I I f- LE, = 1:12 mac; i!) . on the -west ollor Filly and if dela) two dcdlant tinnanees TER One months, theDiscy o teal - : 'Lean' flee = be poet-pr THE ;ye are but Through dew tbled night; Ye are but ton keep The link that bids no bright. —the sacred good L the same : cart leaps to la That NV • ,..~ hat good olden: Alike we fond! arms were lock'd-- Vo in one rnotber4 • repaid'; we were rock'd, earth we play'il Long be her by in the same cradle hound the same V` • ur boyish sports Each little joy : - t manhot . xl keep Lit up so long a • 1, that the band is die; e are bat two— To hold us till ihoulder to should ill side by side r let us stand, CM FITTZT °lux. lng the beat of s. . 1 lid be cpreful to . frequently, first the head of the b • ger from drhati . 1 I .a immediately. loaded or beaten [ Du aes sho anim 117127 MT! EMI be ore I -bave a very inj. L ow cruelly tilos - ated, by being o following lines citemen to see I times tr.! cu. Yl/ 1 phcabl and true.] MB blest of the train lit performiag horse ; 's he takes land pushed all day, -auks, that heave for life, Ives and dies. Ineeds so much ! rights ofman, delinquent 4 None! nning, beaker boasts desert) mons in praise ! isely to suppose ! a horse his own. on, is witness, n That vi-a 1% ith tm t on man, the fli Rpectin. 7 readin erer on his back ding sides and ' r'distani goal a mercy shows wh. so jealous of th. le no doom on the and o'er his bri Hi. mu With bi To the f: do little MEM lenoun I le ll' es i.aeifb ba r ity were big rions feat, and, The itv , I of the p. The houl .r brute, seems .T. 9 of hiematchl but ma, a crime deeme.! red io heaven; • h their record w l> sli dismiss compass Man rna will never.' ME inis A R! mimiseen fin " C ATT ii!MEM In t e dark days .1 our Revolutionary trug i f,cl •s, there lived' • anybrave, noble and genera s men, who dici much towards nehiev i tug th • independen of this now presper oils am; happy nation by acting singly, or with a hosen fewu on whom they could place he utmost rel ance. This mode of warier,, though carri d on in a compara tively s•• all way, wa far more efficacious, to pro • rtion to then tubers engagedn h, than th • operations o the largest bodies of Soldier who fought in the fort and i open field. They did not generally accomplish mucho a single Deco ion, but were coniaant 1y at ark, either a •ng on the offensive, or furnish ng informatio • to ;the bead-quarters of the merican arm.. This, in fact, was the onl,• way by whic the hostile tribes of Indian: could be e l • ctually punished for their • anton and dial cious depredations.— Every reader knows hat they were instiga ted b the British • perpetrate deeds the most .hocking and • yoking to humanity. 1 radn on has hand • down the names of numer ,us individuals &recorded in the hil tory o our country, •ho were celebrated for many alorous deeds the remembrance of which .- • ems fast disa .peariog " through the dirk '.ta of bygone years." An incident in the ventful life of .ne of this class 4 the subjec• of our narrati •.- We will endiiavor to give the substance • fit, as it fell froth the lips o l one of the "oldest inhabitant's" in ES oseph Brady's dormant." d. it to say, he us wiarnor, an and of men, o ployed again Tv York and .P e of ark edyea .1 "backwoods," from the Bch. , filled in' that ' seatial to him Ito. occupy. e fluently in t languages o'r - f : 1 ad' ,'PlaOtert-M.h • were e ern N destity i n the mueb was s most called I centre differe tribeti war a., quel hima• I greats! writer, whole batiko l the ho Pena. ---of e s tWaniOrf . 4110; *e iti -was thi4i Mug& was' lit the Allegany ndary lime • land „ k. .. from -the 1 gbiLay a* to the ri frcin bikini op. " 5 54. 1".". Aiiiteetiagel to sleep I—his honest bldnel 1 claim. •ere all the 'mine, d woe ; alive the flame m the Publieletiger ifler, persons who usehor- I 've sloWly and water the Washing the mouth and 1 . rse with a sponge ;kthere i g freely, if the animal is. if raught horses should, not: 'as increased toil and ex 'one effect. It is painful, !noble animals_ are some-' /erbnniened and overariv. ~fthe poet Cowper are ap, ' innocent on earth 1 1 . (.1 these, no doubt. 'th a curse annexed. on: from his heart, lianp. the Attica Telegraph. of Border Life. birth, parentage, &b., s,niot enlighten us.