Garr. Ttort.oalta' bered that tawnt Gem Taylor's . 1 Was recently inundated and said to ruined. The empathy for him Fort Brown, or afterwards at Bite was scarcelystroiigerthan that in his private misfditune. But old himself Seems Owerless as Polk . 1 Anna, toturn the current of the good fortune. We now learn thatl r • I cation was, on the. subsidence of th, town with cotton, and, enriched b bute of the Father of Waters, it p . crop equal to any in the State. , dation was not more succesful tha tion of Santa Anna ; his crop of laurels have only been enrich • creased by whatthreateuedtO de THE YELLOW 'EVER AT NEW —Seventeen inteiments are report Orleonsfrom yellhw fever, during t four h o urs,endinir at 9 o'clock oh log of the sth instant. Six deaths the Charity Hospital subsequentl l same day. 17. We publiih the following e they came to us..l If they smack Swackhammert" they certainly make an interesting expoke of political rsialities as they abound in these diggings. Ma. PRINTER 4— As I wai'agoing borne %other day I found a bundle ;of papers on the Martin' Crick Bridge., I could not tell whose they was without opening-of them. - opened them and found 11 sheet of paper d'd up like a letter—but it had no name on the outside, and seemed to b 4 all about politics. I cant make out the writing all of it and would print it, theti I can reed it., n't see anything very private in it'i there would be ho harm in prin thing about politics in these ti print it. , Yours, doe. -FtBE-Paoor, Aug. 4, 1847. Dear Sir—l lOve.: not forgotten.. y prom write to yop 'on the subject .f County politics; but have been waiting t have the Township Committees first appointed that I might write you more fully. Ithey have been appointed, sand in order to ?lake our interests more stecure, we have requested them (which you . ; know is as well to them as positive instructidms,) to "-serve as the Board for the election ittf . Delegates." This will prevent the voter's from choosing their own Chairman and giecretary, which we think might operate against our designs some times, and will *liable the Comtnittee in many instances When but very feW meet, to control the complexion ortbe Del gates. We have appointed the Towns ip Com mittees with gretit care, and on 100 ing them over, you will ptirceive that they ,te gener ally of the tight stripe.. We have appointed here and there one of those recreant spirits who say they will not have us to rule over them, but not enough to jeopard the success of our schemes. :' In Thomson we] found it difficult tp designate any three iniv l iduals in whom we could !confide to back s in our strategems. I n INew Milford we areeeded, though it is mo rt ifying, to have to e-appoint the same persorit from year to year. Nev ertheless, a innjority of us• were agreed that we'rnust appoitiO such as we coul rely up on to serve us " -ight or wrong" and such we find, (thankslo the great Arbi rof poli tics,) in almost every toivn in t e county : and it is to the imstrume.ntality o , these our willing help-mates that we are principally indebted for ourlpower in regulating the suc cession of officees. Now friend—, we have all endeavered to perform th duties of Il es our respective offices here to the _ tof our abilities—not only_sn, but we ha e unscru pulously exerted our o ffi cial in uence to, kastain what is opprobriously deuominatad' the Fire-proof Faction ; the ascidericy of which is so essential,to the hope of all the leading _politicians of our -coup y. . Why should we; not then be permitted' . continue in office 1 Have we not a just . aim upon our friends to retain us in our pla 8-of-pro fit if it is our wish, or promote if we de sireit? We certainly have; dif our " Tools" (as they are called) . faithful, the People can't prevent our s you will examine our list of Cam pointed to superintend the choi., gates, you will perceive that i stance where it could be done pointed a majority of the right . merly, the Committee consisted but we found that number quite lent, as we appoint all our the the Coinmitme was liable to divided. Now .we appoint ce (if to be found) which constitute ty who will support such perso .' as we officers desire. Thus, you 'observe, friend have done all for ourselves whi our power to du: We expect to have great influence with the Delegates of cu rse—tho' what we dliwili be done rather slyly, yet w. I t will have our wen at work. If W cap hay. vome who have lately held lii er of than they were capable of fillin promote. to other offices,ve shall take c urage tha we may stand some Chance he after of be tog favored di the satne way. iiii idea changing o ffi cers every year is a hum . 