The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, July 08, 1847, Image 1

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    People') lbuoiatcy
• CI)
•n the wear aide tlf the Public Avenue.) ,
DOLLAR year in advance. .
liar Fifty. Cents if not paid within three
if delayed until after the expiratiolkilf
o dollars •
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to the Nil
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be Prisone for Debt.
ny . j.
on hint --through hits dungeon -grate
ly and ad, the 'morning light
stealing round him, dim and late,
fit loathed the si ht.
ing on his straw) bed,
ads upholds his moping head—
oodless cheek is 'd and hard,
his gray, negl ted beard ;
l'er his bony fltrte flow
dishevel'd loc of snow.
•ffis b
-lis 1.
i eful fire before liim glows.—
iyet the winter's breath is chill;
y'er his half-clad person ales
frequent ague-thrill!
: ve ever andnil, ,
d balf-murmer a d half-groan,
apart the painfu grip
old sufferer's b ed lip
e l i
and crushing is t e fate
age chain'd and-desolate'
A. to
Of th,
0, sad
Of of
4ilon ! why lies tha old man there !"
orderer shares hi. prison-bed, '
leye-balls throng his horrid hair,
n on him fierce nd red;
e rude oath and heartless jeer 1 .
rer on his loathino ear,
rin wakefulness r sleep,
Nerve; flesh, and fibre t rill and creep, ,
c i
Whene'cr that ruffian's ing limb,
-bn'd with murder, touches him !
ha= the gray-hair' prisoner done ! •
miir 4 ler staked li hands with, gore t;
Ins crime's a fo lei one ;
And t
Fnil c
( rim*
What 1
Not scl
Gob's ie the old man[poor ! .•'
For thik he shares - a felopl cell=
finest earthly type f hell !
For thi—the boon for wbich he pour'd
iris yoting blood on the 4warler's sword, l i
And coasted light the fearful cost—
llis blobd-gaint'd liberty Is lost!
And so fdr such a place t hf rest,
Old risoner, pour'd thy biota-Las rain
(In Co cord's field. and Bunker's crest,.
And uratoga's plaint
Look I rth, thou man of many scars,
Furoue thy dim dungeon's iron bars ;
It must be joy, in 000th, to see
Yon m
nun.ent* upreared to thee—
Piled b tire and a piasowesdl— 1
The l d repays thy service well !
the bells and fire the guns,
'ing the starry banner out;
Freedom !" till your lisping ones
back their cradle/shout :
,ted eloquence declaim
r,.1 , ; , ,rty, and fiune ;
11. poet's strain lie heard„
for each second word,
rylh:ng with breath agree
4 our glorious Ihbeltty!"
(3 r
Let b
it but c
St:li lc
Ind et
T, pm
I rn the patriot earlncrn jars
rison's cold and Floomy wall,
l ough its grates dye stripes and stars
n the wind, and .•
e that prisoner's itg.,e•cl ear
in the general cheer ,
e his dim and failliug eyA
I •
lea at your pageantry-7
l ing of sonl, and chain'd of limb, !
I , your carnival to him?
P-joice l
'ls kind
What k
l 'ith the law that binds him thus!
orthy freemen. Ipt.' it find
e from the withering curse
d and human kinil !
e priloner's living tomb,
icr from its inloixfing gloom
rims of your savage code,
free sun and air of God!
er dare as crime io brand •
tening of the Ahnighty's hand.
Hill Monument. I
I , .
filis C el lanD s
\il ref '1
Of G
'Open 1
And n.
The i
To the
No lon
The c
• 13cmicer
From the bemocratie Review.
At no p• riod in the history of our nountry
inle, we h d occasion to' congratulate our
selves mu e on our national prosperity, than
the'presen In, the midst of war, we have
'increased , a wealth .•,, with diminished taxes
burl reve ue has augnseuted. War, that
great Baia s ity of nations, scarcely touches ,
us 'with 'it withering effects. It seems to be'
but anoth r sphere of enterprise to our dar-j
me population, and' a means of distinction
lo our gallant soldiers. It is a war, not of
•oti; owns4eeliincr, and in which the admin.
cl ,
istration has engaged with 'great reluctance.
It is a wajr, produced by the vanity of our
enemy, and his utter depreciation of out
cheracter jand resou roes. 1 ' .
. :
/rhe 14exicans, but a few months ago
looked upOn us with the same supercilious
pride wit which the people of the continent
of Europ were once in the habit of looking
on ?the E glish :— as at nation of shop-keep'-
Cr% more fit for tape and bobbin than for
military e terprise. W 4 had to show' the
Wxicatis that a people, without being milk.'
tar'', ma be warlike ; bat martial boating,
dogs not onsist in the itching and
,canna s.eri•rnare ing of liveried 'tkiir' t . inets.
