The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, April 22, 1847, Image 3

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T Eri' i t l ib ille4 " :ol44l4l7.:.,lOTal t .
coin la prlvatkins `dad 40114 char
acter): perfOtiliati Widi ilea! Mid alacrity the
ardttion6leijes that , itityiv iif-nkrefessity been
impastdsitiOn the and patiendY , •sweited
theAiwa - in tliviiictivaii6 gt*e theta. a* , Op•
} writ nityssr pititicipakitiritt the trar.' , ,, .'ln' ,
14 the naval iiar, , where the stimulus of
bat* and the tope of distinction - ere Ores&
ent 10 eniuttarid 'encourage - to 'arettion,
these evidet 'Of fortitude and ele / eri i pte:
natiiyi' illYiale'ei 'petted t 'hut ilia / toe of
the Officers and men' whom 1 leave" behind
me; sitid fit:handl part with so mbelt're
greti il ehts a hutulred fold by a I=lBo
- tian of the..barrenness of .hon o r of the
field) in which they have been ecimpellOd in
labs 'Whilst they have Inittled marolly
whit the storm, in .enforcing an arduous and
hartiassing 1 blockade -i-have braved 11 the
wreck and I ldisesse—no enemy's ling has iiri
0401 ur ,,,,1 1 the seri, nor 'have _ they Been
Add to m ach . him in hie 'strongholds, by
remain of tpeculiar difficulties of his coats.
*jelling them eiery , happiness in! life,
e l ‘e
se dlthe su , list, in their future career, srliich
they; so wel merit, I. shall ever remaisi their
attached fri d and brother.
( igneh) D..,Comszu.
' •
the 1 1 topic's- Ibuotate. ,
_ .
:,. .11 .S. BOYD, PUBLISHER.
A , '
" Wire shall Ole Press, the People's rights Taint.*
Un4wed by iufluence, mud nubiibed by grunr"
18011TBOSE. APRIL 22. 1842.
ratNcis R. swam. ,
, of Allegheny co.
't . .
of Montgomery co.
• i —,--___
c . For Governor,
1 4 of Centre ea. ,
1 Canal Commissioner,
0 •
L of Cumber/mid eo.
Thei official despatches from our ar
inhrelatin* to the bombardment and capita
!Elko( Vm Cruz, have crowded out our
vsual-varie y of matter this week.
, 0 r Army In Mexico.
'lke Int brilliant ochieveTents of our
troops in Mexico haw been • received twit('
d4 lll
' tmtions of joy in every part of '
ex ended and rapidly extending
cet4try. hatewer may have been the par
zaareelings of opposition to the war in its
ear4est suites, dui unexampled intrepidity,
weliii and 'Mimes, of our army; their hero
holland their magnaniMity, has called forth
theiplaudits of all parties—the admiration,
nn'a applause of our whole people. , Even
tho 4 r who were most bitterly opposen to the I
wet, are delighted with the fact, that the
'bravery and fidelity of our Colonial days
ba4not yet departed.
The brilliant victories.of Gen. - Simi at
Vet •Cruziand of Gen.' Taylor on four en
i. i
sanguned4 ri
fields, are almost without a par
allel in the pages of history. The great dii. r
parity of numbers in the contending armies,'
the position of the enemy, fighting on their
owt soil and in view of their own firesides,
whtre patriotism; pride and duty should
girt desperation to their courage, the oat.
ally-towage Itheye had in - every particular, has
rendered the victories 'obtained, with such
small loss ion our part, almost unparalleled.
The 'question is now 'asked, in view of d
ths,'oniform success 2f our troops, mill Illex-
iciiiti' II persist in the prosecution nf the, war'
Thiy cannot deceive themselves Iviikr.,the
hop of cing successfullY l nith our' troops : I
the! can na deny the superior skill oCour 1 1
' offipers, this courage, diicipliom patribtiian
and ebiwltiry of our meti: On' the plaknitl
tin* hare !felt she invincibkfiinwess-of the
" 4ubborn yankiee 77 49 ; Osek.forti,t ; they
hate seen their strong aralliyieldtoshal
enie and skill of our officen•l• lit 'wee Ilia
scin:cely hope that Mexican piide. ) illexicau ;
oblinacy, and Mexican fillly, - Will* treat
for peace. They begin to.exhibit-_the i cher.!
nettr of the Europeon AS paniarda i iis•fight-
ing i among themselves; end in opposing and
invading army witliOntbeing directitthisri
goiernment. The insurrections inCalifir-1,
nia and New Mexico "are"*rong V 113 0° 446 :1
of lir guerrilla war, that resort-.of a people; ,
Irbil never know
,• Wheric, they', are 'ireiter4 -
Solpe May suppose thartho:defeatof Sint&
Aint!saipiy, and the fall firxiii Osil Ivy(
ao;i' ken the Mexicans , to a sense oIY their
eondition, , -and if they are riot- prepoi fur , I
-.... . ....
peace, the _caption of .iiii city, of itterti e el
witiuironghly opektheir.eyer; .but ii;l.iO
4 tierations of Spain, the Spsniardslave.,
sired that Madrid wai!ntit tbe tiatiOirj i ! ii 1
wthegin to think thitthe Spanish bloc 4 its
31 6ieo l ivill - show that thiictiiiital is Oat'. the
country.: Still the carman:of the 'capital is ,
inixidattl, aid ecrtabit7::...,. ".. .J 1 . ::: I
Post if the fall - of the: eapital'does riot! ets4 '1
thil war Wheanniy ,we eipeci in ilesi l pilileil'
cobsumMation 1 When every Metk; lairt
4he least importance, •osuLall i thitipriaii.V
pb) citi ea T ar ia garrisoned by Ainericaitl:
ark subsisted from Mexican store4iiiiist
it , 1 -, ). . • • _ , ...-E_Lili. ' ' - • " .
'4 : ':511 .%A.74 1 iriA1177 -11 ;4 4 # 14 . --' 7- 1°. 7 1 /°
much t iniiii io the inifortittiae itt ni t re%
111 : „. Chia4islioilit11 1 01 1 c, Qr. the- ,
01:111•Autican Goveretnent, the comesand.
ingoldoitTiiiii ithtt - priimiit iiiiikitig ot49:_
Uriti - toitipire thit initabitlutts:' . with 'ton&
deuce, apd so' relieve their t tiiitiess. Gen.
