The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, June 24, 1847, Image 4

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,PENNay ivAN .
oak ;
Matt ii; b
iinyam . ei*O
Pew 141,
tit 7 a %Mk •
Names do
Dal coo C ter
Cl*srpe at, ,Ch • -
*Montgomery Co
Farmers' blc gacks
Farmers' bk Read'g
Northampton no
Lancaster bank
Far bk Lancaster
l )1.
Cathie •
.Columbhi Midge
Nortinuublap i
Miners . ' bk' ' e
Wy'g:bk Wil kab'e
Pitta g demand notes
certificates ,
at notes
York . I
Way b 1 •
Browniville •
Berke colank n
Bk Bing's co
Lewistown ,
Lnm bk n
West Branch bit
Dom Cr Retipt 20231 dis
Lehigh co bk dis,
Laugh Nay Kt:ript 1 dial
4th M issue 16 dis
N Y City bask dis
Clinton bk N y dis
GlilberbeitlC frond
North River bk'g co do
City Trost & Rlegcd d.
Wool Grow -we, bk +d'..
White Plains lfk . a dis
Lewis - co bk f dis
Far & Dro bkuff i die
Millen bk of (flyde 15 dis
Far bk of Sene4adis
tCoin bk of N York "2 dis
Lafayette bank; dis'
N Y Bk'g mini. 6 die
Dry Dock banit dis
N Am Trost oe dis
Bank of Buffalo, 5$ dis
Bank of Brooki)ort 33 dis
Himilten,bk s 31 dii
Com bk BIALA) 5 - dis
All solvent banks la:
Country banks ;
Except bk of Colum
bia, Green at: Hud
Platsburg, Niagara,
Wash and Warren,
Wash Man Co.
Wayne co bank,
Mer and flanto'
Del Co bank t
Ex bk Po'keepeie
Pottsdam Man# Co
Red Backs. • fal
Mechanics' and Mann
wren' bk Trbnton
Princeton bank:
Plainfield bank • 37
State bk at Canacten
,Cumberlan, d bank
Mount Holly, t
Salem Bk'g co _
Monmouth ban no sale
N Hope Del Bratige j dis
Trenton Bk'g cO old
All other banks:
Far di Mech isa4k of I
N Brunswick no sale
Hob Bk'g &G co broce
W'ashington Bk'g Co io
Franklin bank do
Jersey City Bank do
Monmouth ilo
N J ManniCitt do
Protec and I.4nibard do
State bk at Trenton too
Bank of N Bruniwick to
Mech bk Patterson do
L• M.
N. Y., ha" made arrangements with the NEW
YORK PEKIlsi , TEA COMPANY, for the sale of
TEAS in Binghamton, and can furnish his customers,
and the trade, with Tess at the same prices that the
Company charge for them in New York, which is,
at least, from cme to shillings cheaper on each
pound - than tia&Groce sell at. And hrevery case
where these TOO do tgive satisfaction the money
will be paid balk for em.
Catallog7 of Teas.
'Young Hysim, t ood, I
do. do. sweet cargo, 50
do. • do. fine car o, 75
do. do. OVer l . , 100
Silver Leaf--seiblomld even by large dealers, be
cause of the small is made on its sale—is a
very supenor, Tee. -
do. do." -golden atop, . 150
.Golden C/iop--4 . : his is the finest Green Tea cultiva
ted in Chinni It is of the first pickings, and ex
cels all . ode* Green' Teas for the delicacy of its
flavor, strength and arena. Heretofore this Tea
has never reached this country except in small
.lots to suit the purchaser.
Hyson, fine, : . -
do. very foie,
Gunpowder, flap,
do. ear,u fine,
Imperial, fine, •
do . extra fine.
Hyson Skin, :good,
Ning Yong, string awl
Ring Yong—The
It Oolong.
Oolong, a delicious B
Compare,.this iniperior
as Wog an9olong
Oolooplainine the - deeept ,
idazgation '
Engludi 13,realdist, fine
do. sei •
Hawgnes inix t inre, a
Pete Figurer,'
do. scented:'
good flavor, 176
--re sell this at 50 etg. and
1 1 T ea,
I ea with that soki by grocers,
Tea. The difference is too
• , ,
too palpable.
ch and highly . flavored
1 50
• I'so
es is u fragrant and surest
ds a perfume that istralyde
growth, and ' , superior to
ever sold kilns country.
Ne Plus VZira4-This
as a nosegay. It yie
lightful. It of _
say thiugof 4he I
Fr The abhve e.
she varieties contained!
