hOgrirrcteded .that mount 2 bitdielc o eih• ORPHINEA DARHOW.. :ISAAC A. NEWTON. JAMES M. NEWTON. FRANCIg BIRGE. , . • I • GEORGE 'BARRON. helped shell and measure the corn husk -1 led (ram'', shock, (which filled a bushel and Iv half basket with ears,) and the unmeant; lof-shelled corn was 3 pecks, 141. pints. 111 beliWd unload the whole, of the above .corn! lit, the corn house, and kept the tally of the number of baskets. The basket used. was the 'Roe from which weshelled the corn, and ten- Sleavored to have the measure as uniform as possible with that. The number of baskets was 157, and 1 btishel of ears fiver, includ ing the, basket shelled. ORPHINEA DARROW. Messrs.. Cassrdy; Carpenter and Turret: In your official capacity as " a committee ou - the' varieties of grain," it is with pletuitire that Ulm* the honor to make the following statement of my admeasurement of Mr. Rodney Jewett's Corn Crop, for your con skieeution. At his re q uest, on the 13th of dl, inst. iqriensured his whole field of In ian corn, the whole area of which is 5 acres land 88.7 square rods, or 883.7 square rods. The whole field was planted in rows each 'way, with the design that each square rod ebould contain .twenty-five hills, which should also compose a shock ; and the whol4 w‘is cut and put up accordingly. Therti were on the ground 31 rows of shocks one iway,-and 29 the other; hence there were -899 shocks-10i over what had been de-. isigned. I have been thus far particular in flsticisig his mode of laying out his ground in rows that additional . improvement may be elicited. ! The part of his field which lie selected to compete for a premium, had shocks in rows standing thereon, thirteen by.twelve, ma king in aggregate 156 entire shocks. I ac-' curately, with compass and chain, measured ; he ground on which the shoeks.had grown, including one half of the adjoining spaces', between the rows on each side, the exact area of which is is 161 12-100 square rods, being 6 12-100 more ,thati the number ofl jshocks. This variation was probably occas ioned by straightening the rows on an ad ,joiiiing margin ,of the field; which was in some measure irregular. I then selected two shocks from different parts of the plot, !, Of average appearance, from which, several tr, was husked a bushel and a half basket slightly crowning full, no difference in the yield of the twO being apparent : - One of; Which we shelled, and the yield was three pecks and one and a half pints, weighing' 33 lbs. avoirdupois. According to the above , data, then, :the r whole yield of the 161.121 square rods tnuSt he 120 bushels, 2 peckim, tt.ad 3 quarts, or 119 bushels and 3 pecks of shelled corn to the , acre, the weight .55 lbs. i and 10 oz. to the bushel. This statement may appear to some to preclude credibility ;1 jtet it i- upr opinion, from the specimen, I *aw, th.it, an the 'saute or similar soil, a still gmater yield might he obtained. Perhaps ought state, that the above !tarried piece'- of grond contaius no part of that fur the u .crop of which a, premium was last year a- I warded. The kind of corn .is, I think;whati is known iIS the long white flint. There / *ere two other .specimens on the field, viz : ' the brown and Mimi - non yellow corn ; but in 4he cultivation Of the three kinds there was no visible difference. Neither the brown or ihe Yellow will ,yield with the white : still I should say either kind will considerably sur 7 pas, our coin/nen yieldings. 1 Since penning the aboii statement, the enti•-c crop, presented iu competition, has_ heen harvested, ply eldest sons having assist ed in harvvfling the sanie. .1 saw a part of the corn mensuited in and . the whole counted i irt, .he actual gross measurement of which, ( ; .1 as I had expevt d, surpassed my own corn en.ation by one and two thirds'baskets full, or one.bitsliel, o e peck and a half pint. I Say I had expe ed• this result, because the measure used was evidently above the prop- e , capacity. i N That I may d ample justice to my neigh= bur nad myself, I would also say, that it was 4r,p.ifying to ha e the privilege of measuring .11r. Jewett's co n-field : and of making cotn potation for my - If and him. ; His last year's +atement was, ome truly astonishing. If any had doubts! of the fact, even I had as any. I was pot, however, willing to be lieve that my neighbor; who bad ever sus ;Med correct veracity, had given intentional isrepresenuttion ; but I was, at the same time, apprehensive that some unforeseen and Unaccountable error had crept into hii com putation. It did !Oak, really, to me, too Much-like what we Yankees “ down east" nsed to chuckle-over and call a up-country stories." Littli! little indeed did I think, i 6y yielding to welcome importunity, that I was getting yank' into a fix for telling 9ne of those sto imicif wonder ! ! But it *as even so. Ho ever, up or down, high or ow, far- or n ar, my story is true,and I lave only to ea that I doubt no longer iis watralso trtie. With due consideration the above is moist respectfully submitted. , . 