The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, April 22, 1847, Image 2

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:., ~~-,>~.,s Wit,
411000 , „ , A :I!"!kift4oMl 44e.* fi e
i .
4 t.ilitfi cittAittuee - r, , inicAiii4l '
, Cami; Wasairipon, beliWeVelit Cruz', 14 ' 1
9 /1 .4.
f %iit • Yeite 1 I seiii of ouiVllo web
. , ri ay, n , ,
mamas belt tr in batteries, and-the :laws
feedplanting 11e'retriailideref ourhearyrdiA.
11 1.1 1 0014 ttliirt"&rsefet4 I attiO!!"-et..1).4 1 OVA
o chick P. '.4lii 'lgununatisipAiii:Garet4a t i
o CXVßA. , ..Srikllatt.. w i l ltilt44olso.l-.....ri1i11k,
kid by,.the trei,trer a :Me . nitg; received - tac
Obiifn'orfi• ;hillier.' t'cipieli iSt iliiiiiii iR
ofilhviiiiikii7iph re a,' kin•1 1 1Y) %ire
biireirlili eiiihi4d.'.' °:' ' = l4 '; ' ''' •' ' ' `i
''ltNillittOe're6l ' Ihiii"itie goirnar'''
oqtti; N'fikYO' Oth;l . theiiiiiiiiiiinderaftibtl; `l
papets,''Cli" - r ','rigs tist'lltii- 'plain teraili'cif'
i l .
thb ittiiiitiegi itt''S t/paied' Me ta" liaiii - de. 1 ,
niiiidid - thilliiii:eit OF cif *the castle'"and'ihe
cifyL4 Vkliettlit'faik Stip the iton-iiiiiiral ,of 1
oiir' lieti43 )fietiii--4Fincipiitr '2 riaiiiiiiii 1
tilikiiilikr.e4alliti4ii tii threitter6he firidei.'"'
"i -1 0iilhe iiiitiril'iif the iNe' wiiii ,riinit'&'
• pll, rid onsie Orderied the seven 'itianitis;lll .
bait*,'iciliiieb alma tbe'citi: 'la iii - shiiii '
tin vbsiels of,' comModore l -PertPa'
424w0 stelirnerii 'Mid fivii)iehociiierii
-aiiiiiordiakkto prerions ;arratit4tiejii 'With'
blik'aparoaclied OM CO ' 2 Within '^tt,liatil `iii
tiiile•iitid an %iglith,l 'Wheackheidi fitirtiiilly
covered from the tle—ap essetiMil,cOndi
don 1 •to iligi - sareq:::•4ll . 4/ iiiilC - lopenecr a
brisk fire illrity• die' eitft. This ' his, been
ciiiitinued'apiiiieliiite - dly; by the ntortailil'
and iiiiily"with Vl* ' intaUllssiatis, b' the
ve4sels, IWiiiniiyelol' dal! 'morning, .
Whin`ihti Coti,tiosAit, very properly,' called,
thein'irifffrort 4osiilini fciodarinoliassomc:ll l
121ail'ili0 . 4;-rentitintng 'ma 'now
mortars ' are no",
(1,12 O'iltieltin) in 'battery, and the whole
teilli'Vetiati. 'PO-Morro* early, if the
clifilituld,4*ritinildntistinate.batteries`Noi. '
ettiut 5 wilj be l ready' la add theirlfity. No. l
I t
4':;cciiiiiistin of foni',24 l iinunderii and two .
8• ilia' Phi an guns„ and No. 5 (naval bat
teli) ofilde - 32-poanders and:three 8 inch
Pli',h l nns-411e- gud,...oriceni, and sailors
. landed friani., the sgoadrou=our friends- of
theftiiivy being unremitting in iheir- zealous
epiopetqtidny, in eierYinode and Tom.
- VOfar,ivt(lirioa , that, our fire - upon the
city'' Was tree '' ldg,hlY effective, particularly '
sfioin'tlie ta cries of to inch mortars, plant- 1
ed l nt *bane ya i `from the City. In-1
chiding the lirepara 'Oils ind l &fence,of the i
batteries . , - fr4in the lieginninuo—now many A ,
davi 2 -and ifotWit tiding the hehipire of
tlianemY;:tpini cot and casili, we -haven*
fou'r or five ' 'en wiSincled; and one ttfficer
acid due tiniV killed; in or /rear the irenplies.
Tllai-offiiir *is Cnkt.-.lohn It. VintO, of
the V tided **tee 'tl (rd artillery, one "'of the
mail tidented, aie . iiinplished; mid erectile! fit thti`nrtily. and *lid was highly
distiiipPieli iti r thertrillinnt iiperittioni at .
1 ,
idiintereyi '',l fel ,' last' evening, in the
tienelies,.where he '
as , on duty as .fieldend
commlinding eitificer universally regretted.
I Nile liiiiidiended biglionin retailing to
a'aiddieAi gtilie--..1 'f'a'it, iew attic enemy
and *air' roach of their guns. '
Thirteen 4f the long-needed Mortars—
leitY4n.k iiichly=ieven, besides heavy guns,
behiiiit,--have arriv e ,
z o l : and two of them land=
ed, 1 kluinvktiort -4set in (at meridian)
thatittapPed ` ; Miat opelatinn, and also the
landing of spells. lieu& the_ fire of the
macaw baste ''es has !been slackened, since
twojo'ellick4o•day, and cannot be reinvig
atuted until It C agaiii have- a smooth sea.—
• IR Abe meanTne I Ault leave. Shia report'
oF • ien for jourpalizinggvents that tnayoccur
up,to the departure of the steam t ship-of
wai,the Priireton, irith Coin. Ciumer,who,
I leaf% expetts ta. [(love the anchorage off
Sagrificios. 4r, the: Ignited States, the- 25th
inalant. ~i ', `,,- = •' • - •
:March 24+-TheA l rorto haying ,subsided
in, he : night, - we co menet& this forenoon,
as *ion es this sea came a little smooth, to I
1 40 1- A940141/ , ..,an I'INNIArs• 'lv '
:The•Uhvalibattery,-N0..i5, was, opened'
Wilk, great JOirity;i under, Captain- Aida*,
thcoseetmd lit rank .ir th e *quad rtm, at about
10A- - .11.. .IPs fire continued to two o'clock,
P.,31.,.0 httlelleforeint was relieved by Capt.
Mayo,-,ltho lknded loth ; a: freth-uppply of
vinvlllullitinui-Copt. A: , having =boasted J
the, supply It brought With. him. I He last i
four int‘lors,ikdied.- and had one: offiee.r, 1
1 l'
Litlit; BalflPra *lie t.y -urt. - ,
Thentortitrint 5, N05..1. 2, -and 3,J
have fired bi4laugu y•during time day fur •
want of Ith#lk will I are now going out
front she Willi-. .. L -, 1 - 1
!Pie AWAY tPartliol Col. Bulkhead, -chief,
ofitrtilleryi litith of !bit-flare, copies of which ,
I encloser gige : the iocidenui of .those three
batteries.. ,i, , •" • , .
