The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, July 15, 1847, Image 2

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    monstratinglhik t
, .
vinutq ye,
le'surface of
an intlammat
angiqg our he
en passed lilt° th
'' an. fil*ie,;*iil,
\ rAl
consequeully a
liable of 'di
, .
, great degree.
lischief efrectei
• of tlii-'
the r
What ifien
by taking a v►i
Banta Anna decla
peas -of Peace—
the Guerillaklefeo
adcr and Piilotn—
I -/V '
l ed Dictator a P ., rot ' -
wilier partiSalars of
' by Generals Cadwal ,
An Attack open Cad
!". —:The Ettem l : &Tic
k Gen. Scott.
1 MORE, July-7 1847.
papers contaia further
earner New. Orleans.—
ess had , postponed the
. to the 25th November,
Ina dictator. iThe.pre
nce of the capital was
character, arid it was
ck Gen Scott at three
l i e road. 1
rout of the Guerillas is
ii een most co, plete.=
surprise,, killing fifty,
is king a number of pris
l ! a man.
that Gen. 4arez, is
Puebla, and isl making
a view ttKattack and
lader. His force is re
len, and Were I increas
leder, it will e recol
with about 1400 megt ,
hear of this Mexican
. Perote. Rel will, no
• d by Gen. Pilow, who
two detachments join
: ble to force lick way
, uarters. Ge. Pillow
uerillas that ttacked
1 1
[ em to pieces, leaving
wounded. H howev
led and wound • d. A
F. to the Picayu.e under
ne 14th, that. he pros
!tiller off than :ver, and
t will be
,com i dled to
l• country.and 1. vern it
• •
walader threettene
ling the Adrjpiece
. i BAL
. The New Oklean:
intelligence by the
The Aleitican cong;
election of -Preaiden
and made Simla A
parations for "tlie de
of the most thoOugl!
the intention t 4 att , l
different pointsl on t
Gen. Cadwlader
represented to lave
Et e took the 4 by
wouding forty,,aticl
oners, without !usind
A letter also state!
between PerOtO and
great exertionsiwith
destroy Gen. OtICIW
ported to be 5000 ,
ing. Gen. Cadw
lected, left Vera Crul
and he will prcihabl •
force before reitching
doubt, halt untjl joi
bas ISOO men., Th!
ed will no doubt be
to Gen Scott's ! bead
- has also routed( the !!!
his train, in the mo !
The dragoons cut
thirty dead and fift
er lost ten mentin kil,
Mr. Kendalkwrite•
date of
_Puebla, J
pacts of peace are f
that the governme
take possession; of th
regard to th
y the New 0
Ld consistent
The Pie,ayulie,
says: ".The, news
the mostAerious.a
received for woks,
!" It is now rio lou
Scott's march Upon
puted with no itien
f° . r v l i e rinrce, at two'
i'aebla and Mexico.
becoming bold in tl
of men moving along
of obstinate resistanc
side; nor caw atty pre
from any source, unl
the old adage th'e d.
is just before diy.'"
er doubted
he r•—• —*
_.erable deterr
-apposed he wi
ifferent points
The gueriihr
eir attackstrpc
the roads. Inc
• are - rife ups
ge of peace
as there be co
• rliest hour of t.
Gen. Scott's Adv
ppese iii
atiollifi to
We do not; sha
those of our catemp
Scott's position' a v.
tossed one. liexi
to be dreaded in tit:
than it was on!the
on the heights :of G.
men who foubt
better materitillthan
lied in their teffe , ,
fought, too, under
cuinstances—iii one
rior numbers, :And
advantages of Positi
to defend a city' wh
exposed platerp—a
area—and which c
:defended -with less
no* 'Where are th
the'melting ofehu
thiii is `all
the chnich ` hu~ mhd
fob n very: ii:tins
first ey vn ma
the - caution arq the -
to than tbeirill
- w
their" !experienc
nearly all exil4 fro
arrest The Patrio
been sent no,thwa
tible:2oinonte in
capable Atoptlcria:
guard - , to Cuentaia
Lombarditii is snttrsi
ire against Sainii-A
'Ninon'moves Vvith'
;cia lives in quiet at
'the arts - of C
by olitintilitigni
ing letters azidionlei
Wirt wilitary.ineni
orlaive been ihiven
bilvelest all eetifid
tif - thittisiAnne..
,sece4ol, , leiwe lP
best troops tbst eve!
will hese vets, e
.14 1 0.04 1 4.4 1 40!*
/4 *.as
i• the ap prehe
iraries, who tb
ry perilous an ,
!,n. prowess is
defence dof tit
i Id of Buena
1 , 1 o Gordo. In
r, ose battles, w:
(those which
mate Capital.
Idle most favo
case with grea
ra the other •
I .n: ' But now t
ch lies on a 1
city embracin
.uld not be su.
than two bun.
• cannon ? W
b bells into car
IMexican gases
this sacrifice—
one—it is cert.!
