The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, March 25, 1847, Image 4

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• Tbe:e - ithr of " The 4'otyntsion” having
`lees ini • i fitp a libel, by•Petei, A - . Breis
'Atade—daiattges laid at, -$50,000', indulges
v itt . the Collot)ing illapsodY,l=. ..•
'...Wrhe. ptiblic can then wel imagine what
• a thrill of Wisfaction shot through opt love
:it. approhaden, When.the jutlefirk inform
ia us thatt had been sued for $50,0 00. Egad! a' 9 'ety of suet) a sum in the most
bit p Op ective, Ps the - result of an editor's
J o
' 1ara,.., 1 Id have. bewildered, our •imagitk
tiottf,rom.its very . immensity. But to be sued
foriSll,oolll what lay you, brother editor',
of the vratrl4; is nor that a rare stroke of for
tune 1 Is Ithere,,not-something delicious Pi
this vastiidbak—rilapoleon-like in its concep- •
tion,l Mat Iv( sensation it must create
among. Mat
fellow-craft ! A rare editor gat
—the Sandwich Island forever. An editor
there cast Word to be Sued 'for 50,000..,--
"Wltat'a itto4,d—Wlint numberless subscribers
-....t•a1l milk ones too; what illimitable col
umns of, advertisements—what" marvelous
caleulatioris upon editorial fortune in this
kingdom 4f Hawaii', will this circumstance
arouse in, envious editor's hearts. How
• t
)must he liv`ie—what dinners! What a goose
;quill be Must wield ! - Say rather what a
golden ped ! The club of Hercules ism:fool
to it! Scissors I! lie has to scribble a few
lines—and prestita gentleman's character
- has diminished in value sso,ooo—and that
too by his own i4onfession. What a literary
lunge? :Al drama of law, libel and loss. He
is the King's editor too. Enviable monarch,
strung ip ttypes+—the press. forever—may its
•preas-on 1061 the word, join- in one univer
sal'expre*ion at its inexpressible power.—
ShPut Ve Imps--black your roller anew—
roll --q uiek—squeeze—pail away—
there go the sheets dancing from the tym pan
In the mejry tune of lever and screw—off—
Off---fly . the world through—leave not an ed
itorial saietunt until its bewildered inmate
drops his lungs,' and joins in the chorus loud
—' ha!ihii!'—an editor sued for ONLY 850,-
00.0,T--he4e ! _ Spirit ofKothschild befriend
us.' Botlwe must stop, or the sued will be
come ai )had as the - suer." .
Groo . th of the United states
William Darby, of Georgetown, D..C.,
has publi4lied a' letter in the Washington
- Union, in:ireply to some inquiries made by a
U. S. Servitor, in which re remarks, among
other things, that the population of the Uni
ted Statei, has increased ' annually, since
1790, at Ole rate of 3 per cent. The fol
lowing re .Silts, says Mr. El, demonstrates
_the existence of tliis great law with mathe
matical pr4ision
Population 4f the. U. 6. Population of the U. S.
by the census of `, decennially from 1790
in 1 40037 ati increase
of 3 ppilr cent per:
' 1 1 800 . . 5,305.925 5.281,453
18101. 4 1' 7,239,814 7,095.9.54
18201.. 9,833,131 9.535,182
1830 :; . 12,358.407 12,811.118
18401.. 17,063,353 17.217.706
• 1850.;.- 23.027,994
1860.4. - 31,596..5E2
1880 - 55.322,7.19
1'890,..- 73,977.990
Mr. liktrby further states, in the conclu
sion of ItiVetter, that—
The ayte of North America, between
tide 30 and 50 degrees, exclusive
fif the' ater surface, rather exceeds than
falls sh Oof three millions of square miles,
and -done !tot, to any great extent, vary from
an equali to all Europe. Of this expanse,
the Unite t$ State's territory already embraces.
upwardiiif two Millions five hundred thou-,
sand sittnie miles, and consequently, when
the population raises to one hundred mill
ions, the , (nean density would be under 50
to the squitre mile—a density far hell* that
:of siversiqaf the existing states at the -Pres
:ent tirre.t When -we have thus means to
decide ; , hol future, why not provide for its
foreieen tUad inevitable results 1
"Po • i t tIILE CoprAots."—The newest
motion .t . eft has met our eyes is the manufic- !
tore of *table cottages, which we see by
an adv • - 'sment in a Cincinnati paper,.is
carried,o‘ in that city. The builder has a
"'depot ` devoted to the construction of these'
locotnotiv:a dwellings, and advertises to sell
'them at . $l3O each, and put them up many
desired j lot in : the bargain. He likewise
agrees to
,take them down and move them to
any oth rfpart of the city, with the contents,
"and p theta up hi the same day ; so that a
family aft breakfast in their 'domicil and
take th ii 6 evening- meal in-a new.location—
,the of the job being some six dollars.
