The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, September 30, 1847, Image 3

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    they exiitiAtil
as cottleerated by the memory, of nes."
C r We wool call. he attention dour bUs
iness men- to anew paper' late - tidy web.:
Oohed entitled the "Mer
cantile Advertiser." ' It is a large sheet, con
taining a complete Batik /Cote List and Pri
tes'Ptirrent, together with a goodly amdisnt
of Miscellany,, news, ike....-Published .week-
Iy at the, N. l E. corner gd and Duelt - etreets,
at $2 OO.per annum.- A copy may be se e n
_ at this office, •
A HINT TO TOOA9OO. CiTcas..."-To
thole Who use Tobac c o, we Would' most de.
cidedly recommend to purchsse that sraMp
ed " Globe Tobscco.Worts, Utica," as we
=know it to be the best article of ‘• fine cut"
brought into these diggings. .
Er Get). Caleb -Cushing has been nom
inated as the Democratic candidate for Gov
ernor of Massachusetts.
rir We found a slip of paper headed
-(4 Liberty Ticket" in our office this morn
ing, without knowing from whence it came,
or whether it be correct., If Liberty Party
men do not deem their nominations of suffi-,
dent importance as to hand idtheir n:tick
by daylight, or at least to affix to it
some name, we ought not to publish it; but
presuming the notice to be all right, we give
it below: ,
Liberty Ticket.
For Governor,
F. J. Lemoyne, of Washinton co
For Canal Coinmiasioner;
Win. B. Thomas, of Philadelphia
For Senator,
Ralph B. Little, of Montrose.
For Representatives, •
John RlPKinney, or Gresi Bend
Ira Kinney, nt Binintrim.
For Commissioner,
Swami Bang, of Bridgewater
For Treather,
Alfred BRlldwin, of Montrose
• For Auditor,
Hiram Allen, of Forest Lake
Sound Doctrine.
The Philadelphia " Spirit of the Tinies
and Keystone" holda the following sound
doctrine in regard to Caucuses and Conven
tionkfor designating . to the people the per-;
sons fur whom they must vote :
" The people are becoming dissatisfied
with Caucuses and Conventions, as hitherto
constituted ; these self-constituted bodies are
justly odious and cannot go out of Million a
moment too soon. We must deiise some
mode which perfectly.,barmonizes with the
great principles of Democracy—with the
true chictritie of equal rights. The .people
must have a voice in selecting their candi
dates; they will not much longer be satis
fied with merely going to the polls•to ratify
the doings of others.
"tinder s the present caucus system in va
rious parts dC the country, but very few of
the sovereign people generally take any in
terest in the matter. The business is usual
ly managed by a small number of interested
individuals, who make the noininntions to
suit their 01vii particular 'views,- all that is
left fur the people to do is to go and vote.—
The people should make all the nominations
" TREY ARE PASSING Away."—lt is our
painful record the death of Major
William Popham, whose services in the war
of independence are - gratefully acknowl
edged by the whole nation. In addition to
being the oldest commissioned officer of the
United States, he held at: the time of his
death an office which the-immortal Wash
ington filled, viz: the Presidency of the So
ciety of the Cincinnati. He died yesterday
morning at the advanced age of ninety-five
yeari, and hie funeral will take place this
afternoon from his late residence, No. 122
Waverly Place, at half past five o'cleck,and
will be followedfolii last - Wsting Once by
the membersofihe scmlety l oEirliich be was:
president at the time of his death, and
urge concourse 'of sorrowing 'friends,—N. l
A BAD Orncen.—A correspondent of the
Nia . ALves the following
teturrenoe i'iblelitrajaraired just
_before the late battles, and whieli' 'sow&
114 - w much victory depends upon good offi- . -
Yesterday, dui 13th ult., a detachment of
dragoons, under the command of Lieutenant
Adde, were sent to_escort Lieut. Hatisilion,
of the general staffoo a small place called
Mileflorea, whither Lient. Hamilton 'bad'
been despatched, by Get, Scott, on matter business, The c,ortnitand of dragoons:
consisted of abctt 30 of Capt. Diaperu's
company, arid 13 of Capt. Kearney's com
pany, with Lieut. Graham. As the party
were returning, they were fired upcin by at
party of guerrillas, 300 in number, from of
cornfield on the road side. At the first fire,
the-word ' l -. l retreat"- passed from front tu
rear. and the third dragoons, who were min
der the command of Lieut. Adde, commenc-,
ed a precipitate retreat. Lieut. Graham,;
with his 13 men, were in the rear, and, es,
soon as he'saw. the .iituation 'of Lieut. Kam-,
thee, rushed to his, assistanee,- et the:same
nine endeavoring to rally . the third dragoons,
as they passed Isim,..but without effect. He,
tnererore, had to bear the. brunt of the en.
gagement,.,e; elhe'lecieio4Oceinent, or leave
LieucAlisiiittOtrit the mercy of the
IffeonnWkr.,,hin gallant-.Lcotointutdrilanad
. geomad, and)au•UMededle holding the .
enem.fin4*.ck y til Mr. Gard., title of
Gee- Seatt i alliterpteitata, waltAfahle4l.4o ral
ly the third..*;g44lLad as
sistance. -2:AffserAeliat:le#o4 bait brought
beck argS-ifilayAssOasagereikrbeiyAught
v ith.asieisigiipterAl%mie`:4l* had
peter ' 00:00# 40.:100:::::', : .portiote that
good calee***liiige `lo.''set4liiiiiil men.
