;===2:= itChelPO'Ple,9 IbviCatt, JOIRAINNI),IntnaMC . 4 Sit Vila #ress, the PecTWlnEhte 1 1 , 13 1t5# 7 0 PaalWa&- 1 004.110,t 11124,U1il*_PU/•! *OMIT tOSE. SEPT. Is, .11141, CARR"; immest:of Thinitswklkek Streetiq. c iimmo rized = Pet ar`4o 1 4joitf ACl iv ‘ 44sti , " *, roeive y • - o - - - *4 B :digg 11 ccr - - - , '--• ' - - ' :Lill bk '' - ao ' . ... - DENOCLITIO Wen;_tautlii 4 (Di) . , . . -.. ,:: — 5 #VER1119.1,11t... - . ~,.... ?Olt tiO'Sfk of &Anima z li:dis , ' FRAIIOo Belmingunt •f---dis' , ' NCIO 4 rII solvent banks .: Adi 1 .., . ofl -- MASSAOHUSET.TfI. . ,rit,. •: " - . Air All aOlvent banks ,-, 4 - 441 fia t .• .„ , 1, 02 . - i'Par . atODE I S LAND. '• ..... • oitt- Par All solvent Wax -4" dis. t, , - -- • , •,, itat. MA.BYLAND, .. -- : .. '• , - iites . 1 aft , Baitinore banki - i ;Rs, ' t „ . ; -.i.es ;1 , dis Patapsco bk , i dis' ~ _.:,..- 1 dis hfiiteral bank- .1 dis ,- ~.. -,,n0 Bak Fredericktown,/ - ~ -,f dis' _ , r,,-,_,;.; , ' ..-i ..., 1 din ifigersthish ',,.' - :ei dis jet i ya t,i i i - - . Vaiii Piir & /Millen' ids' Ha- Chamberiburg ;;• 1 : I dis - - ..lOrattarti. 1" - .. broke Waynesb'g 2 dis Westminster 4 dis Browwwille - • li dis Will 4 dis Brte • ~..-,-, 2 dis Cumberland 1 dis Barks co bank no sale Salisbury broke Hersoldale ~ 1 dis Frin*lia bank 4 die Irklitiaril - co - - 14 . dit Rosily/eh& nttah broke Wirbliwyn • .1. Milbrigton • broke Lopp,,bk. Warren no sale Frede rick co bk I dis littit'Biiiimb bk' • 'lea Briikitt•bks rations prices DomCr Script 20330 dis Baltimore & Ohio Re- Lehigh co bk - P. 37 dis . lief notes 10 dis I.44.hlklatißeriPt.•ls/dis DELAWARE. 4*Ast9„hourci ' 14,dis Bank of Delaware par, _ r _ IftW 101 IN. . Wirn & Branyw'ne par WY CietlAnk ; i dis Farman' bk Dal par ,Olinion kN Y 30 dis Union bank - Par 1 Globe - bank fraud BM* of Smyrna par *WOWI,River bk'g co -do Under Os • 4 dis 'City pug & Bk.'g co 'do DIS. OF COLUMBIA. Wool Growers' bk' , --, dis, Washington City 4 dis Wikiso Plains bk 1 dis Georgetown A dis Leans co bk }'dis Far & Mechanics' 4 dis Far & Dro bk Buff 5 dis Alexandria. ' A dis Millers bk of Clyde 15 dis B k ; of Alexandria /Foke Fain Of Seneca co— dis Mechanics' bk broke Com bk of N York 2 tils Franklin bank no sale Lafayette bank 2 dis, Merchants bank do N Y Bk'g corn 60 disj VIRGINIA.' Dry pock, bank 1 disi Exbk & branches li dis N .Am Trust 'co 2 dis Bk of Va & bra'chs li dis Batik rif &dal° 35 dis Far bk & Vohs 14 dis Banleof Brockport 35 dis Valley bk & b'ch 14 dis Hamilton bk 30 dis Wheeling lal4 dis Qom bk Buffalo •55 dis Wheeline p notes 14 dis Allsolvent.banks jal disk NORTH CAROLINA. Country banks /al dis All solvent banks 2 dis• Except bk of Colton-) Small notes 24 dis bia ‘ Green co. Hud- i SOUTH CAROLINA. son,Middle distr'ts, I All solvent banks 14. dis Platsburg, Niagara, I . iirnall notes - - 2 dis 'Wash and Warren, ( a GEORGIA. Wash Man Co. F Bk of St Mary's sa— . 1 Wayne co bank 4Ocmulgee • -do Mier and. Planters'. 'Monroe II do, Del. Co bank :hand Columbus do Ei bk Po'keepsie • do Phomix bank do Pottadism.Miinuf Co.„„do Exchange bank do , Red Backs lal., dis Chat a batik . do NEW JERSEY: Central bkof Mill do Mechanics' and Marinfar- Georgia B'kg co do toren' bk Trenton par Rocker B'kg co do Princeton bank par All solvent banks 2 Plainfield bank 37 dis ALABAMA. State bit at Camden par 'All solvent.banlcs 5a6 dis Cumberland bank' par Small notes 8 dis Mount Holly, purl 01110. Salem Bk'e co • par Cincinnati 2 dis Monmouth - bank no sale 'Solvent bk notes 2 dis N Hope Del Bridge ...i eth,, ILLLNOLS. Trenton Bk'g co old parlßank of Illinois All other baniss par State bank Far & M . /kb bank of • KENTUCKY . - .. N Bransvrick no sale l ' Notes 2 dis Hob Bk'g &G co broke i Small notes 3a34 dis Whshington Bk'g Co doi LOUISIANA . Franklin bank del All solvent banks Jersey Ciiy Bank Monteetsth - • N J Mainfeo Protec and Lombard dul State bk at Trenton dol -Bank of N Brunswick do( 'Meat bk Patterson • do BINGHAMTON ADVERTISEMENTS FINE NEW TEAS, AT NEW YORK PRICES BR 'RE Nroinvi,:. o f BINGH AMTON, • .N. Y., his' made airtuizetot rors ti with the NEW YORK PEKIN TEA CONIPAs , the sale of TEASin Bingluantonomd can famish his customers, and the tiade, Withleaset the Same piices that the Company charge for them in Kew York, which is, at least, from one to two shillings cheaper on each Ixamd than the Grocers sell at. 