The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, June 10, 1847, Image 3

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eat •C Blesile,*:
r of, the 4:h. - inst. says, ", be
election , ' in' Mexico for PrOsi
15th inst., is no(yet knowith=
rumor that Herrera, who Ira"
aredea befiire the breaking?*
was again elected. This rutnor
ed, but it seems probable iitat.
will meet .With much hpiipsi.
e may: be defeated. He had
Tate Let
result•of tht
Theiti - was
depased by
of the war,
is not confit
Santa Ann
tioni and
marched to
ing from th
of the Me
If Herera
unstib o 'th
auicing. oth
manifesto 0
arils the capital, to control. the
t the oppositiOn to him, judg-
I I expressions of opinion in some
an papers, ITIMSt be very strong.
hould be elected it will be a ;ni
l. race party. He was deposed,
!ra t i n gs, for his supposed faver
tawairds the United States. The
the•" army of reserve;" in - de
said that he " endeavored to get
posin: g him,
rid Of a war
• •
siona Llama&
They :teens•
brel4( up
ets and to d
giuridus in itself, by conces
ting to the national dignity."-
• d him also of an attempt' to
influence of the military lead
l grade the army, besides allow
'con minister to enter the coon
'ide for' the acqMsition of Alex-.
ing nn Ante
try fp negoe
vie 4 of He
If hi sneeze
gory iri faro !
any more
war, the re:
This shown what were the
era before the war commenced ;
s it may : he considered an au-
of peace; for he will not
Inclined 'now to continue that
lults of . which : have been any
Irious to Mexico.
thing but g
ItIVATEERS.-T he Public Ledg
inst. says-: " The capture of
thelite, by a Mexican privateer,
he suggestion of the President
iessage was worthy of the cOnsid
pgress.. Pe then,. , apprehend
ter from which mischief would
{mended that Congress should
provide by law for the trial and
Iris pirates of Spanish subjects,
g the vigilance of their govern-
I be found guilty of privateering
!linked . States. The ship .beittg
iitrcelona after her capture, ren
ble that Spanish subjects mann
teer that took her. The Spina
nt of course will not sanction
owing the prize to be condemn
within its jurisdiction. This
omise its neutrality. It will
e upon both vessels and, hold
r government is apprised of the
ockading squadron wil! prevent
an taking the prize into Mex
. that if tiny of these fellows
tere will be law enough found
of them a swing froth a •yard
i .
er of the sth
the hip Ca
arms that ,
in his last
erotical of
ingihe qua 1
come, recon
why, escapit
merit, shouldl
+walla the
taket tilt& B
dersjt proba ,
ed the priv,
ish Overnm:
the at by al
ed and sold
would comp
them until o
fact.; Our b
the captors
ico We tr
are caught
to give some
WITH l'EXlca.
Many of t c newspaPers, in ipeaking of
affairs in Mek leo, express a wish for imme
diate pence, land seem to think it is a. duty
on the part cif our governuoint to make eve
ry•c(mcession with a view to procure it. In
theiri. magnanimity and° benevolence they
would have !die war ended ' without regard
to thif object for whichit was begun. .Ite
dresifor injti
ries that we have suffered) en
ter nin into lieir calculations, and form no
expectations in arrangin g ; a
how stands the case. The
- have been plundered, defraud
derided, for years, and finally
fexico. We sent a minister to
full power to settle all disputes
errn s,-And conclude a penal-
The Mexican government
part :of Wei
peaci. Bu
United Sta
ed, iasulted,
invaded by
lilexko, wit!
on amicable
nenti Once.
scornfully re
hostile army
ue chuld no ,
dation ; and
with :Mexi •
Erets , thing
by ohr *Tiny
madness, or
putty rende
ico, ;and the
s boti , that w i
tereSts, afrai •
sed to receive him, and sent a
into our country. After this,
offer a pence without &gra
the history of all . our. relations
shows that, rip peace with such
government ctmld endure }oak
thiicates a coniquest of Mexico"
I To stop short now would be
:t least extrerre folly. It. would ;
lus the laughing' stoiek of Mex
rest of the world. ,4t would
i ..were blind to' our obvious in-,
to prosecute -vigorous meaa.i
cessful termination, and thus:
us to insult , and aggression
.ns. As welhave been forced
we should . prosecute it until
themselves feel the-full weight
ies, and are ready to give the
indemnity for past and present
eli on accouti l t of recklessness
ures;to a su
woad expos!
frOa all anti!
into this war'
the Mexican
of its calam
injuries, en
and 'folly.
glish robber, 'who has for' a
rs past succgtisfully eluded's!!
few days since, at - Brattleboro,'
had resided a, number of years
~ .uch celefiiity as a physician,
petted, but much respected.
triotsgives ilt6 following ac
discovery of who he really
eelelirated E 1
number of y.!
feardh, did
Vt., ith ere ,h.!
t*Yec l.l
m*l nom'
The flame pl
emu of tlt
was I
' Oaring 11
und* alt d,
two Men to
he died; .a
" di fir pan
bcita' , who
mantis a tno •
lig last illness he refused tb
4 when near., his end, hired
toy him in hi 4 clothes, just as
. . tract/which . was not fainted
is consequence of their neigh ,
-re desirous of giving liiirt4.
• decent and ;befitting - lideial.
,his.chithes=previou s !tolis be
he cimikerthis eteeintsin do;
manifest.--ihe withered lei
4, the shot marki, and the agar
i i
a pnt5,49,6, a ttempt at sui-
Y-aa laid doW .in ALightfoottilt"
hilii4Mark :..biin •as Thu
Plumed .. 0 4-"tonety- la
(this country 'as, one of the
id sueeesdul ghWaymen thiii
d the annals Tenant. On hie
' . . fiine ar ' iilV.iitur - p*ill;
1 .•4400; C oils 'aril! ' **rip-,
e gt .",
sire-Of his w
and iork bee
trbieli follow
dOoiki v i a "
ever Aiva
and Rau
lug % 6:lethal...with watches, Antinpnda ew
teltY. 4 k0.. 44., to 'ilk onor.toßtot 'Muni pack
,ed away in saw d ust., He elifieYeleent res
eed in three suits of clothes,- -to , make his
fi gure more:p u rity and to prevent reVaitiri;
and his ii,ithe'red; lag. was 4niod'wound
with-ekthieiio mike it appear rite size of
the other." 1 ,
1 -
, .