The , " ufacturer of these dwellings for
the . tom iea, appeals' most earnestly to the
mechat it? and the laboring, men of the city,
' to get t, etr A ,, a house of. their own," on his
cheap 'halt and, suggest to holders of tin
, itnprov dkeal estate, this mode of:rendering
their p - rty immediately productive at a
-smali - o diiy, and have their premises cleared
in an. otir's time, When more substantial
• ifielia al are required. • With the true
_As a ' 4 - determination to make-bit busi
tell in liitsAlepartinents, the manufaCturer
- -aiihr ' ii; foratile several " second -band"
kvbich he has doubtless taken in
1 1/tristo:dttiD MEAN THINXING.—How
tcpr people are in their persons than
iltplnds. How anxious are they to
paarance el.:wealth and taste in
lei' outward ' show, while their in
s poverty and meanness. SO one
much n
in sheirl
•of fashion wit ti cortoinbries
* :044:luxury. •' , His clothes most
the best tailor; his horse must
o t:lood ; his wines of finest flavor!;
k of, the hi g hest, nest; but Ins
of the Poorest frivOlities. Of the
Ihe ariinial senses he is an epicure
phOs a•clean feeder compered with
I ;lona a pit: wunbl :eat-good and bud,
14 foul :shke, , hut his ilmind-bas -no
` 4 %t for the most worthless 'garbage.
and ost
be toad
be the
bit min
itiritep "
--The* Nes•no discrimination and a great
sipped. mind,: which' we describe has
a t ioresti
,a of voracity ; . it Is satisfiid
* *kV, We; biltthat mast be of Theiorist
ilk; an is#oli9g, : of u better quality to
repicil*'itif-WAl,gusi• Irtie'enuld
211t.W04 44 /1)# 1 ) 0 04 1 4 ,Wttit l it
41peCtliderSIMO0011114 oestitution, siefornii
tiumatai asstiOrouldle r if: What hideou t s
Afilt.oll4tOOPlarOatAil3l. and,rfiyii
itterstiingi; intd j an 'WO "ennieitton
with. Ate tints it and pnmp4,
if a conceit
Jeogeomb pould see hit . OmmtwOdithscwoui
Oa a thi e f/. the meanest objeet4ke : Tiorld , ca
- • •
I F , Yk- 4 eggn7 , ,initOnmet
4eirrnA d jOg„,thattt •;,x be ;coin
tti ger ha want , hOksiiii#sfi4 with
his lot ; but '.,thi"p. - 4,000!... con
tent POVq4I-itiOliiekeiee` o teed
.on carrion', else; , be
has too desire beyond 'his .filthy far 4 , Yet
hei.piques liiinieh*thai be superiortbeing;
he talfipx,! 9. himself, the mOrit - of bi*
his wine merchant, - his eoathmaker, his up
hcdstercr and his cook; buk if the thing were
1-turned inside out,.if that eoncerded4 nasty
corner, hiii.xnind, were ! exposed to vietv,.how
degrading theexhibitinn !--• Tait's E inbarg
AVottn, IN SEAsox.—How often has a •
word•spoken in season turned the cu rse of
conversation; when it has been rung into
liForane,nos . and impunityl How loft has.
one.Sliort remark led un a discourse,; where
sothe great truth has been liappq chee r
ed, same giant _objection removed, some fa.:
Vorite•viee exposed, and its oppositC virtue
established, and the hearts of the company
f surpised into a love of , virtue, enlightened,
.1 warmed, and made better and happier all
their days! • i
One good word or motion in apt time an&
place bath been known to grow up- into, a
public benefit or a wide extended .parity;
and a man of little or no nine hasiaid a
foundation of happiness to millions of his
fellow-creittures by the mere breath of his
I mouth.
In short, a question asked, - a proof de
manded, a steadfast countenance, a'n expres
sive silence, a truth explained, an instance
applied, a motion made in due season, bath
availed to silence the scorner, to confound
the skeptic, to abash the profane, to dash
a wicked, greatness, to convict a triumphant
calumny; to recover the stray, and to bring
a blessing upon mankind.—Fletcher.
LAaoa.—Mun was formed for a life of
action and effort. He cannot repose, like
the eastern monarch, upon the down of syg
nets, nor, like the voluptuous Sybarite, upon
his bed of roses. Labor is the Jaw of exist
ence. "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou
eat bread,!' was life i judgment passed 'upon
him in Eden—a judgment that will never
be revoked, and from •w hich, consequently,
it is Of no avail M shrink. As for ourself,
we would not forego the blessings of physic
al labor for the greatest gift in the capacity
of mortal to bestow it is indeed, the true
Spartan sauce which gives zest and savor
to life's cup—bracing the nerves, confirm
ing the health, and - rendering the intellect
ual economy more efficient in Coe develop
ment and commotion of its best designs. .
Philadelphia bank, par
Mau & Alec bank par
Moyamensiug batik liar
Peon township batik par j
U s Wl* notes 25 ,
Girard' ••do • par
Pecinsyl'a par
Del cd at Chester pal I,
Chester clo atWChterparj
Montgomery coat
Farnters' b'k Wicks co fmr!
Farmers' bk Itesd'g par,
Northampton no stay'
Lancaster bank . „par,
Far bk Lancaster pat
Lebanon 1 dial
Harrisburg "1 ilisi
MiddletoWn I disj
Carisle 1
Colombia bridge par;
Northumberland par
Miners bk par
Time& demand mites
" certificates 1 ;dis t
. post bites 1
Towanda no sale,
York I !dis
Gettysburg 1 di,'
wayueslf; 2 ;di-!
Brownsville !
Erie 2
Baits co bank no Sri].
• lionesdale 1
Bk finsrfaico lildis;
Lewistown 11dij
Litm bk Warren no We!
West Branch bk I d di:
Dom Cr Script 20.1.34
Lehigh co bk 37; di'
lLebigh•Nav Script 11 dial
4th May issue 14 dis
N Y City bank
Minton bk N Y 39
Globe bank florid
North Mver co i (It
City Trost & Bk'r. co di!
Wool Growers' br,
White Pluitis bk Ydir
Lewis co bit di
Par & Um bk.' Buff 5 di,
Killers bk nfClyde 11 di-
Par of Seneca co-s di.
