The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, July 15, 1847, Image 3

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Propose. give your irk ilea:** of e
above presumptive evidence, the-positive a d
Id' testimony of his own speech:and vote
that subject, and- leaver them rTo judge
for ibeMielves which stde •be wasl:?, rn -_ . By
giving t is an insertion , m the 1, Pope!
vocate,' you will obli; more than # Ir . ,
-! ' OS (IP - tlir PkoPieo'
be Rowing is an extract from Gee, it-
Vill t Al i ch upon the Tariff' when the sub
jeci 4' zing tea and coffee was under con=
sidone •n: ' ' - 1
'Sir, I agree With he honorable.cliair
man of he Committee ' Ways and Muriel
necessary to raise additional reve l
t the finances of the country require
I am as muclrin favor Ofproviding
• means to melt the current,expen
- Government, l and also to provide
•ver deficiencyr ntiw exists, 44 the
e chairman or any other , meMber
is floor . But sir , . I differ in npin
the commits who reportel this
..cting the preptiety of levying a
me of the &nicht contained in. this
that it i
nue th
it ;,-Atid
war a
sea of t
for ivha
oovi oh
ion wit
t ar po sr
. believe the to
oi i
overvnent is, t
'Ripon tuxes, a
1 burdensome t
'of tliia
eaue by ..
'eroda an
so, we thou
5 4 , e v ini r t r i/a?Nr i l
, c.les in t
BY =s 1
ise sufficient fr l
,f luxury, or ell
cannot r
Eal use, and are
the great pi
Id only be in
'sent .to levy ar e
tax upon arti
.rat use Ut
into gene
sunted b
but it wo
-would co
into gen i
whether rich or poor throughout ourwhole
sir, is it dot impolitic in an administration
just comiig into power, fter professions of
relieving ithe people fro their difficulties,
to proposie a burdensom .tax upon
,theni, as
one of its first measures Why, sir, isit not
unwise to bring this me ure upon the peo
ple at the present time? Why'not wait utt.: l l
tit the regular session, w en there would 'be
time, for a fair investi tion into the tariff
system, and such regula iona.made as might
he satisfa4tory 1 It can of be possible that
the Treasu ry is in such a wretched condi ,
tion that n s able financi r could not carry;
on the op4rations of Go ernment for a fed'
feel satisfi
have to 13,1
are comp',
all classes)
live in to
LIFE, au,
the place
• should w
more tha
hold out
the coma,
, • .
d, if this. bill
•f poor familiej
i y more of this
ratively rich.
but especial!
ns, and at m j
.f milk, as belt"
Id even the
they are at' , •
ny relief to till
unity None
is well known
geotlemen on
siness, for t •
icularly, it .ha:
e manufactu
Iye maintained
'been for the ~
'6 country
ess of living,
lalong must b •
ir ' just on the
duties, which
l e year, and ev:.
I, tion upon the
iv, you propose
ffering people
• millions ofd •
or one?
came here ex
•ut measures : I
auents, not t.l
ing to the
tion of b
years pat ,
country It:
it had not
which th
the cheap'
But now
tluction of
close oft
in anticip
the cdun .
on this s I
half to tw,
my eon
The fo
nal of C
and seal
On the
eeedeti to
ttowteg is extra
ngress and al
.f the Clerk of 1
16th July I: ,
the considered!
'1094 tifthe 8, 1
lotomittee of t!
. article ,of th '
1 bill imposio
Pe last clause:, . -1
as follows:
in, Unposed co l
ue in force fo
j and a ft er t. '
NI no longer.'
'use Journal t
eprticeidlri l
ter amending 1
, 'tree of the - IV!
!tr int '
biking. th 1
At pag.l
pears the 1
the secou
the otigin!
Tea. T,I
tide read s
duties her '
shall coati!
years., fro
•eration a
hiptoriy of
'And a
the' Cpm
Bill by
n the question that the House do
. .13 the Coalmine of .the whole
HOUBe in triking oat the saidartiele.'
It pas .. in the affirmative—yeas 118,'
nays 7 0. - - -,
il' ['.-_': , -... ~.---
The ye , and nays being !hilule,,,,bt,- "'-
Mb of ;..' members pnrstratilhOe'll!",..."-,
led iii*e_ .i, atise Eliiiha-A.:-Allen,,
Tbontel I . Arnold k ve amid:
ChyleSs: o .:Ailerts*Al aiikciai; Hen
qW. : ': , `:1_,14:" £ *Moat, Vic
tory Bit: '-' `I-Edweed ;',.. illtisek:-'Bercird
Blair, Sa ' 4.-I,rifort-,,, ":liiiigivieS, Da
vid P; '..s ilittiii:. ' - - MAW; pavid
Bromio n , ilia'. ' ,--itsinell,
Win'. O. ';'`gare... . 'i.Cididak-Piii
nth C. idders,ll;;';-- - as 1 1,'Citts
Robert Ca:idiotic' Cagey,
C. Chitit, tete7 Ply. .- *than Cliir c
James G. linteM 1, hit;:- 6 4 44 . ili al i kia illi
S. Coien 114:40:1111.T. arsmdsmihimealkit.4
Cravens ilelvasieing Richard tkillissinVi
.1.36 D!-- Irsost;'EdMiMgr Dellt„.ro - ;14 . *
Eastoiskirobi C. e dia - a*- 04 •Pa Egaar‘.l
1411. 0- *4O/4, ;Chides A. Yloyd. Jiosejok 1
Fermin,* A. Lawrimigi -Fatei:' Roger
Gamb le , 4 16 Gent, W., -L. 'aiggis. Patrick
Gclude j lAsiss e d Goni c i i i. Ulm Assibask,
Willis Grien, Amos Gaels' ei giehmlll W.
I , ,
li' • I
ti. !'- .. '.4!MiXi*i4i ll l l l*4.. e cobli _,',.. ;. .9
Si ~` -i -L.:Elva,: Georgli. , : - . - ^nolL:_tairi
Cha le rli - :--
4r ;
4-**ES'il" t. l iohn .
W. trviit4 . ' -44 4ki , Ca*-- 4° . ..i!..,z
. -
ler W. 111 ) :1, A.. h . . .1. , ..-liildn, , , ipui 1 S.
Litil d,' ' rt MeClellaniJamell 'Mc-
Keit', ThOitiailiVT-101(eitinbkifIll '
b r itrii.
