BANS NO' CE JST. ' II E CZ MI 37 E El Ef El PENNSYLV/VNIAF Philadel . p_hia bank, par I Mtilia Mealittile ..'ice Mitainitiiintbaink''_par bink 7 par , U a bank notei.'ji 23 dis Gitarii„ Poralloe:„ p Genitantoi:rn Par Del co at Chester' • Par Chester co at WChesterpa* Montgomery cogat Farmers' b'k Bucks co pail,- Farmers' bk Reairg Raitassl • • Par' Northampton no sal Lancaster bank Far bk Lancastei Lebanon 1 dis Harrisburg . d .dis Middletown 1 dis 1 dis Columbia bridge par Northumberland par Miners' bk rtsville Wfrbk Wilkesb'e ltdis Pittig demand notes His " certificates 1 die " post notes . 1 his Towanda no sale York „ 1 dis Gettysburg 1 dis Chambersburg 1 dis Waynesbig 2 dito Brownsville Erie 2 dii Barks co bank mosaic' Honesdale 1 di's' Bk Snsiya co 14. dii Lewistown 1 dis Linn bk Warren no sale ' West Branch bk 4 die Dem Crtieript 20330 dis Lehigh co bk 37 dis Lehigh Nav Script 15 dis 4th May issue 4 die NEW YORK. N - Y City bank dis Clinton bk N Y 30 dig' 'Globe bank fraud North.Eiver bk'g co do City Trust & Bk'g co do Wool Growers' bk dis White Plains bk 1 dis Lewis co bk 3 dis Far & Dro bk Buff 5 dis Millers bk of Clyde 15 dis Far bk of Seneca co— dis Corn bk of N York 2 dis Lafayette bank 2 dis N Y Bk'g corn 00 dis Dry Dock bank 1 dis N Ifin - Tritst Co 2 dis Bank of Buffalo 55 di. Bank of Brockport 35 dis Bamilton bk 30 Flit; Corn bk Buffalo 55 die AU solvent banks la Country banks la Except bk of Comm.t bia, Green no. Rua. .son,Middle distr'ts, Platsburg, Niagara, Wash' and Warren, Wash Man Co. - Wayne co bank -Met and Planters' Del Co bank Ex bk Po'keepsie do Pottsdsan Manuf Co do Red Backs jal dis NEW JERSEY. Mechanic's' and Manufac, tarers' bk Trenton par Prbreton bank . par fraud Plainfield bank 37 dis State bk at Camden , par Cumberland bank par Mount Holly, Salem Bk'g co par Monmouth bank no sale N Hope Del Bridge dis Trenton Bk'g co Old par All other banks par Far & Mech bank of N Brunswick no sale Hob Bk'g &G co broke Washington Bk'g Co do - Franklin bank do Jersey City Bank do Monmouth ° do N J Manuf CO do Protec and Lombard do State bk "at Trenton do Bank of N Brunswick do !Idea bk Patterson do BINGHAMTON ADVERTISEMSNTS" FINE NEW TEAS. AT NEW YORK i PRICE: B. • LM. REXFORD, If BINGHPZITON, • N. Y., has made arrangements with ti to NEW YORK rper.i TEA COMPANY. for the sale of TEAS in Binghamton, and can furnish his cm totems, and the nide, with Teasat theisame prices t hat the Company charge for them in New York, w.filch is, at least, from one to two shillings cheaper o n each poand than the Grocers sell id And in every case where these Teas do not givesitisfacticm the t noney will be paid back for them. Catalogue of Teas. GREEN. Young Hvson, good, do, a.. sweet cargo, do. -do. fine cargo, 75 do. do. silver leaf, 100 Saver-Leaf—seldom-sold even by large dealer s. be. cause of the small profits made on its sale= -is a very supena. r Tea. do. do. golden chop, 1 50 Geliten Chop—This is the finest Green Tea cu ted in China. It is of the first pickings, an, i ex 4 eels all other Green Teas for the delicacy o f its flavor, strength and arum. Heretofore this Tea has never reached this country except ins mall • kits to suit the purchaser. Hysma, foie, do. very fine, Gunpowder, fine, do. extra fine Impel -TT', fine, do extra fine , Hyson Skin, good, BLACK Ning Yong, strong and good finvtir, . BZ Mug Yaag—The grocers se,l. this at 50 cis. It Oolong. • • Oolong, a delicious Black Tea;' 5.4) Compare this superior Tea with that sold by groce ra, as being an Oolong Tea. The ,difference is too plain ane the deception toolialpttble. Oolong, plantation growth, 7 5 English Breakfast, fine,. ' • 5.1 do. do. extra fine, ' How(lagewinixnu•e, a