Corn bk of N York 4 , dis
Lafayette bank , 9 di:
N Y Bk'g con 69, di ,
Dry Dock bank I di,.
N Am Tract co 9 di..
Bank-of Buffalo 55 die
Bank of Brockport 33 dhi
Hamilton Irk 30' disi
Com bk Buffalo 5g din'
All solvent bunks cal di,.
Country banks die
Except bk of Colum
bia, Green co Bud- i
romt,Middle &stets, I w
- Platsburg, Niagara, I 1 1
Wash and Warren, /
Wash Man Co.
Wayne co bank
Ater and Planters'
Del Co bank fi:audj
Ex R. Po'keePsie • ,
Pottadara Mantif Co do
Red Backs cal die
Mdclianits' and ,11autifse r
Milers' bit Trenton pa r
Princeton bank par),
Plainfield bank 37 dig!
• State bk at Camden. p a r
Ctunberlauti bank par]
Moinit Holly,, . Patl
Salem Bk'g co '' par
Monmouth barilt, no sate
N. Hope Del Br4ge
Trenton Meg could par
All Other banks . par
Far'& Mech bank of
it Brunswick no rude
Hob Bk'g & G co brae
WitslibWon Bk'g Co idol
Fratikpo - bank ! d o
JiTttinCity Bank
NJ'rintif Co d o l
Proteclisuil Lombard do'
Stati bk at Trenton ido
Bank of N 'Brunswick do]
,hridaibk . P.atiersodr !-- do
• - .111_CAS . k
iitiW,Vvicii4eap it
-rNiti4ED4I.P LES, a, good arbele•ra. ad fre a h
aril fur e at the .-rMICAD4
• .
TR Publishiet f the Peepheir A:dstie:ite,pitc.
. ing the use of t#i entirely new and modern its
sortmentof .1013 TYPE, are now prepru4 taexecute,
hratteat and satisfa style, all kinds - of
'-JO - 1 . TINRIN
6 ~
at Brides to suit the limes. .
i • , i ,
CARDS, .' I - 1-)ATAI.OqUES,
Printed on short tiotice, anti in the best style of the
Art. -1
Cr A share of the People's patronage is respect
fully,solicited. 1 •
July 9, 19 1 16. ! - •
A GENERAL. Assitytment (together with the rani.
uus trimmings) Of the latest improved patents,
both for Cookiug and Parlor, at reduced prices, by
PERSONS indebted to the subscriber, br Note
Book, for More thati cute year standing., are
requested to clank scene, without farther notice,
as eircutustaace require the immediate attention to
those old matters. B.''SAYR4.•
August IS,
- - - 4
All solvent banks dis
Calais batik 10a—
Agricultural bank do
City bk Portland do
Danrariscorta 'do
Mercantile bk do
Stillwati , r Canal bk do
Bangor Coin bk do
Westbrook IA do
Citizens' bit do
Globe bk . do
shingtnn co do
Frankfort' bk do
,All solvent banks dis
Bank of St Albans
Bk of Bennington
All solvent banks - din
All solvent banks 6&a
All solvent banks dig
'Baltimore banks dis
Patapsco bk dis
!Mineral back 1 dis
re criatowu . dis
lagersurtyn • tLis
'Far & Millers' bk ila
!Westminster (,puke
.Williamsport j din
iClmberland L dis
Cr:nadir' hank
i . 'ta
41 ' .hannah broke
r n
Millturtoit broke
;Frederick en bk dis
firt.keu liks various prices
'Baltimore & Ohio Re
' Lief nottN, 11l dis
ißlink of Delaware pp-
Stril'a & Ilranyw'tio par
, Fanners' bit Del par
iUnion bank
,- par
Ronk of Smyrna par
Under ?.is . i di,
DIS. OF COLL - AllilA.
I IVashingum City 1 dis
.1 dis
I Fat- & .Nlechzuates' i dis
klexandria i dis
t Bit of Alexandria ,broke
tiileehanins' bk brile
(Franklin bank ' no sale
Merchants bank do
Ex bk & branches 11 dis
18k of Ca & lir:eels 1 f dis
I Far bk & b'eha 14 dis
i Valley bk & b'ch 1# dis
Wheeling tali dis
Wheeling p notes dis
All solvent banks 2 dis
Small notes 24 dig
All solvent banks 14 dig
'Small notes 2 dis
Bk of St Mary's • 5a
Ocmulgee do
Monroe R . do
i C,olumlons do.
Phcenix bank do
Exchtuqe bank do
Chat R hank do
Central bkof Mill do
GeorOa Blig co - do
Rucker B'kg co do
All aolyent banks 2
Allsolvent banks 5a6 clis
notes 8 ills
Solvent bk. notes
Bank of Illinois 70 dis
State hank 50 d'is
Lsr pts
notes 3a3i dis
Alriolvenil rotiks A.
All sols eut „hanks
.214 dis
All-solvent hanko dis
• ••,,FLORIDA.
Southern Life &
pottation Co,
2 dis
2 dis
2 dis
~.ri.,.. ;
. 11
A GOOD Ass,hrtuient kept on hand, (prices
treruely low foti the ready pay,) by
13. SAYlii
SALT by thebalf duzeu barrel-451,4 per barrel;'l
by . B. SAY RE.
Produce and i General Commission
MerchantS 43 Front st. N.Y.
PRTICULAR 'plum-Min given to the sale of
Batter and Cheese. Refer to Meshrs. &
Sherman, Alontiren•M Peinea. who will make
advances on ProiliMe consignee) to their care, and
pay over tlre pr eeeds as soon as sold.