~Ilettery, Mi., 4, wh ell will mount four 24.
- pousidem and .two 8 inch. Paixhau's , guns, •
has been inuali delaYectio.the hands a the
indefatigableiingineers by the norther whicli
fiirlleilAutthe, , °tit with sand nearly ar last
actlighalfrbl lied, laborers could open it.
kbevel!,lnoW o -
I.hoilpi, full activity early: to.,.
alitYclt. 2 5÷Th e ,Ptinceton -being about
to Atiftf4 for(l'lltiladelphhtil hare but:a ma.
me* tp pongiitue this aeport. • -
All a tAiefiolpriekllfos. f1,25,3k A, end 5,
are in awful activity:fail/miming. I,Theef
feet is, nu dab* very great, and I think the
I nt
cityestintivhiill'iiiir oii .f t.
er thiin l -tii-da ; :-
To4itirsoli *thing' Pl,tof lit tlieliekiirinOr
tars will-bi ik .is vas tiotila'add tWir ll -fire,
wketivir riftfr''. the deltif'nfoitne'fiiefre.
hours, if no ptopositiOn to sirrend'alitnild l
bey - --4.-igistr 4
~.... , ,', •
Ir car.
trail/ ie' de.'
410 W 0411 k,
r ae
fifiny *amnions t;i n
~. .or; o'- - 1 4n
that 1 bid fully • e ''''"', t • i - -
,hardships and di s'of e 1)1 ' inel u .
liar,t4aa of wal4klTd t,hildali,iiifo ~
!on 6- g i l O ad bob o hiw : I R , iiipcpori.--
The intercourseltWeenH-neititcariliiK
'of warlind the city,***Stopped-at the latest,
7 tie
mentioned date by Com adore Perry, , yid',
'my concurrence, whic I plactid'on'lie
ground that-the inteteou -conk} not fail to
give lo the enemy moral aid and comfini.
ii will Me}, Seen (ram the memorial, that
otii'lltiOeties have already had a terrible' ef
taa ft es ilviliClPPOlPAlla4afeiroce..lhat a
aurtender must snon.Le-prnposed. In haste,
I have •the" , ltnitet to' rematti;' sik•with res
pect, yus4 mos.,ohediiiii(servant, , ~ -, '
• • 1 :.AVINFIELD S C O T T.
1100-*m. L. atitc.l4 Sec'y.. of Wan
Siz t.—The tlagiir the 'United States of
AmeriCa Opots.,tritoophantly over the
of the city , an d the Costle.of San Juan de
Vitus. „ 1 •
- Our troops have garrisoned both since 10
n'elock.i, It is now noon. .. Brigadier Gen.
WPM) is in command df the two. places.
,Articles of capituintion were signed and
exchanged' at 'a late hour night before fait. I
lenclose a copy Of the document.'
I her* herehtfore i reported the' principal
ineidems of the siege up:ta the '2,5t, hinst.—
Nothing` of tiriking interest oc curred till
early tn,the Morning of the next day, when
I received - Overtures.froew Gen. lotnilers; on
whom Gen. Morales had devolved the prin
cipal coinntand.l _A terrible storm of Wind
and sand made it :difficult to communicate
with the tityintid itnpossible M . refer to
Commodore Pert . *. , . I-was• obliged tti enter
tain the propcsattitn alone,or to continue the
fire upon a place,that had shOwn
,a disposi
tion to surrender, for the,losa of a . day, or
perhaps Several,,could not be permitted.—
The accompanying papers , will , show the
proceedings and results..
Yesterday, after the norther had abated,
and the. comMiZsioners appointed by me
early the morning beforedted again met
those appoititea'by General Landero, Com
odore Perry, sent --rishbre
m his second in
command, etipt.. ulick, asa commissioner
on the 'parr orthe navy. Although nnt in
cluded- specific arrangement with the
Mexican commander, 1 Aid not hesitate,
with propercourtesyoo desire that Capt.
Auliek :night be duly introduced and allow
ed to participate in the discussions and acts
of the commissioners who had teen recipet:
calls accredited. Hence the preamble to
Mtis Signature. The original American coin
nissioners ,Iwere. Brevet Brigadier General
Worth, Brigadier General Pillow, and Col.
Totten. i Four more able or judicious offi
cers could not have been desired.
l i e I have time to add but little , more. The
:staining details tot ihe siege 'the able 'co
operation of the polled Utates squadron,
:successively under the command of Com
modore, Canner and. Perry ;tate admirable -
conduct ofthe: whole army—.regulars and
voluntetins—lehouldhetappy to dwell upon
as they 4-erve ;1 bombe steamer Princeton,
with Ctocalore Conner on. board, is under
Way, moil. have commenced organizing an
advance' into the interior. • This may be de
layed kifew days, waiting therarrival of ad
ditiosud,,,mearss of tratumortation. In the
Meantime, a joint; operation; by land and
vraMr, will be Made upon • Alvarado.. No
lateral, expedition, howeveri shall interfere
with the
,grand movement towards the -capi
tal-- .; •,. .
• l iln•Consideratios orthe. great services of
Col.. Totten, in , this nage which has just Txr
minatd I most .suressfully, and the impor
tance Ofhis prese est at Washington, as the
head Of tho.engioeer bureau, I entrust this
despatch to .his. personal ;Care, and beg to
commend him -to the very. °favorable eonsid
erati9n 4 the depiutment
I hate thelnutur to remain, air, with high
,respect, your mbst obedient. servant,'
Larloacr,,Seciy. of War.
I.!ropossi!onfor !he Appouttaicat of Commis
I have the, honor of transmitting to your
the exposition which has this MO
dgeni b'eeti made to well the -Senores con
iiutirof npace, Spain, and Prue,
ia, to they_ solicit that Jiustilities may ,
heinispeOded - the innocent families ju
this place, who are suffering the ravages of
,he cabled to leave-the city # which; en
licifindeihims my-support; and considering
it .ia,aCcuripitice With , the rights of -afflicted •
httaialik9; here out hesitated to invite your
eiteellency tO enter into an honorable
conliendetion with the ,garrison ; in which
c4i4 ytitt, Will' please .name , three commis
giotrr# W4 6 .. 1 =741100. aum_e. imterty ed kit te
Om; to, treat witlitlicr 9 r. this pyce upon,
the ern), of 'the necomnindarion,.
With thislautive, I renew to your excel
-1614' my. Olen,t!Tf,,Pf!side,
'OA kuir:cl;
„your ficeNßcy,,'&c.