'And In every case where thesetetWai) not giceititiifaction the money *lithe paisiback.fwithem.. CatalOgue of Tents. • GREEN... • Tonpg. Hysnn, 'do. do. siveet cargo, do.. do. fine cargo, 75 do. 'do. Adios leaf, - ; 100 Si/ver,Leaf—ieldoio sold even_ hy large dealers, be catts of the sinall. : prefits made an its ple—is a • vey; : inperfor do. geXen chop,, l 50 -Golden Cheff=Thisis the finest Green. Tea cultiva- It is 4111e:first' pickings, and ex cel 'all dmen Teas for the delicacy of its gavial., Strength and aroma. Heretofore this Tea Ins . never reached this, ; oonntry except in small lots to twit the-pitrehaser. Oysen fi ne,- " • do. very fine; ' Gunpowder, fine, do. • extra fine, Intifien - 81,1ne, 41to - extraffne. ;I§toon;E@tintinioi . : ' ; '• -` " Ning Yong,stirein;g and_ good flavor, 'Nagail The grocers, sell th is at 50 cts. an d c " 43ohmgosdelicions Black Tea, / 50 s Compare.thicsuperiohTeliwitirthattold by'groeers, as being an Oolong : Tea. The difference is too plain ane the dee.er4ten too TnlPEthleV •Oolneg„ plantagon!'gro",tb,/ • 75 /.. , ao Oxtra mutate", a rich and highly ,flavored _ ..75. Pekce Fklerer, ; . ' / • do. agar, Ited," • . .50 Ne , Tea 'l;tiii as a nosegay., 1t yields perfume that istredy de 'hoard. u r ns, pl f prilett.groi* s and superior to any thing of the kiand.'eactr" sOldinikis cptunky. •1111rillet;abo4e(6itiacitrii6'abeinxr ...,"mi•Oie all th e varieties contained. 111 my assortment. Ilave every faridquality, an c ein s um -th e I pOstleitet ons'T Mit baser. The etffliiiis'ere tat doileaffitiVhineise'packages:ire golatitiot of lb., lb., and 1 lb. each. - _ , h. _ eerinfri -We-PM** tkeliepeiie4 bribe !Si* -- Ve4o.ol2nd 7 7 gibeA eeree sea we liretrY o ften. SliTilf4Post dela:oleo- Tesis•-.Wlr-47er ) : . 4/sank e az4- , them at' wholesale pridol. - ..+lrawasir Pastb , isaraiessuerilwaartOkahwiales v..s*I t ebympipp b 7' 1 11er= 44 4 115 PlPlt'st ' whaisaihapribraimillie edelpai TeaCmpsav nand a 1 nionn .t Ihey...barershably the isrgestmeek sad greatest b'Q4 _ aq& Black Teas, =f - NE • ' . _, ...- eNr,r - r rpr — prt,l .-- yieretefore il. tinalieelOreil44lkidt, indeed, i m • '''''pabiliPanbsiliOnna mail-MiciklffscAtuf ! '.. : l l4 lwiriid kir 101tWari'vr Claiii - - Or the ' \ - sidelicionifilia iiiiiinit=l:7 \ -.449lll**Kcial:D burv . 4 - 41 ~ : ioxL r-tc - 7. rgl:44, A ilmr4.(ifillhe iiirn*iiiredin ME ===M T75.-..and777:-F um St. bare* Ito :t i t ' m . e s d 1 2 .k. :anteeleatzet Paritriti, aottelor l ' erpOciat -thit ;0 • eke 11 ges • VD • t .rust-prstilege.to-bny , asiak Innate:snit** Ttiiyiell gnod - less sale prices. ComitOnerchan 4 iP , to seat govd s Tenivetill'ATS Ott vr:Tho at:WaVe TiA: Sire fii• sal i • Sole i*nt kirjh Bibsiliamton; magi ].l I&47lV4}!'' tist ar 0 .'.1: ,P0 tat x( FOR SALE i 3 LL. M.- . 1 vlETHOfkeepe Itnntly on ha V• V. gen ue ,D/11.7•CSS PAINTIPVALS: ,woops ,s GRGOBRIES; FANCY * . A.UTICIJE ofiihint will be ioI4IZWEAP ZVI= PSICE. . • , §alla' gatlapctrilla 1, 'OO Gregory' " salt rhetun remedy 00 Fisk 's tit Roman eye balsam 25 Pills Indian Panacda • 2 00'Balni of ' -111cmunn's elitt of opi-1 . Hitehco . WTI ; . 25 ions p s . 25 Phinney's Pills 2.51 a 37 Covert's .alm of life 150 Moffat's life pills 2.1 1 1 e 50 Michan . freckle Wash 50 do P h.niiiiitte..ll 00-Lee's Pi Is .. 25 Sherrnan's med. loz'S 25 Brandrc h's pills . ... 25 do fever a akue drill 00 POst's p orman's pills 12 -do dinner losengesll 50 Belleau' plasters 25 do Poor man's pltter 12 Libby's . itters 75 do Dlosaonitua 'll 00 Nerve. bone then Jayne's Expectorant 100 matte iniment 500,1 00 do hair tonic 1 00 Wilkins•it's hi:mantic . 'do tonic vermifug4. 50 worn salve 37 do cartninatire balls. 50 Thomp. n's eye water 25 do sanative pills , 25' Hill's b sam of honey 12 Dailey's pain extra°. Cepanli snuff 25 tor 50 a' 1 00 Hangs au balsam of Hay's lidijnent for • life 1 00 piles P .1 00 McAlis.•r's all.heal- Washington elix. for in." o ointment '25a50 dysentary. &c. -100. do ha nil , 50 'Cooper's corn salve : 25 do toi et oil 50 larr's cern salve . 25 Segur's restorativepillD.s Gridley's salt rhenin Larbor'• exdungwortl 00 ointment • 25 Clove anodyne, cure Rush's infallible pills 12 for t..tlniche ' Phelphs' tomato pills .. 