The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, November 11, 1847, Image 4
wiy f ig C U L I I AMPOUSKIMI6II; Mg • rzol P : N4STPANIiI7, 77 PhilsibailidUsk. ':- 1411011 1 11 0 cAsank% P4 M l42 4lo o l 4 * — Phs PPRn., Vita' • US iiiiithatstari' - • „For Psimit4 Pir Somnantoll, Tar Dot*it•Chereir Psr: CVANOiisiiSWO . cs 4 Pu Foras' b's Bucks co par 1 1 SWers' 86,41 • Pat liorthamptcm 'no sale Lancsstsr VISA' - Par Far igt-"Laticistoft par Lebaihi dis 'Harrisburg ' -ail lEiddlssora 1. dig caisle ;1 dis Colwribli d Wail parpar theri nintibej~rian k P'torillco Wriubk,'s itdist PitksTpleismitPotei rah 44 s dis " uses 1 dis Towit so sae Yoik- , • 1 dis GettyabOrg 1 a'. Chstabersottrg 1&I Waynesb'g, dis Brownsvilli 1 4 ais Brie dis Barb co bank . no sale Honesdale- I,.dis Bklinscea eo 14 d is Lewistown -1 Linn bk Warren .sos sale West Branch bk 14 din Dom Cr Script 20930 din Lehigh co bk -17 Lehigh Kb Script 15As 55ay issue . 14 dis EW 'YOWL Nl' City bask Clinton bk NY. 30 dis GUI* bank fralul North.Sisgr WS co do City, 'past* gco do Wool-Growers' bk dis White Plains bk 1 dis Ifs* co bk dis flit dti Dro bk Buff $ ahl Millers bk of Clyde 15 Faibk of Seneca co— dis Com bk of N York 2 dis Lafayette g bank' 2 dis N Y Bk' 0 dis Dry Dock bank 1 dis -N Am Trust co .2 (ill, ' Bank of Buffalo 55 dis Bank of Brockport 35 dis Hatoiltoit.bk . 30 dis Cign tk 'Buffalo 55 dis All scilvent banks fa' di Couxo7 banks la' dis excelit bk of Comm- ' bin, Green co. Had son,Middle distr'ts, Platsbnrg, Niagara, 3 Wash and Warren, r Waal MAIL Co. Wayne co bank Ater and Planters' , thelealitak_ fraud bl-Po'keepsio du Pottadain Shmnf Co do Red Backs lid dis NEW JERSEY Mechania and M tamers' bk Trenton par Princeton bank , par Plainfield bank 37. die State bk at Camden par Cumberland bank par Mount Hoiy, par Salem Bei co par Monmouth bank no sale N Repo Del Bridge I die Trenton Bk'g co old par All other .banks par Far & Mech bank of N Brunswick no sale Hob Bk'g &G co broke Washington Bk'g Co do Franklin bank do Jersey City Bank do Monmouth do N Mona Co do Protec said Lombard do State bk at Trenton do Bank of N Brunswick do Mach bk Patterson do BINGHAMTON ADVERTI zEMEN n ,FINE NEW AT NEW YORK P ' Flll. WEXFORD, of B • N. Y., has made arranzemen ILE PEELY TEA COMPANY. TEAS in Binghamton, and can .; and the trade, with Teas at the Ciimpaziy charge for them in New at least, from one to two shillings pound than the Grocers sell at. where these Teas do not give willhe paid back for them. CatalelPle of Term' GREEN. S° Young Hymn, pod, do. do. sweet cargo, do. do. fine cargo, do. do. saver leaf. - _ Silver Leaf—seldom sold evenby large dealers, cause of the small profits made on its sale-- very superior Tea. do. , do. - golden chop, 1 0 Golden Clop--This is the finest Green Tea cal m ted in China. his of the first ricking., sad ei , iseds all 'other Green Teas for the delicacy it flavor; strength and arms- Heretofore this e has never reached'this country except iu lots to suit the purchaser, 11 0 00 , fine. do. very fine, Qifinesdar, fine, do. i 2 'eztra Au. ' leoperi o sse AD ,, 4. dO. Upon Skin. gout 'MAC!. Mar Tong, drag laid goad Prior Mug Yong—The groom sell ealtlt Oolongs delicious Slack Tea, Ceqkpare this superior Tea wi th as beim' gan Oolong Tea. The nt the deception Roo. , 00 , plaatatian co.* • read" • dia:do. eateirfiae, liosiles'ipatiatere f ariek said Tea, de....:1011111.4 Ne Plus Mire, Als-Plus Ultrai;AThis Tea Isom ll*l!kft 6 . 11 a AbVeleA` Under WV Weal' rool Citize Globe With* Frankfoi All sole Binh =E 0 BiOf AU Aoki RAS/ AU Jae i TTBt i • D I 11Z1 411 !is bk bin . e) bro e prides to ne. to ai. RE. Bank Wil'n are r ar ono rar Par Union Bank of Under LUPaIBIA. ity s dig broke broke asi side do Eiii Alea Bk of Meek Trani wank bunk GINIA. Sierchan , trenches 1/ 4is briechs 14 dis l'chs 1} ais & b'ch 1f ail; laLj ais notes ais CAROLINA. banks 2 dis 24 di. CAROLINA. .1 banks s gds E bk & Bk of Va Far bk & Valley bk Wheeling] Wheeling NORTH All sol Small not: :o6 AU aolven •• no GE k of St • oeinalgee onroe ollimbna • caniz b =ban - C..R • •trul b Georgia B =Ler B' U maven AL AU solvan Sttt— ak d bask .k d of Mfll d kg co g co a beaks BAMA. basks 5a6 is 8 is iilo. Cincinnati Solvent b IL , Bank of I State ban KEN Notes 1 Small .. • LOCI All solven MI IN All solvz Southern ; P 6 rta ' notes !trots ' 70 50 TUCKY Sa3i 1 ISIAN/L. banks 2 SOURI. beaks 243 LANA. I banks lia2 RIDA. I edcT beauty 50 Itapp's to plaster 25 . Smith's sugar coated: ' pills • 25 Bartholomew's pink 8 1 11, 1 1 ' 50 Spohn's sick headache