The engagenegleithir 'iiiiinrtfitie, and tke tri
fire from..the enetuy,,,Vritir very rapid. Lieu, 5:
Hamilton' was- aitisch4 laacimof?
!nd Woe essiitimmeois Id be. rendered ilieso
he received • severe - tt
The 4iieley . waelMally &POO I:6*, the
Paunit With
..oloni:of killed kft . upiiik WS,
Oviialcia:Lisatifteisilsol,* AO•
he ewe* /mistfthd• 2 040-414 *44
e down to
icli Mal'
Honesxiale, ¢n Oe 23d inst., by Bev. E. E.
Guild, Mr. JiHi - N of Brooklyn, -mad Miss
111..a4rr J lila:cos, of the former place-
On-the 29th inst., !by the Rev. J. al McCreary,
both.of Great Bend: ,
Ire this BoAnigll
FI ET, infant
Gro' es:
LLOO ther
Don't stop me,
tosut me a coat, fo
says he hi the 'best
Latest Fashions' re
to wait until evert
second best ; you
roan of as good tas
the malt to suit m
say that he can c ,
may be his shape.
everybody says
cutting disclaims
tiara's laws, and s
its. -Why, I tell
rules of arithmet .
mendatiuue I will
have!always had
such proof staring
crowd, and.reco
tasteand wish to b
two doors below t
Montrose, Sept.
Nthe Fal l
ow being o •
Wbel; iriay be fon
Brnialaloths, PI
Saiineta, Re
tlngs 1
' rich figii
Parmattaa, (a a'
ea) ()detail?!
SbawJa, Fib
Au - bcwhicketrill
t*, • Ccezte Nand
.10M13 A I;
A h;xge
Tea pompae?
thau , Ale New lie
the atm of •
art -+
i„.14,5 1 / 4
A n a. 24 41147
Ulls ONNIII6-i-e
4 '
11. j , ,inery
, ,0,4,-
- yilit`
r , . .4
~~. ~Z
go ohs, killed:f fand . 2 l l4eiiitens; who were
with the comniand as guides. *ounded...-...
The let, dragatmealio hail„, tefi very flue
eo diniand been
horeei Willed.'" ilia die"
• prel t lerly mans led , from theignrtf - nts sietliOus
damage .would have been Ittetained by 'oui t
ric h
the `'eneaty,l*ll, seeigely liiidt
r l . r, .- ~ , ,:i: ler : - .
with. 1 ,i •
• itiieuti Addel is under arrest kW cowardice'
atoll dislionom ,
hie coadnet in the 'face oT the
enemy. •Tlitiehi4e r!'llaltenilty are very
severe, and will be proper ' - investigated.
co E s ! Cußse! CUBES! SOW constantly be:
h i g o r f oroed bylDr. Jitayates Family Medicines.
Mrs.. Sabra, wife of Capt. John Dunbam, , Galbraith
Court N 0..! 6,, Fbilddelphilk had-471 y bad cough,
soreness of thebreilattrunt side; Sore throat, cosuve
habit, loWness of *pints, with weakness and pail in,
th e e me ng the back.. Spitting of blood and liver
complaintlew beide entirely; tured by using Doct.
Jayne's Satiative :pilis,. Alterative and Expectoraut '
Froth the Gre i ii - Pa ll s, (N. H.) Northern Light.
Milt ii With leirsuie that. we give place to the
following letterit'!frorelliir. Ire: Hdckins, of Tam.
wort h, whirwus 'Opposed. to be put, cure of a Con
mniiption3at ivai restoreifto health' by t h e use of
Dr. Jaynel Expectorant. We cat speak with con
fidence of is medicine, as we know of many of our
friends whe have been greatly benefiued by it. .
I .-Tit i 1kt,..1-1 ,
Mwerth, ~ Dee,lo, 1845.
Dear Bi s—l feel it my duty to make known to
you, for th 4 benefit of the public. the aid I received
r tlll2 the uXe of a bottle of Doct Jayne's Expect*.
1, which I purchased of, you. I had been sick
between fide and sir mouth s, caused by the lung fe
eer;!whielrl left me in a very low state of he al th,
With ave bad coogh, acid for about three months
I Could on y speak: in a whisper My friends all
thhitght to be in a decline.- My 'physician said
.e had ', d on all ` r rue he could, About this time
It foittinat, y *a ' advertised.
'I in the papers, Dr.
Jayne's E pent ° nt, for sale by you. immedi
ately senti
von or a bottle, and in two days after
airing I lit IX to re el better—in about ten days I
cavered-my N'Pige and =old speak telensbly well--
and Infers ! u ainglthe whole bottle-Is Wasnearly as
wellies ever. •) My health is new gond. I attribute
iny'eu r e sorely to !Dr. Jayne's m"diciue.
_,-• Hnckins.
iTii hfark !Nob] ..,.Esq., Great Falls, N. H.
lPrepare4 only •y Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and
sold on agency by N. MITCHEL & CO., Druggists,
Montrose. I • • •
Wheat tlou4 per . 1 e 5,75
Corp meal 1 d 250 ea
Wheat, per bash- , 1,00 e 1,25
Rye, 1:10 i y 75 ea 0,80
Corn 80
.„60 ' ,68
Barley, do 1 0,00 ea 0,55
Oats, do 0,45 0 0,50
Butter per lb. Coiiige co. d,20 0 0,22
do , w tern dairy, 0,12 ea 0,14
Cheese, perqb. 4l 0,06 fa 0.08
Beef, per barrel, Mess, 11,00 e 11,75
40 , prime, 8,50 0 9,25
Pork, per b4rieL Melt. ' 14 ; 75 0 ,
do prime, 12,50 e 13,00
Lard, per lts. - I
(I,lol o a 0,11
Hams.per lb; 'moped 0,07 ea 0.09
American weal, p.r lb. 'axon 0,3.5 0 0.374
do i ull blood Merino 0,34 e 0,38
•do ' ', & i Merino 0,29 e 9:34
do t stive 4. 1 Merino 0,26 e 0.29
; Deaths.
on '"l i iielsclay morning th'inst,
aughter of John and Harriet
enders of the World
, Dick—bold On—what's your
stranger„ I am anrions to get
e greatest TAILOR in the world,
everybody in onr neighborhood
tam He has jest received the
m the City, and I am not going
y else is suited acid come out
`now that won't do, for I am a.
