The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, June 24, 1847, Image 2

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    owned- Of Ain
Expeditibn against
- `Fe DERI IKSBURG, June 18.
The seboonr Zeno. ia, arrived at New
Orleans, brings Vera I ruz dates of the 3d
The American: Bag! , of the 2d, contains
the letter of fiantn nna resigning the
presidency unde# date .f the 29th ult.. Co
ngress had not acted u n it at the latest
dates. The Ea le say that his resignation
has ,been 'followetl by t iat of General Bravo
as Vice President, bu there is probably
some confusion Ili this, as the Vice Presi
dency was abolisfied in order to get rid of
Gomez Paa.% apdla not been established
'again. Bravo was rec ntly in command of
Puebla, and yet 'rnore r cently at the head
of the army of the cent e.
The Eagle saps that the election of Pres
ident was to take pinc on the 15th inst.,
meaning probably that the votes would then .
'be o ffi cially counted, a d the result made
known. This P,tier th nks Herrera will be
, ,
Gen. Scott reached
the day before Tiviggs
thing remained quiet in
and the inhabitants bei
A small reconiMiteri
&ad been suit Rime t
Puebla, and enedunte '
The Mexicans are e
distance this side of
Eagle treats them as
likely to be competed.
The Eagle gives a
had been imprisonedl
holding correspondenc.
It has been tiscert,
man was killed pt the t
A naval expedition a
der the Comniednre_in
The letter of rgsigna
is published in thb Un
iroom for any more tha
. 4' The views oflthe e
the conflicting interests
terior, are directed to
common target frit all.;
placed in ,
a position—l.
bus, for I do not fear da
ly difficult, and imwhi
service. The attempts
public, and the gciyerrn:
the thread of them; an.
known that the enemy
'from Puebla upon Me
threatened to do, unless
revolutionary movemen
can arrest this revoluti.
a single word ; and it is
'as the last and most effi
it is left me to render.
formal resignation, whi.
- note, of the provincial p
public, with which the
The letter accompan
Union, is dated at i the c
4 29th. • It states it was v i
'Santa Anna's resign . atici
'by Congress.
Santa 4nn
Ayothq 11a)
From the morneat tb
place, I learned with d.
the channels worthy o
my . approach to the ca ,
the East had sp,ead
among its inhabitant.% c
that it was intended to .
in its own walls, as also
party interest, which pu
in -motion, appear iir-th
made common cause w
the honor and the l iiidepe
Alarmed by this imelli e .
to its natural course, w.
'of the only property re
svorld—my lionar-f--but
ly endanger the Sacred
fenclii have though it t
pend my march, iii ord.
count to the Supieme
conduct and my lii,itenti
loyality and candor wit
plain them, willip6veti
fatal calamity wl4.h co
sition befall our eguntry
( i
cord among tho ;who
save it"
When I cant anted '
city, it was in ''oNidie
adopted - by the ,
7 informed your Excell,
of day before yesuirday,
terniined that' th,!snlva
Was'not only necessary
`the ulterior - dibiatio
might be sUfficiedtlto bri
tonorible conchndOn.
viited ,of the utilitt\of t
i9iiestioi4 ; on my rival •
other and more n4mero
over bi ther4ide_lt: gene
i st
t i e i min ai o '
r t its d
,resign POiiillue Powe
iftisted' to ytini Eicell
tanned deapti '2 i Sac
ii,irbiab I p -
~- ' - ' . in;
'ttinigiit ii*ivf,orii
tails lil4l a p ' it 'Tie
itodi I return"' iti!th
iiiiiiikniiihnei limit
.. tien
iiiii m
siotike ,
1144 v ~ , u ,ci. ;
17.... tit ' b re d . :the
*tied_ ie* ~i'el, i r
We lie Ili of •
...T., r. --#: IVO'
„ , ..'e
fiiviiibitiittok lie
scion have. lidded tr etdi i r
_ .
ready bitter ceps,cf My hfeit and 'under what,
circumstance: r 4 (..a moment whin lira:
leading to the de eie of the capiMl' an itr-' 5 .
my drawn froiniminiins, and when T asked,
of my country 410 other favor thaiio be al
!Owed to die in its , defence. Although .this
unexpected and undeserved return ought to
absolve Me from all engagements, furnishing
me an Opportunity to escape with honor
from the extremely difficult position in which
I find myselftplaoed, yet I will not volunta
rily' lake itte/Va step,.norllshalll it ever be
said "that the Man to whom the nation en
trusted heeselvetion did . not have recourse
to every sacrifice; including his self-love and
even outward appearances{ before he retreat
ed fromtfoie the enemy,. and if ever this
should happeri it will be due to invincible
obstacles; and .fipally because he had been
repudiated by his countrymen.