. New York, July-,
, 1346. S— lc
The Tariff and the People::
THE fartnera of f4itstptehannah County nee hereby
notified that the bui-gest and best assortment of
Ploughs and lron Castings of every Li n d and r Uric!):
may be had fru:Manna the Furnace of
D. POST, JR. &
Cheaper than.the Cheapest, for Cash
Let it be ninlerstood that we net be under-
Fold. We have. too. the largest assortment
in our line, of any Foundry in Northern l'ennwlra
nia, consisting of PLOUG/ Li that v. ill go up ha. and
down hill, and on the le% el—to wit: Lion
Warne County Ploughs. Wooirs Old Patent. Side
not Ploughs, Ste. Sc. too numerous to mention.
Punt S.: CO., will also funii:di their customers with
Andiron of every si/e, %sit!: Wayiin Boxes, Slay,
Curter and Bob Sled Shoes, Itog-elmrtt'lron... ran-
Mug Mill Ii:o114, and indeed every kind of Iron C4st
ings that the farmer and harthti.trAl yeomanry of the
County may desire. Then rail .tt
Montrose, Jane tn. 1.1 IC.
PRODUCE, Cash. and approved credit may be
exchanged for Iron 11 ar••. at
-EVERY kind of 31111-Irms, :Irma] and sn-nnz., anj
'made to order by. D. POST, JR., &
A LL Xete tc n rm i l s pd e bi l d i
, to 'the
ate 1 1.0, s • e finn i of R :
trouble, by " Renderitt; uutn Cesar v. hat is Crosars.•'
The Accouuts of K. & Cu., are in the l Ltu d,
Moutrvr. , e, J nue '24, 13 46
r\VY ©,
TIIE subscriber, tit:nil:hal for rist favor hi ts
frietoLi and the plUie. re.metftillly itivite, their
attention to the TtrW and splendid - lot of G00t.1 . 4.n0w
openint,t, con,isticott of
Dry Goods, hardware, Crockery,
Glass TVarc, Looking-igassts,
GI-emetics, Nail. , Books
4. Stationery, Fish, etc, etc.
which will be sold is low' as usual. •
Oct. 4 44. T. Lyons.
N. R.—''anted; Grain, Batter, sock,, White
Beams, Tallow, Beeswax. &c. &r. I. L.
T .
HE subscriber trtnrics thanksto his friends and
the public ~...”rutierullv, t. :r the patronage
be...has received darittg the summer, and re.,
pectfully invites them to call and take a look at the
Nur and splendid
he is how receivint 4 ,, wit', h will be sold cheaper
than ever before utfereal•in this market.
.sept. 3, 1346.
AISIS,N in small boxes, rile for fimaily use, for
sale by J. IIiONS.
O F plain, plaid. changeable. fancy; maitre stripe
Alpaccas, DA:tines, Cashmeres, Gingbanis,
ptt'ttes, Su% K. Alto, some elegant Cashmere and
Dahill:re Shawl's for sale by J. Lyons.
UYEE.9 . 4- 32r1-1V.07.1.9 %OTT OT,
WtHW i li C b t ,._ •
F OR Cash, Butter, BC-WM:a, Feadrers, - B. c.
or approved credit, in StisqueleinuaCounty,.ctui
be bad ut
eJ Iror
o fa 9 "
who is always no hand, told ready to wait on those
who may please to ravor hint with a call. "
J.L. i&o carries:ou the BOOK. BINDING; business
where old Books, Papers, &c:, will be bound to or
der on short. noticol'..
Nloutrose, .I,e, la4a.
20 Lbs. Ssiaratra . s fur Otto
1G do Sugar ; do do ,
124 'ria Coffee' do do
4 do • Y'F 1 - #paa Ten do
12. 1 1 yds shaming most 40 inches *We for $1
SUMMER CLOTHS at 10 ets per yard—call
quick or they will o;11. be gone --at the Cheap Store
of J.LYONS.-'
June 21. r •
. . .
41p atifit'elrlre 4f. S. humreeee Cernpen„.Pl4le-,
4iitefUunisi6zdtl utderehreeti effee:iln
=surances matinyiiiiirop
ertY,-3imft &W g, Jor *As tor'. fire:L
The nmneuse reseurco oft titsSipipapy c s j ut them
1 4 1 i . .. er€llCe.
coufuleuca}6 Air .leMonib e. prupiez .. th e
transaction' p-f
titlehem •to the
. 4 1 4,4 k. Agie-Pnip;P(' ins°• -•
June 16, 1846. " •
_i_ • •
IiSIJGAR t I : a i ' EI " PILLS. '
....t. ;. • ~
eWar . C...iCalliloll! 1
. ;The . increaaia !IxTukiliq Ofiki G. elli:4 1 1 1 /V.
improved Indiazi,VcgetUtle sugar cosi ed , ills has
inducer! a numbe r r' of Tteriarts , ttto ma itolnethhig .
- they call coat 'them with st6tr,.ia order
to sell them for ii genuine, while th do not pee
!Sea a particle to e ge . rwhiessr,'• nor i't u4saaindlate.
4n,appearatice to ! , the anginal. Dr. Si ii i 's 41112., l ii .
- iihort,they! are Mt intended Ft/ill) r ' thViem
inanitr. A!. minister <' ho at first had interest in
tsuirustatinu sugar goatela Pill, wan tact' sia.- Al
batty, N.. Y., baa given item up, sayi, oni ac
count o(the - miseinble 'dishonest : ' .s:concetned
in inauufacturink them. The same p
,y are now .
indahriouSly!eirulating reports ealen led to injnro
Dr- Solids and ti) affect the - mputatitesof - his Yukio
ble pills; but rather than notice them In public, Dr.
Smith i.§ about tit institute legal proe dings against
them fur their 41anders i as lie has,in pother case
against a similar party, in which he recovered rt ,
large'amount of! damages. These mispmble imita
tors have to resort to Wu most abomirsible meats to
palm off their counterfeit pills, as the public know
that Dr. Smith'il are the original and genuine. Sev
eral instances have come to public tal ice in which
life has been rudangered by the unfortunate use of
the counterfeitsi. It is Dr. Smith's Pill' that are do
ing so mach goad iu the country—us the - following
plainly show. . I
More Ministers use and . recommeu ' Dr. Smith's
Pills than all others. •
This is to certify that I have used tli snpr coat.
ad Pills manufactured by G. Benjamin" Smith of N.
York, for some time, nod brljcve them to be a good
medicine; and .nlso, from itirpriry lu Chit city, I am
persuaded that he is the original inventor, and then
fore is entitled to the IMnefit of t4e invention.
Pastor Ist .Baptist Church, Pittsburgh.
• .
Trot) the. Blue de'n's eliekru,
We call the attention of our renders to the certifi
eateof Bev. S. IVilliau s, Pastor of Ist Ilitptist Church
Pittsburgh. imvelation to Dr. Smith's 411 i. We can
ourselves bear! testimony to the excellence of these
Pills, one of usiliaviug used them anti experienced
great relief front them.
The above iS:the best paper in the-sittte of Del.
'The " inrnitivrn V . VOETXTIT.74 pii,ta, ° l(tat.
gar coated ,)' ale certainly tloiag iiinel4 good in the
whole comitcy, and are highb esteemhd, it ' one half
lot true that people write atugsay nlionyl them. They
are Fo ealzty Illitheir operation that taillike thotti.—
The editor of he Northern State Joanna, (one of
the . large . st mid heat papers iu the state of N. Y.)
writes as fulluwa :
Dr. G. Ben smith—
Deur air: 1 i was laid up 'aid' n h .
true since my: return from N Y., and
nest; I made trial of your ping. and
found tlieut cap:dhti. They are the
for the purpoi they are itdendril th
seen— 1 Reid, 411 take pilk, bat 1-fortn
ly free from the objeetaitua t. which. t
liable. I !mitt they will continue to
profit to you, Evil doubt not they will
relief to the aillietetl ou a large scale.
on rg tru .
Tatm:Ludt. N. Y. 'sel
Dr. G. 'Beni. srnith
Dear sir: Your agent kit with me
caitteil Yin., and I Live but tew.
Dvery box I kave said hal given mai
I buve taken them my.elf, and I coin
.1.)6.4 pill. I Laive ever u.ep, and I.,che
mend to the' public. -I.iu-i.ll a fun
once. I'M:Mil respectfully
Dear sir: I 'lnn most cstrof your Ina all Vegetable
sugar coated rills, and find them sell gso fast that
I think you hid. better send me- two Toss immedi
ately. They :give such general satisfa tion that peon
pie come at least twenty miles for the , and as it is
g.enerally kndwn 1 ag,eut for thei , I would be
very to get out.
Yours Res , ectfully,
S. AI ORE S: co.
ten with a putt on the botti , no of the
coated" l'illi hre Coy:n:lF EIT
Principal ()Mee 17.1) Gr_ienwirb
block, N. Y. :crab: a box.
Azerit for !the faleof Smith's In
sugar coated
Montr:se-I.N. Nlitc.kiej & co. and .1
New Milford-H. Barritt.
- •
10,000 Tit;,gbels Oat:. 1000 bash Is Rye, 100
luudieb. Timothy seed, and3oo Firki is Dairy Bat
ter, fur which the highest market rric • will be paid
by Mills ti, Sheri:aim.
Sept. 23, 1340.
ri - ii - EO7 FASH ad i n
TEIE sniii.cribers, having receise, d the latest
Fashieuis fur Gentlemen's Dress,lw °old inform
their mow:Toes !nitrous, particularly tLose who have
been waiting;for the
that they are ! prepaceil to servo the
nreorrpasseil thi4 place. which the
quire no boating to render apparent..
Montrose, Oct. 7, 1C46.
-----r- - -
litEP IT IN M ND .
THAT thetcheapest lot of Grinds elver offered in
..1., this rnarlcct, can now lie found nt the store of
111 yilsl Ciien for One Dollar, ash.
12. yds; 614..eting dn. n.
I; lbs. •Cac. Tobacco, dn. o. •
6 lbs. , Youz. Hysou Tea, do.o.
Sugar, Coft i ee, i ,Mtag
oses, Sz e. &e. 3.-. o.
150 '''°YE S-..-: and imP/1/`
consisting of Air tight Cool'
Empire • do do
‘Vashington do do
, Combination do
Parlor do
Coal, Parlor, ,13ox, and air tight Stove
of all kind:4 &c. Sc. &c., cheap for cas
and approved credit._ _
Isaac L. Post
A 111 : receiving their FALL &
which will be sold cheap as can
town. 4s.
French, .English, and Americ
Gold,,and steel-mixed Beaver
Satinets kind Kerseys.
Dresi triMinings, fringes, velv
& Gimps.
Prints, 80 piects—from 5 tot
Ginghams,..plain and twill'd,
Shawls—l-Brodie, Waffle, Chi
. Groceries, large iissOrtnint.
