The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, November 25, 1847, Image 2
, .. , formetrUiti Snit: tii- Piaui' 'h - 'Mental . color; .M. 4. 44e. : Jatter, attirOt :the . ;rat_in, Ste :as ,sattit:;,-.!the;stisrinliii .parti .., Werth'sA'Si- I . vision,;undeirCapt. MeHenzi-, •2d artillery,' i ilt Iv'tlt ,Lieko,Seldoe, -Bth inf. try, early :on th 'Udder:in : id' hadly• wound- ; Lieut. Air -4n eadiStkinfaatry,. the .fi t tole'ap:into illi '.. ditch to plant a ladder ; Lietit..-Rogerp, of 'Aa - 4th, antJ. P. -Smith, of i the sth inflr it • 7-TriOnth.:. Mortally,. wcind.ed ;-=thei 9thitn fa try, under Col. Ransom, whowas killed' 1 lir . flettillatitly leading t h a gallant - rigi-' eta i 'the sth infantry, • und r-Lieut. Cot. 4iitain (I llajdr - Wiiiidt, - With"' Ciifithin • V Ate, whose company gallantly carried the • . Oubt, midway up the , acelivity ; . Colonel 'C ark's brigade, (Worth's division) consist- tinff of the s th, litli and part of the Sth regi-• - in nts of infantry, commando& respectively,, bY Capinin Chapman,. Major Montgomery' Inid Lieut. bdward Johnson-i-the -latter spe-; ci'illy noticed, with Lieut. Logstreet (badly wounded) advancing—colors In hand-,Pick et - and Merchant—the last three of the Bth' infantry;. portions of the United States ma,: tines, New York, South Carolina, and :2d' Pennsylvania volunteers, which, delayed with their division,(Quitman"s) by the hut. engagement below, arrived just in time to participate in the assault of' the heights— ..yartiettlarl a detachment, . under ' Lieut. Reid, New - York volunteers, , consisting of a ' company of the same, with one of marines ;- end another detachment, a portion of the storming party, (Twiggs's division, serving with Quitman,) under LieutJ . Steele,-2d ill fahtry—after the fall of Lieut. Grant, 7th infantry. _ In this connection, it is but just to recall the decisive effect of the heavy batteries, Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4, dommanded by those ex cellent officers- - -Capt. Drain, 4th artillery, .assisted by Lients. Benjantin anti Porter, of his own company ; Capt. Brooks and Lieut. Anderson, 2d artillery, assisted by Lieut. Russell, 4th infantry, a volunteer; Lients. Hagner and Stone, of the ordnance, and Lient. Andrews, 3d artillery—the whole Superintended by Capt. Huger, chief of Ordnance, with this army—an officer dish litignished with every kind of merit. -The •niontitain- howitzer y battery, under Lieut._ Reno, of the ordnance, deserves, also, to be , particularly mentioned. Attached to the voltiguers, it followed the movements ofthat regiment, and again won applause. In adding to the list of individuals of con: spicimus merit, I must limit myself to a few of the many names that might be enurnerat• red: Captain ,Hooker, assistant . Adjwatot General, ,who won special applause, succes, Sively, in the staff of Pillow and Cadwallader; Lieut. Lowell, 4th artillery, (wounded) chief of Quitman's staff ; Capt. Page, assistant ad jntant General, (wounded,) and Lieut. Ham mond, 3d artillery, both of Shields's 'staff ; anti.Lient. Van Dorn, 7th infantry, aid-de camp to Brigadier General Smith. Those operations alloccurred on the west, southeast, and heights of Chapultepet. To the north, and at the base ofthe mound, in accessible on that side, the' 11th infantry, under Lieut. Col. Herbert, the 14th, under Col. Trousdale, and Capt. Magruder's field battery, Ist artillery—one sectiOn advanced under Lieut. Jackson— ! all of Pi lo w ' s divis ion—had, at the same time, sobie spirited affairs against superior numbers, driving the enemy. from a battery in the road and cap luring a gun. In these the officers and corps, named gained merited praise. Col. Trous dale, the commander; thongli twice wound= ed, continued on duty till the heights were carried. Ifithr Early in the Morning of Je pealed the order of the night before to 4ajor General Worth, to be, with Ins division, at band to support the movement of Major General Pillow from our left. The latter s'eems soon to have called for Vint entire di vision. standing momentarily in reserve, and Worth sent him Col. Clark's brigade. The call if not unnecessary, was at least, from the circumstances, unknown to me at the time ; for, soon "observing that' the .very large body of the enemy, in the road, in front njor General Quitman% right, was re ng reinforcements from the city--less simile and a half to the east—f sent ructions to Worth, on our opposite flank, Chapultepec with his division, and to proceed, cautiously, by the road at its northern base, in order, &met by very supe rior numbers,. to threaten or to attack, in rear, that body of the