Worth', re • see, has been aPpninted tempo.
rar7 goy mar ofthfc4 l Y. : 2101,MIDY orders
without 41 6 4 0)4 4 11 ,: : ordinarY • fas ' n' ).
Lions of the civil t immistracy, as bet Ween
Mexicans and Mexicans, he ,v!ill estao B l,
strict police regulations (nu securing good
order and rwd nil *. ill'illid City. ile!will
also establish rt temporary and moderate
tariff of daries,. subject to the approval of
t h e g enera -in-ehief and Commodore Perry,
command' glr. S. Home Squadron, on all
articles int orted hy' lea from the countries
other than the United 4tates, the proceeds
of said tariff to toltrapplied to • the benefit
of the nick cad %minded of the army, the
sintedrint,- and , the indigent inhabitants of
Vera'Cr l iit.i. The tariff so to be established
will beleitatinued until the instructions of
the:govenunent, 14 home shall be made
linciwtrin the case. This order shows that possesses the feelings of humanity in
is great a degree as he does the spirit of a
soldier. War must necessarily have its
evils, but a Riallant soldier will always en
deavor to mitigate their severity.
We are glad to learn that the loss of life
amongthe non-combatants in the city was
nothing like what has been stated. Au of
ficer of the navy who visited the city and
castle after the surrender, informs the New
Orleans Tropic !that the number of women
and children and other nun-combatants in
the city had been greatly overrated by the
press. ' The whole number in'thkuity did
not probahlMarceed 1500, and the number
killed did mu reach 200. The • killed and
wounded among the combatants ha the city
was said to be 53. There was but one gun
fired 'at the castle, and no one was injured
in' it. The city and castle were entirely
without provisions, but there was a large
quantity of ammunition, powder, balls and
shells, both in the castle and city.
liar At the late charter election in the City
of New York, the Whigs-elected the Mayor
anti two-thirds or the•Commtm-uouncil.-
GP We learn by the Bliffido Courier
hst navigation has opened on the Lakes,
; The Steamer " United States," Capt. Whit
taker, always the first out in the spring, has
made a trip . from Buffalo to Detroit and
Igr,Navigation opened on the North
. B4nch Canal last week, and business wa,
iewv. Dratocax-ric Revraw.—The April
No. of this excellent monthly is on our ta
Itle. It is embellished with a portrait o the
=Hop. Lawts-.a very correct like en
of that staunch Democrat and eminent Ju
',rise: . -The pages of the Review, as usual,
lure replete wiih i entertaining andinstructive
TReisowvi or ITurrocr.—We seknowl.
edge, the receipt or No. 5 of this truly Tido*.
'We' work. ithliiihedby.Daniel Adee, 107
, Fultori Street, bieW York.
Eaavvie.--The first volnme of the Ameri
can reprint of this estimable . work is on our
table. . From a cursory. glance At its pages,
we are well satisfied that it, will be a valua
ble ncquilition to the library of 'every fami
ly. Published, by Gould, Kendall,- dr. Lin
coln, Boston. - '
- late of the:Philadelphia North Amer
ican. hai established a daily evening paper
in Philadelphia, wish the above title. The
•Bulletin is exceedingly neat in appearance,
and is conducted with ability. The editor,
in speaking of the political course which he
ill take 'anys '
iw ,
"In politics we _ .ba independent, as
in every thing , else. With, old party lines
we shall have little to do; our brotherhood
will be with - 4bethouest of all, parties. 4 We
are dmirmatic, not in ; the narrow sense of
that . term, 'hut hi the Pease in Which four
fifths Ur-the 41mitnunity-are so....fdribe rest,
we shall - fight, like , Harry of the Wynd,
'9 for our owe hand." It shall be our en
deavor to-rise above the cant of faction ;to
advocate only what-is patriotic and right;
and-to uphold those Measures; by whomever
urged, which emiduce i tu
,the_greatest good
off! ihe greatest - 11gVsounding
iMmis ! a naltwit cheat t us a'defend what is
tth - Mg, -
_one oneopprobrious , epithets terrify us
froarsestaintrig, whit tis right. -We- shall
prefer - princiPles to men, where principles
ate iiitqtred ;''Unil'ortat.l citizens:to bad ones
as candidates r 4 °Ser:
Ireaup,Fase6 Reedit. -
Ate mectiat Of the. Goan Raid Temper._
anite Society held .ivolhe iisfh.:iiiit. the fol
lowing readatinna,iiere onimistinasky adopt
- :4fai‘liceit That.n - committee -of vigilance
b .,_!OP**P- , whAse:44#l! *II be to enter,
a.complaint heroin Win :militilie,ogainet Any ,
iit'' 'or persons. l'Oit kift- linfklvA , t,
viola - tim.-oew license inw,,withist the
loroar k lit i Tiaiwn , hili. ~, ,t ~...: ,.. ,; 7 : ...... ... .... ~,
ito4ekimil,:Tlet we -will snotaiwill proper
efort l it 01 4 ilr. giq Peitliilef. , '4iim . '* - t:j o- .
pnniedateitind conviefanrinirtiidisel, or in
dividuals .whe,,may be known to iiidiie ii l 4d
lair, Within*floll l *. -I ( i - f .4 -
. .140.04;fTiniihtv'edilati ;it the l. Pit';
V_..°6§+ll7 / ! a l*ni
Mi' d l T
,"sit4l4l .4 ert!'to
piWi,.:dkOmotutimpt- : ,.---=: ,
. •
611 Vent
*l4 air
~...,, e ,:.....---..-.......v..,,, - ,1 0- i bi l, ,-,-• :1 1 440 6 - , t-,:,
-- '' ' AN" tlite.PiOdle. 4 2...2 .2 N, . • ..
