The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, June 17, 1847, Image 4

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    BANK' N
IL '
b4mlti :.•
Man & Idoptenk
Moyamenamg teak . 1
Penn townistapibank •
U & bank lintel 25
Girard do 'P i
Pennayra, do Pi
Del co at Chester
Montgomery eito
Farmers' b'k Backs co
Farmers' bk Read'g
Lancaster bank
Fir bk Lancaster'
Lebanon f 1
Harrisburg i 1
Middletown 1
Carisle. u 1
Columbia bridge p i
Northumberland pi
Miners' bk - 1"t0:ille •
IVy'g bk WilkieVe
l'itts'g demand'notes 1t!
certitkaies 1i;
•'post totems
Towanda no :41
Gettysburg ' 1
elonnbcreburi 1
Waynesb'g 2 /4,
Brownsville 4 . 4,
Erie •
Berks co bank, • no
Honesdale •
Bk Stisq'a Co i •
Lewistown 1
Lain bk Warren. no
West Branch ,
Dom Cr Script; 20%30
Lehigh co hk i 37 I,
Lehigh Nay Sciipt 15
May issue ,• 1
N Y City bank
Clinton bk N Y 30 I
Globe hank • ! fra!
North River bit'g co
City Trust & Rk'g co
Wool Growers: bk
White Plains ilk I
Lewis co bk
Par &Dm bk off 5.
Millers bk of llllyde 15
Far bk of Sene6a co—
Coln bk of N York A?
Lutityette ban 4 2
N Y Bk'g corn' 60 I
Dry Dock bank 1
N Am Trust c 1
Bank of Buffalo 35
.Bank of Ilrocklmrt 33
Hamilton bk 30
Coin bk Buffalo 55
All solvent banks tal
Country hanks; tat.
Except bk of qolum
bia, Green en. Hod
son.Middle clistr'ts,
'Platshurg, Niagarsi,
- Wash and Warren,
Wash Man CO.
Mer and Planters'
Del CS hank
Ex Lk Po'keepsie
Pottsdam Maidd Co
lief Barks E jal
Mechanics .a Mann
tarots' bk Tienton
Princeton bank
Plainfield bank 31
State bk at Cainden
Cumberland bank -
Mount thilly ; .
Salem Bk'g co,
Monmouth bank no ..
N Hope Del Bridge
Trenton Bk'g cn old
All other bank's
Far & Mech bank of
N Brunswick no
Hob Bk'g & Gino bro
Washington Bk'g Co
Franklin bank
Jersey City Batik
N J Manuf Co
Protec and Lombard
State bit at Tre r nton
Bank of N Brunswick
Mach bk Patterson
. N. Y., his made
TEAS in Binghamton,
and the trade, !with T
Company charge x for
at least, from one to
pound than the Groc -
where these Teas do n
will be paid back for
.7ents with the NEW
okt - Y. for the sale of
furnish his customers,
. at the same prices that the
, em in New York, which is,
•o shillings cheaper on each
sell at. And in every case
t gh-e satisfaction the money
Toimg Hyson good,
dO ; do. :sweet
do. do.. 1 - fine
do. dn. ' silver I .
Siferr. Liaj--seldom
cause of -t3td small
very sapmor Tea.
do. do. j golden
(i'bides Chop—%-This is
tod •in China. It is
cels.all other Green
flavor, strength and
has never reached
lots to suit the pnrcl
Hyson, tine,
do. very fine, .
Gunpowder, fine,
do. extra fine,
Imperial, floe,
do extra fine.
Hyson Skin, good,
I.ld even 14 large dealers, be
rofits made on its sale—is a
op. 50'
finest Green Tea cadtira
of the first pickings, and ex
' Teas' for the delicacy of its
• ~• ' fleretofcire this Tea
country except in small
Kingbong, strong and
hind Yin' g-7he gm
call It Oolong.
delicious BLa
Compare this nuporior '
ac 'being anpolong
plaintutr dip decepti
Oolong, plantation gro
English Breakfast, fine
do.• dn. ex
liomma's mixture, a
gliod: flavor, 37
.erf. Xll this at 'A cis and
4 Tea. 59
ea with that sold by grocers,
Tea The difference is.too
n too palpable.
Lb, 75
ch and highly flayorcd
Pek,e Flow‘r,f
1. 75
1 00
i •1 50
1 50
ea is as fragrant and sweet
ds a perfume that istrulyde
;en growth, and ;superior to
evpraoki. in this ixttaktry.
1:10. scented,
Nt! Pius Ultra, -
Nc Plus Ultra—This
as a uffsegay. yi
light:fol.. It Ys..of\
any thing of,the !hod
IV - The above
the varieties contained
every variety imported
and can suit the mos
Above Teas are all dun:
Tiaiditres of lb., lb.
logae doei-not cimrprise -all
in my impartment '' I liave
and every shade 'oropuility,
fistininvius pnrcbaaer. .The
up in Chinese packages. in
, and 1 lb. each.
We have tied the
TettCosapaayi 75 and
live will,tryAliem ofte.
