The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, October 14, 1847, Image 1

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PUlLltinp TtitIltSDAT 1110aNING, Yr
)og. BOYD.
(Office, on the west ahle of the Public Avenue.)
TER4B.—ONE DOLLAR ti year, in advance.
One „Dollar and Fifty Ceuta if ,not paid , within
tbrea`litoitilis; nadir delayed-until r ater the exPira-•
don of the year Two Dollars will he exacted.
..ATirentrke Aents..,adtlitiontd will heti charged ,
viiterethe.eafter is deliverectliy Carriers at tlid - Pub
Disconlittuauces-optional„ with the Publishe r , un.:
lees arreaniges are pttid.
p clam
From the Studein and Young Tutur
The Place to Die.
I could bear to die it my father 11
's hall a y
Ntith,u mother to smooth my pillow,
Witlt thorriends . of youth to bea r my pall
Anil plant by my grave the willow.
Wh o a the spirit , borne on its angel wings
From earth to heavenly_howers,
Should list to love as it sweeter sings
Than the morning hymn,ottiowers.
Then paising away from the cares of earth,'
On the gentle breath of prayer,
Would As painless seent as the silent birth ,
' Of mist in-the mountain
But to die from home—in ff distant land ,
To yield up life's
`TO he borne away by a 'stinfiger's hand -
To a grarattthe , glootny nionntain.; •
• .
With none to_ rryd er my lowly bed,
And deck it wtih holy flowers;
Or breatbe to, beafell q prayer fur Abe 'dend
• In the blush of twilight hours ;
Would fill the soul with a flood of woe,
Dim hope with a cloud of sorrow,
Thro' which few rays of, promise could throw
Their radiance over the morrow.
Newfield, N.Y., ISd7. W. 0.
[For the facts contained in the following
sketch of Mary Washington, the public are
indebted to George W. P. Clistis; Esq.,
grandson of the wife of George Washington.
Mr. Custis certainly had better opportuni
ties than any tither one, to become acquaint
ed with the merits of this remarkable wo
The monument marking the , repose of the
mother of Washington, beats the above sim
ple, yet affecting incription. Nu eulogy
could be higher—norm' could more effectu
ally appeal to the heart of evert American.
By the great mos= of out own'conntrynien,
even, too little is known of this distinguished
woman. Every relic of her should be Care
fully preserved, as a s memento of the " guide
who directed the steps of the yuthful hero,
when they needed a guardian ;" and of her
to wbuselOiniing care, Washington hiiitself
ascribed the origin of his fortune , : ant t his
Mary Washington was a descendant, from
the very respe . stable family of Ball, who set
tled as English colonists on the bankrorthe
Potomac_ In her person, she was ofiriiaille
size, and finely formed ; lterJeatures pleas:
ing, yet strongly marked. By the death of
her husband she became involved in the
cares of a young family, at a period when
those cares seem most to claim the aid and
control of the father. Thus it was left to
this excellent woman to form in the youth
time of her sun, those great and essential
qualities, which gave lustre to the glory of
his after life. George was then but twelve
years of age, and he has been heard to say
that he knew little of his father; except the
remembrance of his person, and his paren
tal fondness.
The home of . Mrs. Washing -ton, of which
she was always mistress, was a pattern of
order. There the levity arid indulgences
common to youth, were tempered by a well
regulated restraint, which, while it neither
suppressed nor condemned any rational en
joyment in the spring time of life, prescribed
those enjoyments within the bounds of mod
eration and propriety. Thus he was taught
the duty of obedience, which prepared him
to command. The late Lawrence Wash
ington, Esq., of Cchotank, one of the asso
ciates of the juvenile years of George, thus
describes his mother: " 1 was often with
George, a playmate, a.schoolmate and com
panion. Of his mother, I:was ten times
more afraid than I was of my own parents ;
she awed me in the midst of her kindness,
for she was indeed truly kind. And even
Dow, when time has, whitened my - locks;
and I am the grand parent of a second-gen-•
eration, I could not behold that majenic wo
man without feeling it ih impossible , to de
scribe. Whoever „has seen that awe-inspir
ing air and manner, so characteristic in the
father of his country, will remember 'the
matron as she appeared, when the presiding
genius of her well-ordered household."—
Such were the domestic influences under
which the mind of young 'Washington was
formed; and his behavior 'toward his moth
er, at all times, tetitifted that he appre
ciated her character, and profited by her
*erections. Even to the last moments of
Intilenerable parent, he yielded - to her will
the' most dutiful and implicit obedience, and.
felt for her thehighest reipect and most en
thusiastici attachment.
When the comforting and glorious bite&
:geace arrived, of •W ashington crossing- the
DelawareinDecember, I 770; an event which
occurred in the "hour of peril," and restor,
ed the hopes of our country's success from
the - verybtink of despair, a number of her
friends waited on the mother with letters,
aid congratulations. She received , thent
with' calmness,
.and ohder c t'e t icl that it wits
pleasurahle - nein. In reply to their coo
gritulationi she said : " Mfgood
_sirs; fiefre
is too much flattery—still George will not
fwgettheleisons [early taught him—he will
ftirget;histadA,though he is the subject of so_
'PPch praise." • ,
*fief an absence '- of "nearlyseve n, years,
the- modierisairagain permitted to-tiee
embrace bet. illustrious son. •WheirWash
isgton Amid demounted,
numerous and AO e;lie sent;to, ap
prise ber of his arrival, and to knOw when
Winild be Plia'stirest4 receive
New iiiitrit'the, force-Of eartriediiestion flea'
hshits,•in this interview of the great Wash=
i 4. 911 101 his•-,•idniiralk,Plifr-ot arlfl'ol
- N 9,• pageantry cf-Wfx•PrOgi#,o
hiScoming—no trumpets loianded-tioliial
th ;
..; :3
• • •-,4- „ t ; .; ,
;;;; ;
it iri• .. I .IItOSF i . ,
1 04 Hitt: it 4.111 4 IF , I
' toe .i m ; :1 . 6111015, 4 „„ • . Is. 1„
uli • Wellithe .kneir-that th
aw bettitived by alkhelprid.
gave; nor all .the w!pomh ad.