25 Climax syrup do restorativ&bitters 25 Dr. Fo d's pedtorial Miles' tomato fills' 50 -§y . p Falmestock's cerm'ge 25 do to ic cordial Cheeseman's Arabian do an versal pills balsam .50 a 1 00 t Hoope 'a female pills ... Alebasi's black salve 50IA.nders.n'x Scots pills "12 do cough syrup . ' 50'6odfre 's cordial 12 do pile pills 25 Batenr ifs pectoral do cathartic pills ~ 25 drop do plasteni. . ;'l2,Turliti do teyerkagne syru p 501 of I i Winslow's balsam of Pacific c hortrhound '5O Eddy's rheumatic Taylor's balsam of ru ture 50 Liverwort SI a 1 5013eaoti ing soap: , 50 `Mother's relief 200 Keeler s invisible ink 25 Fosgate's i anodyne Conne Spain extract'r 25 cordial! . 31 United States pills 50 Wistar's balsam of Wate hr's rheumat wild chetry 100 ic pl ster 25 Resarrectitin or Per- Chap. u's summer sian pills; 50 'a 100 cord al .. 18 a 37 Jew David's or He.' Brinke hoff's r,estora brew plaster 50 • tire : . 100 Egyptian balm 50 Opcsic' ioc, hard and Fish's lily syrup 100 lign . Lonaley's isanacen 1 50 Edwa is salttrheum Dutch pills or lion of cant' cut . 1 50 the day 37 Medi • ted coughcaudy 6 Bishop's', anti-bilious !White' salve i . 12 „pills : 50 Gala'! capsules-2S a5O Hitchcock's balm of Veg. p rlmonty balsam 50 health . 1 00 Browu 9 strengthen,- do worm tea 25' ing,i faster ' . 37 do catarrh steiff 25 Atwon Ps caniter 'drops 18 do magneticodontica 50 (10 ;in iltairo hitters 37 do hair regenerator 37. do sp nal elitir 37 Parker's pulmonary I Liim's emp..lifeliirt'rsl 00 • habit 100• do Cl dese blood pill-' Le Baum de Ninon Indian hair'dye 50 or French balm of Welist ...r's sarsaparilla 75 beatity 50 do b' ions pills ; 25 itaPps Indian plaster 25 Oneitli tincture : 25 Smith's sager coated Gargli g nil '5O& 1 00 pills 23 1 Merril t's ..sarsa?plal 00 Bartholotnew's• pink lEx. b chat a bullets 1 '5O syrup , 50' Pyri hair dye i 50 Spoluessickhe.adsche Dr. I ibbard's anti remedy. %50 bill us pills t. 12 a5O Christie's Gtilanic i Hunt' shell:liniment 25 Ring. 37 a 1.! 50 Peery s vennifune, or 70 dis 50 dis Eigl I t 35013 HI . AR solcein. banks 9.4a.3 dis INDIANA. All sqvent banks 114 die FLORIDA. Southern Life & Trans portation,Co. Mt 75 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 37 11 1.1. 0 .9 1 .1 1 .. ADVERT do bands. y li, 50 do plasters 1 75 do magnetic fluid I. 00 Austin's magical lini4 l went i '25 a. 50 Brisk pills , • . ; .!...7t 25 Root's ripgbone 41Ant 7 i 50 Parr's life pills . 25 Uphanei , electuaek,i for bore of piles . "'OO I Moor's Os. of Life i 401 Bristol'ssarsaparilla I; 00' Scudder''sacimaticoil 00 Cooper'l ciboria' oil 3, 50, Gridley's salt &aunt ointment • . Cerman'eye ointmer4 American eye calve i , Italian chemic't soap 4 Coral hair ristorat , tire 37. 1 50 &I 00 Amber tooth paste 25 Spanish lily white 37 • Moorish hair dye 50 Passive soap 25 liate f lienrick's sugar coat:: ' tri ed pills ; 25 Ba do tonic bitters 25 Sa .do sciatic li iat 25 . • as Brant't Intli medi- • Day . icine r ine 1.00 With ma ere not ennum 1 berent. imost of the a sere wants tea - article - genni 1360mi:deb, Jai. 18, 1847. 50' 2 5 1 25 00 STIMenANTO BY.:E. • THB HOTEL havirq o'l been Thoroughly repnr now OFENAIDIor the acconi,,! The PioEnietnr;pled,ges him comforts of his guesti 'shall be and attended to, in . etcry reed any other its the county. jar Two ciaMy Ihrea of (blunting and: a;reniisg,) stop!: Chenango Bridge;) had One's (Sundays excepted,Yriniadns hen' York &Erie marciaa. Utica and Montrose,. and town, Fort Piaiii; Cortliaut, BINGHAMTON..pi. Y. ' 1),R31 ?GOO , ~.,,,iii.1,;:,..,:g.A. OFFEB3, 41,1 W., • E t i r i Ptl d , t; and AeOglize.; mentitweonarvv, 11 1 47 • f. 12 t CENTS pal. - es, in Goads; It9APMPS / 514041%. 1^ 1 .'S ToltESetCnewitipplyju :r> 'REEF aOIIIPCEE; 7.4 a, Qii4:llolltET.—A feiw 47 low seed far sule GM t,LAr-ONS' .7 • ho," rect*rinvilandsooto lot of: . r • I_ w • 1 .4. I - dry Goods- - • ,•:,Crokery , 8 Har dw are;l • --, POCA4,#43tOtiOneili,; • ioceriets, Dye-stubs, Thadat frileti4 for 01'1011461, sellitig'ihitifi to' keceive 'a libeeel Aire artheit rir Recalreet: for CAlilratls not to be iliadOyaold:' - • MontroT. May 13; 1847. - • into this _Rai' worth 4 83 t 1,- , grown 1: "iii ''sitevaritAas g • ' ' - brat dr astrhiiBll - qdrsiklboviuw , 1 Abeinil'ailvrhole ,;bdliiiklilwAys kin filmiat *Os 1.1. by*• - ic 4% . -;• . &014' • file' -':.‘1 . ... : - • -,- dictines, IVANTED.,.Gee.s4Fpitßyrss,: Bsgfier, Rags, Bees wax, eaa• &a!' 1.1.. LYONS. 