The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, June 03, 1847, Image 2

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    FROM THE - ARMY-1.
Later tromahe pity Of Mexico.
, .
Santa Anna at qlrizaba Raising Troops H
~ Granting Gu4rilla permits—Letter, from
Santa Anna— A rrest of a - Yankee--11Tego-,
tinting Peewees: Ms own Hook—Amnes
ty Declared filr all 4 1 olitical Offences—
" Pour Thousaril Mexican 'Troops at San'
Luis Potosi.
The New 04sns'icayune has papers
(brought by. the is-ay o f
Tampico,)' from the
City of Mexico t the c.l.t?th of April, five.
days later than 1 the papers previously re
ceived: We cmiy below from it :
We look first for new from Santa l A'.nna,‘
and we find hini engaged, with the utmost
diligence, - at Orizaba, aiding -troops. He
shows, as the levers wedl say, incredible en
ergy in righting Ore losses he has,sustained,
and ere this is nc doubt tt the helid of an ar
my very considci-able in numbeis, however
inferior in discipline. Ile is moreover accor
ding to the papers, granting permits to guerr
illa. bands. Being strained for funds, he
is said to have iMposert upon Orizaba a loan
of $16,000. We 'ive a translation of the first
letter we have seen of 11 . : anta Anna's since
his defeat at Celli.° Gordo. It was written
on the . 22d of April froin Orizaba.
Below we co* a poi
It appears thnt the e
triumph, and th?; aston
finds the peopleidesiga
capital; but I al it takin
nine here a resOctable'
that at present finder tl
D. Antonio Leo 4, and
ident Subsitute, !.hat wi
neighboring States or . I
meatitself, I shall be'
rear guard of tl4 enemy
destruction is icheive
despatched ordets to Ge
protect with his 4avalryli
and to Gen. Grtnea thi
best state ordef4tice unt
I cannotomit td expre
my astonishment at the
ness of our citizens in t 1
cumstances ; tutu I no
to save the country, tha
ers of the nationishould
effective measures to erii
the part of ever*ne wit
society and the laws iin
this-is not done, K the n
en masse to derelict its
unjustly and b4rharot i
infamy and seorl, with
tionality, will bettlie re I
shall spare no sacrifice in
my life and my flood,
fortune, are entiOly co
For the presetit I h
bead-quarters here, w
the orders which the S
may have occasion to a
Accept assurances,
erty ! AN-mm.4i LOPE?
A short letter which
the same day toPresid
- g
worth publishing. Be
spair, not to m*e a trt
and to defend the capil
piteously fbr seine mon
The same npmber
which contains !the fir
National Guardifrom t
cast upon it of the loss
Santa Anna's !pm d'
- most of its powe).. -Bu
evident dissatisfaction
countrymen, thi supra
confirmed him to corm
express orders. The
order indicates That - bis
severely shaken;
Some of the ;papers
court martial od Canal
',conduct at Cert.() Gord
Each step in he ma ch of General . Scott
was chronicled lip the i apers of the capitSi,
.and the excesses of hisi troops were greatly
magnified and denoup d.
The press is loud in Its denunciations of
the prdprietors bf haci ndas who are selling
.grain to Gen. Scott,fitom/which we, infer
that he does not lack 4upplies.
_Congress haiing cUnferred very ample
powers updn the President Substitute .to
provide for the sting emergency in the'
affairs of the actimtry, - -as occupying itself
with the discuslioti . 4ol constitutional , clans
" • Afetil
kowAl no kiwis - ' ':. _ ,
lotft!Pdf; liet.' ' :40
anetherAttiiip ',,1, - ,l*-,
,Axiguelto , *. i.
.4 0 0: iiiPaioc 4 '
.end 400._ „Ithe:flak*
•4 . tivAllfutiAs.
• 4 4 , 4 , 5 , 2.. F r. . .•
We Wlie fidbapagf.,
..16e five folleiteraiti r ,
ist. To ilk Vett
!, ~firtliiidii,l ! OPC:iiti
. - 1,9 4 4 geligi:.
1, 2 04
71: , .9':4lefe* the '
6 . 4%'''',.61' hie:4oon,
- ...,,,-. ,a,44-iat
Aniericans of
lies; whoever lit top r oe.
