to be the People's candidate for the next Presidency. He says " IN NO CASE CAN I BE THE CAN DIDATE OF ANY P ARTY, OR YIELD M.YSFILF TO PARTY SCHEMES." we: clip the following from the Raffia burg Argus, a sound Democratic paper con ducted, under the patronage of the State Ad- ministration: . • " We cannot but hope that for the future the ruling sentiment ofevery American shall be a desire to , reward true worth and - virtue, instead of, yielding an unnatural support to men who have no claim upon their friend ship other than a blind a dherence to the dic tates of the few, who would arrogate to them selves the choice of rulers." - • - - The "Public Ledger" of the 21st inst., decidedly the strongest and most influential paper, in support of the State and National Adriiinistrations published in Philadelphia, c'ontaios the following very sensible expres sion of dews -upon the subject under consid eration. We recommend that all should read it, and especially.tbose who know noth ing about politics except what is reflected from the Fire-proof. " As we understand the character, a "no party man't is one whose political action "is regulated by certain fixed principles," and who adheres to those principles- inflexi, bly, as "to -'any principle Of religion or morals." To him they are "moral" print ciples, the result of conviction. He believes that they are right, and consequently that his conformity with them is a duty. He does not inquire whether they are adopted or rejected by parties or sects, because the opinions of others are not his 'standards of right and wrong. He thinks for himself, and therefore acts upon his own convictions; and not upon the persuasion -or dictation of those who would undertake to think for him. Holding himself responsible, not to men, but to a higher than human power, he does not surrender his convictions to the ever varying interests ,or caprices'of others. Parties may abandon the ground which they once occupied, and adopt new princi ples in seeking, new objects. But the "no party nian" does not change with them ; for principles, being immutable, are not chang ed by the renunciation of old and adoption of new opinions. Though - parties may take ns many phases as the moon, the " no party man" is inflexible in his principles, because their ~character is not affected by t h e se phases. They are still the same, how. eier parties may estimate them. The " party man" adopts and acts upon opinions, not 'because he is convinced of their rectitude upon his own examination but be c muse they areadopted byhisportit. His stand. ard 1. the party, 'not its principles ; and con s, inently when his party changes its princi ples, as political panics sometimes do, he chanmes with them, and adopts the lieu. case, nut through conviction of its truth, but be, rause it is now the code vif the party and therfore must be correct. lie never in quires concerning any proposition, is this right or wrong? hut always inquires, is this the doftrine of the party or not ? And g•tiled this last question, lie adopts 074-eject:: the proposition without farther In . The" party man' cannot adhe:re to; principles " inflexibly," because, bavin,, ,, adopted a party for a standard,be rnus4 think and act in obedience. to its dictates, and chanrt with its mutations. It his party lake new ground, involving new principles, he must take it also, or incur the impota tlons, so formiable to partisans, of infidelity and *desertion. He cannot be independent, cannot have moral courage .enough to con tend merely for right : for this may injure party. Independence, moral courage, ~,m q-tency, 'inflexibility in principle, are the exclusive attributes` of the "no party MOE Offer of Peace Rejected. The S. 0. Gommercial Times of the 14th savS.that, the late offer of peaCe with Mexico through Mr. Trist, has been per ,,raptorily rejected by that government. Al.