The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, June 17, 1847, Image 2

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    Operations of the
Canal adthe Istli
New OrlOaris you
express, twenty-fou
mail, for the Led o
items of intlligenc
proceed to Ipy befo
The Ileriera, wl
beep elected. rresi
name than, the ex
speculaiions hid
was favoralile to
he news Or the el
pgel Trills, Gov,
the vote of the dep
sera succeeded in .0 1
D. MerPtioir 0
vial Times 'states, t
Bence reached Ver
that Herr* was
whose authOrity thi
Cause of his succes
felt among the thin
for peace. The s
tion. I
Santa Ana's let
his operatiiins, is
written to prepare
tion in the capital.
" The whole pop
-city was itv.:motion'
division, and gave
enthusiasmi. I ‘con
ing surrounded b
who were :hurrah]
for the rep4blic, an
tatred of our hived
Piy heart was agita
as I lookeditipon
ing upon trie for ar
giving the most sig
die liberty of their
ed upon the respons
ittg the menus, had
tape of the good di:
The only want in t
was propernen to
national cause." 1
Nary-4 Plan of the
taus of Tehuantepie.
nals, brought by special
hotirs in advance of the
r, contain a variety , of
from Mexico, which we
e our readers :
1a isupposed
t. s to have
I eat .of Mexico, is, the
Imo other person of that
resident. If this be so,
ulged that the election
`peace, fall to the ground.
ction is very imperfect.
Prnor of Chihuahua, got
lament of Mexico; er
i' 0 eretaro4 Puebla voted
ampo. The )Cornmer
tat on the 24th, intelli-
Cruz from the capital,
lected. The writer -on
. is given, states, that the
was a desire generally
king part of the people
tement needs •confirma-
er giving an account of
zupposed to have been .
tans& a favorable recep-
We copy One parti
ng to Puebla :
elation of this beautiful
at the entrance of my
:ig-ns of the most ardent
II , hardly walk from be
thousands of citizens,
for independence and
giving utterance to their
rs., In these moments
ed by different feelings
1 enthusiastic people call
p s to defend themselves,
al proof of their love for
I .
bountry, and as I reflect
'bility of those who, hay
egleeted to take advan
'position of these people:
'is city, your Excellency,
ove in defence of the
Laster fro!
Corp. Perry has I
from his cruise. p,
touched 0 Logan!!
ports oit the coast.
the blockadp,
licer in command t.
all the imports, and
cent: advalOrem on
pessession of the fo
er, Gunsactialco, de
enemy found, there,
on the!ort, Where it
it with a salvo of
proceeded t? a town
ty miles, of .which
session, and where,
lute, he re-raised thl
alcaldes of dome of t
while there, z came i
ble pofsession of di-
What may prove of
eminent, and save i
pease, he sticceede.
a map or chart of
plated canal across
tepee., with acco
notes. He ;had it t:
drawn out for an E
• instance th 4 sun-ey
' As soon is they
take in, at Vera C
lie means, We male
at Tobascn where
in force, nuttherin e ,
regular arm 7, wain
The (perati
The follo;wing let i
dent of the Mobile 11
news touching the .1
Vera Cruz.
returned to Sacrificios
I uring his absence he
~ Frontera, and other
At Laguna he , jsraised
instructions to the of
levy the new .tariff on
a war tax of ten per
all exports. 'tie took
at the mouth of the riv
troyed the guns .of .the
aised the American flag
now floats, and saluted
wenty-nne guns. He
up the river some liven
e took peaceable pos
e so, with a national sa- '
• American flag. The
' e neighboring villages;
1 offering him peacea
rr respective bailiwicks.
importance to the gov
much trouble and ex
lin securing at this place
e line for the contem-
Ibe Isthmus of Telman
pa try ing topographical'
!ken from the original ,
I glish company, at whose
was made.
• sets under Corn. Perry
i iz, the necessary coal,
stand, to make it dash
t is. said the .enemy is
''as many as 2000 of the
sg to give him resistance.
ns of-the Navy
er from the correspon
' erald contains all the
ovements of the fleet :
Iron, May 22d, 1847.
'r Spitfire arrived here
6ort cruise of 90 miles
which she visited the
vitta and Tacoluta, de
ins acknowledgement
fication of which they
e " Germantown" some
At the approach of the
S deserted, and the other
Ike any surrender, they
he people of Mesantla,
ble size, situated back
I m the coast,) who, sup
accessible to our vessels,
ity all• who treat or hold
TN . town of Puebla,
The U. A. steam,
on the 19th, from a
up the coast, during
towns of Pitehla, N.
mendin' from then
to surrend4, a noti
had received from tl,
ten days previous.
