tiiiiiii,l'iiiSiiiiiir Sirliiiil cker,lhnothy Ivutk;Jr,./., obert BISCh, D. M. liremm. 1141 —Be K nj —Benjamin 'Mill, Benjamin' David Evans._ n and Monroe—B. S. Schoon- A. Luebenbach,loseph Pm . I l an d—George A. Frick. 1. , f I Souder a coup—Thomas S. Fernon, irbraham Olwine, Thomas K. them S. Hallowell, John K. and Vansarit,,F. E. Downs. 1 a city. Thomas C. Steel, O. lento,' W. Roberts, John H. ndle Smith. .George Boyer, Alexander W —*NC: ercer—mit 0 plt , Uawell lastitatn Mitt; thtelei .Nortnisimba ~P arrt—Joh Philiiilelph Tho. Duly, Fifiletter, Loughlin, E Philadelph H. Hart, S Rt Schuylkill Latham 1 cSornerst-4. - 1. Shiezataa. Susquehanna and Wyonting—Stimnel Tag gart,,ltchert it. Little. Ti oga —lVaihaniel A. Elliott. W ar ren, and Elk--Alonzo Wilcox. . Wushingtop--Thomas Watson, Jacob Corr. Ware an Pike--Pope Bushnell. WestniOrel nd--John Fausold, Harrison P. Laird; John F. M'Culloch. York—Thames Grove, David F. Wil liams; Geo. F/ Carl. Whigs in italic. . . THE FOLLI WING EXTRACTS from letters, show that Dr. Jayne's Medicines are universally es teemed.' • , Dyer & Co., Middletown, Conn., RlY —Will ru please to send Us some-more of your Sanative Pills, as we are out. Please send them as aeon as you can, as they *min great demand. DK - E. De Witt, Elmyria, Ohio, says--Your Ex pectorant stands, high in the esteem of all who have used it. • Indeed the game may be said of all your Medicines left with me, so far as they have come in to notice. • Dr.-De Witt is a physician of high standing in Lo rain Co. Smith Ti Price, Ashland. Ohio, says, May 3, 8145. —The Expectorant and Vermiftige is now sellingve ry Vag, • The Pills are all sold. I want a new tap ply of all your urticles. • Wm. Mclntai, Beverly, Ohio, March,.lB4s, 4iya -*Your Medicines so far have proven exellentreme dies for the diseases they are recommended for. The Sanative Pills and Yermifuge in particular. e Ellis Mirabelli, Eaton, Ohio. Dec. '2'2, 1845, says.-- Your Sanative Pills are an excellent family Medi cine. The Carminiative Balsam sells well. The Ague Pills I think a good article. - Thompson Graham. Mercer. Pa., says-Yonr Med icines are hig,hlY valued here by all who have used Dr. John G. Schmidt, Woodstock, Va., says—You wilrplene trend me some more of your Expectorant Year valnatile medines are selling well, particular ly the Expectorant and Sanative Pills. Mn C. C. Wick. Wayne, Ohio, says—Your Pills and Vermifuge are giving good satisfaction and .are doing wonders here. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and so ld on agency liv N. MITCHEL & Co., Druggists. Montrose. NEW VORK 111ARKE GoitttiXTED NVEEKLI fOR THE. PEOPLE'. ADVOCATE Wheat 'Hour, pe barrel (torn meal Ida Wbent, per bushel Rye, do Corn do ' Barley, do 0,00. 'a 0,55 (Jets.' do 0,45 ( a 0,50 Butter per lb.,(krange co. 0,20 0 0.22 do western dairy, ' 0,12 re 6,14 Cheese. per lb. 1 • 0,06- ' 0,08 Beef, per barrel 4 mess, -11,00 011,75 do , prime, 13,50' 0 9,25 Pork, per barrel, mess, 14,75 0 , ' do prime, 12,50 013.00 Laid. per lb. ' . 0;1040 0.11 }lams perlb. smoked ' 0,07 0 0.09 American wool, per lb. amen 0,35 0 0,37} - do 1 full blood Merino, 0,34 0 0,38 do ' 4 & } M erim) - ".. 0,29 0 0,34 do ustive 4. i Merino 0,26 0 0,29 Iltarriaqcs. .. In Sash, Oct- 24. by the Rev. H. H. Gray, Mr. Josue Hoatox, of Rome, Bradford co., to Mira MARY Luso, of be fort,ner place. NEW DVERTISEMENTS THE MONTROSE V I N IA JN% f t l i% A 71.1 . Nat door to the brick corner building, TO OVERFLOWING with the largest, cheapest, and best as sortment of DRUGS it MED. WINES ever bniught into Sus tehanna County. To all in want any article in our line, we mold, say call and examine our goods and prices, and you will be satisfied that you veal do.thfl . as 4 7 other establishment this side of New-York. N. MITCHELL 6r. CO. •I[ootrose, November, 1847. • CI_fLOCEItIES, Fruits, and spices; of all tinning almost for con : by -Wt.''' 1 N. M. to. • tirl 1.