The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, June 24, 1847, Image 1

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Ptopte's ltbjiitt
/SUED Elqll*.T. T : • KEDAT lorrlflOs -f i l r : I
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Tice miss
From Gmba4ll's Magazin& for June
BY THOMAS 81411.A51/q REED.
wa y, waaderingl am I,
I 'e r hartheneti with an earthly weight;
mar through theiworld and sky
eking the celestial gate.
MP, ye sweet an.
ho all night gaze
• ye not in the ail
ont of Ntrudis
iris, that soar an
ith jov which ma
• ye not at the tt
tught somewhat .1
vater sparkling i
. seas, which . hol.
ye not from its
• nght glimpses of
ermit oaks, and ethic , ' pines,
mountain fares old and grey,.
1 your icing and winding, lines,
laN e ye not seen tile way i
.0 moon, 'mid all yhe starry bowers,
ttow thou the pad. the angels tread.,
I t thou beyond the azure towers
c r. , olden gates &spread ?
•oly spheres, that sang with earth
'hile earth was yet a sinless star,
fe the inonJrtsls 1/eavenly birth,
ithin your realen4 afar I
Tho l U monarch sun, R hone Eght unfurls
T banners throu h unnumbered skies,
see: t thou amid thy Eiubject worlds
T le flaming portal. rise ?
all are mute ! =4 still am I
erburthened will? an earthly weight
mer through the world and sky
eking the celestitil gate.. -
nswer wheresn'er I roam—
'torn 'kies afar no iguiLline. ray ; ' .
hark ! the voice pf Christ says "Come !
i.e"." I am the wij !"
Thdre's much in the• world that is doubtful,
much we stmll ne'er understand,—
t% it: virtue should lise in a Poor-house,
vice,:,on the fat of the land. ,
Feti these who are frtttful and peevish,
thi,,iuty remain. to fulfil :
.li4 lA. he honest fmdhappy,
And let the world do as it wilt.
t. poor wretch who walk_; upon crutchel,
fav often be envied far more
he who in splendid apparal,
an shut on the beggar his door
cares not for claret or sherry;
f venison lie has not his fill—
he dares to be honest and happy,
nd lets the world do as it will.
]le hoasteth nolorilly possessions,
:0 livery at table to wait:
11 malted; no hollow professions •
To cheat his friend sooner or late;
1 lel ruins no hard-warking trndesrmin,
Who gets but a curse for his bill ;
Bunt tries to be honeif and happy, ,
And lets the world do as it will.
ILO juins not the bowl or the Wasmil,
lie seeks not the gambler or sot;
Contentment and health are the blessings
That daily recur-to his lot;
Aid while inthe midst of his children 1
bond precepts he' tries to instil;
lie shows that he's hontat and happy, -
And lets the world do as it
1 ) 4 -Caen who would grumble at plertune,
Though sorrow and toiling betide?'
Th, roan who with wealth is a Pali=
Might be virtuous were it denied!
yio much may o'erburden and sink you,
Too little oft keep yOu from ill:;
then try to be honest and happy, : •
;And let the world do as it will.
e man who with plenty is honest,'
Hath little to ask, for his name.;
ti he who, though humble, is upright,
Shall live in the axon& of Fame.
7 he vicious may mock athip mem'ry,
But ages will think on him still— ,
Then strive to be honest and happy,
And let the world do as it will.
the •
KE 'um ALL.—A few dap ago, at the
lezvous of Capt. Chase, in she Telith
1 ., a woman with a chubb7 child in her
i appeared, and demanded al l sight at
ifficer. Lieut. Goodloe iiieSented'him
" So, sir, you've clapped your' diity
trappings on• my husband,' have!yer
ho is your husband, madain;" de
ded the Lieut. -
illy MeMurtee,,and a ban d boy he is
aze ye. But it's a dirty it ing oi you,
retty man, to, take him fr m ht wife
childer'." ''
ici PI
and I
'Can't be helped," said the ; 4416
ate now." -
Then take the baby, too," cried-the
an, as she forced the child Isittitha
I s of the Lieut. "Take 'it . 01, I'll lead
fOur . inOre the day." ' '
ft" she Van at a rapid pace, , lsavitig"the
rtunate Lieut. with theLaevr *mit
ling in his arms. Do.ubtfulef-iii6idUe
e service of Vutle Sam, be sent i4ome
he father.—r:Chtiistaati Coss.
un I
Why are fanners like Iliterartintes
use they *sines* pmarticksi (h or
11v ere they - Wks hens 'l)Becrims te.y
ek the earth to get full iiopsJ
sinless flowers,
lupon the skies,
nt hours,
Laing, Oath
F es your ssoices strong,
stal gate
If your song?
it the morn,
the starry night,
'mperin.l bourn
its light
' •••• ' ' - 2
,44 '"i , • •
i r
:I 3. 3: - 3 O f
Jr. '.3r '3; ••••"."