I think I,Shall-rilitiidtWhen.t„.say to
:my-tellow-,eitheniethatl*ipearbefore them
:agninTetuatandy ;:,but,l2l , ing' . :hislebirnii :
4 0* 'i1' 0 01 0 4.1 00 66 9,4400FP 5 *... ' t01h0S
- -hot o f theAdiciente, ( lo*highlisin'al*
_— .
asjuivistrilvailfsilly f asailciestalarandfafitelh:
isuivery Word °f a* folic* bog ;_eztractetiliiii.,
dered . Juflgti`Jesstiii; I, feel I ahetilti be
acting. unii i itiy . i o •bim,:o 'the comniunity,
and.usmyselfo if J-did'acit"-earrect the im
pression.' ' The eitratt''fis . from No 'p, of '
these essay S: . '
ttAmd now in .defianee of; all the principles and
precepts of Jesus. in despite Of the most solemn eon
atitutuandinruictimii; Judge`Jesithp is fording .our
religion into oar legislativallislis i draggingitinto his
mums of law, and enfuming . bis views uponpain, of
Aisfrauchisenieut upon the jOors and witnesses, as
well as upon the.prnioners aad parries, who are bro't
befiare.him ; and what is a stall greater atrocity, ho I
insists upou our hanging,men. nut-by a free; and un
biassed verdict andludguient of their peers; but up
on his ipse dish."
Is this the language, Nr.Editor,ie which
I have addressee the coMpanion, tliefriend,
the.imighbor, the Stan, ;with whout;-I am
proud to associate in works ofeharity, utili- ,
ty and public spirit 1 No, indeed ! no, fur
from it : if there ii an' individual lilt this
community who reads the whole pamgraph
' and believes mwguilty of such an act, I en-
17 him not his personall,iquelities, and must
put a very low estimate Upon his understait-
ding ; if lie is incepablebf seeing the differ
, enceltetween the argues mt anil the- wan, he-
' tween the principles urged upon us in the
lecture and the conduct or practice of the 1
lecturer. If he will nbtisee what I•have re-
peatedly stated, that I have appeared from 1
William Jessup the leettirer to WillittniJes- 1
sup the practitioner—frau] his intellect to his
' feelings, from his cold and heartless theolo- '
gy, to his humanity, hishenevolence,his no- ,
hie - spirit. Jibe does net see that 1 repose I
with a calm -unwavering confidence in the ,
belief, that in spite of his theology, in Spite
of his anger, in defiance of hii reasoning, I
shalrobtain a verdict in his heart-1 can on
ly say the fitult is not in)my cause or in my
bosom, but in my inability to express what
I wish. One language, is due to a generous.,
confiding friend s another to a proud, over
bearing•theologist ! - 1
"Furst be the line, bow well so'er ittlaw,
That lends to make oue woiihy man my foe;
Gives worth a reandal, innocence a fear.
Or mini the virtuous ever•draws a tear."
If there is nn individual in this communi
ty whose interest whose feelings, whose
chamter, should prevent them from assail
ing Judge Jeisup' personally, of entertain
'mg one single unkind thought-or feeling to '
him in his character bfla man, a citizen, a
public officer, or a philtinthroplst, it is the
'individual who now addresses you ; • but if I
was as corrupt as I am represented to be;
the eff o rt would be vain: He is u man from
Winn!) we have all clerked .so many lessons
of virtue—lessons that I hope will cling'
around us in hours oliemptation—bringing
us back in ,penitence to the recollections that
cluster around the instructions of early days
—that every effort I might make would be
fruitless. , His lessons Of virtue will I trust
be remembered when we are both forgotten,
because silent listeners have been at work
in whose memory they live ; who will re
vive them at distant latices and remote pe
riods, with all their unfolding. on the soul—
they may thus be. transtnitted from age to
age, like the precepts o 1 the Gospel, surviv
ing the period when they first had birth, and
placing the inscription of purity and' virtue
upon all they reach. Alas! when may I
bope for such a tribute from him. He re
members' nothing but my sins in my epi
taph. . . •
But if he thinks from this I-tino among
. .
the fawning Sycophants,
.whose mawkish
adulation, while be is iissailing their relig
ion as infidelity, denouncing their philan
thropy as moral altraistb, and despising their
feelings as sickly sentiment, .eke out the ful
some fluttery, " I dearly, dearly love thee,"
who while'tlitcy are incapable of apprecia
ting his virtues, or estimating hie public.ser-
Vices, yield -their, under to:his pri de
of character, he will, , find himself' shootng
Farr beyond the 'Mark: If he thitike beense
I pay a willing tribUteuo his Moral . worth,
hia'pultlic spirit, 'and his personalcharacter,
Matti will- not fight against the' hint:kill%
that he hoisted. in cluirCh; the flag that like
the .iiitlitie'it flag is stained With the
prisoners, the fl ag, that Bulbul niy country
with dishonor, he Willifind himself equally
mistaken. • - He began ity assailing therelig,
ion and the. feelings that myMotherlinplmt
ed in me, and he ends by calling- me "22
wilful, false, malicious slanderer; who takes
refuge upd;r, her, petticoat," because I will
not consent to,retort such epithets under my
own proper signature., A mother's' protec
tion is a safer place by the bye than his side
of the cause can furnish; and if lie would
but, recellect how his Mother clisped him to
her hosoth through 'ell his
,youthful way
wardness, lie would not "disgrace his twin
hood" by, ridiculing the she.offers,
nor be found where he is in this controvert.
But who is "$p . ectntress," the 4evilii , h
Recitte—,4ltecypiess r shilded sorceress, drain
ing the !Owen . . dregs of. Circe's
,baneful cup
—her wands, her_ clarins, imp. weird en
elintitteents.are seducing Mankind from the
worship of the pi' lloWs and , the !magnm.
With guileful spells,-with dew 'Trent. , kuut
grass, with sly enticements inveiglingthettn
wary tcteyil! The heathen B,eccaria, the
atheist 'Voltaire, the illfatun ied 'Utak, Roan),
and Be ntlintn, . the , foolish -IL, iyii igston, ,Byer
ett,tind blattlinut 7r thefiinutics Tyson, Bur..,
leigh, and Cbannitig,‘,the ; injunctions. of
ehristinnity, the oaths of ulce rs , the princi
ple!, Of.ilihetlY clud:tbe , deep tcelings.of Abe
beart„.are among the jagyedientb. that are]
boiling in her wizard ceuhlroq: i We bevej
detected .ffieitaitlniglit hag who threw them I
-ini and her nam5,i4 , 40. 0 (4 4 / 4 She, Atter*
her spells end, her incantatinnts, until -the
pilt ure d f illt ioalAnt.,:k gittenness, i nad the.