- HARDWARE, Nails, Cutlery, plass, Stone Wooden' Ware, by N. M. & to. • ' White and Red Lead, s--- Paint - . ,it Labarge, Lamplitack, Yellow Ochre, Venitian Red, Spanisb llama, ahrdme Yellow, Rose - Piuk, hope= riat : Movone, Patin & Verdegris iGreens, ir, ikPilAnr kio s, at prices which will suit, 1# N. 'M . . & da. us.. Limed, • Elephant,'"'• -Sperm, i.,Taimer'e, Caster &: quantity,. at N. M. & C074..r OILS a jo an, lama, savawataqzarms.' Inet Onrienete, Flans Violin & Viulincello ire.' N. M. & Co. , ~" ~'~iL~ :#DYEBT~SEDt'EIi~9....r_- BEE I E itCOSTT FALLL •a‘willOC yet no—s. WEST S DE OF PUBLIC AVENUE. HE Cub • Aba i r' would respectfully the &tie titini of their friends and the 'pet), c genere .Iy, to their askant and fish , inns hie apsortiment of - Navel, ©Art $Ol5, Montrose, 0' Fi b 9 ;, S. ir than ewer - , d illen's & Boys Cloth, Silk 4 .F7- 1 " Velvet, Velveteen, Silk Ve)- „ ee ls/Ik, Gla ed, Plush, Cot. Glazed, wors ted,c,silet & r hildretes Caps, just going A ,SMALLJ lot of Gents. Silk Cape--very IS- nice at 'M. .& R'e. DC,07.,. French Mohair CAPS, of diffemnt pattern, and various-colors that will be sold cheaper than the cheapest, 'M. & R. 033 AftittflO, DOZ. cord end Nat. Lynx, Chin 11,011w China, Coon, Genett, Coney, Wolf •& Fitch M F FS—Squirrel Boas La dies' Wilton Brussels Travelling Boggs, that Will be sold cheaper than will be sold at shy Other stoie -or shop in town. BeOne you purchnse •Isewhere call at M. &. R's. NEW ALL GOODS. • fillciE subscribers have received their Ja- Isplendidistock of CAW, f lAis&s° which they invite the Public to call and ex amine. We'datt and da sell better Goods at lower rates thti the majority of the trading class. We ha our usual supply of DRY GOODS , „ Iti t ßtlit'' Tim tia Also, some I offered at a s exchange for farmer rises Maio— WANTED, in particular, any quan ty of pats, Corn, Rye and Wheat. iii Tel exchange Or Goods or Cash at our store. R. SEARLE & CO. $6,25 (a) 6,75 2,50 fa 1,25 fa 1.50 ,80 e 0,90 ,00 e ,75 T OWNSE D'S Sarsaparilla, 'cheap at Lt. Post's & Co. SHINGLE and Lumber at Post. & Co's. GOODS of almost any description to be VI found at 1. L. Post's &'Cp., at prices • law as can be bought. 'BUFF MMERINO, Plaids, Silks i Delaines, Paratatins, Satins—a ver . t . large stock Poet's' & Co.' cches, Spooot, Trim Chides, Bosom r joisie ',Bead Slides &Vas: of Jewelry how deal lower thoo it has here. IC M it Co: Fepairing done u =ober, sad Ai short - MAC. Co, and; Mau. Oictieii* rainy, Shovel; Piling tubsie Wards; ig4- 1 4- Ca; iciNef!tlitriSt flu* Salim MERRILL & ROOT I et. 1847. ,e Nutria, French, Moleskin, & Brush Hats,selling cheap- 1 • froeeries, 113,0(MErr 9 which are iall advance on city prices, in 41 kinds of truck that any U. manufactures.; Nov. 3, 1847 !nice and cheap—in , Poit's & Co. Jple get. ..ny 1,. we have heretofore received business, and would inform , ave, fitted up a new and nib Salim, .'r at the west door of 1. N. inet "Ware establishment, two .., S. Wilson's Store, and lip: . - & Co's Store. Please Mill bap,py to wait upon you 110 a we have , been able to do chime one fineroom express lea to eat Oysters and Pic lso, we have' a new and "s splen rim t a Toys, of all kinds, to t that ever was in:Montrose, "sold cheap. ! rks, Reek Candies, fit. ujube Paste, i i i . arty kinds, fresh from Nisi t sdpply of 1 tries; Flips, Primies. Ballo w'', &e., PIES, !.k. MINTS, APPES, &A -bread, Cakes, Crackers; Itri eese, constantly on land. , 'BALDWIN . & BACOII4 `Tor. 4, 1847. ' - ! are pationap our line of diem that we 53p1 oft the t ff pari4get, c doors 'leen of Posite I. L. P and we will bawl style th heretofore. ly for i the La nicks; &c. did style of c beet 4ssortmel whieb - will be Confectioli . . uptords of YOrkL Trel. Mini, OrOi I I : I ts . 11, good ii ', rir GiOge rio -; and 0 , ... a nd 0 • ontroor,; , : • HANNA ACADEMY. ylthe Ist da7 of Dec- aext, fA. 3. BUEL Geadaata from Mid- IN. Y. . . • saw, ' , 7 1 11 E winter •1 •A. o n Wean Her the F e fisonihuvritty, II Per Quarter. t P 91164graPhy,Rodbmits of 1 ography, and English Gram- .i H tai 00 famous, Cheinisny, Flaw . Logic, an d Rhetoric - 3100. , Grammy, &Ausronatni, 44 00 C , Ind french St 00 the - 13cd.. s ' , . ;.' M. JESSUP, Pressnew. hilositnini, N . 