The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, April 15, 1847, Image 3

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    denMvfor% ibree . , ; eucemiii:seeekili, a lief
• .t
n itthe letter! remaining in teetr respective
deice., dr, instead theriti4 shall_ make out a
n umber f .tiuchlists; and 'cause them to be
posted at Such iniblic places in'
their vitiini
ty as sht#Vinpear to them best' adapted for
the infortaation of the parties concerned.
Reader,'' what is the object of the above
enactment i Is it.not to inform-the inhabi
tants in e'neighborhood cif the post-office,
by advertising in a 'newspaper having 'the
grestestirculation'thereabouts, that letters
directed to certain persons named are lying
in the o eel, And would not our post-mat.
ter appear much better in endeavoring- to
give general circulation to his advertisement
than in unnecessarily limiting it 1
By,anther act of March 2d, 1845, it is
provided in sec. 18, as follows : •
" Ale advertisements made under the or
der of the Post-master General, in a news
paper o r newspapers, of letters uncalled for
i n an y o o st-office, shall be inserted in the
paper ot papers, of the town or place where
t h e office advertising may be situated, bas
al the greatest circulation," &c.
Novrevery one knows there are three
newspapers published in Montrose, either of
which has a much greater circulation in the
vicinity!of the post-office than the religious
paper named. 'But our office-holders so
dread the " People's Advocate" they hardly
dare read it themselves, and would fain pre
vent others from doing so: Why, if their
dear (kgaa is out of tune, or can't kelp up,
they would deprive us of music altogether.
We have noticed this aberration from du
ty, notthat we regard the few shillings of
co mpe4sation to which we would have been
entitled:for the advertising, but aa another
proof of what we have heretofore maintain
ed, that many office-holders in this county,
under tin influence acquired by a peculiar
kind of training, are notoriously and culpa
bly regardless of the People's wishes, their
rights or their interests. They need correc
tion, and retribution is sure.
British Inconsistency
They;British speak with much indignation
° fake lonexation of Texas, and with utter
horror pf our demonstrations against Mexi
co. The brutil slaughter of the poor igno
rant Silts and greedy acquisition of Territo
ry in India are looked upon with perfect
. complacency. In our intercourse with for
eign nations American citizens will hardly
consult the pleasure of English nabobs, bqt
act is good faith, and with an inflexible de
tennination to sustain the national honor.
Aurora Borealts.
This beautiful phenomena appeared on
the evening of WednesdaY the 7th inst. with
extraordinary brilliancy. At about twenty
minutes past 9 o'clock, it formed an appa
rently lucid arch or belt extending nearly to
the lailizon from east to west. It .appears
from our exchange papers to have been vis
ibk at great distances - from - this point. The
city p,apers have generally noticed it.
Mexican Barbarity.
Tbe saying of 'Gen. Santa Anna, very
soon after the battle of- Buena Vista, we
ifiVe bit few prisoners, they are ',walk - dead,"
was preguant with meaning It indicated
duo:ha savage mode of warfare pursued by his
troops-ma the battle-held, was adopted with
his Sanction and probably at his command.
When - ever the Mexican infantry or lancers,
is matching about upon the battle-ground,
came across a wounded American soldier,
they iiistantly pierced him with a bayonet or
lance..; The valiant Col. Clay and others
fell victims to this dastardly species of bar
IV COI. SETH SaLisutrar has become as
wasted with J. J. C. CANTINE; is the pub
licaticin of the
. Harrisburg Argus.
1 Agricultural Meeting.
Ou an Annual meeting of the Sotiety for
promoting Agriculture and the Mechanic
Artsin Susquehanna_ county, held at the
Court House in Montrose on' Tuesday the
13dr inst, officers'for the ensuing — year were
selatted Rs follows:
President—Hon. WM. JH'SgIIP.
race Presidents—•-STEPtIEN tAiLigitrYi
gorrapmeding See,—George Walker.
Iviing See y—B. H. Mills
Z'um•er—D. D. Warner.
ifonagersLEliakim Field, Wm. C. WOO
%lira Tiffany, Henry Drinker, AO
Csitiedy, Ftanklin Lusk, Geo. Fuller.
Counaittee—Gee.f niter, (Ch'n) .
FOOklin Lusk, (Seely) Henry Drinker.