1 1 S. A. NEWTON.;• 1 Brooklyn, 04. 16th, 1847. Thaiokogiving Day. By the toll4wing proclamation of Gov. - . Shank it will he seen that he has recoin mended Thursday, the 25th of November, I as a day to be set apart for public prayer, ' !thanksgiving a d praise: PF.NNSYLVAN A as .1 In the NM= and by Ithe authority o the ContocOnmealth' of Penn ylvania, Fran is R. Skunk, Governor of aid Coninionw' alek. A PROCLAMATION. Fellow isfreat and good. it is our duty t. adore Xis greatness, toile kootriedge His goodness, to. confess to Him our sins, and umbly implore their forgive luess. . it,is fit nd becoming that we should do so; not only asindividuati;b4stS a Com .ll‘Feakk 1 3 f reek cilizebs,':Otho, 'during the 'post year have received unnumbered , Idea -14145-tit his lie di: I •Under. his ardianship our free find:M -.l6mm, founded tj - the wisdom oftheFathers !of the Repoli! c have been preieried:to; us hise: *My: enjoyedidl , ;our and rock —pririleges,. and tbefright to rworaltip-Gudi our-conseienCesdietateAWe have been pre . sed EntiirPritie," :iis'pkrtn(lo: ; o*lns, It4.lsPop„ ear l ueFfiy i -m ; .. has yiel ded . '..return. The Atha ot-thetaith",bage,ll44. gather in A andante_ .and garners are fill witifihts;finest,ofthe,w . 444; the tied of the des itute.- a ily 6 Viincedow 'tallied an , Ipure and heave ,ly religions ns an ordinance , unsullied I with he State, ' • the oluniiiiy eVotion of in ithi nghteou.indg; have been -Inv , Ived in' the of iritrt yet W. have not I 0 fain nessof hea t, and the a d nduet of o r soldiery; r us ictory in t e midst of tive_stei lathy " invigorated by ichose iastituti . 1 by any llien ehertithed .6 1 the peo ple, 'and nteßta of God , direful ealimitT been given up mible:courage hive wrought danger. In view of a recommend putridity tiir to:be observed . givirig to Alm.. zens! of this that day from assemble in th , ' sh)p—huinble ' mighty, for a i- r -rentier Ills many ' g judgments our b e ieeeli him th stared; end the'l' he:continued to . latest generatin of man, united^ shiire ikt hiti rie Giien stn er m ° iif - thie_ State, day of Oetob one.ihoUsand en, arid', of th ty-secon& 'Br THE Gni •' • , I this ness, I do : hereby 25tii.d y of *unifer next, E s a.d yof soli n thanks-. ty. , ; and th t the citi-! .moniarealth do bstain .on. II theiii-worldly av talons— tic r respective plac g of wor-, themselves . beforh the' Al-, r sins,l individusil and na-; 11: im their -hearty hanks fort Int mercies—dep cate the 1 :aggressions hay merited_;; • t peace-may be seedily re-i lessings we now enjoy may: us and tnourg, thiwn to the, , and !that the 'whqe family : ' n' one vast brotherhood,muy , est mercies. ' !. hand, and the Great Seal! t Harrisburg, this bineteentlt •r, in The year 00 . our Lord! eight hundred ano forty-sev , • Common j urealthlthe seven-' I . !OR : J MILLER, y of he conansohwealth Secret . , ea , exleo. . enee from La Patria— Va.. d by Gen. ,s,cott.=-, Parl des n Arnty of 20,000W/cob 1 Coa li tion of the Mez can , eningiof the Churches -Tln -1,, nta ~linna-=-Preparingl for ' New President believed to Mexican Intcl(i lencia Meted: , at Jalisco-- • lected by the States--4e-o tentions of S Escape—Th favor Peace rote. Gen. Lane arrived at IPe- . ETERSBTRO, V. 4., P ct. 22. The New Or eans Picayune nd Delta,, of the 15th, hay: been! received by ,hail; but!; as their content: havei been anticipated' by the Ledger's 0 -rland Express, limit send- ; ; ing any abstrac from their columns. :1 The Comme ial Times, on the authority of a correspond :nt of La Patria,' says that' ! Gen. Scott has orderer] the immediate and; unconditional re ease cif Gen. Valencia, as a well-merited re! and for his valor and patri otism displayed .. t the battle of Chaptrltepec.,l He remained q iet, at his hacienda, four ; mites from the I apital. According to : • veral letters, Gen. Paredes; remained at the - apical, incognito, and hasl witnessed all th: recent operations without taking part in t em, having been! deterred by the threats of Santa Anna. Nredes has• since been in in imate communication with the principal oiicers saved front capture, and has now gone to Jalisco, to place him self at the head 0 . 