The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, September 16, 1847, Image 3

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Convention of Wy
oming co."'held Tunkhanuoak on Satur
day,-4th inst., nominated Win. M. Platt,
EN., of TunkhannoCk, for Senator, R. R.
Little, Esq., of Tunkhatinock, for •Repre
sentative; Ashbel Lee for Com m issioner, and
Richard Lott for Auditor. The .Patrol, on
behalf of the Democracy of Wyoming, had
promised that the ConventiOn would concur
in the nomination of F. B. Streeter, tag:,
of this County, but it would seem, fronuthe
above nomination, that the Democrats of
Wyoming county are not dispoied to be bar
gained or pledged into any nomination be
fore the Convention is held, or before any
expression of the popular feeling has been
obtained. We suppose that every voter in
the district will admit that Wyoming should
sometime furnish a Senator, without regard
to the allotment of Representatives, which,
locally c onsidered, could not w ell be other
wise than one member to each county.—
Between the three counties there is a tine
chance for designing politicians to play a
shrewd game for their own especial glory,
and we caution the People to look out for
them. Upen the magnanimity and sense of
justiee'oi the People of the district the whole
question of as allotment of Senator should
rest, and not upon a. trio of little politicians,
who only care for their own elevation.
Cr The Democrats of Wayne county in
Convention held on Monday evening 6th
inst., re-nominated Pope Bushnell, Esq., of
Beth for Representative, Charles B.
Seamen and John B. Cola for Commission
ers, and G. A. Starkweather for Audit Or—
. also concurred in the nomination of
F. B. Streeter, of Stisq'a co. for Senator.
Firts.—The Court House in thii Borough
caught fire from a stove-pipe on -Monday
last, but by the prompt application of a few
buckets of water the fire was easily subdued.
cgr James P. Langford, sometime since
convicted in Bradford county "cit the murder
of his wife, was last week sentenced by
lodge Cony nghim.
Annual Cattle Show and Fair,
Of the Susquehanna County AgriCultural
The Society for the advancement of Agri
culture and the Mechanic Arts will hold its
second annual Fair in'the Boroughsof Mont
rose, on TUESDAY THE 19th DAY OF
Persons having any of the animals or ar
ticles enumerated in the jest for Premiums
annexed to this notice, or any articles not
enumerated which may be deemed worthy
of exhibition, either on the score of superior
ity or curiosity, are requested to bring them
to Montrose at the time appointed for the
Although the proCisions ofihe tye-Laws
are such that none but members of the Soci
ety, or persons contributing to its funds, are
allowed tqbecome competitors for premiums,.
yet other persons are not thereby debarred
the enjoyment of the benefits and pleasures
of the exhibition. ALL, therefore, who feel
an interest in the Society are invited to at
tend ; and it is hoped, that as the annual
contribution required to constitute member
ship is but the trifling sum or fifty cents,
hundreds of our citizens who are not yet
members will become so between this time
and the day of the Fair, or on that day.
All who design to compete for premiums
are requested to give notice of, such inten
tion to Geo. Fuller, Chairman of the Exec
utive Committee, at least five days previous
to the day appointed for the Fair, specify.
lag the animal or article to
.be exhibited ;
and those. having specimens for exhibition,
-of any, kind, are requested to bring theM or
send them in, it convenient, bn the,after
noon preceding the exhibition. The object
of this is to enable the Committee to make
suitable arrangements in reference to them.
And all animals intended to be exhibited,
must be on the ground by nine ri!clock on
the morning of the-day of exhibition.
All articles-as well us animals intended to
be offered for premiums, or presented for ex
hibition, should be labelled with the owner's
name and place of residence. Animals will
Abe brought to the office of the Hon. Wm.
ham Jessup, which is now the office of the
Society, in order that they may be entered
,upon the Books 9f the Executive Commit.
tee. Other articles and specimens will
be taken to the Court House, where' there
will be a Committe to receive and • take
charge of them.
No premiums will be paid on animals or
specimens of any kind taken away before
the close of the exhibition without permission
•of the Executive Committee.
The following Committees for awarding
'Premiums are appointed for the present year,
who are requested to report themselves to
Hon. Wm. Jessup, President of the Society,
41 his office, by 9 o'clock on the pumping of
the day of exhibition, in order that if there
'be vacancies they may be supplied.
It will-be tdwerred that there are on the vari
ous Committees several gentlemen Who are
Sot tow,Anemberkof the SoCiety;4llo hive
b een iPttobnedis the expeetsitilestAtat they
would lent -their lagaince in pr of the
various laudable objects of_thCSOciety
is not desired. or. A:Owed. that; ay.. gentle
ma of n arill Istrew-ail staY the
be be a merabeii(ll4 Sitiao at the
nom nitiktion U;act; **war, ex
tended Is the
These Comoiitteeiiii - iii aniseed by the
Bye-Laws to be competitors Ex prenaiunis.
that they be celled upon .to award,; but this;
provinoe will not extend to. eta rertiele .or
animal upon whose merits their judgment
is not require&
Varieties of Graie.—Abel Comedy, 41e
heist Carpenter, Joel Turrell.