— l as a brave and wag !' the Commander of, a his own school, who the Indiana in WOE nosylintoia. Although hatihg grown ap our hero had learned 64 of experiente, and , rlowledge Which des' n the station he was is said tltat he could t least twenty of the tongues . spoken by 0 liter. TMI, to'Min uillitiOnowid the se -1 . hike which it gihie : gmingeis celebnoNiiii 'd the Fa* or3w4iei , I. e themn Ormany a ief ef-ikninall'iribe i :t t i i e V d e on:®` 1c i 1 1 |r: /'W SUNwX': euneo . 4,o Int I ©■ if .00 11 . millet ur lenth, '-tiod 1 ot 'Week . to ' thel• / Ane... / 2 , intomeio; iraryintleen t , © therApos**4 Or untoin,,Tues!libtlisti, I' ,ad illi.oirero. lo o • 1 TE VOL '2 N 0.6 thick growth Or fbreet trees. The scenery about this eilawisitrild,romiintie, and beau tiful ; altlniugh , She " rapid march of civili zation" is rOhing nature of her form+ beau ty. What a ; : contrast between, the olden t i me and ti*prpsent! Then those dap we t tern bore upon4heir.broad boiom naught but t h e light Indian canoe, end the white man dared nottis seen, unguarded, anywhere in their vicinity. . Coruplalter, and his " braves" had made an incursion into one of the nearest settle ments of thiil whites, in which they hbd met with-great Success. Several of the unfortu nate inhabit fell beneath - the murderous tomehawk,ikheir buildings were consumed by fire, Aladin number carried into captivity. When the Indians arrived at their village ninth the prisoners it was determined that they should; be burned at the stake. Ac cordingly, the time was appointed for this dreadful work, and the whole tribe were to he assembled to_ participate in it. The In dians were pa tiently waiting for the time when they were to glut their vengeance on their " pale faced" prisoner, as theylappre hended no &ere that the whites were; strpng enough to attempt an immediate retaliation. Brady heard - Of the sally made by Corn planter upon the settlers, and determined to punish him severely for his cruelty. Ac cordingly, he and his men set out upon the expedition, and' were soon in the vicinity of the Indian village, where they succeeded in capturing one qt its inhabitants from' whom they obtained all the information they wish ed, concerning the prisoners, and the time When it was intended to burn them. Early in the evening which was to termi nate by the most dreadful death, the lives of a number of theipioneers of this western re gion, Brady was occupying,•-a secure posi tion upon the mountain, from whence he could perceive till that . was taking place in the village belovi. Fires' were kindled be fore all their dwellings until it was nearly as light as noonday. The woods to a great dtstance around resounded with the shouts of the savages, whose feelings were wrought -up to the highest pitch of excitement. Brady waited until the captives were brought forth, and the Indians had commenced to bind them to the stakes. His heart beat high with the fear that he might be unsuccesful in his attempt to rescue them. But the long-wished for moment had arrived, and putting on the dress of the Indian he had captured, he boldly stepped forth into an open place where he could be distinctly seen from the ;other bank, and gave a shrill war hoop peculiar to this tribe. He was:imrae, diately answerpd by the Indians who sup posed him to be one of their friends, just re turningfrorn an - expedition similar to the one they were rejoicing over. They inquired as to what Huccess had attended him, to which he replied that he had taken a few prisoners but wag unable to come over and join them that night on account of the wounds one of his men' had received. He proposed that they should wait till the next day and then burn all the prisoners at the same time. AP ter, some hesitation they complied with hie reuest. The prisoners were then taken batik to their place of confinement, the fires xtinguished; and soon n deathlike stillness succeeded the noise and confusion: which reigned during the former part of the eve ning. Brady kept his position until after the "noon of night," when he descended the mountain, and crossing the river, was soon in the heart of the village. . The Indians had retired without leaving a guard, and the first intimation they had of thefireserice of a foe, was the bursting out of the flames,from their houses, which were soon on fire in ev eryidirection. They rushed to their doors tohe shot or cut 'down by the whites. A large number were killed' or burned with their habitations, the remainder escaped un der cover of the night.. Cornplanter fled-and his village was entirely destroyed. The prisoners were overjoyed to find that they were once more with friends who could protect them, and without