==l zahmai ORRECTED WEEKLT FOR PENNS/SILVANA. , i ,- P 118 11. 1 04 3 1#45g Mili klit*tetl l2 4atnt . Aio es' U s tieuaVtitftetn, Girnatil Par tom •P# Ger ‘• Derf, tehesier" . ' "Pit Ch he Weintsterpiu Montgomery co pat Fors',birtl3l4oll4l,F9 pat Farliiiiebk te.ad'g Pm East4n „ pat Northampton t Lancaseiab4t: , p , Far bk . tellr Lebanon e t ' 1:. dis Mitidldniten I dis Caris}c‘ i I die ColunibMbringe pat .Norlyttnibißand ' pat IttinettillbloP'uorille. • ,par_ Wfg,l4,Wilkesb'e riuSWlrtiid:iiOted 1 aii Ce)o4 l lcii_ tes „pot;uoles 1 dis TottOds' " Ao sale Yorinn:-`1 • • dis Gettysburg 1 (14 Chambersburg Wayncilig ;db. Brownville Erie _ Berks co iak no salt. Honesdale 1 ai, Bk co 14 di, LeNtittOß ll Lum bk Warren no sale West 'Branch bk. 14 dis porn Cr Sciillt":. '20330 Lehigh co.bk :37 dis Lehigh NM - , §cript. 15 dis 411141,issue • 14 dis ''NEW N t tity tank I dis Y ' 30 dis' Clqbe hack ; . . fraud North Biver lk'g co do CityNcnii gr. Bk'g' co tin Wool Growers' bk di'. White: Pains bk 1 di, Lewis co Lk Far,& Dro bk Buff 5 dip., hiilfere bk v-rf_Clyae - 15 di Tar bk of Seneca co— di, Com bk of N York 9 di, Lafayette bank N Y Bk'g corn GO di• Dey Dock bank Nlm Trust ,co_. 4 2 Ali:. Bank of Buffalo 55 dig Bapkok Brockport 35 diz Hamilton ilk 30 di,. Corn bk. Buffalo 55 dis AlLsobient_hanks aal di- Country 4 bauks /al di,. Except Lk of Colon,- Lis, Green co. Hod- I son. Middle tr.- Platsbarg, n •n, t Waglianit Warren, ( , t 7 Wash Man Co. E: Wayne co bag Del - Del Co bank frond Es bk Pols'eetisie da Pottsdani Manuf Co Red Backs int dit JERSEY. Al oath nict' and iNlanuftr• titters' bk 'Trenton pat I Princeton bank poi Plainfield batik 37 di,l State bk at 'Camden pm Cumberi anti batik pa s Mount Holly. Salem Blifa .. co pm Moitmthdli bank ' no salt I N•flope Del Bridee Trenton Meg co rill pai I Alt other banks put Far & Nlech bank of Brrinswick no salt Hoblll',.± IS Gen broke; 'Washington Bk'g Co d, Franklin bank _Jeffrey City Bank dol 1'4(1111411,u;lt dal _NJ Ithunif"Co ,dol Protec marl Lombard do State bk at Trenton do Bank of N Brunswick do Merit Lk Patterson do BINGHAMTON ADVERTISEMENTS FINE NEW TEAS. AT NEW YORK PRICES. T M. REXFORD, of BINGHAMTON, I_4. N. Y.. ha= made arranzeineuts with the NEW YORK PEKIN TEA CO'M.P.A,NY. for the sale of TEAS in Binghamton, and can furnish Ids cu .tome* aud,ilt . e-trade, with Teas at the game pricesrthatake diimpan:t charge for them in New York, which'is, at 'least. from cue to td o shillings cheaper on each pound than the Grocers sell at. And iu eery case where these Teas do not aivc satisfaction the money will I. , e,paidliack,for Catalogue of Teas. GREEN. Young ilvson, good, • do. do. sweet cargo, - tio. do. fine cargo, do. do. steer leaf, ./..coj - --seldom sold even by large de cause of the Small profits made ou its . very superior - Tea. do. do. , golden chop, I Golden Chop—This is the finest Green Te - tea in China. It is of the rat pickings vela 'all other Green- Teas r thedelicl - flavor. strength nod arena. Heretofore has never reached this coantry except 'lsis to suit the purchaser. Hyson, tine. . 'do: — very fine, Gunpowder. flue, t extra fine, Imperial, flue, do extra - fine, Hyson Skin, good; - BLACK Dag Yong, stroog and good' /Wag Yong—The grocers ~,,4111. It. Oolong. 0614 a treßainits Black T compare this superior Tea w as being aupolong ,Tes: pins ono the, deception too v s kog, Plantation ,uowth; English Breatrist, flue, eitni Mae, Howqua's mintnte, a rich an fl ' ea Pe - On Plower, do. Aisocoit.ed, Ne-rlus-tfltra; !Fe Plus pran.abis Mei' is Aaasiilmcnspgay.,l.t. yields a: lightfu.l.- . is-of farden . ...any-tiling of Ihe Lind grey far The abote eitircipe , 4iterlarieties onnainedi in in inniety imported, and adirtaniviuit the. mom fie nkere ell done up i quantities-44 lb, and We ba4A4l.ll's: Issice&Dvankit7S4l4:. 774 live will iryithata'Ailig. , tietieoitarless -- -Wer - eiver wholesale priceo4lo6Siag,. staliassoisylassistirat:§o - OE of aty 4WVIVAIIV Vtvw 1411 i li t 4 es e ir• -.1) , CZ= (n,I TIM "CO' A 'Under • • .4 KAM,rl.l l 4llk,":! l AI4 III A • -4 dist !MLitt iiV I L • 'Arleta , teak' 0 ,4:64 11, ' ' l lOlll4ll 41 1 ), D db r' Bangor , mak bk ' 1 , 1 Westb Qt.tizons bk Alp `,, Gtobel iVasidu ! nco do Fran do solvent - banks: 11441 ) T ERNIONT." • Bank of St Albins Bk of Beimington dis Ml, soh ant banks di* MARSACIFIUSET S.. All toti-cut !minks 4111* - RHODE ISLAND, All solvent banks 4 dis I MAR Y LAND Baltimore banks i 'lib idle 1 dis I 411: rittopeco bk Mineral bank Frrdericktawn Far & bk Ha gersVia broke %teem ter I die Williainsport die Curnberland Idle Salisbury . broke