WS anybody. nod Groves is just
. I have heard the most of folks
a cont to fit any one, whatever
you believe it? Ye,— Or what
oat be true. A true system of
1 foreign aid—all violation of Na
ds upcmits own intrinsic rocr
mu he is as sure as the four first
Well, then, after your recom
ve him cut tint my cloths—for I
rich tarnal bad Inch'. But with
lin the fc.s I will gn with the
d to all' who care about good
I 'suited, to call at Me tailor shop
e Firriter's store.
0. 1847.6.8m3
Rind Winter' Trade.
• ned at the STORE of
.. a great variety of -
in and Fancy Kerseymcres,
tuck Jeans, Tweeds, Yes
! . d assortment,). ,some
I'd" Satins, Merinos,
Ino;_Plain, Striped -
I ' laiii Alpaccas,
ash merest, :
t* ititicle for ; Ladies' dress
aid's,. Ginilintni s t Calicos,
• itela, (whiie,l resit, am
atcbelsi Carpeting, i „
Oil Clolli-, . - . , .
&c. lac. 4cc. ,
be sold a little cheaper for-casb
i - I'llik DISPO 7 I I I
of TEAL including the Pekin
". ',. e of Which will be sad atlas&
,retail girkges--by :
. t •__ 4. .I.YONS.
• = :Sheeting.,-Drillings, sod ;Bed
is;, selling remarkably low at
.1. Lyons.
! ore, 10018;
+ems►€e~`+~s-,-...~;.. , y
. .
A t i l t%
this osnys,. used As lessor
• *le isle ,Lyous.
_ •-;: J. :IXONS. •'•
"'f imoitieeije c if :17otet~ee' and
• - i!adtl3"ciiinlit
Gindiszo k eadictior r. 41r4;24
i ll
- PPRltows Ar: Pi&
lI►ELAJAIS:, ' .
limr„ Dadai;*•ilvy:*
0407 i,
puE inibilarilier would informs the public
1,1 4 , au l wtWp E atiOttentionln telling
of ensionVEloibliiih s All 4411-
ror.hira with,thek puttcpp,znay corpsetilieir
dittio in sciON l And flppp pr no
, take; Sepi. Ft8,4847.-49W4
, . . - NEW 9001)S 1"
ITAP 0 0bicribera afro 110 w nessivitig by the N: Y.
• .& Erie Rs& Road a large addition to their stock
GEO Wei lemur ur grateful acknowledge
linen 'to those who - haverheretofore favored and
*rainy inviteall *lib aSe io want ofgood GOODS,
loft /PE prices, to girst •
F.B. CIWDI.BR 44 co.
• Sept 16, 1847. _
1: •
Dirk' GOODS.
• Girishams, pacas Plaids, Prints, pelains, shawls,
Hdlitii, Buttons, Thread„; Silk, Blankets, Bonnets,
'Ribbons: Sheetitigs, 'Shirting, — Linens, Diaper,
.Fringe, Gloves, Tape. Disks & Eyes, .and in fine
(pverytltiig at less then 10 per cent—to be had at
Chandler & Co's.
Tea, Sugar, )Molasses, Tobacco, Salaratus , spice,
Ginger Nutmegs , Cloves, Coffee Cassia, Powder &
shot, &c.
Tin and Stoves on hand constantly—stove. ware
cud Tin ;ware made to order or repaired abort
Books & Stationery.
Sellout Books of almost every kind, large and
Ismill Bibles, Fancy Books, Toy Books and 4chool
!Tickets, Blank Books, Ink stands, Ink, Writing &
!wrapping Paper, Wafers & Wax, steel Beads, Pen-.
Oils, Purse hooks, steel Pens, Envelopes, Cards,
Black sand, &c . ., - to be found at
Chandler & Co's.
: Nails & Iron, Butts & screws, Door handles, Cut
lery, Tacks, Ox balls, Gluts & sash, &c., at
Chandler & Co's.
In exchange for Goods, Flannel, socks, Beeswax,
Grain, old Iron, Pewter, Copper & Brass, Butter,
' 41180 7 -an apprentice to the Tin trade—a lad 16
Cr 17, yenta old, of steady habits' and gourd moral
Character, will receive good encouragement at
F. B. Chandler & Co'a.
sept. 16, 1847. .