B. A. Butterfield, GeoigelFrink:
_4. Chtise.—Giorge : Waker,
L briery:
Agricultural Imphsalestse , --. S. M e yi ert ,
ThoskiJokinson, Harvey trier. -
Xis;`--Wmt C. Ward , Daniel Searle;
Charles iterikO.
Neat Mock—Rufus SMith, Dalton Tif
fany,. Gen' W. Stephen!. '
Main,',..los. L. Merriman,
Efisha Williaius.
. .
i t Switte-B. B. GoodriOS• ':lino. 'W. For
er, Stephen- Breed. , ,
1 iii ii ih ry .T. P. saolip, I wlty.A. Poet,
IWm.r.k. , T rrell. I ' 1 1 I. .
1 Gitrden VertiNes4lbirtChamberliii,
*m4 D. c pe, siunuerpio,.:
nailer+ Mm , Wta. Jim,. up, Mrs. IL J.
'Niue , M '.ThoittarNicholion.
N edle ark: -I-Miss Serah;Walker, Mrs.
T. St. hit Mrs. F. tusk. -_
D esti laaafsgetaraj--comprising Car
pets, She ! ,s" .Bedgailts,l Mashes, Flan
na b, 4.c.. ,Mrs. F. Bailey, Mrs. ; Charles
Ting ey, rs. Wm. Hartley.
Ea it of the Ccinimittees will be required
to rei:'rt i writint, and in each report to
set f ' the peculiar point, qualities and ad
vent ,s of the animal or article obtaining
their preferenee---they are requested o fur
nish their, Girard or report to the SW ty by
thr i eele'cliOkin the afternpon. '
All these . proceedings and exhibtions, it
shOultbe understood, are regulated and con
trolled by the COnstitution and Bye.liws of
the SoCiety . , with which it' would be ell for
all interested to make thetnselves acc uaint
ed. i
The Society will meet in the Court-house
at 2 o'clock t P.' M., at which time address
es may be expected, .und the•business of
Society will - be transacted
The Executive Committee, in the name
and behalf the Society, desire to embrace
this occasion to awaken; the attention of
their felloW citizens of the couniy, to the
great importance of the objects sought to be
obtained by it, to wit: the " advancement
of Agriculture, te Mechanic Arts, Horticul
ture,and Dome tic or Rural Economy' in
Susquehanna c unty," and to solicit their
nid and influencO in prodioting tern. It is
not sbpposed that argenseat is n cessary to
this pli t rrse, for none who' will give their
attentia to the subject ,can fail to compre
hend at a glance, the great benefits. which
may be secured to the general pecuniary
and social interests of the people of the
county through the aid and influence of this
Society, if it be properly sustained by them.
It is not an organization designed for the
exclusive persona] benefit , of those original
ly associated in it—the object is far beyond
this—it is the advancement of the geneal
good of our county the Society seeks. And
it isnot presumed that any individual 'who
has, of who may, become a member, is
prompted in so doing by a desire only to
make private gairi ont of it farther than a re
alization of a proportion of the benefits ac
cruing, to the community of which he is' a
member.. From the apparent backward
ness of the great mass of our citizens, it is
feared mistaken views aretentertained in re
ferencl to th 4 Society.. We cannot believe
it is from a want of the proper public spirit.
It is nut the Individual in most cases who
obtains the premium for the best Cow, or
Horse, •or Crop, that receives, the greatest
benefit from the operation of 'the Society.
It is often at great expenseJlint animals of
superior blood are introduced by an,,individ
urd, yet the community shire the advantage
ultimately. ;He Who produces a superior
crop, by a successful experiment, is not
more the gainer for the small premium the
Society- awards, than the community around
him who thereby gain, a knowledge of the
process without the trouble and risk of ma
king the experiment. Immediate or exclus
ive personal interest, or dollar and cent con
siderations, are not in accordance with the
spirit Sind object of the Society.' Yet n is
hoped there will be-a general and zealous
competition for emery class of •premiums at
the approaching Fair. It is earnestly de
sired also, that all classes of our citizens will
become interested, and contribute as cir
cumstances may permit to the generil stock
of materials for eirhibition. We shall then
see a display of hOrses, and cattle, and sheep,
and pigs, and poultry—specimens• of agri
cultural products; of the arts, &c., of our
own county, that will surprise even our
selves, and afford to all a rich gala day that
may serve to make us both happier and wis
For the best acre of winter wheat, $5 00
2nd best, " ; " 300
For the best acre of Spring Wheat, 500
2nd bat " 61. 300
For the best acre of Corn, 500
2nd !best ", . " 6 300
For die best acre of Oats, 3 00
For the best half acre of Rota Baga, 3 00
ti ~ Sugar Bee; • 300
I 'i " Carrot; 300
For the best acre of POtatoes a copy, of the
Faris is Instructor.