enemy. The move ment, it was also believed, Could not fail to distract and intimidate the enemy generally. Worth promptly adianced With remain ing brigade—Col. Garlandls--Lient. C. F. Smith's light battalion, Lieut-Col. Duncan's :field battery—all of his division—and ithree squadrons of &norms, under Major Sumner, which I had ordered up to join iu the move ment. Having turned the forest on the west, and arriving opposite to the North centre of Cha pultepec; Worth came up with the troops 'in the road; under Col. Trousdale, and aided 'by a flank movement on the part of Gar land's brigade in taking the one-gun breast work, then 'under the fire of Lieut. Jackson's section of Capt. Magruder's field battery. •Continuing to advance, this division passed Chapultepec, attaelting the right of ene -my's line, resting on that road, about the -moment of the general retreat consequent upon the capture of the.formidable castle and its outworks. • Arriving some minutes later, and mount ing to the top of the castle, the whole field, to the east, lay plainly under my view. 1 There are two routes from Chapaltepee to the capital—the one on the right entering lite south gate, Belen, with' the road from the +south via Piedad ; and the other obliquing -to:the left, to intersect the great western,- or San Cosine road, in a suburb. outside of the -gate of San Cosine. ' Each of those routes '(an elevated cause way) presents .a double roadway on the side :of an aqueduct of strong masonry, and great beighti resting on open arches and massive ipithits, 'which, together, afford fine points both -for attack antktlefence; The' sideways lof both aqueducts ate, moreover, defended !by many tstrong breastworks at the ;poe t rand before reaching them : As we bad et 4secuid,we found the fintilitacks unusually dry and bard for the - seatott.': • .d;+ Worth and Quitman wereinvmpt in pur suing' the .retreating enetny—the former by' -the 13an Coarse aqueduct;. itid 'the ilatter - 141104 that of Belen. Each -111 d 'now ad . Viencaliome:bundred-yarda. " • •i , iDemninir it' alPimportant to prat! ti *our •auciemeir, r and "the .conaelieeit -41iiMay. of -the.enmny.,- which could flat be Wally* • -Itbiblatir haitened to:dis patch - Ohm . IChapeita al ; I firsteiiiMpliciiiWou4difek • ~ , ....,, Cadwallader*Ot* liftespl'AnClVl , gave orders that !hal neelisaty lilis should follow. I Pierpe's yigadeMrt same time, ipts il 4Queinaniltitid course of thei nt-Rmaulda..s ditional siege'pieceslo be added to Theh; "alter - '4eeigniti n glheAktri under Lieut. ' Col. Poward—Nor ColoneVhad, 4W_I ilisabitit hitt a diarubusco—as the garrison of 4 pea; and girine.directiabe i Tar the dab prisoners of witOhe'pa• tared o 1 and Rrdnancostore,,,J t p . ded tt iidsanie_it - Waritt; Lv;ttbict'' elial 7 beyond the turn'at theludetion'of 1 duct with the' great bighwas from Ito the gate of Stin COteme:, ! . At this judetion of rOads; 1 'we it jone of those forn4dablelysterns of fences, • spoken Of abtive, and it h guii!—a.• strong proof 1 ., That th .shad expeCted us . , to ;fail iit the att Chapulteitee ' - even ;if ids meant • more than a feint ; 2. That, in sit vre deligned, in' his belief, to • double our forceeligainst;the south n delusion kept up by' 'the activ i stration of Twigg,s and the forces . ilitit Shref - tnd - 3. TVA lidvancin front the reduction Of ChisPultepec my- had not tire to iillift guns--ou ' captures had left him, •comparat few.;•l•from the southern - gates. ' Within those disgernishel wrk si our troops engaged in a street gl the enemy 'posted ' in gardens; t and on house-topt4-all•ilat, with i Worth ordered forward tht motr • zer of Cadwallader's brigade, prec 1 skirmishers and pioneers, with Pie crowbars, to force windowa atuti d ' burrow through the - Iwatt. The were soon in equality of .position f• \enemy. By eightio'clock in th •'Worth had cerrieditwo batteries i orb: According to imy instruction • posted guards and Sentinels, and troops under shelter for the nigh was but one more ohstacle--theS• gate (custom house) between hi. great square in front of the eath palace—the heart of the city, and tier, it • wa's knoirn,: could not; by resist our siege guniZlO minutes. I had gone back to the fort of per the point from which the two begin to ditierge, some hours earlie to be near the new tiepot and in i muuication with Quitman and well as Worth. 