The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, November 25, 1847, Image 1

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Vtopleci -Itttiotatt.
en x aaaa IT
. 30S. BOYD.' '
thp Wert aide Cetbe Public Avftinehi
• tERM,
'otitt. 1. 1
t #Ml.,"
Uon the
l'--oNeDflittA . f4 a veer, in advanee. ' .' ; '
let 'Arid flitr Cents if tiot paid' %%Titbit)
cWI if delaytfid , until after tile - expir%
eat Two Dellera will be exacted.
ve ' eents ' additional. will be 4t barged
paper it delivepttdby :carriers at the Pub
'amines optic nal with the Publisher.
FPS are
wheie the
Ushers' ex
leas nrreß
;-utill ye stop and pnder,
l ila the minutes rasp ye by?
e mid yourdreamings «•a u der
le the hours justtreatbe and die 1
ose ardor biighily lairtieth,
a purpose true, ant_l strung,
rut' 'a laurel earuetit
ler than the highest song.
He w
In th.
in a bola reliance
op strength S-e have within—
'iur Ines a stern defiance
their homage ye shull
Bid y
I not 6 time for dreaming-.-
ding still or tanking whet"—
resolves or wordy seeming—
;i calls fur enenrat men.
r 221
cringe at ahtulowalleeting
a sun-couceatitig cloud
em all a silelit greetiug.
he never by them bowed
! though the steep ascending
ea thelabor long,and
far wilt be the blending—
with aftemaits reward.
who idly - stand and, tremble,
'nkin* c dangers till tilt,
eir rrrant foes assembl
heir terror-born array. ' \
Doubting ever makes us weaker—
F tuake‘cov6rd hearts for aye—
But t e true and earnest seeker
Knts uo yielding but to die. \
He who yields is base and craven—
'Nothing worth in strife and toil—
But the firm shall reach their haven,
Prolidly bearing off the spoil.
So out duly e'er should find as—
So-our trialA_shoulil be met—
While the true and lofty bindus
Like a lock unmoving set.
Gird 3ie., then, with bold endeavor—
P ye tisiWard, while ye map—
he lig Trust mid Hope forever
An el-gnanliens by the way.
I love] e laugh of a child,
Now rittpliug and geutle, naw merry and wild;';
itingiugl out on the air with its iuuoceut gush,
Like the trill of a bird at the twilight's soft hush
Floating upon the breeze like the tones of a hell,
Or the tiinsic that dwells in the heart of a shell.
Oh ! dui laugh of a child., so wild and .4 free,
Is the raerriest sound is the world for the
£Uisrcllam .
From's Sande}? Times. -
One nt• the 'Mist, clueing heroes of the
American Revolut was Benjantin Tall,
madge, family ancestor of. the gentlemen
of this naive who now occupy varions,places
of Public tiust analog us. We find him :it
the tooth: of Long Island, fighting maritally
until the' day was against the annY!of the
young Republic, and then funned qui (tithe
rear guaird in the 'retreat. Oa the tit Id he .
Was a tearless soldier ; in that) spitcies Sf
guerrilhi service which at that p_eriodkvas sit
much in vogue, he had scarce an t;',lttl. In
one action Ire 'had' lost his shard, which,
Washington perceiving Ins misfortude, was
submit / Med by the commander-in-chiefs own
weal —a mark of respect and confidence
4eldom exhibited by the great man tinder
any ciretuinstances-- - always merited and ilf
weight When it was hestowed. The strait('
is gill preserved in the family. The only
tune it e l ver met our eyes was when G. NV.,
P. Custis win; in the city. He wept over 01
like a child.
:During the occnpanc,y of New York. by. 1
the enemy, Tall Ige was in cotomunica-
lion with many persons who resided There
and were secretly true to !lie American
calm. . rront there he gathered at litcrew
periods the must important intelligence tlit
can be imagitied. The leters and inessages
of this 'ignore were Iconveyed with the utmost
caution, and fur their more certain dispatch,
Tallsuatige kept a boat expressly to'fun a;
cross the Sound, 'rout New York lu Life:
points on Long Island and Cortnektictit'
where he chanced Ito be quartered. Many;
of these spy-like vOyuges were performed at
ii ,
l i
night. They We mulernikings of extreme
peril-Hor the Brit sh commanders, knowing•
well tit •facilities r recontuatering offered',
by the "ver, guar ed both the Hudson and
She Eat River with zealous and' abundant
belong 2
*ben in
and d
their t i
one of 1
horse i,
The n
set the'
WKS 1 ,
Warm even ng in Aurnst, ITT?, Titil.