For the best Butter not less than 10 lbs. 3 00
For the best Cheese, , 300
Fpr the best Cow, : ! 5 00
2nd best . ," , 300
For the best Heifer, the " Cultivator" one
year, .. .. •
For,,the best Calf,, a copy of the " American
Veterinarian, or diseases of Domestic An
iiitals." ,
For tbe best Ewe, , 3 00
2nd ,best " one copy of Korell's .
merican Shepherd." ,
For the belie Boar, ' 3OO
" • 50w, 300
For the best Bull , • 6 00
2n&beat 3 00
For the best Stallion, 6 00
2nd:best - 3 00
For the best Breeding Mere, 5,00
For the best pair of grit Horses raised in
'TheCounty, a copy of rallatt. on the
For the best Buck, _ 3 00
2nd beast if acoriyalloinston'il Agri
cultural Cheittiatry.'
For the beet pair of dentitill•Fowlo,' a eoPY
of Soonsaniti Padieri f eitompaolmw-i
-Per die best specimen of pain !wealth'
any otingerael4WCopy4 thifrito
• .I,ill.lFiteben Gardoaer." ,
FOr die riebestLepileetioalef FlowersnOti'
,t ;sated, by mu:lona individual or famil y— ;copy oldie ,I!osti cwolia."
F4v the- hest exacated article of Need!**
elegance and
. i r ni#l'.,
- I.i;F ehp i 'l4 gin
, 64 Aarriat l ," !' • ,
?Dineintanno* Promotes". ,or , Pa
liteliesilytteiU be strudel!! to - tbe beet mene.
Manufactures: ",11easisiilt, Shawl,
Blanket, Flannel, - end perhaps other -arti
cles that marbesmitibitedenol bere"etium
erated.. ' GEO. IPPLLER,
• -,
FRANKLIN LV. 8 4 7 :
Sept. 15, 1847.. t Ei.
PEV • R ok:,AGSUE-Ja.o4e'4 Agae, Pills are's° d
under itgiansalee that one bo ttle of them ardr cure
mai personntFever a nd or thilbfiuid Fiver,
and oases if they sh od:fail useure,
ey „wiWbe returned. • But, ;hey- never have, failed
Yeti nisi will they fail one time ii a thoisaild cues.
kesiiie.'i. IL Phillen & Co. says: aincien Mills,
EL '. 'We are teach pleased with - your 'triediaines,
and kiniuthat they're bod6gaid and popular.. We
reps' that that you did litst;laemi us more of the A
gue Pills, asthere is a great demand ' for, the* and
they naS4 always been sucdessfid in curing Fever &
Ague. • -
- H. 3.lBostiek, Esq..Drayisin,'Georgia; says: Nov.
18th, 1846—Dr. D. Jayne—Desir mr—My iales of
your Ereparation have ex/netted. mrexpectalions.
Your Expectorant, Verutifuge, Ctunimitive Balsam,
and Fever and Ague Pillialt sell well, some of
which •I sun srittnf. I want:an immediate supply of
ill the ibove named ramedl Medicines, more partic
ularly `large supply of the Expectorant and Ague
Pills. We have yet among us a good many- long
standing cater of Chills aril Fever, in which your
Ague Ptils have never failed to cure. Your attera
tire is just beginning to be iknown here, and appre
ciated. If I had had enough of these Fever & Ague
Pills, Lcoukl have sold main than a hundred dollars
worth of them. Yours, &el 11. J. Bostick.
Messrs. J. & H. Moore, Lisbon, -1/I. say. (0ct.,31,
1846,) your ague Pills are about gone, and have giv..
en universal satirEaction. , 4
Wm, Bell, Esq., Walnut :Crave, Ala. says, (Nov.
9th, 1846,) I have sold yolir Agae Pills and Tonic
Vermifuge. ,They are doing wonders
.here—l am
sorry You did not send me more of them. •
G. C, Carmichael, Esq. ' Lanier, Georgia. says,
Nov: 20, 1846.—r am happy to say that your. prepa
tions are exciting general . . favor. I have sold all
your Ague Pills, under a Warrantee, and have not
heard era failure in' sing/e case. .
' Ita/dermtui & Co. Mt. Carro ll , 1 11 ., says. (Oct. 20.
1846,) Your medicines, solar as they have been tried
in this tection of country, give very general satisfac
tion, particularly your Ague Pills. We could have
sold three times the amount we did, if we had bad
them. The sanative Pills are very much liked by
those who have Aried them, and are fast taking the
place of all other Pills es a purgative.
Wm. Halderman & Co.
Prepared only by Dr. D..iJayne, Philadelphia, and'
sold on agency by N. MITCHEL & CO., Druggistik
Montrose. a '
In Harford, on the 12th i nst.
, by Rer. A. Miller,
Mr. Aect. RICE, of Gibson, to Miss BETSEY M.
THATCHER, of Hayford.
In Harford, on the 12th inst. by Rev. A. Miller,
Mr. STEPHEN W. BREED, of Brooklyn, to Miss Sas-
A N NA qvii.z, of Harford.
gentlemen's garment cutter, old stand, over Merrill
& Root's Hat store. 1; .
1. ,
T HE, subscribers are now receiving by the N. Y.