Gospel i r bilgtial iiiii iiio..til skof*ios the
sooty tliti of * 41 1 Sts.itSii* is 4 4b61!Ptting
the apciiitla.'i til ,t hr ear s'; the .alit'xi**ising
a potent tirrifi& tafidence-4Wee tlie se. -
mks ,pf ,uitture,i. : and .:. ever 4 t he ,actientoutd!
destinies or meta and shali-io too etintecuP
.tiblerto notice !'!!,-...ti , Stat:tiTingiti.• ionisi , miss--
bra!" ,', - ,::•. ..,:: ?; ~,-,.:„.,...,,.
_ r , ~ ,
. i. ,,. : ,..,,,,,. ,
To duo 1' niiiiiieh rliti:iS ,i,JF.1 1 4114) " Ins,
lice," slid! " - CtsiOr _et, - that - givb 0) Gov
- ntiteiclitainitteil its" Well'iiittititpultil'jWrist
diction;thitt:liiiiti':ear .i iiinicientsite:findixtr .
: 1 040 1- tisii - Wiliki . the 1--
Iti#lflose*iffst .• .. 1 , 4i,vciii074 1 04."•
misrepresented 1 they who . quote the eti#e.:
the Tatl . to:intiwelWtillievel'evid ite,pikro;
fibitiiil ir L!'" C.Sirditikidt!!!! : 4her
whli; '. trL4 ll +Coe vt,Withltbk delavadow iM,
their WUutlp, "OU' national4lOvereigniy is''
diviiietjtiiiin ''_ :—ii'Mikies4iid, Paul"' (they...,
have, iVitt Nonh) -0 ,
.!.iir*'!!llte,jo4l.lo 4 171 '
I t
area° settle t elaw.of : the Mitrirtlie cis-,
it magistrate Veirefsiiniseiehe.bear ,
eth not thei 'ritin..iikiii".4t he .SkearSiit to
i f )
decapitate di esibdoer.'.:-_.0"6:-nowlalks
about " the4eligie . us sanctions that surround
our public rifffeerim '-imbiMut I" this etimirimm
ity.heing-goVeraed;bY di L e`pi ler4itheittour
"institutionsitimd , .thelilud 'rity, '.being -de
rived from Heaven"—and` tinder these'saneL
titan, and by:ViittriC of thit authority, 4-
noun c i me as a knave, a fittil, .and Mt infi
del; -he-must be is crooked disciple if he be
longs to- the school of I.la4len or of Sid
ney ? Is lie defending the . lecttire T ie . lie
the Judge's friend, or 'is it all itimiCiill—
these the arguments,i the principles, 1 ,
the opinions of the lecture , or have 'we al l .
been stultified together? Friends and fites•
seem to 'be all stupid aliki. This is not
dragging religion into the 'Jiscussioni---this .
is not tanking the religions' code, " a terror'
to evil due t s "— this is not JOreing it upon
thb Legislature-4411b1' ja troOtangisig urea by
theology instead-Of law--;Lthis is not opera
ting upon the consciences or jurors, witness
es, or ether court officers--this is not invest
itig them with the sanctioniof religion—not
connecting 'church and stat e r—verily, if I run
" wilfully, maliciously- and , ' ,I falsely slender.
ing" my friends, there are home others who
should come in Omen share of the penalties:
and they are entitled to - ii detible portion be
. betrayed their master with
a kiss4thertiriiti the - sat category with
Judits-1, :'. .- '
---,..- , -J
Nowon Sober ea rnestness, I would like to
know wiiiit-difrerenee Almare in
‘ untier the
gospel- diipensation, - bet . w4itilut authority
of Peterand -Paul. - Not outs.,woyd has Paul
uttered-in the whole aix:yerseit : c.pataell from
the epistle iii theltinnans tkitlmi lathe slight
est allusiolvict - capital- erimesj-, it relates
alike to every 7 crimein the Wender. Peter
calls the civil government •i ; the ordinance'of
man ;", (1 Pet. ii, 13, 16) Paitl calls it' ,
" the o rdinance of God ;".2,they incul- i
cote elmedience to the Imi, butt nether of 1
them' inculcate the extent 'to which it is to
ho cerried: They never advocat ed such
absurd adulation ns to make a she riff (our i
friend -Nelson Warner for instatici:,) a di
clocking, sanctified by virtue of his com
missibn. Are the people ithis co autry so
stupidly ignorant as to beli m f
ve that St. Paul
meant to invest the miscreants who held of
in ,his day with the•attributes; a r the.ou
thority of the Divinity? Were Pilate -and
Nimrod in this position 1 - Who was. .emperor
when rind was nu apostle—when tie wrote
this very epistle to the [lonians? Why the
bloodiest tyrant that ever i'o4 the e mirth ;
the wretch whir murdered his mthimtmr, pois
oned his wife, repudiated !his children, be-f
trayed• his friends; killed his tutor, set Rtimei
on fire, fiddled and danCed while - it Waal
burning, massacred all the chrislians for do
inffe' it, nod had lalts and ideerees to ratify
and sanctify all - these crimes. - Are these
the ordinances which the apostle enjoins um i
to reverence and obey 1 Is this time guverii-11
meat of ail all-wise, pure, nod holy spirit !II
The foundation of all religion, and-of all liti-11
man society are, shaken by such in mieties;!l
and wherever such doctrines reach, they a eel I
like the poison of the cockatrice., "'slim . i
prince of darkness is 'a gentleman," IT is a
fountain of light when co:rip:wed with such,!
leachers as these. Now ~What is the plainil
meaning of the apostle? i -What is it dratil
makes all their. writings harmonize 1 Willi
that we should do as their master tauglor
them, "render unto Caes ar_ the things thittil
are Caesar's, and unto God the timings that!