' tarted for the city with four stout' .
companions from . Wethersfield, alto!
to the second regiment of dragoon's ,
quarters at that tanntsi nee tamottof o.ll'
' I Armed, as is the plwase,to the teetli, ,
'seed so that , tau smut of white was
about their persons, they muffled
ni, and ettatusritetl in at heavy - yaiwl
tad beetkeupturedbY stratagein from
the Esaghtlt vessel s Of war. ! TlOir
Lea.. were heavy - short swords 4 hirge
istoist mud a 'couple' !of boar houlat.
•der of the litltioyage was that ; 1110
Inlaid be' ottered it iless Tnthnadge
exotople. The , ol,ljet: or the jauritey
get promised infortti : tion of 'thh
`v. of the en.on y's intoPOteri.;- isi4
• 4.,1i '
the int
;inks n
'l uta f i
big I
.utionsotlhe liriath eolaiim
ter Auithttght, - !he moon rose4k ,
mud the otlventurers needy op
' The tiaetilty iu ttiotaite ii hi
hen tber tkoutd-hetre arrieed'itcOje
4. mulezifOnsi , 9111100 4 taw rifii
foot, of Old iliatirs!ent'au°4ol
wakmorr, difinualikilt r all I .
lb; Ode :Ai( the. fly, .464 s di!
~• - - . - ' , r ., 1 ,Weinfte 4,l"illifkilali;
i.. 1,, :• , . il, , ii-
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-# l 4, o 4Kten.. ,,.
~ • .z - ,
,Yestly Adyetiow o , 11 Air
$ ~ ,‘f '1 .
;a EVERY DIFFERENCE. OF OPINION IS NOT L . DIFORENCE 'OF PRINCIPILf.i'r-41r.traitsoic: ,zr,:' '1 • ,'' 1 - Fisuctliti f 7 Adt , - ' -1:i —
,• , -
. ; • , , ...i.“l ili ' i • i 01 ' . ' )., , 1 ^(!:. 1 • t,, •*, Ali oe - ~,,,,,,thethats QOO
2: NO 2t L ' MONTROSE, — Pit..li6Y—
. , AO, ,- . - - E , N • ...4,... ... i , ~„:1 ~,,, ,• -;, , itsirmk.
.. .
I reei ,i itt tip
'tha the ere
close in to I
rouge of thjiionit's rais
were obliged' to keep the ypwl
'le twig Islaud 'shore. Cut
rain at a lowin., intuition nliuld
, • ,•
.ourtiog detect m," and pulling;
n view Was equally" dangertius.
otit Tnlltnndge, the mien desNied
,wiped away the perspiration,
d : their arms. A hasty review
ion was made, and it was final
choose the least of the two
p to the shore in the shadow
lopposite the spot they wished to
it-Wm:ate the hest of their way
ass of discovery and ptirSisit,
s to he polled for life to Mack
; (then private property amine
, esideUcc by the owners,) where,
&nit, or by getting an. shore,
Ite:lpat and hiding in the trees,
Valle ca let tire.
id, the word was given fit " let
quintettee was once more noise
over the smooth surface of the
pi's. , They had proceeded Mann
theft the peculiar sound of oars
lie thole pins; arrestedtheir:at.
-11madge looked attentively to
whereat is of the craft, but
rut failed to see it. His Prac
hiM, however, that the inop
al was oat the same side , of the
ing his. men shoot lento a little
ntatunt near where they were,"
quiet us death, Tallmadge anx
d the approach of that which
The indentation or recess]
rregularity of the shore, offering
•t behind. All they . could do,
wit in the bottom of the yawl,
the shade, silence and chance,
rom a .recontre. As the boat
I, another shot out a hundred
;terms the c
have been
clown illy 0
At 'Nigel' I
in their h! •'
and etoniiii
of their posi
Iy resiilve'd
oils, niid lie
until nearly
.retieh, rind t
he pawl yri
well's lidihit
copied- Hs n
!ly dodging
they inig,lit
This sett,
go," mid th •
islecifing wn
three miles
work in
'tension. T
!nseertnitt tit
,fltr the ma
.tisetl ear tol
ourt . filte cirri
river. Bid
cove or ind.
and to keep await
'was . expecte
wits n mere
nothing to
wns to lie di
and trust to
They met nearly opposite the
ly two hundred yards or 'so out
s there %" cried a voice from
n bound
t the day," answered a voice
r. They came dose together
• xpedient. H.
to Was mit h,
dace witho it having accomplished the er
and that h d brought him out. One of the
nen, an e pert swimmer, was directed . tip
I ivest hirtss If of all clothing except his
reeches nu I -a flannel shirt, - clroo into the
liter and float into the tide. He we. to
ign 'partial death by drowning, get taken on
Hord the o her boat, and, when the enemy
east expect -d . it, 'recover, seize whatever
`tight `be tit best
_weapon he could get, do
ill the din. age- possible, and trust to his
'omrpides fp r aid. ,
• He floate I out as directed, rind was pick.