&Erie Rail Road a large addition to their stock
of GOODS. We tender our grateful acknowledge
ments to those who have heretoforefavored us, cud
cordially inviteallWho arein want of good GOODS,
at prices to givens a call.
SepCl6, 1847., 1
• Ginghams,.Alpacas, Plaid's, Prints, Detains. shawls,
Hada. Buttons, Thread, Silk, Blankets, Bonnets.
Ribbons, Sheetings, Shirtings, Linens, Diaper,
Fringe, Gloved. Tape. Books & Eyes, and in fine
everything at less than 10 per cent-..-to be had at
Chandler & Co's.
Tea, Sugar, Molaises, TObacco, Salaratus, spice,
Ginger, Nutmegs - , C)oves, Coffee, Cassia, Powder &
shot, &c.
Tin and &Oyes on hand ; constantly—stove ware
and Tin ware made' to order or repaired on abort
Books & Sationery.
School Books of almost every kind, large and
small Bibles, Fancy Books; Toy Books and school
Tickets, Blank Books, Ink stands, Ink. Writing &
Wrapping Paper, Wafers Sr, Wax, steel Beads, Pen
cils, Purse hooks, steel rens, Envelopes, Cards,
Black sand, &c.. to be foul at •
Chandler & Co's.
NaiLi &Iron, Butts & screws, Door handles, Cut
lery, Tacks, Ox balls, Glass & sash, &c., at
' Chandler & Co's.
In exchange for Goods, Flannel, sacks, Beeswax,
Grain, old Iron, Pewter, Cropper & Brass, Butter,
ALSO—an apprentice to the Tin inule• lad 16
or 17 years old, of steady habits and good moral
character, will receive good encouragement at
•F. B. Chandler & Co's.
sem. 16, 1847.
Poeket-BOok Los
t !
Lost, on Thursday la 4 Sept. 2nd, on tha mad
between the residence of Suel Corbitt, in Conk
lin. BrOome co. N. Y. and th e Snake Creek Tannery
in Franklin; SUN. co., a cal-skin POCKET BOOK,
remaining 3 prommissory Notes. one of $9OO against
Abijab Upham, jr., one of $2OO against [Peter Mug
ford, and one of $479, with endorsements, against
Baldwin Muzzy--a check on the Bea of 'New-
York of Vso—and between- $3O and $4O in bank
bills, a $2O bill en the Massachusetts Bank, the oth
ers not ,recollected—arnouthing in all to abont $l.-
355. The pocket-book alto contained the certifi
cates of ordination of the tuidersigned.
Whoever will return said' Pocket-book with to
whole contents to Wrn. Bohm', Tunkhannock, Wy
oming Co. Pa., or leave it with Rev. A. Brooks, in
Montrose, shall receive the tnoney therein contained
u a Reward. (CALEB MUGFORD.
Montrose, Sept. 6, 1847. 65w3
400 Acres of Linid-450 Acres Improved
To be sold on Mond4y, Nov. Ist, 1847
BY virtue of an order oft the Orphan''s Court in
and for the County ofliusqueliarma, I shall ex
pose to sale by Public Vendne or outcry, on the Ist
Monday of Nov. next at 21o'elock, P. 'M., on the
premises, all that certain piece or parcel of land or
farm, bite the Estate of Frinklid N. Avery, Dee'd,
situate is the township of New Milford in said coun
ty and bounded on the North by lands of Solotoim
Wil lam s , on the East by IXiideof Gabriel Everts; gu
the Smith bylands of Johlcyler, and on the West by
bmdkof Job Tyler and Jared Tyler. Said Porn lies
in a body, contains 400 acrtl or , thereabouts, is well
watered with living spring*, has titiori it an abun
dance of pia! and chinnutitimber,for:building dad
fencinrpozpspotes on said Ifarm; and also a. full stiP
ply of timber for fuel a c t other pawpaws: ate
Untirri and/fty . acres said farm are under a
good wine oUrthwation-. ye. theneon 'A rod or
ehants,'l lair kindlingit i. iinnies high and 30
by 40 :feet ' , oh a Wing,l erbarna, and 100 fin
of Inn' tate cow-balm - or [a and anisiderable
stone walL Said farm cannot be divided amoogthe
heirs, and cassistotontlylswe be:ol4 to the highest
bidder., To any !Oiling to iuehatwso4k *
ika 06 . 11110* to. atteint e „till npa
grant soil is good .. 11
.241 a initabLi th
paststraie sad the 2101%14
. maims po r s4,Aulso l ieb 1 1 ,b• "Sid so , disc ailhumstisio the
utraqill - vegiv ft fato odem at - tbio *Amin
which will be intiiin Imotan 11...tbe thai of
'visor of as Esie4e of daf
Bohit.';6, 1841.-634 "? p
• ected
• week at ibistore of • g •—• sx next
c. c. WWlTrili C.' 8. - 101 . 11E' T, • i
[APING bought the stock Of goods of Wen
al . ver Brothers & Co;; And tide large ad
ditions to the same fr now, ii nyite, eir old friends
and custonieri, inetliel }Midi generally, to
call and erninine'thileg . & 'lt is their
intention to , lien -at , ;nice' lbwer than the
same style and quality-of antic es _ can, be pur
chased at any other,
„establishment inAus
quebanna county. -_
Their stock embroils,. a larger assortment
of - - . : i
STAPLE 4. FA Oki ' ! '
. ,
DRF . GO 1 N
than has ever before been offeired in
tion of country; andlberbel eve it v
for the interest of all wishing o poo
oalkand examine their Goods and' rice*
- They have also an extensiva assn menu
Groceries, Crockery, ware,
bye-woods, Ns, P Ms, &C.
which they are detirmined to sell CIiEAP
ER than any other tore in rthern.Penn•
alWays on hand, and of the bast quality.
