The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, November 18, 1847, Image 2

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%like shall-the il,rinabe l'oeople's
Unemally influence, and nubribed,
tOprrucisE; Nov. Is
-E.=W.=CAR•R, Bun B
tdrner of ,Third and, pack Str
is authorized to act as Agautf
due the lfibtties
the same for advert'
- The official despatthes•
SCOtt.relative to the taking 'of
Mexico,- have at last reached
meat at Washington. They
lished in the Union comtnen
day evening of this week.
cisiou of the Supfeme eourl a
the unconstitutionality of the "
law, has aroused the friends°
in that vicitlity•to. adopt some
the crisis. Public 'meetings h.
and the question just settled
warmly discussed on both sid
a sample of some of the hallo
voted M New York at the lat
" The force of. a Regula
Nomination consists in its fai
tice. A clear violation of thi
ciples, is not only calculated
lar nominations iutordisreputo
renders them the em
and evil, rather than a fair r
renting the claims of candi
wishes of the Democratic COI
On Friday lasl the steamboat H
rick Hudson ran into a sloop on the N ,l
River, and sunk her. One man was
by the collision.
to be 17,977. Add the maj.
in Mexico, the returns of w
been received, and it Will be 1::
a regiment and a half to be:
returns will probably be in be
uration takes place.
-rp. General Quitman ha
Governorship of the city of M
seeds Gen. Taylor in comma:
res on the Rio Grande.
WISCOSIN.—Gov. Dodge,
has issued his proclamation,
"the 25th day of November
-in. This, we believe, is th
pointment of the same day b
the peOple, without distincti.
-e,tilled in Louisville, Kentuck
sel upon the best mode of hr:
tu an nonorame colic-fusion.
cancy •occasioned by the d:
Huntington has been filled b,
in the appointment of ei-Go, ,
BOARD.—The leaders of that
Democratic party who adhei
Proviso, are making
.prepar i
' , tinning their separate organ
next Prelidential election, .!
have a candidate of their ow
EN" Mc. t. 0. N. WottoEx of the " Wyo
,thisiseek, and Mr. GEo. M.
ilouesdale, does not succee
The “ Democratic
'l;:er,,is promptly on our tabl,/
AS usual, are of that high ord,
-which must command-the a.I
-large portion of the reading
fished by John' W. Moore,
New-York, at :0 00 per ann
.Fit. ii
~,,, Blackwood's Magazine
'contains a humorous article
in , Ameriea." It appears th
`We above article secured .
lihis country for the purpo
41r. Scou from re-pi11:444w,
iheldag,azine. The enterpr
-publishers, - however, were '
te'd in '- their purpose: they
~ ..q.....:
gisuea the Magazine, includ .
4g,pcuttraband Article. Th y
41%-published in this country
.Scort t -ik.._Co. 79 Fulton-street,
NeW-YOrk, and furnished . t.
. .
43 ,09 per A i nnum. .
N0."6 of."_Chwebere
'4Teived, and , the coOterds . re'
V s 4
iiirl as those eoi4lki.ired . ii(
$4, Published, by G 44 1,
Lincoln, 59 Washiugton , str
'kr eta. per No. _
ed3l ,
Gone. Taylor hi 're
n'''44s#4-o,Paper am, •
infilateopuetttietraith theP -
• language — ,
"That the - vOteatTeon
Sided:Taylor at i Heir
Be can beet aiiy : man 6f e
&sopa tbrergaiiiii lbw
those whoineferGiit TW:#O . 4 as'
who prefer some rittitr in ' "
0 O. V t .
i to.
! • _ lil m t _ k•
' "'NEW Yalta. Ram Tlinvor int
ton corresponitaro iePil,lic Le,.
appears-to. be -well itifisrme4;of t •:
political affairs at the Capital, hi
Pemocratic ,party...leriders- ..ttieri4
come, out safe. withlt Ahe.,*.at \ II
4 1 0 1 t,Ich sass( shejf i tii herhfroi
Where she cheeses. The. write
~ Thirli4eitiTt Ilierefiletilitilii' 2 •
nor,Onlftoaliderietiiii highy rll i'as
itself, bUtjUt: ',titteiltlie tremen.
atai?rity_ ll l- kilt g i tid:Pf N l ies%Yor
tf changing very! materially. the
et the next- PreSideOtial: •catnpai
thing 'new teernit4o 2 depeCil on t
ath - 0 . -mc*! l :° . ;illirti'• to cim
out fiery' York;;, All, is shat cue 1
done to satisfy the turbulent fac
State.•• The *met prolviso wil
forted on the affrriinistration in a
! gilts
gag s , N•
ete, ?h'
the." P
:receipt' ••
torn Gene
'the City ,
the De
ill be pu
l ing otr Mn
'late 4 1
I "I
No Lic.eo.
iTemperan i
eansto -to ;!