remedy 50 Christie's Galvanic • Rings 37 all 50 do bands 1 50 do Plasters • 475 do magnetic fluid: !I 00 Austin's magical meat 25 4 5 0 Brisk pills 25 Root's nngbone (Anti' 50 f Parr's life pills 1 : 25 • Uphant's electnti4 for cure of piles Moor's ess. of Life 40 Bristol's . sarsapaiglal 00 Scutlider'samusticoat 001 Cooper's etherial 1;) Gridley's salt rhea* ointment German eye oititmehit 25 American eye,salve 25 Italian cheiniel soapill 001 Coral hair restarts. EAS. ICES. NGHAMT I ' with the N or the'sale Ins . custom • Prices that ork, whic • ke9er on in every 'i l l has the tire ' 37, 50 ell 00 Tousey's i universal 4, 1 1 Amber tooth paste '':l`2s oil:Amen e• Spanish lily white .1 5 37 Oriettpd Is or soy a Moorish bah' dyer ;.:1 50 strewn, 1m Erosive soap .- 25 Veuglin's veg. llama- Denrick'i sugar coati InSic 12tre$1&11 00 • 'ed pills 1 • i' 25 Billatiet y laces $lO • do tome bitters -, 25 Saad's usdfple of sari ' ' do sciatic liniment* 25 aaparilW 100 Brant's Indian meat,. , Davis' pail kMer2o 37..50 icine , l ' 100 al 1 , With many others tint monumental.; The fabler'. ber is Agent for molt cif ; itbe genuine.above medicines, and ' 1 w ka!Larrs eller " ar r . f le - gentr 'l,:. M. I REXFORD. 1 Ehtglimatoc,l am:* 1847. i ! _ ' 5011 . ENO EIM P 1: . at $O ets. Fg OE3 2EE ~i 'BtNGitt~46itlitti . • 1 play s , 75 mid 77 *tes it? tkeive its -market l phitidrea , , .. . l aides of the. fitieet - * aim el& 0 in the o - ' Bropiie;4looi.!up ia 1 fo r ici ti3O fiat 9111biees eingettei It fe ii pitiellete - tio - bey tiiiiit - this eientoisd 1 litokylina eBt *t Ito ,, 1 Theypro" d tat Wily;litid'l•eratt sale ; - Cotnitier merelusetk *b to lei iood Tees; iiiii•iverwri bbte phiee, on reeeettebleltett4-,-Eetioi sr The ehiosti, 'OM liare*e4e I' L: 'M. 'ltEx . . : 8 41 4 S`i*at kit B Itingleuntion, illy 11 1847 ' List - of tiOriula FOR SALEIeXi.:II.4I.4 m)kee ? "tl i t Wr "p OS & PAINT W OODS & EIRGICERI ARTICLES, of .which 0 6-101 4 PHEAP AS MT:" '4" 'Files.) SindeektilagarillajOr 001GreifOry's 1"- Salt Amin rinnedsl l oo Fisk i Boman eye balsam 25 Indian Panne)* 1 2 00 Balm of C. Memnno's ells isfopi; Hitch "k' urn i 25• inns pi Phinney'a Pills 25 a 37 Covert's . Moffat's life pills 25 a - 50 Michelle do Monis bitters :1 00 Lee's'lllls Sherman's med. list'a , 25 Brandreth' do fever a ague do,l 00 Post'l poor dO dinner lor g enges,l 30' Baleen's? do poor min's plasli 12 Libby's bi: do lllossoman 1 00 N e rve Jayne's Exp!ctorani 100 made lin do hair tonic LI .00 Wilkinson' do tonic vermifugo 50 wound do carminative balm 50 Tbouipion' do sanative pills .25 b Dalley'a pant extrar CePaaliF tor ' 50 a 4 0l Hongarian Hay's liniment for life piles, 1 :00 McAlister' Washington die. for, ing of dysentery'. &c. 100 do hair o' Cooper's corn salve ' • 25 do toilet Marr's cern:salve !. 25 Segue's. -Gridley's salt rheum Larbor'sex ~.ointment • _ 25 Clore an Rush's infallible 12 for tooth Motel's' tonna° eine. 25 climax do restorative bitters 25 Dr. Fo Miles' tomato pills 50 • syrup FahnoAitock's verm'gr 25 do. tunic Cbeeserna u ls Aribian do unive balsam 50 a 1 00 ilooper's f. Alebasi's black Mare 50 Anderson's do cough syrup 50 Godfrey's do pile pills 25 Bateman's do cathartic pills 25 : drops do plastera 112 Turlingtorl do fererangue syrup '5O of life Winslow's balsam o , Pacific oil,„! Inserhound . 1 50 Eddy's Taylor's balsam of. tine Liverwoti $1 al 50 Besutifyin Mother's relief 2 00 Keeler's in Fosgate's !anodyne ; , Cginnel's cordial - ; 31 United Sts Wistar's balsam of !Waterman' wild cheiry 1 00, ic Pluto Resiirrection or Per.. ;Chapman, sian pills; "50 a 1 00. cordial Jew David s. or He.: jEtrinkerho brew pliulter ' 50 live Egyptian balm . 50 . Opodeldoc, Fish's lily syrup 1 00, Loliglers p 1 50 Edward's Bowl pills or lion of l oint the day 37 Midi _Bishop's anti-bilk* Iwo pills ; .50 Galati: Hitchcock'si balm of !Veg., health 1 00 'BrirP do worm tea ' 25; hit do catarrh snuff. • qs.Ativ, do magneticodontica 50 1 do do hair regenerator, 37: de Parker's pulmonary' Lit n' balm • 1 oo do Le Baum de Ninon' luau or French balm of Wel 610 'Ode' Gs) Mir Pyri OBONGIELIM TOO' EIO'IVA., E.i Inn • H. THIS HOTEL c Taints, has been tboroute, now and now OPENED gn. ' of theyablie. The Proprietor pledgee himse *wale warns and comforts of his gamete shall be weE provided for, and' -- At this - ist SO* k benan • Cr (Sunday, New Yr Utica town, ,~` ~ - i a ~ _ . - . ll4;Liod ,titriff'i,ihicriOispo:4*4o` 14" aure ' int - loikairrintu r ic safan,figii• thcliskunim as. able t• Othmer , 4 tv.:ll-I:.2tL Weathi.aai l