- iliciffh this important rumor is doubted, and yen denied by the Picayune, such rejection is precisely what might have been expected! trona the Mexican government, in its present; condition: Whateier may have been said of the Mexican clergy favoring a treaty of peace, or of peace parties in that country, doubt whether there are any, among all classes and grades of that people, who are sincerely disposed to meet any reasonable offers from our government for an amicable adjustment of the issue. The truth is, tho' disastrous in one sense, the war is not un profitable to them in another, and if we mis take not, there may be found at the base of all. the discordant elements that divide and dis tractthat country, an inveterate hatred of the inVading army, and a determination to re-,. hig, cheat, harrass, and annihilate it. We. believe the only way a satisfactory peace at this stage of the iinarrel,'ls to con- . quer it. . • Our goverritnent has -already suet- touch time in making offers for peace, yet kmust now stand acquitted before the civili z ed world, of all want of magnanimity. gone, in amicable offers, as far as it can vtith due regard to self respect, it has now no oth ',urse than a vigorous prosecution of the ‘‘ar, till the Mexicans beg for quarter. Let r ,hen place fifty thousand' troops in Mexi co without delay, and compel the Mexican people to support them. -A0 espcciap.yle it exchange or releate 'nn parole, -tio more prtsoueni l ‘ - The infamous __treat/Dent of Arnericatl prisonersiby the Mexietthitivern. meat meiiiicaelrere ;retribution.' ft ruld babe beep exhibited by 4 sto Europeon,flittinn• A Mexican pavole'is::a:Ctilicislotis All Mexican . prisoners should be the I_ ailed Stafeiiiiiii:l36.-61°4Y Confined ; and,i s h:rico should be compelled to foot the bill. l We trust that our government will not Permit the gallant army, wit - 10 has &light, it, way into the ,b,eart • of Mexico, to remain umutive in that - exposed position, its DlM hers constantly melting away by sickness and the assagibin's arm, while • efforts are be , leg , made to C. feet a • peace; t esinteinlly• as their appears to be no correspotlflpg 4 wish to negotiate on the part 14,.. 4018. All its otreisof ,peace haAnk. , e l 4ll : lottied, it shoblilliy an :the Ansi until' sviiipiittition for peace come from the MexiCans. ,Thay ; tile not .understand forbearance, magnanimity or generosity, but constru ,alt deirionstri tions,of them, into fear of ,their invincible power; and therefore* , tnord iwe spare them, the less will they) be inclined to peace or justice. When they strroicitighly fel the weight of the war in the capture of their cit ies, the blockade of , their ports, and in the expenses of the contest, which they should be compelled ,to defray daily, then, and not tilV then, will they nsk for peace. Their iit 'teAect or moral sense can be reached -only thrhugh twiiCliannelS, their, biiekii ainLtheir podkets. Forbearance is thrown away up on b people so entirely profligate and de ,,ratied. . El : . We copy the following from the Tribune of the 2lst iust. Wonder if the copper .mine alluded to is not located in Wyoming Co., near Tunkhannock, and if it Was not discoiered by one Samuel Platt, Esc(,, of this county We reckon ! "Jr WAS XOT ALL THAT 1119 FANCY PAINT ED IT."—ln the Court of Common Pleas at Boston,-before Judge Cushing, was tried on Wednesday the case ,of . Barnes is, Grover, one note ',of $l5O, given for .stock in the Susqwehanna'Copper Mining Co. It ap peared in evidence that no such Company had been formed—though before the note wns given•specimens of copper had been ex hibited yielding 59 per cent. - of pure copper, which were said to'have been taken from the mines, of the Company. .The.defenee to the suit was "no consideration for the note," and the jury thought so too, for they gave a verdict fur the defendant. Persons should be careful not to buy copper-stock till they find it has a copper-bottom." From California. ARRIVAL Or Cot.. RussEL.