.e for thin war.
, where are th
I •
1 . • 'officers?
the' capital,
td e • an t d be i l chive;
rison ; the eu ,
as • been se ,
;- Pluton is p
g bis 'snort&
na, at San Lti
prison - botinil
is hadienda"e
analizii asti;in
ninious% And hi
Near Va n,
ee'itaghe ge l
ttebbi with 12,1
4rdito I
periiiiced offi
it al'
44 011 ;
9.0 11 1#
' alcohol,;
s of the ;
0 body,:
, ry pois-
Ith to at
mud .I,IC
s news,
leans is
• e have
, —n.
rbe dia
1, ination
11 be re
too are
n bodies
/ en every
.rt in
.e night
; From the N. t
sions of
nk Gen.
Ino more
;• capital
ista, and
ieed ' the
re of far
n be ral-
able ch.-
lysu pe
ith great
ey have
'el 'and
a large
red can
e hear of
non, but
nude. If
'n Melt
int), the
But if
• soldiers
he are
I or under
rive his
us and
njng end
fi t, - 'tinder
'and • his;
; Viten
! hinting
i ( Id le
I. rs, COUIr .
ant SOP
than :1
vas! and
4 4g lif i f $
VW -
_ .
-Pub* 1 ed et.
, • 1, ..!____, ~I . 4,
Late lasi ginsereezinswireiTimtkek,
The SCcon tii'lilliCtl!")Me r_tOk'lls frea
Mexico ere vely ckelaredietory,-)iiit thhintiit
reliable moils treptaseinhat the Meticies
are pirepeting tf opposelGen. Scott's advance
to the cepitiLi If tbillie so, there will cer
tainly- beano and sanguinary , aarlaner"
Chapultipec, exicalshigo, Gaudalupe and
Penott Veijo, it is slid, are fortified, and Ilia iliferigitt it*tittt they have sixty
eanntirt. , The [gangieh Ititiotemand at these
Of* s ke !IMO! ..-Gpilenea, Graeae, Ma:
none , tire.
and Grelpirio - G. - Pillotniiiii
Th4iilley are not Ontrpasting cannon, bin
shellil' and balls and 'trill* great activity, is
certaih:' 3,- 3-: . •s' '
• • The'Monitor Reptibli6ino, of the. 18th
tile., sityelhat Alvarez, With his Indians, was
cos itierch-on that day for Puebla,' 'and
:inutile* &Haired up by the regular carat -
ItylP - The same papei intimates that the rest
of the army is also immediately to take up
;its line Of march to Puebla, and the infer
etteitis that the enemy intends fighting the
greet beide* this meighborleted. at In fact,
the' ediiiii openly comes out and says that
by this, eounie they will avoid having the
beautiful 'city of Mexico the scene of a grand
battle.' 3 ' •, t
'We •etipy • the. 'followings letter from Mr.
Kendait for the Picayune; to 'containing the
latest intelligent*:
Fuzlit.ii,Meticti, ince 12, 1847.
' TheleitY to-d9y is full of rumors and ;re
ports, some, of tkem of the 'post startling na
ture if they ;coutd be felted upon., The tito-:
ry is,tha't the Mexican; army is to, advance
upon null surronnd this place entirely. Even
the name's' of th leaders Valencia ,, Gubero,
stated with his command Lotnbardini an Alvarez - -are given. That
Alvarez ;has,
can be Aide do be, but the impression is that
liejnis gone in the : rear of Puebla—some
where in the neighb9rh9od 'of Nopiducan or
Actirto-with the hope; that he may be able
-to cutely some of the wagon trains known
to' be on, their way 'up. ; The. Mexicans are
known to have seven or eight thousand cai
4ry, and their.trueliolley would be to fight
en. Scott in the 'Opcn'field ; but he Who
edges the Mexicali! by the ordinary rules
nrhich gilern mank . nd will find 'himself mis
taken nine times net of ten—so there is no
knowing what they Ibrilf, do.
1 A Frenchman 'ho lets the city of Mexico
yesterday reports that he saw two thousand
1 tie n- busily at work upitin the fortifications
4 El;Penon. This is 4 'hill of no great size
or elevation, about nine miles this side • of
the City ! an d on thb dire'ct road, with a lake
immediately in the rev ; of it and at its base.
Another Frenchman, nird one who appears
to be intelligent, says tliat the Mexicans in
tend to snake three ocrfour stands—one be
twe.en this city and San Martin or Talons
la, where they can useAlteir cavalry, another
this side of Gaudalupe, nnd the.lnst at Gau
dalupe itself. Amid strOli a multiplicity of
reports kis hard coming at the truth, per
haps the Only way to ascertain the real inten
tions of the Mexicans at the capital is tospay
thein'a visit-with the array. _ ,
Gen. N orth's division, win, revi e w . . •- -
day, was! 'afterwards drilled, 1 ,..--' l'`ertairilY
ma e a: most ' imnatz•-ei'PTPIaY• A large
including many ladies
ne ber Of m-i^l' a,
. —flies, were prsent. The division of
gee, TWiggs is. equally well prepared for
anY I emergency ; and for one I have an abi
ding faith in these porti o ns of the army.
