tririntliire" .in doubts that'4Y- . Ana Jilin - 64- belleVe 1 an iheO O O4 I ..,w,JOIP ma. is , enjoying null ludte or •Cotoo. , Irbe - NeSbonittelaWed Olos Al a Patiat ingitiunget. 'leering eyes, and huge, Idently false, hediab , viCinsty of the Villd it name of Don Diego ,f or u ,Spniiish •noble• ihich his external tip _.- seen, but indifferent. 110 , In Dublin, it ii -- thought the, may have as much right, to an as Don. ly qualified. 6.0 gentemonl the prefix of , PORTANT lieu's from - the Sundt.= ! l imit of a letter is flan a very rest le house, dated HIGIALY; . The folloio‘ifig pectable mereuni ingtnn, Rappahannock Co. Va.: May L'6, 1846. _ _ Dr. 1). Jaya . Dear Sir—Our Mr. Jones has been in a. very bad a •to of health for mom than a yeari; be has had the bne fi t of the best medical advice our country uffb s, and Rhin visited yOur city du ring lion summe but found no relief. On the IStb of April last, w purchitsed half a dozen bottles of t your Tonic Ver ifuge, and half n dozen boxes of Sanativp Tills. Through . carelessness in packing the articles in a dry . ,goods box, one half the vermifoge 'as broken. Mr. Jones commenced mith the Pills, and after taking_ a few boes, felt n decided im provement. - The three bottles of vermifuge, which came safe to hat d, liriought from him. he thinks, not l less than one undred,worms, and perhaps many more. He is n win better Health than he has head in foirmany yea , and we hope a few more bottles of yourVermlfu e and Pills *ill effect a permarimit core. All our p vsicians have entirely mistakerrildit case. Prof. Saninel Jackson of your city at the head. Mr. Jenekis most anxious to get more of your -Pale and Vermifitge is soon as possible. Respecktully, S. B: JONES & Co. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia,amf sold on agency hy N. NI ITC 1.1 EL & CO. Druggists,• Montrose, where may be had Jayile's Aguc Pills, warranted to cure Fever and Agile, Intermittant fe ver, &e. Also 'the American Hair Dye, also war ranted to change the hair to a beautiful auburn of jet black color,lwithont staining the skin. • •1 lIEW YORK MARKETS. fORRECT6O IKKEKLI MR THIL rkormes ADVOCATM Wheat flour, per barrel Corn meal du Wheat, per bushel Rye, do Corn do Barley, do Oats, do Butter per lb. Orange co do . western a :a , ...: CV 0, • • . Cheese, per lb. . 0,0 e 0,00 Beef, per barrel, mess, ll,OO e 11,75 do prime, 8,50 e 9,25 .. Pork, per barrel, mesa, 14,75 e , do , , Prime, 10,50 el 1,00 Lard; per lb..- collie 0.11 Hams per lb. 4oked , 0,07 e cos American wool, per lb. saxon 0.35 Tv 0,374 do full blood Merino 0,34' e 0.38 do 4. 5,,.." i Merino , 0,29, ea. 0,34 do . , native $ I Merino 0,26 e '0,29 r) ea*. In Bricigewair, Nov. 12th, at the resilience of his Grandfather, F EDERIC M., eldest child of Daniel. A. Lathrop. of Bellevue, Ohio, aged 10 years and 6 months. 1 Frederic left ills parents about two months since, and came with his uncle and younger brother, to spend the winter with his relations in this county.-- He seemed in good health until about three weeks before hii•death: when he was severely attacked with the bilious 'fever. which resulted in his death ; thus; most unetpectedly was he taken away. It parents, in their distant home, will mourn their loss, without having the mournful gratification of seeing his inanimate slay. They must grieve—and their grief will be bdavv. Every parent who rm.. this, will sympathig.s with them; and pray unto Hine. who bath smiittin them, they may be enabled to say. The Lord gaVe. and the Lord bath taken away, blessed be the Iname of the Lord !" They will not sorrow as thoic without hope, for the Redeemer bath said, 't suffer little children to come unto me." At his residence in Milton, West Florida, on the "4th Oct. last, after a lingering illness, Mr. JAMES CATLIN, formerly of this coanty, and son of the late Putnam Caitlin, Esq. of Great Bend.. -Mr. Catlin will long be remembered by his many friends in this vicinity, with whom. in his youthful days, lie was wit toissociate ; and the announcement of his death, at his far:off home, will bring to their recollection many pleasant : , reminiscences of by- Eiene dayti. He was a practicial printer. and for some time edited and published the " Montrose Gazette," the first paper established in this °minty'. Bat be has lane at last: " sustained and soothed by an rinfaherinist" in the goodness and mercy of God, he has zed from the cares and vicissitudes of life to a pureiristul happier existence---[Corn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW STORE! 6 / 4 ' , 1: HE subscriber tenders hit thanim to•tbe T public for the eery liberal patronage hitherto extended to him, and expects to taerit a Continuance of the same by otiliiitig inducements equal if not superior to. any Store in Suinpielianna county. His rich and extensive stock of • - , G 000 N were bought;, late in the Fail, when Goods were at leastten-per cent. loss& than they ; were earlier its the season, and will conse quently be sold at corresponding low rates,, and great bargains. Aose,perrir desirous of es niking.selec- , , 1 4 0 %0 800441 • • atuel of Goals, and as cheap, (or he nip not be un dersold;) there is' id die county, are invi ted to call and examine, the. rick aad • exdisi nee stock of New GOods now opening at the; NEW Sibte Of • • ;: ;;; 1 • -J. R.ISALISBUILY.' i •IMatitrose.iNeir. IS , U 97. , ;1 : CORDS .OF WOOD merited 7111110,141gLeAstip,tfur,Tiqtplen..g09* - c,ti c ' _ _.L . , ~:. 1 _,,,,,,if I , SUSQUEHANNA A ~. 1011 E1 11 . .. i - f tifillait6o/' w614111111"15e !Pip liirintertetano ~ : n. 1 1-' ton Wiiiiiimialty the- tit , day,taf Dec: l 66lo.,:is i fgA ie floarrAPA , ii,..4 l 4 o Lißril4Mterr9njgad* 3°o tilvn 4Yl ' .:* Y : • • ~- i '.' - ltuitAufpipi liiiitrter. ' • 1 . , 1 writing, Reading, Ortlograpb - p — R uciaaV i•liArithetic: ,rlPhYafllAlt-"ea" 4 l'rli4 ":•1 Latin 11 , LaannaChemistry, Pl Oga- i 5 i rx.... -- If °Ay, t Logic. and R ht° .. 0 *., 4 1.. 0 Algebra, 8 ' t am ,AL Asannwl . &oaks* c •. ' l'A r gb ; - . 0. , .,:0ii" Bia gi, . 4Y °i t r! ll3 3 2°lird ww% jzsgur i , r n a a t a . _ , , *west, Plar." , 4, ISO. • i !!! I ATG , ! ;' I IIE slibsf Exchq - • pip,,tecwt ?; ;COotiktijini • gO ,d;ipoii . o4,, all liipetise*te • 424 -- !_ r - N. $. t6* Att. to Oren't •KILLER. r the sick—Health' lc.- Balsam, isfound • hole human race in J. 1 S' ; PAIN KULL'R. egetable, and Compored of men— •nt ingredients, is an internal and ut up in Bottles, varying from 23 ottle. For further particular*, ad ! of •every Agent, gratis, eon -714 the .ortgia and Aliscovgry of • rtiOcatea orcures, &c. ti4ll BOctlt has the. written Teter ti e label, oritheat which lel . •; GENTS. s & Cr!. ' Wholesalel Pearl-st,; - Nlew-York, Ithaed, N. Y. Agents. wego, N. Y. 0111o:1514 i t Co. New*M4fOid, Pa. I inghamton, N. Y. of Montrose, Pa. 1 , 74116 THEI MONTRQSE . • "PAI T peath.;to Paii 1 , eoithe,We I . for the Alfn4E .. 