-every variety * T oned'
and can suit dyer brie
sums. Teas seer all, dot,
•qualatitieeof 'ht., 4 lb.,
e does not comprise'
in my assortment. I have
and every shade of quality,
fiatidieus purchaser. The
up in Chinese packages, in
!, and 1 lb. each. •
We Dire iribd the
Bitewilltry - 4*
delixiilereiii i "we
rriftWmat - Thierim
eas imported by the Pekin
77 Faholt itteet, and if we
They are joelliag the moot
,ser dreulk, aad.reted OHM at
.I,gelriging Peat. ,
liobtabini at album
..17 the min g le: at
Pam TeaCompeay,7o and
• .0044 stock
114Graen and 'Ma& Tau t
it'dul Visited is#Ltra no*
aiiiitrea a pee benefit to
;row l j iPdeed, Pitn
Green tnadeal. 130 a,
.f 15i - artbei
I , ,anti 77,,*0tt to obtain
UN yogrviNalfi wieb. for.
rt. intre „ , 4510,1164
di) worth
H~elefplet it
pomade, to .. obtain rad
imem rag 400 leh'
Ilekhz Tema Coopetry, 7 ;
•ii aa4
iiorl to -
pew, aipi 77
Offiet EOM . 011 e
!Atriablot di,
.1 0..
nal '
ctattv , ini
City ! bk Por
bat& )do
land do
• do
Btalwater 0
Bangor Cor
bk do
k do
Citizens' bk . ,do
Globe bk do
Wasitingstai co, • 410 •
Flan bk , do
All solient blinks dis
VERli k O st l4:.
Rank.of 8t limns 14 dis
Ptro(Delmi " dis
All Solvent Rai 4 dis
AD solvent banks 4 di s
All solvent Unita die
Baltimore banks
Patapscoliki dis
Mineral bank I dis
Far & Millers' bk Ha
gerstown brokß
Westtninster - Albs
Williamsport '• t dis
Cumberland 1 dis
Salisbury • broke
Franklin bank
Stursuebannah broke
MilhnEton broke
Fiede.nclt cto bk. aal
Btoken bk* various prices
Baltimore & Ohio Re
lief notes 10 dis
Bank of Delaware par
Wil'n & Branyw7ne par
Farmers' bk Del par
Union bank,_, par
Bani of Smyrna par
-Under 'Ss 4 dis
. Vashingtim City dis
Georgetown dis
Far & Mechanics'.
Alexandria dis
Bk of Alexandria broke
Mechanics' bit broke
Franklin bank no sale
Merchants bank do
Ex bit & branches dis
Bk of Va & bra'chs 1 dis
Far bk & b'cha dis
Valley bk & b'ch dis
Wheeling lali dis
Wheeling p notes 14 dis
All solvent banks. 2 dim
Small notes 24 dis
All solvent banks 14 dis
Small notes 2 dis
Bk of St Mary's ia—
Ocmulgee • do
Monroe B. . do
Columbus do
'Plunnix bank do
Eichange bank do
Chat R bath.. do
Central bkof Mill do
Georgia B'kg co do
Rocker B'kg co do
All solvent banks 2
All solvent banks 5a6 dis
Small notes 8 dis
Cincinnati ^ diS
Solvent bk notes 2 dis
Bank of Illinois 70 dis
State bank 50 dis
Notes 2 dis
Small notes 3a3& dis
All solvent banks
2 dis
1 All solvent banks 2&a3 dis
All solvent banks 14a2 dis
'Southern Life & Trans,
poriation Co.
So 37i
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
4the .fitakst .
_igilessrefseees ai *leek Teisguiwa..
bl'AtesigiOleittel.lizepireLijorte mpircallthe 4
fluky paclumealhat Chineeeingesaity: =ale • ,
Itamtairgage•tcp,buylTeas at this great establish
mt, sit4a luxury awl comfort to.. ilrink_tbem.—
They :selltOod tea* tAft . flul reuulqukm 4 Yfb o )°'
sale iifieelt. eiontry meOliett4`diito,t , iisb
to sea goo* Teas, can stiatsis 'ootaii them at this
place, onpreakeable tetras.—Easporiaat
..EZr The above TEXsrp * l isle by
. t. X 0, 14
' SOf feijoelro XXXFOX
Binghamton, pa • 11,1041. s
B. 114-1 A TUE
H/ ESTprice for Batter and Bre by
STQV*B—n new supply just received 'of the most
-approved patterns, by • B. BAYKE.
SALT:4-a fresh supply, just received by
BEEF! and PORK, FLOUR and MEAL, for sale
• ' II &AY
, ; ,
THE itubscriber havin g withdrawn for the pres
.l. ent,from all connection with the tailoring busi
ness except cutting, will hereafter give his attention
to that . - ptitticular branch exclusively. Front a long
and successfu I experience, with recentimprovements,
and a regular receipt of the latest fashion, ho has
entire coaddence in his ability to please all who
may employ him. To prevent misapprehension he
would further state, that having worked heretofore
for the sake of working, he intends in future to work
for the s'ake of the Tar; (except where charity may
dictate otherwise.) Those therefore who are able
to pay bat always withhold, will please also with
hold-theitt custom. •
Shop toyer the Hat Store, first building north of
the Stage hunAe. P. LINES.
N'lcontrin,e, May 5, 1847. 47.m3
509000 S ITTUR, S wan
and a
i gual m
in ty tel o y f
at . SalisbniT's,
. MonsreWe 13th
_May, 'V.
List of Popular Medicines,
WHO keeps constantly on hand a full assort
ment of genuine DRUGS & MEDICINES,
of which*ill-be sold CHEAP AS THE CHEAP
' ; Pmts.