P 1
or shape ; for i'n i • .the alutp in
presentedit4 not only invo!v•
tion•of slavery, but, in intimate
with itohat of territory, t:th •-wh
Ministration . hosi• sthked it, 'repo
proportian as fear that
will entirely the,
ir states which •thei , D,en3otata
ry, will. be,coits!idered, ati if
are to be. made; they will he m.
and not to thesW wholskitr the
hand." '
far The trial of the mitoriot
Restall,.in New York, has fin
in a conviction of a, anis'denite an
dy, her indefatigliable coanset
arrest of judgmenvbat thd Cou
and sentenced the 'Prisoneil:t? o
prisonment in the il'enitentinry.
mends subsequently grapted a
ceedings. - • .t
ve been he
the Co
I -
which w
1 ess and j
Ise great p I
Io bring re;
i i, but unless!
ine of wr ,
I t edium of ,
ies, and
Was repo
I •
The Baltimore . ; Americah,
ablest ; paper*
.in the country,
strong article in favor of Gen
the . - Presidency; Whicirtakises •
guagei " and It - any, •
et' from the, ndications in Kent
nessee, Georgia, rentisylvania
States, that GeUeritl TRI-Loa is.
ably in the' field: "He this not
a candidate for tlie*irefidency ;
have done'it. Hehas anhoun •
upon which he will• tand,,, and
are accepted:: Gen. Tenon is
he will not withdraw nor , be wit
he never retreats; ; be never surr
People who have called him t.
will sustain him there. Y They..
their own. Conventions may r.
they cannot appropriate hiin
WASIUNGTON j s now to have a
i nty at Per
ich have
;,023 ; there is
i t frown. The
ore the inaig-
resigned f.l3e
ico, and sue
d of the for-
f Wisconsin,
setting apart
or thanksgiv.
sixteenth np
variqus gnr-
its meeting of
of party, is.
to take coon
.albat has written an account
the ship EMPire, 'which watt
the United Skates troops from
The vessel struck on a eoral.
The /ewer says : '
‘, As soon we struck, se
immediately ";placed over, the
who prevented any of the Soldie
ing on deck, or ititerferitig yvi
agement of the ship. Qtr Pos
ry critical foe the 'six hntirs th:
from the striking of thel ship u
revealed- our , true situation.'
long interval 4f 'tittle I have se
er seen more h«tl couraie tha
ted by the whble command, a
awaited the fate -which I,prom
truction. -7) I
!OlL—The va
!atli of J. W.
Goy. Bisset,
rnor Roger S
port of the
to the Wilmot
tions for con-
zation for. the
• hen they will
tires from, the
The dawn of day; hoNtever,
the westward, andboni a in,
low chain orr i eefy iil andti; a 1
west, the.wooded:sfs res of th.,
barb, provinetlint we were m !
Miles out of our reckOning—a
fatal error: 'As it became m
discovered a:large ship two mi 1
which was just escaping from 1
ger that liad , :overtakenfus; w 1
shores of Abaco we could see
of the wreckers pushing bold! i
Soon a Attle'ffleer: of the egg :
which the w kern tempt the '
ed - about our' : istnantled vessel
over die care. sit eil a buffalo, k i
boarded us, and, -tontrary to th
erally received (Alibis cliss of
ed much willingness in rende
With their[aid, in less than t
whole cdtuitiandi l with most o
baggage, were safely landed i
.• . ,i .-
ing 'Record"
him. What
for No4em
. Its contcnts,
probation of • a
publi 6..
107 F ulton-st.
' for Octpber
eaded "Maga
t the writer of
copy-right in
of preventing
etom numb rof
ing Amcan
I, ot to be thvrar , -
ire- ‘, pronartly
g I.lle,inte est:.
Magazige is
by -Messza, , p.
corner GP/4(M,
' .1
lmette rr - - Le
received;at the lt ,y ePiatlin
S. brig, Dolpiti, hie i has; j
, York, ia.2g:'dayi
((',ape Xidandsj Lie
triatidiug Bill given . tame
cruise. He "]tad-- ovtrhaula
brig (the.44, i ,Wr fluatingdott)
,the .31st ,of. *vast,
froqk wi
poke . d . playe cEitgo,on trarti;, •
00410 for v aslilve l .dackv‘
liio l oaP
cargp„pcF,pi OhT,
brig §miatort!ciar4ekljin ,
4 3 ,u,- !Po? Ti"
' it To.
fti • s Sitter.
"AA', •
of Oen, II
incy, k
and' pka ems
will be art
party tw • niy.
4 , ": . 111
'614 fiC. it
t4 00 4,Prt 4 4. up;
I -
0e71.10,0; -,jit _
Tml vatf....14
011uftfisar 0-04
t 1 1 1 7 611
gel, will,
. 40uni kif
low York,
.ne to go
says :--
icing:sit Is
.irtint in
, s
a organs
0 •,
out Witbt
the wabe
na of that
neier be
l a the qu v
e '
ch 'the adj
tion: In
.1 ew' York
, the oth
ope to car-
' • occasions
de to them,
sword in
s Madame
ly resulted
Mr. B ra
mmed an•
e year"s im-
Judge Ed
tay of trto-
Gen. 'Taylor
ne of the
contains. a
Taylor, for
iitlethii bul
-1 • te, we rah
qkY, 'Ten
and . other
ode hiniself
the PeOple
d the ,terms
those terms
in the field,
drawn for
oider. The
his position
.laiin him as
°go . i'ze, hot
"New Nrork.
fat 4baco.
'tinels were
min hatch,
rs from corn
h the man-
Mon was ve
:t intervened
til daylight
During the
dom or nev
i was exhibi
! thcy• calmly
sed but des-
disclosed to
le distant, a
still farther
island of A-
Fre , than fifty
strange and
I e light, we
• s to the east,
he same dan
ile from the
the light sail
firth-to sea.