1) E INll.porety t*-filie-tliffe external remedy, to : 75 cents per Putophlett to be l i toi4i off . a Ilf Ilia the:Pain K 10, Or cAuTt ?:-. . nature of firek node can fie tenni #IIOA6CIC, I Corti 218 G. lv , B4lthyler 3.. Fay & Son ; I A.:Lathrttip, FA+ ' R.:L. Sulpflip Burritt, L. iti. Rexford, & /Vizi door to t6,'25 6,50 2,50 e 1,25 'i 1.50 ,90 I,OQ ;00 ^ 5 0,00 'a 0,55 0,45 'a 0,50 0,20 cit, 0,22 0,12 e OM. well as at :lox of Yew-York: ; Montrose, N GROCER' kinds sell Vr W ARDA . 11 -ta Stone & _JEWELRY " hies, .Gold & Rings, Steel self, and every worn, selling n eveW before beet' Paints lamr Ochre Browp, Chrom Chrome, P all caher..hinds, oq.s, in any reirtralV Z. VIOLINS, A Fifes, &r... Str)ngs, ows reILOCK & w--" usual in th: notice, by WINDON'( dusting P liow IB,A II DA - TENT fy, wnrra Nev. 1841: 'BEEB , WINT WEST S THE ittbser the attet public genenill ionuble neiori kAT4, - ,* oo q o" se , 900 'Fin .than vier et I ' 000 • 9 9e4llSitle, ted,.Silet &' .3 sittaLL : -3llcOat-3 ref 30 re t Z thot Till be Rd inhe Eirtt. 14TALLOD the 14,,ILArurry t .1. Don't .top m - JOAN DROMES. I `So , icut 1144 enit,• ; -guys he* tbe Ltiteat ral4kaakr to wait until eve seiond b.egti jou .11404 of,ae.e the inan,.• sat that kt can eve . 7 . .tys 11 • l , «quoit boika.,.. es r'it i ti i% leso I ' ', :, Frill :A. - -- ;iiii.ll•4: ', tit -- KZ -- i . iksorioas twiLbermi 777 i it o • Col' int LYits, It - I ,11 1 . a M itt, Ma, Coon, Genet, gunny, & 'MUPFilijatikdirerigtialt; dies' Wilton & Brussels Travelling Baggs,- t hat willtultololieitkt diaturiltjukssioN on any ;other; stow or .shop,., in „town.,..,Befuni you , purchase elsewhere tall at 7v,i . itteT Qric ' EAT BEND. !'etzroa retail and .147pRE at lie pH rcjineeiwrivii*in s, dr.c. at4titil, reseritjakttinlY a . er co/ening tiintk4 - 140k is this! a, sioto #4siftitti,lP I 111:41iVEY. t. )4:fiitit4iit*:,',iogeet Zinc, tieuteCitinterytitiikelibove • `77: t . (IC4 i N , 1 ilia ' 4 t , ,u % "Cti , VI the brick corner building, r • VER.FLOWING with the rgest, cheapest, and best as ent of DRUGS, 4. MED ES ever brought into Sus • nna County; To Olin want y article: in our line, we say call! and examine our • mid prices, and you will be ed that . _ you can do full as !ether establishwient this side Is A- la ntri '. 'MITCHELL & CO .vewber, 1847. • S, Fruits, and Spices of all iig almost for cost ; by N. & Co. 'E, Nails, Cutlery, Glass, oticlea Ware,:by N. M. & Co. Watches, /5000109,, rr . ends,; Chnins,l: Bosom-pins Clasps, Bead hides & Tat , ther article of Jewelry now rent deal lower than it has sold here. N.ll. & Co. White 'and L ited Lend, mina Litliarge, Etta'lo;Bittei, I Venitian • Red, Spanish Yellow, Rose, Pink, lmps ris & Verdegrrs Greens, do at prices Which suit, Iry . &, Co. „ nseed, Elephant, Spdrrit, atmer's, Castor & Olive l uantity, rik N. M. it, Co's. SaxIBTIMINEVSTTB, ordeuns,Clorionets, Flutes lalso , ' V io l in Bridges. N. M. & c 0.... awl" Repairing dime iIS best manner, and nt sh ort N. M. & Co. .ash and & Brooms, Shovels, Patent 'ash-tubs & hoards, &e. N. M, & Co. EDICINES, it great varie ted genuine. N. M. & Co I - &' COSTARS Fit ,Fisoom Fog. 1847.4 P E OF PUBLIC AVIMLIE., !hers would respectfully eat! inn of their friends and the to their elegant 'and fish'. at of :Apkt„ MERRILL dr, upciT. ;t- 1847 .. - Nutria, French, Moleskin; &Brush Him, risk cg cheap:M. & Men's'idr: Bore 'Cloth; Silk Velvet s Veiveteeti I ' silk`Vel- P } lulsB t ~i✓ot jest going nt • M.'ir "RN. t(Mini--very 1•" . : Itle. MI •e'' French 4toliair :CAPS,' of ipatteroi - and 4ii4Opst, •'** ailders ,of the Wirrfill , la 4-1 hi yqcw stranger, Z am anxious An get the greatesq, r ereuueug Tailor., tiasjattnveifedAte m the Citt, awl . 