—:The St. Lou is papers of the 14th' ult. contain the an.l nounceinent of the arrival of Col. NV. H. Russel from California. The only informa tion be brings is in reference to the dispute between Kenrney, Stockton and . Fremont, relative to the Governorship of the Territo• ry. . When Col. Russel left Los Angelos, on the 22d of March, Corn. Shubrick and Gen: Kearney had issued a joint proclamation, announcing the former as Military, and the latter as Civil Governor of California ;,that Cul. Cook, with his Mormons, was march: tag against Los Angelos to arrest Fremont t . )tr insubordination; and that, on the 31st of March, Fremont being- apprised of these movements, started for Mcinterey, the head quarters of Shobrick and Kearney, five hundred miles distant, which he intended to reach in thrre days and nights. Col. Russel v.Munteers a defence of Col. Fremont, but it is so much at the expense of Geu. Kearney, and Corn. Shubrick, as to leave the infer ence that it is a prejudiced statement. The government has no doubt been properly ap. prised of all the difficulties, and, taken the proper means to remove them. P,ENNSYLVANIA RAlLROAD.—Proposals for +ding the first eighteen miles of the ens- , tdrn division of this road were opened at ~ arrisburg on the Mb inst. The president i d a committee of the directors were in at. aid tendance. Scarie 200 experienced contract tOrs were at the letting. There was great disparity in the bids, and the work, it is said has been let very low. The cost of grading and tr;asonry on this portion of the road, irf cluding!the piers arid abutments of the bridge; which crosses the Susquehanna about 5 miles above Harrisburg, will not exceed $lO,OOO per mile. The line is said to be it beautiful one, presenting few curves- and 'a 'low grade. • The president proceeded to Pittsburg Mi.. tnediately after the letting, to be present a the opening of bids there on the 22d. - A GOOD ENDORSEMENT.—Some one, a feir days before the death of General Jack._ sop, said to him that the annexation of 'rex, a woald lead to a war with Mexico, and aiked him what General was best qualified to load our armies. The old General re plied :—" We have just the than for the cri sis; an old soldier down theriver—you will find him on his cotton plantation--a farmer looking man, but every inch a warrior— ZACHARY TAirtoit—l go his security.ti— Who wopld'ask a better endtittetnent. The New York :Canals continue to do ti. tremendous business. The sum to: tat' of tolls received during the 75 days of bey igationi ending the/4th' inst., was $l,-, 5230 SO—which is $441,000 snore than was received dining the 90• , days of navigation ending with the , same date last year, • " l'ar The Steamship Britimpia arrived at, Boston unSattirday:l7th lust, from Liver pocq,s; which p*.thc i l:elegraph reports olte left on. - AO Attli t inst. Her dates therefore-ate " fifteen - day. la r.. The only iteois of news. received short' r lcontinued - declimkin Bread stuffi and 'a fu ik 'er advaimela COtton., -Astonishing Ackie yiessetaiitAtt ,, Mr. T M. Easterly; after reoeated eitpe:riinenta,_ has actually a Dalpterrentypg is ttreak Pf geudine wale playing. streak,* the lasi snake order;' _perfect and • instantatteOus wasthe ' npe anon; that rn.yriads i of interilining.,diepe, of min Car,tre,tranifeffed,r,itli woaderful distinctness !An Aie plate, ' every drop zetaining its glob. War. k:forns,, showing, that. lib 'appre c i a bl e space of tinti *lie cooinmOslid,;7.-krt. EVERYBODY nuassinariElit fIA IR TONIC. And for the best reasons in the world, because it is t h u , c , o br hope :400316 -the :bald-beaded can have of once more regaining the, fta Rowing -locks of hair, with which nattire.adhrite d . their heads in youth, whi6 it does toithe admiration of all who use it" as directed. Try it, all ofl you mho .need more' or handsomer hair.. It is the verything for you. WORMS! WORMS! WORMS! To remove these troublesome anti dangerous in habitants of the Stomach and bowl/,'which so often impair.the health and destroy the lives of children, use JAYSZ'S Teem Vuutiroos, a certain and safe preparation for the removal of the various kind ie of worms, dyspepsia, sour stomach want of appetite, infantile fever and ague, and debility of the stomach and bowels and organs of digestion: It is without exception one of the most voluble s preparations in - the world. • " HEAR DR. HIGBYI3OPINION Dr. J. L. Rigby, Milwaukie, W. T. ' Nov. D 