-of pOwer. . lune; inn d
"in .chief of thilmorn.bih
ce and America-:the delive
'pl..' the hero 'Of A 6110,11:
is , bumble duty: tdther -rhoeri
itnthe , authorif his beink-t.
I s alone, her aged hands emu
orki6f dornesoc industry;
news,tva‘ i annottnced, that
was In waiting fut the thres•
coined him Or? warnietn.4
he' well remenib4:ed,anden,,
Of childhood. .She i nquire
u, remarked thetines 414
ad many trials h tl;tiu r ade of
tenance, spoke tinteli:pf old
riends - ,. but of hil,glary—nu! .
i • • q
ette Was about
‘to,aepart „..
. the arituun'of . 1784,' lid
s parting respecii
. the
I, and ask herblessUdg.' Tbd
of the happy e# 4 eets O'f *-
goodly prospects-hluiehopeni
rent America, and expressed
mutation of her noble sou.- 7 1
m, and in the enConuOte
ed upon the son, t the matroti
tit not surprised at, what
le t for he was al*ays a ,very
item waved,'
that . glory ere ,
fix); the gener
armies of Era
et of his count
paired to Pori,
he v enerated
the fon iideiro
Th e mother w
,in the
when the good
the victop elij
She we
brfice" and by
::ring . 'fame
foi his heals
mtgftty.cares a
liif-trustily cool
times, and old
one !cord.
Wheii, Lola
his native hind.
went to pay .h:
the of the her
reV'Xiliktinn, the
ed on'indepen
Itis 1(18e and a
She blessed h
he la s vi s s i
" I
George has do!
'gond boy.",
In her latte
of - her own go,
early life—of I
self; but of t
the' chief tuna':
she never spa',
or 'Want of a
tion had been
had taught hitt!
grqd when thl
a Onsequeace
"Alrs. Wash
in tatter life: h:
private. She
[every day to
'rocks and f r et
abstracted fro
thiags,.she co!
humiliation at
her life were n
bs said that sit,
of his being a
she' did that w
his. mind with
opinions, and t
ble ind religion
his;lieart with
oc glory.
mile!) !for :hfi
didcfor Geprge
TeW have .beet
.wisdom, that
gynwing up he
respected 'and :
of rifeos, all
s .
days, the rtiot her , ' often spokel
,d bo—of the merits of his
is' love and du tifuhiess to her.
e deliverer of liiicotintry—',
:trate of the greet republic }
:. . Call you this Oseusihiltyl
hition ? Oh, no;
her iimhi-i
ratified to overfloU , iiiff. Still
to he GOOD ; that
,li ' 'beettin9
• opportunity presented, wits
not a cause. ,
'no `' loit was always pious, but,
r devotion.was performed in
'as in the habit repairing
a seduded'spot ! , forioed 1)5 , 1
s, near the dwelling-, where,
.the world and worldly
muned with her 'Creator
Id prayer., The tuctdents,lni
t very nutperons., caphol!
educated her son with a vie‘ii
warrior, or a statesman hui
tich teas better.' She filled]
plain principles and correat;',
ught him to cherish Immora l
.s sentiments, widiout filhog
pride, or his head with vise
Many mothers have dune nit :
sores, es Mary Washington;
but, as the woad reasons:,
successful. do vieiv bs
other who sees ller children;
dully, virtuous,
ppy , in the common Walk;
hinge considered, placed
a situation its she whO
ixiety the progreSs of her off
g the craggy and thorny
nd honor.
(lune as envi
watches with
spriag asecnd
of lame
this chapter, sont s e maxim
nu will read again and again,'
o fixed iii their niernoriesj
nfluence you every day and'
you are govein - ed by them,;
e a great man ; you certain
n good one; ntut it is mutli
• 'tit to be good than to Ind
I give you,
which I hope
until they are
that they will
et , ery holm
you may beco
Iv will become
more itnpor
Rise eddy,
the. Giver of a
fearlessly upo
nd offer tip your prayers tri
I good. :Enter steadily nal
the duties of the day. BI
do trial shall overcome youri
o impediment cOmpter youti,
I -If your object be a good
ill try to attain it." Nevei
t an object. • Ask yourself
;0 the most good ; and wheti
d, throw your soul into yon
r do good to obtain praise )
iron in yotir hand•, ratite
st penny. Do mi'bud actio
!.• friend. Be indulgent td
t not implacable:hi yourovitni
determined tha
patience, and i
one, say, "li
he found wiiti •
how you ca
you have de#i oi
purpose. , v
Take a red'h
than a dish n:
to serve la g
others' faults,
h evil, and gireino quarteri
h, rather than lire to uphold
iurt needless danger, nor fly
• Inch duty impeites. Read
•k' out good companions, at
.unsels, and irnitukb good air;
Wage war wi
Dielfor the tru
a Hi. Never
froth n peril
good books, se
tend to good e.
ninnies. Nev: give way to diiipondencY/
Does the sun . ine ? rejoice. IS it covert. 1 1
with a cloud 1 Wait.till the. cloud has pasie
away. • ' -i
Take goad . are of your "Miication; se [
tha your prim iples , and yohr nracticear
en al tto you attainments. The head
Mi rill was Itglily eduented; lint his heart
wits sa ly neglected. He was too learned
( to hono his unlettered pneents f ; too well in 4
formed "to' folliiiie the advice of Ids friends
apd by far to' polite to practice-the .vulgii
duties of bis fli station. ' He is now snehilin.