are God's." Ile obedienti to the civil gov 4
ernment that God has appointed, that pro;
motes good and eschews evil I—a eolitrarjl,
- -
doctrine sanctifies all' manner of legalized!
wickedness, paralyses ell,: ur reforming ens
ergies, prevents the bene 6'
eat nail tor of (mil l
being from revisiting andirmerfeetingthat isn4 l
material portion of his' sprit with which lid ,
has endowed the moat perfect orgattizatiou
that he has made. A gOird government well
are to obey, a bad one we, are to resist ; ash
sO may the author of my ',being help me, a$
l mean to comply with ibis will. And i
such 'men ims'"D."nud "Pastier," rindtheil
co-workersull concur in plus degrading the
Bible and exulting the gmbbetif they wilt ,
continue to worship the gallows as " God'e'
ordinance"—they may Continue their dei
liantintions to the end of ihe chapter; nil 1
regret is that ,they ihouldilinve provoked rp4 1
to say timings that have 1-meen - construed, t
think unjustly, into perrimalities. li they
succeed in reviving . publjc 'exectitiar, niiil
do net platellietilselves amid ilieliiiriticiPles
upon'an eminence of infitiny;troin Whiehltdl
their combinations of cliMth -and 5tate,...41 . ,
theology and law,ofprineiplee amid practiet ,
will.notlift them down. One thitig'they have
dime; they have shown That my religion is
subjected to a better tesi than their minds
elm Atrnish. "13y their,lfruitsye shall knot'
them," Babb my' preeepreV, mid upon this
issue I throw myself at the . feet (if my Crej-•
tor, and in 'calm sincerity, whit an hum*
but antalteritig Mope, , I'M in hie justice het
in his Mercy, abide the 'estilt. Men whose
chnrities thus -dattiv mid frown upon rile
dogmas of their own sect, while they rolitill
others of tbeir etiatiiele. - liave R Tsifiecies iirl.
charity:that is lint the bffspriiig'af St. Pnlil
—it, is Dot ,charity . : It* self-love, faction, ,
anillutritiieiim - ; tt . is 04 'placid lit cam , :
panionship, with poperyi:arittprviincy. HOT ,
thoy rtaj theta. ,
selves ; have, they masked ;themselves fbr '
purposes - Orslander:"' ..... i
And now t . Mr. • Editor, se.' far from otty,
mntt'siviews '4111(3.31lb:1e, or, the dogmas ed'i
any, religious... Wei being: nfiliglter,pAlrritr.
on the strhjeCts of legieloitivesuliciment thliii i
the voice, of . the peop)e,,l, :tiot,boy, jibes,.
issue with these ittanactilateS,Aheie religiiine
~legiilatore,. deny
. theit llocep, dispute . thWt ,
rearm:Ong, and try'-'eet Oilstone with: the
but' I: insist that'liiiiere er , ,i)ley' 661114' I,
tet'il Of - 'cientiito mit't ' Maithatif 'thii'llibi
tied th e ,religmits sect 1, tit; yield. . e ra i .
a goiernment of law, not oft.theologymi ,. lilo
only in cases where 1114 y harmonize that
ItOkertan - bis: or ii 4 ielidT' rind iiiideltnie,
the; tid vailifitim of timidliiiliiitiii Its and Snit 014,
04*- .
.tte e itton iA ,- I P - .! e lifel t° '4 ll ll4 c°2 '&4 llll6 l;',. "° Pr.o lll l ll3 ,4 l : l i ll l ' * ..f,
:skew that ges„eentol4;heriffic.'iltiir alrOdtef
! g o i iisfer i ito the idolWiyitii ) 'tbe::l(wiest
ifiiiigin' to; base liol - diiinc,a, tithority-0;11,7L
'Ceiot, - 4itiftbetliii*eiiibiiiii#4 l :4l l .,,' :!
l itiiiirliiiiiilictioliJiltel)Mrei . ,ltlitit'iht,
link - mere Criniturei4ttiptlonsocuthin : l* .
: iiks.liut •Irdefy 'all. iii#'i7ilifoliikliof,lo4*
on id Olemical Flirty's/to IlaWil)littlii 11**.
to v i z i t - tht . r * nol li et Sigh, ~ 11 ~ - r , ;''i
1 .teke",,Ontt.-sittgle qp[t/v) 011is.Wq, .tg -the
eOntrary ;vithinit pfunging. eniSev pt s -,Cv.,
litistingliotitiettieliditis "t4i) : :',l': ''''..",' - •r • • I
l• Et . they ., yentere .
.'' . *att s eg thesifo 4 di.J.
speptay pr#6'lo., 0 .4 4F g., ? , - ee..**6 - .1.0. - - i .. ,',.ti0„ i•
r ' ..
f 0 mitth the-closet COtor Of. petence • r
4xtraysigant coinage , cr-th ir'g biiiinsi. :Mee
hi scriptute'Or•reasen,•in - i tionstitu iettiii
t,he law, o. rdilthe-iiititii3ctri' "'hey ;fa e- - ; •Ii,e1 ;
•tweets ;the " ministerlet,'‘, ,"!i tat i t h e . i.eiln;,
4ter ofithelow,"-betkreen i -the ;fret of the
ivinitr and- " tti el Iregent , 4''the 'Pe plei l ‘'
to its tipplicattplt• tn. ,e4v4.,.. tistitutionS,-1 .lint,
'ft' ady to meet the I:„:(Or , taki..awa. 48;4.
.mmissimisitake wat t ejlaw, an they ,
save no manner of power -. Wlntteven ''' And
hi s -i s sef ouly-siel .eiidet t Fut its 4 riniit.'
initkes every • one. 'Or-Aitei 4 I'Mie sub ect_of
Funishatent. I cannot ' al , yildiow th t- they ,
, have no carol of,Sti,lraity : b4t what d'erde.•
iive from the' eitustitntion. a4l t*IP ~,hut
that they have all teivorn itd thie.princiPlei
plid I aim reo.mucbtence. e" far . ..liter indi.
Videsl ret.intatiabi,ttint.t.,
p ',lt
,itAtir)l;elliaz 7 -,
.brit of displeashig_tlieni I !ovtnitititt ihey •
have each teken•a ,:true-oatlti; --and•thatit is
'tterly impossible •to eStahlitdi any govern.,
'pent with out inititnttotiS upon any ether .
fitundation: ' ''s '
.`i- i . • . ~., , •.
