The people's advocate. (Montrose, Pa.) 1846-1848, March 25, 1847, Image 1

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fie politer' ribvocatt.
likce on the west side of the Public Avenue*,
Itlll3:.=:fi,NE'DOLLAft a' year in adranee. I.
1 Dollar Tiftv Cents if wit link! within trims'
limo tbs,,and if delayed until after the expiration ef
the ex two dollarsivill he exacted.
Witinuances optional with the Publishers, X 111•
I wrearages we paid. 1 _
tters ;to the Publishers on business with tbo - of;
fic imnst be post-paid to iusure atteutiun. . •
Po cfrp.
From the Democratic Review
Of war, and an invaded soil,
A .81:Aden cry rings through the land,
And instantly our chieitabes call
Is echeed back ou every hand.
And down the ''.‘lls;,ii;sippi vale,
Gathered from near mid - distant parts,
All eager for the fray, is poured
Art avalanche of beating hearts.
Each beating high with eager hope,
Its country will accept its aid;
lAtid We is freely offered that
The-debt of loyalty be pail
Now, while the torrent rapidly
is swelling to a mighty force
Of strength, to crush the foe that dares
Oppose its fiercely-rushing course ;
A stripling comes in humble garb,
A-font, and roughly travel-worn,
But whose young eyes fatigtie
Of evcry.andent glance unshorn.
He seeks the presence of the chief,
With eager to4e4 of earnest youth,
And thus his anxious wishes speaks,
While every gesture echoes truth:
0 I wish to join the army, air— .
My father';: lame, mid cannot go; ii.
4 But grandfather has told us how
9 He marched barefoot thro' Tretiton's snow..
" He said, when danger threatened her,
5 To prove myself my country's son,
5 I must not mind fatigue or pain,
For they were borne by Washington.
rlndeed, I am quite fourteen years,
,‘ And rce my father's title here—
will not tire, and will do well
Jf I can be a volunteer."..
IGod bless the boy! His blessing be
Armand him all his life, we pray;
And may he live long years ofjoy -
Without a single cloudy day.
0 Such nre thy bulwarks, happy land!
And such the fruits of liberty; •
A brilliant destiny awaits ,
The land, producing such as be..
Amm o
The Murder of Joe Neale. ,
1 :1
• "--...
tln the rude barracks of the New York
Opinion, one niorningearly, an unusual bus
-2E14 was observed. British officers were se
le tine• a party of men for an expedition,
which, 'to judge from their expressions of
pl,isitre, was of more than ordinary inter
es ti and afforded promise of n greater amouut
ofilimusement than usual—for in. those days
il +as accounted the height of amusement
• ola party of British regulars to scout about,
•su. Ise land engage a handful of Yankee
mitiamen; and slay them withdut the.
eli h test show of mercy. Sometimes those
un ortunate creatures — fhrmers or craftsmen
--ere compelled to perform the most ri- ,
di ' lons'acts, while they stood, with a per-
feciknotiledge of their situation, upon the
vetke efeternity. They were made, oftn
tiotes,•tet dance, and while so doing, were
sht down like mongrel dogs. Others were
ba °netted while they shimted, in obedience
'to he whim their conCfuerers,•" God sale
lb .•• King r The doggrel verses of the
e, ridiculing the " rebels," were often
ch anted by a -man standing under a tree,
with the rope that wai•to strangle him •to
degoth cleverly adjusted about his neck. If
114 appaling little crueltiesof civil warfare
we're ever enacted to sagmat an extent tloit
himunity seemed to have yielded its attri
butes to beasts and received links attributds
ntexchange, they were doite'.here—hete
upon this very spot, where Lwe now lhave in
,01 habitation and a name." ' IV.
F•The party alluded
,td was . „oon *elected
a , .1.
ret,iay to start. Its commandant was a mt.
ri4 officer named Galbraith, notorious fin.
stringent measures, and possessed of a reek:
lets disregard of all things—which is too fr.
tpferrtly mistaken for bravery. His ltaket,
foi a wise purpose no doubt, had afforded
hi r Oi mare than physical.stningth enough*,
enforce whatever command his crueltytikf,.. l
al disposition prompted him to giv'e:
t anicl l4
bete was, at the time w write 0f,4
. ,
s :; g jiresumption that peace would be de- •
el red, inasmuch - at; it was' rumored 'that
tau bad been
,recalled 'and that his Sue
snensar„ a peace 'advocate,. Sir Guy Carleton,
eight soon be in America,. . t
' Now, men," said Galbraith, as bey
pared; to the number of about one
in huff-
d, tizi move, - "•remembei that my - pnwPer
his excursion is absolute. I have a •isert
441 roving commission—can ,go where 1
pliaae., 1 All I dmire issliat every order may
lespromptly obeyed. You will see 'nothing te l e your diity. I
_eat: 'asstire s you thatievery
~ L known to be sueli;With - whew I chance
soall in, will die. , Lieut;:- Moulton l goes
h us."
i,.. Pray Fate we may-have a good time of
it4for I tam tiredOf inactivity,"' said that::
*potion. - r ••• 2 '!.''"), '', ~'.• lf
ii, i
4'-hverf.earl?'wail Galimaigel,fePiri "if
1 4 wait-sport we can, mOke it, _.!, long to
tale a fen , of thg_iiiie lilies of t h e se eit-liio
iniurgents - ." - .:'- "" ~7 r -''
r.:' ",
1.1 '
)i 1:P=I-n nie r eiritairned Illoukon,'" Ili, e.
tl. They I Are tat,hlue: .er by dhii .