20,000 men, collected by six of the Mexi : n States, that hild formed a coalition to o pose Santa Anna!' Gen. Quttma had caused all th, in ;he Capital to be re4operied. i c A depatation f metichants - had' requested!' Gen. Scott to e,, ploy every possi,le means to re-open the co nmutnicatinn with the coast:; To. this, ..Gen. :colt replied t hatlhe would: immediately apily himself assiduously to tine object, and 'e hoped, with success. A letter publi bed in La Petrie, from, a; :highly respecta e gentleman in Vera Cruz, i dated the 2d in t., sayl that Gen. Santa An na:and Reit wer endeavoring to prevent the entrance ofthe d:: chment under Gen. Lane, inttiPuebla. Sa , ta Anba had 3000 men tin der him and Ge , Real2soo. It is also said. that if he dnes rot suctceed in obtaining the Advantage iii t, is enterprise, he Will retire' to Oajaca and r st hinaself while augment ing his forces in ithat State, which is in the immediate vici ity of; Gautaniala. Santa . Anna's lady is .'t this moment in a small town in that ne khborhood. It is believed that Santa Ann will tin this as in all former euterprises - be u 'fortunate, and finding him-; self lost and Ina ;.tted by the malfidictious of his countrym6 oke refuge in Siain. The Mexica Congress wag to meet at Qtieretaro on tte sth,; at which date Pena' y perm was to . there. He has appointed, iDon Louis de I • Rossi, Minister of Foreign; Affairs. It is . 'enertilly believed that his; cabinet are' deco gii advocates of peace, and, ' would enter,on iegotititions with Mr Trist, ! yielding by; nec.Ssity tit' the demands of the: American Corn : issioners. • t do did of Santa Annalist" kent i at Vera Cruz, where the elms of his master's • gauntry. I: nt of the same paper, who • ' Cruz under date of the 2cl; < a express had reached that ! Tho express rider 'stated, fit ofistaning from Puebla,' • . e 29th, he had beard sharp ri hbori k heights, from which, 1 I nued to throw shells int o :ould no doubt 'he able to in f 1 tion.' The convoy, undei. •,s al ady at Perote, and . 4 : nett morning for Puebla.: t11i0...- irk led f dt is stated tb been seen and s he was prepari escape from the correspond writes from Vet says that a priv city from Pueb that at them. on the night or firing on the net _ Col. Childs con the city, and mhintain GOn. Lane, tiv whuld march th The abodes La Patric IM'VE another 'thrj, been one oil a totileolhe your health: . ifitne's mer mlt aMt !will cu, thOir) testimon , witl4l4 EVER fever,* cc es iftkir WHLW' were are H*.Tonie' 'offoted Ml - the I ,HAerßoi lAura i z.-is mu, 44100tighe.'.' Other Pulum!arY $O O c o!"="if yam ago. kW': aserviel e ree l imk 'll'etpered,en 1011* MOW rar7 . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NE VIV VrOODS 11E subscriber offers 'the rst assert. , . !.‘ ok. tent of gennetlun fal , to his ens totnersihtii he has ever brought iato this village, - ennsisting as initial of attiring ttiery thing that is called lbr addition, he has aMed wood assoitment of VerPenters' & Irokole,lill -of Which Will be• sold ve ry cheap for reedy pay. • Oct. 26, 1847. ' '-BENJ.'SAVRE. ; . •; • t t • • . ° SAVE IirCKIR. 'ASHES. tkfill 1 Al WILL be paid in Goads for v 4. J. " -2E gockA ..house iabes,Jf'bro't wan' by B. Sayre. Oct. 26, '47. L, goof EATHEßaatisortment kept m- 4 tonstemly , on hand by . B. Sayre. .Boots 4., ShoEs ABPENDID assortment for men women and children. of all sizes . und descrip tions _ , by B, Sayre. STOVES. AGRE AT variety of Cook Stoves, also for parlor, shop and school-houses; &c., both for burning wood and coal. Persons wishing to purchase will do well to call and see his assortment before purchasing els where.B. Sayre. • • MILL and Cross-cut SAWS, by B. Sayre PAINTS and Oil—Lamp and Sweet Oil by B. Sayre. BUFFALO Robes and -Muffs, &e., by B. Sayre. CASH paid for beef hides, sheep pelts, veal skins, &e. 13. Sayre. 'WANTED--Wbeat, Oats & Flax-seed for which part cash will be paid if brought soon, by B. Sayre. P LOW castingeot all descriptions—also, sleigh shoes, wagon boxes, fire dogs, large kettles, &c., by B. Sayre. Cash for Pelts. 1 5 000 PELTS wanted at the cheap HAT and CAP Store (one door south of R. Searle & Co's Store,) for which the highest price will be paid in cash, by Merrill &Root. Montrose, Oct. '47. Dr. B.