Cooking and Parlor Stoves,
of the latest and patterns,
An Ware, State .oipi a Iron Steel, Nails,
and !loots 4 Shoes Of all kinds. •
V II I 4
A very large assortment.of SOLE and
UPPER LEATHER, Calf Skins, Patneys,
Sheep Skins, Morocco Skiths, Pink and
White Linings, and a - generaassortment of
Findings at prices which defy competition,
Cr CASH paid for HIDES, SKINS,
Pelts, Wool, &c., ,and Grain , Butter,
Cheese and all kinds' of produce taken in
exchange fur Goods aticash prices.
• * Do not fail to " TRY" the New Mil
ford Exchange.
—New Milford, Sept. 7, IS* . • -
TOR 411 E
A monthly Miscellany of Pleasing nd Usefol Infer
'nation, for the Motherstmcl Daug hters of America.
Devoted to Me diffusion of ussAl knoiriedge.
Illustrated lyralarge numberof hanclsome engravings
WILL be publisbedMonthly,(commencingwith
September, 1847,) under the supervision of
the "American Society for •the Diffusion of Useful
Knowledge." •
Each number will contain 48 elegantly printed
Pages, Royal Octavo, on fine white a rper, embellish
ed by a number of engravings, ming each year a
volume of 576 pages of pleasing an instructive mat
ter, profusely illustrated.
The Pictorial Casket will con an no sully love
tales, or other deleterious matter, but the great aim
will be to instruct as well as amiss making a desi
rable COMP ANION for curry family IN THE
UNION—a complete cabinet of nielid information,
embracing all the branches of general knowledge—
in altirt, lust such a Magazine as May lima-meaning
linos Velluld wish to have his wife, daughter or sister
read. •
Thus Pictorial Casket will be furnished at the ex
tremely tow price of $2 00 per year, invariably in
1 copy of the Casket & Trumbull's %%lashington, $4 00
" Nagle's Clay, or Sully's P01k,3
' . " Sears' Magarine, 1 tear, 300
" Godey's Lady's ook, I year, 3 00
" . " Graham's Magia t ine 1 year, 300
" Saturday Coune, 1 year, 300
" Sat. Evening Po 4t, 1 year, 300
" The Fountain I ear, 3 00
" 1 copy of either f Sears' pop
ular Pictorial Yorks, for 3 00
5 copies of the Casket for 1 year, ror , 3 00
10 " , 15 00
We will present a copy of Sear4' splendid Picto
rial Quarto Bible, with 1000 ffinstrations, to any per
son who will send us the names cif 10 subscribers
and $2O. Any person wishing to possess a copy of
this, magnificent Family Bible, can thus procure a
copy gratis, with very little exertion, by canvassing
among their friends.
rir AGENTS WANTED to bonvass for theta
hove, to whom a liberal discount Will be made.
Address, postpaid, WM. GRAVES &
Publishers, 65 south 3kl street, Phila.
GINGIIAMS :just openivi and fit safe by
THIS SCHOOL is removed . fronf - the 4. Old Acad
,emy" to. an eligible situatioh, in a commodi
ous house, where Miss WILLARD, the Principal, is
prepared to receive Young Ladies to board, and ed
ucate. Haring bad much experience in fitting
Young Ladies for Teachers of Connnon Schools and
Academies, she would behappy tis receive a Class
towhom partidnlar instruction be given on the
science of Teaching.
The hell Term will commence op Monday, Octo
ber 4tb. Pupils may furnish their own beds and
bedding, for Which a reasonable deduction will be
made on board. ,
Terms of TattflOn.
CoMmon English. Studies.... .... .
Higher branches
Algebra or Geometry .. : ..
Latin or French t
Music on the Piano
Use of do
Terraria,. boarding Pupils, frori twelve to four
teen shilltngs' per week. This includes washing,
fuel, and light. I •
Mr. FITOH and Miss BLACKMI(I 4 I will continue
their services in this School.
ar Ref eretwe.6;—The Trustees blithe Academy.