4th. To abjureFhiil detipt the.;-pertionq,
pertrof whoevei hay* desitoyedittelr coun4-
itr .F v • •
o'resp'ect all legstimate authority,
whilieleririliiiiWiti kvetylliink nbt le -, ."
pugnant to the preceding articles.,
These_ five irttlec hall..he_t he fundomentail,
'rule of this guerrill a and , shall be denomi-
I nalea :—LO ' asurgeate Gaudulupanu. ,
'(Sjgned' .. MIGUEL ORBE.
I ,Thoinwn,e4s ortheloin4Tl4arrLuz,-,-have,
presented or loaneilthe government of Mex
ico sssp)O r for.the expenses of the war.
Letters'haveljen received in the capital
fromFn Luis Pbtosi, announcing that the
goverment of thO State had promulgated 'II
decrelint every • citizen should take up
arms, do d that the lenthusiastn to defend
theinselvOs was very great. 'There were
about, fourthuusaid troops of the army of
the North Olen' in the city. Gen. Taylor,
they stippOsed, was to move upbb them from
Saltillo abtait'the lsi - of May.
Since the the diligencia went out at noon
to-day for Vera Cruz, another diligencia has
,in from the city of Mexico full of pas
sengers, and bringing news of not a little
importance. • Among the passengers was
.Mr. Kennedy, who after being badly treated
here about the first of April, was driven to
the, City of Mexico.'
All the passengers confirm what I wrote
you ;this morning. They say that nt the
capital there was no Government, no order,
no responsibility—all was nnarchy. Anaya
was still President pro tem; but had neither
influence nor authority. A new President
is to be eleCted on the 15th. of the present
month—the tenth Chief Ma p gistrate this dis
tracted country has had within the . last
eightken triontbs. I cannot stop to count
them up, but such is the fact.
The ladrones--guerrillas I suppose they
should be called now—are busily at work
upon the roads, especially between Puebla
and the!city of Mexico. the same passen
gers were robbed no less Oran six limes in
te same stage, and the inference is that the
last robbers must have had rather poor pick
ing if the first were very searching in their
operations. The diligenCia in which Mr.
Kennedy came down wai robbed twice on
the road.
ftion of this letter :
emy, improving his
ishment in which ha
is to march upon the
1% measures to orga
;' forcC, in addition to
e command of Gen
can assure the'Pres:
h some aid from the
he_supreme Govern.
able to harrass the
with effect until hiS
i . I have already
en. Canilizo that he
the fortress of Perote
14t_ he place it in the
til I can relieve it.
ss to your Excellency
apathy and selfish
e present critical cit.-
r deem it nessesary,
t the Supreme Pow
dictate severe and
fore compliance on
th those duties which
ose upon him. If
i tion does not rise
ost sacred rights,
sly trampled upon,
he loss of our no-,
ults. For my part I
halfofmy country;
y repose and my
secrated to it.
ve established my
ere I shall receive
trireme government
ItliS said that the propositions made by
England some in - oaths singe, to offer her in=
terventioa , in! settling the difficulties between
Mexico aid the-United States, have recent
lyl been to en up by the Mexican Congress,
and after warm discussion, in which one
of the me , bets said that the whole affair
was but another attempt of the •monarchists
uponthe sacred liberties of the Mexican Re
public, the motion even to consider them
was lost hy,a vote of 44 to 31 From this
it would seem that the present Congress is
deteritined to shut eveg door against all
proposals for an limiorable peaee.
Santa Anna I has sent a .letter to Congress
from Orizaba. He gives! his Own account
of the battle of CerrwGordo, and claims a
great victory on the first dny of the fight. On
the second day Providence, - according to his
story, gave the advantage to the Yankees.
He says nothing about the exertions- of the
latter. Santa Anna states that he now has
seven thousand men, and that his force is
rapidly increasing ; and moreover that all
are burning to encounter the Americans
again. He wants money to carry on his
operations, but Congress has not seen fit to
vote him a copper—one reason, probably,
that it has not a copper to give: Santa An
na, so,lar as I can learn, is the only man
who has been spoken!of as a candidate for
the Presidepcy, and he is in very bad odor
with he mass.