':fiell craft, in
ayes, hover
,ilike• wolves
any of them
'• opinion rem-
,re hours the
the personal
Fowl Key."
hasie been
9 t, by ,the U.
ttt arxiited ht
Porto ,Praya
tenitni Corn
an Anserican
ued. in -New
the usnal as
. to. I agoer
ps l itirgrnsed,
isely _finch a
/ 10 4 wierican
txb 4- 6 444 Wall
9f - the 41 W.
(she ,filnat9r)
sw,i_isg t safely
:iP.41. 0 f ; 4 1 1
orgokiiiiiere •
• ; ,lein LAO,
is "p .
ace 4
1 1 .4 0 ent under
4 , ,"izefin
ii . i .is. : ' *ie
; ~.t . :
,--.•,•singiT• - --'-'". ~ '
J. , ,
.P.Ps, •
and dig • • ..that hal* sendsout front-sik
Jcetght vessels " -
Erb m oioldrcetdnderstan. ,
tipwairds ‘44` th* Alionergiftlif vessels ' 'nu
ally freighled.-4oniißra)zil by Biazil;
ianeg,to the south coast; some of them, as is
well knawn, - taking a !attire cargo of steel
anddrillinatllmicelerstbeir.Aararieen ere*
_first hzeyjpg.
_Own. 4ut_the most of them
are-believed to leave the coast - CarrYing white
passengers 014;7 1 ,
Lieut. Bell- `deserves the thanks: of hiss
ooverument fdr . his
, s aForts
. tst, ouppress_this
abiominithle irgiEl7 - 'ind exposure 0(T
-tnerican Merchants irb shamefully engaged'
in* it.l. , Ledgei.' • ,
Tirit'New lia.pHnittc oP 'Antils.—The
Virtiihingtoir Union publishei 'sonic recent
adVicei,frtim the *est coast of Africa; shOw*--
iiiihe'progres,'S of new republic of Li
be a.' constitution has been adopted
which concludes with the following nripetil:
Therefore; in the name of humanity,
and virtue and religion—in the name of the
Great GOti, our cnmmon Creator; and our
common Judge, rvie appeal to the natienh of
Christendtini, and:earneitly and respectfufly
ask of them opt they, will regartl us, with the
sympathies 'and' friendly "'consideration to
which the peculitnities of our condition enti
tle us, and to extend to us that comity which
'quirks-the friendly intercourse of civilized
and independent communities."
The declaration of rights is copied from
the State constitutions of the .United States.
It declares I all. power to be inbernt in the
people, all free governments ,i n s noted by.
their authoritY and for.their benefiitt, thut,ull
men .have a right to! worship God according
to the dictntes , of their own consciences, and
guaranties the liberty or the preps. The
young republic commences well, and, we
hope it will receive the support.from the cit.
izeni of Liberia that it deserves.
The , election:" to determine,- by a popular
vote, whether, the people will ; have any lay,-
ern licenses, for the sale of intoxicating li
quors, granted fnr_their respective townships
or'not, will take place•on the 76 of Decem
The Public Works
Too much praise cannot be awarded. to
the Board of - Canal Commissioners for their
perseveririg efforts to repair the damage
to the`Public works occasioned by the recent
freshet. Their personal attention 'has been
unreniittingly devoted to that object. A
large•fOrce has been collected, and the work
pushed forward with an' energy - which has
removed all d oubts of the practicability of re
pairing the entire line before the opening of
the Spring bUsiness.
The main line is now navigable from-Co
luinbia to the Rope Ferry on the 'Juniata.
Oa Saturday next, Wetinderstand, the wa
ter will be let in from'New Hamilton to
the Rope Ferry, sufficient to pass boats -not
very heavily laden. In consequence of the
mechatiimil Structures-to be repaired or re
was not possible to open the-line-be
tween New:Hamilton and Holidayshorg be
fore the close of the present season. But
the arrangements which have been made
will ensure the completion of all the repairs
sometime in 'February, so that' there is now
a certainty of the whole line fram
The breach at the head of Dirtied:We Isl
and has been n'tpaired, which gives an
interrupted .navigation to the head of the
North Branch Division. • - -
On the West Branch Division * are as
sured the water twill 'be let in•fixan Loyal
sock to -Northumberland, aboutflie 18th
instant. The repairs on the reriitinder :of
that division will be - completed loY l ,the Ist of
It is grati6ieg' to know that notlsithstant)-
ink the inter'rnption atone of the*ost prof
itable periods of the year, the receipts from
tolls will exceed (11,500,00 0 .La-liarriSbarg
Argus. ;
lit the .14th number of the Federalist, the
following pregnant sentences,ocanr. They
are of interest at this juncture. l!fliey are
the deliberately expressed opinions ofa sound
thinker, one of the sages of the cinsitry.-
" The •error which . limits repuiilican gov
ernment to a narrow district, has been un
folded and -refuted in - preceding papers. , I
remark•here that it seems moue its flatland,
prevalence to the confounding olcia republic
with a democracy,. As the natull limit of
a democracy is the' distance frostiite central
pointz which will - permit the tam. remote
citizens to assemble 41 often atittiair public
functions demand, and will incluke no great
er number than will join in tittle functions,
so the natural limits of a reptit4ei s 'the Adis
tince from the centre, which skill barely-al
low.the representatives of the'pleple to meet
as often as mny be necessarrfaithe admiti
istrantin•of public affairs."