400 Acres of Land-151) Acres Improved
BY virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court in
and for , the County of Susquehanna, I shall ex
dose to sale by Public Vendue or outcry, on the Ist
Monday of Nov. next at 2 o'clock, P. M., on the
premises, all that certain piece or parcel of land or
farm, late the Estate of Franklin N. Avery, Dec'd,
situate in the township of New NUlfonl in said c'ouu
ty and bounded on the North by lands of Solomon
Williams, on the East by landsof Gabriel Everts,"ou
the South by lands of Job Tyler. and on the West by
lands of Job Tyler and Jared Tyler. Said Farm lies
in a body. contains 400 acres or thereabouts, is well
Watered with living springs, has upon it en abun
4ance of pine and chestnut timber fur building and
fencing purpoposett on said farm, and also a full sup
ply of umber for fuel and other purposes. One
hundred and fifty acres of said farm are under. a
god state of cultivation—hare thereon 2 good Or.
elands. 1 large dwelling bouse2 stories high and 30
bY 40 feet with a wing, 3 large barns, and 100 feet
of r first'rate cow-barns or sheds, and considerable
.stone wall. Said farm cannot be dititiedinuong`the
heirs, and consequently must be-sold to the hifheitt
bidder. To any person Wishing to purchase such a
property, the inducements to attend the -sale nre
great. The soil is good and is suitable for meadow,
mixturage and the plough.
'TERMS OF SALE.—SSO to be paid down—
WO t o b e paid "a the confirmation of the sale.—
Time wilt be Oven for the residue of the purchase
mime;, which iiU betiade %mewl:mit - the' rime of
4dminigrater of the Estate of F. N. Avery, dec'd.
7 Pept. , 6. 1847.--65 ts
HAVING bought the stock of goods of Wes.:
ver Brother's & Co., and madelarge ad
ditions to the same, now invite their old,friends
HO customers, and the public generally, to
call and examine their goods. It is their
intention to sell - at 'prices lower:than . the
same style and quality of article; can be pur
chased ott any other establishment in Sus
qutelmotr county.
Their stock_embraces a.larger assortment
thitilaslever before been nftered.iit this sec
tinit of country ; and they
,believe it Will he
for the interest of all wishing to purehaselo
call and examine their Goods and POces.
rliey have also an extensive assortment of
Groeries, Crockery; 'HitrotWare,
Dye woods, Oils, Paints,
which they are determined to sell CHEAP
ER than any other Store in Northern Penn
alivitys on hand, and of the•best quality. '
'. - CoOking and Parlor Stoves,
of the latest andbeat Pattern,.
Tin Ware, Store Pipe, Iron Steel,lfails,
and Boots . 4. Shoes - of all kinds.
V4l r ttitaVW& l
A very large.assortment of SOLE and
UPPER -LEATHER, Calf Skins, Pittney'ot
Sheep -Skins, 'Morocco Skins, Pink and
White Linings, tifilf general assortment of
Fihdings at prides w hich defy compet'itibti,
Pelts, Wool, &c., land Grain, Butter,
Cheese and all kitidillif - -Produce taken in
eadhange fur Goods,at-cash` prices.
o .* Do not fail to " TRY" the New Mil
ford Exchange. k
New Milford, Sept:7:lB47.
TSCHOOL isregah' ved ftom * '? (*ATV
''' erny!"te' afi effkilde a 'situatione in a c+vinnedk
mil hojtse, Where Miss I NlL'LllRD.l.l4Prizidipal„is
prepared'm receive Young Ladies to boari and.nd
ucate.:; Having bad much experience i &dug
Young - Ladies IoT T h et orponinsmEn*h arid
,slse;.'-.ol'bbld 'bei itrive a 9last
, loirbenn partieuiwri - ' • ' Ant gurmi'dn'thi
I *deal.; fl'etittiag. :7 c • IL.- , s g
' .
The, kali Term will on Monday, Ikto
bee 4th. Pupils - may finiui their own beds Ind
Viddoo.**.Aidatt irsorbalrieideihinGokiNvill - he
e on heard. , f, „” 1:, ir, . - , ~,4 .;;I:r, qt -
t'; 4.7.,' Merits of' Tuition. , i it
1 ; Common English Studi)a.... ........ $2 o
l Higher brauc ialPPFti4%)(7-: 4- , A 4 ---- 3 30
' . A. 1.0" ( v..GioOmbl- lie- . . . . . ~i,4 -
lA'orrre'ijele''' ' 1.-. '' ; 4:00 . ka
- Mask aid* Flaw.— .1.% . ' ' ' , $ ..00,.
Use.ti d 0..... . ::1,11 00
rtAlge for boarttijOi " _
."' ta s te
tpea *Wogs per,: week. , . War- iielidaii iyildsiagY
fi t el, and light. ~ , . _ !, . -, - . i- , : } .k
MOITCHAnd Mies. LACZKAN iiii4‘' -
they' adairioes iaViia ' • .4 ; , .': ft O'i I .
~ 'tilt; -.'• '' 411.--k- 7 -
: m i.... 400,•:••= , , . ..,= 4
. ~..,......, /Am. 111, Ittr: '.: r :: ,siso • A
To be sold on Monday, Nov. Ist, 1847
NE*iiiviitftilfr a - •
LOCK & JAMESONi 1 - 41
HAVE . li:titreceived the New York nod
deloliltePorti Of Fashions, for 1847,-8 ; :and
are them by ;prepared to :do work dissapii; ofi, as
the fancy 'Orate Patron may dictate.- ,
CUTTING done on short notice; endiWnrroated
to oe rotisfaction ifll_l4 together right. 1
Opp opposite Mack& Rogers Wagon shop,
one door west of thellorik, Turtipace at. L e
Montrose, Sept-1847. ;
In Sullivan Cote t* - 1
THE County of Sullivan baying been lately s*ofi
from the County of Lycomnig, and ilia Cointty
Seat located' •by Commissioners' appointed' byiihe
Legislature tRI tile Lands of the kibstriber,lte offers
for sale Village Lot; and binds. adjoidingr: be
ing part of a huge body, which he will sell to ;suit
Settlers— Mill-seats and timtrer plenty.