As in my person are at this moment , uni
ted two kind t ~r epresentations, both su
preme—one Military and the other political
which especiidly claim the fulfilment of pe
culiar duties; it is necessary that I should
satisfy both. ti will do so es clearly and as
succinctly ad the straitened position in which
I am- plaeediwill admit. The first requires
that I sliould State freely and explicitly my
opinion respeCting the military operations
under my charge, and these are, that the
war must be continued until we have ob
tained amphrjustiee from our unjust aggres
sors ; and that to arrive at this result it is
necessary to save -the capital at all hazards,
because its defence is necessary for the-basis
of ulterior olio rations, and because I fear,
with good 'reason, that if the capital should
I be occupied Without resistance, the spirit of
the people will be broken, and that the com
plete submissfon of the country will be inev
My duty as the first magistrate of the na
tion, nt present shamefully censured and
suspected by Unjust and artful detractors, re
quires that I iihould remove a pretext in
vented by perfidy and pusillanimity in order
-to neutralize the generous efforts which the
good citizens tire disposed to make for the
salvation of their independence and honor.
In order to accomplish this it is necessary
to make knoWn to Government my program
mdto which I have previously alluded, and
of which . I now repeat the two 'following
points : First, to carry on the war on the ei
basis before indicated ; and secondly, to
consider-the salvation of the capital as indis
pensible. Being determined not to admit
of any compromise on either of these points,
I communicate the same to your Excellen
cy that you may impart the same to his
Excellency, the President, and should he
decide tignmst me you will at once tender
my resignation as commander-in-chief and
first magistrate of the Republic, and forwnrd
my passport to retire to wherever it may be
most convenient for me.
uebla on the 28th,
rrived there. Every
the city, oar soldiers
ig on the best terms.
1 g party of our troops
enty miles beyond
•d no enemy thus far.
ecting works a short
ne capital, but the
nimportant and not
• port that Almonte
an accusation of
with General Scott.
med that only one
me Cot. Sower was
: inst Tobasco, un
erson, was about to
ion of Santa Anna
on. We have not
an extract :
It mighthappen that althouglt there may
be an absolute conformity with my ideas, it
may be thOught,that I would be an obstacle
to carrying them into effect. I have already
stated that! these circumstances would' be
very ,propittious for me to escape from the
critical position in which I am placed in an
easy and honorable manner!. by a prompt
dismissal from service, hut have too high
an opinion ormy duty. I know the obliga
tion I conttacted with the nation when I
was placed at its head, and , when it confided
to me its precious defence. I shall never
betray this trust, and a voluntary separation
from the affair would make me believe my
self guilty of a dishonorable desertion.
My country finds me at :her side, and I
am determined to fulfill the mission that has
been confided to me to the very last extrem
ity, and my dearest interests and my very
existence are staked on the altar of liberty
and the independence of my country. But
as I wish to hear and to respect the sound
opinion of the, nation, I should wish that the
Supreme Government, speaking to me loy
ally and with candor„,should' make known
to me whether I should separate from the
trust 'which has been confided to me, and I
will not hesitate a moment, in relinquishing
them. Xn, that case I shall have given way
to respettable voices and not to the calcula
tions of individuals or factions. I shall retire
tranquilly Making this last sacrifice, which is
that of my own opinion, and renouncing the
satisfaction of spilling my Weld for my
country, and standing by berin the moments
of her affliction.. Senors Don Manuel Be
rande, Don Ignacio Trigueros and Don Jose
Fernando Ramirez, who are here on a
friendly irisit,are. commissioned to be my in
terpreters near the Supreme Government,
and I have requested them to enlarge on
these ideas as they have heard them from
my lips. .
I ternal enemy, and
I . f parties in the' in
, elindividually,' as a
and • I find Myself
.11 not say danger
, gets—:but extreme
., I can tender no
t a revolution are
nt holds in its hands
it is also publicly
dare not advance
ico, as he kindly
he is aided by a
in this capital. I
nary moveinent by
my duty to utter it,
ient service Which
That word is the
I tender in this
esidency of the re
ation honored me."
ing the above to the
ty of Mexico,' May
ry doubtful whether
would be accepted
18, 1847.
it I arrived at .
ep regret, through
all confidence that
talwith the army of
the greatest alarm
:used by the , idea
efend the city With
by the agitation of
I ing party passions
s instance to have
• th the enetnis of
: • deuce of the notion.
ace, which, if left
uld not only rob me
aining to me is this
would also deCided
anse which we de
t. b e my duty to sue
rto render an ac
overnment of my
ns, trusting that the
which I shall ex
the last and most
Id in our present po
" distrust and dis-;
re , called' Upon to
May it please your Excellency to commu
nicate this note to his Excellency, the Pres
ident, requesting him to favor me with an
answer with the shortest delay possible, to
enable me to call forth my , ulterior determi
nation. God and Liberty
To his Excellency the Minister of War.