The exicans are . no undeceived in re
gatd to o r national qualities ; but they at
ai r
twin eons quince, with th e hatred of wound !..
ed',self-lo e ; they 'rould , try to avenge th eir
battle of eipsic , at Buena Vista , and iheli
11 1
Waterloo defeat at Cerro Gordo, 'and' the',
military adventbrers of Mexico would playa
patriots; but they- cannot rouse the„ bettep
Port of the population An any reaPeol.44
ihinv Of , esiitaute. 'Die Mexican patriot
who take up arms in detinee of biactitintri
mtist be aid, ..ana'the imminent itai - ini
, . ,
....4.. .1 ' •
4 Thee inc haftinnitl .. 01:(1;;Iitlined i n
i t on l Art
cl 4 touchi A the inteetioatikkiseAdiniais t (? .-
vo*ds. Ade , ioay beseliaii 'MIAs stialyvedstact;
hating tied us at' the litett'toornent from .S
source at ashingtos earatlod to oat. most'ionsplet r e
Publishpre, ufi
VOL. 2. NO. 4.
eis with the-of
money ; the purveyors of provisions, the ar
morers, the manufacturers of gunpowder
want to be paid, and the government has no
Money. The President of the Republic,
Santa Ann*, is himself a fugitive, surround
ed only by A military mob, without disci
pline or organization, and he, too, entreats
t h e government to Send him money ; but
there is none - •to be ,had in Mexico. The
mere mention of forced loans has buried
private capital ; all kinds of business is
brought to a stand, F liibor itself' has become
worthless, and the means of supplying the
empty national coffers with the property of
the clergy, have proved utterly inadequate
to the emergency. Money, like wafr, finds
its level everywhere. It does low the
attraction of patriotism; it seeks a profita:
Me investment ; and the Mexican bankers
are more willing to advance loans at 6 per
cent., to the officerS and commanders of our
army and navy, than to their own govern
ment. • • .
The last resort of the men now in power
iii Mexico, is to lash• the fanaticism of the
Indians into frenzy; and where are men to
lead them 1 and by what means are they' to
by supported and armed 1 A giierrilla war
fare has been proclaimed, and pOrtially com
menced ; but what does it .amount to, and
hbw is it to be maintained 1 The Mexicans
can only organize, or rather gather together
hbrdes of highway robbers and midnight as
sassins, who are quite as dangerous, (if not
more 50,).t0 the well disposed of their own
country, as they are to our troops, or rather,
Mules and baggage-wagons. They will in
fest the public highways, and in iiefault of
American booty, prey upon their own coun
trymen. They will prove to the good peo
ple of Mexico, what privateers prove to the
trade-of their .own merchants,—a school for
pirates, who will continue to harrass their
ventures, and tax their navigation, long af
ter the .cause which has called them into ex
istence has been removed. ,
And what have the clergy to expect from
thus introducing anarchy into the state 1—
Will they afterwards be able to
.inaster the
wild passion for murder and plunder which
they now invoke in the name of the Divine
Mediator'? Will they strengthen the church
by the blood which they cause to be shed to
no purpose, tint to render the humiliation of
their country more complete, and to perpet
uate the iniltiary despotism, that is the cause
of oil the misfortunes which have -he'lillen
Mexicol The priesthood must necessarily
comp i rebencl;the magnitude of the prininks
here at stake ; and if the priesthood wire to
overlook them, the hierarchy—that p!pet
uator of 'church diici One—would , u hder
stand the true interests of religion and mo
rality too well, to plunge into so fatal a de
But the IMexican clergy has no cause to
dread the presence of our troops. Their
places of worship have been held sacred by
our commanders end soldiers; their priests
have been respected, and Gen. Scott, now
Commandet,in-Chief of the army of Inva
sion, has himself had a favorite' daughter,
who finished, her earthly career in a Catholic
convent. • The Catholics are a large and
prosperous sect in the United States, and the
Catholic citizens of any part of Mexico that
may come under the dominion of the Uni
ted States, would, in every respect, receive
the same treittment as those of .other States
of the Union. The Mexican hierarchy will
be made to understand this by every possi
ble means at the disposition of this govern
ment, and receive every reasonable pledge
of the religious fulfillment of our solemn en
gagements to that effect.