Franklin bank I die Sonueliaimah broke MBlinkton broke Frederick co bk die Broken bk. 4 various prices Baltimore '6l. Ohio Be lief tnltes 10 dis IiELAWARE. Bank Delaware , par IVil`n- Branyw'ne • par Farmers' bk Del par Union bank par Bank of Smyrna par Under $5B die DIS.:OF COLUMBIA. Washington City die Georgetown Far & Mechailice I die Alexandria die Bk of Alexandria broke Mechanics' bk broke Franklin bank no sale Merchants lank' do VIRGINIA. Ex lik-- - kbranches 1 dis ilk of V 4 St brii'chs 11 dis Far bk & b'chs dis Valley bk & b'ch 11 Wheeling 10l ilis ‘Vlieeling p notes 11 dis NORTE]. CAROLANA... All *advent banks PI din Small notes 21 die - _ _ SOUTH CAROLINA. All solvent banks Ih dis Small notes 2 dis GEORGIA Ilk of St Alagy's Ocmulgee EEO Monroe iL Columbus Plarnix bank Exchang.e bank Chat R hank Central bkof Mill Georg:id B*kg co Rocker Blcg co lAII solvent banks 2 AL;IIIAMA. 111 solvent banks Sari dis 'Small notes • 8 die 01110. Cincinnati 2 dis Solvent bk notes dis ILLINOIS. Rank a Illinois' 70 dis State bank Sit dis KE NTUC KY iNotm 2 diar 'Smalilmotes 3a3/ LOUISIANA Al.l salvdut banks FIEM MISSOII RI All sdlreut banks 2ia3 dis INDIANA All sOvent banks Lla= dis FLORIDA. Southern Life & Trans portatiou Co. so 374 1 00 ere, be le---is a 1 50 cukiVa. ex- of, im Lis Tea small 75 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 374 37 4 cis. and RIM 50 e" . csce! , M e is too b that sold b, The differe palpable.. 75 50 63 OM! ' 75 t 1 00 1 50 1 50- fragrant and evreet rfutne that . wth.rual peroor to ti u ..0 2 6 deeenet 'eco prase all II have quality, The v . ery sbade lOUS WIL:1: Chinese lb. each. 1 1 !nriarbY iamt, are'aellin t; and e Pekin it vie the most thk.tti at ZENO TM i it.ldt- ~_, ~*:, rea pany,7s any} 77 Fi markereamei'oni, b f kiov3 Thlllettito oll G* to sell good place, qn trinonnW nimmis .' Tire Afg. * pi Aineatuntath ita394,WPW, Ust of Po filar M FOR sitik.B L. ,K :R B,INGPIAMTON, wHO 'keeps ' - etmMntlynn hint %mit of getiitiio) U GS St PAINTS dr:OILN, 111',E 'WOODS 4 1 GaGCERIF,S, FANCY ARTICI:ES of which will be sold 0114•141' 4.9 EST.: t ._, Puttia. Sands' Sarmparilla Si 00 salt rhentotemedyr, 00 Romen'eyelialsam 25 Panacea 00 Mcmunu's elix of opi: _ tam 1 :125 Minim's Pills 2i 37 2 Moffat's life pills sis 50 do Mann: bitters 1 00 Shermen'it,med.loz's' 251 do fever a ague do l 00 do dinner losenges 1 50 do poor man's ples'e .12 do nlasaonian 1 001 Jayne's Earepctotat4 1 00 do hair tonic , t:1 00, do tonic vermifnge t 50' do _carminative bale; 50 do sanative Pills 2.5 Dalley'i pain extract- tor 50 a 1 00 Hay's - liniment for' piles 1 00 Washington eliz. for . dysentery. &c. 1 1 00 Cooper's corn salve 2.5 Mares cern salve "' 25 Gridley's salt rheum' oiutmeht 25 Rush's infallible pills; 12 l'helphs' tomato pills 25 do rostotatice bitters 04 Mdes' tomato pills tio Faimestede. caruf gr Cheesemau"s Anthitm balsam 50 00 Hooper's Alelutsi's black salVii 50 Anderson do Glutei syrup SO Godfrey's do pile pills . 25 Bateman do cathartic pills 2.5 drops do plasters i 12 furling do feverangue syrup 50 of life Winslow's balsam of Pacific • • 25 a5O hoarhound 50 - Eddy's rheumatic Taylor's :balitim of - thict re 50 Liverwort $1 a 1 50 Reordifyi g soap 50 Mother's relief 1 2 00 Keeler'i viiihle ink 25 Fati g at e .'s • anodyne ConuePs tain•extract'r 25 cordial 31 United B atea pills 50 Wistar's balsam of Watern i's rheurmat - wild cherry 100 is plan er 25 Resurrection or Per. Chapmat summer shin pills -50 ail 00 conlia 18 a 37 Jew David's or Ho. •Briuker ff s restora br.'w plaster 5O tire 1 00 Egyptian balm 50 Opodeld hard and Fish's lily syrup i " 1 00 • liquid Longiey's panacea 1.50 Edward' salt rheum • Dutch pills cir lion of (Unto' ut 1 50 the day - ' 37 Itledicat d coughcandy Bishop's anti-bilious ;White's live 12 (ills f ' : :50 Galatiue apsules 25 a5O Hitchcock's balm of IVeg. pnl all'Y balsam 50 health • . 1 Oil Brown's strengthen .do worm tea 251 ing pl ater 37 do catarrhtsnuff 2.5 Atwood' canker drops 18 tin magneticodontica: 50 do jun lice bitters- 37 do hair regetteravir: 371 do spin elixir • 37 Parker's pulmonary: Linteste p.lifebitt'ral 00 balm 100 do Chil blood pills2s Le Baum de Ninon, Indian h it dye 50 or French balm of Webste sarsaparilla 75 beauty ; 50 Rapp's Indian plaster .25 Smith's-sugar coated ; pills . : 5 • - Bartholomew's pitik syrup ;"j 50 Spohn , s sick headache remedy ' 50 Christie's Galvanic Rings! 37'11 150 do bands :1 50 do plasteis H 75, do magnetiefliiitt . oti Austin's niagicalliti ment e 50 Brisk pill 4 i Root's ringbone oiitt. 