1 Prom this point Lordered all de. and stragglers to their respective c in advance ; sent to Quitman siege guns, ammunition, and e tools; directed Twiggs' remaini., (Riley's} from Piedad, to suppo and Captain Steptcie's field batte Piedad, to rejoin QUitmun's divisi I had been, from the first, we 11,,. the western, or San.Cosme:was t. ficult route to the centre and conq capital ; and, therefore, intended man should only manceuvre an the Belen or south Western gate, i favor the main attack by Worth that the strong defences at the B directly under theguns of the mu er fortress, called the citadel, just Both of these .defenees of the ear' also within easy supporting distz the San Angel (or ;Nino Perdido Antordo gates. 'Tepee the gr port, in numbers, girep to Wort ment as the main attack. 13th I re- These views I repeatedly, in of the day; communicated to Ma Quitman ; bua, being in hot pu lent himself, and ably supported Generals Shields and Smith=Sh . wounded before Chapultepec, an to retire—as well as by all the men of the colginn-•=Quitman co press forward, under flank and di carried an intermediate battery of and then the gatabef l ore two o'cl afternoon, but not without proport . increased by his steady maintena position. Here,- of the heavy battery-4 —Copt: Dram and Lieut. Beni, mortally wounded; and Lieut. third in rank, slightly. The I. two most distinguished officers will long mourn. iLieuts. J. B. and Wm. Canty, of the South C 'slitters, also of high merit, fell o occasinn—=besides meny of our b commissioned officers and men in Capt. Bruin's veteran twilit' not in this place, give the nameso but full returns of the killed ilif %f both corps; in their recent opt accompany this' repcirt. Quitman, within.the city—add new defences tO the position and sheltering his corps as well ble—now awaited the return of d der the guns of the dormidable to be subdued. - I , i At about foui o'clock - the ne (Sept. 144 a deputhtion of the / (city council) waitedupon me to the federal government and Mexico bad fled from the capittil hours before, and to demand to ulation in fhvor of the church, t d and the municipal authorities. - ,replied that I would: sign no that the city had been virtually fession since theli lodgments Worth and Quin?* the day bet regretted the sileiff escape of army ; that 1 should levy upon :moderate e,ontribution, for sped. and that the • American army under notams, not self-imposed as its own honor; the dignity of States, and the sigOt° l the age my opinion, itupft*lWY dam pose. ; 1 " • For the terms, ittiimp4td, If , partment Xabs/iiiient l lGene ' Nos. 27 and r (ParatrObli 7 ,1 the latter,) copies Hof which • enclosed. _ ; • - At - the terminatiiii of the in • the city defiutatioi, 1 constnunie l l daylight, orders to' Worth aid ", imivance slowly - !mtl'eautiously • gatist treachery) towards ,; °chi, and to •occupt iti • etrod• ssofinutandingpoit4- -44ssitms4 ; ) grestp/asa of *Squire, phi and hoisted the cons of theitr on-the •pationil'• ofpongrese andi+ ' utiie Spa . 10,441-gniteful . 1 •tnenasight-hainrbecl4 , anticipa lisetiorleristiiSsisi4gdell,. • 7 , • 7.171% , dio e is train. nfantry; - the ound at` at - e Netiflaphifi - ffla - ; me , ,(a green psi*. lit''i ' ihrilatliar* , oft : goal of gener4 i Atm on.:r i hdr,tapttzl, ~.' ever, was Atoka lien* apy ; t die tii i two corps, but* the Went, th4stienite,Stbelillantry, the prosi est; of this 'Andre army. In the glorious conquest; •4l had contributed--early and Pusli_ Erfully+the . killed : . the, wounded:. and theft for duty—at Verz Cruz, Cerro Goy; do, Contreras, San Antonio;CburuhOsco, (three 'battiest ' ) the Molinos del! Ray, and Chapulttipleias much as thoiesilto_fought at thegntes,oflelen and San Cosine.. _'inn afteilieliirenle , irlf'we , i i n the net of occupying the - city, a fire-was o penedi upon Nus -frcitn• the:dat roofs' of the houses,,,from,windows and corners of streets, by some 2,000 convicts liberated the night before by--the flying government—joined by, perhaps, as. many Mexican soldiers, who had disbanded themselves and thrown off their uniforms. • This ; unlawful war lasted more than" twenty-four hours, in spite of the municipal authorities, and was 'not put down till we had lost, many -men, including sever al officers, kilted or wounded, and had pun ished the miscreants. Their objects were, to gratify national hatred ; and,_in the gen eral alarm and ; confusion, to plunder. the wealthy inhabitants—particularly the desert ed houses. But families are now generally returning; buisitiess of every kind has been resumed, nod the city is already tranquil and cheerful, under the admirable conduct (with exceptions very few and tritling)of our gallant troops.l This army bias been more disgusted than surprised that, Iby some sinister process on the part of certain indit%iduals at home, its numbers have been generally, almost trebled , in our public papers—beginning at Wash- care of rdnance inin the, en e aque the west I fill* eity de :a not a . 