Anocher'rea_son why- the organization of
guerrillas will.bunternjed with insurmount
able obstacles, is to be found ill the prosper.
ous condition of that portion of the Mexican
territory which is nave under the military
dominion or the United States. Wherever
our victorious arms have been carried, the
arts of peace have followed theiu. Instead
of destroying, we have built up commerce ;
instead of impoverishing, we have enriched
the country with. our enterprise 'and our
wealth. The pitching of our tents proclaim •
ed the reign of law and order ; and the
,wateh*ord of our sentinels was " protection
to life and property." In vain may the an
nals of histoiT be searched for a similar war.
It was not the Goths and Vandals invading
the fertile plains of lan educated people ; hut
the piOneenti of civilization exploring a coon
try of boundless wealth, teaching and per
suading as they went on. This, the more
enlightened 'ache Mexicans already feel and
understand, 'though their pride may prevent
them from publicly acknowledging it ; and
'hence the little response, on their part, to the
impassioned: pall " to arms !"
But while it has been, and still is, the
steady policy of our government to avoid
whatever relight unneessarily displease or
exasperate the Mexicans,—while we have
subsisted our army and navy from our own
states—while we have respected the lives,
property, arid religion of the inhabitants of
the conquerdcicOntry, and thereby made it
-the interest dile invaded people to treat us
rather as friends and deliverers from their
military despots, than as enemies to their
coon try and religion,-iwe are not lacking the
means of the moat powerful coercion, .and
possess, in dur volunteers, it guerrilla force,
• far superior [to any that Mexico, or any other
, country on earth, can bring in the held:
Our Texan Rangers. and Mississippi Ri
flemen are-011, marksmen. They deal out
i in
.eertai death otia distance of two or three
'hood f d
yards, and palsy the arm of the
poor - , char° long before he has a chance
to po; his ;lance. From their habits of hie
and * they 'are inured to •every
fati ' ; acid,, though craving much more
food on the Bcixicans, care but little of
What , conitiets. lilitt, above all things, they
ate petior to the Mel/cans in• intelligence,
fupq ' eu iti , ptreeption, amt . Sflooeoe of
P It; Hem 2..tjcwere #te. qualities of
tit r es weio Awfully. in the Wince., The
• ghAticiii iree-*has; on this can't/tient,'
ck its racsis deep inlbe north; while its
trenches ar e'
, r
virlinuwith , tbe inapt instpf
1 Tient ..noeit*rn .foliage.,, We contbina,,the
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iron of the Scythian with the-temper of the
Castiliao—,strength apd chivalry—Nimrod
and el Cid Campeadir.
The two parties opposed to each other in
this war, are too unequal for the contest to .
be a long one. A me t re military occupation
of the country - might exhaust the resources
of our government; bet such is not contem,
plated by the President and his cabinet.-- r
Our people are eminently a colonizing peo
ple, and the territory ;which we now hold,
and especially that which we menu to return,
will be explored, settlid and improved, with
scarcely more inconvenience to our troops
than is caused by the Indian depredations
occasibually committed on our border set
tlers. '
We are already in ppssession of nearly ev
ery Mexican seaport en the Atlantic, and
command the great (arteries of her com
merce. Her principal means of raising
revenue are in our link's, and we may, if we
insist on it, make ourielves- paid for every
dollar of the cost of this war. But is it wise
and generous for us to do so? Shall the
whole Mexican people suffer for the delusion
of its leaders ? We believe dint' this is not
the intention of the adininistration; and that
the latter, in view of necessity of living
hereafter in peace andamity With our sister
republics, and for the purpose of setting the
world an example of republican moderation,
is nowwillin to conclude a peace with
Mexico on the same terms as those proposed
after the battle of Monterey, 'We have rea
son to believe that this moderation on the
part of the administratien is principally owing
to the mild mid stntesmanlike counsel of
Mr. Buchanan, who' has succeeded in ma
king his views prevaillin the Cabinet of the
That there is a party, and a strong and
growing one, which is for retaining the whole
of the conquered territory, and that if the
war continues, a partfr may spring up in
favor of subjugating tile whole of Mexico,
Can hardly be called into question. But the
administration is straining every net-ye to
appose it ; and it will doubtless succeed in
its efforts, if success attends its present offers
Of peace. There is, nevertheless, dangeriti
delay. A moving party in a republic is al
ways a growing one, a4id is sure to acquire
in the end, a moinentim sufficient to over
come the inertia of gOvernment.. The ad
ministration seems to feel this, and hence its
anxiety to stem the torrent, and to make
peace an the most moderate terms.