Spitfire, Pti,ebla wai,
towns refused to me
being overawed by
(a town of coniderr
some thirty ?miles fn
posing theniselves it
Threaten with extrer.
intercourse with us.
Nantla and Irecoluu
lages, the first coma
dozen huts,'Ated con
more Freneft-enlonii
hevingtreated with tl
down upon them dm
country people... I
parture of the Ger
made-upon the Fre
in the treaty ivas-m.
French schponer, t
seized, plundered an
crew carried loft:"
frotn.the captain of
maniwtio etas pick
hrolightio this city
'The thi!ti4 countr
°yenta:wit& the dis
defeatedikleirican .
othr - wayaoiiirtg,.
in' bands of 1091 a •
villages, its:Anthill
and foe. Thesa , ,
eon* , of the I pea
trioiii villaglrwwith
biog./tad inardering
disposed tiarf) not
tering-a worse fate t
potion wooldjsubj ,
00i n 67 itrin!la wre
protectiaii the : ,
Iha' 4 !,stars 'dr ' -
- ;it', Pe • c oati'
Li;iirdo for Tuba
are mere Indian vil
, ining not more than a
tained some hundred or
:ts, whose principal men
e Germantown,lirought
vengeance ofthe'back
j mediately after the de
!antown, a descent was
l j ch, and all concerned
. rched off in irons. A
ling at Minds, was
burnt, and part of her
hese facts were learned
ie schooner, -al French -
d lip in his boat Sand
rtlie Spitfire. i
around Vera! Cruz is
nded , ':soldiery -of -the
ies, who, having -no
orne - brignmik'aud .
0 invest - the ileinity`of
~ : tely plundering friend
ra make an inter
!l!.',inclined an . indan;
1 '4 - the : pretext for Tok
thesiivor that She well
it for tear ofetwoun
an our forcible occu-
Acta to. - The whole
or anarchy
therebeingitior-law or
9th roil., leik4otos
r His foroo.oosisted
of the steamshililithisisliPo ,ls " 4 -+ Se ri!
and Scorpion.; the : ikigateituritatt - „:,the loot
of-war Germanioihi„ Adisibs and Alhany,
and several boinh No ; ;:' , resistandej
was anticipated, .the. return of the
squadron was daily expected. The frigate
Potomac and steamship Spitfire remained
to protect this portion of the coast. "
Gen. From Taylor's Division.
be tieett that, there i? little news
stirring at Monterey orSaltillo, if We except
the approach of Col:Poniphan's command
which was
We find thisiollowing in the Saltillo Pick
et guard,: of the 10th tilt :.
CAPT.: Pnxe.- 6 -Considerable anxiety has
preilaileit here for several days in reference
to Oapt: Pike, who left here four weeks ago
for Vhihuallua with despatches to Colonel
Do9iphan. • Ant intelligent Mexican from
Ps stateeth ' t news had been receivedat
tha place that apt Pike had been attacked
nea M
li zt,
apitmie-,furor five day's tmveibeyond
Pa , ,by a lane force of Camanche Indi
ans and had I 15of his men. The coun
try beyond Par s appearito be overrun by
these Arabs oft e West, from which this
rumor does not ook improbable.
Col. Donipha is supposed to be at Par
ras, where lie is ordered to remain until he
'receives further instructions.
Tidings from Doniphan's Command—Ex
pected at Buena Vista—Col. Cushing
Ordered to join Oak. Taylor—Murder
by the Camanches—San Luis Deserted by
the Mexican Troops—The Hospital
Crowded with Wounded Soldiers—Desti
tution among all Classes.
The Southern nyail brings New Orleans
papers of the 2d iTtal., which contain further
details furnished by correspondints at Vera
Cruz, but nothing later from Gen. Scott's
By an arrival from the Brazos, the news
of Col. Irlotiip tan's arrival at Parras is con
firmed. He lad with him about one thou
sand nain and eighteen pieees of artillery.
Col. Mitchel, with the advance of Doni
phan's command including a picked party,
was expected to arrive at Buena Vista about
the 15th ult.
In passing through Durango they had ta
ken possession of a small fort, and captuied
1 captain, '2l privates, and 47 stand of arms.