God and Lib
Santa Anna 'wrote
nt Anoya is hardly
begs him not t 6 de
:aty with the enemy,
' j al. Be begs most
lof y El Reptiblicano
it letter defends the
e - reproach therein
of Cerro Gordo.—
it has already lost
notwithstanding the
elt with him by his
e government has
. and of the atiny by
ecessity of such an
authority had been
The States North of Mexico—Gaudala
jare, Guanajuato, Queretaro, Zacatecas,
Durango, Sap Luis and others—talk open
ly of separating from Mexico, and letting
her take care'o herself. Not a dollar are
they sendineon in the way of supplies for
the relief of the gcnerdi government in its
emergency. i
They were still 1 oing a little in the way
of fortifying the c ty.orMexico, but a Span
informs me at all the obstructions
they have erected I EO far could be kicked
over with the foot. The city had been
placed under martial law, and the direst ex
cesses were anticipated. The citizens had .
all been called upon to take up arms in the
common (defence, but unfortunately nine
tenths of then', had no arms to take up. Nor
were there any cannon at the capital
other than a few small and indifferent
were calling for a
zo for his dastardly
121143 e
• Major - Borland and Gaines, Capt. C. M.
Clay,:and the•officers taken in the north,
were at libertyio the city of Mexico, as was
aloo:triidihipinan Rodgers: They are all
said to he wet and respeetfiilly treated now,
although t)ie hitter was infamously 'abused
on the way. up to MexieotratirPenue.,
Gad. Vanalito wail at San Andres, a place
north- otoiitaba;- at lUst accounts. The
forneOrithltim ii tiotstated, bat is indouht
edlyittnall.: 'He is - an old friend :4' 'Sante
Anna; and 'is probably' working we'pieseat
for his mauter...,. - - , -
I Write tkbrin greaChasiew - indliaid no
time for eniOment.' thre . thiug 000' siy,
and thiVin that , there would: , be ..I[:: , very.
large ;- poen 'nifty in :itere..ll - ••not
for the orefireening prideof':aAnajloritt . nf
the inhabit It is hardlo , be ithrasbed
idivs-issee e liat's,aisuois. 44i
seimi this by • Mexican to Virimerott.
kriPciPallY - I °r
'l l ll.e 4'4 11 e Hope..o l at
C•.4gVe of
i 31847.
0 1 40,, hilFlaelf
1. 2-14- eY. 0 14 10. for
I The Citkike At"-
'which lifelerees ?
- 4 4/ 0 74.77.-
Aithimi 41441
From: tile Picayune
Lkir.Es room 2ILE,ICICO.
JALAiA, Mexico, May 11, 6 o`clock P. M.
There is certainly a party, and an influen
tial one, in Mexico, which - begins to talk of
peace ; and where- four weeks since they
-did not dare to breathe their sentiments, they
now come Out openly and avow themselves.
Still the measure is far from popular. The
peace party is . cornplosed of the more honest
and intelligent property holdep, the mer
chants and - perhaps the clergy-210 these are
Opposed •t he Military, who have disgraced
themselves, and all the demagogues among
the lawyers. If the priests -could be made
-certain, that they would continue to hold
theiriieh benefices secure, they would prob.,
slibly : intikllin favor of "peace.
the' approach oflthe Americans it is
said that Congress, 1 . 11 all the archives of
the Republibi , will more to the city of Mo
tali& '-Ottiourse all my news is verbal, not
'altalierliating come through. I have de
vise: bed - Stilton to the capital for full files
ort tbepubliejournals, and if he gets back
safe therilialllie immediately forwarded to
• ,
wliproinis4 to xidelbrough at his fastest ;
speed. If ii-rear - well and good.
YQisirs, &c.,: ' G. W. kVe i ` .
From theme.-'A. Comm ial Bulletin. - •
Letter from Gen. Taylor-IES! views
of the presidency.. : ,
• A volliedirina, and whd
linktiished - citizen of this State,fina forward
ed to us the folloiving compriunication4Sich, -
at the present : moment,
.nn 'doPilit,, be
perused with great interest.
--- ThelettfefrOid-Generitl :TitykuitiWritted
with the Samstmodestrand delicacy - ktf feel
ing which have characterized every thing
we have seen from his pen.
It is stpfficient, we hope, to set at i.est al
!the doubts as to his acceptance of the nomi
nation fd, the Presidency, which haVe been
expresse,d by those in whom " the wish was
:father tdithe thought."
WEST BATON. ROUGE, L., May 15th, 1847
WM. L. HODGE, Eso—Dear Sir: I send
you, annexed, an extract of a letter, which
I have recently received from Gen. Taylor ;
and as it shadows forth the feelings and
views of the General, on the subject of the
next Presidency, in a manner - which can do
no violence to the feelings of any one, I
have determined to have published that por•
tion of it which rAlates to a subject in•which
his name has been very generally asslociated
throughout the country for some time. past.