. -
4li ttfaft Pi/ one ;is killed , - , PrA;#lO7We W
.hi. Pla"., ,1 14 ite. , cfW 1 09!A hi Ch . W 1 1,4° 1;
,' By the river path. Thevittilitiiiikint,:
g "' '''-
, : 1 11 ,
t art, we i iii . list, be 'Oti".. 'the - )iiiiiie, - P.Plitopiigisi , ,
Wipild'railiei'iiiiiiiley 'lVein4nriglii then mit. '
**sit have twilglittirdifituna . 4l44
e ingo and . oarly sixon:',3.fraj iP i t . '''-i" , ) 1 -'i '
• e word was given, and the-detachment
.! .
g • N
1 .
. t
VOL. 1.
Started. It Wail tt sm ; tting Or foraging party
kind Of inspectiOn - body, intended td take
a survey Of affairs just as directed by chance
or judgment.
A littlebefore midnight, two men, badly
c l a d, and whoge paleness Ives, gliastl) , by
the silverg, of the orb of evening, were
quietly seated upon a trunk of a - tree;, in a
hollovrparallel'Avith Yorkville, and in Close
juxtaposition With - the banks of the. hoble
Hudson. ll'Their unshorn berth's and neg
lected -haft' and emaciated condition, in con.
nection with their squalid, ill-fitted garnients,
too . plainli indicated that they had been im
prisoned. They were prisoners liberated
from the a
city. , A spade lay near the two,
and besides hole made in the earth. ; 'On
- their knees they held a small piece "of deal
board, which they were using as a plain up
on trhich to tkrow dice!
" And 9A, Joe Teale," spoke the tallest of
these persOni, as lie paused before casting
the dice from the open hand—" And sci, you
do not feel conscientious about it 1 Well, I
must confess that I felt like a scouncluil as
I prowled' about among the red-coats• and
took what,l could' find." He cast tlielittle
implements of mischief. , -
" Thirteen !" said the other—" a nuinber
not often bent albeit small. As to any regret
concerning the plunder from the slain bialiei
of our foeS, I never experienced it. We
were peritibing‘ for clothing and food. ('on
gress could give us nothing, and so we help
ed ourselves—not to relieve the necessities
of the moment, but to provide for the fliture.
Was that no: wisdoM ! The war has strip
ped us of Overy thing except life, and even
left us a small chance fur that." So saying
he accomplished his throw.
" Fifteen ! The choice is yours. I allow,
Joe, that there is much truth in what; you
say. The dmid did not want what ivehook
from theni; but still there is a lurking ;spe-
Mes of remorse which continually suggests
The idea that I have been much like the car
rion crow."
"Ah ! halt !" cried the party 'addressed,
as he rose' from •his sent and picked up the
spade. "4 hate these infernal Britisher,
and I will kill them whenever- I can If
their-lives ~are. ours—and you think tia—
their substance may he rightfully apprbpri
ated. But no matter : we memo days free,
after as Tunny years of torture" and confine
ment, he Pleasant." •.
'Peale began to dig lustily, while his corn
paniop, mimed Oatland, approached to'ciew
the progreSs of the labor. •
" It wain fortunate circumstance, then,
that induced us to conceal this property,"
remarked flatland,. after a short pause.
" Very," wairthe brief reply.
"I don't ii-egret," continued Oatland;" {hat
the first chiiice has all the dig
" Nor IX repliek Teale ; ""I want a little
exercise in the open air."
At this moment, the spade struck a wbod
en and both-men uttered a cry of
delight., With much Micah) , they raised a
box aboitt•fiot square, and placed it Upon
the grass.
"It looks pretty well preserved," Said
Teale, wiping away the perspiration, and
givint , ,the hex a kick.
" lrheipci . : the contents are right," slioke
Outland, who stooped and with an old rusty
knire beguil to pry at the lid. In a few imp
ments i4i5.448 removed, and
. revealed, in
the pale light of the 'moon, a mass of mciney
and several articles'izif jewelry.
"Down with the red -coats,, and up IV ith
the free stain !" cried Teale, capering Apia.
" Seven watches, and two hundred dud thir
ty bright Olden coins ! The coins we, di:
vide equally; my choice gives me the four
best watches. Hurrah for a rich foe :ftir
"So sari I," chuckled Oathind, whose
scruples of:Conscience seemed to be banish
ed by the 101 of the root of all • evil, and
who was nu much elated as his comrade !
" and so, a speedy independence for the (kin:
tinentals, and confusion to the. minions of ,
q•Se'ize them cried a voice from a strip
of undulating and wooden ground immedi
ately behind. Before the unfortunate couple
could recover their presence of mind, they
were bound in the hands of Capt. Galbraith's
'party Th r ri had traced , the poor fellows
by the sona of their voices, and approach
ed; as indeed they always endeavored "til
travel in their predatory excursions, Without
tbe•least noise. - - • ;
Well,"' said Qatland, who.saw the whole
danger, and l precise character of their pasi
lion it a glance, " what would you do with
its? IVe'ire discbarg,ed from ,Nev YOrk,
and are in nO service---nor are ire in pur4uit
drill) , design inimical to the cause ofithe
King. • Wa.ure neutrals us we stand, 4tid
yeti have oirrig;ht to interfere With us."