Welbelieve, in the first place, that the
administration is willing to make to Mexico
every possible_ concession in point of form,
and fo,allow the defeated
,party in the . war
to prescribe its own rule of 'diplomatic eti
quette in settling the preliminaries of peace.
It has for this purpose,; clothed Gen, Scott,
the Coinmander-in-chref of the American
army, with power tolreat with the authori
ties he may find in DXexico, and sent 'Mr.
Trist, the second officer in the State Depart.,
ment, down to aid and instruct him in car.;
ring out the views ofthe President. Nay,
should the Mexicans desire or consider it a
special mark of attet4ion, Mr. Buchanan,
'the, distinguished Secretary of State, will
himself go down and ,negotiate in the city
of the Aztecs.
As to the cession of territory demanded of
the Mexicans, the administration will not
claim it as a forfeit, but offer to pay for it,
so as to acquire it by purchase. We want d
,clear title of it ; and the administration con
siders purchase the very best of all titles.
The expenses of the sear we will not claim!
from the Mexicans; and the indemnity which
she owes our citizens Will be assumed by the
.government of the tini?ed Stales. We shall
then claim no money of 3 exico in any
shape, and are willing to take land in pay-'
meat of our just demands..
As to the territory that is to be ceded or
sold to us by Mexico, inc are of opinion that 1
it will not comprise more than Upper Cali- i
fornia and New Mezio, and that our gov-1
ernment will not insist, as. a condition .of
• peace., on the right of way across the Tehu
antepec; but rather make this a subject for
subsequent friendly negotiations between the
two sister republics.
The carrying out of these metuitires may
require a new li i nited States loan, but with
the certainty of peacei the improved credit
of all the states, (Pennsylvania taking the
lead) the eradication of the absurd and wick
ed doctrine of repudiation, and the agricul
tural, manufacturing and ' commercial con
dition of the country being equal tki the
most sanguine expectations of the .friends
and supporters of the present low rates of
duties, one or two hundred millions of dollars
may be easily' borrowed without rendering
the government dependent either on domes
tic or foreign capitalists.
SINGIN . AR ANECDOt ; E.—Several years ago
a charity sermon was !preached in a dissent
ing chapel in the west of England. When
the preacher ascended the pulpit be thus ad
dressed the hearers: !" My brethren, before
pro Ceding to the duties of the evening,allow
me to relate a short anecdote. Many years
have elapsed since was last within the
walls of this house.; Upon that evening,
among the hearers tame three men with
the intention of not , only scoffing at the
minister, but with their pockets...filled with
stones for the purpose of assaulting him.—
After be had spoken 4 few sentences, one
said, 'lll--n him, let Aus be at him now ;'
but the second replied, No, stop till we hear
what he makes of th i s point .' The minis
ter went on, when the second said,' We've
heard enough now----diraw V' but the third
interfered, , saying, 'Ale is not so foolish as
I expected; let us, Near him out.' , The ,
preacher concluded Without' being interrup ,
ted, Now mark the, .my brethrelk—at
these. three men, .pnei, was, executed three
mantba,ago at ,Nesrgitte, . for forgery-; Abe
secant* this mane* lies under the, nen
teuce,*" dea th in die of th is city, for
murder7.7.7the ether toitutinued. the minister,
with gnat egotionH•the third, through the
tuestwo(Godoig art numabout - to adroit
gost,iisten to him!
IFFERENCi PRINCIPLE.---hiriiiiic4 ; .
LY 8-,...,1847.
. bat a ppir of Andirons coOt i
4 . eter,' said my,'': uncle, i e
101 l from his piptii and laying, it on, die
c, r stone of the marttel-piece • and 1100"
, ..
in his eyes on the irons, . • Pfter,, , ,Theiti
aWth Jui cost me one thousand dollarik"::::,k
ear mei' exclaimed am punt. --,.t , : ,
4 b, father !' cried the girls ., 4 ~.i...:
` a .• X possible r said , l. • ~ j,
i. ; rue, every word trite. , One thousand
did say l—yes, two thousand=full two
thou Sand dollars." , . i
i 4 Well,. said my aunt,tolding up her*nit
tit*for the "night, 'I sliduld like to knoir
wha vou are talking about.' • i
iMy uncle bent forward and planted his
hands firmly on his parted knees, and, with
illeliberate air, which showed no doubt Of
hiii -tieing able to prove his assertion, he
began : .