—Those who want a HAT 'or CAP will do well to call and examine our large stock of Fashionable HATS' & CAPS, M. & IL are not only determined to sell as Cheap, but CHEAPER than any oth er establishment in this county, or any oth er county west of New-York. Give us a call and satisfy yourselves. churches N,RW WORK. ,* Chambers' Miscellany OF I r 7 SEFUL & ENTERTAINING KNOWLEDGE. Edified by ROBERT CHAMBERS. Al tillOr of " Cyclopes dia of English Litarature." Via Elegant Illustrative Engravings. Price 25 ' Ceuta per No. DDLD. KENDALL & LINCOLN arehappy to an nouneee that they have completed - arrangements with Messrs. Chambers, of Edinburgh, for the re pahlication, iq semi-monthly numbers, of Casa antes Miscrt,LANT. The design Of the Miszcztss T 18 to supply the in creasing demand for :useful, instructive, and enter taining reading, and to bring till the aids of litera to bear on cultivation of the feelings and ander ! 'endings of tl.e peopli—to impress correct views on important moral and social questions..-suppress eve ry species of strife and savagery—cheer the lagging and desponding, by the relation of tales drawn firorn the imaginations of popular writers—rouse the file ey, by descriptions of interesting foreign. scenes-- give a zest to every-day occupations - by ballad and lyrical poetry—in abort, to furnish en unobtrusive friend and guide, a lively fireside 'companion, as far as that object can be obtained throngh the instru mentality of books. The universally acknowledged merits of the Cy clopedia of English Literature, by the same author. connected with its rapid lode, and the unbounded commendation bestowedby the press, gives the pub lishers fall confidence in the real value and entire success of the present work. • The publication has already commenced, and will be continued semi-monthly. 14. ach number will form a complete work, and every third number will be furnished with a title page and table of contents, thus forming a beautifully illuorated volume of over 500 pages of useful and entertaining reading, adapt ed to every class of readers. The whole to be com pleted in THIRTY srultscas, 'forming TER 'ELEGANT vut.csies. NOTICIA or Tin PRESS. Prom the M.Y.. Commeteial Advertiser. We are glad to See an American issue of this pub lication, and evisetiidly in sto convenient a farm. It is an admirable compilation' distinguished by the good Mat^ which has been shown in all the piblies firma of the Messrs. Chambers.. It unites the useful and entertaining. We hope its circulation here will be large enough to4upplant. ;to a good extent, the namby-pamby and immoral , works which have so long been too widely-circulated. Prom the Mercantile Janina!, Boston. A most valivable work, °mei:that every one should passess. Mired by -Robert ; Chambers. whose in dustry and talent and uprightness are well know°. and must secure for the workbefore us an extensive circulation. - From tke New York .Observer., A vast treasury of pleasant reading, which we commend to families. ' • Fios tke Christian World, Bostosi. iThis is one of the most charming books that has+ fallen tinder our notice, for a long time. Indeed we. feel that we must t 4 it it , moist cordial welcome. It in•Eligland there art y more each works; let's love' them. From the jWestfield Sterederd; ' We are prepared d o recommend it wi*V.resere, to every horer 'tAited and Solid Liter*re.P • Amiss the Excelsior,'Boston. , 'Truly useful and entertaining work. No men are better known than Messrs. Chambers, orgailiburgb , for their happy. Mot, of spread liztiasSleOde before the publw--imd *lids done' 'Me, WM' c hap a We" nerthat the became, it once'wideiipritad. The - Boston' publishers deserve the .thalki 'or all friends of general edtmaticnt for the inter* tbriYhays taken ArisaingAlit inigiV Iworkaixthis sidn or the Atha- ie. W te &uit sthetitieoe l ' rewMided by the: favor of thecititainthitY: ' • ' ' • - Nisi the Palisyra Colorist, N. Our readers will bear as witness that'll* Ire not in the habit of 4 , pdthse ipliscrinkinateo the peri odical and serisipairwatiiiii‘f ilia! day, but so ha rem& ate we, .fres Leh hodintiona lirfieWtor sifordadoind frrn the chansetar theeditornod - Pub- Coshed of ;his Miscellany, that it will pros lagging and useful wort, and, especial' y Wuable to_ those who are.liessiagAitidesisading habits, Auld to .patents wboAroaid,heattivatea cowed' toitoti their this-we. cannot 'refrain from #fus iiead vainwsialtiag attention to it. From As Liiertiry Worli, New slink. The dew* IRaceso;PflillstOssres Oydopedia • of Xagfna4iteratqa has escounteektbs,olo#4te to tiotnitionce reting this atasily popaAum Its aim is mote Inkary aid pmaitimiVaiiii thiCl" NEW. AlWEltttii- doPedia. but it ii,cortiPiled With adapted to the Wants of the people., Prow the Piraatical EdueettoK - From the of this work, antra:ll - , from the first munber; We ire lea to evais: 4 a very valuable **lontatioh. IS will coltalti eating memoir* and historical sketches, which be useful , inittictive,and 'entestain' big th the , influence of chasteliterattir* ever the feel and the hearty of its readers, and be :a highly • ble additkin to-public' and 'private libraries. • NOM the N. Y. Reeorgfei. . 