1 enemy ck ttimn iny thing encase, :turn and !.rn gates /. deinon osted on rnplary the ene preVions 'vely, but . I found t against windows parapets. in howit : •ed by ' axes and ors or to assailants Mil to the evening this sub 1, he here 'laced his . There in Cosine i and the :drat and that bar daylight, • ington. , Leaving, as we all feared, inadequate gar risons at Vera Cruz, Penne, and Puebla— with much larger hospitals ; and being o bliged, most reluctantly, from the same cause, (general paucity of numbers,) to a• bandon Jalapa, we marched (August 7-10) tram Puebla with only 10,738 rank and file. This number includes the garrison of Ja lapa, and the 2,429 men brought up by Brig. IGen. Pierce, August 6. At Contreras, Churubusco, &c., [August f2o,] we had but 8,757 men engaged—after deducting the garrison of San Augustin, (our principal_ depot,) the intermediate' sick and , the dead ; at Molinos del Rey, [Sept. 8] but three brigades, with some cavalry and artillery—making in a 1 1 .3,251 men— *etle in the battle ; in the two days—Sept.. 12 and 13 7 —our whole operating force, after deducting, again, the recent killed wounded land sick, together with the garrison of Mis coac, (the then general depot,) and that of Tacubaya, was but 7,180 ; 'and, finally, af ter deducting -the new, garrison of Chapulte pec, with the, killed and wounded of the two days, we took possession, (Sept. 14,) of this great capital with less than 6,oooaien ! And I reassert, upon accumulated and,'unques tiontible evidence, that, in not one of these conflicts, was this army opposed by feWer than three and a half times its number—in several of them, by a yft greater excess. I recapitulate our losses since we arrived in the basin of Mexico : hapulte queducts , inorder sy COM wiggs as • cbments rps, then dditional renching brigade Worth, ,-also at 1. n. • • are that !e less dif lest of the ;hat Quit threaten order to knowing • len were h strong within.— my were nce from and the MCI' 911p 's inove- August 19, 20. Kilt! ) 137, including 14 officers. Wounded, 8i 4 , including 62 offi cers. Missing, (probably killed,) 38 rank and file. Total, 1,052. September 8. Killed, 116, includi' 9 otneerb. Wounded, ti6s; including 49 offi cers. Missing, 18, rank and file. Total, 789. September 12, 13, 14. Killed, 130, in cludinglo officers.. Wounded, 703, inclu ding 68 officers. Missing, 29, rank and file. Total, 862., le course F. General nit-gal by c Brig . Idsfbadly reOsing friers .and l tinned to et fires ; arond total of 1055e5,2:703, including 363 officere. 00 the other hand, this smell force has beaten On the shine occasions, in view of their capital, the. whole Mexican army, of, at the beginning, thirty odd thousand men .—posted, always, in chosen positions, be hind entrenchments, or mire formidable de fences of nature and art ; killed or wound ed of that number more than 7000 officers ; and men taken 3730 prisonetre, one sev enth offic rs,including 13 generals, of whom e ; 3 had b n presidents of this republic ; cap tured too I n than 20 colors and standards,7s pieces of Ordnance, besides 57 Wall pieces, 20,000 sniall arms, an iinmetite quantity of shot, shells, powdei, &c. wo; guns, Icy in the nate loss, ce of that artillery thin were otter, its s of these the army Moragne alma vol the same Of. that enemy, once so formidable in 'numbers, appointments, artillery, &e., twe,nty:odd thousand have disbiintled °them sehies in despair, leaving, as is kuown, not more than three fragments—the 'largest a bout 2500=now wandering in different di rections, without 'magzines or a military chest, and living at free quarters upon their own people.' :$ vest non .ttrtielarly iv. I um numbers: wounded 3 ng several had won , Ns practica yligitt un itadel, yet General Santa Anna, himself a fugitive, is believed to be on the point of resigning the chief magistracy, and escaping to neu tral• Gautatnala. A new President, no doubt, will soon ; be declared, and the federal Congress is expected to re-assemble at Qeu tetaro,l2s mills north of this, on the Zac atecas tvad, wane time in October. I have seen add given !kite-conduct through this ci ty to several of lite members. The govern ment will find itself without resources ; no army, no arsenals, no magazines, and but little revenue, internal or external. Still, such is the obstinacy, or rather infatuation - of this people, that it is very doubtful whether the new authorities will dare to sue forpeace on the terms which, , in the,recent , negotia tions,Nvere made known byour minister. ••• • , It morning, giniento • port that army of