- 4
I• • ' I ' • •
itsc~llari~u. -
~. .
From the Bnickerbocke r.
as our , readers nre aware, is " by
nature" 1 13 ne ofthe most magnificent coon.
tries in the World ; and of all its provinces,
Para, the name alike of the province and
its principal city, is the most beautiful : the
luxurient " Amazonia" is all inelnded in its
boundaries ; andls indeed what, is termed
the'"Paradise of Brazil:" It has been lit
tle ekplortd, and little is even now known
of the numerous Indian tribes dwelling in
the interior. The scene r y of the Para river,
on which the town is sitdated, is nnsurpass•
ed for richness and variety ; its climate is
delightflit; its birds are ;numerous, and of
the most gorgeous plum4ge; it has an ex
tensive variety of quadrupeds, from the spot
ted jaguar to the little Alarm' azete monkey ; •
and insects glitter conitinually in the pure
atmosphere, dazzling the eyes with the light
of pros. Every description of natortal his-
tory, M . 64, teems with. splendid • " speci
mens.* The manuscript before us is a se-
ries of fresh personal adventures and remin
icences, to which we proceed to invite the
attention of our readers. The writer, it may
be propdr to add, while in Brazil, prosecu
ted vigorously his favoritestudy of Ornithol
ogy, with actual " illustrations ;" insomuch
that he has now in his possession one of the
mast extensive and beautiful ornithological
collections in the United States ; all of which
were killed in the native haunts by.thc wri
ter and his companion, who were undismay
ed by obstacles not a few of which were suf
ficiently serious to have intimidated older
adventurers. But let us not keep the reader
from the manuscript itself; but permit him
to turn over the leaves with us, taking' here
and there such passages as may strike our
fancy or enlist our attention. - Here is an
interesting account of the Triztettn, tespecies
of bird quite abundant in Jarmo!, of which
the " white throated". and the " yellow
throated" are the finest specimens ; the first
being black with a beautifully blended red
and yellow bill, the second somewhat small
er, with green reflections attd a less formi
dable black. " These birds," says, the wri
ter," lire principally on fruits, but when in
a state of captivity learn to eat almost eve
rything. Their fiivorite food is the Assuhy
berry, and their method of eating 'is very re
markable. They first seize the fruit in the
extremity of their bill, and by a sudden
twitch throw it several feet into, the air; as
it drops they catch it and swallow , it entire,
without the slightest draft at mastication.—
They confine themselves mostly to lofty trees,
where, they sit' with their beaks pointed di
tiectly towards the wind, thus overcoming a
power which if exerted on the broadside
might considerably disturb their comfort and
equanimity. Their flight is straight forward
from one place to another, nod it is seldom
that they make
,a curve while on .the wing.
Their eyes are so constructed that they can
not Isee distinctly 'ahead, but their vision on
the 'side is wonderfully acute. The hunter
most be acquainted with this. circumstance,
or:Ii e will find it almost impossible to get a
sho at them. They build their nests in the
ho ow 6f old trees and make u small circu
lart perture directly in front. The female
lay but two eggs,ron which she sits, and'
with her fOrmidable beak protruding from
'the Iport hole of her fortress', she is able ef
fectnally to protect herself and repel all m on
keyis, serpents, or other . animals or reptiles,
.wli.) may be disposed to invade her sacred
The writer's companion on his way back
to Jun*, was something more than nano:-
ed by the "monkey shines" of certain mis
cl4vous little rascals, the only specimens of
winch that one encounters in this country
are " held,' in slavery" by vagrant Italians,
whose burdy gurdy Occasionally 'resound in
thapublic thoroughfares : " We met," says*
the r maauscript, "with but one adventure by
the way which deserves , attention. Passing
thrugh i a part of the stream that was dark
ly hrouded by a thick forest on one side, we
heard distinctly the chattering of monkeys
atbpng the trees. ' Well,' said Mr. ll—,
' 'I )e.lieve I will go ashore -and give those
fellows .anhot. 'You had better? remain in
thd boat until I return.' I therefore landed
bun, and he ' walked noislessly into the
woOds.: lin a few minntes the sharp 'report
of his gun rang through the glades, immedi
ately succeeded by nother as loud and
81)141. ~In a moment tbe woods l-everbrated
with the horrible cries a iminkeys,Who liad
evidently lost some of their - number. Never
did I listen to such an unearthly noise ; but
atnid the uproar I heard Mr. H— calling
me at the top of his voice to come to his res.-
etre. I hastily left the boat and rushed in
stantaneously to'the assistance of my coin
paniount ` He was entirely surrounded by
thenkeys, and hundreds of others were
coming down - from the trees, while he was
knringthose about him aside with Theban .