1 The character of the cootents, anti the rept of its editor, will give it a wide circitlation. Its signs is,'" in short, to furnish an unobtrusive frii and guide, a lively 6reaide companion, as far aa obt can be attained through the instrument of books." F'rons the Chroiwtype,•Bostort. ( This is deservedli i ' e a great favorite with the ing public, suiting t taste of all daises and Ma ive to all. Fry hie Moiled States Gazette; Phikrdelp 'The antecedent works conducted. by R.- C hers, have been received with deserved favor, 'this series promises to be no less useful and po Prost the N. Y2lllbiteh. , This higly useful and instructive, eerie* app.-% A neat and portable 'form ; three =Ober' of w have already appeared, and sold at the low, pric '25 cents each. For young persons . th e and the rising generation at large, we scarcely of a publication conveying so much 'knowledge useful and entertaining nature , at al rice so wi the reach of almost every pocket. _ _ _ ra This work can be sent by mid to any_p! the cott*ry: A ditebt remittance to' he publis, :of six Dot.tans will pay for the end work: , ;liberal-discount for advance pity- will !nearly ! the cost of postage on the work. Those . bile' or More sample number can retnit them acc' ingly. rr" Booksellers and agents supplied on-the • liberal terms: ["'The ymblisber of any respectihble paper riodicat oho Mill give this noticefasir insertions, send 11/J the papers captaining it preview to April 1843, and lei/1 notice the numbers as they appear, be entitled to the work complete. the numbers be forwarded per mail unless othnrsrise direete they are issued from the press. f GOULD., KENDALL & X.INCOLN, Publiithere, Bosto Oct. 7 , %1%51 .%% THE subscriber haring,disposed of his farm, sell at public ?endue on the 11th day of ember next, at his residence 4 mile tanath of Nil rose, the following property, to wit 1 pair of Horses.-1 yoke of Oxen. 10 Cows-3 two year olds;-7 yearli 6 Calves--50 Sheep-7 Hcigs. 1 Pleasure Carriage-1 buggy wagon 1 Lumber Wagon-1 Falin,gMill. 1 Cart-2 two-horse lumbe Sleighs. I Pleasure Sleigh-4 Plows--2 Harr. 30 to 40 tons of Hay, and any-'quan of Straw. 1 Scraper, and a set of sugar-snaking tensile. TERMS or SALz. All sums underislo, cash d. Over that sum, six. mii.ndis credit, wp . th approve , earth - , will be given. J05H1.7.4 SEAMAN Bridgewater, Oct. 12, 1347.-7001 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby gi ..n to all pe concerned in the following Es •s, to wit • ELKAAAH TINGLEY, lateefi a Townsh - Haiford, Darius Tinrict Exems . Charles Ting! y, UTIS SMITH, late •of the township of Lake, dec'd. Sarah Smith, 4dministratri 11l LOAD BENNETT, late of 0111 , :fownshipof burn, decd. Nancy Bennett, 4dministratri That the accountants have seUledtheir accenn the Register's Office in and for the county of S henna, and that the same Will be irresented to Judges of the Orphan's pour( at Nfontrose, on 11 dirt, thenth day of November , next,for eoutirr and allowance. H. FINCH, Regist Register's Office, Montrose, October 14, 1847. SALAMANDER, FIREND THI • PROOF CHE SS, FIRE—PROOF DOORS for B.ANIC' and STOE SEAL and LETTER-COPYINGi. PRESSES, TENT SLATE—LINED REFRIGERATE WATER FILTERS, patent portable W.AO CLOSETS, intended for the sic* and INII EVANS & WATSON, 76 SOUTH THIRD SICREET, (OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGI MANCFACTURE and keep militantly on to a large assortment of the above articles gether with their Patent Improved Seismal FIRE—PROOF SAFES, which are lio constructe to set at rest all manner of donlitrts to their b, strictly fire-proof, and that they Will resist the of any building. The outside eases of these S are made of boiler iron, the inside case of soapst and between the outer case and imier case is a si of some three inches thick, and is filled in wit] destructible material, so as to make{ it. an imposs it y to burn any of the contents inside of this Cl These Soapstone Salamanders we ire prepared / do challenge the world to produceany article it shape of Book Safes that' will as much I and we hold ourselves ready at 1 times to 1 them fairly tested by public bonfi . We also tinue to inanufiicture a large a ssn ent of our mitten Air-tight Fireproof gafes.,Of which there are over 800 now in