The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, July 22, 1847, Image 3

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    earn from th... 1
rized by
• . True' th
ere there—or
t some of the 0
le, we
tr*s char
teal etinrt l
zan strife
sumed- the
ing all th.
in the gel;
ations; w
it energies to I I
oder considers,
mien of n can'
yet the Rep
ich we publis
wns onainiin
erate, : an
pointlitent of
ter the a
statistics, me
to collect
• titious, &c.,
owing is the
The fol
the Cony
!onvention sub
id to the Fed •
propositions a,
[tents and , tiwoz:
First, 'hat die (oeirstelt
ted States: was fravoeil
for purpOses de..lscrod
To provide for the
mote the general welfare
blessings of liberty and
ed to create a governmen
`should and would be ad
iron of the 'common i I
States, or of two or mo
could hot be maintained
se perated States. Tha
dance with this object, th
from commerce were s
citizens n
own senti
general government, wit
standing dint they should
promotion of those cometi
'. That among these ommon interests
and objects were—lst, F 'reign Commerce,
to the regulations of whi h, the powers of
the State severally were .onfessedly inade
quate, and 2d, internal t ,de and naviga
.tion, wherever the concur ence of the States
was necessary in its prose • ation or where the
expense of its maintenan •e should be equit
ably borne' by two or 1 ore States, and
where, of course, those S ates must, neces
sarily have a voice in it: regulation ; and
hence resulted the Cons itutional grant of
power to Congress, "To r gulate Commerce
with foreign Nations and •mo g the States."
3. That being thus po: es ed both of the
means and the ,power hie were denied'
. the States respective y, Congress be-P
came obligated by eve consideration of
rood faith and common 'ustice to cherish;
and increase both the k nds of commerce
thus committed to its c, re, by expanding
and extending the mea s of conducting
them and 'of affording th m all those feed
ties and all that protectiot which the States
individually -would have afforded had the: ,
revenue and the audio ity been left to
them. ) i
4. That this obligation
ognised from the foundati
meat, and .has been ful
erecting light-houses, buil
hors, break waters and se
obstructions in rivers an,
facilities for the cornmerc
the ports of the Atlantic c
Obligations have been f'
less extent in providing si
" commerce among the s
principle has been em phati
ed to embrace the westert
by appropriations for num
upon them, which approp
been questioned in Con
constitutional autboOty.
5. That thus by a Se
Katie received he sancti
States find of eery depar
eral Goternment, tinder .
the cortimon understandi
of the Constitution in gr.'
the power to regulate co
manifested and has been
People, and this understa
as much a part of that i
one of its most explicit pr•
6. That the power "
finerce with foreign natio
states and- with the Indit
face so palpably applies
extent to each of the sut
equally. and in the same t
der any attempts to ma - i
idle and futile, and that t
rightful' application of t •
ergo Commerce by facil
ing its operations by impr
cleiring out navigable
sistently deny that it equal
filar facilities to " Com,
7. That " Foreign Cott
dent upon internal trade ft
of its freights, and for thet
for them so that whatever
advances the other, and t
able that they should be
That an export from the
a British port in Canada
commerce as if it had be
erpool, and that an expo
neither gains nox loses a
istics of foreign commerc
or circuity of the rout wh
It custom-house on the
St Lawrence or descends
i l
and its connecting canal
whether it passes along I
rnunications and natural
the States to the Athmtit
S. That the general 1 ,
tending its jurisdiction 05"
ridge nvers, subjecting
law s whieh prevail' on th
treys and ports not only : ,
enue, img-to give security'
ty,.by the regulation.s of st
eluded itserfr.otn denyin
for any other_
melte. it.#liluspcvfer
strain, it mint hiYet'the
Jurisdiction iii the 'one
-should renointaitlithe.l
9. That in eiiiiiixpOn'
dangers of the lakes, aria
harbdurs for shelter, a
Rivers from snags and
there are no pare of the
emphiticalii &minding
eoatitmed care of
wit those Amgen, 'and to
ty and life exposed to t -
one who can regard pro!
doses as sectional, local
• mast hearantingio
lent of Ate tom tame
........ . , .
lakes ; .dTkt . P . enr, end of:the amoiinke teem ! .
ing , . , elation ocupied or interested , that
Davi . tioo: i' . ';=:-, ..,- - .. ~ .:,.1: =, 4,.