1 SW pat E. 04 landy,eins us suited and come out' know that,iimal do. 4 I am a , AO, thipreA itukt • I hate Leard lisstogiolits aaCia fit any onasiwba l atar 1 I : oo ,9 o Arbelieyeit; ,Yeariar:telmt " Ug t .foie* itrillo;4oA, hiPs*P•omAisgpsoßsziier -046 isAcsigoref.the F'-fin4 ..;Wfll,,tie% Aer YAK t i t= AW C U t YPY 494*404 *On ts r hvalrato.ridsOire ing4;oo l who,posppb*.o o d 141,4—to.imatatqfe,,,64, LI, GOOD Tar. ,_,subscribers.receivediheie .spiendOiVock , 0f. :,, d'.4 1 :0;7424 , ?,,,gfv f , • • which they invite the/Public to call and ex- Uniine. We On and do sell 11etter •Gooda - fewer rates than the majority of the trading ,We have our usual supply 'of • DRY, GOODS, - \lll , • Grocerzes 9 'Also. some 0113, bdatiE.23.7 9, which arc offered at a small_ advance on city prices, in extbauge for nil kinds of truck that any farmer raises or manufactures. WANTED, in particular, any quan- , WV, ty of Oats, Corn, Rye and Wheat, ,in exchange for Goods and Coil) at our store; R...SEARLE & CO. Nov. 3, 1847. • TOWNSEND'S Sarsaparilla, cheap at I. L. Post's & Ca. HINGLES and Lumber at Post & Co's. GOODS of almost any description to be found ut I. L. Post's & Co., at prices Icv.,as eau be bought. IN IF FY S--n ice and 'cheap—at Pt - nee & Co MERINOS, Plaids, Silk; De!eines, raimattas, S;itins—a very large stock at Post's & Co. MONTROSE SALOON. W E, the undersigneil, tender our thanks to the, people generally fur the exten sive patronage we have -heretofore received in our line of business, and would inform them that we have fined up a new and • • Spit Stllol3ll, on the first floor at the west door of J. N. Eldridge's Cabinet Warcestablislttent, two hdoors west of M. S.'Wilven's Store, and •o posite I. L. POst & Co's Store, Pleatie call and we will he happy to wait upon you In a better style than. we have been able heretofore. - We have one fitte room express ly thrxthe .Ladies to eat Oysters. and Pic nicks, &c. Also, we baie a new and splen did style of Chinn,,Toys, of all kinds...the hestiassorttnentjthat ever.' was Mnntruse, whieli 1'44 be eiild ;Plea COpketir,yn4l4, Kock Candies , & Jujqbe Paste, uliw»rde .4st flirty 'fresh from iNew- York. Fresh supply of Nuts, 4 Irtise s. Ace., PIES, a , s)g9nd as ever,,• MINTS, APPLES, /kr. la'"Ginger-bread,Cukes, Crackers, Her rings, and Chfeve, cosistaroly on band. C. BALDWIN & BACON. Montroce,„Nnv. • , ...• k, For Hie Fall 'and, Winter Trade. _NOW ,being•opyucd, at Ahe STORE of .L . LYONS. Whereirnay befonnirakg r itrar 4ariety of'' - • Broadcloths, Plain and Fancy Kerseymeres, Satinets, Keittunk Jeans, Tweeds, Yes tiags (a good assortment,) some rich figured Stains, Merinos, . • DeLains,Plain, Striped • • •and Plaid Alpaccas, Cashmeres, Parmattas,, (a. new article for Ladies' dress es,) Orlean Plaids , Gingham, Calicos, Shawls; Flannels, (white, red and . yelloy,) Satchels, Carpeting, . Oil Cloth, • , &4 &c. &c. • All of *bleb will be sold a little cheaper for cash than can be found elsewhere. wept. 1 21, 1847. ' • • tt7.4.42 1 7 13 51 A large,assorttnen,t,of TEA... i inoluding the Pekin Tea ComOaay's--scnne of viNtil will be sold at less than the ?ew York retail prfeetti• " _ • J. LYONS. Y'DS Sheetings, , mid Bed 2{!J quilts ' , selling reniUkiabl' the store of • " . - • LETTERS • , O the Rt. Bev. JOHN HUGHRBfßebitii Oath , T olio Bishop of New York, 4:' , KIRWAN, fin sale by , 7 . .1. LYONS.' - STOVES !• STOVESI THE iii• g etit and best assortment Of BTC/FESitri no* 'being received by the subscribers that were ever in Northeindsearnl; I Those' who are de. Siroux of coltdoi.uing comfort, convenience; iscottany and neatness, will please give' s 4 call, and we will prove to them that the above qualities are to ballad with.the least possaile.expeuseo: : : . • ---, • Air-tight Cook, S* Wes. Stanley's -do . - do : -do - • nikeas . •. ' do Kiiekerboekt 1 " . 