Bia bidtAlfrOdßiliiihidl4iiihbi4likbioX,,
,Jams .htattbrilp lOh n l-fliti;e l . * Johfl. ii . Y.
laard Wmiedill, , JainitiA. *err* ther,
I Johqldiller, .4 111 10 11 irp;ChrtItto . ger Or
on, fi v alry I )fforriti,geteiNewhitid,Bryan
Y. ley; ni";.'PO•rnenter, Sap ktio r T r ar ..
trigs', :04 - pe;Nith'aniet 6... Pr
lon , Add i' MOAN Robert Rainiii; A l:1011
H. Cad . ; Le wis i Riggs, Wits..Rsitielk Meg
M. If esselk • phi Sanford ; Tristram Shaw,
Agnio_e m,,pkepp:ll,,Jot T ,, Snyder . Ed.
.ward Stanley, I Lewis ' 'Sibetired,. $. 'oel
StokOlY, Charles C. Stratton, Alexandr , H.
Stuars•Johir f t..tur' -Grp:4 , W, Summers,,
Genre- 'Sir 'ney, - Yobs'` R. TisbniPsan,
Ttanpirt. ..-Tomlinion, .Hopkins..:Tiiknery;
,•Jompli .-•' ;', Underwood , II ren,
• . -t1
Hen : ... Vatilrßebselner,' Daiid W ace,
AM* 7.Wer,44;,WitiiYll.. Washing' ton John
A. i ler, Joseph IL Whim, James W. iWil
iimnatJoseiikl. Wit4mt, , Yohn'ToyOg.
Aikefit f E,'!:.IYREII,IOH, Clerk H. R. 14,5.
:„;1; lißenjaMln B. French,
.Cleili. .orihe
Howie •
.of Representatives • of the' Übited
SMteS, do hereby;certily, that the portits of
tisa'siithin — e purpOrtibg, to be extracts rom
the Journalo(the Bonen orßepresentiltires
of pet United IStates, - 4 the Second. Seksion
brow., Twenty Seventh Congresi, are ',truly
copied from the said Jburnal. -. -r -:,,,
...z Witness'' Inv hint.' and the
. [u..18:1 Seal of 'the Htnise of Repre,
1 ilsentatives, the ' 15th day tif
—.• 1 - ;iApril, 1847. •
- . r-c: ' •li
e and correct pOlic} ,
raise sufficient rev
being the least oat
;be .people; ,but,
;d: select •. such. 'arti'.
come IN. COMPE
IZENS, and 0- we
m them, then' Ink,
ch as do not come
not required or son
tion of the peal*
he last resort that
onerous 'and' Var
ies that have come
?se every family,
- ,
Tag PRiSIDENT returned to Washington
otrWhdnesdaY night. The Union Sag i s:
Ve.arahuppy to.xay_that the Pres ident
returns in good health and excellent spirits,
imprived by the comparative relaxatioli he
hint enjoyed, and not ,exhausted by thh fa
ti&eti he bas.undergone. He returns„ too,
de ighted wit the cordial reception he his
ev ryi wheni; enjoyed, with the It em'
sp rit 'of a frel people, and with the; brilliant
signs of the prosperity which he bus asery
where ivitnesited—anxious,
and, we have
no doubt, better qualified, to dedicate his
time,durin,,c , 'die remainder of his 'achninis
tration, to theldischarge of the duties of the
office, which has been so highly honored in
him, and to the good of a country Which
calls forth all his gratitude and all hiS at
attachment." . 1
ecomes a law, that'
/in my district will.
tax than those who
Sir, the articles of
ave become among
I among those who,
• nufacturing estab
~y a great many in
g more easily ob..
I ser. Then, whY
;.1 is class of people
resent? Why in
t, •
• i Does this bill
l •
laboring class of
none whitteirer. 1
Ito you and to otheo
his floor, that, osv4.!
d crippled condi ,
I l e last two or threel
[ been with great
ng interests of the
themselves, and iil'
~ ountiful crops with;
! been blessed, and
many that are yet l
ve ceased to exist:
• e of another re
takes place at the
n now is operating'
whole business of;
a tax to be levied:
of from one mid' a,
! km,, " .
t give it stY:;:suP
ting to assist in
; nitted . to relieve
; the n them;' 1
Captain Walker and the Graertnas.
PZ*oTE, (Mexico,) June 9th; 1t347.
We'' have quite' 'lately been engtiged-in
several very dangerous scouts—at leasttthey
might be so, if these cowardly dogsiwerc not
so easily frightened at the tolls. i tic name
of Walker. ' ' , ,
We attack towns with II 1 inhubitents.
dn Wednesday last we went .n a scout of
'this kind to a town called Ric 'nada ; there
wore but sixty of us-:--we eh ed into lit at
a iron, and you never in your Ifu aim truch
a scampering of cowards. This piece iwas
twenty miles from Perote. We left there at
14 o'clock, to beat up a swamp where-some
mple-drivers had been murdered. 1 Before
we arrived at. the pace we met with' three or
fohr Mexicans, and with them ore of the
men who was: with the murdered Party.—
They had,tied him and went in pursuit of
the other two„ and while they ; were absent
he untied hiniself with his teeth' arid escap
ed. They told us where the murderedlmen
lay. We marched' forward in double rick
time, and when- we arrived at the swamp,
there they lay, sure enough, stripped entire
ly naked, and: chopped and mangled in the
most horrid and savage manner. The (man
who escitted said there were seventy of the
murderer*, each armed with a pistol and
hate tet, and that they went into a rancho or
town some distance from here. We. return '
,ed to it, and„ made them feed ueonci our
.holies, and at one o'clock in the tnorning
'charged intoihe rancho and took every 11—I
'of them. 1 wile sent round the taint in sarch
'of skulkeis; .; ,l , found several—two :of hem.
i h
were ploughg.with oxen, and Ldrove . em
from their- loughs --.thinking at the dame
time that twOity of , them would hot drive
me from,l, mi , t)e ,in :Baltimore con+. j - We
marched. Jus ;our own number (nineteen)
into thoe,its*ltrisoners. This orus sbout
twenty milesifrohe Lit Puebla.Correipon
deuce of the Balt. Sun.
from the Jour
sted by the hand
he House:
the House pro
n of the' Bill.