Sands' Sarsapmillti 81 00
salt rhdtun reunidyl 00
Roman eie balsani 25
Indian Panacea 2 00
Mcmunnts elix of cipi•
,LlTti 25
Phinney's Piths & 37
Moffat's life pills 05 a 50
do rhcenix bitters 1 00,
Shertnan's med. ldz's 251
do fever & ague Jo 1 oft
do dinner Iowa; 1 50
do poor. man's p 'r
do Glogeonian 1 00
Jayne's Expectorant 1 00
do hair tonic 1 00
do tonic vermifuge 5 0 ,
• do carminative Lads. 50
do genitive pills 25
Dalley's!paie extrac
tor' 50-L 100
Hay's liniment for
pile* ' " 1:00
Washington elix. for
dysentery. &to. 1 00
Cooper's Own salve 25
Marr's cern salve 2.5
Gridley's salt rheum
ointment 25
Rash's infallible pills 12
Phelphs' tomato pills 25
do restorative bitters .25
Miles' tomato pills 50
Fahnestock's verufge 25
Cheeseman's Arabian ,
balsam 5011 00
Alebasi's blsa crkii salve, 50
do cou ghy ,• 50
do pile pills P
do cathartic pills r. 25
do ..plasters , 12
do kverkagee syrup 50
Minslowlikkalitam of
.hoarhotmd ' t 50
Taylor's balsam o
Liverwort : el & 50;
Mother's relief 2 00
Foagates' anodyne !
cordial. 31'
W istar's balsam of
wild cherry 1 00
Resurrection or Per-
gian pills SO L I ,00f
Jew David's-or 14e- 1
brew plaster 50!
Egyptianrbalm 50
Fish's lily syrup 1 001
Lotrgley'a panacea 1 50{
Dutch pills or lion of
the day 137
Biglmp's - anti-bilious I
pills ,
Ht ms' s balm of
00 1
I health
do worm tea .
dia catarrh snuff
do magneticodmitica 1 50
do hair regenerator 07
Parker's poling:uary
balm • 1 00
Lr 4 Baum: de Itrmon.
, pr French balm of
Rapp's Indiarkplaster 25'
Sthith's sugar coated
dills 25
Bartholothew's . pink -
_ Syrup . 50
- r
SpOhn'ltsickheadache D. Hibbard * anti
remedy 50 • bilious.pill • 12 a5O
Christie . " Galvanic' Hanes ahatt, liniment 25
flings 37 e 1 50 Peerrevartnifttge,or
4b bands 1 50 , dead shpt 25
db plasters • 73 Clickhresoasagarcoat
-40 Impede fluid 1 00, od pills 25
Aastin's magical liar. . Illoutheivilsalro, for
:bent 25 11. 50 cm4sbkder-
.1 00
Brisk pil ls 25 Sheen' s pill 12
gotlea rutgboue.oitit•:' 50 Bcerpii'socr - atistic oil 1 00
Pies life pills 25 bfliair's Acoustic oil 1 00
Uam's electualy, Felts ales:non 18
for cure of piles 1 . 00 Lleurick's strengthen
Moor's ass. of Life , i int i 25
Bristol's *srsaptaPla I 00 8en1W".391"/".-
Sehddir'ilmonitipanf 00 ' trthig syrup
Ctibper's ndigia oil 1 . 50 Whitteiextes'AnserY. ' 4.25
Ggcliers34 Ihrat.t
iMitment , . •50 - dis sagas,* gnip Ki
Gli*lsu MO/ 1 0 43 g 25 inana i r evak IMe
ASrican,_ ,e 7, . 01 p _ 2 5 all IlldNef•Plingee4 "00
It CheWel pl. 00 Woodriaarsaparilla a '
Coal hair {
4ra• wadchirrybftters 100
Live 37, a. 100 Tousay's ' nniveral
atin b !r-tobthi 'I • . eointenant 1 ; , 5. , -•
Onelash lilt ' 37' Oriental rinlia or wv. > - .
Mixastt hair dy 50 crag? ham 25
Lo ve nap ' 25 Vausi, am,. lidroar .
Lboxidaguesr g l oat. &misc. muilareila 00
ica p& I 25 Swop body Loos sio
al, tonsaibittara I .25 Sliti,Ts 011 4 18 4 1 1ri
ojnaciatiiiliBlabta .25 '_loll,loll4‘ - ' I, OP
13 30 161 0 111 z4 36. I w i rWPthaill# l os 7ll4o
wido woo Abeso,Abot oont,uperacoL 4l .,l,-
bekii.APitlor}* ol d gilieb - - ;l*
"zia!riesegyanWsftwas; , -',. ~:- ti,/: . - t
,* -.F.. ; K.ut. i' L. 111. SAXWEL -,
Oingbanston, Jan. 18, 1847, 50y14
Gregory's pills
Fisk's sugar coated
pills - . 4 25
Balm of Columbia 500'5
Hitchcock's anti-bil
ious pills
' l Coveres balm of life 1 50
Micheal' freckle wash 50
Lee's Pills 25
Brandrcth's pills 25
Poses poorman's pills 12
Bedean's plasters 25
Libby's bitters 75
Nerve a bone rheu
rustic linirnent 50e1 00
Wilkinson's unmade
wound salve 37
Thompson's eye water 25
Hill's balsam of lioney 12
Cepaalic slug 25
Hungarian balsam of
life 1 00
McAlister's all-heal
ing ointment 25a50
do •hair oil 50
do toilet oil 50
iSegur'sirestoratire pUlte.s
Larbor'k ex.ltingwortl 00
Clove anodyne, cure
for toothache 25
Climax syrup 50
Dr. Ford's pectorial
syrup 75
do tonic cordial 37
do universal pills 25
Hooper's female pills 12
Anderson's Scots pills 12
Godfrey's cordial 12
Bateman's pectoral
drips 12
Turlingtcm's balsam
of life 12
Pacific oil 25 a 50
Eddy's rheumatic . .