2 Igo , • i • Wrinl4, • Atithme*, sitar -Int l * Granular ophy, Botany Algebra, Bury ; I..ittin and Gree' i By order' E s , 111002.0 fiIEOZO• ht a oil boa • ' , lam; ilia 70 L4THER i"allistag Lesiher, Calf Skins; Ak:P, Harness Lathan' - .4e9 1 , 1 0 111 1 1 • jai or rim Ti 4r , 01110EIL: . .;1 1 ( pa sorb imaasii k 44 , a . .rny,smme m a, Ikti Hides sad; I WO& Dios klial eactssap - be the 46,4 shiliel! .41.• 41$ 11(11C 1 '044 11141—flPTS • - • l• tr -• intarkauln 'TAJE Slions, P iw- thevaie 160 , . : i/A.large : Air tuaot7 ,ll mit ? oz gar , 0111' I t it rir MT , 'Au"nT =S. , • • ,• _ „ ITT 10 7- 'IGOODI4 1- : . 7 `= 4 sabscribni oars -the tat asiortt ment - of.o9ollothis fall to his cue. toiners that he has'_ ever brought into this village, consisting usual a lmost eery thing 142'064:n0nd fcit., - addition, be has added a good assortment of Carpenters` 41r. Joiners' Tools, all of which will be bold ve ry-cheap for ready.pay. Oct:2B, 1847. 11ENJ. SAYRE. -SAVE YOUR ASHES. $0,14 vir g i tltl b :ilyse afd as it h =s for t soon by B. Sayre. Oct. 26, '47. , L.EATIIER—a good assortment kept - 1 . 0 - 4 constantly on hand by B. Sayre. Boots 4. Shoes, ASPENDID assortment for men women and children. of all sizes and descrip tions, By B, Sayre. STOVES. GRE AT variety of Cook ; Stoves, also Kfor parlor, shop and school-houses; &c., both for burning wood and coal. Persons wishing to purchase will do well to call and see his assortment before purchasing els where. B. Sayre. MILL and Croas.cut SAWS, 'by B. Sayre. PAINTS and Oil—Lamp and Sweet Oil by , B. Sayre. BUFFALO Robes ana Muffs, &c.., by i B. Sayre. 'ArI_ASH paid for beef hides, sheep pelts, `Li - veal skins, &c. B. Sayre. WANTED—Wheat, Oats & Flax-seed • for which part cash will be paid if brought soou, by B. Sayre. PLOW casting:l%f all descriptions--tdso, sleigh shoes, wagon boxes, fire dogs, large kettles, dm., by B. Sayre. Cask for Pelts. lis 000 PELTS wanted at the cheap HAT and CAP Store (one door south of R. Searle & Co's Store,) for which the highest price will be paid in cUsh, by Merrill & Root. Montrose, Oct. '47. N. B. 'Those who want a HAT or CAP will do well to call and examine 'our large stoak of Fashionable RATS &. CAPS. M. dti R. sic notonly - determined/fa sell as Cheap, but CH E APER than 'My/kith er establishment in this county, or any oth er county west of Nesv-irofk. Give us a Call and satisfy yourselves. NEW WORK. Ckaambers' Mice Hasty OF USEFUL & ENTERTAINING KNOWLEDGE. Edited by Rosztir cIIAXIMPS, Author of "Cyclope dia of English Lilerseitre.' . 11 , 54 Elegant Illustrative Engravings. Prier 25 Cents per -No. GOULD, hTINIDALL LDICOLN srehappy to an flounce that they have completed arrangements with Messes. Chambers, of Edinburgh, for the re publicatiim, in semi-monthly numbers, of CHAM BERS'S MISCELLANY. The design of the Miszczr.sar is to supply the ID crewing demand foi useful, instructive, and enter taining reading,,aad to bring all the aids of litera ture to bear on cultivation o f the feelings and under standings of the people—to impress correct views on important moral and socialquestions—auppress eve ry species of strife and savagery—cheer the lagging and desponding, by the relation of tales drawn from the inz•iyonnoions of popular writers--rouse the Jitn ey, by descriptions of innzrestilg foreign scenes— give a zest to every-day occupations, by ballad and lyrical poetry—m short, to furnish an unobtrusive fiend and guide, a lively fireside companion, as far as that object can •be obtained through the instru mentality of books. The universally acknowledged merits of the Cy clopedia of English Literature. by the same author, connected with its rapid sale, and the unbounded commendation bestowed by the press, gives the pub. fishers full confidence in the real value and entire memos of the present work. The publiratii:m bas already commenced, and will be continued Semi-monthly. Each number will form a complete work, and eve 4 third number will be furnisbed,with a title page and table or contents, thus forming a beautifully illustrated volume of over 500 pages of useful and entertaining reading, adapt- ed to every class of readers. The whole to cum. pleted in THIRTY stamens, forming las staassr TOLUtZS. Novices or vnt Puss.