V.) , ;! .r•tlo_4.l'.'t 4 . 4 , tit. 40:0,41 MIJJ.) ilt 4r.w I,kot
Wheat flout, per burl $6,00 0 ,;,12i
Corn meal i •do , ' • ..• 4 , 0 0 r aj
Wheat, PeribuslML - . 1,25 - 0 1,30'
Rye, do ,75 fa 10,00
Cora . .1(10 4• . ,so 4i).1 ,65
4,.aiTley, : f lo 0,82. fa 10,83
usts,„ o ,
Butter per fb. Orange co. 0,20 'd • ,22
do '1 w!gen 2 .dairy, oat), 4i?: ,12
Cheese, per lb. " - , 0,06 , *.p 41,08
Beef, per barrel, - ,rneni, -..--. 11,00 014;75
do . ',prime. r 8,154 -4 p r ts
Pork, per barrel,. mess, . 14;7.5. 0 I,
do • prime • . 1 2,50-fe13,00
Lard, per lb. -,
~j . . 0,1010 0,11
Hams . perlb. smoked' •!' ' ' o.tat - 0 - in
Atoeness wool, per lb. - sixob •",
,0,05 0 0,374
do fu)Lblobd.hteriuO 0,3 t 0 p,3Er
.. I-4,4 .Seritt_
• do •' ' native 4. # merino 06' 0 029
useJournil, kap-
Whole amended
eightli Section of
certain duties on
' the amended
Provided that - the•
Tea and COtea
the period ofthrte
law goes into op
en continues the
ha article as above,
ole amended. the,
Teintjaeriiiiee Iltieediali., . i i
The quarterly meeting of - the 1604'0ot:rose
.and Britlgewaterifiishingeopiani 2 Te . per
iance Soniety,!'"iiill he behtin ;t ie .urt
finuse, in *intro.!, on 3ituidai.. the 9th
day of July in ' ani at 2 o'clock, P.M. 1
; . Speakern - 44,tbroad in eittlei!ied ' , mit
a general atietidiutee-a-the Soesetri"
, ..
... -
j .o l q . "?‘l4estelt :,'''' 77 ''..,-, l'" ':- '''-_-• '''".'`., ,''.. I
egskiiiiilLlN ii 4
31 - o °9 Juae 0 9;if47:' '',:::',t;;•-'
r i pbti Right Rer.Alaimo Peru frp:
of the Die4ei ef Persj*lviinhi, `Oki
iktbkOP!satYt * 414 44' 11' t - V . `
rt. *filo, Nay nth, „:
' A 16•104 ' 1 W - 4, 11, °Week; `
1- 4..4,..-4:14'444,41:;1-2.
'3 . 1.,
li,ftre.l , ;!frimemif4the'll - 0,0.,
1 6'1 alb*, *ltes4 o 4 3 ". i, .
k i likuff.t l o 4 #•4o# ll6 figstsipmf4 -r
~ .t
,~,z .ti!~1
u . ~;a~=
'' " • AlsakTrvE:„ • - -
we:lleie been iderieeit lii Mrs Matikixiiino
ditighter"Ot,'Old Geit. t -WnYwos. tlikesbei see
end years frees slurVessitlsZ a. I g.lPs;:aeitreas Ta
mi..; whictbesidesi crest octormity, piiodiid both
diffmtdty of degldtittory iza of- - breathitit : :`' Indeed,
she iiys, - ibir preuttre 'ttptielhe Windt* wu to
great, , i its - iotreventfbeffrimisleeping m n'rectini
bent ptnitkinv aid often • stiff:widow appeatvd inevi-'
table: 4. 41he.a150 labored tinder severe M — don
from Lrvirs' COMPLAINT Ina htliftllCL! W &s ih ' horri
ble train of nervous a ff ection, for which e `aced
Dr.liirezi Atrimirtvs, which she took -*duly
for six lir seven weeks, with occasional doses of his
finuatire Pilhi, and her beilthlwai thereby
completely re-establ and now pertteiviersome
dimunation Tin the size'of the Goitrous Tumor, she
was encouraged to persevere in the use of the At
returtvii, until every-au* 'of the painful Tumor
was removed.
We cannotspeak too highly of this iniportantp . re-'
paratuntrof Dr. Jnyue, and for the sake of ,seffermg
boniain:tylopetliat it inay'beccime more generally
Ictioirm—leablic Ledger. - ~ L -
• 4. I
WORMS! WORMS Avoitms!'
To remove those tpableseine and dangerous in
habitants of the stninieh which so often
imp* the health and destrOY the lives of children,,
astr.lxtxx's , TostO.' Vaintroo4. certain.ind life;
preparatiinifor thei removal of - the varictis of
worina,d ' 1 sour stomach, want'' of appetite;
infantile ffever and'ague, and debility Ofthe stomach
and bowels and organs of dirstion. It is without
exception one tithe ntost valuable preparations in
Prepared only by Dr. D. Jayne, Philadelphia, and
sold on agency by N. Mitchel St; Druggistsi
Montrose. ,
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all persona .
concerned in the follow i ng Estates,
..y, wit :
JOEL 'PIERCE, late of New Milford - township,
dec'd, . - Pierce Dean, Adin'r.
ASA BIXBY,, late of Middletown township, dec'd4
Richard Bizby, Adro'r. ' •
PAYSON KINGSBURY, late of Harford town.
ship, dec'd.
'Amherst Carpenter , / Aa . ,
m rs.
John Kingsley,
. .
That the accountants have settled their accounts in
the Register's Office in and for the county of Susque.
henna, and that-the same will be presented to the
Judges of thit Orphan's Court at Montrose, on Mon
day, the 16th day of August next, for confirmation
and allowance.
H. FINCH, Register
Register's Office, Montrose, }
July 8, 1847.
S TATE BOOROF PENNSYLVANIA, contain ing an account of the-Geography , History, Gov ,
eminent, Resources, and noted citizensiof the State,
with a limit of the State and eachCOubtyr-for the
use of - Schools and families-L-Just'Oublised.