tincture 5O
• Beautifying soap 50
'Keeler's invisible ink' 25
!Connerspain eztract'r 25
'United States pills 50
' i Watermaia's rheumat
ic plaster 25
!Chapman's summer
f cordial 18 4s 37
IBrinkerhofrs region - -
! tive 1 00
Opodeldoc, bard and
Edward's salt rbemn
ointment .- 150
Medicated coughcandy 6
iWhite's salve 12
IGalatine capsules 25 a 50
Veg. pulmon'ybalsam , so
' Brown's strengthen
ing plaster 37
'rtwood's canker drops 18
do jaundice bitters 37
do spinal elixir 37
Linn'steniplifebitt'r . sl 00
do Cbilese blood. pills
Indian hair dye 50
Webster's sdrsuparilla 75
-do bilious Ala 25
id* tincture 25
Gargling MI 50 a 1 00
Merchant's kiansa'plal 00
Ex. latichu'i. cubebs 1 50
— 3 ,
Pyriisit hair.dve • 50
r 4re.
• vino, „:ko
trowieteivit' ignhanclikae lot 00 - i
Dry Goods,
• 'Groeii6S,Dye:!ititirs,"
• t Nails; Fish, - .
Thankful to friends for past favOnt he hope**
sellit cliesp to receive a liberal shade of their pot.
ironage. • Mr Recollect, for CASH at; least, he is not
to be undersold.
.Montrose, May 13, 1847.
••,• • .
G, Geese Feathers, lititt+r,Rags; Begs
&c. &c. J: LYON&‘;'?
847. • • •
BOOKS. • .
'aznily Bibles for 10s; also cotnuxon imd ,
Bibles, Testaments, Gepgraphies • and!
ithmetics, Grammars, Pldlosophiast auk
Books; Saunders ' , and Town's
ik; Porter's Cobb's,} leaden: A good assort-
Books and Tickets. Also, the new
.tyk- .s for the Presbyterian, and Baptist secie
for sale by
May 13, 1347. : . 2
ATEN"T Paile, Brooms, Clothes: Pm,%* Butter
P' Stamps and Ladles, 'BY 7 ; J. 140141 Lt
May 13. "
rin, subscriber wishes toi inform his
friends and former customers that lie. is
prepared to card Wool with despatch an j d
in the best style. He will also take good
clean Wool in the fleece and ileliver it in
good sound,Yarn at from 8 to AO cents per
run. • Those having to hire their spinning
done, would find this to their advantage,
and save themselves the troubletof preparing
their own wool.
Wool will be taken to manufacture into
Broadcloth, Flannel, Blankets, and shawls,
to suit customers.
Two hundred pounds of beedh-nut Lard
will be taken in - exchanav for work.
N. B.—lt is expecte d ' .
that payment will
be made in all cases when the work is de- I
livered, either in cash or saleable produce.
Silver Lake, May 15, 1847.
HE subscribers are now red,eiving their
sock of ,
To which they invite attention. Most kinds
of produce rec'd in exchange. ;They wish
it distikdy understood that they are not
anxious ito sell goods ezecpt for PAY
DOWN! - Mills & Shermad.
MontOse May 18, 1847.
[lwo L. POST 4 co..
ARE receiving their stock of::
• Spring and Summer GoOds,
Consisting iri part of .
Cloths, Cassinters, Velveo and Mar
sielles Vestings, Linens, Bleit. and un
bleached, Tweeds, Oregon and ,York Mix
tures, Stripes and Najd, Wocilen Substi
- Plain and figur'd Delaines, Lawns, Jac
onets, Ginghams, Gingham Ldwns, F ash
ionable Dress Silks.
A beautfiul assortment from 5s to $5,00.
Parasols, Silk & Cotton, from 2,5.
Fans, rich styles. Oil Silk, ; Worsted,
Linen Hdk'fs, silk iloss. Silk Lace, Linen
Edgings, best ass't in town. Briousels Lace,
Buttons, Fringes, Bobbins, figqed Mus'ins,
Hosiery and Gloves of all descriptions.
Bonnets, tabs, 'flowers, Ribbohs, Skirts, a
new article, Put. Leather Slips, Buskins, &c.
Of every kind, Crockery; Hardware, Iron,
Nails, Steel Mill Saws, Log Chains, Tin
Ware, Fish, and Pork.
(Bought - before the advanste,) Saddle
and Harness Ware, Maus, India Rubber
Clcabs, Fldor Oil Cloths, ,D4nask Car
riage trimmings, Drugs, a small nos% of
staple articles chepp, German polci g ne,—
Looking Glasses, a good variety,:
We flatter ourselves the stock we offer
this Spring to our friends, is eqtial to any
we lhave heretofore offered, in quantity, qual
ity, and cheapness.
With our thanks for favors heretofore,we
tenderour invitations " to call and see us."
MOntrOse May 17, 1847.