Scienceis doing sontetliing - enty day to
wards removing • limits foundedupon.isuch
obstaeles, and at no,.distant 4i, the only
limitito.a republic will be the yt t uns which
bound a continent. .
e 1
Brtaxtvut..--The Navy pos ; r ely refits,
es toutssist ih transporting , rums u.(l materi
al forthe war. , It is too muck like pork
and .i.lie merchant' service, for' gentlemen
whose only trade is fighting— t luchk how
ever,'in some,woy or other, the have matt
agedl.not to.i do much of. So, wiernment
has been forced to expend som e mdliollB- in
paying merchantmen. • for semi which, the
Navy.. eould and ought, to ha done; but
would not, Amour other it alf million
and n:half was paid fur • small v sei g ,,,ipli e w
Orleans, every .cent of which' uld ,have
been, saved loth', people of the [I n e d States,
iftthe navy did : not ,feet abovajieio g useful;
and , it Congressmen did not=Otero...dieing
with and petting navel .afficent e to , the care
(It thp pubheinterest: 4, NoiSetifetarrePthe
finvy,can nielte•theAteanobilitt do 04 Per
publiettu serricev.while abeoet very. -neater
mit representative tints. or expect s to ,,k fire ;
4 i ll /other orbit/ Amity provided with,epatt
lettes and a salary for life in fur Army-:.or
pips ' r . kilis.a,OPilitQck• fnutilY concern, ant 417.17,11 ii rich InPflf-pnt tribe peiyie!,
rt - ,,,1Y-iva- •5 1 q 4, - ,,,, t -t,' • 1 j•,no> ?,
... I! . ' ~ , , - „ :1 - 1 411 ' ,, • •
I-c 4 , I ' 4. 6 ,-
IgrApersim-bPini seifeli4t2.lsfacinl
bObeleAlititite of life, gaily "„ 6 Reatell,
u tod
4.40,;:Xe1l #enneYsAintill real' *Merl
Pi* Of. Mig*N 4 A4Cl lo lnikil V fiti*Krikid.
INI I 4 I .1 1111 1 6 .7.4 1 :' 3' .: .ttl
• *roma Allows* *;, •
*atficuktri4,Volt t tic_PktrityW
main Volnnteers—Santa Anna's DistaisL
4ieount Of eke Action . of Ernel
.lmantlai :( • t+
etird.AASiti.i.d.dhe most important_ news
bis. n .thei late arrival is that' of the dismissal of
. lA ,' • 2
ta l ent* FOriStne conansana of.the army.
sacCeeds The fol-
Jowitst i it,the.afrisiallattar—addesied,bye•the-
Minister of Foreign and Domestie Relations .
to She fallen Didtatar, conveying the , unwel
come intelligence:—
DZPAaTiaaNT of WAR, Minister
of Internal, and ,Ezternal Relations. • .
Excellency the provisional Pres 7,.
ideot of the Republic; profoutidly impressed
with his ditty towards . bits con ntry, convinced
of the necessity of re-establislfing.pohlicono- ,
rality,io,the nation, of, giving more vigor to
the discipline of thourtny, for-some kiorie• so
relaxed and almost ;extinguished by. our civ
il.iliegensiqiis;, desiring, also i , to manifest-to
then pop ulation of the metropolis of Mexico,
and other-cities, in the power of the enemy,
whose fate, not ; indifferent to your Excel-,
lency; iti z fine, considering (hau in all well
orgaiiized countries, generals of the army,
have to answer before :a tribunal fur the.fisults
they .have committed,, the reversOs
they have,experiene`ed in their campaigns,.
he,. the Provisional president, directs that,
you transfer the command-in-chief of the ar
my .to General of Division, bon Manuel
Rincon, and until that officer is on the• spoi
to assume it, you will „place it in the ,hands
of General Don Juan Alvarez. His Excel
lency, the Provisional President, also directs
that you establish your residence in such tt
locality as you shall deem convenient, and
which may be in accerdance,to,the views of
the Supreme government, md . that you here,
await, under the guarantee of your word of
honor, the orders for the assembling of a
court martial, composed of general officers,
to try your Excellency fur the loss of the ac
tions in which youhave coin landed during
the present war, aunt princip. ly fur the loss
(capture) of the capital of the (public.
His Excellency, the President, thinks it.
due to •your honor t h at it should he cleared
rind thorrighly purified by a judieinl investi
gation, die result of Which, lie hopes will lie
favorable and honorable to you.
With the usual compliments, God
mid Liberty. ROSA.
•, 7th Oetoher,:lB47..
To his Excellency, well deserving at his
country, General Antonio Lopez de San
! • '
ta Anna.