50 Parr's pills , 25 Upham's electuary,4 for cure of piles 100 Moor's esS. of Life 40 Bristol's iiarsaparilla . s 00 Scudder'S acoustienill 00 Cooper's ietherial oil p 50 Gridley'slsalt rheuml ointment ; 50 do ce .German eye ointmeni . 25 M'Call: American dye salve. 25 do Ind Italian chernicl map 1 DO Wood'e Coral hair restura tire 37, 50 a. 1 00 Touse) Amber tooth paste 25 °nit •Spanish lily white 37 °tie!? Moorish hair dye: 50 erei Erosive soap 25 Waugh Henrick's sugar cast- trip ed pills : 25 Hanoi do tonic bitters 25 Sand's ..do sciatic liniment 25 antra Brunet Irulian midi ;Davis' icine 11 eol With many others not minomer . The subscri ber is Agent .for Most of the medicines, anti WAIIIRANTS eaerynarticle•ge: nuine L I Binghamton; Inn. 18, 1847 DiVOWINITON Mt it. RAY NEll PHIS HOTEL having chill _L. -been thrirouggy . repairei now OPENEtrtheiheineenm The Proprietor ple4ges himself comfonfi of his girieF atudi be. and attended to, in .erli 'rupee mAy other in the'.e,o uty. rr Two daily we. of Sta (morning and ermtimg.,) stnio at Cheating° Bridge,Aand one i n (Sunday's excpWk) unt* in New York & Eilie w tsairosiL Utica and Mon mat tri•vi town, Fort PlakidClortlan#, tustA BINGIfiIiMT9I gitl*. 44, mostviegidwitsfr 41' pia able theisisimototo",;,,p; - 4; to tlte propt„; 4 01 141 Potn4o st.ThFE: /*Del PlaiL:•, Moutrosti, Joky 1 47.-5 IM :ESE===3 tones, F • I . Y., • et! fall assort. 'EDICINES, V . YI3 STUFFS/ &c. &c.-941 It MI PRICE. ' P T united - Gregory's risk's su pills Balm of C Hitchcock 125 ~ i nnabia 5005 ions pill Covert's Michanx' Lee's Pill Brandreth Post's poo Bedean's Libby's b Nerve a made li Wilkins° m of life I'so • kle wash 50 alas 25 man's pills 12 Tasters 25 ten 75 one rhen invent 5011 00 i a tromatic re 3? i 's eye water 25 .. . of honey 12 / nut 25 baliam of I wrind Thom Hill's 13: 9epaabc idun i pti life . IlcAliiate 1 00 s all-heal- Intraent 25/50 50' oil 50 torative pi 1145 i l l.longsiorti 00 yne, awe I untie i 5 it o do hair do wile. Segue,' harbor's . Clove 1 I for Climax a Dr. Fo tii pectorial 75 cordial 37 isal, pills • • 25 female pill's 12 e Scots pills .12 cordial 12 pectoral , do tooi • do unto. •balsam us pill; :5 mare oil 50 a 1 00 sarsteplal 60 in* cubehs 1 50 air dye 50 I bard's anti pills 12450 en. liniment 25 vertnifuge, or hot o r's sugar coat- ' la 25 balm, for Src. 1 00 . pills • . 12 • acoustic oil 1 00 acoustic oil 1 00 L lemon 's strengthen aster 25 I • 's worm dea -1 ig syrup nore's Amen- • luster 25 er.atile syrup 50 . m's remedy 1 00 V . reg. panaceal 00 sarsaparilla a berry bitters 1 00 s indrersal j , anti t '25 ,F - Tali or'sov-. V . balm '25 i's veg; lithan• s mittureSlail 00 19 4 .ebtaly laces,slo adide of sar. ill' 1 00 MO k illereowiso M. REXFORD. 50y r~i ®Q~~a ORD. jeci Tenants, has refitted, and h .tienofthelatblic. that The wanti• and well provided 14, at this fi l et, seat I - es from me west, id llonso4near the 1 Leaves, the east uneetion. with,the daily stages for kly for Cooper. RAINSFORD. 17, 1847. Alyi LIM :Ity hied Pub E AL.• 0-4, 1 04,i• M, DENISON. Jtaaa=a:ilioakE;3= • •• -•- ----PROSPECTUIF • rig 111 I Issue this Prosjiectua , to apprise *Fed .:i. , Psitaitrnt *owing! litikitOttiona on que'l .r.,....* :„Congeresiotal,Olobeaudd *Mir fee AO ;Itimuseiti ag Atotion,, andl to iniite! aulistiriptiohs. 'The Mingles' having - tiotriefrid : whirl us for-thoi work, t en iuchierussos tenablews itoit;4o make - eirosfi plete reports, to multiply and issue titento- . bers thrittlieretoforei wind-without increasing the price to-subscri-,. hers, we holie:to molten good return for the libetalitraild high officitil.;tanction 'thus be- stowed on .-the • puWiention. : . We shall - ins crease the volume at least one third beyond , the ordinary bulk, and endeavor; to add 'to its usefulness by extending still further its large circulation.. Thillast is not the least important point in the view of Congress, Faithful and du rable reports of the debates of „the hodv are of valweriri.tirtitiortion to the-'extent' aribeir circulation among the. people.: It is in this , way that Congress is brought into the.pres: ence of its remote constituents—that it ob tains easy access and holds communication. with them from day to day,ned renders the ' government really representative. - Raving received from all panties in gress the strot.geet marks of confidene& rand approbation, in the liberal therms and per manent contra ct vo'ed - to continue the Work, we shall nit he found wanting in the impar tiality and industry necessary to th • due ful filment of the engag ement on our pert: The next session will ta sk to the utmost the best: efforts of those tontlected