,p up and ' itched into the boat. He man
aged the hu mess with such dexterity, per
gained such strange mancevres, and flopped
ihout, gasp d, itiorird, and " skylarked,"
.113 . the phrn-e goes, in so novel a style that
he attentippo of the nine loyalits was com
pletely cent red upon him.
' Now hay s,' whispered Tall madge, " have
everything poly, and dip as I liip. To the
boat as qui: r ay as possible. Mind—one false
step ruins s. Now.; Move !"
He was I' early alongside 'when the drown
ed man sat I eiply and noiracpplisosly recover
ed his sen.; s, kicked the man from the stern
sheets into 'he river, and seizing the two in
dividuals ii.,orest to hill' !vile throat, threw
them ninifiV r th e others in such a way that
they were II ropifekimo. Not rightly under.
Standing tit` abrupt demo4trootitn, and still
belies-log Id ntobe a dying or crazy man,
they, did m, even dream of koffering violence.
Before Or could resume order and get
cotroprehen' ion of the event, 1w had dropped
five of Jl4 r brass-barrelled muskets over
board, and!. ith -a crash Tallibadge and the
Others we' among -them, each with their
pistols cocli d- and ready,
" Sorrels; lee, or we'll blow you into eter
nity !" crie . Tattlmadge loudly.
" Here . ones the other boats," remarked
one of tht4l(porkees, gi'ving the cock (done
of WI pistol an extra elicit. •
Steak or you die !" exclaimed Tall
madge, touting the barrel' of his pistol to
the temple If the of f icer in charge.
".1 surrAlcier—of course—no alternatiie
-1-most !" rtaintnered the confounded lieu
tenant. 4
" Ebou !" your arms, • quick, or my
.comrades ' ar at band may not be disposed
tip treat yot i ltio mercifully," cried Tallmadge.
every itilable weapon, oars and .all,
were .insta,itly delivered : and
,tbrovr over
latarill., T e 4)04-coxswain Was 'taken in—
ns thefail! ere-;-and . Tallmoirge. asked if
that was t . only boat out for the night. He
received, fi answer, that it was.
" Then,irys," said he, " we must go up
and meet t bee we expect and deliier these
Prisoners. ' Yowthave 'surrendered honora
bly," he ntinuad, addressing the enemy,
" and titer is no escape.
There as some murmuring ,at this,
Whereupo . Tullmadge thus interrogated the
, . "1,114
will, if let
prisnaara I
thine 'lie di
by you!r.-
ot'our t 0.. ,,.
eik .-- .
'' . l4 ! . ple d
..,'im • lip j
iiii.l' . /,;.
one proposition -to make. You
by UP. comnder yourselves, our
or one hour Ruda half 'cram the
part, makinetio eitori 'to revenge
re. If you coinply . iire
Ira to contradict no.itoty fold
at r ia,. Ire agree ,to keep the ~tale
!n; and , its reB44 a4m,fitund
der. ,
way word and honor to `et ef
ed• the lieutenant, tiiith'uPlifted
, 1' ,! •, ; •
er . ,,,„ihilplowod *crow tip" Ant to
•7 41 . 1 04 119;,419:11,041.
well's Island, and there set tmshore. ‘ l l,Ol on
injunction not to breathe word until. the
term agreed upon had expired. Theirkont
was mixwed on iSlanhatten ground—previ
ous to which, however, our little hand. bad
changed dresses with five of the nine prism'.
ers- They then pulled down to Rossevelt
street, run in, procured the intelligence they
;valued, and started on the return trip. The
tide was unfavarahle,.and it was three quar
ters of an I after the expiration nf. the
stipulated hour and a half err they had got
any great diStance up the river.
"Now, hr;ys," exclaimed Tallmadrg,e, as
they shot along four miles above, " pull liar
your lives, for ere this uur captives have giv
en the alarm."
True enough, they had left their siitsg•
quarters on the . Island, SW4IIII sifter their
bout, picked up finis queer,supling like sub
stitutes for oars, and wereconiing down with
the tide. The gloom that always precedes
any break wits then at; its height, and the
crofts nearly clone into • collipion before the
representative tenants knew of each other's
" Ali ! friends, are ynii.there ?" inquired
Tallnindge, as they rested. "As you ha ye
no arras, you are not anxious fur a brush,
eh r •
" Death and the devit!" giowled the offi
cer, " this is tim much. give us our
clothing and take your Own, I suppose. As
fur giving an alarm, we can't do that with
out exposing ourselves, Until yOu areout of
the way."