- , ,Firon Ike N. Cotassereial Advertiser. We are glad to see an ?merit= issue of this pub. lication, and especially in so convenient a k.rm. It is en ndmirable compilation, distinguished by the good tasty. which bas been. shown in all the publica tions of the Messrs, Chambers. It unites ulna:metal andentermun~ng. We hope its circulation here will . be large enoughto Supplant, to a good extent, the namby-pamby -surd imnuarol 'works vrhiclt have so long b en too widely_4tirmdated. Pn?st the Meiviistile Journal, Bodine. • A moat valuable work, one that every one should passim: Edited by Robert ChambeTs, whose in dustry and talent and uprightness are well known. must secure for the work before us an extensive, circulation. rm. tie Nei, York Okserver. A vast treal7 of.pleasant reuthig. which we From Ciristiast World, &Naos, , This ii 0/1 . 0 of the most ifiarming books that has fallen iumlir our notice kor i long time, Indeed we feel that we :Must bid it a most cordial Wikwase. If in Engle* d there are more such works, let's have them. Frost Ike Weal wid Btaadari. We are prepared to ismmumMi it without reserve, to every lover of refined and solid Literature. 1 Foots the Excelsior, Bodo*. TrotCls= lad entertaining work. No men are better wal Mere . Chambers , of Edinburgh, for their tact of spreading knowledge before the publto—azul this is done too. in oiebeaVa man- Der that sbs blessing becomes at one. widespread. The Boston publishers down* the *dui of all friend' of Omura eduoatitia for the imams" ilierybsite taken in this Woskitintilisiidit Of the Mimi tie. We mut fligY bs'rt,"'orket the rem tie PaistyrO It" • Our readers will beards *Mose that we i l iac / kw in the bola of "puffing". i - peel *Seat sad seriolpubfwobsasaf,the day, so um premed ars w% from suoitiodiostimaws • bow ellarddid, sad from tbs ebtatteter of the editorand paw 'fishers of this BriseethenTAMit ,wiffjative wit- Asia* aid ieseftWiiiiii,' Ipries.fity vaisb4 to liteiswbs ati foire4l rimemibibits; ad 'to prints WhO4attit elsetwhlliisicaraettaits kthair Witilidrat;'that'ista likais 14. saaoiillatittestOmt Pik:. '• 'Pros Osilivosil Wail. 'NW 2 , 444. 4 Itbsidaidittlismiiiii 0r#4 1 0 4 . of AO* Litersioni* • tbelompipri to jii=r4Lo g =7l . l6o Or . IrEw~ ADQER dotediONstiti.loll 2 lWedwilliii. adapted to the wants of the people: Aso the Presticel Eittester4 _ From the plan of this 'work. 404 '147,7 from the first number, we ere Adto.bodevor .v , very'vatnable pubficetioh. It will cotaida. eating memoirs and histcsnc - al sketches; whiel be useful, instructive, rod entertadn ; tt wild the influence of chute , literature over the fe and the been' of in end be ,a highly ble addition to public 61 firm. libraries. Nom the N . . Recorder. The character of the contents, and mho repo of its. editor, will give it a wide circulation : I 601 is, "in short, to furnish an unobtristre and guide, a lively fireside companitnt, alwfar object em be attained through the instrutnen of Woks." Flom de alma:lyr, BoStru. This is deservedly a great lavoritetwith the ing public, suiting the taste of idlcbsaim and ins ire to all. . . Frost the Vatted' States Gaiette, Nilatletpt The antecedent works conducted by R. C heti, have been received with deserved favor this series promises to be no less useful and poi Prost the N. Y. 'Mime. This higly useful and instructive series appe a neat andportable form ; this numbers of I have aliddy appeartid, and mid at the low pr 25 cents each. For young persons in dornesti and the rising generation at large, we scarcely of a publication conveying so-much kncnvledg o useful and entertaining nature et a price so it the reach of almost every pocket. £ Tbis work can be sent by awl to any art the coiintry. A direct remittance tithe pub slit of stz oomasits will pay for the entire work. TI liberal discount for advance pay will nearly, the cost of postage on the work. Those wish' g one or more sample number can remit them Mir Booksellers and agents supplied on the • liberal terms. • or The publisher of any respectable paper • r Modical who will give this notice four insertio , sera us the papers cantaisiug it previous to A . 