waiting even for ,the morning, started, on their journey back to the homes of those who had, rescued them. Brady lost not a single man in this,.etpedi ;tion, neither were any of his mem wounded, i!ind although he fought after the Indian custom, falling on his enemies in lan un tuarded moment, he achieved a great Victory. Cornplanter's name has foundia place in the history of those times, while Joseph B'ra !Vs only reward was the consciousness •of I! aving performed a duty incumbent upon every American citizen in those days, that of defending his country, and the joyhe ex perienced in being Ole to restore these whose fate was supposed to be sealed,: to I their homes: • WHY THE OCEAN IS MALT. The saltness of the ocean . lias usually been regarded•as a special provision of 'nature to guard against certain inetinveniences which might otherwise have resulted.` The ii presence` of so much saline ma ter in solu tion depresses the freezing point f the water many degrees, thereby diminishin g the den ,gerout facility with which fields of ice are produced in the polar regions. plias been said also, tent the salt is, useful in checking evaporation,' anti - also that it aids' in prevent ing the of thelynter- by the seen. mulatiolt; A/fabimal Ain't .4egetaNe , remains. WOO" fora r aiWink , .V. ll o n OgA ls :4lf l; ; Outfit; ,kot4lefita;reaultingln* be eire,nm :innitee; nitOer , dieeiiinuOn,, atilt bielt in no ease' litleast are ' quite iiiiiion ,it 'they be :infer' *4:that the saltness of th sea may be copildefed, 'either , as 'an I inevitably( 'Milt-4 tu the; present disposition of dpirs ' th ana - sPe, - ci,! OrroPrtnellt_exPress4•Ante . ed.m, fulfil certain fiarilealir objects.: — - '. , r.'* .., '. ''Vlin.tniiir s tliiiffalls Open the': lif4tii 'WA* etondemnititef Of r eiliseceni• " : provi-: molt exiatittrin . the•ataiasphek i andlirbieh isiOPP4e. 4,ol.4 l i.greatlerc-sby_lerailitretion frtll***.j .face of the:Pes--the. 414 ofibi hitter *iiivid . , thik4rihiliiiid hitt* very trietilnecess a rily 1 6. :li!riiii*** fut ;- iiiivt*onontf of , eyaporittic aortisee;--r. This water ,as :ir well knownitieipinfeedy EIMMIEM EOM . .„... . . ...... _...... . , 1 :-..: .....„, 9. . .„.„,, t -:-'! ,:;. -. ~..,„ ...,... i .f....: ~..":...,..‘ I . - . " ' .:.... ,:::"..:--, '-:: - , € ti - • - , . . t •: • . . ,": =.': ••7. s: - .L , ..-. 1 •-' . • . . • 1 _ . .. EN . I ', I OIERY DIFFERENCE OF OFD oPnynord, IS NOT A DIWItRENCE, O PRlNCl*2l:46nrarg: YOTTROW PA. , . J ULY 22; 047: fresh and pure,, the saline constituents of the oiearr having no sensible degree Or volability at that temperature at which the vapor has beea raised. No sootier, however, doe's it reach the earth, than It becom.es cuntamina. ted with soluble substances which it meets' while flowing on the surface of the ground or percolating beneath. It is thth that thei waters of springs and ; rivers invariably con= tain a greater or less - amount of alkaline or' earthly salts, which all'eventually find their way into the sea, sad there remain, since there is no channel for their return. The Same condition of seawater is but an exag geration of ordinarylakes, rived and springs; the materials are the same, and of necessity so ;_ the ocean being in fact the great repos itory of all soluble substances which, during innumerable ages, have been separated by a process of washing from the land. The case of the sea is but a magnified representation of what occurs in every lake into which riv erS flow, but from which there is no outlet except by evaporation. Such a lake is in variably a salt lake. , It is, impossible that it can be otherwise ; and it is curious to ob serve that this condition disappears when an artificial outlet is provided for the water. It will be remembered • that the saltness of the ocean is far exceeded by that of several inland lakes of the kind described. Thatof Anil, near the Caspian, and the Dead Sea in Judea, are remarkable epimples. GEN. SULLIVAN'S EXPEDITION INTO THE GEN ESEE VALLEY. Mr. Headly, in his second volume of :‘ Washington and his Generals," describes in his u sual . felicitous style, the expedition of Gen. Sullivan into the Genesee Val ley. The Indians of the Five Nationshad com mitted terrible ravages on our frontiers, and Sullivan was sent to burn their villages in the wilderness, from the Susquehanna to the Lake of the Iroquois. The army made its toilsome way, first through the vast extent of woods from the Delaware to the Susque hanna. At length the