" Your request is indeed modest," replied
our hero: " so, strip boys--be
The change-of dress was speedily accom
plished, and with mock politeness the navi
ganirs again sepOrated. hicanti ))))) s4y- one
ttf the Wethersfield men had left pistol its
the marine's pocket,, and before they. were
apart two hundred yards, it was discharged,
and the loudest species of alarm was given.
Throwing aside all further caution, our lit
de,party went to work with hearty good will.
The aliirm was unavailing—mid before din
ner time that day Talmadge had mastered
the contents of the •com►nuuication he had
encountered so much danger to procure. It
informed him of the weak points and impor•
taut secrets of a band of skinuers and refu
gees, whose rendezvous was in the rear oda
fort between Huntingdon and Oister Bay,
promonotory called Lloyd's Neck.—
This fort was garrisoned by five hundred
English troops, :Mil wots thoroughly fortified.
The manrading baud was excessively dau
germ's, and had committed all kind of &-
preprint's. Almost every inhabitant Idling
the main shore had been phoidered•aud
Ily maltreated by them, autt the :anal
-essels in die Sound had soffered_by awls" to
a rent extent. Determined to break up
this etreat, he peyased his dispatch intept
ly, v n tierfected his plans. These be did`
.not put 'nos practice until the .ith of Sep
readier, w ea, with only • - hundred and
thirty men II his detachment, he emlwrkeil
at Shipp,' Pm t, debarked at Lloyd's Nock
st about - ten o'cls •k in the evening, and
without the loss of ii*ngle life captnr,d near
ly the whole of the pd ty be went to take,
and had than ►safely latti&il and I, al, tin.
der strict surveillance, •ind\:
Such deed. of darina ciu
ly litudrd. Their impitrta
peel cannot he derailed oni
the wait who shares in the
lad perilous enterprise that
rr eld.iniate of thrm
feud curb eitterpn.
faintly iketchrd,-ivr nwe tair ht. T'
! ailiject of our sketch litt-d 111/111 teazi, Vi 111 . 11
be died at Litchfield, caniaretiria, 111111 l rued
by till who knew or had head of 11 . '111, HS all
men who are eittempoyary with Nn.hilsg►on
intvg ever be.
A Dou's DREAD uF TUVSDER.-011 the
day of Prince Albert's tisit to this town,
among other tokens of welching warn roy
al salute fired from eaunou placed on
Castle Hill. The totwoutad and dreadful
stwad seems to have occass - ql much
altsrut among the dog tribe, and several
highly-prized animals made their est:ape
from town, and, have not 'duce- returned.—
One dog tragedy in fact occurred. A valu
able Netvfimindland dog -bad followed his
master from Ross-shire on the day in ques
tion, and frolicked about, seemingly enjoy
ing himselff, until the cannon opened mouth,
when the poor animal set off homeward in
full gallop,:showing every mark of extreme
terror. Atliessock, he Was seta to spring
from the pier and attempt to swim the ferry
which is at least half a mile broad. The
dog swam nobly until le had almost reach
ed the. other side; then, however, the strong
current over-mastered him, and though the
ferry-boat was nut far behind, the animal
sank before be could be rescued. Fish, it
is well known, 'always sink ling deep wit
ter, during thunder, and will rise ito no lure.
Cattle, also, show great. Warm; •hut we were
not aware tliat dogs were so settsitive.--- .
versus, Courier.
The fear of thunder is n peculiarity of
tener found in dogs thou is genirnlly sup
posed. A 'friend of ours in this-city, has n
hire Newfoundland Dog that will. run at
the.firsi mutterings of thunder c to his home,
andiplace his head in the darkest corner of
the room, under_it sofa. if attention is not
paid immediately to' his knock - at the thini,
will iii the most distressing manner
until he is' admitted.! ' The report of a gun,
o pistol, or fire-crackers, Will produce the
same singular effect —Ledger.
lr Setting a man-trait is the title given
to au picture-of a very pretty young lady, ar
ranging her hair at a mirror.
Here - ere:a- fiirlines evidently w rit
'ten • Vihile - 'A ottlier was an ng 'under
the pen ' s of nn love
shi/wr •
4,30,Pil pullsteL
• !Ars + •
• The. Approach of
Hark lithe Antutnn
bloating through the
And the withered leuves mire
Sport of every paining 'h
Hark! the Whilst winds Sri
Cumitig loudly-4'er the hil
And they tell of frets rhier
* .. Frustia rivers, lakes ri
Hark I thOviltl glow! shrilly
Widrea crtaiu , pirmeet--- I
As he lours to Soutbarn regi
Where. 'tut `summer all the,
Bark! the raven hoarsely
Cmuking frcm his craggy I
And the boding owl is booti
• Hoofing iu the woody glen
Hark! the woodman'e axe
As he fells the might; oak
And the hardy hickory thou
Thuu l deri duwu beneath h
See ! the pikgenns fleetly gm'
• Flocking fleetly to their hot
Where no chilly winds nee bl,
' Where no winter ever tow's.
