'IV Ace.
cumulate during h Itengirprisentoen;. He.. '‘ _
had, esitlnted, pewit rity,4ll4 bevel -l s
behiud,..lieleas gaff red hieffellaw, martyrs to -,
i y
languish !in want, r extended a' friendly, i
liaud foosid them, is spite itfAis ,vieelith;•, , P,
that the Otter silence of th 4, partisans tif.his
`caul. istnit just, and coottysw s t rong, ism,
pressivoMoral. ~ . -i i 'ie.
e force was
In thisfierce
gh the body !Alining
'left in'that'
ho supposed
was found
• rough him l
ng it out of
otiched a vi-
; 01. Fisher's
Ned ligaiiist
'red at Mier,
xiciiiis previ-
U excursion
of the Mier •
th other Kiss,
hese prison
ingot vvliieli •
h lexicons mat
wit bin, their
, - t / i
~ ,foremost.
Id seize and •
nit Cameron,
M other in the
; , guitrils were
•• •Xesons, 214
1 outer court,
` ere guarding
r union. The
I.f this point,
is* doing so,
• ritry, formed
Amos, rushed
killing ten
.• The cam;
greatly. from
it toa friend,
me•so sunk-,
hat they, ap.,
iead. •,,
I k to Salado.;
i *ilia deumpd,
I• iii illie.enly
-1 .44,--, 11 146-
ollokito drew
1-y i.of•this ci-.
! , lbs. spot. 7—• .
ns were .iiiib
1, • ped from
, s-- Me then
pc, where,-he
d iutq 71'ex . 34 1
out matters
Iliac, Walker,
• isos.Raugers,
tee,. w as ac-
Point Isabel.
at place and
p, with in-'
perilous, bat
; itial i 9eneral
ae~ oat with!
:ate uitit' 'the
Miles; he
remah'ind' a
1 ...
us, weir - ga've
notes; kipitit
!hilt lyilifai`
tiYsich lie'
eted to coin '
1 3 -01 40 Ile
. 111491 : Attity .
.„. .
, . .
~ lr Tioilox - Boy' ox nut ntrie' 'llimik l IN
141E'*i0,4.'44 1 Mtitti Oeniiiiinlstittii . itrieol44 - ' '''
renii•M**44; - Cl-Clai:lei llt,i,ngliee;
tilini,nhiiiii i seven ye3ol4lg iiiiiitigeWeitleb ,
-: '
lity, :hi Jai enteronse andoinea4iiiliird , ..
ing,itheip . oglieh stennterlintietilitiiinitte"
thelitest ! '• - "papein itieh Ve'ltohl'et silinitit.
.tuli,ence, „beferei the ixtrn
,eniattiii ii:'
eui:ilJ Ill“s!tienP' iii thiff,nr i lileitten;iing ,
ectink'niil the' tintilitnileA ' ' tit ihi l Ainii- ' '
ica*Seite‘n!etinOk He 4i . 1 - 14iot'
. Wlpitii s iit ''.'
(I,ie''ol..titl i ',.. l sl yet l k4 - ttiketip link 'in ' iiiinl 4)fthis c- '":
eqinitlitte iiie ' I ''' -!- t• -r . •' i -, ', - - J;:
Li !belt's: imules'Oeforhltheonlii 40410i10'
len,`-ili..,`nit*tejl'ilii 4t '''' Of Veit s Vit,iiiilt; •i•
n:lititilleY 'OM - Oat& '4 'hie 'lii,ml:l , ll itlinie ) ;"
7t - - .." ,•• 4 rur t i ..- - i t '‘,l I_l
apked him What
,regi ei r .
..,_ T t., •
~ .Nii4, Ai '"itiatea 01.4 ey,',.ti,;it Ve iiiii* .
'' ''' - "'''''' . G' , lviitt''''' j 'iii . l' "'"'''ititt'"'
~ , pt, !)., i tope
~, nni tp i _ , ,
'to hii'ffiiiitiiitlie'iteO. iliii - i'vkiiiey - ill. !,
, . :.,.....,..,N,I. i- -, ~..- -4 ,!
1 0,...pd Tg . seocircoT
,Itie bettexa,tli preelok ,
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