Hi That haiing regard to the, , • th'e
populatinn 4r to She - extentdem* -_:, the
appropriist, itialeistolitrit'inade for , . Tith e _
tior rivers abd lakes- end the stream con
necting the with the oceani have ft. be‘ r i
in a just auo f . eir proportion to those diode
for the benept alba Atlanti c coast; a d that
the time his arrived when' this in ustiee
should be corrected in the only - *ode ',in
which itta4 be done by .the
;united, nited, ideter
mined and presevering.effortsof thosel-- heiwse
rights h ve been overloOked. '
11. T at !independent of this right to r
tection of "iComnierce among the Stated,"
the right( of - 'common defence ' guaranteed
by theoisititution, entities ,those citizens
inhabiting the conntry bordering upon the
interior litkei and rivers, to such safe and con
venient lin+rs as may nfford shelter to, a
navy, when s tvet it "sha ll be rendered neces
sary by ho Ides with our neighbors, and
that the tontruction of such harbors cannot
safely be delayed to the time. which will de
mand their immediate use. '
! Buffalo Courier,
! . feeling and tnti
. ._..',
elements oi , pal 47„
n it maybe pre-
legates were bend-.
ake the importip!,
eon- have a bearing
• idate for the next
r; of theirlleliber-
below, was mod. ;
!ad , ' adopted.
ereral conitnittees
rialize Conare&q.
e Convention ad-
(sport adopted by
t, to their fellow
Government the
expressing their
a their constitu-
I , N+ta of typ trni
-1 r pT•netical men,
,That the argument most commonly
urged apitist appropriations to protect
commerce among the States, and to defend
the inhabitants of the frontiers, that tliCy
invite sectional combinations to insure she
cess to many unworthy objects, is found on
a practical distrust of the - Republican 2rin
hiples of our Government, and of the capdc
ity of the people to select competent and
honest reprrsentetives. That it may he
urged withequal' force against legislation
upon any other subject, involving varigus
and extensile interests. That a just appre
ciation of the rights add interests of all our
fellow-citizehs, in every quarter of the
Union dischiiming selfish and local purphii
es, will lead intelligent Representatives to
such a dist ribution of the means in the
Treasury non a system of moderation and
ultimate equality, as will in time meet the
most urgent; wants of all, and prevent those
jealous midi suspicions which 'threaten the
most serious danger to our confederacy.
13. That re are utterly incapable of per
ceiving the difference between a harbor for
shelter and a harbor for commerce, and sup
pose that a mole or pier which will afford
safe anchonige and protection to a vessel
against a storm, must necesarily improve
such barb or, and adapt it to commercial
la; ars preahable
•4:1 defence, to pro-
and to secure the
1 1 . as mainly desigW .
whose functions
unte to the protec
lierests of . all the.
of them, which ;
y the action of the
in strict' accor
rcve noes derived
rrendcred to the
the express under
be applied to the
n interests,
14. That - the revenue derived from die
imposts on foreian goods belong to the
whole people, and the public lauds. being
the common heritage-of all our citizens, so
long as the 4 resources continue, the iropo
sitien of any special burthen on any portion
of the people, to obtain the means ofaccotri
plishing objects equally within the duty and
competency of the general Government,
would be unjust and oppresivc.
15. That we disavow all and every at
tempt to connect the cause of internal trade
and " Comnierce among the States" with
the fortunes of any political party ; but that
we mean to place that cause upon such im
mutable principles of truth, justice and can
stitutional duty as shall commend the re
spect of all-parties, and the Idefence. of all
candidates fOr public favor.
lias erer been ree
.n of - the govern
led partially by
ing piers for her
: walls, removin
•providing. ot• • r
carried on from
inst,and the same
lfiled to a much
filar facilities for
tes,' and that the
ally acknowledg
Lambertville, N. .7, April 27, 1847.
Dr. .la3 - ne—Derr Sir—By the blessing of/ God,
your Exrecrousr has effected a cure in me of the
most 'distressing complaint. In December last, I
was seized with great severity by a paroxysm. of
ASTHMA ; a disease with which I had been af
flicted for many years past. It was attended with
a hoarseness and soreness of the lungs and thrust,
together with t laborious cough, and complete pros
tration of strength, and worn out with suffocatiOn,
when a bottle of your Expectorant was brought 'to
my house. At. that I thought it was nothing but
quackery, but seeing it was so highly recommended
by Dr. Going, with, whom I was well acquainted, 1
\vas induced to try it, and in a few days it com
pletely cured me, nor have I ever had any return of
the disease since. I have now formed so trigh An
opinion of your medicine, that if I had In few
bottles of it, and could obtain no more, I would riot
part with them for ten dollars each.
lakes and rivers,
-rous light houses
iations have never.
as wanting.
Les of acts wincii
on of the United
:ment of the,, F ed
-11 administrations,
of the framers
nting to Congress
merce has been
confirmed; by the
iding has become
strument as any
Yours respectfully Joan SO. En,
Pastor of the Baptiit Church at Lambertville,
From the Somerville, N. J. Whig.
Sometime'since I called upon Mr. P. Mason; of
Somerville, for Da. JAYNE'S celebrated Hain ToStc,
to restore my hair, which was then falling out daily.
.1 procured one bottle, and, applied its contents ac
cording to the directions. When the bottle was
tansttd, I discos ered to my great surprise and Falls.
fa<tion, that the Young hair was starting handsonie
av I.therfore purcbasedanother, and so on till I had
used three bottles, and now, as a compensation, my
hair is as thick as ever.
And what is more surprising. my baldness was
of occasioned by sickness, in which case there
greater hope of restoration—but was hereditary.