To, this letter the following reply was
immediately made by the Government tbro'
the Minister thif War :
-• Mexico, May 19, 1847. i ,
Yogi- Excellency—Having given an ac
count to-his Excellency, the President Sub
stitute, of yournote under yesterday's date,
from :Ayotla s ;in which you, explained the
reasons which induced you to- conduct the
Army of the East towards the capital, and
state your propositions and opinions respect.
ing the war, end your absolute disinterest
ednesi in regard • to the exercise of the Su
preme_ Government. His &ashen% bas
ordered roe to reply, which I now, have the
honor, of deingobat the ideas of your Ex-
Ce_lleney on the war, and; the necessity of
saving the capital atoll cost, are the same
which have always been entertained by his
ExcellenCy, the. President Substitute, and as
regards the resolutions of 'your Excellency
to wpm.* yonraelf fnmi the:supreme corn- ,
i +h
andi if it should emir t necessary, his
Excellently Will (Mir& .to tell you on
your arrival it tbe capita l ; red to invite you
formally to mice.poesessioi of it, ,which he
thinks_it to'beihit duty to, do. . • -,
41144thitllove the ihonor to comma
nicate; ~ X ' . KARL PR SANDOVAL.
- ... HiSiZriaegging Artrinito Lorzz in Slug-
TA. ANNA.,f-
: , 1
the march to this
,ce to a resolution
1 . • e of War; of which
'limy in my despatch
in which it was de
'on of the capital
and advantageous
s• of the wan, but
g it to a happyand
though fully i coa
-1 is measure, ..I . had,
to submit the same
t the capital,-to an
s meeting; presided
ilathe army; de
cision and -even to
, which I Also min
ncy in the )ibove
L, were my designs,
„, solemnly , *ot a giclizeinent or am
nation has seen ' that
'lR4ablic -I , base 1
iiitilisithinkiiig of I
V •
i, t 7 i/ N °Ht Y 4j r the I
i , cm`wriged• Int to
iii - irk , de
1 lielfilkiiii; 'the,
1 ,
, .”
' suilleiest' ljtv
. crier-' . :: .. ,. Mt ~
wood to ' cif.
ROdll o l . l o4 Vl6 )Rft*r,it - Of &WARY
lort, thatfitml *hairs bag men sad
hawk' thO-firiorfri-wrll jinetrotiiim Amore
then holf trip. "ay till& in slinAoint,
44: r
et worth ignunwint, ,Ll - re!
bd New Orlinms Picayrne publishid,
esOtra; at,noon oii7the 7th inst., contliniig
the intelligence *ought byrthe arrival Of the,
steamship New orleaos,4retn Vera Cruz;
bringing dates to the Ist inst. She also
touched at the Brazos on the 4th..
, Gen.B,cott had left Jalapa at the Woad of
six thousand troops. Gen. Twlggs; with
hit division, entered Puebla on the 29kb. It
was was not positively known what G‘iieral
Sk4t's intentions were, but.the gener4l sup:
maition- was that he would advance n the
cannel with his present force.
Accounts from the Capital state ;ha San
ta, Anna resigned the Presidency cin the
28th, but it is not kninvn whether Congress
aceepte,d it or not. This step was taken by
Militia consequence of the apparition Ito his
:views - in -- relation to the defence of the Capi
tit as well as the defamatory articles In the
Tniblic prints of Puebla.
- !The American army was generally ex
pected to be at the Capital by the L sth of
the "present month, and but a alight resist
ance antipated.
Santa Anna had commenced the Ratifi
cation of Gaudeloupe in person, and ()Hera
the same meastrAt at Mojicatzingo, near the
suburbs, but this causing general disbppro
bation, his resignation followed. It ivas be
lieved it , Would 'be accepted and Herrera
nominated. The troops at the capital were
but three thousand in number. • •
An exciting rumor prevailed at Vero Cruz,
to the effect that the citizens of Puebla had
risen upon Gen. Worth, arid cut off i six or
seven hundred of his men. The rumor wa 's
in every man's mouth and much credence
was given to it, though the Picayunets Vera
Cruz correspondent is sceptical.
The murder of Col. Sours appear 4 to be
confirmed. A wagon master and a quarter
master's clerk, supposed to have been mur
dered between Camnrg►o and Mouterby, are
now ascertni ned to be prisoners in the city
of Mexico.f
Suspicions are entertained nt Jalapa that
an attempt will soon be made to retake that
Further Tobberies have taken place be
tween Vera Civir. and Jalapa, and thel Rhan
choral- between those points are estimated at
A private letter from Jalapa stat'bs that
Col. Lawrence, a bearer of despatchds; and
one of his 'escort had been killed ion the
road. • This originates probably through
mistake ; Col. Sours' murder is no d4ubt al
luded to.
There are later dates from Gen. Taylor's
army, but very little of importance.; The
Massachusetts regiment had startOd for
-Monterey. Lieut. Col. Wright had been
elected tp'the vacant colonelcy ; Majbr Ab
bot chosen Lieut., Col., and Cap. Webster
Major of the regiment.