The prisoners were released on parole, and
arms furnished them for deferrce against the
Camanclue4. At Massey they found 125
muskets rind 85 lances, but the troops fled
on their tupPrciacb.
Col. Cushing has received .orders to join
Gen. TaylcUr immediately at Monterey, and
had started, with a detachment of ninety of
the Massachusetts regiment, having appoint
ed Edwardi Webster as his aid.
Gen. Cadwallader had ordered . an elec
tion "to be rheld to fill the vacancy occasion
ed by the promotion of Col. Cushing.
Three men belonging to the Massachu
setts regiMent, 'c'ho had deserted, were mur
dered by the Crimanches.
Gdn. Taylor had determined to employ
he new Teartis battalion.
A letter from San Luis says that the hos
pitals there were crowded with Mexican sol
diers dying,py scores from starvation and'
neglect.: Even the citizer were suffering
for the common necessarids of life. The
troops had nll left.
Murder of o:Bearer of Despatches to Gen.
Scott—Santa Anna reported to be at Rio
Frio—Election of Herrera—Movements
of Gen ScottMezicans Robbed by their
own conntrymcn—Death of Pensylvani
ans—Si4ness at Jalapa.
F REDERICKSBURG, (Va.,) Jgne 11, 1847.
The steamer Fashion has arrived at New
Orleans from Vera Cruz, bringing dates up
to the 30th ult.
The robbery of the diligence and murder
of the , passengers are confirmed. Among
the victims was Col. Sowers, the bearer of
despatches to . Gen. Scott. Their bodies
were, found atrociously mutilated.
Santa Anna was reported to be at Rio
Frio, with three thousand men.
There is a report of the election of Herre
ra, but it is ' not traceable to mi r y authentic
source. •,-
Gen. Scott was. to leave Jalapa for Pua
bla on the 29th. General Tiriggs' division
had already left.
A party of Mexicans, who were coming
into Vera .Cruz from Santa Fe, bad been
attacked and robbed by their own country.
Jalapa is now garrisoned by the First
Artillery, the Second Pennsylvanian Regi
ment and'three companies of the first, the
balance of the latter being also ordered
back from Perote. Privates Wilson and
Charles Lytle of the first Pensylvania
regiment ,are reported as having died at
There are nearly eight hundred sick in
the hospital at Jalapa..
The Fitithion brought but a small mail.
The steam ship New Orleans was to have
left on the 31st ult., and the gen
eral mail will be brought by her.
Among the passengers in the Fashion
arc Lieutenants Murray, Kane and Felt
mangle, and James Johnson, Quatermaster's
Sergeant, af the .Pensylvania regiment, with
tarty sick and. disgraced Volunteers.
Col. Soweres was .a bearer of despatches
finin the Crovernment to . Gen. &Ott. He
-left Feria Cruz -with an escort of five men,
under aieist. McDonell, and two more were
added:atthe town of,,Santalie. The mur
der ,was canimited tvto miles beyond Puente
Nacionnel, the driver and one soldier are all
that escaped. 1!
The ,offleer alluded to as having been
murdered, Is Col; W Sour,-Jr. of Lock Ha
vencelinton countyOn this State. A letter
to afrientOgthia cikt. dated the nth 811 .111
he was to leave. New Orleans. on the 13th,
inst.—Ledger .
, ~.
.THE C.11 . X:91 , 'PUBBI.O, of which General
Worth, ham now poeseasiou r coDtains about
50,091.) inhabitants:, ,Tr city), meat and
de.o l l l -4 4 `,Arre:Accthan: haiWty of Mexico
-.r.Aomniti . .htuali audit/ lvarod,.aed the
eettrann-0000, „ xinteandbetter
t r o,
_, , Mr. Beach,
who:has , .fetonled. L. rigulaw give!
quire et, "cato . l or,thei; ;
once, bonged, AFtAntne ,ektirebes, - flint
three ' . It* eath ral is a,'apleadid
affair, and poindisti • And sieatthibare
been ireatlj augur o*.W btk an !eccurrenei
winch: is siad t 0 bardi takoM &oil at its:cbt .
liiruetion. gai
The buitdingned Mysterious..
ty.during the nightiis nittch4as the masons
built during the day. The clergy declared
that this was the work of angels, and hence
the name pf thecity—Pueb/a de los Ange
les. From.the centre of the great dome is
suspended an immense chandelier of solid
gold and silver, weighing emit:ten tons.—
The other ornaments are on thesnme costly
Letter from Santa Anna.