1 do;: - Victnila.. • A da 'odo„, 3 . and 4 boiler VOA' fAtoiek'iir;4= most every. paitern. ; • DitniblV Oren . 00k15tOvtii - STA' PARLOR STOVErke.! *Tr? icepthoiniAsir-trot, Pi*r, Pp ia ltr . r , r 4 lff l4 ° ,47 . a CkYAP 3 P 4l . 4 ' .,, 4 1' •tf r iireitoThe , 4s ; igre; Haw Wit4P2.oe . ' .01#114 1 4:,10.0 0 .4 . 41.1.. la , srAitAwimotosetoci 41.4fAcatikr , dlr' CO* Ase. 44, - 1847.. -_`l' 1111 L EATHER-+-a good assort kept' etaiettaitly oo hand by ' B. Sayrel , . . Boot k SPENDlD'Assortioleirt fbr men weir/fen , ifild'eliildren.'o all sized 'orol 'descrip tion's; by • 1 . 'B, Sayre. • ,- pTOVES. A 9 RIE At variety of, Cook Stkores, also alli-,,for Shop anti! school-14ses; bath for burning wood And vial. Persons wisbilig to purqbase, will Flo Well to call orid .see his assort eat before porghosing els where. . • • 8.4 Sayre. MILL and• Cross-cut SAWS, 6y B. Sayre: PAINTS and 011—Lamp nnillSweet Oil by IL Sayre. B UFF A LO-Robett -ttnd • IVltitN &e., by • Sayre. CASH pidd Hof beef hides; sheep pelts, veal skinst &e. B. Snyr. vANTED{—Wheat, Oani aclFlnx-s6ed for which pnrt cash *ill be pnid if brought soon, by' B. Sayre. PLOW castings'of all descriptiotis=also, sleigh shoes, Wagon bokves,l fire dogs; large kettles, did., by -. R. Sayre. ' • . Cash for P L el l ts., , 1 5'00 . R1 -PELTS • 'wanted at , the cheap HAT land' l CAV Store (Otte doca'sotith-of R. Seville & Vol(' Store,) for wltiCh the hight-stl price will' fie paid in cash, t r y Mellrill & Root. Montrose, Oct. '47. I ! N. B.—Those who. want a l HAT or CAP will du spell to call an,d e*tuine our, large stock of ;Fashioutt4re, I. ' , liA r tB & :CA S. M. & R. are not only determ ned to sell as Cheap, hut' CHEAPER than anroth er'establidistnept in this county, r:any tali= er courtly wes t of New-York.. Gilv n e us a call and , satisfy yourselves, NEW WORK.! ~ - Chambers , Alisctillaty' OF USEFUL & iiNTERTAiNTNO EN WLE DOE. Edited by HOBER4 CHAAIDER9, Author of "Cyelope . .dia nj English Literature.' with Ele'ant Ildustratioe EnFraringf. Price 2..? Cents per 210. GOULD, KENDALL &LIND:Ib-1N arelutppy toan-. nounce. that they have,comphited'trangements with Messrs. Chautbers, of Edinburg , for the re publication. in semi-monthly nurnbe - r , of CHAN i a zits'; . Mtsc ifit..qT . The design of the Mistczt..ssr is to s pply the in creasing detnutuf fur useful, ins tructiv, and .eoter taininereuiling, Mid to bring all pie 1 ds of liters , tore - to bear ou ctirtiralion' of thlt Plain aizd yridti•- genndingt.ofthe Isrepte--to impreb* car ect views on in postaut moral and social questions oppress eve ry species of strife and savt yery.r-eheeri the lagging and desponding., by the .relation'of naps drawn train the iinagniations bf popnlar writeis—nottiye the fitu cy, by descriptions of interesting foreil7n scenes-- giro a zest to every-day occupations,li ballad 4 and lyrical poetry—in short, to furnish s ahobtrosive friend and.g,nide, a lively fireside Com anion, as far as that object cad be obtained thron h the instru mentality of books. I The universally' acknowledged merit of the Cy clopedia of EugliSh Literature. by the one author. connected with its rapid sale, and •th..lkinboniaded commendation bestowed by the press, 'yes the pub limbers full confidence in the reidi mine and . eutitr 'success (Attie present work. The . publicatme has already commenced, and will be cannoned semi-monthly. Each 'tiamber hill! form iv complete work. nod • every third oninber Will be furnished.with.a, title page and Mille of contents, thus forming a Vautifully illustrated v inEfte of over 500 pages el useful' mid entertaining r' . Mg, adapt ed to every class of readqrs. The, wh e tube coital pleted in.