-Jas. 0. RoDGERS, Methodist Minister,
Mount Horeb, Somerset Co., N:.l.
Prepared only byDr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and
'mild on agency', by N. Mitchel B. Co., Druggiits,
I to regulate corn
s and among the
ti tribes, isl on its
I ble in its whole
l'ects enumerated'
anner, as to reti
e it more explicit,
ose who admit the
e power to For
ting and protect
ring Harbors and
vers cannot con
y authorises sim
erce among the
merce " is depen
ir the distribution
means of paying
improves the one
ey are soinfiepar
- garded as one.—
: merican.shore to
s as much-foreign
n directly to
SUNlftlit WEATHICR.-Iti should be remembeird
pat during the heat of summer, the process of
pinion is performed with each extreme languor that
bur fuod,. instead of being speedily dissolved and
.convertal into nutriment the body, often becomes
actually polled or pistrified fa the stomach.. Hence
bad breath, disagreeable taste in the mouth, colic
pains, dysentery, choleratnarbus and other disorders
of the intestines. •
Vlrrighes i iQA Vegetabte Pills area certain dire
for allthe above complaints; because they cleanse
the alimentary canal of all the bilious and putrid hu ,
more, ! which are the cause, not only of all thedispr
tiers of the bowels, but of every malady incident to
man. 4 -They also aid,and improve digestion, and pu
rify e blood, andtherfore give health and vigor to
the thole fraine, as well every descalptian
of pain from the body'.
Besvare.of medicine under any other name than .
Wnioet's Isptax VZGETAIILI PITASOIACI see that
the sighature is on the box; Office 169 }lace St.,
ion to Liverppoli
of the charactir
:, by the directness:
ther it passes thro'
litish side of th e
I through that river ;
IS to the ocean,; or;
Ihe artificial' ecim-:
-cams of ailyi of
Temperance i eeting. • t,
1,, The °• Montrcpse and Bridgewater. Waih
ingtonian Temperance Society" metin Pur
suance of previous noticeja the Court House
in Mon trose , on Mondar- the 19th day ;of
July, A. B. 1847. The Meeting haribg
been! Sailed. to order by the President, the
following resolution was unanimously adopt
ed : ; esolved, that * Committee of three
be apPotnted-by the President, whose duty
it AO 'be to report to the nest ineeting,of
the ' "ty the names of such members ' z es
they, CI obtain satisfactory evidence have
broke , their pledges.
ii i ie
In 1 081 1 mulice of said tesolitkin;Cii*P l 4")
Bald* n; Isaac L. Poet, and'R. J. Niven,
were' ap pointed saiCeottuni - ttee. '-, .1 0
:11 On' nrti,Png Res
cArcd, That ti . os,ineeting
adjou t tLei Jiicet, at the Court .HosmekAn
11fon on the i l Velkingi-of th e frorth.litie
-day Ir'ooll6Kat: 7 o'clock, P. 114,e0er diet
the Rel..,Thinsai - P. Heat be iaiited_tO . - .4a:
..4 e g i n eeekeynt that Meeting. ~,, 15 , ,, g , -
41 4 w
;ZS- , bred, That the promndiege or this
l a - gbe published in thel paper* of this
*:• ' ' Inifimis - 7,7oNsorrpi c iiii
'At, Cu AI Blennis " Sei ' y. , I --
I, vernment, by ex
- r lakes and nevi
hem to the "seine
ocean, and on its
or purposes ofrer
to life and-prOper
- embolus, has lire
that: jurbsdintton
4 . gultitiOn of cdr,a
, - 4 - 04 . tr0l and ire-
Me poireeio pro .
nd if iftkinics Ole
- ode ofiii&nj' it
lother. - . - : '---' : ''i l
of the `peetqlsr
1 .g from the iwimt:
of the Western:
1 , her obstraCOnfp'
is tilted &mei:aspire
the .prompt: .ant
ern' agent to dial i..
I protiet the fat*
I ,_
, ;AO: thg •aki
1 'oak; forthose liar
'nd not national - ,
' ' - tioti'to the 4 ,
i!till ~ _ : .
- , on upon th pse
rgicir ironic nuutimers
Wheat Sour, per barrel . . ' 56,00 0' 6,124
Corn meal , do , :, 4,00 .0 -
Wheat, per..lgelkel : ' 1,25 0 1,30
'lke, 'do ,75 A. 0,00
Cont. do ,60 0 ,65
Barb* do .. , 0,82 e 0,83
Oats, ‘\ do • . 0,40 0 0,45
Butter perlb. Orange co. 0,20 e 0,22
- do \ western dairy, 0,10. 0 0,12
Cheese, per lb: \ _. 0,06 0 0,08-
Beef, par barrel, Mess, 11,00 011,75
do prime, , 8,50 0 9,25
Pork, per barrel, mes 4, • 14,75 fa ,-- •
12,50 013,00
do prime, .