Enquire of LEWIS EANER, Cheri Titant.
ship, Sullivan County, of MICHAEL MEYLERT,
at present in said. County to make the necesiary:sur
veys, or of the subscriber at Sew Milford,!krisSpre.
harm County, Pennsylvania.
S. 111EYLERt.
September 16; 1847.-47m3 S '
Pocket-Book LOA!
LOST, ter Thntidiy list, Sept. 2nd i ,kin the tied
between the residence of Suel Corbltt, iti Conk
lin, Broorneeo. N.:V. , and the Snake Creek Tannery
in Franklin;' Snag. 'co., a calf-skin POCKET BOOS{,
centaiuing 3 prommissory Notes. one of $9OO against
AbAjtdi Upbatn,• jr.. one of s'2oo hgainki Peter Mug
for , and one of $479, with endorsements; against
Baldwin Muzzy—a check on ' the Bank 4t' e
York of s2so—and between . $3O and . $40 . 1, in bank
bar, a $3O bill en the Massachusetts Bmik.rthelOth
era not recollected --amounting in all to about I sl.-
355. The pocket-book also cdutained the c4tifi
cotes of ordination of the undersigned.
Whoever - will return said Poiket-book ivithr the
whole contents to Win. Bolton, Tunkhannock, "Wy
oming co. Pa., or leave it with flee. A. Brpok4, in
Montrose, shall receive the moneV therein costa iced
as a Rewind. CALEB MUGFOR
Montrose, Sept. 6,1647. ' ' 6.5w3
ABOY about 17 years Ad, of good Mor
al Character, can have a situltion to
learn the Tailoritig - Business by npplyink at
Montrose, Sept. 15, 1847,
THE:largest and best assortment of STOVES are
now being received by the subscribers that
were ever. in Northern Penn a. Those who asp de
sirous of combining comfort, convenience, econpinv
and neatness, will please give as u call, and we twill
prove to them that the above qualities are to be t had
with the least possible expense.
Empire.- Air-tight-Cook Stovles.
.Stanley's do do dd
Congress do do -
Knickerbocker do do d
Victoria do' do ,d 4
3 and 4 boiler Cook Stoves of lel
most every pattern.
Double Oven Cook Stoves , &ci
Of various kinds.-LSeff-regulating, Air-tight, Pa i rlor,
Coal. and Six-plate STOVES, &c.
GP' Stove Ware, Tin Ware, Hollow
bare, line 4. Copper Ware; and in A.itort
ettery wally wanted, on-hand, or made
to' order on short notice at
F: B. Chandler 4.
Aug. 4t4 1847.
THE Fall Term of this Institution will commence
on Wednesday the Bth day of Sept. next, un
der the charge of A. J. BUEL, Graduate from Mad
ison University, N. Y. •
Tullius per Quarter. .s.
Writing, Rending. Orthography, Budimentvof
Arithmetic, Geognsphy, and English Gram
mar . • .... . S 00
Latin Grammar & Lessons, Chemistry, Philos
. ophy, Botany; Logic, and. Rhetoric 00
Algebra, Surveying, Geometry, Astronomy, '& -
French 00
Latin and Greek Classics 00
By order of the. Board.
Wll , l. JESSUP, President.
Montrose;Ang. 30, 1847.-04tf
WATER FILTERS, •patent . portable WA
CLOSETS, intended fur the:SICK and IN:F I M.
l i
, .
MANUFAcTURE and keep constantly on band.
a large assortment of the 'above articles to-
Fether with' their .Patent Improyed Salamander
IRE-P4OOF• SAFES; which are so cOustru e t e o as
to set at rest all manner of doubt as to their bnig
strictly ,fire-proof,and.that they will resist the, fire
of any building. The' outside mites of, these', fee
are'rnade'Of boiler iron, the inside case of aoaps me,
and between the outer case and inner case is &space
1 ;
of some three inches' thick, and hi filled in With in'i
destructiblematerial v se as to ntake it an impinisibil;
by to, bri any n( the contents inside of this Cheat.
These Snapitone Salamanders we are prepared. and,
do chaltemgei the iveirld' to Products any.itrucle in the
shape of Rook Safes that will Stand as'much heat,
and we bold ocrselveo reidy-at all times to have:
them fairly tested by public bonfire. We also eon
tinne temanufacture a large aasoilinerit of our Pre.
ntium,Air-tight Fire-proof Safes. of which there have over 800 now in use,. and in every initanee they have
given entire satisfaction to the purchasers—ofwbich
we,will refer the ; public -to a - few= gentlemen *Li
have them in use. ;
1ia,,,,, , n0il &ipuyder, Pottsville; r Joseph(}. Law
ton, Pottsirille t'llt. William Cuir, i Doylestown, yi.
N: & G. Taylor, 129 north ad, lit.; A... Wright &
Nephew, Vine sLlWlittiff Ale:tender 9aror, con
veyancer, corner of., Filbert and nth . sta.: , JohW M:;
Follit 32' u2rlb .24 at,; Myers Suer northal 'Ls'
James M. rota, 101 south 4th:at.; r. David....ll9fDP.,
8 south 3d At:, bist th botT: Mills 2O iinztl2 - 3d, it ; '
and we could Milne, vomehindreits of others if itc
was n,er r ,elliarYl 1 110,, , ,we invite the attention of the
public, add partienlarly those in %rant of Fire-,woof
Safes, to WI ; it Our, store beOmai...purphssieg,elso.