Al the reOuest of Judge Jessup we pub-;.
fish the following correspondence in -relation
to Oiumber of communications which late,
ll Opeared in the columns of the Advocatei
mei" the signature of " Spectatressa"
• Mosrraose, March 1, 1847. '
7 41, Editor, of tke People's Advocate:
liendetnen—A number Of articles hav e
alTiared in your paper over the signaittre
of 4 , 4, Spectatress," animadverting upon an
whireas delivered by mt sometime since up
on the subject of Capital Puniehment4tor
inrisuch a, distorted view of the argument
lull by me„iiiirstifig to me statements not
aunie, as welt intitinituebstrictures - 19"
on Site personally, seem to require, sue
answer at my hand. - •
11t would be manifestly improper in me to
egir iltte any explinationiar
will an anonyuTpswritefinnd,,l am there.
fvti loaned toasli,of yoriTHI Abe
sutt, or of those article's, in order-that I nay.
with propriety reply - , to .aome Pins Akthein•
deem it. proper to Worm:yolk that I had
,no g ifiti gsA rge,l4 l o24llleriii
:the 4 liegistei" naafis:them in that pa , :
, 04 t 4 14?,m1;',103 6 'l4l l
I shopid be pleased . . to, Isve 'repir at al
, • •
earlyperiod tbi week a s.=ay suit, yuw
'truly Tours,
Miyrzonf Mayo 2, 1847.
Sit--Your noip of yetterday l requesting
the name of the writer of a,seiies of artieles
in the Advocate or k ei the signature of " Spec
tatiess," was received; this morning.
The communications alluded to came to
Us by regular arbitoeratie":itaies through the
hands of a third p!riiiin, and although the
name of the Writer is known to-us, we have
not, as yet, been lauthorized to divulge it.
Your request ;is As Taaaosabier oner•; ;god
ought to bale• been , anticipated•by the wri ter
alluded - I*" We will take the earlieit oppor
tunity of communicating with " Speetatress"
on the Subject, and acquaint you with the
Nye would not willingly injure or offend
any one, much less one whom the writer of
this, from his eiirliest boyhood, has been
tatigiu to reipeat and lose. But the lecture
referred to was a public one—the subject
one upon which the public mind is much
divided—and, as a public journalist, we
could not well refuse -communications from
a highly respectable source, no doubt hon
esq differing from the position taken by
We would resiiectfully offer the columns
oloor paper for any communications yOti
ma' choose to make. ' _
Yours Respectfully,
Morrraoss, March 5, 1847
Dear Sir-=lmmediately on the receipt of
your note of the Ist inst., requesting the
name of an anonymous writer in the Ad
vocate, Imide known, your request to that
individual, and re - ceived an answer some
what less in length than the President's late
anpual message. The writer says:
• • • • • •
I regret that " Spectatress" has thought
proper to persevere in the incognito, espec
ially as it'Would seem justly your tight, un
der the cirpunistances, to know the real
MoNraoar., March 8, 1847
Mr. Jos..BOYD
My Dear Sir—When I saw the last arti
cle over the signature of "Spectatress" io
yopr last paper, I was fully satisfied that the
author would not willingly permit you 'to
nialie known hip name either to the public
-or•to. myself. A man who would assume
and disgrace the character and garb of wo
man for the purpose of slander, and under
guisti of discussin g a grave question of legal
enactment, would carry out that purpose, I
supposed would be too cowardly to unmask
himself. He is entirely welcome to his con
cealment, and if (as you intimate in your
letter may yet be the case,) his name should
bye made public, bis course already taken
her rendered him too contemptible for any
ncitice from me. •
The man who would purposely go out of
a s erious discussion, to make the false charge
contained in the following extract from
6, and then insiet ,upon the secrecy of the
petticoat under which he has Liken vefage,
has too far degraded and disgraced his man
hood to receive ahy corrections from-honor
able men. The shield he has taken will af
ford him the mist ample protection; and at
the same time render the envenomed shafts
thiown from behind it harmless.
, ,
, The following is the charge to which t re
lei, every word of-which is false : , , i
"And now in defiance of all the princi
ples and precepu of Jesus, in despite of the
most •solemn, constitutional injunctions,
Judge Jessup is forcing our religious disputes
into our legislative halls, dragging it into
his courts of law and enforcing his views
on: pain ofdiaranchisement upon the jurors
and witnesses as well as upon the prisoners
and parties.who are brought before bin:g—
aud what is* still greater', atrocity, he insists
upon our hanging men not by a free and un
biassed verditt and.judgment of their peers,
hut upon his , ipse dizit." Maliciously and
Wilfully falas, „ ,
' Amotigr. ' Side2mcb,: not the least
among tam suusisinui umputations which
" Stoectati.eimil i hilt niteMpted to heap upon
mi . ; is, that alter having publicly disciissed
..., ri ; ~/ •
a'graveund important - subject and advAnced
opinions iir whicbi bennnut:PenKKlAY re
spcmsiblelei the public, and for which my
religious, perionid tad bffichil charactar had
been assailed, that 'would . sofar forget
*hat was ‘dai('tatitat . ' atiraciar tie ' anony
mously to en - 4 i to
r n .it controversy w tan
. .