Lard, per lb. ,
0,1%e 0,11
Hams per lb. smoked ' 0,07 fa 0,09
American wool, per lb. taxon '0,35 0 0,374
do fall blood Merino . 0,34 0 0,38
do ' 4& 1 Merino 0,29 ea 0,34: :
do native 4 i Merino 0A93 0.0,29
THE undersigned, having established a LIVERY
A, STABLE at Gen. D. D. Warner's, in Montrose,
is prepared to accommodate the public with fast
and gentle
Horses, and Carriages
of every description, on reasonable terms.
Pleasure parties will be furnished with two and
four horse Carriages, and careful Drivers, on short
Believing that a LIVERY STABLE of good hor
ses and carriages will be a great accommodation to
the citizens of Montrose and the public, if not profit,
able to the proprietor, he respectfully solicits the
patronage of the riding public.
Montrose, July '22, 1847.--58tf
PUBLIC NOTICE is:hereby given to all persons
concerned in the following Estate, to wit :
ROBERT H. ROSE, lateof Silver Lake township,
deceased, John L. Hodge, Executor.
That the accountant has settled his account in the
Register's Office in and for the county of Susquehan
na, and that the same will be presented to the Judg
es of the Orphan's Court at Montrose, on Monday
th,e 16th day of August next, for confirmation and al
H. FINCH, Register
Register's Office, Montrose,
July 14, 1847.
AFRESH supply of TEAS frrim 18 cts. to one
doIIar—SUGARS, COFFEE, &c. just opened
and going rapid.—Also a small lot of Summer
Cloths yet on hand, will be soldat great Bar
gains for Cash.
17" Call QUICK at the Store of
July 20, 1.857. J. LyoNs.
PUBLIC NOTICE is herebygiven to all persons
concerned iu the following Estates, to wit;
JOEL PIERCE, late of New• Milford township,
dec'd, Pierce Dcan, Adm'r.
ASA BIXBY, late of Middletown township, dee'd,
Richard Bixby, Adm'r.
PAYSON KINGSBURY, late of Harford town
ship, dec'd.
"bakers, Carpeater, 2 Adners.
John Kingsley, S
That the aecounumts have settled their accounts in
the Register's Office in and for the county of Susque
hanna, and that the same will be presented to the
Judges of the Orphan's Court at Montrose, on Mon
day, the 16th day of August next, for confirmation
and allowance.
H. FINCH, Register
.Register's Office, Montrose, /
July 8, 1847.
ing an account of the Geography, History, Gov
ernment, Resources, and noted citizens of the State,
with a map of the State and each County—for the
use of Schools and families—Juit publised.
For sale by the dozen or single by
July 13. J. LYONS.
- I
Sheeting, a fresh supply, just opened, and sel
ling Cheap by J. LYONS.
MOLASSES at 2a 6d per gallon—Teas, Sngara
111 Cod-fish, &c. a new lot. M'Call quick.
July 8, 1847. . J. LYONS.
110 OTICE is hereby given to all permits indebted
1 toile Estate of NOAH POTTER, late of the
Township of Gibson, County of Susquehanna, de
ceased, to make immediate paymeiat, and all persons
having any charges against said 'Estate, are request
ed to present them duly attested to the subscriber
fur settlement. •
Hurford June 22, 1897.
FOR SALE at , Sa li atadj,'s
- July 14, 1847.
HAVE now on hand a large assortment of
GOODS which they will sell as Cheap as the
Prints—a large assortment from
6 1-4 to - 121-2 cents. Some
beautful patterns and fast col
ors 121-2 cts.
Also—a lot of Printed Lawns; and
11 large assortment of Goods-for
men's summer wear—will be
sold very cheap.
Woolsey & , Woolsey's best Loaf
ground and - crushed:Sugar, war
ranted pure, for ft 1-2 cents
per lb.
Young . Hyson . , Tea for 25 cts pr. lb.
Better " " .50
Best, ‘' '‘ 75 ts
Molasses' fol.. 37} per gal.
And'ull other Groceriusepuillrbo 3. l i firr Cub by
July 8, 1847.
it tthci ,- Gnat ficytherf
cy findha; - 43tonaiii,:-Rifies, Pitch
forks and Siclklei - kir by B. IL - M. & Son.
July 8.,1847:-
Q,OLR LEATHER, bo4ght Wye the adviabcet'
for isle by . 8.. 8. M. &Spa.
10178;11847. „ - •
, ,
. • •
LAWNS, jularriviVimid Vi!iry, low '
rp LARGEST;eIet'Su
vaiatyjeS - Oceived at •
J 10.14 -84 7 , • I' Salisbunes:
___ ,
T' l est term w il l commence on wed.«.hb.