with the ituderrit king. It will be distinguished hf discus sinns of extraordinary interest, and results of abiding concern. The tear, it 4 origin and , conduct by officers in the cabinet and in the field, will furnish subjects • fur profound inquiry and consideration. The terms of peace, the disposition to be made of con quests, the consequences to be drawn fronts nfl that has been done, as effecting parties in this country, and especially as hearing o:' the approaching presidential election, will open up novel and powerfully uperatingdis cessions, rendering the coon cis at Wash ingion daring the next...year as pregnmit . of good or evil to this con inrnt as those of Rusk were to the Old World in the days of her early energy. Such-a field far deliber ation and action wits never rresented to env previous Congress. All that has transpire d - or. may hereafter transpire !idiot •the close of the approaching session of .Congress, in New Mexico, California, in the capital of Mexico, and the provinces still dependent 'on it, will, come itti,der the consideration of the next Congress. Its debates will contain the history of the war, and its action deter mine its results, whether they he decided by arms -or diplomacy. And 'whatever is de veltiped concerning this vast and interesting matter on- the floor of Congi-ess or in the ex ecutive messages,•will be fipund recorded in the Congressiciiiiil Globe and Appendix. The Congressional Globe is made up of the 'daily proceedings of the two houses of, Congress, and printed on Superfine double royal paper, with small type, (hrevier and -itimpareil,) in quarter hot, each number containing sixteen royal qnarto pages. The speethes of the members, .in:this first farm, tirecondensed—the fall repiirt of the prepar ed speeches being reserved for the Appen• dix. All resolini 111 l s, mo , and other proceedings, are given in the form of the (weals, with the yeas and neysOn every important question. Every member will have nn opportunity to rend his remarks beforedwy tire put to press, and alter our report it he should think it incorrect. The Appendix is made up of the Presi dents ammol message, the reports of the principal officers of the government that ac company it, and all speeches of members.of Coup,rress, written out or revised by them selves. It is printed •in the sumo form as the Congressional Ghibe, and usually makes about the same number of pages during the session. • During the first month or six weeks of a session; there is rarely more business done than will make two numbers a week--one of die Cigressional Globe and one of the Appendix; but during The remainder of a session, there is usually sufficient matter for two or three numbers of each every week. The next session will be unusually. interest ing; Therefore we calculate the Congres sionalGlithe and Appendix together wil. ttink,e near 3000 large quarto pages, printed ;in small type—hrevier and nonpareil. We furnish co►nplete Indexes to both at the end of a session. We. will endeavor to pr i nt a sufficient number of surplus .copies to supply all that may be toiscarriea, or lost in the.moils; but subscribers should he very particular to file their papers carefully, for fear that we should not be able to supply alt the lost 'timbers. - We have a few surplus copiesof the Con gressional Globe for the bist session of Con. gresei which we will sell for the original sub scription price ; $1 a copy: We have pa surpluS copier of the Appendix fur that ses sion. TE EYIB. - For one copy of the Congressional Globe,' $2 , 0 Forone copy of the Appentrur., - - 200 For six copies of either, or part of both, 10 ;00 Proprietma of newspapers Who nary this prospec tus before the, first day of December : and send us one copy of their paper containing it,-marked rapid with a pen to direct our attention to it, *ball have their names entered on our -books for one copyi of the Congressional Globe and Appendix daring the sessiMi. Our prices for these papers are sn law that we cannot afford to credit them out. Therefore layper son need consume time in writing for them, unless the money accompanies.the order. • Subsenplionit should be here by the 13th of De cember, at farthest, to secure all the unmbers. BLAIR . ; & 'RIVES 3VeAhioiton, October 4, 1247; • - • • • • 't VIA risinomiLE TiAvs, jug received the He* VIA' - Sid Ml' delkitt !UOrtite ritobloile, &rile:47-8; sod are.4 o l 7rePeettte dO - 41Orit' Ahekt:ide ; so Worthei'Peiroi may - dictate, • CUM% dotoi on #tert - notiet t ;`.id • ittarreatied ta OtOtilieffetiisol. 