On account of iio„isickness of the com
matiding'ireneiiii. .
Major te6pil se4r. • „
Copy fur the . Hoe. Secretary War.
E. -SCAJAMQN, A. A. D. G..
!rediiiiiitli ofCestiiiiisionis ing OA part ef:
1 ." y thithelyit Siaiis. .„ i .
In consideration of ! 'illie, iiropoSttion,t,l t e
andersignedchni'reeeivo 'Tripp ' eniii: Gen
eral 'Landiro; thi iletaiir Co4Ritaudet tir the
city of
_Vera Cruz; and `ta.lipendincuts;tinit
thiiitiinsiiiioners ' : aptinifteo, oil ,I,IIS.
P of each bellizere" io treaf $r Ole , fig
render litt!iiild iiii, iiitli its 4iiendetteiel,l o
' , theliliktifig army lifori _the :, 1 4ini , ,--41i e .
udder"gitid, lifnjor penerarSentireeneral-,-
1041 if of the'
arnnet OfsCntte
a , n usiiltetd'OeilOieleiappki; Omeritir,W4.cWiith'"*fid s
- G; ).
i Pfiyoi;iittS nithier W . - 1 1 ,4tii!,;. 6fifq' a,
tenonier4-4in 'oriirioy iitihe* A d stlitii - `,
-cototaiiiiimiliihkeit'itiOirt ortlie' iiiide'rsi;iti-1
- id to tweet no n4iP,*7l:#*).P-uni!fl°o;]
irfirlin :init) , lii duly '''aippoonedf 'O4 the s i r /
`oethettiikciticeiti pioi a,;,tip . l.iiat rot,
di e 4uvenim. of* ci_ty of ii4'ol4, 04'
its ,".'' - tio - the ' i 4 ir: 1110 ;!§04
~4 11 ,..' ,
06 0e l iteaRiti" 0 " 1 61dif 1 40"hita
ttiiiitialiitithiPitrily a thi 'ail .0100,4
i i," ..,-,,:, - ois - Gt h soiii
.45 tifikw ul - -, the:
ye:o44o: l liithruitt ~1 , ,, , ~,t o!e7. 1 ' : i' , ..,,,, i
' ' , i t plictirt ..;,.
. 4 .- t „,, t t,
..,:_„ .1, ~ r, ,
Oft. pirm i fre• mit. isoifilw, of '•- i:to
1.1 4 4 0: 11 fri, 111 41.0480011M{ ;.,
. Iheirritililloiyei6 H:
Thitiyjitf i) * te...)_
r (4 ,rtrr
ii ~ : ~~
hv •
Ail it
4° =fit
"triAtKitrAtiiiitt o 1 MR /
Vie!ill:Cats, Marctf29.
°aphid ' the Apo , ,
_.:,; .; of i amtninodOon:
i !iraic I iwn 7 - , up: ,in4.onYfiegPatai!!'f.l
MAla itatlaii a• • ' ~„,- kb the rep p 1
Imre jrn :New . JANA!. i honor Me- a
ft* you dila I *ilia .
;,, on my 'titl,(
theSentwes . Colone e D. Itnie Gutierrez Vil- -
lanuera;: D. .Padro' Miguel Meperti, and
Lieut., Cpl.. of grgiuttiri A iNatatel Roblol,
Ti) widiiil 4 heft :zentigid' 'itie;.fr elan 0144
power.- to celebrate raid am modation,
having the honor to enclose you :a copy .of
the exptemaci , pwer. r i ", ,;• ~ ; ,
I .re to to y our iiiiielleiley `the'useran
; Goctikod,Liberty., ~-': ~.! , :-! ' ?.. +
.Vera-Crux, North 26the 1847. i. - t
PlMPWaslt4ugtonMore v -
I March 214 1847.
.10utiines of instructions , to -, the cons is
slaters appointed °mil* part of the United
States, and commissioned by the undersign
ed totreat with such perimas May- bei
Ipauthorized on the.part•of the city of Vera
Cruz and its -dependencies, on the subject
ottite-aurrender of the)same:,.
The irk& garrison or garrisons to lie
surrendered to•the arms of the ViritedStates
as priSonera of war: 1 1 •
t. 2.. The garrisons totepenoitted to march
out with the honors of war, midi, to'ground
arwa•to.such farce as may be appointed by
the undersigned, and at a point robe agreed
upon by - the commissioners. ' •'t '
:3. The surrendered places to be immedi
ately .girrisoned-by American. troops, - i -•
,4. -Mexican o ffi cers to- present their sid e .
arms and private effects, - Melo lug' holies
and ,horse furniture, .1111 d toi wed,*(rig
ular and irregular officers,)-at, The. end itd
- days, toretire totkeir respeetive hatnesi
on the usualfatole . , with the niception "of
such- officers as:the:two , parties i may deem .
necessary to accompanythe .rank and file
to the I.Juited States.
4.. The rank add file of regulnL regimen ts,
corps or companies, to 'remain, ilut prisoners
of.vr i ar, subject, to. be sent -to .iithe 'United
States, (with such Mexican offers as may
beneeded• with the men;) and , tti be clothed
and subsisted by the United Semes,*.nt the
ultimate coat of - the belligerent - that maybe
agreed upon by a definitive treaty. of pence.
:6. The rank and.file of-the irregular par-
Lion Of the detaint.d • -,
days, and subsisted (if necessary) for the
time by the United States, when they may
be permitted to retire to theill± respective
homes, :their the Usua l. parole
that the stiid;rank and file- shall• not serve
again until. duly exchanged. 1! .
7. All the:material of war,.and all public
property-of-every description tfnund in the
city and its dependencies,- to. belong to the
United States ; but the -annatheast of the
same, nut injured or destroyed iti the further
prosecution of the-actual war, .may' tie cott
sidered as liable to-be restored 'ull Mexico by
' • .
a defittiti v e treaty of peace.
8..1f I lie Mexican- cornmissioners'decline i
from -the want of power or inithority, to treat
of-the surrender of the 'castle oafilan Juan
de Ulua, the American commislinnent • will
urge the former to ask for such powers ; and
grant any necessary'delay to that•end ; but
if such power be not asked for; cir he nut, on
application, . obtained, the. American -com
missioners imay, unhesitatingly; consent to
refer ; the subject • back to , the undiersigned fur
ftirther instructions 'to meet that , state 'of
Ntitrr--Ar ticle 8 wits . not,, of poem, ON.
en ici the Mexican conunistioneti. ,
Afirue copy from the original paper.
. P. SCAMBION, .A. A. D. Camp.,
. .
SiipOposiiiims from the Afezieetm Commis •
:loners .to dee General -in-OV.