his days in idleness, as low in the estimatio
of 'ethers nis h is high'iu his liwii. If . yo
wish to be a c ' nines, a grea 4 man, M. a
- .
wiSe marl, you , Must begin whilh - you'are.*
hi0,, , , , 0r you wi [never tegin atstill: • .'t'
Be• attentiv to your' manners: • Thos .
are the'teit m nn'whicifraise lydli in' ih -
'opnion•of oth rs ithatitsinkingyouinYilli
y s ,
oul Ai. poor wthiniiiiiitice lel, tdo;ori,.tirliV
injureithersel so thittibtPeottl 'iiht'Welkij
andlit'crowd . ' a- graliited situ Sid' fietl4
Orin polite pe' on pitied heti' titi'theiliitiiiii
iisedito'nfake er case itikiWO 4 htli iiialii4
iriedes,tlookin mail :stepiiodt ' fis , ardipaitt
fu,t coach ttil'onvey her tiller RiFiel,ol l4 !
~nedlis -, Pieei4 c aver ihto'ber, Ha ditandi &S 3
ankhr4. ,-. 0 a tincl'actdone. ' th'itinplicil,
iy;ti 'Worth (1 !immured: fi ne 8 ' ' heir:: ''''''' 1
i •-• i , -(::,, 1,-, 1, , ,,,, ,- • ••
M r --N a Ti v • I
stre:neg ated ea
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I`~ y,. : F4E :yi i RAFATIIANPEI Q$ .354 ) 1N10N, IS NOT
~,, : ..,
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[4; 1 .• ,
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1i is litiis 'n . fOre tha t" . ' MIV years ' . since
the o ,•,., ~ . ,
attention of ~.11 * tvus arroitec)by , :the
&itiatiin - iirpr`,4:sone,rs iartigula . rly y of tio'se
W i lii:r tvetelinitine!. ear cif utireinitiiiic;iii-
Vist'ri .es ''ti te'nCii t ei ; .ii`nri , le . c;iicy, friZo,
iiee.ciii l eV'''reiliv4, l. 'eiticl gi v en he r, a conilie:
~ ,I ti.,i ,i.::::1.-/, : "_,,,, q ..: ~..: 'II,. , .....1..,:
enr i F . spitictet!tvr
„ it. r, 51.1109 ,rAoaF,. ot -, iire,,
An . , i piight'have,rest, d;After.lierrlong.eop
tinueditil;, anti c limed with her, into lion
pre re IrCMell, i I to consciousness of I.llllllUr
merahllacts of hindiiess, bestowed and i dw
a,,u1..,,, I .. I, J. . ‘.., I. .' ~ 64
ttes . tiii, unt i l?, , perior f nieti. But I, felt,",
, 5n.#0 . ,51ie,.' 44 that I i ;
,11:d ' pp right to live for
f in e yelf ahine'j';lint-there.was flinch work
io'lietione in . the world ? and there trust be
'something for me I'o . l 'do: Wife I - ezigerly
iisko l Ortnyself,' What is my appointed mis
sion 1 I ii; a s r led into the prison.liOnse.s of
the 4 1 414, and roll saw.that Any work : was
there." . .
' And . liravelYis . slie, perforoting . lier heay
enly Mision l 'Travelling don' ins cold and
storia4 expending her income, her energies:,
and her . heidth i . witnessing scenes of degra
dation, and filth, eiceedingly revolting to the
fastidiouS delicacy of her character, and con
,tinuallY Brought. into contact with plivsical
. -
',,;il mental sufreriinf a , ronizing to her coni
paisionate heart, i
I inquired whether the amount of good
accomplished, had, so far, equalle,d expecta-
Aim's., She said it 1)141 ; and that her faith
in i t he power of kindness over the insane and
vicious; had' been more than confirmed.—
Among the liundr,eds' of crazy people, with
whom her sacred . ini4ion has bruit gt her in
to companionship, sate has not found one in
dividual, hotvover,tulmlent, that could not
he 'entmed by Sripture and 'prayer, uttered
iii low and gentle tones. The polder of the
religious -sentiments over the shattered soul
seems perfectly mirafulous. The worship
of a 'quiet,'filving heart affects them like a
voice from heaven. iTearing and fending,
yelling and stamping. ? singing and groaning,
gradually subside int i silence, and they fail
on.iheir knees, fir ga e upwards with clasp
ed linds, as if
. they -a w through the open
iiig itarkness o n gldeti gleam from their Fa- .
flier's throne,of love.
On one occasion this missionary ofmercy
was earnestly : cautioned not to approach a
raving maniac. He yelled frightfully, day
and night, rent his garment, placked out
his hair, land was so violent that it was sup
posed be would murder tiny one that ventoy
ed within his reach. Miss Dix seated her
self at a little distance, and without appear
ing to notice km, began to read, with se
rene countenatice and gentle voice, curtain
.passages of Scripture tilled with the spirit
of tenderness. His Shouts gradually subsif
ded, until at last be became perfectly ,
When she paused, be said meekly : "Read
Inc some inure: it does me good." And
when, alter a prolonged seasoo of worship,
site said, "II must go away now ;" he et - ger
ly replied, " No you
go. • God son:
you to me ; and you must not "go." By
kind words, -a promise to conic again, she
filially. obtained permission to depart. " Give
me your hand,"soiehe. Site gave it, mid
smiled upon- him The wild expression of
his haggard couotemince softened to tearful
ness, as he said, " You treat ine right. God
sent you."