4•4740° '.51M16 - ' _ 4 141 0 0 10? pow, : 111 .theiiittit9 1 4.6404144: 7 41* lace 004901i.4444ilis:*ACLIPIA4e:dt1 For sale by the dozen or 'jungle by ', July 13. 3.1 LYON& • • • 111111" ..AT NEW. ,YORK PIRICES: 7 rt- t :. .8 ISAAC I..POSTAit. COL!, s'i - 8 T.Tivie made artingemendi with the NEW YORK rfflum-rzh, COMPANY, for the. isdul THAtI in3lontruse,, and can furnish their Customers and the Trade, with Tcas at tho aame.priceathatthe - CompanfAluiegU, lAtal every; ease wtssre !helm Teas do not give satisfaction, thosoop e y l am.wdl be back for' them. The Young lijoant Tea mentioned in this Catalogue, at 50 cts. sopi- 1 tior to any thing sold in Montrose at 624 cents. CATALOGUE OF TEAS. . • • GREEN. YOUNG HY6OT4, do., do. sweet cargp. do. 40. fine do. do. silver leaf 1 00 loer LeoP.-.Selikant sold evert by largodealers,,be-; cause 4*e very small profits made ou its stsle. Thiris a very superior Tea.. aff4 . - do. &Aden 150 Golden Chop—This is the finest Greeu Tea cultiva ted in China. 11 is of .the first pickings, and ex: cels all other Green Teas for its delieaay of flavor strength and aroma. Heretofore this Ten has nev., Cr reached • this country, except in small lots aa Presents to importers. 'YSON, fine..i .......................:..75 do. very tub. ...... - GUNPOWDER; fine do. extra fine.. rrdrEaw., flue' • do. extra Rue IIYSON SKIN, good.— .... 'BLACK KING TONG, strong and good flavor.-- • 37i Ning Yong—The grocers sell thls at 50 cents and call it Oolong. ' OOLONG,4 rich Black Tea 50 ' Compare this superior Tea with that sold by gro cers, as being ail Oolong Tea. 'The di ff erence i. too plain, nu the decept ion too'palpable. I OOLONG. phonation growth 75 ENGLISH'. BREAKFAST, fine . . 50 , do. , do. extra tte..... —. 75 HOWQUA'S MIOCPURE, a rich and highly - it ~ flitvoreil - Tea..„. . r 75 ... PE KT FLOW Elt .... ... ........ .---. .... ... 100 do scented .I 50 NE PLUS ULT..,...... ~ .... _IOO ,1 t.A. Ne Plui Ultra— him Tea is as fragrant and sweei ma a nosegay. I yields a perfume that is ululy de lightful. it into( garden growth', and nuperuirt tO any thing of the kind ever s ild in this country-.k, , Accommendations We have tried the Teas imported by the Pekit Tea Company, 75 & 7-7 Fulton sti. New York, awl if we live will try them often. They are selling the most, delicious-tens we-ever drank, and retail them at wholesale prices.—Er'euing . Post. • Yon.;May, be sure of obtaining at all times intrtl mai htllly flavored tees, -by the single pinta! at wholesale prices; of the Pekin That Company, 75 & 77 Fallon St.. They have pruhahlythe largest stook, and greategt car eta affirm green and black teas, ru any one establishment: in the .Uu4ed States. They are doing , a large business, and; a great benefit to consumers of tru.—Atlas.. Heretofore it has been very difficult. possible, to always obtain good green and block teas. But now you have only to visit the ware-rooms of the Pekin Ten Company, 75 & 17 Fulton street, to obtain us delicious and fruguan teas as you can wish tor.—Daily Sun. A WORD TO TEA Dafpatait.—The Pekin Tee Company 75 & 77 rnlion at, have impo r ted into tins market sombitive thousand.dollars worth of the finest gnitles of Green and Bloch Teas, grown in the Celestoil Empire. done up in the vitrions fitncy pack :iges that Chinese ingenuity can invent. They sell good tens only, and retail them ut wholesale prices. Country merchants who wjph I to always sell good teas can abrays Ohtani them at this place, ,on rea sonsble terms.-L-iErnpocium. The above Tens ore Me Rite by A. L. POST & CO., • Sole Akenti for-Susquehanna Co; TIM 111 S! AT NEW YORK PRICES. MONTROSE AGENCY OF THE NEW NORK- C ANTON TEA 'COMPANY THE OLDEST TEA S ESTABLISHMENT IN AMERICA! 'ESTABLISH MENT 'NEW YORK. THE CANTON TEA COMPANY lies been pap- ; ularly ir,nrivirn:for many years: This is the lar- 1 gest and oldeit Tea Establishineim in America. The public have, hud full proof of their integrity and re-' sponsibility. But such ; has been, the greatanti pres sing demand for their TEAS of late, that they have! been obliged to enlarge, to a great exteut, theirttwol Principal establishments in New York, viz: 125 Chatham 4. 