For sale by the dozen or single by
July 13. J. LYONS.,7
fIIHIS •HOTEL having changed Tenants, hail
JL i been thoroughly- repaired and refitted,, and is
now OPENED for the acconamodation the public,
The Proprietor pledges himself that the wants and
comfoms of his guests shall be as well yroiided for,
and attended to, is 'every respect; at this Hotel, asat
any other iu the county.
rir Two daily `lines of Stages fr om the west,
(morning and evening,) stop at this House, (near the
Chenaugo•Bridge,) and one daily leaves fortbe east;
(Sundays excepted,)trunning in connection -with,the
New York & Erie Railroad. Also, daily stages for
Mica and Montrose, and tri-weekly for Coopers,
town, Fort Plain, Cortland, and Syrnense.
BINGHAMTON ; N. ,Y. May 17, 1847. , 51y1
• FLOUR . 6z. PORK,
• My' 14, 1847.
Greatly &educed Price—From $5 to $3 , per annum.
Enlargement of the Number by one
fifth the reading matter.
In comtaencing the Twenty-Snit Volume of the
Review, We atknowledge the continuance of a lib
eral pattvutage on the part y£ the publie, and an en
thusiasticresponse from the Democratic ranks, to
those gmit pnntiples of National Policy which it is
our endeavor to elucidate. WC have entered into
extensive Irrangementa for a great variety of novel
and interesting matter, that add to the attraction
and value iof the new Volume.
- ..FT;4I—We have engaged for exclusive Publication
the " Souvenirs of the "Life of Genertil, Count Mot!.
tholon;'! beginning, with his first campaign under
General Durnouner, at the commencementlof the
Great French Revolution of 1789. and :closing with
his late imprisonment with Prince Louis Napoleon
Bonaparte at Ham. It will compose the most extra
ordinary revelations of the wonderful epoch he has
lived and acted in that has ever been•given to the
public: disclosing singular traits of the private life;
intrigues, political and arpatdry ; secret negotiations,
"Az. of all the Sovereigns, chief Ministers and Mar
shals, with the vividness and variety Of a briliant
panorama, around the, great central, luminary, Napo
leon. ."
Seecrnd—We are in treaty fora remarkable work
on England, to'be published excessive/3 f in the col
umns of the "Democratic Review.l' This may be
counted as forthcoming.
nerd—We shall sliortly-been the publication u of
'the 'Railway and' Steamboat Impressions of the Ba
ron de Boi pie, now travelling in this country. He
is esteemed in Paris as oue of the most hrilliant wri-,
tern or the day.
k—We have contracted with foieiga writers
of great ability, and enjoying exclusive opportunities,
for occasional Reviews "of the • politics mut literature
of Europe. ..
And last—We shall give from tithe go time some
able papers from our ownmore distiaguisbed wri
The accustomed features of the Review will be
contiattedioincluding POIMAITS mid Irtomexatut4s
of Dthrtemustran Dxstocarrs,men wese patriot
ic principlat and steadiness of.princip have-won
the confidefice oldie people.,
'-We baie ` to remind 'nw.z.reailers that ' the IoW
term* on• which We furnish 'the Reveeer , can'ibe;'
uwarehsed. _ oulY bY__l 3 "tlettment of the,ll l / 2 5MUP-
Twoutra *avarice, a7ll . that Sne,lntpenditprivincinTell,
to "improve the work" eet! be Pot 0 ! 11 9 1 1 the Pro . jaPt
remittance' bfrabsetens. '' • , •
The,mblteation - - •the -Review basil/ o ra ogatait
ted to the charge o . Joint W. Moose. who has
been nennentealor, ' last eighYoers•Trithiberib'
'listing department ' the "Merekeusti ',WeAressee "
Lentieleee Witt 'aid "inett •iniewn = , enerey'whi
sl i m
no doubt exert a favorable intlaeaoe an the business,-
, &e. of theibtview, • 5, , =_. -_=.. A.
All itthseriptionnnini Wien Iliblientem'erill here
after be addressed In VV: Menu', Ofliee of the
Dentociatio Tileinfir; - 1701Westhisy. ''Ll - --C4
4 1 1 a nuoIMEPRENTIOBJBETgLL,,- ' '
Ediggt-Dgmel7 ..le,eie*ri
• . I BOVE - 418ZWIt10_0.0.1111:•_-,
.1.Y.1 Sheeting a ' mit taajplytjaina LY
ponied, and eel.
i atlii-611..ifei llon—l*, 87
_Corfea ki . :frk,4lwir,* ga 1.7'111r0 l -
alqua. .1.
451y531147.1. - '3« LYONS. • .
: •
c.!". ;at:
DMINISTRATOR I A 17 O • • ---!'
6 • 41 rOTTER. Um 4. do
TOw.'bip or coutrAlsontaislw.
essawk. IP , lNfimaisoadtpremit, mow rimetto
aithigm, p u ma
_milk liso".lortoorweig
tffi! mar 0 1 " 0 " , tholelmonlow
_l4" 411411111111111IIMIMPOr:
Sown, .14
• .
. ~,. ~.. i
' i.t`t: .. '',i
. I
•„,ot; ft ;;
.4 • . :
I SAAC I U' 0051r . 84 , CC).,1
HAVE inadioarringeinesiii *eh the NEVI YORK
PEKIN:TEA COMPANK• for, the aide .of
EAR in Mentiese.; - 4iataiftniirki their Citstomers
. . the Tradr,with Tess at; he iittnePikteitbat the,
ompanY e e for
: them; ilAnd i n every,, case
ere tbean T de not4givi slitisfactiOrOrniniely
• ' li ke 'Paid 'k fin' • them. i i !The ',Young: HYuni,
ea'mentioned in this bitalegne, at 50 its.lS su jp e.;' .
.r to any thing *old in Montt* at \626 Ceeht. •:.
GREEN.. , '• ' - 'l,'
Y '
... t*p. ;HYSON - , good L., . - -;• . --.
. *
do:\ ‘ do. sweet carg cargo ..: s'o
01 '\, do, fine cargo.. 4 . ,%... .: 75
o. s•4lo. silver lessf.:„.•,1!.1"! Ido
Silo v Leaf--4eldem sold even brlarge disaleinr, hit.-•
ca .of the Very small,prefita made oniticsale.i.4..
T'• is a very superior Tee. h • , .:-1 , '
.410 • r do, goldistichop; ' .: i I'so '
eICA ."
'' the' firreii Green Teis'etilti
d ie 01717. 71 1 1 :':Of the Ott pickings, and li;
eels other Green Teas foilits delicacy' Of fl ay
stren and aroma. •Heretriibie this 'reales 'ley!.
er • hed this country, exChipt•iu small lets 4nl
press is to importers.