On another occasion she had been lead
ing some twenty or thirty maniacs iota wor
ship, tend seeing thiem all quiet as lambs
gathered into the shepherd's fold, she pre,-
pared togo foithto other duties. In leaving
the room, she passed 'Fin insane young mail,
with whom she had several interviews. He
stood with hands clasped, and a etainte
mince of the deepest reierence: With a
friendly smile, she said, " Henry,,are you
well to-day 1" " Hush !—hush !" replied
he sinking his voice to a whisper, and ga
zing earnestly on th'e space around her.—
" Hush'—there are angels with you ! They
hive given you their voice!"
But let, not the forMalist suppose that ,he
can works - ueh miracles as these, in the pro
f fessed name, of Jesus. Vain is the Scrip
ture repeated by rote. They , pr a yer,
most bethe MOCK utterance of a heart over
flowing With . love, fir to such only do 'the
angels '‘lead their voice." . -
a l
- . c, ',
4 ,3 4_,44(
rtAffro 4 itP.
Mat 4 1 ` -
'7,F sitc-1
~~, i .=
-,~{, ~~
.AN iIwiLwARD . AI TAKE ! ---A correspon
dent ofthe.Herald o , Religions Liberty tells
i L
a shOrt sto,ry,about ,an inscription on, he to-'
cede eta church recently. ,built, uillich was in
tended to, be as f011a',5,: " My house shall
be culled the house e prayer." • ,
To i losurenccuyac ~ the stone-cutter was
referred-to the.,yersclin scripture in which
these, words, occur. The workman, .howe v. •
ever,,unfortunutely,tritoscribed the whole of
itos,follows: ".bly house shall be called a
home of ,piaierot 'yan have made it a dee
of thieves!" , Virlien.ille, error. was diScover- •
eil, an attempt. Was made to'rectify it by fill}=
log up Alt, pripts of • the obnoxious .letters , -Macy, • This, remedy, however,
prolied i wpri,e- than, the, mischief; .for at II
short distance T hie l made,: the first part of ,
inscription ill . crible, 4 Stood. out in,blushing
lilies, the 19atj qqs.,f§, l 4-enee—" You 'have
mudejt„,4, ,Apf . ,;tliteves!", Finally.: the
t o
~. Ved i , y turning the inscrib
eif face inwar and Lettering the, new out
sur4lF4 qc.04 11 / 1 t4';9 18 . If' ro jqtel,!tion.
' • -• ~ •:. ; • "
F:40. 51 k3 , 4 1 ,11Prfte.P ; has /well
said, " PeoplCsvho shedder at a flesh wouild
nail' eiricklertifl leinifiile t4ir
ehildrie 1;11 'iontiets;! iltitl icSnipas
nionth ITlefi itiOnthu'abikeite !'Of
- It'ifotifir 40' leffik
,1116 . Obis - teat
and.' efetititl'eniistitittionti Of" nor. 011ftriin,.
griidu4llTtc l o drittir'nni diftiee - ,af;bltied
dieir itein‘, , deriiig'the: l ;intne'rength wrOthe,
thairterbeitd 'breiithe;
hours of the day, the lifeless and poisoned'
eel of Some of ole."#tnol;roems: Let any
salitiP*Oeltillirlifclieeitinrieth,eiii!'illi 06660
t or hreitthifiii-hliiiieii
be endangerid by
, • • , g i -
A COMICAL AFTAnt—As the Amer'
schooner 'Rialto t lay• ne intchion. hie r
spyarp,on,the Canada ; shore, she,bi
sled by n Custom-ho;tise, offict, Ina
etal, deputies, nrated f to the teeth.,
,• t i )-•1 1,• .• . 4 44 i ., ~ I 6
oinni i th on y man,oo , . c
,„ art
. t erk,
ed uPithe Captain and , cretT r ,and , infirr
i iCin tha; he lIIIA seized, tine yes#cl.,,ln
•' • Ltthe 4 •t . F ; v ' I t''' tt)
name , neck FT t o l mitio 11l
oi l .o th,•l 4 , c 4 l l 4 lio ,llyMN,Plr,Tit&e4 l
personli with gunlto,)artd.ll,l)o9 t he, Can
Sde wlll l O 4 -r Ci*Lifhttliel.', fi 4Fia ,11 W'
i'Otiv-h(iiiie at POrt.Ayesti,„ .q,
- ea thu 'thr - ,Prt!'
*Of. on store ' atinp
tile. oltcer would , 'Mit'tidaiit the cfcose,
Ordered' the ,vessel' into,the harhpr,, as
propeiii of the Qneen.:Tlils,..rmmed:
yetikeq,captilln dander, ao di ke „lam
iiiely slipped . cable atto . 'steerpd, i f?r4l,l, ,
t le officers and their arms go the„c(l4 1
i otwitlistanding. A heavy it i e .i . f '..2 1 1
plirbrigrup, arid the 'pu'stoni-lib ,,
carfal• that the vessel Wouy not Weathe
stbrm, had expecting every miniate'.tifik
the bettom, worked as rtien 'rie'irei W.orl
They were permitted to go iisholi•e- iitlli
gi, and having hut ten' cent.? :intone,: th
ey were compelled to . boon ibot lii 81
Rock, whence they crossed to Canada
""' A rtiNNY Mottve.—A 'paper
Hampshire, and as strong advocate of
hour' bill nia n• trimeinitim or" h . ( 1
fork lit' factories, *seri by the Legislii
dives the fullnwina-reason fur favoring
, .