'of i's s guit. I fired both my barrels into the
thicket Of them, and probably wounded so
many that they concluded that it was not
best farther to prosecute their,'attack ; for
they_qaiAtlf'diaperied'and fled in every di
keOtioa. Weliieked up three or four of the,
dadlindi tarried:Wong' with us.; Mr. H-----
a4ureil toe .that The had been: atone he
-viouldl have been seriously bitteti o lf not kill
ed." IdUr narrator tnentientatMtherfriend,
who, While in his canoe in the strew,' shot
a hirtiWhich fell into the Titer. . His dog
Isjio'sitt i t ffith him in the ,bout, Jualped . out
, 'get lit i '
,11In a Inciment the - widejaws °fan
i . iligstnr:twenty feet long' appeared" above
1 n,.stOpi, Which seized - both tlogittuf bird,
U d:theyttOk to rise turiniore' .
-. AY Wei abinit,leiViiiii JittideL
h' belteld*.ektimple - Of whit: , }l3nott terrors
, i . ltiggioilkihY , "the'earataihOrii::" "'We 1
- ihi . air oh bardl die- hichowiet ; to ]
thenCtake`i , i:c
attle. - lhadloolfe - dOwn
'o4iililetrdii tOvit4ell'iliivetititiOn.
*la sidkii'thetitygii at/ ieOpi..
MVO, a „, i -,,,,,,4„,,,,,..0.,,, t
ioJ its; lid `of
in':Viiiii,iitici ii '
Or ihi fii -ftealiiiiithilitiii
~.I: I O. I gRpSE,•: P A, JIVE : 24 1 1847..
into the water. A strong name is then cast
from the boat round his! horns, and he is
raised up by means of a pulley and put ,in
the hold, where is fastened.. All are in
dividually taken oh .board in this manner.
They look exceedingly comical when sus
pended by the horhs, their eyer dilated, and
every muscle stretched to its 'Utmost capaci,:
ty. Although I pitied the poor animals, I
could not refrain fiom laughing at the ridic
ulous opearancd they , made while thus
hanging in the air Ake a bale of goods."—
While at Ctiripe, the name of nn estate be
longing to Alexander Campbell, Esq.,. a
gentleman greatly ;esteemed for his liberali
ty and kindness towards Americans, our
traveller records the following occurrence i
" We became acqUainted while in the city;
with an Englishman by the name of Gra
ham, who had 'left his /native country in
quest of health, wklehisiwife and only child.
lie`had devoted most of his tithe to the stu
dy of natural history, and had succeeded in
acquiring by indOtry arid perseverance a
very valuable collection df specimens. His
younger brother had just arrived from Eu
rope to accompani him home. Desirous of
showing him the Ileauties of the country 'he
suggested a trip to;Caripe, whither, in com
pany with a faithful black, who had been
his constant cornrienion, they all went,—
Wishing one day to pass the island of Ma
rajo, distant about :twelve miles, he went out
in a little montarie4 with his wife and child,
to gain a larger one Which was waiting for
him in the river, aloitt half a mile from the
shore. Through some carelessness or mis
mnuagement the iboat was upset and all
plunged into the . iwater. Every exertion,
was made by those in the larger vessel to
save-them, but without avail ; husband, wife
and child were drowned., This most tragic
scene • was witnessed by young ;Graham
from the beach; liut alas ! he could render
no assistance. What tumultuous throes of
anguish must have wrung that orphan broth
er's heart, on beholding chose most dear to
him on earth swallowed up in a moment by
the relentless wave ; leaVing him alone in a
,of strangeri i ! Mi. Graham himself
was an active swimmer, but he lost his life
endeavoring to sate that of his wife. Their
bodies, tighly - locked together in the em
braceof death, floated ashore. They loved
in life, and in death were not divided.' A
rude grave was dtig in the sand, and the sad
remains of worth nd beauty consigned to
its bosom. Here,' amid the solitude .of a
beautiful nature, and on the banks df the
king of rivers, they sweetly repose. No tear
of friendship bedeivs the spot, but , the rising
tide of the m ighty !Amnion daily tveeps over
it. Martyrs to tl4 science they so success
fully prosecuted, they are calmly sleeping at
! Ceripe :
• There breathes tht• olour of summer flowecrA,
Ana the music of Liras is there.'" •
. The reader haying now been favorably
introduced to our icorrespoodent, we shall
permit him to gossip with them " at discre
tion." He mentions t;tis amusing occur
•renee at Para: "At all the important parts
of the city, such a's the palace, custom house,
etc:, guards are stationed, whose business it
is to be vigilant d;)ring the day, and to bait
all persons who passbi,after eight o'clock
at night. One c4iiing a drunken English
sailor was staggering past the custom house,
when he was hailed by the guard, ' Quern
ear la?' '(‘ Who goes -there V) The cus
tomary reply to this interrogatory, is ' Ami
go;' (' A friend.' Our hero, not under
standing the language, nor what business
any one had to address him in such an nu
thoritive tnanner,lin a stentorian voice cried
out ' You skeaming Portugese :ion of
a gun, stop your noise Or I'll send you, to
It—ll !' The gurd, thinking of course that.