The Mobile Herald has a !translation,
from El Republican°, of a letter from San•
to Anna, in relation to Gen. Scbtt's procla
mation to the Mexicans. The 'spirit it ex
hibits shows there is no hope of:peace from
Santa Anna, and that Gen. Scott will bean=
der - the necessity of flogging ltim into. rea
Official letter of his Ezcellencj/ the Genera
al-in-Chief, Santa Anna, aecompaisying
some intercepted documenti of the enemy.
Army of Operations—Excellent Sir : The
commandant of the flying revenue guard
of tobacco of Orizaba, the Col. p. Juan N.
Caraveo, whom left with his command
near the National road, between Peyote and
Norialucani to observe the movements of the
enemy, and to harrass him when the oppor
tunity might offer, has remitted to me the
accompanying documents, which were ta
ken from the enemy's mail, which left Ja
lapa for Gen. Worth's camp.
Among them you will find Gen. Scott's
proclamation to. the Mexican nation, which,
from its style, appears to have been written
originally in Spanish, and not translated
from the English.
This - proclamation of Scott's is written
with the most refined hypocrisy, and with
the most infamous perfidy. It .is the great
est insult yet offered td the Mexican people,
whom it has attempted to lull (a guien se
preteAde adorpmccr) to make it the victim
of the timbiton of that nation, which is the
enemy of our irace, when, in another place,
i t feels no embarrassment in proclaiming,
by the press and its official documents, that
it carries on against us t war of conquest,
and that this war must be made at the. cost
of the blood and treasure of this unfortunate
Your excellency will note, in one of the
accompanying intercepted letters, that Scott,
the Inspector General of the United States
army, considers the above proclamation well
adapted to,aid the views of the invaders.
You will observe that this letter hnrmon
zes with, others which have been publishdd
in this capital, and which with reason have
been regarded by all well disposed Mexicans
as more,prejudical for the venom (ponzona)
which they conceal than the loss of a battle.
But it - A the midst of the malevolence whidh
General Scott shows he.has against me, he
does me: too much honor when le says that
they had been deceived as to my real inten
tions, and that on account of this mistake
his overnmcnt permitted me to pass to my
country., Indeed, most excellent Sir, the
United States did deceive themselves when
they dreamed that I was capable of betray
ingmy country. Before this should happen
I would prefer to be consumed by fire and
my ashes scattered that not a single atom be"
Would to God the Mexicans would open
their eyes to discover the poison in the gold
en chalice which the perfidious -Scott prof
fers to them, and that the reply to his proc
lamation may be one shout of universal in
dignation against the invaders of the
Let a war be made against these without pe
riod, that when we may no longer be able,
because Providence may have decreed the
subjugation of this unfortunate country, there
may remain to our children or grandchildren,
when the wrath of the Omnipotent shall
have passed, the noble work of revenging
the outrages committed by the .republic of
the United States on Mexico.
God and Liberty ! •
To the Minister of War and .Marine.
PEACHED ay HIS OWN Taoors.—.An address
appears in the New Orleans Picayune of the
29th alt., signed by the officers of the 2d
Tennessee regiment, which in conjunction
with the two Pennsylvania regiments, under
Gen. Pillow, attacked the heights of Cerro
Gordo. The attack was unsuccessful, and
the 2d Tennessee regiment after suffering
great loss, fell back. Gen. Pillow was
wounded at the commencement of the en
gagement, and retired from the field. The
officers of the Tennessee regiment, smarting
under what they consider to be unjust im
putations, upon their skill or bravery, attri
bute their want of success to Geri. Pillow's
incompetency. He had not recconnoitered
the ground, knew not the name: of Abe de
fences, and attacked the plade with too
smalta force. The following novel milita
ry manoeuvre is mentioned as a part of his
movements on that memorable day : '
" Gen. Pillow bad actually placed Col.
Haskell between Col. Wynkoop and Col.
Campbell, who-was to support Col. Wyn.
koop, and Col. Campbell between Col Has
kell and Col. Roberts who was to support
Haskell! Moving as the regiments did by
a flank toilsomely along a narrpw defile,
often in single file, it will readily be per
ceived what a great distance there was be
tween the assaulting and the supporting reg
itnents. In fact, when 'the command of
Col. Haskell returned • to thci spot froth
whence it commenced the assault, Colonel
Campbell's regiment was in the act of filing
past that point, for the purpose of gaining its
position in rear of *Wynkoop, while Colonel
Roberts was stillin rear of Col. Campbell,
and of course had not reached that point."