Teas we ev
wholesale prieos,j-- , E • •
ens reported.'by the Pekin
7 Fulton street,; and if five
11 They are selling the moat
an* ataii:tetalltbem at
lig Pest.
Neu . siajliOtarei of
and highly Ilitonok T
wholesale prices, of the
77 Fulton. . pserkir
efiny . cske'eolab ,
are &vita /1.846 blank
tiereV 6 Ye t h ls , ' 46l6ll tila a 0 !iel s . im
raiiiWtfqobtain good a44,1*4 Teo. Bog
liblitt bivekinly to . riftise
?p kin Tea Company, 7 alai FollOkot to obtain
As delicious ae4 *On pin mild wish for
AVogisrsi to Tea-14 '
P 215 and 1 - 7 81 -briiknlbia
in et some d
One deft" IP I OBIII
obtaining at all litpaa
, by the aingle at
Pam TeaCompimy,ls and
probably thelingestinxit
and- BUck Tao,
- the .Unite(Oitatea. They
are a great benefit to -
.111 i ttorts's
i dir
All solvent . .1
Calais bank
ity bk Po
Mercantile bk
Stillwater C
Bangor Corn b
Westbrook bk
Citizens' bk
Globe bk
Washingtrin co
Frankfonl bk
All solvent
a do
bkdo '
• do
Bank of St Al
13k of Bennin •
All solvent.,
MI solvent
:ans 14 2
!Ics dis
All solvent brinks I. '44
Baltimore banks dis
Patapsco bk • # dis
Mineral bank 1 dis
Fredericktou-ti dis
Hagerstown die
Far & Millcre lbk Ha
gerstown broke
Westminster j j dis
Williamsport • dis
Cumberland I 1 dis
Salisbury I broke
Franklin bank dis
Sustprelumnah broke
Millington broke
Frederick co Uk dis .
Broken bks various prices
Baltimore & Dhio Re
lief notes 1.19,61 is
Bank of Dela Ware par
& Branyvene par
'armors' bk Del par
Union bank par
Bank of Smyrna par
Under is dis
Washington City dis
Geortzetowit dis
Far & Mechanics' 1 dis
Ilk of Alexandria brae.,
Mechanics' bk broke
Franklin bank no sale
Merchants bank do
Ex bk & branches 1# dis
Rk of Va & dis
Far bk & b'chs 14 dis
Valley bk & Wch .:14 dis
-1 Wheeling lal dis
Wheeling p notes 14 dis
All Solvent baullts 2 dis
Small notes 24 die
All solvent banks 14 dis
Small notes I 2 die
Bk of St Mary's Sa—
Ocmulgee do
Monroe R " do
Columbus I do
Pluenix bank do
Exche bank do
Chat Bank do
Central bkof Mill do
Georg a Irkg co do
Rucker B'kg 170 do
All solvent batiks F. ,
All solvent banks 5a6 ills
Small notes 8 dis
!Cincinnati ! 2 4is
Solvent bk notes 2 die
Bank of Illinois 70 dia
State bank 50 dis
Notes .1 2 dia
Small notes I 3a3l .dis
AU solvent banks 2 dis
All solvent banks 243a3 dis
All solvent banks dis
Southern Life & Trans
portation Ca.
$0 37i
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
&tie inest*Nte*of .- Oil' De' 'it . ' - and. Black Teas grown
irtAili-CelestadEMPire . One- up kali the various
fang Pe*sea that... Chinese ingenuity can invent.
If- is a iwilnlege to buy leas at.this great establish-
Mead, atid ar,:_laaury and ciriikret to' drink them.=- -
they sell4tied teas cally,land retail them at whole
sale Flees: :Country met bents who wish always
tp sell good Teas, can iijmilays obtain them at this
plsze,ou reasonable ternii.—;Esalierites
Ur The above TEAM i are for sale by •
p t :M. REXFORD,
Sole ageht for Broome County.
Biugbamten, mar 11,. 1847.
V FF43418 a NEW and VERY CHEAP lot of
_ Spring and , ztimmer Goods
At prima that cannot faß4o suit. far Ploaae call
and seedieln.
montrOie, may 27, 1847..
PALM paid for veal Skins and beefHides.ire
B. SAY R.E._
12- 1-2 CENTS paid fur good house Ash
es, in Goods,
HiqllEsT wk.° paid for Butter and Eggs by
eTOVES--a new supplijust received of tin. most
'kJ approved patterns, by B. SAYRE.
WBLT—s fresh supply, just received by
SEF and PORK, FLOUR anti MEAL, fur sale
by B. SAYRE.
THE subscriber -haring withdrawn for the pros
cut from all cOnuection with the tailoring busi
ness except cutting, will hereafter Ids attention
to that particular branch, Sixclusively. From a long
mid successful experience, !with recent improvement-.,
and a regular receipt of the latest fashions, he has .
entire confidence in his 4bility to please all who
may employ him. To prevent misapprehension he
would further state, that having worked heretofore
for the sake of working, he intends in future to work
for the sake of the pay ; (except where charity may
dictate otherstdee.) Those therefore who are ahle
to pay but alwqs withhold, will please also with
hold their custom_
Shop over the Hat Store, first handilyg north of
the Stage house. P. LINES.