6 4
Bee! the crows are wildly w cellar:—
` , Wheeling wildly through a air;
Lad they warn the frugal er,
Of hiacribleasmorn bewarti.•
a i
sow, the darkling cLnuda artmpreading
Spreading darkly o'er the rthi.
And the storms are rudely ti.seepiug— I
Sweeping rudely frotn die d 'orth.
: .
Now:, ale traveller closely wi I
mps him;
Wraps himself with cloak Samna ;.
And his horse's holifs,alraPti ,
. Sional upon the frozen gru iod.
Now, ye husbands, housed bj winter,
To your marriage vowabe true;
Love and cherish her who foOly—
Fomily gave her all to you'
Now, ye geode' wives, mrnember,
• You werefonned to smile ou man
By your smiles make joylessl winter—
Multi it joyful if you cam
Now, ye loves, XIDVI'd the el:lilts;
• Disregard the piercing sto!in ;
- Though the air is cold and lcilly:
. Hearts iu wiuter-time are varco.. . •
- .
Hoary'Winter! thou art welcome ;
' • Wereume at my door again f
In thy filling allow there's' nnisic, '
Music in thy wiudand rai .
Hoary, winter''. since I IsFe pee;
Heard thee roarAby last ,ii ien•;
-. Nally
wet vei It weepin.
Many a hearts Dem 'Amato, too.
• i
Hoar "winter! Ida gladly ;I
Gladly buil thee, cold, audi stern :
Thou lin like a friend, Whom Absence
Renders dearer ou return. :
The following graphic 4seriptitm
, penis of Mexico) will he interesting , to on
alters. The Irperos, it wi)lhbe remeinherj
1, were dim portion, of the ittiiib
Li. h'6nrd on our troops,ittitl since'
iy,ti had 0 howl in muse t the utiiiisitiol
mr..;:'l'he of the illostoli
a• of this (k.cription, lias been in
!exit.° himself. !
7 , Nobody can .tell the I4pern's occupa4
tank 'Gull only knows how he jives. H.
b a ., ;diaosi as little nerd of the tailOr as 4 4d-1
am aiiii\Eve iii the garden of E len, his it,
drinks the'vmn at every pore. Au-edict. re
goiriag The L.rpero to wear breeches would extingniz-li the -;ice; a Leper* in al whole
pilir of hreeches‘would MD Munger be a Le-
Pero; for one wan -cremes mustheri. The
Leiser° is emphatica the !child of nature ;
the shining sun, the gnu milking breeze, the
smiling face 'of nature, are\bisbirthright, hi:
property. Other men haie I ses
lauds ;14e world belongs 61, th ' Leve
rt). He has un ter, ,he kno s o law,
he eats when he is liangry, drinks hen' he
is dry, and sleeps when and whe 110 is
sleepy. Other met rest from thei la irs,l
ii i,
the Lepers works when he is tired of lie *-1
Hess , His work, however, never la s mor
than nn boor, seldinn more that, 6 n min
Ines:. jut lung enough to provide
few and small wants of, the day. .1
ries n traveller's mink to hid 'lodgin i
anything that conies under his hail
pocketti included, and holdir
hands for charity.' Such is his *4
is a dtwr of chores. He eats;anyth
everything, flesh, fish, and esPeciall
occasion Rood,'lph,, wink n friend,
/bulging his lavprite amusement o
of billiards, at a flinel la Norfolk.
a very cold day, and the large billia
was but moderiuely warmed with t
small stove designed to impart co
the inmates. Randolph, with his I
wards the stove, was inteuely watcl
competitor in :the game, and, at th
to catch a little
when awintimate acquaintance ea
the room and accidentally-, placed
hotweeo•Randolph nod the stove; w
reranitied.some timu without 'Mr. R.
round tii see wla Abe unmanlier!
was. At length; it' becoming his.
play, his: acquaintance stepped up
and very cordially :olfering him - hi
untied lie was well.: " Tesi tuns, I a
squeaked knodulph : in. his ;moat"
toile ; ".'but / on/igiveltol lay:k
I you' may, zold,igA i g,. •
,brats ram igiul? • ; ; ; ..)
Er" Wish youth a Eve,",
Arabia tla ill'hoArnSt.p
fur her
n surio,nneiss:k 't . .W117 .019 r ai
allP ' you uoubill
tao ihos,yosideo9r
iiitifSi*Mo4l6T‘ •
Frew the
Sztvstr, „Bair ...—An reAttic
that the principal branclt I Lf
school, was the Fillpw Or(Ancht
havinvseCd up, pearly a whale
ulu a E uq l
7 drone ;
0 :far it Dick,. where weep you,. y
"Oh, moving.". 4 Whot,
Yjes,l boil it s:7lr to„
curio:mu for movi n g t it to,
.• : .
ar Theis are hard. Ones, SR,
make the most pf lybi4Cliiiie.*..;
the grocer said ,‘,vitea be 'ivritter.