rich and hilt dy flavored Tea, 7. Pekes flower', 1 013 • do. scented, - 1 SO Ne Plus Ultra, I SO Ne Pl= Ultra—This. Tea is as fra grant and time et as a nosegay. It yields a prithun e that istralyd e liglafrd. it is of garden small, fadl 4 = I °' • any.thingof the kind ever ii.fid in this &V- The above catalogue does a of comprise all the varieties coataios: Maly ! aseartment. I have eyezlif varicy imperted,.and every al lade of quality: ma tan snit the most . Easticlibus p archiver. The Above llem are all done up inthinet is packages, in quantifies, itif lb.,,and mr ch.. • a- .....-r,mseicsaistott, • lsa r vithe ' , , Teas hapated by theTekia Tee Company, 73 and 77 Falcon stevet„,- sad M ere live will try, them . ften- TA 4 are se. Iliaf the most diliciaus - reakwa met • ut i, rm . l them at wholesale pricesoW,ikieg fist: — - - • bemire taming at all , Ahssaarwa olaW ll 7-4/ 4 ***a :TiNlA__,-137 the okagio Puma AI wholesale Pdoes; of Aie Nam' 4 eaCompt my„ nand_ "a t * st. r i p . , stated. sod. VeAtoot. iii" A* ( *l* B 4 c 4r. 74 .4 -1 eflay`-tate hi the 14i 3 0d Statues itaite buine* , isia lire mar betierd4 mirmerrof lione* ! . are it laliee;,lo4*Thos,- • 'ind , ink . P olllell i'Otiliti Gt " 4 "011447*a... Ent ..-- kowjoa ealtleyleinti:_movienany *Ad:the. Peke Tie aay,ts jtiii4f FAN* obtain acaeliciknis _De* . • LT; - A word to "iiii4riater's.•=;-The 'rea-&fli :*sarz.x.'s "AjmocAt 'Dud ••008 • ' 4 1 NEW HAMPSIII/1 An sitiventbiinla 4 . ! MINE. Dalai!' bank ' ' " 10. Arriadtand bank ' do gity bk.Portlaad, do Damariscoda , ,do Mercantile bk' • 'do . BtMliratai Canal bkdo liangArCom hi do Westilrook bk do Citizens! bk do Dlobii bk do Waslitagton co do Frankford bk . -do 42 OrTet nbazdu! 4 VERMONT. Bank et' St Albans 14 . Bk otitermington ' All tionient lauika 4 1148ELACHU8DTT8 All g ent banks , ODE „ISLAND 4. !vent banks i !MARYLAND. taldinore banks . i t'atagsciri bk Moral bank. 1 I t=rtlarni , „ Far Sr, Miller?' ltk 14a.1 gees tawn bre e Weetininster ' W illiumsport is Cun4berland 1 ..• Salisbury bro e Franklin bank dig Suegtiehannah brok e b roke Frederick co bk tcPs (Broken bke vario us prides tßaltirnore & Ohio Re-1 lief notes 10 die vDELAWAR.E. I ank of Delawar. per & Branyw' ne par rarniens' bk Del par bank , par Bank of Smyrna par Under sss • A ills VIS. OF COLUMBIA. shington City die Georgetown die Far 4r. Mechanics' die Alex aniria • die Bk a f Alexandria broke Mectianics' bk broke Franklin bank no sale . Merctiante bank do VIRGINLV Es bk, &branch( us 11 di, Bk of Ca s. brn'ehis 11 dis Far bk &Vale 11 dis I Valley bk & Web. 11 dis Wheeling lal4 dig Wheelin g p note 14 dis NORTII CARO LINA. All snlvent banks 2 dis Situdl notes dis SOBTH CAROL INA. All Olverit banks 14 dis Smal). notes 2 dim GEORGIA.. Bk of St Mary's Sa-. Ocmnlgee do IMonine R do Colninbus • do Phtenix. bank ' 4o Exchange bank do Chatill bank do Central bkof Mill do Georgia Bag co , do Rucker B'kg co do All solvent banks 2 ".ALABAMA. All solvent banks 5a6 dis Small notes 8 dis 01110. Cineinmati Solvnot bk notes 2 dis 2 dici ILLINOIS. Bank of Illinois 70 (lie State ;bank 50 dis IiENTUOr I Notes 2 dis Small notes : ta3~ dis All &great banks 2 dile ' TMISSOIIP.I. All solvent ban la 2&a3 dis INDULT fA. All siilvent bank 1.42 die .! FLORID A. Southern Life & Trans . portation Co. *o37i 75 1 00 75 1 00 75 1 00 . a7i ==:=i=l i *tiotk intvGif this . msaa dollars rasa' and Mick Teas gerva done s up in, all the :rano= - • ingezuriy L au mvent thissteat establish* semi*. to arbAs tuad retail them at vitiole tebants who wish always *Ai/ 'obtain theta at this --Emporium Putri7i illifi444/40,1t0n tapuma,,one - Or ~f . 1 1 rele4uil pip lie ,I fan . C • i