' Mon. , May 5, 1847: 47m3
50,€* 0 SHINGLES and a quantity of
LUMBER, wanted immediately
Monsrose 13th May, '47,
List of Popular Medicines,
.F 94 SALE YL. it. 11.EXFORL0,
WHHO taut
keeps consnunly on hand ] assort
ment of genuine DRUGS & MEDICINES,
of which n il" le sold CHEAP AS THE CHEAP
. Paws.
Sands' Sarsaparilla $1 00
"'salt rheum remedy! 00
Roman eye balsam 25
• Indian Panacea 2 00
111ctminn's elix of opi
um '25
Phinney's Pills 25 a 37
114 . offitt's life pills 25 50
do Phoenix bitters 1 00
Sberman's med. loi's 25
do fever & ague do 1 00
do dinner losenges 1 50
do poor man's plas'r
do Olosacinian 1 00
Jayne's Expectorant 1 00
dol*r tonic 1 , 00
do *C vermifuge 30
do carminative bale. 50
do sanative pills "25
Dalley's pain exttac-
tor 50 si 1 00
Hay's lininient for -
piles 100
Washington elix. for
dysentery. &c. 100
Cooper' salve- 25
Marr's eern . salve
Gridley's salt rheum
ointment • 25
Rush's infallible pills 12 . 1
Phelpirs' tomato pills 25
do restorative bitters 25
Miles' tomato pills 50,
Fahnestock's verm'ge 25
balsam ' '5O e 1 00
Atebashr black salve 50
do:cou 50
do ipfie 25
do •cathartic pills .25
do' plasters
do t fererkague Ayrnp 50
Winslow's balsam of
horwheand 50
Taylor's 'balsam of
Liverwort $1 t 1 so .
Mother's relief 2 Of)
Fosgate's anodyne
cordial • 31.
Wistar's balsam of •
tincture 50
Beautifying. soap '.;!0
'Keeler' invisible ink 25
C'otinel's pain extract'r
United States pills :di
Waterman's rheumat
-00; is plaster
',Chapman's summer • ,
00 , cordial 18 a 37
Brinkerhoff's restnin
-50, • live 1 00
50:Opo deliquid ldoc, hard and
501Bdward's salt rheum
'ointment I 50
37',14leAlicated coughcandy
4White's salve
50:GaUrine capsules 25 t. 50
; !veg. pnlmon'y balsam 50
0Q B mat-Ws strengthen
-24} ing plaster 37
wild cherry 1
Resurrection orcar
aLan pills 5a I
Jew David's orl.le-
Egyptian balm
brew. plaster .
ish's lily syrup ! I
Longley'spanact I
Dutch pills or li of
the day
Bishop's aritibiliotts
Hitchcock's halm of
hhalth • I
do wdrra tea
do Catarrh snuff
do imighetimadontica
do hair:regenerator
Parker's pulmonary
Le Batim de Ninon
or French balm of
liullati pinatas "-2 . '
Smith's imp& coated
pills ; - • 24
Bartholommiv's pink •
Spohn'asickhmsdac he 7
ChrirtHie's ( Galt' nic
AtwOod's canker drops 18
do jaundice bitters 37
do spinal elixir
Linn's biu'rs I 00
do Chilese blood pillsls
Indian hair dye 50
Webstees sarsaparilla 75
do bilious' pills 25
Oneida tincture f ts
Gargling oil 50 a 1 00
Merchant's sarsa'plal .00
Ex. bikini a. cubehs 1 SO
Pyrian hair dye 50
Dr. Ilibbani's anti
bilious pills 12 &50
- Hunt's aheu. liniment 2.5
Peery's vermifuge,or
dead shot Li
Clickiner'sstigar coat
ed pills 25
Sianhern balm; for
coughs, &c. 1 00
Scarps"s necrastic oil 1 .00
tirlisir's'acoustic oil 1. 00
Salts of lemon 18
Henrick's strengthen
la g plaster - 25
11m/trey's worattles
riciTing &ITV •25
Whittemore's Ameri
can plaster . 25
do vegetable syrup SO
M'Callam's remedy 1 00
do Lid:Tag-painaceaI -00
wood'asanoparilla a -
'#ildiberry !Afters 1 00
I Tofoseeo universal
; Orenfoll1 t
01syr sow ,
ben ,
YileOn i s
34#611.04Pe514 i°
!! * r i us
.1 d o
I Rings 3'7 al 50
do 6.naii - 1 SQ.
do, plasters ' . 7 ' l
! do magneticfluid 1 00
Austin's unwire' lini-
ye a 25 a 50
: Brisk p . li, , i 2,1
Root's nugbotie oint. 50
Parr's 1' pile ' 25
Ilpharotti ' IthisthirY,
for clueofples 1 00
Moor's aim: of Life 4Q
Briltors israquals.„l. - 00
08=acoustic - o al 00
elberisl oil 1 50,
0-riMeyi salt l'
ointuadtit . : .541
German eye 11) . %I
Aulericy . i.,salve - 24
Indian clantu clioiaß - 00
Coral' bass - 4 .liistorar -
41. .
lira - q 37:; 00.. th
hiatl:r . .*h•Eiao6: : . - 2 .-..