• i eirt i i 4 ;4exans-sof Amy, News.
Desperate trlt
Mutgle ezpeCte - 4 at Ri o F r i o __
capture o f t& filthe 'Aitseriewts—
. Plight of eh Arlzi4=4,-.Fr.out the Bra
, zos—No doifireationi of Col. Doniphan's
r I .
FaErntOslttaa, Va., June 4, 1847.
Th e New Orleans papers of the 28th con
tain further P i a'rictilans; but no later intelli
gence from the seat of war. The Delta's
corresponden state That the Rio Frio is the'
only point on e road from Puebla to the
city of'Maxitto where the enemy is likely to
give the arruyPany trouble . If Santa Anna
marches totha place with adequate artillery
and completellentities', our army will have
to fighta Mow serious battle. There will he
no want . of min to back Same Anna in the
last struggle, tilnd it is supposed that the
COMmitisionerii appointed to superintend the
,flilte*tt a cifthe !capital have selected Rio Frio
RS the. - Holy available point of defence, and
intend removing thither 'with all the force
they'eun muster, and erect batteries and
mount the caution iittenfled for the 'fortifica
tions at the celutal. Another' battle is daily
expected. 1 -
Gen. La Vega is in, bad health,' and has
consequently been ordered to Jalapa, by
tray of Perotei where he iito remain.
The CoMrpercial Times and Evening
Mercury repoit the capture of Nantla a sec
ond time by the Americans, 'and the flight
of the three tijndred Mexicans who had ta
ken possessios
There are litter arrivals from the Brazos,
but no intelligence of interest. There is no
confirmation cif Doniphan's defeat.
The Kentucky cavalry were to proceL
homewards inia few days.
Francis•4lasier taken at last:
This individual, who escaped from the
jail of this county, 22d.Jan. 1545, under sen
l-tence of death for the murder of Robert
Atkinson, 'and for whom a reward of $2OO
and expenses ? paid was offered, has been
found, put in irons, and is probably now on
his way to this place. He was -recognized
at Buena Vista; in Mexico, by Luther Adkins,
who resided hpre at the time of Basler'S trial
and escape, !but subsequently removed to
Ohin, where tie joined the Ohio volunteers,
for the Mexic4n war. Gen. Wool we learn
took immediage measures to place the con
victed man ize,hands ofjustice. A member
of an Indianalregiment writes to a friend in
this county aslfollows, (after noticing Bas
lees beingiaptlrehended t)
- 'He- was ibunediately handcuffed, and
everything &new secure him ; but notwith
standing, - he came very near making his es
cape. He succeeded in getting out of the
guard-house after night, and with the asAs-.
tance of anoiher man he bribed, he got
his irons oft but he was caught again
early the next morning within- about
roar mites of
,ktimp: he is now secured in
such a manner that it will be innicAslbte io
get away. Resler was acting here in the
capacity of a rainster, having got with the
Illinoisians somewhere in Texas..--Wyo
ming Record
Interestling Correiponddnee.
The Archbishops of Armagh and of Dub
lin have ackninvledged in, handsome letters
the contributitm in aid of the poor of Ire
land, withoutreference to their creed, sent
by the Protestant Episcopal Church of
Pennsylvania The following is-the corres
Bsi/op Pott6r to the Archbishop of the
Church of Ireland.
To his Grate the Archbishop of Armah,
Lord Primate, of all Irelund.—My Loan--
The undersig,iied, Bishop,of the Protestant
Epliscopal Cliiirch in Pennsylvania, being
deeply impreSsed with the tidings offarnine
which have reached this country from Ire
land' requested the clergy under his charge
to collect front their respective parishes con
tributions fur the relief of the sufferers. The
request has been promptly and cheerfully
_Complied with In addition to the large
'sums which have been contributed by the
more affluent of the Church in the
Diocese, whidh have been forwarded through
other chain:mkt% the collections made in the
churches, many of which ,are poor, will
amount to sotgie £1,83J. Three fourths of
the amount Will be expended in breudstuffs,
(principally Chrit meal,) and will be placed,
in equal partiC at the disposal ofyour Grace,
and of the Attlibishop of Dublin. It goes
aika contribution from - the Episcopal Church
of Pennsylvania, to the Episcopal Church
if Ireland, will known as a generous almo
ner, fur the pOor of every name. '
I need hardly say to your Grace; that it is
the wish of Ole douers that their bounty
Should be distributed among the most ne
itessitousi without reference to their creed
Or religious profession. •
Trusting you will excuse us for the troub
le we are tauhitig you, I beg you to believe
,with: bight consideration,, your Grace's
friend and servant, A. Porno.
Philadelphia, March go, 1847.
The Archbishop of Arndt to Bisho p Pot
ter. - -i': laormos, April 24, 1847.
i Right Reviir ; • I. have received your let
ter of the 24th`.of March, and I beg you to
accept my moat ;grateful - thanks for the gen
erous contribUtinote:taward the
,relief of the
destitutelpoor:of Ireland, from the EP**.
'Pal Church or Pennsylvania, and I have to
request that you will present my best ac-
Floviledgettretsto . the clergy . era! -,,Oio
eele, anif-A o _ Or coitgiegations„ , not, only
for the_ &WA iiiiiitance jihiC:ll 7 . they
iiine*.;' 4 also for Om ''!: brotherlYlAel
ing whleli th . have manifested towards.the
ilutfererritr country. In, the midst -Of
the lieif . rialimitYarith whieb it: has seemed`
$t to`
. igliiii God to visit us, it has cheer- ,
id our - rtal'AcolbedAhat even in .;the most
distant I ridiiii*Chaie fellowl.chviskinlAVie-
Pathiziti 'in the:distress °four
and I' use i revery ' exertioPr';:ja; th eir
POwit;', : aid: us ui providing ` - then*: ..,,
1: Tho::. ' Moiitien.tioned in 'thel tustno- -
Amain' -she Ric Itr. , Ogilby, which *Si'
eP , i'- 1 1 1 0. 1 Pwla
loitera 161*r . p e iiiiiil 1 ~ ‘-..idi a -Ainek,by
Sharp:ter, sod nose could have boss Wood
to whom Vitalslift 'confidence enl
Wustrha„, Iter:winch,yoO
hitve:flirwaidiarAher only persons
of high respectability, fit4* l iitig..ltricti,,ei,
given directions io:lo,MtittWrasialiteits'Ao
telquCit, MCsirs: BVowtfdr:
'Pool; to forward to = then
corn meal marked in _
The rem einitig:loo Xvit'f!el.4' of =the:; cargo
shall )rave rent te'lliinititible,'init t e, county
of Louth, to tastrantiol e ed'frntn thence. to
'the Rev.DoctorOauip 11; Rector Of Fork
bill, the' Rev. Ed. O:, Disney, Rector of
Neirton . Harniltrt,. ant the Rep.. Dc.