." Go on !" said Galbraith, coolly ; ",:we
all listeii." 'The soldiers stood as motionless
as' trees.
... •
44 1 hivi-nothin,g more to say. -
" Hilie'iott, l any remarks to -deliver ?"41n
gaited , the eititain of Teale, with mock:po
" None,'" a nswered be- 7 " none. I have
met sect! genpl'ao you are this, and I know
"your way oftioing business. That's
"Ai for your - being detected in no clime
Which warrant ' s oar notice," suddenly sPOte
:Moulton, ",I iteardzyoir utter, ireaiiMi .acid
fq 6w ;79 l v - e* rebOß 7 ; •" • „ ;
Despair was pictured upon the g ood *WS
• -- :
Whiitlav'e we Iteral w 401-
-tiraithiioinfto the tru nk4of the tree. "ice 1
and* box i •
- 4 ` 1 V 1 40140P9!" wiagil4 oll * l ' l, ol• as
he; aiiiged,the box into ful l , vie* or ail.
be officers, comprehended at.. a
3 an 2 %0 knew, wiltlOai 141 4 told, ° 4f
tbaOfigin'oftltat triaitire, lind'Oftbaiettiona
of its diaotrve6tiffieie. , The Spade; tille*ii4
the eentinsenta the two •mortala Hi er!; , the
CPA eVE,Pic. related:roi 09e
irf10094—tp. require, any r verluil,
"iiarrafitiOfetiPtiltiatibn: The lio*iideininier
ilia ti:Olin ... V*4A Olitdianitiii Oft&
itilaiers, ittelhn*.tOnistraneaviihOie
who bad for two years been in captivity, fa
licitated . the Mk.lves
the enjoyment it' wo
ton suggeSted the p
culprits hitt) the city
lease of their :old
church ; but qalbr
ment as impolitic a
ing too full, and th
as he said to be pr
"Very well, then
dozen men to step o
Piloultoni with the it
" What !" cried
them the death of ti
not while I have at
What need of a vollo
inquiry and alarm t
an exciting adventui
" What do you pi
" Corporid," said
fellows in clump, a
flat stone which alml
The two patriots
place indicated, whi
where they stood, wi
worn dice in his hen
"Sit down !" was l
the prisoners.
Teak hesitated, b
id the command.
" D—d if I do l"
- " Corporal, knock
• " Better obey,
ily ; " our time is e •
get through it with
Succumbing to n:
curled himself upon
of a tailor or a Mah ,
gathered around an
" Now," said Gal
" you will play for a
dull, I believe is yo
and try the first haz
A if 1 -signed to
cur, Tenle dogged!
" Six—only six
destiny is yours!
getfiut five. Your
cubes, and let them
rage sdvent
" Won !" saiil
tone. ".Won.o•hat
Even the soldier
species of brutal trai
by this declaration,
a quic`:.k start of itstor
to his feet, an&the
by the other individ
" You will take t
Galbraith, witli as li
if he wa giving din
transferring the wen
to Oatlainr, " and a
out the brains 0(44
'the soldiers recoil
hraith checked then
" Move not au in
Wave .all been men d
too, crc this. Movi
your muskets at th,
perform an act-of
the third count, he
atoms "'
" My poor frend,
into tears and fallii
" what, what in 14,
"Hark ye!" A
peace is made with
only prayer I ever k
er taught me. I iv
hand, cven though
through iny heart,
loyalist. If you lo
My eyes and avert
God bless you !"
Summoning- all
waiting, for the villa
hind raised his pie(
to another, it is to 1
and fell sen , ieless.
of pity among that
uttered n:low laugh
ed by the horrible t
"'Non," said t
dice, " we will dire
This swooning Co
Cause it Will be ivr.
a Mark that will n
to-night'S amusem
And What 'Was t
tie reader f. A co,
pelted tAicut ()Cone
gimp s edrsi and w
pain and anguish,
cal, the scouting
bank, phinged the
'Peale beneath .the
their way. At da .
passed their litics' f ,
ly resunied flied: q
'racks °Mew Yorl
Decency, huntai
eurreneee, by no a
unparalleled, etsew
doings of die opi
countriet give bird
Godlit pan image
NoTai--It it tiyt
a confeeiied deiu;en
0 07 411 3 ~mieptioned, ti
and minima exacta
haFe be4e, epb.c;E!ie
A dairs.svir, w
uy plods wouannil
to beconlie bound
ever ileniitided, , '
property{. tin . he
will-sittehd, sir,
by-ntaiider aske I
"Dl . * YOU kdoir,
do awl
of le - mitt-you-deli I
She , riplieit—Lts
ritialtn found tir:i
b* bile k udne!s
- taftv;•sk
ROSE, PA. Weil 25, 1847. r I
pon the anticipation of
14 brie them. Afoul--
. priety e carrying the
and giv tig them q new
quarters in the prison
th oppoAqi the move
d uselesi, the prison be
men too contemptible,
erved to life.