anknawn writer—more 'especially " a • Spec.
tatrus." )
But; banishes iiir. : finittenfniinyjiben I
intendeoo. c trioubliynn ***b. .1 n make
'la elaiiilealeAllii tale4eedlitia ''lli'eela'
tress," nor offer to him any correetiooS.wAat
*very, SueltitiOUrse !would tiOiingloi4Y
*if down iol love! !kb hiieutti moa:neus;
far 'dier: - IST ePaPher, theilialrisi - eell'Of
any dek , _ pin/milli apiiiift*littacks,
and tie mate be ibis / ! tle m p te pi i io of
bow 'radii begto.liorvod by his l 'irge *rate
F r eakier ituteiroie4AL 1 -51:4:1' t
..i hare *o deli& Mutt you ithouldilliuble
**inet( tartibii iti Motion 'to the-reinestl
leads fur, titenannoi_ the author. ~,14;0e
no•enzie . ty ton the subject now.. • -• , :•r '.,',1
Foy youi gent ' t altie
•Of g:PP r O i r lII II!!! F e i! As l torY.4lo: 6 !rjy,4
attention and pnlite notes ofrthe 2nd . and &h
inst. in,a , ntinezi O mine j ,coc pleaseac
cept my thankivand : ktkierp me, sincerely,
. ',I .117,0ur - '
Of a Committee apported by a 'Public
Meeting hel4 buthe Pity of Phiimie/phia
on the 22nd of Feb. l l asc for the relief of
the suferers from famine in Scotland.
The accounts which have reached this
country of the mistress prevailing in the High,
lands and .Islands ofScodand, from the scar
city of food, Elu t e induced us to bring the sub
ject more particularly before the public of
F,roni•the proceedings of a meeting held
in Liverpool, iq'efiiitary 'lst
.we learn, that
out 9f four hundred thousand pe.rsons, inhab
iting ,the Highlands of Scotland, sixty thou
sand ,ere at this moment totally destitute of
food, except what is supplied by charity, ;
and,,that before the next, summer
the Highlands l ancrlslands of Scotland will
coutain not less than three hundred thou-
sand, , who mist receive relief from other
hands, or perish. The potato crop, upon
which that population is almost wholly de
pendent, has failed throughout Scotland.—
The loss has dome suddenly and unforseen;
the. High'midi and Islands never looked
brighter and greener than during the past
summer; in many localities the blight came
in a single night, and the ; calamity, has fal
len upon a population without money, to buy
other food. It may give a more correct idea
of the extent Which the distress has reached,
to state, that in the parish of Killmailie aope,
according to a letter from the Rev., Irdifi 7 -
bald Clerk, out of a population of nearly
, six thousand, there are more than threethou
sand requiring, _aid . ; and in Islay there are
five thousand,, whose impending • starvation
demands immediate relief. Similar accounts
have reached its from many other parishes
and districts ;I and, to use the language of
the Rev. Mr. power, of the parish ,of
" there Js ~a painful peculiarity
marking their present, destitution. In past
years of scarcity they could calculate on sure
prospective relief from: the potato crop at
the end of July ; but this year there is no
potatoes in prospect. Meal must be their
sole support. • In a word, there are nials
awaiting the Highlanders for the next nine
months, such as neither they nor their fa
thers have ever experienced. Never did
they require aid or Sympathy as much as
now." •
It may seem somewhat strange, that
while the distress in the, 'other parts of the
Puked Kingdom hus been urged so streuu
pusly upon otfrsympathies, so little has been
aaid of the suffering to which the Highlands
kind Islandi of Scotland are at present sub
ject ; and Si; Robert Inglis has not hesita
ted, in his place as a Member of Parlia
'went, to rebuke the ministers for the silence
lof the Queents speech respecting the desti-
ution in Scotland, which-he declares to be,
if possible, evien greater than that of Ireland.
But those who are better acquainted with
Ithe character i of the people, will readily un
derstand the (reluctance which the Scotch
hayst always felt in appealing to charity.
Those in the: Nurth have been long famil
bar with hardships, and are prepired to face
even famine with the fortitude characterist
ic of their blood ; nor should it be forgotten
that for years past the utmost industry and
-quiet have prevailed among them ; neither
their time nor their means have beets divert
ed from their own support. There is cer
tainly much that commands deep respect in
this tranquil endurance of unavoidable ca
The Scottish people hove been already
very active and liberal in doing what they
can for themselves. The amount collected
up to January 6th, by the Free Church
alone, was 1.£10,500, which has doubtless
been greatly increased since. A meeting,
held in Glascow on the 12111—January, was
worthy of the cause ; rank and • sect were
forgotten, and the one great question, the
relief of the pressing wants, was kept in
, view. Similar Meetings have been held in
other parts of Scotland.