Edo so, with more .readiness, because it
is calculated to give a prOper insight into
the real character of this eminent man.—
Please let it have a place in your columns:
Yours, very sincerely and respectfully.
" In regard to the Presidency, I will not
say that I would not serve, ifThe good peo
ple of the country were to require nip to do
so, however much it is opposed to my wish
es, for I am free to say, that I have no as
pirations for the situation. My greatest,
perhaps, only wish, is to bring, or i aid in
bringing this war to a speedy and honora
ble close. It has ever been, and still is, my
anxious wish, that some one of the most ex
perienced, talented and vigorouS statesmen
of the country, Should be chosen to that high
place at the next election. I am satisfied
that; if our friends will do their duty, such a
citizen may be elected.
• "II must, however, be allowed to sey, that
I have not the vanity to consider myself
qualified for so high and responsible a
tion, and whilst. we have far more eminent
and i deserving names before the country, I
shodld prefer to stand aside, if one of them
could be raised to the first office in the gift
of a free people.
" I go for the country, the whole couniry
—and it is my ardent and sincere Ivislt to
see the individual placed at the head of the
nation, who, by a strict observance of the
constitution, (be he whom he_ may,) can
make us most prosperous at home, as well
as most respected abroad."
Later from Vera Cruz
Illinois Volunteers arrived at N. Orleans—
Guerilla Attack upon Dragoon EAcamp
ment—Seven Killed and Three Wounded
-Captain Walker in Pursuit of Ma
rauders—The Vomito.
An arrival at New Orleans brings one day
later inteligence from Vera Cruz. ; Seven ,
etimpanies of the Third Illinois- regiment
have reached New Orleans by this arrival.
There are no further accounts from 'the
army advancing on the Capital.
The Picayune gathers a few items of in
terest from Major Count de Bongars, aid to
Gen.,Sheilds, who has arrived at New Or
leans. He brings the information that on
the night the vessel sailed from Vera ,Cruz,
"a small party of American dragoons were,
surprised ut Santa Fe, a small village, four
teen miles from Vera Cruz, by a band of
31exican robbers or guerillas. There were
eleven dragoons in the party, and all asleep
but the sentinel. The Mexicans rushed
upon him, when his piece missed fire and was
unable to give the alarm . . A scuffle, ensued
in which the sentinel was killed. The guer
illas then dashed upon the rest of the party,
by this time issuing from their tent, sir
of whom were killed and three wounded ;
only one escaping unhurt.
As soon as the news of this affair ireached.
Vera Cruz, Captain Walker, with his rifles,
were ordered in pursuit of the marapders.-
The apprehended attack upon Vera Cruz,
by Santa Anna, has been entirely dispelled.
An occasional case of the vomtio was occur
,ring but there was no increase of the dis
Splendid Naval Vietory'4
We have received intelligence by the ar
riVal of the Caledonia, of one of der most
splendid naval victories .ever acheivad under .
the American flag.
The accounts say that the U. S. Sloop -of-
War Jamestown, Commodore Forbes, on the
12th of April, made a gallant attack on the
city of cork, in Ireland, which resnited in
the unconditional surrender of the place to
our brave tars. The passage of the James
tosin we, so short fr this country; the
city l eame nigh being taken by sut'prise.—
We learn that, the appearance before the
city caused great excitement among the for
ces of the enemy and that "Rear Admiral
Sir H. Pigott despatched an officer to see
if any, immediate assistance was required."
The alarm was rung by the " bells cif Shan
non.," And of the "Cathedral," arid a "re
quisition was promptly prepared, calling on
the mayor to ISUMIXIO4 a meeting of the citi
zens- to devise measures for the attack." It
was subsequently agreed to attempt to carry
the ship by boarding, " and a deputation of
the gentry of Cork," was detailed for, that
purpose. •
The attack upon the city is said to have
been one of the most brilliant exploits in the
Motor" , of ineratime , Wer. ' Every shot from
the ship-appeared to f ten upon . the city and
guto the very hearts of the enemy. Never
was a naval battery better . tierved than' on this I
occasion. 'Shells in the shape of barrels if
flour end gripe; end'eanister from'e* hats
did immense execution, and many - FaSor Irish
men were these
Sometime* vrhole,flatklies wouiii.rri:piys the
contents,of'tt ohell . , ) Wlueli fell ettiotiag, (hem .