me; • ami_un f i!IIMINUL - ;LOW kalif*: E issue - this Prittliretu.s! ' of'renetted pretistrlttkos l tei MC , Gaoti ind poqiiiijaktitteibinig 140: tif lilting I:entreated' sick !e. tip -7" plete'repOritt, to multiply arid isinitt itein-:- b e rsio.tlincker . ,sucession tante, and'-withesui increasing the price to' subicri-- beys, we - hone to make, e - gir d return for the: liberality, endliiih offictitl . -,sutietioti th u s be , slowed oti 'the' 'publication: . .11 r e 41101 .; in crease the tolutne' at least beyond the Ordinal* bulk, and endeavor to add' to its usefulness by extending still farther-its large circulation. This lest ii mat the kart inipailint 004 in the' vievi : of Congress. Faithful end du': able-reportr of the debates of the-body-are of Valltetrif,ti° l 4°, the 1/11 V 14.0011eir circOlatitia . the.3tentite: qt is ilithis way that Gengiets is brought iota the prel ate* of its -remote constituenthat it tib tales easy access end holds communication with them from day to day, and renders the government really representative. Having received from all parties, in Con gress the, stroissest marks of confidence and apprObation, in,tbe . liberal means and-per manent Contract iiced'tocontinue the work, we shall not be fotind wanting in the impar tiality and industry. necessary to th. due ful filment of the engagement on our part. The next session will task to the utmost the best efforts of those .connected with the underta king. It will be distinguished by discus ,sions of extraordinary intercst, end results, of abidingcontern. The war, itiorigin and conduct by offiCers in the , cabinet and in the fi eld, will -furnish subjects for profound n inquiry and consideration:. The terms of peace, the disposition to be made of con quests, the consequences to' be drawn from all that has been done, as affecting-parties in this country, and especially as bearing on the approaching presidential election, will open up hovel and powerfully operatingdi. 'cussions, rendering the councis at Wish lington during, the next year as pregnant of good or evil to this contineut as those of Rome were to the Old World in the days of her, early. energy. Such a field far drliber ation and actin', was never presented to any previous Congress. All that_lnts transpired or may hereafter transpire before the close of the approaching session of Congress, in New. Mexico, California, it the capitel Of Mexico, and the provinces still dependent on it, will come wider the Consideration of the next Congress. Its debates will contain the history of'the war, and its action deter mine its results, whether they-be decided by arms or, diplomacy. And whatever ks de veloped concerning this vast and interesting matter on the floor of Congress or in the ex ecutive messages, will be ro t und 'recorded in the Congressional Globe and Appendix.' The Congressional Globe is made up of the daily proceedings of the two houses of Congress, and printed on superfine double royal paper, with small type, (brevier and nonpareil,) in quarter form, each number containing sixteen royal quarto pages. The speeches of the members,., in this•first form, arecondensed--the full report of the prepar ed speeches being reserved for thU Appen dix. All resohniims, motions, and other proceedings, !are given in the form of the Journals, with the yeas - and nays on every important questinn. Every member will have an opportunity 'to read his remarks before they - are put to press, and alter our report it he should think it incorrect. iIiENTs: iako:this -Tesigrorn tbi t i 'various ril • # tit i ttitt; 'duell v thii • , . dilkdial =I X.FORD, .Y • fall asiatt- EDTOrNES, E STUFFS,• E CHEAP- • Puma. • 37 caged • =bilk 56575 anOn- Q 5 Inoflifel. 50 • kle Wash 50 I ; • 25 0114; 25 n't pills 12 asters 25 ers 75 'one rhea ment 60a1 i 00 I .ommunic ve f "37 eye vaster 25 Of Honey 12 !tiff 25 1..0f 1 00 'talent 25150 50 50 'vepills2s lungwortl 00 ,e, cure P pectorial !ordial 37 pills 23 • male pills 12 Scots pills 12 ordial 12 Ipectoral I a balsam 25 a 50 rustic soap 50 3ink 25 'n extract'r 25 I pals 50 g Theumat- mmmer . 18 & 37 restorn -1 00 bud and t rheum 1 50 Ham. Peery' de Clio), ed Soud col Sheet— .— Scaribeii+iisec oil 1 00 M'Ssies isicoostie oil 1 00 Salo of lotion, 18 Hebrides strengthen ;14 plaster 25 Hewsley'sercirtis des. 