use, and in every ' stance they , ye given entirc satisfiwtionto the pore w , ich 'we will refer the public to a firav ~ e ntlemen • ho ° have them in use. Haywood & Snyder, Pottsville ;Iloseph G. ' •w -ton, Pottsv il le ; ' Mr. William Carr, Doylestown Pa. N. & G. Taylor, 129 north 3d 11141 A. Writ; .t & Nephew, Vine st. wharf; Aleffauder Caror; on veyancer,corner of Filbert and 9th sts.; Job , M. Ford, 32 north 2d st,; Myers' Baal* 20 north . st.; James M. Pool, 101 south'4th st.; pr. David Ja • ne, 8 south 3d st.; Matthew T. Mille 2 0 south , st.; and we could name some biandre, of others, fit Was necessary. Now we invite th attention . the public, and particularly those in want of Fire- roof Ades, to call at our store'beforelpurchasitig Ise where, and we can satisfy them that they can et a better and cheaper . article at our ttore than at any^ other establishment in the city. r • We also manufacture the ordinary Fire ' roc Chests,-,at very low prices, chea*rithan they cir be 1 E bought any other store in Philadei hia. DAVID VANS, - 1 JOHANN S WATSOIki. i Aug. 24,1847-62y1 NEW .GQ► S. , 13:. MULFORD rrAVE now on, hand a b el l Alawflnif i A.A. ,GOODS labial they - will Yell as 'Cliedp a ateirPesg• ' Prints—a large fiSSOent ' fr 0 1-4 to 12 1-2 .- ee' ii. ,131 rtiri .' beauifol patterns an - :fa s t , I Alseo-'‘-elotkirPrinted Xiiiwns, tl , , a largetssprtnient tGrbOill ' - ;•ivien'eliininnei' wel =- 1 -itill.' 1 . ,f...r.,, . sotd very eheap. Woolsey 4',kN l renisefirq)etit 14 4roindiind: ciiiihed Sugar, ranted pure; for 11211-2 '- is .:, % ,perillb,J,,, , f..... 11, I , '13:ii:1) • )ofl "‘ ' 'Yfillfigii t tliffir Taft* 4041:04111. 1 Bg t e l e r itt; ie. 1 ~ c ur :te g e 0 Best 4 0 • - . . .. '4e. b, 1 5 ?IV' 1.1 ti ‘ Medialiei l lii . per _ . 444 4su.csitarAWariloworgt4SPIC 17. 'r ; • ' • . ritiviAtiviktillg* * nig, FALL i S ock , , OF I s. just !!Ir:e . 'rine at . .L. POS le; cOst looking at. we can will sell Geode sh realsua they can be found eat of New York et 'Mart stock of m assi s_ii tne o. rs and Ve ces do • Btri . g vi De am isi Ju ne `, • S liefrin i f vets n Bleti a n d Oi s , e ft ors. Boanet y R band% F. ri viltesi_Gin a ps,: a ci ol ki ngg , for 111411"; - 1"4 1 i .1 `Edgings,' the' best A i to i' lL in Glovessmiclifosiery;"=Vii 4 , ,A large stooc;of woininz - ocs( Worked Collars, very pi (alto Ledies' Muffs Travelling Bags.. Shawls A large stock of ROOTS & As n!at'a stock • RY as can be fonnd.- nearly all kinds (roma mill let. GROCERIES, as u. cheap. Iron, Spring-stee , Shoes. Dye-Stuffs and Dr Lamp-Oils, good at low Glasses, the largest lot. in stock of ' Saddle dr Harness Carnage Maus, OR Cloth, And almost everyibing desirabli We contidMitly believe we can GOOD Gte•sliti, at low prices. g 11ife, ow to hin iRr 1 INCUR Have worked a revolution in' th The genuine can only be found which are warranted to be good, satisfaction. Our customers wh buy again—goal proof of their s Thankful Mr past favors, we i call again. ISAAC Montrose, Oct. 12, 1847. • I IMAUBII3It, 911-1 E subscribers have on han assorted stock of LEATHt Sole and' Upper Leather, Skins; Patnas, Harness Sheepskins, which they are determined to se, tory to purch&ers. • ; BOOTS & §H, A large asortment, of all Boris a' or quarity o and of 'oar. own very low. t Cash paid for Hides and of produce s taken iu exchange f. articles. . A New Milford, Oct. Ist, 1947 • - The Eight. Wonders o HALLOO there, Dick—hul hurry Don't stop me, stranger, I JOHN GROVES, the gresteit T to cut me a.coat, for everybody 'says he is the best Tailor. He Latest Fashions from the City, to wait until everybody else is second.best ; yini know that w. man of as good' taste as onybod, the man to suit me. I have he, say that he can cut a coat to fit may be his shape. Do you belie% everybody. says must be true. cutting disclaims all foreign aid tare's' laws, and stands upon its its. Why; I tell you he is as su rot** of arithmetic. iVell, then mendation, I will have him cot have always had. such carnal be such proof staring mein the the crowd, and recommend to all w taste and wish to be spited, two doors beloW the Farmer's S - e v MontrOse, Sept 30.!1347.