Moncton, Aug. 31,1847. • i . 64w5
THE largest and beat asiOrtme4 oeBTOVES are
;noir being deceived by the ;subscribers that
were ever in Northern Pante& Thom who are de-
Anima( combining comfort, convenience; economy
andnaamew will please give as a;11, and we win
prove to them that the alcove quail are to be had
.tlsleast ratibln expense. 1, r
Empire ) Air-tight Cook Stoves;
S,,taPl(l* do
ongramv ;do do. do
Knickerbocker.. do 7 do. do _
VrictOria do ,do
3 andA boileeCook Stoves- of
most every pattern. j
Double-Oven:Cooltfiltdviii, dtc..-
PARLbiI 81 1 04 Eft s
*W l v a Oar fr i"eß " t fi i a l V ti Sa t ib Wf Ti re;ri traarlsilatC
art, H /*
l * e l t lr il
Wat,-Zfie4 Copper Ware= awl irv r.
every thinievosilystfmteel m ."44ll,4 ftr!flisAg
to mic e arekoeyrairt at -
Mead* tCo's.
:A AP; ' pririe r ic wAriTtp.
•-_&: goy abOut 17 'yea 010;0!:good,Mor
-4-xt,41,Chaiacter, ;can - baite r ,* ; iitOition to
;,.. i ,
,diO „tailoring Bosioels bYOpplying at
~ , i K LOC 41r,..1AIKESON'S.
` S e pt. 15 , /Olt ..
' ':' .‘
• .
•. - .
• •
w ilt c o min gi ce
on - I •
der the
.charge 7 .of A4,B n e th
irr _= .. t ' r _ Dezt "_
ism University. " wmi
'• • r
Writing, nellaing, •,kr; atrie:
tifahiwa of
Arithmetic, Geng,PliY; vi'E ts aglish gram ,
mar !!! ..4 .1- .42 00
Latin Grammar & Lesor* caleta woy
ophy, Bctl MY& L ' 2 g ie ; ; 2l4 .Rhetl,.. , 00
Algebra, S n l Y e pl l g. , 9 e PF :l l, t 7' I'7°lo,', at
French. ! . ... 40 Land &irk Classics. 500
order of the Board.;
• :WW.IIIBI3U;', rrelaatia.c.
Montrose, Aug. 30, 1114tr—ti4tU • .
.i ti
thii/ seen
will be
oas to
, meot of
HEREBY I caution all phrs . ons ag - ainst purchas
ing s prommissors , Nan-given in favor of T. J.
Chapel for $72 00, signed'hyllirarri Cogswell, da
ted Jtily 7th, 1897, for I contend that I have receiv
ed no value and shall not ply acid Note.
RuSh, Aug. 10th, 1847. w 3. - •
A -FRESH-supply of TEAS from 18 cts. - t6 one
doIIar—SUGARS, COFFEE, &c. just opened
and going rapid.—Also a small lot of Sumner
Cloths yet on hand, will be sold at great Bar !
gains for Cash:
VP - Call QUICK at the Store of
July2o, 1857. J. LYONS.
Cheaper Fare than, any other
THE splendid Pocket Boat NEW-YORK,
Capt. H. BATES, will rim on the
Chenango Canal, between
Binghamton Ar. Hamilton,
in connection with a Il e gr DAILY LINE
OF STAGES'TO UTICA, for the -better
accommodation of the travelling pnblic,—
leaving Binghamton on
.Mondays, Wednesdays it Fridays,
at 8 o'clock, A. M, - -and returning, leaves
Hamilton on ,
Tuesdays, Thursdays 4. tSaturdayt,
at 12 o'clock, AL, on arrival of the Stage
from Utica, arriving at. Binghamton in tittle
for all the Stages South, East and West.
Passengers on this Line mill arrive at
Utica in time for the 11 o'clock- Train of
CarS, for Albany, or no pay'. The Wet is
towed by 5 relays of three horse teams, and
cannot fail ; and passengers are not subject
ed to the inconvenience-of riding in an old,
leaky, half-furnished boat, towed by 4 teams,
two of them only two horses.
is the only' line that connects with the Sta
ges at Hamilton, for Utica, and pasvengers
travelling in anysther line, will-be subjected
to Livery prices, or be . compelled to await
the arrival of the regular Line -of Stages.
which will leave them twelve hours behind
time in their krival at! ; Albany.
rhe Proprietors ok_ the People's Line
pledge themselves to the public, that- this
bOat t3ewill continue! to run duri,ng navi
gation, 40 as it was bought and furnisbet
expressly fur the service of thie canal.
From Binghamton to ffamilton, .• 50 cis.
through to Utica, $1 75
rr For passage apply at the GENER
ALS TA GE OFFICE, in Binghamton, or
to . the Captain on board, at the MainSreet
-Bridge, or E. Raynsford, Binghamton Rotel.
J. Butterfield & Co., Utica,
T. C. Nye, Madison
E. Clarke, Ozford,
H. Bates, Binghamton.
WATER FILTERS, pat nt ptirtable WATER
CLOSETS, intended for the SICK and INFIRM.
,ANUFACTURE and keep constantly on band.