HYBON, , fine
, ••••• 7 44
dcr. ory fine .... ''. .. t. 1: -
GUNPO DER, fine 75
do , extra fine...: ...... 1 00
IMPERI4, "fine 4 .
. „ ..7 t• .. „.. . .75
extra fine .4; - . -... - 1 00
HYSON 8 “food ' 376
.- . -
.• • BLACK. • •
i 4 I .•
N LNG Yell strong and'good laver
• 976
Meg Yaps--,The grocers seli,,this at 50 - eentrod
411 it Oolong:
OOLONG, a inch Black Tea...; ' • .--' 50
Courpacnthisjuperior Tea wiili thate o.
old by. jgr' .
cers, as boin Au Oolong Tea, The dillerence,ia
too•plain, 'the deception* pillpirble.' - i •
OOLONG, piontion growth...l: .......-......:. 73.
E -
N EiGLISH ERE_ KFA T,.find... . ,i, ' . :50
• do. d . exti4.fiae.......
. 7 1 51 ;
HOWQUA'S MIXTURE, a'riCh and highly
flavored Tea \ +.- -- ~ ..... .. •,. ' '75
PE KCE FLOW E R .\....
do scented... ...... ...........i ....... 1.56
NE PLUS tILT RA.. \ ..........,......'4. ...4... 4 1 50
Ne Plus Ultra—This Tea is as trim - neat and riweeras;
a nosegay. It yieldS a perfitme tbat is truly ; de
lightful. It is of garden growth , and superior to
anything of the kind \ever, sold in this country.
Reeomniendati . oiii .1 - ''''
We have tried the Tens imikute4l'
Tea Company, 75 .& 77 Fiilton[st. N
we live will', try' them oft; They
most delicious teas we es' drink,
at wholesale prices.—Even giPost.i . . -!. i I
You nary be sure of obta' leg ati all times pine
i ‘
and highly 'flavored teas, b --the Single pound at
wholesale prices, Of the Pekin 4Tea„Clorupany, 151 &
77 Fulton at. They have probably the largest stook,
and greatest variety of fine grt,n and black teas, of
any one establishment in the . tiriitedi States. They
are doing a large business, and \a treat benefit to
consumers of tea.—Alias. i \ I . I •
Heretofore it has been Veri di*4lilt, indeed im
possible, to always obtain goodsreen and black teas.
But now you have only to visit they ware-rooms of
the PekinTes Company, 15 & 77 Fulton street, to
obtain as delicious and fragrant teas you out wish
for.—Daily Sun. I •
, L _ I: ! !' i
A Worm 70 TEA DKINEXEM...... 1 . 1 . Pf t ldri,ti o t
Company, 75 &77 Fulton st,; . hav imp° ed of
, th
ei rs
this market some five tboussuid doll yk . . e
finest grades-of Green and Black T , , g.r?wn bathe
Celestial Empire, done up in the various fancy pack;
ages that Chinese ingenuity cap invi i nt. They sell
good teas only,. and retail tbem ativ olesale - prices,
Country merchants who wishi toalways eiell Rood
teas can altria . +l obtain them ai thisrlilace,: en rep.-
sonable'terms.—Emporiura. I r \• • a
The above Tells are foi. side by
• I. L. POST 4ir 'CO., , '.
Sole Agents for Sitsque.hannd Co.\
S. S. MUL'OO & SON, : 1
GAIAYE now on hand a large intsortmorat of
OODS wh i ch they .
sell a* Cheap as She
Prints—a large assortment from
6 1-4 to 121-2 cents. some
beautful patterns ; and fait .. cdl
ors 121-2 cts.
Also—a lotof Printed Lawni, and
a large assortment of Goodslhr
men's summer wear—will be
sold very,. cheap., •
Woolsey '& Woolig's best toaf
ground and crushed Sugar Ilvar
ranted pure, for 'l2l-2'mita
Young B r yson Tea Ow 25 cts
Better " 50 "
Best " " ' 75 45
Molasses for
And all other GroCeriesequally cheap for btiahlby
S. S. N. 0-$OxL
July 8, 1847
C; ._ ,
RADttB, Crwile Scythes, Grass ERcythes,
Scythe Smiths, Scythe S tones , Rifles, Pitab
foils and Sickles, for sale by S. S. M. .41 Son
July 8, 1847. ,
r ..
SOLE LEATHER, bought; before th e aktranee,
for sale by 8. 8. M. 4 Bong 7
July 8, 1897. I
t ..- •EC _ MONTRGSE Ao.ADEMi.: • ' 1..„.
T" -. i'
*it 'term will commence rert . 'Weunesday ,
July 7. Grateful for the`, liberal, liege 7 -
ready received; she Would' y inform
l• renal and...titer friends of education in this - itieini •,'
r that her school will embrace . the general vittem la
government and, instruction panned in the Fiiiii! ! ,
Beminarieslif Idassachnletts. ' . •
_Good &Mid can be obtained i nn A terrensonablisini
ill respectable fun Dies. ' - . ;
' ,J
_ 1i . , ill TERMS OF '.111111.031. , I.
Conupon Etkilish,Stadies, - - - . 0,30
History,:liotany, Nit. Philosophy, ChemistrY, 3,50 ,
•Piinting.ind Drawing, (Egra,) - - -3,00 i
. Mum's* die Piano; French and Latin tiil be,
ten_ghtilifdestied . • ' ' s' - -• 1,
• MontreseAeademy, July - 5, 1847. : 88w3.
' I i
.Hot : 108111.4etsup; J‘ :- I -
.Theramaidmion: tail: ';'•
•PD.I. 8 .11i81107. !at, 1 ',Maxon B.. Wilson• • .. -' p
' NV:
Rev:H lhiyg . ! . l l E l, I, N. 0 1,l Mm Bonn ql -:' .
. 1
-,.. • - 1 . '
. 1 111111 f., ' i• .' 1
4 u
r ,Ille—Tb, labitnlieiiii.liciwjiieei
Fla il
;-Lii• ir-otsinir,SUOMEß 900D8, tom 0
'llya*, Otax4Wissortment of the • ;
' •
um OladoslOlA. l # l l,7 l .W. it' , - ' ~ s' 'l
„ _ -.