1, suppose we order. n
t and shunt them,"-said
most nonchalance.
albraith, ran ghly ; give
oldier ? By St. George
officer's' authority.-
3y at this hour, to cause
No, no. We wanted
c, and here it is:"
rivose 1"
Galbraith, " take these
d show them to that
.st shines in the moon-
silently followed to the
It was a few rods from
ile Galbraith taking the
•, accompanied.
the next command to
t Oatland quietly obey-
xelaitned Teak
him down !"
1." said Oadand
'me, and we had better
s little trouble as pos-
essity, Teak sullenly
the stone in the position
medan. The soldiers
1 1 completely encircled
l imit!), with a cruel smile,
lit amusement. Joe—
r title—take these toys
rd. "
nything that might oc-
did us he was corn-
Why, man, , what a
ray that you r friend may
urn, sir."
ally fingered the ivory
drop out at random.
ied Galbraith, with tan.
-en ! You have won."
timid, in a marvelling
" The Agin toex •
ute your brother rebel."
accustomed to every
isaction, were surpirsed
nd Moulton exhibited
isliment. Teak sprang
[oven - teat was imitated
I►is musket," continued
'tile apparei►t concern as
ctions to his tailor, and
pun from one of his ►nen
I t the Wird word blow
I. Mr. Joe."
:led with horror, but Gal-
li !" cried lie. " You
e, and felt warm blood,
. not a foot; but present
6 man who is chosen to
lj ust retribution. If, at
ails to fire, blow him to
' said Oatland, bursting
g upon Teale's • neck ;
ten's name shall I do?"
hispered Tealc. " My.
i God—l have said the
ew—one that my moth
, g aid, rather die by your
t sends a British bullet
'lan by that of a hireling
c me, Ore. I will close
my face. Farewell—
lis fortitude, and without
fin 'officer's signal, Oat-
D• and sent his friend in
-1 e hoped a better world,
There was no emotion
grim band. One man
as &his bean was cheer
ansaction. •
allwaitli, pocketing the
• the bodyinto the
s river.
rd deserves his life, be
tched ; but . he shall hear
ior fail to remind bite of
at mark; think you, gen
man .sold4T was Com
()film discornfittcd A m ei ,
tile be lay gnmning with
loth mental and physi.
arty sought the river's
body of the murdered
waters, and merrily went
light that Morning They
tad gaily and eantented
milers in the British bar
ity forbid ,that such oc
eans unfrequent here, or
Jere, were the legitimate
°sing government. All
to brutes: fashioned in
. 11
Ire years since we heard
nt of o'ne,of the parties
elate, with much - feeling
, ess, .the main filets we
..,..-Ar. Y. Dispatch,
Max.-4 person applied
'reqUestiv her huiband .
hir an amount which, if
1.. • , . .
l oom !weep his
'replying Mi . 'husband
..riever you may appoint,"
• litttlOn are , engaging to
ms this uill be the Intaria
a [do; that gen
thOtriatedistreo*, Anti
r liWttitroutided" with
uldwelt take
kite us - witerit he' found
~r'-5 -
___ t
From the N. 0. Picayune. i '
A tall; raw-honed. countryman houndqd
like rut:lndian , tubber ball into the Reco r der's ofßfe yesterday morning, with his bead
done tiii in a blOod-stained towel,-from wlti
liowed 'a sanguinary stream, crimsoning )1 s
face and .brond expansive shirt cops r;-•+-
About hi 4, neck was a large table cloth r
sheet tucked under his•shirt collar, 1100. ti
in die wind, and this also was spottecl.wi '
blood. Following him in rapid successio
were three 'pegroes, the foremost of iiiiptil
wasin his tiltirt-sleeves and hare headei
and had evidently .been assisted in his a - I
vent by the adventitious circumstance of tl
countryman's band closely and firmly clutc h.
ing his cravat \and shirt collar, and with tt
determined puritose that would have mad
him' lack in the\ face it'Nature herself had
not been beforehand in the field.
"Is there fan, in this office, Judge; tir
ain't therh ? Is blood to be spilt and il
offender go clett\ or not ?" inquired th
countryman, and as be did so he gesticula
ted by jerking the ,prisOner backward an .
" This is a court tit justice, sir,""replieo
the Recorder, moving'.the bible a little Ott
the desk before him. \ '
" Then sit dOwn, yott , infernal scoundrel. '
exclaimed the countrynian, as he settled th
prisoner on a !tench with greater quick ne
than gentleness. " Judge," be exclainee ,
" I ai'nt a horse stealer ; \and it's hard . t'
wear the brand; I never hole notlfin' mot
than apples, and that's a long time; ago, nif
the idea of Navin' folks piatia' theit finger 4
at me when I walk along the roads, an' itf
quire what bosses i worth, aim as`Jileasant
as it might be—there 'ud .be a fig c? in• riglt
• ..