-68 M:3 1 inter Trade. °lit! of I Where may be found a great va oty of Broadcloths,.Plain and Fan y Kerse tneres, Satinets, Kentuck Jeans, Tweedsi Ves tings (a good assort ent,) some rich figured Satins, Alerinosi, Detains, Plain, triped and Plaid Alpacas, Cashnieres Partuattas, (a. new article •fi es,) Orlean Plaids, Gringi • fi For the Fall and • N OW being opened at the S 1 bil -1 land - the eat. lace 'hauls, Flannels, (wh yellow,) i Satchels, ' Oil Cloth, • r dr.c. &e. bun. AU of which will be sold a lit duin can 6 found elsewhere. sept. 214 1 1847. cgs 4 91 P Ulla A large r hssortm_ ent of TEAS. Te3-Coratisny's—some of whir than the Diew York retail price Y'DS Sheetings,' 2 90(0) . quilts, selling the store of ' - `; 'NEW 101 1 OF Just recgived, and sellingeb 00146 AFREqII tOTl—lnchtiling ii a new article for this mar ade, cake, pies, &e.,for sale by ColllllSias .31hickiere$, ituffi4 &c. Sept. 11397. . " OS' %MA% SON, " LOCK 'k - JAM !Tai 11 4 8 , 111 9MBJEfE'. V I HE 4st reteiviiritteNe • delpbut q fivorts of feethi • are thefe jr r epare4 to doh: the feney of the Patio* niajo,,die CUTTING 7 (Ioge otrehortt,lo giiief-eillisfaetiamil if ?pia loge 1; 1 74104 oPPwtte Dd &.. one door weiterefiesgiek . , Ortii+itleA: 4B 4 7 . `." I E 3 r 5 12 ; , (-111704/11:3111AXNAliA rtiFitialf Terns of ih' Insti .. 1 ''fi '' iii;: n .eiiZ a or ee li a . '' . l", ; lBl t ,', . ' khy, !sot Uaivlrsity, N.,Y. , - ... '?... ~, . : jr ,!; , A pr i d it s „ i phroit 1 11' 41110 1 4ing , , graihyl ' 'illit:o -24iiite.- -, ;. • -,...- 1_,.. , Lakin Grams 4 * ) &-fm. pisigbor ieacz: P 8 0 1 . 0 41 1,, y,PgWalvd , -4,' t ? ra; ii}arveytng; Ge ometry; _ills --,:-.: 'J.': '4. -, ::-.::' all i k a F; Xt . - Chil;i:C.':: ;1 - = li . Pitill of.*.i.konLip : t• , , ,•--, -- ''' - qiiiiiii6e; Aug. 30, 11 'M 1 ' . 1 NE*ldOpttsElit lbiLltftek tOketirgitil Tgroboilibei ,- "woold inform I th e that'lnt will`PaylolowentioSs Ito treks of Custom Clotho .this ..41460. I 41140 rOr him With limit' puitona-ma* exPeet Pow work done -inoelion, and well donsl ii ao pay. : : : A. wau r 8-. Silver LiketSig- B ' t -41131 " i di ' n t ites 1 lop. 25 pie , and PlaidsL , atm& Cash , heautifal col-. • ns. Flowers, id Buttons.-- n and Muslin 'the iourkiy.— tie)" knit Caps. • - 1- NEW- GOO SJ THE - subscritienrare now recei - & Brie-Itail lload a largeaddi nto thsii/teds of p00D5..,-wii tenders* gra soknowodps., rneuts to those who have heretofore out cardiallYiariteiOtwho are in went • rsai 151Q0D14 Qt lOW prices Mem USA call. - 11 ' . F. B. CHAN LER &CO. Sept 16, 180: I - dr - 00 - 103t Gingliatue, Al acct , PLsi~a , Prinw Dela* Hd'kfin. But,trinic 1 • 14e04:841k, Ribln* Sbeitings,piens; Oa Fringe, Gloves ,; 'Pape,,Eloikles & ' E l y* and everything atiCis than.,lo per centto be bad at •- • • C *Ca t s. thtOCERIE,• Tea, Sugar, Noiasses, Fetus,: • • - lager, Yutaka:kis, Cloves, COffee„ PoiS and att;l"u 'ri iii ix .ll . 4 m i:id hen t e r a - 0 r paired Y " 111 notice. a ' •o• • • • 0 414 & 1! School Bos4a* a i nb i ti i every . ad. 11, !mk, Soak Toy . ks inal l tiehool frin Tic ali kets ß r ib 4ranii•Beaks, Ink a Ink, WriVal , Wrapping Paper, Wafers & Wax, teell cils, Purse 110 0 ke, steel 'Pens, E 'elopes. Coeds, Black sand, &c., to be forum at 11 1 . 1 • C er &Gies. 1 nARIONV Ot. Nails & Iro4, Butts & 'Screws, (ki p . lery, Tucks, Ox balls, Glass & sae , &e., a t • I, - c ar)co,„l WANTE 9 .! I Ih exchange for.. Good s, cannel ,,' 110CIU4 fleeswas, Grain, 014 Iron, Peisrter,Xopper .& Brass; Bauer, &c. P l `t*irns.. , ..Buf- Lad*Te arpet f every variety. SHOES. of CROCRE iRDWARE of •saw to a gimh. sual, good and • Nails, Horse ugs, very cheap. rice& Looking town, A large rhninings, I - codfish, &c. ~ at loin micas.— ,it all who wish :El® Tea Trade here. pt POST'S--all of mid to give emire . have tried them .perMr quality. vite onr friends to POST & CO. ALSO—an apprentice co the trade—a lad of 17 yearn old, of steady habits and good mopil character, will receive good ento wenn*. iF. 11.0 ler & Clgg Sept. 16, 1847. 141. i . , TALEARLE FARM F R SALE.: ~' t t 400 Acres 4f: Land --15 D ere. improved. To be Sold on Monday, N Ist, 1847. . ; „.. Bl' virtue (its an' order Of the 's Omit ' ; and for the County Of S.; henna, I shall - pose to sale bfr-Public Vendue or utery. on the st Monday of Nov. ueit at; 2 o'cl P. M.• on t ; premises ) all that, certain ;piece or Parcel of,land term, late theiEstate of Eranitlin . Avery, Dee sl, 1 , 'situate in the township of New old in said comi ty and bounded on the North by ands of Solmmtra Williams, on the Bast by landsof briel Everts, on the South by binds of Job Tyler, deo the West by lands of Jab Tyler and Jared Tyl . Said Farm lies in a body, contains 400 Reim or reabouti, is well , watered with livin,, ,, springs, ha's upon it anabitn ' dance of pine: and chestnut timbefor building aid fencing purpeposes on said farm, ind also &full stip- I ply of - timbeli for fuel and o f purpose*. One hundred and acres of said are :under a good state oil cultivation--have erpon 2 goal or chards, 1 lark!. dweiling house 2 es high and AO by 40 feet With a wing, 11 large . ,a; 1041 feet of first rate! cow-barns rior sh and considenabl* • stone - well. ',Said farm ("net be • 'ded ;dm heirs, and consequently mast be la to the hig , bidder. To ,`any person wishing ; prams such a . property,. OK tnducements to a the !side are great , The /foil is good and is s itko for Misdate; pasturage Mid the plough i'' • ' ( TERMS OP SALE.