TSPersonat bravery of Gen.• Pillow is
not impeached in the least. 'They give
he credit for his gallantry, but gallantryis
not.sufficient to save the Thies of; the brave
men who fall, in' a ,needless exposure to dan
ger. It is dim the survivors of that field to
allow - them to be hearkespecially as Gen.
Pithier hai recently been promoted to be a
Major General. '
It ; in rid a young lady, wh o i f o void
Admirer F‘Geneiallr•Yinenetkintnbu7
received . a letter ate ',other day from It sweet
hem *lilting if ; /lie. would hive him.—
lue immediately sent ink reply ; Gen. Toy;
loes answer : to, Santa Anna...,s6 Omni and
lake 1f1e.7.--4 01 411 4 4 i* - 1 •
Tat 8 ART of W AR thiciisiedicearly.
likirr - '
in April buit,a-letter. to .1G e . Taylor, ,eom.,,
pliinenting him and:* tool tars ott ; the g
rjousr.' ahniremitit'nf Duals Vista. The
commanding-.general had it read - . to the
troops on the.6th instant. It acknowledges
in such handsome terms the great'news of
the victory that we copy it. -
WAR DEPARTMENT, April 3d, 1847.
Sir :—Your communications of the 24t4
and 25th 'of February, and the Ist of March,
announcing thebrilliant success of the troops
under your command at Buena Vista, against
the force of the enemy vastly superior in
numbers, hive been laid before the Presi
dent ; and I am instructed to convey to you
his high appreciation of the distinguished
services rendered to the country by yourself
and the officers and soldiers of your com
mand •on that occosion. _
The victory - achieved at Buena Vista,
while it adds new glory to our arms, and
furnishes new proofs of the valor and brave
daring of our officers and soldiers, will excite
the adminition and call forth the gratitude
of the nation. •
The single fact that five thousand of our
troops, nearly all volunteers, who, yielding
to the impulse of patriotism, had rallied to
their country's standard for a temporary
service, were brought into conflict -an
army of twenty thousand, mostly veteran
soldiers, and not only withstood and repulsed
this numerous host, led by their most 'expe
rienced general, : but in a protracted battle of
two days, won a glorious victory, is the
most indubitable evidence of the consum
mate )3 kill nod gallant conduct of our offi
cers, and the devoted heroism of the troops
under • their command. It will ever be a
proud distinction to have been in the battle
of Buena Vista..
The general joy which the intelligence of
this success of our arms lies spread through
the land is mingled with regret that it should
have been obtained at so great a price—that
so many heroic men should have fallen in
that sanguinary conflict. They died in the
intrepid discharge of a patriotic duty, and
will be honored and lamented by a grateful
You will cause this eointnuniention to be
published to the•troops under your command.
I have the horror to be, very respectfully,
your obedient servant,
pursuit of the enemy, when he was flying
from Cerro Gordo, several of Sania Anna's
game cocks, With their legs tied, were pick,
ed up by one of our people. were
for carrying them off as trophies, but Gen.
Twiggs being near by and prompted no
doubt by a spirit of humanity, although
some have insinuated he wanted to test San
ta Anna's judgment in game fowl, ordered
them to be unloosed.. The cocks, when lib
erated, much, we suppose, to the disapr
pointment of the general, instead of follow
ing the example of their illostrions owner.
and flying the field, went right into battle
and . used their spurs with, as much fierce
ness as he must have been plying his on his
mule about the same time. Gen. Twigls,
admiring the true game displayed, ejacula
ted something that was not exactly a bles
sing upon the Mexicans for not showing as
much pluck as their cocks and holding their
position a little longer. Vie are not posi
tive that there was any betting, nor have we
consulted Paley on the practice, flPr we
know the general was right in the main—
N. 0. Picayune.
barque Chancellor, of Neir York, captured
by the U. S. brig Dolphin, on the coast of
Africa, as being engaged in the slave trade'
arrii•ed nt New Yak oh Thursday mornittg„
in charge of Lieut. Dularie. and a prizecrew,
and having also on `board the captain, two
mates and six.seamen of the Chancellor, who
were taken iu charge by Deputy Marshal
Smith. There were no slaves on board the
Chanceler at the time of her capture, but
circumstances of suspicion existed which
warranted, it is said, the Dolphin in sending
her home. The persons under arrest are
Capt. James A. Freman, of the barque, and
his chief mate, Mr. John Gibson. The sec
ond mate and crew are detained as, witnes
ses. The Chancellia was found' off Cape
Moat, near the establishment of the celebra
ted Captain Canot, who had chartered her,
and not far from the position ucupied by"
the schooner Patuxent, a year or two ago,
at the time of her capture, [afterwards clear
ed.] Site was provided, it is said,' with a
slave deck, and had_ on hoard supplies of
rice and water.—Philadelphia Ledger.