1 I hope you Will come up soon say whe the Commissioners meet next, n the , Monday of the o'month, if you n, and . will tell you who we intend to we notui ated. We have no fears of your vrn,eiw know that yourtielf, Hartley, and few calculate with;much apparent safety th you can control the Democra of Leiter with absolute spay. I bear on , thing t . i delights me very much. It is that mu exertion is used byg youiself an fellows prevent the "people's Advoca " from' • log taken or - aa all circulated in your tow . That you go to • evetrEpubse, • 'who - teives his paper through , thepos - -olller,:10. endeavor by Coaxing and - th terant have him step tiakin_g it. - Thati right ',. that paper inkling us more bye penult . 1... ar ) plans and devices than • all spumes* opposition. •Oiar Post•tnalier • does'. , clean thing—though it vrailii , uty ftii:,' ,;. th i seal loaners. pait as we ,all lute ~ to ad ''' ' tile the leuerkiretnaioing in his ce is 1. ,.. , ' " Advocate," yetwe hold hint in such, ' 'bathe obeys tis against' the itti See of ti f i own conscience, es we eh ' tattire ' 4 `.. If that Press cOuld be aunihila ;we oetito supply! ` e Coo*. ?the!. curs at our Pleusui4 ithis au exten sive 'circulation, NO : wields:a considerable power' ewsibg our idaui9f ° Pefulieu• s. As k loOtesnext Senator, we wish to it t6Setae office-bolder in this county; bat ,we feat that Wayne and Wimple - if Dele gates ;Wlll be' fol. noinitiatinethis beet an d moat Man. 'lf they iffioidd do sci; 4 ' 011110 would be in the ftre.r We must have either one of thisgommissioners, Com misshintits!•CleAttot Commiasioners',Coun sel inithat) office, that• we - 01# sus him for'. nil colniiig time. . Our Deputy Prosecuting Attortiey and Comm:4o4er', ' Attorney, is eager:for that purpose, iid has been mana ging quuel l hOldly for two or \ three years to: induce his nomination. But look out for the otheVtlwo coiinties r Do prevail on Hart ley to igo to Wyomiegand' thio' his son there, who Ontrals the Democracy of that Acianty; see that blisiness is ; managed favorably to our purposes. Wylie we think can be more easily managed 'asl she had the last Senatbr. • ' ! temem- platinum are been when at , a Vista, ifested foe iasissipPi nd,Santa patriot's, the plan- waters, the tri. MIMS a he inun.: the erup , tton end and in- Croy them I RLICANS. d at-New e twenty ' he morn urred at [. on the We ere quite fearful of losing our l.Com missioner this fall, , less he pledges himself to give the County p 'Ming to the " People's AdvoOte," which o eft to do it for half the amount charged by t . tie -- " - Nerthern. Demo crat,"'and thereby seve one or two hundred dollari to, the count* Thitive cannot per mit hiin to do, as it !would tend to deprive our "Organ" of its Wonted reward for sus taining us in all that we do. We may, however, conclude do nominate some one of the People's party to that office and trust to our pqwer over him after election. isles as little of I have written to you at considerable length, and, as usual, in the tams! confidence. I send this by private conveyance, without any superscription, in connexion with a few " Pennsylvanians," (newspapers to be given to thoie •who have been prevailed slim to discontinue the " Ad vocate,") and with directions that the pack age should be left-at the " Millar,dsville P. O.' for you, where I presume yon will re • ceive • I r e main yintr as t believe you to be my Obis Siervant, • • Ish you I could nd spore s ng any ;es so do Universal Benevolence. To publish E. Walker's like narrative of travels, impressioni 'of duty, letters &e. of near 300 octavo paged in pamphlet form; at one dolls ti a copy, neatly finished—these lines are