Ist, The garrison will etractiatetheidace
within a time tobe agreed ..ulxitt between
the hOligerent potties, retiring td , the city. of
Orizahm•or Jalapa, by regular day marches,
according. to the custom - of mules on a
march. .
2d: The aforesaid • garrison. shell march
nut with all.the honors of war,icolors
played, drums beatingi. stores belonging to
the corpcor which it •it,compoied, the, al
lowance or field pieces . correaptuiding to its
' furce,linggage, and munitions or [ war. •
3d. - The Mexican flag will ?robin
played, on. die -bastion of Santiago uhtil the.
retiring Mexican garrison shalt be out of
sightof the city, and,, on hauling, it dovetr,
it shall be saluted with twenty«,ime guns;
fired 'from the same bastion, until•Whichtime
the forces:6(46k United States shall not en
ter the. place. • .! . •
The , inlinhitants of Vera ,Cruz shall . ' l
continue in the free possessicurofttlieie me
able and immovable property, - in the 'enjoy•
meat of which they- shall never bedisturbed,
as well as in. the• exercise of .their religions ,
faith.. •
-; •. •
sth; .The natimml , guards of ~Vera.Ortizii
fthey,find it convenient, to-retivelieneenbly
to their homes, notio-he 'molested 013 rut , '
cinintaCtheir conduct in •hea*ig irms in'
defenee, of the placs.,. ,r•
6th. The undersigned :desire tirknow; in
vise the .Senor Peneral, Scott,should' have
to continue hostilities tni 'acconntlof, not ad
[Hitting , iheeP. ProPositimm , if he permit
theltentrols to go out of tlte"„ pi/I'er; as well, •
Silt be wOmen an d, a- belonging to ,thei
; •
, ,
.; apar. GuTlaißtaDs VILLANurvA,
, ,111A11Ua, ROBLEf. r , •
,Transime,d- Oem thevriginelpaperkit the
1 1 00 - fiecrePuY griYar, •
. ,
Bea usSas-nits iir 'TIM Aiiii. '
• ' •Ciutip WitsbingtozyberfireVers..eritr, '
-.,. ' '
' The sndersigned, Altar. , Genetal• Be.e /
Gonend4tx-Chief of the Armies 44, the rid-.
ted Stites offdapericts,,has nedeiveil. .the re.
pcm,etthe-comptissiouerkippoistedby him'
'yentirdsy,,tn, 'fleet ihei CainusimMirers• sp , . 1
ptiiited by 'his IrcelleseylOeners, i:Lotsder
fs , ibe:CmnsmOder-iii-Chiertrif: Van*, pr om
Irtinditbe CistbirSanJuiss 407 1 / 1 04' ~ , ,
1,0 ioakinti mit., repertithe, undersigned.
flu ieiveiLinfiff,inallY•ll64 lit. elsiiraissiest.;
'ers, the projet 'of lin arrangement' '
to theta by. thallexican commis.* rie, e on .
sistist ot-AS-WildSts.- erWitbo44,o itshis
,th9se..4ortidise* =WOW. AG; ifiqhfiiltiled l
lit maply,"feCtogdieni4bYudiejtsiofietivs
aurabers:„.- , ; , ' .• = 1-4 7 1 el --,' -- -1, *ill-, h ,
: ' Am-1. Is _wbolt4, ,
ih ,
P.M.W., c,, , ‘ , P L F(9 I -'ll 19 1 .tet.ift!,ittin opjy
w i ,4414 : 44.1 4f ),,in P reg 1 iu #1P..19-e 4 ,0 , M lO .-
.4s 4 ru glers.., 4 o44l'ug i 4
, -. 4it :
Ili!, 4.,:fi1ikk0ff.A...„........_imprrif:,.....,;
as h - • FP . -
4" Denr"
r31.77,1`, 177 r 5417. 1 ' 7 7 1 • '
p ‘t
' - dey
eii a ,i);:fii '. , R a o ti T .. . 4 . - - 0 ,. .",iti.. he r,
Cl a ri s .' ~..- i', r 77 • : it! V
ofrigrif girl, .e.;', ' ,er , kj ,
_ir tic .. ,..
Pfcliv*uteni,7,:' - u se , .441 ' hirikbr, riot,
**nil? !too . .. 0 04ivilit . i
. s,Wites off
Ariieriett to die r es t - weir, u •
it et.'
1 .
changed. - . . _ , , 1 .-
. Attr. 2, The. garrisons may. he ,ollowed
ail' the hondril it tinrOusiintly grointba to 01= '
lent troops; but to surrender their } arms of
everyy_ son, save, be I side- arms of the offi
t;eri _ ~...'"--.
' An 3; As fur as piacticab ebY the cam.
inissioriers.afth two'srutiesobirriir hew
r;tiged tweatisf the, just pridator tlitilaUarit.
d fenelers,ef;tbe gilealoll4. , •:., '
! Aar. 4. Li readiliatgreedloy.rind:may'he.
solgrattlY Pronlimed• ill ~ t •., :, . H , .r, i
Aim 5.. This is ' die,
above remark under article I. ', ..,1 , .f +
Ater, 6., Net admiiisatile in any base. /
Taking the f. regoing remark' arid ibein,
structipns of the 'undersigned to hisJcommis.
sioners.,-whieli 'instructions were:, stibstan.-
tinily conuu uniciited, to 'the . Mexican team,
trdavietiers-ribi the basis of an hinturable ca.
pitulation, the undersigned, to spare the fur.
then ellnsion of . blood, is willing to refer back; ,
the whole stabled Co 3he same- COmmission-'4
era of .the, two iparties.--,provided . that the'
i t
said conamission rii meet 'merit .nt 102
o'clock, 4 4.,M, the
. same pitie s tts yester
day, and procee . without dyisy to a definite!
conclusion of thii whole subject. -,
The undersigned, will wait the answer of
his excellency, General ,Landero, i. Ilp to 9,
o'clock this day,tancl in /the. mean time, re
news, the assurarices,oPhis high respect and'
cousideration. i , /
,•. 1 i ,
Copy of Ito ealginal. paper. for .the Hun.
Secretary of War. !
, ,„ E.- P. sp4MAION, 4.. A. D. C.
Artides of Cnintnic - r — ii7; of theog of Vera
Crud and the Cgstle,pf San ; pan de illug.
irtlC:iTi DE HoRNOS,
• 1 • Without th 6 Wolfs of Vera Crui,' '
i . I parch 27, 1847. !