"One reasoti which induces cis to sup
t . e ten hour hill, is that the fficthr . V girls
t 'en hhve time to garter their itneking,
t mortting, instead of having. so frequ'
I to draw them ip in the publib streets
The O'CoNgitt.t. OSSEQUIS (ST
VOREi crfl Wednesday, ,were pitrticiptit6
hi• n company of sumo 15,000 persons, ,
eluding numerous assticiationSi with t,
henners. The •great procession formed on
the Second avenue, and moved to theliat
terv—Thos% O'Conner being Grand Marshal
avid General •Stortns Deputy. ',The lievrat
marshals and aids were mounted militia&
shine horses, decked out with! sable 'trap
pings; while the riders them Selves *ere
dressed in mouriling. the Fisneral Car,
Made by John George Taylnrotlis sizieio
feet *We by eight, and the height - fratn4tte
bottom • drapery to, the platforin was lour
foet, and the frame drapery eighr feet. it
was drawn by twelVe horses, licitly capar
isoned With plumes• and sable cloths !and
velvets.' The coffin was covered with green
velvet, richly trimmed with { white satin and
silver • laces. Gov. Seward's Oratinh at
i tn
tle-Garden embraces a high eulogy ti in
the Liberator, and a review of the wr tigs
and sufferings of Ireland.
•A droll fellow was asked bi an old'
woman to read the newspaper, and taking
it up began ns follows:
"Last night, yesterday morning, about 3
u'•clock in the afternoon, just before break
fast, a hungry boy about forty' years old,
bought a penny custard and threw it thin'
brick stone wn4l made of iron, and jumping
over it . broke his ankle right above his• left
knee, fell into a dry' mill pontL and texas
drowned. About forty years after that, on
the same day, a high wind blew downi the
Dutch church and killed two.dead pigs at
B,uston, and a deiid horse kicked a blind.
toatt's eyes out."
• From the ''.,?.. O. Oelo.
Our anticipations of the: utter futility of
any attempt to negotiate with the Mexicans
in their present temper and• circumstances
have bean more than realized. The terms
proposed by them . indicate a haughty pride
and obstinacy, utterly inconsistent with the.
charaCter of their defensive operations.—
They are the terms of victors rather than
those of conquered. suppliants. The .terms
proposed by Mr. Trist are far more .liblertil,
than the popular sentiment in this citniary
would—approve. The manner, in which
they were received by the pompous and pre.
tentions enemy must convince.every 'en et
of this °Union of the necessity ofour•goV rh
inenti pursuing the course which we hay al,
along advocated—to wit : to occupy, ma
sess, nay if it be expedient, to absorb M
co in the United States. Let there now
no longer any opposition to this war, f
idle hopes of an honorable pease from
will of the Mexicans. 'We rit.e in it,
must fight it out gallantly, and the :
P et the government throw all he ene
hisources and power of the rept tic into
prosecution of this war, and. the coat.
subjugation of the country. 1 '
The dehherations between the corn
sioners of the two nations , ennalrnente
the reading of the correspondence betw
Santa Anna and Gen. Scott, . Which le.
negotiations, and the Mexican appoint
of commissioners, which documents:ha , .
rendy been published.
, •
Conditions (orrint4,on which. the.:4 l
i . .
Taus:otter of ; s ite , United States ought I .
Itncgoriaied with, and Which should ,
l as. a .basis; to those of Mexico, propose..
.sine moat excellent Xresideni: hy :the- ~
. , ` sister 'of Eoreign..Relat,ions,,and,:appili
by his Excellency in a Council of it
ters :, ~ ~:1 i
-.1., .
~ • ..i
Ppride4,.ti;of , the ; plape , of,lcoarare
orit to, be h ioterraediate-
~.lititrPpg, : die
~ .. ~ . - /..• 1 - ' •
• - . ~ • ..,,.0 ~•:;
'PravidOs also. ilatt . , before en r i ng u
n gotinOons,, the dinericao •• C . miasi •
, : old acknowledge she right of, elihira4
i ...
o ~, llic, part of Mapco.: . that 4,, lietlie /
in rntini), of ,OV . itfilted `4t.cite4 , ,l a 4. c'
a gr9niliza its
.4.rritory;,oy . , Mhey4o, : :
,re p 1499 N.aaterit i with Allot ~whiclititktffil.
dyi ocellpy, 1 ~,Ifitliat. which haloa f etiosis
iiegli, kt) , oe, qap4o. 4 ii ‘ Pur. - cP9.4 I P9t !0A...,
,thia,,tpffi,e' IF dpOiitiON 1ipy,...1: 1 414:03,4i1e,
frllft.Mha. L.VM 3 ,9..t..* 99r•5c0ei1,..744 AtOt.; '
er everwthey 'caw proceed as theyiklilrili
' *i
gas sad the wail, will continua
r rt •
k!;. 1 - *
• 1 1, Sf;;*
oi.t, 0 , Witt t
' ,
1, 1
-eammotc4, ; 1 :
• • 'r " ,;
11l ZOnOil ?.. di 4 1 71 r h.
(ft Agile cip,(te 4`41'0",1%.
ies shall be
d6an in
kiip#ibk nf
fg,to;'tnid vi;Geti it "',lliel,PVo,thp'Sinit's
til'toal 'gr o ans ;
the- conipreitrlut#:betr mi "
Pdi)Qtll'd it "
.i .. .. •
.;:ii , ..,
3:'Tiis eiliCitati6if of allll4 . ,llle#ietrAe T
14 1 ic 1 . 1 4f. 4 ,4 l ,Vibi:/', 'i;i,,,itlfitio9 l p4li9il, ! anii
the l iettstni . il, " Mitiethad leaving free our
', I, Shall he, a eppaitio#
. 9f ,, i N at,n g , upop
ah otli'dii' ( ;iiiiirn'4tiie.i*iiip,, ) , { ,,., l
'•'• '' l7 *r, q44?itg*i'l 9M 1 ?"9 .!1., WtiePt of
~..„ii„,.,,„, ~., ~:.,.5,„..,.,
'''. 'YU no ovelitsh li., Ithe I a raltel of 26 de
greeif' li s d l 'lltelbanl . tida jr,,' wii ch wtuild . ,cause
the, l tteHhile`il toss all , r $ 'W . Vezico, :al;
iiibSi t Ullb,ttitia 'r, ,l' Siinii a,, part of Sieut
lila; ii l iiil' tilino44ll';ift.T l Pp California.; the
ofinegiiiin of apart oiould,if be San Fran
ms co, Anal!, he . 1410
,us al:cowry ; mever as
ii l iioilii4ery.. 1,. * I - ' . 1 , I .