iespectfully offered for patronage, with desi the worthy will please subscribe and cont bute agreeably to 'freedom for any number o books. The n mes of millions of Universal Be nevolenc of soul and action of our time, should be read by future ages as benefactors in iiof anki din support of such a bknerde scriptive of justice, peace, temperance toler ation &c.,lwaving over the world, in idea, among all nations in behalf of a family of love, which desired reform said author 'ad vocates. i, . . - Editors that will please insert tbeie lines for one copy each, when the work is print ed, and those forwarding the names and-res idence, of worthy subscribers, attached tolt/ie like of this, to E. Walker, Woodbouine, Pa., will be entitled to one copy for each twenty subscribers, and the 'author's best respects, and he would Jove to record many such to their honor, as much so as those signing the Declaration of American Inde pendence. " Wilting to give a bright exam ple to other nations in a path yet untrodden, by taking the lead of their fellow citizens in the truly noble task of improving their condition. Appointing% of the I. E. Chlirth for 18174. Wyoming District: WM. REDD; P. E. Wilkes-Barre: B. Hawley. r i i ) Ne port Mission : J. D. Safford. Wyo ing: T. H. PeArne. North orelaud : E. Smith, one to be supplied. Skinner's Eddy: E. B. Tenney. Tunkhannpck : L. S. Bennet. Springville: J. Witham, one to be supplied. Lackawanna : J. Mulkey, R. Kellogg. , Carbondale : P. S. Worden. Bethany & Mt. Pleasant : H. Brownscomb. Abington : Tilos, Wilcox. , Canaan : G. M. Peck. Salem: C.,E. Tayl. r. .. 1 Lackawaxen : J. B. Cooper. Honesdale : F t . ooke: Beech Pond harles Perkins. , Mehoopany: O.IF. Morse. R. Nelson,Principal of Wyoming Sem G. Lane, iook Agent, New York. • Sesoseliarints Dis : D. A. SHEPPARD, P. E Binghamton : A. J. Dana.. Windsor: D. Davies, T. R. Tuck. - Page Brook : H. Ercanback. Orwell :D. Pitts, N. S. DeWitt. • . Pike : P. Compton. Nichols : L. D. Tryon. Verrill: R. S. Itose, one to be supplied. Montrose &G. Bend: ILBrooks,D. Tony Dundaff: G. H.Blakesley. Brooklyn :M. Roger, J. W. Davison. • Lasiesboro: P. Bartlett, G. W. Leech. 1 Broome :T. D. Wire. --: I Gracile : D. Simons. ce,eva. If ittees of Dele every -in have ap mp. For two only, ineowren own men, be equally 'lily three . 11 a major'. La for o h • im, - OPIIICANZN ox • RAILLOAD.,--AMOllg 'the guests of the armers' Club on a recent excursion to port, Long bland, were Hesing and S tu Teen; the'two ' peincipal dignitaries of Chinese junk, who with their robeisof green silk and long queues stirred wine inimenie sensation all along the route both ioing eied.ooming. sesing and Sum Teen,F , fior *elect tin* since the arrival, exhibited aininieleinent and delight. When thetrain plunged intothe tunnel they thought the jr were goentee-taktra short cut through the bowels Of theelith, home again to Can ton, - They exhibit4d every symtom of a , lartn ; and wahine could exceed their de light on 'atilergier lite day light. The speed of , train' Weight' their queue to a complete; dialler. *lilt fright, and their 4 're owners held on the cars to prevent: .. oiV4led Out. The whole rail road toe valet* wail a em ,. nplete riddle to thee* eyt'eould•Cot make anything at I all out at i thouili-Ofey Instituted several ! ! : ' - totkateffet*i Hoeing laughed DO& . 11 1 t tlia ideiglaweding the:ire/W*les 1 0 - i i. , .. 11 - - - - 1. ..4 , '-. •-• .1 - .' 4 '-' -':-:.- ': 1 - '.:4:000 - l',44 ,l =_Ltlillowiiii:it b i ed *ma 'i - iiii: ... 4 44 ; # „, . .00eimoin4,: i.'.'" i r . ' . Ol '', Clti”ilki;COUit"d•'.'tbii i,w - ' . " 141141'i:4u opinAiiii,;44, for:IP bfArfobATteur kist4 Out trAmir r#4o4o.!; , iffi# l estilitilel swat= tifri# , FOO i. 11041,:,,. ' :,:- . .1 .. ...../ 1 . For the People'• Advocate Even our own citize . 1 equate iden'of the exte the coakiiiii, its.vitti'. Lou the se ti pions* it other" Opeistori n adeaa.' 1 adefp 'it,- of - un rill . ness.-..1 It '. is ly. . questiOnablr that July, et. Port 'Ri :. m . dred sindointy-ft i r Of thi s number f t ere . quesoiteventybri • tylsix Schooners-, ad- - 1 sinceiJuly 18th, we b i barge} and can boats goes et the same , . - . With a trade, nata l and sit rapidly angme . 