'Tying Syrup 25 Wiuttemo 'a Ameri ow pbis er 25 do s le 'imp 50 WC ' yrwady 1 00 do Ind.v .panacea' 00 Wood's sarsaparilla k. wildcberry !bitters 1 00 fee, r the east, \ tile 11111 EMI . jA4 , - • .. .. go Ye/litho tho The Appendix is made up rif the Presi dents annual . message, the reports of the principal-officers of the government that ac company it, and all speeches of members of Congress, written out or revised by them selves. It is printed in the same form as the Congressional Globe, and usually mnkes about the same. number of pages during the session.. During the first munth or six weeks of a session, ,theri is rarely more .business dime thin will make two numbers a- week—one of the Congressional -Globe and one of the Appendix • but during the remainder of a seosion,lhere is usually sufficient matter for two or three numbers of each every week. The next session will be unusually intereit ing ; therefore we calculate the Congres sicuistGlabe and Appendix together wil make near 3000 large qiiarto page., printed in small type—brevier and nonpareil. We furifioh complete Indexes to both at the end of ,a session. We will endeavor to print a xuffmient number of surplus copies to supply all that may be miscarried, or lost in the mails; hut subscribers should be very 'Milieublew file their papers carefully, for fear thet*e should not be able to supply all the law numbers. lire hate a few surphis copiesof the Can geessional Globe for . the last session of Con gress„ which we will sell for the originalsub aclription priee ; $1 a copy, We have HO surplus copies of the Appendix for that ses sion. . • TERMS. For one copy of the Congressional Globe, 02 00 For one copy ofthe Appendix, - 200 For six copies of either; or pert ofboth, 10 00 T be V i t ur ors of newspapers who copy this pramee tos the first • day of 'lleceniber, indserid us one spy their papereoettiriing' it,' temicalimuld with a pen to direct our attention in it, shilrbare their names entered on our boi,olis for one copy, of the posegnessitmal Globe and Appendix &ring the same& • , , Onr pribes for these pipers re so low that we. emote afford to credit them out. re Thereby no p s son need. consmrie time in writing for them, the money ireeniepkom-the'order, litubscrlpticiet should "be here by the 13th of De cember. at farthest, to secure ult.the Uninbers. BLAIR & RIVES. Wasbingteu, Ottober 1114, 4 „ • • - . • - . litelettAtilAN ' ' .- . :10ciii 4 IAxxSON. . i r Ain i ais luvr . 4 ll ,4"ii. HAVE4Lest - tu reo.thed it.* Nyg t i lt And Ms" del P!116 '3 fra*otlis for 1847 - 41.1 sad Ire dim PiePa* lo irii Iftik:Ala*Me tbel4uleitifili a latrei *nay Inaba:. ..cpftwe'diapiior aboniodeo mid :wiri n e s s loAr: m #o o4,llf trier fitAL . ~ - , shop, 4pooll .IPPIN . W - W II , 141 0% cue doeir inaa M .th• A n ikir uri oi ks,* , , 4 . lidroliii : .:, 1847. s *Ai s tA,B LE 4 ,. i i x , , rki* . eign offzi, •74;ks• - • „s al miwN , ..-- kin , ,of that ffik eni, ' 1 ' ',, Girt idy . , —fir Y:tibie I ' P. , --- - tili• -•---..••• -:' ' - "!b x "••1" - i. •• '1 •• i:. v • .-., - • I f _ • , , • -- ; • -.., , • 1 - -...., • ; - ..••; ... ::: :::, • N. - .• NEW - ,• y", -. ~0• ,,- • - .•-.-t.P. .• -•1 .• r, n 4.0 • • 4 . •!-- ~x lial '"1,941,10' t: A POST . lei COO'', IttOkii i ' leriliAilikitneiliP igiti Ali NEITV I r Tile iI.;,L PEKIN , TEA' COMPANY, fits the vide ',of' :TEO its llisintrthe; and canifiuthish•tbeir•,Cristothers, and _the. Trade. with Teas a the same mice., that the. Compaq- ,e.herge for the And in ,every t ease i wiwnitheie* , Teas'do not gi sirAtiifaction;themoney will be .paid back - for tro. The Young . Ilyson Tee •thentioned hs this Catalogue,. at 50 eta. up lope-; riot to any thing *old in Montrosent: 624 cents. - GAT4LOG(LI E - N OF TEAS, OR . , • ,YOUNG MYRON, good, • . • do. ' do. Sweet Ors° ' • • ... • I'so' ~ do. Ao.',fine cargo: .... ........—.. t 75 do. do. silver Leaf . 1 4 -00 , Oil'ser LW Seldom Id even by large dealers. be cause Ofthe, tr y anion prams wade on its'sate.-- This iia'very stspes- Tea. .: • 4 ,dri; "•dis. gadeplic.b9p4,,.. A ... : 1' Gaiiix oicir , lttis 4 the finest-dreen TeeCiittiva• tea in Clung., It is of the first pickings, and ex cels all otberiGreithTeas for is Ileliwy of flavor strength and swath'. "fleretalores this Tea has nev er, reached this ‘ cOuntry, except in small lois as preeentsth importthe. HYSON, fine .. :..... ..... -.. do. 'vary ,fine.;. GUNPOWDER, finis do. ex r iss fine - - IMPERIAL, flue. • : do. extra-fine .... HYSON SKIN ; goad.... I BLACK. ' - I NINO' YONG, strong and good f1av0r....... 374 Nang bosg—The grocers sell this. at SO cents and call it Oolong. OOLONG, a rich Black Tea........ ; 50 Compare this tutor Tea with that sold by gro cers,. as being in .Oolong Tea. The difference is too plain, and the deception too palpable. OOLONG, plantation growth... t - .. 