B. CHANDLER:6r ! CO..are now re
f . ceiving a large and well sefpcted addi-
tion to their stock of GOOds, to which they
Would invite the attention of putihasers:
Their stock it now quite large and they
are determined - that fortqah, Barter, or on
approved credit, tliiy will sell at least as
low as , any establishment in the county.
Montrose May 17, 1847.
AIIIE RICAN, French and English Cloths
and Cassitneres, Satins and faneyVest
ings for sale by Chandler & Co.
ciLCIVEBSEED of the large kind, sale by
Montrose, May 27, 1047. 0,, ler &Co.
DRINTB, a good ofs.sortPipot s American I- aid BOO*. Vtai eheapi i •
• • Chandlir & Co. `
QIIMMER Stuffs. tweed sßro
13 Linen &c. Co.
lIINGHAMS, Lawns, - steli, and o th er
Ul Dress Goods & co.
yarieijro- , ;. • - Cliendier*Coil.
idid ts EGHORIV
.it AXES;.I.]
QUI I EIII94,Aufs,
S., the birg *ill/if/IkChsa4 kir co.
April Mb, 1847, , ,
649011/ESt • peashiehi' Amor,
ti not the 6c,ltiall eileepot"Nratti7t-
Chandklr &
' '''''''' ' ,}I • "Ri N . ' . : ' ,
• , ti: ....:2 I.k. 4 , ... , 41 'P- - ,:-.5.11'i. -. 4 ::if4., ~ ,t 1: ~ 't' ' '
• ieS -:,,. i . -.111";AN:h. .•. !•••' L.
:it , . ;3 4 ik , . , 1 , •: t.jr.i:71.1: , ! , i ”. - I'': (ti .:1•11 - li , r ''
TN_ cap ), /e,fiall r:O2 thp ibllowiiiigol4.o4t
A Were lhainlid ' t4',i l i, `iheiesto#)itiati cl,
iiiiiital 'hi bly`• ' " itiiettililic litlids',' laiiii liiiie
usedJ•tbit, Doi:nettle afiliritatitil ft•Spititiing
Wheelvend W4b.:•ooCilfl inosayirigtlsubtion.
tially, that theY,sPiot.W. ll .hlitt ; Iletelli : or..
eight .rtso,, (or , ainxit
.f:our ,5 1 1rfy's w i cork)••M..
diem, With as much ease ' is they , can,perr
fOrni an i erdiiiiiii diti'Ll '4ilt * 'Willi' 'ti'ciiin
iton whaeL The infere 'latitresistable tr
tbatitlyill. hereafter. be triers torofitabletfor
the farther who mattqacturea : his moot, with
ihia.mapliing to have in , his employ at the
'sable cost foilitirfir, one . girl, titan fotir girls
with the' eiiirlinon` stand-and-spin Wilieels•:—
[PeepleltAdiniciitek '' • . 1 . 1 1 1 '
-• : , -, —4— • i : I .
The : nOdersigned,.eitizens of :Montrose,
have wittlessed, with much aatisfaption the
operation. of Lime! maChine deo militated
the 44 Doiiestieltiorizblital Spiniiirf :wheel;"
lately inVented by - Ilirbm F. -* eeler of
Springville, in; this county. It appears to
us to be a valuable improvement,* -view of
the ease with : which it is used' and the, ra
pidity with which it executes. We doubt
not that •our Partners generrflly,' with' all
who ' toil andtspin" will apprtive!ft too.
Montrose, Susq'a ea. Pa:
, , ; Col. Franklin LOSk,
Hon. Wm. Jesstip,
• Gen. D. D. Warner,
Joseph Williains i . `
• Thos. Johnson,
Hon. M. C. Tyler,
. S. S. Mulford,
Henry J. Webb, p. M.
' J. B. Salisbury, '',
Walter Follet, Treasurer.
J. W. Myers,
I E. Patrick, Jr., M. II
! Daniel Searle, :.
Wm. J. Mulford, •
J. Lyons,
' Wm. J. Turrell,
t Issue L. Post,
Geo. :V. Bentley,:
Wm. L. Post 4
. : .
Rev. John Lohg..
rir Rights will be sold on the most reas
onable terms to those who wisli to;tnake the
wheels, or purchase Territoryita sell again
in any of, the United States (e crept Ohio.)
Those wishing to engage in a business both
pleasant and profitable will please call on
the subseiiberi in Springville, Susquehanna
county, Pa.
,11. F. WHEELER, Patentee
,J. SMITH, Jr., Agent.
Springville, April 8, 1847.
OF new SeasOnable • and fashionable Goods for
the Spring and Summer trade of 1.147, is now
being received by the subscriber direct from New
York by Rail Road and Team.
The subscriber tenders his thanks! to the public,
for the . very liberal patronage hitherto,; bestowed,
and hopes to mfrit a continuance Of the same, by
keeping on hand those Goods mo.4t dhsirable for
cheapness, durability, style and fashitin. Please
call and examine the new goods just at
Montrose, Maklt :23,.1347
A great i•ariety of Spring and Summer Goods for
11 Boys and Nieh's wear—very lo;wk--first recd,
March '25, 1841
CASSINIERS, Twedev, &c., S., just
received and will be sold for a final profit at.
March 25, 1847.