345, writes to Dr. Jayne, and says, Your Carminative Balsam. Hair Die, and Hair Tonic, all ~,ao well, end the Balsam goes finely. It has saved many lives this season. I had to get twice supplied in New York in Septetqber last. I shall want at least 200 bottles. I halo 'for tale, and have tried ninny of the "crack articles" for this Biloco Diarhma, winch we are subject to ; and of all, yours is' invaluable. I could get $5 per bottle for it, if it could not lie had for leis, and any quantity of certificatesof the strong est kind. These Diarrhceas are the worst disease we, and your Balsam is Abe only, thing that cures them. -Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia and sold on agency by N. Mitchel & Co., .Druggists, Montrose. Where may be had - Javne's Ague Pills, tchich never fail fa et, rc FEVER - AND AGUE. 1-11.sasca.—W right's Indian Vegetable Pills tire a positive and certain cure for tliis distressing cem plaint ; because they -purge from the body those bil ious humors which are the cause nut only ofheadnch, giddiness, 'nausea and sickness, &c., but of '• all die ills to which flesh is heir." One an mut box of the above named Indian Vegetable Pills; nay, a single dose, will frequently carry off the the most violent attack of headach ; but in case of long stand ing, perseverance alone is wanted, in order to make a speedy cure of esery description of headach. Wright's Indi4n Vegetable Pills aid aid and im prove digestion and purify the blood, and therefore give new life and, vigor to the whole frame, as well as drive disease Of every kind from she body. Mills & Sherman; Agents, Montrose. Beware of medicine Under any other name than Wainat's Istosts VanEtsst.r. Pitts, and see that the signature is on the box. Office 169 Race St., Philadelphia. NEW YORK MARKEN'S. CORRECTED WEEELS FOR THE PEOPLE'S ADVOCATK Wheat flour, . per karrel Corn meal flti Wheat, per bushel . Rye; do ' Corn Uo Barley, do Oats, do Butter put Ib, Orange en: (1.2t1 , a; Lid western dairy, 0.10 a , 4) Cheese, per lb. . 0,06 ell 0.03 Beef, per barrel, tness do .. prime, . 8.50 rd 9,15 Pork, per barrel, Incas, • 14,75 , •a) , do prime, 12,50 (.113,00 Lard, per lb. o.lok - it' , 0,11 Hams per lb: smoked * 0,07 ray 0.09 American wool, per lb. salon 0,35 rik 0;374 do full blood Merino 0,34 co - ) 0,38 do ' i & i Merino 0.29 , iv 0,34 do native d.' Merino ,0.26 ,& 0,29 DIED, In New 'York, on Wednesday 14th inst., after a lingering illness, JOHN T. FITZGERALD, Esq., late of Silver Lake, Susq. Co.. in the 30th yerir of his age. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS TAILORING TAILORING! TAILORING! PA. LOCKE & R. F.- JAMESON. hating as • Sociated thetnselves in the TAILORING BUSINESS, would respectfully solicit the patron age of those who' make Ilgshion their criterion of Dress. and also those who Tonsult rose rather than Fashioll, believing that they can fully meet the ts,te, and wishes of all tihose who may farms them eith their custom. • " Cutting dohe on Short notice. and warranted to fit if rightly put toget l hie lt N. B.—Shbp e found at the uiltlintt formerly occupied by B. Lock.. :t a Tailoring Establishment, opposite J. Mack's tVagenti-Stiup. P. A. LOCKE. R. F. JAMESON.. Nlantrose, July 1847.-59m3. BEGISTRI3 9 IS NoTiciL' PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby _Oven ball persgs concerned hrthe - following Estate, to wtt: lIOBERT Ei)SE, late of Silver Laic township, deceased, ; John L. Hodge, Executor. That the actionntant hsi settled his tuicount, in the Register'. Office in and for the county nfßuSqueltan• na, and that the sane will be presented to the-ituig es'of the Orpitan'ai Court at Montrose, on blonday the 16th day of Asir* next, for confirmation and al. H. FINCH, Register. Register's Office, Montrose, I July 14, GOODS FALLING! A FRESH supply of TEAS from 18 ma. to one .COFFEE, &c.just opened and going rigid . .