No. 24.]
National PaNCO of WX l co• Sep
SIR : At the end of windier
duous and brilliant operations, o
forty-eight hours' .continttan , ce,t
army hoisted, on the iinriong •
-the colors of the United States
of this palace.
_ _ _
The victory of the Silt on the
Rey, followed by daring rei
on the part of our distinguished
Cape: Lee, Lieute. Beauregard,
Tower—Major Smith, Senior,
and Capt. Mason, third in ran
Their-operations were directed
tothe South—towards tbe gate
dad, San Angel, (Ninoßerdid
omit), and the Pena de lit. Viga.
The city stalids on a slight sw -
near the centre of an iriegidar
girdled with-a ditch in its great
navigable canal of great breads
—very difficult to bridge- in the
an enemy, and servingOonce.
custom house purposes, and
• fence; leaving eight entrances
arches—each of which we four
by a system of strung works, th
require nothing • but.soine men
he impregnable:
Outside And within the cross
gates, we found! to the'south at
but little less formidable.. All t
es, near the city ere over elevate
cut in many places to-oppose
ed, on both sides, by ditches. al
dimensions., The numerous cr I
flanked, in like Incliner. kiwi
the intersectinns, recently b.
meadows thus - Checkered, are,
many Bluth;, under-water or ma '
will be remembered, we were
-at the wet mown', though with
usual, and we- could taut wait
the neighboring lakes and coo
asge, of the wet' grounds near
the iiittr4—ilie luwesivtil the- wu
After a clue persolial survey l.
rrn gates, cowered by Pillow'
Riley's brigade of Twiggs'-.7451',
our mimbets concentrated iai o
front—:-1 determined, on. the 1
lie net-work of obst melee, ,and
sudden itiv' the,south
less stitfaioeillde approaches.
TO econoinde the lives of o
ficers and men,, as well as to et
it became • indispensable that t
should be lung masked kiwi * the enemy ;
and again, that. the new now •meet, when
discovered, should be mistake - for a feint,
,and the indicAting our true and ulti
mate point Of attack'.
Accordingly, tm the spot, o. the )Ith,
ordered Quitman's division from Coyolicaos,
to join Pillow, * by day light, betbre the
southern gates:mill then that I he two major
generals, with tifrir divisi 0000 t, should, by
night, proceed,- (two miles) to join me at
Tacithaya, where I was qt artered with
Worth's division. ;Twiggy ; ith
I,rit-•ade mid Captain - Taylor's Steptoe's'
field- (iatteries , —the latter of 1 . 1 dent—
was left in front of those gate's, o ritioneuvre,
to threaten, or M make Hulse I tucks, in or
der to occupy and-deceive the . nemy. The•
stratagem again sit the south.% as admirably . ,
executed throughout the 1211) and. down to.,
the ,rtfieremon of the 13th, wl ep it Willi soli
bite fur the enemy to recover f theetfects
of this delusion..
The first step: in the pew
Go carry Chiipultepeco tinter/
°mid,. of. great elevation, st
or thq
e• card
-, does
ut his
rk ; hr
On on •
as in
A gem!
It wags
ie Ver
fort it3ti
by Lieut. Andrews ,ofkilie ,
commended by, ,Lieut.,,Hagn,(
bo supported by. Qiiitiainito 1
iI F
3 and 4,.on ( tlie uppish !Wel
Pillowitdkrisink were. mom Oapt.,.llroaks- tid,l 4 i
derson, 2d artilheyryi nltern
latter by"LientllStoriec indite
writ!, were ;traces! by Capt.l . l
Lee, .e a gin ce rs, vi r d . Coolant
with the ,abie assistance -6f
cers of those corps and he a .
' Tit;prepoire torliti a aall i i
IhntAbb ploy or tbe,bat pries
ihe . 'woeful illT; *it rlifient e
only,`, trebled ~ our-isiewi i pei
ammunition ;.,intdiywoi neW;
•grently,Align,lentbOill s !TWO
I was, therefors,iiii,ati baste.
asssullyberurtt tbu. markt we
.by mit miseile4: :., ,-.0 . „
!, Tkw i (*wabowsboent.
pbc,,ilbeolow::twri.Copt.. f .-H.
mimed morlyin ibeTßWein
zlle4Ww nighl6lll.,Akk,,fte
ooribeswiwNliw..had.. ' '
leek toi
ling hill
e same
me, Mtn'
here Ittl
turn ni
to him.