'May 13, 1847. • .FORD, • ..3 d. 11 assort 11E ICINES, DY 'STUFFS, . THE: - BOOKS. , LARGE - Fatayßibles for 19. ; also cominOn and pocket Bibles, Testainents, Heonsphies and vo i Atlases , Aritkasetico ,Oritinmars, Philintophical and Chemical Books; Cobb's, _Santana', and Town's 8 0elllog Book : : Porter's. Readers. lA assort ment of Toy' Books and Tickets, Alsoi anew Hymn for Books ir the i'resbyterian, and. Bap • t Seek ties., Methodist Hymn Books, Blank Book* So. &c. for sale by' . L .5" 311 a.' May 13,1947. - , , - , PRICE. : pills 37 gar coated olambis 5D&75 Ik's anti-bil- PATENT Pails, , i3rooms, Modica Pins, Butter Stamps and Ladles, by • J. Lyon's. May 13. :• FINE NH MS AT 111EW YORK PRICES. ISAAC L. POST & CO., HAN E made arrangements with the NEW YORK PEKIN TEA COMPANY, for the 'sale - of TEAS in Montrose, and can furnish their Customers and the Trade, with Teas at the same prices that the Company Charge for them. And in every case where these Teas do not give satisfaction, the money will be paid back for them. The ydnng Hyson Tea mentioned in this Catalogue, at 50 eta. is supe rior to any thing sold in Montrose at 62 cent+. CATALOGUE OF TEAS. GREEN. YOUNG HYSON, hood do. do. sweet carg0......._ 50 do. do. fine cargo 75 do. do. silver leaf 1 00 Surer Leaf—Seldom sold even by large.deiders, be cause of the very.small profits made on its sale.— This is a very ititiierior Tea. do, do. gdblen chop.. Golden Chop—Tiiiiis the finest Green Tea cultica• ted in China. Ii is of the first pickings, and ex. eels all other. Greco Teas for its delicacy of flavor strength and aroma. Heretofore this Tea has nev er reached this country, except in small lots as presents to importers. HYSON, fine. A tun's balsam 25 lc 50 do. Tory , fine GUNPOWDER, fine do., extra f1ue ....... IMPERIAL, firke.:. do. extra fine HYSON SKIN, good NING YONG, strong and good 37 Xing Yong—The grocers sell this at ?SO cents an cult ir Oolong. OOLONG, a rich Black Tea ... 50 Compare this superior Tea with that sold by gro• cars, as being au Oolong Tea. The'difference is to plain. and the deception too palpable OOLONG, plantation growth...... ENGLISH BREAKFAST, fine thf, • do. eat - rafiue.,.. HOWQVA'S MIXTURE, u rich and highly armored Ten P E li(1; ILO E - do sctitetl.._ N 1 PLUS t• LTRA PlTia rltra-This Tea is as fragrant and sweet as a iao.egay. It yields a perfume that is Milli de lightful. It is of garden growth, and snpenor to any Ming of the kind ever and in thisleottutry. flocommendations. We have tried the Teas imported by the Pekin Tea Company, 75,& 77 Fulton st. New ' York, and it we live will try them Often. They nee selling the most delicious teas we ever drank, and retail them at wholesale prices.---.Derning Post. Yott may.be sore or obtaining at all times.pure and highly tlavtiied teas, by the single Pound at wholesale prices, of the Pekin Tea Company, 75 & 77 Fulton at. Vitty have probably the largest stock, and greatest variety of fine;green and blaik teas, of any one establishment in the United Sates. They are doing n large !business, and a &eat benefit to consumers of tea.—Atlas. I . 'shot V 25 • er's sugar coat , ills 25 . balm, for i• ha, Ar.c. ,1 00 t's pills 12 ):'s acoustic oil 1 00 is acoustic oil 1 00 of lemon 13 ck's strengthen plaster • 25 ley's wormdes 1, *ng syrup 25 emore's Ameri . plaster •25 egetable syrup 50 am's remedy. 1 DO ,a. veg. panaceal 00 , s sarsaparilla a • chary bitters 1 00 • y's universal tment • - tab pills or sow ipt balm hn's,veg. litban tic. mixturesLa 00 ing's body laces $lO e iodide of sar -1 00. pain killer2o 37e.50: Heretofore it has been very cliffletilt,indeed im possible, to always obtain good green mid black teas. But now pm leave titily to visit the whre-rooma of the Pekin Tea Company, 75 & 77 . Fulton street. to obtain as delicious and fragrant teas aui you can wish for..--.Dai4 Sun. 1 A 'WORD TO ' Tex DRTNEEILL—TbiI Pekin Tea Company 75 & 77 Fulton at, have imported into this market seine five thousand dollars ' worth of the finest grailes.of Green and Black Teas, 'grown in the Celestial Empire, done up in thevarionsbnicy pack ages That Chinese ingenuity can invent. They . sell good teas only, mid-retail them at wholesale prices. Country merchants who wish to always sell good tens can always Obtain'them at this place, on rea sonable terms.--Enrrium. The above Teas lire for sale y 1, L I . POST 0.,' Sale *rent*" f t or Susquei d Co. • E To Orie :rated. The tmbscri.; .ve medicines, and At REXFORD. 1 . 50y I ' HOTIEOLap FORD. I , ged Tenants, hat and refitted, and .4 °dation of the pubild that the wants and as Well piovided Ate, et, at thutliokel, asat • "SO froth tte House, ( ear di: Hy leaves for the eas , p connection with th • finge!i,f , weekly foi Coope a gykacnia. E. RAYNI3gORD.," y 17, 1847. 