Witere,!thd ws chi itatisfy them that they can, get sr
better luskeitlaper article at eurentniiihsn'itt any
Other establishment in the city. :
W5e..1114.), Ft
low prices, Aber .niiiiititii , *ire) Piite ''.
Chests; miens low prices, ebeipet thictbsy alb be:
bought any 'idler store in PhihidaPhia. • _
• f,
.! ,1f,,,,
.4.1 1-, fl - DAVID . ,EVARS: 1:;ii i
. :t4 , , ler ', It ~ ,- # OI : I ANNES,Y . vAzfors. r
.i!Ilb , l." - - .
VWXG44.lorasitiby 1•1' • ~12 '
WIG tholytiltei;:iciata 110u$8, womap.94o
ij. ?km rot*, 1§ , ,, - ,Nraistor,
oak by J. tTON.T.
;,1010riulosw, tilboos
Musuigri.DEMlSE SHAWAO;;Thhie•
Sheet*, a friosh papply4am ajpgasik ,
ling chap !!1,1
, • i LAMES
A rro
,irsol 76 tpthp,l4 !.: '5.:
ottitiSE*o7 - s.
it , •
'l -1 , =•-• •••.' •
- EN
Ack cY
THE D,LDESTTEk,l*stiali „
, tstimENi" IN
. AMERICA 1 - PElgtn
rawly, known fur ntatty year s , 4, This ,
gest anti oldest Tea Establialynenthjy t aVl h ;
public have had fell peer of ihidrinti k ei t ;;;; re.
aponsibility. Ant nab. has been:the
snag demand for their TPAS ()nate,- theetlici.
been obliged to enlaige,ie a Pat ezterit; th4i4 , 40
principal establishments; in New York, viz:
126 Chatham 4.163 G4temaick-Sts. '
They moreover possess Oseilitiesi in- relation-to the
Tea Trade, in a very abundant degree, and doubt
less superior to any other Tea Concern in America.
Their scrupulous regard s to all prineigles that tend
to elevate the character of a large house, is well un
derstood, and has already secured them a connec
tion. probably, larger thaeall other Tea Establish
ments united, and consequently they are determined
to sell Teas parer, more fragrant; and perf!et fat
the priqesd in the , aggregate, than any house in the
world-,-China excepted.
They respectfully invite the attention of theinhab
itants of Susquehanna ;county to their Agency in
Montrose, mhere the foll Owing. assiatments are al:
ways On hand ; and they feet no hesitation in stating,
that wherever a single trial is made, every decided
preference is given to, the celebrated Teas of the
. .
4eader maktig theiexperiment.
Retail prices as follows, subject in all taste
to be returned if nbt approved of; ,
..$0 00 lb
Fine ! , • 0 621
N 0.2 fragrptdo
! , 0 75
N 0.3 verifinedo ' ' 106 "
Silver Leaf, do i
I ' .. 125
Good 'HYSON I- ' • 075 . "
Very fine do 1 L.. 100 "
Extra fragrant. I ' 1".25. "
Good HYSON 8K1N... 1 i. ...... ...i... 050 "
Good . 1111PERLA.L.... ; 075 "
Very fine do ' 100 "
Extra She do L 125 "
Good GUNPOWDER ' 075 "
Fine.... do ... ',. 100 "
Extra fine do • 1 :25 "
No. 1 ,OUCHON - G.......!.. - - go 50
No. 2 do 0 624
, ,
Finest do - 0.75 "
Fragrant POW CHONG 4 ...... ... ...various prices.
CONGO - ..various price .
Fine .00LONG - _ ...... ... 050 ~
Very fine do
... 0' 75 "
Extra fine do . ~. 100 "
NINGYONG variouS prices.
TEA. (very rich Pekoeflavored;) .... 075 "
Fine ORANGE PEKOE—, - 0 624 "
Finest PEKOE FLOWERS. ...- ..... 100 "
HOWREA, or finest Black Tea int-
portedl 00 4
Ne plus ultra TEAS, Moth-Green'tuid-Black, of all
descriptions, the highest grades grown in China, at
$1 50 per lb.
COMPANY are the ezeltuive venders of the s, .eri
or Black Tea called " HOWQUA'S MIXTURE."—
They introduced it in :Vineries in 1840—and every
other person or house:prhfessin , " to Sell the same at
all—much less at a hewer price—deceive the unwa
ry, as the public themselves will p4reeiVe, by com
parin., the. spurious with the genuine "11uwcpta"
vended by. the Canton, Ten Computy.;
Every. package (in.aeldition •to its chntsining L
WEIGHT; independentof the wrapper,) bears the
stamp of neatness and elegance, and; the Teas there
in are so Ithorou t , rhly secured from light and air, that
their grainy and power Will remain unimpaired in
any climate.
' J. B. S.A.LISBT:TBY, Agent.
MoUirose, July 1,11847. ssyl
BEST FRIEND is confidently asserted
that there NEVER %VAS aglediC4le which has. given
such uniform and universal satister,tion, as AV RIGHTS
They have stood dui i severest trials, by ..curing
-when all other remediesl have failed, and have es
tablished a reputation in the lace of the envious
slanders which have been raised against them.
each produce, by their !variations of temperature,
peculiar effects upon the human body. The heat
expands, and the cold cone-acts, the volume , of cir
culating fluid, and when olnuages take place sudden
ly, the.elfects are often serious. Wright's Indian
Vegetable PHIS counteract the.evil influence of such
changes, by purifying the blood, and keeping the
stomach and bowels in is, natural and healthful con
FUR FEVER AND AGUE,lhat scourge of the
west, Wright's Indian VegetableXills atand unrival
ed.. An instance has never come,,to our knowledge
of these Pills having been taken, without effecting a
complete cure. In ChilLs'and Fever the bilary
functions are chiefly disordered, 'superinduced by
great physical debility. 'When. the symptoms first
appear, no time should be lost before resorting to
1 these Pills. A few days', will give such relief that
no persuasion will fiezecessary= to continue the use
of them.