July 7. Grateful for the liberailartrustage 'al
ready received, she would respectfully informya
rents and th e friends of &Ina* in this , siEbuty,
that her School will embrace the general system of
govensmint sa instruction pursued iri the Female
Seminaries of.Maarachrumettsi •
Good board caa be obtained on ,reasonable terms
in respeetable fstrulies. i '
Cominonginglish Studies, ; - . 1 . -' S2,SO
History, otany, Nei. Philosophy, iChemistry, 3,,50
Painting and Drawizig, (Extra,) , - - - 3i,00
Musk On the Piano, French and Latin will be
taught, if desired.
Montrose Academy, July 5, 1847. 56w3
Hon. W . Jessup, .1 Thoteas Johnson, Esti.
Benj. S. entle y, Esq., 1 Mason S. Wilson,
J. W. ord, Esq.,N. C; : Warner, Esq.,
Rev. Henry A. Riley, I
Rev. Alm. Rou nd. ,
HAVE made arrangetnents with the NEW YORK
PEKIN TEA COMPANY, for the sale of
TEAS in Montrose, and can fil their Customers
and the Trade , with Teas at the ' e prices that the
Company charge '.
for them. . in every case
where these Teas do hotgive sa 'on, the Money
will be paid back for th em. he 'Young. Brun
Tea mentioned in this Caudogn ~at 50 ~ is supe
rior to any thing sold in Mon
GREEN. ' ,
' do. do. sweet cargo.... ........ ... 50
do. sdo. fine cargo— . 1 .
..., .......
do. do. silver leaf '. i ---.
1 007
Sifver.Leol—r-Seldom sold even liy large dealers, be
cause of the very small profits made on its sale.—
This is a very superior Tea. i
do, do. golden chop_ ...i ......... .. I 50
Golden Chop--This is the finest! Green Tea cultiva
ted in China. It is of the finit pickings, and ek
'eels a ll'other Green Teas for its delicacy of flower
strength and aroma. Heretoihre this Tea has nev
er reached this country, in small lots 48
presents to importers. . .
HYSON, fine.... ,
...... 75
..... .
do. vary fine ...... .-. , . .... ....... 100
do.. extra fine 4 ..'. 1 0
* 7$
do. extra fine
. 1 1 00
DYSON 81aN, good . 3 ti
' .
NING YONG, strong and good Savor 3/1
Ning Yoag--The. grocers sell at 50 cents and
call it Oolong:
OOLONG, a rich Black .....
Compare this superior Tea-With that sold by gm.
cers, as being an Oolong Tea. The difference is
too plain, and the deception Mo palpable.
OOLONG. plantation growth.. 4 .....
do. do. ex trh fine....... 75
VIOWQUA'S MIXTLTRE, a rich and highly
flavored Tea t • ••••" 75
do scented ..... 150
NE PLUS ULTRA ........ ..
I .. 1 sfl
Ne Plus Vitra—This Tea is astignuat and sweet's's
a nosegay. •It yieldl a perfu a that is truly de.
lighda It is of garden growth, sad snpmior Ito
any thing of the kind ever sold, n this country . 1 '
• Recommendations. #'
We have tried the Teas imparted by the Pekin.
Tea ComtParly, 75 & 77 Fulton pt. New York, and if
We live will try them often. They are selling the
most•deliciona teas we ever drank, and retail them
at wholesale prices.—Erening rod.
- .
You may be sure of obtainin at all times pine
and highly tlav:ored teas, by he single pound m
wholesale prices, of the Pekin ea Company, 75 LS:,
77 Fultanst. They have preb ly the largest stock,
and greatest variety of fine green and black teas, Of
any one establishMent in the United „States. They
are doing a large business, and a great benefit to
consumers of tea.—Atlas. 1 I
Heretofore it has been v• Ilifficult, indeed iiii
possible, th always obtain good peen and black tea's.
But now you have only to visit the ware-rooms id .
the Pekin Tea Company, 75 & ';'7 Fulani street, o
obtain as delicious and fragrant teas as you can wish
for.—Daily Sun.
A WORD To Tc Duisirgaii.—The Pekin Tea
Company_ 75.& 77 Fulton st. have imported into
this market some five thousand dollars worth pf the
finest grades of Green and Black Teas, grown in the
Celestial Empire, 'done up in thci various fancy pack
ages that Chinese ingenuity can ,invent. They edit
good teas only , and retail them *Wholesale price'.
Oountry merchants who wish th always sell guild
teas can always obtain ihem at 'pia place, on rya•
sonable terms.—Emporium.
The above Teas are fbr 'ale hy
I. X,. POST & CO.,
Sole Ageits for Susigterhanna Co. I
10W 411 9
vc.f '
AGAIN`—The subscriber is i now receiving Ins
stock of new SUMMER GOODS, Comprising
a large and splendid assortmentof the
ever offered in this market. T le ten pen cent sys
tem outdone by cheaper rates.a
July, 1847.
5,000 YAR.I4
CIALICO from 6d to la, fast colon; and elegant
pattern;, just arrived Cal! and see them—go
ing—at- urT
Salisb 'a.'
,July 1847.