6:' A 'seilled:intleMiiificadon `for the port
cirSaii ll, riatiaiSe.Planil tiw y of ccfmruuni
cc t ion ,to Oregon. -i -
II ‘lF l Tlie'samelfUr the' intries, prejudices,
itiiir 'exfrtordinary'expen s of this war,
hiadi',inithe,territor. or i tfis,Repoblic, as it
ii' that for 4iiieh, l tlieylcapieto negotiate ; and
Whieli l liai broit i ght,them tio . the capital. ,
' - 6. Tile lance Vir,hat which the families
Of Villaitierits; Mon t erey,:,,, era. CruZ„, and
.; ritbeV,Oitlei; toWnsund vil ig,es of the Re
pelifie',;hiive tiffered in entiseiluence of the
War: ''• '.' ' -
':92' i rtiO'sme for depredat ions committed
by their troops. . I l i
.-.. .
O. Ilie same filr. thosei t c.omtnitte . d . by
theirs blinds'afforag S, whose ficetitious con
diletl liliY,iriPlateillth Teats 4 natiom. •
:•!•11:,',The're sliCil preSeTed for payment
as we ll itie
,rost,_Ot 11' nidafi ii '
as that of the
recla - M s a l tion's Whiplilbaye baen, :made, ,
.''l2'.' 'The United. Siaiei shall recognize
the l te - gitiiiiady,of tt,e owners of lands in,
Te'xiti; limier
,: gratifs . ..given, anterior ta.its
clecliriition - ofimiejmiidenc4, as, well .Icy the
general' Goverrimetit l as - hy iliat of the State,
if till ilia,' leave t theiri, their free use and
I 13 1 ,' The UnitedlStitteii:shall entre e not
ticolierinii - ilaerj.iniany. part of the territo
ry ticqtili . edfroMllVl t exico. 1 • .
14: The negotbitions shall- be upon the
baSisltif reciprocity,' and duke regard shall be
paid to the respective conditions of the peo-
Ole tithe two natiols. . :
'l5. Less than a ear for carrying into ef
fect the'definitive \t' eaty, cannot be agreed
I n 9
I[l re
,; ltl
16. The guarant4e Of its' o l bsery ance must,
by agreement, be sciught; in a . ..Europeon
power, or in a Continental ,Congress.
17. Tbe ba;is ofl this' will be the Repub
lican system 'upon ihe whole" continent,, ex- -
cepti'ng Itiazil antf rrench !Guinea. '
IS. The treaty 'lwhich may be formed,
And! not prejudiceln any manner the prin
eiftle or" the mostfavored ; nations," which.
the Republic has 4 . inceded to the most of
nations With winch it
. has njented. ' •
19. The restoratibn-of the foreign prison
ers shall be demanded; and' none of the A
merican army shall'etiler *the city.
20. The return of the ships end trophies.
21. Arid as' a general bitsis, to treat of
pence as if we had Triumphed, and as if the
war_ could be preseguted wii.h advantage.
' ''" "
V. ROntlie, !
..' ' 'lt ONDEItd. 1 I ..
Me:tico, August 1, 189. '
Project of a:Treatirpresentrd by the Amer
can: eonttuissioneT on the gni, of August,
at Atzcopozalco. ~ ! 1
, At..l. There shall. be a.6rm and univer
cal pone between the •United States of Amer
ica and the United .111exicart .States, and be
tween their, respecuN - o countries, territories,
cities, ,towns, stud villages, Without eiception :
of,..Plncen or. persons. ;All hostilitiesiby sea
and land shall .dehoitely cease, alt' soon as .
theratifiearions of • tbii,treat'y .shall be made
and,exchatiged,by both parties.
Arq.. , 4,11 the prisoners dfswar made by
both;perties, as wall,.by sea aslaod, shall be
ret u med. os Apon as practicable, after, the ex- ,
change of, the!,,ratiOcaticis'ofithis treaty.— ' .
And, further, if there_ beLati present any
Me:jettp citizen's,. held captive by the Ca
maitches or any-other savage:tribe of Indi
ants ; within tbe limit - is of.. , the United 'States,
as, ;lie same ,are,defijitl by . .this this treaty, the',
governmenl of the United States will: Te.-
1 14irelbe, restoration ,of :sat* captivesomd
their lihe,rty io : roture to their bouttes•in 34ex;
lc°. „,
~ „. • •...., ~ ' , ..1 1,.. : '.i , •. - - 1
1'4414. So swat RS this treaty •sliall.have•
bpri;doly, ralifieditiy ,the Unitediferican
Alogsi.„#, : shall ; , be .1 made . ktow n -with • the
1 0.8.1 4 5 4 ; 1 94ty to tbe'V;mandeit,orthe forces'
by,sest„, of tb parties ;and in con.
seqoptro. there ishall, bo suspen s i on . o f h ost ii.
ihes t os Irell,..hy o seaLt i te land, - is/Well on • the•
POT.A4fxr.the,;llilitary,, Od , na - Tral forces- of,the
_T-1n0PLA1019.4,•.7,0*.; , p0i Apse ,of United - .
itt , RFligiul, SAP te4.4 . 1 134 f,lvaid -, suspension' tof: -
1 t40, 1 10 0 * Shall th e intiiolably,i °buried , b r .
botkpartjes,tiraimid eiyati n rr thee:change.