- -Alada small lot of summer Cloths yet on hand, will be 'sold at great 13ar gala* for Cash. ' - tar CaIIOVICit at the titore of . July 29,1857. , , l J. LYONS. BEOl&rliwb NOTIG PUBLIC NOTlOWistnrelmern to persons eoncerned iu*fefkrwant EstateS,lto wit : JOEL EIBROP ? hie,4 New .Inford .township, decd, • . i • Pierce De" Ades. OA BIXBY, hdeof Middletown township, 'dec'a, i Riehierd Adva'r. PAYSON KINOIMUEY,. late O:ll4rfoni town ' ahip, dee.'d ! . - A ' ' • • • alisufwe parfoOter,l Ati , rs rokit - - S Thtit ilie secourtirts h i n4o settled their accounts in the iteghtter:f (Mee in iful ter the county. of Basque. henna, end that tb tame: evtil:be_ presented to th e ;cages Of the OiPtan's litirt it Montrose, on Mon ti the " th th L Y* 414934132,ext, for cou6rmat►on FINCH, Register. R e gyies 6eLei Maniriao, Yuly 8, 1847. 5 NEW 'ADVEIETISEMENTS VALUABLE BOOK. STATE. BOOK OF 'PENNSYLVANIA, contik. ing an, account of the Gpography, His;ory, Gov. ernment, Resources, ar citizen oft he citizen State, with a map of' the Ste t and eachtor ie T -, for the use of Schools and familiee—Just pub For sale by thd South or single by' • July IL -* • t • J. .I,YONS. M - NORM 'HIVJ COOLOO • USLIN HELAINE - SHAWLS, Psis and Sheeting, a fresh; supply, just opened, set. ling Cheap - by J. LYONS. MOLASSES at 2s tid per gallon—Teas, 'Sugars, Cod-fish, &c. allow lot. r''Call qq uick July 8, 1847. J. LYONe. FLOUR & PORK, FOR SALE at Salisbury's July 14, 1847. NEW GOODS! S. S. MULFORD & SON, TrAVE 'now on hand a large . assortment of 11. GOODS which they will sell as Ckeop as the Cheapest Prints—a large assortment from 6 1-4 to 121-2 cents. Some beautful patterns and fast col- Ors 121-2 cts. figo—a lot of Printed Lawns, and a large assortment of Goods for men's summer wear—will be sold very cheap. Woolsey & Woolsey's best Loaf t, aroutid-and crushed Sugar, war ranted pure, for 12 1-2 cents Youngpe rlbri yion Tea for 25 cts Better • If 50 " Best 44 It • 75 Molasses for 377 per gal. And all other Groceries equally cheap for Cash by • S. S. M. & Son. July 8. 1847. CRADLES, Crtuile Scythes, Grass Scythes, Scythe Swaths, Scythe Stones, Rifles, 'Pitch forks and Sickles, for sale by F. S.. M. & Sou. July 3, 1.84'7. 0,25 rd' 5,50 2,50 e 1,00 e 0.00 .75 e 0.00 SOLE LEATHER, bought before the advance for site by S. S. M. &Ron. July 8, 1347. ,6O ,4;5 (1,82 d 0.81 0,40 FiNE \LIY TEAS 11,00 ra,11.7:) AT NEW YORK PRICES ISAAC L. POST 84,00., HAVE made arrangementß with the NEW YORK PEKIN TEA COMPANY, for the sale of TEAS in Montrose, and can furnish their Customers and the Trade, with Teas at the same prices that the Company charge for them. And in every case svhere.these Teas do not give satisfaction, themoney will be paid back for them. The Young }yon Tea mentioned in this Catalogue, at 50 CIA. Is supe rior to'an9 . thing sold in Montrose at 694 cents. CATALOGUE OF TEAS. • GREEN. YOUNG HYSON, good do. do. sweet cargo 50 do, do. fine cargo . 75 do. do. silver leaf.... ...... ....... 1 00 Silr,r Leaf—Seldoin sold everr by large dealers, be eat/se of flit,: V ery' 61111111 profits wade on its side.— This, is a very superior Ten. 4 do„ do. milden chop 150 Gobird Chap—This is the finest Creel' Tea caltiva ted in China- It is of the first pickings, and ex cels all other Gieen. Teas for its delicacy of flavor strent , th and aroma. Heretofore this Tea lima nev er reached this country, except in small lots as presorts to importers. 11ISOINi, tine do. vory fine.. CiT7NPCIVIIIIR, fine do. INIPEaIAI., fine do. extril. tiu.e.. lIY SO'S SIC IN, ..1. NISG \TONG, strong and good flavor ... 374 Vise rang—The grocers sell this at 50` cents and call it ,Oolong. • ~ OOLONG, a rich Black Tea 50 Compare this superior Tea with. that sold by gra cers,las beim , . an Oolong Tea. ' The difference is too phint, ana the deception too palpable. • OPLOIsi G, plantation growth .. -....... • 75 ENGLISII BREAKFAST, tine 5O HOW • do. extra fine ..... .. ;75 HOWQUA'S MIXTURE, a rich and highly ' flavored Tea........ • 75 P E fiCE! FLOATER ...• 1 00 an scented ' ... 150 NE PLUS ULTRA .: ..I .. •'-. -. ... 1 50 :::,.