. ~
.r - _, • •— , - . GING ,'rkgrlpittatim
,1:" .14
r AwNS, Just iivid, and WIT ,
.A, i rfi
, d,
. T , , :,t. • ! , .. ; ' - ' llllihnirp
1 :tlillye18117, :
- :r.,, . :•.4 1 , -. 1
.7-ple , -..i-- , :... -,. ~- , .
TO '11 4 6 i s sk t i - 4 711 )34,41811 iiO4 atia
*, 4
4t li da.itiatilTjustMaxed at. ---, -,
dotes ,gb . m. " :
ci . ::
~ , :, ------4--- 7 -j 7—:;---- 77 .2.44 7- .
A liAlkiliTY `files and dithr a t ...., —-,
~ f;
311 1 P 1847 1. 't": , ' •-'' ' -i . V 4allibtirrik
As- +-
at elerant -trtlnint, lush riTived,*.aimi . ;ctl a es . p
.1 -± - • :
AND 1110SLIS15.V-ii• iiiiionMetitSjiiit come
' •
„ HA l' ~ -. J .-0 , - :-... •=,
yl k EzzuN, r - ' dues — • , slutivi,juit ii. ,
moved sad 4
aimili it” , ',l l - • Sidisburts: `•
July, 1847.
RICH and ELEGANT Te'3ni• far only led it:
: • •Salisbafea;
JulY, 18 4 7 . :."
. .
81 1; 111 / stripe, plai and plantiAlpaca.'i
k.-Y at greitty reduced prices, ASedisbury'r I
July, 1847.
11414 tin& Ninestic , Bioidclotlis
remarkably„ow it g '
•Tult 1847. - •
CASSIMER . • •• ,
MIRENCH, Engflisit nod Inneiican fancy a n d plain
.1: . Cassimeres, O ust
_ arrived a 41.. low at
July, 1847 . , i •' • !! ,; • Salisbury's.
T 4:OAF and crushedSUGA#V at oply . la 1 . 6
Cash, at
,1 • : Salmb ur} s,
July, 1849,
Office No. 65 'south 3d #4, Philadelphia.
by the 'Patin
w, York, as if
;are Belling the
.d retail them
MR. D. I. LITTLE. having given to us , stitis
factorylrecOmmendationsps to charactr and
qualific a tions; welhave and by these Presents do ap
point him qur At it, for the stile of all our publica
tions in 'DiStrict 'Q. 72,CoMpty of, Susquehann a, State of Pennsyl, ania. and wit; hereby recommend
him to the favors le notice of Clio inhabitants of said
Is expected tutvisit the Patifilies in his District,
and furnish theini with our works at Pub li shers Pri-
Ces, and as all . r agenti baveipledged themselves
to us to do nothin th e; May hate a tendeney to de
tract from their d inky as Age* of a SOciety bar
ing for its object, e benefit of - l ithe whole coral:aunt
ty, it is hoped, t should any a gent be guilty of
any delinquency,; ffectiug his iftanding,in society, as
a good citizen and antipright Man, his - naMe and of
fence, duly'oettit;ed by respon4ible individuals, will
be forwarded tor. that he ninr be removed and
another appointe in his pltice4
A. E. WRIGHT,r Acivary.
C. E TOCiTHAKE . R, Secretary.
Attest—VM GROVES &;,Co., - -
S i nperinteedingt Agents: 55w3
11111-11 S!
cfEITEE NEW ionic' •
\: .
. .
. ,
. \
CANTO TEA COST ' ANY. has been Pop-
Tuhirli_knov : for many years. . This iithellar•
gust and oldest T Establesh4tat in America. The
public beveledull proof of their integrity. an 4 re.
sponsibility. \But such has beer' the great snitpirea—•
. sing demand for ir. TEAS of late, that, they ; have
been obliged tr\ 'e, to a great extent, their two
- principal estabh nts in No* York, Viz: • r
125 Chatii na 4.
,163 creeateich-Sal
They moreover aria fiteilithis,:in relation.tot the
Tea Trade, in i 5 very abundant: degree,. and doebur
less y,RthersTea Pincer:lm America:,
Their,scrupulous: rega4 to all;principles . that,tiend
to elevate the of a large house, savtrelljun,
derstood, - and ' already . ',seduresi them a mimeo.,
don. probably,l ' larger th ' all faller Tea Establish:
ments united, end -, ' nq th ey are determinedl
to sell Teas purer, Tore- , rest, and 'pellet for
the prices, in the aggregate; an pay•hFiuser in-the
world—China ez Pleil• '' \ I , .l 1
They respec ly-niiiie the *tendon of the initab•
bunts of. Susgise anna eountyWeir Agency in:
Montrose, where the follovein • mnents are al:
al l
ways onllatak _ they feel nct hesitation in stating,
that wherever ` a ii
r. gio trial is thad , a very , decided'
preference is giv ti:i
.the Celebra Teas of the'
CANTON TEA' ' p. - -
Er Reader make the experiment.
Retail prices a
~ follows, sibjectall cases. . to be returned. if not api sit
roved oi;:. , -1
. , GREENS. - 1
Good YOUNG II SON;... . -.1 .r.•...... 0 6 perlb.l
„1.._ (I 62k t. '
N 0.2 fragrantdm, ........ , • .... 4.. • Q - 16 4. 1
No.3veryfitiiiio:- ..'.*:.. ~'....4- .' . :..1; 00 ''' 1
Silver Leafidti.ll ..1:-•`..‘.....4 :41 .. :." 7 1t 25 - . ' :
Good HYSON:..,: . ,i • -•• •• Ji 75 _ t'r
Very.fthe'4o.,=‘-1 , • .:•..• =,,. ---rf---. -1. 00, i ''.:N
Extra'fragrant..., '.-. .
_,• • , e.., . , , . il,. 25“ 1! ~1
Good, )IYSON, 8 . ,
.it,„ . .., 4-AO, - :;,;
Gcie - 4" - IMPERLA -.::
~.4.',- —4 1, 1 5 - ~ 1 ,, 1
~ i11:00 ~ 1
...,,, t," 24 ,4 , 1, L .,
Good, ol l l gOW !A. . , . ..; I t... 7- t 6 , 75: : 4 1 ',
Fifie-- -- ..:..:d0• - • ..-' " i • 't... • -,... - .1 - ' OO l'i 1,
Extra filid :116*. ::; ::-.: * :-- r -I. * - ;25 ': ' b l l . .•,
' . BLACK.'