-minty sustains, forating ZN 'ELthiST yuvomr.s• , ~ : 1. . , . i - Norcr.s or TUE :PROS. erolli Vie N 1 ) % Commerciaf, Ada ' ' We tire`gbal to' see en .American isso Fustian, and , esPecially in. so*lave It 4 tot admirable compilation, . fliO.ingii goal taste which has been shosqn u al tiOiis 'ofthe,hressiii. Chaitihers. '1 unit atmlehtertaraing. I - We hope its ' din bet largh.epouglis to ssipplant,, to' goc it*by7pntobytaull immoral sofor s.v.i. 10n. , 4 been too widely [ circulated. ',' Fro,ii Me Weressitnteledirulot, / A most valuable work, one that eves posses!: - ,dited la — Alert ' dlt '-010 dthitry and EM IR! T his fallev feel in EN theta. to eve Val better tbr tt the pa. uer that Tire frienr taker tic. favor 0111 k tLc SiCOI pres6ed 41r0n44 tithe , those Owen race 4 'l 4 b; 11ii io edi Its all useftil and, pntertaiaitii, atm, at a pri_caaa the reach of almost every,poatet., „ I' .This work can be sent by mail to an • the coontry. A tlirect.remitiance. to the pn of .I;: r inel.LAUSI will pay for the .entirusworki liberal discount for-advance pay ; will , iwarl the cost of postage on the-.Rork. Those wis one-or more sample numbermtntrernit them ingly. • 1 •_ • - Book9ellerstareikgetalteupplieritut t liberal terms. _ • • !ge" The pablisliei'atii,l respectable pap riadiear 4elso trill Elie this nedieelour inserti send vs the papers eantainineit preidaits tob4 1848, and toillnotiee the amp:bets as.they appe be entitlher to the work eohiplete. The *inn. be foriarded per mail unless othtiritiiie dire they are' isitueellram . the' pi , eis: • . GOULD, - KEN.DAL-L &-LINCO Pnblishers, B Oct. 7 SALAMANDER 'FIRE. AND TP .Paoor CHESTS, . FIRE-PROOF DOORS for BANKS and S' SEAL and LETTER-COPYING PRESS -TENT SLATE—LINED - REFRIGER. WATEIk FILTERS, patent portable CLOSE S, intended fur the SICK and./ EVANS & WATSON, • 76 SOUTH THIRD SIRE 4 , (OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA ram - ix A.N ip FACTURE um keep constantly ITT. a large assortment ''of the 'above ar , gether with their Patent - Improved Sal II RE—PROOF SAFES,. Which are, soi cons to set at rust all manner of donbt us to the strictly fire-proof, and that they .will resis of auyintilding... Tlie outside cuss of tit are made of boiler iron, the inside cilse of s 1 , andetween the outer case and innercase iif !ILI ne three inches thick, - and is tilled it dest ctible material, so as to , make it an i ity to burn any of the contents inside of t 'These Soapstone Salamanders we are prep do challenge the world to produce any ar .1 shape of Book Safes that will stand as mOl and we hold ourselves. *ready at all tine: them fairly tested by public bonfire. We tinue to manufacture a largefssortment o mina) Air-tight Fire-proof Sides, of which over 800 now iu use, nod in every instance i given entire satisfaction to the purchase ": _we will refer the public to a fe!N gentle - have them in use. • . I Haywood & Snyder, Pottsville; .1 - osep ton, Pottsville; Mr. William Carr, Doyley & G.. Taylor, 129 north 3d st; A. ' ,Nephew. Vine st. wharf; Alexander Ca veyaticer. corner of Filbert and 9th sta.: Ford, 32 north 2d st,; Myers Bash. 20 no James Al. Pool, 101 south. 4th at.; Dr. Day south 3d •st.