G-. W. K.
PUEBLA, MEXICO, June 14, 1847
For a wonder, yesterday we did not_ have
anything even in theshape of a rumor from
the City: of Mexico, nor could we learn any
thing positive of die enemy in this neighbor
hood. I saw a man, who arrived from
Atlixco, in the morning, whci said that six
hundred of the Indians of Alvarez was ex..-
.fleeted there immediktely—this was only re
port received. Atlixco ±ia eighteen or twee
, tr milei from Puebla, And not on the road
to the capital.
As yet, no one knowi when the army is
to make a forward movement. Gen. Scan
certainly will not march until reinforcements
arrive, which are now without *anion on
the way.. A delay iseertainly of more im
portance to our army ;than to the Mexicans,
for even if the latter sire enabled to , augment
their forces they will be beaten, that is cer
tain ; and then there is a strong probability
that so straightened are the Mexicans for
means that a delay of u: month will find
them diipersin,g over the country for the very
means pf subsistence,, or else cut up by in
ternal/ ' cords, Il' •
Asgirds the prospects of a peace, they.
ap i jar as distant its even A peace
patched: up at. the city of Mexico at this tine
would hardly Jest until! the ink is dry ,with
Which it may be signed... certainly not until
the AmUricans are out o f country. With
out doubt there is -a large and influential
Party ini,fiwor of it, but hey dare not avow
theuteelies for fear. of aft# consequences. I
'know not bow itmay turn up, but as I said
in aloniter letter I.( dirsiot see any other
course , thati for: the Niiited States to hold
and, retaiupossession, of the vountry--aye,
and to Orem it, t00..i Yours, , G: W K.
The tiinfiircements
.pipolten of are those
under,Cadwalader mid .;.Pillow; amounting
Ao,ovoir.three. thousand men. The , former
olust`h4ye resebed.PpeWaboOt the 16th,
the lattel' was at the ,prational Bridge -on the
, -,-Tbe. iesyune,saye: that letters have been
_reeeival se to the affitirk of "Gen. Cadwala
den which representit to have -occurred near
Ls-Hottp . abOat aorta Who beyoedialepe.
Mbe;prule of the Nexicanewas complete,
and Jetter sap :Au , 6fiyi:of them were
killed., ?Gen. C, suffered no 101e4-1111 agree.
The course pursued ,0) , CoOt, Welker to
lrardS,Almae desperadoes who fell into his
A sa d a - ig!,iigiot- to flw . - highly by
Gen.l6tt. We,iwito)weni 'hal if:Geo.
. I Coliwohidot 4:lidoptost , Wheel ~ pho and
diat,doMk: that . fall Jia*Aiikaads, but, lre
ere unable to answer. '; .-cl, , • , •- •
*- 1 144 1101 .{bat.Sintai4illallas attained
Ato 4 1 4 , 04:Periit'uDictoortiy. ;the arrest
of al fra**lisaial aC tech 'smash
its are fliiiI*;;400,10014: :so& .Ahe NM
4 0, 0 11 ,10 106 ,MG9Uiadi,eillf to
poititOSOASCUllitig , 44411,401 i;
iz ar
A•mi, int Ow 16Aquatasy int,: ' 14tb
Piz , * 10 1
**,4 1 0•0•0 - '49.00:: -- Aima
ProciPloomm , toowirp,osol . for
tha : .(o*Saing-tfiAla,
-lat *
Aiittlr mod . ~...1)1,4* in.
&ay it at ilkitialisali 4 l4*:4 2 ,i
piiisp" , ..fi_taiklovstiggiinc..o , froirporw
14440*,•wrook,to r , siskochipo;,et
g0g0...8.-**oweittrica s-coitiva Ice
tellettthe capital, and thM ja f14,1"4
the `I
iPtolleg Sthoca4.
IJOS. BOYD, rimmenes.
••• . .
'eVnilibe' Pies, be i)le'irighbi maintain,
ed by influence. and nnbnled by gain."
Fos ooviarwa;
of Allegkesy co.
1110111118 LONGSTRETIL
, of Montgomery at. •
For Governor,
of Cesare to
Canal ,Commissioner,
of Cumber/and co. r
I T See prospectus for a new volume of
the "Democratic Revieiv" in another
FO P We acknowledge the receipt' of
"Brcksvood's Magazine," for May—one
of ;he best periodicals in the world. The
AmOrican edition is published bY Messrs.
Leonard Scott lc Co., It 2 Fulton-street,
Net. York, at $3,00 perlinnum. '
Hon. Addison Gardner haS resigned
tkte ffice of Lieut. Governor of New York.
I Foreign Views.
he Steamship Caledonia arrived' atßos
ton last week, bringing 15 days later intelli
gen4e from Europe. The
_price bf bread
stuq's was still on the decline, and cotton
had, jadvanced.