. i
1 • , But it is time I should , talie leavet . of she ,
.) • • 4
?subject. Ido 'so with the •ipiggestirhi,- 'IMO'
:stir fur from our' go.vernitteOt,having,, tee itir..
'Seituted by Jesushrist drib° epos les - ,,,,by
Moses or the-prophets, tileAlery names-in
their whole heraldry .fro?_ the President' to
!the hangman, vvith.tlie, e x if
lerpor and. the Judge,. tie
;sheriffs, constables 4 prothOn
irepresentatives;. with their'.
Icliines and untlerStmppere,r were not ever
inained by the Blestdalt &OW; the•whole pe
,i rind of his mission i , alid.vety few•Of these
ljbard names wilt 'be }time tin attyllart of
li their own eherishe translate of tho. Bible,
li unless the word "ransistio ". iti used in the
isame sense as in the •" raidfienirtiell night's
"dream :" - when Niektottom Maketi, itis'ap
-1 pearence iu an , , 'i. head; instea -of his,
- I own ' 'Peter Quin e 'viol:tints, " id ss thee,.
• • 1
ilßottoin, bless thee Aline art l Arantlat i cd." . I
t Itowever - they, have any'atO iority, Olt the;
gust -High, if the -are ..divil ie agent s, th en,
the constitution d the lasi; are di v ine, tbe
people who franod,- hdopt4d, mid eleefeil,
• thent are divine ; ,iiintit is ti kind o -' diviiii-,
iy dint depends upon the s,attry : to e away
the pay and the divine nut unity is 'smoke
and vapor. Meet who . are appoilited by
tannmenities to perf orm certain wel; defined
and well ascertained serv,ic‘i for a specified
compensation, to talk 'in this way is hilt-
crous enough, But let us '' '
see 11QW far it is
in iblvanee of _Pagatiisn'a :11, ".Such;' says
Taciths, " was the degederpey of die times,
that men affected to be thOught Gods, Mid
were pleased with the, it eliitry offeed'their
persons:" One tlifficers shOuld be Crowned
with, ivy:for : the 4 ictory flier bine • • gained
over heathenistw;:' 'the People ileifiektheirt
under the reign of .Cliligtila.—thOY deify
themselves under the . 11 e pdministrittion of
of Francis R. Shiwk. urely so Many di=
vinely authorized avec esiong,lit tb.he able
to exorcise one • such Malignant ;spirit , us.
" g, Spectatress: fi
:, • 1
One word as t . myself•tdid my Objects,—
I ask my fellow! itizeni, ivtintever may be,
their opinions at
.. feelingsl . Opon the Subject,
to put themselves form thoMent in tity Mend.
Let them ask- thenselveS ttsat metive,:ivlitit
object-ofinterest; passitat di- prejMfice,'CoulrE
intlece me intent onally ,totinsult,to wound:
the feelings, to Islander tiny living being',
*hose views are, • controtaYrted in 'these es.,
says. Is There sky ohjeCt lif ainbitiOn with
in mygrasp, am .I, envying any mates Tame, ,
ovetting any main's offiti, that E should
"falsely, wilfully, malicimisly" "disgrace
my manhood urn 6r the slOter of theipetti.
coat" to injure -11'm; Nat theii: . ny honor
to be acquired ty ir,• 'Hifi; biting ice tOftej•
gained I' If thefe! was must 'lave, been. emifined to a nvirrow ei# trust
awe: My ,
name is locked i p in the ibitsitin of three
individurils, hey ad- themipt can
, •,ne . .l,•eegso,
Onlessthey stain thetnielvei with dishonor:
Ibesides, what.rig it have grey to rny naine;
they .volunteered themselv's befoit the pub-',
'lie—it •was none 'of myd u ong; they iiss,aig,l
lily religion as " sickly set htnent,"" morbid
syrmatliy,"-- 4114 , "Alilsek , philaitfltropy"—
,they denounced; me first...itacs„fanatic„then
any an intulel,,-atn - il, ihey inOted 'scretiny.' -If
;injustice has been done?! diem, I the _ same
;channel is open . to thent; and L t hey !lave
shown Mat they !know, lint .to
,wr i ne anony
mously—they live the„kaine - 4ght- as - 1,, i the advice of i.heperin- St.-Pat.'.
'rick : •- . h ji - i
id libels grieve your mind,
incily In!cy.l,l4ill;- .
are like 'otifer folk , •
ash ofragllis joke s''
6 Oldie t i ,p . ilny; I int a- Malt
of oil these else S. ' lI,WIIS 1
inisbed the introductory or- ,
1 woman ; Oa ftitaiished them
ion • a ndh. woman furnished
rolui C. dolt. I
A spi.ti,-
You soon a re
Sit down 0
-Beneath the
It is due to tli!
is not the nutho
a woman who fa
tick ; it was a I
the facts about
At is,rlitogted, in Washing.,
iilll9tin !AA: writt it.. a IPtt
.. 1,;
the subj Oct of 1 is bOog,a
next . ,Fertsigelee ; lie States
? r g u to4 ll 4o 9, .‘ T ki he cee
didettilpit iNii . .., o ee,. but ,re.-
- liii fri - elits to ti 'iitAiiiiiAli. :
i s
chary Tit i ylor as . , the , eandi-
'e -'. ( t t l'.:;' -, .
ton, that 111 r, pa
to bis•friends oaf
candidate for tin
that under,no A
sent to be ;iti
guests and ! iirge
jor Generalgal
date fbr the
.....—..f Z. ' I
• I) Istoiril A ... 6 4t,i8 4111.. c.., • reihutil
ness of 0)6 digeOve . orgatifi,itand 1ik . ,1
diiease, is caused? by;' inipitriey of -1116 I
gastric juice, a fllltl peculiar ;0. tbe. ,
secreted frouf-lia *blipildi lil 4ficterit f.l
eterful proper. thes.whiarishiefiovaincl l
tautcr tnat4estion. COnseqututly, th .1
of being speedilf dissolved, ellen beci
ly spoiled or pulrified •-in • thii stomec
breath, sour ,l"..coilivelkis,
stowscb, colic, yilittery,cliplora ...