1843, and trill notice the *webers as they appea du be entitled to the work complete. The numb ale be forwarded per mail sinless otherwise directed, they are issued from the pees*. GOULD, KENUALL f.r. LINCOLN, Publishers, Boston. Oct. 7. ADNIIIIISTILVrOWS sow a ÜBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all P llll 9 l concerned in the following Estates, to wi ELKANAH TINGLEY, lav. of the Towns Harford, deal. Darius TihgteY, IE . • Charles Tingley, OTIS SMITH, late of the township of : o Lake, de&d. SaraA SmitA, Administrut . x. BILDAD BENNETT, late of the township • f A dec'd. Nancy Bennett, Adminiorat • That 'the accountants have settled their, ... •• is the Register's Office in and for the county of S • hinna, and that the same will be presented • Judges of the Orphan's Court it 11,11intnise, o • M • day, the 15th day of Noveinber next,for cola and allowance. 11. FINCH, Register Register's Office, Montrose, October 14, 1847. SU4AMkNDER, FIRE ANDTHIEF' PROOF CHESTS, FIRE-PROOF DOORS for BANKS and STORES, SEAL and LETTER-COPYING PRESSEa, PA TENT SLATE-LINED REFRIGERATORS, WATER FILTERS, patent portable WATER CLOSETS, intended for the SICK and INFIRSL EVANS k WATSON, - . 76 SOUTH THIRD STREET,. (orrosyre THE PHILADELPHIA Excuasan s ) I'iIiANUFACTIIIIE and keep constantly on hand, ..L.Tvi a large assortment of, the above artic es, to gether with their Patent'' Improved—Sal der FIRE—'PROOF SAFES, which are so constru ted as to set at rest all manner of doubt as to their being strictly firelsroof, andthat they will resist t e fire of any building. The outside cases of these, Safes are made of boiler iron, theinside case of soapstone, and between the outer case and inner case Ist/ space of scumathreeissehes thick, and is filled in With in destructiblematierial, so as to make it an impassibil ity to buns any of the contents inside of this Chest These Soapstone Salamanders we are preps* and do challenge the world to produce any artml in the shape of look Safes that will stand as - mile heat. i , and we hold ourselves ready at all times have them fairly tested by public bonfire. - We con tinue to manufacture a large assortment of 0 r Pre mium Air-tight Fire-proof Safes, of which there are over 800 now in use, and in every instance th• have given entire 'satisfaction to the purchasers—of Inch 1 , we will refer the public to a Yew gentleme who have them in use. Haywood ...t . Sityder, Pottsville; Joseph G 4 Law ton, Pottsville; Mr. William Carr, Dillestoofn. Pa. ,N. & G. Taylor, 129 north 3d st.:' A. Wright & Nephew, Vino at. wharf; Alexander Caror, l Con veyancer, corner of Filbert. and 9th sts.; Jo M.. Ford, 32 north 2d st,: Myers . lush. 20 north 3d st.; Jo e. James M. Pout 101 south 4th at.; Dr. David a , 8 south 33 at.; Matthew T. Miller, 20 south at.; and we could name some hundreds of of if it was necessary. Now weiavite the attention of the Nib*, and parSculaily those in want of tire -proof Safes, to call at our - store before purchasing else where, and we can Satisfy them thin they cab get a better and cheaper . article at our store than tat any other establishment/a the city. We also manufacture the ordinary Fire! Proo Chests, at very low prices, cheaperthan they Can be bought any other atom it/Philadelphia. ! ; , . 3 D O A H V A ID N s E g V s AL N N I, S, AT • iON. Aug. 24, 11347—.62.0. THE FALL STOCK i OF GOOOS I . jest Receiving at I. L. POST a& Ott:PS irs worth looking at. We din and will sell , !oods j. as cheap as they can be found west of Ne York City. Alarm stock of , . , - Cloths, .Cassimers and Vesiings. 