he could not understand the language, and
that he was merely tellinglatu so in Eng
lish, let him pass!, in. One cannot forbear
noticing the extreme pt4iteness of the Por
tages° in the streets. It is the custom uni
versally-for a Brdzilian 'gentleman on meet
ing a, stranger, toltake off his hat., and bow
ing, to salute him-with the popular expres
sion, ' yina Senior;' I C Long life, sir.')—
We were astonished at observing the respect
that was paid us On our first arrival ; by the
men who spoke ifild maidens who sweetly
smiled.'. . . • - Some idea of the success
with which our- alventurers prosecuted their
researches, may lie gathered from the sub
joined catalogue Of a portion of theircollec
non : " Our live i.tock was quite numerous ;
consisting of monkeys, an ant-sear, an ar
madillo, two roseate spOonbills, and at.many
egrets, together %rah several loquacioospar
rots. T h ese animals afforded us an infi
nite deal of amuietnent. Thehirds became
so attached to tii.that they • would conic at
our'call, and taki food from our hands. The
parrots shortly learned to repeat two or three
English pbrases,iwhich they seemed to 'de
light in , repeating . continually, even to the
exclusion ofibei; mother tongue. We had
also among our j"athered•collection a single
macaw : this
,bird was about two feet in
length and 'eau(ifully marked with red and
blue. Be was vary affectionate in his dis
position, an appeared to understand all We
said to him. , Whenever dinner or any other
meal was ready,ibe always, at the 'ringing
ef. the bell, perched himself upon the - ba c k
nf the choirAtt le head of the table, and
waited patieqtlyi for .some of us to eerie
him." . . . 1" An Indian brought us a
, live.eoral snake,ione dity, which he had.. re
' re
cently „caught - its' the, forest.: it was inne e .
tbanthreefeet ititlength,.aud regularly
with, ilterna, t
rings of black, senrlet,'pind
:yellow. Althou gh naturally very poisenfins,
yet the one in.cotestl?u . had been
*7 itsfangs 'ttlfl,4oollBo44ently iendered:haret
,levs., For th'e . ;s4lte of Aceeurny , :iirei put ;him
,in,,a small.,w 4
4oon box,, .little,, ".thitikingfinit
~wouldbeirohle,Sor'biijo tn.,get Out
:then pi4ced..thikbp* in* oWn
In. * 0 4heihiki0 1 *;tfirelskiuttb.0?#*
of his cage. and in thq eoune of ,but prom
bitlitions found ibis way to the' cook's thorn.
Being awake. she aroused as by her screams._
lilWrtishied to ler *IV and 'Ws -discovering'die cause.-of he! feinciattewiptedtowitehOe .
wily serpeati'liiit4ottir iittotts were ii 4 giii.:,,•
:I •
.. . ,
The reptile escaped through a crevi e 'in
the floor, and we, never saw our far, mite
(our favorite !) again."
,As this is the season when ,India-r Mier
shoes are called into requisition, the, 1: I
May like to know something of the OMfir
operandi of their manufacture ; 41 The littion7
ger in Para cannot fail to notice the iangu
lar manner in which the . India-rubber, oboes'
ore transported from; place , to place. Re
will see slaves bearing ,long. poles tl ickly
studded with them, marching •along and
keeping time to a slow discordant chant.—
The shoes are mostly manufactured is the
interior and brought'down the river b the
Indians. The tree (Saphilla , Elasti ) is
f a
exceedingly pee.uliar in appearance. , t has
large.thiek leaves, and reaches the he ht of
eighty and sometimes an hundred feet The
trees are tapped - in the same manner s the
New Englanders tap maple trees, from which
a thick liquid resembling cream flow out.
This is collected in earthen jars, whe nit is
kept until desired for use. The operation
of making the shoes consists in first igniting
the fruit Qf a speciekof palm; which fields
a thick dark smoke. They then ttike a
wooden last, with a handle, and liming
poured the liquid over it, a coating of which
remains, they hold it over the ignited ,fruit;
the actipn of the smoke upon the gum in,
time causesit to become ora black color. Af
ter the requisite number of coats havd been
given in this manner, the shoes are exposed
to the sun to harden. India-rubber 4onsti.
tute one of the principal exports of P4ra.—
More than two-hundred-and-fifty thoisrinfl
shoes are annually exported from this prov
ince; in fact, almost all the India-rubber
consumed in the United States cotes' from
this source."