Large foods have been raised throughout
the Kingdoin of Great Britain generally for
those suffering from famine in Ireland and
Scotland, though comparatively a small
portion of the amount contributed has been
sent to Scotland. In fact, the diocesses of
Kilmore and Tuam have received more from
the Association of the National Club than
the Highlands and Islands of Scotland alto
gether. It, is estimated that a million of
pounds steOling would hot more than suffice
to meet die present contingency.
With these facts before us, the under
signed appeal with confid....nce to the gener
ous hearts; of Pennsylvania, believing_ that
those, whar, have never turned a deaf ear. 'to
the cry of the destitute, will cheerfully be
stow of theft abundance fur the assistance
in this great extremity of a noble people . , who
are honorably notorious for never becoming •
burdens upon others at home or abroa4, so
long as God permits them to eat theirltkeo
in the sweet of their face. To those in whose
veins pinsthe Scottith blood , nothing need be
said. The call that, comes from the land of
the Broons and the Heather must make their,
spirits leap with a filial piety, and fill: their
hands with gifts worthy to be sent from the
children of Auld Scotia to their brethren at
hoine. HOW sad to think that the once
cheerful iogle sideX are now places of adept
suffering, Ind that the Scottish mother has
no,l even bannock to break among her chil
dqn, while we in this land . of plenty, are fed
Upon the, finest of the wheat !
E. D. livesteums, ADAM RAMAGD.
[Papers throughout Pennsylvania far or
able to the mensuie !will please copy.]
Anj . reuti, or pr:_sQol, who efter,reaOing
tbe AO!' fourbing jlppiiil; and t ire desirous,
of contri utinitto the relief of the sufferers
luny, iloksic the same in tbe hands - allows
S. Wiisoi, of Montrose, to be forwarded-
Mi.latii' tin Calipbell, Esq.,iteneral Treas
urer. rh . , egitiphist.' ~.
,- • . , ,
1-tee The liberty io - make this conimuni
-catir i c, *PM #O!, - 0.00.2"mis ws. IN°
10110. , , , . - - -.---- ' i '''' - 1 - 101111 - 011110011.,
10 . ,
e, - co . s - .atterm nor* . r
be the' tritrit '-fertgi`dahre"e et! ki4i"Oui.
:howitzers, which ire ito Awnvtithe battery,
, will carry their storm of sh.ellathreequarter#
.ofa mile farther than troy guriain.thetus4
can dd. lye chief , tithe artio .l ooe r liPtTrA t '
went islysoiccording to* the porklpOnt.
of the Baltimore Sun, that, the ,departra
has ars-aceurate description of every , guo,ta ,
the CaStle,; and ktitiWi its ctd;end'Wheill
and when: it was made.. Ofcot, .nrs_dut
howitzers were , Made of burr calibre' than
any in the Castle. Oar land b attery will by vastly ;morn formidable them that of the'
the 16th inst. Mr. Nickerson of Martha .. .
Vineyard, Mtuw., - set fire to *lintel! plat af
blackb'erry bushes, which hnexpeetedl3l
spread rapidly to neighboring woods. Tbe
bells (*the village were rung,4he populatioO
tunied'aiat, 'end, by greet-eit4rtion the fire
was stopped thepezt efterntioe,'ifter piglet
furiously .cht previous day and night, having
burnt over about 5000 acres,And
800 ivo,itft "Of wood. Letigtl; of 'diecitnai?
burnt, 'bou t seven miles; ;Iv 41.*
about 7L4 miles. - . . 1 .
Drawn/Pr April Terst; AR D. 1847.
Grand Jiro
Aburn ;• Samuel Brundage, Harry Carter,
E I lab";
Bridge** t ,Jeiiaee ,` d ) ill~'Jolin Trig
bull. •
Forest Lake; Hiram Allen. I.
Gibson ;Stepheii" - P. Chandler, Benjamin
Dix, Aaron Resiegue.
Great Bend; Lowry Green.
Jessup ;;.*Mtuthew McKeeby.'
Jacks9n ; Nathaniel Norris.
Lenox ; Orrin T. Kinney,Atestry, Manzet,
--Charles B. Titus.
,Liberty • Timothy Ross. '.
New Milford ; Chester Corse:
Rush; Henry Pepper, Buckingham Stewart .
Silver Lake; Perry Gage, Michael Powers.
Thomson; Nathaniel Sartell.l
Traverse Jurors.
Auburo : Nathan Green, Thomas J. Sher
wood, George Wilson.
Bridgewater ; Amory N Bullard, James
Deans, Joshua Seamans.
Brooklyn ; Gurdon Ely, Hubbard N. Smith•
Clifford ; Zeuas Carpenter, Jiitnes H. Phelps.