1 c.edented increase of o during the present -. led advantages as a .. tributin g point, what when the giant hand o has arrested and broug the West ? The cons.] connexion with the O. lakes and to Cineinnat more than realize the enteprise is carrying o believe that there is n nent where investmen profitable - than in Phil. not ddubt that tharesu 1 it of Our community in, 1 its hirth-right and natu of the West—a trade . joyediby our city an. must : command, unl l forfeits it—will rend 11 1 more the commercial ca.—North American. VIDE PRESIDENT D man has been spendin l Winchester, on a visit tor Mason and Ju Charleston Free Pre . WC are glad to h the town, without disti ed upon Mr. Dallas, spectful courtesy du( second officer of the g gentleman of estimab life. ; Mr. Dallas retw day, Much gratified, W first visit to the Vail ExecuTtory AT Riggil, a colored ma the I3th iu Pottsvill: Charles Gruder. ' W had attempted to des blue bitrol, which cau 1 NEW YOU connxivran viniceLt ron Wheat Hour, per barrel $5,25 fa 5,75 Cdrn meal . do - 2,50 fa - Wheat, per bushel . 1,00 Yd 1,50 Rye,, do ,80 a , 0,00 Corn do ,70 e - ,75 Barley, .do ____ 0,00 'B 0,55 . Oats, do • 0,40 e 0,45 Butter per lb. Orange co. 0,20 fa 0,22 do western , , ry, o,lli 49 'B 0,12 Cheese, per lb. 0,0 0,08 Beef, per barrel, mess, 11,0 011,75 do prime. 8,50 fa 9,25 Pork, per barrel. mess, 14,75 'a ,- do prime, . 12,50 ea 13,00 Lard, per lb. 0,104 e 0,11 Hams:per lb. smoked 0.07 ea 0,09 American wool, per lb. .on 0,35 fa 0,374 do full b . , . Merino - 0,34 e 0,38 •do . i 4& 4 . erinu 0,20 ( a 6,34 do native 4 Merino 0,26 fa) 0,29 JURY Drawn for Avg: 2d Brooklyn—Antho , E. S. Kent. Clifford—l. G. Cu , Choconut—Robert Dimock—Abel Ca - Forest Lake=flo Birchard, Jonathan ' Franklin—G. Mit , Gibson—J. B. Ste . Great Bend—J.B. Harmony—W. P. Hayford—Chester Peck. Herrick—Tomkin Jackson--Nathan . , Jessup--Benj. De Lenox—Wm. C. I Liberty--Tlsnac B Montrose—Wm. ham, Wm. Smith. :Middletown—E. New Milford—A Smith. Rush—Almon- Pi. Springville. Fra Lyman, Z. Culver. Thomson—A. B. TRIA In the Common Aug. 2d Carmalt vs Dicl Wells & Bard Russell vs Ting Peeking vs Hin Smith vs Beemi Ayleiworth vs Y , •—• vs Cr Mooed a 6 iiirE ihe worm' Multi:bins which -. in order to deceis4i ars - Said bi tin* similar to Wright'. Indian Vetable.pills. I ' - The only origin *wining In • Vegetable Ms have the signitaie °Willi. Wright *tten with F pen on the topUbel each box. one other it genuine, and to counterfeit this is Or The genuine for sale Is,: C CHANDLER & SIMPSON, sole tF For Muntrose r HFor, other agencies, steled ' tinanother . leolanni. Principal office, ,611 Racadreat, P • • - • • l irr1 1011 !• foita but an inad t and immtenee of `idviticeineitt, and ~, e ra, united with the .:enjoyed by Phil; commercial , grnat diWe; and yet :up.' uring,tho month -ef alone, eight hue , received cargoes; - one altip o tan bar whundred and twen sloops.— red and nineteen hive received car • .BOWEIrXMIGAPA.UBTBi. COMO% &a., Plistively cured JAYNE'S CARMINATIVE - BALSAM; ' • Chicago, IIL, Match 27, 1845. Dr. D. Jarne—rileat Sir —lfonask me what proofs I meet with in the elEcaci_of your Cartninative. I can safely say that I never prescribed- a medicine for Bowel Complaints that hasever liven so much satisfaction, and my Patients so speedy and perfect relief as this. Whenever introduced into a family; it becomes a standing remedy for those ailments, and is called for again and again, which 1 think preo, •ty good proof of its efficacy and usefulness. -In the Bummer Complaint of children, it has frequently -appeared to snatch the little victims, as it were, from the grave. "It saved the life of. my - child, and of such miasma& a child," I have repeatedly heard :said:, In dysenteric affections of "dabs. I have time and Ham Seen it act like -a charts, and give permanent relief sea few lours, I may say in a - few minutes. In fine it is a valuable medicine, and no family should be without it. Respectfully, M. L Kictrr, M. D. Professor of Materia Medics in Laporte Universi ty, Indiana. . gie siticie, thus east .:ng, with the unpre r forein commerce , and