, '
lifeitriiitititoSr-. ..-
'. '
' ilci' Utters '": 25
W ,l4l* . ii 1 : - . i].;-. tp . i , 4
ith ji'iMriilitii - iit
bo o l . 4 l{ll ll ,Arla °l l ii '
IVO/Wl* " '*lieli gitiqe ';
. .
. .
Biagi. AI- IS, 1$
Gregory's pills
Fisk s sugar coaled
• pills •
'Balm of Columbia 501-75
Hitchcock's anti-bil
ions pills 25
Dovert's halm of life f 50
Michanx' freckle wash 50
Lee's Pills 25
Brandreth's pills 25
Post'apoorman's pills 12
pedeau's ( )tasters
'Libby's - bitters • 75
Nerve a bone rheu
.1 ironic liniment 50a1 00
Vilkinson's tromatic
wound salve 37
Thompson's eye water 25
Hill's balsam of honey 12
epaalic snuff 25
Hungarian balsam of
-life 1 00
,McAlister's all-heal- .
ing ointment 25a50
: do hare oil 50
40 toilet oil 50
Segur's restorative pills2s
Larbor'sexlnngwortl 00
Clove anodyne, cure
for toothache 25
Climax syrup 50
Dr. Ford's pectorial
do tonic cordial
do universal pills
Hooper's fetrude pills 12
Anderson's Fcots pills 12,
Godfrey's cordial 12
Bateman's pectoral
Turlington's balsam
of life
Pacific oil
1 4 -
25 & 50
41EXE * 4)jiii ,
17. 50y1
J. -LyoNs, " --
p now receiving a bondman° lot4of - ,
$ - ' 1 ,
' Dry GoodS, , :
Crockery &Hardware, •
Books & - stationery;
Groceries, 'Dye-stuffs,
Nags, Fish, &c.. 4546,
- Thankfid to friends for pint favors,, be hopes by
selling clamp to receive a liberal share of their pat
ronage, LW Recollect, for CASH at least, he is not
to be uhdersold. ...
Montrom, May 13, 1847. . $
WANTED, Geese Feathers; Butte!, Bags, Bees
wax, &c. &c. I. LYONS.
May 13, 1847.
LARGE Family Bibles for ids; also common and
pocket Bibles, Testaments, Geographies and
Atlases, Arithmetics, Grammatik Philosophical and
Chemical Books : Cobb's, Saunders',. and Town's
Spelling Book ; Porter's Readers. A good assort
ment of Toy Books and Tickets. Also, the new
Hymn Booktrfor the Presbyterian, and. Baptist seek.-
ties. Methodist Hymn Books, Blank Books
for sale hy , J. Lyons.
May 13, 1C47.
pATEST Pails, Brooms, Clothes :Pins, Butter
Stamps and Ladles, by J. Lynxes,
Alai• 13.
THE subscriber wishes 'to inform his
friends and thriller customers that he is
prepared to card Wool with dospatch and
in the best style. He will also take good
clean Wool in the fleece and deliver it in
good sound Yarn at from to 10 cents per
run. Those having to hire their spinning
done, would find this' to their • advantage,
and§ave themselves the trouble of preparing
theipl own wool.
Wool will be taken to manufacture into
Broadcloth, Flannel, Blankets, and shawls,
to suit customers.
pa WO hundred pounds of beech-nut Lard
will be taken in exchange for work.
N. 11.--It is expected that payment will
be made in all cases when the work is .11e
livered, either in cash or saleable produce:
• Silver Lake, May 15, 1847: A
THE subscribers are now receiving their
stock of
To which they invite attention. Most kinds
of produce rcc'd in exchange. They wish
it distinctly understood - that they are not
anxious to sell goods except' for PAY
DOWN. Mills & Sherman.
Montrose May 1.8, 1847.
ARE receiving their stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
Consisting in part of
Cloths, .Caasimers, Velvet: and Mar
sielles Vestings, Linens i Blett. and un
bleached, Tweeds, Oregon and 'York Mix
tures, Stripei and Plaid, 'Woolen `Substi
tote, &c.
_Plain and figur'd Delaines, Lawns, Jac
onets, Gingharns, Gingham Lawns, Fash
ionable Dress Silks.
A beautfiul assortment from 5s to $5,00.
Parasols, Silk & Cotton, from 2s. $2,50
Fans, rich styles. Oil Silk r Worsted,
Linen Hdk'fs, silk floss. Silk Lace, Linen
Edgings, best ass't in town. Brussels Lacr,
Buttons, Fringes, Bobbins, figured Muslins,
Hosiery and Gloves of all descriptions.
Bonnet% tabs, flowers, Ribbons, Skirts , a
new article. Pat. Leatber Slips, RuskinsoSt.c.
Of every kind, Crockery, Hardware, Iron,
Nails, Steel Mill. Saws, Log chains, Tin
Ware, Fish, and Pork.