-450 be paid idown = $l5O to be paid on the the mfirm y ou of tins sale.-- Time_will be given for resi eof the'nurchase money, whiuli will be merle Imo ' :at the time of sale. CHARLES TIN' 7 Adnkinistriflor of the Estate of Jr, Sept. 6 , 1 8 e.,-65ta ' • t • 1 NEW NIILFORD E 7 gts 'OEM& a .. large awl well cousutiOg of elf Skins, Kip Leather, and 1 at prices satisfac- mil • sizes, of superi• ufaeture, at prices .king. Most kinds the almvis named MOSS cir.; SON. . 9w5 the Wont on—whiti's your m anxioite to g et LOR intim world, 'our . neighborhood .asjust recaived the :nd I am not going Red and tome out I am a and Groqes is just rd the moit of folks any one, Whatever • it? Yesifor what A true system of all Niedatipn of Na own intrinsic mer as the 'our first lafter.yotir recom put my cloths—for I luck. but with I will &with the 1 o care slant good :i at the ik)r shop lore. .3 - C. C.i WIIIGHT 4 _ C. R. ~ Elllll7, HAVING bought the stock . f goods ofWea -11-_,ver.Brothers de CO., an . lined* large ad- , ditions to tbepame, now invit itheir old friends and customers, and the pub c generally, is call-. and „examine their s. It is their intention !to, sell at , priOs loirer than the same stylel' i nnd quality of a 7 es mini be pur chased 'at any other establ hment in Sus quehanna County. Their - stock embraces a la get assortment, of " 1 , ISFAPLE 4. , I' 'NC Y DRY GO_ , OS,: . II than has ever before,been o red in ihiame- U ie m] of country , ; and 'they ! lieve it will-lie for the interest .of all wishin in immliase to . call and eXamine - their Good end Priem They have also an extensi eassortnientof Groceries, Crockery, , Hardware, Dye-4roods, Oils, P 'as, Orz. 1 which. tliey' are determined dell dell CHEAP ' ER than any other Store in adorn Pena l - • sylvania. 1 . - ' '' , • SILT AND F OUR' .: . always oriihand, and of the . ' queftty; . , Cooking,,ana P,arl r Stoites, of the latest and best patte ;* Tin Ware,, Stove Pipe, k 1 tiSteel, Nees, and ?Jeers 4- Shoes o ali kinds. 'a ‘ ‘ - ittaN\ A l a I' - A very 'large assortme n t' f SOLE sad •UPPER LENl'fllt, Calf ins, Il!ataisys, SheeiY Skins,' Morocco 8 ns, Pink and White Liiiinvi, and' i a gene , 1 issortinent of Findings ;, iit, prices which d 'Y ConiPetitima, itit! CAS H - Poo for IktilinfSt Pelts, Wool; Ake.; and ritin, illuttitr, , Cheese and all kinds of . p . nal ' lakes - exchange for Goodait cull Prima': '- :- *,,,S DO pet fed ; t at" TR c" Jibe Neit : IN ford Exchange.': 1 , New Blipord, Sept. 7, .: 7 4 . . . - r Ladiele dress urns, Cia hems, te, red qnd arpeting o ' cheam fot cash I , IFT 2 II panding4he Pekin will be ld at less b y l ; J. ITONS. rillings, and Bed. -markab y low at J. Lyons. ( 100t8 'p at ~J.*". Lyon.. kit mon *, agar, et, pled tot lemon /. Lyons. Dye 1. „~ - !STOVES !I - ;STI THE **jot )o'.l!.i,rt amimui. now fl g rereverel ' . bY Alt weri*ver iti Nortkern rereee. , gimes of combining c ei tet,•ceatero......, end neatircoq will pl give IlireCalklolWll, prove to tlopither th e ye q•- ,t tie* ere, to tie with' the ! ea f t l x !,t ib !" & elule ' • '1 ''' ' I ..z. ' Eliiiiitei , :., Air,nght t `4O S_ r .• Stanley*); ~,.-;. .do -,-...-• d 1 i ,Congress,,. , -., , 'r , • ~..4- 6 , 1 ;- , - i di tti liiiikiio 6 'elEi j :46 2 ' - ' : 0 :,..-': to 1 Viitoriiii-'i . ;:'-:'''' 44 P:'*...L 0 3ian4 4iimilertk : toves Of: 0 1 : 0 *: -, 00:T/HIli4 fteilrik ....'- = - 11 1 -:::' Oitit COE S" , -Ili; •!'"!. l i r 8 - .4.4 : 0 viii i ~. Or magash4gila. : , • Coal, obi 84.pista fiTat •,''' ' • r .l - ,,,• ,~• p1,.. - ,:: .- ..- 5 k lv * l -, • "; ,l gi * ki r, tt , i ,W g ' x c i - t o f l i f l 4 i -j R --` :I ru f . o.'.0 4 :i `r i k,l;.r: r , - r d: - 6: l * - - , • ~ - ' i 1;,. '•,..a , c.., ' - it - .r. . 6'r - fork and. Phila. Is, for 1847 , 43 and k Alainde ; 64 as Late. I • e; and joartanted t _ala s %V iOn 'pike' - 1 AIMIT. 40 'wilt Inmei' " m otaeltortiVun• 0 n*Att , site* IJ-I- t-1 1 Itudimeuti,tis - i c ' '. • - . niutii-t4 , i:4 4 -4.1-44,,.1..140 4 ~•• ,i, Pos.., ' ,- C..:?.. '.!... :V:00 4iro 4 & 00 1. . ...... r .i..;f3.10 1'.:••••; : I , • '-i:!';' l 4 . ."- , ' 11 II II 3 LEY, .N. Avery; died. MANGE. nt la