Santa Anna in his account of the action
of Himmanda, says, the Americans lost one
hundred men, the American accounisays 16,
hurthe American account of Santa Anna's
.loss was equally extravagant, for the enemy
instead of being slaughtered like sheep, and"
several hundred killed, Santo Anna says he
lost only seven men. -
The first number of the North American
of the 21111) of September, published in the
city of Mexico, in speaking of the Mexicans,
says We. will establish Colleges on the
site of your barracks, in which your children
shall be educated." , The . Monitor,44s,
we should be happy to see this idea realiz
ed,,but ,as it takes some considerable time to
effect this, we would, in•the meantime, wish
prr. . vat we possess ono RII qa •
SAN Luis DE POTOSI.—The State of San
Luis bas recoknized, without a 'dissenting
voice, the General Government established
by a decree of the 16th of September. The
State remarkable for the meat efrorts
which it has made in the defence of the
Anus CsiteN.Tes.—The Mexican deputy
sem, from the State of Agits Colones to
Queretaro, has received the mast positive-:,
injunctions from his constituents, neitlit4 tic
admit, listen to, u r - in the least approve 'of,
au, .treaty with the North - Americans, itt:-
til. first .their forces shall have rerired from
their country, and the fleet from blockading
their cciastf
The Penosylvania volunteers 'garrisoned.
at Perote voted for Governor of Pennsylva
nia on the 12th of October, di: follows . ;
For_Governor—Shank, - - 66
- "Irvin, - - - 20
- ,
Canal commissiuner—Ltingstreth, 66
66 Patton, - 19
• 46 66 - Morton - 1
This is,only,ann l hattafian of the. first reg
*lf HTIM9I I /ei, b rftliSq l at Puebla,
.and gift secoati rOgiinant is ,at thc , city of
Mexico. . , •
-.Cruz correspondent of the.Patria - , in a .letter
dated .the 20111 OIL; says . that Padre JarllUla
has abandoned •the field Of Mars, tend resum
ed the tie:wefts] monastic: life., A few days
previously he went to Huastuscei; where the.
Governor of the State resides, find:there • re
•sigsled his commission as chief of the goer
frothis is to be attributed the removal
or the difficulties in the' way of travel
ling, between. Vera Cruz ;and Jalapa. It was
Jarman who assembled the scattered. bands
ef,robbers under. the ,guerrilla. flag,. end now,
he isigotte they have disappeared.. For our
part, we .think it was, a wholesome fear of
the'rfaan Reimers that induced this per_
rillitobief to abundon occupationd if he
laid continued to. infest the road, .he would
have been sure,:one time or other, to fall iu- .
tu, their hands...
• • Tun ,LA MINTED WALKER.—Attiong. the
binve•who have nobly fallen during the war,
with Mexico fhereis not one tiroond -Whosi.
bead have-clustered laurel ! : more abundantly
thittrthiit intrepid officer. - Captain • Walker ,
was one of those' spiritsvt hat seem , to bede
signed: by 'fate to negate' renown' by talk
ing their physical energies in the heat uf d
hand-to-hand fray; -in- the , crowded) Melee,
-when-the ((nick • eye niiil ready hand, bocleed,
by the dauntless heart; einable theinlio tv in:
froarForuitie her hrighest pluine Aloa
b n
HOtielUrit ready:" to plunk bright' honor friul
th e ,poe.frieen mane'. or . dive ihto unfinh
liittatile ! del/011,1 0 and - - pluck, !uit drowned
himorty therktclits," - this gallantifellOw troh
the )mudel of)a• heroin' partisan:Warfare; Mai
loss at thil moment is a public mien( the
greatest magninsde ; for it will N 1.4116164 to
Smd-anotheri , like ,Ihiati PPintandPg-suchvit
i4ed 9enn'boties-lbrAneticin and , ctininteedAi
Capr. ,, W. ' , weir fat • n :etinsidinible i tilde 'a
Tetz i i i sauer oftwar in , Megiech'i ihe re p.b e
woe e*itir other' . ptiven 4 like liiiself,
to work in the amnia of einettoperie,-_ , W e
sego:What:he did not li UP aceciatpliih: iihat'
t'f•- ,:iiol •-,i
, -
.eatest r b,,,,,f.) q it boa ,7121; to ride bit
firm* in. usiiipb'veitill'aJset4trelets in:the ci
yof Mez 4w kW liatqabOred to con
struct a a j i4irt. Ifiiideatit;will be deplor- i
d all o 't‘c ifitont4-4' 'V Times.
A corre pondent of the Picayune, giving
an ricentint of Wilker's,deatli, says: - -
1 Aipt, .. fired his revolver, but unfortun
ately rni d his aim, when ibe old man kill
id Tii in - ii 'tE . • hie: liice - at Red, - elitainsliii
that he li daveoged tfied # eatli of his len'ti
Capt. W Ike/0,125t Solt told*: tutul tirano
.—•" Althciugkyour corm has fallen , never
7iiiieiegivriy - t4i." ' WitiOiritirilifilF
I Walker had falloui,qa_pti,Lrefivis took com 4
mand of tlbe nonillion and orderedthe'streets
and other{ places to - be 'scouted, which was
immedintelY doneilinct•bot la :few minutes
elapsed befomtlie.v,illapirfliasentiraly clear
of the ho the portion of the inhabitants.