1 75 ENGLISH BRE/LEFAST, fine 50 do. dn. extra. fine ..... .. HOWQUA'S MIXTURE, a rich and highly "flavored Ten... ' fr .... - ... PEKE FLOWER do scenteil.' .... NE PLUS qLT 1iA.... .... Ne Pies Ultra—This Tea is as fragrant and sweet as a nosegay. It Tieltl; a perfume that is truly- de lightful: It isof . gurden growth, and supenor to - any thing of tbelkuul ever *old in this cnuittiy. Rccommendation,f. , , We have tried the Term imported by the Pekin Tea Company, 75 & 77 Fulton st._New York, and if we live will try then] often. They are selling the tel most delicious we ever drunk, and retail them at wholesale poi 8.-+E'rening Post .. You may beim of obtaining et all times pure and highly: Savo ed teas,. Ivy the single . pound at wholsale prices, f the Pekin Tea Company; '75 & 77 FultOnst. - T '39siniptotobalilythe largebtstock, analzreatest v ". of One greetsnad black teas, of any one tistabliiih' t . inthe United - States. They are doing a large, basuieset . and a great benefit to consumers of tea.-4Arlas. , Heretofore it hail been very difficult. indeed to always lobtain goW green and black teas. But now you have Only to visit the ware-ox en? of the Pekin Tea Cm4iany, 75 & 77 Fulton street, to obtain as delicious and fragrant teas as you can wish kor.—Daily Sea. 11 A WORD To Tilt Data aras.-r.-The Pekin Tea Company . 75 & 77 Fulton at, have imported iutti this market some fi thonianifdollars worth of the finest grades of Giro is and 'black Teas, grown! in the Celestial Empire, dobe up in the various fancy pack agca that Chinese ingenuity. can invent.. They sell good teas only, and rvail them at wholesale prices. Country merchants who wirh to always sell good teas can always obtain them at this place, On. rea sonablelerms.—EmpOriam. The above Teas\ are for vale by ' - I. Ll , POST & CO., • Sole Agents \ for Susquehanna Co. IIIS! 1111 S! AT NEW YORK PRICES MONTROSE AGENCY OF THE NEW YORK CANTON. .TEA, COMPANY THE OLDEST TEA ESTABLISHMENT IN AMERICA! rRINCIPAL ESTABLISH MENT LN NE* YORX. THE CANTON TEA CiiiMPANY has been pop ularly knowefor mauy years. This is the lar gest and cildeit Tee 'Establishment in America.' The public have had fall proof of thhirintegrity and re sponsibility. Bialinch has beedithe Brent-and pros-, sing demand for their TEAS of late, fbat they' have been o b ligedlo enlarge, to agr „extent, their,two principalestablishments in New ork, viz i 1/2$ .01aiiknes 4. 163 Gr awich-Sta. They moreover possess facilities; irelation to the Tea Trade, in ..a very abundant de oindldoubt. \ Tee less superior to any other Ten'Coop m in America. Their scrupulous regard to all prmelplea that tend to elerateitlue character of a large home, is well no , derstood. and has already secured their, a connec tion, probably, larger then all other Tim Establish ments united; and conseqiiently they ark determined to sell Teta purer, , wore fragrant, and perfect for the ,m riers in the aggregate, than any licus e in the m d—China excepted. i They respectfully invite the attention of; theinha.b itanis of Susquehanna county to theirgency in Montrose, where the following assortm ts are al ways on hand; and they feel nu hesitation., i stating, e. t , Om( wherever a single trial is made, a very\flecided preference is given to the celebrat ed Teas; f the CANTON TEA CO. , • firßeilder make the eiperiment. I Cases toprices as folloior, rabjeet in all Cases to k returned- if not approved of:. \ . ' GREENS. ,: Geed YOUNG HYSON, Fink .. •., 0 62k ; N 0.2 frograntdo . 1 , 0 75 • N 0.3 iery Stitt de. ll 00 ".; gilder Leif; c 10...,....... ....... '.. .. .; 1.12.5 i ' "- \ God& HYBON - ..... ~. 20: 75' "'A Very-fine do Eitra frigrant.' ; „....... 1 2.5 ” Good HYSON S . KI?F:;.,;:. .. . -.:'...--'.... 0 50; " Gold ' 15ipamm,....... -. ...'. .. 4 , ....'0 75 "-; .. Very fine )116 ' • :' - 1.110 • uf.• . Extrafhie do—.- . 1 25 Gold GUNPOWDER,.. 0 7,0 Fine!._ .:. - ...d0 ... . . ' ' .-- s ': l ' . ' 1 1 - 00 Bahia fine ' li 1 25' " , Nci.l, BLACKS.- .. ~ . , k SO UCH0NG,......... ... ....,.:. ',40 50 -' " • "' Ne4.......d0 • • , ' . ~. ,-i 0 624 -44 •I • FMOst...-....d0 '''' ..: 0/7.4 . ' "i: Faction • ,POWCHONG..^'...... t.. „LOU*** prides, ' CONGO ~. ' .• . .. , tariongliiiiiieW' Fina, ;ooLorip ... •.i..,,,.,.......,..... 0.,*, ,ft t "Veryliardo '; • ..1 '" ... B-75 , , -'V Entwine do •• • 1.... . 4 . .f. , .i' ill* : ' 4 ‘ . .` ' • NINGIONIL. 2 . i : ..L i _H„.. _pfle t ai: ). FileitllNGl4ls4 BREAKFAST f' '''. ' , - ; . ..i . ,. 111 1, (T Z nelitakm110 . 