Teas, from 2s to 8s per lb.
Iron, Spring-stcel,: , Nails, B
Crow-bars. . • I
.. . .
Lookingfiasses, best ass t in
Crockery 1 66 64
A large stock of Men's , and t,
ii , — ,
4r. Brogans ' also -Wonien'S
Shoe* of ev ry . deseriptiOn.
Mali., Q& . &c.
We trust or friends wilLnt le
examine o i• ; s(cink—.=we r 41 1 ,d
, ' , ISAAC' L. , PICIS
Montrose,' Nor. 5, 1840. ""
Watertown, M.
JACOB laf3
I runtingum, Ind. Ju
Sunimersvilie—R. L. Sutphin & I
MuntroAc, June, ISM
Velvet and Satin Vesting,s—ri
Plain and plaid Cravats.,
Alpacca,i CaSlunere, and' d'L
Bonnet 4atins, purple and bl
Bonnet triminings--rieli.
Ilardware of every kind.
filfil-sawi and files. •
, T u t t,=. , I.bettstiltio4tity#l 4 l 6. - Evv.
:Ir! ~, •'l'. ifl.-- ,, .- 7 , •.;.!,,,, ; ;• ... ir i...--;* ,, t, ." _l it ,
WA. gthil- ..4fill Al
- 1
titi a,
i "tiatiiiibir iWit `346 l eieiViig - his ,
- I' t-kitoeltrbrthWv; ceinkfirisiiii th -
I t
wi r ' T ietyi„which have 'been ip ' bagel
the p eitent,uniksi*A9w"..P.riP, 4-Ord,
sold is. cheap as can he found i tins i
tienrettctiuntry, Grateful •for. , :faV
the stlbscriber feels - pervuaded ,t t the
ire eta ktopri4s;at, v.vhich.he. ie. utthlei
oflrsGoods, he will . merit a eon nit*
of pa rentige2 'Please'Cill. '
• lit' would invite the "attention - rthe i
lie to the followittg.: -.' .'., -: ..--. • .. . ,
• C hmeres and d'Lainsi,.elega t patte
and ery cheap. :- - , i ,
.A 1 accas , and gold Plaids, clletiper
belle than ever. .
• A arge and splendid assortm tof I
- • .
cos, 9 cidedly the cheapest ever 'offere
• , . . , i i
this arket.
Fan Cy Cassimeri, a great varit
ceedilegly low. •
Brlutdelothi—a large' assortmc
'cam t l a
. at will certainly pie*,
. PI in and fancy Satincti, YerY•
mon cloths, also very cheap, onl
Or 3 rd, and other things at the
'lr n, Nails, and Nail Rods;
ISt gars-=a large supplyor stri
Sugars, just received, and will be
as th 3 cheapest. '.
. Ja 17h, Laguayra, and Rio Cog
will bp sold very low: ,
il 4
Molasses at only 2s Gd per gal on.
T sts—a large lot of those pr' e first
Te ; on hand again. '
.6 s. of Tea for one dollar. '
L4ather, pronounced by the hest judges
the teapest in town.
1 •
SI etings, Cotton Yarn,.•Batti l ,g, AVck
ing, hovels, gardware, Tickitt,., flantkels,
Butt i ts, Bleached .lllitslins;,.R kf's. like.
ike., all very cheap. -I .
V ikings; a splendid variety o WoHterl,
Velvit and Satin Vestinws, just a rived.
. 1 J. B. SALI UR*.
Mitntrose, 25th Nov. 1546. 1 -
31, 1846
1 cold some
wring my ill
must say I
Kist medicine
have yet
yours entire
her pills are
)1!a source of
e a means of
TT has betinearre4ly re -
it TT
eil through the county, a A
' 9 '. .is the declatisl opiuiou of h: n- .
ilrezia, that iti point of vari y and uali
tv, the supply, of rixT • td CAR , at
Mint it. & lioor's liar and Cap. Store Oa the 'Vest
side ( the Public Aveaue in Minitrosejexceedi arty
thing . if the kin& ever exposed for sale u this region
of Lary. Reader, (To you' discredit the ruthisr ?
Rem itiil3er the Poet's ddnionitiou : [
tlB, ICI6
Our tioubts are truito
An y make us lose the good we oft
O. t. 2 , )846. •
a lot of your
Loses left.—
I.•r them the
rfully recom
,er supply at
. 1 20 Dozen
F1B• t
i. . NUTRIA; Brnsh, Moleskin a4l Silk kits,
o Fall d Whiter Fashions, on hlqul-rit 111 rrill
& R is Hat 4tom, which will lie - 'old c per
than t ver for ready pay. '
.... 'i
1 4 5: u 11 y oZ m e u c t i r :re a d t and nat. Lynx. f4e_tt,ant es Cii-
Merrill's 4
6 10Z. squirrel Boai and Ladies ; Fni Capsnt
i', M & RN - .
Mg D*, OZ Otter, seal ,. Nutria and o,lnskrat Fur
40 Caps at ' ' : , . M & Ks.
2 007.. M'en's and Boy's plain toth Cas of
different styles!and quality, at Al &IR's.
9 'OZ. Men's and Boy's silk and t <mon glazed
rips, a few dozen'llufFalo Itolies..dltd anytr
ty of air seal, sealet, and worsted Cat at M , R's
9 DOZ. sph. coney,, imitation hush, fur and
wool sporting.anclwool Hats--rdso I-1; Ca
ses, tuff Cases, Cap gases,.& ;M & 's,
SH paid for l'eltaby - ! M &It.
1 11 . , ! • S 1 •
VS . `GHAMTON l'lkrW Points for !! $0,43
Side Hill do. i 1 50
AlsoVayne County Bointsut . 111 & B's.
3 t
ontrosc, 0ct.12.' 18.46:
I -
'4- 15 —'r--
1310 RE NEW GOO S. 1 .
1 '. a.4_.121'. fig. CA,
. ,
ITAYE received their usual Supply of all
nd Winter Goods,' which they I vite
limit.' old friends, rind also new (Ines; to call
'and kamine, and they will find its 'go an
assortment as most people keep 5n this sec
tioni including- Dry - Good's, Groc4ries, I ard
warl &c. &c. and a general valiety o -fix
ing-si where peoPle will be gatisfiid that they
_et the worth of tl#4,Moriey.
,i ' ' '
Nw. 525, 1546.. .
ER, P. M
be nut wa•rit
a, all" sugar
1, large brick
n Vegetable
o. 19-Gm
in a style o
N 'B.—We will. pay :better hirices 1
:,,giveliore Goods f4r Corn ,Rye, Oats, 1
and host all kitirlofkiii'llitce, tilliil an •1
i .
er sllOp in these, Dirginsif. Tito* who
any aright kind of pin:der to sot,' wool
iwellito cull and try at B.E4RLE.j
1.00 KE
T ,
i '
i ; IiOrOM 1
TCIE Subsr.ribes are now recliging
istnek. of Fait and Winter! GOOl
whic#lwill be sold on•their c uaiial itecom i i
ing ti.rins, for READY'PAY. / ,
MlLt,s & $ . 114' RiWA
Mbntrose, Nov. 4,1840. 'F,
'-- —.---
fed. patterns—
lug Storey.
- -
B& $11()ES, coarse and ,e,
!LP Ovbrririnlity and Nice, by
Stove Ware
or improved
• I
BOXES OF GLASS—aII sizes and
141../ dawn Sash c)r sale. •A .
1 LYONS ,i
Jrtrie: , 1 RAG
TO 1 1 4 RAPPER:, - titrNTERg, Pl
milt; ilighest price*M for *hipp . !
ra rum at the (+l . tiatf a ta r y, flours
bf SmirTh's Niikere some
' 6or 8001-TATSI
bf dift4nt qnnlitits, frOM to's2
!Atm AO of the pow; yualiEy bavo ev - Wert,
Nottbern l'ennsyli ma. Also, aiiq stock
f. •
' PS
jost r coivcsl from N.
Ded.lp, tau:
D. 1000 'IOUS& ! CATS
Cash iaid for any cipaqtity SI-IgEP PE.
• Co.
TER Goods,
be bought in
n Cloths.
in Robes
+4.1 aid to.
- 1
' p , SliO - V S ,
_ F 4
.Itln. I.
.0 n e l m g itro ,
Cutl et air tight . r.
l e
1 dw, ,
.'. ,34)
..,Empate.#,ir tight 1 •do. H 0
poulde Oven ' t . do.- .;„, p
tr.ol .1 , • 4 [do. ~ c
ih) . • • I d o . i .
VLietofail , 1 •
~,,,,Ido.: ,
~‘. (
[Farlc!‘ 4 . : i .. .4 :
Air t r 4htlyarlor stoves ;1
L.0 . 14u . icet4 shop stov , t o ,
. ~ .. .
S is! W o. vve°4Vill gia lr ie sE eh br e oul a w p ls a ki, t Zlii i '1;.:1, 4.,1,.. 1P11 Y;0 11 e5 1' lis'.: 4: ,Q ,
Itto treieo . sew. 22, 840:J 2,' 4,....,...
t Rilmnds,
cts. per yd.
ich, coPrd.
' ce.
d-iron and
oy's Boots
149 RE
✓. r. Gindtuvms4,ooco.l'F.o4oo
. dses' fight colored. 84-910yrale1040,81:4
tibif Sfe,44 gr,
due a rees, lir ,91101.
tzail and
a will sell
& CO.
* l ex
TA THE - I M.#ll-1E -NATPRA-cit
J, mon sense, that the natural vege
of & - vgey if korPeiitriiiil
B,' t . fnr'the•ertro of,erery tigslaily •
PecuYV c l ima te.
of the Nottli Aineriettireoliegoofkif
plant oyhir grow .sikt
own sod,, and aretherefore better
constitutions thaitittetikines •conwe
drugs,. hi:Toyer,well they may, be: co , 1
is they are routied - upon the in , pei.
man bodyisinsruth
Subject to but one Ins , '
viz: corrupt humors; and that said
this diseat4e on
. at
1 'e-
Az- ,
• of
by cleansine• e and purifying the body
ifest, that if the constitution be not e
ed—a perseverance in•their um,.acc,
thins, is absolutely coil* to drive
name f 'rinn the body'. - • ,
When we wish to :restore itswam •
fertility, of the supenib.•
in like manner if ' ee wish to rrty
health. we Must aleimseitof impuri
ti r ecO's..(ndicrn Veggt4
will be found 6ae"Of the best, if not
medicine in' theTWorld • for earrYing
Gra!d purifying , print
because they expel' from the body •
impure humors:the cause of disc:vie
natural manner; and while they eve
at, at
An -
4Q c l
G ease pteasz
disease of every name is rapidly di
body. .
tly p
.The following, highly, respectabl
luwe been appointed ageithi
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills' i.
county • •
l eap
Mills & Sherman, Montrose
L. Hu Woodruff, Dimock G.
Edwin Tiffany, Brooklyn.