51 . • =I RE, ERY CZ lot Vf , , ' riritisee • Hides, by for_gixid luinti - SAYRE. .5 . DOM 44, rietived - oftbecimit. • 130101:4,-. 441 itiiiLjOr Sal; _ .~=''~~Rt~HANDI~E ._~' ~~' BLACK %%IN Tatti zkr %hi FB:CHASIPLEIk & CO: iev now re. eCiving a lar g e 'rind well•ielected . addi tion their stock of Gooda, tO which they. wouldinvite the attention of ptirchasers. , Their stock' is now quite large, and they are determined that for Cash, porter, or on approved credit,thei will ;at least as low as any establishnient in the County 4 Montrose May 17, 1847. A ME RICAN, French and English Clotho 11 and - Cl ssi ' er ,P , § a t ius- 49 1 : 1 1fal.icY.- Vest ings for sale by - M , andril& Co. _ CLOVERSEED • CLOYERSEED of the large kind,for sale trj _ Montrose. May 27,1847: DiaNTS, a good aisortmerif t American I and English. Veay cheap.i , •Chandler. & QUMMER Stuffs; 'Twe,clii Bra ~Liiw.t) 4 - 1C.A3r,1 Co. INGBAMS, Lawns, DeLsp e, and other P-Dress Good& IC. & Co. (iIIiEWIINGS, Bro. and : 13. yariety at Chandler & Co's. joEGLIORN ant ..Birew-Scamets, It sod &ear. braide, : - .ll.ibbOne, - Flowers, • '• r ChatiAter Os Co. •,- Ake:. • f;_i; •• 'AX.F.S.I; QIIPERIOII Axes, warranted; ► iblitlog oe„iiing*by 4rjk2Oth' 1847. . ERI ES; it-good-stock Iii( 1 /0**4 Cha!i. Shides i r.1. , ..£111 . P4 r!rl.--t;, Ch $4. •-;":' • '., •"' SEAcuANDIzz....-3,,,' Ton:s. -1 4 be' bOught, ATI posTs4. co S. FLOUR, SOLE .L.EATHER, , cheap, WHITE LEAD,..ckenp;.:DIWGS, a ssiatl , lot: very cheap; 'N.. ORLEANS . -8 YRUP . MO LAS SES,I 'AUGAR, COFFEE, ,TEAS,, Tapioca Seeded RAISINS, .F-ISH; IRON, IVAIL4' S TRE :goo& 4tOtk, SUMMER STUFFS, large ieniety and cheap, BROADC LO T'HS4guidKERSE Y S,i - very low price, HARNESS TRIM-; MING.% a large stock, PORK by the! barrel, in short, the largest . and best , STOCK - of ,GOODS we have ever of. .tered, at prices to suit. " Ll WA'' S 'aNt . CASH PAID FOR WOOL ! ISAAC L. POST & CO. June 10, 1847. IL. POST & CO. are also SOLE AGENTS ,of • the New York PEKIN TEA COMPANY- for flasquektuma County. rir See advertisement. - NEW STYLE GENT'S HATS. • &RIG FASHION FOR 1847. ROWN-74 inches high. 5-16 yeoman, i bell at C .at sides, 1-16 front and rear, 4 curve. TIP ,4 oval, flat inches wide, front and rear. and 1 9-16 at sides. Btani so-4 of an inch wide. The abova new style, introduced in New Yorkon Satuiday, March Gth, by Beebe & Costar, are nosy ready and for sale by -• Npra 8. I.'IERRILL & ROOT. WANTED, AT the ARCADE, five hundre4l weight of OLD INDIA RUBBER, for which the highest price will be paid. J. 'ETHRIDGE. . June 3, 1847. Wool! Wool! 20, 000 '.`r- WOOL wanted 3. at L t s, S .s ter e June 1. VIIAPES !—Gt - mal WRITING PAPER at 12 1-2 cta., and LETTER PAPER for 10 co. per Quire, fur sale by J. LYONS. June I. 1 50 OF a variety of palt erns, jus7. •received, and for We very cheap by . CHANDLER & CO. Rale 1, 1847. FLOUR. , SUPERFINE April 20111. 1317. Chandler & Co 1 00 1 00 75 1 00 AINTS. Oil S. LIME, PLASTER, PLOWS & JL CASTINGS, &t. .by B. SAYRE. may 27, 18.17. BONNET,S.—A choice selection —beautiful 4ylee L—Linen Edges. Best tosortment in town et POSTIS. NEW GOODS , & CHEAP. HE subscriberare r,crivizig a well selected T stock of NEW GOODS, h will make their assertnicut very cariplf.te. and they are 4eter mined: ua-sell on terms that will be stititincotry to purchasers. • BPIZEOWS & CO. Gibson, June 8. Eft46. • .... 75 50 75 ' . 75 i tso . 1 50 ■ CHEAP DELAINS.- . 25 NI ECES Motisselitie DrLuiin handsome I,uttentP, 1s 2d to 2- 3,1 per ynrd, SISHIUUM;) & Co's. • Cash paid for Wool! 50 0 dial pounds of WOOL want -119 ed at the Hat Store one door above Searle's Hotel, for which the highest price will he paid' by June 9111 1847., Merril & Root. Any hind of Fur, Brush, Mole Lighorn, Palm Leaf, Sporting and Wool Hats, also Men and Boys' Cloth, Silk, Silk and Cot. Glaze 4 and Velvet Caps, also Children's caps selling cheap by June '47. M. & Rom MOLASSES at 2s 6d per gallon—Teas, Sugars, Cod-titsh, &c. a new lot: ;Call quick. July 8, 1847. J. LYONS. , CALICOirom 6dto ls, fast colors and elegant patterni, just arrived—Call and see them—go . ing—at Salisbury's. July 1847. AA LARG E supply mud VERY oheap—Bonnet Trimmings, Parasols & Parasolettes(*t arriv ed. at • Salisbriry's. SUMMER CLOTHS. AVARIETY of Atylea and cheap at Ally, ' Salitehury's. PAINTS & 01.14 , -1,000 lbs. NVbite Lead in Oil, at last year's prices—(the price has ad vanced in market.) PARIS GREEN' in Oil, beat finality, which is a punch bandsomer . greettthanany odierlor window bliutli, &c. Varinsh, Sets' tar ' pentine, Putty, &c. &c. at U. BURROWS & Co's. . - SUGARS. trHE LARGEST and CHEAPEST stock of tin gtirs ill this cditntyijust mceived•at 3 - - , July, 1847. Sali?bary!s.. '• • • • • VESTINGS. A ,N elegant assortment, just arrived , cheap .L 3.: at - Salisbury's. Idly, 1847. *LP - ACAS. ILK warp, Satin stripe. plaid and plaits Alpaca's at greatly reduced prices, at Salisbury's. July, 1847. WTANTEP to 6uguge 3,000 Vas of FLANNEL V V — 'to be delieeret!,by the Ist .. 