From the National Intellirieer
" l le faded, yet so. calm and meek,
So, gently wani; so feebly weak."
The bustle of the fight was over; the pris
oners 'had been secured and the ;decks
washed down-; the watch piped, aind the
schooner had once more relapsed i,nt, mid
night quiet and repose. I sought my ham
mock and soon fell asleee. But my slum
bers were disturbed by wild dreams, hid',
like-the vision of a fever, agitated aun
nerved me ; the strife, the hardships fmy
early life and a thousand other thing .its fig
ures in a phautasmagora. Budd ly a
hand was laid on ( my shoulder, and !sitting
up I beheld the surgeon's mate.
4 Little Dick, sir, is dying,' lie sai
At once I -sprang from my l l ama!,
little Dick was a sort of protege of tr .
He was a pale, delicate child, said to
orphan, and used to gentle nature ; am
the first hour I joined the schoont,
heart yearned towards him, for I tni
been friendless and alone in the Worlt.,
had often talked to me in confidence
mother, whose memory he regarded w?
ly reverence, while to the other boys I
ship he had little to 'say ; for they werl
and coarse ; he delicate and sensi
-Often when they jeered him for his r
choly, lie would go apart by Incase
weep. lie never complained of Is
though his companions imposed on liil
tinually. Poor lad ! his heart was
grave with his lost parents.
I took a strange interest in him, av
lightened his task as much as possiblet
ring the late fight. I, had owed my
him, for he rushed in just as a-sabre
was leveled at me, and by interposi
feeble cutlass had averted the - deadl .
In the hurry and. confusion since
quite forgout.n to inquire if he was:
I though at the time,,l inwardly resin;
exert all my little influence to procutl
a midshipman's - wartant in requital
service. It was with a pang. of repr
agony then that I leaped to my feet.
<' My God !' I exclaimed,' you don
it ! lie is not dying r
'I •fear sir,' said. the messenger, a
his head sadly, ' that he cannot live t
' And I have been lying idle here ! I ex
claimed with remorse. ' Lead met him !'
' lie is delirious, but in the inter is of
lunacy lie asked for you, sir,' and s the
man spoke we stood by the bedside of the
dying boy. l
The sufferer did ;not lie in his wail ham
mock,. for it tins hung in the, midst ,of the
crew, and the close air arround it wins too
stifling: but he had been carried miller the
open hatchway arid laid there -in' a little
space of about 4 feet •square. Fr mm the
sound of the rippieii,l judged the almoner
was in motion, while the - clear, col tn blue
sky seen through,* opening overheid, and
dotted with myraidis of stark betake d that
the fog had. -broken away. ,How iialm it
smiled down on the warm face of the dying
boy. Occasionally ; a light current of wind
—4.)11! how d/I l icionsly Cool in thatpent up
hold----come owtx the hatchway,nd lif
ted the dark chestaut , locks of the s iferer,
t i
as with his head reposing in the lap of an
old veteren,- he lay in on unquiet dumber.
His shirt collmr was unbuttoned,. and bis
childish boort), as white as that of a girl,
was open and; exposed. Re breathed quick
and heavily. I The wound of which be was
dying bed-beew,intensely painful, bon within
the last he'll hour had somewhat 4 lulled,
.though even now • ibis thin fingers ! tightly
grasped the hlothes, as if he Offered
the greatestagony, , , . .) • .
,A.battle steinediand tory haired. penman
stood beside litiro. holding, dulLiaotern. in
his band,„altd Alining sorrowfully down'
;upon, the sufferer.-{; The surgeon.knielt.with
'bis-finger on.he NO pubic:, • . In • ,
Ao Lappropolod,: : thoTall looked.: up.- 1
ThexeciusWirbo field bito obookAili L bead.
owl orould , haie - otookoolut the ten4e4e o r.l
watt* ebokingly-io•bioeyes..• • t • •-, ', ~.:1- 1
~Theifirgeowaild-,-,11 ~ , ;I' , - :1,'',. . ., 1
;-..)tf10 in, - going fiso—poor little ow-e.,110 1
you seotkis ,- ao•bolooke be -.Wog llfo:is
Solo goal 4oloickbodolain opookilio
4 4
looy't brnoot..- 1 s,‘„lteboursoolo•boatorSoye.•
U • r t
• could not akoswei-.for
full—here-WM the befog -to
few hours , before,,lll4o Owe
poor slight .tinpretectitil chili
, ...: an his • .brow
—and yet I had never it,nown his danger, imd
never soug4 him put afterthe conflict. How
bitterly 'lrtyl heart improached me .in that
hour. •They notieed‘w , agitatiort, and his
old friend—the stiainifp that field his head,
-*said sadly: • -• H
" Poor little Dick;`:you Will never see
the shore you hive ished for so 10ng.,--
But there'llibe diOre than -onwhen your
log's outauf spokewifil emotion ; ".to mourn
over you,?' .1 • 1 1.. ~ •
":Suddenly the 1W:fellow opened his
eyes, and loOked vaandy aronnd. ,
" Has he. come yel" he staked in .a low
voice. "Why won' he - -come l"
"I am here," poi I, ink the little fel
low's hand,"kdont y know pne, Dick r
"He smiled faind in my face. He then
said, , -,
-" You hair e.beert kid to me, sir—kinder
than the most people,are : to a poor orphan
boy. I have no way'of showing my grati
tude—unless you will take the Bible you
will find in my truppli It's alai:hall offering,
I know, but it's all Ilhave."