some three :s ,cif capit e 'citizens; .promptly 'll our pos- Vected by Ire ; that 1 Metican Ithe city a 'purpOses; • mild come I ch 'lnky he United should, "in d atuk im- In conclusion, I beg to enumerate, once more, with due commendation and thanks, the distinguished staff officers, general and personal, who, in our last operations in front of the enemy, accompanied me, and cam-, municated orders to every point and through everrdanger: Lieutenant Colonel Hitch 'cock, acting inspector general; Major Turn bull and Lieutenant Hardcastle, topograph ical ehgineers; Major Kirby, chief pay master; Captain Irwin, chiefquartermaster ; Captain Grayson, chief commissary ; Cap- L. Scott, chief itt the adjutant gen eral's department; Lieut. Williams, aid-de camp; Lieut. Lay, military. secretary, and Major J. P. Gaines, Kentucky cavalry, vol unteer aid-de-camp. • , 1 • Caul: Lee, enginaer, so ionstantly,distin guithed, also bore important orders from me until he (aimed ;from a wound and the loss 'of twottightik sleep it the batteries: - gents. Benutegao, Steveniand Tosier, ell sVound. ed, were eniployetPrrith. the 'diiiiiiortird end Lieutenants G. NV:' Sadith aod'G:lH: with 4he commiiiy •lippers end miners. Those five liemseaste-eirenginems, ferthi de- I Orders, 8 and 9 of • herewith rview :with ted, eboitt iiiimare to ; guard a ; eareo the r sad' re e • to 1 1 , lid gu i nif, ited titan 16 at otted 'em;- quit by Worth. - 'hitter lireAfeir sittptcin, o the s cirafiicfn . of, alt about The crdcanik- cOlterc, Captain' a 01;14 Lie*Onnts.,HagneiStOne Old Reim, . ere Highly effective and:distinguished it the eras batteries; and I must add that Capt. McHinstiy, assistant quartermaster, at the close o[ the- operations, executed. sevenil portant commissions for me as a special volunteer. 9 Surgeon Geoerel liawson, and the medi- .. eal eta generally; were ikillful and untiring ,krt.ttnd„,nitt Are, itt tpipietering_to_the_uu tneroug woundert. Tb illustrate the operations in thislasin, I' enclose two beautiful drawings, prepared under the directions of Major Turnbull, mostly from actual survey. 1 have the honor to he, sir, with high res peci, your most obedient servant. WINFIELD SCOTT.. The Hon. Wm. L Marcy, Secretary of War. Correspondence of the Public Ledger PEROTE, MEXICO, Oct. 31), 1847. A bearer of despatches will go down from this place to-morrow morning, with 1111 es cort composed of Col. Dotpingo's (Native) Spy company, the Georgia, Dragoons, captain Kendrick, and Tayhir's and Lieut. Ehminger's Artillery corps, with Cher batte ries, and the first Pennsylvania Volunteers, besides a number of discharged soldiers, mounted and on foot. The First Bennsylvnia Volunteers are nearly all together for the first time in sever al months. ThCy still, however, maintain their detached appearance, as Cal. Black's six companies were sent down on . special service froth Puebla, ,and will return with the next upward train. Capt. small now commands them, as Col. Black is unable to ride, in consequence of the injury he receiv ed by the gang of his horse in Puebla. He is not, ho4vpver, 1 um happy to say, serious- , ly injurett-the wounds in his kg being mere-: ly painful from fatigue and exposure and by no means dangerous. The Col. is it great favorite with the regi ment, and deserves to be so. IT i; kind and attentive to them, and won their admi ration-by his gallant conduct at the fiege of Puebla, as be bad won their esteenvbelbre by liar uniform manly bearing. His charge upot) the Mexican Lnneers, with' company D, when Capt. Hernia's gallant company was surrounded by them in Puebla, on the 12th instant, is spoken of by those who wit nessed it in the highest terms of praise.. .He displayed, milhat ocensiou, all the qualities of a hero, with the presence of mind which ever distinguishes the nble and successful leader. His command ,are devoted to him, and do not hesitate to say that they prefer him to any other commander. In returning from Puebla, Col. Wynkoop halted opposite Huamantla, and took np the body of the gallant Capt. Walker, for the purpose of sending it to:the United States. The fall of Capt. Walker hits caused as much grief among us as would that of the Come mander-in-chief, as his ashes will no.daubt; he us honorably received in his native land. Col. La' Vega and Majoi Iturbide Arrived' here yesterday with. Col. !Wynkoop's coop.. mand. The former will remain at Pertite with his brother, the General ; the latter will proceed to Philadelphia, where he wal educated, where his mother and brothers now rYciltp. tkish have been handsomely treated by theofficers of the first Penusylvn- I nia regiment, and have