aqn, Rector of Cregflin*Atree parishes sit=
uated in a wild range or, mountains, in -the
diocese of &malt, wheic fiicod,; and (in con-.
seqnence of it,) disea.4e. has 'reduced. the
population to extreme distress.' Although
measures have been adopted by our legisla
ture for providing temporary relief for the
destitute, they have hut: yet come sufficient
ly intwoperation to afford the relief of which
- they stand iu need, and the distress in many
districts. of country is pf the most urgent
kind, so that the valutibl6 contributions which
you have sent are truly seasonable, and will,
I trust, prove the means of relieving the suf
ferings of a giiat number of families.
In the efforts made by the parochial cler
gy 'of the established church to relieve their
distressed parishouers, no distinction has
been made on the ground of religious pro
fession, and your wishes on this subject will
be most gladly carried into effect. Again
thanking you for the aid you have sent us,
and for the friendly com munication in which
you have informed Me of it, I remain,
With much respect, year faithful servant,
The Archbishop of Dublin to Bishop Pot
ter. ° Lorroux, April 29, 1847.
Right Rev. and Dear Sir: I Irate just re
ceived the intelligence of the arrival at Liv
erpool, of the s corn meal which has been so
kindly and liberally sent to the relief of the
distressed people of Ireland. The utmost
care shall be taken to distribute this most
welcome and seasonable supply, in such a
manner as to carry into effect, as far as pos
sible, the benevolent intentions-of the donors.
To you and the rest of theat, I return, in
behalf of the suffering poor, my Most grate
ful nck'nowledgements, As a memorial,
which I hope will be a lasting one, of your
kindness and our gratitude, 1 shall direct a.
parcel-of books to be forwarded to you,
which I wish to be considered as the property
of yourself and your supcessors in office.
Believe me to be very truly yours,
RICHARD WHATLEt, Archbishop of Dublin.
Wheat dour, per barrel $B,OO rd 10.00
Rye do do 6.00 e 7,00
Corn meal du 6,50 'a
Wheat, per bushel - 2,25 0 2,50
Rye, do - 1,12 9 1,25
Corn do • 1,12 *a 1,25
Barley, do 10,82 ea 0.83
Oats, do - 0,60 0 0,70 ,
Flax., per lb. American, 0,08 ea 0,03}
Tallow, per lb. rendered. 0,09 e 0494
Batter per lb. ctrituge co. 0;20 e 0,22
• do
we tern dairy' 0,14 ea 0,17
Cheese, per lb. 0,06 0 0,08
Beef, per barrel, mess, 11,00 e 11,7.5
do prime, _ 8,50 ea '8,25
pdr.lMOTelpi?r.crre, 1 475 U o r --
prime, 12„ntr
Lard, per lb. o,looir ern.
Hams per lb. smoked, 0,07 0 0.09
Feathers per lb. live, geese ' 0,27 ea 0,28
American wool, per lb.'saxon • 0,35 ea 0,37 k
do ° full blond Merino 0,34 e 0,33
do Merino 0.29 fa 0,34
do native 4- Merino 0,26 fa 0,29
Bioghamtoti Markets.
Flour $9,50 a $lO,OO per Mil, Wheat $1,75
per bushel, Rye $l,OO, Corn $l,OO, Oats
50 cts. _Every kind of produce is high, cud
business brisk.
- In Forest Lake, on the 16th tilt., ANsa, wifo of
John nines -atilt, in the 56th year of her age.
The funeral servic e s were solemnized at the dis
trict School-house, in presence of a numerous as
sembly of her friends and relatives. The deceased
was universally beloved and, esteemed by all who
knew her. She had been a member of the M. E.
Church for more than thirty years and with which
she was connected at the time of her death. Her
memory will be long cherished by her brothers and'
sisters in the Church, and the example of her pious ,
life; and christian graces, it is to be hoped, will not
be lost upon the impenitent
' "Jesus can make a dying bed, -
. Feel soft as downy pillows aro ;
While on his breast I lean my head.
And breathe my life out sweetly there."
In this village. on the 3d inst., RUTH C. daughter
of Benjamin and Ruth Holhrook, aged 17 months.
She died tosin; she' died to care;
But for a moment felt the rod;
Then rising on the viewless air,
Spread•her light 7 Wings and soared_to God!
[pox. ,
In Wellsborangb, Tiogalco. Pa. on tlie9.4th_olt.,
Mr. Aisitum. W. Mositua ti lato Representative in,
Congress from this District: aged 61 years,
New Goods- !
rinincribers have t i ed their usual well;
1. selected stock of Opp S suitable tp, the wag
gon, which will be sold ate to "suit the times for
Their assortment comprises almost every article
the People want in way of LIRY GOODS,; such
B R 04.0 THB;
. TWEEDS. ; 41. c. 4.c.
And lots of summer , stuffs or boys" and 'children's
west, &c. Among their
- • tßOdt ,
Are some of - the neweit patterns.
too unmeronglamenfiond,ilnitatfidoWdtey have a,.
choio 1014 -•
thick as SUGAR, ItOLARsiti;SPI-!