. .
Old a
ell filtt
nrp 01110
Anet hours, 1
1 •d ' ). and Wu. 2' l l
• r, oratece—.. l
itioime.„Nos. l
supported by.
nded, the for
ut...,S..§. An
. tely, and the
cr. ::The bat;
per and Capt.
•ted;,hy ' them,
he young of&
Warp,. ..,4•_:,-,
kerss i foreseen
ight run Into
• c hut also .ttur
1 hotlre Should
, ing the piece.
• rrlllicripplet
.4 I,
nennde, and
wimt-cons.r .
or ) theintkri .
So glow!
5 141 1 101 4•4 3 e1c 4
• r i
i e . 0 a n - a in rk h fA ii
,at teacher
ImPressihnlhadbeen made
its outunirks, mid, that ai.
enemy. lad remained vou
citYikoM-Jurearly , hour,
.attd• to be-on land on . ,its
to reinfitree the garrhatn
The same outside force
next ' ; nawning, after o ur .
opened.(mon Ithe Castle, h i
red utted! its 'garrison to thi
fur the One, • 1
Pillow : and Quitman hi
since enily in- the r night of
- General Worth WitI,PIOW
ste - Yday 1"
cngain r
y a hand
y cent."
We dug
Ipive- 7 -ne
.the vine-
livision din reverie, near ti
port Pilinw ;- mid Brigadi
of Twingii' , division. .ha
his brignde. from Piedad,
port ..Quitinan. .Trwiggs
southera gates,. again re
day, beti . re, that he, with •
Taylor and Steptue's ban
sty, threatening the south
holding t a great part of t
on ilre,defeni .
. Worth's 'vision furnis
an nirsanltit g party of sot
men_utider apt. McKen
and Tviiggs' division top
ciiiininiinded-,by civi. Ca
Quitman.. i Each of those
furnished'with, scaling-la
The signal I had appo
was the, momentary cess
the heavy batteries. Ab.
tire morning,' of the 13th
time had arrived, by the
.we had thrown, I sent
Plilcnv,and- another to
rice that the concerted
be given: Both columns
an alairity that gave
success; _, The batteries,
ties,,threw shots all sbel
over, the-heads of our m
particularly-at every alt
works tmin .withotit to m
. 18,'47.
ries of ar
mors titan
iii glorious
f the 14th,
n the walls
Melinot del
'being sick;
Of the Pie-
,) San An
H of ground,
in, and -is
r extent—a
and *Fith
peeeenee of
r drainage,
ilitary de•
gores, over
d • decoded
Majdr .Gen. - .Pillow's
west side, lay through at
with sharp shooters, who
lodged; wben, : being up
the attack, and emerging
at the lot of a rocky a
leader was. &tick ,dow
wound; The immediate
.on Brig. Gen. Cadwall
of the Senior brigadier (
divisitnir-,an itivaliCsin
gust.: W. ! . .pn a previ
Wirth iliad' just sent. hi
:Col. Clark's brigade,
.., The;broken nbiliviti
,cendetl., and a strung '
.be carried, before reach
-heights.. The advance
ld by brave officers, th
'Wintering, over rocks, ch
_tottletiitit *latest fire of
ry. The redouin now
Valor; mid_the shouts t
eed:to Abe leastle the f
Theenetuy were steadi
.ter to shelter. The ret
in Ste :single mine, .
of blowing up , friend a
at a distance attempted
the long. trains, were sh
Them was death bel
owr mid. . At length th -
main work were .redu
tiers were : brought up
sionning.parties ; som
its first in die assault i
ed or Wounded ; but a
made;; streutus of he .
position. was overoine
regitadtital colors ! iluii
walts, i amidst Itaig-c
cheers, which sent di
No scene could have be
seemed to
nd guns to
fires of dime
er obstacles
e approach :
s, and
of unusual
ss roads it ri
g bridges at
I ken. The
rsby ; for, i
in the midst
ess rain than
or the fall of
!. neat drain
' the edge of
, •
of the south
, division and
th four titnes
l ir tintnediate
th, to avoid
o seek, by a
l est and west,
r gallant of
sure success,
tis resolution
glaring.. . . t-
Hajar General Quit4an nobly supported
by Brigadier Generals S i bie diand Smith [P.
F.-] !Mil other officers and en, was up with
the part...assigned tim. Simultaneously
with the movement on he west, he had gal.'
lustily approached the southeast of the same
works over a cnusewa with cuts and} batte
and defended. by I tiny strougl post
ed outside, to the east f t e works. : Those
formidable obstacles uittuan had t face,
with Inn little shelter f ritis troops o. space
for mnitreuvring. Decditches, flan ed by
the causeway, made it d ifficult -to cr st on
r ts
either - Side into the adj ininc meadow . and
these again were inter cted.hy other ditches.