Chocouut ; Timothy Griffin,: William Gog
gins Charles Thomas.
Dimock ; Theron W. Beach; D'hvid Giles.
Franklin ; Nathan P. Wheaton.
Gibson : Elliott Benson, Bell Griswold.
Great Bend : Almon Munson.
Harford ; Henry Jeffers.
Harmony ; Levi Westfall, David A. Lyon.
Jessup ; Plinney Birchard, Erastus V. Cook,
Albert Woodcock.
Lenox; Seneca F. Tanner, Alfred Jeffepi.
Liberty ; Otis L. Howard.
Montrose ; J. W. Chapman.!
New Milford ; Gordon Motley.
Rush; Dennis, Granger. .
Springville; Aaron Taylor, Apron Blakeslee.
Silver Lake ; John Smith;
Thomson ; Samuel Lewis.
2nd Week.
Auburn; Andrew Hibbard; • Thomas W.
James, Calvin Wellman. 1 -
Birookiyu ; George Chapman.
Bridgewater a Gilbert Warner, David Mat-
Clifford ; John Baker, Martin Decker,
Holloway Lowry.
Choconut; James Lynch.
Di mock ; Elisha Fargo, Isaac P. Baker.
Franklin ; Frederick Libesi,
Forest Lake ; Thomas Mee,han.
Great Bend ; Amiisa Trowbridge.
Herrick'; Albert Bushnell, William H. Dunn,
Ezra Walker.
Unrford ; Thomas Wilmarth, Clark S. Tan
ner, Truman Tingley, Geo. M. Stiles,
Pennuel Carpenter.
Harmony; Harry Shutts,Bebjamin Comfort.
Jackson'; Hiram 'runner. 1 .
Jessup ; Joseph Backus.
Liberty ; Richard Bailey,? Arthur South
Montrose ; Chapman Baldilrip i .
New Milford ; Timothy 841 e, Philander
Ph in ney.
Rush ; Erastus Maynard. t '
Silver Lake ;'John D4iritirOly.
Spsiugville ; Isaac G. Cooper.
Thomson; Elton S tone.
In the COmmon Pleas of :,gusguehanna co
April Term, 1847. , 1
Ist Week . 1
Mclntosh vs Trowbridge, appeal.
Camp vs Trimble, appeal. -
Wise vs Chandler, in case.
Hoyt vs Lester, " i
Dond vs Williams,et Alin case.
Rogers vs Lee, appeal.
Doud vs Smith " 1
Patterson vs•Hickoz, inlcase,
Moore 'vs Hiekor, 1"
Buffington et al vs,Middletown tp. incase
Reynolds vsiDonlen, inlcase. €:
Welch vs Buldwit, mi. Ifii.
Case vs Seamans, ejecunent.
Beach vs Beardsley, iti ease.
Tuthill vs Mayo, 166
Second Wiek.
Bislve vs "Waldron ‘ , inilebt.
Carmakvs pickinann„)n 'case • I
Wheaton vs Barlett etial, appeal.
Wells & Bard vs Cooleyjn debt.- '
Tingley vs Richardson) in Case. ,
Canfield et ti vs Slieraiood, appeal. t
Gardner. vs Gillett, tittichtnent. e
Ayleswoyth i va Lyon, „in cave.
Howard 'et al is Card,' l 44, . I
Ward vs Gritty, aripeal"
Whippleint•Witst,sotte jeeytent. v
Adams vs Vellog' g,:in ese.
Bryan et nevis"Artint, jecitnent. . ''
Park, vs Ciarr,. eel; ca.; i. ;:, .:. ,
Ferris vs (lessen, appeal. ; ' •€'
Reynolds vt Crossen, , ppeal ' '''
, 1 1!1ssusaig. - - • i.i
Notice is hereby given that ; the-first Qua y
terly Meeting of the `trove and Ilridg i l
water Wasidnitiniatriiiiericiiiice Sctt l i.
will belted' at the l cooo9oo in Moo
on. the ayfiiitig'otilie t4' ':,Atoopy or t otpol
put, at ,which.tinta.the- walkers of Ali ..80;
eisty and. all ethers w feel an intern& tin
itie TensOerancte cause - ilia teiPectrullYt
v i te d totioesii i. - .11,..,,,,, ~ , • :• . t.. r
Al t ,. ; CatilllßEßO .1 ihre,
N, 4c. yq
lloatra", litin46o4-.180:,
tE lin
E ... •• .j . 1 , ... .4.: i ,e, L ,
‘ it; *ttl;;6 ; Ch e tt i I WI ..
N. '" t M fr. cl .4 6 ! by the
pe..•O. Carr, of FairpOit,44.o4olfelYza'xi S. D 4
i i!