ourunequal nufacturing and die , ay not be . eipected Philadelphin effort t hither the trade of letion of our railroad o, its extension to the and St. Louis will-do lopes of those whose it the project. We spot on the conti is more certhin and bhia ; and we dr delphia ; and we do to of the public spir the effort to secure .Iprivilage, the trade rst opened and en.. r which her locntiop ss her supineness Philadelphia once etropolis of 4nieri; LLAIL—This gentle the past week it to his friends, Sena olge Tucker.. The ; says: fir that the pee* of nction of party, call ,nd paid him the re : to Ma statiob as the vernment, and as a e qualities in private ed home on Tues- . understand, with his of Virginia. orravu..t.E.---Jatnes , we to be hung on , for the murder of are informed that he oy his life by taking •d him great agony. MARKETS. HI rrotLe's ADVOCATE LIST, ens, A. D. 1847. eel[. Fish, C. 111. Gere, 11 . dleback. Iriftin g Edward Heald. sedy. - !. ti .estil Brewster , ,Joel T Borate 11 . : hel. ;le. . ol Ines, H. L. Blowers. Conklin. Williams, Freeman Walker. 1 Ha uye. ake, Asbbel Hobbs. tts. • Bradley, Wm. Ford- urton, R. NC Cooley. P. Dewey, Edward I ® cis. Thomas, Prentiss MI IL LIST • reas of Sus 4. Co. for Iva, 1847. !reek: Lipson, in ease. s Cooley, in debt. • ey, et al, trespau. ds, et al, appeal. in, ekal; 4 ‘' ,yon, ID ease. weplevi- Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and sold on agency by N. Mitchel & Co., Draggles, .Montrose. . • MAIMIED, In Friemisville, otiSaturdity 4th inst., by H. E. Esmond, - Esq., Mr. STL VISTER RFUNZVAtiLT, 10 Miss Axa itostssds, both of Forest Lake. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. VINEGAR fo. sale by CAUTION il IHEREBY caution all persons against parches ingg a prouimiasory Note given in favor of T. J. Chapel for $72 00, signed by Hiram 'Cogswell, da ted July 7th, 1847, for I contend that I have receiv ed no value and dhall not pay said Note. HIRAM COGSWELL. Rush, Aug. 10th, 1847.-62w3. IVATURE'S OWN REMEDY! THE INVALID'S 1.1 BEST FRIEND! It is confidently. asserted, that there saran was a medicine which has given such uniform andliniversal satisfaction, as W EIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. They have stood the severest'trials, by curing when all other remedies have failed, and have es tablished a reputation in the face of the envious slanders which have been raised against them. SPRING, SUMMER, FALL AND WINTER, each produce, by their variations of temperature, peculiar erects - upon the human body. The heat -expands: and the cold contracts the volume of cir culating.fiuid, anitwben changes take place sudden ly, the effects are often serious. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills counteract the evil influence of such changes, by purifying the blood, and keeping the stomach and bowels in a natural and healthful con dition. FOR FEVER AND AGUE, That scourge of the west, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills stand unrival ed. An instance has never come to our knowledge of these Pills having been taken, without_ effecting a complete cure. In Chills and Fever the bilary functions are chiefly disordered, superinduced by great physical debility. When the symptoms first appear, no tinieshcitild be lost ,before -resorting to these Pills. A few, days will give each relief that no persuasion v iii be necessary to continue the use of them. FOR DYSPEPSIA, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will be found very superior. In this disease, the gasaicinice is weak and deficient in quality. Consequently the digestion is imperfect and the health impaired . These Pills remove the bile from the stomach, restore its tone, and improve the di gestion. FOR JAUNDICE - -=-Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are equally well adapted for the removal of this complaint. As they operate upon the onegen end and uniform principle, of cleansing the stom ach and bowels, purifying t he blood, and rectifying by secretions, they remove the, calms of Jaundice, and of all other disorders. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE.—It would be difficult precisely to tell to which of the two sexes Wright'a Indian Vegetable Pillshive been the great est blefsing.Ent it is very certain that these Pills have given health, spirits, and a good complexion, to hundreds offemales, who would, without them have been in tleir graves. A box. of Wright's Indi an Vegetable Pills is an inestimable, medical com panion at certain periods. HEADACE, GIDDINESS, dm The presence of pain in any part indicates a cot rupt state of the blood, which nature is' striving to correct. A few doses of' Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills taken ongoing to bed will be certain to give relief, if the thing be at all ptissible.. -. VALUABLE ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE.—It is well known that the south and west suffer more from bilious- disorders than from all others combin ed. This is partly owing to the climate. bat chiefly to the nature of Southern and Western life. The sensations accompanying Liver complaint are of the most wretched description. • Habitual drunkenness is frequently brought on by liver complaint. A pa tient suffering from this disease should not be mock ed with pretended cures; yet there are. a very few medicines worth a straw in the removal of this com plaint. Calomel has hitherto been the chief reli ance, but the remedy has proved itself worse than the disease ! What then shall be done? We say give Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills a trial: If they do not exceed your expectations, we will bear all the oppmbiuin of failure. And we say to all TRY THEM !—There is no risk run—no money thrown away—yoti are certain of benefit. ONE WORD MORE—When you have found that Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are, a uleetle" the best medicine you ever beard o& !MOE To vita ! Don't run after every upstart ,Remedy, which at tempts to bhister itself into notoriety. Above all BEWARE' OF IMITATIONS of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills. Previous to the introduction of this medicine, Indian Pills were never heard. f. Now what hosts of them! And after all, what are they, but miserable imitations of the original medicine; no marelike it than chalk is' like cheese.! One adver tises "-Improved" Indium- Vegetable Pills. This would be a capital joke, if it were less sorimul.. Be-. ware of such. / BUY OF TIM. REGULAR Aggikir,..--ptere is no safety elsewhere. The country is swadming with' counterfeited', both of money and of medicine. But which is Wand Is net the counterfeiter Of a med.' .tine bit little, better than a robbe d and a murderer? Buy of the regulacAgeuts ardy„we say again. Chandler & SitripsoOlontrose. . _ Ira. Scott,-..Springville. . L. IL Woodruff imock. Corners... .• . • Edwin Titre , Brooklyn., , • I, A—L.-Au in it Co. Summeraville. " H. Binritt,'New Milford. A. E.,•,Hetinedy,,Gibsort Centre. ' ' - i Smiley ,& Curtis, East Gibson:. - • i ,Vella & Co., Dundaff. . , . -(A..Pieket * -Itirsli. ,- ; • '.. ' i , . Jos; Dußois, Great Bend. -. • ' :, -I .James 9 )lo)rts..4ariThenY.- • ,:. •::t e- j 'll,..BUirniVs,:&,co, Gibson. _ '.'2l; G. G.: Pride, Hanford. - i • , Charles LAliown,le_riendiville.. 'i • ' I -131 1, 01llees , thwithal exchitivelt to' die isle ‘, Wright's bniienlfeshinsble Pills, of the North • - • jean College of Heath, .No. pp Greenwich at NeW York ; No. 198, Tremostii: -Bowan; add principal ofrs,4 24 cN ;WEN* "4.714100 OW • •. •; ~ - • -1,,' LETTERS' riWebir Irv. ; JOHN HUGLlBltiro : iisii ibliej*** . of New- York. by • KIWOVAN, b 4111° 1 7 ; , NOOK liBlol - 000041Vi , 1. ltiftheLlif - DE LA/1411 SHAWLS, Prints. mak SheOfinit tfrth falOY'o , 9PreStg al * Eng TIP - • NEWS, ADVERT'S ' ittEN'TS isTqvgs StovEs rgurn lar g o. int' best 'aliorieseatoniTOVlli are tow bear received by the - adwa that Were ever la crlhero Penn'a., Those who are Ado. wow} of iota 'wag ooinfott, cometiehiae, 1 10,06 i WM - Olean give a a calla ww4ww*Ul catewCtothem eat the above gizalithis be:bod with :thelsaii, paella avenge. 6 Empires Air-tight Cook , Stoio. Stanley's do - do dOl Congress - do do do Kniekerkicker do dO Victoria ,do d 4 3 and 4 biiiler Cook:StOies most every.pattern., Double OTen Cook Sukes i & c PARLOR STOVES, ofious ktxls.