whole force assembled at Wyoming, and on the 3ist of July too - k their final departure. So imposing a spectacle those solitudes never before witnessed. , An army of three thousand men slowly wound along the picturesque banks of the Sus quehanna—now their variegated uniforms sprinkling the open fields with gay col ours, and anon their glttering bayonets fringing the dark forest with light, While by their side floated a hundred and fifty boats, laden with cannon and stores—slowly. stem-, ming the Sluggish stream. Officers dash ing along in their uniforms, and small bod ies of horse between the columns, comple ted she scene—while exciting:strains of m r tial music rose and fell in prolonged caden ces on the summer air, and. swept; dying away, into the deep solitudes. The gay song of the oarsman, as he bent to his toil, mingled in with the hoarse words of com mand, and like some wizard creation of the American wilderness; the mighty pageant passed slowly along. The hawk flew screaming from his erye at the sight, and the Indian gazed with wonder and alright, as he watched it from the mountain-top, winding miles and miles through the sweet valley, or caught front afar the deafening roll of the drum, and shrill blast of the bu gle. At night the boati were moored to the shore, and the army encamped beside them —tbe innumerable watch fires stretching for miles along the river. ; As the morning sun rose over the green forest, the drums beat the reveille throughout the camp, and again the pageant of the day before commenced. Every thing was in the freshness ofsummer vegetation, and the great forest rolled its sea of foliage over their heads, affording a welcome shelter from the heat of an August sun. Thus day after day, this host toiled' forward, and on the twelth from the date of their march reached Tina. Here they en tered on the Indian sdttlement, and the work of devestation commenced, Here also, Clinton, comincr b down the Susquehanna, joined them with his brigade—and when the head of his column came in sight of the main army. and the boats floated into view, there went up such a shout as never before shook that wilderness. " Sullivan in the mean time had destroyed the village of Chemung ; and Clinton, on his passage, had layed waste the: settlement of the Onondagas. The whole army, now amounting to nearly five thousand men, marched on the 26th of August up the Tin g& river, destroying as it went. Having reached Skneca Lake, they followed its shores northward to K endata, a beautiful Indian village, with painted houses, and monuments for the dead, and richly cultiva ted fields. It smiled like an oasis there in the wilderness ; but the smoke of the con flagration sun agiiin shone upon it, a smoul dering heap alone remained—the- waving corn bad disappeared with the dwellings, and the'cattle lay slaughtered around. Our . troops moved like on awful, 'resistless scourge through this rich country-Lopen and fruitful fields and smiling villages were before them—behind them a ruinous waste. Now and then, detatchments sent off from the main body were attacked, and on . one occasion seven slain; . and once or twice the Indians threatened to make a stand for their sacra fled in despair, and the ar -14 had* all_ their own, way. The 'Capita . of the Senecas, a town consisting, "sixty honsei, surroutided'aith beautiful cornfields and Orchaids,:was burped to "the gro und, , tied the" barren, deatioyed.' , Canandaigua fell next and - theif the 'army iitrielied 'away for the 'Genesee flats. The fourth day- 4 reached' this lamatiftil region, thew almoit "tally „unkbown the , whita ,The valleyitiventy, , miles long and:. four- broad, had scarce.* ,fiwest bee in it, aod:presonled, one-of, dos- most. belutifid -.contrasts to , the : 'surrounding wilderness_ that ,could welh be, eaticeived. ,u4a the weary.' *Amos emerged fr ontmthe ilarieforest, , ,mul Med of into:the open vice;-their :admiratioh.and; miteinishmentimewno bounds. Theymem ad suddenly to have been transported -into an Eden. The tall, ipe grass bent before the Vrind—cornfield on'cornfield, as far as the eye could reach,' waled in the sunlight —orchards that had been growing for; gen erations, were weighed down under the profusion of fruit—cattle grazed on the bapks of the river, and !all was luxuriance and heanty. In the midst of this garden Of nature, where the gifts Of Heaven had been lavished. with such prodigality, were scatter ed nhundered and twenty-eight houses--• not miserable