. . ;
1. Fell, you see, a good many years . age,
we bad a pair of common andirons. Yoiir
cousin Letty says one day, '' father, don
you think these old andirons ere getting too
shabby 2' Shabby or, not, I thought , they
would bold the wood as nicely as if they
were; made of gold. So I paid no attention,
td Lefty. I was a afraid she was growing
proud. Soon after that, Peter; continued
my uncle, ' your aunt took it up—' i
'4 there it goes,' interrupted my aunt,
' youi can't get along without dragging me
Your aunt took it up, Peter, and said
our neighbors could keep .brass andirons, acid
were':no better off than we were. And she,
said betty and her sister Jane were juat
getting old enough toseecumpany, and die
stingy looking old andirons might hurt their
market." I knew that women will
have their own way, and there was no u4e
in objecting, and so I got the andirons.
' The price of them was ten dollars and4i
half—' •
' Alt that's more like it,' cried my aunt;
' I thought you said two thousand dollars.
',My dear, I aisli you would not inter
rupt me. Teu and a half. Well, the first
night ! . a ft er we got them, tie we all sat by the
warm fire talking over ',the matter,' Letty
called my attention to the hearth, the stones
of which were cracked and uneven.; Tiie
hearth was entirely out of keeping with the
new andirons, and. I thought I might as wall
have it replaced first as last. The next day
a mason was sent for to examine it. ; He
came in my absence, and when I return4d
home, your cousins and aunt all beset me itt
once, to have'a marble slab. The mason
had convinced them that the hearth would
not loOk decent without a marble slab, add
they put their heads together.'
' La me !' exclaimed my aunt, 'there was
no putting any heads together about 4.4--
lle tiettpti, was a real old worn, out thing,
not fit for a pigpen.' , • , •
' They put their heads together, Peter, as
I was saying, and continued 6111 got a mar
ble hearth, which cost me twenty dollars.
Yes, twenty dollars, at least, Then I thought
I was done with expenses, brit I thought
wrong, Pretty soon . I began, to hear sly
hints thrown out about the brick work around
the fire place not corresponditig with the
hearth. I stood out for a *nth or ttlo
against your aunt and the girls,,but they at
length• got the better of we, and I was fork.
ed to have marble instead of prick. Arid
then the ord wooden mantelpieee was so old
of character that it was necessary to havein
marble one. The cost of this I.was nearly
one hundred dollars. And now that the •
spirit of improvement had got a start, theVe
was no stoppingplace.. The pew marble
mantel put to shame theold white washed
walls, and they must belpainted, of course,
and to fit them for paint, sundry repaqs
was necessary. While this was going on
your aunt and the girls appeared to be quite
satisfied, and when it was done,they had do
idea the old parlor could be made to look eo
spruce. But this was only a short respite.
The old rag carpet began to raise a de*,
and I found there would be no peace—", I
' Now my dear !' said. the old lady, with
a pleasing smile, accompanied with a par
tial rotation of the head-. 1
' Now, father !' exclaimed thsgirls— . i
' Till I got a carpet. This again shanald
the old furniture, and it had to be turnedloat
and replaced with new. Now, Peter, cquat
up, my lad—twenty dollars fo[the hearth,
and one hundred for the mans 1-piece, arid
thirty for repairs. What does hat make l
' Oae hundred andft, tine e.'
' - Well, fifty for paper' and pa
' Two hundred.'
' Then fifty for a e.arpet, and
at least fqr furniture'
' Three•Mtndred and fifty.
Ahern ! There's that clock,
blinds-I—fifty more'— •
Four Hundred exactly.'
My aunt and cousins winked steach other.
• Now,' continued ray uncle, so much (or
this one room. No gainer wits the redm
finished, than the complaint came from) all
quarters, about the dining rooM land •entry.
Long before this I had turrentlered at dis
cretion, and handed in my suhtnispion. The
dining room cost two hundred More. *lint
does that count, Peterl' .; • I
Eight hundred, uncle.". • I 1.
Then the chamber*.—et ;va four 1 0 1 -
dred to make them Thyme with the dclsim
Twelve hundred.' ,
'fhe outside of the house had to berepei'r
ed andtpainted, of course. Add' two hUb
dred for that.'
'Yourieen hundred.' s
Then there must be b piazze in fron*-
that cost two hundred.' • . 11
'Sixteen bUndree.' ! I
Herd aunt began to r a wn , .Letty to pcilte
theire,l and Jane to turn over the leaved bf
a book.l • 1!