freak the 11'104_!ttFt. .4 the . latest Slay!, the
gallant . Cotitniek4e! crew-
throssinirciend shit e'nd Amps ,e4y ;
sad wiLproin,Oily,eon,tip(ri: ,t 4,410 korptii all
their- eltiniiioo!qurtiidell,o4l,l44o.4
the place hid rapt
This victory wits e*compiiihert
W it h ol it-4 00 0*,Pt a m.ltn s° l2 :Tfr 144 e.
tiTelf shring *
tlyeCriffie4-44: 1 21r 4 1,si: ent
I t
horn me sev h
et tretk,
peril. ':::: At one tiina,:, Cqm,,For , 1.
~ ei
after the landing;lwOic. pienely v . rrnaind:_; , _
ed at e pla* calleitihe' C ove, a ,', atni.!
near king taken pripo . 4...' . Thegith t .
tfilLeantY.tiillwithAiren _effect, tr tgd out:
men, being directed mainly at the ston d ach.
The defenee'was admirably cYinduete r but
the.auperior quality of the
_armament and
ammunition of the Jamestown rendered teals
tance hopeless. i
We understand that potn.. Forbes s of
opinion thatthe whole of Ireland if not Eng
laildinidSetalatdtiiiaLbe conquered ill) the
same raanner w he nevert tray be eitiei iern i
to invade those countries. We shall look
With anxiety for the official despatches e i giv
ing a true account of this victory. W are
inclined to think that this brilliant affaii• will
shed more glory on those engaged in it and
on the country than nllour victories in iilex
ico. We hobe that in the event of an ther
war with Great Britian or any other couYitryi
the command of the Navy will be give n to
Com. Forbes, and that of the land rces
to Lieut. Gen. Elihu Burritt.—Danvers
Courier. I :
-flcoOc's 2tbuocatt.
" Here shall the Pressi the People's rights maintain,
Unawed by influence; and-uubribed by gain;"
of illeghony co
of M l 4
ohtgomery co.
For Governor,
of ccutrc co.
Canal Commissioner,
of Cuinberland co. , I
1. Subscribers Who do pot giv express
notice to the contrary, are considered as
wishing to continue their subscriptions
f. ) .. If subscriberi order the discontinti
of their papers, the pnblisher may cotii
to send them arrearages are
3. If subscriberi neglect or refuSe to;
their papers from the office to whichi
are directed, they pre held responsibl
they have- seffled, their bills, and oil
their papers discontinued.
4. if subscribers remove to other p
without informing the publisher, and .
paper is sent to the•former direction, th
held responsible.
5. The courts,linve decided that.' re
to take a newspUper or periodical froi
office, or removing and leaving it un
for, is prima face -evidence of inters
The letters from a member
California Regitnent are unavoidably
ed until nest weals.
Bingitittiton Hotel.
With unusual gratification do -w
week invite the. attention of our nur
readers in this county to the new ads
meat of our friend and former town ,
E. RAYNSFORD, Wiho has recently relopen
ed and Rssumed the charge of the " Ping
hamton Hotel.' His native suavity 4if
position. end urbahity of manner , un ed to
his high reputation as an experiene • ca
terer for the publie, cannot fail to sect re for
him a liberal patronage. i . I
Who Shall aitply the,ReniedM
A correspondetit in our 2apei 2 ov • r the
signature of " Friendsoille,' 4 has sir ngely
enough. discovered that them- has ' n in
justice in the distribution of o ffi ces i this
county. He avers that the township west
of a north and south line `drawn 414 ough
Montrose, with a population at least five
eights as great as, those on the east' have
had but about one-tenth of the coonoffi
ces since the organization of the Coo t
He earnestly calls upon the Democrats of
the county to cons i der this matter, Old ap
ply the corrective.