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 • and w_ could name time hundreds of o was necessary. Now we invite the extent public, and .particniarly those in want of Safes, to call at our store before parch! where, and. we can satisfy them that they better and cheaper • article at our storm t • other establishruentin\ the city. Wo also manufacture the ordinary Chests,.at very low prices. cheaper than th' bought any other store in. Philadelphia. DAVID EVANS • ,JOHANXES W Atm. 24, 1347-62y1. THE FALL STOC OF GOODS, Receiving at I. P OST & Iworth looking at; We can and will ' as cheap as they can be found we!tt of City. • ti large stock Of ' Cloths,. Cassim era `and Vestiritrs. . . ces Ginghatos—do. Delains and do. Striped and .:Plain ;Alpe= ineres, Silks' and Merinos; of bean ors. Bonnet VelretS and Satins. Ribarals, Fringes, Giinps, and B Cloakitipt, for lathes. tLinen. and, Edgings, the best stock in' the Gloves and Hosiery. Children's k A large stock of '. • WMTIE.• (GOOD& Wn'rketl.Collars, very. nice 'patter fnlo Robes, Ladies', Muffs, Ladies Travelling Bags. Skewlse& ever • A large stock of • • - • BOOT.S & O Silo b. 41111 rilra of this ttb 'eut a forth. 'shed ,the 'the poblica . the tiieful on hive extent, tIV is 41r 60 As mitt a stock • • •of CH RY•ns can bd "found. ''MARDW nearly all kinds Crain' n raill:saw "in let. G ROeE R tE.Sc,'; as :usnul, g , cheap; Iron, Spring-steel, Nails pDye,p.. stu : 46o-P r u mq ,ver Lain ri - -0i . 141/994, :lop, a prles z Glasses" the largest rot town;', stock Saddle. ar; :Trios* Carriage Maus, Oilieloth,t Codfish Mid i 'alined' et .ithint We coanteully believe We citisuit all •' 999 D : 1 9otods,,acicff ' • 1' • IFILSIIR , 2I..Lit , - Have vtotked renilatioa id-the Tea The'keisuine emit; "coy lie , fimnd at , Po§ avirrantiti tO be - 040(11 huff : al l satisfactioe' Ouk - ettstOtnerti-whiv buy agaire-lood, pio4tof 'dant- ratKiriotoil Thctitkliik for jiasilfaiors," we invite our call • - :' O I.SAACC Ii ' POST iOsemocierilllll47F,nma**---- st6n.' " 1 ' oue bholild • , . LANDS FOR AL LOAtyll,nz - 4 -0-. nr, friill-,t!., .....7 , , , i.., 1 4,. 71 ,,, 1 : 4 a7r74ooitli*. ; , Z Seat . VI lA, coninium f oriivr i .. S e to ilhi.f44fof, it . for gall ill argeLettp lan adjo jugl'ar ofla la hod lI a bodt i he will o f nqiiiM.y.t. O astua plo#o. 4 1 • rEre VIM Z NEII, Eh:, iPt*PiviltA , c , 44, OCW ilos.;.:* , Ftt, PP;.hi:s44oqui4,tstiiiiii dia.. - ~:! vOy.f..iit (CAW **.wri bor ~f:Alfpg.',lW, . bantui - oti:aty, reunasliarua. • , ~:, I SePte - lliailit, 4 — t 7 6M • i T 'S't ` 1 34 * • i r io z 1 Sehok• kiloit,iikeiost • empty 'Cud.) swan Bib es, Figicr P° 4l ll TI B°4ll Mankilkioilc'stipdt,lnk, , V' 'es r . W., ; W irWiiltitraii , F L, i f *, nis , ' , c-t em rsi l ; Slick ea..* be bade. - - Cilimilt' - rtzw.oisp! e; !mut icrAmaboithitheitoota ja.ititegiiiiito CO.; 4itiougto thifiNVOyel,now and cantameoi.aattlar_pabli aipl'',eatinitia'thair tad intentinn : :tolia.frokt`;o . If quidi' withip sylvania:' ":` SALT. AND. FL always on hand, end of thest quality: bt ) Cookihg and Paden. Stoves,. . 4 of the latest ; and best patterbi ' " - , -1 ' L. , ,t Tin Ware, f : 4 Store Pipe, /rot! Stet/ 414 , 1 m • an 4 /foots 4. Shoes of !kiwis.' • is - 1 . ( 1 A veii'lii*astiortmenfqf isOLF., , and:. UPPEILLtATIIItR, Calf Skins, Ptituayir Sheep Skilis, Moioceo Ski'n - s - Pink nu& White Linings , and. a general stisortmant4;. , Findings iti prices which def competitiosi,,..,7 far CA'S H paid for II r tS, SKINS. AV Pelts, 'lit, Ate., and ' in, ~B utter. Cheese an all kinds of p . dace - taken in r exchange or Goods at cash prre, *,,* Do not fail to '' TRY ' he New 1110. k ford