-43e1f4mdatint, lirhtight, C and Su : plate STOVES, ilectim Ware, Ti* fare , „1-01 010 Wait, Ziiic 4. Copper Ware, and is Ihort every thixi i sully wanted, ox.hastd, or Made to •order *short notice at ; • 1 F. B. Chandler. 4 Cc s . Aug. 04, 1847. • f=ljl~aF'~l}g}f~il~C. ~~I;T~a4F +[( ~}I,IiI~T,~ Comprising Original Designs 'of - Colintry Redd', , adapted td the Taste - and Circtlmstancri, of the Merchantthe Farmer, and the-Mechanic. , an Atisociation of Practical ArchiteCts.. . The objedt •of this - Publication is to inttsduce ORIGINAL DESIGNS-of Country Acids, adapted to the varied taste and circlimstances of an Amktican Population--;. , from the., elegant Villa to - the s i mple Cottage and plain arm-House ; from Pluptene Mansions to ;Village Domicils. Ina word, miry va rietii of Rural Residences will be embraced, in or der-to meet the views of every person desiting a Country Hottse. In respect to style,. cost, ['Tinge merit, saiah, &c. utility will never be sacrifiCed.— Ecouomy inlthe outlay, with au appropriate ,ktyle klways he kept iu view. The requisite details, specificatroni, plans, and directions, with a Oireful and reliablci Mimics of tke cost, will accorbpany each design: These are essential features of eiPrac• 'rico! Workrand no labor will be spared inij their preparation.; I • Published Monthly—Price 25 cents eachrannber; or five numbers for One Dollar. • 11 Address (post paid) C. M. SAN'TON, 205 #mad way, New-Xork. J. LYONS tAILORINGII TAILORING ! TAILORING! .• I A. LOCKE & . LF.. JAMESON, lin:ving. as- P. wicia.e4l themselves in the TAI LQBLNIi BUSINESS, would respectfully Solicit the patron age of those who. make, Paskims their crite4ion of Dress, and idso those who consult ease rath_ Sir than Fashion, bteving that they can fedly meet thlitastes and wishes f. all thine who mad favoi- thent with ihelir_onstoin. • Cuttihg done on short notice, an d warranted to fit if rightly put together. N. 11. — Shop may be foand at the bhildi ng formerly °Couplet R. B. LoCke .as a Taming Estsblishn*nt, o 3,lack'll %%gym-4°p. P. A. LOCICE 4 ,' 4 a. F..JAMES9N. hfoiltros4, July 27, 1847.e-4993. is GOODS FALLING !1! A. FRESH supply of TEAS Dian 18 • ets.l! to one dodit-SUGARS, COFFEE, &c. juatibpened and going rapid.—Also a Ninon • lot of Mel . er Cloths itet on hand, will be 'sold at. groat Bar gains for Cash. • ,Clir Call QUICK at the Store of July 20, 3857 FLOUR & PORK, FOR SiILE at Elali,bitry's Ally 1-4, 1847. • • • IN - 31 0* N T R 0 ! rr,.. undersigned, having established a LIVERY LL STABLE at Gen. D. •131. Warner's, in *noose, is prepared to accommodate the public ffrith fast and gentle HOTSES, and Carrjagesit, Olevery description, on reasonabtle terms. I Pleasure parties- will be furni l shed with two and four horse:Carriages, and careful Driimrs, int. short notice. Believing that a LIVERY. STABLE of ieerd Itor- Pea an 4 c* 2l 44es will be • greats aceenlnogutien to the citneiti of Montrose and the public, if not profit-, able to the proprietor, he respectfully salient the patrOnage ; of the riding public. Tit. M. DENISON. Montrone, July 22, 1847.-584 ' W -GOODS 1 S. , S. MULFORb & SONS; HAVE now on band a large asaoriment GOODS which they •will 4ell as Cheap as , the Cheapest.; Prints---a large assortment from . -6 1-4 to 121-2 - Cents. some beautfut pattern s and fa4t col ors 12 1-2-ets. 1 it Also--i 4 lot of Printed Lawnjf, and a laige assortment of. Golds for men's - summer wear—will be sold very cheap. Wooldey & latoolsef's -best' Loaf ground and crushed Sugar,,rat= raked pure, for jl2 I-2 i!cents per 111): Young Hyson Tea far -25 cts Bettet " 150 Best t 75 Molasims for - -3711.04 r And all other Groceries eqiially char e!;Ctiah by, B'. .4. amt. July 8,j1817. RADZ.EI3, 'Cnidie S • % Aftft , Scythr-floatbs, • Scythe libsosiV, forks andiElickles.. for:We by. M. Son. July 8,11847. QOLD Ltoik:TMEß,..;ititfurf!. tb fk, for wile' by - - 8. S. M July 8, - I VALUAB r :B.0:015.;• QTATii - BOOK OFD PB fifiVANTA; !icoettais -1.7 ins an account of the C . pew, Geo. eminent. Resources ,. and e..m"itizel","l"..' with a nakid the Btaie ,saa. CAepitlrte Ate nse oftlicbodbi, and faindielisst pabboa! l , -Jortiall by this dosen or single t • ry uIY -• , 4. 4 Or WI" 410.11 low i A GA114. 7 -Tbs , ,subserslosr is sow ricallim prsew trummsivooDe c . pe a latittl'isllVOlelbild allotalm# (4 *` : • GHE4PEST oirenid per , ilt *4,, e m oi l tdoile elespw miss st ' 6l4l 4 o rltrt 1811; - risr„- f- • ' LIVERY. STABLE! NEW;:AA~►EI~ NeW_ (t eil se ook, wiliserilperataw essur tha 1 leafed stoelepiG, Dr 4 surw, son, which will be , sold at, prices to fa& CASH OR. REAtIY P, Their assortment ecenrises t almost the People want in way of I^,P ) IIY WO/ BROiIIiCE 0 THI - SATINE T y CASSIALE ES, TWEEDS, t And lots of wormer , mate foe boys wear. &c. Among theie pw A s i ER Are Meg Of the mow , n , A , HARDWAR. Too woman to mention. flu addit ehoie lot of - I GROCERIES Such asp SUdAll s 11 0. LAS -T CES , 1780 ; 4 fg•; *c. Ail of ,wisi!Ch Fe WO 044* Tow•cli • IV BE, of GRAIN. Montroie, /use, 10, 1147. 'DONN ETS—elood: assozpfietit L A P Straw BotiOts, and . Bonaalrii LI4ITS & OIL T -1,000 abs, al,. at last .year's vistaed rot market.) . PAßlS CURL quality, which is,a ieh hemisomerkreet, other for window •blitals, Varnikh, 8p pentiue, :Putty, gm &e. at • BURROWS & ITIWO THOUSAND Dit: SOLE UEAT ry cheap,alin Grind -stones, cod Fish, el, Iron, Steed, Nailo,Sr.e., &c. at • g 53w10 , C. BURRO *8 'MINTED Litvnuii Gingham,: find col G'"l'Vve "" F'l l l , t . BURRII •:• SUGAR' " TRE LATIGEi3T _CH 4T gun iti7thii enmity just recoil, sit Jnly, 1.847 t 13USIN . ESS- - DlitEC ,OR NEWTON, .A.ttoraien at. Li l y's.; . Office a few rocis ;: • Court .liouse. F. Loss. It New JOHN , H. ATTORNEY AT LAW, -Montrose, i Pa. mov , ad his (Ace to Turnpike mire% N One , door East nf the - office of BIT. C • and three, doors west of the Itegialer ' • SIKITHS,,STEVENS di' VE Cabinet and Chair Makent—Manso t le, conwty, Pa. , 113RTR I , 1 T. Tsysb A. airis, JR, ;RRT.. ' -WEEK, Saddle,' Hermit awl Trunk-Maker—A the Partneri' Store. - . R.' SEARLE & O. A good assortment tif Dry Goode, 'Pock ware , &c. Bic., West side of Public Av J. LYONS BENJ. SAYRDI Dealer; n.Sterea,...liprdware. Dry . doods. aide , af 26. venue. F. 14 CHANDLER ter. C I Dealers in Pito Tin-ware, Statioierg; &c. &c.-=East shin of Public Avtane. )..MERRILL & ROOT, Dealer; irillits; Cape, Furs, Moues! r, West glide •of Public Avenue. E W. HAWIL 4 E b ow bn nicheis at la old Eitiid • • S. BEDiTLEiIr, - Attorneyat LIW at the old office !a few of the JCouri4ZOse. ~, !JAMES ''N. ELDRGE . . . . Calker sad tausir Making. t Alp o ign , Faac:y "Painti lig, Tivoli*, Paper HangWg. &44 . Slop m his oki stand on Tornpl I e ta. . • ‘ —A. CHAMBER ;1 - Attorn, 5, at Law, (knee cnier the More 1., L. Past 7&-G lo„ wirier or;Psblic Avenu e at. LARK & 11\hysi.zians Sr: Burgeons. , !Office, * eat eof th e Put gic Aveinze crreethetStois'Orgß• e & Co. F. S. PARK. • • . Z. acs. 4, I • J. ETHERLD6P, Groci vies, Fruits; Confectionaries, Puget Pa iota, Chia, sisd'a variety ef*lr. sac) ,MILLg & sxE Farmer's Store. A generalvariety of t on hand. One door below the re idea Yost ' ' • MACK & ROG: Coat 1 1, &mime ima Sleigh Alm pike street,: at the old-Beardsleyistand,l to serve customers, in the molt rimed! ace. Articles in;onr line constently sale, and repairing done on short. nono. , I S. S.'IIULFORD '',S e Dealers in Dry Goods, Crockery, G . Joibeno T pole, &C. dm: East side Pub Aaiun*. , • " DR.,}l. DtNTIOT--43eut teeth on Gold Bate peefinns dJI olientlicitit."mt the teeth inll . best le. _pan tns found at L. Searles' op Dl nekli Tils."' ilays nf each wr glt. 7 -ciii.TNE - 43m. I Pbtysiciaa,Burgeo i, & AceotieMee; , ' , ißreadway,i(oppdeite the Baptist:Clare City, Pa. - JO:flN GROVV, Fashionable Tailor-Two doors below Store. Bootliad.Oficist sulker-three *o6 Sou • eferal. - F. Whitmei: i Broodwitr. facksatOity.',llllg. MEI .-..: .. J -1-1,; :: S. chew ckie" diaw - - ch - e , ' ode. .1,;.;-,-,3 -, . ~. fal peeett i wk.64; 1144 «, 4 , AVW cel= e 414 Cliag:7 - tev Ur leer 11 - whaei VIA be bbiTY IZNI ATia(l6,,, 4 . 1 1,00 Br oo Wit *At' U Mi =1 Co's. Co's. 103 r 225 Er! IM3 vide, • ii VPMit• 2C:11 I , Weal , Good*, b. &e,. Ilel OE 71 rods west edieinek always e Of Judge • EDI oa Toro nto nay Toot the for ES Finiir' MIEN