4+,0,17,4; j i t Fine BAN B 1T 110 11.=,..= •••- -• • 0- 4 2 1 . fla:4M 11K0E 4 FLOWEBB • ..... 1' -' ir '0 ' - • 4 111 9. 4 U . L , 4i.0c-ril r saßliasif Tea Iwo L f . • I 1 . ~ .. - 1.• • 1 -00 . " cidTtilltrit TEASelie4Oilieeii'll6l'l3ll§l4o4l dese g t o l44, i hi lili at r ' bit ittii.rain 'Pl4;ll4'O. Si • Illi: " - . , • . ,' i- , -,-;-::: . , ~... . t • ar=ollds.l Tllll4ANT i ti. .TR4 Z ointrA ...itiithiact ' ifif.,*o l lo*fir. ''',liiiiiri - Or-Elea Tea tuned. : H , QUA'S Ihtill• - I . Th4l - 'Si in ' . , iti l ll}4o4l4 - 0; • aur•- • ,, Ikll g_.l,l4.l(karer . . . . elkne di's*, ' Intoseibianaer ' ' - tt l ll*ishlt;l), - t otiu gra paring sparicata , adtAtietehiliiii itlitiaii4liel . - Yet44 1 0 4, 4 4 .31 1 4, 1 I ilhairy I .. in addition tomilisiptstim b t Vill lOR .. volopodost of the mond .: ..p teiteafitair anateleiance,'`Etai thei Teas there ! • lartharoughbrifttaW from light and air, that iritualiqlaud,power4ill ream* ualt,gair*lft later • ; is II 4r I z . ... . BE Di•lestvaid M. S. Insu rance Coinpa4; Phila. i aa del phis, have untborherl the undersigned to of uldingsi erchist' alizei and otlitifitt4; e -, tieing damage or oss bir . firm, ~!, , • ~. i z . he immenseresonic s of the compApyiatid their, a4liereuCC to lair and domble principles in , the tnsactioti of ill their b mess, entitle them to the confidence of the publi as a safe means of raUce. . F. LUSK, Agent. . 'Montrose, Jane 16. 1 46. ' '. • • '..,.. , 76 1 OD 75 1 00 76 1100 374 +HE Publisher of /lie People's Advocate, hav lug the use of an e direly new and, modern as sortment of JOB TYPE, ere now prepared to execute, in;a neat amtsatisfactoq- style, all kinds of prices to suit the time s. .PAMPHLETS, CARDS, HANDBILLS, 'wed on short notice,i 75'• I no r k 50. 150' M . A whore of the P . I ly solicited, July 9, 1846. 'S I° I N E It r . 7 N connexion with . the followirrg certificate were !landed o•us.the .testimonials of iveral highly respectable ladies, who have, sed• the Dinnesti3 Horizontal Spinning 'heel, and who co ncur in saying sahstan ally, that I titey ,ct'spin with it seven or ight run, (or abont four day's work) per iem, withi as mudh; ease as they ettli per- rot an ordinary 'day's work Witli),a corn on Wheel. Thel inference . is irresistabli; tat it will hereafter he more profitable for to farmer 'who manufactures his woOl,with tia machine to, Ive in his employ' at the me cost fbr labor 'one girt, than fear girls ' ith the common tund-and-spin wheelk%-- People's Advocat .. : The undersign have witnessed w perntion or a no le "Domestic II ltely invented h '•pringville, in ••th its to be a valuabl, the ease with wit! -d, citizens of Montrose, tli much satisfaction the el Machine denoininated rizental Spinning-wheel," Hiram F. Wheeler of Is comity. It appears to • improvement, in view of' ch it is used and the re iit executes. We doubt - Inners' generally, with . all II" will approve it too. l'it en. Pa. Fol. Fraidilin Lusk, -. Ron. Win. Jessup, pen. D. D. Warner, Joseph Williams, hos. johnson,. • . Poe. M. C. Tyler, . S. Mulford, leery J. Weld>, P. M. 1 B. Salislairy; Valter. Fuller, Treasurer; . ,W. Myers, • to , .'Patrick, Jr., M. D. nine! Searle, . Ym. J. Mulford s i. , Lyons, ' . ~ 1 . , Yin. J. Turrell, Issue L.-Post, Geo. V. Bentley; . ~ Win, L. Post, ..-,. Rev. S i ohn Long. : ' I Imo' Rights wil lie sold on the most - rens, rouble terms to those who wishto make the whiels, or purchase , Territory. to sell again n any,of the United States ( except ,Ohio.) hose wishing to engage in A business both i ensant and prOfitable will please call on e subscribers id Springiille, ; Susquehanna tl entinty, Pa. I H. F. J. SM Springville, A iditi with whic of that our hn " toil and sp Montrose, Sus( . . C „ ' Ltiossa •-, • Scisf.t It OS ' • - FOR EIG 'PERIODIC-ALL; THE LONDON UARTERLY REVIEW, THE EDINDU REVIEW, ' THE •W ESTMI STER !RE VIEW, . • [ THE NORTH B tTISH : RE VlEW,.and BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURG MAGAZINE. 'Tile above Period cab are, repriiiiellin New York, 1. n mediately on t i it arrival by tile' Biltish-Steatn •, in a.beantiful ear typo, on-fine i'Vhite paper, are fiiitbftil eop sof the originabi.•;-BlacliwootPs I gasine being an . .itactfae-simiii Of the ... Edinburg Rion. ' ':,l ~... ' r' . -" ~ be prices of the gepriLit*Are less ihart*one.thill f those of the forcian copies au& while .theylare •• • y i wcp got ., up, .t h ey atfc:ol all that,advisear l the'AeleriWri over ilia En 'rEßMeish reader; , ; \ .Ir.syststir TO DC MADE IN ADVANCE: .. _. ' tt attY one of the few Reviews, ' $3,00 a year. ' genT.Awill , , .do. 51/0 , •..:.' .