- 1
Our correspon4nt, in the' honesty of his
heart, has overlooked an important feature
in this matter. Hg forgets that the" sterling
Democrats, the tai-payers" generally', have
latterly had but little' to do with thiS busi
ness of making o ffi cers. It is true i they
might have, that they ought to have,' yet it
is equally true thiit the choice of !idea
ing their county officers, by their I . own
consent is removed from them.l ure
glad that one man, at least, shows pup
toms of re-awaking from the suicidal slum
ber into which the great body of thoi people
of our county have fallen, which ha ena
bled the political rancheros who infer
borough to pick 'them of their rights
make them the inejtru►nents of effecti
Very injustice pr sik() tliey complainll
But who shall apply the corrective '
abuses of• which four friend cowl)
These abases mud exist so long as it
of political broliersiate permitted iolb
our county office and theth
highest Madam. „the fint,citunotlm
ed that the nominees of the Democrat .. par
ty for the fall electi on .are already fix ... up
on; , It is only left l far the " slerlin( l 0 emo•
Crate" t i c' ge'iliroi4li with' the aiebento 'form
of Rokiog a 11 004 ticlOo . ConventiP . , and
Of:voting *f by. one "at the polls.]: 1 can
not be doubted th it the :Succession . r t h e
next Prothotiotat ' nil 'the' nexthe
ill' irriuilied;'Sa# l, 13 inn euure mir isi
frieljaft, Oft !fltfl#r pu; prcaent ittqc of
they.u - itope,for t , neither :of ihtn-I
oitlYilieetikait twanhsvo- - -ttieuld„ tebilt
101 y Me restedy Tt
piection;9fJuidiges. .
fr, ' , ~.
On the Itli of thii mo n th;: by the , ew
Constitet o t- a C 'llof :,:ke*Yori4 it is mad e the
duty .of'' ei*piiii oi,ihat State to elect Iheir
• t, ;, I.y 4
several J dges, in the sa me manner ''hat
other'state ilnd county officers areelefted.
There ere those who doubt the proprietref
this featureiof the new. Constitution. „They
deem the ejection of Judges .a.,..doubtful ex
perimenti 4hich may work olgier!! lindeid 'lrry
to the cooity 7 , 7 thit . hy_foree of cll. um
stances, i iniproper men may he levat,r to
the Bench,l and the sacred , erroi e desecra
ted by party favoritism and corr ption.l We
have too ranch confidencetin the virtu and
intelligeneaof the people - to doubt the fa(thful
discharge 4" any important duty , hic hlthey
may choose to assume. We cannot eider-,
fain the idea that they would so far prove
recreant to themselves and their icount7, as
to elevrite improper meri to the ilenchi nei
can we believe the electiod of Jtf i dges
is a doub4f4l experiment , because we lns t ieve
the sovereign people are capable of ljgov
erning theinselves. We believe - the princi
ple to be I correct one, that every office,
whether qecutive, judicial or .
tive, should be fi lled by a direct voice cif the
people, and that every officer should be di
rectly respOsible to the people for'the; ; trust
confided tor hiS chafge. ' - ! i' -
hanzbeFs' C ydopcediot of English Lit
erature 10, of this estimable wqrk is
on our table. It is one of the most erten ,
taming anjd usefnl works ever re-pried
in this tountry, and the style in which it is
printed is highly creditable to th 4 enter!pris‘-
ing -publishers, Messrs. Gould, Kendall &
Lincoln, 59 Washington-st. Boston. .25 cts..
per No.
The' Am:Frican Agriculturist; for Jtioe, is
prompdy o our table, filled as usual with
instructive !matter for the farmer and g:iner
al reader, We take great pleasure in pm.-
mending tbis periodical to the farinets of
SusquebaSa, with the belief that aftei re
ceiving it six months, they'woulditot be tivith
out it fur ;thrice the subscription pri3e.—
Published 13y C. M. Saxton,.glils Broaday,
New York} at one dollar per year, in ad
1 they
e till
Ma4srs. Cantine fi Salisbury proyase
publishing t,the " Harrisburg - - fok the
Campaig74" at fifty, cents; - •
. ,
gentlemani from Washington, inform' the
Albany Correspondent of the New Fork
Ilerald, tl4t Lieut. Iltinter; . 'whii was iepii
manded ft f r capturing Alvin.ado, is now de a prisoner by Corn. Perry. ilt is
added thri the Lieut. has been depri4tl of
his commend, and Will not 'be perrnitttd ,to
return lionie in a frigate or steamer ; 'is,'
therefore„ detained until he . can bei sent
home in it'istore ship. It is also underitOod,•
from a reliable source, that the PreOident
has evinced a disapprobation of Com. Pirry's
reprimanlorthis brave "Officer, who, '` when
he arrives r New Orleans, will be warmly
received bb the citizens.'
y are
1-1 the
f the
• I ...