away." . \
? I
"But why should you suppoSe nybadk
would accuse you, of such a crime ?P' inquht
ed the Recorder in amazement. \ 1
" Why, because that cuss ther4' has. gip
me the mark, and if there's a law ih the pa
ish, I want him-punished, and if tfiere ain
has had better have been boin a blrgck snakp
at once than come withiti twenty-s veil rtati
of me !" and he elevated his fists i/ i
a tag+
•" What has he donut" asked tlth Recoil
der. " Ilas he struck your 1 \ i
i t 1,
"" I shouldn't think he had,tt replied t
complainant with a sardonic grit-.—" if `l*
bad he wouldn't have been here tibia he
done a worse thing—hers maitntd me'.,=;=,
This - here's what he's done to me may the
everlasting blaze of the devil's kiichen fit
!wile every atom of grease out ofihis co -
founded black walnut hide!" i
; With the eitpression of this demoniac wi,
the complainaht proce,eded to uOtiild til
broody towel that bound his gory hicks, are
disclosed a Mass of coagulated blood a
hair clippings, covering his left eaf.
." Look here, sir,"said be, and the Oro
man wept in the bitterness of his heart."
"You have been slabbed, sir,"l said t/1:e
Recorder. " Officer, take that Oack fel
low into custody."_ _ 1
... 1
"No, sir," said he of the ruefullcounte -
mace, shaking Ins head sorrowitillyiatid ga -
ing abstractedly at a reporter. i
"Oh shake not your gory locks pt me !- '
Thou cnn'st not say I did it," exclaimed °
reporter with a walking stick like li shrive -
ed and frost bitten sugar cane.
" No; sir; 1 diiii't, e ;tion't," said the con -
tryman—" nobody stuck me ; but I'll te
you just how it happened ; and he'll fin find bl l
fore I git through that he's heti:lied d
wrong pig by the ear. 'My hair 'cll got 'lnn
er long, and when I,saw a streaked poi(
stickin' out afore a door., I thoughtl'el go ill
and have about a -pound and a ball take'
tat Well, this ere varmint- told 'ine he'
cut it, and I set down. The lust thing he
did was to tic me up in this infernal sheet ...4)
tight that I could'nt breathe, scal•cely: 4
told-Juni to cut it short behind, and fhe hull
shaved it he confirm uv tiik it off ieloser tli
the skull; but ldid'in mind that,;'cause ll'
knowd it grow login. By'n by -he l came (ti
tritnmite off round the ears, and eery no* ,
and then I'd ,feel the sharp pints of . his sr4-
sors jobbed MI6 Me. It made a cold all
run through me, and I told the feller to be
keerful or he'd have my eye auf; but lie
knew he'd got tight, and kept!on. My
hair aint none of the silkiest, 'catise it MO no partielar trainin'land dolt
get grease very often, and it was onsideri.
W e labor to brush it out By'n bylhe got
comm the scientific close to my left ear d
lust he'd gin a snap; and then 1 4. d. ', la d e
the-scissors as if he, was ....ging:to iiiit the r i tr
instead of hair. Tti . ts sort of science ma e
me shiver Os!, as if I 'had the'chills and 1 . 0-
ver on me, - and I kept winkin' an blinkik'
for fear he'd-poke die pints into nib- eye. II•
told him to let -me be, that my hair was oilt
first rate, and I was afeerd I'd ketch cold if
I h a d t o o much taken off at a tinge , but : e
only grinned, confound him, and k pt a srii -
pin'away. Finally ho gin one Inlmigh 72'
clip and took the entire top of my fear cle
off! I thought I was killed for'sartiu, tad '
the blood did pour -out bad. I' ,eirpectedi I'
was a goner, and jest grabbed die feller ' y
the throat and made a rush to wli've I 50
an open razor, buythe other niggers allt
a bolt on me - and hustled the out or the sh
He hollered fur help and I liellooed fora d -
tor, bnt 1 never , loat my bolt on! him, 00
some gentleman told me I'd-better . !!bring Mitt
up beria-and liere!he is, and hirelsmy enr• !'
-S o saying be took from his vest pocket it
piece:of his ear about -quarter-of an in b
broad: and an hick in length, and dePosilt'd
the inanimate piece -of - gristle upim the 'He
cordeesdesk. :• Had he ;produced in. jirreidle
gristly: bear from . --his pocket, it could 40
bove:exCited a. attire-lively 'curiosity orlde
sire to behold it 'than did the • production' Itti
this Nandi portion of the. , " human , fort*Oi.
vine."' .; ~.- '• II
The unkortunate barber protested •tlta(di, "
circumstance 'was is accidental m110(01104-
ate 4 liut , tbe= unhappy man who - had L'l*
curtailed of. bialtir proportion"''" isfed
that iOaras a shierl-c" • - entinmit
bar-ityi . e •perpetrator should 4el,
keeni tettibutive-blovteribe s*oraitir,
ice, which can shave as closely ps 4rie I
I.u.i ',3% - r - 1 ,:;-' nl;.liCri,i.3 • i
.. 0
,:',,, .: ;::•,.,:,.:
- - ,i ~ .': -1,
..''. - '
his ,own ntAprs. ,Theßecor
ly . consideripg the, affair si ri d: .
muted the- barium , for i s , mi n
victim pocketted, his ear ith ;a
smisfaction, and indigamitljf ,ex
his private opinion they tlte:;bar.