• infthree. do. , - -1, -, .- ,,,,,5., :: iiII rear orthe A EiVitkvs, t: . : t lackwootri blekezine; • ; . .. " 3 ,00 •• a • 'o,lAskt-Weotl.• and the fonr.RevieWs,P,o9 , . a :.• raittaticecand ommenicatiens mest - be 'made, n I cares; Witlmu expense to tbo Pnblighers. The 4 Cr way always. e 'done through a : eatwaster, ;band!?4 , llitnil am ount to , be irennt ell, takipg . • I recoil:ft/AO' for arding the receiptby', maii,pest , .a 4 ; iiPthe :moue may be enclosed in, a letter, • tqatid; a becteil t. the. publishers. ,„. i .... .c. tr.•iii Es*neiti '' aims 'aididdi be adat4 4e4 (pour I: A L.4 4 1:iiI: 1 11 ; li • a .15TT. 8... c . ?:;, , , '- - 1 0 Fulton street ; New York .` .* + ,:i , ,4, 1 I X 1. ,Z i :!4 t it ( g # ..'°' Waii. 46. fioitr the donut • locitted,,, ,, P :414ture ii6,llii. 1 F vitrago , rtiof ii-ittrgtr : . 'ers , .filill-sea .!..- , iii46 . 114W ',.:Siittryln,r.fiu it rWiii: iti salt i.'or It thiiin - ; .j.: ha cfmnty, r ; -, . JOE lIRTIN. JOB PIONTING BILL HEADS, CATALOGUES, BLANKS, &C. aim" itt the best style of,the :ople's patronage is respect HORI ONTAL V/FEELtR, Patentee. TFI, Jr., Agent. ril 8, 1847. :iFr.OX(:S , ) i an Vaunt% Ili'-au laavit!g been lately set off' of Lycomiug; and theConnty f,- - isituete l lk*EoeF ed hY the , i n as of, tbn tabscriber . , he Went, r , le and laudi4ttjouiiim.. lie= t. is, ' - which "he Wilt Sell to sitit 11 - i#lls . Xing; Citelq_ Town-i f - ''OrM;OPAEL:)I44 I I,4I I :re, tytlyake theinecessary,M , l ' riiitit; a liparlifilfOrtlBtleatte Avaft, a • - ' . 8 l , . lairf,LlUM,- =TE ficoWs ,, girituittutl44altt "TN offering this to the. ilifies, she,-popristorja Lie tiericed . bymosinister media; a irserodesire that 'mankind nuThevethe betiefitoraremeawhiclii hiS;torn circle offriends brie only - had' oppe r aladti, betroferei att-eujoyidg, hidden* 4thrs to: oottettist mew theLthddrinds. 4/istitr superior aid hell ported - efficacy 4:tetanus" at. See censb n p n i e scalds or ioudds,allidati iarbietida*L' chapped hands; and old.ulnera :ot:indolent , Mew Ought.tlybe khown, unlit" gartered thervrill gittarse ly inske it the . every day , compaulaiki the mani•O' where Oastialtiesare solreied en t: . - . Frmirmimetotiwcertilicateilit,44l,thie proprietachrets followin g This may c e rtify that I hit :.` l e . i,i 4. 4. ; .s.`,i,tesfisii - , ative cerate, and belinve„ir 'invaluable Cure s' .f. bruises, b4ins; sores, "IC'. EDWARD . New Milort. l , MEn vili t2,407.' . • • . This rn4 , cittify that vre: have Weill. &Mei tia, ative Cerate, and we know' it' t 044; ialnable edy tor or burnt, and thciritoids ew tribute out testimony in its . ELEANOR LINES, . . DAyID WARNER,. • Franklin 6. 9, ;HAYDEN. , Snag. ca. ri...-Feb. 241847,, • tills is' o certify that I have mixt Scat' Ceft l te and find' it the most efficacious retisedy RlO:mus eV cliappped.hands or lips, that I haver ever used , awl recommend it to all those 'who mai be thus &Sated, JOHN AVELLBI4I.N. New Milford, June 17, 1847.. ; Mr: L. Scott,—Sil- :. I have had' ample .opportunie ty of testing the virtro of your I teemte, and have found it must valuable remedy. -... L. W. .81146 HAM, M. D. New Milford, May, 1847. , 't • Er The oeiate is pat up in large and substantial tin es dna , for sale wholesale and Arta by the subscriber at his residence in Net, Milford, Basque hanna c"3linty, Pa. Price stA cts, tUCIEN SCOTT. Also for side by the fidlowing outs: N. Mitch el & Co, and .T Eihridga, Mt ntrOse: Weaver Einb's & Co. New Milford : N. Cadytell, Great Bead. 2tl SC HOF CLA'--JA YNE'S ALT , E hasbeett * DIU prescribed in almost every , variety of disease and with unparalleled tisceess, eipetitdly in Cutaneous affections, Cancenrni,. ScrofuTous avid Scrbutio Der cases. Liver' Cam plaint,. Dyspepsia, .and diseases arising from obstruction or. ; enlargement of the Glfinds, or iraperity of the hloodi • - Mr. J. H. 'Atalerson. tainbertiille, N. J., ways, I have used three bettlesof your 2iiterative withmost decided good effect. ' Mr. 'J. Ft Fraier, I-lsave sold the last bottle of your Alterative,i , and the indications: . are, that it will sell very rapidlx., .Iris highly, ken of by all who have used it. Covvdy, Hazzlewood, & Datia , Campbellville, Ky., says.— r We wish you to send us two doz. of yogi Alterative. vs we have rim ihortof the article. We' are curingn Cancer, and we wept you to pack the.' Medicine inimediately, and forward it on. Yolk' medicines are taking well in, thia section. • Messrs. Thralls & Poninger;: Warsaw, la., say. April 3, 1846—We are nearly out of your'lttera arc. It is a good, medicine—Please send as mute more of it. FEVER & . .. - AGUE—A CURE. WARRANTED.