ECU D YSPEPSIA, Wright's Indian Veiitable
Pal s will b e fou n d very superior. Ip., this disease.
the gastric juice is weak: and deficient in, quality.
Couseqoently the digestion is impetiect, and the
health impaired, These Pills remove the bile from
the stomach, restore its; tone, and improve the di
FOR' JAUNDlCE—'Wight's :Indian Vegetable
Pills are equally well adapted for'. the` removal of
ibis complaint. As they ioperate upon thervue gen
erat and uniform principle, of cleansing' the , Mon:t
ech and boWels, purifying the lAtiotl,,fluci .rectil,itlg
by secietions, they remove the csust.itif.4aundme,
and of all other,MiuorderS., t '. , .: ~ ~,.
difficult precisely to tell to which cifitlie.tivo' 'seieli`
wri 1 01.! 8 Indian Veiatable.Pills hive beenthe great
est blessing. But is is very certain thin:4l4s* pip s
have given health, spirits, and • a zgOosh compliiion,
tolundreda of females. -who. would,' Without 'them
have, been in their gravel.. A box of Wright',lndi
an Vegetable Pills is an inestimable medical 9:,n.,
punkin at certain period... --v20 . . .. ,•",. • ,-:-- :
, r.. READACH, GIDDINESS, &c. , ,-, •- , -
The presence of pain in sty , partitidleittieit:oo : ,
ruPS state of the bloodivihielf Mari* li ' ti' ,l7 ivfzig;;TA:f
correct. A few doses'of l WrigkqTritiiisn;Vettis . lei
Pills taken on going to-lied 'v011'1)6'411440;4 gitr,e
relief, if the thing be all' sisteibli. •tl - •
VAP: I ABLE'ANTI-8AL1,9‘.18. IDIPIN.!...Iqt
isfwell knowii thitlheaontirana s erest 'Seek' more
hattrtritionrslistordert IhniefridinitlllsAiiirialikitir::
ed. This is partly, q * tithe dij - th*, but chiefly
to the nature of.§outhe and .Western .life. , The
sensations , , • floor 0 41 1 PliAlte •of the
most wre
is frequently brought on y:liver Oomplaint. A pa.,,
tieut suffering from this slild' i not ha l mo4 7 '.
.ed With pfetzindideiziei: Yet total i;tiry , few
nsediciatsk mit* a atravy till he them* _ ne.tlutionm,
plaint. Calonsekhailii .hitherto. , , iv t i ref el rt;ii?
ants?, bat ash remedy hie *Ted i inittl'•:: . ,thisri
the disease!. - What then WO bil.duill T r.Wo . )!#y
- tive Wright 's , Indian Vegetable `Pillalw' i tiiil; If
they dun htlhacescl you azimuth)* ma Will liar
111 thoi•opprpblial of failure : And we isay,th all • 4
TRY THEM!—T h e re 1119 , 44 k, i i. V ab a ' 4, Y ,
t;koS it ilaiff.a.vala am dillielVar, '7t .. i.:
• ortit wok', MORE-4, Wbei 1 1340110,4thit
'Wrjght't .4#an,Y,isetabllA,Filhl i rs * Witifief* ,
belt joidicueirin ever filird• -- ef,
,I7ft to tits k
Doittivu 'dor, rer_i itataet It'athady, *bleb at;
v•hhiatneteW We liatasii4i'. , ..l4thaikiall ' •
.INTFAIIII Cl' IMITATIONS : 0 f... - bpliai
-let 4 lallikf. MT' .1 6 .0 0 4:_treket9ittOd.1
•• " jou Pills - riv!lfrifilt. - hiiiita - at... Alf
:- - hoard that ' aftaii3l;_ . ~ . ire
_, s
tiV 4 iiiir: via gtosioni ' di*" „li ii
... Al this chalk like amnia. .NO
- ' "
4 1* * 11 17, 1414 . 11*1 1 1-11111 sir: . -, r..: :•+,. , i ,k -:1"1F',..
iia i zi
, . ,
_.~ ~.~.v~ii:
,BITY OE THIVIUMILAK AGllNlll.4llfirs 161
tto The'countrylismiraitbri
caw bp& dolour molt sk i
which isms's: Is sot, tiwoousishith e lasit
obul bat Willem. *mita robber; dint
BuY Of thellgair, why AVILIIL€ OI ,7 uiPW
Cbsittiktleilitufinip s
Ira ScOtSS &vat • y
- • - v. •
..4 , lllV'b t lfriiir;Dili?ek 9. -ilie. 4 - ', ~.
_ •
Edwin Tifrawareoltiru'i.
R. L.llu4lhin, Suumb ;
mitt N* AtilfoM.
' E.,,Reutledy, Gibson Cerra: • ;
Ssailsy:46..cunis;%Risi Gibson t
A. "P(Citit r ' Rush. I`
Jos t :Pußoa; Gicat-Send<l •
James•Cirmfort,',-Haitnonp s..
U. r
,G.G. Raiford'.