gence from Chihuahua, to the 4th of Apr il,
received . at St. Louis by way of Santa Fe,
does not confirm the rumors - dug an out
break had occurred at Chihuahua, in which
the American traders were murdered. The
late Governor of Chihuahua, Tries, had
gone to Durango or Sonora. There were
no troops embodied in the' departnent, but
the feeling towards the Americans Was very
bad. It had reached such a pitch in Chi
huahua that the mob in the streets at night
had been heard to cry ", Death to the Amer
ricans !" One fellow insulted Capt. Reid in
the streets, and was knocked down for it,
which had a favorahle effect on behaviors
generally. Lieut. Col. Jackson was
Chihuahua when Col.. Doniphan departed
for Saltillo. • The prospects of the mer
chants were not good. But few sales had
been made; and altUgether, the .condition
of things is represented at-rather gloomy:
vana Diaro, after' i describing the project
broached by the American government, for
a canal from the ,Atlantic to the, Pacific
across the Isthmus/Of Tehuantepec, for the
common, benefit of commcerce, odds _ "If
this project should/be carried into effect, we
will say with , the Courier of the United
States, that in. the' name or civili4ation and
the world, we ought: to applaud • i dip great
idea of making Near, contribute to ; the .bless
ing of peace ; thr if Ole end eon ever
sanctify means o - doebtfui morality, which
constitute so important a part of the politi
cal system of nationS.". •
Ltsgant Normtwriormi—Pn" iThurfliday
10th last. aention oft Liberfrin en as .
sembled at Her idiots, and nominated F. J.
Lemoyne; of • askington icounti, far Gov
./ant and M. Thilmas,, of 'Philadelphia,
for CLIO' Commiesiener. I I,- '1
The " Adyikate" will contittile to 1
sent to old subscribers unless ordered dis
continued, andztidfor. Yire ask the a
motion of ouPr. - ons to ,this—i 4 will say
them and us mach trouble.
NE* YORK ELECTIO: 4 I.--rile eiction
Judges in New York Stat, was 100 m th
7th inSt. In conseqUenee of the busy seas
in of year, there seems to. have ben big
small !vote throughout the State. ':The sev'
eral parties had their respective tiandidale.
in the field, and the strife appeais to hay!
,svarm one ; but we hop 4 - the bes ,
men-hove been elected Without regard
party Considerations. I
W. L. ➢fARrY,
Secretary of War
ClOOtoo4l.o''', ''at . .i . ...'
~: ..:.,. ~r .,
Here all the Preas , tlie Peo;le s rnannain,
Unawea by influence, and nn
MO 4 TROSE. .TVN* 17. 1 7.
cLuic NoMiNiepoNsi
'of AUeghcNy co. S
- ; ti
of Montgomery co.. •
'For Goverlor,'
of Centre io
Canal.Commissinner, -
of Cum. berland, eff:
EATITEIL—Aftet' the Ate heav
rainsothe weather has taken a mist unfav!
orablq turn. At this time, (Tuclday after'
noon,) the. meneury is lint little ; Waive th.
freezing point.
GC - loge 'Catlin, has received_ an (Het -fro'
Louis', Philippe, to• paint twetitnfive larg.
paintings for Versailles, from the designs he
submitted to hint of the travels of Salle
on the Mississippi, St. Lawrence and thti
great lakes of North America
CoL. DONIPIIAN.—The ' last +re: frou
Mexico shows that COI. Deniphaa, with
little Spartan band of Missourians; so
from saving been worsted as reported, ha
travefed safely through the. whole 'extent
New N6xico, from Santa Fe torlirras, and
is note probably •with Taylor. His March
with only a few over nine liiindred, men!,
through so many hundred Miles lof hostile
country; so thickly populated; is unexampled
for. it 4, daring and success. He defierves well
of hisicountry, and should be a deneral a
Santa Anna in the Cap,itnl.