huts,' huddled together, but large, airy bui ldings, 'situated in the mOst pleasant spots, surrounded with fruit trees, and exhibiting a civilization on' the. part of the Indians never before witnessed. "Into this scene of Surpassing lovline,ss the sword of war had tow entered, and the apprOach of Sullivan's vast army, accompa nied by the loud beat ofithe drum and the shrill fife, sent consternation througli the hearts of the inhabitants. At first they seemed resolved to defend their homes, bet soon, as all the rest had done, turned and fled in affright. Not a ;soul remained be hind; and Sullivan marched into a desett ed, silent village. His heart relented at the sight of so much beauty, but his commands were peremptory. The Soldiers thought, too, of Wyoming and Cherry Valley, and the thonsandmassacres that had made our bor- - deri flow in blood, and their hearts steeled 'against pity. An enemy who felt no oblige tionii, and kept no faith; must be placed be yond' the reach of inflicting injury. "At evening, that army of five thousand men encamped in the village ; and just its the sun went down behind the limitless for est, a group of officers might have been seen flooded by its farewell, beams, gazing tin the scene. While they this stood conversing, suddenly there rolled.ty a heavy sound, which startled them into an attitude of the deepest attention. There was no • mistake in that report—it was the thunder of cannon— and for n moment they lookedon each other with anxious countenances. That solitary roar, slowly traversing the mighty solitudes that hemmed them in, might well awaken the deepest solitude. But it was not repea ted ; and night fell on the valley of the Gen esee, and the tired army slept. The next morning, as the sun rose over the wilderness, that heavy echo again shopk the ground. 4— It was then discovered to be the morning and evening gun of the British nt Niagara ; and its lonely thunder here made the soli tude more fearful.: • 't Soon after sun rise,: immense columns of smoke began to rise, the length and breadth Or the valley, and in a short time the whole settlement was wrapt in flame froth limit to limit, and, before night those hundred and twenty-eight houses wire a heap of ashes. The grain had been gath ered into them, and thus both were destroy ed together. The'orchards were cut down, the cornfields upronted, and the cattle butch ered and le ft to rotlon the plain. A scene of desolation took the place of that scene of I ening, and,the artily encamped at night in a desert. ANECDOTE OF DAVID CaocKET.---David once' visited a menagetie at Washington, and Pausing a moment before a particularly hideous monkey, exclaimed, " what a reseal bltUre to the lion Mr. --!" The words were scarce,ly'spoken when he turned, and to his astonishment, saw' standing at his side, the very man whom he had complimented ; " I, beg your pardon," said the gallant Col onel, " I would not have made the remark had I known that you were near me; and I am ready to make the most humble apology for, my unpardonable rudeness ; but , ,' look ing first at the insulted member afcopgress, whose face was any thing but loVely, and then at the animal that he bad compared to him " haw , me it I can tell whether I ought to apologise to you or to the mon key !" • AMERICAN FASHION ESTABLISHED IN MEN ICO.-A Tampico letter of the lfith_ has this paragraph. " Is it not ° astonishing ! A few days ago a number of American ladies arrived in this city frOpi New Orleans— dressed of course, in adcordance With the lateit fashlons—and, as common, certain fic titious enlargements of proportion beautified their persons. This afternoon, while several M'eaicanj senoritas were passing, I amerced two dressed in American •costume, and judging from appearance, bad donned as robust a hustle as was everjugged about by an American belle. Asithese were the first I have seen worn by Mexicans, it was cer tainly amusing to see them strut thraugh thp streets, as proud of their bag of titan as a *mother; is of bet child. Surelyobe Mex iqin ladies are becotnink enlightened." ,CUCITAIBERSA writer in BlaCkwood, alluding. to this vegetable, says thl it was regarded, as a great luxury by Suit. fahom ed 11, Ivlio cultivated, it with his own hands inj . tha Seraglio Gardens.. "Having one day perceived that some of his , cucum ders were missing, he sett for his head gar ner, and informed hitp that should Buell a ,circumstarice occur again he would order his headito be cut oft: The next day three more, cucumbers had been stolep, upon w i hicb the gardener, to save his imp head, accused the pages of his highness Qr havidg yUmmittid the the ft . : These unhappy uthis vivre immediutelY sent for, and hair i tall delared thetuselyea innocent , tote ett '. god Stiittan,in ordeftodiaeor,er th culprit, i rowan ed them • onaafter„ituoth qer' o he ala i i,lmlve ed . ; Nothing ititsk e ibd 0 e Atom ah or trill of the, first: lilt rictornt, butihe , , , a tPP I, 7I?f the efl,entli proved biro to h4e elm ,tl,O guilty otte.! ; ., - , II ! ) _ I. A Lo ?EMI% 4 AIISIONARIt or Pr.A5 K.