(Bought before the adiance,) Saddle
and' Harness Ware, Matts, India Rubber
Cloths, Floor Oil Cloths, Damask Car
riage trimmings, Drugs, a small. ass't of
staple articles cheap, German Cologne,—
Looking Glasses, a good variety..
We flatter ourselves the stock we offer
this Spring to our friends, is eqhal to any
we have heretofore offered, in quantity, qual
ity, and cheapness. •
With our thanks for favors heretofore, we
tender our invitations " to call aid sec us."
Montrose May 17, 1847.
'twig s'ais ‘4,44i ,
Fp. CHANDLER & CO. ate now re!
ceiving a large and well selected addi..
tion to their stock of Goods, to which they
would invite the attention of puiehasen.
Their stock is now quite large, and they
iqe determined that for Cash, BSrter, or on
approved credit, they will sell qt least as
low as any establishment in the 'county.
Montrose May 17, 1847.
MERICAN, French and En li sp Cloths
and Cassinteres, Satins and fancy Vest
ings for sale by . Chandler & Co.
LOVERSEED of he large - kind, f l pr sale by
Montrose, May 2 ,1847. Chandler &Co
PRINTS, a good assortment , American
and English.. Yea) , cheap. 1 .
Chandler & Co. -
QIIMMEig Stuff& Tweeds Drills, Bro
1,3 Lineii&e. C. & Co.
ffINGHAMS, Lawns, DeLanni, and Other
U . Dress Goods .
QBEETINGEI, Bro. and Blelehed.': A
13 variety'at- - Chandlerrar• Co!,s.
TEGHORN and Straw 1117....14 )
1' eta, idain
and rainy ' ' noFlowery,
. _Cheadjar ik Co: .
ITPEBIOS •-- ; - "ItE 8 ,•,
AxeN %mamma r o r
the Haar. bY Chanalet2 09.
GRZETt g° 4163
_ chandler &
- I
N eonuezienr with the folloWing certificate
. 11(
were handed to us the ;testimonials of
several highly- respectableladies, who have
used the Domestic Horizonte! Spinning
Wheel; and Who concur in saying substan4
tinily, that they can spin with it. seven or
eight run, (er about four day's work) per
diem, with as much ease at they can per 4
form an ordinary day's work 'with a com 4
mon wheel. The inference is irresistable
that it will hereafter be more profitable for
the farmer wbo, manufactures his wool, with
this machine! to have in his-employ at the
same cost for: abor, one girl, than four gide
with the common stand-and-spin wheels
[People's Advocate.
The undersigned, citizens of Montrose;
have witnessed with much satisfaction• the
operation of a 'novel machine denominated
the " Domestic Horizontal Spinning-wheel,"
lately invented by Hiram F,. Wheeler of
Springville, in this comity. It appears to
us tactic a valuable improvement, in view of
the ease with which it is used and the :no.
pidity with which it executes. We doubt
not that our Farmers generally, with all
who " toil and spin" will approve it too.
Montrose, Susq'a co. Pa.
Col. Franklin Lusk,
lion. Wm. Jessup,
Gen. D. D. Warner,
Joseph- Williams,
Thos, Johnson,
• Hon. M. C. "1 1 ,yler,
S. S.,,Mull'ord
Henry J. Webb, P. M.
B. Salisbury,
Walter Follet, Treasurer.
J.- W. Myers,
E. 'Patrick, Jr., M. D.
Daniel Searle, .
WM. J. Mulford,
J. Lyons,
Wm. J. Turrell,
• lssac L. Post,.
- Geo. V. Bentley,
Wm. L. Post,
Rev. John Long.
Rights will be sold on the most reas
onable terms' to those who wish to make the
wheels, or purchase Territory to sell again
in any of the United States (except Ohio.)
Those wishing to engage in a business both
pleasant and profitable will please call on
the subsetibers in 'Springville, Susquehanna
county, Pa.
• H. F. WHEELER, Patentee.
J. SMITH, Jr., Agent.
Springville, April 8, 1847. 44rti6
cv . new Seasonable and fashionable Gonda for
'V the Spring and Summer trade of 1847, is now
being received bythe subscriber direct i from New
York - by Ball Road and Team.
The subscriber tenders his thanks to 'the public,
for the very' liberal patronage hitherto bestowed,
and hopes to merit a continuance of the sauna, by
keeping .on hhud those Goods most desirable for
cheapness, durability, style and fashion. Please
call and examine the new g,nods just opening at
Montrose, Nturth 25,.184-7.
Agreat variety Of Spring and Summer Goods for
Boys and Men's wear—very low—lirst rec'd,
ut Salisbury's.
March 28, 1847.
ASSIMERS. Twedevi, &c.. &c., &c.. &....jarst
received and will be said for a starill profit at.
Salislau ry's.
March 25. 1847.
LINEN Cambric and Silk. Hdkff, Linen Table
Spreads, Fine bleached Muslins, Laces, Muslin
Edgings, Thread Edgings,,and Insertion at
March 25, 1547.
FLORENCE Braid, China Pearl, and Straw Bon:
nets, a great variety and the spring. and slimmer
fashion very low at Salisbury's
March 9.5, 1847. ,
I 5000EACON 'SKINS WANTED, F r which the highest market price
— ill br ii Ip'
i )
_/bleached Sheetings just
F l received utSalisbury's.