:CEB I -17811, -ate. .¢c: xi
of which will ie eichnged
CICAT r. Feathers, ita* (
Vititainille, - June 10, 1847;
' PANTRilto*fliftWirshi NEL
Vir. , ba deav .kly„Sbalitt liaratiCkfol4*
h for lit
• i. nilllll4k politick; of WOOL sOtoti
.murljrqr • =
r t , .. ,ed nt l he Hat tore .on a
d. ; 'e;Seirle's Hotel', for Which th 4
lOgheif-Prite :miff be fiaidl II 1 1
1847. -M / 140 '
Any ; Mini of . .Par, :Mole Skini
...44 41 #1, robs Leaf, Spekirg and Wool
Hats;r l ;t4sO /Mee and .Boys Croth,
o}ll Vet,. Olazestand Velvet:Caps, alsq
Children s caps selling chef* by
June '47. 1. M . & Root.
,„4 Bent "pi
Reward! i
1 1
......: -1...,.,.Jim ,
WI Atilt- front the aubs4riber, on 'the lot 4
lanu, - THADDEUEI RICE, an indeute4 al
prendoel la *limit% busineiNiu the 17th year o
hie ase r t -Thitie to forbid all; pence= harboring
truatur‘itintknyiny. aecount,. an I will pay no debt
mutated hS , lint - inhatiaxwer: ' 1 t
Forest,Lalte, June 1, 1847. i ' :!2w3,
'''' i
To be bought,i
. ,I
, ,
small 'lot very cheap, N. ORLEAN4
COFFEE, TEAS, Tapioca Seedec4
STEEL, good stock, SUMMER
STUFFS, large variety and cheapi
BR °ADC& 0 THS awl KERSE ysr
very low price, HARNESS THUM
MINGS, a large stock, PORK by: thi
barrel, in short, The ;largest and best
' .STOCK of GOODS we have ever of;
fered, at prices to suit. . • i
. . .
E,Law-partnerithip'undhr the film of LUST{ T& MYERS, is this day! dissolved by mutual
consent. - F. LTJSK, !
! J. W. MYERS.
Montrose, June 1, 1847.
HOTEL having changed , Tenants, hal;
Tibeen thoroughly repaired and refitted; and i,
now OPENED for the accouniodationotthe public?...
The Proprietor pledges himself that the wants and
comforts of his-guests shall be as well provided for'
and attended to, in every respvet, at this Hotel, seat
any utfier in the county. i .
Ems' Persons travelling by Stage, Wishing to stop
at the BINGHAMTON HOTEL. (near the Chen ;
ango Bridge,) will -be leftandicalled for by any Stt
ges running to and from this place.
BINGBANITON, N. Y. h dy l 17, 107. 51y1
. .t
WANT D, ; . 1
AT the ARCADE, five huadred weight of OLD
INDIA' RUBBER, for Which the highest price
will be raid. J. ETHRIDGE. 1
June 3, 1847.
Wool !
Wool ! 1
• 0 ! ..
L Ira n
t . intik
Ai rt%
0 ;n
June 1. - ..
r .
PAPER I—Good 'WRITING PAPER at 12 li .
cts., and LETtER PAPER fur 10 cm p .
Quire. for sale by - - J. LYONS. i
Jane 1. , . .
OF a variety of patterns, just received, an d fo
sale. very cheap by CHANDLER & Co.
June 1, 1847.
Wool Cardinfr
THE subscriber having fitted up his machiner y
with the addition of NEW CABDS and abet
fixings, is now ready to serve his old customers and
the publie generallyi at the foll Owing, prices, viz:—L.
On the delivery of the rolls, 3 cts. cash, 4 cis. hal
ter on every 9 lb. orwool—if ;claarged 5 cts. •
Brooklyn, June 1, , 1847. 515:4
Spring and Summer Goods
At prices that cannot fail to suit. , Er Please caJ
and see them.
CASH paid for veal Skins and beef Hides, by
12 1-2 esi CEti n TB paid s.i for goocl ß. house As '
H IGHEST pricelpaidkor ;Butter and Fq., , , ,, s bt
QTOVIES—a new ! apply just received of the inoti.
1...3 approved paste , -, by , B. SAYRE. Y.
BEEP and FOR , FLOC ; and MEAI r , for Pa*
by B. S AY RE. I
a. f.
CASTINGS, . J.. &c. by ' i It SAYRE. 1
may 27, 1847. ' I
, .
HEAVY SEEM I INGS byl " piece forCashiori.
ly, at 8 CIS. per yard 4 ) PRINTS & SU*
MER CLOTHS as .1. eap as yen pleaaei at the Mort
of 1 : ' J. -LYONS.
may 24,,1847. .1
Bvirtue of a welt of Vosigioni Exponas hatuei
out of the Cool of Comnion Pleas of Scußfoloti•
and to me directed and delivered will be exposed
t 4
public sale at theCoUrt-house,lin Montrose, on Saul
the 12th ',ltty of June nexti as 1' o'clock P. M.:
All that certain t tor parcel of ; hold, situate lit
the towrnhips,of SW erinke Sust-Ob o oontit, county
of Susquehaonnsi state of i'l , '' l entisyboutis, hutte
bounded, anonlesen • int fol Ws; via: Beginnini
at .a hemlock, a c o of a ha l o` land, formerly "cto
veyed to I Levi Syni ' f thence east 124 percheasic,
B.loths or ap!reti to a_ beach Un the line of slot am
veYe4 101E 4 04 4 C. berlia ;I.tlietici by- the' Mtn
south 128 perches! d 240thslof a perchLthen a
west 124 f perches . ti al 11:10thelof a' perch':
i tli tu l * :
i the,d Smtlfsle st line 123 perc .
am 4-19 I of. il . .ic to 014 la of Ilellin . '
umis 411,
CO • 009 mama I ovitk wel
tonaseci4 a J l4 ;#aszied" ' , a sou& ore
andthent - fihyierea , pm ,
~ E ltiatl cas ja: asaitendait Itt the 'milt of t'L
w,_i vs.! Jam es. sad Dennis it
,the riiis s ys & bhillint
_AUloq—Bryiritia atiiiial Wi1t,1110341111 1 .,* '.
nested an above, 1 ; ' •.101411 the maiqt)tisie 7
all *AP • ' of ~,
a Groat Bead p. • "4 slate .