-7 lon..9apea.Pmelat a 'ilew mod of m, - , king peace ,with illo.l4coi. and 'that, to 41. 1 ~ audl Yankeeua', I ',the' country .- : b cnii)-1 l it fib= ' Memphis", t l ch /40 13 teriT , TS 1 . illt,lieral MASS to? walk 4 11 9thiliqx-, at3i ,s actions**e imdiest rOurmor, for c4r d biltd-thein freormillY M al, l ir9 o ; A üb, snorting locomotive' paling - t fire and smoke, iI **ow iiiissienery , of knee; but will no . doubtLeffeet- isteiforable* ohenge of sentiment' hi lfletico,ss the- pioul genuflexions of Scoff fhe eufftsideilite oft fete of - Triet. • • • Of a late Re-survey andt , zamincition of the Brceiwk Cenn l itiLshoeing its iris. eat condition and . p4ohable.Revenue.—by Wm. B. FOOTERi'lli:Civii - Estgineer. Hon. GARRICK MALLEIk, _ President N. B' Canal Compute y, SlR—ln reply to the request contained in 1 four communication Of the 6th November last, I immedititely - procrded to make, in per, son, a careful re-examination of .the North Branch Canal, in its whele extent; and now respectfully-submit a report upon the pres ent condition of the work, with estimates of the cost of completion, the probable revenue to be - derived from _it,, together with some other suggestions whick are deemed perti nentto the subject. An union of the valley of the Susquehan na with the great Western Lakes, and open ing a convenient avenue for exchanging the rich mineral staples ofl "Pennsylvania for those of New York—entOred into the earliest plans of internal improvement presented to the Atlantic States. It was embraced also, in the grand and comprehensive schemes adopted both by Peunpylvaniti and New York; and after being prosecuted to tile ve ry verge of completion, was only abandoned under circumstances of the most imperative neces.sity. In New York,the Chenan,go'and Cheinung Canals were•bOili completed avow edly for the purpose of reaching the coal and iron treasures of Pennsylvania; and the North Branch Canal was, prosecuted by our State to meet the advances of New York, and designed to unite with one or both those avenues. t From 1836 to 1841, the work progressed with great energy ; and when, in .May of the latter ye.tt, the State directed a suspension of the worklin all the unfinish ed lines of improvemeit- - thcre had been expended upon what walermed the " North Branch extension," the sitm of two millions four hundred and eightkfour thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine _dollars and sixty tents! At the next•session obl r ie Legislature of, Pennsylvania, after the' s suspension of this work, the people itnrnet4ately inrerested in - it, procured the passage of a law authoriz ing the incorporation of,g,t Company to finish, that portion of the line ?extending from the mouth of the Lackawanfta to the northern 'boundary of the State; and subsequentlY, by a supplement to the 'original law,--thir teen miles of the finished, " Wyoming line," extending from the Lackawanna downward, to the mouth of Solomonls creek, four miles below W,ilkesharre, (wbirli would cost the 'Commonwealth $550,000,) were added to the work at first proposed to be yielded up by the State,; thus offering to the capitalists and others interested, works, in which Penn :sylvania had ievested over three millions ,of dollars on condition that a sum but little i over one million should he expended in their .completion ! I The extreme liberality of the proposed grant by the State of iPenasylvania i has ;doubtless, of itself, operated as much as any 'Aber cause to produce distruk as to the value and importance of this &ma!, in the minds of those i who have the means and inclination Ito make investments in' such works. In ieed, it is not surprising . thavith persons :onacquainted With all the-eircunaanees, this should have been the case. That a great State should,. after -expending alive than three millions of dollars, suspend such a work, and offer to indiviiluals for a term of forty years, the whole behat of that invest- . meat; agreeing, even if ?she should resume it at that period, 10 repay the amount they had exPended, and guaranteeing "seven per cent per annum" uOn all the expendi tures thus incurred, is a base uttparalled in the existence of states, an 4 the history of pub lic legislation... 