• '' Many . 't Yhe'sbaiiiii'et" the -viiiikti , - v te - t e
sacked arid destmyed,.. and his. , in win 119 rabe
regretted ithpt lifter Geii. Lane had patiisd
oh a 'number of stradg ers; 'mini litid'he'en
' ' • a 's .'
intozical in the villa s , were put to death
by the 3 zicans. Acco l ine vary MOO itheJ
'mintier , ho Were kilted ;in this way, and a
private better whitili 1 i liave Wee!, sets the'
nutnber down 'a - s abOut fottfmen, 'odd oth'eV
, 'thounts {make it'lar.
ueeounts m..._
'The d Iligence whit* left Vern'erui thr ,
the 20tli' inst., on its'' return to the),eity . til
M'eiiien,% . ins' attacked,it appetirii,iiii, the . vf!
cinity Of 'Santa Fe,' sciinetWolengdeefttirri'
hdre. T e drivers, fiv,V) Meilen,' buys were'
foinul ti d. to the Wheas, with-their . throatit',
eit in 11 e' timAt barlitOotitt tuatilier:"Alse'
milks h i d' either brakeh:lonie, of ivereetirl' i
ried nifty the its:maw - 4 its All but two'hatt:
di6appeared.' Ode 014 . , the 'property of'
Mr. Nathan, pf New YOrk . , - 'wlMis'ltoW I.o l '
siding ih Jalapa, and the Only'lliggage lit'
the vehicle, wits plundered by those niarand- )
itig ruffians.' Fortmititely , there • were /no•
. Tile Mexican Congress did' not nOseintild;
'at taisertitarn on the sihlinst.
The Monitor sayithrit . the typhus•fever is
p iliging TO a very' considerable extent etnong
the Atnerican troops in the Capital. '' ' '
A • EAn t iOQuis,lit.-r: On . iitti rday t h e 2 n d o f
October. the Omit of n severe -eartltun4
was feltin the,City.of Mexico, lasting two,
minutes and fOur seconds. . Beds w,ercroc47.
ed like, bammocks in it ship at sett;" opet
doors* re slaMmed toAtid, fro
,andoit was
with di cuity, any person i etaufd . keep, their,
(eel. ' he people ran ,iiito the
,streets, and
all kneeled with clasped hands, atid i tapttirn,-
ee faces. It is described by , the editor of
the North American as: a most thrilling and
lublitue sight_ This was the severest aback,
which has been felt
.in Metico, since the
great obe of 1844, which,threw down bons
'es and I made the earth crack., ltakvaripus
parts of the,city, says
. t . he North, Amerithan,
the attack left traces (dins powers. The food.:
lain blithe Grand Plaza was so moved that
ihe.waker was thrown out of the reservoir in
large quantities; houses were cracked, and
standing water ran several yards. Jr., is die describe the Sen s ation, felt for the
first tune during the shock of 49 earthquake.
Almost - every one in the city became sick at
the stomach, and experienced. it dizziness
equal .O the severest vertigo ; and, added to
this ut'pleasant feeling . , was an almost atter
prustrMion of the system, which rendered
them in a measure helpless, had any great
exertinn been necessary. The house weno
,ny is tine of the strongest mid firmest lit
7 ,- T et A A ut.nrarslTitnet .4.-... - ...444,-......^t10.
I kicked ; cradle—the heavy • beam s !tag and creaking in discord most "in-'
littrously. We have. experienced one
I,tiake in Mexico, and feel ,no,desirefor
nation.. •
~ .
'lnnitor significantly remarks that the
itrilignake has changed the position of
ooze statue of Santa Anna in the:Pla-
Valndor. It is now slightly intline.d
North, and appears pninting with the
laud to• the flag that finats over, the
I_ palace,•as th4Mgh, it said ," This is
lently I
crack i
It ;Irma
a rep
' late e
the b
za tie
to th.
Front the Public Ledger; 13th hist.).
TAIT rftettit MEXICO.
of Col. Roberts, 2nd• .Pennsykunia
unteers—Return of
,Midshipman 140.
MajJ Gaines 4'c. , •
[from the N. U. Picayune:],
, Fr lm the Durango - i Journal; of tne - I , lth
ult.; i derivtd the itahrniiitiOn that the 1
-1 led Sjates frigate Portsmouth. arrived i&,ilie
'watt s,of )lazatilitt (IA the -,.,,d of Septem
ber Irmo Monterey, in CalifOraia.• The'll,..
IS. lqueirreit, consistiOg of :the : frigrites Cod-
Igress, Date; the Cyatte, ,ilia a triinsPortjeft
Monterey oe the Ist 'September, for'Muziti
hitt and San 111 us, And for those of `G4iy - ii-
I nnis ld a Acapulco. -
;.-; ; i - ' - ' , •
Mayor paittes, Capt. Cassita . 'At.. Clay!,
Capt. lieody,
,Major Borl,ntid . CaPt . . baidey,
land i!iclitli.ittinitts 'Rogers crime hattle; and
lve lire Itap'pi to add; our associate,'Mi,
Kendall.. - , 1- ' -•- , - •'
,''' " ; •
41.1. 11a nklie4d, the. British tiiiidatii;',4;•-
rived,,, at Vera Crim on :the blj r ili Oh% . and
;was t 1 ceiVeatiith . at ilhary,
,lionOrt...: ':-'-, . :
A eel was flinglit ahotitille o,4th 41clie
lweet - .Capt.:l 3 iteter, , Of the - Rifiee l , and 'CaPi.
Arida . r, \ of the' Voltiguera. ' At the sedond
:Ifire,, apt. ; Archer wail. stun in the:''ab4oteti
t 7 -ti f.•.vere ',but nni:daagerints wound
4 fuel ” ,, ;4; finilit -- near 'Ver'si Citti Out
tat t le, gate . kpr ii Merry, nn ihe'lst list., he-,
wet Capri. Warring:ion and:White,: with
Plitsk ts, ai l 'slity,r=-siees s . - '. At trst'Are Capt.,
I'str6tigttita received a hall ' l lltreught the
I 'flesli patt'Or boilt - leik,. lielOw the. knee.' .
i • Ti a" " Letinid;iii"2l6tier made h' great stir
Vily.lirmt."'"Otte'ut thethove dtiehi grew ,
'poi '6 it; I- ', •-.-'•• • , L '1; -, i ( - ~ - „.f.7 .<l.