‘.--: ;1 ~ ...c,,, ,
No. '.l. SOUOIIO 11: ....... ;,-A —,,-.44 56 1 ..
No.' 2 do :I ..*. L .':' - `• '' -' . - •: - .Y...` .0' - 62..' •
Fiassu—il .i. , ..d0.-, --. - ,— :• , .. -- . 4.-,- ;:v..449:; - . , .7 - .: , . , .. - . , 1.75---5:.-:'
Fragrant POW 110,14.1Ria.:-..,44`,-;:;,.varicautpr!qes.
CONGO ... :- -1 : 2: .. , .r..l......variCaui pixies..
Fine 061.614...,1fi-.4J!j;:,....,2000
Very fine diki ,- ., .1:14. : -. 4 . .. : 1„4.--,Kt• •• • -415 "
Extra fine do:::r.. - :::.:.. 9 .:: :.I:4' '' 1100 It•,
l it
NINGYONG.....: . ---:-..1-,l...,.,,varieesirtiololl.
Finest ENGLIB , Cliliiiiiir./18T- 1 -. '"
TEAgvitryPekoiifirmia ft ..- • • 01•75i 1 .7. 'i
Fine ORANGE OW ' ' --'"--:=. 04624., "
Finest PBKOt OWHIPIL / :!: c.r.Vl 100 - -',“ .-•
1101VQUA, or fin !leek !helix- •:' i'-'-' , - "--'''"'
p0rted......... '. .., -.:.,::;1 7 1: - . - : - .: . -i:qi-TAXW'ru'...
Ne,plFvfdtra, AIN•b0 1 0:3 0 i#4111.0,44.4011,
ae 6 enPU 6 Plgitsti . gre4‘,Prtik, - iii Chi4; l 4i •
$1 lifilierib:"- - '-- ':'„, ':: .if... -,':...-, ~:.I, — . -
ir i xi
' '11T:tAX11::: tiol.i T 4 •A:i - -- 11 -
43 - - eteiseiise. ; .. . - .
'Ott.lll.lli'llie _ '! 110 W4III 'Bl '4' 7-...
21 140 r ip.4.04, ~-**A4ll i ti+try:i
oli y a.
660_4 proimailva•iu'itmilowit
ell-satieh PuleAe. - 10 1 ).* p05.4411451.0ths um*
ri;* OulOs. . _ voltpumplvikby4ll * •,,
pubic - .40-‘-: ' . iiithf*lPAlNl,'-ff• *nue—,
yowled 11:0ili . . I Tat ' ...: -....,
18 , 1114416 . ~; iiiiatitioili 040014 ilti :
itaial 4 . l 4 B l4 ol . asisilia,' . •
.. Mal it
kilns ji*
tlitik...: . ... , w0r.. 41 / 1. :0,01**11VOS
titys. . - f: , ": ,.- :-.:.; , '1,.
i , ~ - , . - :24. - : • : ailastitliqii4 , 4**4-''-;
t:0"r 'iiiit' -;,, _,.+ ;m
:;; ; ;:-
, - - f -
37} per if,4l.
. ... .
_7' ,., ::i''.,1:1' - ' , .: - .'-' 4l :'•, - t"-z. ,,
_ . . . ..
i.T ol :attat t Tarsa t i - Piantr; ta-likaatc ."
the lotat vahtahl trlatTaluttne lit 1 1 40 4 CF
the . 0 disedwat:,?'lt *arena' Raatent vat
into& nal& aid traiiiide Anew, .10.1 , 0 0 o ui p '',.-
*nisi= mien Rowans bag I !adprsbmileortsinr" '
sndspedforsehein. , Ends
. stfleonir tar - .
fid,*ill mod* cam dm* la- epeork..!
rnl intat'and'lnnsir'"
einlimitibstitet hotteit date: The tele ee irAp...i
dredtkof oithdren NM bassinet tataaan YitCYalWaYi' -
keep it dal /10011 resdrfoa: every rex er
-IKIWEL 'AND tilibibiEß COMlrgp : ; L A,
Dr: JAYIOI,!No. 8 South THIRD ettaat,..„,,,,,,
l i ttE ht.iPlalantse that Ida C O u t tsa l l* twak'kut*":
cureThimi.,lCoiliCs On, West ~.,/4 4 ."0 7‘ , -;,
ten Mortal', Simmer Cent 'taint's= 01311 W, , ....4 -
melds of the &mach and Bowe*
awes but of a hundred,' tent ,thasi T, ! .
time than Ann beer say othe'rineqiwal ..--- ''i
F i4c
It is toen ar tlireasant i liiti affirm Felga .
oriv: it as tor 11(1 ' 11484 1m - g
When adl ' ' lore followntid JV '
lir etTrite4l, shale ey, will be
1 , itrice 25 and 54 ets. a bottle. i 1 ''' r":;;
.2. , • - ' _ ..L.... r .., t .i_,_
. ) ANOTHER l'llXBlClfitil OPINION::-'-'111''
The foll4tgeddittoreditea r iamy in Orford Doi
Ja7 !tea Ma Mega - hal( 406 004 Y 1000 104:0001'
front P
a phyiiikkof high'standing is Isomienkie Co,
hPat- , atkoln i tit °Livia 9, 1846: ~ ,
.' b = ,
, .--.r. D. Jo e T rpear iiiir-ml ant intinattidy so:'
'Palmed widfia9ale ; of" terarstien, and iimir
sakly rec4mpend *tun. t Your ExPectorans mid
PatananteDatenn.l. I'm-alto/xi ext en t/ :iry,
own practice, Wel Xatateniihesitstingb , deal imiTik
used no article, or, «pallid* of tnedicinesohns t
have better wveered thelpurposs for which *WV
wire prem than the above; Bze.
• ;' i , W.,W; J 'MON, M. D.' -., ~. ~
a i
1 i _•, I. derdale C0,11 , 1ka." ;
i '-epare4 only jay Dr. 'WI e, Pluladelyl4.l4
roll on ' a byN. Mitchel Co., Droigistortion-1 '
tri%ee, _where, Joey , he had the me rucart.lials:Dlnif
w itmtat'ealtP fhang.o tho:lnktoa,beantiful MUM
or,pqrfectly Jet Black, with. , t staining or irrigthic,
t 4 akitt. ,
ition of •
is • .._
„•_,,, ,• !. "At.THp - - - ,s, __,
!i' ritmt t f.ogli3 . lo , lTZUßAViliim.7 ,
W lird - l t)laitP4Oitil, enl4 l 74,:;o****.