Montrose, Apnl, 1847.
A MOST spleudial hit of the lutest,syle,nt
March ;.'5, 1847.
ISLE thread' and Cotton Cloves, that will suit
-LI all the Ladies, just received at Salisbury's
March 25, 1847. •
A large anortment of Hosiery very cheap at
March 4 2.5. 1347.
L AWNS—Rich and Splended Dress goods at
March 25, 1397.
ALARGE variety and extremely low at
March 25, 1847.
11AD1 S,
AND Parasols from 2s: to 205., just come at
March 25, 1847:
. -
Amost sjilendid assortment and elegnnt variety
of Calsr.oes, Spring fashion, jug WWI at •
Afarch `..35, 1897. ' .
NEAT and gentestyle extremely• low, spring
.1 fashion at Salisbury's
Karel 25, 1847.
• i ' -KID
SUPPera and Btudtina a first rate amortment tit
With .25', 1847. '
IrIGHT for spring and ficautiful style just home
'l,l at • - • Siltsbni
.a. Mareh 25, 1847.
QUGAR BEET.—A few pounds of .imported
low seed for saleat MST'S
oNNETB,—A, choe selectien—lemutiful styles
I Hest tunortinentln.tewO at
n. .
1 } ' YPOB ,
11l REED% uppeir lipptbariand finotingo stole if)l44!•
Deer &ru
84 le et eilltimarl'
24, 16.
THEiDeirneareM..S. insuranceCompOny, Phile t
delphis,lhave authorized the undersipedtO effect In'
surance4 ou Buildings, Merchandize, :uulfltherprol4
erty, upinst damage or loss by fire., 1
The unmense resources of the compat4, and their
atlirirenix to fair and honorable princitaes in tki4.,
transaction of all their business, entitle tl("em te• thq
cotafidetice'of the public as
.a safe melds of Insti
rando. , 4 F. 1.134 Agent.
Montrose; June 16. 1846.
etitowN-7i inches high, 5-16 yeoman, bell a
IL/ ittsidas, 1-16 front and rear, cuire. TIP
oval, 114. ieclies wide, front and
and' 9;i6 aesides. BINDING-1 of nit theh wide
The above new style, Introduced in isiqw York 0
Saturday Mardi 6th, by Beebe & Cos*, are 1101.1'
reedy tura for sale by
11 '4311.441
q 'kk
BY . NV Ait N i ER B ROTOR!: RS;
Of Great Bend, Pa., .
15,000 bushtls 044, ;
- :.10 ,000 d4. Rye i : I
5,000 (14. Con),
1,000 - (14. . Whiat,
'..4..)0;000..1b5. 17 , ; , 11, 1 1 , 1f r E k lutt i , u •C r ‘s h i t..::: . ..!; qL
IL in i l,: i l:4 l ,
price 41 be paid. I 1 I i
(;tent Bend, Jain. 1347. 1
B(k l fS & SHOES, coarse and findof alined
evCry quality and price. by
:. - ---.
• ,111" has becitcurrently repertg
1 ed through the county, and
~. is the declared opinion of hun4
\ dred.N, that in point of - variety - land quall
i, ty, the supply of HATS mut-CAPS, a l i t
StenitiLl& Root's Hat and Cap Store 04 the Wek
side of the Public Avenue in Montrose, eiceeds Any
thing el:the kind ever exposed for sale in!this region
ofc min4v. Reader, du you discredit tine rutuoo
Remember the Poet's admonition:
Our doubts are traitors 4
And Make us lose the good we oft might win.
Ott: , 22, 1846.
20 Dozen
FINENCTRIA. Brush, Moleskin andrl k fiats,
of Hull and Whiter Fashions, on hand nt Merril
Itoofit Hat Store, which will he sottl chenpel
than ever Ihr ready pay. • !
15 BOZ colered and nat. Lynx, Geloilt ; and Cri- ,
tiy Muffs. at Morrill Boot's. I
6 b°'• squirrel Boas and Ladies' Fnr gaps at
&. a's.
S,DOZ Otter, seal, Nutria '
and Itl/tslcrat Fu l a .
I_,;.Cup* at - 1 & Ws.
Men's and Boy's plain cicilt Cap; Of
20 inherent styles and. quality, at 31 &
9 DOZ. Men's and Boy's silk and cotton glazed
Cats, a few dozen Butlido Robes, anit any quan
ty of hair seal, sealet, and worsted Caps 6t \f Rr
~,Is ) . o ,,,L Y : i. s s i i . ) ,lr t .t iic i rie L l:, i,/. l ,),,ii a til li a n t sb rua , t t,
I f;
a u;
eks, Cases, Cap Cases, &e. at Al & R's.
GASP' paid for Pelts by. M - Ite R. i
B INOILANITON Plow Points fur $0,1.1
Sid,' Hill do.
Also. Wityne County Points at hl & R's.'
Norittosc, Oct. 22. 1846.