Tirms.of capitulation agreed-upon. by the
commissioners; viz;
Gfinerals .-W. J. Worth and G. .11 , • Pillow,
and IColunel, .1..-G. Totten, chief engitteer;-
on thp part of Iflzor General ScoNgenerati
in-,chief of theorniies of the United States;
andlCol. -,/ose !Gutierrez ide 'Villannein,
'Weill. Colonel .of the l Engintiersillfanttel
Robles, : and COlonel Pedro de Beriera,
commissioners' Uppointed . by General of
13rigde Poo .hise Jim 1
n, 4anderh, corn
matting in chief ! Vera Cruz, the Castle of
San uan de Muth and their depetaletecies
—for, the surrender to -the arms of- Ithe Uni
ted S tates, olthe 'said forts, with • theirftrai
,atawita,lumuitions of war, garrisims, ' , and
1: • •
arms. i
,1. The whole garltson, or garrisans - to be
surrendered to the arms of the Unittjd States,
as prisoners of ,drar, the 29th inio., at 10
o'cloolt e A.•M. ; 'the garrisons label permit
ted to marchoitt With alt the honors of war,
and of lardownibeir.arms to such officers
aikttpiy be rappoinled by the .gener4:iti-chief
of dielUnited. States armies, and rit a point
to be lAgreed uponthy -the commissioners.
2. tfilesican uffieers shall preseive their
arms!' and private effects, includitig -horse
and horse furniture,' and to be ullovi i ied rept- -
hit. aWd irregular officers, and alid- to rank
anti ole,-five days ; to retire to theiti respect
ive blitnes, on parole, asliereinaftei prescri
3. Coincident With the surrender, as stip
ulated' in article one, the Mexican •ifiager of
the ,various forts and stations shall bestruck,
saluted by their own batteries; and imme:
diately thereafter r lforts Santiago and Con ,
ception,-and the Castle of S.i.Junn de Ulua,
occupied by the fiirces of the United States.
4. 'Pm Tank -010 file of the regular por.:
tion of the prisoners to be disposed nf, after
surrender and parole, as their general-in
chief may desire, and the irregulars to be
permitted to return to their, homes- The 1
nifimrs, in respect to all arras , andildescriti
dons of fin.ce, giving the usual parole; that'
the said rank and tile, as well astheintelves,
shall not serve again until , duly , exeltattged:
5. All dire materiel of war, and nil public
property oi\every .description found' in the
city, the Castle of Sun Juan de Ilion- .ntad
their' dependencies, to belting to tint iUnited'
Stitteitt: but: t / he orrtmment of the satne e (ntit
injured'or destroyed in the further 'Oryiseco.
not of the sternutator) may he considered ns
Liable, to be,res7red to Mexico by ,it Idefini-,
tine treaty oCp nee. , ... Il'i - -
.6. The sick nnd wounded Metticans to
be allowed - to re en in the city ; • with such
medical o ffi cers df.the , nroty abr may be nee-,
- their care l and treatment. i
Z. Absolute protection , is ' solemnly igtmr-
J unwed to persons in the city, and -property,.
and itis clearly understood that noprivnte
building or property ts totbe taken; Or used
rby,the flumes of, the I.\.nited States, ;without
previous,nrrangeinent,with -the owners, and
for a fair equivalent. \
j ,8, Absoluto freedons.of , relikions Woraliip
I and, ceremonies is solemnly guarantied. , I :
I ,(Signed inditplidate.)l. \ , , ‘ , l : t : f ' --- •
.-.-, W. J.. Woavn,Briendier GetOiral, -,••
, . 911:1,' J.. PILLow, Sri*, Genernl,' , . : ,
. -.108,101' TOTTEN * COl.* Chief IntT.;
I:;;., , Ioso,GFIIERIIEZ DE V/illANtri VA, • 1
VEDA° MAnutit. , lleatte.4,.., 1 i
. ,
~. mAsivnt. ilonLes• r: I\ 1 ' '"). .'
,Cnptain A Oink; uppointed a commission
er 11.,c,onairtdure P,erry, on behnir of the
tinyy,(thc General-in-chief , not: belief idle,'
it coasequeuce.or tlicirinightiess of' he. sett, -
to communicate' With. the 2 haV y . lill al 'offer ,
ecintruissions had been- , exchange )—rd
being present by General Scott's iuritatitT,
and . concurrin ''' in ilid - result rind . niyintoiring \
tliereof.—herere'-arkes 'hie' name iiid'ilik
nature. J , 'JH - '''': ' : ' '" ' , 9 ; '''
• ` , J. '
, .
' I'
, - , J. H. AULiCK,ennt'U.SIT
• lendqbartens - of tlie'nrniy'of theltilte d States , of Ainerettr Cantif' Witlliitittin; be.'
Tore Vera Creet'itni,eh'27; 4 tB47."' - ' '
( Approved snrilnec l pli4."'''' ' " .- t
• 1 ,o: ::,., i* s. WISFIELP.:SCOTT..
• ,; ---, '' - 'l ,- : , I, iIkt.PERRY:' ''',
'' - '''"T"'"
I ' • Onmnuttider-in•Chiir" r. 'l4,Sefil: c ', l fot4:eii;
:GUN of litexion. t)il d'..- 1 :' , 4 1 - •(- 3 .! ,- "" -" , e, 4 ,
fr-ct , l3kAr giv g.C or ii, Matep + il , )? MIA .." 1 ':
' " - "',7,!7„
1. ApprObad'y iteCeitiliii' I "` . '''' "'" 'll-...—:
i ...,,,(: iIt!JOSEIIIA . 1)E LAl'4DPAo';‘'''
4.xtraiertippy Otibeltil l igipai'ithitteitik ii:
'Pitfall 'itititsm •'' , .`i :,(.-.;!.
' ' i 1:4" , i al. i-t- , ; , ri-:1 I .M4, q'
164;4 t ltv.)7l o EitPOICYMMO
; 1114 -LielitifrOlikAlieeAol:l;Viiihti l
._., iT , i t ~:,,..,......... , ~......i.,J, .
1.! ..,-,>:•:. ',Mk I. , ,Athirk omi vib e if t til,
:', ~,-4*-HoOkari,DlPArfiiiit'
Hing:o o 4* o- koits `Ai o : Oil '4A 1 ,..
..“.100iintittartsity itiefitnivie '
inteirs , oar iiitO ! f ', teliditittoirtotpaliti
'ir poseitaioniii mom** iiii) ,, tita3,
' f -e.-c'e, li ,- ,h.13 , 7.• ii',. r:= ', , ,b-le., ,oi ~
: oviiit a •- •l l opl4.4iii:fij i i l'i l,
, I# lin
,120 rn46 o - ‘., - *.wiitio ...,:ted itiims arch- o
Ale , *eh ' rtaitit!'„:l - -''' 'tents. 1:1e dia.