' a large assortment of the !above articles, to
gedi r with their Patent . Iniyiroved Salamander
FIRE—PROOF SAFES, which are so constructed as
to set at rest all miumer of &Alit as to their being
strictly fire-proof, and that they Will resist the fire
of any building. The outside cases.of these Safes
are made of boiler iron, the insido case of soapstone,
and between the outer case and inner case isa space
of some three inches thick...and is filled in with in
destructible material, so as to make it an impossibil
ity to, burn any of the contents inside of this Chest/
These Soapstone. Salamanders we are prepared and
do challeu,ge the world to produce any article in the
shape of Book Sires that will stand as much btu,
and we hold ourselves ready at all times to have
them Eddy tested by public bonfire. We also con
tinue to manufacture a large assortment of our Pre
mium Air-tight Fire-proof Safes, of which there are
over 'BOO now in use, - and in every instance hey hoWe
given entire satisfaction to the purcb,aserit-rof which
we will refer the public to a few geri,emen who
haveliem in nat.
Haywood & Snyder, Pottsville; Joseph G. Law
ton, Pottsville ; Mr. William Carr, Doylestown. Pa.
•N. 1 ,& G. •Taylor, 129 north 3d- sty A. Wriglit'&
NeplieW, Vine st. wharf; Alesand'er Carer,' COn
veyaticer, cornerof Filbert and 9th sts.; John M.
Ford; 32 north 2d at,; Myers Bush, 20 north 3d et.;
James M, Pool, 101 south 4tb lig Dr.'Diwidlayne,
8 south 3d at.; MatthewT. Miller, 20 eolith 3d at;
and we could name some.hundreds of - othent if it
was necessary. Now we invite the attention of the
public, and particularly those in want of Fire-proof
Safro, to call at one store ore purchasing else:
where; and we can satisfy em that they can get a
14tteri and cheaper article at our store than at any
other! establishment in thrycity. ' - •• '
.Wi l, also rnanufacture -dirk - ordinary' Fire Proo
Ohm ' at very low prices, cheaper than they can be
bout t any o th er•storelin Philadelphia. "
1-. "! S/ -- . - .I).tVID-EVANfiri .
$2 50
3 50
4 50
5 00
9 00
2 00
Aug. 24, 1847-42yi
Clll3 ill 736 8 4Vr ar Tfi JAZ..
e 1 1 1 .1 tam, • I
foHfsi Sidi* (or ails by R.
.112 (1./1117L •
00-41 LEATHER, •bosesi blots the ad inlaid,
f.. 7 for isleAy • B. 8.AWR14140:,- ,
July 8, 1847. . , • • - • • "`
f V.A.LUOttIO - 46k., . ..'
i.en:sobx ot PEillkiYi.c 4 4l46 . .
an soma of the
v , . Gov.
assoun end likr*
meat dts tits sod mit Abe
!Is Sabo* Wi falmilet -
ids filthg do icier' ' - ' i ' •
s iste
13, . ' '.I. - TONS:
it•l , „"' •, - , _ q ..- 7
wci THOVSAND lbs. !Kim . MATHIS/A, .i.
lry cheap; also' tleincUitmak Oa Iris *'al*or.
44 bps, Niel. Nsils, tise: dm,st ,' r --
day/10 V. Wltttalfik * CO'S
1 , - ,:, ,~,
IlTitifLE-144i. #
‘A); lllVe t arneekiOuteekriel 1
end tel-leOlul..qete',. k
_.:7 il t,, h '' .l .',
en Mole - " f''' ; : ''' ' ,' - 'l -- ......
CV 2 ! • ' 1 4,, , i. ::;:
of every demegigt4talk ''
d e!eri rti : . 11 4. j
Plelsurejarbetsiwill 6 ' - -4!
four bona siarriagr, a
. a 4. -, ~ Drivre. oil,
~„. 1
Believini . thiisitiVEßT ST ALSO(' , , 24
sea and earrsasen.Will beadle" ' ''DI
the ciOzensprOgiStr9m,Pdtim6 ',' b _u lie S i l mi rl -- ~ =., l '
43 4,-
able to tharokitor . p he ''. """l4 - • • ''-' '''''
n .,,,,,... i a ._
. 4AL _ ...wk.
~ 11` ~ . ~....,
r-..--6 . .7 '-.77 a `---- ' 1 PiC*lrf_il
• Moutre;44.4ll, 11147:--58 ... , i '1,*;.;:...-3;
_ •
HAVE ttosrl ss i .h in a
GOODS whi c h th e7vr at as '
Cheapest. .
! -
Prints—a large-... itment , from ~'
6'l-4 tqi 12 - 14 ntst Some
beautful patterns , and ifist
I '
ors 121-2,cts.
Also— , a lotof Printedwmgamt
a large assortment o 4 r
men s~ summer wearf-vi*,
sold very cheap.l
Woolsey dr,- Woolsey' s
, best Poor,
ground and crushed sulgar, l **-,
ranted . pure, for 12 1-2 lenta - ..,
per lb. -- 4
Young lips= Tea for 26tcte per. lb
Better. - - - 0 " 56 !