4ay- of October J.' LYONS. nest. , June 10. . ~ - tioUgLE' ittfINED , LOAF 'and crushed SUGARS at o ily I n per 11? .1-1 Cask, nt ' ' .Snlinburrs. . July, 1849.'' r . LAWNS, just arrived, add 'very law .ftt da!atittryi. 1 8 47 . ' ' I ' BROADCLOTHS: • and, Dalmatia •Dmaadcla* .11.7 remarkably taw at s alitbutyla; July 1847. " e ebeep, by C*SSIMEREs . itpqH; - Etiglish tizid Ain ' ' Y 10 71.tiluya,1112."P"Oitid aleturrwto F 1 4/ • Eitails44l, • Amongthe tii)ktid To kt Ti =EI , - r irto.- STOVES ! 5,000 YARDS LEGHORN BONNETS July, 1847 GINGHAM & GINGHAM „. .. .rwukt...# ,f: 13 .4, , i - 3 , t b i „ i , m6E I , Afr - ki: , , i ~ . 31 ??,7 ,i x !J- Itdr l4 o B ' l ”' t . ',. , . , .1'"! I i 1 BRAWLS' ' '" jutrii6arl ailm Irt 104/4011',,A011„."4.1*1iii„ , i ~ Iheatiab4lll . , , .I*, 1847. .4 i'" ' rr ' . l'' 1 - ' " —,.... ,stn,.., lEEE igERORANDIZE. 0 04 ~1 9rHE aut4ribelAve i.pdelved, their tonaliveir "selected ktoeii oIGOOtiS roitible temp sou, which will beioltint prieei to snit the • CAM' OR' READY , PAY'-! Their assortment comprises 'Amu` erreilatticie the Nola° "kilt in srarof DRY GOODS, iSscli as BROADCLOIW" " CASSIMERES;. I'W.OE.D.I ; A tc.. And lots of *winner sec& for boys' 'and ciluVren's wear, dre.i Aniong their • CROCKERY Are 'some of l tbe iriekest patt' lIAADWARE Too . nmnerous to mention. In addition they have a choie lot of t , • . • GROCER:IES, ;Such as : rIdAR,',43IOLASS.O ,' • CES, Mk, 4.c. 1 All of'which will lie exchanged for. ' WOOL Beeit'wei, Feathers, Batter. Eggs, Tow-cloth, and all kinds of GRAIN. ' • 1 B. SEARLE! & CO. Montrose o June 10,1847 ' . ta% AGAIN.-6—The Subscriber is now requivink stock of new!summta GOODS, emlapnsing a large andlsplendid tissortmentof the CHEAPEST GOOtIS • ever offered in this' market, The ten per cent sys tem outdone by cheaper rates at J. B. SALISBURY'S. July, 1847. • MECHANICS' ADVERTISEMENTS JOB 1111T1Nli, THE Publisher •of the People's Atltmeate,lav- Mg. the. use or an entirely new and I modern as-, sortment of JOB 'l4' PE , are now prepared to execute, in a neat and satisfactory style, all kindslof - JOB PRINTING at prices to suit the times. - PAM PH LOS 7 BILL 14.EADS, CARDS, CATALOGUES, HANDBII4.S, BLA Nlis;' &C. • Printed on short Ootice, and in the best style of the 1 Art. Lam' A share of the People's patronage is . respec tiilly July 9, 1846. H4RIZONTAI SPINNER! IN co(asexion with the following certificate IN were handed to us the testimonials of several highlyl respectable Indies, who haVe to•ed the DMnestic Horizontal: Spinning Wheel, nod Who concur in sayitig substan tially, that they can spin with it seve%Cor eight ran, (or about four day'S , wall) per diem, with as much ease as they can per -1 fortman ordtnary day's work with a com mon wheel. The inference is irresistable;• that it Will hereafter he more , profitable for the fariner who manufactures his wool, with this machine to havein his employ at the same cast forlabor, one girl, than four girls with the eonimon 'stand-and-spill wheels t—, ' [People's A4vocate. . The undersigned, citizens of 'Montrose, have witnessed with much satisfaction the Operation of a novel machine denominated the " Domestic Horizontal Spitining-wheet," lately !invented by Hiram, .F. Wheeler of Sprinille, in this county. it appears to I v us to e a valuable iniprovement, in view of the en e with which it is used and. the:re piditylwith Avhich it executes. We doubt not that oar Farmers generally, with all Who "Itoil and-spin" sill approve it ton. Montrose4, Sustea to. Pa. • ' Cul. Franklin ,Lusk, . , • Hon.. Wm. Jessup, Gen. D. D. Warner,. Joseph Williams, Thos. Johnson, . . Hon. M. C.:Tyler, S. S. Mulford, - Henry J. Webb, P. N. 'J. H. Salisbury, • Walter FOilet, Treasurer, J. W. Myers, E. Patrick, Jr., Daniel Searle, , Wm:J..l49l(prd, L Ly ons, , Wm.. J. Turrell, Issue L. Post, : I 'Geo. V. • Belit[eY,' ' / , 1 1 - Wm. L. Post, ,- Rev. John Ling. . 1 Imo' Rights - will,be sold on ilie-mmd renti ,mable terms to those who wish to ronke,the wheels, or purchase Territory to , sell'agnin in am of the United States - (except Ohio.) Thosie wishing to engage in ivhusiness both pleasnut•and . profitable will Pleas'e • Call on the sitbserinets in Springville, Susquehanna county, Pa. , 1 I .. Fl. WHEELER , - Patentee. J. SMITH, , Jr., Agent'. • Springy, le, April S, 1847,:, TAILORING'! . .. •,,, : r4.1.L0R1 N_P.!, ~. . ./, ~ ..I:L 0 UN 0.1: - ..-,.. , P,A,..A., .:...,&.:It. F .1411q$0:1S.titavitit mi • soda. themselves in the •Tku,ropzu IIiSJP4ESSI would respectfully. solicit thepairoie age of thusi who make Pa ..WI) IliiNVcriie non 6 ; Oresui,Aunt too ^ those who consult rase riiih l er - itian (..... Fashion, be ieviim that dal coo 'MS it :inert- theuiste• itod Wishes' ( alt those who mailisvor ,theui with tbeir baste . .. • ' o . 4 SCutti g dune on short iscrtiee; and warranted to fitif righ ly put together. ,''.:, T . , ... ' ~,.: -. -i 'N. .—Shop may be found at the •budding formerly copied by A. B. Locke t a Tidlorilig, Eitablishm nt, opposite J.!MaCkii WilifitotAhclP. 1 ,, : ' - 1 P: A. LOCKE. I "'• IT , • .••; t / • , It. , WiPAltlVSOr r v' ' . Mimtrosei, July 27, ,;(}47.•-4Viri34.: • •-• a! •:-• • ',- •• , . ' 14)4"er ' air wad a6tinies,-46 iem $ 7 -4ear what pr. Q ' glek!sayi t., • ; . 1 • H lIPH say's. Tows, VI . . 0ct . .4 18110.. ~..11 8i You inquire of uutW . OF l'fistri. Rua. rifle' ak ouic r and the effeCts. 1, • • - 7 8 0 1 101 itafiligri!Jrnylfair begun rapidly to' 'full from the scalp. and I bud thelp 't at premature beldam. poriagseveralyear4 , tY,F1 ,10 4 1 frli v tkiltmli ferfiitiltnehil4For . the h r 1 From whech F thrt 6141196,afit ! Arloqtliti itiEF ridituluenti,-,, :co x ; rl s l r uw•Tuaian firma, . aariartdatrar: Obettltelifl ig V t i?P u i ' 141,440 0 414 al* utbs thi eirrar„Ouclk ao_ • &irk akwer,lts tom. denc3f •.,, haw gray war iiiit:- TUT/teeter be. k rATEIitTrINEDteiNES; , . . . • • foie gitett a GeTUDOIIIe. Tectitarneng *waving', cinesi,wkigh infliscrirainitely asedi,astheiy,oft escar t . I 40 mach imitlph tag, in a case like .the pr,e*miumit kncii4 :the irpclo'to - be7 . 4eni:ficial :and can bakirealnivel no scraideir imaarlegigiu: ; To Dr. Jayne, Philadelphia. • ' O;ildrets dac 44 4r 9ree1.74, 42 FV.T22-t l l24e(s. Pile...too, lir,. Juyne's yennitlifict,,bia never, Ire knotah• to tell,th - cnie in 'the Wors9itigne. . Spaptome of • Wervis.- ,- -7heieltrOtenclathe, - viniP go, palinese of Abe: liptywith limbed cheeltir, *in& 112 8 the :teeth during , *"1 4 .: 1111111 {1 2 4 0222wt0t 44 42 P - 'broken - Ofr Tr'ight and' acietutting,;cotwidstei t e, veriabiiii4litirst,- tad 'taste iirtfiblniithlt.OfFett&t bt:Catt; cough. tlifficult:breaffmg;itel* ethos . traet paio ut the_. stomach:Jun,* witearaishaess, eorumetul appetite, lemmeits, SenesFini,,alight chill* or shiveilugs, drowsinek fati&ueyswellha-stinnach or limbs, ate choking la' Ain utine,lrequentdesire to'evecuate 41W-hearth), ' t hr charge et slime and mucus, i fe.. - ??. • For nervousness, sick henci p cbe; palination heart, s &e.,:it gives iromediatei - Mief. bla wallies' 'acidity of storniscli, strcngtheno the whole system, erdrcireit the Frepated only by Dr. D. ,Tayne L Phdaddidlik and sold-on agency by N. MITQUEIM CO., Drnggiota, Montrose. SattatitlV of erin' this to tbe ' public, i.r..terattl, ezopyiz proprietor ti m :o ,ull Mankind may havethe lien of aterisidimikeit ' his own circle of friends have tuily,ind,,uppoittanityr heretofore of enjoying,' induces him to .enter;thar arena of competition witlitlm . *:tlitiniatists. ' lent ite `, superior and well proved'efficay in al! Anocs•ofron cent'burns, scalds or wounds, as ; also inihentmOdam, chapped - hands, and old ulcers for indolentitirse*. i. oueht to be known, and its general ltse will ceitaisr ly'u4e it the every day . companion of die !twiny where'Cisnalties are so frequent: From numerous certificates its hia7ritisisession, the proprietor offers the - 16110ring: ' • • . , Thiimay certify that I have ijsed Mr. Scotts ative Aerate, and believe it'au ?invaluable cure tar; bruises, bares, sores, - . , EDWARD New Milfai'd, Match 12, 184r* ' This may certify that we hsluse.d L. ficott'aSius-, ative Ceram, and we know it t beti.valuablocens . .edy fur sealdi or