.Part of Col. Doniphan's fe hat! --'‘,Pd
_..tniiphan's force Ink prrivet.
at!Saltillo, and the remainder was expected
ini a few days. A speedy movement by
Gen. Taylor towards San Luis was still an
About 800 officers and men came Passen
gers in the steamship from Vera cruz and
the Brazos.
Major Hammond, V. S. Paymastet, died
oni the passage.
• General Pillow's Defencep
General Pillow has published iu the New
Oroeans Delta of the Bth, a long and 4ble re
ply to Col. Haskell and the officers of the
2d Tennessee regiment, who recently o ac
cused him in a public statement of incompe
tency. The defence of Gen. Pillowt com
pletely uses Col. Haskell up, and vindicates
hiti own military skill and knowledge. .He
convicts the Tennessee officer of the l'ollow
in# misstatements:
•' First, Colonel. Haskell misstates the
nuinbei of works in the enemy's link , and
their position. Secondly—he misstates the
work which in fact I intended eitherliiniself
or Col. Wynkoop to assail, and the work
which was actually assailed. Thirdly—the
order of march which he regarded - es a
blonder of mine, was proper, and th'e only
one by which the assaulting party ecaild'pos
sib)y reach their positions—and the regi
merits were each placed in the march with
thils express object. Fourthly—my; order
fori the formation of his command, into line
of battle, which he says reversed the ;wings •
and the ranks of his regiment, was riiht and
proper; and agreeably to that orde4 there
wail no possibility of his wings and hittranka
being reversed." •
The blunder fererred to he explains as
follows, and we see an officer in a'Nent York
Jotirnal defends the movement as a dorrect
onv: .
“ Col; Haskell cannot understand why
his i.egiment was placed between Wynkoop's
and Campbell's, and Campbell's bdtween
hisi (Haskell's) and Robert's regiment, on
the,march from the encampment. • i•
This (to him) incomprehensible miler o •
march, which he seems to think was - a quncler
of mite, will perhaps be better understood
by him when I state to him the object
The harrow pathway along which-w were
obliged to march pierced the eneniyls line
of *orks just at the place selected for the
assault By my order of attack, Wynkoop's
assaulting column was to form on the left
of the path, and was tcrattack the works on
the left aide of the angle. WynkooP's po-
Ando ivies f urther advanced on th road
than Haskellis, and therefore he was placed
in the advance. When Wynkoop'st, regi
ment reached its position, it was to I form,
and did,form:on the proper ride of thq path,
When Haskell's regiment had , fornied, it
cleared thw path far Col. Campbell'i l regi
ment to pass-Op to Wynkodp's auppart.--
The passage Of Campbell's regiment *ft the.
way clear for Roberts' to come forward to
Haskell's - support Thus it will be seep that
the only order Of march by which (t was
possible to hive placed the regiments/ with
their supporting forces ; in propergluon,
waisadoptediand it.reaulted in the roper
formation of ach assaulting. force,
Confusion or disorder, although there amino
road but a narrow pathway, ~ ; i
= Againecil. Haskell says that. I , ilaced
his regiment in position by directinglim- to
"rat hie tight:on the right of the pa*, ex
tendiorhis leeksquitre off tothelefii* alto
form his line Praia irith the een ftekl
work 0
.riaeory.” ' , He *eh vayethet 4 6 by
this ma ' , it will be sea tharthe/ranks
,eolaniand ',ere inaesised,
*frost nab - bett,the , resi; 'sad the
'444 the riti went itejeft." 44 . Hari !how
ills "possible ailwi,:Thiehjikllerh.
inrity ilw &ilk 'to 7.lettnae-.01 ,
.atid ,
ebenge* wiiii , feenifigltt tit. ;W lie.
onlerit witiberAfikailt ' for any I tat,
man to comprehend. If the . rigAf of 1113?