I:3r It is . stated by the N. Y. Evening
Mirror, th t another secret mission to 'Mex
ico for pea e has come to light. Mr. ri!pach,
of the Nei York Sun, who his just kgturn
ed froip t city of Mexico, it is Siti was
comtnisio d by the President Mimi:dm a
treaty of p a c e, and settle the affairs "cif the
belligerenti rtions.
t -
A Simtiie AGAINST SLAVE Laaott.4The
workmen iif the Tredegar iron works, in
Richmond, Va., have struck again the
emploYmeht of slaves, at addling in that es
tir ..- i. €
tablishroe t, and also rizi lincreake of
. ~ '4' .1
wages: he owner of the works -Sends
them Word through the newspapers, that as
they havel discharged. themselves, hti will
dispense twith their service, . and puit the
slaves in t ieir places. The matter is lezci
ring some Feeling, and the proprietor 4f the
works api.,eals to the public-M*3l4min itti in
resisting that he calls "the -boldest tittSck
upon slavti labor, and thehrights of citizens,
ever befori made in a slave State." ~, ~
usrruit arrived iii New Ycirk on
Thursday. He, wasreceived with cheer af
ter cheer the enthusiastic crowd Which
assemble,. on learning his arrival. The
people ar: always just—they know hiow to
'reward' a Want abcion, and sweep
calities, aside when they interfere witl4itrict
justice. 1!
A Nbniie AcT.—Gen. Dromgcoole,i• it , is
said, his lefthis entire estate, with the ex
ceptions 4a few friendly legacies, 4 the
children If Dugger, who, On year 4 ago,
fell by hislhand in a duel. q•this statlment
be true, itlhffords another' evidence tiof the
noble chinn eter of Mr: Dronigoole.
t our
g the
to the
y up
, •
UNTEER SERVia • ;is not - thl most
:from all acco' .:.Gen. Flatter
no; recently of n regiment j?st re
he United Suit si,said, ",,those
.rth their weight's t gold ;'stiey
out baggage 4 gorm, without
themselves- dowit any wheile, for
and 'there ; ; they 'are,- alwaYs , on
M'oinent's notice, 'and ready for
This speaks well for the, (r efeL
not much for their comforti
agreeable 4
. .
son, speak.
turned to
men are
march ,wit
tents, 4.1.. 1
the night,','
hand, tit
eiency, b
'ff, is
• stern
l!i*..At anent election} held
or -the office: of ithe
If O 4l
Id. ow,
iwo, vote.
_,--- For \ the .People's Advocatig•-f
, • , , Fructostrultklitay 234,1847. ..
Mr.- torroa--tattij Otte otthose w ha , have '
never taxed the ',Piiiitise"of those wht read
newspapers, nor
ittinirtril now; trete it not
iiithe honest ainrietiowtof my mint! t • - it is
the duty of some orie: to briefry, at
affairs glance at the results of the , po li tical affairs
of our county. When I' 'reflect` aptia this
subject, I am asttinishedr how tame aria sib
rnissive the enlightettett, pemor.. racy4l4
western part of Susquebinna have been,—
With what forbearatiii year after year have
they placed themselvei !tithe service of oth
ers. With what promptness in every con
test they have !met th'eir, political foe ;,., and
with what overwhelming success theyi have
cleared the Democratic track, the pink con-A,
elusively shows. For all this, and much
more than I have time to write,) what .share
has the western part of our county hartin
all the victbries and glories in which her
demberaticcitizens have So largely cOntrib ,-
wed to ach i eve. 7
This county has been organized abinit 35-
years. If 1 mistake not the county his now
in her service the 12th Sherift:Lthe west
having bad but one, Of the 35 years ser
vices in the State Legislature, the west haw
had, I think, only Jabez Hyde, I; Dr
Leer, 1; Lewis Brush, 2; (the. latter can
not properly be classed , a western man, but
we are willing and evetthmikful for the op- •
portunity of placing his services in our Cr..
list with the party, for really it is a lonesome
looking page.)
