..e?1,./V.X,..e, CORRECTED, wiZIELY ' TOR -rtcfniTeiV #,DVOCATE PENNSYLVANIA Plaadc l l44 l ao l 4 Man 8i MediianlC . il. Tar 4oyameisidenn to Girardwwlpp .bank .. par s bank ogre:7 25 dis Peopsyl* do GegluVaiwiC Del colirCheste! Par ChialelftkiMWChesterpar Mmillsonneti co Par Fif.loll - I Vk BUCka co.PEW Farmers' bk Read'g par Easton • , , Par Northampton - no sale Lancaster bank • par Fat bk Lancaster • par Lebanon 1 p a 1 dis Marriairg 1 dig Midillemy Cailt) • - -- 1 di! Colittelia bridge par Noritiniabirbmd par Miners' bk P-Isville par Wy'g Ills Pitts 'g demand notes 1 dial " certificates 1 dis " Volitmotes 1 Ail Towanda lto sale York" , 1 • elis Gettysburg Chniaberalturg die Wisynesb'4 Brownsville dis Eric, 2 dis Betki 65 . '-battk age H°llPrklw, 1. dis Bk buicea co LeWistawili dis Dun bk Warren no sale West Branch bk 1 dis Dokner Scrips: 12.9p30 dis Lehigh calk . 37 dis Lehigh NstiOlierlitt 15 dis x2„ S ay goine dis• 4tl NEW - YORK. N Y City bank dis 011pson bk N Y 30 dis Globe bank - fraud Northßiver bk'g co do eity,Trust & Bk'g ce do WWI - Growers' bk dis White Plains bk 1 dis Lewis' co bk 1 (16; Earl& Oro bk Buff 5 disi Millers bit of Clyde 15 disj Farbk of SETICCII NY - diS l Com bk of N York 2 dial Lafayette bank .2 dis N Y Bk'g Mtn' 60:41i5, Dry - Dock bank ( - 1 dia l N Am Trust co 2 dis Bank-of Buffalo 55 di,. B••• of Brockport 35 dis Hathilton bk 30 dis Corn bit Buffalo 55 dis All solverit , baXiks tal dis Country banks tat dis Except bk orColum bin, Green co. Had son,Middle distets, Plabas• brg,Niagara, • Wash and Warren, Wash Man Co. Wayne .-:,.~ - ~.r.~,~:...a_if.:..-.:o-~-.n:...:...y--«:~~. -~+...i~:.rz~., ..Yp;~am, c.~.--M:j. pani, 70 : an427,Fultoo st..have imported bill(' this , market some one hundred thousand.dollops ,*rth I s of Neat"' oFOreeo atid Black Tmi'grovni in dui- et:lease mpirei done uPI I , all ihetil faney.piia . ltatei, het i Ohnieso ingenuity caulmvent. It is a pnvileg o hixy Teat Itt 6 4E11 IVO 'men% and a I ry i end comfort to d t m. They sell,godd i ,only, and i.Llail.t4esikstiwhiale sale pr k e t. c Onto , - merelmiu(sirbolvish' i t6vays to sell good Teas, din 4fAVATII obtain theon; at this place, on reasonable toll:tr.—Empanels' i • • 131 0 " The above TE4I4 are foi sale by ' 1 - L. M. REXFORD, 1 ..!•';•Solefigensforitioomoirecionty. Bin g hamton * 4rlar ''11v 16 ,4 7 . • i li - ~. t ~•,‘ , ~ • List o , iPopular Illedioines, , , FOR SALEI.Y 1.. - M. REXFORD, • Eiti.iikikMTC 4 - . Ni, WHO 'keeps mntimmtly on' han4,a fu i Inman • ment of genuine DRUGS & MEDIUINES, PAINTS &OILS, EYE WOODS & DYE STUFFS, .GRGCERIES, FORTY ARTICLES, &c..dib.--all of which will h. sold CHEAP AS THE CHEAP EST. • .' . ! . PritcE.l . 1 I PRICE. Sands' Sarsaparilla $1 001 Gregory's pills , 37 . i " salt Amnon riimaedyl 0 Fisk's sugar c,o fed Roman eye balsain l 2 pills •!•,, 25 Indian Panacea . ;2 0 Balm of Columbia. 50a75 Idemann's ell.: (lora- , Hitchcock's antifbil -111111 2 ions pills ; t 25 Phinney's Fills 25 a3r Covert's balm of life 150 Moffat's life pills 25 a 50 Michazix' frec,klawash 50 do Phenix bitterii!: 100 Lee'e Pills 1 ' 25 Sherman's med. loz'st 25 Brandrctb's pills! • 25 do fever a ague do 1 00 Post's poorman'apills ' 12 do dinner losenges 1 50 Beacon's plasters 25 do poor man's plaa'r 121 Libby's bitters ; 75 do Olosaonian 1 00 Nerve a bone rhea! Jayne's Expectorant 1 001 matic liniment.soal 00 do hair tonic .1 . 00 Wilkinson's tromatic do tonic vermifitge 501 wound salve 37 do carminative bals. 50 1 Thompson's eye!water 25 do sauatirce pills 251 Hill's balsam of honey 12 Dalley's pain extrac- Cipatilic snuff ; 25 for ! 5) 41... I 00 Illimgatianibalsain of Hay's liniment' for 1 life 100 piles 1 001111cAlister's all-heal- WashingtOn eli . for '' in& ointment 25a50 dysentary, &e. 100 do hair oil 50 Cooper's cant salve 25 do toilet oil : .50 Mares cern salve , .25 Segur's restorative pills2s Gridley's salt rheunl -1, Larbor'sex.lungwortl 00 ointment 0•Clove anodyne, . cure Rush's infallible pills 121 for toothache' 25 Phelphs' tomato pills 251 Climax syrup 1 50 do, restorative hitters 25,Dr. Ford's poctorial Miles' tomato pills * 501 syriT i 75 Fahnestock's verm" 251 do tonic cordial 37 Cheeseman'sArabf Ido universal•pills 25 balsam • 50 1 1 00illooper's female pills 12 Alebasi's black sal e 501 Anderson's Scots pills 12 do cough syrup 50!Godfrey's cordial 12 do pile pills 251 , 13ateman's Pectoral do cathartic pills 1 251, drops 12 do plasters 12 lTarlington's balsam do fevers gun syrup 501 of life 12 Winslow's balsaM of !Pacific oil 25 s•- 50 boarhounti I•' 501 Eddy's rherimatie Taylor's ball in.; of 1 tincture ! 50 Liverwort Isl a 1 50 Beautifying snap 50 Mdther's reliefi 2 00 Keeler 's invisible ink 25 Fosgste's anodyne :Conners pain mitracrr 25 cordial 31 United States pills 50 Wistar's balsam' of 'Waterman's rhernpat wild cherry . , 100 is platter , : 25 Resurrection or Per- ; ,Clrarimon's summer . shin pills 50 a 1 0111 cordial • ; IS a 37 Jew David's or 'HIS- BrinkerhiDErs restern bmw plaster •1, 50 live_ 100 Egyptian balm 50 Opodeldoc, hard and ' Fish's lily syrup ' 1 op . liquid I Longley:s panacea 1 sp Edward's salt rheum Dutch pills or lion of 1 ; ointment , 150 the day ' 3 Medicated c:ongheruady 6 Bishop's. anti-bilious 1 1 White's salve 1 12 pills- ' 50 1 Gidatine capsules 25 a 50 - Hitchcock's balm of . :Veg. pulmon'ybalsam 50 health . •I 00 Brown's strengthen worm tea ! 25 1 int; ; plaster 37 catarrh snuff 1 25. 1 ....ktwomPscaolcar drops 15 do mag,naticodontica 50 do jaundice hitters 37 do hair regenerator 371 do spinal elixir 37 Parker's pulmonary iLinn'stemplifebitt'rel 00 balm 1 001 do Chese blciod pills2s Le Baum de Ninon Indian' air dyd 50 or French balm of Webst 's sarsnparilla 75 beauty 50 do bi otos pills 25 Rapp's Indian plaster 25 Oneida 'nature 25 Smith's sugar coated Gargli <, oil. ;50 t 1 00 pills 25 Mcrch t's sarta'p'la] 00 Bartholomew's pink Rx. buphu & ccibebs 150 syrup ' 50 Pyrianslair dye 50 Spobn'ssickbeadache Dr. Hibbard's anti remedy , 50 bilious pills ! 12 &50 Christie's Galvanic Hunt's then. liniment 25 Rings 37 & i 50, Peery's vermifoge;Or do bands 1 501 dead shot , 25 do plasters • ' 75 Clickiner'ssugarcoat do magnetic Said 100 ed pills , 25 Austin's magical li ... Southern balm, for meat a5O coughs , &c. - 100 Brisk pills , ' 23 Shecus pills . I^_ Root's ringbnne of 50 Scarpa's aeons tc oil 100 Varr's life pills : 25 M'Nair's aeon s'c oil 100 Upham's electuaty, 'nits of lemon! Is for cure of piles 100 Henrick's strengthen Moor's ass. of Life 90 ing plaster I 25 Bristol's sarsaparilla 1 00 Barnsley's worm des- Scadder's acoustic oill 00 troying syrup 25 CoopePs etheri.al oil 1 50 Whittemore 's la..meri- Gridley's salt rheum can plaster 25 ointment 50 do vegetablo sunup 50 German eye ointment 25 M'Callam's re!nedy 1 00 Amerio-ini eye salve f 1.5 do Lnd. veg. phnaceal AO Italian chemiel soap 1 00 Wrind's sarsaparilla a Coral hair rectors- wildcherry hitters 1 00 tive 37, 50 it 1 00 Toutey's universal Amber tooth paste 25 ointment , ' 25 Spanish lily white ,17 Oriental pillsior sov- Moorish hair dye 50 ereign bairn 25 Evasive soap 25 Vaughn's veg.ilithon- Henrick's sugar coat- triptic mixture SI&2 00 ed pills I 25 Banning's body. laces $lO do- tonic bitters . 25 Sand's iodide ~of sar do Sciatic liniment 25 stiparilla ; 100 Brant's Indian medi- . Daviepainkiller2o37&so joint} - :, 100 i With diany others; not enumerated. 'The subscri ber is Agent for most of the above niedicine.s, and vosuruists eaery article genuine. i ' L: M. REXFORD. 59Y/ Binghemtim, 4rtp. 18, 1847 151A0111ANTON 0101 EIL, ' • BY E. RATIVISFOILD. ,HOTEL having changed Tenants, has s 1 been thoroughly repaired and refitted, and is now OPENED for the accomniodationof the public. The Proprietor pledges himself that the wants and comforts of his guests shall be as well provided for, and attended to, is every respect, at thia Hotel r asat any Miter in-the errunty. cr. Two daily; 'lines of Stages frmp the west, (morning and.evetting,) stop at this House, (near the Chenango .Bridg ed and tor tinily leave for the east, Suildays ezcep Railroad.. Also, in connection-with the New. York. & Eria Railroad.. Also, daily stages for Utica and Mimuese, .and triweekly fir Coopers town, Fort Ilain,iCortland, and Syracuse. • E. RAYNSFORD. • BiNGHAMTIti, N. Y. May 17, 1847, 51y1 75 1 00 DRY GOODS, &c. B SAYRIE 1 9 OFFERS ;s NEW i and - VERY -Clititir lot :of Spring and Summer Goods At 'lakes tint cannot fail to suit. I Plasm all • and. ace them i- _tinontrose, may 27, 1847 CASH paid forveal Skins and beef - Hides, .: .11 , 11 -- * ; :. : 3LP . r j a SAYR. 1 4 0 - I : _4 l +,lT,B.paid.for ~e, house Ash -1:0 AL'' 445,..in Ada,.: , ' , —lt' §Alitt.. ~..' , y 1,14 , ),..., lIIGREEIL-frioe psi& for: BacierzoiC E' , by s..secq.- - i.L. / / t•-•. - - r,-.1.- .t:: - ; , : ..:i.4.,:: ~ , .A.:, ;E . .:,11:4,-1 T ovE ~.. r 9 i tu itii e , , c 4 hr r . :4 - 4 03 " :::eiviTed Pit*filliil'i —-' :' SAYRE. SALTT-Lfrifsh suPPl.94 3 $ rmeiyed hi -_tRE, ... J. -Lirf-oli.S . 1 - - . .... . !,- Is now rece king t hrolsoTe IF4 of • PrY GPOsi ss ' ''' •. ' . • . c,feekery; l igifoid*o --, Books - &i Stationery, 1 • Groceries, Dye-stuffs, i x ' ! Nails; FON- &c. dtc. 1 . - Tii.nkiii 'to hilendeter inst favors, he hopes by : selling cheap to receive.* liberal'ihere oc their pat- ruge. -ifftitecolleCti - for CASH at least, he ienot to be undersold. Montrose,-May-13 . i 847,, :—: 1, VANTED, Geeee:Flethers, Butter,Rairs , *gr. U. 14.61 .J. .iroNs.. May 13, 1847. '- BOOKS. LARGV, Family Bibles fol. lOs ; also c+mmon and pocket ,Bibles; 'Testaments, - Geographies and Athens, Aritbmetiqe, Grammars, Philosiipltical and Chemical Books; Cobb's, Saunders', Ind Town's ; Torter'S.Jleaders. f Agood enact ment of Toy Books'i and Tipkets• the, new Hymn Boob for the Presbyterian, and Bliptiet secie ties. Methodist Hytna Books, Blapk Books *c. &c. for sale by .. Lyons. -May 13, 1C47. PATENT 'PA* Brom% Clothes One, Butter Star Laps and Lastes, by Lyon's. May 13. , _ FIU NEll Tess AT NEW IqORK •PRkES. ISAAC L. iPOST & CO., nAVE made atlingements with the :0 EW YORK PEKIN TEA COMPANY, for The sale of TEAS in Montruse, and can furnish their Customers and the Trade, with Teas at the same prices that the Company charge for them. 'And ml every case where these Teas do not give satisfaction, the money will be paid back for them. The Young Hyson 'Tea mentioned in this Catalogue, at 50 cts. is supe rior to any thing mad in Montrose at 6ti cents. CATALOGUE OF TEAS. • : GREEN. YOUNG HYSON, good ......... ... do. do. sweet cargo 50 do. do. fine cargo . 75 do. do. silver leaf 1 00 Silver Leaf—Seldom sold even bylargl• dealers, be cause of the very small profits made on its sale.— This is a very superior Tea. • do, • do. golden chop 150 Golden Cho? --This is the finest Green . Tea cultiva ted in China. It is of the first pickings, and ex cels all other Green Teas for its delicacy of flavor strength and aroma. Heretofore this Tea has nev er reached • this country, except in mall lots as presents to importers. HYSON, fine' do. do. very tine .. GUNPOWDER, fine do, extra fine.. IMPERIAL, fine do. extra fine HYSON SKIN, g00d.....-.. BLACK. 75 100 75 1 00 75 1 DO 37i NING TONG, strong and good flavor ... 374 ..Vine Yong—The grocers sell this at 50 cents and call it Oolong.. OOLONG, a rich Black Tea 50 Compare this superior Tea with thatisold' by gro cers, as being au Oolong Tea. The difference is too plain, and the deception too palpable. OOLONG. plantation growth ENGLISH BREAKFAST, 50 do. do. extra fine.:--.... 75 HOWQUA'S MIXTURE, a rich anokhighly flavored Tea PEKOE FLOWER • ... 1 00 tin scented • ! 50 NE PLUS ULTRA 1 50 • Plus Ultra—This Tea is as fragrant and sweet as a nosegay. It yields a perfume that is truly de lightful. It is of garden growth, and superior to any thing of the kind ever sold in this country. - Recommendations. • We have tried the Teas imported by the Pekin Tea Conipany, 75 & 77 Fulton at. heir York„and if we live will try them often. They are selling the most delicious teas we ever drank, and retail them at wholesale prices.. 7 -Evcaing Post. . Ton may be sure of obtaining at all times pure and highly flavored teas, by the single pound at wholesale prices, of the Pekin Tea Company, 75 & 77 Fulton at. They have probably the largest stock, and greatest variety of fine gremran&black teas, of any one establishment in the United .States. They are doing a large business, and a great benefit to consumers of tea.—Atlas. Heretofore it has been very difficult, indeed im possible, to alWays obtain good green and black teas. But LOW you have only to visit the Ware-rooms of the. Pekin Tea Company, 75 & 77 Fulton street, to obtain as delicious and fragrant teas aryou can wish !or.—Daily Sun. - WORD To TEA DRINKERS L —The Pekin Tea Company, 75 &77 Fulton at, have :imported into this market some five thousand d 01193 worth of the finest grades of Green and Black Teas, grown in the Celestial Empire, done up in the various fancy pack ages that Chinese ingenuity can invent. They sell good teas only, and retail them at wholesale prices. Country merchants who wish to alWays sell good ;teas can always obtain them at this place, on rea sonable terms.—Emporiuw. The above Teaa are for sale by L. POST & CO., • Sole Agents for Susquehanna Co. 11 4% N ta” Y t : l 7 , t FB. CHANDLER & CO. bre now re 1! • ceiving a large and well selected addi tion to their stock of Goods, to which they would invite the attention of Fitrchasers. . Their stock is now quite large, and they are determined that for Cash, Barter, or on approved credit,-they will sell at least as low as any establishment in .the county. • Montrose May 17, 1847. - ABIERICAN;Fr,ench and English Cloths and Cassimeree, Satins and fancy Vest lags for sale by NChandler & CLOVERSEEN, iILOVERSEED of - the large kind;tor ule Montrose, May 27, 1847. Cltanaler &Co. PRINTS, a, good assunment, American and English. Veay cheaji, . Chandler & (tIIIIIMER{ Stuff& tw.eedi Bro 0 - Linen &le. • s C. & Co. iIINGIJAMS, Lawns; DeLanes, nd other Diag GOlOda CACCo. gifEETINIA, Bin. and Bleache d '' ' . k) vsixiety . ':_Chandter & BOHußri, an atraw 'sonnets, plaM • „ tenni' bratC . RibbOns,' Flowers, L., Co. !: tiAXEir e §ll S the bA pr#Faep . W Cheit . ler & Co. April 2,41.341.,,, . - . 0 0 ,4 1 , t aßrc - figalifst Tealind To parec4o! , CbasOiler & Co; rAßAtiOliffina ' 1 HARDWARE, Iron, Niiihrglav Chandler I Co. ~rtY_t(.Y~~~ii4.tiVA•""~~~"J--~+~l`c.'~~.li ~ ^bvFN fi'S~Si;i I✓.._'L..i_'.'iWiyiYTrr,.lY;T=+'/ 2 +. l ~l~t l V .yt ~t .:.. _._C.... To tie bou / . ght :, COS , AT LA; POgr 'S '.F.I.Oiiii,.SOLE LE ITHER; cheap, WHIT SOLE -, DRUGS; a ; snail tot ver3i,eheap, . OKLEA S 8 YRU - MOLAS ES, SUGA ~ COPP E, TEAlt,j Tapioca See d RAISINS, FISH,II7ION, NAI ?,' STEEL, good - t i ck, ~SOMM R STUFFS, large v 'sty ' and the p, BROADCLOTH? and KERSE 5, very low price, HARNESS TR - MINOS, a large shock, PORK by he barrel, in short; the largest and est STOCK of GOI:IiDS we-have everof fered, at prices to suit, ltt% l 4V l l . CASH PAIII_ FOR WOOL ! ISAAC L. POST & C 1:). -June 10, 1847. • T L. POST &CO. hire also SOLE AGENTS of 1.• the Nevi York PEKIN TEA COMPANYI for Susquehanna County. la" See advertisement.l MEI NEW STYLE GENT'S HATS. ; SPRIG FASHION FOR 1 . 847. CROWN-7} inches high. 5-16 yeoman, j be.o at at sides, 146 front and rear, 3 curve. Tie oval, eat. ieches wide, front and rear. and 1 9-16 at sides.' BINDINO of an inch wide. The above new style, introduced in New Yollk on Saturday, March Oh, by Beebe & Costar, are now ready mad for sale by Mug B. MERRILL & ROOT. WANTED, AT the ARCADE, five hundred weight of 9LD INDIA RUBBER, for which the highest price will be paid. J. ETHRIDG. June 3, 1847. , : Wool ! Wool 201000101)f. WWI. wanted i at L te l to . re 3urie 1. NPER !—Gaod WRITING PAPER at It 1-2 P cts., and LETTER PAPER far 10 cur. per Quire, for sale in; June 1. STOVES OF a variety , of patterns; just received, and for sale very cheap by CHANDLER & Co. June 1, 18474 FLOUR. ' ' • SUPERFINO Floor for sale by April 20th, 1847. Chandler & Co AINTS. OH 8, LIME, PLASTER, PLOWS & P CASTINGS, &c. &c. by B. SAYE. may 27, 1844:. r ONINETS.-I—A choice selection—beautiful;styles B—Linen Edges. Beat tuutortmeut in towif at POSTS. NEW GOODS, & CHEAP. THE snbsct l iber9 are receiving a well select - till stock- of NEW GOOOB, ‘vhich will inake their assortment very complete. and they aro deter mined to sell on terms that wilt be satitfacsory to purchasers. 1 U. 13URROWS & I CO. Gibson. Junel 8, 1846. CHEAP DELAINS. • 25 PIECES Mousseline DeLaineicharidsome patterr. is 2d to 2s 3d per card, at • U. BURIthl% & Co's. Cash paid for Wool! 50,000 e p d ou a t t id t s h o e f H ‘V a t O s O t L O ; , . I 7 nonnte door above Searle's Hotel, for whiCh' the highest price *ill he paid by Jtine 9th 1847. Merril & ItOot. Any kind oC Fur; Brush, Mole iiSkin, Lighorn, Palu Leaf, Sporting...and 'Wool Hats, also Hen and Boys' Cloth; Silk, Silk and Col.:-Olazed and Velvet Capi r also Children's Capsselling cheap by Julie '47. _ M. & Root. MOLASSES at es 6d per gallon—Teas, Sugars 151 Cod-fish, Se.c.anew lot. rreCull quidlc July 8, 1847. J. LYONS. lEEE 5,00 YARDS CALICO from 6d to is, fast colors and elegant patterns, just arrived—Call and see them—go ; ine—at • SalisbUry's. 'July 1847. 1 LEGHORN BONNETS A LARGE supply, and VERY cheap . —ltonnet /S. Trimmings, Par#ols & Parasolettesiutit arriv ed at Salisbury's. July, 1847. SUMME)t CLOT HS. AVARIETY of styl and cheap ai July, 1847. Sabsbary's IDAINTS & OIL-4,000 lbs. White Lead in Oil, at last year'sprices—(the price has ad vanced in market.) P ARIS CREEN in Oil, best quality, which is a untchkhandsomer green thannny other for.window blinds, &c. Nirnish, Bp'ts Tur pentine, Putty, &c. &k. at U. BURROWS '& Po's. STIGARS. THE LARGEST aud CHEAPEST stools of Su gars in this county jusilreceived at ; July, 1847. SalisbUry'e. VESTINGS. AN elegant assoOent, kin arrived, ano cheap at • Salisbury's. July, 1847. . . • SILK warp, Baia istripeoplasid and plain Alpaca's at greatly reduced, prices, at\ Salisleiry's• July, 1847. WANTED to engar'e 5,0(10 X& of FLANNEL to)o deliver' by the Ist, dXy of October next. J. LI I ONS. June 10. - DOUBLE REF D LOAF and crashed SUGARS at Only 161,..per lb. CasA, at j \Salisbury's.' July, 1849. GINGIUM & GINGUA4C IrAWNS, just arrived, and verylo. , -1141 • 84:4ai!s; Jlaly, 1847. . : BROADCLOTHS. - 1 1, RENQH, Domestic'taidolothi Fialit \ trev =CASMlngitg-84., - Americal.t Cenci iiiid#on. -.Cassimetesonstiarnved and lima* rf • • July; 1847, ; sa g oti N_ ,FLQ . O4 & PORK, ; MIOR BALE at r Daly 14, 1847:, I. Taglient and eiradAlallhavile,juit4 nved and very cheap at Elalphorfa. ' July, 1847. New ‘Groods ! HE subscribers have received their matiel.srell T selected 4 0 4 of GOODS suitable'to the seas son, which will telolditt prices to scut tbo : eitnes for A•k! 94.4 4 *RY PAY.I!, Their assortment ccimprises alltottlOvery,article the People want in way of,DIIY Go6ls§ A pAch to BROAUeLOTO SATINETS,, ; ;• . . „ . 1 11E:4 7 )0 • tf- ts... • And lots of 'summer staffs for boys and childrexes wear,. &a. Among their _ • CROCKERY. • • Are sonte.of the qewest pattertm. ." • HARDWARE Too numerous to mention. In addition they have a clzoie lot of • GtOCERIES,• , Such asi SUGAR, lIIOLASSE . S; SPI-I CES, FISH, 4.c. 4-c. . . All of ,Alicli will be exchanged for . • WOO L, ees"cenlber re gg s,T„..co,. a:iaas; R. SEARLE -& CO. of GRAIN Montrose, June 10, 1347 1 1:!1.1.3 Ar. 1 14 •ZO / AGAIN.—Tho subscriber is now receiyip his . stock of .new SLNIMER. GOODS, comprzaing; a large and sidninni assortment of the CHEAPEST GOODS ever offered in this marltet.• The ten per cent sys tem outdone_ by cheaper rates et "• . J. B. SALISBURY'S. July, 1847 MECHANICS' ADVERTISEMENTS JOB MTN. , . . . RHE Publisher's of the People's Aarocate, bay ing the use of an entirely new and modern as sorttnentof .1011 TYPE. are now prepared to execute, in a neat and satisfactory style. all kinds of JOB PRINTING J. LYONS at prices to suit. the times. PAMPHLETS, BILL HEADS, CARDS; • CATALOGUES, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, Printed on short notice, and in the best Style of the Art. • . 17 A Vhatt of the People's patronage is respec ull!: solicited. • July 9, 1846. SPINNER IN connexion with the following certifichte w i ere handed to us the :testimonials of several ,respectable Indies, who haire Used the Domestic Horizontal - Spinning Wheel, add who concur in saying substan tially, that they can spin with it seven or eight run, (or about four day's work) per diem, with' as much ease as they can.per form an Ordinary day's work with a com mon wheel. The inference is irresistable; tki.itt it will hereafter he more profithble for the farmer who manufactures his wool, with this machine to have in his employ at the SOW COO for labor, one girl; titan Joni girls with the common stand-and-spin! wheels : [People's Advocate. The undersigned, citizens of Montrose have witnessed with much satisfaction the operation of a novel machine denominated the " Domestic HoriZontal SPinning-wheek" lately invented by Hiram F. Wheeler of Springville, in th'is, conotyz .It appears, to us to be a valuable improvement, in view of the ease with which it is.used and the ra pidity with which it executes. We dim t not that our Farmers gelterally, with ; ;Ill who " tail and spin" will approve it too. Montrose, - S'uscrit eo. Ptu Col. Franklin Lusk, ••' •• lion. Win. Jessup, Gen. D. Warner, Joseph • Thus. Johtion,, . Hon. M. C. Tyler, - , S. S. Mulford,. . • Henry J.. Webb, P. M. J. B. Salisbury, - • . • Walter priffel;--Treasarer. J. W. l'il,fers, E. Patrick, Jr., M. D. Daniel•Searle,- . • Wm. J. Mulford, J. LyonS, Wm. J. Terrell, • Issue L. Post, Geo. V. Bentley, WM. L. ;Post, Rev.lohii'Long. • r. 74. Rights will be sold on the most rens• nimble terms to thotie whiff wish to make'the wheels!, or purchase' Territory to sell -again in any of the United Strikes (excePt 'Ohio.) ThotieWishing to engage; in a business both pleasant and profitable Will please call on 'the subscribers in SprinOille; Sustrehanna nounty; Pa. 1 1 H. P: WHEELER, Patentee. J. SMITH, 4,.Agent. pgville, April 5, 1547. Spri nom TAILORING TAILORING! • T 0 Iti G 4A. LOCKE &'R. F. .lANIESON, having as: a sociated + themselves ,in the TAILORING .BUSINESS, would respecutilly solicit die patron- age of !those who make Fash(on 'their criterion of Dress, and also those, who consul( erise'ritherthan ;Fishion;'believing that they ctin fully meet the tea Attd , willies of all-those who may ' favor them with • hiiing" done on shortlnotice, and wiirranted to'fitiitlrightly put together. • '• • • - Qom' N. B.—Shop may be ifoun4 at the building lormnily occupied by R. B. I , ,oulte as,a Tailonug ‘EitUblishment„opposne J. hia4,'."`WitgOhl ) P• I l•-•.•";•'••• .•`` " A., LOUKE. I " ''•!14.4`.• AbIESON. -,440.14121P2Z, ,1847, 459ut3 • •-:. •.' • .. , 4,ilairiind - iabUjr;-Itis ielnedY-41 00 r iv Vuigliii say:! : ' 1" • - ' _:,' j Snarl:ERIN , Testin; 'Vrit-Oet, - 10; 4 111 43 . 1 ftqtruleqire:oftbewbether I have aced' your air TIMM, ,lind the elect:. Sev ral Years ego my - lour begim rapidly to fall from e scalp: and I had Oi l Prospect of oremature i bald* ' boring severa l ,y nil used various Mop- Arad° . recommended for OW from _which I. deriied no beiegt. At 10 h Isfiiend recomMeud-; 04, oar Hair Tonic; I ti - three oifiidibotilteac coldlng•ta• the od:ilea 'l3—timil'ifitliiethe end of tiz, 11°*bli inytair war • eet- andainee kite*. man! to turn gray was sm arted . I have never be- HORIZONTAL EiMMEZME;M PATENT 31E0Itirti:‘1 _ :L. :__,.,.._„ ”.„,• . . fore given semi:W[l* . Rn 'reconutiendingletent meth.. tines, which AndiscriagnidelY-u/4. as t l )Yj ien IF* i do inch injury, but in a ciao like the p rese ntwhere ' I know : the erode to be ileilefiiiinindpatii dmtse berm, I have no.tcni,plevin.etating,factsywithin our; knowledge: • ' - loliti Iltiigle.t, 14: tr. - •To Dr. Jiytie, Pliiladelphiov ,' ; ~.: ?. , 1., , ~_ , : Clifdrea iiie of St'ona". 7 4.yeamd: grown trp pie too, Di, Jayne's irermiftige;has never been known to fail tcreure hi the Worittstiges: 7 Symplosts of Worms.—These itreleadscias, Nord~ go,paleriess of thefifs,,withjfuidied'eheeks, grind mrthe teeth during skit; slltrbed dreamsisleeP broken, off by fright , and screening s convolsions,fe. verishdess, thirst, bad taste in 'the tiiinith, 4ffensive breath, cough, difficult breathing, itching orate nose Os, pain in the stomach,, nausea, . Nneantithness, voracious appetite, leano s ess - lehesmus„ - sliAt daft or shivering', drowsiness, fatigaeotwelled puma& rising sue choking In the throat, turbid urine, frequent desire to evacuate the bikdels,' dii. charge of slime and =cue; &c."..-- • - or nervnusuess, sick headache, palpitation of the heart, &c., it gives immediate relief, It Ilso Men , tridizes acidity of stomach; Creates , au appetite, strengthens the whole system ) , and , cures the piles. Prepaied only by Dr. Ci.•Javtie; Ph ladeTphta, and sold on agency by N. NIITeIiEL & CO, Druggist', -Montrose: • .1 . Scott's Oaitatthe Ceiettet! I.offering this to the . public, the . ,propti t etor is i* fluenced by uo sinistertotive i a mere desire that all mankind may havethe enefitof a retaeilY which his own circle of friends hate only had opportunity ' heretofore of enjoying, indutes him to l enter . arena of competition with the thousand!: Bat iti, superior and well proved efficacy-dn all cases of Tel cent burns, scalds or wounds,as also inrheumatism,.. chapped hands, and old ulcers orindotent tumors ought to be known, nud its general use.will certai n ly make it the. every day coMpanion of the n uee tumors ought casualties are so frequent. . ~ ... Ftroin numerous certificate. 4 hada Poinisession; the!' proprietor Offers the folloWing: ' . , 4 . • ThiS may certify that I have-used Mr. Scott's sant -ative Cerate, and believe it an invaluable cure fog' br'uises, burns, sores, Ste. 3'.. . ' .. -EDWARD WHITE. New Milford, March 1.2, 1847. .. ' ' This may certify that we have used L.-Scott's Sari. alive berate, and we know it to be a valuable rend. edv for scalds or barns, and therefore willingly'con tribitte our testimony in its favor. • .ELEANOR iLiNgs, . . • DAVID WARNER,. S. C . , HAYDEN, Franklin, Susq. co. Pa. Feb... 26, 1847: This is to - certify that I 'hive used Mu' Cerat and find it the most efficacious remedy for burns, ?r chappped hands or lips, that I have ever used, d recommend it to all those who may be thus afflicte . JOHN IMIZIAN. New Milford; June 17, 1847. • Mr. L. Scott—Sir : have bad ample opportuni ty of testing the virtte of 'your Cenato, and . ha;le tound it a naost valuable reinetiv. New'Milford, May, 1847 ar The Comte is put.-up in large and aubstantal tin boxes, and for, sale wholesale and retail by t e subscriber at his residence jn New Alilfard, Susqtie hanna county, Pa. Price 37h cts. • LUMEN SCOTT Also for sale by the following agents: N. Mitch el & Co. and .1. Ethridee, Montrose: Weaver. BrlO's & Co. New Milford: N. Cedwell, Great Bend. ntf Bowel am! Summer Complaint—no .tare no pay, Dr. Jayne will tTuarainee that his !Cornulusiive Balsam will cure Diarrlscrit; Optics, Cramps, Griping Pains, Cholera Morbus, Sumnitr Complaint, and oth er derangements of the Stetriffat and bowels, inane; tv-nine cases out of a hundred, and in less than half the time it earth° effected by any othoi means. 1 It is extremely pleasant aralchildren are fond of it. It is eqnally as effectual for adults as childien. and when the directions are followed and a cure ma elected, the moony will be,cheerfully returned.— 1 Prick 25 'arid 50' cts a bottle. . I i From the Rev. Charles C. P. Crosby. 1 - Messrs. A. B. & D. Saud, —I am glad to infpnw you that the medicine sold by you for summer rim plaints has proved singularly eißeacions in my fami ly. My wife hasbeett for, years extremely liable to a most distressing dysentery inhot weather ; busby the use of Jaync's Caimingtiye Balsam for 'two iea. ens, the attack has been obviated in the. coursed two or three hours.' I lime known children, W hen a attacked by a violent diarrhren, cured immedi telv by this medicine. I con Sider Dr. Jayne's metht lie prepared with great skill, and h ghly benefici I' to our infirm human nature., Yours Respectfully, I ' New York, Sept. 1037 C. P. Causer. Dr. D. Jayne—Dehr Sh.--Havi g used in my fam ily, for eight -years, your Car n hutiee Balsam, I deem it due yourself andithe .pu is tq state that I 'have tiniformly-frutifd it elßrieut i removing and re lieving the complaints for which it is, intended. I inn strongly opposed to all quackery, but touching the abOS-e medieme,." I have tetted•that which il do know," and that which I have experienced. Respectfully - yours.: Jens E. HARRISO,N, .... Pastor of Baptisf,Church, Bordentowm N.J. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Philtidelphi4.aist sold on agency by : .N:3l/TCHEL & CO., Druggists, -Montrose. MISCELLANEOUS ADV'S. .1 Leonard Scott dr Co•s I FOREIGN' PERIODICALS.; It i' THE LONDOI QUARTERLY REVIEW, THE EDINBU G REVIEW, - j THE WESTAI NETER REVIEW, THE NORTH i3RITISH REVIEW; and BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURG MAGAZINE 4 The above Periodicals sr e reprinted in New York. immediately on their ariival by the Eritish Steal:h ers, in i a beautiful clear' type, on :me white riper, and nre faithful copies of the orioinals—Elackwootrs. Magazine being an. extietjac-si;ile of the Edinburg edition.. • The prices of theße-prints are less than one-third of those of the foreign cnpies„ and while they' are equally" well got up, they afford all that advantage to the Americin over the English readqr. I PAYMENT TO DE NIDE IN ADVANCE. 1 For any one of the four Reviews, - $3,00 a year. Fdr any two do. • • ', 5,00 1 . For any three. do. 7,00 ' ' 4 Fbr all four of the Reviews, - ;8,00 For Blackwood's blagazine, - - 13,00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews,lo,oo ' 4 . j Remittances and ComMunications tnust be Made, in all cases, without expenie to the POblishers4The former may always be-done throughla. Postmaster, by handing him -the amount to be remitted, taking Ins receipt, and forwardiagthe'receipiliy. niail,"Post paid ; or the money maybe encl+l an a lette.r, post-paid, directed to tiMpublishers.l ,- ' • -- Ay commaxicattons Aoui4. be diessed (post. paid)) to . - , , 1 LEONARD SCOTT, k., Co.; Publishers. !,, • • - . 112Tultot street, New YoOta, ' i 44m6 ' HYs.7)etamare S: issurance . companY, delPhin,l.:haveuutheriae4 the untlersagneotto effect Immune* nn-Buildinge; Methodical mid otherprop "rtyKrsisout damage er:lehebytfirei , The maroons° resources of the company, sul. Mir atlherertce to fairanti' -honornhle prmetples In the truutaction of all theirlosentitlei them tP the notifklence of the 011ie. nes stiff( Menne of pou rs:lce. • :14V0‘; Adeiht Montrose, Anti te. ACC ►0 ,- 4 L. W. D' INGHAM, M. D TEEMS; Ii