By the telegraphic news whichiarrived
Philadelphia on the 10th inst., )t appear!
that Santa Anna had ventured uitnake hii
entree into the City of Mexico na the 19t1 1
ult. - , where be was received by the cnrses'nfth
populace which the occasion- had 4sem bled;
StoneS and , other missiles were hurled
him, and he escaped with .'diffictilty fro.,,
the fury of the mob. The peOple vere onl '
prevented by an armed foreenncithe pollee
from dragging him
.ignominiousli, through
the streets. This chieftain's starappears t.
be goiiUg irretrievably doWnward.i. In spit=
Of all i lie.magnanimous devotion his coon
try hey exhibits in his letters and P . ra l clama
Lions, be gets but abuse froni the pt.erteen.
to soften the terrible thrashings ba receive•
from tic Americans. This is •atil uneuvia
hie petition indeed.
WNG. 11 of " Chanibere Cydoped',,
of E4glish Literature" has beenreceived
The fsMaispiece is embellished Oh an de
gaol Mezzotint engraving, Tepreienting
scene iin the life of Goldsmith. h'his pic
:pure alone, to say nothing of the; vtduabl:
Tending matter it contains , is wortbithe pric,
of the :present No. -Gotild, - Kenda;ll & Lin
coin, Publishers, 59 Washington st. Boston
ctsi per No.
The Position of pairolie.
ThO accounts from Europe, i says th.
I Publi. Ledger, show a most prectirious po
:isitinn of .things abroad. gamine 'lseems ti
be staining hideously over the whi)le coun
try, attended by death and voluntliry extir
pationi Throughout Ger Many fa:Mine and
insurrections are rapidly extending: In the
midst Of the session of the states general in
Prussin, riots had to be put down - lty the sol
diery tit Berlin, and similarecenetiiodcurred
In Sazi:my, Bohemia, *nrtenibergi-and ma
otherprovinces. In rtiddition td ell, this.
the setison is a very lat one, and whim it
the prcispect'of n barves necessnrd)r, uncer
tain. Another failure o crops' %tmid ice
Europe a frightful them of reveltdjoti and
bloodslied. The rye ~eriap •of,-,sontherti
Franc** . is alreudy gone, !land 'if ,tiii potato
diseaseishows no symptnits of arnetioration,
a year of great scarcity must' succeed the
fait, e r cially as the oldatock j , acclmulaiecl
front 1 , surplus of former:years is ltmr,e-P
-tirely consumed, with no other countries ( to
supply:re' demand but Southern i'Russia,
Egypt ad the United States. TheVorat.of
it is thai - With the diminished eapitatofEng l
land, f ranca and Germany, an#:3l#3',#:!,
ll '
hancedqiiice fOilibor;ihalsciettni
Actarktii,eheap 0144 u -eta ill. exCl(Diti 44.
the tame material impanel'. fruit Amitrioaare
also din inishing; thus leading rient,rtnil
nearer tp A' otitis 110 1 ' Site` Sitinni Oilles
el*Print l o.o* '4 l3 fries 4!ipe . i,mat.
en to become overwhelming.; The suingof notes and the
. faeilities offered y the
Banks in the slifipiii!dileount, amonnt, as
long as theexchanges are against) Great
Britain, to nothingimore than leo mu h bull
ion taken from thrOratilts of the Ban ; for
though tie bank pays out its notes, these
notes are instantly convened into Id to
pay the foreign•ireditors. ,
The discounts in Beptember, 1 , were
£12,321,816, stritka circulation in , a, of •
£20,922,232, while the discounts in April,
1847, were £18,627,116, with a circulation of
but£20,815,234 in notes. While, therefore;!
the discounts have increased upWards of
£6,000,000, the circulation hacHiministied;
showing that the amount Of business at
borne capable of eMploying £20,000,000 lid
not increased by diese discounts witch were
solely employed to settle balances abroad.