' the' LlitiOst' Store in
_the. cOutity; ! lnay , ,
be seen, trio 9f charge , a well selectedstockec;;,3
this mark° which will, he; '.:ir:.--::::,:.•
LklleEit ihaiiihe LARGrES t i, and nrre:RESt; DES '
BLE lhariAay "in e. - ; •
Up . in great:Splendor Auring e season by ; FR
SUPPLIES - from, New • York. , ' • Tho s e who le
wisb i =
purchase May always be assured of egitint theAnF'
test stylesirrat lower than ..oig: F ar k. be bought lo w
where. • We , efy cOmpetitirukin;regard,tO CtUAN ,
,Tllrk, QUALITY, and •LOW ERICES: .Ther•AlLf
amok' , that.
~..1-oroney saved, ' is ass good Se-. picoury
earned,” is almost 'as old as the invention of
itself"; but the , practice of selling good aglow
prices, firit• oilginated at the "NEW MIIiTOREO
EXCFIMIGEr_,'—a PRACTICE wide /tins pospyr.
beer e i, adopien•rhy•our coratietitora. We - .ilean ituel,;
net: to give in detail all the articles* oar.
for - Side, and would only
,add that we have ill 1e94,0
supply of , - if Rugs , '• - -,:-,,, -::'-1 , ; , :af.
Carpetink . .ji Chipet-Itiike•l
Sate Sate 'els; Conlinlk - Stoienic:
,- T ilor.:Stny!ea;'_atid.•.l-.Y.-----1
•• • • -,...
J-, r• -LIQUORS. 1. ,I , , -.P , T
.- 't*LT . AN.D . !FLOLOI. ' - •-4 ,-, .'
kept '
,ae kept 4pastaiitliori hu l l,, . Y. t he_ t _hliV . l o,
rel, at'thO lOiyest prices. lAtworo or 11.73 ,
,1 a .. - .1 ..
.i:' 7 % C ti l kii '- ' .—'
I Yelave-ThirtyCliestc- L of i l 1 deactibtiote4
.li -j .
for quality ay r ijow prices , eicel any otkitt ittliii .
,country, - the t " Tea E *Rum" int."Eiogiiiiiil'
ton not . axe teti. - ,1 1 - • , 'lr - '.-=' •!. -,.- ..,
. WEAVER.-itROTHBfffNeCO:4I-ei
formeilo B. pIVNE TT 1 '' ftßaYtit,, ,- ..
. - I\ - e.w Dfilford, J* - 17, 1847 - --' 4 - '' ''' --';-.-,
~ h, ; .2) , ::•;.: .;
.V":: -. .-;` , .
N 'ffi;s44,ooolll. .:IN K OOLo... r i ! ae f _,
:p'' - .ut the marks rice in -azuhriaki foe •
Cash-or Gubds - 7 11150 , arY ' .of,!Butterlaid eft :
Midi iifiroiktte id each ti for Goods:. - ir•Sid ff
I, -
.SEW 04:109P_51.40,%11E4r,
A ..-...,,i4„„..i.,d.'..
r tifit .6 iii * ;i l ;4li. are . 4 retiiiig, "a well'aera - q44 -
..e.'"iititek;. a - NEW GOO S ; wbich ivilr mini t
theirmwOrtin t very compl te, and they ire, deter. ;
minedixt ; ae , on tennis that' will be sitar:pi , to i
purcbiters. -T .?-11 . •• ; ' ' •-' i '--
I n
Gibsrai,ltitte..o,l.B46; I , ' S' 2' ;,.." '' ;',:-;
BONN - Eiifi
-Straw:rt-ag 110 Ot Fl 4 16c11111'
n neP 4 and
- t - I. I3 P!tkONS 05.. ;
8 s 4 OIL-1,0901111*. Wl* Lead
.011 f at t last year's -prices-.-(the price.lnis:ad4,/r ice.Inis:ad4,/
vstrbed utuairket.) PARIS CREEN-tn -
qualitYr "14* is a.aluch . hantblomer . iieett
t, Asa*
oth 4
er for
4 d - ow blu2ds, fku: ' Vint* 4 1111 11 : 14
entine, ruit4ra -- o i szo at • i
_ SLI,Oes:
ly 4laeap,also.Grind-stokiet.Co4Pialk:
el4ran, Steel, Nails, &c.'&e.. at'%7
534,10- MEOWS It-11C•474,'
: ..- , .CHEAP .DELAINS. ..
; ' 1
25 :: -: I2d to t
E°* B Ms : ti l td D itriini:
itl ,\;'''
r,..P, - '
U. BURRQWO!&: As: - i
],%' ; ,'
.. ;- ...
Cash pri.d, for- . Olt
nniirk po'unda'of - liV L rim ti 1,
0 1 ,
4511 i , Tm-F7- ed; at - did Hit Stori - , - Onei: 1
dain., above Searle's 'Rotel, foi::,whiillf-liii I ,:
bigbaatf pride...ail', be paid 'by ',- " . - ~-, 1 --, :-
4aae, 9tk 1847. ,' [ .?`Merril erril Root : !
;,:Alnylkinil. of - Par; i Bitil:k;l**ok.:3* . :
Lighi;,' . ...Palia . Leaf i giiittiiii:iiiii "iiiiir :,1
Hats •faisc Men an d -Bogit.Tek4l4lilk;L ,,..
ak ;-,„ 41 c*, WentediiindNabet Capa; iiiii 'l t '
' . lam?' iaPs "lin*, Pie .
unetl47.t & :o:.:0:.
6-,1. 1;,
~_ ~.., z...- ~ i .. 4
w. dir - 4 1 t.....„. 4 3. 4 „, 1,,,..
a iew NuireOugs,...,
- - •'.,..-.-TL',:`l'.
111 FIE aibiciibers have received their- inlaid! ,
.1„: ielett‘d tech et GOOM suitable tii. **as* '-,
onwhich will *old at pric es to snit*. Paula tie d
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