- Sr pita Ultra—This Ted is as fragrant and sweet as a nosegay. It yields 1 perfume that is truly de lightful. It is' of garden growth, 'and supenor to any thing of the kind ever sold in this country. We have tried the Teas imported by the Pekin Tea Company, 75 & 77 Fulton st. New York, and if we live:. will try ahem often. They are selling the must delicious teas we ever drank, and retail them tit wholiesale prices.—Evening Post. • Yon May be sure of obtaining at all times pure and highly' flavored teas„ by the single pound at wholesale prices, of the Pekin Tpa Company, 75 & 77 Fultorist. They have probably the largestatock, and greatest variety ,of fine green add black teas, of any •ontt establishment in the linked States. Thex are doing a large business, and a great benefit to consumers of tea.—Atlas. .fierotafore it had been i-en-difllcnit hideedunt• possible, to always obtain good pieta and black tees! But now you have only to visit the ware-rooms of the Pekin Tea Company, 25 & 77 'Pullin street; to obtain nit delicious apd fragrant Maras you can wish Sue. A. WORD TO TEA DITAPRZIM — The Pekin Tel Company &77 Fulton et, have imported into this sotne five:thouslind dollars worth of the finest 6 , 1.416110 f Green had Black Teas, grown bathe Celestial Empire, done up in the various fancy pack ages that Chinese ingenuity' can invent. They sell good teas only, and retail ,them at wholesale likes: CoutitrX„inerchants who wish to always sell goOd' teas can always obtain them at this place, on raw soluble terms.—.Emporism. ; ; 1., The above Teas are for stile by • • • tL. POST 43c DOUBLE ‘Rt,FlNtili, LOvPitina ernsbecl i fIUGARS at only Is per lb Ce 4 at • ;3444xiri1i.; 1 July, '1049: 4 .• 'GlNGliely dz GINGHAM LAWNS, just arrived, in verylow at . ;. 1 • • 0 Baliaburft. July, 1847. • i•L r, • 1 • ' • " • StiG4RS.', • , T IP; .ii.ROE,ST arid OHEirESTstock of Su gars i n this County just received .IE4, Salisbury's., • BRO • LOTH& • ' : 411 'aid :Dospesticitosikaothi F REs'4z,oll,,, cif , giOutl l4 redukkatli aw at S July 1847. } .7 , ;7.- 4 • • , • -PI CASStMtRES, . VREMYballuiiiiidi in iieine a ricao faaoy auditabl CiMfteres; aied nd low as .' •'1 iutY. Salisbury's. extra fine BLACK Recommendations Sole Airesiii for Susquehanna Co , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mil Till! AT NEW YORK PRICES. MONTROSE AGENCY •-•- OF THE NEW TORK CANTON TEA COMPANY. THE OLDEST TEA ESTABLISHMENT IN s AIEEEICAI PfUNCIFADESTABLISH MENT IN NEW YOltia THE ,CANTON , TEA T OOMPANT has been pop. ulaily known for magy years. This is the lar gest and oldest Tea Establishment in America. The public have had full proof of their integrity and re. sponsibility. But such hai been the great and prea sing demand for their TEAS oflate s that they, have been obliged to enlarge, to a great eitent, their two principal establishments in New York, viz : 125, Ckathast t 63 Greenwich-Sts. They moreover possess facilities, in relation to the Tea Trade, in a very abundant degree, and doubt less superior to any otheeTea Concern in America. Their scrupulous regard to all principles that tend to elevate the character of a large house, is well un derstood, and has 'already aechred them a connec tion. probably, larger dam all other Tea Establish. ments united, and consequently they are detennined to sell Teas parer, more ,:fragrazt, and perfcct for the prices, in the aggregate, than any house in the world-.-China excepted. They respectfully invite the attention of the inhab itants of Susquehanna county ,to their Agency, ' in Montrose, where the folldiving - assortments are al ways on band; and they feel no hesitation in stating, that wherever a single trial is made; a very decided preference is giTen to the celebrated Teas of the CANTON TEA CO. f2fr Reader make the experiment. Retail prices as follows, subject in all cases to be returned if not approved of: GREENS. Good YOUNG HYSON, Flue .. N 0.2 fragrant do - N 0.3 very fine do Silver Leaf, do Good HYSON ...... - Very fine do Extra fragrant.... Good -HYSON SKIN Good 1MPER1AL. ...... Very fine • do Extra fine do ... Good GUNPOWDER.. Fine........ do 7.xtra fine do. BLACKS No. 1 SOUCHONG. No. 2 do" ... Finest do Fragrant POWCIIONG.. CONGO Fine . OOLONG Very fine do ' Extra fine do N INGY ONG Finest ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA. (very rich Pekoe favored,).... 