A new carriage came next, PebnV
eosins!) hundred dollsta.'l'
4 Eighteen handred.r , " = I I
Then= there to ban lawn laid one and.
neatly liinced--a 'errant to be hired—pir.
ties to he given oecasionalli—boilnet. AO,
dreises lat double the fainsercost; and
dyed other little expenies: in 'keeping vilfo
~r is '~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~
the new orderof:things.,'3 And all thikgreW
outof these my ;andiron"—;Yes, Peter; I
Was entirely; withhibounidt whin I said two
thbusand dollars. l l.- ;;, ,
4 I: t he 'opposition wet silenced. My. aunt
ediately - rose and - gabbsett .it was - --bed:
„1 - -,wasleft alone 4ith.rny unde;•who
wilmot inclined to • drop -the :subject :!-;-He
wilt! apersevering ManAnditever gave up
vvbat be undertook, till he had done thelsork
Abroughly: Albite brought out , Aii; 'biontts
and accounts, , and set abOut making an ex
act estimate of therexpetions- Ht..kept me
up till after midnight, before'hegotthrough.
His conclusion was ;that the andirons_ cost
him twenty-four hundiedand fifty 'dollars.
, • Behind the Alps isa world of adventures ;
and such a one aS only liii' ripens* to genius
took place in . BolOnga in the year 1832. '-
The poor Nortnan; Ole Bull; whom . 'at:
that time no one knew, knd wandered thtui
far southward. In his fatherland some per
sons certainly thotight thitt there was shame
thing•in him—but the tiaiiit !Part, as is ten
erally•tbe ease, predictedithat there would
be. nothing in'Ole• Bull.l He 'himself felt
that he must go out into tbe 'world in order
to cherish the spark into ilia:nil, or else to
quench it entirety. Eitry •Ahing at first
seemed as if the latter would lie the case.—
Het bad arrived at Bologqa, but : his money
was expended, and there Cwas no prospect Of
obtaining any—no frietul—no countryman
stretched forth a helping Uind towards Mtn
—lie sat alone in' a poor : attic in one of tl e
small streets. " It was already the seco d
day that he-had been here, .and had scare -
ly tasted food ohe water jug and the violin
were the only two thingsvAttit cherished t e
young and suffering artist. He began to
doubt if fie were in' poss'esion of that gllt
with which God had end Owed him, and his
despondency breathed into the violin thoSe
tones which nbw seize our hearts in so won
derful a manner; those tones which tell us
so deeply he has suffered and felt:
The same evening a great concert was to
be given in ' the principal theatre. The
house was filled to overflowing—the
Grand Duke of Tuscany was in the . royal
box: Madame Malibrate and Monsieur de
Beriot were to lend•their ,
able assistance in
the performance of several pieces; The
cbncert was to commence, but matte s t look
ed inaupicions—the manager ' s 'star *as- not
in the ascendant—M. deßeriot had' 'taken
_umbrage, and refused to play. All was
trouble and confusion on the stage-4--when
in this dilemnisithe wife kir Rossini the com
poser entered, and in the'maidst of the man
'agar's distress related, thin on the previous
evening, as she plisse& rough one of the
narrow streets, she had suddenly stopped on
hearing the Strange tones of an instrument,
which certniply resembleli those of a violin,
but yet seemed to. be diferent. She had
asked the landlord
,of thehouse
.who it was
that lived in the attic wh§nce the sound pro
ceeded, and he had replied that it was a
young man from the north of Europe—
and that the instrument played on was cer
tainly a !fie but she felt assured that it
could not be so— l it must either be a new
sort of instrument or an ahist who knew how
to trent his instrument is unusual man
ner. hit the same time 4e said, that they
ought to sendlOr him, and he might perhaps
supply the place of - M. dog Beriot by playing
the pieces‘hat must oth4rwise be deficient
in the evening's entertnithnent.
This advice was aetediupo,n, and a mes
senger was despatched t 4• the street where
Ole Bull sat in his attic.; To him it was' a
message from heaven. Now or never,'
thought he—and tho' ilqand exhausted he
took his violin under his arm and accompa
nied the messenger to.the theatre. Tivo
'minutes after his arrival the manager inform
ed the assembled audience `that a young
Norwegian, consequently a yaupg savage,'
would give a specimen of his skill on his
violin instead of M. de Beriot.
Ole Bull appeared- 4the theatre was
brilinntly illuminated—he perceived the
scrutinizing looks of thd ladieti nearest to
him—one of them who iwatched him very
closely, through• her opera glass, smilingly
whispered to her neighbor, whit a .mocking
mien; about the diffidentmanners of the ar
tist. He looked at his Clothes, and in the
strong blaze of the light they appeared rath
er the worse for wear. He had taken no,
notes with him which hei could give the or
chestra—he was consequently oblieged to
play without accompahirnent, but what
should he play ?