Orleans cut a little too :fiti.fer tl
.. ,
A Strange freaking' N
, . -
. .
We canno(neglect tO eapeei
at the unparafled aripearaitiee o •
- the brother of the living, le!etO
the name of •palvin'Ed , fl, psi
,World., We Wive- no kaowledL . ,
eir living skeltous than ihis
brother. There is . tilentliincgi
'family to Corritilency tiftte•thit
land - every ma ''s chest,ll rt a.
-large. Whe n the chest 's ,Pre
:enlarging, by obits of °pin !
'grows, while the' cheat, ream
'original condi ion,' conip vises
and produces eath, the use
attributed to diseases or e Jorge
heart. The entire street re of
body changes eiery sevOnJears.
'changes as that perceivein i
'who, 19 year ago, Welted
'(now weighs 9 'poundii,)have
known out of'
is family , br i t 'w
ception—that' a poor Witch e
disease, who
,ry ' di ed While ,fbn e.:
the corner-of bo wery atidlDivisi
' There have: een ilistahl:e's of
in lite, and one now ticetces to
that of the ossification or petri '
Man in Dublii4 who gradually c
'hard substance like Stone ! add
he died, was nicOmplete4i id im
tie! He is ne4 in one off lie Et .
seums. There Is a chatiglafter .
is culled adip+eire. .. Th 4 body
Substance like livhite wax„l and i.
to the olfactories. Tide 'Change
lo a century oh less dni;lo 're
n it
giVen for it. 1t is a com nit be
" living skeletens," as Ed on un
er have been Called, deeireduc
Sparse dimensions by a . pity ice
nation—a tape4werM; or omet
Dr. Edson assures us that for 2
health has been excellenyand tl
for his strange'appearatied can .1
ed. Being a , regular pliysiei
practice ; we cannot • diaitt hii
commenced wasting *awn lb y
He is one of the Most int igent:
.r conversed with, and 't, , ws I
faith a philosophic yet soti.owfui
skeleton of the , matured li man
Mated to wei, as a gen rat tit
tonitequeritly D r. Etlineti flesh
17 pounds. : . 1
~., . ,
He \IS' very active. His cony.
Chains,-,while . his appearince ::
wonder" the greatest exient.
not half as large ns a Coqmon .
arm. W.., eats: very Vmlitately,
Volatile spirits; After 114ving
resisted our \attempts to sliake hi
our 'hand,. and finding hiSi stren ,
our own, be Ilicetionsly temir
was " - yet one of the Greet' Mou
and would be able to lit qoo
Mexico, .as his Capacitie# for :1
tigne are as great* nnytody's
Was no danger of a Aiall striking
the body, in the regiiin of t he ki
precisely three • inches trod a It
Nude, we should think\liel wool
ly diaphanous„ if subjected to a •
such as the Drummond. Ever
vertebra: and all, can be Aistinfr,
counted. Mysterious arc ihy wi,
idence ! i
The discovery of the 4ockt ~
the Dutch burying groun4 recap
ted, has, caused no little irouli.
gendmits. Tilt y remove 4 the b'
eater, but hay,e re-interd it, i
it will he stole.. Its hai is- li
pings of tin.• he literal ! defin
word adipocire is fat sca.q : -N ,
Times. . 1,
Since: the a*ve was , Oritten
has ceased to he a living l itelet.
on the 13th inst., of u p 'mono
invited to eal!:i . Witn ss•th.
workings '..rt a 'little tone oe, t
or ;13111/ . Lillie,,cir , Allegli y . zit,
' 'Electra igninetie,En4r, ne.':'
get an adegthitier`descripti n of
upon which it works, - Ititflt is
say that the. ' er ii,pehtricit
gine is small ' capilihl,nll liftin
pounds' rn
,a, few Nveek. Allt;;..
geninus inset);
.i --- , willlnt e: finit
machine, upu . it largei . alp,
tends to 'Apply l to . some tis will posiess'psilwer iotEci6nt
!Mlle. 1 • •
It Jo.- iite:rx
A has been
entirre men lb
siiperccde s te
motive powei
above ftatecT,.)
nlizatinn Oftbi,
any, F! title,prF
i Oeitripitt ITa .
, oat
It nce'_ fro
iye.9iii.e4l 3.
" dreara - al a di
est. ./
prettehei, befit
'eke in Virtinke,
' t 4. *hat thb bit
ititl in thEtuffife
etflie - knety the `i
he' black, r.
A Method'
among the WI
them it he kb'
yea p " replied
razor wid -
i 'ln the
Ibiiig,i aliiitY
qe,n.:*oit of
41'114114.k t
(iiii t,trsrelid)
1 1,1(Posit IIIaDRI
>ilie first d;.-
1 0:11 1 1\
the. , aanie
'ileli:enft.,;!nt!i en
r. mOteri;.,wher
u IbezfirPti dreg
et, at eightidolla
right of free I ,
last *op
stnnd tho rite
"Auitertfientiriticomplettonsly.l - m a the sum,
al litee' , OrFteir • Oven:per square foxiili=al4l,l
riiirsatußtvegenTiaditiumil Cotiskoe
insertion. .1 -4 - 47411 . -
' lE "lil r `A‘her4l-ellezit*-F3#4 gl,._l4,MYsimi a-
RailCo xletAiiexceeZ
Quatei ' 13 .00,1
' 8 -80
Cluetlelunim e;.11--441 0 0
BClsintist Cad%
~: do.. 300
pthei el* learnable
Ad a tentithoild beanakedMitleillie num.
her ellgueetionixeggirddi - I i "
et,. evident
is one, m no,
non... The
!teased it as
ars of 'New:
I l e _ American
. "I •
ptir wonder
Dr. Edson,.