.Smith. and his brigade ad been earlf hro*n.
out to Make a sweep to the, right, i: • order
to p ro io ut a front , ai,rai a t the enem y, a line,
.(outside,).aud. to turn svintervenin baste=
vier, near the foot of Chapnltepeq4 Thi s
movement. was also 'at tided to
. support
Quitman's storming art es, both II the
causeway. The fiist f t ese, furnts ad by
Twiggediyisionovas c m anded.i n ucces• Capt. Casey, 2 in ttetry, an .Capt.
Puul,-,:th . ittfantry, aft r C .s oy had : '_ en se:
vetely.Wouniied.; and he econd, on Melly
tinder-the gallant -111 or Twigirt,,i gr i n .
corps, :1 iiill - d,, and tl en Capt. 11111 r, -2d
Pensylraniarobintee : ' he sto rm g po p.
iyi r tio*.Cof iniuideci 1, .0 tit, Paul, , mid-
ed by 1100 pt. 'tbiirti. the ri f ilefiliiei tenant
Stewart, au ?them o the same regiment,
-Smith'. bpi tie earri . the' i ttro bat tier in
the. noni,,i k `some un ~with man prig
01ters,4010,_ rork,tite., ,ne y pained., hind
in support., hO.-Nisr: 0 and Sots . Cap.'
Willits salon acts (SW 'lda' htigad9no - 1,4
aecunit,Pe sylsania(. oluntewrs, ad: , n:t
left Air Quit iiieelinr,
.ogather with
of his abir istcpairt* crestiad the mtladu*
-in - frinit,Andat 4 jolty Oh juiilliii i t As
outeurnakisisteof-Chs . 1 00041•Jwit nit
to join iii..the fatale alt I fnant Abe ~ , - ~,,.;,-.'
•7.Bittiiisaiiikijiit.Gran" al; finest A, Quit.
::!liiiiiiisairiigildier4io4l.4.l, . is. Shielditoiii, w ith,
4iiiiMikdrattadatt Ose..olletring Arc -,,a.
0irki0:4 . 441,11104t iftinguitihntii . 'ldiots
briiiii4t Opt rations.:-T * throw.* - eat
ink ii4:,ilitOchmo4.4, . %OS._ Is.
ii,ibisio, led,roloc-. 4.4,"Pi,,iii;., ~
4 “0,4411k thut mat ,j
.;00.4044:" - - '..
~. . ... ... - --
1094 ML......
mowilif,46ooC -
ovement was
1 ancl isolated
mgly fortified.
' , eights:] Be
as the ani)- ,
/a • a large
r students.
but or - the
4rried, we ,
the west, 1
le a nd •toci
tt (that of
sosy range',
right e r un
46 , 111
::z 1411410
. 4fojd our *es
I lion, ordir
bait, an: iiefikuit.
tteriei had lir
hid) we
esded •
• n
o d . n infosition.
t al Ith. Major
F. r , arid to hold his -
a 'Outidry, toieup
r General Smith,
an arrived with
( mil's,) to
j sup
gni, i!efora duo
. inded us, am the
Hera brigade and
rr* a, wasin Bair.
„tit gates t andthere
1 e'Mexicou 'army
eil Pillow's with
e 250 officers and
ie, of 2d , artillery ;
lied a sicnilar one,
y, 24 infantry. to
little 'columns was
ders.. .i , 1
nted for the attack
ion on the part of
'u 8 o'clock in the
1 judging. that the
if:ct of the Missiles
la aid-dercamp to
itman,with no
. ,
gnal was.about to
olv advanced with
iirance of prompt
se zing opportuni,
s upon the enemy
, , ith good effect,
flint-to-reinforce the
:et J ill
our assault. I
PProach, on the
o en grove, j filled
were speedily dis-
With the front. of
into open apace.
livitY, that gallant
hy -an agonizing
coniniand devolved
der, in the Misence
ierce) of the fame
e the event of Au
s! call of Pillow,
j a i reinforcement—
• .
I• w i,
as still to be as-
dOtilif,, midway, to
aglthe caatle on the
or our brtve men,
ugh alow, was en
sins, and mites, and
,- noon and musket
yiOded to residtleso.
I nt foll Owed announ 7
!to this; impended.--
iy driven from shel
es allowed no time
itliout the certainty
d foe. Thnse who
Ito apply matches. to
a down by our men.
Iw • ail, well as 1 above
- ditchj and wall of the
/ect; the scaling lad
and planted by the
. of the daring spit
ere et - tit down—kill
lodgment was soon
followed ; all op=
sand, several of our
. ont front the upper
initiated\ shouts and
an into the capital.
1 ti . ore animatingor