drealal tempt - lAN •t! i --. il- ~
Wright's Ind" VegetabieiPilts. at •
far DYOP O Psia,- tecause:thejg, cleanse
and bowels of a t balleiu.9 Inlaiiii, a ,
b100d.,.,f0n; or l fivo4,Nitiik TOW. Ask !
go iai ng 4o,4, ‘ ill in all clife4 • give
continued for a hart,
,timeil„.will pp
perfect cure of -! yspepain,blit will , , 1
pant 0r, 1 4!1tp1if,',1,7. 4_ f ligletil*. f l
Beiiii4ier, ~ t.4IY of kfulatoilit
Vegetable fills ~ 'ft' 116 wt r ltien in
Wright*On . the - ,platmil of cOlch bil;i' 1
' . Agf,tetsfor i - sots of_Wfighes , . I
Pills la it i' ' . iAlillt okiPqrm 4 W 1
Etfinciea . 1 0:4T tt#Rf44;' 1-0.00.1
, . ..
"IVATNE froll'lcnitbs tutlll - Ooti for itaelii " ',/ ';
1/ 1r ,Atiril - -21. , • , ;; - ;- !: ;; • .tillis ,& Sheirrumz,k',-,
I ti* . tit•Aegt
VITA I N dite-jklipat markst. wk.. 4
•T V ai
and Uu6l
receir at ~ •. I ~ § a ti a b i44 s4 4. .
144"' 1
' ",,,, f? _
ellwhole,. rain ! Of.
r r
SUPERTOrtAies trit tecyor e c
. ClinOlbr
Apri,241.14,1847.w.:' /.. 1”I - ; ,s 1
• r • •
O'ApintOtti."lB47. . to
NWLoimistEin,othAfi t .
, .:MoVitteet#prit2olloB47.. Aaliatidler lite4w3
1? u, ~-f -1 Icl
,;, ~.1. . ,,,, ~ ,i • . - i i..::- ',, ~ , i, ;:.` - '.:*;.. , ii
•,..."`11;,, t‘tl.... i . .t. 1..
r . - rqp .•,.sp.)3,yruAß.. _,1 4 1 7 scadin•farb k liTa t.
- 1 - spit. q,'lltitic.'YPinlil.gcliti. l 4 4 .93 l 4 lo - -uld, ) ,ldWi
waie_r; - iiii - Sitol:# lire 411 - iir t_prili . at 10 9 , • • ,,•• ~
ii: Sliohe fulltitinne ' rtyi l to'lii.l: ., :' ' .-: '. ::-.
9#6 ',iiitit ' 6 ," 311 4te.1ic4: 11 0000''
0 0 :.B.:04:4 11 ii*tre-..?., -, ... , ;
~ 1)1e-'.gitap,.4' .Faro 2.
_Horses, i
.-Eight !‘ -.-- •.- ' ' t: , :. •,"
'tiirhefit itiry • tit' . (i14,..'
~Thirty., Sheep, ~ 4 -.• , i.v
.Orre-Noke , of 'Oaki.ri: ..
TEritts:iir ski;t4L. il i k ' - -;ii.2liiiir'e - .4 - ,lli;ritii ''
- - 2....4,
PAT. 11;`: • ;
. .
rv - E
NViesclq , 'the i27th day, or 40_ twit it.
Iroise 'tot arleamil tower ,, O
thip,:at 10 t4clock,! lig:, vrilbbe
I indees 'otlicror,hie i the folbosviag-,propars.
ley. 1 - 3 dud otse.i.' yearaed&c.olts ,, , , t , 4:,
-horse wagon; intl. I one liaise •
two blind luinliereted; said
1 ;Arm's* ana chainis,itironiand - fl blase 'kettle:loAl
pots 7 r. be4steasha and,2 : ,bediranti ,, bask.
chests-ding -1 stnud=^ :•4"'ibairs, a nntober
eels and articlesWO' airmen:ale o Ineatibrk.
l'EteitS'lSE" an&. titideil;,
cash. Over five dollars Fix stoootibi atom with*".
tercet endiapproveitsecatity+
SAP , 'l.l 'Tir A' E.l ;•ft, 17. , , i •
, .),:i - ;•,...,,.. iy i , ;•:' i: ,L: ,::-.l•fd"..•i .:.:•. -,..,- ; ..1p,-,;',-,.. , •.: ;!"..:;,,,..
IriFtPP!**o. 4, i-1 4 44'lhif011owinkeettifiestik,
- ~•
~*-m7-s.;; , .;i l taitdcil .lll, usttlie :teatiMonittll,4 . 1
stiver,4l-highilk4tafie' ettiile Indies ;* who kiwi!, i
441 A ztlllti .Du ii horizontal -,Sititiwitigl,, 1
Wheel,..444: 7 Wltti,,ctinctli v insayin :s11.1)0141.0 . i
tiiftyi.t.h4t *Akeyl•can Attiti : ! with it,, , : .tteVeif ;t:ii, j
eigAit,rutt•,.,l4r; ithopt, ft), pr Ality!.&,,worh).per..;
d*CPi :'''-i 4 .c:if#, 174 t! 41 :47 Olie'9 l 4 -;
they, Can - fleti,
furqk 4n ' :in:dist:try, Aty i kC wor*--With .i contp,, .
trttin..„witige4:-._,4ll4,;it . ttertiwce is..:lrmistaWe ,1 , ',.. 1 ,
;non..„ wheel.
.14 farmer 'OP iittO/940!Preit - his wool; with:; i
this iriacitine to liaie litillis employ). itiltheq
;s4t . Fite,t/st,fir ,htlittr,.94. ,011# 'thaw-four ls.', 1 •
I'4 , i! i i,. th e !diprorntip, stiMO,ituttl , spila wheels. .id. 4:.