• . I HAMS ! I-lIIIJS q
500L86. iiAms wa.i.,,,.1 i..,.....,iii 5 i j .. ?! .. s
20th Pell. 10.17
JOB runt
T"' Publisher's of the People's Athkfheate, ha -
4iig the use of au 'eurkely new and knodern
sortnnud of JOB TYPE, are now preparealy execnt ,
in a neat and satisfartornsiyle, all kindsitif •
at prirei to suit the times.
Printed ; 01 short notice, and iu the hest! ityke of th
Ast. :
share of the People's patronageiis i•cipec
fully ioricited.
July 0, 1846.
INT ',N•k7l 47s 1 . 1
, 1 ,-,a, 1 / 4 k. , \•. 7 ,1 'li l i.: • .•„ •A 4
. I
AT the Shop of .JOHNGLOVES,VaiIor, ts 4)
doims below the ,Farrner's.,St3re, tlidNew Tor!:
Spring 'ind Summer Fashions for 1847 i and John
himself tiay always be found there, rota- to mei
tire his kinds:am for any kind.of a snit ®they ma
choose to wear. It is a self-evident faCt that me
must 14e clothes, and the :subscriber flatters hi
self that he can suit the taste of every oni who may
fever hiin with their eastern. 5,
Cuiti3g done on short notice, and so M'arked, thM.
" the Whylitring man though a foul may iot err" n
making St up.
t‘i' 31erchatattble produce and cash )611 be tat
ken fir Work.' •
- • 1 JOHN ROVE Tailor.
Montiose, May 3, 1347. I .1 1 47m3
Qtnir;RFINE Flour for sale by
A.piil 4 2oth, 1847. - Clmui k & Co
1 -
; :,
1.0,00 Q Bushels Oats, 1000 bushels, lly - e, 100
bushels Timothy- seed, and 300 Firkins; Pair} , But
tor e tiar, Vihich the highest market price 'tqll be paid
by 4 . Mills & Btterman.
June 3, 1847.
t ' - 'II
; l • PLOUGHS!! 1 i
WiNE Co. Ploughs and Points r 4 VD by
4 pr i l 21. Mills, &4bennitn.
Q141:3,1%" as Cashinerqs, De Plaisl4, Alpacas,
greet variety iyilLlT•cpixo4
& 811 E MAN,
FfSb. l 4 '1847. I •
. ;
WANTED i l '
A.B4,as an Apprentice the Tie I tulinew A
1416 or 17 pre good Ifl na clairac
whftwill try to make himself we Mid F+
I geritip tillr
ly i n the inorning,-'will Fuel 'efieoar
agemeatiby calliag at ,•. „-
F. B. Ciumili rSe, Co's.
—lir; Py 1 0 .1847.
ioA4 B tnig - 1111 1 i3hitiee: -PI
Vhaudiet & CO*
Comprising a general intros vet
Universal Hiet!ffy, ancient. and;ato ec
dent asula , .serie 'ale,/ separate Mitosis: of
- every
.prineipcill.nedion Mat ezists,. their
rise, progress,' piisent
Author of- he " Treatiftry of knolwledge," " Biograph
ical Treasury,- • J.,iternity and Scientif--
is Treaniry,r &c.;piciculin g
SnITSD Di' Mali IN an, rut._
'The rep cation Of thisval ble work has been ,
undertaken rd ottacCount f the high favor with
which it has' been -receive in England, but
-chiefly it, Consideration of its trinsic value, arising
from the felicitous :adaption o the plan to.a want
that has been lon. , and genera lv felt and from the
judgment and fi dAitymnnifes in its execution.—
The idea of givin .g In a single work, of no very
formidable dimensionS, and at la price which bring s
it within the reach of Nery moderate circumstance s,
a sufficient outline of Om world's whole 'history, and
similar outlines a every the history of nation, is so
obviously judicious and tippropriate as to require no
eulogitum }very perso n , wh o cares ut all for the
acqusition of useful knowledge must desire to pos
ledge of past events, not on
mess 811C11 a general know,
ly in his own country but in all countries, as shalt
enable him underst and the perpetually recurring
allusions that are found iu almost any course of-gen—
eral reading; because for want of sncli understand .
lug there is ZllwayS a' serious diminution both of
pleasure and profit, even. in the perusal of such.
works as are designed chiefly fOr amusement For.
instance, most of Sir Walter Scott's novels arelisual
eil upon hist o ry' , and..abounif with referen c e s to hi;-'
toral events and personages, a want of some as _
q uaintitnee with which detracts seriously from the
interest and delightiliey are-so well qualified to.
awaken; and so of most other works belongin g to•
the better class of what is. calledlight literature.—
But the, difficulty his b e en to obt a i n thi s general
knowledge without going through many books, re
quiring la greater. expenditure of time and money
than alma persons are able o f willing to afford; and
to obviate. suet; tliffiCutty has been illepurimse of
Mr. Marauder.