;cove ' . iiht , ;nisittO t 1 . 1 . nu ber, ,n
-eeneltitsitie irgieritid-' p ort by ; two
4fiec!srh'it erf'thAt t ittlretrifititGenera
301( slo
Putter, n's; head r quarters4„...; i cal.4ltamey.
stailzdttk.Ahis - return,'teeding to tiprepnre
prb", r r;/niiii:netick- t heta t the neat thorn
ing. -I But the-gallant= Oldt-solilieri knowing
that deihys are dangertius; chit! net ; beer
the idetit of ' lensing the enemy I.4ftel-tairip
come in sig h t of theta; witho u t. - !laving ti
bryl4. - - - illOYe . -4 1 e'4 1 -oumei t i to tl-
ylin'i*ct ic,iiimitigo t w i hg,,cpflic. iIoRNE,
Owiri,o3,vPgeßtisAi.4 Joe,e P.,.111 MM. APc9ro
fromlot4lc,osol - 14 0N,,4:T1ip., A zAppc, F9T
meulp,4 firing
,pt,liitii,, iidci ,vi A ‘ ,lll.i:s , ,ci
sh4eit'of biilli nll around hie ,: . .H;toipow.
inpir7..k:lic4.Al jli:eq., - e 'PVF l4 4:% ti l
inessenter - lo ' "r,e, a., s nil renferee r
meaf p 'aitil 84iiii! . ttriilleri , , t eil;r , ilk, ti e' brens`fr
works,l HeliVas reinfor ced 'f Pi
,Gtett. F i til l ,
tersnted 'Divaiiiiii," . pi Lktit t Jr if4:44h t tsii .
pieces of iirt illir - yi.abotit . go . i , , 4,., ,, c ,0r r ,',810;
mriunted; cud six ce_tiffeiniest of tlet Ist and
.2cl Ten i biess e Volunteers, undet . 7, the Coq:
in and et Co ' 'Haskell,' ifeektip+l,oliy
,O r ,&f,
Pattertstentin perstin,,alliough ..-Jui:,',did PO)
take.., :,cotiningnd,,fr 9 q k
.04J - 1, Oglt.-hilt
merely Partieippted,.as arty, of
,er t itii . isideal
who wit's‘enpgeo,., Col .; H.ctr ,eY,t4nPrglii
ed the Tennesseenns on. the !Hit:Ill/1. Pfa
goons oikthei left, and ndiait . d :slowly,, to
draw' tle fire of the MeXicans unN Lieut.
Judd ph hisartillery 'in such , pa, I Wont as
he desierd. . The movement . s
,eceeded ncl 7 ,
mirsiltlyi;,Litit. Judd,got his g . .ohpil i ‘Tilltip
150 yards.oftthe Mexienns,,an ;coireeneed
fi ri pgs-lliey
.. l attempted J 9, retu p', inf.. lipt, ;no
soon twin slight. s adetttin,.tho
parapet! Col. Burney ,ordere it,l!c !Jorge,
which Ins neswered by, e yell t ph die Dra T .
troops 4tid Tennesseenus„ al.. flaskell,
"Capt.,. Chentlitun, and Pap!. roste, i were
the firsil to menleap.
.over thti.hre twork,
and, asp naval officer remarked, w a. wit
nessed the whole affair, theldayeeiwfint,oyer
iio athel like ..; a l thousioul . ,„of briell,i" that.
there ; was no telling who;:went.fiest -- r,419t..
As might have been expeotedillie IN skims .
were liftable to otand u ; eharge Net ~.` the
bovs.Wfie,stood the fire Of, the Illock:sCortot,
Mroittetii," 'A. few ti(Aile.,itic94r9nces
were soon thrown , out of „the wm, niel..col.
Harney-1 With his ettragoiins; lea ped. the
Itreestwprk,.and gave chase. .He ,tad
proceeded inure, than
.a mile before . lte found
the enemy formed in line to receiv4hiin.—
He immediately dePloyed, a d fium the
head .orithe line, ordered :p cha ge. I. When
he nines:etched within about 20 y ards of the
enteny'S line, they give him ta. ref nutheir
igide-ariiii, but overshot • The clime the
test Of s)rength and skill-irthe.4 gobn, with
sword, iii hand, met them. ,confi ingllapcer,
with pointed lance, rendAto . re eivoi liini.-
The contest vas hut for u is slm .. time. In
many mstanees, lances r ere t istqd from,
their Clinched hold ; the Olexie..ns, I -ere un
sitddledi and ; driven belter-skelter . in .every
direction, and pursited by tote dragoons in.
detnelnaetits., Col. 'Harney, and
.seyeral of
his officers, met their men in sittgie . Orohnt,_
but no 4 of
_them- received oily' ittipry, ex
cept Lieut. Neill, Adjutapt of ; e regiment,
who W i n? wounded sevetiely in t wo phices,
from his magnanimity in ::item cap
tune a 'Alexicnniosteitd o f kith g him. In
full 'rep dievittertook the retreat; g exienn,
and' pltiing his sword in ,front klm cow
mantled him to .surrender, wltrettp,on the.
Mexic o drat t: his l ance los 'plagnapi•
mous SiOversary. As diet Lieutenne! wheel
ed his lior.e4o, deipats - h iiiip,,antliti'T Mexi-,
• carkeharg,ed hp and stre4 him . ;[hit lance. ;
EfowevAr„ severely woupd'O as he i jwas, in
two platees;4 conquered, one„ o f. .
les ; foes,-
and ct: , ,lirporille:aine up .in time to t " settle ,
accoptitli" welt the other.. .In ',Oult .affair,
Col. Harney : 1 0d four wappded.and lime kil-.'
led. ' Lieut. Jildti had one killed; tied the
Tennesieenns„ had Messrs . ; ,Fp, ,1 , Long,.
W oolly and one .in her, ofclip,t,. :igewan' s .
etunpay,Whase name I.COuld net,a4ernin,
wolind 4L Mr. Young, a, TexlM Itanger,
who Wail acting as guide, was nlse.,lWettided.,l
slightliii- Niiieteep. Mexicans ; orerel" . fouP4
dead nt„the bridge . he:biter- the : bredStivork.
Col.lfatiTtey - killed fifty end a-Ouudeii.about
the • sit pls. pii nibe r. -. The. hie;tica it, I'M*, 2+300
--.:cid..Harney's abatit,;loo,,t' - pio.„#nsicell,,
Copts. ,V , fientiiam, FOocr,-,,,Sneadd. lAielo.;
Ju l ia, 04 all the Officers end 'open - 'iti•ilie
c°. 6ll rVutids 1 . 1 r.91 spoken of 1 9.0 1 c. very titigi.icst.
terms by C ol . ,,,Htirtiey,:foti theirgallnut,cop
cid thrfughopt the affair ''- 4
Letter; I front .