1 To account for these - extremely liberal propositions on the part - cif Pennsylvania, let it be remembered that, at the period of sus pending her publiaworks, she could not bor row the sum - necessary 4, complete them at any price; that she was increasing her im mense debt at the rate o 1 nearly two millions a year, by the issue of gertificates of Loan in payment of the semiannual instalments of interest upon that debti! Under these cir- - cumstatres, the either* of the northern counties, whose best hop - of prosperity lay in the completion of the' improvements A the Susquehanna, demanded that th'e Com-. 1 monwealth should either`fmish what in - itself was a pahlic nuisattce,,lpr give,it up, to be completed by individtatl enterprise. The •State yielded ; and hence the - advantageous chartersof the North Bra.' ch Canal Compa ny.. I proceed now to ;ha ' estimate oC the ,cost of completing - this work, ,deduced as well from field notes talqn at the time I hadi charge of the line, as pktpdipal engineer in 1 'the service of 'OM ~.gtatqrecent as' from a careful re-examination iti,entire length. - That Tiortion of the work embraced in the ' charter, designated as tlit," Wyoming Line", , extending ',from_ "the mouth of Solomon's creek to , the Feeder Panil across the LoOk.: awanint, (i.filistance of thirteen miles,) tv.,10 goodiniviiible,cooditior4 With 'look-him* ,tinfl'eiery, thing.4ogaiiiir flif ,ipie... Ii 'Jo , liemfforseSeral liiiktsia ,plicgesifut.opg* *ion, and - coo :the sykto. - • Tiiiiiqiliefolli:re ,inaiked';:pier.lilf atd . ir * o r 4„ 4 ., ' l4 , 'a liofi:proii*ii in '!ho ` ii oto„:4 40:0), 4 2, w mciiiii,„ithl Ivhene T ii 4 iouN ß !opii have 'lbeen.aetasily, taticiln i l by thik atockbOldeo for;ih ' 1 7~ 0 .f -r r ile :t^ C ." ' .. 4 0 )1 1:tk! WClrk;Oie., State 3440 , inShiedi ti l t possession 'Or, the .thole limii,Amil, die litigalliatedlspo)i *hi pert_ iiCitil, to et 91k 0 the *e.fitf,4:ilo:, CP - niPaii4. '} /_:,,e_tri l o l :1;',0 145 revenue vilij# *watt tip** uriMaiNttely Oeri44 thirto#:iiiil!O;lP, Pa," at Aialry six).per r *°P .01 , 6 :2 1 0.P0A0 0 , 1 , .iajd'Aithi ponrieroiot; • " : ~:: rpoi thitt , tiproclir - o - f the liiie:' ei . . •_ 4.~ EMI wHoLg 10: 58, ,T 4 .... .:. - 4 1 ijavOtheinfailic 7 id.ntes.ofFi.r.t...o.4,,,Ti.wital_iii. .rwinvivw,Tiir.lis, •;faiatio,_, iiertion: fi11.:.,"-41, , Youiy otavortioemoutoi:, Atbs . prooptio — :44.. ~ •taTationimottoexowa •.- - 4 .. ,- : ,, ..--- -- • Quortei &blink, with* ' T, ',Peep :rol,j ' k'oollo I Sid( Ocilti ' - -' do -'` - ' - , ' , .do r ' ;: q -^l' 6 1 .111 .- One Obluinsv ' ' do;", , .-.., 4a o - ,.,-,. -,.. z ,,,u n is ~ 4osiiiemiCords, -,, i •do; ,-, ..„- - 11 0 , ~. - Nipi All calm adveslisefootos kinked lit ioloooMfoi imPles; ' --• -. ' , 1 . iidied `isitiento &Addle nioiiid Withilletili pet: of iniertiona refplied., 4:-, ..; - ...t.1 1 .pi , r, f:t ,;:,,Tv - -,_ northern bouo;daffy ot.Pennsylvanis ,' - distitMe'ofwler3f= foltriiio2l4ooctiks, theelltardi Brinek txtetishie) detaciied'OcOnti k ivei . , been. eon ptited; amounting Oil to thirtj 7 twO and 40-100 • the' iehutiriirtg: distafiCa' of sisty4mo'itid, 11-100 Miles mote or leis work ' has dtinOtipou aintout - eveiir mile it` But the j • *dui rdtikirid tii:coi4lete it; compared istlb thotidriiof exPended; h shoire-littati-elasAy' . the dOickuieof '7viiilediine - priiportiim 'to that Thd diniemuons "of Ishii' canal, rislir have:completed, tiorreSpead*ith - tbilir of the North Branch'lfuequehauda visioni;,eitendirit doirty'ttier river id Cebist i el' his ;• having a width of twenty-eighthiiii oni the hettoM; 'forty feet at the _surface, four - eldet depth of water.. The - loolts , ,Orst oinetY-fotir feet long by seventeen feet riti‘ in thelchumber ; And: the lockage. froinlthd month of the Lackawanna to the Statecitte, averages but little over two feet per mile Its capacity, 'when completed,.would fore,.he ample to pass One million tonieadi way, .per annum- Esizai4TED Cosx.