LINENS,, ,1.524
T 4 INEN Camkoric and Silk Hdkfii anen Table
Spreads, Finc bleached Muslinsi Lairs, Muslin
Edgings, Thread; Edgings, and
March 23, 1847.1
- pLOROICE Druid, China Pearl, an d Straw Bon=
nets, aigrett yuriety and the spring and summer
fashion very low:at I Salisbury's
March 25, 1847';
000 1 DEACON
WANTED; For which the highetit market price
V V willlbe pttid at - i Salisbury's.
Montrose April 294.18.17.
FINE Bleached, and Unbleached iSheetings jnit
.at, Salisbury's.
Montrose, April, 22d 1847.
A MOST splendid lot of the latest syle at
, alis
March 25; 1841: Sbu s
• FRENCH •K ID, , L ISLE thread' and Cotton Gloves, that will suit
all the Ladies, just received at ,Salisbury's
march 25 184 t.
A large
entef Hosiery very cheap nt
I Sahwbury s
March 25 ~ 1847.
LAWNS -Hickand Elplanded Dresi; goods at t
March 25,,180.• -
A LARGE varii+ti and extremely' law it •
March 25, 1841. •
A ND Parris° Go
s° m
2c to 205. 4.
,just iCome lit
March 1847
A most vlenditi assortment and elegant variety
of_Calt, Spring ilishion, just come at
March Salisbury'a.
9.5, }847,
LAWNS. • ,
ATEAT. eui4 gaiteel atylevertnewly law.. spring
fashion at Sapaburfa,
March " 5, 13471., .
.•1 c • •
LLPPers and lualtina aGm rate gueo,rtaneat at
Aftic 2:5; 180 1 "" ' •
IGHT iob kaidifid ityler . lhaftenw
ec Bahl - bury*
14 1 110 25 / J 847 .
SkiIIGIAR Sin Sew ponds orimprtiod yd.;
1 ":f4 - . 1 • 4 •M i n * c'F, ;# 4 4 c,c•l • r10181"8. •
y .H; • ; J - pogrit,
ILE& :1 4,„
i-triar id
"Nip: 24, tau:-
summits on Bitildingsj Mercbantliicl arakother prop.
ertl, ta i lainst! datuage fir loss by fi re.
'fhb uninirise resorres of the cotripaiy, and their
adberen:co to lair and: honorable -prmcl e es - in 'the
transaction of all ,theit'business, entitle t rn to .the
confidence of tho 'a safe me th s 'of Insn
ranee. • F. LUSIC, Agent.
Moxqr9pe, June 1 846. ;
CkcciwN-74 inches high; 5-16 yeconiin, "kbell r at
at; sids 1-16 h+nt and rear, 4 mike. TIP
oval, SIM BRIM - 14 wales wide, Tiont and rear,
and 19-Is at sides. 131;iniao--4 41'0 inch wide.
The fthosii new style, intrbduced iii iew Yorkon
Saturday, March 6ttn!by Beebe & Cosier, are now
ready find forsale by . H
• •
1 •
• A -
Of Grat Baid,
'b ushels
10,000 ! do.
5,000 : do;
1,000 Wh'pat,
20,000 lbs
) 4 t C j p " , f.)
trotter, for C u h i e li ts h e ;tiLlearealeaslt
priceMill be paid. 11 ' • !.
'Great, Bend,
• 1
BOOTS & SHOES,. coarse and. 144 of al7nost
eii,ery quality anil price, by
IlitilT has hoencurrently repo rt. '
ed thriangh the county, andlir
is thedec)ared opinion of 44
dredai dip in point of Yarietg and gush . -
; ty, the supply of HATS told CAPS, at
11,1danit„ & ROOT'S Hat and Cup Stord on the West
side of the Public Avienue in Montros4, exceeds any
thing of the kind evee'exposed for said hithis region
ofc onntry. Reader,l do you discred4 Rio rumor?
Retnetnber the Net'aptimonition: ! i
. Oult , doubts are traitor 4 •
And make us loso be good we oft mi4it win.
Oct; 22, 1846., • t.
20 Dozen
F ,
uce, NUTRIA, - Brush, Moleskin- atukSillz Hats,
of Pall and Winter Fashions, on hand at Merrill
& Root% Hat Store,l which, will be sold cheaper
' 1
than ever for ready pay. 1
1 X DOZ colered pad nat..Lynx, &Offen,
and Cu,
_Lc, by Muffs, at; Merrill i, Root'
6 DOk.. squirrel Bliss and Ladies' Ftir aps at
I I ' gl & R's.
5D OT, seal, Nutria and Niuskrat Fur
tir 'Capkat isl,& Ws.
zr?zro - n - tmset,n-l's, - a'dnd q uality ,
l l 'ekit' Capsfi so.l
20 ,a.
: 1
9 - DOZ. Men's and Boy's silk and , ccitton glazed
CaPs,a fewdozn Buffalo Robes,ima any'quan
ty. of litfir seal, seale . and worsted Capii4t M & 2 11.'s
4 ,
- • :
a i,DOZI spit. cOney, imitation bnjsh, fur and
9, :wool sportin,4 , , cud wool flats - 1-also Hat Ca
sea, Mtriff Cases, CaplCases, &c. at • M'& R's.
pai-; 4
for Peltell ' !1M & R.
. 1 '-f, •
B iNt.,,AmToN plow Points for 1 1 $ 0,44
sue iliad-e. : : 50
Also Wiwtie County Points-at
: -
111mtfrose, Oct.; 22,. 1846,
1 .1.