little- cause to regret. their cnptiviiy. Gen. Jerrera, who was ta ken with Gen. La Vega, is still here, on parole, and is much esteemed by the Amer icans. He supports himself very comforta bly and honorably too, by 'makingcigitrs. This fact proves him to be much superior to the mass of the Mexican officers, who are idle and fOppish, and would- much,' mther , obtain a livelihood by plunder than labor. The Alcalde- of Nopoloca, with whom I lodged it few nights ago, describeslhe Mex can officers ns desperate and rapacious ils mils generally, while the soldiers are honest nod docile. He appears to have pretty cor rect notions of Ins countrymen, and told us he had no hopes of seeing anyimprotement in the manners of the leders or the condi tion of the 'masses, except in annexation to the Coiled States. There are miny honest nod intelligent people like him, who wish for such a union with us, and desire to see a wide door open to emigration, and securi ty for the fredom of worship, three things es sential to the regeneration and prosperity of their republic. There was some difficulty, this morning, between the officers of Col. Black's detach ment and Col. Wynkobp, which resulted in the protest of all the former against an or der of the latter, directing the detachment to accompany the bearer o f despatches. The detachment was ordered by Gen. Scott •to remain at Puebla, as the main body 'of the garrison of that town. General Lane, how. ever, sent them down here against their will. and the order referred to, but directed Colil Black to "retitim immediately," or" remaiO at Perote until the next upwnsd train." Th'e officers considered Col.,Wynkbop's order my a further end more aggravated violation a Gen. Scott's order, and made up their mind, to refuse obedience to it, but (fol. Black, aft i ter joining with them •in the pmtest, ai n having some sharp words with Col. Wyn, koop, expressed a deOre that the detach i tnent should obey the order, and they cheer fully Complied. - I give' you the fact of thil affair without commentary, as other writers, not knowing them, "may fall into error in ref porting it. A courier passed through the town thi afternoon, said to be fbr the. British Mini ter, from whom some at our officers frame thnt negotiations fur peace had been renew ed between Gen. Scott and the Mexico Government, with every: prospect of a speed consummation, and thot A train with fiv hundred wagons was to leave the city o Mexico to:day, with a - large number of iner chants on their way toi.Vera Cruz to inak , purchases. The ; news. Spread rapidly thro the city and castle and Was hailed as a her binger of a speedy return home. I neglected toinientiOn in my last letters from Puebla an amusipi incident connecter with the close of the siege, which. shows has the comPlezien of a population may ix changed in a single -night. After we hat driven the lancers and greasers. Crow the ci ty, some of epr boys took a little satisfactior out of some of ; the houses and stores'frott which we had been fired upon di t iriag the previoas month. One or two were set or fire, and made rinite 40, alarming light. This so terrified the' they seemed algal* Wiliintto Carmelo deb L.- Turks, and thp next mom ' roely a , die in torn that - French, , I I twat, or English Og the tal e :t.nuinerons, and he ispee ;'Of a French town r ligiop and to i g there, Wks id not etiOrt a: ag, the first - vinetbaciity, On a gala day. The effort of a • nality, in au! e Doody *hen , e ow dringingl • '1)0 1 :„!..the farce nns, however, • dge so, many ~ ost of evanece ycophant nat .therwise We's n our kicks. the peopl i to change their order to void the wrath. of .was ridi ulous enough ; hut ere of ti e French houses ed, us Wit " Arne ricepolnu ..'§antal Anna macho nria- Asinsufferable.. IThe Alexi jt ve heel made to acknowl , tas ra, it d shout for such a Ins he s, that they play the irelly 8 d with :some grace, mould bot t . ave beep sparing They are'. a wrCtclied race, imewal of blood i Oy foreign se than the ,Jew: \ vo copies of the ” lag of Wished before the lust Jilin II an "extra," givi\ngatm c- I :ent battle of Huamantla,th, . you wilf , please consider a cr, as'it i ', I believe, a air hat engeff ment. Sinceithat !Ina has re 'red to-Orizalio, at I 'mountatin of th at name, ,with 6:4 men only; hes . turned `lf: nd want a re atrisges, wor I send you preedoni" pu left Puebla, whl i!ount ofthe r 0 iatter of which i)firt of this letti rect report of i! vent Santa An I t te foot 'or the n escort of I guerrilla, and !elusion of peat public. If thei one—he will h ers—it; not, he 4ret lip a " prof ilhors, and re) 4 I hen]. rill patieti e before hl treaty sho ,e one of it will, in al uunciamer rn to pi ljc pOoplc's ItZuocate. JOS.. BOYD, PIiDLISIIER. Here shall the Press, the P pie's rights innintain, Unawed by influence, and nbribed by gain." monimmow MONTROSE. N I V. 2S, 18417. E. W, CARR, &In Building, N. E. .corner of Thilid and Do ,Gent Streets, Pkil'a. is authorized to l act as Geist for the " Pe . O :ple's Advocate h " and rec ire and receipt any 4-c,. ,monies due thei same for dvertising, , .I, FllOlll We publish! this week the official Report of Gen. Scott to the W, , r Department, giv ing, a birds-eye view of the - brilliant achieve. Ments . of our army at th city of Mexico.