.4, -
( k
bileadedl at as Si) : . so' wit i ; •
_ IL :
4 6,
ini it iPialid . ' die alibi!** Wirt' Or a ' l l
aflaed marveyed fin. ages Biriiini V tbisea l byi '
June 10, 1847.
mantrote, may 2711847
SALT—s; fresh amply, just x.ceeived by
f if Eiiii.Thaintae. east f fit . reties an. 540thocif
riperch to a poplar siiiim_g.; , , 1 - Fe by u . .1d land
of Joseph and Blearier 'Res . ; icriftet of i'lleg,.
west 171.percluis to a post-end , Weed; .. . nee part. • '
ly by un s old lands of the gash ' oteplis - • . . : Eleazer
Brown, and partly by a line of pacithert t.,ofesid
Thoinas' land west 46 norehes alid 5-18ths 'of aperth
to a post and s t on es;-tlenete*Otth j. ofAle'' east,
171 -perthes to , 5,p....e of, beginning 9i e taining‘
fifty acres; stric 'ineaatire;beitto Same in re or less. -
'Also, the e undithied his part of 1 th at ter.
tract of il,Sitiiitte as a '
reiaid; a d batted,
bounded and. describe:l'es I'd wit, to -t: Begi.P
ning at a s betnlock, the north' -t corner , ..10'mft
Trowbridge's land, and _see ast corn hereof;
thence bylend 'of thesiid in ,, tio ridge 110 1188 deg.
west, 182 . 1 )8T ekle 8 t':' - '! hi" 1 lons corn :'theme
north 6 perches to a 'tales stones; hence. by
land of —:-- Thonias"; 184 'Verdes' and 8 lOtlii of a
perch to a beech-on the wistaria 'liner hence by
land of Raymond Smith north iofa. de east, 167 i
perches to a • stake and' suit:tell thence , y land of
, Thomzis erist366:perreb'es floa stake .11 stones;
thence south by land of Ebeneßrown and others
t ofa deg. west ; 184 perches ' the pi of begin. ,
a ir
ning-Containing 392 acres - 20 pert, offland,
mare or lests,lieing part Of We -tracts " . ,` • g the
warrantee names of Catharine crawthid• ad Rob e rt,
Lawson. (saving. and exceptsng neverth less there
from, 100 acres' heretofore emilrey,s."4 by eed bear. .
leg date the 13th day Of A . Pril,I.A. D. , 18 0, and Re
corded in the office forirecordbig - deeds. .end • for
Sinquebanna county ia . DeedFllook, N . 12, page
195, to Jacotr4. Brmk•- also _ I nerds conveyed
by Deed, bear ing date the 110 l lk?
dayi of NI 'rch, A. E.
1843, recorded, as thiressui: itt Deed b k No. 13,
page 612, to nisei, Brown—rapfifty ac es convey.
edlsy Deed bearing date the I' . th day 'o March, A.
D. 11843, recorded as aforesaid • Ei&d No. 15,
page 601, to Eleazer Brown.) ,
Also the equal nndikidel holt of all i
f riiik.,
lot, tract or prircel of fah,/ spume i n
towesiiip z aforeemid,. beginning at a heads
the southeast corner of tyrdart Trowbris
thence north 6 ilegl•eait 137 . " ' hen 'am
a perch by said feral and Sin ley's to
i rc
,corner; thence, north 5; deg. w t, 23 pet
ash sapling. corner thence e:4 - t 95 port
lOths of a perch to a stikeincel fumes con
south 160 perches .to a hemlock; and tl
. __
107.. perches and 7-10ths of a Obrch to sh
beginning—Containing 100 , more 0 1
the appurtenances. ,
Also, the undivided' half o a saw-tn .
with all the privileges therm.' to belon .
any way appertaining ; said ' -mill is
Great Bend aforesaid onland ,formerly
occupied by Ebenezer Brown,4ec'd.
&mad and taken in execnticgri at the
Truesdell and Richard Balleylartrn'rs of
of David Bailey, dec'd; vs. Eleiizer Brow
Brown. 2 ,
ALSO—By virtue of a siruilitr writ, issded and di-
Meted as above, will'be sold ' ). the same time And
place, "all thatvertain piece or parcel of land, situate
lying and being in-the townsh,p of Fran lin; in the
cornity andstate aforthid, botoded an described
as follows, to Wit: Beginning, t a beet tree, the
northeast center thereof; then; e tannin south one
degree west, 256 -perches t o stake d stones;
thence north 89. deg. west, 4Z fie robes an 8-10ths of
a perch to a stake and atones ;. , 3thence n rth 1 deg.
east, 255 perches to a small hcfmlock ; thence south
89 deg. east, 47 perches and §-10ths of la perch to
the place Of beginning—Contaiping 77 acres andloo
perches, together with the appurtenruPle , a framed
house, framed barn, and mostly improv . •
DSeized and taken in executitin at the a it of WM.
ayton vs. Norton Smith.., . . .
ALSO—By virtue of a sintifir writ, iss ed and di
rected as above, will be sold ift the sa ri time and
place, the right. title and interest of No thmp Can
field in and to all that certain Niece or p lofland
situater in the townshipof Ruth', - court arid- state,
aforesaid, bounded on the ward' by land in the pos
session of Levi,Light; on the t.ast. by ds -of John
Bolles; on the south by land of Charl Eddy and
AbrahaMPatterson--Containing 155} a • ;be the
saMe mere or,' less, with the Oppu aces, two
framed houses, a framed banOutorc ~.and about
12Q acres improved. il I
Seized and taken in executiOn at the s&it of J. T.
Richards vs. Northrop Canfield. .-
ALSO=By Attie of a simillir writ, is.;ted anddi
reeled as above, will be sold it the earn time and
place, all that certain . piece miparcel of -situate
in the towusbip of Harmony,. quality, and state afore
said, batted, bounded and descaetl lbllows,-to
of 1 . tte"'9l,s4n - r-firratn i rt‘'lo4!` w eti Vitikak
8 1.1 n a .
corner of Tunis Vanantwerp'f land ; thence north
three fourths of a degree ieastS74 perches to a stake
mid stones by the rota; - therico along said road south
71 deg. oast, 15 perches ; thente north 7 4 8 deg. east
6 perches to a stake; thence north thr e-fourths of
a-deg. east, 97 perches and ,34.0ths of perchlo a
post and stones ; thence north t 1,04 deg. - 43.perch
es to a heap of stones; thence ?tooth th fourths of
a deg. west 148 perches - to a ,:ivhite•eak sapling on
the bank of the SusquehannB River; ad thence
down said River according to the tou r thereof to!
the place of beginning; containing 47 ac s; more or
less, with the appurtenances, 4 small ell house,
an orchard, and about 20 acres?kaprcrved
Seized and taken in execution at the
Wdstfall vs. Levi Lewis. 4
Sheriff's Office, Monti
rose, May 9.0, 1847.