Nimertyi of th is countr,4to Wog 'E , nil. "stiter
ofJohn M. lelifOodjill .of the ' or Plo4o.
on dm,- i. Vi lintri by , I itoitti ' E l i . NrAtAsizz.
1147, to Mrs. En. Furl' soros, a ll . UessilTi. , -• :.
. ,
..„.... •
assupointbe 22 ult., Fazniatma Woman
i n J
Hiwzaki in thisi Mt yeir of uis agn, •1 1
i n sycamore; DOKallsox 111., lon 111114farih,
Ilia. &mem Foassau, horned 'of thislßoro't
in Ow 31st year of her ails. ~• 1 • . 1 .
Os n tiw i tith- inst. o , Km, Citiatortri, wife of Mr.
Tiros itctitt, of Spring vilWa s ted 56 !peirs.
• it may ! with -perfect :tent* he 4d, that.berAif st
hil upon
y o r f
wj the portrait of the•flitristandc . tat and e i ni i_
rY* wh4 klieir Ittir[ 4 till at on ce d to . this
strong laufuage . , • aft 4 1 11,6 10 i, for
softie . her though Were tio i y turned upon
d u i if 46%4114 conld T rial eccepuy do
Chet wide o he L riffilkwn y Villter;; , she tid',.the
hapif Octbly o lookin upon his • peusations as
eye i n tende d. for her gOod, o r by r patient en
du.., ,•. juice of them, that Mbar, might - encouraged
*Oh& path of duty. 'lt was this submission
.t., hie' Difirte'will that feinted a: P minent trail in
het character. Merely to eulogtze be deceased it
ntil the chief object of this trib u te her =wry,
lati a life like *ilia '' • 'on attontict, land_
61 4 3110 rAi11, - lidiatirtt — ii, - tishtirio: , ' hOwlim-
ited ittaftte. - Our' of " bi htrwerrM we
4be spirted - hi tha:..
,* " 'Oflttividence,
it is•iatai i rianrer, bic - 'ind of His kraCe; to render
oufselvenaistroiktahle sei-v •/ ioto4 Viir..Upwards
1 ,1
tcl., ,
ofithirti'yesiii:tha d waif alitielitier of the
EOiscopal Churehon4 bitinin :, ' stoning light
in, pat comon"MitirOf : : - tianat . : ' ' thefiiithfuln
mill dmoon — to tii'e'e " 'pled Initial ofi. the
chlirch will long be re ' ' .1 ; the parish in
Springville; ,and it: is.:*bly.tatis . I ,that the ex
runple she gave in l ife - ; - -Will not ' 4ithnut its effect
ito;ieath : •
She being 4eid, yet 0e1413*".
/avert g.
, 1
IN connexion with the follows ng certificate
were handed tows the testimonials,of
.a .
several highly respeetable ladies, who have
used the Domestic" Horizon al Spinning
Wheel, and who coUcur in sa ing substari
titilly, that they can spit) tvit it seven of
eight run, .(or about four day's work) 'per
diem, with as much- ease as hey eiin pee-
Om an ordinary: y'S vinyl with a com-
Ilion wheeL The iterence is irresittablel
bat it will hereafte be morel profitable for
1 1 ro
the farmer who ma ufactures iatis.wool, with
this machine; to ha e in his .amploy . at the
spiii cost for labor,•one girl,'-dian firsts' girlt
*lib the common stand-and-4)in wheels:,
Wimple's AdwocerteJ i •
] i--__. )
. _
The undersigned, citizens of Montrose,
have witnessed Vita much aitisfaction the
aparation - of a novel machindenominated
the ” Domestic Horizontal Sp ning-wheel,"
lately invented by Hiram F. Whaeler of
4pringv_ille, in this county. illt,-appeara to
is be a valuaible improvement, in view Of
e ease with which it is lisa'il and the ra-
Fiidity with which it execute*. We doubt
riot that our Farfiters gene:billy, with all
d - ho " toil and spin" will appove it too.
Montrose,Susq'a; co. Pa.
Cal. FrankliLusk, '
, . .:,
Hon. Wm. essup,
Gan:D. D. ' arner,
Joseph Williams,
Thos. John on,
Han. M. C. :IF, yler,
S.S. Mull*, ,
Haury J.Wrbb, P. M.
,I. A. Salisbtiry,
Walter"F,olli t t, Treasurer.
J. W. myers,
EJ Patrick,4Jr:, M. D.
Daniel Seatle,
Wm. J. Mulford,
J. ,- Lyon I
Wm. J. dire%
.t .
Issue L.
As l u. .... pc4;t,
cro. v. Alcieitley,
• Win. L. rdst, i
Rev. John Long.
tar Rights will T ile sold oil the mst reas
onable terms to those wlui Wish to make the
*heels, or-purchase Terriutry to sell again
4n any of the Unit d State:A (except -. Ohio.)