of/1.414i, 1 11i00.4ti0ne io tithe p senstreatyi , ;all ;
thgifotAiMr,ritmits,, places , Undlapacessioni, , :
winuPOOvet 41tet,,taa i bet,-Arhich, have, bees:
mlic,l,lo , , , ,thiNgited Suthairom the United i
,!,IPP,Ot Pinkidori Ober wiril eicept such
ar t—LlfoiMOPribe ed, within theiiiiiiti , of
: 1 4,1uNAK, - $l4lO. itheiarnertinain -de...
fined by Art. 4 oft th - imathulkaUtbelreturn •
etl,ys:itheut delay, -0 d :with° tteaUsing any
ideanNeciou 0. emrac . 'uti mf t a ilkcivor any,
i°o4,r, Public' propol7:-.iihat i !ert.'ciriginally :
i t
i ceptg* ; la , said f fart* oir:placesv.aad , whiCh- ~
!re /1114 ja ‘hin,:whe lum ratificatioof this,
1 0 1 e14.111.4iL1P - Ni*c Orldt• ' . itrthesapie,
1 mtiquorAti.tbe if •••orrittiri i ires.l:: , •3•t)=. ,
/ 4411.,4 1 ;1Thisif As log lib obeli:64lElb l ,-;
piu lt rnpnbficat abal emunte aviiiiiths: Galt
,4eAlfitrii.throet: , l goat. ' ',.-ti4fii i i i :6 i n ;
1110419 C: thitintoOth ,ufithe ' nigniad e it .
ir ;
the Wong the mi dh Of I. :host to - the '
I , na
i 41;
, to
.0 ,
;!! - 441. •:;;t, ;;
.7 ; •
t" .
• •
\ b,i f :took
giFftiCiszlisTeg.' ll 4loreil aloe - •
41*_„ 01440141,
• *wiggeth -fttei.:vfithtelftinljiti'd"
i• rOtletriiitieVW 4 ''
Pepin Pir zear, •
•.Ig l z9b
.id t( l5:
. • 3 ;,
Owe •'4l,4littisembehill !•rineielealit',3*.kb
l erS tlpq faid44% 1. •
o.ot b 1 4#
.4 t.
, 1 , . T al, .
Gi ( .7t1:51 Icl , .
.where iit,41:44 ei). 4h
qt e .
: wer•
4sicßi-tbcP;o,WesSwirl ,lp 9l3ar
et:R494 of,Aew,AeziO o.the,stutt
908P(A 1 9',R 1 99.; t 1990 OOrthsnr#
fl 2 P:XCfltortif4 l o , , 9f , eve. - Itexiits,
• ,t , le , o:ii r 4 .
re . r. :0414 4414 PIA curb .11 1 )!,14r1In
IPilivF4-I,4*Atita , Arfqi i nt in t .Bai# ii .
t i lt ths..-.A, RiL l 4 4 , - ssolibs3, , AriditheOcc-in 4
ilille.4o4!9•l4PßOs. , ..nntl,d97oiard Lot:
.idAe, oft ROA Mrpn.0.1_,:404,0t4 061844
''o4e7 440 4 !fill/ Ptl9.S.intio :the RiiYen .
' ' ' i1 , .0;(9e ., it. 41 9?r,0w,ttrd , 1;y• 1• 1 0 in id 4 le "
' orin l 9.l , lwik-4x, the .tniflliie of the P° t
l l 4o rrini , tAAo9l.P9o l fie e flo h lir -
r' t i s s , ki , e9otleres!ion 'Ad le•oxlemi°
' 0,4414 41C4h0.111nit0rl States, as. th e
4 4ned, 1 4,*,precge4i4ottitele,. an ~
he. , 4 1illithnirak-,which ,arelmille_r, co -
ilAATA.,§;,thi„llnit,e;l, $i e..olettofficl .
cf ,, ag a in st.44 . - Knitnirkilt9-§rateP
eclarnaticsf9o \Pogo?' costs' 1
war, ; 00, 4 h9Shles I '9.rerf , : ro- pay ,to ,th
ed.Xoscao.SAn tor, 1444 e ii,,i of Mel, -
49, 1 4P° et -r,•-, l: j .' •. ‘-` - I
,6.,..' lit full consideration i o the se -
ii i
ona coroleiner4n articles 4 an d 8 of this
y, the „Unite& States, agree Ito ; assn ty
pay all - - . 1m95,,0t ,presCq lio to 60 -
and these whick,may•.he :he eerier e
1 ni.
Shed, ~ ;according; t o the i' onventieo
• furled, between! the .two,3,reaublics in
by, of' ,4„ezico, On 4116 p i th t if Jam*.
343, to aavide forthapsymeatof what
I he. decided in favor of' thelaimints
irding tole convention. held b weeit the
ed ,States, And the Mexican eputtlic,
t &Oil/ Of•Aprii,.lB.39. And t e United
i t
• s to
,assttme- and
.pay alt. reelamatinn rt tit
citizens p 1 ,41., United. , States, , States, 'apt it
government .of the Uinta& Neale n
,- s, pot pevinusly decided,,to an antou t
-xce ed in gtw a minions, of dell Ors, whi
ariP9o'priPT, to the 13th *ty,!lE46, a d
h :shall ~,4e,, Adjudged to jbeidue by-fa
mission, ; , by , the gOvernnient
he United iStates,, whose decision shall
efinitive, and coact usivir,l provided al-
F, thitt,ia decidingien the validity of the .
',derpgpii,F,,Alle,conlatissicr,shfill be guid
nd goyettted by, the principles and rules
-erilred.bjr the,.first
,a,nd fifth articles of.
unratified do., Rveotiob, concluded, on the
. '. I I i .9YRAI:PAri Ja 4 P. - atirl in no 1 case Phall
: gtve d judgment in, favor of ,any claips
embraced ; by ~ ibose principles. and rules.