In addition to the fact that one hundred
millions of people 1i England,Frtince,'Hol4
land, B.elgiap and Germany; are rian look.
ing to America for food, arid that; conse
quently, food muStsise, England has witliin
the next five months to pay the remainder
Of the Big ht ifikiAoan for Ireland, which
* Am. 1
is-fifar spe *idly for provisions, and
will; therefore, wfiedly
_go to meet foreign
payments. Then at the conelusiton of the
present sesssion of :Parliament, the railway
bills now pendini will be either passed or
withdrawn, and the deposits now lying in
the Bank of England, to the amount of three
or four millions-sterling, withdrawn from it,
and con sequ ently ,!the' means of discount' of
that institution diMinished to that amount
A portion of thiemoney may find its way
to the provincial - :Banks, anthere again
answer the purpose of de sits; - but th e
probability is that's large po' ion of it will
go into private lands, to be bs them expeed
ed in liquidating foreign debts. At least,nn
pi l
the 21st of June, nine million.,of exchequer
i bills will becoine due, with the certain prss.
pect that, at the present rate of interest, no
considerable portion of that sum will remain
The crisis in France,•Prassin and Aus
tria is just as great, .with comparatively
much smaller means of meeting it. We
must 'Wait what the next four mouths bring
forth: A new failiire Of the crops, of which
the probability is always increased by a lfte•
harvest, would, indeed, render the situation.
of all Europe exceedingly precarious.
The Stillowing letters from Moses Stop
pard, late of" Ford* Latte, in this county,
a young man whciihas i veritured his 'foto and
fortune with the COlifornia,Re,4ment, tinder
Col. Stephenson, Were haii4d to us by his
father for publicntion. Though the dates
are rather ancient, and some of the inci
dents of w : hich.ltespeaks already published
and forgotten, theletters nil) , not he alto
gether uninteresting to our'readers :
Rio rit; JANEIRO, (Brazil,) 1,
Nov. 25, 1846. .
, ..
My D e Fatl , icr—l acknowledg,esmy
neglect in not having written to you sootier,
I but the difficulty of iending•.and the bare
i possibility ;of -your receiving a letter, has
node me tardy in attempting it.
' On the 4th of August las s t I joined. the
California Regiment, Col. Stephenson, at.
Governor's Island,
.New York Bay. For
doing so I may soinetime repent, but hav
ing got' fairly into the. adventure' (a Wild
goose chace, perhaps,) by my own free will,
I am determined to see it out at all hazards..
We remained iticarnp on the Island unr.
til the 23d of September, when the regiment:
struck their tents and embarked on board',
the ships Lon Choi) and .Susan Drew, for
mic long voyage toithe western shore ettte.
Continent; our hattallion was assigned to.
the Loo Choo. On' the 26th of September,.
accompanied by a ;convoy, we ran out of
the bay in line gtyle, but before the white
sand banks of the New Jersey coast bad fa-.
ded from sight, we were cruelly met with .
driving winds litul .a rough sea, .which eon
tinued‘ until the Istoct., when the wind in-
Creased to a fttrititis gale. in'ain-top-rnast %
snapped of like a pipe -stem,, sails shivered,
and borne in tatters far to lekvard on the.
howling wind, our ;Lgood ship battling .the
ere* waves like a grey steed,: - Volunteers
all sea-sick, &c. 'Ole gale lasted but a few
!mum however, - aud.on the 18th' our anchor •
was dropped irtßio:.Bay, making the pas
sage from NeW York -in seven weeks midi
three days.
Sooii after our tirkival here, myself and a,
young Pennsylvanian named' eech obtain;
ed a pass to visit ' the city. ' e each hired '
vk i.
a horse, and; 'accompanied by an Englislvi,
resident who kindlyt',offered u go with U . / ~
rode into the country. Thes
along_ ;the coast lniMi: up to Inn immense
height] their ,suitimits often bidden by. the.
clouds presentinga grand and imposing sp• -
pearance. Some ,or ! these **tains - aes -
,covered ivith• rocks whili.,on I
othertrthe pelnietto 'o,tlparceljr scattuadm— -
We red? along thrOngh Alm narrow, defiles •
or .valleys, where wefound the tropics/fruits •
in•great nbtindiume4rpranges, pine•ppphsp w .
ckCin hufs i
, 101 .4i'
all -kinds- of ;spices.',
grapes ? ,
. Yon,:cati form n 4 iiiie*'qf•Ais
inesbaustable, : :fertiktY of the sea in lthae
valleys,: and kieemed: to me tbat.withttatire •
industry and i tomenfiethMl . in.'ttigi sTrSpga. -
meal . ot oteitgroi4i 0060. Pellt *Olt mt
aliie thrice th - riifiii t ; tiinY tioli repave, its
tfil.s:ole.iif,,tlieso: valliable fruite.;4iiit Ilse
White:ToPulation here bevalanisiPse . bede
adiett to energy or eptirtrilt4' d ltdihe aiiiiii
,efiCa 0. 4,0.6 - t;iir it,044 . - a. liadiil Ai-