LM. nEiroßDO'of BING
. N. Y., has made arranltejnents wi
TEAS in Binghamton, and canoluruish
and the trade, with Teas at they same pri..
CuMpany charge for them in New York'
at least, frnm one; to two shillibgs chew, l
pound than the Grocefs sell 4 And in
where these Teas do not give sotisfactiou
win be-paid back for them. .1
Catalogue oil Teas.-
Young llyson, good, •
do. do. sweet cargo,
do. do. fine cargo, • a
do. do. silver leaf: 1 ' IV, ,
Silter Leo,—seldom sold eve by large')
cause of the small profits n*de Oil
very superior Tea..
do. do. golden 'chop,
Godcn Chop—This is the fun tat Green
ted in China. It is of the first pickin g
.chls all other Green Teas fiir the
strength el l
flavor, and arona. .Heretothr
bees never reached thii coantrY ace
lots to suit the purchaser, i !
Hy on, fine ;
do. very fine,
Gunpowder, fine,
do. extra fine,
Imperial, fine,
do extra fine,
Hyrion Skin, good,
~,t-../--- -
Ning Yong, strong and good flavor,
Meg Peet—The- grocers sell this at
call It Oolong. -• , i
Oolong, a delicious Black Tea,..
Compare this superior Tea witi
that !old]
a. being an Oolong" Tea. he'• diflbii
plain ane the deception too Oalpahle: 1
Oulong, plantation growth, -, • . ~ 1
English Break* ? flue, . ,1'
dd. do. extiaßne; 1 '
'HoWqua't mixture; a rich ' and tlhighly fla vored
Pek® Flower ..- ..1# , . . , 100
do. .scente d , ~ A _ , ._, l ~ 40,„
Ne'Plus Ultra; r - ' • 't - • .' , '.l .50:
Ne,Plgt Ultra-This- Tes• is tkiragnutt landliweet
as a nosegay. It yields's p4•fe-thatlistrulyde. i
lightfd. It is purr*, , '..vt,htlislik. not tod
any !kiln); of the kind ”r,, In. not -
411 4FY'' J
tie The Aoieintshi . gue" oe. not - iiiiiiiii't . . 11
the" varieties containe d in, m : afro 4 , Lime
everj , ;,*flety isalierted, add ,t ' . shade tpialit)i, - .
and can suit tbei 4
Pi most : iot.klial„ .PO4l 4 .- - - PI
above Teas are alkdetio - ma* P ,: : t ai
quotOties'of 1 Ibl - , .4 11i:;Lal k; tiol6, : : .
. ~. .. ,
si ' hey triairtbe Tess • ' . ' , .
Tel,Pompany;7ll'aeiti,77. Ful Istillet k
Ihrit . WiltirY them afloat, ,'' **lf:
docous;.reat: me -*Ter: . .
Tee' rearbi'aiitii iit 'ii 'eiii ;4i,
sad k . welly !liivObta'T,*; l % ''Aiiiill,
vibelegile prifieo4 . l.WP
. si. - i i - A q4 :43 i
ir fulteitst.' l- Th st hire _ y e
and ir. 10 _ 1 1" `nifiti: 0F.r . .:01 1 0010.41-
a( 6 os* 1 # *4 trifit 6 4.o
go Irit i lliiite barineirn,ondrark ii, 0
aslisseeirli of tea.—Atigs. •' 4- ''
Hereto. fore 1
.t*b44 kary.Aifficuk,,-—,-,iiia... l -- int:.
poegge r : _' -lot:obtain gO t akArein.sliaßhclerTent: Bat
norkserkliiiii Only , tol illattbd, trire.rt'litat - -the
• PekitileisOunfaniii Juottv,g4towst4stobsia. , J
.:.:Mi r ui swig .:",,,-,:.-.-',- - .'r :'.' . 3 1 ,7, -:. !•- ''- -_. • - „
: 44044 i 'l',iii4ri. 4 ' 414 relthrteillew • g
PaP 5 Zr arArat , ed lu Verted**4* - 4 ,
tri4p 4 .
market mitre one ha" - Illa `dollanyrmir".
of the finest grades or Green aria Black Tene . ovent" :4
'in the , Colastiatt s mph*::amte t!Pia" ill thiiAii*, ' 1
aricy;packages that Chinese ingenuity 'ciati.iivaiii4 • ri
It :is a privilege toy bay; Teas, at thiaosatrestablin*
meat. end a Inxttry and:lca:6ft lo 4inkitha...- I
Thoy - s e u - deed teas mili,haud retail there*, lirbelos• k
salezic eiz . countiy **buts.: irbe • alyta h
t 0 101 l P9d-Tsa 3 9:ca,n4vw.i.mai ohti 4, 31 :444* 81, - -,1
place, otk *amiable terms . -Esaperstua ;kr i• - ,'
rir TI above T 131,8 late forage by . , ! . 1
. 1;:i
M. REXFORD. I n -;: .4
, ' ..‘ . '''-r - '.'" '' :Reid Arent fir Btcieme CA" ? -.-, ti
Bingimanten, may 11,1847 : i:. f.- :,"-: ~ i • 11-• . .• _,_ .:
• List o opu 4., , Odic` . — es,;: - 1 '
'-'." "f P'''' '1" Ii ' ''''... ' 1
'FOR, ..q.eif.E BY IL. AE4,EAPO.IIO O ' ~ k
, -.- :, I ~,; ..:-.1-11 k
-13 4§IGHAMTem -N .A 9 - :,. k
--.......• ........., i " t. - • ,h- - ! j
~VI" . 51
YETIIO*- 4 keeps corigo,ttly on hand a full.iniso • g
_ . .v... , . went -DRUGS•4I6-11111/10 '
of which will be sold CHEAP AS 7.o4.ealtiLlK:.::''
1 4sy. "•:: -- ' 1 ~i ...1 , ; J , _;4';,11 - '. 7 , -
Ri l
~, , • ..''',',- '..,:. 7 1 ! .'ci , , s , ''' '''''-':' :-..-I,;,Prii;_ 1
Santis' Sarsapari ll a 11 iOO itherfp-lella ~ - •-,,,:' 3
salkrherun remedy' 'oolFisk s ,, intgar 'Cioaleil' •- ,..