— From this report it see s that the City was Well prepared to whilst nd a siege—every thing was adneirably nrr aged for a success ful defence or their Ci y. Like the wily spider, they,d prepar d . a net-work orde feices, and c pt into t eir boles; but with h e all their adva tnges, an all their desperate efforts, he su tle-minde Scott detected all their arrange eats, and by skill, bravery end stratagetn, drpve them rom every position. The length ol . the repot crowds out much i other matter, less inter e sting , perhaps,' and of fess- importance to o r renders. The re ports of the svend offierrs, under the orders of Gen. Sco t we cannoVpublish on account ; of their great length., The Ledg r of Saturday last contains an interesting c rresponddlice from Puebla, i great length.. the p. rticulars o r the battle of Hue manila, and he gallant part the Pennsylva lIKIIIS bore in that lactic+. There are rumors agiiin afloat that peace . ,is close at hand. 3Ltjor Iturhide, a son of the late Emperor of that tiame, and until re cently an aid! of Santa Anna, unqualifiedly asserts that the. Mexictitis Cannot hold out much longer4.---that the+ are in tire last ex- I tremity, and rust yield Ito our terms. . 1 -- ---s4-- - Mn. WITOT ' S SPEE6.—The Hon. Da vid Wilmot,itir talenteil tied efficient repre sentative in Congress,odressed a large au dience nt thet Court-house on Tuesday eve ning last. Notwithstnnding the inclemency of the night, *tind the lute hour at which Mr. Wilmot arrived in town;; the roan) wars crowd ed with anxious listeners; there is some thing about the man, his zeal and earnest ness in everything that he unci - ertakes, and his undeviatiOgfirmnesS in the course he has marked: out 1 for himself to pursue, which causes his pctliticsl friends, in thiti county at jeast, to rally around him with enthusiasm and fidelity. 1. The bdrdeafof his speech was in defence of the Provite which tie introduced at the last session, and will again introduce at the next session Of Congress. For the purpose of raising fluids toptneet the heavy expenses ofGoveninielot, he would favor n' direct tax —" an appeal to the pa l triotistn and pockets of the peoplC7--he wo t old °lipase a tax on w 9 ee, and the graduation of the unless,. at the reduced price, secured td actual settlers only. Tea and Cu public lands they could WRECK A D LOSS OF LIPE.-A. letter fiom the 3d init. states - the probable earners Fitsbion and Beaufort d to VernlCruz with troops. Vera Cruz o f loss of the sl District, bou Berrien, and 'Dawson have to the U.S. Senate by the Leg- Eir Mess beet' erected islature of orgia. i• resolutions pfrezed by Mr. Clay ,onvention at Lexington, , lfiy., eld all-claims upon MexiCO for express " no desire. for the of the Republic of Potexico, a just apd proper adjustment of Texas." The administra accused of a great error in or upon a disputed soil; as tieing e cause of the war.. Th,e'whole peace orthe : ortisecution Situ* owed vigor is handed ovtritti .ngress.' The 'Alecto" ' of i Mr. riitt yet elfin. Eir The at the late prOpose to.y, territory, An I Memberme but Wish onli of 'the limits tion italso tiering troop:, the immedie war with re the vex& C 4 • I !pit/ wthi Immawne " Advo. just co ~ Doctor flow Be tam Cat dent; w FBA s • Dear ere this been w own ob TOM 01 ble opi = emigra i•w L• eat •no land ri of the tined t pie, t . and ca I w • and 1 thing I I was, point Ptay I II Id unless s tly await the enn ie again appears in uld prove a popular_ warmest support probability, try to to" agninst ! its au pwer by depoOug est, y spend sive pi rinnler, cultiva! and ri the su eight Nove nior, b ally C. preilti ry tla ue fill NICO. winds eifie. Bay o tied th did oil of the grade 1711E12 noon,' worth Bay passe that s or rat I= tranc ger la and pa .s whici York =1 eontr them inde t moit i T the verse to Sist 43 tires Al CEO arou them they them the p them lies • 111E=1=1 • ornVf ill you !pleas copy into the te" the etOosed. c l f etter, wbieh has l e to bend trom .ioOng friend, i P.. J. W . AID, late ,of iNew-Milford. ing the -" land, of his .. , hirth" , in•lis fornia.'