073 " Fine ORANGE PEKOE ... 0'624 " Finest PEKOE FLOWERS . 100 " HOW QUA, or finest Black Tea im ported - 100 " IYe . plus ultra TEAS, both Green and Black, of all descriptions, the highest grades grown in China, at $1 50 per lb. lar TAKE NOTICE!—THE CANTON TEA COMPANY are the-exclusive venders of the superi or Black Tea called " HOWQUA'S MIXTURE. They introduced it in America in 1890--and every other person or house professing to sell the same at all—much less at a lower price—deceive the nnwa. 7, as the public them - selves will perceive, by com paring the spurious with the genuine " Huccqua" vended by the Canton Tea Company. Every package (in addition to its containing FULL WEIGHT, independent of the wrapper,) bears the stamp of neatness and elegance, and the Teas there in are so thoroughly secured from light and air, that their quality and power will remain unimpaired in any climine. J. B.' SALISBURY,' Agent. Montrose, July 1, 1841%. 55y Cash paid for Wool! 50,000 poundi of WOOL want ed door above,Searle's Hotel, for which the highest price will be paid by June 9th 1847. Merril & Root. 75 1 00 75 1 00 75 L 00 Any kind of Fur, Brush, 'Mole Skin, Lighorn, Palm Leaf, Sporting. and Wool, Hats, also Men and Boys' Cloth, Silk, Silk and Cot. Glazed and Velvet Caps, also Children's caps selling cheip by .Rune '47. M. & Root. Grand ExhibitiOn of woos! "ligs3Wir REgMal'OrtDD /*WRANIVOM." WICH has lately been enlarge& making it ale Largest Store is the county, may be seen, free of charge, a well 'selected stock of NEW GOODS, I.4RGER than the LARGEST, 'Snd more DESIRA• BLS' than any in this market, Which will be kept up in great splendor during thcseason by FRESH SUPPLIES. from 'New York. Those who wish to purchase may always be assured of getting the la test styles much lower than they can be bought els where. We defy competition:2n regard to QUAN TITY, QUALITY, end LOW PRICES. The old axiom that "money saved, is a good as money earned," is almost as old as the invention of money itself ; but the practice of selling good Goods atlow prices, first originated at the • NEW MILFORD EXIDHANGE"-a PRACTICE which has not yet been adopten by our competitors. We deem Ilan necessary to give in denial all the articles o we offer for sale, and would only 'add tharwe, have a large supply of Carpeting, Rugs,Carpet-Bags, Satchels, Cooking Stoves, Parlor Stoves, - and 1:1Q1:121RS. SALT AND , FLOUR • will,bekkapt constaittly loedorbar rel, at the loureat, word or two about our k I ~_.2 1 1 1 h We have Tinny Maio; ' .of all descriptions, Which . for quality and lop prlee t e - e - soill, any ()they ; in tile, county, the pine "Ten Enipuinnii" at }hi:lemon um u°4l'4 4 nuld-oi •-!_p :11. , LA.: tir ;i ii•• . • 't' WIEOII BROTIIERII' Si 'co. formerly 'BENNETT.* WEAVER.' . New Milford, June 17,1847.,• ' • . ~..• • Naar. . os t emie,ibi"....w.o. o %.inunri, tcii ~.. ,iii a quantity et iince of in s e u r it e er Le a l ig. 144 cif produce in el i giange for Gotklii. •.„ 53iii9 v•.. MIMI NEW,GOODS,* CHEAP. iraz *bactibera are receiving !' well *elected stock of NZ,W. GCK)Dt3,.„winch" will make tietis *OM* very ve ethliPlOte..luzdthey sredeter minedia -on terms that will be,iatatfactoty,tp, Pic n r • U. BURROWS & CO. " . Gibson, J'9 l l - 0 , ; 1 1 1 ,*- 1 1, • i• : CHEAP DELAINS. PINCT•I3 4itialiadOe" a hatalcitas 4,/ Otter* 11241 to 2a 3aliaryald, at ' U. BYRBOWS 6.1. Co's. NewG • ‘.4iods - 1.- - , --, i t rpllll;stibseribers love - rec cal .tbeir . naiml iiiill JL selected' Amick of GOOD soitable to the name. soni which willbe millet pri to suit the *ma for - CASH OR RE‘ Y PAY ! Their assortment compri almost ever ankle the People want in viey of D Y GOODS, ss ' BROADCZ TO,. SATINETS, ' ,• CASSIMEIi - ' TWEEDS, And lota of summer ;tuffs fa Nyco, ikei Among their • ' i CROCK Are so4of the newest Too numerous to mention. I choie lot of *GROCER Suck as. SUGAR, W( CES, FISH, 4.c. 411 of which Will be WOOL, Zgeeswg,,,.. of GRAIN. Montrose, hole 10:1847 ...$0 50 erl6 ..., 0 62i .... 0 75 • " -..- 1 00 " 25 " ..... 