I,??,CRE)(cf' .. 4f . iv 0 40 4 ,...1 .1 - : :--• -- 1:-Vti -
- - ' -.: - -". " 1
ref! ..; 5. , :--:-_ , ...i. i f, z=-1,-;r . ~ - .•;:- •; - r. ,4 1.1
.' •- The' tincletisigned, citizens ,of Monti. l i t
liave witne s sed '. wit it Anhcli . satisfaction tle 1
tipeskitma-'of,,a- novel machine -denoiitinatectl :
tl s- P4 n lOlic-0 _
9ki49lldi.sPiio laglsimeirll
. .lowly-!i- !O_vPtLd•PY,li+4: I' ,Wheelelef! I Si:inFY . lg, ik,114, cimnty..
,It ,iiippiett!ais 1• A”iliP,; 4, !illu_Olt:-.tiiii.royemb:iit; iii:llAir off, {.
'•t10 ease p3it,h,,whit4l,lt4;ia,jiikti"4llClllll4B4
' PA4.4Y ; M * .th.,,Alliii4i. it: 1 0.PR,ilios , ' ~,iWii•ticitalsk, 1
-um , that
,citi r iltarinsrl gsograll7 4 ,4sith- Ilk I;
l l ' ‘ikt l - .. ""4 1 ...i1a1d,..1ii-Pitl i :' !r-til approve il:tock :- ....41;1
! -..N+WR94F,IiP . ea gqs...PAk; ~! --',.! . ~.... .11
1• ,, '-, ..scz ;;; ';, '; ' ,..C P l..l.!lT,lciin .Luskt • '.l: ''-'ll'.
' ..,- • ......t1 :,'; -.. lion. _ Wm', Jessup;- -,, , ,-." . .-,..1.;: , 4!f,
• ' ,•'; 1 '--, 1 ' ., !',5* . ,,Pi4 1 .k R43VitrilertA , '. 1; -
' —__. Josetili Williams;
'.'-i'v:.; , 11 1 114.1-JOhiiioii,t- . 11 -:-.
. -;.s - ; , .1-- - i - -;; ; ;. - .4..7.. - ._.Htiii. M. CI Tyler _ -- ,
~1 .: -. . , ii , -; , ..i 't, , _ s• - ,Ok. Mulroid; ' - i . - P . 'i . .. 7 “I fzii . 4
-. ,•1t.... , , L., ii ,r: • fe ilettiOtt.Webhi“Pilifi,'.' l l l '
! ..kd0....) 1-E:•••, 1 .- - .;41.. II." S . itiishuiy'r , 4 ' ). : 4 ' TS. " f`rii
kXI. I . ti'4: . ~'.,, ;', ': '; Walter PolletiTteisitirit* 0
--;13) , !-i
6-•.' i - .: , E '': , tr, ''.:. , E .- ;ilkatriaiii•Jri; . 3li'lli'_ 4 4 . l' ,.
, -.ili..i:i'-/...iDdrie.l Seurkb,:"?:::)Cl-'':';e:fT.l..
1:11 ,16 ,: ii:iai
eS'illVnalliArtirdVl 4- . 4 /1.',1-`, 1 .--
'‘ - 16 4;: . ...',: . :•'; t .ail, •,,t f.t,iy t ,Lnite:4 O i tiri t ' ir !, ;. ',W,Liktii . ',.t -'
'!' 7 4VlO'i- jtiii - tititi'
' '''''' - `'`'l-i..4 1. A ; 4 1 .
....: - .14:: P .: 14, , iii,_1 . ,4 P ost , "
, -,., 0..,.24 - li* .
- 1•::,-,,••• ••,..,(Gt4,41% , •, - .B e imoyie , ki ri•_• : ::: . 4 c 4.. , 4,- ! 1:
.i., ...,,,it:..i;i-A.f-- , .ii Avat-i , ,,c,•.}*4., , •,i - , ,, -,..t.4 - ••:-41
.• • • At*. John Litipel?,.."''''').
•I,lrirkAiglihriviiiiit itoill'a lthe*isf filig4
4tititilil: tettiis t(itiisO,*l6'.:*fitiiii iiikb :the: -
*tiiit*;:Fit plikkateilatiit*iiiiii! : 'iliiit
. ;in*ii,i4altiii,lloiteil StM*liiiiefstObili I'
ThOse : iiiii4ing to eliaiiiiiiiii'tiaiiiiiiiiii! '`.- 1"
01SO.Oktilii*itl:•litrf)fit . fbitt riiiii , j)teasir - ilit :aril
tlitliati)miiiiibetkiii - iititinkriliii, Stitsitailiktiiii -
41.ous#iPit. - .E-4 - ,.-..-010 . 1-,- , ;:,,,:::!. j:-,a: - .:,k , ..,-,0. 4 ,..§ ii
, -, ..;1:,
i4-i ,, -.ailiglOalwittEtititiPititii* 4 El,
';ii:iii:,i'i6 0 - iciSmiTilitiki - ,iitiMit':-Y47k'1: , i..4: , .
every other .
t ieaelf, Avheti
-tteopo woe-
food, itietearT
l utes ali ohite
i' heuie bad
pities to the .
• .;
iirifitiin eat*
-the • steimach
pur4 the
relief; snail
pub. Anakei .
1 .
tune NINA, -
EbriPther a'•
L ;61.84
• ' , II. '
. 7P7 yE
CA4) ,
• ~1 4 4. 4 .,... „.„.."- 1 ,,.. , - I, r , , ~,,,,,...- 1 7, , =
11, Al" ' v ', uliikilrawo -
it&' - CENTS. ial Ili , alb
44_ oak - lis — 0
10 if
o Als4, u sa - d tit dii - ' ' '
: 4 401t 400 1 ).Nilskias.,
ipri ci k .. y-ti , betp441,..,,,,, 1 , ::1; -L,.„ l „ f il i iiiii tiets 77, l . i..
', ` - t - - '-:1 •-=`.... 1. ' ,. z`• il.442.onralk
'PlO' itekßo l !-.,..1 'fl fid ; l 6. -014. IlZifo l - 1 7::( -.
7 :46341 Altbilt).
4 i iizabiusbu* Po4i
~.. ~.fir,
, '9ll
l ow
t i
't , e-t Wl.4}:at.,-1:1:0411.1:,:k ~ ,,, . ._•-t' t i - .!SI ?:,iii3O.s:".