Jos..Dußoia, Great Bend.
It. L. Suttiblw& Co. Sauna
H. Burriu, New Milford.
N. E. Kennedy,. Gibson. Cen
iiSi; Cirtis, Last Gibs
Wells at U0.,-Duildaff.
Tarbox 'ilk -BUrtiaws, Rushvi
James Cortitbrt, Harmony.
U. Burrows &.-Co. Gibson.
T. G. Pride,' Harford.
Charles L. &own, Friend
tioued against. the many spurious
in order to deceir.e, are called by n
iVright'A Indian Vegetable
The only original and genuine -In
Fills have the si r Tnarure of 11'in.
a pen on the taplahel each hog.
genuine, and to eowuterfeityiva is fo.
Offices devoted fftclosively
Wright's Indian Vegetal)le Pills, of t
ican College of 1161111, No. '2s3 Gre
York ; No. 1!38 - Tiemont Rosto
office, No.-10 Race st. Philndelph..
COMPRISING the following :
GOO cross coat, pant, vest, and sld
9.oedoz. Ivory;'dr.s; and kick
400 papers j,, :6-14 inch Brads!
1.000 do. 24, 3, 4,6, 8;10,12, 14, 161
eoo doz. spool Thread ;
100 lbs,liuneu, aottou r and silk 11
10;000 skeins nail sewing Silks ;
15,000 Needles, froth to 10; fi
4eucils,TWist, Cord, Bindings, ,
Soap, Brtaies, Stay laces, Ihi~nbl'
& Eyes, &c., foisaleLyon
• PORK i-PC 43
WANTED : . at the sttire.of
14 Co..any.Atiantity ofi!or.
for Goods and part cash. r
• - Dec. 1846. • 1
WANTED at the Hat Store of
1000 cords of 18 and 20
change for Hats' and Caps. '
Dec.. '46. . .
IN exchange cur Goods, the folio
wit : liouse,ishes, Flax-seed, T'
ver Seed;Grain,Potitteek Beans,
pies and Peaches, Butter,,Cheese, d
net Socks and.Bto'ckings, Tow-do
Beeswax,, - Firking and ti
T J AMP OIL„ Both wiuterand
' , LINSEED ; 01L,, ; b1. the' barrel,
CODI ISIi, M4hemi and shat,
C'H *paid for'beel hides,i by
i do
GOOD.C.irpetkg;for'sale by
Dec. `24;'f:).:340%.''
- pot REED'S utiper Leather, kul fir
cr forsitle at
DPc. 24. 1846.
U DRS-1-Casil and : dm hig!Liebt
kinds ofiliipping furs lit
. Dec. i c `,46. HEAR
TUSTreceived a'nev;
Good-Scle • Leather - reel:" 12 1
per Leather, 2a 64 tp 3a per
'PO) . •
BS. the hithsCtiewsGem Taylor
. Mexicans tremendously, ;
the 6 :en:Tailor MMentmse is cut .=
according , te the late (till and
Winter Fashions, which he has just
ortro Tariff/ he is hound to pleas.
with neat Ots and sulsmintial work.
CottinE pn short notice and w
properly Made tip. '
Dit B- 4 —Wantetl, ,a fine limbed,
young lad about 15 years old, from
pod clumeter,, us tin appreti
lug business. None, need apply
(Nano well recommended. APPLY
' JOIIN - Gll t i
Montrose, Oct. /5, 1346-
frOb Tea"
seed vich
by . I r MILLS
wante l
Rititilvilorkotf7-!hecit; . 4l
NPPi.I.F.'O!i.FPF u Il dh E
' l4 M iltiVai 'l lino.4si - 4 846.
; ..B,y
5 .4A3 1 19, .1
63by1.8., 10,4-14,41
~1r b y,i9,..1.10.1by,115 , 1 - 1
tind f .-14 , 4p18, , Vr
7;;hy,9,43 by - Ift,A4kbyti _
:souiduk for.side by,41.-prt
Nentrese, sept, 30,1846.
1 •
( 4.Y0
P F coal.
culent ed,ilfritay ni t
l Atti '
~0 11 „.
darned to our
•• 40,m roteip,
k that the 6.
use of every
Or ZOOMS, to
dant w•n}an:
the - bed)" le
'e Pills -
the very title
t this
tru eaby and
' • dily.
'vela Prom the
stoeckeep rri
for the sale o f
, 1
public are m
edicines which
nes 61041, to
! a n Vegetable
ht avritten with
Non& other is
to the sale of
ie North Amer
nwich st. Nor
told principal
t Buttons;
18 & 21)Tacks
e qizaßtj-;
poofla,. Razors,
~ tape; }looks
R. Searle &
ia exchange
Terrill & Root,
h woodin ex-
-mg articles to
ruothy and Chi
lots, Dried up
' rd, Toxic, Flan
h, Kersey bags,
• 1 staves, 4G“.
,unmer, fur sale
t rate sole
p l aid for all
I' -15
than ever.
-15 cents. Up
skins accord
' D.' SAYRE.
II 1 g
as ontting down
' d John . Groves,
oat .gsrinems
xylem ran and
eceived, Tura
' his. enstomers,
ed; to fir liOn 41 ;.•
the cnuutry,
e*.e . :the
.as. can
VEg; Va)r
billings; by
J. Lyons. .
! Flai•
nnge far Goods;
Ifh,antliFftFr --
.h can be Tar
. ; tintnflOn . -
' &Ake
11E1E1 E".
sis.4l 44 ,