' 1 will give them these fantasias which at
this moment cross my mind !' and he played
improvisatorial remembrances ofhis own life,
melodies from the mou4aitis of his home,
his struggles with the world, and the troub
les of his mind—it was 03 if every thought,
every feeling passed throbgh. the violin, and
revealed itself to the audience. The most
astounding ,abclamatiou).esounded through
the house. Ole• Bull was called forth again
and again-- 7 they still ddsired a new lin ,
Provisation- Ile then undressed himself to
that lady, whose:mocking smile had met him
on his appearance and!, asked her for, a
theme, .to vary. . .: She .gave him one from,
' Norma. , .He l the_n asked two other ladies.!
who:chose one from 'Otbello!, and ,one from
' Moses.' 'Now,' thong* he, 'if I take all
three, unite them with elich other, and form
one Piece, Y 'shell then IFitter eitch'Of the la
dies,'And perhapit, the coffipositiOri. will pro : :
duce an effect:'• Ilesdidam Nwefftilly,ne
the rod' of the Magician the boar' glided at - -:
roes-th,strifigS; While cold dropi of. perepi;
ration' trickled' doirtOthi foiehead.' 'There
was ever in' hitt.hloodit'sOis- If the _mind
Woad free - iteeir - fveta dolma ,- fire 'shot
fretts Ida eyes — lie felt hinutelfil ' oat iiWooti:'
itte4et a,' feii' - , too ierokeey were hi s .
lastlitidily iiiiWati:. 4 '''' ' 1 -tt • •!1 - ~.. ,':
FhiWeis and :.: WieUithifitinitke sparest
multitude,' 1111*ed Itbant WM,- the
ted b- .- ntentitl peatliet iiii4hUnrei, was near: '
ly - Netiiit: Be *Atte hit hemeriketeepailf:'
ed:by 'nude 'Tett*, tlie r teitici iteOndathe
ne huncirid
00, and tile
.1. - -,-, ..,.:.:,,,,,-% 4 , - it; 1 :
::,::: i
• 1
R P- r ." ,1 44. 1 f4r, 4bel tem , of , the . evtniPS - 71 4 M . 1
tr!igkow, h . oj,..crePt: up the dark , . narrow stair I
ease, h i"
ter higher,up;'. lap hi - a, Ow
- priet," t : here he clutched, the wafer : og to ?.
rerreih' hitt:OWE ' .. ' , ' '
Vie,Olllll 'line ,silent the 'ltiadioid, 'is* to
blip; hroOght: hii4 food aid ''diiiiit6ol,44siti,"2.
bithetter ilk; • . The uett;iliii: he vOla
informed that, th theatre at:as at, his service, I
Mid thaita . conc e rt was to be airangil. - `fort
him, Au invite ein fretti itie Duke arras ,
T . ay Mixt iblldwid—and from ' , that
.. mo.
anent,' name andlfame were soubded fditille, F i
Nall. "'' ' , ! ' : ' i ii
A.Noible Examples - ;
Many. years ago, in an obictii* - country
school:iin. loltnisitchusett.i,lkti..*9,6l l 3lf but t
conscientious boy was M be“neeti among the
group that .daily assembled to reWlrs in-'
struction. . Tliislboy was very fendolftudi i ;r: .
_and.learned hisi;, lessons so well that it be
,tident to all that his mind 'wen be-9
gluing - o thirst fo r ' k e lidge l ,ana •s' efut I'
ness. While yet.yotnig, , his.,:lek•this nelwalli
and his ; Mwn, and set 'cait on jint 6.4
•• • t
settleifi 4remote town in.the State ' ,Cont•;:
naticeti : ,there id pursue his fortune]. tiestA
sticie . -maker. Os tools.were caiefully . ,raiSiltß
ed. and Sent on . fore liftp, that-they miglitb,,
be in readiness .lieu oe, - periied. . ! 2 ~..t,
The leisure oments fif this young ufiii:iTAti
were spent in st d ying and even while,,ol
work on the 444 • he. placed liis''optit -
where Ile could ildw _ and' theft a - inn -il l
tence--not as n any read iiiiii, - but so me
fully that he rendember i dd all about it, atittx
thought upon it when at, work.- In kalsOrtf,'
time, he becamip the: Most acconvllsLiedf,
Mathematician ip that section of the IE -- iliii
and wan uppoifed surveyor of Litchfield:
county. ; : Before Ile .wasitw,enty-fiireygaii,cifi
age, he , supplie d the aitronomical matter•er
an almanac , nblislied in New-York.-4
Next he was ad ' itted td the Bar as a self-t..