26 pie ces Ginghams—do. Delains and Plaids— do. Striped and, Plain- Alpaccaa. Cash meres, Silks and Merinos, of .beautifid col-. ors. Bonnet Velvets and Satins.: Flowers, Hibernia Fringes, Gimps, and Bunting.— Cloaking*, for ladies. Linen and Muslin Edgings, the best stock in the county.. , Glories and Hosiery. Children's knit pa l *. A large stock of . - • , • . Warr ff. .GIOODS. 1 Worited t'ollars,.very nice patterns. 'Buf falo Robes, Ladies' Muffs, Ladies'. arpet Travelling Bags. Shawls of every v riety. i s latge stock of: . . . BOOTS & 5 1 6,,,., , SHOE. BOOTS 'dc aim As neat astock . -of cRocK4- Rl' as can be foind. HARDWARE Of nearly all kindi i im a mill-sows to a.. tab let.. GROCER II ,gas usual, .. , and cheep. Iron,. Sprinet-soel, . Nadi,. : arse Shoes. ;Dye-Spiffsi situ Drugs, .ve i., sp. LarnpOila:good itt 'low' prices. ! a king Glasses the lartesit lot in Wien. • A large stock of,. . Badiireisiaist itvga . ia .., t i Ciitiagefatte, OilCietb'C6Sls . • *-' A 3l ;l'l =o 4 everrhiegdednible, aglow •„ ‘A ~ We confidend believe we can salt' at -w 7 yid GOOD at low priees. . -' • ' INDIETILT MBAS . Haw waltitifit a vernal in ;the Tea Tod ban Thentdne eau oalY Ike saw at POST: . zi whichare tearraeged t".begoott. sad to re lentil Atist am ik4 1, 4 " 1304 ,M ° 1 111 7? till ' ol ° biq uansai bb' iliarenorqo , • rst 6.0.n4 we iarite par ._ odt again. - 111.5.A.0 Li. POT ak lta.avo.o, ,o ct *4 6 47;'. ~ I— .. muse or nots, Aisi. m tni,4ol missiamir sr iiiiii ~~_. s I E2I HE subscriber.' are nowresti . ;14 by: um; N, T Eris Ran ROM a Isegsaddidea to their Meek at GOODS. We ,tender our AMA' strimoir, mants,so thole who have lerotoforofsvossa us, soli ooniially invite all who stein want of goal GOO D 1 3 4,1 ' ".41111 rim to tops us Si call. • F. B. CHANDLER &CO. iq, iso. , . .: DRY GOODS. s Hl' l3 4 l44ll o,6—__ . ""P•o*rsids,Pl 3 n . ts, DelafrALbsolis• 1 Ribb o a s 7"Tssi m ........_ - , , . Silk, Blankets, Bonnets, , • II Lnens, TheEor•• Fringe, Glarreg ooka Ey es , and in Stu et orittaiS atl.sle *saw per centr.to be hid at . • I•ii. , :•-• - , Chandltr . *Co's. GR.odtm Es. Tea, Sugar, Mob ..- ultobeeei r , Salaams spice' Ginger, istattneg l 4•Cmosi Chewy • • pcion der 8; shot, &e. -•- .-. , ; ; 1 Tin inia Stoves on ; bud - e!eetat t ii i to ' and Tin ware made_ to order or er a T e a shott betice. 0 • Books &.. Stationeti, , . :. 1 ,1 School Books of almost every kind, Ij irw e al i a h small Bibles, Fancy Books, .Toy Books sod !thud of Tickets, Blank Books, Ink stands, Ink, Wriass a dit, e, Wrapping Paper, Wafers* Was, steel Beads, I. W cib, Parse hooks, steel Pens, Fmvelop, Cards; A Black sand, dte., to be found at - ‘ • I 'n Charidler & Co's. of' HARDW A RE. , 1.3 Nails & Iron, /tette & screws, Deor handles, Clot 's . lery, Tacks, Ox balls, Glass & sash, &c., at er i • :Chandler & Co's, or tion de *end that i~ li i lln exchange for Goods, Flannel, socks, Beeswax, , Grain, old Iron, Pewter, Copper & Brest ; Butter, • ALSO—an apprentice to the Tin trade--a lad 16 e; or 17 years.old,. of steady"- habits and good moral character, will receive good enCouragemmit at F. B. Chandler & Co's. ;i1 Rept, 16, 1847 6. 008 it , 113 1: For .the Fall and Whiter Trade. NOW being opened at the STORE of S. LYONS. Where may be found a-great variety of Broadcloths, Plain and Fancy Kerseymeres, Satinets; Kentuck Jean TWeeds, Yes tings (a 'good assortment,) some rich, figured Satins, Merinos, BeLains, Plain, Striped and Plaid Alpaccas, Cashmeres, Parinattas, (a new article for Ladies' dress es,) Orlean Plaids, Gingham, Calicos, Shawls, Flannels, (white, red and yellow,) Satchels, Carpeting, Oil Cloth, 4PrftlY/T.Ts NEW .GOO4DS-i WANTED ; &c. &c. dr.c.4. &c. All of which will be sold a little cheaper for cash than can be found elsewhere. • wept. 21, 1847. VETO' A largo assortmemof TEAS, including the Pekin Yea Company's—soma of which will be sold at less than the New York retail prices—by . r . J. LYONS. os SheetingS, Drillings, and Bed. 29000 r quilts, selling remarkably low at the store , of J.: Lyons. A . . .Isllk% • FRESH LOT—including Lemon iSugar, a new article for this market, used for lemon