, the United States, fohe inesent and
future, exonerate the United Mexican , -
, es from any of • the said demands whets°-
, WhiCh may be admitted or rejected 'hy•
board, of conamissianersl t,
rt:4.',.14 in the opinion Of said board of
. missioners, or of the claimants, it shall
, onsidered, necessary forlthe decision of
of ,soi&Oninai that any book., registers -
Oetimen#, Which may
h e in the power
Ossession.of the United IgexiCan States,
1;1 b§ ex amined, the commissioners or
i "ants sh all make, within a period to he
:.. by '
. Congress, a petition to hat effect, '
, e MeziCtur 1 Secretary of 17( '
ion AIL,'
'., witiChlibill be forwarded 'i him b,
q ; ,a
cretary,, of State, of thee States, •
I the IMlC*ican „government a gree to ze
nith- as ?iftleelay as pOssible after the
.ipt of aaid pelltion,,Whalever Of the said
-s, rcgiStits,rp documents maybe in its
•ession oh power,•,whiCh may have '
(I for from saidSeeretery of State, who
inimedinteliiltiy them before said ru ard
on-Osin s iters, , krovided ',aliays that .
•-.e said
,petition, shall* ntiade'Py. off/ or
441111'114, Abe facts which they expect
i Dye_ 4 : '631 ch : bOoks,-, register or deep
ts 'Shidl have ;been first si'ated under oath
rL S.' the gOvernment i t oi the United
icon States hereby forprer_l concedes
I guaranties to the
,goverement and ,eiti
• Of the United,Statcs, the right to trans, !,
, acrass:fhe , lithm us•oft . Telruantepee,
sea to, sea, whatever means of coin,
leaden, _lney at the. time e i xis t, whether
I' hO,drLq,7,AtF,I tree. trim. el j 1 t° ll 9 v ,r,
ges, att . :articles whairev l er, tile • natural
.. tiara, 4f,,the,)laited. tatetr„, pr, file pro..
0t". 6 , 1 .0.i49Ftt,tr05, or th products AO
da6i4i , e,- 1 -.k any
,country"" w4ateier,he
..„ .. ..-, ~
mg to,dip . gov i erumed . t..ori i citizens, et the
ed*Statert eCnelf,As thp f ' Tight of
~ge,to.all,citizens,Cf the iUni il States.
g6ye64, Ipp,t ! c'tifq uil463,*C*Calt
.8 , 6. 4 1' 04y ,FonCeilps, : andli . guaranties • to
. overument and ciiizet ,of the United.
.5 . t.)i9 . 110-jiiifit,;'),tim§,ag . elforltheirsne!-
c!iii# and; : tirttelea afor,estild, al it grants
Owa . clti2ero;:hy, anY,T4il rtiad or ca..
,,rtylberchflcr, pe.fin ttucted tlerrsta •
aid Aitlieti,, ,W,liether yol govera.,
k 4,tew 1 4 1 ; e 4 . , 81 9A 1 9 sta '''' °rl) 7''
fu f
i thOoatitin, mixing.anti; such pHs, as,
r'1),4,-:estsliaiskOri a nd noodle -9r=ll
ui*,0%,e,.,,ip , p0ic4 °F One teit P •
iticlet ; o.rnerchandise, tneut on e&
?ng ie . the ; tOV'eritment and, .- i4e4 :,
iipte.a,o4tCh;,?r,i9'.3 .the Pe 4 0 s of SO ,„
. oiLtr.PnsSitf.,e,Or,OrAftia f _ Ird,od`or ca - , ,
i 'lid shall he , - ",charged. oiCcollected 'T. :;.;
;•tri.e':-,tirlile;sl4!l4, t 94o lii in . se . 1 44 T: ;
t s :tkit 4 0 # 1 : 1 P- 1 M9 t i l r FAiTt 4 pr**.i.....
`, 01,nlit,I;11 1 ,4;p2Iductl, A. • e Pr 50.90 I,
'.' ' i '? ° lo'4.!i r l . f , ,Po.4 ' .ode, r,Y4 1 .4 13 9e -ir
:',go cfrttY- - \ ,,or„tho ,peso P. fats nit ,ii
' ti ll - tai 4 s aid ar iClestbi'-ilie ;1
~, k , .pirmp ~.,rc;.,,,,- t
~.. 4. '
Fs l IFTP: I 7I 7 I A 41 31 , • 1V - 1: , ,` V . e ' r f ! a i l- d
Us "Hn fr.'oo- 4 ,Cir.-P , P h i, ;. , ,
.0/ 01 ) 3- P r OfF 4t' SRP”v i * L ic ti.oisc,
tO'Aist•Ort l L#'- I ,olt4V ß ite4 :
.414.,_ ,
11 ;;! * ‘i k' T l itI T'i r e P s1 110 Thi t! ' :fsc u'r . ' I ':,P; .
1_..r,ej.0,kiM,‘40:.-,ol4lrtc.ipiticq,q) , * ~ 5.,.
whatever,, ,vrlicuipx.., 91,T 1 Porke4P4f- l ii iz
P I ;RP„,*. , -ATlMPF,9,o olr ..FilMol ti .k. 47 , ol lr ,
-.,erntitiSet t '.*ith„sorklittlO th IRY as 44.10
likutii4l' 40,:ipgr - 0,..up00f old pitti...;,
~,gll4tigns.Aii,nrY., , , l ie- a iiitiPed r 10: 'al
, 0 flyiidli.iiiiCaud I, 0 4 4iiii Art IPh 7
#l.?e-PrOe:re#l4..ra,Zlll.l.. "b 7 _ ~, ,
ti l .
. t :tilik4l=,gorl49 l .Ceq-Fs: he; ISIIKRI
*id iligns'iir,tbeitriilaffS, teK:t_q
gitilltflig*F* rolior . uutsoow,
y!};aoii, KAT thecitise6,
wend' "power, while th,
i nl m d l n