Exchange. l , New Mien!, Sept. 7, 18417. j I - , fart of ushers Thia coyer, big for .rd- !ek most " or pe • 111, era Ist, r, sk9tl • ers lnt tee Fs N, • ton= 111 IF ORES, S, PA= TOSS; ATER FIRM. ' ' IttV%ltt i l t gbit H - ' '• , 1 1 AFRESOLOT--lucluding Legion Alltlyele. a riew 'article' kir this markt t, used for lototaw , ade, cake, iiiits, &cv, for sale by i J. Lyons. ; Ceillisiti . Miekerel, 01 , Nall*, Dyed , stuffs, $:-.c. &c. - ' J. LYONS. ti Sept. 21, 184.7:-- , t . NGE,) n hand, Iles, to / :mender cted as Ir being the fire se Safes pstone, 9 8 space with in possibil- I is Chest red and L le in the !eh heat, ! to have lalso con oar Pre here are hey have , .f which . en who lIARDWA Nails & irlan; Butts & screws, lery, Tacks, Os balls, Glass & sat, C BIJSINESS DlRti SALISB Cheap Gray for the People—Pu .1. S. PEIRON Dealer in Di Goods, Hardware, • err,- Timothy seed, Gum Heml , vine, 8 - co. Pa. ' 1 G. Law . wn. Ea. 'right or, Con= John M . th 3d st.; d Ja)•ne, h 3d st; iers if, b. on of the ire-proof DAVID CLEM( Carriage andi Sleigh Maker and found at his - shop a few rods So where he krill be happy to Walt •:8. B. MULFO Attorney at La‘v ; Office East Avenue, niter the Store of S. • y eLse can get a 1 . at any - - JERRE IMO,: Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, and Bookbinder—East side of Proo y canto . . • ISAAC L. POST Dealers in Di:4 Gooch , Hardwar. corner of Public! Avenue and 1 SON. dpm.leine*vgairmptccutter, old 41 t .7SE tk NEW AttoinVei' atltaw; Office a few . • , Lust. • USt co , s ell Goods ew York • ---30IIN H. DIM . ATTORANEI ; AT LAW, Mon mored hir;offiCe to Turnpike one door East Of the office of and , thkee'dooris west of the IL 25 Pie !' !aids-- II Cash ifal col lowers, SMITHS, STEV Cabinet and Olniii'lilakits county, Pa. -R. !MITH, nous.— Muslin unty.— it Caps. ♦- 5.30111, 'JR, -.CALEB WEEI Saddle, Hariims and • Trunk.M. I the-Farmer's Store. _.s. ga -1 Carpet Variety. It SEARLE A gciod• asigOtf!fliiOnt of Dry Go y J 'Atraitc&c:A,c4 , Year Ride of"? • BENJ. -SAT Dettleirin §t4ve:4, itirirlivaro; ed o of Public Avgune. OCKE• RE of and CHANDLf, ' Dealers in Stiwes,in-ware, Sta Br.z. &c.—East si 4e of Public Horse ooking larg .. • Miss &e. • • MERitILL ' Dealers in litits, Caps, Furs, PI West slide Of Public'Ayenue. • 11 .re. BARK _de ' DlM . • , Physianis 3.4 : Eurgeons. OMce -Odd Bide of .Public Avekiue oveT.the &Inv .f . Beide E. S. PAnx. . • a 1m k 61- . S. • BENTI; Attorney at l,axe, at the old offi.! of the Conct-honm ho wish itl':eltAMßEß Attorney atovor,the & Co„ corner of - Pnblie Avent e here: 6- all of re ~edtire 1" • them alley. 'clubs to Bt.' CO. . , Gnmsniesi Fritits;; donfectioiaries) vtigiew of • 80d1_ Coach, Cortiogog pikoistreet,tot --to sorvetkoitol anai:4All64.ll, age, alid y. -toff • • uty I y the 6e offers fling, be. 11 to sulk XI :la papimT,, • Plaque ? L SET. . .}•~ .~ .j:. and 2, school t 4 . ' - Car e ali }, ,I D =I alt,i,,-,: -- ofWilir 1 ah** I it their Wee this A* , UR ' odr handle., Oa. &c., at lowlier* Co'& TORY. Airenite. East Ginceries Crock. & k 4 c.—frriemtier, INS, . k•epairer,• may b. of the Borough. oil Customers. - tit • L. de ef the news . Mulford & 89a. S, - • • : ot4s, Paper, &e. • üblic Avenue. Gi:ockery,•Se t —• t • ripik4 at. • a •1 • H talld,. over MettW N,- a South of tho „„Niwrcii. L e Pa.—Hu et t, North so7lo, - 13. T. Oast, MR., gister Printing Of- Be, Simple ' STEVICSS, 4VERY. IMO [- Cisiekery;Third; blio Aveyne. • I . • H imis; Woet CO osiery, Dry GaAs; v :nue. 00T; -; Mint. &C 0... fevi rods vied ‘ 4, ! IN, *of I. 1.. Pad ail. MI