0.75 -" ~ 100 " 1 25 " .... 0 50 " .... 0 75 " .... 100 " 1 25 .... 0 75 0 .... 1 25' " -$0 50 " . 0 624 ". 075 " various prices. various prices. 50 " .075 " .. 1 DO . " various prices. AT THE NEW ADVERT' HARDW BONNETS. --n good • - Strisy Bonnets, and Bo lattiNtS & L Oil, rat last year's p vancol in market.) PAIL "quality, which is a much hai other foi:witidow blinds, ik:cL pentine, Putty, &c. &c. at TWO THOUSAND lbs. ry cheap,also Grisal-s . 1 el, Iron, Steel, Nails, &c. 53w10 U. PECTED Lawns, Goods, very cheap, at U. BUSINESS DI LUSK & N D WTON, Attoruieswat-Law; Office a ew rods South of the Court }Ouse. F. LUs K. NJ Nawtos. JOHN H. D, ATTOBINtEY AT LAW, MI moved bia office to Temp 'one door East of the offs and three doors west of di] fice. SMITHS, STEVE Cabinet and Chair Makers— county, Pa. W. 5311T11, ♦. 81111111, JR, - CALEB W Saddle, liorness and .T , the Farmer's store• R. SEARL P)goad assortment of Dry ware, &c. &c.-, West side ~ ~ BENJ. 8 : ~ , . Dealer in Staves, Hardware, Ode of Public Starves,, - F, B. CHAND I D.iders in Stoves, Tiia-ware, &c. &c:—East side. of Pa., ; MERRILL .! • Dealers hi Hat's, Caps, Furst West side of Public Aye • E. W. HA ' Still continues the Blacksini 0118 branches at his old S • B. S. s Attorney at taw; at the Oki of the Court-house. 'JAMES N.. EL Cabinet said Chair Making. , Painting, Turning, Paper his old stand on Turnpike e A. CHAMB ' 'IN • , I Attorney at Lan, O ffi ce ov the Store of I. L. Post 'Sr.. Co„ corner of Public enuo and Tizenpate H. • PARK & D Physiciant & Surgeons. I Public Avenue over the E. S. PAng. LINES & Fashionable Tailors, over Me J. ETHE Groceries, Fruits, - Confectio. Paints, Qils, and a variety MILLS & S Farmer's 'Store. A general on - bawl; One door bolo Post. . MACH & R.l GERS., .. 1 Coich, Carriage and Sleigh anhfachirem °ritual pike street, at the old V: ley,atand, ark - rawly to'serve Customers, in The' i ost iefinea style ofilte l ige. Aiticles in our line notantly on bind for ' ,side, and repairing done ' short notice. i - S. S. MULF01111) ; I& SON.' Dealers in Dry Goods, Crock, ry, 13tticerksi Joiner!' Tools, &C. &c. East side . Mk Avenue. , • 1 ;, DR. , H. S ITH • !.. DENTIST4-Bets Teeth on .Id Mate and all operations on the teeth t'be best style. lean be foundiat L. Searles' itp Mondayomlll Ul days oftiich.week. : • F, WHITN tY, Physician, surgeon, & A.ccouthier, Neigiiinee No. '2, Broadway, (opposite the B iiive6uich,)Jislomti Pa. JOHN GRdVES, - Fashionable Tailor—Two d, below. Our Tarim' score. i, Z. G. 1188 LL, • •:•-• Boot . sad 81ioe o,3aker—itbree .; .130n1h.401i.TA. F. Whitiiity; 10. 4i Bioad ; Vlaikson'44os B. .S.A.LIS Cheap Goodi for the Teopl• Pu t blia /Livia.. BOA aide.•- Lt3-11' , s. PEW° Dealer in.,D40t991 Lard • • elt Tiln°4!w ell f thr H. NON • . DA ' I Carte 11 4 1 11 0 g •fo at:hash" • *here 14001. be NUIN • *actin otz Goody. -, Hood . .14.**N00. • 4 .4,111 o f , nolseYlibles , ":; Avesineoriei the Goodc , L.lll' comer of Public Avenue sok TuntratieL . EMENTS. .'c. boys, and ciAinit's RY RE , additiou they live. r LASSES,,SPI- =hanged fee- , Feathees, Butte, low-cloth, andalkilds . SEARLB & CO: ...ent of Florence and net trimmings at tURROWS & Co's. 'White 144 in 1. the price has .d- OR Nin OR, beat loonier green thastany Vern*, Split Tar- Rows & Co's. OLE LEATHER; ve es, Cod Fish, Mackey- •URROWEI & Ce's ma, and other areas [THROWS & Co's ECTORY. MOCK, Verose, Pa.—Has re ke street, Noah sidir; o B. T. Case, MR.,. Register : Printing Of. k AVERY, onthw, P. STIVICNS. I F. AVYRT. 2EMM! & CO. code, Crockery, Herd , f Public Avenue. YRE, D 7 Goods, tkci, West ER & CO, stationeory,,Dri " 6 0 'c Avenue. _ 'ROOT, Plough Pointy Lc.— EY, business in its Tali' d near KeeleeaTimint , fEce few rods west ; Also•. Sign. and Fang dr.. Shop M MOCK. • ce, West side of the - bf R. Searle &Co. G. Z. Dusoci. tstXE, & Root's Nat Scars. DGE, • deft Drugs, Medicines. tick packs. , ftI&AN, a riety of goods the residence of Judie NET, CM*- . • &44-011111410 =I r. 1 177 L -Mikker rv*PariVliar"b e. ' 6, , SOthorthilkiii4K' EPA, - -= . 11-14glised,41ora. tfl.l Odic4 3 Store of 111