GOil. To4lof
1 , •; • 1 ;Clay:l
I I. The Lexington (Ky) Observer{
IlM: (01104413 g letter from filen. 41
diseased to. the Ilon. IL Cliv e It,
ble to this heart -orthe old- General
aS to dui tatters• he mentions,'W
the Batt $ . orenelm , Vista'..; -...•. ;
I . 11. .imal.casAtuur oiFOccti
Agua iVueva, Mexico, MarckJ,
My. 1 0
pai Sir :- 6 —You.Will•no -.I
receive 1 before .this ; cane reach
deeply." istressingintellige intelligence of
of your : it, in , the haute c lluen
It:is wit im , wish of intOding:
sanctuaty•of parental sorrOW,,tult
hope. Pqadroinistering .an : con
Yoer Wolutided .heart, that hove I
liberty'(l' addressitig you , hese
blit 1 ..re0. it ktlitty;Wltielt I Owe ,t
ori . o .f t h r e , diSihiguisihP4 - 4e a; 10, 1
ling 4rib tter to,l4o;manyt e. elle*
nod 164, my feeliop:ara till fr
press Chs tle'!" 1 10.° 11 Which i ticunt
i i
nod Mu!' '.91; other kiudredli 'irk"' ,
eimied.!, ,
,A,1,!.0 mt ti,'Famim.nclitaintdoee
1 i
,soil, .anti ,te`,.iecatto3 for A ,time : i n .
il,f fiv:ii 4irr CoMilYvatuUltialiJ 1
tlq P 9 liiiii ,eygr,, won :;. snore ; irppo l
mf \ rega d, or established l a mon
elfaito\ q? Lv•Vfleell. 3 , 141 4 - ;;Mid, I
I ":,eYPCT , "f105e411.6 n o .f ,tit 4:1 , 1
4 i,
honor 0 hoieiirice of iiitt c MO
ektery •It . rOc t e liult Illthe Mk_
oo_ 04 0 - fr„,,, .04:Perfot , ' , * , .4llee:
'fill'lNlrf,:i ' lkt;Wee 1 ,4. - ii4gii
, .
the i : 4 1 4 nee-,. fliiinolelCifikk- lb*
McKee,' 'Oki' -slid . th e Ai i-ori.
in , a4l4,i*, 11,....., 4 -4trievii :40:141d,
'o l . l 44:4op_r_ tate.iffliA - riI I CPRIIIIIF,T ,
; AtgraONIPePPAI.: - ii.t.4944311
i lifkie t eLlKPlogee 01 . 6 . I tis'OA,4l!‘
d 4 r4:l. 15. 1 *(1 tlnnY.* - 'niltMii,4 40 ,
th Alt e rCOMV**loo4,Wiiii,,A..
v', 1 4 1. ,f irq , vTlijr7fMol'..l : 0 . , k "el
f.srpookott ocs,o(prilin
4 4;
' • 'r - 101 l 4 niiitotacj,
.MOCeernto4 4 1 1Filkila. SAM: i :
e V f 1 i . :1 e .,,!• , , Je.4 4l , 4 on.ifilk , .10 41
Vl , i i i gl eM i llFP,Ffloil?R'iii:4o,!44l l lei
most eartrelt sytimpathiesikOw.
s o i
t kf
e t t
I' •
A t i
hisiltisi f rein '''''
t tdeat sic , , satin Nth- -
fully:Willi ' " yt ki -,' , ti: ~i' 141, t.''A k.r4,
1- Your'friegid i f. , ,,r4, ~,,-.;. Z. )r,4 1 . 0ii .
litMe'Pehit cliti , -Phir Oil . 0,; , Lc. , .-•
uFtfißgrAtrA i i*fitric,rmotc , F4ift.iVse.
--We , present ; Om l eaders of the Ledger
this mornihtofrotn di ‘ eyekitra' w
,ielt--*e IS;
stiet yeiii*ittiti!fi' eninethe Mil ipPie - etutitt
fom Giiii . : 4 Seet.t tifi4 Itot ot.V-li(iniz oid
an interestingr narrative the' . rations, of
,the army and Petry ivhickpioth cettthatiut.
Poilant ieit tic;ltiiitt. ll.6 ) . **e.ll - ' ',4otee ' q
tim-A 1 41,;_,. .*, ~:,:iiiic,:ibiC tii,licilllic:
achieiremetittriill cloie.the * - 4,11 d that ban
to Anna, who is #a4fiti'fiti iti th capital at
the head of affairs; ;and anxious, fie peace,
will have inilueticetitiekwith,th people
of Mexico to , induce - them, to otrrie to an
honorable *setilkiii'ilit'ortheiidifileultiesjwith
the United StitikAii the ',iitetittiiiie Gen.
Scott is preparnikoctively to . fut loi it Ins
success, and
_atiniiiiiieks his intention of
marching immediate:lY Upon the; iiipititl.—
He has itirentlY:,de4tutclied an eittiedition
by sea andland tigainst Alieredd, on the
coast below! Yeti( Crtiz. — -11 t on the -
Midi ult. The hitol_forces ore, coMpsed of
Gen. Quitronit's,l:hrigtolk, iti,Whicii are the
two regimentS" Ift l omyennsylva iti, so that
if there ikatiyA,diting . to do
. 011 . men will
have an oppor:mitty,,of adding ibe, Aa ma
they haveairettiljt acquired. l" teir conduct
in the shirinislieswith the ene ' liairbeen
highly spoken _ oktied bUt line - f 'them we
ske by t h e twit:Oita of the killed and wound
ed, has tam; „dor townsman, elo. Patter
son, has also.aelnired a high potation fur
himself, as we..o.ow!lie would s soon as an
opportunity. siOe r,eti. ! He is a gallant soldier
and rin nide officer. .. .
'Elie National Ilridge, towards'
Twiggs .move;.. is a , siren
plaice on the road JO Jalapa, _th
the State ofVern!Cruz. It is
nits work of solidfmnstinty, th
wild and deep:raririe; , t . Jiartpa i
station,, 4000 feetlabOvei - thes sin
93 miles from -Vern 'Cruz. It
producing the mediint•nrtiele,:'
ty-five , mike further in' towards
of -hi exico, and on the toad toi l
the strong castleiif-Peyote, one
fortresses of Mexico ; La Pueh
fortified place; 212 'Miles from
Mexico, tbe *441; is 293 mile
Cruz.—LmigeKl' - -
. Gas. Setrrr.—The Chariest'
has the following4lletived from
the Navy F •-...-. •'..- . i i,....... : . .
" We understafld that Gen 8t
opening , liisTitimfeptin-ther Mt
hours to give the , ,,wpmen ,tintl ,
opportunity (If ivillidittiting,--ass
of pnitection for themselves, an
property they. mighti-vhonse tp
them Not, an - „indiVINIII PluOrlr
fer, nod the subseqUentilestnictit
and children during the bombe
a aourceolthe intur pnitiftii - : lei
Gen. end. the ,nrmy.... - I.Tbough•lt
return .has been . nitider,,it..iiis , It
the .slai win the City ~:du ring the
exceededeight•htiotired.r , "... 'i.