I. Ilon,eie.balsam 25' pips 'O,Y-.•-•?- - -•; , , •,,.; •r:.'ifs .. ,1
Indium ro M arra' 2,04 Dalin of-Columbia 51105 4
MCD,2lllltel elix. of °pi- , Hitchcotksk i innl-15i1.' , (. - .:
` urn k • 25 iisiik ea, - :
~.; ~..i 25 i
Phiinsey's'Piliii 25 &,37 Covert 8,.b440-11/01... 0 .10, ~1
' Moffetelife pills 0 &ISO Viehatitl- rice wash .i l, „3o i'
, da - phcenix- bitters:, If 00 Lee's , Pills• :-. -, fi 1:-i:,i,211 4
3heitrm's med. los'wlls .1 1 nuaretleepilli ; ~ 9, - '4;l*s ,',
dcilave_t.& n^tiesli'veit .r&i-4..f*x,,,eiiirlib ! . a A
~r do`dhittoeto:eliesl l lllol3editstesplaSta n i'-' i''' is k.,
• do pootiniu'ai.plasli , 12 Libbra,bMersik_ •"6i 73 I
do (nose:onion 1 00'41 , :eive a bpi* . delk '• 1
Jayne's Expectorant 100 znatiqiirnent $4lO
do'huir tonic - ~ I-00 Nyiiki#soni;iipri a *, --': 4
ilettonie'veriiifego . 40 ‘ , vicxild &Ain'' . - - 4':3lr. 3
•do earmivativn bats. 5 Thompailiti eyeAteit2o2l.4
do stunt:ice pills
, 2p Hill'istialsam a:lnn** %,
Dallei'S 'tail extrac- , . Ceintaliolumff,,„•-: , -.:.„25 ' g
Mr ' f - 50 & 1 00 Hungerl3lHr bilsani of'' , N
Hay's : liniment • for i' ' life_ $, l'• '- • -r7' ' IP*
- papi 1,, , , 100 Mc Miter's; all-binal+ -.,
Wasbily e nen elix. for i••• ; •ini9:iitgalt4 - :; 2 1 5 & 5 (1, 4
dysentery. AC. 1 'llO .. do hair ell ~-.-. 4141 F
Cooper'colt s alve - 25 d'ii• toilet till - : ',,—' 'Al''' . 50 1
{{ Mary'sarr's corn . salve •25 Segueirrestiiiitiie' . ol.sls
Gridlev's Salt- rheum 'i Larlior i see.ltingwqril MI 0
ointment -•-, 25 Clove anodyne, ; 4irt.,-1, t.
RinleseluthllililePlls. _l2 for toothache
..,i , ., 25
Phelphe tomato pigs -• 25- Cilium sirup —`_ ~.1- ` 50
do restorative bittera,2s Dr., Ford!c-peeMria, ,' _
Miles' totriato T pllla 50 .- syrup ~-: 73
Fahnfistack'i.venii:ge 25 do tonic cordia l e , '
, „.., a
CheesemMesiArubian do,: universal pills • l ' a .
helmet • 50 a 1 00 Hopper ' s female 1a11t.43 6
itlebasi's•black salvp 50 Anderson's 4ciitsfrils-12
do 'wig!) syrup ' '5O Godfrey's cordial•'. :p.,,
do'• pile pills 25 Batemari?. 'peete t ak - -: ' I
do cathartic pills 25 i drops , .;; .• . - 12 "d
do plasters 12 TurlinFtme. ba!saii - - - ,‘ • r., ,- ,
do feyer&ague syrup 50 of life . 12 il
Winslow'd balsain of ~ PeciSc oil 2.1* - 50 ej
boarhotind. • ' 4( 1 Eadl:a ' rheumatic 5 i `p
Taylor's .',lttalisun of i ' tincture •
LivetwOrt .$1 a.. 1 50 Beaotifyins.snap ; .SO 0
Mother's relief 2 00 Keeler's mvisihlelUlL 25
p 0 ,,, , ate .. 8 -, a n o dy ne - ; :Conners pain Eatracril il
cordial '4. -` . . Rlitinifed StiktinpPlif ',: 20
Wistar's !balsam ' of .-', IWiierutiiititheiniii` ito L. -- 0.
iiild cherry, 1 eo: le plaster- , • ' '4.-
L .,. 4
Resurrection or Per- ' 'Chapman's summer ti
shin inlls, ',- 50 14 I 11. cordial' . ',. 11 &
~ ; .1
Jew 'Davies hr He- Briukerteesrastoei- ~ 4..
brew Plinter 50 4 five •-” . ' , .;•/ - 017R
E g ptiaa balm ' - 50 Opodeldoc, Itirdy,aak"„ ,
Fish s lily syrup • 100 liquid -; :: •, 1 r i
Longlefit punnet& 150 Edward's salt rifeaisi,
Data pills or lion of. ' ointment , , ' , ' - I rtul
• . the day I ' # Medicated eciuLtisciniat 114
Bishop's :,anS-bilicrus • ' IWhite's salve , -,.. It s.
pills' •• -- !'' ' OlGal'atine tapSules 0 . k.-50,:4
.... _ _
r at- Certain
rest Rend
stub at
I go's filing
8-lpthi of
u hes ttillm
74, s,
er ;
lence 'West
place of
lass, with
i t, together
ng, or in
', ,, lnated in
• wuetkaral
of .
the e tate
and Jos.