'Those wishing to ngagerinla business both
and 'pro table will please call on
.the:subscribers in , priogiilie, Susquehanna
county, Pa. - '1 I
H. F. *HEELER, PlOntee.
• .
J. SMITH, Jr,4gent. 1-•
Springville, AprO 8, 1 841.
P 1 , . •
AZINE, formerly edit • aid published by the
Rev. D. MAD, commences i 'fourth Volume un
der di editorial tare of Rev. .I', HZAD;EY, author
of " Napoleon and his Mars" " Darted Moan
lain' 8," "Letters from Italy,", 4. -Those who ire
acquainted with- the above lisibrks, will need ,no
gnaradty as to the abLity with i'hich this work will
The design of.tbls work is spfer . to ; the public a
Magazineof be highest h merat,, neat Mid
beautiful in its ap tare, Or in its illuitratincui,
divested entirely of. higiStOMught feria which
I t
paints vice in brighte c olors ;gin virtue, end minis
ters to the lowest Li sions ofiodr nature—but while
it seeks t r a e Adease,:tt ' ill Sec Ilso to elevate, to pu
rily add t
is believed that. work oft this kind is needed,
[ and that under, the Irv!, .19dipppular , editor it will
not only sustain its p res e nt 'eatable reputation, but
will earn to itself a far big . - lace in - public esti
mation, and 'find rimers to .', . . 6f families in
the lad; gladdening by - 5 its . . . ~ 84 exerting
an iii#laence ell , . and health
• /hie published . illoirithly 4 • . . brining q rises of
Original matter, beautifully p *I. ted' on f'paper, in
neat coven , with splendid, a .. engravi ga and col
ored , flowerV with i, 2 issolt -in a ll res
pecst in,thitheatityleOfte. ... i.: e'ic .
Price $2 per year three • •; a s for $5.
•,,• .... - • 7k,--8e11 3 1111.0111 154 i ' it, at. lir. Yori v ..
• maxch'24th 1847,,,t:-- 4 ,' '.
4 1.. ; f t • -f , ' !
OAtilt rvo ,
2 E
Qu tins beP
kW, 5000 PIO
Pricoll4'POL i•
• .;1•!-• k ! .Timf
Gtest Bead, A ,19471..
.WOOO Zuw:u4,thili
• Aril 6, 1047. . 1
, :
A brif v . l4 4° 6l " -
I 2
4 )11.
1 1 3
CIO for l- ta the'sit
the highest
gap s,
~ t .,:.
,_ :.. --.....,,v,.,_.,.,.,
, .. ,
. fl.' i
t,, t E 7 A ! , I._ . .
I_f,:- _,
MBE 81111SOItiBiW- - ',dine .
X t IPICIPOtaii radii% haine,ll=;
!. Fr neer, on' attlialytiet4th lo t 's
: . I,ohe „
„,,,. ;
"P ro Pf`t* '..41 1 . 1.1 t T e-- , -'. I,- • •- , ,=,
1 - Oili , lSpiiiwor--31 T iC.heillthisei,
- .- -,--, .. , .
_1 , . -. ..
" Ohe i lßietfitine AT!. ,-,
- gist Spa ofFa* Horses.
ElktCow s fl.... , ,i; -; . • . '
i EiOt-‘o-year 'iid!. - . •
' ,S.evn Irearlimm ; .'.
, ',lTliirtrshoep: tL ; -
One' 7Yoii . of Oxen , - •
TERNiifbil;:iitE.-s-Nine smiths . croßt,.,tvilli ;
iritiristt 04, 1 01 141 ,.earit'e- ' ' , ,' -..i
April . RUM! M COLMI*- i
~ 14, 18%r.. •
Low ChhiaiPeut and Siii*Ballo
ne* vvietY aildithevUg,damiliser
fuhion ieq , ' eahoboefo
March 25; ISR.
A. nd Lawniftletiat' and suitable hi.'"
.Cl.ilukopilou-ery lotv at. Salisbury's.
Math 25:1547.
, „
AN '_ . . the-2741.W it( e pni wit at die
N., " ' - - Sheirlin% 'h in JOSlP2o . !birii.
libils,,ax- 10 - t e , lli - :-Al - :‘ .514a'1l - sold:'.#inetioit,';
b 9 e.
,- _ ' j tibe follownsalaroper.