I burst into tears ;he resumed.
"Doctor, I am dyin g ain't 4 I?" said the
little fellow, " for nkf i sight rows g dim.—
: God bless you Mr:;Dfanforth." -
" Can I do nothingifor you Pick?" said I :
" you saved my lifo. I wOuld- coin my
blood to buy palm" 'il • ,
"I have nothing t tis, ask—ll don't want to
Jive—only, if it's piOsible, 14t me he buried
by my mother— yarn find the name of
the place, and all al Out it iti my trunk."
" Anything—eve 4 thing, my poor lad,"
I answerd, chokingll. 1
The little fellow, qv: oiled faintly—it' was
like an angel's smile:h.-but he did not an
: saver. His eyes w:as fixed on the stars
flickering in that pinch of Wipe sky over
head. His mind wOdered.
" It's a long—lopg way up there—but
the re are brig t angels them. Moth
erii used to sa that *mild meet her there.'
How near t y comd. and I tee sweet faces
smiling DI) me from jamong them. Hark- !-
is that music 1" an(i. lifting his finger, he
seined listening foC a moment. He fell
back, and : the old veWren burst into tears.—
The child Was dead4i Did he indeed hear
angels' voices? 001 grant pt. ,
A scene 'of novel 4nd pecttliar interest oc
curred at the May meetiny, of the New York
Historical Society.
.e,A learned paper upon
/ I
the ancient trails and thrrit rial boundaries
of the far-famed froillois, h d enlisted the
attention of the mentbers so: eeply, that the
usual hour' of adjoti for
gotten. When the leader a length closedrkiment as nearly
his dissettetion, a tnitithber o the society rose
and stated there wad', verit ble Iroquoii of
the full Mood preset' t; and notwithstand
ing the lateness of itlie ho r, the society
would perhaps be gOtified t
_hear any re
marks be Might be willing . offer on . the'
paper just read. The Pres dent, the Hon.
Luther EtrUdish, wnftilly we. coined the silk
prtion, and nn Indfialy,- wit all the aurae-
!r, my
[of his
th ha
i f the
ff and
n eon-
In the
teristics of his race Strong!_
his frontispiece, glided from
ow of the bookcasesiand pla:
on the floor. Thelilted;to
bowed with graceful 'self-pc
round of aPplause Which ~(rre
then with remarkat4 addri
upon point after poil# of the
had just been read,'i in lan
choice and forcible, !and deli
that degree of hesitation whit
a speaker Who is trlinalatin
At length he came 4) a sent
white predecessor uon the ,
" The Iroquois hadZ left n
His response was a lung an
eloquence; and fim the
speech,' having a- ctirect p
one of the 'most toughing a
'peals we ever listemid to ;
ciety to interpose tuttween t
ed his people, ' anti the i
"were at work 'to- expel the
nant of their. possessions in
said :
"The honorable 'gentle an has told_ you
that the tin' qbois be l le no onuments.
!he not previously ore tl at the land of
Gatio-no-o, or theiEmpir State,' as you
love to call it, was owe lac d by our tridle
from Albany to Bulltlo—trails that we had.
trod for Centuries--lrails w rn so deep by
the feet of the Iroqilois, tit they became
your own roads of titavel a your possessions
gradually:eat into these of y people. Your
roads still traverse tile. sa lines of comL
munication, and bled one Art of 'the Long
House' to another.,"l The I nd o* Gatto-no
o—the Empire State—the , is our monu
ment ! and we wisif iti.lloi to rest above our
!bones when we shag ben!) ore: We.skall
loot long Occupy much -roont in living; we
we shall occupy stifl'iless when -we are gone;:
esingle tree olthe tOousands Which sheltered
our forefathersoilenld elm under which
the representatives Of the tribes were wont
to, covet us ' k but we would
have our 'bodies twhied - in enth /aiming
loins, on:Oevery ce it grew !' per.
hape hist the -longer 'rtun being fertil
ized with: eir deeny - . ,
The ep and rig*. ful silence 'with'
which: th *ords) were- I istelied to, was
broken:, a next inOtiench • Alyea! of-laugh..i
ter flow 1 e audieileerit ionielrektiniqUe-1
touches, irony iiiod--e ar ciaeuk;
and elm' litinititien 00 the ;next iniitaat
ualled - -ou an invoi4Ote4* !maw Ofjilau.;
dits, as a Iroquo apes
,er, proelsiming_
himself''a," commended
Atirea . :th ala
iliac crity jaibel
'leg ithe,
_elk tbe;
tante:OU dread ;" aed«mveded
vided the nit's lthiy
!hied.-M1 iremt:not IM: ;modis
embrace., He ihoiiht
cl. lind
g his
ed to
• him
.r his
O, 54,.