1 . , who, ender
nisiled the
erky cith,
an. and his
'the lientim
et,te . - of '25,,
id lutiVs en co •
eeted fret*
the heart_
ing in its
that organ,..
, f which" is ;
neat of the
the, human_
But spelt
oct. Edson,
3S pounds
never been
di one eli
feelded by
.ijbition, at
I n street.
s. -111 was
1. dim! of a
intigea to a
who, when
nssive stat
eath whiCh
turns tip' n
The Value of sea4lati9ta.
tent." ~,And, ifs we will soletnnly,Aetermiite , '
to make the mos t and: est of_all:sur powers
and - capticities; and if to this enil,lwith.
betforee,, we will ,but •”. seize- an* intprovel ,
the shortest intervals of possible action and
effort„', we shall find that thereis t.sitewr
to out (advancement. LWithout this resolute
and enttiestpurpose, the best_aidsandineiig , I
are of little worth; but With it, , ,evetrthe weak
est are. mighty. Without itweshellsiccem-
plish tVitli it, everything..; A man ,
who is decidedly in earnest ; .seta upon,the
motto ;of ;he pichase.,upoathe 'old-leak= 1
“EitherLivill find away or,-.1- make ,
ove r ", He has somewhat.the spjri,of Gotta- ;
pane, who,,, when* told nu. the eve, et a - battle i
that circumstances twcre - against .hini f ter
plied, " Ciremnsta s ticee )1 make lot control ;
-circumstances, pot -thetn." l ' lin self- !
cultivation, as in everything. ,eles, -to think
we-are able, is uhriostl i o,lte : so.h. to resolve to
attain, is.attainMent.,. Every f ,wliere isre the ?.
means, of progress, if we have but, the spirit,
the fixed purpoSe to use . And:if . llke
the.old_philosopher, we will take ourinette:
t'lliglierrr,foretier higher!” toe _may niise
:by iliem aIL. . He that resolves upim-litly
great mid,. by. that resolution has scaled Ithe
chief barrier to ;it;, and he-who r eeiSei the
grand iden_of self-cultikation,: and solemnly
resolvesmpon it ! he will find that resolution,
burning like r firc; within him v and ever I
pitting ' upouliii i i ,own improvement..
He find it removing difficulties r search ;
tag out or making means, giving, courage, for
despondency, and, str ength for -weakness;
and like : he star-in the east : to
of cild,..guiding trim still neater to the_ sumo( 1
nll perfection.-; If , we hav,e , but filed
resolate berit.on* self-iM.provemenf t we shall
findjuestuketrongh tout on -every side,'!and '
even; obstaCles- and opriosition_Will kirt!make \j
!is liks : the fabled spectre-ship
the faster in the teeth of the wincL"—.. Self ,;
See. 7 7 :06-Edvarce,ft-. , .,*; •
ccuri once
on can be
ief that tlic
his. broil
.•tl to their
ing ate,-i
years his
at no cause
e ascertain.
In, now in
word. He
ars a g o.—
men ive ev
is leanness
I eye. The
'mine is aci
ng, 1T.% lbs..
weighs jttst
nation. en-
3te.ites your
he legs are
zed man's
and enjoys
L uecessfolly
grasp from
th equal to
ed that be
tain hoys;"
I service in
ndurino• fa-
and there
im. Tltro'
Heys, he 1s
If thick.—
be actual
bone, the
rtly felt and
ly , s, r 0' Prov-
di ppcire, in
! to the de
l‘y,to West
caring that
L cap
tio6 of the
I •7e's 4v;
CoiifrinitoN"dr t r.160,--- IteCOOtitia ,
tution'fOrined licini;eir, w.T4,,iiii 'republi
can, and took - fin...AS' tniiilel that Oftlie liiii ,
tell States. Its two, assemblies are a senate
atid a house of representatives. `' The senate
consisting oftwo ltietibere.`keiitejtintite
therepteseniatives i lar twiofer` ityeireittity
thousand-inliabittitits.r , :All Muftebetintiiii,
and have; landed propirty Ittillie l ernouott ,- ir I
eightlbOustaad dtillati;'orseitietitide , nripirti. .
faiiiw whiiiii-brinis itt tea thontilidAilltirs i
nniMittly.l` The "congress-' sitCleteely year '
from the first of January fO , thir''''Miehlje' - 'Or ;
Apt ilP ., 'The'itenatart bolding their seats for ,
fotir\lerniq',:gehertilly ;•:the- representatives
flit' tWcifTheekee:cftie . its rested iti:'‘' Prii;
.ident And:vice President; hiiiii'electiot by fie
Stale 'legilittureirfOrt'ne years:, i Thel'aile ..