The Juaicial bench'haa been monied 35
years by 3 Judges ;
! setting askle the Presi
dent Judge, this leaVes 70 yawls services of
Associate Judges on the Beneki The west- •
ern part of the county have on,a o f her
citizens honored with Judge ' s lomtniSsions,
viz : Judges Hyde and Leet—together, hay
ing- served about six years. 144 it be said
that Judges are 'not, elected, by' the people I
Does the objector suppose the Exeentive of
the-State would withhold 'the appointnient
of a western man, if the east and centre uni
ted with the west in asking eve\n-handed
justice. No man supposes any such thing.
Then the tlattie is, chargeable upon thpe
Who act upon the principrelof might tifakaig .
right, and thu:s from soine l selfish or,unjust
Motives have continuallY cast their in
fluence against the .:west; I(litt I opine the
d'ay has come that' • proscriptive' polity will'
Meet the condemnation it deserves; the west
ern Democrats begin to think forbearance
no longer a virtue.) In regard to Prothon-,
otary, one of the most lucrative offices, the
• west has not had A single hour. The same
is the case with regard to Register,& Recor
der, another important and lucrative, office.
Since the organization of the county there
I ave been 70 years; services in these two of ;
ces, end a rich salar'f, of which the west
' lies had no part or lot, except the toil pf
d l lecting them, •and contributing our share
toward swelling the rich bounty. !..
Three county Commissioners enth year
I ave held their stations 35 years, making
05 peers services for the county ; the west
have rendered about 18 years, being 18 to
87. To „sum up: the whole, I haveldrawn
t'p the following- table Of the principal coun
ty offices,' and I esk western Demo rats—
western geople, if i yoti, please—to Took at
and scan these facts before the
Westr'n servicts. County tsrvices.
t r egislators, 4 years 35 1 yesrs
Associate Judges, .6 " . ; 7° )
111dieriffs, etch 3 yearS
Wirner 2 Years', • '3 " ;35 /I
Prothonotary, • 'o " .35 "
egister & 6ecorder," .0 . " ' „ 351 dl
0. Commissioners, 18 " .105
. .
il ZM I
31 years
In the above I have left out the 'mailer
-- (Mewl, but they exhibit about theism° pro
portion of services. . I •
• I Thus we see that.the aterlineyeonninry,
the tax-payera of the western part Of .914sque
lianna, have; not received one-tenth part of
e offices of their county, and still aukre hu- '
iliating is the reflection that. the officers
she has received are those that dO not bear
"their' proportionabia'nineugiof pay. Two
at ic.
the most , lucrative Offices countus only a
cypher, and from the vast. disproportion of
the other offices it will be seen that the west
has not received one Idollar in twenty 1 4t of the
eateriesar which has en ,
paid 'to the Seers
Of this county. ;
. ,
This, - sir, I consider a matter of sufficient:
importance to' the peePle of this county, and!
especially to. those of-the , slighted,wed, to.
receive their candid consideratiOtr. What
ere the principles by Which the Democratic ,
party profess. to be , goVerned? ~ Is it net .
equality and justice? And if so, inttrealLl
g l l
:I. tion them to loolt - bacic;recount "isle steps
r the last 3 , yeare;, and mourn
1 over . 001.-
ml-treated principles. .. -;'. 1,...... - ,-.
I have been taught to coasider,i 0 . 040 ,
just distrihetioti ofetiee as-one nattlii,teese
litliestoartit4::)sentinteliti . ''/401:404: :.With
Mnefoi: - -4„. and iiiioofii o if o 44
tio--,,:- ;,,opinged , by, fkikk and, Je l ading
1 44
einnei , e'of jibe aunty; but I have .lieeit
mortified AO elmeeel,teady to 'exclaim,.
.' then ii' do!fieneisi lit politics," when I
lavti2 sCea iitile..tinn:lii of. in a taateat-.
from the wholesome,4eirioes they preach.-
itif to i a - practice.o*.yery nveme.: .11 hue.
1 • - i
listened with eppnpretion• to the wellleound—
ed complainti, ; iirpoOirati -or this Bounty
of the tytattnfe4insiier)4 whic4looe ff: ow
lions of , 4hits, Statishave, trestnethe.Noras,
but I have been' led to believe that tlast same
species - *elfish - faver t itiesit , antlinjsitice is
wide :0:0 i kr i ' i -# 047 ,! i 1# 411 4 1 :144 •
illNlif.4,tiiu,r °I!!!=0, 1 0, , tlf - 4 ,tflii* $O 4
Ifloki-1.4,9 4.4otnsatikii*kitiko '
} u ..
4 y~
315, years.
I, a: