efie . , 14013103 11111prOXt ay TEMPI? JOS. BOY - ' .theNtace. 4 n w-1 1 # lige -°!. • COni' D4ar Fifty leenta if anothe r and if .41elayed until ' theyr vivo dollars walbe ntihnincis optional tvi lest arrealitges lie paid. - - Letteri to the Publishers on flee, must,be Sst-paicl to insure pottrg The Blesquito A PARODY. Not. a sound was beard, but 1;1 LI, A s wo od o urrhamber we tt In search or tlte inseeti wham Our delectable slumbers heti ir e s ought for it darkly at the d, Our coverlid carefully turnin By the struggling.mooribeam'e LA our candle dimly burnin No.useless garment confined o. But in simple night-dress and, We wandered about like spirits Or the sails of piratical skip Short few were the wards Lest the sound should disturb But we stdodfastly gazed on the And thought how we had bee Welhoneht as We rose from our And relinquished our pleasant That wo would'nt get in strain And we were secured from Bat half an hone had seemed to Ere vice met with the wretch And raising our boot, ga4e some That made the mosquito's Quickly and gladly we turned And left him all smashed and ory,! We blew oat the candle and po ;pad into Determined tn. tell you the sto liscdta Fromth CONSTANCE WE The Youth of k 1= It was a festive night in Archbishop of MuMe.h; 1770, yet Such festivity is the robe of the spiritual fa to the utmost theloyous se ple. The; German heart i to harmony, than to•any of on the occasion referred to, choked every avenue of th were alive' with one impul.: of the Musical Star of the liall—tohstructed with uh! the capacity and vagaries what a blaze of light and from the stage, and is re' crowded tiers ! A common' di ranks, hnd swells Me -I triumph of the fair and gif. Few minds, however bold a could withstand the intoxica and the secret hiswry of the print6i dmma of the whose beraling figure the rapturesre showering, of the thusand illustrati. (nis dangits of popular appl , How fleeting are:the ni umphs of the vocalist ! escaped us in the prece hardly fan:tinier, even to t non of Bavaria, and would heard in the distant land, i associated - with a slight fi tin,,vvishahle, . iti the vast c unknownlto contemporary ly self-conscious of the gent since united to appreciatel Aloysia Weber was the whose lives had passed in . but her father's vocation, istorith an income of two year, had been genial to t eats of a numerous family. never deeolate, where the v and children blend togeth of song. The eldest dad_ baited atprecacity of Wen her father with the hope reach a walk of artistic ski ordinary success: ciitti, the aspirations of Mr. We . not only a pare and beauti a forte of chatacter.and m which concurred to realiz ofber parent. At the age paid his instructions by ''irpo plishments as arrested the and' secured the efficient Elector of Bavaria and tl Munich. The first effect astute was to swell the p . father had been receiving Portable salary,'and finally successful appearances; - at I concerts, Madamoiselle " leading position in lier,p,'! ed'the ahluous tofieW a' Her triumph svaimaPp. 1 The apical and tempo atene--tlte Are.libialmp alt. over their hues; with attic the 'clearest approval ;...- .1 needed no clue of -lipplau longed,' perhaps, and hie. bylthe eircumsouties - Vre , Shelled jest given shalt, intone Ind - pantomime; had glided with the 4 - . ' ad `Mid drainatie "el' ' aiteraaviind -iu she ' Olighttytwonlitig with th sothitiuni , '-'of , this= adie straititi - ind*ledTOrdi - Vie dudesititilikt Wat; 5, ''' titbesittioo. ,, 'Aliqiio„,_-Vr 'iottageWithjoiltiiitidf. ' lll "Orelovardedicilhe: ..","-'. While_ , Theefigniv ; *,! - -idt:i . _- iii Wirt% vole oar iii ialt , ” I ,he r,.file- , lold;'itialiiiiii'sAr Ttio . fildringiteirt.:' He r s o le *OW rWititifor; '' ' hi , ;: 1 0, 2 'roatitteittlik .4 f i 114 es 1 0 1 '4 : ~ i hrtit eifikOillailKiili :. !:1,404 of Odirstaiy; - 'Afton ,;,...,°. 1' ~• ,tiils. Pi,ii 1. - := :I -LJ . 0 '4 , ~;.ri ii • ti.z., - _4n • ..rzn ' ...,4.,i „ avucate. • t p - t , . 1 !- 1 44 03, 7 esr in witlitki three , sr the expiant r j the PutiliOrs, i ,itntl • I' , 'twines* witlis the of ttenti**•-i, ;Lin MEE :::',.P.,:ii , - , vb:, , -1 ,4 + , ..v.Efi'.5,1 -, .1.1. t.: •-- ' •‘• • t atitig Ontedet veiled, , in a .great degree, `ifs eipreseiori.' The 'lO4iiith;',lltiwkier, could not 'veiled.. illeairtifur Grecian " siteli'ait lt h teede • , Hr,m, ILI ,1 y e t e s its museutar: • ptay, now'srer,:xarieo_l7 [the' passio l ,t_f!r,ihe hour, sugkestO and be- Itrayed the rVslVieepirit bennath.‘ ; ,l* for her ! IKeeetiof ;that ed dig :selfish spirit' of ambition in The Young' bresuil'Ol*lnyeialteber ! air tiny;one wha,aellia or oxpeete the loin' Of ifint heart, unless ptipmpt' and able to , initurter M . its consitroi ng pride !- Cenning against-the pillar to-the left of the ;stage anti_ near„ the foot lighti, stood a youth about tirenty-fita,yearsi)f age, whose name has since become as familliar as ii, -household word. WOLFQAN9 AiLADEVI3 PtiOk EZ2IIII , •rded, mget and dr,n_ . vorried. • of night, isty light, trreast, lippers, istressed, . . zsar had arrived but a fear: hear s before, from Paris, and _burning with emotion , far different , from 'that Which inspired the rest 'of the throng, be had watched the progress of the opera. How vivid is the imemory of Mozart ! Before every one,' least'sersed in musical history, rises his personal image— the slight figure, the roving and brilliant eye, the classical features, where constitutional timiditi heightened the . sensitiveness of gen ius. Qn this occasion his dress' indicated his recant residence in Paris, ' being after the, fiishiotof the capital, although in mourning for a deceased mother. He did not applaud, but his;soul; was in his , eyes and, features.— l'He looked' ilnick, from all the dazzling -be longings to the scene, to a long and intimate ,intercourse tvitli Aloysia Weber..'Tegether they had pursued their tansies! st udies—she .had sang t* airs composed by liim to his -own delicious accompaniments--and, when, :struggling . With its necesssities, be, had gone to Paris, 01 i search of fortune, the two had, 'exchangt ;the vowsiaf affection and trust: Young olart was not made °lithe 'stern stuff reqiiiiite to grapp i lg With the ,world ; and although 'all , admitted : his Wonderful genius—ft .genlo.4. , 4lfich startled.Prermany , _even. at the age of, six years-4ethe ,some-. times &Old, and others whispered, that his. youth rd manhood ' would pct sustain the ~premises of his inspired infancy . . He Feb.!, .thiti le was. frittering himself .away. _ 'The' ap ause of the niultitude,,excitedhy his in-i s wind • skill' palled ..upon him—and 'he 4 ,_, lo eil,,viiguely, and with much distrust, to: icre ' —i- to use, as well as feel, the Tower of his' wn soul. ,He.was impatienrikithhiat.! .01 , as only an imitator of.others, and; 'it' lin be, that this seniation !Ind . /Contributed' ',lto 'a ill success, 'and deepened the cloud !aria 4 obscured bill prospects, , , ; _, _ 1 ( i 1 . 'T eir' eyes met. There Wns recognition .ine glance of Aloysia, mingled, with an, i expl ession which chilled the heart of Mo zart. Nothing cordial nothingsympathet , ,ic, welcomed back.the Wandering composer. His own ardent, gaze met_ no, response from the; ig,h orbs . which, had been suffused in ' tears at parting, otdir a few ,months before. He shrink,' as if he bad lost hiS hot pulse upon an ic4berg., ;He felt that the: magnetic, current betiveenhisnarn impulsivelleart and 1 that of his imstress,,was rudely and sudden ` ly checked; and it :.was with a poignant pang, . such as those of his sensitive mould can on ly appreciate, that 'he sank upon his seat, and turned his ,faCe from the stage. "The / curtain . had fallen, and while the crowd, 'were ~passing passing to the, open. air of the streetl!troziirt, with the license of his proles.; 1 „sioni turned into, the. green-roOna, resolved to end his suspense by a personal interview, Ileseenied unconscious--strangely so, for oneof his friendly open manner-4o the af feetioaate ,greeting of old friends; and fui , lowing the answer to his nervous inquiry, psused at the door of Aloysia Weber's clos et: .It :opened to him, and the young com poser, with his heart in his spenking lea nires, stood in the presence of his mistress —beautiful and gifted, but alas ! uncon scious" and u n heeding of the generous . and nibble spirit before her. • .• . 1 4 ! • • ' • ' is • Aloysia Weber was not alone. But Wolf gang Mozart gave but a hasty return to the salutations of her father . and sister, as heap preached bik.mistress, and 'kith a strong ef fort at self-command, took her band, hoping. still for a reception' such as be fondly antici pated during the tedious interval of absence. i Welcome Ito Munich, Wolfgang," said Alnyitiai,liliow, hive you , fared in Paris 1 you see to-night how things havergone with s us,, " There was a tone , of exultation in this gr,ectiag.which,jarred unpleasantly upon the feelings of Hozart; still his , pride sustained theiself-respc4 of his manner. He Congrat :ulated her on the:, triumph,,, whose relation :was stilliapParent:in her heightenSd color. !. 1 1"-Theloresent. ;hour is a , dazzling one, ileoisiii,t' he lidded in conclusion, '' but - . 1 , hope Ail „the past is,not, quite forgotten." ,o*t..!4,..iworif oki4e, ' past,r she replied, iqii* :: ( 4 itik tho m ori ir . I Shall lire curta_tizi in,, ( " i ll:** . ir . t. ', 'ii!ei future, . whose urta l 9 , . ''. ttriltOt'.. 140gextheirngedittn, tells me 4,..p 0 ,##10n-w,,,137,100u101qt iliPire to. , .41•10-11,PPr?e,-.9Pf!IR-0.3.5PIi # #4' - •. 11 40 . -14TOV.PP* " , .-1' - - I .;:14.nas 44'1.0.,*Tier s Per100 4 1 a -se i ,i , Atirilli tinmedianistr,ffitkr,- . ,i,ent.it.P . .,l'Perrid,l but ineetly.smesex#,li9,cneP!‘ *nYirefe rence , t 2 What hie Plissed,l itilionrs Pile' igs )) 45 -' - 1 reen..Blezi4t,nottd„-tigedfr. -.; .. , 1 !hoe wautilli) ;164 ' Madainolselle w I L *. i 010,..: eideiit4iVilie,.4emeete, - **li composed #le,.:illl4o4!:,4l.litifildrr*. 1 3 insjibri NO!' 44; til*the;'fl*-"103°4 'i4ber - .iiifiderith : yet le - *viiiiitiiejadt,l4 1 1 ,1 , 0 4 !" 012 .3 - .au4 kaikingleide,.*l pas; af - 64 4;.e.c.ibio* -11 • 41 :Aii - ogosiireqrc.,,TheAssw*O. law- siisaf,lr,(,yo . ,:, 7l4 p*ii, fru it A inoura Mii IPSo4 o .offri*Oi'hisr:. imidemeliel• t i F - Ibliftheze ril 1 1 . 4eigreat ihiiiii* li ti# •11210110 t in th e cebn'so4 rielphie4s4iss mi.:is o:o4o4,,ukrockisq*la2 . ll. 1 4 4 .5c.•* .lEt;,7*- : ....0*.. , ~ w,beg-,ifils 4.00, - 11Crchitfoomiso r glisti#o,....„.lll o ,_iu*OLgot.c,"! ,t4O - v#o c:llilikr,rum.l7 l, 74llmm-H,111,,,,:,;, 4 r,..:4413,104F, , k . :4 0 ..t ~ • ..... ~, Ncloo. l .o l t l ONkilMq 4444o o: - : ; *Pilutalp, 1, 'e let ' he mosquito, • hite•washed inn, ~4..4 oh' • tless bed, Ipilloor;, • ll.be vita dead, I. billion! . Ulapse, t had . bit tts, terrible slaps ; tut. . m the dead, Home Journal • ER; OR, • Palace of the' the winter of eft no stain on l er, while moving nes of the peo- more semutive er emotion, and e crowd which • spacious pile, !—,rapt admirers !our. Enter the' rring regard to of sound—and picador gleams„ ected from the; entlinsiasin fills' cenic and vocal' • d infebutante.-- d self-sustained;,. ion of tbat bour,j• tiOYEILA Wzatit,',) ght, and upon, ii fts of admiring: as but another; ns of the deliri* 1 awe. , • • . 1 • „ ; st dazzling itrP r i he name which! *ng ;sentence ill] elnusical dig ever have lb en it had not been ; re then nab , ,neourse, almost fame, and hard us the world bas I and .appland.— bild - of piirentS inching. Onierty, a musical popy undred florins a e 'tastes and tat-. That hearth ij ,f. ces of Parente io the ernikti* ter,- Aloysia ez .l.lwhielt insiared • 'that, she Wight' t,"fier beyond an einces favored r. AlajTialied 1 litif alto turiti of 'perion, 1 - the fond dream fifteiii; she re h vocal public •attiptioo, atronage l lof th 4 L e Archbishop' . of this-out:lW anee which - her to . a mare cOu* after a aeries - Of the Arehhikhop's ber rine' to a • essio'n, ._and bray ' • .dorniri. reedy ''ionitilete, imputes kir the , Elector— g leaned ; de and itrtaireor, ut the', ttuiiotee: ;, althoLigj - m* more *nil *axle , ave - ineittkotted.' ki l l, streteely: Met& t Orel' *lt' ihe 'lir*:'' -- 411 , - , .aidi: r e itha .410=atid, last, wad itriAtaidU*, ME I feislftaie re ,* reCtiii4:l6, e-bei /iK . ate` s .) .".I*llo4 NM , 1. vi e 111 11 MEW MEE ~,,.„.: i. ~ :;:,,,,, til , •21:::, .:.:., ,, l'i ~,. ..'...,.......-2 , 7- .•,, -- ~ • - • - ~ -, ..1.' '' '7.- ' 4j. 'l"' ,'- ' " 4I} VERY 'Mkt ERECt,OV.OiIi.NION IS , N OT A DIFFERENCE OF .PRINCIE!.4.!.i . : . ~, ffilli • !!A.: i ,71 • • ••• • , 11.1. '••- • • • LEM HEM '1 :,1 NE i• • " ••• • ,/• • • • • • • IM I. -T4OBE • PA Siff 'it 'Abe instrument; and after a high; pre hide; sang aloud;,l 4- Ith 'kiss das Meidelkeris, das Iva" expressing his readi tiele to rerigriit'hearewhose fort was Ipit, in the familliai r wordi of a Gerniikn poet, but to in air,whose. surpassing sweetness and pithcis Were sug gested by the heartstruggle tit :the hour.' ' • 'ite 'Ceased, be turned, to his conißati : tons,'"with a 'cotititenatice cleared of ail pain ful 'eincition==t4in'at'llind ingenuous irr re\ lievitigthe COnstaibuyihich th " e last mention ed- incidenti' had excited. HO talked of Piiiis— r frankli : adinitting his failure, and laying little or no stress" uttott the intrigue's which had waPaid him from the beginning, find of Which 'hé was by no means union scions. 7" But there is this," added he, and the retn.4lc illustrated. the sensibility of his gen ius, while it explained the neglect he had undergone, " I 'might - hesepleased- the 'French, lint I Should have displeased my- self., A. taste so estfavagant ! Such decla mations! Stich violent =shrieking and cries." Their instrumental music is ,no bet ter, and they require you at the piano, and violins, ind even on the organ, to violate all taste and proportion, for the sake of noise and Ise effect. When I composed a Nis- erere, tvbich Gt:qzie, 'a fine composer and a friend of tnine liked and praiied, they all raised 'tin outcry ht` the masilve harm ony, peculiar to Gentling, it is true, but which is also the only proper style for the piece. I tell thee, M. Weber, they , wanted me to change it into a carnival procession. I tore up the scroll' before'' their eyes, although I threw, ftway a purse of Louis d'Or at the same time. Florins are well enough, bin the pleaSant hours over at Mass rif Sonota are twit!' far ' more to me. They have spoileti all that enjoyment." Alilysiti Weber smiled, as if music was noeso entirely her source of companionship, hilt with few, indeed, however proficient, it is the case. Mozart was interrupted by the entrance of a noisy crowd of amateurs, and the conversation becoming general, he with- drew himself frOm the circle, and sat apart moodily, and with folded arms, now regard ing casually the animated group before him, and soon lost in bitter meditations. He was aroused - by a timid' touch on the arm. Ile turned - and T4und himself comparatively alone with Constance Weber. By all the campus of fiction we should have paid our respects to our heroine, long since; but as the incidents of this tale are, -with hardly an 'exeeption, biographical, we/ haie not ventured On such a license. Coit.i stance had but few' attic personal advano4 ges of her elder Sister; • Her figure was smaller—her air less ambitious—her roc.'l talents not such as to arrest attention nr ! promise celebrity. She had escaped the • dangers of flattery, and yet few possessed the philter which bewitches affection moe than Constance Weber. Her name w s well chosen. Faith and constancy guid d / I her feelings And actions. Her eye was only a shade - unlike :Aloysia's, but its hazel 'the was as hill of sOftuess, as the glance of her elder sister was instinct with the strong enin tions of pride 'and ambition. Her whole character was decidedly. feminine. Inade quate, herself, to achieve distinction in the vocation of her 'family, still her critical ap preciatioa was nicer than Aloysia's. For instance,', Constance could never have Won the positibn of her sister, as the Prima .MR na of tbe;lllunith opera, yet she could ap preciate, !with far more readiness and tact, the donnimt genius of Mozart—the "little man," a. her.s,i'ster had recently spoken of him, when, thXzZled with success, she had . secretly *solved on the scene just enacted. Constnnce's,,affection for her sister, coni binectwiih resjitict for her decided char t ier, ter, bin blinded her to the defects which a e i I already apparent to the reader. She p c haps overrated Aloysia's ability as a - matic singer, while she justly foresaw , e illustrious futtire of the young composer. l Her chagrin l at the conduct of her Fist r was therefore increased, because she thoug c t . the one so capable of executing the! tousle"! creations of the Other,' and now when a ru, ture seemed inevitable, all her. affectionat interest was rnusecl to reconcile two hearis which she errnneotisly deemed nec'essaryit 1 each other's - happiness. Young and inex perienced as she was—just fifteen, find hard ly emerged fiQ'ni the seclusion of a hapPy household—her cheek mantled with agita tion as 'she arrested the attention of Mozart. , " Indeed," She said, " you must have so many - things to 'tell of what you have seen and heard at Peril,. that . our friends will wonder at your Silence. None of them hive ever been any fUrther titan Amsterdam ;sor Ilatobitrgh, and airier' you used to be so So. , end, they . will'Aink 1 you changed." i This was ittidin a twintat absent, tliat Mozart guess at what was passing in her thought's, as" well `as;,his own, and replied tic ea in -.- . . "Tell mp,,Oatiltinee "'said be, " wkioi; Aliktiiailach6ged *I fahould be the satiie. as sver t only Ii find, that I . think more and feel Jeas Afillcipter I live. ` put what ; has happeti4thatishe 'has so' Soon forgotten'all that paised,at Mattribeimr - • • --' 1 "0; - 40 notithink'harShly of any . 'sister, Wcogglini," said POnitince, • addressing her ' compainciii . witb a fatitiliaritf,indaped by:a long and; intitniteAftercOuria, lietireen the Weber fiiiilki arid' . loloit,' duringai deineeatthe, Plit'e*:hot mentioned . •"Slie ii eicitieb7, ;10.".".iiiiltint. a4t-' l 4c,CP* to _joght; - pha' may ' reel *id he'difirent .16 morrow; 'and iPti;"*., - .4i4 - * . '3 4 4:ii 6 i , kitt . : 1 ins ' haitilit:Thlit l i n . l i 1-1 " 1614 ii: 4. 'll not Vie '' ' i '-'''. ' ' '." - ' - ,-'_ "',, ''.' : ''4 ' l : l6ll—, .Z:0: . ..001 1 .*OS 0 0 1 1( 1 48-: :'". °:, 1 1 4 404 -, YP794 not . remember bor. : r e ~ 1 p i ea! *eit.ipcilr, .46*1 sudden!- 'Tejon; 04 ,IWkig - .1000-14r#:**#' . t ,ceseitii?eetl- rio if ` iiiiiifoiti*l / ~ `4 64 CW;:" .,41:40 ' -**.— ` ll f # l ' I itilt*,#x*.eajcsk#loc- - *.1;.;77,r- - ; : wihii*.et FripicOr " • '10041k.. : • - • ME tn' oilier but tell the what - has •hap ned { ln , : -• .; , ; m y absence:: '' • • " Indeed I' do' not knove," re.' 'id, Con-', stance avidetiltly distressed . ; iii l knot , / of e n h o a th n i o ag d . ,o A , nil I will not`believ i Alnysta st, Mozart .!was about m `replyiag when the • ~, r I ~ ccimp4ny rose to depart. ' . • • _is othel*Constande," tiai /he," At is late,. .and ' t rill rti - Witlil you to y, ui fitheesdour. 1 1 1'!,e ight is ' fais,nna , I ave much, very uch , th eiy to you, as W l ii walhalorm." - It Was a beautiful . ing, t, as lif oza rt r aid Catustkutee passed Under the arch oft e . ArclitshoP's.gatewajif,fintl stepped into the streets' Munich. 7?he crowd had dispetis ed, a Ire* straggler!, /only lingering'in' the street,i thabright moon of the Continent rode high river the venciable_pile of the catbie dral, ,and the \ cool air of . midaight'carne I gratefully to the\kainple4 of the composer. " Hot'', COnstOce ' " he resumed, ", c n you say that Alckysitt. is not changed? Y u have Sufficient penetration, met hink s, to re d more Tuly, her/ manner 4-night." " All that I {MOM)," replied-his compah ion, "is that be as not . har•elf. She is it toxicated with the incense, she has received —but I will / of believe • that sifewill contin ue tbtis. Indeed you must be m e forbear ing--Ia little more "iindulgerit. sin hits pride and/by fthat beans, if no of r, she will dometback to think of you, and \he to you e same as formerly." \ \ ;l "What do you mean, Constance 1" 2 \ "Only that your ill-success at Paris mip be the most fortunate thing that could have har*oed to you. They might have flatter ed yen into a *llse school, most fatal to your fam . / But now, Mozart, you can takeyoth, own eourse. You will : be yourself, and be her j me, Aloysia will see and sympathize withjyour .success first of all, and.mast 'Of all. t You will both be unhappy, if you act hastily now, and how it will grieve my hith er dad me, to see you thus alienated from our family !" • The simplicity and earnestness of Con, stance was grateful to the feelings of Mozart. She' failed to shake , - his purpose—firmly, tho Ugh hastily formed—in respect to his fu-, taraintercourse with Aloysia, but on this subject he was not disposed to dwell•----pain ful as it evidently was to Constance. Be rather replied to the adroit, though artless /flattery, which had just fallen from her. 1 "And so you think . that Lean do more, and better things thanitherto, Constance ?" " ay rather," .she replied, " that you hav never tried—that you do not know, al thogh you may sometimes dream, what t,l you an do." . ' _ "By Heavens ! yon are in the right, Cop stante Weber ! I have lived a life of frag ments—of vain show, bemuse mere shows. Butlthe time has come .. to change all this. Thanks to you, Constance, for your faith in the wanderin g composer. ,But good night. Yo ' shall hear from me bY thp Elector's corn and, at the next Carnival. And they part d. • * ', * 4 * yh ea oaf passed ,llozar ainndoneotluilinutictaviasor social seen n ar circ es of Munich,_ We are privileged how ever y, to follow him to his retreat, and from this point our humble narrator must take the ayle, as it embodies the incidents of biog,in phy. As be had intimated •to Constance, the Eledtor had upexpectedlrand indeed capri ciouily, delegated Mozart to compose the Ope Seria for, the coming Carnival ' J et Mu ich. The appointment come most dp port rely. It opened to Mozart a WO, bon dless as his own genius. He resolved to ake a lyrical .era in the, history of the tow . It was still unknown at Munich, pr Ist it m ght have led to a different receptiOn fro Aloysia. Weber. Perhaps the, con scio isness of this distinction Might have les sen d his chagrin at the cold and Indifferent rec ption he met at her hands. , 1 As was usual with him, when composing with intensity, he retired/from the toivin, roving up and down in the open air, until the musical combinations shaped thetnselVes into his mind, and then hastily retreating within, doors, he caught their fleeting id - ages, and embodied : theta in imperishable notation. .. • - - 1 • Musical historians love to dwell upon this pas age in the life of. Mozart—the produc tion of the opera of"` Idomeneo." The sto- •ry cif his opera, as we learn from Holmes,ris a new version of Jeptba's " - Rash Vow." 1 domeneo a King •of Crete, -in danger of ensiling in a storm i at sea, propitiates the gry Neptune by promising -to, sacrifice 'lto im the first object be shall meet, if-permit d hind. It is his. son ldamente. Fn escape, the victim is stopped • appearances, and -the wretah despairing . mistress, Iliti,• are Is the sacrifice, wben they are iy the oracle which deposes d place* Idamente and Ilia on C'r'ete . f ,' t ' outline! giies but i meag s re'idea "end novelty of this lyric'one= /sition 1 watethe efignal of' MO ;ipation from all .; cramping or ;l*. AL •:, He!sontided the depths kif field' heirt, 'Md.'s/rate, with' tin hind, its Most hitidOn respon44. in, as • thii • glesi 'ofd canittositi n so as to give 'his'flioughts SO e j' they revetted riot to Alo 'a taller geltithisiste4 rreeiatealtael IV-nold- that ' s ' will,ingtO re4iititiltei Advil' ' d 'astfaveiihilialla4, familiar o carniviiii leer+ Which' : . t ali* aiietriattipW Of Idiii not ithil ittiatin l ee or ,' - 'oilit'li ;Abe! a. popular efithiiiiiiint lok or vrahli.,,, 8.49 e 1 4 fsf"- 1 0iiig*44* t'. 4 4:00 , 0 1 ,411- 1 101irevIl ,- , i ''io &roc "Wit* •,044* . riitiiiiii*E4Cor t r ~._ .,.. , .. ,„ .. 4.11 i iiiiacal..ponhi. NM is a. i• .1 1 A - - -4t-. ~rtaabx, f „ 6 , - - 11, IMIL lEEE . . . , .. - sentfof from t r .borbt,tbe :Electoir;;-tcr-re-,1 ceice the ‘congritalationaoftbi-tileisedi'and,-.1 •as mast be conlbssed; sitrpiised - faitctiotiary: After some sett, phrase:of compliment , the Elector :turned• signiOcktntlylto therAirebet , family, ' who - ,*' re -. sewed :on , b k. -, iiide ' and` spoke, with la, gymce! - at, 1 Aloysia, - or 'their share in the tri mph = of the , nigle: An; air -of embariesine t pettioded all tboioaddistis edi which the , lector preeiv`idil atiili turn- ing away left lll[ozarttto jain Otani: Y -,',?. His greetinglof !.11t. '•Weber'ind A-14kt' was cordial,imufrei,tWhile he Coild net ri sin tithing thieband'of constanCe.. ._, . , " Did pile tiecinisi- your' voice' in the opera 'I" he whispered..-: -'‘ Ittas'come back. to me often since our; lai(iY•walki inspiring me as I wrote ' 1 liOpethe Elector is right, Constnnce,' mot that you-Twill share id all that ii before tiie."., • -- . , - - .. '4 Hisoglanee,l'his tone, startled, far snore at . the discovery of her own' heart whichAliat. itnpassitined whisper bad' perhaps 'first veiled to - • , : 1- I s a a , a - a - :a a What remains! - The reader must have anticipated the finale of our biographical ,sketch. 1' We have sketched , the Youth of Mozart at its roseate epoch, but hisManbood flowed on in the, security of Maturd ,Elirne and DOmestic'llariPiness. Ills w i de, the loving ' heart of Con stance Weber: Was the guard 'kin angel of those gloomy /hoips ,Which 9c casithtally rolled over,his sensttrv,e soul, and -when in the PiOphetic spirit.which suggest •d ltis memoraide requietn, he anticipated h . exit, whose , ; hand `bat hers l whose voice but bet own suthing accents Supplied the. 1 gele ministryof a. worn an's, lov e• Sweet, indeed; are such domestictraditions, as those which lte reached , us of Wolfgang Mozart and Coils ettWeber, The, sigh of - a be % reeved wife, to a fitter re' 'um than if a / / q ui tikiusand inatr 'merits set ,forlt the • wait of mourning,. N rea, c'tO their vefaul memit ries ..., . 11 /. ///,;• • Cistern!, fialom Farin-B!Oldings. • I Pony; wholesome /w ter, as a constant/ ni beverage for an or nnim ls, , is essential to Isound health:. ' / Its relatives lubrity depends st\ (maim various/ animal, vegeta 'le, or mineral particles, witlrt Which it ,may/ impregna ted, and the place: whence it-ii; s ocu-red..., The transparency or purity of that obtained from wells o r , springs, varies