ALARGE supply and VE Y cheap—Somme
Trimmings; Parasols & P lettes just arriv
ed at .Salisbury's.l
July, 1947. ,
AVARIETY of style's and clleap at
July, 1847. Saliabury's:
AN elegant =Klement, jtuii arrived, and cheap
at Salisbury's.
July, 1847.
LADIES' 8110 §
AND HOSIERY—a large a/Ortmentialil mine
at • • ; Salisb!uy'a.l
TNELAIN, Tag Doti and Strains Shawis;jus;
rived and very cheap at Salisbury*
July, 1847..
RlCH:and FALpGAICT Det t ains for anly 16d
July, 184 Salisbury's
'7. •
SILK lifirp, 844. mrip,; 0 , 0 ' 0 . 41 , 0d . Al ,
at prowy reduced pnces, ift • tislisbury •
july,l*. • ; • • '
BRO&DC a I 8.-
WRENCH; Enilial 11 6,d •s Bremdcli-P
remaxkably low. tic -
July 1847. -
CAISSONS 'll. • • •
XIIIMNCEIrEngbab and Anmrika' fithi* and . 'I)
x, assohneres,Justrir4:
• .
7 91 04 4ify,014
g 1 1 .an. 1 . A : 1 1 - : . -L l --' ' : ' = 1
ill t 1.1;111
MONTRuSE Aogll0 4 1
HE CA N TONTEA bOhir:Aiii; has been
- larlylunrivn aim, Yea* iira w k r .
gest,and oldest Tin Establishmt.nA The
public have had OM proofef thetratk i tetity and. re.
sponsibility. But such has been the t and
slag demand for their TEAS of laic, t th e y . I w y o
been obliged to enlarge, to gresitietten!, ' the ir two
principal establishments in NeniVink ,
125 Chatham 163 .Grei4ich-Sts.
They moreover possess facilities, /elation to the
Tea Trade, in a very abundant degree, and doubt
less superior to say other Tea Codcern in America.
Their scrupulous `regard to all princWes that tend
to elevate the character of a large r hease is well un
derstood, end has already .securd secured a connec
tion. probably, larger than all other l'ea'Establish
meats united, and.consequently they are determined
to sell Teas parer, more
.fragraid, feed perfles for
the prices, in the aggregate, than anyi house in the
world--China*xcepted. -
They respectfully invite the attetmob of theinhab
itrmts of Susquehanna county to 'thhir Agency in
Montrose, where the following assortments are al
ways on hand; and they feel no hesitation in stating,
that wherever rt single trial is made, e very decided
preference is given to the celebrated Teas of the
Or Reader make the experiment.
Retail prices as follows, sUbjett; in all cases
to be returned if not approvid; of: •
Good \ YOUNG HY50N,...... .. $0 50 perlb.
Fine ...;
No. 2 fi-agrant a. . 075 "
N 0.3 very finedo . :1 00 "
Silver Leaf, d 5,1 25 "
Good 11Y50N..,. , , - 075 "
Very fine do . :.., 100 "
Rat= fragrant.. r ..... 125 "
Good IMPERIAL .., .. ....... ~... 075 "
Very fine do ....... 1 00
Eitra fines do ~ ..5,_,... 125 "
~.... 0 75
Fine do
' ..
1 ..
Extia fine do T ‘..
....•,, 12a "
No. 1 SOITHONG.', $0 * "
No. 2`......d0..
-... 0 62i.
Finest (10 .........•
.. .... 0.75 1
ragenit POWCHONG.....S. .... ...varions'prres„
„various prices. '
Fine OOLONG 050 "
Very fine do .. 075 "
Extra fine do 100 "
NINGYONG...- - various prices.
TEA , (veryrichPekoollivored,)..... 075 "
Fine ORANGE PEKOE • I • 0 6 0 -4 "
Finest PEK0E5i1.0wEa5........... 100 "
tIoNVQIIA, or finest Black Tea im
ported , 1 0 . 0 "
Ne . plus ultra. TEAS, both Greeii and Black, of all
descriptions, the highest grades g4twn in China, at
$1 50 per lb.
COMPANY are the el-elusive venders of the superi
or Black Tea called " HOWQUA'S MIXTURE
They introduced it in America int 1840—and every
other person orhouse professing t sell the same at
all—much less at it lowerprice—deceive the unwa
ry, as the public themselves will pefceive, by caul
paring the varietal with ,the genuine " Howqua"
vended by the Canton Tea. Company.
Every- package (in addition to it} containing FULL
WEIGHT, independent of the wrapper,) b lea rs the
stamp of neatness and elegince, and the Teas them
in are so thoroughly secured from light and air, that
Their quality and power will remain, unimpaired in
any climate.
J:)6. SALISBURY, Agent.
-Montrose, Juty 1, 1847. 55y1
Cash paid for Wool!
fWOOL want.
5 09 0 01) Z u u n t d t s he Hat Store ont
door above Searle's Hotel,- for which the
highest price will be paid by
June 9th 1847. Merril & Root.