I la plan has the nierit of completeiMss, and is an.:
iliailitedlv the, best that could have been desired.—
l-b• gives firist a general sketch of ancient and mod
ern history—a rapid and' 'comprehensive birds-eye
view, as it were, of the rise and progress of nations„
the most important incidents of their career, and
tl k•ir relations to each other; and after this he takes
ti the nations separnfely, furnishing' a concise di_
gpst of all that is important or • desirable to know
cnuceniing each, and thus affording a sort of key to
the changes mid 1.:W(41U that were more briefly indi
cated, rather 'bv their results than their incidents, in
the gentfral Sketch or outline. Thus the salient
points of history are brought within - a managabre
cempass ; and an excellent foundation -is laid' for
noire thorengh and extensive reading'in referenceto
any portion of the world, or any epoch of which -a
complete knowledge ma' be desired.
lu the execution of this plan the author has been
very successful. His notice of historical events, tho'
brief, are lucid and satistiactory ; and he traces the
connectioniof effect and cause with singular acumen
and generally with inost commendable freedom from
partiality or bias ; thus supplying a very good idea
of the philosophy of history as well asthe fitctswhich
history records. In a word, the work will be found
invaluable to the general reader and a very useful
help to the student. -
Complete in two volumes, lame octavo, Avith en
gravings, $4.. An edition in paper covers, complete,
suitable fur mailing $3.
DANI.PV , ADEE, Publisher.
107 Fulton street, New-York.
mon sense, that the aaturalvegetable productions
of every country are,:if properly Iplied, amply suf
ficient for the cure of every ma y incident to each
peculiar clinmtes
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
of the North Ameriea'n College of Health, are com
posed of plants whit lt grow spontaneously on our
own soil, and arc therefore better adapted to our
coustitutiomi than medicines concocted limn foreign
drugs, however wellithey may becompounded ; and
as they are founded tipnu the principle that the hu
man body is in truth,
Subject to but one Inseam,
viz:, corrupt humors, and drat said medicine cures
this &seise on
~,Natural Princieks
by cleansing and purifying the body ; it will be man
ifest, that if the constitution be not entirely exhaust
„l—a perseverance Miheir use, according to direc
tions, is absolutely certain to drive. disetise of every
narrie from the body. ,
When we wish to , tiestore a swamp. or morass to
fertility, we drain it of the superabundant ,waters
M like mammer if we wish to restore the body to
health, we must cleat:me it of impurity. '
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
will be fivind one of 'the best, if 'not the very best
medicine in the world for. carryliT out this
Grand purifying principle,
because .they expel irons the boa) , all comtpt and
impure humors, the cause of disetrfe, in au easy and
natural manner; and . while theyjevery day
Give et* and pleasure,
disease of every natiu: is rain* driven from the
The font:wins: highly respectable stnrekeepets
have been duly apps uted agents for the sale of
'Wright's Indian Ve&table Pills in Susquehanus
Mills & Sherman, Montrose.
Ira Scott, Spring illc.
L. H. Woodruff, ;Dirnock. Corners.
Edwin Tiffany; Brooklyn.
A. Greenwood,lllarford.
Jos. Duß.ois, Great Bend. ;.
R. L. Sutphin &.Co. Suinniersville.
H. Burritt, NeW Milford.
N. E. Kennedy, Gibson Centre.
Smiley & Ctirtis,;East Gibion. ,
-Wells & Co., puitdaff.
Tarbox & Buriows, Rushville.
James Comfort,':lUrrnony.
U. Burrows & Co. l i Gibson.
I. G. Pride, Ilatfoi
Charles L. Brown,
BEWARE or. COUSTRAFMA:—TIIO public are cau
tioned agninit the many spurious medicines which
in tinier to deceive, are, crated by names similar to
Wright's '4Tel:ethic Pills. - •
The only ori&nalnial, gendue Indian Vegetable
Pills have thesignature of Win. Brrightwritten with
a pen on the. top Label of .eaCh box. None other is
geintine, and to'counterkit this is forgery.
Qffices devoted ;exclusively' to the sale of
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, of the N'orth Amer
icon V ,'c' oile of Heattli, No. 288 Greenwich' Si New
York ; P l93' Treminit st. Boston.; and nrincipal
office, No. 169 Race at: Philadelphia.
Produce and GeneraliConithission
Merchnnts 4 Front st..N. Y.
PARTICULAR attention Lviven to the sale of
Butter and Cheese: Refer to Messrs. Mills &.
Sherman, Montrose, rennin, who will make liberal
advanceti on Produce ; .con.signed to their care, and
pay over the proceedsas soon as sold,
New York„Tuly,l6l6,
WOOD wanted Oda Spring! in eteinuige for
Goods at I Salisbury's.
April fi, 1847-.
A large raiieiy of faehiuriallo Veiting just received
at ;• .• • , i - Satubary'a.
• Alarch 25, . „
And Giughttirt, Lam elegant and mita* for
the saasoli'veir at Salisbary's.
March 25 0 1847.
.; .;
- 'SLS.
, S ,
71aDly.a,A; and De Lain Shawls or
all colon; fuld:styies;,ehewer than ejteroffilred in
this inithetWore,jtuntueiveti and now' tci be had.
at ' - • §l4isbutfa. _
March : 2s, 1847. ' •'••-•=. ' • '
Iliatee-;Cash and the', highest; price paid fir all
,kiads of shiipiali Rua by., _ , •