•Ii appears that the Brittanis , of : the Can-
ard line, hence, bent the new Bremen steam
er, Washington, from New York, the Britan
ia arrived at Liverpool on the 13th, and the
Wi4ington arriving off Calshot Castle, Isle
of Wight, on the 15th. •
lii Parliament on the , Bth ult. Lord John
Russell stated that he proposed ui suspend
the Inavigatioa laws and the duties on the
importation of corn on the Ist March, 1848.
- In .the house of Lords On the 4th, on mo
tion of Lord Montengle, a select committee
.. - i
wail granted to 'i nqu i re into the question of
Irish emigration,
th ere , mats ih v ir air Robert Peel may
—.14 be called to power again to take up the
emigration subject.
The arrangements fOr a monthly mail to
Nei- Orleans are completed. '
Acc'prding, to the provisions of the election
law! in Pennsylvania, the volunteers from
this';State, now in Mexico, will ; have the
priv/lege of voting for State officers, at what
eveti place they maybe stationed, on the
sectind Tuesday in October next. The
Captain ' and Lieutenant of each company
act :as Judges and Inspectors. In the late
mar, With Great Britain; Pennsylvania vol
unteers held elections in camp, at Baltimore,
andicamps Shellpot and Dupont.
mai RIVER IstritoveatErrrs.—Co . l. Benton's
lettkr to the Chicago Convention was read
at a public_meeeting last week. The letter
is ant_yet published, but the St. Louis Un
ion *rays it takes the Western Democratic
.grolind on the subject, and gives a full and
clear analysis of the power of the General
.Gcnteinment over nves and harbor improve
ments. . The doctrines for which he eon
lend' are those laid down in General Jack
son% Mayirville veto—that the improvements
mtuft be natinnal, not local. In this he coin
cides, not only .with General Jackson and
Mr Van Buren, but with Jefferson, Medi
soul and Munroe. There are predictions
made in the Western papers of discord at
the :Convention.
413,PL'BLICIAN1831.--8091011 will not allow
any ; distinction to be made between the
Pattician councils trod Plebian People. The
former erected a number of seats on the
ecininion fortheir faMilies and friends to oc
Cup' during the diiplay of fireworks._ The
"f- udders" would- not stand it, and, the
Ka or, to prevent a riot, ordered the seats
Mir taken down. The people of Boston
harp but little respect for the fatliCra of the
kriontsa Reounarriox.H-The Secretary
of Thr: has , made — anmiler requisition on
Los4isiana. The present one, just received
by rcrrernor Johnson; isfor two• companies
of mounted gunmen: The scene, of, their
duti is to be Vera Cruz and die'eniirons.
C? '"We have examined, with ;pleasure,
a miry *Mk entitled" State Book;of Penn
alig., for the Mar 4 sehoph and &nu
' lies.. by Th. 11...turrowiLi' This is a
whieb,itu , been mud!
_needed , try' our .
Mon , Seboals,‘ einbridier; =; as i t a
ucinct, accurate and 'Plain iiiiterWeirt Of
".° I g !°1:-' ir eci g! N lh y 0 - "P° gr! 0 7 • !!! 0 _ or
e" fad:: atiities. 4. or : 8 4* -*G.' BA'S'
row*, is extenaivelt an d favorably, !known
I.*" Cdfalieweeldulo ftuViide;
fil . ..l'f.rlin!i':V-P°liiiiii':idie4":''—'
Tiii, *44 4 toi;4 .-r* . 44 , 7,i0. - # l . thil
d r
I t r
,r4m4y; ill• liPi*o f ' Ii r
e4r 2 a - *,. - In
6401 0 11 4; 4 01. Xlid
wo libidos mut. p • ! ~. ••••E .-- ( ' 3•::'. : 4. A',
. ,
Us ANNUAL. 4TALOG • OP i lscciparrris
on the th 4 2
;colitmeincei Ili , eat, as,On the
piense4i e_yea - M,,siitlt' deplMabie-instanims
of the fatalresult of cniOloisliens 'lni iniPit
denee. ' Iroyln Twe hely 4 Man was; killed
by the bursting lot a canonise It' Schenec
tady another haikkis• by the
same cause. lii Richmond, Va t ' , John M.
Brown was shot in the head ;with a ;'bullet,
from the gun of one of the prays, which, by
some carelessnesi, was loaded with ball car
I The Cambria sailed; from Boston for
Liverpool on Thornily with 116 passengers.
The British Minister, Right 'Hot): Richard
Pakenham, was mong dui passangeTs.