• heart :was
bow; but ,a
-my life—a
'lying before .
atom the ..iterary World
printed upon
under the shad
ted himself up
n smiled and
''session at the
Fleted him •; and
• 's he touched
, iscourse which
• unge at once
vered with just
i h.characterizeg
his thoughts.
ence in which his
floor, had said,
o monuments:"
oinated burst of
4 moment,
rpose, , becanie
i d dignified tip-
Fuvoking the so-.
i'use who sUriiii
fluences which
from the rem . -
!this State. He
, wants t or A di,, ,y er thfONl,.. k , j _ tz ,,, ,-
_ ,
.::-:-.,---i- ..,, . 41 ," u0i
mvertiaii iiiiaaMl•vmgrougri, . , iT'fr ei Ttlitimaill
lia ri . „Firri__ , C.Ot a lr i oarj ese k s aideßaial
iTwg*;rllloll3lm.2, 'r.,: , ~, TA 7 ,';‘' . .--
,' , -. I Z.- ,i- '
tterntiop, tio(ictiiiliiierii(itir, - ' l5 P . 4
:Quarter C ol lalaapind,i ,da _ c a, ~ spo '
;Half Colma r'` d o' do '— is anli
tone Column , '
, 3 ..
Blaine*. Curds, do
All other ddvertisements inserted at reamtall z
~ i !
rum' :,, r,- „. b e ' mar k e d with tha'7 l ~...
' : Aa4eitiseiOnts should .. 1, 1
ber ofimiertions repthea
book ottlie•Nhite ma n
rndiait had some feeli nt f or T, ilia Is
• h
b t . a . ll .. :w_ a t re ha ntt
o u r
his son ; for the land'of is
. 111 . _ _
tieulatiaits in this part of Ina sp . ee ded en ,u ;;: .
singularly characteristic, and 1141. :,34nt,
to its effect Turning theu to the I - w
he said :--
" I have been told that the first objeci,,_of
thie.soCieti is to preserie the histOry . of 4116
Statelik-Nisiv York. You, all of you:lo4*i
that alike in its wars and its treaties' the tro
..TI!!IN !Ong before the Revolution, .16inielit a
part 0 that. history ; that, they werel'len
one:in:Council with yot!, and were tabg . t6
helleve theruselves one in interest lit your
Wtir, with England, your -red brotheir'-'
yournlcier brother—refill came -up .t 6
you, as of old, on the Canada frontier ! 'lll,4ve
we, the first holders of this
gion, no longer a share in your history il r r
Glad were your forefathers to sit down uisin
the threshold of the ‘Loogillousie ricki did
they then hold- themselves, in getting ithe
mere sweepings_ from , its door. Had lour
forefathers spurned you from - it w the
Fienelt, were thundering at the op to
end,,,endeavoring to get a passage thrctigh
and ;drive you into the sea whateier f iltas
been:the. fate of other Indians the Irocinois
might still have been a nation ; and
instead of pleading here for the Privilege of
lingering within your borders—l—lr—Might
have - had—a count ry 1!"
As the Iroquoisthus spake, his dark i fea
tures were compressed with internal sta
tion ; a big tear gathered 'in his eye long
beforehe reached the close of the sentehce
but slowly uttering what he said, he he'd it
suspended there with such resolute &Num
that it did not .fall, while his eye -beaame
glazed with gathering emotion which lords
alone could not relieve. We never withess
ed a stronger sensation in any. assembhlige : .
and we rejoice for the honor of the -.llbilori
cal SOciety, that it instantly took ordee, as
the first step, for preserving the remaiti: of
the Iroquois in' this. State, to raise a snip, of
money to bring back the remnant ot the
families expatriated last summer; oneoalf
of whom ha l ve already perished in the swamps
of. Missouri. It would indeed seem lilt . the
very, mockery of the true interests of hai@an
ity, for an institution of learning to. givjs itr
best energies-to " the Old lgortality":
ness of deciphering iusariptioneon the gives
of nations, and turn a deaf ear to thsvlast
chapter of their living history, now emitting
before their very eyes. '
The name of this eloquent Iroquois 44=
is WAO-WA-WANA-ONIC, or " .i .