163 GreeAwich-Sts. They moreover possess facilities, in relation to that Tea Trude, in a very rabuudatit degree, and dotibti less superior to any other Ten Concern in America Their scrupulous regard to alk principles, that tetul to elevate the character of a large house, is well nu 4 derstood, aid has already secured them a contica , lion. probably, larger than all other Ten Esiablislr mews united, and consequently they are determine-el to sell Teas parer, more .fro :grunt„ and perfect fur i the prices. in the aggregate, than any house in. dot world---China excepted. They respectfully invite the attention of theiinled4 inlets of Susquehanna county to their Agency ill Moutrnse,-where the following assortments, are, al ways on hand:land they feel tio hesitation in stuti 4 that wherever a single trial is made/n very deci et preference is given to the celebrated Teas of h CANTON TEA CO. 11.7' Reader make the etp+iment. Retail prices as. follows, naffed in all ca - ser to be returned if not approved of: " GREEDS. Good . YOCNG HYSON, . . li4 N 0.2 fragrant& N 0.3 very fluedu ... Silver Leaf, . Gotid HYSON Very fine. do Extra fragrant. :i Good HYSON Very fine do Extra flue do Good GUNPOWDER.. Fine... ... BLAC4.S. Nn. 1 1301iCH0NG.........1. ... $0 50 f' No. 1 ..... 0 621 h' I: .....,Aci...: . Finest. - do ' .... :- 075 '• Frognun. POW 0 H0NG....{....... ontriont p e C0NW......... ~ ~, , 7 . 7 7. .. ear:W*lp Fine' 'OOLONG. '', •' ' 0 SO. • I Veryfryle do.. • . 1 ,, ' ,:)..y 4 0 '7/ 5 W t 4 '• Extro,fiue do i.. ' . 10.0 5 NINOTONG.. I .'fi{ .- -• ' 1 .1 ......L. Fit/94 yENGLIIOI - IBREAKIFJ4T ;• . ? , . 1 .)4- - I tilt TE,4.,(veryn4 PekoO fi nvord.;) .... 0.75 1 ~. FineIOHANOB, PEK0Z).1.)........ • ... t 0'024 ''- ' FigeoEXPE.FpoWE,RB......„: 4 lu : , ! HOVVQUAt, oi thielt Slick Tei iin ' , Pcrted .... :.. • -..-rtziit•ll4... , : •:;, •L Ai, 1 o :AZ i f. tkif..„._„i 48, 41,....,..*9 nn 444 pit0 ... 4 d ; t .. 5 ..-4,... 6 .,-- growu ... ..... 1 ., • • ' 64nicx - *a:l+oEl4ml, ;0 4 4.4.11: 1 1..,. 001 , 1yANY,si v t_t_hees e % _ Toy_ ml, . .. of Ipidt Tot -Oledatf II RIJAM MIZTP _ , _,...., 04 4 14 t t r*5 49 4 , h1 42 1 ZAP.# 1 0/ 44 1 1 (1,1 ' ' bm4 4 uumr pampa tit .. • 1 • . ~., ~ • iifitliiitithiSentii Itatiii s .' - • -....`.- W "El ryoutike Pahl "-. tkrfillAtitttiei• ' • . PitifittAtti - Alth.l• 1 ordniqine 1, Hint, ~. ven4ed by 'Oe Can n Tea. !. CompAy. „4 . : : ,,, Eyety 'package ( n additiqn it) itaenmaint4 - 1 WEIGHT, indepe dent of Itbe wrapper,) boarli_ d ' . i • I .. I of neatelt;andlegattice,antl the Tau than.• so thoroughly necuroliktnn light awl r, that MATaitAritt4o l 4 in innate. '"/ J. B. ;SALISBURY; Agent:r 6trOse 18117- ' ' 7 55.0 OEM . I BE Delaware M. 8. Insurance Conmatil, 1 dm, have authorized the nntlM.Sired•to effectiti. ces ou . Buildiugs, Merchiandize, and oilier prop. damage or his#.l4, fire. , he immense resources oft a .he company, nd.theit 1 erence 'fair and honorable principlei in 'thr don °Call their business, entitke them to tht • ence of ithe public as n safe means of lnsti. ce. • . F. LUSK, Agent. liautritse, ittue.l6. 1846 . 1 00 . 75• - 1 00 . 75 t . 1 OW . 37• ME -- "4 — ti ‘ HE POrasher of the Peri [de's. Advocate, hay,- lug the use of Hll eutirely uew and modern a*. " nteuta.loll TY PE, :tre nuts , prepared to execute. a Ileat inarßatisfarts)ry,styli., all kihtls ut . liteces to ettlit the time" PA3I Pl l l LETS, CARD, liA' )J —NDttII.I..S . , i TANKS, ,C. (moll ou Alert notice, anti in the; teat style of the Akt. i i 'ar A abate of the People's .patronage is ri.spect fi ly solicited. .July 9, 1/146. • • HORIZONTAL' SPINNER. IN Connexion with the following eertiffc.ate sm- were handed to us the testimonials of several highly resPectableloilies, ivlio have used Domestic Horizontal SPioning Wheel, 'hod who cOneor iu saying substan tially, that they chin spin 'with it seven or eight rim, (or alitnit four day%;;-..witrlc) - Pek diem, with . as tuorli .ease us they caq per form au ordittarrtlay's Work with a enin mot; wheel- The in k:relict: is irresistable; that it will hereafter he !elute profitable for the farmer who maiinfaet ores his wool, with this machine to-have ill his employ at the ;ante colt fir Libor, one girt, tbaitjour girls with the common island-ant spio wh ee kn--. [People's Advocaft. . . The f :undersigned, citizens of Montme, have witnessed Willi much • sAiisflictiOtt the operation 'of it ittP'el ttruchiue •dettominated the " Domestic I Irizontal Sj lately ifivented b y Hiram F. _Wheeler of, gv Sprinille, in lIN T is county, ft opPetirs to us to he u.valttaltic.improvetuent,rin•ylcvt of the ease with which it is used mid, the rii pidity. with which it executes, ; not that our Formers generally, with all oho " toil•atid spite,' will appripre;it , ttio. 111614rose,$islfit , Franklin 1.04, J. W. ,11lyere, Him. Win. jezistiti, Gen. D..D. War net, Jinteph 51„C. Tylir, S. S. Wilford, 11. J. Webb, P. M. Geo. V. lietitley,. J. B.