ade, cake, pies, Fee.. for sale by .1. Lyons. C°dash, ItlaFkerel, OH, Nags, Dye stuffs,, &..e. t&t: J. LYONS. Sept. 21, 1897 E W MILFORD EXCHANGE. C. C. WRIGHT k C. S. BENNETT, AAVIN4 bought the stock of goodi of Wee- i ver Brothers & Co., and made large ad ditionito the same, now invite their old friends and customers, and the public generally, to call and examine their *nods. It is their intention to sell at prices lower than the same style and quality of articles can be pur chased ut any other establishment in Sus quehanna county. Their stock embraces a larger ;Assortment of STAPLE FANCY DRY GOODS than hai ever before been offered in this Sec tion of country ; and:thei believe it will, be for the interest of all wishing to ptirchase to call and examine their Goods and Prices. They have also an extensive assortment of Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Dye-woods, Oils, Paints, &c. which they are detertnine4 to sell cHP.AIP- EiR than any other Storein Northern Pena gylvania. SALT AND FLOUR al,ways on hand, and of the best quality. Cooking and,Parlor Stoves, of the latest and best l pattrns. Os Ware, Store Pipe,. Iron Steil, Nails, and Buots it 510e44 of allliads. t %INN \-0 A very large assortment of SOLE und UPPER LEATHER, CnltSkhis,Patneys, Seep Skini; MiwOcco ISkins, Pink and hite Linings, and a, general assortment of rindings at 'prices which defy eptitpetition, taP CASH paid for RIDES, ; SRINS, Pelts, Wool, &c.; and Grain,j Eisner, Oheese all 'kinds of produce I Mimi' itt exchange for Goods at cash prince. Is•• Do not fail to u TRY" the New Mil • fOrd.Exchan,ge., New Milfotti„. Sept. - . 7; 1847: V • ; - .STO*ES ! STOVE S °! Tfilt larva and best assortment of itterlrEff ate oder !wing , . received, bi tbe•subscribers diet were ever in Noithein Peun'ti. " Those' who are de sirous, of combining comfixt, 'convenieoce, economy and neatness, will please give fos a Clit; and-we will prove totem this the shove iittalitiaibre to bli lad with the leis! le: 04 0,0 °.: -:' ,: ' . 'i : t .-- ~... Empire ' 'Air-iiik4•CookitOve.s. Stanlei's,',] ~ ~ do ;I do . ~ • do" ~.r. , „ 'Congress`' ' " do, i' 'do'', '' do linickerl)o ok er,do '.. , ..,d0r_ ~ 1 o , 7 ,,, - Victiiiii - .; 1:-. •-. ,6 t i tii d c i- , : ‘ , /.1 c o.. - :t ; 3 .and 4 boiler= ookilto,,emof-41-5 -1004 ev,eo,iiiiterfif• ,:, . t- ''!•.:'-':,, 4 Double Oren Cook :Stavin tfk.C , PARLOR . .. ter 'irliti",, is Orvarktoskiidii.. 4 o4B4ightpls l ii;i4' Mt CoslierA ß L*l l l 4 r.OPY sl34l4, 4 , ' - -1 , ,- - , ta ' egr Steeko. Were, 741 e 144 Ware,-.Hallow , lc .14Wic - ziiii It'cit*, l o.*P4,o`B 01 ,t. esiry thi4iiegtolelB4 as ofiiiiii ....- a •nbr in :too wage dig ._ .. 1 ,. ; . -,.„..,.., . 1 j p... 2004, 0 4,1 ffr ii. i chy t ;,,_ , • , v- + --- ' ICCP. NEW:74' EU - - 1 1 lit lit :LW FASSIS6 VS thiiii -- deltoble ere t w o,brperee the tie Rat , CSTTINGUes to giwastkOctOs Eir.. tilboplipp#l one door west 1!41 - trose - $ 44)1 _ 1 VAL ... QTAtii ; ;lo4,,_ L 3 iqg an ickoluittuf the - ,, araMent,Aes*celi. flaOteC, - 1 With a-msk of,;ilie Bias and me we of Sehooli anatamiliei—Just Fir's. isile .14 t4a-aosan or,siagle July it, , ! ---.....,,' : - • , .... _ ~ , ... LANDS FOR' .: 1 ., A In . StilttiVan .1 trusty. , .. . ',.:,ii way . int ecnrnty of &Div:salts ~.. .bb e 4 min g • T HE from the County Loco ~ , ..., I end am 1 i Beralacistedi by Commis' rimers appointed" by - . ~-. LeYliditnre on the Lands of the , biscribefAs f Pr' ol4 Vigage liAtiatia bomk adjoin*, m lrkilli ofa;large body, • which lie will se4ho - wit; Setue* ' MiThseatt and timber pleoy., I . dr flcitilre of zixtii, Chi 147 70** ship; Sulli 7 ott C ry, of MICHikBL MAYLINT( ' at present in - laidC 9 u u ty. to l u a u- t h e neeeelert ..-'-' rep, or of ; the s ubscriber'at New Mnfork..l o ii?" harms Cou4ty, reinucilrsnia. 1 0 - Id MAYLIMIT:' 1 September 16, 1347.