burns; and therefore willingly con 'iribute our testimony in its fiviir. ELEANOR LINES, WARNER, • 8 - • IP; HAYDEN: Franklin, Susq. Feb 426, 1847. This is to Certify thatl bavenied Scott' Cerate; and find it the most eificacionsiremedy for burns, or chappped hands or HO; that I have .crer' used, anti recommend it to all those who imay be tbusafflictedi 304. N WELLMAN. New Milford, ,Tune 17, 184 T . i • ;; Mr., L. Scott—Sir: I bare aid ample ,opportum ty of testing the virtie of yikur Cer.tte, and basis foundit a most valualileremedy; L. W. I3INGIIAM, M. D../ t`teu , Milford, May, 1847.. , rat The Cerate is put up in large and subitantlid tin bikes, and for sale wholeiale and retalby the subscriber at his residence iu ilScw Milford, Susqut . _ haulms county, Pa.. Price 37licts. ILUCIE,N SCOTT. Algn for sale bv•the 11111Owf4 agents: N: el & Co. and .1. Ethridge, Montrose: Weaver BroTs dtCo, New 11rMiura:* Cadwell, Great Bend. 2tf FUR FEY ER_ AND ,AGLlt—That the affiicap may judge of the se,es;sradrof VtaiMireuts respelt ing. the value of W INDIAN VEGETA BLO, PILLS in EV,ERIAND AGUE...we give tire following lestimatii2ai tkoju.; a higlgy - respectable well:known citizen of Indiatia. Read it, RussELviitt.,l'utnain Co., lod., •.:.July 17, 1847. Dr. 1 Wright—Enmetiine Since your agent left. me a suppsy of your Intlit.M.yeetable Tdils. I ha4e found aid pill, to baidtigiedernand lately for the curd of fever told que.l-Mri James . Boy4, has a spa who had been Laid op vlAtlt'fist'er and ague, and had tried various other remedies i all' of which proved of no avail. He detenninctl tv trs your Indian Ve table PilLs, and by uthtit,, , -,ona-boa.,,is now sound a well. Mr. T. Spencerlhad n'autighter, Mr. Hu h Groves a son, and Mr. Charles Nichols and three, of itiefurnily were all down at 4.he same time with MU and Agate, and had alsettried the various of her smedies without effect. Oar Indian Vegetab e Pills aeon restored them all to perfect health. • I can assure you. froin what I have seen, your dian Vegetable Pills may be relied on'for a perf t cure of Fever and Ague: hours Respectfully, I; Ascoa DUILHAN, P. M.l Alsd, an Acting IJustice of the Peace. SEW AF.L OF CoI) STFAELIIS !—The public are cl]tu, defied against 'the many spurious medicines which .in order to . deceive, are called by names gainer' to Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. The only original and genuine Indian Vegetaolis Pills have the signatiiie of iVm. Wright written with a pen on the top libel of each but: None ethel is genuine, and to connterfeitithis is forgery: lar-The genuine : for *le by CHANDLER! & SIMPSON, sole agents' fcir.. Montrose. For Mho agencies, see advertisement in another column. . Principal office, 169'1inch-street Phila. - MISCELLANOUS •• • Leonard Stott 41. Co,' :FOREIGN PERIODICALS, 1 t • , THE LONDON' QUARTERLY REVIEW, FuE 'XDIIIBURG .REVIEW, . ' I HE WESTIIINSTEE4 REVIEW, • ,;THE NORTH BRITISH. REVIEW, and ; 13LACENVOCiD'S EDINEtIitt,MAGAZLTE. j, The above Periodicils ar'erePiiiiinil in Newlin* , immediately on theirferrbial•by qs,. in a beautiful clear typei;orcfme white . paper, and are faithful copies of the originals--lilackwo4o, Magazine being an exact/pc-angle f of the Edith edition. • • • :The pricesofthe-Re-priiits'iire tben mit ,of those of the foreign copies,..andosiale they itire equally .well got up, they 4ford...4glaik 8 40 4 41 P to the America:revel. the English rr4er. , • , .TERMS;. ; PATUENT Te it: itirzses. ' For any one of the tbyr.flekiet;vs, ;43,08 F,lir any two . ; '.;:' 5,0,0 " For any thiee. J 34 - '„' 7,00 Ric all four of the Reviewk,' t t 8,00 " ForElackwood'ti Magazine,. -. • 1 , . 43,00 a - Tor Blackwood • ;nal the foiir Reviews,l,o 0,0; ", Remittances and Cemmtmication,k, must bemide. hi all cases, withant . ezpenietn the rtiblistiers:Ttie former tr4iy,alwqs he'd* tlininglin'Peastet, by banding him the amount to be reigned, taking hisreceipt, andforwindiug the receipayiniell;pest piiid ; the nuiney inayi be. en f lpfe4in,,a lerpg, post-paid, direetell to ; AC;ljubh here. • ; ff • • All communications aea OW pail) ra ••• LEONARD. SCOT, ablisbets: i ; , snele,s,, New ypr 44m6 IPI -surauce . k,,, ,ertf,'aismat _ e „ctio,, , i, he Irouteitag resources ?,f the ccorTl:40 , 16eir Isahecpuctlii.r fair 'and iirmo las in th e trlkwatiou theirbustaeik entitle . " - Jo t ill 5.54 e 0 1 0 1 CI Putdia,luk,e,attfe nuainclft ranee, . E. War ' 'one IRO!' ;