•Sitlisbury;! • Wm. E. Pokt; Walter. ptillyt, t Rev. johti'Long.T. lam'` Right's willlroftinfil on the most revs. .onible terms to those 'who wish iti'Maki . the wheels, or .pureliase ,Territory. to in any of the 4ited ,Stateslexce . pt - Ohni.) Those wishing tic, engage in a business ISA) pleasant and ptofitable will please call ion the sabscribers SpritipilleAmigyeltatins ; •.: - 0 75 1 00 r 25 4. 0 50 Is 7.5 • .1' 100 t. 1 25 75 • 1 00 ~ft. .1 25 , .._!tv9.!! rii‘ , srA!Slot NtliP.,:'•.: i: • FS:IR MG •P E.RIODIGAL,Si THE LONDO QUARTERLY - REVIEW, TM EDINIIU O,...REVIEW, •,;'-tt I .'?' r , , f -''', o- '' . ,THE WEETNI Nsrt,g, XtEVISIV.,II • , ".. {' '4=- 1 ' • THE, NORTH, 111 TIER JIRYIEWt awl_ l i ft , kol6yoo to g'EmslitTlio MAGAZINE::' ~. . e 0404 Peri laical, are reprintediu New York, l i wpOiltorlY1 11 :; t jrArstiNgiksticiaritirii Stmt ere, ere, in a beautiful C ear type, on Rae white paper, and arelfailltful c Plea'uf theorighltdi-LBltichWolltate I Magazine ben% a t ex a c tfac-timili - -dtheEdiubuig ' TO ''ce4nftl ' ,- lie-lirinta are leini 16H:dile:third ti ~,, of tlial of the ft el - eittdee, - atitilwhile-' they - are el iv a it - welly ge r p,:ffitty• atm' all that ' athantage to the itatcriCda ter the',El4/iskreade i vi'' ''' ''.' .• -' • ' I '- ' TERMS; , * ' vtvoltar es 'ttinalt:tlatiteiteer HI - --- Flik *toile Of di finti t ßitiritrWik" ' 'l3,oollyeat. • ~ • ..._ ~ • 1 , 1., , , , : , , 3; 1 „ ..4.. • , . ; .11g6iiiii;leme i,, !_ i, t•: , ilatlatitr mita 1" mode, oAfi'phtiti The 4 itu?iiikei::Pealttnletter, Cte'beleveitailtialthig Ilia iecAtaifiiiicood. lotiNiiiiirsied ii Itillieliv,,, matueswii. , , -; J....3:4 '. --, , AiiiliCtitteftriFekfelo i •,,i t un :,,..l Ant.ts l . CCY, t a tibliale4l7 4 F . lion etreet, New York. SE==E=MIEM JOB JOB PRINTING • BILL HEADS, r CATA LOGKES, I 3; :Szx Dag 4,4,2= Dr. Ei V!triclt . DOniel.Sesitle, Wm. J. Mulford, • • t„•• WA*J. Turrell,•, I saoto L., Pug, • .1 it , CA W.HEE4LER,ellinte,uteer J,. SA ITll;..lr4lAgokt, SPOOi/vAle, jiril 8, 1847. . 441.m6 Oro his obit' MIA n *peeler cent v! 7 ' 7 " ought !w 1y heie mak, .1 • ' Frbip Trortiet This ativer Itruisits, New' This ative C edy fur tribute 13= This aud. fiu chuppi recomu! EMI Mr. ty sound IZE2i L3r. tiu bo ' subsaj btua ,nu Al. 1 el & & Co. I Me! April tive. more ~' FEI From been I leg*: ti the cer tun 6 ! In, Ai co 1 in i M r E] V Ei m;:===n ~)--,—.....,„ „ a , Sanatipt • , ie t tatalio-i Kt : 4 4. 14 ' c ihe41 1 . 1 ,*Ili e- *4 l deffki lk !) ) Elitaiiiinisit i er modiet ipiereiliiinre dig ', ~ fbitreithiebittilifaftititiid• lailikk ii) • - lei tifiiesila 11441030 W! ' ' lit .ofirenjoying, } hak es ; Us k to tOpier i ibi t 4 , P- e .. titi ??t, , lvith. the :,#l'Oszlai:iiit..6= melt permit! Alarejlit itit,lssea of viz 'scialaloriiiitinclikii iiiiWiti • i• l4 s, - : OS eld Wool* atirrisirsib *Nark 1.. , huovii , eml, , i4ge.pe,ralinie,mr, R1F4.471,.. t lie-P,Ye,r7:°al coIll"114411”11-Mnretr- o tratics i are ail fririent: . 4 • • ,- ,'i ' .umerinia'ciiiiNatilijiti-0 T:)&ili - jskqe - iiiii 1 ' offers they folloviingt - : 34 1i '''', '• .',, • '' ' ay' c e rtify tliaq I Iriveir MriBeBtt'r sow •1 te, and . Ikl.*fa itaaiialialuilrla cate.Aar,,; aria, aortas, .'e• • ‘t.iVV .5 i 11.' i _., Atiti) %reg.- ilfcird, Nfatel4' 12r, '1847t. t. ''' ' ' `'r' l ' ' " '-- ' ' ' P. . —ft •:: i,.(1 1., . t - . ..: .., ' Y certify dap we have used_ Is• ficott'a Ilas . 1.. , rate, tutd• we ititio,w it to, biro, *Ali:labia tagt , aids or burnt, a n d ilidlom' Irffikity ct4P , ur testitnotiy *its fuiror.,; . , ELWOR liINES , ; DAVID WANNER, 1 . B. C. 11...),y0EN. . rii lin, 8u • co. Pa. Feb. 2fl; 1847., a to ce rtify ify that 1 lave us'etl Stott' idgratof it the moat efficacious rethetly for bu m or huutls.or lips, that 1 ba‘{e;erer tiserl, mai tl it to all thoae who uirty be.thusafffictes4,- , JOIAN ,W 814.81.85, , Milford, Juue.l7, 1847. . 1 , . " , . • —•• • " scoit—Sir : I have had ample opporlarcle I sting the virtre of your - pantie, awl have a mull vein:4lle , L. W. BINGHAM. M. • ...110ford, May, 1847.... tld e .Verate is put m 10443141 • mid lur rule wlndeuali and retail by the . rat his residence ie. Nolo, Milfurd, Susquis, wiry, l'u. Price 37.1,cti,.. z, LVCIEN SCOTT. (Or side by the folhiwittg , ,ageuts: N. Mitch o. and J., Ethridge, Nloutrime: Weaver Brw!• New Milford : N. entlwell, Great Bend, 6.141 . . 1 OFCLA—JAYNE'S 411TtRATIVE.hasbeen jibed in almost every intri'ely of disease and 1 paralleled usceess, espectidry in Cutaneous ins, Cancerous; Scrofulona and"Scrbutic pis 'Viet' - -CitiiiddiFt, " ."l:llinit,liii d —'di4iilier tioni obstraitinti , orr-enliirgeineitiof the or impurity of.the blood. J. H. Anderson. Lambertville, N. J., fay!, I sed cist three hottlesof your Mitre/five within Id good effect. ! • • I J. F. Frazer, Sidney,'OhiU, siiyg, - I hti 4 ce' said I , t bottle of your Alterative, 4nd the indications. liat it will sell very rapidlST. It is highly spoi ,• by all who have used it. lily, ,llazzle wood, & . Davis, Campbellville, i ys.