tegintsint was upon* right of the PathAnd
theleitoxtended'equarenff toAe lip, iii he ;
re f
imp vOsordered by me, it was as Nisi
hie fur thewing_ s to have been ed! by
that order; nail would be for a' m to re
verse the position-01U, own arms, d equal
ly so for the ranks to ,have been reversed.;
for they could not possibly have been revers
ed except the whole- regithent being ordered
to face by the rear ranks,*hick would
have turned the backs_ of the men to ,the
enemy ; and yet, Col. Haskell combs to the
coficlusion that by this order his wins and
his flanks were reversed. I cannot acciika
.for such inexplicable confusion of Mind in a
minket) , man. To
- suppose him so .ignorant
of the principles of militaryscience, would
show him utterly unfit for the command of
a regiment; and yet we -are forced to . this
conchision, or to the, belief that he was so
much-perturbed by nervous sensibility, that
he•did not know his right wing from his
left, nor his rear rank from his front. 1 de
fy himself or any of his friends to extricate
him from this dilemma. It would be entire
ly immaterial by which flank he marched—
the order which he says I did give, would,
if executed, place the regiment in proper
position for the assault upon the enemy's
Gen. Pillow accuses' Col. H. of being his
political and personal enemy, and statewiliat
one officer pronounced the charges against
Gen. Pillow false and refused to sign them,
and that Major Farquarharson, who was
upon duty. with that regiment in that battle,
and Capt. Naylor, of the 2d Penn. Regi
ment, and his officers, whose position was,
on ; thisday, perfectly indentified with the
conduct and character of the regiment; but
were independent of Haskell's influence
have not signed it. Respecting the charge
that he hnd not carefully reconnoitered the
works, he says :
" I did not profess to have reconnoitered
these works and ground, as carefully, from
the nature of the ground and other obsta
cles, ai I could ; but I deny that either the
engineer,: or myself
. did or could carefully
reconnoitre them, or ever said we had. Col.
Johnson, Engineer, while engaged in a re
connoisance of these works, was shot thro'
the body twice. Lieut. Tower, Engineer,
and myself, devoted three other days to the
examination of these works—were repeated.
ly shot at, and once hotly pursued, and nar
rowly escaped a capture. On this last oc
casion, Cul. Haskell was along hid:is-elf.,"
An Alabama Volunteer at Sea.
The llatim Rouge Conservator relates
the following amusing anecdote of an „Ala
bama volunteer at sea, on his wad• to Vern
"One tall volunteer from the pine lands
of Alabama, was unhappy for the want of
employment; he sauntered about looking
for ,‘ something to do,' when it occurred to
him that he might, as he expressed it, " take
a good'waMi.' He was a tall lank fellow,
with, a shockey head of grassy dried hair
hanging down his shoulders. With trdelis
- consistent with an idle sea voyage,
he commenced rubbing the turpentine soap
of the ship into his hair with commendable
vehemence. He had cause to take a great
deal of pains, for he observed to himself,
that he had an acre of barracks mud on
It must be observed, that all this while
the vessel' was ploughing further into' the
sea, nod by the time the' Alabama rose' had
soaped himself, the Mississippi water in the
wash room had become exhausted, and he
.threw his bucket over the vessel's side to re
plenish his basin.
The first dash be made was at. his hair,
the soap, and the saline of the water, in
stantly formed a chemical combination,- and
the oily qualities of the soap disappeared
and left something in its stead resembling
tar. Two or three rakes of the fingers 'Oro'
the hair, elevated it upright about the Ala
bamian's head stiff as the quills of a porcu
•pine. There's another trick played upon
we,' said the unwashed in a rage, his hair
.growing still fiercer. At this moment the
water dripped across his'face, and. he com
menced spitting as if nauseated to the last
degree. Coolly and determinately he went
to his belt, took out a ' bOwie' some fifteen
inches long, delivered hintself Milts Some
of them thar Louisianian have played tricks
enuff on me, now if any One dar, let him
fetch out the one who put 'salt in this here
Discovery of a Remarkable Cave.
PORT KENNEDY, Mon t gomery CO., }
June 1847.
To the Editors of the A ; orth American:
—I have this minute returned, coated With
clay from head to foot, froth the exploration
of a remarkable cavern, which has just been
discovered in the lime gantries of Mr. John
Itennedy, of this place, }laving seen a
slight notice of it in one of your city paperii,
I set out in company with three gentleien
of Phoenixville, to visit it. •
We provided ourselves with the necessa
ry torches, and entered the 'narrow apertbre,
laid bare by a recent blast.' After creeping
some thirty feet, the cave suddenly expands
into a magnificent subterranean hall, forty
or fifty feet in length, and thirty in height.
This ball has a beautiful natural
and vaulted ceiling . ; when illumed with for
ty or fifty torches it presents an appearance
grand and imposing in the highest degree.
Following a steep ascent, one of our par
ty ditcovered a small crevice among ithe
rocks.. Advancing cautiously with his torch,
he saw - an apparent opening, and by prbour
lag a shovel from the quarryman, widehed
the passage so as to admit his body; by
crawling:llst upon thetearth. We all. fol
lowed, and after squeezing ourselves throlt:gh
a succession of narrow . passages, came ,
to a grand circular hall, of the purest white
liniestone, covered with sparkling incitist, a
dons. The circular dome which covered it
glittered inthelight of our-torches,and our
voices reverbrated through it, it wilh a deep
echo. .
I_Olose, es we are lust starting on n iree
,ruyageThiliecovery. We'obseriedier
end other branches; and folloiintl one into
chamber, hung'with sandy, tiernmbling to
leCtites. Tiny wi l peoie'one of die , finest
carrerne'in State wbe explored, 'nd
will draw numbers front the city to visit - it.
Yours truly,' " —
• ' :
',decreel—The , Butler ( Iltecooemit
Mates this the roma nisi Te., midi ie.:
.virslithe crops is tud yj • ,
- Ntw
*l' tile tine
tea. pit
$lllllNt 1
id Li:tit-00
Decline in 6
nel, the g i st Agitator:
' bi* Yoni June
The StetnnshiO'Cinnbrin we
A shi p , ; _ _I ; kW
ed below B sto p Ibis. Morning at a quaater
past six o'cl
~ , and reached the dock at A
quarter of nitre u, s clOo,lE,, ; ~. - ..• I
LivunPool.; /line 4th' 1847; 7 -Corn'
, .ftr
ket.—Notwiiitstianding theatago l speculatiinis
entertained 4)revioutily to the „ LpartUrti of
th&lnist 'teenier, that the cora,, arket would
maintain its upward tendenef.thitinuiluil
fineness 'of the water, promisitt 'a favorible
• home harvelit, had the effect f materinlly
depressing Prices, and of coufre contract
ing the extent of average trananctions, 'l ,
The advises however, brought by theal
edonia of fight stock in the American its,
have created considerable-aMtivity„ and
dreaded relaxation that has tMken
. in
pressure of the money market, has largely
tended to re ; establish a freer desire to sec
elate. The reports, though ,unauthetit ea
s ted, of a prObable failure of t e potato crop,
both in Ireland and Jersey, ave also !lad
their own influence .. . .
The markets have in point of fact
,f ten
20 shillingt per quarter from the hig mot
i i
point, but though flour had declined to4o libil 7
lings per barrel, it is now wor.h 42 shillings
and may be fairly quoted atl, - 435. for best
Western. sorne average 37 to 38 shillings
per barrel. •i 1- i,
American wheat lOs 6d. tO 12s. 6Ciper
70 lbs. Indian Corn is tolerable stead' at
525. for yellow, and•from Irehind white has
commanded 2s. per quarter above the -.eur
rency for yellow i i,-..;Corn. ,.,
Meal ranges between 28s and 31s, with
a the, higher quotations: The
total export'. oflbread stuffs from the Mined
States to Great Britain and 'reland, Amin
the Ist September, 1846, to M 14th Say,
1847, appears to be,—Flom ,656802.fih15.
Corn meal,; 434,432 bbls: ' Wheat, 1412,-
274 bushelS. Oats, 271,556 bushels.
Cotton-1T he tone of thi s market space
the departure‘of the• last steatu ship has pii
terially improved. The• appreheusion:a of,
short receipts and of the backward sealson
for the growing crop have caused the 406-
I ded advance. The improvement is liken:isel
lin great measure attributed to . the great iise
' in the linoney market; so on the whole ;the
condition and prospects of the cotton throe
present a very encouraging aspect. . -.-1!
The salet of the week, ending the 48th
'.ultime, amounted to 39,000 bales. Upland
description rated at sa3 i to 7d. Orl3ans
-5a to Elfd.i ; Alabama and Mobile 5 2;:t1 to
• 70 and Sea ; Island 12f to 20d peg lb.
East India is quoted f to 0 per lb. higher,
' since the•lat steamer.
The market retains an unquestionably
firm character, and inquiries. from the trades
are more than ordinarily general in the Alan-
I.chester market. There is an obviousileSire
to purcltasej but the ascending disposithia of
our market bas checked trans ; action mild led
! to the relinquishment of . heavy contr4ets,
I which would otherwise be' accepted. . The
I order executed for the United States ~; are
heavier tht have been knoWn for ninny
years. . I
? •
Daniel O'Connel died at' Ce - noa on the
15th of Mas-. He had directed his heart (i) be
deposited in Rome and his body to be per
i led in Irelhed. , i,
! • Lord Beiborough is succeeded by . Aord
1 Claradon, Us Lord Lieutenant of IrelauP.
Dr. Chataiers, the eminent heologian Pied
suddenly, on Mondry last. i ~.•
The tirstlmeeting of the Irish Confedera
tion for national purposes was held on Non
; day. It prOfesses to combine IriSln,en -of'
I every grade and section of opinion to iviitch I
' over the 'rights and ; interests of the cquiitry
and to creale, foster and deirlelo - pe a sound
Irish ',oldie opinion, irrespective of Hity.
: 1 ,'•
I Death 'of DaltietO'Conell Ems:
, i •
; The following is an aceount ;of the - ast
!hours of the liberator, written by Dr.; knff,
an English physician, who attended hint at
d'etiou : i - . l .l ' 1
" Some ,account of the chising seente of
the life or On individual. who has fill 4 so !
I reinarkableM position in the N'orld as Ila n-
iel O'Connell must kove interesting MI I
; therefore - , ea an English physician, cal eni in
to attend 'hiim, take leave to lay befor you I the following statement : On Monduy May
10th, I saw Mr. O'Connell for the first tihm,
and he was; then suffering from profuse iind
involuntary•iniarrhcea, with great pain la t the
: ad domen under pressure, strew. rapid ; Pulse;
- flushed --face, &c. Mr. O'Con e Fell had' 41so
chronic bronchitis of some y rs' suii4ng.
Frem the remedies employedhesesynattims
were much ; !ameliorated, and - n the.nik* ow .;
he seemd convalesent. But froml Af4lT-
ConnelPs g(eat repugnance, tO swallow even
the most siMple medicine,
thi state dke
prOvement, Could n o t. he follo ed up. Li;
On the evening of Tuesday the 11111„4the
new symptonisof coogestien o the brain tore:
seated itself'- , Active Measure wereiuiiiiedi-;
ately had reiource ter and fro,.. them there
was a decided improvemen Again Ae
aid .of intermit remedies. was vied, Mr; pi-
I Connell reldsing to lake an mediciuf..-,-•
Towards fite evening of : .. nesday ,the
12th, the synuoms nuclease& Mr. ; 0,-Ilon
nell was, restless, and sometitn s• slight Vin-,,
mherani. , Ohr former measers were aitllTl •
employed, biro with blight sue ens; During
Thursday al) the spinouts .in reared, .itilll
great tendency to-sleep, from :w hich hoiley-'
er, he - could easily be roused ; : ; ,the byeatarig
was much etnbarrasted4 circulationbectlitte'
difficult, in some degree itillistinct,-,Ondlthe ; _
mind wavered. Thursday Dirt witt`,„pos:.!
ed in -a statof profound hear : 7 404, ttith
l incremsed di nutty of breathing 'md ; inEne,
dressing thole-about! him, be iMagimta. Wl':
self in 'Loniion E
, and • ' spo k e - to . the m -41 it
- • . : .-
there. ;"
,• , .
OP Frid4 he a s ach ivdpin'inlyrei t h..-
tag very laherious, the voice reely:audikilei
andthelvoraii half formed ; 'all the,nym 'tondos' ,
had. increase d.; . In this state hatateredka.'
nit 4atui•dat night, ,seemingly consnhaiii fol'.'''
the preset* of thOse .abOt4 thini •.'butpie
neither attenip* to mote or. .' r k. .My , triNit-
Rept of Dir t _ OTanaail ''.wan., a w ays Pi;el4a.
junction l oth Dr.:llPara4 l - nft laidaaa;'..fid '
.a young pri****ol4l-4 "h'iiraiei). l ?'
. pap.hthin3
_ma Lynne,
,and' tliadail . fie.
. ceo l l: l 4 , falulle, , rip boii. di id* : tf.
copsoltior . •.tklkViiiiii,i*liiiiiiiii
ta k e.
_ii*:, 4 - Ina
!Ovi#ei:ii . l l. ...:044 riii.4; 0 04 ' 4. O P
.Polo44lo.frhial to . tkgiepspi ' iiiis.:iiiii A'
~ )
bu all YOl4 jzilikili ; itteklired last night' at
b Plistitine o'clock, li :KiPtHkrentli silf
fe ng little pain.
_Ditritri the whole time
of .iir attendance oU'llikO'Connell, it was
Sri h the greatest difficulty hi could be indu
c-, to take litediciue,bri even necessa r y
f..., and he perseveringly , abstaind from
d nk for fully forty hoisi.s! Had this been
of rwise, the period , of death might have
n procrastinated, but , his- failing health
an spirits, with constant to '•cere
br corlltestkial,renderedicertain his death
at o very distant period:,
Prince Jerome ElOnapaite nephew\ of Na
p c an lately died at Foxince frost a dig."
e se of the spine. '
111111P1.1 ,
of O'Cins
- , -
Shipwrecks and great Loss of Life.
I The correspondent ofilie Montreal Herald
gives some particulars of the loss of three em
irant ships, bound - for Quel;te from Eng
le id and Ireland; and that several hundred
human beings had found .a watery grave.
• QUEBEC, Juue 7.
" We learn from Wm.'Stevans,Esq, who.
arrived here this morning from Haliferljat
the Miracle, from Liverpholto Quebec, ith
passengers, was lost on the Magdalen Is
la ads ; about the 26th „Mt, that sixty. of
li r Passengers were drowned in landing,
a d trait the rernainderhad arrived at Pic
tesatint t a i te u state ,
on o;ar about and that
with A
iso a 179
s e passengers l
from for
s u
n la d u e e r. -
c, we 's w recked .
t e Z 6 e t n h o b
u i i t
uinasicklynd daat md
hnd, with coals and goods, (name not
,was wrecked , on Scutterie Island
about the same time." •
This inorningMessre. Pemberton received
the following letter from Capt. R. Thomson,
Master of the brig Carriqts, of Whitehavan,
ftoin Sligo to Quebec,; with passengers :
[ _ CAPE - ROSIER,'May 19.. :
I am sorry to inform you that the brig
Ci.arricks was wrecked 'abaout four miles
eastward of this placeand shOcking to re
line, out 0f'167 passengeis, onely 48 reach
ed the shore--the crew, except one , boy,
*ere all saved. Utile will be saved.