1 1 , '‘`Dr. 'i . rus' i or''Oeri ..
6ena.—We l'egrercto
leaf;iifionl i the Stir that •Ctil. Roberte;iif the
. 2 - 41 1 '.. titiOvitliitt ! .rigiiiierit OtvOlatife t aiiNied,,
"..4 . 1t11: - caiiititriiii Vbi - atl .. of °Cipher. ' ' ' Lieiit.
iiseill ' A .131ittio, of Ilieljth inflintric - .died
t tit 12th 'MIL,' br iiiiiiiias'reeeieed .' at: 'the
'batik. at Cheitibuign. '' tied r.• t. 11.DOOieli,
'of tlf . .3dAttillify, hat died nf"ltiti -4 intindit.-
, 7 teat - Ifltiiei ,i'" oriha :SauthVatkiliiiii*i-:
' - itit; 'Ad Vaiii.r.' iiiiidelleitin, of'iliel4llflti-','
,iiiiir iAttoirliiitAl' 'die fOrifier i ebiiiiduriffi t s
lie In ei- Of wiptiOreUlairliiitiirtiti" n 3 - ' !'; 11 'if'
I Dr. 'Wit: RoWite; of, rthii iiiiedjetiViittiff;
. ' a .-. titeliffe?thiStk i iitlatiftt'thi44o4on,. ,
ted - . , it' the'll2thqaft4 iitt . .ii iViiand' ( l.oiiiirtit
'''t i tlie'Rifiei'Millii. Vilit.'Pferirehi,r4rthe
, e ast. orkTfeirrient"iir ) VONOteerifiAteiP'OO
`,t el I.tieyik.;brivisiffiva ri - 6eiyfoi iti!iabliniiiii,
v WO' ilietieb:"' Atitiiitaltit ' 1 Ettlittati l irredirell
'ieit'• 'nit', Ciireiiiftbei2iiik tile..;''OP-46*i
L i
o. - Altableklefold; . iirtheld4ttiltfij'
staff . ifliii woulads:k ., Arfailiatkiiattbe,
14th lio - eniersio:Pillow-seidlibioltiolitor*
~6' ,b0i1mint,,,.:.[..,i..- ~ ai lr r .r,•,-,.., it! '.....1...:1...1,1 ',..
% , pole*lprrtirititis
it - Artist: was. in, - *am, *roc
28thfcr i tht triaLi big* Jots
Weary'. RorekeepSr.. ~.,; . t 7 _,,.
1 . hall is ill ai-ifeta Critiatiiiiiilll
to ge tip with Veit: , Pititssisaii.::
: k Ail ;' 9el o4 l ':*# Ot;l!iift i ,
1:.:i l l ior ., g f k
min. A
' A. R. Betzel • t app - •
il art Cruz frOmMobils tuithiiBo6.%
titrUut. Overboard stl.mhtsßpneV l, 1 6 rbilj,iiielitbSt.1 . :.
_ . :149, 1
i ovsrbosrd 41„ her mutes ,
it ere seteitir 'Minas of an. earth-
cruz on th
Geo. M
benot eh
1 1 11 4 d
having en
hod throw
qtfillteet t
of the 2e
the sth. •
very sever
city, with,
e eity of Merico,.onlie winning
ignif tjtWlft ofiaiittlit on
Itch dt,p l ool l appem haie been
• , as no dainage- was done in the
the rereeptioe' oVernOthig
• - t I i pilo
poPer 'hes - been - establiiiiedin thei
titted , La
Spanish, a , Druociatio. papero,
stew the re-establishuientoti.theti
n of '24.
nra y Vitiated - has beep appointed'
of War. •.: tt,
RATH' OE CA piAin wittni. - -Thet
, speaking a Captain •Watker'e
A new
capital, e
entirely i
pod. 'tidy,
— TtiE` I
Piaayua ,
death; sa •
- -Captal
Puebla li
der tb i
na. 16 '
also inst.
f W. left 'thel Pereteiii:
of three compiiniet,,in advance
a'nti's trnin. J.. Nina tidlelritotitlt
► l. met 900 Mrsicans-Said to be un
'mediate cmand of Santa'Alk',
li s arging, captain tedeilietl''ii
lid entitely through, the.taidy, nn
'leg hy canubli'ilflif."'lll!liCrik
in the Chafe, , aUeriirlin
was a Celcbtlated•gileitilli 'chief.
.that he had s‘vornv,engeapce.,l,7,
plain W,, B ut, fell in ilia
and by Walker's baUds,' receivint
from his resolver
n I_,oyall and eighteen men, of his
of inountecl Georgians, an d fronk
of the Rifles, are also known' to
-n. killed in the ch,r,go , of, (*aptaitc
A ma n, named
erpreter for, Capt. 'Walker, lost a
a charge of 'a,rtillerp Col. "Wyn- •
tes that the , NexicaTk, were, alatighl
• r this like.slieep. , , .
sotoil at
lamed hi
It is sni.
cum pa I
six to to
have be
leg from
koop; per
tered aft
Correspoptierice of tho r!tiblic - Ledgek'
From itashinglion.