Subjoined fie att ably written article from
the Cincinnati Signal, relati*e to Genf. Tay
lor end his prospects as a Cabdidate for the
next . Presideney, and the reply or old Rough
& Ready to the article, whiCh the editor of
the Signal suit '
If this letter is genuine, and we have no
doubt but it is it places the hero of Buena
Vista in a new light before' the American
people. He avows his determination not to
:permit himself "' l to be the clindidatelof any
party, or yield to , party schemes:" This is
precisely what might have I been expected
from Gen. Taylor, and if he i is really desir
ous of filling the )iigliest offiee in theworld,
it will readily be perceived that the line
of policy which-he has marked out fdr him
self in view of his selection 'as a candidate
for the Presidency, is on a par with his
whole military career—ever laying hip plans
deeply and correctly, and following them to
a triumphant success. It might be doubted,
if Gen. Taylor consented to become the can
didate of any one party, ivbether he could
be elected; but if, as he says in his letter,
he yields himself to " the spontaneeui ac
tion and free will; . of the nation at large," it
would be difficult to find any one whO would
be willing to risk', a defeat by entering the
lists as his competitor.
In the present state of the public mind,
the principles which Gen. Taylor may avow
in matterrof national policy, will in h great
measure be lost sight of in the universal
shout of admiratiqn and applause forttlie he
ro who always conquers; the mass• A. the
People taking it Or greeted, that the man
who perils his life for his country, and the
mind that can Conceive plans under the
most difficult circanistances that never,
will serve them as fattbfially, honestly and ,
successfully in one post as another. The
fallowing is the article referred to from lie
We perceive, in various quarters, the nnm
ination of General Zachary Taylor ,ffiri the
presidency. So far us such a demonstra
tion is the mere transport of military enthu
siasm, or the trick of political faction, it
would be unworthy of notice; but we' think
it.evident that this movement of they' public
mind has a much higher charactCr, and
growl out of a conviction that Gen9ral Tay
lor has displayed an energy and wisdom of
cuudlict, and a modesty of demeanor, which
are as requisite to, the deliberations of a cab
inet as the plan of campaign. It iva great
mistake to suppose that the people are blind
ed in their politiCal preference§ by the bare ,
fact of military achievement. /It ,Was the 1
popular impulses and the stern honaity of,
Andrew Jackson which arromied the sym
pathy and trust of the nation .4 and we pre
dict that whatever skill or. sucess May at
tend the march of General Scott to Mexico,
he will never excite the attneliment or cofi
dence which follows the hero of Buena Vis
ta. We are not seprised, therefore4bat ar
dent spirits are calling for/the sword!of Sen.
Taylor to cut the perdia t t knot of political
intrigues. But it is a far. different question
whether his name , and (lime shall be made'
an instrument of mere
, Partisan warfare.—
In this respect, there-isia distinctioni which
we are confident. General Taylor i will he
among the first to i perneiye and ace upon,
and which we hope to illustrate in the few
remarks that we feel constrained to make
in reference to existing and future agitation
of this subject. ; / i
What an euviatle rank in the eyes of the
world, and the heirits of his countrymen,
General Taylor now holds ! ShoUld:- he
return from thefields of the Rio Grande
and the heightsoff the Sierra Madre, with
what, affection and respect would; he 'be
greeted by • men i of all parties I Himself
never a politicia -.- content in
the quiet dis
charge of duty d the enjoyment ofrlomes-
tic life—and white prompt to meet theindi-
an foe, in prairie or 'everglade, and to stand
byte flag of,the country, when advanced',
to a foreign frennitir, yet devoted, (wall ac
toonts represent him, to that hotrie and
family; in thel t bosom of which the
. intervals'
of his life, thtis far, have passed peacefully'
and happily4we confess that our impres
sions of Gen. Taylor are suchAbat wa should
not be surpli 41 if be firmly disregarded ev.'
ery acclam atio n which connected his name
with Abe pre idency. Should he .do I so," he ' 1
jeopards no no thi ng of the present cape; 1 1
of popular asor—may„ more, he. ' - es in
stant , yank ith Washington, as an ;uncon
scious but eloquent preacher..f the highest mrals. How much more.enviable
such a desti ny for the evening, of hill days,
than to,c t the mantle of his.military.fame
and print virtues, over the . excesses and
corrupti s which disfigure thtt.-Pattir ~Pollt
ics of the d ay ;!,
, o ,lle ii no fr iend toieputa.
0 ; 1
tion of G . Taylor who. would, that; Seek io
reatriat • ;applause .- or the ..', whole; coup.
try , to *of/Merano' clamor , :4a party, ;
Still, a citizen Oa free , publie, Ge .
..Taylor' inthelanditotthe 4.Tenio4O peo
ple,, and we.caa TeldilY imstnek condo !
getter in which It- Would beco m e his duty -to
assent the Owned ,at the coquiry,, nnd ask
sated resPOnfib il iiiii, of political jite.-..
i d
Itittk, ' ba lila Fallaicitiew. of thca*atry ?
out ofth" .ar]thatoUt'orotheo 4 epltenOthich
Ildllr.lian h im. ber! Man .kis., rank 4: : ,,his
Oreside, ' At mum* such . a. ca/l. as *mutt ,
lett.NV _ follten to forgo.: the retirement of
Ifeaat Amnon—unanimous, -disintetested,
tha.iti of the people, not tli* fittuaft. Or
politici 1.. We believe that it is in: Gen.