• Year readeri, 'amt.coofi uld be gratifiedwith \its insertion: Respectfulli lion;feitc;” IJf. SACRIMPITO, (A.11:0M k)M114) Ady 3d,q847. - it Lus4 Ei4 • Sir--I ,would have written you long according to my -prontis, but have • Wog until felt conejcietent from my •rvatiohs and what . 1 co u ld learn rrs, to give something /Ike a relis ion in regard to thislat:',,land of ;" fur that it must be unless future ion shall be able to discover tome Dorado of which we hive* pm knowledge ; beyond this promised Is the broad Pacific, and unless some slands in its watery wake are des tempt the roving spirit of our peo at spirit has here found its summit, go no further. I, much disappointed in the country, an assure you, I have not . found any 'ke the: estimate I had formed of it.— l of prepared for so groat a disap • nt, although I had no Intention of in the country any length of time, should find ,it greatly . lbr my inter t I supposed that I able to t least a year here very pleasantly. face of the country consists of exten tins, 'surrounded and intersected by ms mountains, and are !only fit for tion in the neighborhood otthe streams hers, in consequence of the draught in mer season. The clirMite for about oaths in the year, from March to ber, is pleasant and mild in the inte 7 tt on the coast the . weather iii gener .l. the year round. Weiterly. winds , , and commence blowing nearly eve t about 4 o'clock, •P. bl:,! and contin late in the night these tire the trade that blow over nearly the whole Pa- I was on ship-board a' week in the San Francisco, and the wind. wbis ough out rigging as furiously as it ' Cape Mira, in a gale. ;The natives ountry are a deplorably ignorant, de people, a sort of half-breed S, cross n a " Digger" Indian (4 whom more and a Mexican. The' only, sight seeing in the whole country the San Francisco, which as much eur-, the Bny of New-Yoik in 'beauty!, as rpasses nearly all others. The tuy, ier Bays of Sun Francisco, fur' it its a .sion of three Bari, hasp narro en from the Ocean, opening into , al surrounded' with high routdedf vered with verdure ; frtnn• this you by a narrow channel, into another, rembles very much the Bay of New though of greater extent, and having islands; the third similar to the first. QM bays afford- very secure , anchorage, Ire completely land-lockea r ave not heartfa single person speak 1 f the country in comparison to our •rn States ; all say that iristuit'iarth ,urney by land or sea ; but emigrants !our in by thousands—it is known here: Imre are now at least' 5,600 on their i y land, a great part . of whom arellfor who think they are'to have completi 1 .1 of matters here ; there, ire many or I'now in the country, who. are forming ndent and exclusive settlements. The of theeniigranti are from'lllissoiari. ere are a grea number of Indiana on fountains, say [ 20,000, called "Dig from their mode of living. They sub , grasallopperslaid roo, and go en naked, except i the squaws, who have ill piece Of deer or antelope skin tied d the waist. The settlers, employ as workmen on' the plantations; they them in from the ,trionntaina whets have soy work to do, iind,'maintais until they have done, the giving them trifling articles and send, them-,back. are a: miserable set.otbeing,i, slightly having thick black hair which' nearly s their faces, making then) look more s than any thing I have ever seep.— e Fort where I am now staying;tha iandant (Capt. Sutter) ,hass about , one d in his employ,, the most of whom. t' long from the mountains, and when' diem from out of MY:window, sit round a trough (similar to ;baiour far have,in the States' for feeding' their n,) filled with boiled wheat, coarsely which they stick''their' hands hit*. en cram into theii,:triaatiiii,cheiterini: ri obi like so many asses, , my s complete. • I. rgot to mention, in - speaking of the- to of this 'country,' thaird'uring:foutr s of -the year (fri*l !i`Oelii*r-. 00 2 , ,) they have almost e,cintliaual rain„ !in.stationed. at this. post , as Assistant . - ' on of a detachment of fifty men, - who been sent here: by. Genq Kearney' to a tribe called'the isorie.fhief Indians enunitting'ilepredations open the set- - 'o this valley. , . I expeotWiremeimbers he cluse of the iiar,'W"heit 1411811 he.- tely return to the ITaited i ,States. - am . it and his Stet' pitid, usii visit_ a dey since, and they are nowlow.their way the, mountaioS to. the Spttesi„l , had nikwe of dining with efinnt, and saw peck' their tuelei ':iitid:4W c ep.their ... liarili to tie tale/WSW!: eta:. Tri• ~-J t, t ;tiYol7.."