The Eastern Chronicle thus speaks oftlie
unfortunate settlers shipwrecked , in the Mir
aele : " The emigrants without exceptiob,
were in the most-deplorable condition ; such
MI were comparatively well were afflicted
with swelled limbs and mortified toes, and
they drew the most - hori&ing picturesoitheir
sufferings, during the night on which the
ship struck, upwards of sixty perished from
ekposure to cold and wet and from sickneo,
and about twenty more died on the island :
24,4 were shipped fot Pictou, two of thein
died on the passage, and within the shdrt
space of three _days; thirteen. more haie •
''The London Morning Chronicle, com
menting upon the falf'ofTera Cruz, end its •
probable effect, holds: ; this language :.
' We never entertained the slightest doubt
as to what must be* the : ultimate effect of
the attack upon the citadel and town of Vera
Graz, when the UniteicStates forces were
brought into the; field. ~ Still, consider
ing the rag addition* that have : been made
tO the' fortifications eindbattcries of the .cita.-
elel of San Juan d' Ulloa since the French
attack upon it. we confess_ we arc surprised
i ands, ttheitiiftelNlvig4elincveictofulilii
(andal l.
I t
t i t l e .
I l ad ample notice of ihe attack): the citadel
! '
should flir months have been impregnable.
1 "It is quite idile to speculate upon what
may be the resuli of this capture. We can
' not at all see that Mexico is a bit the•more'
I (onqtiered ()rause Vera Cruz is taken ; but
in the bends of Coin. Conner,
(Sm.,. Vera
' i Cruz might'Well became a E. S. Gibraltar.
Many persons in tliis country are disposed
tO sneer at such. a result as being df little im
portance tricis-Atlantic interest ; but we find
that by English and Riench statesmen ; a dif
ferent view has been taken of the. Point.—
Taking- the question all in all for the inter--
ests 'of civilization,we casecarcely , lament
the calamities of Il et
exico, still less can we re
'Oise in the success nithe United States."
N ,
a certat d from reliable data that the new
of thin steatrieri formed to run betwetr
•ew York an • mope, of - Which the Wash
i gton is the Pion er; willeOnsume, in their
1 1 13,004) tons o f
o tward voy
coal , tltk oe eno n r n trigs —a quantity guanti o tr f
stifficient to freight tkifleet 375 vessels of
the burthen of 300'tons each, or equal to.
of oldie quantity, brough totide wa
ter on the Reading railroad the pa year.
This immense railrotid-with all its exte t he
rincltinery-of cars and enmities would lie
full occupation for f4rty ,trays
,to bring an .
amount ;of the coat etjuallo the supply re-
I liked for their purpOsiei , - •
This is a'suhject Which should attract the
a tention of all persons interested 'in the.
i crease of the proteition of the coal fields of
ensyivania. If tbeSe steamers use anthrit- . „
c to coal it must increase the consumtitiu im
, easel y, but we believe it Is the design to use
b tuminoui coal 'principally, and if this is
t c case active measures sbould be taken to
p t this coal into Atlantic, cities at lower ;
tes than beretofirei'cir: we., may: find Amer
i•an steamers using Ibreign' coal ,silmost en=
ti -Iy. There is the grc'atest abundance of •
b luminous coal of the hest quality - on the.
est Branch otthe:Sumrttelleaua., and R.I.
$ Ete brounlit oat.
TUX /0 1 °NTAS 411 A itTicLe OP ooa.-Cap
in C. fietutedy, in his' it journey through
gqia andTunis,"intys: ",We were anx
a to Ann* if theraWai any chance of an-
er lion being,foonif the neighborhood,
re informed that: deabtless there were . plen
; but such ,was the peture oldie ground, that
less their exact begins,: were known, we
ithrbe out - forAforrniglit,, and nerer co
unter a. single 'beast. The skins of all •
its 'killed in . the regenci are sent to the
y, Who. pays- a handsente premium for
at. ',The flesh itt eaten ; and contrary to
expectation, weflitted it excellent,, and
I de a capital. sapper.VT(6 the ends of the
, stewed with, stilt and red ripper ;
tasted very youitg beef, and was nei
taughnorstrouglavore . reo . Book
Pads. e . 2
The lite have;dOne much to
to -voitittitioe: " Wheat 'fieldivitre
.atly improved in itpPenrence, eild we
tr feel confident thailirment Alt alit re
' Will be_ rewertkd 44.0 , With a
:fable crop. this much- mons:thin
felt .dayg,:airo,--,Orosexpilk
An Englift Notion.