Tayloi's power, - at this jtinct re of t e as- .
tional poliiies,ito, take. listii*D , ENT iiitpurai,
and the-Paksips* 4s.THErz4pLE!
Our tuirpeit of him ;or or tiny other !;man,
shall-ie.* bepledicil itiirdeance kf 41 full
knoWledgh \ if • principles and views, with
which he !would assume that responlnble sta
tion ;- but we mity be allowed, as atillinde
pendent journalis t to indicate some r r )f the
signs of the times which Point to the #'esult
just mentioned. ' \ : , .
stit H •
- ' ,
1. The Ipresidential-da veils ofl is' in
alter confusion.. Antong.;he Whigs, tains
burg. Meeting, n o minates ' ittdge MeXieani
who is al understoOd lobe e)geneial ratio -
be of his arty' in the northwesitTn Bates ;
the antiw , r spirit isf New Briglatid\mid Bre,
Western Reserve indicates its - preferistici for
Senator GrOwili ; the southern and iblddle
States Cheri sh *fancy for Scott, wiri4 duly.
requires n victory at Peisite to mani fe st it
self; white as an undercurrent, deeper at
perhaps stronger than AL, is the ehlvalr c
feeling inbehalf of Henry Clay, n'ovilnte -
sifiediry the death of his gallakt/ - son, a d
which n u yet determine the sbkpe Cif ,the
conflicting elements. Thedemocratt,are in
a conditicin equally - chaotic.,' lii :the? west,
Gen: Cads has many and irhrm friends;
Mr rhlhclun, with his conipact and disei
plined botly-anard, stands ready to make his
presidents ] fortune, or mar c hat of other as
pirants in the democra c ranks; 1 Silas
Wright, if the New York /reverse h d not
occurred,? would have be n promierit n the
field, is still 'the revisit of many ; while ',
quietly at Lindenwold sits the statesman of
the party; who will piobably 'never again ,,
join the ptplitical melee; but might priiv i h more:
available in a strict party trial than Imany
men whole names s i re frequently herd irt
the prefient connexion. In the general
confusion, an apprehension prevails that the,
election will revert to the House of flepre
sentntives--a fesiilt greatly to be deplored ;
and hence the/ popular impulie,-I*hich .
chooses to adjourn the strifesof parties and
the struggles of their lenders, while the., coun
try takesibreath under the administnition of
2. A circitri stance that may lead lito the
election dr even. Taylor, by a sort of accla- -
minion, is Abe fact thdt the pride of a nte re
spective lollies would thus he saved4neith
er uuthorlzed to claim a triumph, and neith
er suffering the ignominy of defeat. 41 long
intnmae between Mr. Clay and.Getl. Tay - -
e — p
Jar rec neiles the whigs to tholitickal or
thodo yOf the latter, although Gen. 'aylor
is sai not to have voted for many ! years ;
while - Mil. Polk, who is, and has hen, .as
we hre 'authoritatively informed, eirtii•ely
free from any intention or wish. for
terin of service, may still be gratified to
yield hisl . seat -to the successful geiheral of
the Mexican war—closely indented as
ghat war is with success of his administra
- s. The above considerations are shbordi
nate, however, to the principles which are
involved:in every presidental canvass:- The
country. has been divided for fifteek years
upon ma st exciting topics ;. and ifGeia. Tay
lor, immediately upon his inauguration as
President, was constrained to adopt either ex
treme, the consequences might be fatal to
the sircriess df his administration 4 It so
I happens, however, that the results 4 Mex
ican hostilities will remove many if those
pinta of collision—at least for- a few years.
A debt of one hundred millions indOce the
necessity of a tariff, sufficiently advaheed in
itstrates to satisfy New Einglaad and Pensyl
vania, acrd at the same , time, Will' Preveht
I any distribution of proceeds of ther public
lands. , We cannot suppose that dial whigs
will agadi urge a Bank ofthe UnitediStates,
and Congress will insist npon a fair trial of
the independent treasury, removingbameof
those impracticable restrictions whit i have
embarraised the fiscal action, of the govern
meat, ard:l arc an annoyance to indfiliduals.