-4.The followint inno mart' =statement exhibit; the estimated east of; the various deseriptiotts 'of work yet reinaining,tci { he done ; the quantities, atipeß fore 'remarked, dediided - _from the original ,field notes, and a recent careful re-examinti tion of the line ; with 'prices affixed, suffij ciently liberal to cover-ali-eontingeneesi 1 Dam across the Cheining at Athens', - - - - ' 2. Dams across the Susquehanna, Tcital - estimated cost of dams,. -$122,019-1* 9 Aqueducts, three of - Which are partly built, - - - 27 Locks and • 2 Guard-gates, three of the former being dompleted, some work done at Aix others, 148,625 - Oil ,Culverts, ranging from 2 to 24 • s' , feet. span, - - - I- • - - 1. 35,220:00 1 Tosifing-path Bridge !, • over the Phemung,. 411,028 00 1 Towing path over ' etntillrun at Towanda, I 500 00 -'t 34 Roadluid farm bri'ges, over the Canal, of which 24 are either a finished or partly so, 1 '27,600 00 • •-,30 - tal estimated costlif bridges , q ,- .; $39448 •OCO • 27 Locis-houses, - - - I - - - _13,5(10-00 19 Ny,aite•weirs, fice, of ioclOckare -, P4; 11 9 , 4 1 1 13 bed,- 1- - - "10,000'40' 18 WitOr ways imond Ldcks, • - 5;400100 Makink Fenr.e, \ 15,600 Rods. - 11,700 00' Making. Roads where destroyed by CP • ' Canal,. - - - - - - 8,600 0* Rezpoiinn--Rnildings fnirinjhe line of - qina, . 'r 2,44010 - Sections, coinpriiing clicuations4if ,t;.. . , Earth and Rock, Embankments, I Vertical 'and slope 3141415.„. . ti ;Lining, Puddling, Seri, 599,727 lifif Total eSt'd cost of completing line; :-1006,037, .--r----t,--. , , Tlie foregoing estimate con4mpletesit permanent and useful Work,dipOsing with all ornament, and only preVitlintifor w t hitt* necessary to make it sobitaofei. :- , ~-,:. The Dams are deeigeed,to be mile of - round andsquare timbers,Well,framed'and pinned together, and I compactlr filled; with stone; the slopes to Ibe covered , with oek timber, not less than' eight inches tit/ek e l,l4 well secured to the Dams with iron bolts.—r- - Thg nbutmentsAre to' be ; foanded at. in 5 1 depth as to render them secure, &ode . bun of heavy durable stone. At eae as proviiion has been !Dade in the etitittitiett; ter the construction of eichute staitablio - nribek s:afe descent of arks Unit otheririvei ere* , The 'AquedUcts ,ryill . , all be upon gravel foundations, and. ore designed to have heavy abutments and piers, resting upon a platfortis of thither and plank; sunk to such depth eis to render them secure from the action of the floods in the several, streams,; and preveno them; from undermining. - The masottij , to he rubble-work, of large durable stone, well bedded and jointed and laid dry: Tim stir , perstroctures, to he of wood. - In caseiwheiti ' the simile do not exceed thirty;ftve f4t; . , : tb4 trunk will be' supported by string_ineeee laid fongitudinally _tinder it ; and Where* spans' re to exceed thirty-five feetithe.trulk will be supported by archi Roil time:Wl:4li br sufficient strength to bear any, Weight,,that may be required. : • - ,4 The Locks are designed to he_iiiiitl!idi 4 good; heavy; (hirable stones laid dry an d faced with planks, :The :com posite Lock ii best Adapted to the circumstances of thii canal, as no , stone i suitable' for, din .10),D, a locks;are be . had, at; reasonable nnet ,i -while tholig of ; a gooddAutility - for a contitto:f site lack, ate easily 'obtained. .. . ' Peasant _CONDITION .011' Tar. W 011,11,1 - , , , referChceto the present tonditiop of the an finished wOrk,it may bp aaid`to be , in are. wierhable state of preservation. TiiiA *lli and niPbalikill*u!A an'giani,Aiiii.*. 'And* iiiill i - - itijuii the work ' .his sustained:4, - 4e iuspeesinn, copilots, iii the' natural decay ~el:' those wooden ; portions of -the locks, Teeier wiere, and bridges iihic4wel, v.rh011Y, 1 4:,44 part completed ; ands!at:three. pointe . t*tbe / ti line; 'tirliere' land elide Jutie broken honk* ainiiiitain side .1,n . ,4 pit . - all - j , 'lled the.totnill, Thiilattei source of, irffiCuli •ia!a t tte(4i i ii to near so great an ,tt tetii,,,ttul,l , h4;itprei., beinted;; end tnikiii.but a 11 : 1 : 1 1511#!*jp,thi estimated , a tneunt . tif, Utork ...petvizielo:COlp Pleti,diniOn". ' -The"! .poinhtlttt_. iitick'thai slide", ere ilkelyr. ta-'l43OFt-a:liftaiti#l*ltO 'ileiekilink#o4,b;r: i701!,.5i, 1 4- 111 „ c°C .4 4 0 iii - thin rthelide ...-- 00 . - ----' '4: a i to void - - - -_, . 1 ritat4 irboi,*.t, a 2 >, _114,707 oil 107,252!00 $109,718 $ ~ .4 0 6 1. 0 7H, ,,T , -AWL . ,'.:.,..,.-.,, ; .1_ ~; •-ii , .--,,- : ' - i.'" --;•,: be: il I lig I I itic ' ~* i4ll3Mi 1f , i001., ' .• - I Ire ' 'i • it 1 41 - 04 lA %I . 'f- -1 11• 11 . 4.1* -11(1410‘ ~":, Ittthe.: •,,,,,,,„,,,A0r..,,,c0m00k - A