Informa,ion-41 1 - e Success Ai
WASINCiTON, Nov,. Bth, 1847.
, first A'ssiStant Postmaster deneral;
yet concluded a postal arrangement
British Government; 'Negotiations
d very slowly, anit it ilia:v.l4lth great
that Major Hobbieelitained access
rsons who, alone havti the power to
• the matter. I imagine that the
aries are too long, and that the "ar
t:tit to be concluded-is, on-the part
ritish authorities, solull of littte de
. mitiunc, that,our agent 'befiire re
tu this country, will! scarcely have
arrange more than,the basis-of an
le understanding between the Post
bepartments of the two governments,
trfected subsequently las circumstan
p•-• permit.
cheering than this news is that fror,,
und Germany, where. our Agent ditk
er - witu-tne taigntest: onstacles,
all 'the arrangements tire now perfect-
will lead toga regular; ,Constant,
eap communication with them. Ent
,rill yield to the point i Yvben Congress
ready to act in the premises, and not,
At tit:
had tot
with' th
to t he "p
of the
tads an
Itmo to
to be p
E 333113
- -
ed, w
and cl
Th: reduced postage on :letters is begin,
ning t , work exceedingly. well, and the de
ficit in the revenue occasioned by it is rapid
ly dis ppearing. From 800,000 . dollari the
first y tar of enneting.the• it dwin
dled own - to• *640,000;• dud during this
year t e deficit Will loudly reach The figure
$40,019. Emboltle.fted by this - Unexpected
happy result. of a measure which so Much
- CA - nitro utes to civilization,. the Postmaster
Gener I will probably propose in his report,
thetint (Auction of a uniforOsySteinoreheap
polio 'throughout the Uniuri, , sirniltir to the
penny postage in England---'- it measure ,
which will be hailed , with universal itPplause,
thrpti . .. limit the whole community, withour
dish''. lon of party.
ha ild anything interfere *Ol the P. 11!.. •
Getier l's designs in this resign!, it will 'be
the ex ensions of the. Ritiltnaa Pmnpuitieti,
who a ready receivettittiritiOepornitn of I
all the compensating. jitti'd: tie Depart
? contractors Or, maiftout s. ktbese
cutup ies were to relent anttgvinca, n - pore
liberal spirit toward'. tfie,,,Pgitaittrietic and
throng 1, it to the publig,.u.ttittkrtri . OVe . cent
postag • would inevitaltiy,tie,i,tlig:retiull; and
The p •s g ok, PUSl4ll.ll#lr .01Per.0- w M i l d be
the fi to press it limit of
Cnngr•ss. As :t Rug 1 , 11 ;mi 241 0 - 0 t h ere i t
-nothiti, but It sttnagitmEnthilitirar titaeoti
kress r •• conlitler,thtkqiiestiuit, a4nil to decide
,it in fa or 0f..t4 •
Sigh hnndred and.tweaty-Adne,ActsTost
Offices ta heen added, dar t ing •this o fecr
the list, while the fi nances pf* the Depart
anal a inanaged.With.adtitirabletal4ll and.
hare ti • erg been in. a : betten ‘.canditiott!thart
at the-, esent moment. •
I hel ye that the.. estimatet.of •the Mar
and Na y Department will not . ba near so":
Ilargela Bs .genetailly , expeeted,othe tanner'
will i • . t likely exceed thirty,(theihnter eer
andy, It rather short of ten. million oftdtil--
ith the-•reimurcet!Whichlthe•Seere- -
- •
Lary of he Trensug's Repoi(may platten,.
thelgo4 rutheat scarcely require more
thsteofi den millionsvand theib I thin lc alOght
- les rai d•without cretriadift4a.itetiti /Qin, but
by the se of die , „Treesuryy ootesgbeariag
fremts , Al per, meet. iinterelat 'thin /malt
Ittinobn might easily 'be,catTiedait. a Austin
debt;At d'lvituld mut: requireilolleluildeimm -
IF:rurtee ,sustains, ittl this ,Ineseerttaloating
dela et than 600, millions of t fraSellefir
-. • ,
iL6O%. Tone of dollorst,il; zll ~ l i , l- -
.ti. ,
11-, ,1 seat); say Oa word orr'she stopi , sad'
)fiostie ilocks,lestaidtively lb tripeesliettet.
Herat& I Would; outs, stete, , , kositheiuforewo
ition oil hoes; sof • — iti inch coaiwra, sbet
- Comm amßarrO i cleiros prinrity,ol loci
i. dulireial saes ottlabalsincei:zdock; over :M
derrae Gilberto( oellterkcsediheiteisea
the Re ryisiepsiteiiieuris hia.rightsonie
patent, Also from, 1837..1 ,' I.,.!..osestaquiv ,
„..x.,,s , ,Thelloliinprf - JahesialotS ilitehir
odlite,' depeadencii.-riad wit reit preeeatly
"micas , .have.auscarepraleall!iiirt isii)Pas
struts reader,hof the tetra iiisilis
wiil- re se this a wfiraembil•Or lielf. lll6 .
artjbltr cAt' 1:5 i:- 1 1 - t : , . 1 ! -I we.
, --, i