So far, therefore, as the past contests of the
respective parties are concerned, an aflminis
twine composed of the • leading minds of
all'Parties, and supported by thewhdle pep-
plc, is nut only practicable, but may redound
to the highest interests of • the whold coun
try. ,1
15 '
Only on nne condition, however? 'The
executive must no longer insist apt))) legis
lative influence. There are 'questibni ap,
proachng, which the people musts 4 . allow
ed to settle in their own way, mithtut 'the
interfeterice of executive patronage r pre
rogative.: The old political issues t h ey e be
postpoheil under the presure Of'circiltninan
ces , 'and as for . the new-;-those orning
events which cast their shadows beforelet
it'be u'oderstoodithaf the only path of safety
f orthoko who may hereafter 'fill the presi
detital once is to rest in the dischirge of
executive fun - ctions, and let the 14slative
will afflict people find utterance apd en.:
ae.tmenz The American people arc about
to asuene the responsibility of framing
the ins titutions of the 'Pi cific Statei. We
have no rears for the kssue, if the' ajena of
the high 'debate is the assemblies of the peo
pie .an t heir representaiie halls. .the ex;
tensio over the continent 'beyond the 'Rio
Grand of the ordinance Of 1787 is aii object
toorhi i andpennanenttUrbe briffled'h7 pres.
ideate vetoes. All dint we ask of Ilthe in.
cutnbe f,of the highest of tree underthe con.
stitutio i 7is to hold his h4nd;`td bott - to' the
will of he people xis proMulgotedin/egisla.
dye fo i 4 and restrain the executive action
in its'n riropriate
. chuanls'!'' Givelitis''an
honest tulminiSitation' ofq
,the government,
and an end to all .catials!of a ctibiekt= l -all
iaterfe , rice from the ' W ite 11Ottie" ! --,des.
d t
linee Sway or tart the- ctioi - ofilitiiktner.
ken ,
people. If sualVsiM 'hefty "anti; utteg
rity'shitiu(d guide the ad . nistration_tifGen.
r i
Taylor the north and 'reit would yield to it
a wa supportland a befirtyapPrckel. '' .
IWe tiye said all on this , subjeetlwhich
the `pre pt' developthents 1 1 0f,PUblie opinion
* remit!' Att - nther 'seettes - _un. l r
old; we: r shall
seek to hioaicleiheat wit, ' fitir,indefelndent
'cjimini tr Meanwhile , ' we hidel l;Th
meat o the waters, heldie our ceihimbs and
otirltall ilto' be disposed :. o ticeoidiet our
scale o '4", es evict:gin, •eitofthis.iiiiii all :
tither , questions arise:- -' , '',;- , 4.' -,1 ,1-' J
MN 1 4itor of. the , Si gnal' baying:PO.l4
tir t 6 Geri. MAYlei• le ;re*,
ie lette! th . '„repty.
, 3 Ties'
1t1i411)111i1r4 - ', 11:Icireeft ' bj
leidic,`,rele? Yet" ,t' 31 '
aibt of h i s genuhtes‘ii ! Iti
le*y-..lrithlellt-his letters
and with tee oficatoie
Lizanst g an tkiti , 'Aiftwi o7 : o6 ilurifiki . 4 2
eatnii ifenilloriteitiy, May B, "SO. f
, Sir: I i have thelkkuni to a4nowlelige the
receipt/ f your : letter, dr the' enclosure of
your ' 'tonal, extract , - from the, ',Signal,"
of th 43th APril.' , l: 'l ''l' -
thin. time,
„tay4tdifie defies ebnitittad
so fully my,* attention; that it isimptissible to
aoiwer! yotirletter in" thii:teilnir demanded
by. its CourtelY, - ,and thn ititpOrtinee if ;-the
sentiments to which ii , lludes; neither,- in
, eed t have j the thie f should-I feet istr,lf
at liberty, to enterloto" the lfet :nOd indif
general stibjents'Of Ti
titilii:lio 'icy i t itigetirtiii
by the article in quelniiii., y own person;
al views are betteririthbeld 'All the end of
the war, when py„nsefiiinetil as ' al military
chief, serving in thh-field againstlthe com
mon enemy, shaltildlaireer he corhPromile4
by their expression , oil tfiscusision in. any
manner. 1
• 1 , ,
From many sources tihave' be e n address
ed on the subject of therPresidenCy t and I
do violence neitherito ntyself nor: to my po
sition as an officer in the army, by,pekdoWt ,
edging to you, as - I have done to all who have
alluded to the use Pf my name in this exalt- -
ed connexion, that my services nre ever at
the will and call of my country; tind that r
am not prepared td say that I shall millet if
the country calls-nie to the Presidential of
Lice, but that leani and shall yield' to nonalli
that does not norne. from'- the spontanedus
action and ftei will of the "nation at large
and void of the, slightest agency of my : owii,
For the high honor and responsibility of .
such an office r ' tlike thi occasion to say ?
that I have not the slight6st aspirations; a
much more tra nquiland satisfactory life, after
the termination of my present duties 4 awaits
me, I trust, in the Society, of my family and
particular friends and iit the occupations
'most congenial, to tmy. wishes. In no ease
can I permit myself td be the, candidate of
any party, or yield' myself to party schemes.
With these remtirks," trust you will par
don me for thus briefly replying toyou, which
I do with a high opinion and decided ippro
val of the sentiments embrated in your edi
torial.- 1 ' - ;
'With many wishes for your prosperity in
life, and great niefulness in the sphere in
which your talents and, exertions, are em
barked, I beg to acknowledge myself most
truly and respectfolly, your obedient servant,
Z. TAYLOR, Maj. Gen. U. S: Army.
Jas. W. Taylor,'Esq., Cincinnati, 0..