-- From every part where JizymPs' Agee Pills have' been used, we hear of their entire SUCCOI3 in ' ing Fever and Ague. 4 Mr. Genate Stephens,_ a mefehant at Marengo, • Illinois; Sejs, yons A;ee Pilo snakiag greateMus here, and your Tonic Vermifu e and •C'artninative - give god 'satisfaction. . Messrs.' . . I .Eintnert i & Stre h ne Freeport, irlirois,.sayr . Wo have sold `all your *gust and most of the . Vermifttge. • Please „send us' on more :iminethatelf. - Thomas Cully, Esq., Ilebord. Ohio ; say's, Your Medicines give universal satisfactlon.• Your Ague Pills ba4e never failed to sitectjed'.' • - Prepared only by Dr. D. Javim,Pltiladelpnia,andl sold ou ageuay by N. Mite.* & Co, Druggists, Montrose. - THE,FOI LOWING EXTRACTS- - from lcuerv, show ilzat Dr. Jayu-e's Medicine& are universally es teemed. - . • Dyer a Co., Middletown, Conn., 8 99-1 15 illyntv please to send us some more tic your Sanative Tills, us we,are out. ,Please send tbena as socusasyantan o a.k they aie in great demand. Dr. a. De \Vitt, Elmyria. tatys-A'our Ex pectorant stands high in flue esteem of all who have il, :d it. Indeed the same maybe , said of all your SledicineA left Nitith me, so as oey hat* come in in notice. Dr. De Witt iv a phyviciait ofillighltaadiug i s La dp. • • Smith T. Price, Ashland, Ohlo,,stlys, May 3, 81 5. —The Expectorant Mal Vermitage is nosy selling-ve ry fast, ..The Pills are all,sold Iwtint a new sap. ply of all your articles. . \Vim Mclntosh, Bel n :erly, 0140, March, 18:15, seyB .-Yorir. Medicines so far havo.provet a:client:reme dies forth° diseasextheyare - reComaielidedfOr. The Sanotive,Pills and Vonnifuge ia particular. Ellis Minshall,gon4 Ohio ; Rec. 1845, says— Yoni- Sanative Pills tire,ati Ocellont. family Medi. cine. The Canniniative Balsam sells well. The Apt° h ills L think a goislarticle. Thompson Graham, Mercer.N.,saYs.-..Tour, Med. icines lire highly valved heie by all who hale used then. Dr. t toohn G. Schmidt, Woodstock , Naia"`'Yog will pl , ase send me some oronf,Yoar Expectorant, Your luable medines are Selling well, particul.y. ly the Expectorant and Stu:mare Pills. Mr. C, C. Wicit, Wayney'OhEio, says.—Your Palls and Vermifuge are givi n g good satisfaction and ate doing Wonders here. . - Premwed only by Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and sold on agensay by. N. MITCkIEL & C 0.,. Druggists, Montrose. NEW GOOD S s. S. MULFORp.:& SON, H A4 G r CtD ll .S ol v v vhi o ch as Cheap a e : t at e r Prints—a larg . assortment from. 6.14 to 1-*.l-2 .oents: Some beautful patterns and. fast col 4 44m6 ..or. 12 1-2 ctft. '.. Also-% --a lot of 'Orbited Law ns, and , c• a large assortment or Goods for men's summer ; wear.—will be I. sold very cheap. 1 Woolsey & 'Woolsey's, best. Loaf ground and CruSbeil qugdr, , a_r, 7 ,. raOted .Tiore .4or ' l l2 I f d...Yeentir. per lb., ' • ~ , , Youngllyson'lreaibietta' Better ~ ' ',,' '' l s9 :. .., ffosti ' ~ e 4 ' , i 1,75,, , ,!0, •', Ittita i sses for - .:i 34peegikl. , _,.....- ~ _-,r. 4... , ; , ; __, e .._ , , And all other 'Groceries , etlalvm"S'Prmouv, ,tB. .10..:80 , i, July 8, 1847. ~ ~, , ..t.;,Tr ) . ?, - ,''..,k) Tie'iiiilit 'woliiiiWit:* . :viiii:lT f ait, ILTALii.,6O there, D clin- 1 1 , 01,1,0D—wimit'A;rom iw t .L.l.' Wiry ? , , • . , Duet stop me, stF p h E ste l i ii iii i ; e irw fat JOHN GROVES; thi legit MLORinthe world to cavil n coat, fat „ rybody wait uo jet i " says he is the hest tuil r. liii basjitst received the Latest Eatest Fabians froth. i City, 44 Iwi not iqing iii, wait Until evcrybod AAA's aura s a d • imme v a c sec ond b o at ; ytkla line Aisit.lowldci...forlikail i. mun t fpssood.iaste as anybody; and Groves nijust t h e it is hiro mqit - rifi._ Ilbave heard the nioslllMtir my t h at be car} cut a c tat In Att t tlaY 61 1:: '44B ll lfilr; tuaybeltistotattfie. ;Dorm belietrett? Y 'whoit", e verybody says ,must bet time. I i'sik itats-hOteut at cutthigsliFhthwt alVforef.nkiiid4-ill violathia of Na• tare's flats, Rini stands isin-itiOnta iidrialicater• its. Why, I tell - you hemktutTe Way 4 1 4 1 4 rales'otiirithinelic. .Well t ill it; i 'ilia*? raend r ldivill Imre oat ' ' dottniWer 1 bAllgla Y11,140-:.IN P 11 .1 , bsuir- ",..10Y#14.014 top 6- cilil iiiia il ietnin g ul V :uta L 4 " U wit rireV l, 1 .44 ; . • ! V. timoolowa lobe lop thtiaroage. . , two litiatillsekiw th e litaili;:k? ,41 , ‘..1:-.. ',' Montrose, Sept. 30, 47.-60611