Hiteheocri 'balm of
health 1110
cfcrworm tea - -
4o eatatib snuff- • 4 25
do . in a,giieticarlontica 50
do hairte.geneiator 37
Par.ker's , ;pulmonary •.;1
balm If . • 1 1 oti
Bauni',.4e Ninon
or French habit o'
beauty F•• 50
Sapp's Indian phister 25
Smith's stigarcoated
pills •25
Bartholomew's pink
. B Yro '
Spobn'ssickheachiche 50
remedy . , '5O
Christie's Galvanic
nit of John
• Riney - 37 'a 150 Peery's remaduge,dr .iI
do, bands . lsb dead shot i 115,5,
do plastars I I 75 Clickiner'satigarcoai:
do it:m.3o6ollld I. RO ed pills " '' 25
Austin's Magical lini- . 'I Southern balm, for
milt ; ••.125 a 50 coughs , &c. ' ' r lOf $,
Brisk pill.l 25 Shecut's pills 'I - 12 ; 5
Root's ritigbone pint. 56 Scarpa's acoustic oil 1 001
Parr's lifi pills I 25 M'Nair's acoustic oil 1 00"
Upham's ; electziary, Salts of lemon '';'' 1 11 ,P
for cure of pilea
. I 00 Hearick's strengthen ..
Moor's esi. of Life 40 ing Plaster ' . „i 03'
Bristol's Sarsaparilla 100 Hemaley's iron:pais-
Scudder'fiaboustic pill 00 troying syrup, ,''. . 2s„
Cooper's atherioil 1 50 Whittvnore's Anion- ' - '4
Gridley shalt r um , ' can - plaster' 1 -'• '_. .Rs'
ointment' .•50 do vegetable syrupy - nil
German 93'e oi ntment 25 M'Callites-rempdy L 1 Oka
American ayp s,t: 0.4 do' Ind. reg. ininaceal,, otvg
Italian cheripc'l p 1 op vivoirssarsttOrßi i — : 'A
Coral bair• res rd- I wildcbeirybitteri i. ' oo t,l
tire ''i 37, 50 a 1 60 Tonsey'S , - universal ",:,0 ,
Amber. toPth
; paste ' -25 ointmint '!' " ..L, :•,R1 '4 .
Spanish lily white - ' 37 Oriental - legit*,'. ' 2.5 a 3
Moorish liair•dyei •50 ' eici t ln nat baba . ;'- ' .
Erosive soap' , 25 Vutighresvpg ! ..4thoi , ' i
Henrick's sugar "
at- '' trißtiomiattrolll it' lillA
ed pills I 25 iilaunriNO'badYlie.‘4lo
t a
do uiniclaitieri 25 tilluidt,s nididercif,liar-: ''... t:
do soiatin liiiim t • 2-4 ararilli. ~.. ' !'l 0 I
Brant's Indian medi- !• Davis' painkiller2637a3o.:
icine • , I , s I • • 10.4 ' r•
• i.; : : •
With many oth ers not panumpratem The ~............I ' 4 - -' 6 -,
bet' is 'Agent for }Host of;lhe above ni
-- t,*: ,
wsuas sTs ry articlellgenuinm , i, : ' -,- ) - I
Ii.;• r - 4 ' I( .
L. M. REX,FORD::, 1-
Bino = hanitria, Jan. 18,i1347: ;,00,y1-
,- -1. I '
the NEAV
sale' of
es that the
which is,
'ter on each
every case
the money
$0 37
1 00
ealera, be.
sale—is a
1 50
ea cultiva
,e,,and ex
y Of its
this Tea
t in small
1 00
1 00
• !,
•• • •),
=• • - - 401 IN 11 , 4111M0Cii•.,(,4
ATTORNEY. A LAW Montrose,:
moved his O' et to TOriipWe • etrbet; NOW!
-one door,Easti , f the 'Office of B. r. ;Mt,
and three doo wrest al the ReihiteiPrinthir
fice. ' -
1 00
Q cts. and
by grocers,
nee is too
cabrit.'et and cimarMiii4l'--S:lontiose,fii4, silaiii
c*tir.: 1, li : 4-: , z , .. i ,-,,,....,,, t. . 4
% '."'", 31 / 1 1 1 , 4I - , P. PrZ Y Pt i lq, ':. A
8 kJ JR, ~q I , IN 411.3W1LY.p, , .
. , ,
I t
' ' ' l' , -, C ' ILEIII W.EEKS,,,I 4
Baddle,:lisrmis ard Tionkbialuroi•Olkiip*r";
1 _
R. SEA LE. - tz. : CO' 'l!:.* '::, -.!
klii - 04 si - oonni.:ta ' 1
7.*.i0a'Y.'&,;...1%'e5,..-ii,iirPi4ilia-Avoliri,,-,:: 1
\ E:tisAyßE,..-1,3•-::::;
rifti' -.
itiii ' Dry - 0(1 ., :44',' ' r Willi 1
tati. P ublic 9l v en u e.. i 'i-; ; :. + ,l, •4 . 4
1 , 4!
, _J
Dieurlikil caps, hu e Al
-dui Pekin
:fad if 'We
the sae
"1 10 4,
;14. UN,
nr, _MOO;
,22 •
I Old! till v;fis i oAr ill `
; et the
"Atttieue7 i t '
`dam Obertlrms.
lle tP er i thltririsija k
Prim:Vs. atreco2olo.
_t --,---,-.12`. ;
Atwaod'eankir ihnxial*
d 4 jaundice hjlcez#: i-- - Lrel
416 sl o
' a lice -- 374
p r • -,
Liinesteinii.liikliiit'oil ao,k
do Chilese b1dia1471a254
Indian hair dye. 'L."•:50.-1,1
Webster 's sarstriginila. 75
do bilious pills 25.
Oneida *lmre - 231
Gargling oil - -'so:iB 100:11
Merebaut'B 00,11
Ex. buelio a cubebB4:so;o
Pyrinii bah. dye' •OA
Dr. Hi b bard:B anti. `'
bilious ' 12850
Hunt's olinu. lidinteid 25 g
':•r.i.::.4.4:1 i•E:= ,
• , _-,
4 .., 4 0' semi**, - . Di l -,
Qua AT#lne , . ',,,i. 1 4' - 2
. •'-'-„i-,....-Aqi,..-4-2:4; . •,:v . ., : ,. 1 ,,,.1„., :,
1 ' ; lt: • _ .._:•• 4,..----,
- ,•.'e.,:i .
r --
,- -, ,