of 4118 - tikveral) , fiinctionarieti .'aie't kitietnity
flied - . I l'lrlei representatives
_Mitii'' Mini"' 'it- ':
tained tlic*"le•tiflw ti tity-,fii - Fe.''.`Tlietiiittrie
been -*Rae stibseque Chatigii, in theilensat-
'teti. Irhe , ' , lslTit terT.)o,l' forrititiitiO "rid- 1
' f ' I Republic, guverile'd by One tzkiltiVe" '
ti !narked clistifitiaii , *ifweeit! IlialieW 6 A'
-itstoodel f-'ille . ki4et4itiitetilifl ilif'Aiiiii
ehn UUietilettiiniktue - thelitier4l'4kOtr
- the iiiiiiieges4bi43li I h 6'4101*; bilthig I
10 1 114 ' government , Ofthiattetitiii.=Labiht-i, •
To Gfumiciti4ii:4l, ':ii iiipeie,there aryl
yet sonte t 'Vttaliiimite's:ifillieltitOtiaiisilll
may, ntifiWidaratiaidi:ifitta.eitia„oiiirand
'ili'uf making, '',ln'eat - ll Om.* ut t ini iftliihiht,"!
we.giveilie. fOITOWini reCiptil '", if.rtfiliiiitki
,expbpuitii''. 7• 4 ;',,..,'.." 1 1 ':.' 1 ,"', r1 : 1 ,7, 4 K ': ''. jn
'''itThree',liiiiti' „of,l‘iitW'tiiii§Wa r tietSs:.
cup fulNiffiiilqii itttinktettitl'irmir..
„''ii,lliNt I
flour; ,ifireii:#eitt , Specttittlnil iir.#145,,,.4. or
a ! t ea ciii)Orilidtiiiiiiiikail ;iiiiifive ,'.. ~ ulli,
ofliati,'Ondliine‘iirialfeiiitiii; illist4 - .. al -
iiitfelliot w er; 'onettea cal of "yelite, ; .ix ! ;
13 t
- (r''' ' cond,stir: 'oll9agh,ir itc4,:rflite
Otti•-:10 niffee9Ca irdit'A, WiiiiNtioys,
with it*hOY(VOhiki, put ifetinlaur \
it initieliateic 7 ' Ti ,:! . bfiffk_ A "'", It. itliiiiir4ith i
hpitlAiiiiir) yeast; illititikitififit?iiitht
c l
Ir, Jell' diatillerryeast, make keitiiiiii,*ol4
la -iinil hake it lwheillietitriPWAll#
''' iOoty iiae ; bake „one:kouriedlirlti .
rt ... nter , 1 ,1.. • ,i.Stl-V
. 7?4 Or art,. 7 ,kar ,
Allure l'"' •.
Dr... Eidson
I . He died
! We , were
q mysterio9s
e Inveution
culled the
'c c:apnot
to Prjaciple
Isufriciept AEI
1. ,'Ors cyi
-0)11.Y firAr
'Pie, : the in-_
• bed another
vhic}L he ip
Ti ordinary '
aimA ak f
I Or facts
upon the,
,g- 4
se , °fit. ".
Ix strap a a.,
its or
and Iyuq
4 1 30:i. 4' 1
resNlV!, l l.4 l ,e
t*tritikithillgs a Irian pever shots 4 be tairrlao
ti= - what he eon help. ard whit he einnot
<*.-0 - iONPWo7 :191
lhe Old poetk thithOla t)ii*er;'•
And the old site7 l
Torgetfal of thew iiontry %inn ~ i .. 'ti
Pfei (4 Pia ; ai
Stand'theie in ante. ?e ' i l l
The ditilin,arebinging:hrthesillp-31-to
• it The - ear,er, the. doort.,:.
...21rielisystack has beetonetchillt:,
;, covered (fer, 11
The ivagott loada for.tlandll •
, • The eve loGare:
, „ •
Maria InIPS 14 Water Ea4l!"'? ~
11. II K. , ;•.-;i e.;
.L .
Bat where's g i t'r r P ll : l ,i- , 3..i t i , . 11, 7 i,..T
i4, 2 ,; (1 . 11/ Mie,'. of a f0ry . 44 , ,... :- 0 t,,t ,,i- i -j•
an i
4: • --- :/. 4 .9 6 C strange WV: -;:',' 7 U . ' i-: , lingiK
41 1- ell*4 ... Ccirtl t linlot Cr
, ank, _ . , APATIOti
Q '
.-.49,w, 4cep.#. fOl.
'Mg ' vvq o 4 : ;p4e, too, is playing lids.
', ~
1 TheikieL4hejog-- ' -"- 1
kennel ' of t 4 a i t u ,fitend iqP .- i - f4 , 7,,.
„.(The cld'Notol dag,). . r
. -Tile iiiiistone sti4igil,itel44? I' - An w ilcon 1
• ' - ':•Oroin
Nti eirt to oiratCli 14n's "
• -11p'otirres
Startslth; dull - hamleiNsith ~*
• •
old t : ow'sy dobbin, of the cell,
• ' .•
Ocif from thn'itricidoveof biestall;'
•" • • •:.-A vievelicitekis, •
While thick *id fasteic seem
~ 0.1 The iiiientitiakes.' .1‘
It -33 31 3,