'l, vi;: I - 3 s3 l * , °, 03nd• cirr . i.21 - year: oV:eolts.4 - -.
belt-U. 43 No e Irsioii; anal one horse- ' 'l'
two borselliniliciid4 atid - I,l*b 2 t sled-2 ii '
1 barrow land'abaini.6- 1 1 iron . anf brasilettlita-4 ..
pots-2-clificiii--3 bedsteads and 2 beds - ad' bed•
dbig-1 standi-2. ebests-6 antra, s member of bar. ,
rels, and iitliarl articles toolliilpFlllllto'raiiiition.- ..
TERMS Of', -BALE .-. Five dollar"! and undo.; ,
cash. Ovir pre dollars six months credit. within
terest andlitiproved security. ,1 '
i , ' '
PIOIIIIOSE - BUSll4BrtlOl4O,lllll.
Catimitt acid (hair Makers—M=6oe, ,Busquebpas
" W.l MIRTH,
A. I
1110111,1 ).. &Val%
Sadd Trunk-idaker—ilhop sprig*
the fariper's Store. •
soot & Shoe Maker—shop in Bearle's block, Wait I
side of Public Avenue.
I. R. SEARLE dci CO.
A good adsoriment of Dry Goods, Crockery, Hard-
ware, dic ~ West side of Public Avenue. '
Dealer in Humes, Hardware, Dry GaAs. &a., West
aide of l"nblic Avenue . . -
!Dealers in Stives, Tin-ware, Stattimery, Dq 900,
dr.c. &c.}-14:4 side of Public *Ve111116!..
Dealers in Hata; Caps, Furs, Plough.Points, tke.—
West side nf Public Avenue.
E. W. lIAWLEY 9 • .
Still continues the Blacksmithing business in its vari
ous branches at his old Stand near Keeler's Tavern
Attorney It Law, at the old offiee a few tri4 west
of the Conit-house.
Cabitet and chair Making. - Sign and Fasi7
Painting, Turnrog, Paper Banging. &c. Shop- in
his old stand on Turnpike st.
Attorney' at Law, Office over the litore of 'L L. Post
& Co„ corner of Public Avenne and' Tumults at.
Physicians & surgeons. Office, west aide of the
Public Avenue over the store of R. Searle & Co.
E. S. PARK.. • 4Di
t.. . 1 0 . socz•
& WOKE, '
FasMonable Tailors, over Mertii, & Root's Hat Moro.
Groceries, Fruits, Confectionari l 4 1 4
Paints, Oilit, and a variety of nick naclui. •
Farmer's Stem. A general variety of goods always t
on hand. ,One.door below the residence of Judge
Coach, Carriage, and Sle,if;li goonfacturds, on 'rum
ple street, at the oldlaitintlgely stand, we reedy
to serve claw:alters, in the mod refined le of the •
age.. **Utica! oor.iiis wecitud‘it!, on Wind fir
salvianstapanirpriiorte iin'illOrt notice.
i-4. I MULFORD do SON:-
Deaf iti kti Goode, drockeiT; l Gnmeriear J 9 inere i d .
'Ng* dr.e&r„.East side Pub*. Avenue
DEDIFTIST—i3 r phi Teeth on Gold Plate and. "
all-dpenitlinuron the teeih in'the best e. Can
be _fixonkat -L. .Bearles' I on-) Mondays .and The&
days ofrasdk week
• '-
Physician, Burgeon, &.Accauchier.
2, BroadwaY,(oppositestlykitap#EChaatibiiiiicition
City, Pa. • • - r •
• . Z. G. ISltat,'
Boot azLd Shoe. maker—ibfee doors Booth of Dr.` H.
F. Whitney, No: 4, Broadway', Jackion - City, Pa.
Fashionable Tailor—Two Oars below Abe Fernie!a
Sion. ;1
Cheap • Goods for the People...lN:Mk - Avenue, But
aide.. .
Dealer in Dry Goodi, Hardware, Groceries, Crock
ery, Timothy seed, Gam Heinlock, &c.—Frieneb•
villa, Suiq, co. Pa. •
. ,
. ~..:.
Oarriage and 'Sleigh Maker- and repairer, IMO.
found at .his shop a few radii Bogard the Itirtiagtii
' where he wilt be liappf f te•Witit , on Vastannws.
Iron Founders, and Plough blannfeetarent-41h00 at
the 41 stand near the teeldenee .
- & .
Anosseprit, Law; Offices few reds South of . in .
Court ifOuse.
S. B. IitIILB . ORD,
Attorney Ofsce Mast side of die PAL*
Avencleolnyer the Btoie ofs. 8. ?deified &
JERRE iLyoNs, - - -
Dealer_ Gram* , Batas,: Papbr, I,ks.
and Bobkinder-rMane side of Publia Anew.
Dealers iiitth7 Goods, Hard l6 re Prockory, aloo*
; ru N e zivi o , G ea oo pi p t s AT
Store; in
A c spi ou
Call ea = ai red'
.1 AlapPlummow.