Beit •,, 75
Molasses far • j'r? pe4g94 . ,}
Awl all other drocerieseM che lkm r",j,
I* 8, 1847
-.,• i . ._
ll 1 1
I:ti 1 , 11 P
I tti
i . „. ~,
~, . , it ,,•
, moNTIRost AGEOcitt
T liutr.TrAknownNTON•
f T or E m A a Tit P a AN rs. lAut t • is po p
gest and oldest Tea &tab • ee ant in' • -;lbe
•public have had full proof of sir integrity ' se:
spousibility. Bit inch has , .n the matld pres
smgdemand for their TEA: • late, that th . have
been obliged to enlarge, to a - extent, • -nee
principal establishments in Ne ' Yorkft ' ,. . il 2 .'.
• 125 Ckatliairs it 16.4 eeniiiii- 4: .
They inereover teissese.; • - in telatteti • the
Tea Trade, in a very abun • . 'deem!, and doubt 3;
less superior to arty other Tea
_ono* in i iiirerica:.
Their scrupulous regard to . all Principle" . it::
to elevate the chirotter Of aflarge hinisdos ell egi,
derstodd, and has already heenred tbetria
tion. probably,. larger than-ell other Tea Wolfish.
merits united, and consequentlytheyitie deWrmined
to sell Teas partr, more fregrant,..and polo* be
the prices, in thq-aggregate,!thim/any, house-in; ter
world—China excepted. I
,i '
They rePPe9l44tnvilcl4el44AP9Pofl.4__
.itiiis of Snscinehtern conty to*ir'Aggocy ••
Moptrose, where the followthgarilita
ways on hand ; and.they fie& no hesitationinthat wherever a single trial is made, a veil
preference is giten to,the'delebrated' T
CANTON TKA 'CO.- ' / - 1 i''. • • -
.;NF' Reader : noike thgtexperimeptt! ' 'l t
Retail prices as followso l .eltbjeallo
to be returned:if:wit aOproneac4 of t
.-• . .
/ /CrRfiENS. t '• •
• -,•• • !
Good YOUNG HY50N,.....4......., - • -ii-so'
Fine... . ... ~..:dri. ...... :....._ 4 ... it. 0
N 0.2 fragrantik3 • "3 0 - 7
N 0.3 very finedo.— -- . • , 3-i I 1
Silver Leafo f do,' J -
• ; 1 ' 1 4
Good HYSO .. .1 N 'i ' 0 7
Very fine do.
~.. • - I
t. ...., 1 I 0
Extra fragrant:. .
~... , 7
"Ii 1 2
Good HYSON .SKIN ' ~,t 0 5Q
Good IMPERIAL 1 0 7
Very fine do, 1 • ..../. I Olf,
Extra flue do ' .. .. ....i.........1. rtg
Good GUNPOWDER' .....1. Q 74
Fite do . 3
Kitra fine do.: . :... ... .....' ... ... ..b. i 2a,
BLACKS. . I .'
No. 1 souc HONG ......i .1.... t.. 4.50 9'
No. 2 ' do. .-.- 1 • it .0
Finest .d0...1" ..,,,... .. ... 44_ 0 7
Fragrant : t .larkrus
CONGO ..- !-' • • '
Fine OOLONG... _ .1 .. - . 4..0 si
ve, fine do ' 4 ' 0 7
Extra fine do . ; 1 I . 06
.. .3 .
NINGYONG —l. rocs
Finest ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA, TEA, (veryrich Pekoe Hart Fed,) ....b. if I'sl
Fine ORANGE PEK0E.....1.....1 0 0.%
Finest PEKOE FLOWERS .;.....33..: 1 001
HO WQUA, or finest Blac k Toe im• 4 i
ported i„,, . ~....1 t ooi
. No . phmultra liti.S, both Green ant iini/1
descriptions, The highest grades . grown in . 01
$1 50 per lb. - ;- i 1 I. , i
COMPANY aretWerehotireivendors i nf 41
or B k Tea called "HOWIWA'S MATH
They in need it in America in 1940- 3 and
other pe or house professing tO sell thi at
all--much ess at a lower priCedeMire thei........-
ry, as the public themselves Wilt perinve,zll , s et.; e,o";.
paring the 'pinball with the genital If • , . . !
vended by the Canton Tea Cbmpany4- : ~ i'l... -41
Every package (in additionton a s ek ete
N r rag
EIGHT, independent of the wra ~ • '' AI
stamp of neatness hat elegantei. '
in are so thoroughly wowed frobliglOleffd , ot,st,
any"el i nsay - !md powe r . wilt itomain s. ; ' ' ' in
- Jr IL.- SALT litta ', sf . ',/...'
itextroptilidy IflB4 : . "' .- t . '' r., 3;
• • s, -
, .. • „
' O L E T TER:it 1 '
4'40 the * liii.llollNll6oiiiS. '
. 40.4
a olic , BANT:4l` Nii* Yeasovy vi
sil•ity :-..-. kmi.... , . ` 1,::: , ,...- ilk •, I , :-' . f -I. l r ' '
. _
NO* 00
A 115 -11011111,1 Y-Ii
Tiotisra t
sc. — sin!! !"I",ffil/4-I°64la*ms‘nr.:
,4 1 )
:' 1'
laa ..
i. 4
4 I iA l'
, ,i
fi i i