-4,17=3 The E f tOlt Weladen e we I HALLOO there, Dick —An . t w h at .", . harryit ..! , Don't stop .me, 'stranger, I anxious to get' JOHN GROVES, the gre_atestT LlPOSinemswoeld„ to cut 112 t a out, for everybody* our miglthed ro d says he is the best Tailor. -He Majustreceitea l the -Latest Fashions from the Cit 7! ttnil i trg • to wait until everybody. else is 'Ma and oat second best ; you know that w lt,do fiir I nes s; man of as good taste at anybod , &oven *lnst. the man tb suit me. I base h the mnatofiallut say that heican cut • coat tolfi any oneowhatisver may be his shape . Do you beli e e it? Yee7,4lr what everybody says : mast be ..true. A - . tree; oritems of cutting disclaims all foreign • violet/on 424- u - tare's laws and stands upon i own '....ie' assw..... its. Why,;l. tell you he is as s as the, Our ;drat .r rules ofarithmetic. Well, thel lu e ft er ye*tr ; l. war mendatinn,will have him eat t myekunv—*/, have always had such tarsal 'bad luck. ilinti W4C , such proof staring mein the-foci I w il l go wit h the - crowd, tisdirecommend to all. ' il a to care about good taste and syjeb to be suited, to at oe-tailor shop two. doors below the Farmer's tore. ~ I • . • Montrose, Sept. 30, 18'47.-0: m 3 • • LETTER To the 110. Bey. JOAN HU t .1 olio Bishop. of New Y sale ity BIISINESS DIR . , J. B. SALIS ; Cheap, Goods forthe reople— : side. , . , J. S. PEIR * O ET, • 3 ` liealer in tory Goode, liardw oreemes,,Oock.: cry, TiMothy . seed; Gum He . loCk, Sm.—Triads, villa, Sum. co. Pa. • , DAVID CLE qaolige oa,Sleigh Maker ! found at:his shop a few rods where 4. will be-happy to w S. B: MULE Attorney. at Law; Office - Ems • Avenue,over the Store of 8. JERRE IX NS,- . Dealer in Dry Goods ~- G • , Books, ,Palierl, hat and Bookbinder—East side Public Avenue.. • ISAAC ,L. POS jet. CO. bealenv bey in Goods, Hard CrockerY, 11 ; ; "' earner of Public Avenue and Tirior.4 ' , P. LI Geutleme4'S garment cutter, ck & Root's list SUM. • i - LIISK &NE ' Aitandea lat Law; bfflee a f Conn Hour. F; Lisa. - -1 JOHN H. D ATTORNEY - AT LAW, Mon moved his office to' Turfy une doorMastof The office,. and three . doors west of the flee,: _ • . SMITHS; STEVEN - Cabinet mid Chair Makeist4t county, ra• • NV., w: SMITH, •I • A. ;SMITH, JR, CALEB WE Saddle, Harness and Trunk... , the Fariner's Store. • ! - TR. A good Oiiortinent of Dry Crocker 7; %vim di: Su, West aide of i hi tslio A*ealsoil `'BETCL SA Dealer in Stoves; Hani*eir,,/ side of Palk Avenue. F.; B. CHANDL )1' lc. Dealers in i Stoves, Titrware. SiWoneryiioey dal*, &t. dtc.+—East siiie.of Publitktrentr4- i - MERRILL & Dealers in Hats, - Days, Fars, LWest, mole of ral)lax-Aveilue; , B: Attorney' MARI.? at r the old • ortlic4,ecrint-ho, I A.' CHIMBE Atioiney at Law, I over dr . ,;(30„ corner of ' oblicyitv. 2,1=, - i• A 9.mtraoß /11(01:', - 4•2: De tee ie DST' amesea. -- AtOrir Ikgremw• PARS & . 11111 Physicians; & Burgeons: Offil . Public Avenue over the SP Hi S. PAWL J. • V, Groce*s; rniiii; ca MACK 4 - 6 Rt. c O O l . Siete • , . • - age. Artieleia in oui hoe b. sale•fu4nTalagainees _ .. -----.. . ~"•,--, , ii .7 4 1, ;' , , toll' ~' ii, .1 4 .01141t - TP . ' ..1._,..1,- ~..a-, " '- ‘ - - • "" "';. 1. - . . , .. -1. ;..t= 7 . 1 '.-=: - . : , : . '-' t : .i ;FM 0•11 ~r, t , 0 trietil ik ' ' ' -. I WO k e f fi li t •.: --,, . „ ~-.. ~.—;• - - thitipli Os ; :. • , --‘ 11_ '4— • _,,—, ,••,-, ' 4 -,,,:,' 11111:.; . - .,,,,r. , , -'. . ' , : - ::1 00* .41114 - VWlllTrig 11=r r. 01(4011 1111.1 .........---7, - . -- • . ' .t. , "•:.. 0 .., , ,, f , 1,,--- 1101601 01 4 . : . 711 . - ... .: 111 : 1 1-• i ...r _g „' ---,' : ' V. ... = • ..',z' ( 1 . - "L• , .V . - • - - * essaiie: hit -111 : 63 4. 4 0! - ' 4,5,0 f the tat i v ii !t: : : ILI pi. ;xpi4i,:., H 8, Itinesigeh. KIM, it J. LYO OTORY. Mai i NS, repaire,r; nn* of theßoragb f on Cznionairs, RD,. side of tle ' Mulford & 121 stank Over itiornit ON,: iods sag* dia lintiroaL , r • OCIL , street, Itteirtfikdef, [l' 'IL T. , Coe; cuter Prii.!timt *6 AVERT. -, xtzvirars; , vt. Avsay: • • ti!4: Lii..l . • • • Goo:iii,sie, Wiirt : • 00t; ! . . ;Ic!tgh Pomb, *4,4 ME 1. 1 , " , Tampslte*. (Ciet,; , I wvst:iide:4 4 l6li: of 7" "'``‘t ' El lic r u t , i lady - asCilie ~_~,~~. ~'~.,:; i~}}::~ ; ~';. BZIE :- ,--, j.