.Charles L. Brown, Fnendinfip": 4
ofc '' devoted exclusivel y to th a ask d
College'd Heath, N0.,28.,,00w__,L
8 N
York; No. 198 ITreinirot rt. pn*'
IG9. 'Race PhiladelPtda:'
, -swaregiiir st a tr , .
31 08. TIROS:Xi
T. I meit; HE andereigned, having estailishedi*t it**
STABLE: at Oise. D: 3 VI4 itt
is prepared -toi!accoremodate the iiabtre
and gentlei _ .1 • ! -
• .I:l9lifes and Cairiatea'::::., •
of everyl'eiciiiithm,sMreasonat4e tame , ••
Plemore•partMS will. lser furnisW, , oritkhstv
for horse ql -Tim* .rid4'7.ltrivaleolon'thilt
notice. _ • I
Believing:Aga LlVtat 113TipLE . :01 bet
ses and c:lrreigis will toe a grftri to
the citizens of,fdiFitree'l-and the pub leo&
able to the prepriefor,l he xespectfitily, solicits the
patronage of thp;ridinig-Public• I.I•
D.I Ill r DEN 1110 . N •
Nlontrose, Jdly 47..--53tf, •
I DS!.
S.' S.'IVIULFORD 3c 1 80 N„
- lama now on.hand a large nuoTtinent
11 GOODS which they will Alen ad Cleves
Prints-4 large assortment ft
61-4 to 121-2 cents.. Sonie
beautfnl patterns and fast i
ors 121-2 cts.
Also—a lot of Printed Lawns
-a large ; assortment of Gootial* l
men's summer .ft
sold.N . oo cheap.
Woolsey* Woolseyla best : Loaf
groundanticrushedgitgar,wai 7 :
ranted.' pure, for )21-2 "cents
- per lb. I
Young Hyson Tea for 25 cis pr. lb..
Better ;" " 150
Best ag " '`‘
Molasses for 47i •
And all Otter Gicceriefiequalbr choir forTilhi
iS. 5.',111. Sai:l
July 8, 1,847
• ' 'l 3 . LINES
..Gentlemen'e ganneal cotter, old
& Root's ar4i sttSre.
lAJSK 4 NEW IN ' •
Attorniegliticao -vrtii'i re:* ' sou .of
court 4191!4 , .i -'5 i'• . , 1 , 1 •
F. "...tsx. : N. NEWTON,
liiiiN it MN CIE,
moved.kis - pifice .0 „Tot opilce ,- tail- V S(0 . 4 •
unedoor Bist7of,the o ffi ce of. B. , T,Cascr
ancitbiee doors wesra tlic - ; - liirer - Trialeg
tn ! e
five. -4- ' - ' -
smiTlis , sTE,vENs &.orgy, ;
Cabinet arid,Chilit•MakersMoti , Suagaebsaaat
county, Pa:V -"'
.1. „
' 7. iv
. .43irra,
~ I :I. stav e s/ : I ,
. . , .
A. SITH, At, _ ApART. . ',-
Saddle, Harn€4,icitid Thrai - .1i1id50 . 443ti0p opposjptr
the Farmer'i. Stare. - t
A good assort feat of Dry - Good 4 Dreekeiri,
ware, Ste. ~West side of ' bli A7eirtte:
• - ;BENJ. SAYR'
Dealer in Stoves, Hardware, Dr
side of Public Avenue.,
'CRANDLER I de-CO Stovely , Tin-ware, Rtatuntinrilbit
side of. Public 11 1 VeliIIC - •
. •
Denim in Hats, Caps, rues, Plolierl!ouitni
Wnst side or Public Avennei. t .1. •-•.• : •
- '
)3. S. BENTLE Y, -
Attorney at Lam, at the old °frit ilea,. rods.
,of the. Court4touse.
(CHAMBERA. t.q, ;!;.-
Attorney over StOrs *UT.. L. r . da,
ciiin4r 2 of 'Pane Aveutii aThdlippike
',PARK , tO,IM9CK • i
9fpcif t moitcardiv:4 dr
Public iveoocc ovirtiaoAtoto of &AO* ikCe.
E. S. Diotoc*-.,
Ponf mrdsooo,l
Paints, Oils, and a variety of ai 4. nizks.
MACK & gtOGERS;---4.- - •
0(404 Copia .6 and Sleigh Manuttketuron4
pike attiet;itliblioid Boudilni'sistadt :'arts
to atmetsation . te*.in Itioniost infinattUpinelr den
ar,o Acticlostuanor Into oonaointly tin Amer*
tate.ond anplarbit done Oa Short aotiets;,-41t
8. - -B: , MULFORD) , 4 1,10N: 4 ;
DedinisiTtriaoods:Croeki& "
i rcials, - &e . ate:Zwerside - Pub i •
bEDITI6T-i-tiitta ind•Sfit .
41011,141016at** i14 **PariVilli hied /
tbel feta = ! 1-414
• .Idar 3::
.71 r ''t , 41,61/40bbeftik V 441.3 )Jad
yi6 i
.--... , Fa:t w tr
044/.lfr :
- . i• - 4 ' 1. • , ,
oh4l 4 1 1. ,
: 0 1
n' -' : 4 :4o*!f
' ';'''':. ''
',I I,'-puttaterror-- & --- 0- - - . - zi-•
:t • •I - ,T,•.4 , 0 , t. .03. , ;""•-•-. ' i,i4 1, .-A ~..s .
a l *
j - L -441"1" ' ( rdlitit d =44 . : '
`' It , - -. 16, • .- . ~ , ;
. ...,
• .
over M
ilit.qf ' . )ol; ial, It .
^~~- t er ~~=';