--I,Ve wish you to send Os tWo doz. °fryer 1 r tave. as we have run - shciricif the article. We 1 fitig,a Cancer, and we vkant you to pack the tie immediately, and folwurd it on. •Yoni ines are taking- well in flits section. srs. Thralig Sc Pottiogei, Warsaw, In., 3; 11146—We are nearly; out of yonr Altera+ I It is a good medicine—Please send U 3 coixie I of it. EH & AGUE—A GPIIP, 'WARRANTED.— , every part where :Aires Ague Pills hovel used, we hear of their entice success in subdtt-I George Stephen, a merchant at Marango ;i l ris, says, yoos sieve Pillsire making greatcnre and your TOnic Yeriitiftige and Carminative ,nod satisfadtion. illessrsi ,Emmert & Strohn, wit, Illinois, say—AVe hai; eisold•all your AgMsi and mist of the yerinifukio Please want, we immediately. t. • r" , 1 i oruas Cully, Esq.4lleborn. Ohici, says, Youri clues give universal satialactlon. Your Ague . have never failed to 'stredeeit :pared only by D 4.; sal ou ageuoy by 1 4. Mitchel Sr, Co, Druggists; . F /NCB Ei. ~ ---zi N INTERESTINV CASE CURED BY Dr. Di. 'NE'S ALTERPTp:E.—?n the sprhi of 18311, ulcerous tumor appeared in the right breast 4 Minim. wife of ReterStretco, of Salem, N. JL as examined by mitury physicians, and was con? red by all us canceromr, and - besides bore all the acteructic marks done. Alf probable means of were used w ithout the slightestbenefit. Itenutir(- to increase bothin size and paiubiluens e until all of ailvine her lil4,.but, lly a painfol 'operation, abandoned, whin , after. 'n.consultation of entir t physicians. was perfortned, Jan. For, 1832, John Rhea BartoM alisisliftd . by Dr. Redman, D . e, and two other inedical l geutlemen. The en , breast was removed, and after examination of tumor, was pronounced by oil present as a min a the most maligusut character.. ' In about three ths, after incredible sufferings,-she was enabled et about again. She ren,tained feeble. and Li; nil h_ahh was eiCeialitgii bad, as indeedit ' n fur several` years 'befilre.- ^ln the !Print ef, I , , upwards of five years after her breast had been oved, spiiintul tumor .n4let its oppearauce riE,ht side, immediately over the part formerly .upied by the nipple of thi ill : Olt ( breast, previo; i i removal. This tunatir!stradill increased f 'f ral mouths, and became tat painful as to deprive of rest. The Amid* under the right arm were I irged ; null Scanlan, and a hard; irregular, and 'mes painful tumor, appeared' in the lett' breaq.. i Operation could now arrest the disease. i Indeed whole bOdy: appeared Mbe . a mass of dimes/mt. ! Mg woe .considered -hopeleys. She was of n t' scrofula habit, both of her parents haring died ailmonary con.sumptien:' ;. The' experiment war made - with this ALTERATIVE. It was at finit • isisanall-thisekthree•tifnes.w.-405vandllm, ... 1 . - goulu,slly, but stead. ill tncnred daily* lon he took it, ivhich - ssiai about' lux' mointbsi and th , on and round the tamtir was wet Mein ruiieet: - 11110WPg f$ 6 / 1 416 / 3 010 1 :Itie,:an4 1 !Ya rotas ' The tainoichuthiviedtiiimistang ip for is , six. weeks,._ind was !I% Mites very lifnl;tiliiii : tlie - ,..Pitiii fsntlAenlY etsiiW alt4o,liO. theiahhir ikelledaiitat the Icnie. and bee` and then beau to dimiiiiith stulcoutiatied ' ifitv , - decrease indl 'e'very , iiesege of ciiiknie 'xi • p l . .oved: .The •titmorrin her lelibreastiwii lb* right,aitilln werdAbiitlispertied. No E''- or•Scrgfulous titinur,s-eviirameined alterar artli ' her general lieulth,'-Vibichlid ) Wil id bait for eei years Mt to niakelifdit %Milan, was effete, y and 'permanently restnied.iiiiT•lurpropi osseisiou of the dimly breast, ,tliwe who we may eipmineit. ~,_ e:Proulil also sy, that' ir .. Id mentimltilliaePtaiiisiikgnilltiuterestg, whe-- hi altilative haistitithled: Oanceritind Cancer* ts, as well 0 AZ itO aumheripf,Poitcas t or. Eroncli• re iced oulYby Dr: 'li. in4de,PhilatlilPhis, Mi agency by NJ MITCEINE, StiClY:;:Druggia, MEE GOOD it:A -tM • r • ..; rrir)l S. . `AVE ~I nOw: lairs; aissussitteCH GOOD;whichltliqpitillAelVsi,o4isp a file ' - I • t f t ints4+-itiargel assortment limn 6 1-4 beaulfal - patterns ;and- fast cot- Ors 1244 ctss: , d aiiniO'astiortmOnt cif 6kiltiff r men's;2l,4l , $r • • .1.. : 0: tx sold - rantnd N innee,i'ii ot,i i igkt ce s I*,r, .. , 11444iitOisitossOiA.Aitaiiii'ci4:1 4 . •tiFi • lulz 8, 18.7. • • • • 1 E! =ra -1