- . )
We intimated'.in the Advocate of last
week that we were disposed' td leave-the
great and momentous question, whether Gen.
Irvin did or did not vete in Congreis to tax
tea and coffee, to the editors Ort e " Regis
ter" and "Democrat," who hav e taxed; he
patience of their readers with discoss*gthat
question and blackilkaliing each c herlitnillir
'•- _2. -
buck as we. can remernber'_;-, ai .: ing - read
but little of the crintrkiversy . bet Agn? - ... l those
worthies, we scarcely know wha they
been driving : at--icertainly it ockaqiuf re
, •
quire so many Words to prove whether A
representativA said .11 yea,' or ‘ nay," on
a certain questio4 Relieving that our rea
ders were satisfied in their ow minds on•
the 'subject, we hid not thought it neeessa r
; ry to say anything, but a friend has
set upon us with the followingcoinmunica
tion and extracts; which, though 1" muck
ado about nothing," : we willingly publish;.-
merely adding. that ':tea and coffee wok
save Gen. Irvin atithe polls; , 1 ' -
• . - 'Ol. the Peoples' Advocate:
Mr. BOYD :—I hel l eve the " ,eople's Ad
vocate" professes! to pursue, au impartial
course relative td the two, candidates for
GoVernor. This Course, iniview of• all the
i . -1
circumstances under ) which the Advocate
was started, is perhaps fair and ifroper ;And
yqur remark that /oil "leave the question
whether Gen. Irvin voted f o ra !tax on tea
and coffee, or net, to the :' Rlister' and
' Democrat,'" is of course consistent with
that. policy. It knight be imprOper, there
fore, to ask the inAertioa in your; columns of
anything ofensively assailing either of those
candidates, or anything that wou ld involve a controversy You wish to Avoid. Itut
when one of them is lassailedlwith charges
extensively - circulated, designed toinpre
him amongtgose Whe do not sea_ both sides,
and those
_promulgating the charge dogged
ly-conceal from their readers , .positive and
directlesthriony: to exculpate: the . accused,
Would it not he both ;consiktent !With' your
impartial course and i subserving the cause
of ,truth and justice, tck- permit iihb insertion
of a few brielextrifetslof suchldcuzsentary
evidence in the ck:fineicte ? Your, paper is
widely circulated in this county among both
parties, us well. nit,- among those • Who are
comparatively- five( from. party influences, .
and the extractsl_ProPose, simpli in the de
fensive, must meet the approvaliofia large
portion, of your patron without givingjust
cause nrcitrence to kai , . ', .l ---, -
1-propose,theit,htiefly to state time
made . against Geo.fliViii, that hellcat in fa
nor of taxing tea: and cofee in the Tarifftf
1842, and togive the subjoined documenta
ry evidence to \show ',whet wee kik course on
this subject, while tin-:Congrese, 'and Joao
your readers to decide far thewatehrmwhetir
er the charge.•was,irue or not. il:bacharge"
was made early -in : the campaign; ; and ii
still pertinaciously adhered to) by some . ; of
the papers Apposing him in spinkof this revi.
dance,- which:they-- carefully; conceal: ; horn'
their' readers.;:; Nor proof is offered litat , le
ever 'advocated or:voted , directo,,*.put such ,
a tax on these 'Articles !into ,theillatiffi, bat'_
•it is:alleged 3 hei'he 444scri,l4call, ths' be
was once,-)absent when4l-k i Ottilketts, taken to
reduce the'duly franr ; . ;- o's. ' - ccat.,on
.. articles not otherwise-prov cledfo • eleeog
which it is asfertedr.that : ,tataand•.c free wore
,incitid4,,thOugli;l-4.-.l4,,iiioned„. Th eft , i t
is eizerd,:res!
.o#o , : hiktretodlOgilt, g un g e
of one .Taritf pgombiltaintil#oll,thesii
erlieles,-(jvhiehkf:Abei ,way, is ,IwelY.P- •
ortid, , : thouo,eipp, proved by .the l Yeas and
nays :from : oe jourtaid,)lbut allowing for ar
gonient)? eake.thi4lbiee allegatianl i arn- true,
thOy.prori-w444l4i, : ho : Wast really - • 3 ,
Amor of
such. taw,lttat,merek atfor4iresionOkw evi
-1 dance :On - o* - , , ehaeo o olof lin.t ; intsicifio w „ the
,contrary,) th at lo's was ' tcomporatiill -Wit
fereq-ab94l;Ate;-_Mallsketfr9tilbat, t:was
more tinwioitslopeowte thol l ariFiiii al *hole
than Itkdokot:;oiat'lni eilkti4lein-iii.-it,,,-
This it Ole substance 4Droll',Weihis been of
:ftwettliot writi 344 charge,
_,-..-1 =- I , ;-' ,
Wairt s , anyfurther: Mattrits, ',merely