Any kind of Air, Brtiski, Mole Skin,
Ligkorn, PalinlLeaf, Sporting and Wool
flab, also Men and Boy' 'Cloth, ?Silk,
Silk and Cot. ?taxed and Velvet Caps, also
- Children's capsi selling chemily
June '47. 4 pl. &, Root.
New Goods! .
THE sulascribeirs have receifedi their usual well
selected stock of GOODS 'suitable to the sea*.
son, which will be sold at prices to suit the tames for
Their asSortinent coint ahnost every articleavant the People ant in way of Y GOODS, such as
TWEEDS, 4.e, 4 ,, f
And lots of suimner stuffs for boys and children's
wear, &c Among their
Are some of the newest patterns.
Too nomereus to 'mention. In addition they have a \
chow lot of
CES, PISII, itc.
AU of which will be exchinged for •
WOOL,:ge — g s,To;vitea.,::eza,lll2,
of GRAIN. 11. SRARLE & CO.
Montrose, June'lo, 1847.
, .
To PARZNTS; n 744:IIII[ I .IS EXPiCTORAIM without,
exception the Vali:mide peeparation'in we, for
the above diseaaes: It tionvertel Moping C o *
into* mild mid tractable diaease4 and, shmtena tug
duration more than one half, and prodnies's certain
and speedy necotreay..- From - half* onertea Won'
fel, will certainlydrim . Croup in Wiwi and young
children, in half an lannee . time. 'The - lives of bun.
dreda of childrenziedl byralwaya
keeping it on liand•scady kik emmgency.
•,. . •
~' ':
Dr. JAYNE,NOI South ' T . IM ititet; is , yil-
Bug ojporsotseit bis Oism:l# lIVAB#4/1 will
Duirrlcea,4llo4oisops, cOpioe'sho,Chsk
eta Matbni, StutOser CoindsoPe . 'ld'et-:1 .
meats at th e Stomach sod Bowel ' s, in'iditerty-nuie
sues oat of a bit:idled, aid- in isiliban' half
time thaws* be ell63.cled.ktsity__Obsi;soosso:/4.,,-.. :- --,' i
It,* eigtSewlresiarit, and Andrew are, foowt 1
o f it; - itis qiumn as sfreetive for 8 4 for ail'.
dieo; seidirbeo. .dr mode* `,11r4-' tiglowia, iiid -Ji - I
m i nima
care is "if thelioeit *MAO Shesididl
retard-. 1, 0". .-- , ad 56 i c4.'''o44ef:l4-,t
-' S ' : 4110/ i iiE P HYSI C IAN'S OPINION.
.'- - - - The fol lowing ' - - teltimitOrtiviii*rt Dr
i yikvfmsoici xi I *qrsesOWbiiiiiv Tessisiit
frten aphOcia*: hick ollilidirtilki
dies. . .4Alailit:Visit- -- : f. i .
“ . 1*: D. ll' ' Deer 1i4r..,4:*- .. joino4l iiii.i
visinted , :sthk them Your ..'
Damning ' lrotir. E*o:orosi Sid
ise II - -:I beviivied iitempTetillg: v.:.
oini t..:LoSIdW
Is dolisiistsiSilitliserito“
'iliod rieleicle, coutb*llinf Wiieittiiiti • lli4
has4bettei___..s...„. ' 47* -
.27.y•reuti '•7 4W J 11 ,1111 r au a.,e''' 1-
, :-,- , : .rt ' - 1-:-= ,• ; W. , i,. -
Preil''' ‘- ' 6- ' • • ' br..IK J isiellitelithiOlset
eced thY . mama isr i c#,„-arstemilkii,-,1
lola at agel3l4e: fi tia the mteatemi nisei; Init; --
i ve,
Insewarreatdaor :71Yetablutgwarethoreiheirthotrt
- ,‘To -- !-beltkii .
, ,
~_, ~-
! _ 1-
AT IL PO K ' -
~A- t
FLOUR,- _ SOLE L A47l.E:l4'cligi.
WHITE' LEAR, c eait, DRUE74; d“
'nisidt, tot very ekeap;..X. ORLgASIt i r
, SYRIII i. AVOLASO,§, 8110A,P1
Tapioca .SeliiikW
RAISINS, PI;SAII ON; Xtriai s ',l , ).
STEEL;.': goon.:to - 4 S tillAgg ,,
STUFFS, large variety and ' thealet'- i .'
very low price, MOTIVE - SS num-
MINGS, a lar,gi stoik,i P ORR:" bithe I
barrel,,;in - short, thi largest and Coil
STOCK of GOODS 'toe iirree:•eiTer•opl';'
fired, at prices forma ~i.,
IsAic Poser sal -1
June 114:1847, „
L. POST & CO. are also SOLE'SWENTe
. •
I e :th e Me,vuiv York PEKIN TEA COMPANY
SuaquehantiaCeunty.. elsP'j Sea sivertis' einem
BONNE,TB—e, good; asstirtrnent.c4 Florence SO
Strom', Bonnet', and Ilonnist trinuninp,,s at
'1 • U. BURROWS & Co's. .1
TSAINTS & OIL-1,000 lbs. White Lead 64
.t" Oil, at last year's prices;—(the price has . ad•
vaned 'in inarket.) I'ARIB CREEN. inOil, bee;
0 - laity, which is a mu c h handsomer green duniany
other for win dow blinds , &c: Varnish, Sets "Tar;
pentine, Putty, &c. &O. at
U.l BURROWS & Co's.