500 1.,8.5. wanted in
s im A cil i tli,: itl a . t ,B
"oth Feb. 18.17. ; •
cos MNTIN.
THE Publisher's of the People's Akixocate, bar
ing the use of ali entirely new . arid :tnedern us
sortmeut of JOB.TYP E, are now prepaleitto ezecute,
in a neat and satisfactory style, all kin& id "
I T -
at price* to snit the times.
. I• '
Printed )11`sltort notic, and in the best kyle of the
Art. . .;
. s„ 1,
M" X share of the •eople's patronage Os respect
fully solicited. , 11
, July 4 1 4846. .•.- 1
i -
A T the Shop of JOHN -G a, ROVES, ttwo
&ion below the Furmer's Store, thiNew York
Spring and Summer Fasbions for 1897 and John
lunaself !nay always be found, there, read - to mein
ure his : patrons for any kind of a suit,ithey may
choose to wear. It is a self-evident fact Sitat- men
rimst hate olothes, and the stibscriber• flats re
self thaqhe can suit the taste of every mut who may,
favnr him with their custam.
Gutti4 dene.on short notice, and so.mirked, that
" the wayfaring man though a fool may
making !tap.
EP"! Merchantable producninuteash trill be ta
ken for ivork
Montrne, May 6, 1847. . 47m3
Q!UPRIFI,NE Flour for sat') by ►
Apri . 120111,•1897. Chandlir ‘k.t. Co;
-, WANTED. _
ii t 1 !
6,00ci Bils Oats, MOO barbels' kyti, 'l6O
Inudiela 'Pow seed, sad 30Q..FirkinoAlidiy But
tor, for Ithich rt e highest market price; wilt 4e paid
by: - 1 1 ' • bfallaleSbanPon. •
A •
Juie 4 : , 15471 . .:. ~,. ~-,
~,1 .1 , 1
TN PLOUGHt!':': 4 . 1
AllArAE'le: Plo ughs and Po!nbkfar' elby
7 ,IPOI 21 1 . Bias 3G Bljeritua•
6 0:4!faii4,Pisild4;441
Fab. 3 aclu,
.B, ze - ; * greet variety jest. received by ' •
, 1817. BILL/.8 *k. B oritW 4 .
- ...,
I. ' ‘.. 1 .: ,`. Vi r ANTED, L.- L '''.-- )
4 . .'
. ,
/14 as s'ilkireigiiiiii ilia Tialgailne4s. - 1
;wits ortyraTe : olkot , tocdpo g riiii)!
ter; whi l Llvin tontalcii %as& isairtil L . , 4 cfn
etpt Tektrii, iliii vionthik,. - iinilibid - 'is*our•
poluaM c ,141448 at- .-,,,- ;
.., . • .4
.. 1 t
' , , " . F•
g• 6 hralo: 4 - r t ,- , i,
,'Ma , 12,11811 1 -'.— '1 . . i
I T )1 . 111 Ir.
THE s'l'id' :1.y;,. OF : r ow
tomp rumg — . a . gektral.introductery outline
. of UniverugUltiat try,. ancient' and mod„f ll ,gdereetiee . .
of separate Historiei o;
.I,n*iiiiti:fitdion that 'eiisti, Oar
' rue, progress, present condition, ,cc. ; , I.K.giowg.4, MAUNDER;; •
Author of the Treafilary of knowledge,!'" Biograph•
ical TieustFy,', ;! Literary amiScientif
id•Treasilry,"&e. „ including
The repulilieitiotent Ilia stainable work has be en
undertaken partly.en account of the high favor with
which it has,heen received in England, but'
chiefly in consieration of its intrinsic value, arising
from the Ricitiiai:::adaPtion of the plan 'to a want
that has been long and, generally felt and from the
judgment and fidelity manifested in its execution.—
The idea of giving,* a single work, of no very
formidable dimenlions, and at a price which brings
it within the reacia , of very Moderate circumstance s ,
a sufficient outline bf the voirld's whole history, and
similar outlines of the history of every nation, is sr,
obviously judicioui find appropriate as to require iur
enlogium. Every person who cares at all for the
acqusition of _useful knowledge must desire to pla
sma such a general know)ge of past events, not on- -
ly in,his own .countiy but n all count ri es, as shall
enable him to understand t e perpetually recurring
allusions that are fottml in almost any course of gen
end reading a because for want of such understand
big there as always a serious diminution both of
pleasure and profit', • even in the peinsal of such
works as arc designed chiefly for amusement. For
instance, most of Sir'.Valter Scott's novels are found
ed. upon -history, and abound with references to his
tend events and personages, a want of some, c
quaintance with Which detracts seriously from the
interest 'aid delight 'they are so well qualified tr
awakens sal situ f most other works belonging to'
the better " clans of What Is called light literature.
But thedifficalty bas been to obtain this general
through many bogus, re
knowledge vvitboat, going
quiring a greater expenditure of time and money
than most persons are able or warm." ' to afford ;. and
to obviate sach-difficulty has b - Cen the purpose of
Mr. Maunder. .
His plan has' tlie tnez4t of oomplote n ost. shit is v i a .
doubtedly the best that could have been desired.—
Ile gives first a geuetid sketch of ancient and mod
ern history—a rapid and comprehensive- birds.eye
view, as it were, ofthe rise and progress of nations.
the most importantincidents of their career, and
their relations to each other; and after this he takes
up the nations separately, furnishing, a concise di-.
gest of all that is important or desirable to know
concerning each, and thus affording a soft of key to
Die changes and events that were more briefly indi
cated, rather by their results than their incidents, in
the general sketch or outline. Thus the
points of history are brought within a managaide
cempass; and an excellent foundation is laid for
more thorengh an at extensive readintin referenceto
any portion of the world, or any epoch of which u
complete knowledge may be desired.
In the execution of this plan the author has been,
very successful. His notice of historiMA events, tho'
brief, are lucid and .satisfactory ; and : he traces tht:
connection of effect and cause with singular acumen
. generally with mosecommendablefreedom from
partiality or bias; thus snpplying a very 'good ides.
of the philosophy of history as well as the facts which
history records. In a word, the work•wiTl befound
invaluable to the - general reader and. a very useful
help to the student.
Complete in two volumes, large octavo, with en.
Eravingsp-$4. An Adition in paper covers, complete
suitable ; for mailingi $3.
• .107 Fulton street, Now-York.
moirsense, that the natural vegetable productions
of evervl country are, if properly applied, amply suf.
ficieut 'fOrthe cure df every malady it cident to each
pecaliaij climate.
Wright's , rndian Vegetable Pills
of the North Atneriiaii College of Health, are com
posed of plants which grow sponumeously on oar
own soil, and - are therefore better adapted to our
coustinaiions than Medicines concocted from foreign
drugs, however well they may be compoundell: and
as they l ore founded upon the principle that the hu
man body is in truth •
r` Av
Subject to but one Disease,
viz: corruptimmors, and that said medicine cures
this disease on
Natural Prilyiples
by cleansing mid purifying the7bixiy; it will be man
iti,st, that if the constitution be not entirely exhaust
eil—a perseverunCe in their use, according to direc
tions, is absolutely .certain to drive disease of every
manic from the both-.
S It's
When we wish to restore a swamp or morass to
fertility, we drain it of the euperabunthurt waiters
in like mannner if we wish: to restore the body to
health, we must cleanse it of impurity,
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
will be of the best, if not the very heft
medicine in the \valid for carrying out this
Grand purifying principle,
because they expel from the body all corrupt end
impure humors, the cause of disease, iu au easy and
natural manner; mid while they every day
Give ease and pleasure,
disease of every name is rapidly driven from the
The following highly resOctiblo, storelc'eepers
have been duly appointed agents tint the sale of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Fills in Susinehanns
county :
Mills & Sherinan, Montrose:
ira Scott, Springville.
L. IL Woodruff, DU:nook-Corners.
Edwin Tiffany, Brooklyn.
A. Greem'ood, Harford.
,ToS. Dußdis, Great Bend.
R. L. Sutphin & Co. Surnmersville„,
H. Burritr, New Milford.
N. E. .Kennedy, Gibson Centre.
SMiley &Cuttts,lEast Gibson.-
& Co,;Dtmdaff.
Tarbox & Burrows, Rushville.
James Coinfoit, Harmony.
U. Burrows & Co. Gibson.
I. G. Pride, Harford. • '
CharlesL. Brown, Priendsville. -."
BEWARE OY COIIRTERZEITA !—The puhlic ails cau
tioned against the ninny spurious medicines which
in order to..deceire; are coaled by names similar to
Writhes lrulian.Vegetable Pills.
The only original and genuine Indian Vegetable
Pills haVe the•signature of Wm. Wright written with
a pen on the top, lithel of each box. None other is
genuine, and to counterfeit this is forgery. -
far Offices `dettited exclusively to the sale 'of ,
Wright's Indium Vegetable Pills, et the;North Amer
lean College of ileidib; No. 293 dreenrich st. New
York.: No. 198 'Tr6itkont st. Boston; tuul principal
office, No. 169 Race at. Philadelphia.
Produce and 'General Commission
Merchtentii . -43 Front st.i N. V.
'DARTICULAR lineation given to I the isle of
11 Sutter and Chries, e. gofer to 31elitii. Mills S.
Sherman, Montriise;:retin'a who will' mail liberal
advances on, Produce ' cons igned to , t,*•• care ; and
pay.over the proceedis aeon as,
New Totic, - .1u1y,. p 46. • S—ly
' . ' - }IFTY, CORDS 1 .
"WOOD waiaterl . thii P . •pring iu ecbauge for
V Ir. Goode at • '' Salisbury's.
April 6, 1047. ', .
TING. , ,
bffeahigaiable Vetaingjimmeived
k iarge "6431'
Mare ' SaftsbuirY'll'
al. in elegant and ialitithls• - for
the lesioWyerg-low at • Flaliabstey'a.
March L!4 i
• .:-'..3IIIAWLS. I
S TRAD IU 4, - 3.44 14** 41* I/44 Btemla of
all cola& ana,stylea, abeaper
. 001 a aver offered la
thliinitiftekbeirciecjiiiivett attd ism; tolie'bici.
Mieob - ;.
FO ' 9llll AlibeiltH • i.for all
o vhief * t wist fats br.
Dec. 1816; . AtiltlLL