fitted lawyer. 1,
In a shdrt tin' he was seen on the bench!!
of the Superior pourt. Next he bebrune all
member of the Continental Congress. lies,
continued a ineMberfor nearly twenyeate
and was acknoi/ledged to be one oft eiminti,
useful Mid wisest counsellors of the , and. 1
• At length,,ha;ing discharged every newel ;
with perfect a ility, , and honored, in eve; , .!
ry sphere, the name of a Christian, he dig&
regretted and loved by his Nation ant
s 4-
State. -, , i
His name was Roger Sherman. t.
John WadleyPs Trial for sleepiligini
Meeting. - I
f? 1
Juse - WinsioW,—What do you knowt 1
about - AMA Wadley's sleepiag in meetiest i , I'
Wititess.—l know all about it ; - taint teil I
,• , I
secret, I guess. •
Justice.—Then tell us all about it; that'a!
just what we want to know. I;
Witness—(seratching his heeil).—Well4
the long and the.short ofit is, John Wadley,_
is a hard working man ; that is, he work*
mighty hard doi9gnothing, and that's the; r
hardest:work there is done. It makes a fell
low sleepy quicker than poppy leaves. 'Sli,,,
it stands to reason that Wadley' would nat4
wally be a very i sleipy sort of ape ,
Well, the weather is sometimes net rani,.
considerable warm, and Parson At fly,
saraiono are sometimes rather heavy It e.
" Stop, stop !" said Justice Winslouf.—)
" No 'reflections upon Parson Moody ; that
is not what you were called here for.
Witness.—s don't cast no reflections ois
Parson Moody. 1 I was oily telling what i
know about Johu Wadlers sleeping in ineet4
Mg ; arid it's my opinionospeciatly in vtarmi
weathq, that sarmons'that are heavyllike,;l
and.twO hours long naturally hnvc a tenden4
cy— ; ;
" Stop, stop ! I say,:' said Squire - Witi4
slow ; " -#' you-repeat
,any of these reflect
lions on Parson Moody again, I'll commit
you to the cage for contempt of court." 1
Witness.—l don't' cast no reflections ots
Parson )Moody.: I was only telling what lc.,
know about Johit Wadley's sleafiingin moev,
nix* Win,
instpw.—Well, go on, Antli
us all about tbitt.j You wern't called , here td
testify about Pamon Moody.
Witness.—That's what I am trying to 44
if you wouldn't keep putting me out. And
it's my 'opinion, in warm weather, folks:11i
considerably apt to_sieep in meeting; espei
cittily where the jsannon—l mean especiallyi
when they get pretty tired. I - knowl final
it pretty; herd work to get by seventh!) , midi
eightly in the garmon myself; but if f Mum'
get by there, I feet4rally get into a wakiig
train Again, and ;make opt to weather iteep-i,
Bnt it isn't so with Wadley ; generaklyi
noticetktbat if lie begins to-gap at.seventhir
and eiglithly,.it'si a gone goose with hint tit-i
fore be gets through tenthly, ,ntid. he his tol,
look out for another prop for his head somil
where, for his neck isn't stiff enough to
it up. And froni tenthly. up ;to itizteenthlyit
he's as dead as a door, nail,: till the-masstf:
brings the peoplet up to prayers, when -Wog
ley comes up With-a.erk,. just like opettiai
of a jaek-knife.-4Sebut Smith. 4
horse has 6 teeth above and belOVr ; before ;
three years old he sheds 'hie - middle mend-
At three' he shedi one more ett\ each_side
the centeml teeth ; at .four he sheds the two;
corner and last of the fore - teeth. *tweet - 1i
four and - five thelhorse'cuts theunder.tuillki
at five cut‘ his upper tuski ; at
time mouthl wilt be complete... At six ) ;
years the grooves, and bellows begin' to fill op!'
a : little ; seven Ft he Orel will be wenni •
filled. up; - exiept the corner leetbelesiine
little *we epOti where the dark brinn t hig
lolifortitidy wer?. At eight,i the whokib e g l
lns] gmses - ' ere SSW ; line'
two!) very • seen a. stilt bill to Atli
netOdenereer teetb; the pointer.
iserOreoll; end -the onetthat Twei: = eoaainei
begi nt to fill :up .and - *me. roantholi the 1 •
wares ofcamera teeth - beginto O l e pp o vn i,
an d ibe inmi thenreMall iiiniU s4 ool4 1.