T ' 1* * 1
ry cheap, also Grind-stime , Cod Fist', Itraejter;--
a, Iron, Steel, Nails, K.c. 8n: - ,t
53w10 ; U. 11 mows
'ILIISK tr, Ng- "TON; ~ _ •
Attornies at Law„; Office a,foilit roofs South.a:Ouirf
Court Noise: - • :
F. 1 .•-cir".', szwToN. • • -
• TTORNEY AT LA*, \. _Nientirose Pa... 7 41es re
eved his office to Turnpike st r eet , North tide,
u cloo East of the offtee off B. T. Cilliep..Esolk
- three doors west of the Register 1 1 psiting Of
fiCe... \ \ • ..: 1 1, • ..:,_.:-. ..- I.'
- Cabinet and Cl* Halters-i-MOnttnue,, aosgns iaaii
county, ra. \ • i
W.. W. SNIT t I PiSTEPT.lith'-;:a , .!
, .1 GALE
Saddle, Harness and
the Fartner's Store.
good Beni of Dry ',Goods, C kerq , Hard
ware,. &c., West side of Pnblic A nu.-
;=. BENJ. SAYRE, -
Dealer inStores; Hirdwaro, Dt7 Goods, itzi
site of Public Avenue. _ !
B. , - CO,',
Des Ter i. in Stoves, Tin-rare, Stationery, Dry , O . pock
&c. dic.4. 7 East side of Public Avenue.
• •
. • • RILL , •
& ROCit ~.,.• ' , lf i
Dealers in - Bats, Caps, Furs, Plough! Points,' di,c. , —,..
West side of Public Avenue., t • ••'' t'
- .. .
E. W. HAWLEY, 1 ,1
Stilliiittimiei the Blaelemithii g busmen in ite r 44.-
- ens bitirbes at his old Stipa rear Neale/Wavers:.
• -"B. ,S. BENTLEY; -
Attorney-Ai Law; at the old office a few: rods *eat
oEthc COnz4-house. '
Cabinet and Chair Making: Also Sign and ; Fopci ,
Paintine v Turning, Pape; Hanging. Sze. .Stkp. ,
• his stand on Tarnpikb at: . •
• • A.. CHAMtERLIN - • .
Attorney" at Law,Officelover the Store of I. L. Post
& Co„ Coiner of Public Avenue and Turnpike at.
Physicians & Surgeons. Office, west side of the
Public Avetitie overt 'o Store of It. Searle &-Co.
E. S. PARK. G. Z. Dusocx.
Fashionable Tailors, over Merril & Root'allat Store.
Groceries;Vraits, Confecticinaries, Drags, M
Paints, - 911a, and a variety of nick flacks. i
• . .-, MIALS & SIELERNLIN, ..._.
Farmer's Sioni;. .A general variety egoodi ;win;
on hen& One belii . w tho resilience offudge
Post.'k . " - 1' ,
' MACK fp, ROGERS,:t
Coach, Carrit4e and - Sleigh Idannfactureii, 6 Turn'
pike street, at the old Beardsley staid, are ready
to serve pustinnem, in the most refined style of tend
age: Articles* our line bonsiently' on hand .
sale, anxd reiiairing done ion Short notice: • „ -
:• ,
Desiicri in Dry ! , Goods, rroCkery, Groccries,,lciticisf
Yeah, &c. 4c. East itidej Public • .
H. SMITH,:,-- . .. _
eth on Gold Plate and
the teeth in the best sty=
learles',• on .Monday s -and4Ansis:
... _ _ • -
I)EN .
be i
Physicien,Ansgeon, clenchter. Retriolenc.e
2, BroaawilY,( o PPosite eaaptst.c hurc. l . 3 o),4 l kirioß 1
vitt', PI,
-11* bf
e. : '
Fa* long
,e?Tancors-fTwo _
Z. G. „TSB)
Boni and Bhee . viaker— .. thiee
r•Whitioiltri , No 4-thuidway.
Cheap Gooda fel' the rill:4lu
- 1
• Des* h, • r ism new r „.„ ;
IN N ;
-.• ,
ch=jiiilmeisii.44 l *-44 4 4004-aitt,vie .
itialogiop * fiew
blibliPtto ,
Ittiaissi*-1.6 4 ffr0g.1 4
WWI' •
• ,•
Dijanir: !.DriGao4l3l;" .*q
for 'Wadi they.,
• bop optoosiii.i
I •• • •• 11 r 111 4,MirKiti'. 4 1
• ofrObikAysollo;.
e•••• -