sm rreg heWW his
voices" . • •
A i'EARF et. Wnmt.Poot..--.The foil - ing
incident is related by the jo u rnalist, the
. explirring expedition, and shows with . bat,
fearhil suddenness men sometimes. p • un
expeeted from time to eternity. Mr. Ogden
ciecending, the Columbian river irione . Ofthe
companyls boats, ten Candian ioyageir, all
well experienced in their dirties. On,- garri
ving at the Dalles they deemed it ',Fir4tica
ble to run them in order to save the poltage
on foot, believing ,nevertheless the river was
in such a state, that it was - quite safer . ifof
them to pass down. He was accordtisgly
-landed ; and ascended the rocks, fromitch
he litida full view ;of the waterbeneath and
the boat on its spasage. At first shese,med
to:skim over the waters like the flightg. of a
bird.;' but he soon perceived her stop„i and
the struggle. of the oarsmen together with the
anxious shout of the bo*man, soon told hi*
they : had encountered the whirl: Stningly
they plied their oars, and deep anxiety, if '
not fear, was expressed in their morettettui:
They began to move not forwatik but cirP
ward. with the whirl. Ronnd they. went
with increasing velotity, litill struglifig ter
avoid the now evident fate that attibited
4 a
'them: 'A few more turns; each more piril
than the last ; -until they reached the, notiii
when in an instant, the boat with- a l :-her
crew' disappeared. So abort bad beifiithe
stru g gle, that it was with difficulty th4Mr4
Ogden could realize•that all had perilibed.
-Only,' one body out of ' the ten • lllllV ' jfiet.
wards found at the bottom ofthellillei torn
find mangled by the strife illad ;gone
ffircingh. 1
I,: EXIIAVSTION OF T ALK. —solow l on g the
lamp - of conversation holds out to burni" he
tweii two persons only, is curiously set .
down in the folloWing passage from . Count
Gonfaloniere's account of his impson
meht t-- . i.
illam an old man now, yet by ifteie, e
years is my soul younger than my lititly:l
Fifteen years I existed, for I did not lire.,-.-t
-it was not live—in the selfsame dosii*a
ten feet square !, During six of those.irears
I had a companion-:, during nine I Wax
alone!. t never could rightly disti4l4
the face of him who shared my calitin6ri in
,the eternal twilight of our cell, Tit* Orit
Yeei;watalked incessantly together.; g rot:
Aned our pastlives, out joys forever* ' 'Over
and m id_over Kam, Th e next, we 000anu
,rsicated M..each.„Mhei -_ our thought and
iderilton,nll,bie.4a. T h e Ittli4 , ..i', .; ',lilt'
had; itleas to pommuiiicife,;-* 'lvenr , :kliir
lox Wl*, ;4 4 : , P9wer : of : #fi ee ° 9l3 1 r e
iblykAttlie interval ni l li *914 9r , -'.; *9
ilvabe.ll , 9lir lips to ask *spit' other if lt liseref .
indel3ll44sible dm% tbe Nriiil44ll.l!elicrigir
gay an Amstling, ati.Whei we_toftl'o4,4 4 ppi.
lion xi- man4iniLi The: Aikii wa-w*..ol#o. -
4'4i -sixth. he, : Nial , ...*ken ,O ill Yji;! . #Te 't
tnew.wigge', ; *Outiiii.#r*-oer%Lkiit
Iwe gla d *on h a . as iri e I ' e 71 1 . 1 1: 1 4. -
t4446"..-4C4RUOri ilian the;dur i tisi.ntth,
:104 1 APS,;* 0 e 1 Afl,r i 1 40 1 *" i OP",
Goy - one; ent,broke - ig : 11 0 4 *',Fit 1 . kllcri
.; 4#* - 3Nti.0.0 0 f1ay , 4 ,-, -*71.' , , 1 0#11 1
IllqPrOreifii o° C . l n Y , '?"1"-W , ": me,
thafttutejali dOQrIV4 I I I OP*, ii iDO:Ye#le
1 :..?..irbelice Pr0"a r , i 4: t __ • 1'4"....,,t,„. 1 , 4 0,7*: i',' 4 1 *
1 theile:lol.,;,t`,.PY l ,( ' rwrr- -', 1 ,4 '-'' . 14 !.5 , ~-; r '
040,4 jR 011 )1 41 :. '
WO A',7 oll k , 111 0 t1 , 3 "At li r i l i flr7 1 i . , %. .. 1
Ala t i/ 1104 : 1 * Irl tri . *OA 11; I C
1 5 .
' ' 1 4 0,41 tl4ll7#4gPv kvmt: i ,„ L ~
A kwiioo.74o%;_liimi , , ,, l 141; -1-
.. - 1