The, citrinid;caltlei surreal7luncondi
tionully.. ' There hasibeen.cepti: ci between..
600 nod 700 ..cannon, •of , varis calibres,
aboutlo,oo4 Mend ,of tinnsinn a consider
able amounCof military. stores . ' There was
a great abundance of powisions and;water •
in the city but *mire* imy,in,tl e castle.
General Ocott•has shown gre t Twoinpti-- ,
i t
tude in fullowinty lip: hir-victoryi, - 4 sat& •
cient forcelo Ake- Alvnrado was. irnmedi,i
ately,despatched Under Gen.-Quitman.,Thw
amin, ortnyyfltiwatieupposed i would takenp- ,
•the• line tiCtintieli forthe city of Itlexiclieby
'way .of the:ensile:ef:Peiote . . , Itefoiee, is.fuil
13,000 etrective.Men. A battle Was expect. •
ed. at 1 1 -tiente - del ! ,Rey4 a strong . Pisa, :unless
it could bcturne4of which therwarev gond
hopes. . -;:-. , - ,t -t ~ :;.t.', % .i1.1:i10.:4 . 6.-
I ,
1, ... 0 4 T AX l 9lo7 ,l %D v Akicg :9 14 155.. 4 ; 4 11 Jiuss '
COTOBI.--Gelll. 41094, , by, jute Imamate
, freekUntluti,i?rne;iwne,prepwingitur an , ad -
Fallen- nu -o . anJink. T'ltlnii .whi9.ll:,he Wnuld ,
eo:runenee cm thet, IA:li iont: „lie .will be..
ahlti, 4is eititl .to . telte withAtim eight Mcin
8 ' 1 ,9 1 0 Pli 1 141+11 Geu- TaY l ? l ' I succeCds.
in, Inkk, ...a44::.Litis,..hig , cOunill4 may km
n 1 91 .9 K qiii - PuPPlied'frnto.O.Pnts,:nPfm On
Jl* ? tlift!f§,Yilhe nrre teilinnl-t.and ,e.x*:;
Pe A!.-citilinnc_rottile Rio , GraniW On 4 -OM!
P „ ~. of tls,X4r.e , il!the - directimt er WU-.
111,80401 e. --., "Witli,•Stmjanis kg lour , pop. ,
5e 5 3 1 6 4(1.4 ikivleslt'Oettt °film city of Mexico
wOuld. ,l3 o,,ttn!emi,rlMt,ter• - • TIM N., eis'i Pr - .
inntlPkOinne- 11 , 4 /$9; •';-.. -..,,t• - ' ,i'
ti!.' Oint, Scntgra, ll , l ;lPY ca.nnq_ !Tait in AlM
knW l 4o* the lIPPr,c I I.9,CIIM , Ye,II l iv ,i feOrr-,
110:will it, he wi!!te' ,,iP. -9#.. •=• . 11 940
emitting's in barptelte;altylg-Jhe, el, ' a ofthe
I siFFI:m Madre..r*.Tl/P:Pnlier of , tkleGailP l 7l7'
!merit wilt ; be'tet i keep„ sip a strain t klirectints,
to%the centfeof,Atit llepublic, , . v errun the
fecille distpcteltmktre.otiy, theyi, hicitienmf ~._
the 44 1. 4,f r_n.FincP. ft.; It is.untinoealKMa-
Ibleolte r tefutei to iMnitte thut,u dela terms ,
'P r tPencßllo.,Peeilily.lin',9P94 l o,4 cleinuing
suM9ter: ll,O. , full,withe Prolia.c timilltnrY.
en d. .TI,I,6, , PPPA_Wan4-tenle, -, •TIMInnm•J
"'aPif er l llol Min A I 9 I I.IROPPingP-ch rAFte; 01 . re
illremii fome,d; otut„,neithef so twl pplig,, - ,
!nor iiationel honor 'atm tieiottisfi I With lest
't hots r the moitt4erte!gting en ,/ quoins
P 11 :401 1 ' 6 '; in4f-s'ln'irtt4 ' ,kW 4 Ye , !4 ,4 C 41 !Tan
Inaifunni;oli:chArtif;t 4 . l n 01-4# y 10 , 0±4
11,y,Orthe,Aieric4 pe f olif!i:!: i, 1,. •t •
_3 1 OtiniewiiiiffittliCtinn . :1 ' 4-1 '. 34,41
it will be - seen'btiliel'aivnilfei ' eifeeraiV
chlietsed'Ati "the ;' titfigeni o
,Rome ,
quatlreti;'l l thrik 'cintittitilore C 4 Mier tan
n'Yelievelferite,Ciiinignrid.' S'iiee'-'11343"-
elitin t lfad Aettre of thisifieet; A *Which
inre ho hits Iliql much, tin. , come d tigiiitit
nil inpcli ' tn AtiortifY-li . ' L''"' T l 'teriihre •
reek which tic'etirit4'n ' brietli ' hiliOlg,
offlrOtit Cruz itiiiialtlitif 'wisher iiiiiits sit
' eeitiiled,' indicates AO ditheulties efthe tie'r'
ibe , lie. wititiiingtOtliiii?' l ,lo--ret rnig.,:fitini
mitePtlntit4Wa -.. ttrii sore 'fie' • en riOti - with' t
-1 ini:the'rkid Wiiiliol4rhielimtlie igneenk ,
nil the respect .of biti'cinintiyttle ,:+ ir 'N. '.ol'" ‘
its ~t ;lit; , 1,-,0 - t.[o e .i.
~ ... .,4 - -•,' • 1 1, ' 1 '
-'' '..'' - - , . ati l teil i pl4iii •'' 1 ' ' ' '' . n i l'i ; ''' Y ''''''
41 )
-; 811. - 44 "ilf,l irclalli: 7 1. ; lfe
litn gil*;;li64.4l4loll44thejto i lSqueil- ,,
, u tvieth ,11:+iiiPe'ltadf,the- +now :-I cog*
, and.eince Dec004 , 4'4464 1, , 0;:r... ;not be
( i
.'ing j i mlicoo -' niX-Vfo ' -reP.tinefi.: - AS
mg erim koritsoolidetrivlmew 9o 4, o 4lr ohm
' 44 - 4017 cmcf e4,400 f , P*V il lt :, :C:I t oi . Piot t
o‘ithwvittlitti;t 0'tnt,40, 1 0 1 9 00 4 1 p ,
o vt ! i r c!OAV ufie-lo i lm-641 _.L.t. 5 . 94 01-* llw '
: l im fi rgyisirofitheittlcinirmA 40•11 :AO , , i
~.. ~.
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